Polski Theatre - POZnan.travel


Polski Theatre - POZnan.travel
1st May (Sunday)
The Doll’s House (Dom lalki),
M. Siegoczyński, Nowy Theatre, New Stage
(Scena Nowa), 7.30pm
Concert: D. Barabas, KontenerART, 8pm
DJ Set – Margin, KontenerART, 9pm
2nd May (Monday)
Concert: Cygne (USA),
Meskalina Club, 7pm
Concert: Latające pięści, KontenerART, 8pm
DJ Set – Luk, KontenerART, 9pm
4th May (Wednesday)
7th Review of New French Cinema,
4th-11th May at Muza cinema
5th May (Tuesday)
The Marriage of Figaro (Wesele Figara),
W.A. Mozart, music man. Z. Graca,
dir. by M. Weiss-Grzesiński,
Wielki Theatre, 7pm
Concert by the band Zagrali i Poszli,
Cafe Misja, 8pm
6th May (Friday)
Fiddler on the Roof (Skrzypek na dachu)
by J. Bock/J. Stein, dir. by A. Hofman, also
on 7th and 8th May, Muzyczny Theatre,
4th Mozartiana Concert: Thomas Zehetmair
– violin, conductor, Poznań Philharmonic
Orchestra, Adam Mickiewicz University
Auditorium, 7pm
Concert: BiFF, Alternativa Club, 7pm
Fiddler on the Roof (Skrzypek na dachu)
by J. Bock/J. Stein, music man. A. Gref,
dir. by E. Wesołowski, also on 7th and 8th
May, Wielki Theatre, 7pm
Departures (Odejścia) by V. Havel, mplusm
Theatre, Amarant Centre, 7.30pm
Concert: Tribute to Led Zeppelin by Rust,
Blue Note Club, 8 pm
The Chronicles of the Future by Polish Dance
Theatre (Kroniki czasu przyszłego Polskiego
Teatru Tańca), chor. and dir. by P. Malicki,
International Poznan Fair, Hall MP2, 8pm
Concert: W. Prządka, PoemaCafe, 8pm
DJ Set – Collie Weed, KontenerART, 8.30pm
7th May (Saturday)
Special performance of the bicycle movie
Unreal, C. Jones, D. McCullough,
Muza cinema, 4pm
Head Circumference (Obwód głowy)
by W. Nowak, dir. by Z. Brzoza, also on 8th
and 10th May, Nowy Theatre, New Scene
(Scena Nowa), 6.30pm
Concert: Call The Sun, Blue Note Club, 8pm
Perception (Percepcja) by Polish Dance
Theatre (Polski Teatr Tańca),
chor. by U. Bernat-Jałocha, International
Poznan Fair, Hall MP2, 8pm
DJ Set – Miami UFO Tour,
KontenerART, 8pm
Sophie, K. Michalak, also on 8th May,
Nowy Theatre, Third Scene (Trzecia Scena),
8.30 pm
8th May (Sunday)
Concert: Shalosh, Meskalina Club, 7pm
Performance: Blind Cinema
(Kino w ciemno), Muza cinema, 8pm
Concert: Varius Manx & Kasia Stankiewicz,
Eskulap, 8.30pm
9th May (Monday)
Concert: Tom James, Meskalina Club, 7pm
1–15th MAY 2016
poznan pl
Poster (electronic version) to download on: www.poznan.travel, www.studyin.poznan.pl
Muzyczny Theatre (Teatr Muzyczny),
ul. Niezłomnych 1e
Polski Theatre (Teatr Polski), ul. 27 Grudnia 8/10
Wielki Theatre (Teatr Wielki), Fredry 9
Working Stage (Scena Robocza),
ul. Grunwaldzka 22, 4th floor
Nowy Theatre (Teatr Nowy), ul. Dąbrowskiego 5
Theatre of the Eighth Day
(Teatr Ósmego Dnia), ul. F. Ratajczaka 44
Animacji Theatre (Teatr Animacji),
ul. Św. Marcin 80/82
Na Piętrze Scene (Scena na Piętrze),
ul. Masztalarska 8
U Przyjaciół Theatre (Teatr U Przyjaciół),
ul. Mielżyńskiego 27/29
Republika Sztuki Tłusta Langusta, ul. Gwarna 11
Rodríguez gallery, ul. Wodna 13
Arsenal Municipal Gallery
(Galeria Miejska Arsenał), Stary Rynek 6
Profil Gallery (Galeria Profil),
ul. Św. Marcin 80/82
Fotoplastikon Poznański, Stary Rynek 6
ABC Gallery, ul. Koszalińska 15
Na Quadro Scene (Scena na Quadro),
Old Market (Stary Rynek)
St. Margaret’s Church (kosciół pw. św.
