
Drag this zone to add text to any column or to create a static text box. When you click
on WYSIWYG from the Zone fields, and drag it onto your canvas, a text pop-up box
appears that allows you to write, paste, edit and format text for your email.
Editing and Formatting with the WYSIWYG
Once the text pop-up box opens, you have
numerous editing and formatting capabilities
available from the WYSIWYG tool bar: (See above
figure for a quick view and description of the
options available.)
Cut: Cut any text you’ve already entered or any of
the “lorem ipsum” placeholder text that appears
when you create the WYSIWYG text block.
Copy: Any of the content you create within a text
block can be copied and pasted into additional text
Paste: Text that you have copied from one text block
can be easily pasted into another text block.
Paste as Plain Text: When pasting text from outside
of the WYSIWYG editor, either from a plain text
document or a Word document, choose this option
to paste the text without any formatting included.
Paste as Word doc: When pasting copy from a
Word document, use this tool to paste text keeping
your Word settings such as bold, italic, bullets,
indents, etc. Please note that not all Word styles
will appear exactly as they did in Word due to
translation limitations (some Word formats cannot be
transferred). Most text will retain the Word settings
which have been converted using proper html
Note: It should be noted here that it is not possible
to strip out all MS Word coding when using this
feature. With some Word tags still intact, this may
cause deliverability issues. We suggest pasting
your copy as plain text and formatting it using the
WYSIWYG editor.
(Continue: next page)
©2013. Real Magnet LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Undo: Undo text edits performed during the current
text editing session.
Redo: Redo text that you have mistakenly
removed using the “Undo” button.
Anchor Text: Add an anchor to your text block so
you can link to that specific text block from other
places in your email. This is perfect for when you
want to do a table of contents at the top of your
email and link to text sections further down in the
email body.
Note: Anchor links do not work in all versions of
Outlook and other email clients.
Delete Link: At any time you can go into your text
copy and delete any links that have either been set
up by you when you were typing copy, or pasted in
when you pasted text from an outside file. Simply
highlight the text that includes the hyperlink, and
click on the Delete Link button to remove the
Insert Link: Highlight any text, click the “Insert Link”
button on the tool bar and add your url to make any
text a hyperlink. This can include links to anchor
links within your text or outside urls. When you
choose the Insert Link tool, a pop up box opens and
provides you with the following options:
Link Type: Choose the type of link you need
including URL, Email, or Anchor.
Link URL: Add the url, the email address or
the anchor name that you want to link to.
Link Target: You can select the link to open
in a new browser window or leave the target
box unchecked so the link will open in the
same window in which the email is being
Link Color: If you have set up Color Themes
you can select one of your Color Theme
colors as the color of your link. Otherwise
the link color will remain default blue.
Link Style: Select this check box if you want
your link to be shown with an underline.
Deselect this check box if you would like to
remove the underline from your hyperlink.
Link Appending for Google Analytics: If
you have Google Analytics enabled on
your account, you can select and name the
additional tracking code items you would
like to include in the link. You can choose
a preselected profile, or pick and choose
which tags to add to your link including:
Contact Real Magnet Support at
support @ realmagnet.com or 301 652- 5074
source, medium, keyword, content and/
or campaign. Adding your identifying text
to any of these fields will automatically
generate the correct Google Analytics code
for optimal Google tracking.
Note: If you are using Google Goals, there is no
need to go through all of these steps as your account
is configured to automatically append your links.
Number List: Select a series of sentences or
comments that are all followed by a hard return and
put them into a numbered list by clicking on the
Number List icon.
Bullet List: Similar to the number list, when you
select a series of lines and click on the Bullet List
icon, your sentences or clauses will be put into a
bulleted list.
Horizontal Line: Add a horizontal rule at the top or
bottom of your text, or anywhere within your text
simply by placing your cursor where you would
like the desired line and clicking on the horizontal
line tool. Clicking on this tool adds an <hr> tag
to the source html coding, which is a standard
horizontal line tag. It will render as a black line that
is approximately 1-2 pixels in most browsers.
