TEMPO-September 2014
TEMPO-September 2014
The Tempo Holy Trinity Episcopal Parish A people passionately seeking to love with the heart of Christ, think with the mind of Christ, and act in the world as the Body of Christ. SEPTEMBER CALENDAR Wednesday, September 3: 6:00 pm Canterbury College Ministry Sunday, September 7: 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:20 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm Holy Eucharist Breakfast Christian Education all ages Holy Eucharist/Day School Sunday Holy Eucharist at St. Paul’s Sunday, September 14: 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:20 am 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Breakfast Christian Education all ages Holy Eucharist Wednesday, September 10: 6:00 pm Connections SEPTEMBER 2014 Rector’s Column Dear Ones, Sunday, August 24th was a magnificent day at Holy Trinity. Despite parking challenges due to the demolition of Trinity Place, you all gracefully accommodated and we nearly filled the church. We totaled 240 people in church that day across the three liturgies. (The third is Suppernatural, at 5:30 pm, that specifically reaches out to young adults.) What struck me most was the number of new faces. Where did they come from? Why were they here? The answer, in many cases, is that you invited them. You brought them. You reached out to them. People in every church say they want their congregation to grow. Parishes often spend lots of time and money focusing on marketing strategies, including traditional newspaper and radio ads, elaborate signage, and now lots of social media. All of that is important, even essential, to maintaining visibility in the community. Sunday, September 21: 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:20 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Holy Eucharist Breakfast Christian Education all ages Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer at St. Paul’s Vestry Meeting Wednesday, September 24: 6:00 pm Connections Sunday, September 28: 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:20 am 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Breakfast Christian Education all ages Holy Eucharist Ongoing Events Sundays 5:30 pm Suppernatural Tuesdays 5:30 pm EFM Wednesdays 12:15 pm 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:15 pm Bible Study Women’s Book Group Bible Study Canterbury Choir Rehearsal But when it comes to engaging people in the life of the church, marketing strategies pale in comparison to the power of person to person invitation. Studies have shown consistently for several decades now that the primary reason the vast majority of people visit and make a church their spiritual home is because someone they know – a friend, an acquaintance, or a family member – invited them and helped them feel acclimated. You are doing that. Keep it up! At least as important as actively inviting people to attend is what they encounter when they arrive. Several people told me that day they felt the worship was inspiring. All the breakfast tables were filled with people reconnecting. There is a new focus to our Christian formation programs for all ages. There is a bulge of children in the Godly play group, and two filled rooms of adults engaging one another around scripture and theological discussion. Thank you to the many people who have a hand in leading and supporting worship, to the breakfast teams, and to the dedicated leaders of our Sunday school groups. Together we are the community of Holy Trinity. And together we are calling people into the primary mission of the Church, which is to reconcile all people to God and one another in Christ. Peace, Page 2 Holy Trinity September 2014 The Tempo is a publication of Holy Trinity Episcopal Parish 193 Old Greenville Highway Clemson, SC 29631-1335 Phone: 864-654-5071 Fax: 864-654-5066 www.holytrinityclemson.org Submissions are due by the 20th of the month by e-mail to: [email protected] or From Fromthe theAssistant AssistantRector: Rector: My andofbrothers, It’s sisters the start a new school year and there’s so much going on! It's small of excitementmeeting that I invite all,and my parish Wewith justnohad ouramount first Canterbury last you week had a family, to attend my ordination to the priesthood at Trinity great turnout. The leadership roles that so many studentsCathedral take on in on the are first humbling. of FebruaryItatwas eleven in the morning. Therea to Columbia get it working beautiful to see such will be a reception afterward in the cathedral hall. The next morning, community of college kids come together after a summer away. the Feast of the Presentation, will be the first time I preside at both Suppernatural, church here ministry grads