Małgorzaty), rynek Śródecki
Nova auditorium (Aula Nova), ul. Św. Marcin 87 St. Joseph’s Carmelites Church (kościół
oo. Karmelitów pw. św. Józefa), ul. Działowa 2
Adam Mickiewicz University Auditorium
(Aula UAM), ul. Wieniawskiego 1
Castle Cultural Centre (Centrum Kultury
Auditorium of S. Stuligrosz
Zamek), ul. Św. Marcin 80/82
(Aula im. S. Stuligrosza), ul. Św. Marcin 87
Bretagne House (Dom Bretanii), Stary Rynek 37
PoemaCafe, ul. Langiewicza 2
9stóp Club, ACKiS, ul. Piątkowska 92
Amarant Centre (Centrum Amarant),
Alternativa Club, ul. Św. Marcin 80/82
ul. J. Słowackiego 19
KontenerART, ul. Ewangelicka
Cafe Misja, ul. Gołębia 1
Blue Note Club, ul. Kościuszki 79
Muza cinema (kino Muza), ul. Św. Marcin 30
Meskalina Club, Stary Rynek 6
Eskulap, ul. Przybyszewskiego 39
International Poznan Fair (Międzynarodowe
Pod Minogą Club, ul. Nowowiejskiego 8
Targi Poznańskie), ul. Głogowska 18
Dragon Club, ul. Zamkowa 3
Las – Off Garbary Club, ul. Małe Garbary 7a
Arena Hall (Hala Arena), ul. Wyspiańskiego 33
10th May (Tuesday)
11th May (Wednesday)
First day of an exhibition Stereo sculpture –
presentation of stereophotography from the
collection of Tomasz Bielawski (Rzeźba w
stereo – prezentacja stereofotografii z kolekcji
Tomasza Bielawskiego), open to 19th June,
Fotoplastykon Poznański
Exhibition vernissage presenting the works
of artists from the Faculty of Sculpture and
Space Activities of the Poznan University of
Arts Aktualne, open to 1st June,
Profil Gallery, 6pm
Workshops of Breton dances Folk for Fun,
Bretagne House, 6pm
Śródka Concerts (Koncerty śródeckie), also
on 18th, St. Margaret’s Church, 6.30pm
Honey, I killed our cats (Kochanie, zabiłam
nasze koty) by D. Masłowska, C. Studniak,
also on 11th May, Nowy Theatre, Large
Scene (Duża Scena), 7pm
Niche (Nisza) by pod Fontanną Theatre
(Teatr pod fontanną), J. Stolarski under
the Common Theatre cycle, Castle Cultural
Centre, Great Hall (Sala Wielka), 6.30pm
Concert: Landscapes/Capsize/Giants,
Pod Minogą Club, 8pm
Pianists at Paderewski’s: Recital by Piotr
Szychowski and Violin Quintet: Marcin
Suszycki – 1st violin, Joanna Kreft – 2nd
violin, Ewa Guzowska – viola, Tomasz
Lisiecki – cello, Szymon Guzowski – bass
fiddle, Nova auditorium, 7pm
The Sounds of Old Poznan, Thirteen
Evening Concerts: Evening 4 (Brzmienie
Dawnego Poznania, Koncerty trzynastu
wieczorów) Rome 1640 – Paris 2016: old
and new theorbo works (Rzym 1640 – Paryż
2016: stare i nowe utwory na teorbę) Bruno
Helstroffer – theorbo, St. Joseph’s Carmelites
Church, 8.30pm
Concert: Arms and Sleepers 10 Year
Anniversary Tour (USA),
Meskalina Club, 7pm
Concert: CocoRosie, 11.05
Romeo and Juliet by S. Prokofiev, music
man. A. Gref, chor. by E. Wesołowski,
also on 12th May, Wielki Theatre, 7pm
Concert: CocoRosie, Eskulap, 8pm
Concert: Tymon Tymański & The
Transistors, 9stóp Club, 8pm
Philosophic Wednesdays with Gutek Film:
Our younger sister (Nasza młodsza siostra),
H. Koreeda, Muza cinema, 9pm (screening
with English subtitles)
12th May (Thursday)
Concert in the series Thursdays with
Early Music (Czwartki z muzyką dawną),
Auditorium of S. Stuligrosz, 6pm
The Female Presidents (Prezydentki),
W. Schwaba, dir. by P. Kruszczyński, also on
13th-15th May, Nowy Theatre, New Scene
(Scena Nowa), 6.30pm
please note! premiere! Black Birds
(Czarne ptaki), E. Bass, also on 13th and
15th May, Animacji Theatre, 7pm
Recital by W. Łukaszewski
(poetry & flamenco), PoemaCafe, 7pm
