Tower Tidings
Tower Tidings
Tower Tidings Creating Pathways to Discover New Connections in Christ VOLUME XLIX March 2016 PW Goes to the UN 11 Tisket a Tasket Got an Easter Basket? 7 Building Renovation Update 8 NUMBER 3 Easter Sunday March 27 What would you do with $20,000? 4 Lots of Dates to Remember 15 The Pastor’s Corner The Reverend Dr. David Smazik If we agree to be at a certain location at a certain time, we count on various systems to work together to allow us to fulfill our commitment. Many of those systems are the intricate ones that make up our bodies and allow us to live and move. Some systems are external ones with which we have to contend. I could compile an endless list of things that could go wrong and prevent us from following through. But on a typical day, we have faith that a number of variables will function within an acceptable range to allow us to do what we say we are going to do. Faith is an integral part of our daily lives; we make assumptions about and trust in many unseen things. The writer of Hebrews defines faith in that way: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 NRSV) But we sometimes struggle to apply that same definition in other dimensions of life. I distinctly remember the first Neurophysiology class in my Master’s program. After an intense introduction to the subject, my professor ended the lecture with the following: “If you study the extensive intricacies of the brain, many of which are still being discovered, and you do not believe in a Creator, you have not been paying attention.” Sometimes we lose focus. I believe one way of understanding Lent is as a time to refocus our attention, to pay attention, to how the loving presence of God was manifested in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Much of our daily lives is faith-based: we trust in a multitude of things we do not see. We have not seen the cross. We have not seen the resurrection. But if we refocus our attention, we can trust that the power revealed in those events is present and actively at work within and around us, in intricate and substantive ways, and in ways yet to be discovered. I hope we can join the apostle Paul in saying: “For in Christ we live and move and have our being…” (Acts 17:28a) Whether we are making a trip to the grocery store or moving through the various seasons of our lives, we are people of faith – assured of things hoped for with the conviction of things not seen. Our very being exists in a present, active and eternal love relationship with God. May we give special attention in our Easter celebration this year to the reality of God in all of life, seen and unseen! Daily Lenten Devotional Guide This year's PCM devotional guide is "Be Holy," issued by Presbyterians Today. Everyone is encouraged to follow this daily guide, whether or not you choose to attend the PCM study. Pick up your copy during Lent at the church or office. 2 Moments By Angela Rines, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry From baptism to adolescence to adulthood, our hope is that faith is a priority. As we continue to look for ways to foster Sticky Faith in the young people of our congregation, each month we will feature upcoming events and new ideas for connecting with our youth. For faith to stick, a youth needs 5 adults regularly and personally invested in their life. How can we be ONE of those FIVE adults in the lives of the youth in our congregation? Sticky Faith Events February 19 we had our Annual Chili Cook-off, and it was a great opportunity for all generations to connect together as a church community and to show support for our youth as they prepare for summer mission trips. Coming up April 1, we have ALL CHURCH BOWLING. Last year’s event proved to be a hit for all ages, and we are hoping many more come and join us. Save the date, mark the calendar. Details and registration at Sticky Faith Ideas As we celebrate Easter this month, many of our college students will be home on Spring Break or for the holiday. Take a moment one Sunday to greet a college student, catch up on what they have been learning while they are away, and welcome them back to their church home. Each week our youth gather around tables for dinner at our Wednesday evening programming. If you love to cook and would like to provide a meal, this is a great and easy opportunity to connect with our youth! Contact Angie Rines to sign up! 3 SANDY RELIEF Day-trips Continuing to Help Our Neighbors at the Jersey Shore Because of a generous donation of $20,000 for Sandy Relief, our church is able to help with the continued rebuilding of the bay shore area by the following: $9,000 - A plumber will be hired to do the plumbing necessary before the insulation and sheetrock can be done in a home. The resident, an elderly lady, has been waiting many months for this step in restoring her home. $5,000 - Plumbing and electrical supplies will be purchased for a retired man who can do plumbing and electrical work himself, thus stretching his resources as far as possible. $2,000 - A woman who has been using a microwave and hotplates will be able to have electrical work done in her kitchen which was destroyed. $4,000 - Dumpsters will be rented and brought to a home which needs to be demolished. During Spring Break, there will be college students available to help with the demolition. Thanks be to God for Gateway Church of Christ which steadfastly remains committed