Eucharists. Thereour willdinner be a reception in ourfor parish halland afterpostthe grads,service is also really well. We’re fresh staffed very 10:30 and going you'll get to meet my people, fromwith New aYork. committed group of folks in their twenties and thirties. We come The Rev. Sidney Hall, Associate Also, this summer I will be the priest-in-residence for two summer together, make dinner, bless and break bread, discuss Scripture, sessions at Camp Gravatt, our diocesan camp. The junior high session clean up and give each other a sign of peace before we leave. is from July 15th − 24th and the elementary session is from July 26th to Suppernatural is based on the first-century agape meals of the August 1st. I would love as many of our elementary and junior high early church. If you or someone you know is interested, come by kids to go. It's a phenomenal camp with a stellar staff (two summers on Sunday at leaves 5:30. We forward yourthey company! working there somelook residual bias)towhere live by their motto: “Camp is for the campers.” Make new friends from all sessions over! Go to This summer, I was able to spend two whole great at campgravatt.org and register soon! Spots usually fill up pretty Camp Gravatt, our diocesan camp in Aiken. Gravatt quickly. hosts a Please see me with any priest-in-residence forquestions. every camp session to take part in the The Rev. Tom Davis, Rector Emeritus .spiritual formation part of the daily program. Our bishop came [email protected] The Rev W. Andrew Waldo, Bishop Staff The Rev. John S. Nieman, Rector The Rev. John C. Bethell, Assistant Becky Bowman, Minister of Music Cynthia Spejewski, Organist down for a few visits and even took a trip down our brand new zip line! Lynne Farmer, Parish Administrator Cynthia Spejewski, Parish Secretary Wendy Ross, Director of Christian Formation Jim Hylkema, Sexton Suzanne Watkins, Day School Director Vestry Members Vestry Members Beth Kunkel, Senior Warden Bob Green, Junior Warden Michelle Cauley, Senior Warden Rebecca Eidson, Clerk Bob Green, Junior Warden Rebecca Eidson, Clerk Wanda Campbell (EDS Board)* Kirby Colson (Care of People) Kirby Colson (Stewardship) Kevin Crouse (Worship) Jennifer (Young Adults) Jennifer Ellison Ellison (Worship) Liz (Pastoral Care) LizHalpin Halpin (Church and the World) Cary Kaye (St.(Care Paul’s) Bill McDaniel of People) Tim McPeak (Care of People) Julie Lewis (Christian Formation) SueMcDaniel Smink (Christian Formation) Bill (Outreach) Lynn Smith (Care of People) Tim McPeak (Fellowship) Betty Snowden (Christian Formation) Bill Purkerson (Engagement) Diana Stafford (Worship) Sue (Youth) and the World) BobSmink Taylor (Church Linda (EDS Board) Linda Tindal Tindal (Christian Formation) Alden Valentine (Planned Giving) *Core area assignment in parentheses *Liaison assignments in parentheses Our Bishop Zips and Loves High Fives. The staff there is unparalleled – I have yet to see a more careful and caring staff go out of their way to make sure each camper feels welcomed and involved. I’ll be there next summer for a session, too; care to join me? jb+ September 2014 Holy Trinity Page 3 This is the first poem I ever wrote. It came out in Spanish and I later translated it into English. Julie Lewis Madre Río Mother River Page 4 Holy Trinity September 2014 WORSHIP Breakfast and Sunday School Began August 24 After a great send-off following the 10:30 am service, parishioners enjoyed a “Sundae” Sunday in the Parish Hall. September 2014 Holy Trinity Page 5 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Sunday School We are off to a great start in our Sunday school classes. Be sure to join us on Sunday at 8:45 – 9:00 am for breakfast and then for a class that starts at 9:20 am. Information about classes, book groups and other special events can be found on the Christian Formation bulletin board in the library hallway. Adult Classes An Introduction to the Prophets with John Nieman will be an overview of the prophetic tradition from the Exodus through Jesus and beyond to a contemporary understanding of prophetic witness. Please join Father John N. in the St. Mark room, upstairs in the parish hall opposite the elevator. Take this Bread is a book discussion with John Bethell focusing on our role as Christians in the fight for social justice. Take This Bread is by Sarah Miles and is the story of the creation of a food pantry at St Gregory’s Episcopal in San Francisco. Please join Father John B. in the Mary Magdalene room at the top of the stairwell. Youth Our youth classes will continue to focus on the lectionary and the struggle to grow as Christians in the modern world. The curriculum is Feasting on the Word. Both groups meet downstairs in the parish hall. Middle school