Animuza: Animator 2015 – The best of –
short film, also on 19th May,
Muza cinema, 7pm
Concert: Wojtek Justyna Tree… Oh?!,
Blue Note Club, 7.30pm
13th May (Friday)
Ha Noi by Ba-Q Theatre,
Working Stage, 7pm
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy nieznajomi), 13th-29th May: Second
Spectacle by Polski Theatre, A. Krasińska
(premiere), Polski Theatre, Malarnia, 7pm
Concert: Rafał Sarnecki/Paweł
Kaczmarczyk/Wojciech Pulcyn/Rafał Żyta,
Blue Note Club, 8pm
DJ Set – Wojtek Chlost, KontenerART, 8pm
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers , 13-29.05
14th May (Saturday)
Festival Ukrainian Spring (Ukraińska
Wiosna), 14th-23rd May
Dr@cula. Vagina dentata, A. Biziuk, also on
15th May, Polski Theatre, Galeria, 5pm
453rd Poznan Concert Music and…
Antarctic (Muzyka i... Antarktyka): Maria
Rozynek-Banaszak – soprano, Hubert
Rutkowski – piano, Łukasz Borowicz –
conductor, Female Voices of the Poznan
Chamber Choir, Poznan Philharmonic
Orchestra, Adam Mickiewicz University
auditorium, 6pm
Concert: TEDE, PAN Zgrywus,
International Poznan Fair, Hall 2, 6pm
Exhibition vernissage: ‘museum’ in inverted
commas [wordy and compact criticism]
(“muzem” w cudzysłowie [krytyczność
rozwlekła I zawarta]) by M. Sobczyk, open
to 12 June, Arsenal Municipal Gallery, 6pm
Monographic concert by Jerzy Zieleniak,
Nova auditorium, 7pm
Vot Takaya Zhizn (Wot takaja żizń) by Biuro
Podróży Theatre, Working Scene, 7pm
The Dinner Game (Przyjęcie dla głupca)
by F. Veber, T. Bradecki, also on 15th May,
Nowy Theatre, Large Scene (Duża Scena),
Carmen by G. Bizet, music man.
W.E. Gugerbauer, dir. by D. Krief, also on
15th May, Wielki Theatre, 7pm
DJ Set – Raff, KontenerART, 8pm
15th May (Sunday)
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy nieznajomi), 13th-29th May: Wild
Edible Plants – feast (Dzikie rośliny jadalne
– uczta), square in front of Polski Theatre,
Concert: LemON, International Poznan
Fair, Earth Hall (Sala Ziemi), 8pm
Photo N. Kabanow
Rzeźba w stereo, exhibition 10.05
Press materials
Concert: Thomas Zehetmair, 6.05
Photo Dan Brady
16th May (Monday)
On all fours (Na czworakach) by T. Różewicz
– guest performance of Polonia Theatre
from Warsaw, dir. by J. Stuhr, Wielki
Theatre, 5pm and 8.30pm
Concert in the series Mondays at the
Academy (Poniedziałki w Akademii),
piano music, Nova auditorium, 7pm
A Man Came To A Woman (Przyszedł
mężczyzna do kobiety) – guest performance,
perf. A. Wojton, T. Dedek, Na Piętrze Scene,
Kantor_Tropy: Collage Amareya
Theatre & Guests, dir. by K. Pastuszak,
Theatre of the Eighth Day, 7pm
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy Nieznajomi), 13th-29th May:
Decalogue i.e. grange imaginarium project
(Dekalog, czyli folwarczne imaginarium),
Polski Theatre, Large Scene (Duża Scena),
Between Reality and Dream (Między jawą
a snem) by Wiem Kiedy Nie Mogę Theatre,
dir. by M. Walas and K. Klebba within the
Common Theatre cycle, Castle Cultural
Centre, Great Hall (Sala Wielka), 8pm
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers,
(Bliscy Nieznajomi) 13-29th May:
The Chwaliszewo Witches concert
(Czarownice z Chwaliszewa),
square in front of Polski Theatre, 9pm
17th May (Tuesday)
Shakespeare in cinema (Szekspir w kinie):
Adaptations. Cinema and literature: Romeo
and Juliet (1996), dir. by B. Luhrmann,
Castle Cultural Centre, Cinema Hall
(Sala Kinowa), 6.30pm
Concert in the series Bows in the Academy
