upcoming classes - Western Nebraska Community College
upcoming classes - Western Nebraska Community College
AUGUST 2016 BUSINESS & COMMUNITY EDUCATION UPCOMING CLASSES Classes At A Glance Alliance Area Scottsbluff/Gering Area Adult Education Bob Ross Painting 2016 Scotts Bluff Valley Fiber Arts Fair Adult Drawing Adult Education Advanced Sign Language Beginner Sign Language Beginning Crochet Be Happy, Live Longer Bob Ross Painting Construction Contractors Tax CPR/First Aid Drawing For Youth (After School) English Language Acquisition Facebook and Beyond for Business Intermediate Facebook for Business Intermediate Sign Language Intro to Facebook for Business Intro to Paper Quilling and Tea Bag Folding Intro to Windows 10 Bridgeport Area English Language Acquisition Chadron Area Adult Education Basic Nursing Assistant GED Testing Kimball Area Adult Education Sidney Area Adult Education Intro to Word Pickleball Clinic QuickBooks™ Skype™ Smartphone Photography True Colors Personality Assessment ZUMBA® TAKE ONE! Class Descriptions Chadron Area 308.763.2002 Alliance Area 308.763.2002 Adult Education (Gordon, NE) See page 7 for more information. Adult Education & GED Testing See page 7 for more information. Bob Ross Painting See page 2 for August painting. September 16 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., $60 per class Alliance Knight Museum Gallery Bob Ross believed that everyone who wanted to paint, could paint like a natural with the right tools and a little encouragement. Come and experience the joy and confidence of painting a beautiful landscape using the Ross weton-wet technique. Students must bring a roll of paper towels to this class. Basic nursing assistant August 22 – September 2, 2016 (M-F) 8:00 a.m. − 4:00 p.m. $520.21 (Includes cost of book) CSC Burkhiser Building, Room 200, Chadron NE This course is designed to instruct students in becoming Basic Nursing Assistants. The course provides essential knowledge and skills to provide basic care and skills to residents/clients of health care facilities: including such topics as residents’ rights, communication, safety, observation, reporting, and assisting residents/clients in maintaining basic comfort and safety. It is designed to meet the training requirements of the federal and Nebraska state law for nursing assistants working in licensed facilities. Bridgeport Area 308.254.7407 English Language Acquisition See page 7 for more information. wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/26/16 Pre-registration is required on all Business & Community Education Classes. Call 308.635.6700 or register online at wncc.edu/bce UPCOMING CLASSES Business & Community Education Sidney Area 308.254.7407 Adult Education (Sidney, NE) See page 7 for more information. Kimball Area 308.254.7430 Adult Education (Kimball, NE) CPR/First Aid August 3, September 7, or October 5 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., $45 Harms Center This class offers instruction on the basic information in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid for first responders and initiators to incidents. Results in basic two-year certification for the skills required to perform CPR and first aid skills in the field. See page 7 for more information. See page 6 for more information. intro to Ballet & Jazz Ages 3 – 4 September 10 - November 19 (Sa) (No class Sept 24 for Farmer’s Day) 9:00 – 9:45 a.m., $50 Kimball Ag Building Your little ones begin learning the basics of ballet and jazz, terminology, and theory of movement. There is heavy emphasis on proper posture and body alignment, feet and arm positions, and a basic understanding of love and dance! Basic Ballet & Jazz Ages 5 –7 September 10 - November 19 (Sa) (No class Sept 24 for Farmer’s Day) 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., $50 Kimball Ag Building The emphasis of this class is left/right understanding, body coordination, basic ballet and jazz movements, and fostering a love of dance. Scottsbluff/Gering 308.635.6700 Adult Education English Language Acquisition (Scottsbluff, NE) See page 7 for more information. wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/26/16 * Page 2 socialization for all. The game is great for both novice and experienced sports participants. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience an excellent exercise activity, meet new friends, and have fun! Bob ross Painting August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, or December 17 9:00 a.m. − 4:00 p.m., $60 Harms Center Bob Ross believed that everyone who wanted to paint, could paint like a natural with the right tools and a little encouragement. Come and experience the joy and confidence of painting a beautiful landscape using the Ross weton-wet technique. Students must bring a roll of paper towels to this class. August Bob Ross Painting Pickleball Clinic August 13 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. FREE with pre-registration! Terry Carpenter Center Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. Two, three, or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a wiffle ball, over a net. The sport shares some features of other racquet