leaders are Matt Decubellis, Tim McPeak and Michelle Cauley. High School Leaders are Joe Yanes, Sheila Durham and Amy Agosti. Children Faith Travelers (grades 3-5) meets upstairs in the room next to the elevator. Join leaders Mary Bridges, Bob Martin and Harry and Julie Morse for an exploration of our faith. Godly Play (grades K-2) is an hour of storytelling. Children will hear the great stories of the Bible and then retell them in their own words and in art. This wonderful class meets in the Godly Play Chapel next to the stairwell, led by Sarah Maiberger, Rebecca Eidson, Libby Wehrman and Laura Henry. Three and Four year olds gather with Hap and Carolyn Wheeler for storytelling and a short worship of their own. This wonderful class meets at the end of the main floor hallway in the Parish Hall. Page 6 Holy Trinity CHRISTIAN FORMATION September 2014 The Walls Come Tumbling Down Connecons Join us September 10th at 6 pm for dinner and a presentation on the Camino de Santiago with Joe Yanes and Wendy Ross. The famous pilgrimage route has drawn the faithful and the curious from all over the world for over a thousand years. Join us for slides and discussion after dinner. Beth Kunkel and Byron Harder enjoy the show. On September 24th Alan Yarborough will be with us to discuss his work in Haiti. Alan was the peer minister for Canterbury at Holy Trinity while he was a student at Clemson and has been working on a project to bring some economic development to the area. We will enjoy a Haitian feast at 6 pm and then all will listen to Alan’s presentation. The Women’s Book Group We will be meeting at St Andrew’s Catholic Church for a few weeks due to our parking situation. The new book is The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd about the start of the abolitionist movement in Charleston in the early 1800’s. It is a fascinating book. Copies are available in the church office. Volunteer Opportunies Volunteers are needed to help with the Godly Play class. We are blessed with an ever growing number of children in this class and we need some more help. The class first hears a story, one of the great stories from the Bible. The children then tell the story back to the group in their own words. Then the class takes time to interpret the story in art. It is great fun, so come and join us! Let Wendy Ross know if you are interested: [email protected] Youth leaders are needed for the hour after Connections. All the youth gather together for some sort of outreach project/lesson after each Connections. We need leaders willing to spend a little time twice a month for an hour. You will have help with planning the activities. For more information, please contact Wendy Ross at [email protected] or Sue Smink at [email protected]. The demolition of Trinity Place is entering its final phase. Work began the end of last month to knock down the remaining part of the building. Flooring and the retaining walls still need to be removed. Estimates are that it will take 3 to 4 weeks longer for the demolition to be completed and then grading and re-paving can occur. We still hope to have access to existing parking spaces, and revenue from those spots, by the first home game. However, parking may not remain fully open after the first game as we will need to adjust fencing and complete material removal. September 2014 Holy Trinity Page 7 OUTREACH CCC One of my first memories of Clemson Community Care (CCC) was driving by, midweek on a Wednesday, and seeing a line of people out the door and around the building. Hmm… I thought to myself, “I wonder what those folks are waiting for?” My next interaction was dropping my children off for a Holy Trinity summer youth event, where they were to help in the food pantry and assist patrons in carrying groceries to their cars. My boys and I had just driven through Starbucks and they were finishing their scones. (I didn’t get out of the car.) In the CCC parking lot in the car next to me, a tall man had just placed two grocery bags in his back seat. I said goodbye to the boys, and as I backed out of the parking lot, I happened to notice something moving in this car next to me. It was a young boy, maybe 5 or 6 years old, eating the groceries out of the bag as quickly as they had been placed there. This was my first interaction with hunger in Clemson. I never really thought about it. After all, we are a city of plenty. But, I could never get the picture of that young boy out of my head. So, when I was approached by a member of Holy Trinity to serve on the Board, I did not refuse. Since that time, my family and I have participated in a number of activities to address hunger locally, and I hope you will too. Clemson Community Care’s mission is to “assist persons in