to helping restore the homes of so many victims of Super Storm Sandy. And thanks be to God for those individuals in our church who have kept those people in and around Union Beach in their prayers and on their hearts. Please join us on workdays: March 5 and 19. Sign up at Contact: Marnie Kaller [email protected] 4 Stay tuned for details on how to get rid of your outdated/ non-working electronics and support a worthy cause! The problem many of us face when it comes to implementing ways we can better care for the earth is that we just don’t have time to do so. It takes time to recalibrate our lives to ensure that our routines are not having a negative, hurtful impact on others or the world in which we live. Many of us reading this newsletter use gas-powered vehicles to help us accomplish the things in life required by our demanding schedules. Rebecca Barnes-Davies, PCUSA Associate for Environmental Ministries, offers a practical way(*) to recalibrate our thoughts on transportation: One of the three most influential environmental choices you make as an individual is your mode of transportation. Lessening our dependence on fossil fuel transportation is one step that is critical to curbing climate change. We should make choices, when we are able, that are good for our own health and the health of the world. The Blondie comic strip every so often would show Dagwood either rushing out the door to meet his car pool or in the car with three other people on their way to work. Yet carpooling seems less prevalent than it used to be. With busier lives, more individualized work schedules, and multiple destinations often planned for one trip, people tend to resort to driving their own vehicle for independence and convenience. However…we might find that a little short-term inconvenience now will go a long way to alleviating the long-term “inconvenience” caused by…predicted outcomes of climate change. *Look at the schedule of your regular activities – work, school, church, and leisure - particularly those you do on a fairly predictable basis, either daily, weekly, or monthly. Consider if anyone who lives nearby also participates in any of those activities. Propose trying to carpool a few times to see how it works… If we could each do this one more time than we have in the past month, we will have recalibrated. And together we will have made a difference! Green Faith Mission Statement: We strive to nurture a holistic understanding of creation and our need for a comprehensive congregational response that will engage growth in our relationship to God, creation and our neighbors. 5 Adult Education March Schedule Sunday Morning Seminar Sundays from 8:45 - 9:45 am March 6 at the Parish House Dr. Kate Ott, Assistant Professor, Christian Social Ethics, Drew University Theological School - Sex and Faith March 13 in the Chapel Mickey McDonnell - PCM Lenten Study: The Presidential Providential Debate Season Dr. Kate Ott Parent Lecture Series Sundays from 8:45-9:40 am Parish House Light refreshments The lecture series covers topics of interest to parents: Navigating social media; adjusting to middle school; healthy dating/ relationships; drugs, alcohol and how to talk to your kids about them. Contact: Judy Ebrahim, [email protected] Erica Hartman March 6 Dr. Kate Ott, Assistant Professor, Christian Social Ethics, Drew University Theological School - Sex and Faith March 13 Erica Hartman, District Supervisor of Technology Integration, Morris School District If You Give a Kid a Cell Phone... Faith on Film Sundays 4:00 pm In the Chapel April 10 - Brooklyn A classic tale of an immigrant torn between love of family and her home in Ireland, yet yearning to make a new life in America. Set in the early 1950s. Rated PG-13. Adult Education Details and schedules for programs can be found at Contact: Alexandra Mead, Director of Christian Ed, [email protected] 6 Easter Dinners and Baskets for Families in Newark For more than 15 years, we have provided meals and baskets to 30 Newark families for Easter. Please leave items in the Parish House kitchen on the table by the window and mark them NEWARK. Many of you receive "free" hams or turkeys; frozen ones can be left in the PCM Parish House freezer and fresh ones in the refrigerator, marked NEWARK. Monetary donations should be payable to Jane Nast with "Newark families" in the memo box. We can also use help assembling over 125 baskets! See logistics, below. “Thanks for all that you do year round for the needy families in the inner city of Newark.” Jane Nast Easter Dinners Please bring Easter dinner donations to the Parish House kitchen by March 24. ITEMS NEEDED: Easter Baskets for Children hams turkeys eggs bread butter/margarine canned vegetables macaroni & cheese Stove Top stuffing cake mix and icing cooking oil juice boxes cereal in small boxes Jell-O small cans of fruit/puddings Parmalat milk peanut butter jelly aluminum roasting pans Please bring donations to the PCM Parish House kitchen by Saturday morning, March 19. If you can help assemble, join us that day at 1 p.m. in the PCM Parish House basement to assemble over 150 baskets. Bring the family if only for an hour or two. Kids love to help! ITEMS FOR BASKETS We need lots of baskets! NO grass, stuffed toys or animals or candy! medium/large plastic eggs juice boxes puzzles nuts pencils peanut butter jewelry granola clay crackers Play-doh little bottles of bubbles baby food crayons