sports; the dimensions and layout of a badminton court, a net, and rules similar to tennis, with a few modifications. Come join us for an introductory session to the fastest growing game in the nation for the 50+ age group. Get an excellent workout while having a great time! Pickleball provides exciting exercise and UPCOMING CLASSES Business & Community Education ZUMBA® September 12 – November 3 (M-TH) 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., $35 Main Building Aerobics Room Always wanted to try ZUMBA® but were intimidated by the fast pace and expert moves? Just getting started on your fitness journey? Active senior looking for a unique challenge? Then this is the class for you! Intro to windows 10 September 12 − 26 (M, W) 6:00 − 9:00 p.m. $112.50, plus book (Gold Card: $17.50, plus book) Harms Center This course focuses on learning the fundamentals of using the newest version of Windows. If you recently received or purchased a new computer, this course is for you! Students learn how to use Microsoft Windows 10, including stepby-step instructions on navigating the user interface, working with Windows 10 apps, managing files and folders, using security tools, and managing devices. Students are welcome to bring their own laptop. Advanced Sign Language pre-requisite: intermediate Sign language September 13 − October 11 (T) 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $30 Harms Center This course is a continuation of the lessons in Intermediate Sign Language. This class utilizes a practical approach to teaching wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/26/16 * Page 3 intermediate level vocabulary, grammar, and everyday applications of sign language. We work with hand shapes, appropriate facial expressions, nonmanual markers, classifiers, and common phrases. There are topics related to deaf culture as well as sign languages of other countries. Other topics include directional verbs, sign families, and noun-verb pairs. Beginner Sign Language September 15 − October 13 (TH) 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $25 Harms Center This course utilizes a practical approach to teaching vocabulary, grammar, everyday applications of sign language, and aspects of Deaf Culture. We work toward becoming familiar and comfortable with grammatical features of American Sign Language and body/facial expressions. This interactive class is for beginners and those who are looking to refresh their expressive and receptive sign skills. Adult drawing September 19 − 21 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., $25 (Deadline to register is September 16.) Harms Center Learning to draw doesn’t need to be frustrating. With the right instruction you can improve your observation skills with a few foolproof methods. This class trains your brain to use the skills you already have to tap into the right side of your brain and improve your drawing. We do basic pencil and paper drawing and move on to charcoal drawing in sessions two and three. Drawing for youth (After school) September 19 − 21 Ages: 10 − 14 3:45 – 5:00 p.m., $25 Harms Center Do you like to draw? Do you want to be able to “see” things in a way that improve your drawings? This short camp helps beginning and experienced kids draw better in a short amount of time. Learn how to make your drawings reflect what you are seeing by just a few tips and tricks from the instructor. We will start with paper and pencil drawing and then draw with colored pencils or crayons on the second and third day. Please bring colored pencils or crayons. UPCOMING CLASSES Business & Community Education physical benefits include boosting the immune center, counteracting the harmful effects of stress, relaxing the muscles, improving circulation, and providing natural pain relief. Connect with your three centers of laughter and change your attitude in 45 seconds. Learn the six daily practices to prevent hardening of the attitudes to develop a more cheerful and optimistic outlook on life. Come have fun as you experience how to be happy, to laugh and to change your attitude. Intro to Facebook for business October 4 & 6 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $30 Harms Center This class is for Facebook beginners and those who have not yet set up a Facebook business account. Class time is used to set up accounts. Learn how to create, maintain, and update a Facebook page for your business. Review how to leverage social networking to tap into the social circles of your customers. Participants must have an email account and know their password. Be Happy, Live Longer October 5 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $10 Harms Center Being happy, laughing, and having a positive attitude will add years to your life. The quest for true happiness is not really a quest at all, but a decision and a choice. Explore 10 simple ways to find happiness and enrich your life. Do you realize that you need to laugh at least 15 minutes a day to help maintain good health? Laughter not only helps us feel more alive and empowered mentally, but it has many physical benefits as well. Some of these wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/26/16 * Page 4 Intro to word October 10 − 24 (M, W) 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. $112.50, plus book Bring your imagination and device to class. Instructor Bill Loring has 15 years of experience as a professional photographer. Facebook and Beyond for business October 18 & 20 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $30 Harms Center Learn about other social media mediums and how to implement them into your current Facebook business page. In addition, we cover several other marketing options and social media medium. Learn about which social media channel best serves your business and audience/ customers. (Gold Card: $17.50, plus book) Harms Center This course is an entry-level word processing course designed to introduce students to Microsoft Word. Students create a Word document, edit, proof, and perform simple formatting of the text and pages. Intermediate Facebook for Business October 11 & 13 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $30 Harms Center Learn to create engagement with your potential customers and expand your reach. Learn how to use content and advertising strategies on Facebook to generate leads and increase your sales. Smartphone photography October 18 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $15 or November 8, 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $15 Harms Center Learn the basic rules of photography, composition, and lighting on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or other portable device. Enhance your family, friends, event, and Facebook photos. See and photograph a new world through your smartphone. Intro to paper quilling and Tea Bag Folding October 18 & 25 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $20 Harms Center Have you seen the personalized greeting cards with quilled and tea bag folded decorations? They are just beautiful! This class teaches the art of paper filigree quilling and tea bag folding which can be used to decorate cards, gift tags, and stationary or make pictures, decorations and ornaments. Quilling is the art of rolling strips of paper into coils or scrolls to form decorative dimensional filigree. Inexpensive paper, white or colored printer paper, magazine pages, gift wrap, old sheet music, etc. can be recycled and UPCOMING CLASSES Business & Community Education used to make your personalized gifts. No quilling experience is required. Please bring: scissors, ruler, and a container to take home your delicate creations. Everything else is provided. Intermediate sign language October 18 − November 15 (T) 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $30 Harms Center This course utilizes a practical approach to teaching intermediate sign language. This class is a continuation of the Beginner Sign Language. Students are encouraged to have taken Beginner Sign Language or have knowledge of basic signs. This course not only deals with more vocabulary, but also includes the use of non-manual markers, facial expression, classifiers, and the grammatical structure of American Sign Language. We also work on receptive sign skills and continue with the fluency of finger-spelling. China — A Land of Contrasts October 19, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $10 Harms Center • DID YOU KNOW that fireworks, the compass, and umbrellas were invented in China? • DID YOU KNOW that the quote, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” comes from the Chinese philosopher Confucius? • DO YOU KNOW about the Great Wall, Bejing, the Forbidden City, and Terracotta Warriors? • DO YOU KNOW the story behind the Zodiac Calendar? • DID YOU KNOW that Avatar was filmed in the Stone Forest in China? In this session, explore well-known Chinese landmarks, traditions, holidays, customs, and schools. China is definitely an intersting land of contrasts. Come and learn about this country that is so significant in our world today. wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/26/16 * Page 5 Women as Warriors (Women’s self defense) October 26, 6:00 − 9:00 p.m., $20 Harms Center Women as Warriors is a comprehensive mix of physical training and scholarly learning. Not only will you learn handson physical techniques for threatening situations , this class has the added bonus of classroom work that analyzes FBI personality profiles of common attackers, how to develop a personalized safety plan, and in-depth discussion about tactics and strategies that make the physical techniques most effective. Time is allotted to discuss/explore your most pressing questions on personal self-defense. Please wear work-out clothes and shoes. Skype™ November 1 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or November 15 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., $15 Harms Center Videoconferencing is a fun and exciting way to see and talk with friends and loved ones. With the click of a mouse, or the swipe of a finger on your laptop, iPad, Kindle, smartphone or other mobile device, you can connect with anyone around the world instantly. Explore Skype™ and learn how it can help bridge the gap between you and your clientele, family and friends. Bring your Skype™ or Microsoft account (Messenger, Hotmail or Outlook.com) information with you, and your username and password, if you have one. You can bring your own laptop or mobile device. True Colors Personality Assesment November 2 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $20 Harms Center Have you ever wondered why you are immediately drawn to certain people and dislike others? Do the actions of some people drive you crazy? Do you sometimes have trouble understanding your spouse, children or grandchildren? It could be personality type. Come to this class and find out if you are a gold, blue, green, or orange. By exploring these four personality types, you learn to recognize your personal strengths and those of others, understand and build rapport with others, communicate with different people, and accept those who are different from you. It is a fun way to find out why your sock drawer is organized or not; you like that group hug or not; you answer questions with a question or not; you like being the center of attention or not. Come and learn to see people in a new light. Beginning excel November 7 − 21(M, W) 6:00 − 9:00 p.m. $112.50, plus book (Gold Card: $17.50, plus book) Harms Center This course is an entry-level spreadsheet course. Students learn to use simple formulas, format a spreadsheet, create a chart, and link worksheets together. Application projects vary to meet the needs of the class. Beginning Crochet November 8 & 15 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $20 Harms Center Learn the basic “language” of crochet, a variety of stitches, and how to read a pattern. You are introduced to the abbreviations and symbols used for crochet instructions, how to determine the UPCOMING CLASSES Business & Community Education 2016 Scotts Bluff Valley Fiber Arts Fair September 9 & 10 * 8:30 a.m. − 4:00 p.m. nebraskafiberfair.com/classes FRIDAY LOCATION: Harms Center SATURDAY LOCATION: Scotts Bluff County Fairgrounds For a complete list of classes, including time, instructor, class description, class/materials fees, and class size visit nebraskafiberfair.com/classes. Friday All-Day Classes • Color and Weave Sampler Scarf • Weaving as Easy as Wrap, Weave & Wear • Traditional Rug Hooking • Wagon Wheel Rugs • The Art and Science of Crochet Spirals • Scoreboard Cowl/Scarf • Wet Felting 101 • Beginning Spinning on the Drop Spindle • Wool Dyeing in the Brown Sheep Lab • Double Knitting Friday Morning Classes 8:30 − 11:30 a.m. • Silk Paper — or is it Fabric? • Fair Isle Knitting 101 • The Perfect Fit Crocheted Hat • Toe-Up Socks on Magic Loop • 3-D Needle Felting and Embellishing • Wool Dyeing in the Brown Sheep Lab • Wet Felting Woolen Bowls • Get Twisted: Learn to Spin on a Spinning Wheel Saturday Morning Classes 9:00 a.m. − 12:00 p.m. • Log Cabin Technique • Spinning Novelty Yarn on a Wheel • How to Select Color Palettes for Knitting and other Fiber Arts • Playing with Triangles Shawl • Don't Throw Those T-Shirts Away! (Kid-friendly class) Friday Afternoon Classes 1:00 − 4:00 p.m. • Continental Knitting for Throwers • Delectable Cloth: Gelli Plate Printing Fabric • Bobbin Lace: The Adventure Begins Saturday Afternoon Classes 1:00 − 2:00 p.m. • Fair Isle Knitting 201 — Sweater Construction • Don't Let Your Hobby Hurt • One-Hour Weaving Demonstration appropriate yarn/fibers, best size of hook to use for each fiber, and the importance of correctly maintaining the suggested gauge. Techniques learned include a basic granny square, decorative granny square, gift items, household accessories, and some requests from class members. Cleaning, blocking, and assembling crochet parts are also discussed. Illustrated instructions and handouts are provided at each class. No previous crochet experience is necessary. Please bring scissors and a G and H crochet hooks. wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/26/16 * Page 6 QuickBooks™ Basics November 16 or December 14 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., $55 (Gold Card does not apply to this class) Harms Center Are you new to QuickBooks™? Would you like to learn how to set up QuickBooks™ to make it more effective for you or your business? Please join us for a full-day class that focuses on the basics of setting up your QuickBooks™ software. Feel free to attend regardless of the version of QuickBooks™ you currently use. PLEASE NOTE: This class does not cover taxes or payroll deduction Construction Contractors tax December 7 1:00 − 4:00 p.m., $10 Harms Center This course covers Nebraska sales and use tax as it applies to construction contactors. You benefit from this course if you perform construction services or handle bookkeeping for contractors. If you ever need to hire a contractor, this course explains to customers what forms need to completed, and how the invoice they receive should look. The presentation covers licensing requirements, contrator registration, contractor otpions, exemptions, reporting, and taxable services. There is plenty of time for questions and answers. Students must print, and bring a copy of the PowerPoint provided on the Nebraska Department of Revenue website, revenue.nebraska.gov (click on “Taxpayer Education). Sales & Use Tax December 