(Smyczki w Akademii), Nova auditorium,
Twelve Angry Men (Dwunastu gniewnych
ludzi) by R. Rose dir. by R. Rychcik, also on
18th May, Nowy Theatre, Large Scene
(Duża Scena), 8pm
Concert: Krzesimir Dębski & Zagan
Acoustic, Blue Note Club, 8pm
18th May (Wednesday)
Elsynor, G. Gołaszewski, also on 19th May,
Nowy Theatre, Scena Nowa (Scena Nowa),
Cinderella (Kopciuszek) by S. Prokofiev,
music man. P. Neumann, chor. P. Chalmer,
also on 19th May, Wielki Theatre, 6pm
Shakespeare in cinema (Szekspir w kinie):
Coriolanus (2011) (Koriolan),
dir. by R. Fiennes, Castle Cultural Centre,
Cinema Hall (Sala Kinowa), 6.30pm
Concert in the series Organ Wednesdays
(Środy organowe), Nova auditorium, 7pm
Concert: Lasse Matthiessen,
Meskalina Club, 7pm
Concert: Ukrainian Spring (Ukraińska
Wiosna), Yoryi Kloc, KontenerART, 7.30pm
Concert: Tanghetto, Blue Note Club, 8pm
19th May (Thursday)
Weekend with Millennium Docs Against
Gravity, 19th-22ed May, Muza cinema
Koncert in the series Thursdays with
Early Music (Czwartki z muzyką dawną),
Auditorium of S. Stuligrosz, 6pm
Shakespeare in cinema (Szekspir w kinie):
Macbeth (2015), dir. by J. Kurzel,
Castle Cultural Centre, Cinema Hall
(Sala Kinowa), 6.30pm
Concert: Niechęć, Meskalina Club, 7pm
Misterium Buffo Orbis Tertius,
Working Stage, 7pm
Exhibition Vernissage Magic Lantern
A. Pachón, open to 17th June,
Rodríguez Gallery, 7pm
Concert: João De Sousa, Blue Note, 7.30pm
16–30th MAY 2016
poznan pl
Poster (electronic version) to download on: www.poznan.travel, www.studyin.poznan.pl
Gomber, T. Zajcher,
U Przyjaciół Theatre, 8pm
Made in Chicago: Vincent Chancey Group,
Dragon Club, 9pm
Concert: Marek Makaron i Riko Rajca,
KontenerART, 8pm
Made in Chicago: Switchback,
Las – Off Garbary Club, 10pm
Move to movie: Mustang, D.G. Ergüven,
Muza cinema, 9pm
20th May (Friday)
21st May (Saturday)
night of museums (noc muzeów)
more info at www.nocmuzeow.poznan.pl
Concert: Stars of World Stages (Gwiazdy
światowych estrad): Sabine Meyer – clarinet,
Łukasz Borowicz – conductor, performed by
Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra,
Adam Mickiewicz University Hall, 7pm
Atm(a)sfera Concert: Andrzej Piaseczny,
Arena Hall, 7pm
Concert: Sergey Onischenko, Republika
Sztuki Tłusta Langusta, 7pm
please note! premiere! The Chardash
Princess (Księżniczka czardasza),
G. Chrapkiewicz, also on 22nd and 24th
May, Muzyczny Theatre, 7pm
Lear by W. Shakespeare,
dir. by J. Piaskowski, also on 21st -22nd and
24th May, Nowy Theatre, Large Scene,
Made in Chicago: Jeremy Kahn,
Piano House, 7pm
Let’s date today. Russian ballads and
romances (Umówmy się na dziś. Ballady
i romance rosyjskie) – recital by A. Lajbork,
also on 21st May, Nowy Theatre, Third
Scene (Trzecia Scena), 7.30pm
Concert: Raz Dwa Trzy, Castle Cultural
Centre, Great Hall (Sala Wielka), 8pm
Fourty (Czterdzieści) by Polish Dance
Theatre, chor. Jo Strømgren, International
Poznan Fair, Pavilion 3, 8pm
DJ Set – Loco Motive, KontenerART, 8pm
Made in Chicago: Juli Wood’s Chicago
Callin, Na Piętrze Scene, 8pm
Shakespeare in cinema (Szekspir w kinie):
National Theatre Live: Hamlet, Castle
Cultural Centre, Cinema Hall
(Sala Kinowa), 8.30pm
Nitro RFM Mazut, also on 22st May,
Republika Sztuki Tłusta Langusta, 7pm
Orpheus and Eurydice – performance
by J. Stolarski, Theatre of the Eighth Day,
Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky, music
man. G. Chmura, dir. by M. Znaniecki, also
on 22st May, Wielki Theatre, 7pm