difficult circumstances with necessities like food, shelter and utilities, and to help them to become self-sufficient through educational programs and advocacy.” Last year alone, CCC assisted 8,163 individuals representing 3,460 families. They distributed 194,371 lbs of food and so much more. Services of CCC include: Food Pantry Assistance, Heating/Cooling/Power/Water Assistance, Food Stamp Assistance, Emergency Rental Assistance, Homeless Emergency Support Holiday Assistance, Back-to-School Assistance, Home Repair and Job Service Assistance. I know that the fall is a busy time of year for us in Clemson. I encourage you as you drive down HWY 76 this week to not turn your head away, but to reflect and think “What can I do to assist others in the community?” You can help with current food pantry needs that include: There are also multiple other ways you can become involved. I encourage you to visit CCC’s website with address: http://www.clemsoncomunitycare.org/ and view their annual report. You will see that Holy Trinity is listed proudly in this report as a donor church. The Outreach committee is proud of this support. If I can answer any questions about this organization or if you are interested in becoming more involved, please do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected] or CCC directly at: (864) 653-4460. Rachel M. Mayo Chair, HT Outreach Committee Secretary, CCC Board Page 8 Holy Trinity September 2014 CHURCH AND THE WORLD Feet On the Ground Halupo from Manila!! It has been a wonderful and busy first week for me here in Manila. I am staying on the campus of the National office of the Philippine Episcopal Church where I also work. I spent the first few days getting used to my new surroundings; I visited to two different Malls and a Cinema that are close to the campus. I went to immigration and got an extension on my visa which was quite the people-watching experience. Last night I attended movie night in the Cathedral and met some of the youth who attend here. During the days, I work with the Episcopal Care shop or E-Shop which sells organic foods and other hand made goods from different province farms to support relief and sustainability. I work with my incredible Auntie Jenny Ong in the shop. She keeps me busy and makes sure that I eat three meals a day. Currently we are preparing for the E-Care conference which will be held here in Manila next week. All of the food we will eat over the next week will come from the farms that sell goods to the E-Shop. After the conference I will be heading to a different E-Shop about 12 hours due east that also has a processing center where I will continue to learn about all of the products, farms, and people, who make these E-shops possible. Check out my blog at kvmassey.blogspot.com for more information and updates. Peace, Kayla Massey UPDATE Family Promise is coming to Holy Trinity! The cots will be delivered at 3:00 Sunday afternoon and our Housekeeping Crew is ready to set up! We will NOT have anyone as guests Sunday evening. As early as Monday, however, we will have one family and maybe more during the week. We await more information on the constitution of our guest family. These are exciting times, and we are ready to get started. Choir Members Needed Although the choir has grown, we ALWAYS need new members. All voices are welcome. Join us at 7:15 pm every Wednesday in the choir room on the second floor of the Parish Hall. September 2014 Holy Trinity Page 9 EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL There is a busy buzz throughout the halls of the Day School! The school year started on August 19th, but it’s not too late to enroll. The Episcopal Day School still has openings for three year olds. For information, visit the school website at www. holytrinityclemson.org or contact Suzanne Watkins at [email protected] or call 654-0298. Day School Sunday will be on September 7th. Please help by welcoming the Day School staff and student families to church on this day! There are many ways you can support the Day School… • If you would like to help out with back to school supplies, the Day School welcomes the following donations: paper towels, small disposable cups (3oz.