diapers colored chalk diaper wipes balls baby wash games Q-tips coloring books cotton balls Contact: Jane Nast [email protected] (c) 973-580-9013 7 Building Renovation Update from the Capital Renovation Committee (CRC) Parish House Phase 2 Construction is now over 65% complete, and the Parish House is a busy place with a number of different trades involved in the push to finish the renovation. As has been the case since construction started, the Parish House is open, but access is limited. The ramp door is the entrance; the main door is for construction access only. If your errand can wait or you can accomplish your mission via email or phone, please consider that option. With the final new structural steel beams in place over the parlor and the joists and decking above the parlor completed, the conversion of the previously unused second floor attic into the multi-purpose fine arts room, offices and storage spaces began. Wall and ceiling framing is nearly complete, rough electrical work has begun, and HVAC equipment is being installed. The elevator shaft was completed in late December, all of the elevator components were received in mid-January, and Otis Elevator personnel were on-site to begin elevator installation. At that time, Otis discovered that they had made the main hydraulic cylinders that drive the elevator too short. Unfortunately, having to make new ones (combined with some delays associated with the fire suppression system discussed below) has pushed the project completion date back into late April or early May. Fire suppression system installation in the basement is now 95% complete. First floor installation, a task complicated by the need to work around the schedules of the church staff and Nursery School, is 80% complete. Final approval of the second floor system design was set back by issues related to the final design of the proposed Phase 3 renovations to the gym. Now that the Phase 3 design has been finalized (see below), the second floor fire suppression system design has been submitted for final approval. In the meantime, the system piping is being fabricated and cut to length so that installation can be started immediately upon approval. New sprinkler heads popping out all over the first floor. Final architectural plans are posted in the church Narthex and progress in photos is presented on the 8 Narthex monitor as well as in the Photo Gallery on the church website (search for Renovations). Please review the plans and photos to fully understand modifications. Parish House Phase 3 As Phase 2 construction heads into the finishing stretch, we are moving forward with Phase 3. We have an ambitious plan that will make the second floor classrooms more flexible in their use and will turn the current gym into a major multipurpose area as envisioned in our Feasibility Original South Street Church ceiling Study three years ago. Drawings and details to be exposed in Stage 3. specifications were completed and bid packages were sent out to multiple contractors with responses due by the first week in March. For this third and final stage of the Parish House renovation, our architects have developed a design that will make major historical features of the old South Street Church visible and useful yet again. First, the existing blackened ceiling will come down. This will uncover the clerestory windows on both sides to provide daylight into that part of the building. This will also expose the large, elegant green rosette which was part of the old sanctuary chandelier. On the South Street side of the building, the part of the stained glass window which stretches from the floor to a new ceiling in the gym will be exposed. At the opposite end, a new wood and tempered glass partition is planned that will mimic in its design the many arches that were prevalent in the original South Street Church sanctuary. In implementing this final project, and indeed as we did in the Kitchen and Zone A projects, the CRC is doing its best to make the building safer, greener, more functional, more historic, and more welcoming than at any other time since it was converted to a Parish House in the middle of the last century. Feel free to ask questions of the Capital Renovations Committee: Nancylynne Alessio, Jim Allison, Larry Behrendt, Rick Bye, Walt Fleischer, Kevin Hubbard, Dick Kaller, David Krimmel, Alexandra Mead, Marilynn Hummer, and Dave Smazik. the help desk is back! Blog Visit the HELP DESK after services on March 13 and April 24 for assistance with that annoying tech issue you can’t seem to solve. Bring your phone, laptop or tablet. We can help with email, Facebook or Twitter, phone apps, exchanging photos, navigating the PCM website... ...and, this year, we’ve added a PCM financial authority to the team who can answer questions about making donations to the church. 9 March Youth Events High School Johnsonburg Retreat March 11-13, Cost $100 Theme: Finding your Core Purpose. What gifts has God given you to share with the world? 