7 8:30 − 11:30 a.m., $10 Harms Center This course covers the basics of Nebraska sales and use tax. Sales tax affects everyone! If you are a business owner or considering starting your own business, this information is a must for you, or anyone who handles your bookkeeping. This information not only benefits professionals, but the general public can learn how sales tax affects them every day. The presentation covers all areas of sales and use tax, including licensing requirements, exemptions, reporting, and taxable services. There is plenty of time for questions and answers. Students must print, and bring a copy of the PowerPoint provided on the Nebraska Department of Revenue website, revenue.nebraska.gov (click on “Taxpayer Education). ADULT EDUCATION Locations & Hours of Operation The Adult Education Program focuses on preparing students for a successful future. Preparing for life is more than just earning a diploma or learning to speak English. The Adult Education program aims to provide the tools for greater academic, professional, and personal success. All Adult Education students are enrolled in the new Success Class, where they explore career opportunities, identify their dream careers, create a detailed path to follow as the journey forward. This class is designed to build a strong foundation of problem solving, analytical thinking and organization skills, as well as teach strategies for producing greater academic success. After completing this course, students move into the appropriate GED classes or English as a Second Language classes. COMING SOON! Adult Education Program at WNCC Alliance Campus KIMBALL HIGH SCHOOL Call 308.635.6769 for more information. Adult Education & GED Classes English Language Acquisition BRIDGEPORT HIGH SCHOOL Call 308.635.6769 for more information. Dawes County GED Classes WILLIAMS BUILDING 308.635.6768 (Year-round) Cost: $20 M - TH * 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. M - TH * 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. M - TH * 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Adult Education Orientation & Enrollment M & W * 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Call 308.635.6770 for an appointment. HEAD START 308.747.2017 M, T * 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. T - TH * 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Adult Education Evening Orientation & Enrollment Call 308.635.6770 for an appointment. For registration information, call 308.747.2017 GED Testing CHADRON STATE COLLEGE 308.432.3393 Testing is once a month on various days. Please call for the most up-to-date schedule. Sheridan County 817 N. OAK STREET, GORDON Near Gordon High School 308.635.6770 (Year-round) Cost: $20 T * 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. W * 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Adult Education Scotts Bluff County Morrill County Adult Education Kimball County Citizenship Classes If you are interested in attending Citizenship Classes, please call 308.635.6770. A minimum of seven people must register in order to hold the classes. Scotts Bluff County English Language Acquisition GUADALUPE RECREATIONAL CENTER 308.635.6768 M - TH * 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. M, T, TH * 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. W * 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. NORTHFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL T, TH * 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. GED Testing JOHN N. HARMS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CENTER 308.635.6738 TH * 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. F * 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. **Classroom instruction hours are subject to change. Cheyenne County Adult Education WNCC SIDNEY CAMPUS 308.254.7458 (Year-round) Cost: $20 T - TH * 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR CAREER CENTER (ONE STOP) 308.635.6770 (Year-round) Cost: $20 M - TH * 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 308.635.6769 OR EMAIL [email protected]. wncc.edu Updated 7/26/16 * Page 7 Education that continues. Learn more. UPCOMING CLASSES Business & Community Education Want to share your interests and talents with others? WE WANT YOU! We’re looking for Community Education instructors to share their interests in photography, arts and crafts, painting, plants and gardening, fishing, traveling ... YOU NAME IT! For more information or to simply discuss your ideas for a class, call Lori Stromberg at 308.635.6703 or email [email protected] to visit about these opportunities. If you are at least 60 years of age, we invite you to join our Gold Card Club! Please request a “Gold Card” when you call to register for a credit class. This card entitles you to FREE TUITION (up to six credit hours per semester) for WNCC credit classes. Gold Card Members are still responsible for fees, materials, and books. wncc.edu/bce Updated 7/25/16 * Page 8
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Upcoming classes - Western Nebraska Community College
This course is an entry-level spreadsheet
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