Iglesia San Lorenzo 5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614
Iglesia San Lorenzo 5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614
5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614-6623 Phone: (813) 875-4040 ~ www.stlawrence.org Parish Office Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00am-5:30pm September 4, 2016 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am (signed for the hearing impaired), 12:30pm, 5:00pm (en español), 7:00pm Weekday Masses M - F: 6:30am, 8:30am Martes: 7:00pm (en español) Saturday: 8:30am Morning Prayer: 8:00am Mon - Sat Anointing of the Sick every last Saturday following 8:30am Mass SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 2:45 - 3:45pm Sunday 4:00pm (en español) First Friday: following the 8:30am Mass and 6:00pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT in the Christ Child Chapel following the 8:30am Mass every Thursday, closing with Saturday 2:00pm Benediction St. Lawrence Catholic School Early Childhood (PK-3) through 8th Grade (813) 879 - 5090 www.stlawrencecatholicschool.org Page 2 September 4, 2016 Dear sisters and brothers, Filled with sand spurs and scrub pines, a mixture of pastureland and swamp, when Himes Avenue was only 2 lanes and without curbs and there was no Carrollwood and no Town ‘n’ Country, Monsignor Lawrence E. Higgins was directed by Archbishop Joseph Hurley to build a parish and for 59 years as a diocesan priest he gave his heart and soul to the people of our community. I think it’s true that in a priest’s funeral he preaches his last homily, his final sermon. We are all from different backgrounds and in various ways he connected to us and like good mentors and friends in our lives whose words emerge at a time like this, so do his. Monsignor’s message was the Gospel of Jesus about the primacy of faith and a strong prayer life. Closest to Monsignor’s heart was the importance of faith and family as he would often say, “It all starts with la familia.” It’s about family praying and worshiping together, being there for each other and forgiving when necessary. As the years went by, he became even more enmeshed in the community and his compassion went out to worthy causes and people he cared about deeply. Monsignor had a special gift for connecting with people. In times of difficulty and sadness people knew he really cared for them. This past year, since I’ve been back to Tampa I’ve heard story after story from people across our community about how he was there for them. What he strove for reminds us that we are all called to connect to others and make a difference. Finally, I would like to write about what he says to us about the way he lived his last year. Since just before he broke his hip a year ago, it’s been a struggle especially for someone who has always been so active. For the Murray family and those close friends who cared for him so devotedly, he taught us all to live until we die. His care for others never wavered. His hopeful spirit and constant prayer were edifying. A couple of months ago, I remember him giving advice to one of our seminarians. It was a special moment to see him encouraging someone aspiring to the priesthood. He told him to be sure to pray every day, to stay close to the Blessed Mother through the rosary and that “it’s the people that make the pastor, not the pastor that makes the people.” Monsignor Higgins our priest, visionary and friend leaves us a legacy of faith reaching out to others that will endure for generations to come. May the angels lead him into Paradise! Fr. Mike Muhr Pastor Page 3 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time \Ç {|á ÉãÇ ãÉÜwáAAA “You serve the church when you serve your family” “It all starts with la familia” “You can lose every basketball game , but you must beat Christ the King.” “Let’s do it!” “We live in order to die in order to live again.” “I’m so happy God sent me to Tampa. This is my place. Hopefully, I am going to live and die here with the people I love.” “It’s the people that make the pastor, not the pastor that makes the people.” “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” Hebrews 7:17 “Thanks for the memories.” From top to bottom - A young Fr. Higgins addresses a parish group (circa 1962). Baptism of Nathan Greico, last sacrament administered before retirement (2007). Monsignor interpreting the Word of God for our everyday life. September 4, 2016 Page 4 Special Intentions for the Masses and Deceased September 5-11, 2016 TUE 6:30 A.M. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is presented every week and is held in the Christ Child Chapel, Thursday, 9:15am (right after the 8:30 a.m. Mass) ending with Benediction on Saturday afternoon at 2:00pm THU 6:30A.M. Please prayerfully consider being an adorer. If you are able to cover an hour occasionally, please contact Dolores at 813 962-0191. Thank you and may God bless you for your commitment to Adoration. Corpus Verum Pious Association. MON 6:30 I.J. LKL ZLNNOKPP 8:30 I.J. HIQQR FISITKP — VLWO IOT JXYWKZZK NI[QK\ LIRZI HIZZ ^ CWXZTQKO — \WK KYWI_I`IZ NIJXZR 8:30 A.M GQKSLQXL DK LI RX[KQI — EZX_I`K\W ZXOIQKP 7:00 P.M EbP\LZXI AQSbKTIP ASbXZIQ — MIQX`KZ CWIO\L WED 6:30 I.J GQIYK ZLNNOKPP 8:30 I.J FZLQIOYK LIZZR FLQ \WK XO\KO\XLOP LN \WK YLOSQKSI\XLO, XO SQI\X\bTK — TIO `KIZ 8:30 A.M. MIQXO BIYXb — JKZX\I `IYXb FRI 6:30 A.M. VLYI\XLOP \L \WK PQXKP\WLLT IOT RKZXSXLbP LXNK — S\. LIdQKOYK 8:30 A.M CQXP\XOI PKQK_ — WKQ JL\WKQ , K[I SAT 8:30 A.M. SXZ[XI OQ\X_ — WKQ YWXZTQKO 4:00 P.M. CZIQI KI\WKQXOK DIOXKZP — WKQ TIbSW\KQ SUN 7:30 A.M. LI FIJXZR — I FQXKOT 9:30 A.M. NXYe ^ CI\WR PIYYXLOK 11:00 A.M. S\. LIdQKOYK PIQXPWXLOKQP . 12:30 P.M. DQ SLZIOSK PKOTIP — BKQOXK IOT MIQSIQK\ `KZIO 5:00 P.M. EO GQIYXIP PLQ ZI CLJbOXTIT TK VKOK_bKZI EO HLOLQ A ZI VXQSKO TK CLQLJL\L — ZI YLJbOXTIT [KOL_LZI TK SIO ZLQKO_L 7:00 P.M. MLTKP\I , GZITXK IOT EbSKOXL PKQK_ — AQJIOTL fKQK_ With gratitude to our advertiser of the Week whose support helps to publish this bulletin Please Pray For Our Parish Family Illness Emelda Fabic Jose Callejas Jim Wehman Pam Toner Katie Lopes Lena Campodonico Maria Agudo Eric Escalone Carmen Collazo Brunilda Perez Rosalie Nocilla Diana Perez Ribas Joyce Wehman Chris Nardelli Sr. Marie C. Sullivan Joseph Miele Zbe Duncan Clara Tabares Howard Musgraves Benson Rios Tammy Cancel Baby Olivia Iglesias Ragaa Ismail Joseph Miele Deceased Msgr. Laurence E. Higgins Ernest DiFabrizio Osvaldo Plasencia Delgado George Anello, Jr. Cipriano and Asuncion Santana William T. Palko Page 5 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Report Collection for the Week of August 28, 2016 Envelopes and Checks $15,540.00 Loose Collection $2,824.12 Electronic Giving $10,848.00 Total Amount of Collection $29,212.12 APA 2016 Need More Information on? Sacraments Baptisms Presenting a child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism is a serious obligation on the part of the parents and requires the Faith commitment by being a practicing Catholic. Parents are to contact the parish office at 813-875-4040, Ext. 202 before attending the required instruction class. Further information will be given to you at that time. Marriages Thank you to all that have made a contribution or pledge to APA! Currently we have $153,674 pledged toward our goal of $279,696 by the generous parishioners of St. Lawrence! Please prayerfully consider joining our brothers and sisters throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg by participating in this vital initiative which provides help to so many in our diocese. Thank you for your continued support! Labor Day Holiday Monday, September 5, 2016 Parish Office and School Will Be Closed Labor Day is annually held on the first Monday of September. It was originally organized to celebrate various labor associations' strengths of and contributions to the United States economy. It is largely a day of rest in modern times. Many people mark Labor Day as the end of the summer season and a last chance to make trips or hold outdoor events. Have a Blessed Day! Call the parish office, 813-875-4040 at least six (6) months before anticipated wedding. All couples must participate in the preparation program mandated by the Diocese after the assessment process has been completed and a wedding date scheduled. Penance Saturday 2:45p.m.