2016 Summer Youth Trips Middle School Mission trip This summer our middle school students will be serving in Harrisburg, PA with Youthworks. We will spend the week serving with various community organizations, and in the evenings we will have opportunities to visit Hershey Chocolate Factory, share in a community cookout, and visit the downtown. It should be a fun filled week of serving together! High School Mission trip July 31—August 5 Cost $250 This summer our high school students will be participating in the RISE summer mission trip in upstate New York. We will spend the week making homes safer, warmer, and drier. Past projects have included roofing, porch building, post hole digging, dry walling, and painting. In the evenings we will have fun activities, including a night at a farm and dinner in Corning. Watch for two required training dates for all participants, coming soon! 1st trip payment of $100 due March 16 Forms and final payment due May 11 July 10-16 Cost $250 For all youth events please contact: Angie Rines [email protected] 1st payment of $100 due March 16 Forms and final payment due May 11 10 SAVE THE DATE Presbyterian Women’s Yard Sale for Mission Saturday, June 25 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Items can be dropped off beginning June 1 Call Sherry Guthrie 973-543-6523 with questions. Did you know? For two weeks in March, the UN Commission on the Status of Women turns the focus of the United Nations towards women and gender related issues worldwide. And Presbyterian Women will be there! Presbyterian Women representatives will be participating in design strategy workshops, caucus meetings, networking events and working as informed lobbyists at the conferences themselves! Every year, representatives of member states gather at the United Nations headquarters in NYC to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and advancement of women worldwide. Presbyterian Women will be there to join their voices with those that are working to eliminate violence against women and girls, promote economic equality, institute fair marriage laws, empower women and grant access to education. Please keep these women and men in your prayers as they work to improve the lives of all of God’s children. If anyone would like to know about what the circles or Presbyterian Women are doing, please contact Sherry Guthrie [email protected]. SAMARITANS: Twenty years ago this year, Helen Kingsbury started the PCM Samaritans program. Through this valuable service, members call to arrange for a volunteer to drive them to appointments, fix a meal, help them with accounting, fill out forms, or even write letters. If you have need of a Samaritan or would like to join the ranks of our volunteers, please call Sue Woodruff, (908) 879-6638. 11 Spring Cleanup Saturdays April 16 and May 7 9am to Noon Church on the Green Are you ready for spring? Join us as we clean up our church grounds after the long winter. We are scheduling two cleanup dates this year because we have additional cleanup tasks to perform at the Church on the Green and the Parish House. Signup for either or both dates at the What’s Up table or online at Our church grounds rely on volunteers for care, and we need your help at our annual Spring Cleanup Days. We will clean out landscape beds, rake, prune, and mulch to make the grounds beautiful again. There is plenty to do for all – men and women, boys and girls, young and old. Hiking Club Saturday, April 2, 9:30 am – Jockey Hollow (2-3 mi, easy) – Come hike through the fields and woods of Morristown’s National Historic Park. We can choose between several excellent trails of varying lengths. Sunday, April 24 2 pm – Castle Point, Oakland (4 mi, moderate) – This loop hike runs along the shore of scenic Ramapo Lake and then climbs to the ruins of Van Slyke Castle and an abandoned stone tower. Look for details in your Churchmail in the weeks before each hike. Check out our webpage hike for a complete list of planned spring and summer hikes and to sign up for email blasts specific to our hiking club. Contact: Sarah Green [email protected] We’ll meet at the Church on the Green at 9 am for job assignments. Bring gloves, rakes, pruners and shovels if you have them. But most importantly bring your faith and fellowship! Coffee and breakfast treats will be provided. Contact: Craig Valenti (973) 285-9535, [email protected]. Rain Date: May 14th Patricia and I wish to express our heartfelt Thank-You for your many prayers, get-well-cards, phone calls and visits during Ernst's serious bout with pneumonia that required emergency admission to Morristown Memorial Hospital followed by Kessler Rehab in Chester--17 days in all. We learned about the fragility of our bodies and the tenuousness of our life ... one second changes everything! But most of all we experienced what it means to be part of the community of faith of our congregation and be lifted up in the cloud of prayers of the faithful. It is impossible to thank all of you appropriately. May the Lord and his Grace be with all of us every day of our lives. Love and Blessings to each and everyone, 12 12 Pat and Ernst The Presbyterian Church Nursery School Our school participates in the Labels for Education program sponsored by Campbell’s. We are grateful to our church members who already collect proof of purchases on behalf of the Nursery School. We earned some valuable equipment this year like new scooters for our gym, new playground balls and new markers. All items are getting lots of use this year. Collecting the proofs of purchase from participating Campbell products is easy and helps us get free merchandise. Please save the Labels for Education symbols on actual products. Please drop off “point” item labels or lids at the Parish House. Some of the products eligible include Campbell’s soups, SpaghettiO’s, Prego