Special Character: Select the special character tool
to add one of hundreds of additional text characters.
Html codes for each special character will be added
to the source code so the characters will render
correctly in browsers without the need for additional
font coding.
Insert Table: For additional formatting
standardization for lists or other information that
would benefit from being formatted in rows and
columns, choose the Insert Table tool to create tables
of various size and length.
Insert Image: Use the insert image tool to add, edit
and format an image that will be placed directly into
your text block. This works well if you have text that
needs to wrap around an image.
Note: You can insert images here within the context
of your text block, or use the Image zone creator
to create a self-contained image zone. Full image
editing capabilities are available with both methods
of image insertion.
(Continue: next page)
©2013. Real Magnet LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Note: Anchor must be set up prior to creating the
link in order for the anchor to be available in the
drop down box that appears when you select Anchor
as your link type.
Insert Personalization Field: Add data contained
in any of the Real Magnet standard personalization
fields or any of your custom fields to make your
emails more relevant.
Subscript: The Subscript tool adds <sub> </sub>
around the text you’ve selected so that it will appear
smaller and down to the right of the text
immediately preceding it in all web browsers.
Insert Dynamic Content: Use the Insert Dynamic
Content tool to select the specific content blocks
you have set up for use in your email campaigns.
A dropdown window will appear showing all
the different dynamic content blocks you have
created. Choose one to insert and that content will
automatically be inserted into your email when your
email is sent.
Superscript: The Superscript tool adds <sup> </sup>
around the text you’ve selected so that it will appear
smaller and up to the right of the text immediately
preceding it in all web browsers.
Font Color: Choose from standard default colors,
or insert your own HEX color to change the color
of any text used in a content block. Note: When
entering a hex number, please make sure to include
the # key followed by 6 digits.
Insert Survey: If you’ve created a survey using Real
Magnet’s survey module, you can easily insert a link
to the survey into your email using the Insert Survey
tool available on the WYSIWYG editor tool bar.
Background Color: Similar to the font color you can
select a background color that will fill the entire
background of your text block.
Insert Event: Similar to the Insert Survey tool, if
you’ve created an event in Real Magnet, you can
insert that event directly into your email using the
Insert Event tool.
Decrease Indent: If you have text that uses indents
that you have created using the tab button on your
computer, you can decrease the amount of space
used for the indent by using this tool.
Insert Share Link (SWYN): Share your content with
your network by placing your cursor within your content
(preferably at the beginning or end of the content) and
clicking on the Insert Share Link. This will insert social
icons and links to different social media sharing.
Increase Indent: By selecting text in your text block
that has been indented by using the tab button on
your keyboard, you can increase the indent by using
this tool.
Change Font: Similar to word processors, this tool
allows you to change the font by name.
Spell Check as you Type: This tool allows you to do a
comprehensive spell check of text as you are typing
in your WYSIWYG text block.
Change Font Size: Select a font size up to 72pt from
this convenient drop down selection tool.
Align Left: Select your copy and choose this feature
to align all or part of the copy so that it is flush left.
Align Center: Select your copy and choose this
feature to align all or part of the copy so that it is
centered within the content block.
Align Right: Select your copy and choose this
feature to align all or part of the copy so that it is
right justified.
Justify: Select your copy and choose this feature to
justify all of the text within the content container.
Note: depending on the words you use, the spacing
may look off when you use this tool, much as it does
when using this feature in a word processor.
Bold: The Bold tool adds <strong> </strong> around
the text you’ve selected so that it will appear bold in
all web browsers.
Italic: The Italic tool adds <em> </em> around the
text you’ve selected so that it will appear italicized
in all web browsers.
Underline: The Underline tool adds <u> </u>
around the text you’ve selected so that it will appear
bold in all web browsers.
Contact Real Magnet Support at
support @ realmagnet.com or 301 652- 5074
©2013. Real Magnet LLC. All Rights Reserved.