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy Nieznajomi), 13th -29th May:
Stay, Stay (Zostań, Zostań) – performance
by POP-UP Theatre, „Stacja Szamocin”
Association, Polski Theatre, Large Scene
(Duża Scena), 7pm
Made in Chicago: concert by Flesh and
Bone, Castle Cultural Centre,
Great Hall (Sala Wielka), 7pm
Concert: Norman Baker Trio,
Blue Note Club, 8pm
DJ Set – Pudel, KontenerART, 8pm
Made in Chicago: concert by Supreme Love,
Castle Cultural Centre,
Great Hall (Sala Wielka), 9pm
22nd May (Sunday)
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy Nieznajomi), 13th-29th May: Jewish
Actors (Aktorzy żydowscy) – performance
by the Jewish Theatre of Esther Rachel and
Ida Kaminski, Polski Theatre, Malarnia, 5pm
and 7.30
Made in Chicago: Chinchano, Na Quadro
Scene, Old Market (Stary Rynek), 5.30pm
Made in Chicago: Three Ellas, Na Quadro
Scene, Old Market (Stary Rynek), 7pm
23rd May (Monday)
Speaking Concert Recipe for the piece –
learning and music: Marcin Sompoliński
(Wzór na utwór – czyli nauka i muzyka) –
conductor, performance, Klaudyna Żołnierek
– lute, Collegium F Orchestra, Adam
Mickiewicz University auditorium, 6pm
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy Nieznajomi), 13th-29th May:
Holzfällen Cutting – performance by Polski
Theatre in Wroclaw, International Poznan
Fair, Hall MP2, 6pm
Concert: Magical Mystery Tour Live,
International Poznan Fair,
Earth Hall (Sala Ziemi), 7pm
Exhibition Vernissage, M. Gomulicki
Nightflight to Venus and unveiling the Candy
Sticks work at the Visual Park,
open to 2nd July, ABC Gallery, 7pm
24th May (Tuesday)
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy Nieznajomi) 13th-29th May:
Mnemozyne – installation
by A. Królikiewicz, 24th -29th May,
representative loge of Polski Theatre (Loża
reprezentacyjna Teatru Polskiego), 12-5pm
Enter Enea Festival: Jakub Płużek Quartet,
Możdżer/Ilg/Allen, Zohar Fresco Quartet,
Strzeszynek, near Oaza Restaurant, 7pm
Concert: Von Promnitz Tour, Blue Note
Club, 8pm
Enter Enea Festival, 24-25.05
25th May (Wednesday)
9th Theatrical Meetings Close Strangers
(Bliscy Nieznajomi), 13-29th May:
Post-Apocalypsis – installation (vernissage)
open to 29th May between 10am-6pm,
Polski Theatre, Malarnia, 6pm
Enter Enea Festival: Nikola Kołodziejczyk
Orchestra, radio.string.quartet, Możdżer/
Bittova/Torok, Strzeszynek,
near Oaza Restaurant, 7pm
Cracowers and Highlanders (Krakowiacy
i Górale) by W. Bogusławski,
dir. by M. Kmiecik, also on 27th -29th May,
Polski Theatre, Large Scene (Duża Scena),
26 May (Thursday)
Concert: Letters From Silence,
Meskalina Club, 7pm
Concert: Monika Borzym – Joni,
Blue Note Club, 7pm
Concert: The Space Lady,
KontenerART, 8pm
27th May (Friday)
Exhibition vernissage Illustrations
(Ilustracje) by K. Bajerowicz, open to 19th
June, Arsenal Municipal Gallery, 6pm
please note! premiere! Bacchantes/laugh,
howl and new Eleusis (Bachantki/śmiech,
skowyt i nowe Eleusis) by Automaton
Theatre, also on 28th May, Republika Sztuki
Tłusta Langusta, 7pm
DJ Set – Zisa, KontenerART, 8pm
28th May (Saturday)
Aida by G. Verdi, music man. G. Chmura,
dir. by M. Weiss-Grzesiński,
also on 29th May, Wielki Theatre, 7pm
Concert: Kasia Nowak, Blue Note Club, 8pm
DJ Set – Pudel, KontenerART, 8pm
photo A. Wloch
CULTURAL EVENTS SELECTION Made in Chicago, 20-22.05
Press materials
Night of Museums, 21.05
Press materials
Concert: Raz Dwa Trzy, 20.05
Press materials