-6oz.), hand soap (individual pumps or refills), bleach, alcohol-free hand sanitizer, Kleenex, bottled water, zip lock baggies (all sizes), bottle corks, white-out tape, watercolor paper, glue sticks, printer paper (white or any color), card stock (white or any color), highlighters, cork boards (8.5”x11” up to 24”x36”). • The school collects Box Tops for Education, Labels for Education, and My Coke Rewards! Register your BI-LO BONUSCARD and help the school start earning free educational equipment! THE DAY SCHOOL BI-LO CODE IS 55852. Visit http://www.hometowneducationalrewards.com/ Register your INGLES card and help the school receive free school supplies! THE DAY SCHOOL FOR INGLES IS: 22875 Suzanne Watkins Episcopal Day School Director Dear Friends, Like most of us, we know too many people whose lives have been touched by Alzheimer’s disease, the nation’s sixthleading cause of death. Al’s father had Alzheimer’s Disease and our entire family was affected. That’s why we’re joining the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® on 09/20/2014 at Wren Park in Anderson. We've committed to raising awareness and funds to support Alzheimer’s care, support and research, and we need your help. Together, we can become an unstoppable force against this devastating disease. You can help in two ways: 1. Join us in the fight against Alzheimer's by walking with us. Our team is called Morningside on the Move. The Walk itself is for all ages, all abilities – and it’s really fun. There are a lot of people from the community, there is music, food, booths, and pets are invited! 2. Help us reach our goal by making a donation . More than 5 million people are living with Alzheimer’s and that number is expected to grow to as many as 16 million by 2050. We have to do something now! We hope to make a big contribution in the fight against Alzheimer’s by reaching our personal fundraising goal of $300.00, and we’d be so grateful if you would join or sponsor us. Your support of Walk to End Alzheimer’s will help the Alzheimer’s Association to enhance Alzheimer’s care and support and advance critical research for all those affected by this devastating disease. We are walking to make a difference for the future. We all have a reason to end Alzheimer's. Sincerely, Sharon & Al Lane Please visit our Fundraising Page at http://act.alz.org/site/TR?px=6309537&pg=personal&fr_id=5407&et=8AG5zY1NuVM0s3it4hQb7Q&s_tafId=128775 Page 10 Holy Trinity September 2014 Canterbury started off the semester by meeting tons of new students at Tiger Prowl, the organization fair on Bowman field, and passing out innumerable snow cones to everyone getting information about Canterbury. Lots of people showed up for our first meeting where we shared a meal and played “get to know you” games. On Friday of Welcome Week, Canterbury headed over to Spittono to enjoy country music and a great Clemson tradition. Welcome Week ended with Lake Day at Campus Beach after church on Sunday. First Canterbury of the Year Signup for Fall 2014 Foyer Groups The Anglican Community has for many years encouraged parishioners to form small informal gatherings called Foyer Groups. These groups of 6 to 8 members typically meet monthly for a dinner meal with no agenda other than social interaction. These groups help us develop a common bond of Christian love and concern for each other. During both Fall 2013 and Spring 2014, there were 6 foyers with approximately 8 members per group. Holy Trinity will be establishing our Fall 2014 groups over the next month. Both old and new members are encouraged to participate. Previous foyer participants are not automatically signed up. Contact Mary Ann Taylor at [email protected] or telephone (882-6542) to sign up or to obtain more information. Signup sheets will also be available in the narthex. Signup deadline, September 7, 2014. September 2014 Holy Trinity Page 11 Coffee Hour/Fellowship SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS We are looking forward to inaugurating a simple weekly coffee/fellowship time, each week after the 10:30 am Eucharist, beginning on Sunday, Sept. 7. If you are interested in being an occasional host, please contact Meredith McTigue at [email protected] or telephone (864) 710-0710. Step Up and Help—We Need You! Volunteers are needed to fill in on some of the breakfast teams. Please contact Jane Vaughn at [email protected] or call (864) 617-0092 if you can help. September Birth Flower: Aster September Birthstone: Sapphire Financial Update as of August 27, 2014 Operating Fund Income Expenses Monthly Budget $42,708.00 $42,749.00 Monthly Actual $36,705.42 $40,695.41 Income +/-Expenses ($41.00) ($3,989.99) Budget YTD $341,664.00 $341,982.00 Actual YTD $341,911.48 $328,046.48 ($318.00) +$13,865.00 Trinity Place Fund Phase II-Prism Pledge Offerings Amount Pledged Offerings received as of August 27, 2014 The Walls Campaign Amount Pledged Offerings received as of August 27, 2014 Notes Payable on Trinity Place Fund July 1, 2011---------June 30, 2016 $735,600.00 -$638,313.06 $ 97,286.94 $171,945.00 -$ 67,385.00 $104,560.00 $1,280,000.00 H O L Y TR I N IT Y E P IS C O P A L P AR IS H 1 9 3 O LD G RE EN V IL L E H IG H W AY CL EM S O N S C 2 9 6 3 1 - 1 3 3 5
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