pasta sauces, Swanson broths and canned poultry and Pepperidge Farm breads, cookies, crackers and frozen products. The following products are worth 5 points: V8 Splash Beverages (save the lids), Goldfish crackers and all Campbell’s Microwaveable Soups. We had some fun in the snow last month but we are hoping that the spring comes early to PCNS this year! For a tour of the school or for more information, please contact Jeanne Mueller at 973-540-1114 or [email protected]. What’s Up in Christian Ed? with Alexandra Mead The Sunday School continues our look at the miracles of Jesus as we enter into the Lenten Season. We will not have Sunday School on Palm Sunday or on Easter Sunday. On Palm Sunday we would like the children to gather in the Chapel prior to the 10:00 am service so that they can parade into the church and sing a hymn that they have been learning. On Easter Sunday please join us for a joyous worship service at 10:00 am. All of the children’s choirs will be singing with the adult choirs. In Midweek we will be spending time “Looking for God in Surprising Places, Even the Church”. Please read bible stories with your children. I have great resources in my office if you would like to stop by and borrow a book or get some ideas. Hearing stories once a week in Sunday School is not enough. Learning the stories together builds a foundation of faith that your children will benefit from for a lifetime. Contact: Alexandra Mead, [email protected] 13 Session Highlights January 2016 by Wendy Doidge, Clerk of Session [email protected] 1. Session approved the 2016 Budget. Every effort was made to create a conservative, realistic budget. 2. At the January Newton Presbytery meeting, the body voted to concur with two Overtures that will go before the 222nd General Assembly this summer in Portland, OR. The Presbytery of San Francisco, seeking divestment in fossil fuels, submitted Overture 12. The second Overture was from the Synod of the Northeast, which seeks to individually commission Ruling Elders. 3. Session discussed the make up of this year’s committees, structure and schedule. THE CHURCH STAFF Ministers The Reverend Dr. David Smazik, Senior Pastor [email protected] Communications Coordinator Deborah McComber [email protected] The Reverend Sarah Green, Associate Pastor [email protected] Administrative Assistants Mary Jo Hashagen [email protected] Children’s Ministries Alexandra Mead, Director of Christian Education [email protected] Julie Hess and Kristin Stuek [email protected] Music Ministries Matthew Webb, Director of Music [email protected] Sextons Kristo Pango and Viktor Muskaj Presbyterian Church Nursery School Jeanne Mueller Director [email protected] (973) 540-1114 Julie Ramseyer, Director of Children’s Music [email protected] Youth and Young Adult Ministries Angela Rines, Director [email protected] (973) 538-1776 Business Administrator Jennifer Ayanian [email protected] FAX: (973) 538-7879 [email protected] 14 March Dates to Remember March 3 March 3 March 5 March 5 March 6 March 6 March 6 March 8 March 9 March 9 March 9 March 10 March 10 March 12 March 13 March 13 March 13 March 13 March 15 March 16 March 16 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 19 March 19 March 20 March 24 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 27 March 30 March 30 March 31 March 31 March 1 Lenten Study – Vern Verhoef March 1 April Tower Tidings deadline March 2 Worship in Chapel March 2 Midweek March 2 Ekklesia, Middle School Youth March 2 Lenten Study – Mickey McDonnell March 2 Koinonia, High School Youth Lenten Study – Alexandra Mead JAM Sandy Relief Work Day Lenten Study – Mikey Knotts Parent Lecture Series/Sunday Morning Seminar Faith on Film “Imitation Game” Check website Confirmation Class calendar for Lenten Study – Vern Verhoef most recent Worship in Chapel scheduling Midweek/Ekklesia/Koinonia information. Lenten Study Lenten Study – Alexandra Mead JAM Lenten Study – Mikey Knotts Daylight Savings Time Parent Lecture Series Sunday Morning Seminar Confirmation Class Lenten Study – Vern Verhoef Worship in Chapel Midweek/Ekklesia/Koinonia Lenten Study – Mickey McDonnell Lenten Study – Alexandra Mead JAM Sandy Relief Work Day Lenten Study – Mikey Knotts Palm Sunday Lenten Study - Alexandra Mead Maundy Thursday Worship with Communion Good Friday Worship in Chapel Good Friday Worship Easter Worship in Chapel All Church Bowling Event Midweek/Ekklesia/Koinonia April 1 Bible Study – Alexandra Mead JAM 15 The Presbyterian Church in Morristown 65 South Street Morristown, New Jersey 07960-4138. Periodical postage paid in Chester, New Jersey. 65 South Street Morristown, New Jersey 07960 Please let the church office know if your address or membership status has changed. Fresh Traditional® Worship Sunday Mornings March 6 7:45 am Worship with Communion 8:45 am Education Hour for Adults and Children 10:00 am Worship with Communion March 24 MAUNDY THURSDAY 8:00 pm Worship with Communion March 25 GOOD FRIDAY 12:00 pm Worship 8:00 pm Worship March 13 Daylight Savings TIme 7:45 am Worship with Communion 8:45 am Education Hour for Adults and Children 10:00 am Worship with Baptism March 27 EASTER 7:45 am Worship with Communion 10:00 am Worship March 20 PALM SUNDAY One Great Hour of Sharing 7:45 am Worship with Communion 10:00 am Worship Wednesday Morning Bible Study 10:30 am and Wednesday Noon Service in the Chapel March 2, 9, 16 and 30 All are welcome 16