-3:45p.m. , First Friday: following the 8:30a.m. Mass and 6:00p.m. Tuesday: 6:15p.m.-6:45p.m. before the 7:00p.m. Mass and Sunday : 4:15p.m.—4:45p.m. en Español or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Every last Saturday following the 8:30a.m. Mass Ministry to the Sick, Homebound and Hospitalized: Eucharist is brought regularly to the homebound and sick. If you have a relative or friend who can not make it to church and they would like Holy Communion to be brought to them, please call the parish office, provide details and someone will call you as soon as possible to make arrangements, parish office number is as follows 813-875-4040. Do you have a legal question? Legal Consultation and Referral Service on Mondays by appointment. The service is free and provided by an attorney parishioner. Please call (813) 932-2404 to schedule an appointment. September 4, 2016 Upcoming Events Page 6 Please Pray for those Serving In The Military “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.” Raquel Figueroa Air Force Luis Figueroa Air Force John Lillis Air Force Ron Thornton Air Force Larry Stroud Air Force Christopher Marino Air Force Matthew R. Daniels Air Force Jason Ullrich Air Force Andrés Punpo Air Force Michael Kellebrew Air Force Gilbert Sergio Perez Air Force Daniel J. Gonzalez Air Force Anthony W. Alexander Air Force Angel Goya Air Force Jessica Martinez Air Force Kyle Anderson Air Force Jonathan Valencia Air Force Ryan Smith Army John Shepherd Army Jason Hawk Army Mark Shuler Army Matthew Giorgio Army Mark Baranowsky Army Jace Badía Army Sherri Smith Army Anthony Brown Army Donald Wainscott Army Jason Steward Army Luis A. Crespo, Jr. Army Miguel Colón Army Daniel Padrón Army Michael Holenke Army Tom LeClaire Army Matthew Shamey Army Rusty Gaeta Army Joseph Gibson Army Oscar Alva Army David Wyman Army David Alva Army Russell Lodato Army Garrett Hayward Army Roland Loynaz Army Zachary Rodriguez Army Timothy Hall Army Johnathon Hall Army Jose Arturo Lopez Army Patrick Nager Army Mario Perez Army Aaron Crayne Army Karla M Madariaga-Crayne Army Jonathan Merced Army William Martin Army Napasha Martin Army E.B. Marcus Hopiak Army Ubaldo Fernandez Army Lazaro R. Pupo Army Ronald Falleck, Jr. Army Roberto Portales Army Michael Gauthier Army Francisco F Rodriguez Army Robby Best Army Matthew Southworth Army Bradley J Shapley Army Eric M. Gonzalez, Jr. Army Tanner Dieppa Army John C. Schleicher Coast Guard Mike Berlin Coast Guard Denise Fairbanks Coast Guard John Turner Coast Guard John H. Lovejoy Coast Guard Blake Anthony GarciaCoast Guard Kevin Marilla Marine Kevin Castro Guevara Marine Jimmy Pezzulo Marine David Smith Marine Shae Wheeler Marine Derek De Timmerman Marine Eric Booth Marine Edward Soriano Marine Arlon Gregg Marine Brett Zehnder Marine Kyle Henry Nat’l Guard Carlos A. Melendez Nat’l Guard Adam Finck Navy Gilbert Pérez III Navy Carlie Stevens Navy Andrew P. Sánchez Navy Jose Carlos Figueredo Navy Elizabeth Dominguez Navy Adam Peterman Navy Joshua Fair Navy Johans Chavarro, Jr. Navy Domenick Micillo Navy Ben Maurer Navy Rosemary Cerrato Navy Star Stell Navy David A. Kors Navy Joseph Montero Service Victor D. Guzman Gov. Contractor John Blidy, Jr. Gov. Contractor Erik Herring Civilian Contractor If you know of a STL parish family in need of assistance with back to school items, please contact Audrey Boston at the parish office (875-4040 x202). All referrals will remain confidential. ATTENTION ALL PANTRY VOLUNTEERS: We have such great volunteers assisting with the MT25 ministry and we are sincerely grateful. Just remember to register on Volunteer Spot for the shift you would like to cover. At the parish website, click on the tab Matthew 25 Outreach Ministry. Look for “How to Get Involved” then click on Click here to sign up through Volunteer Spot. Look for “View calendar or jump to any date” (upper right hand corner). Select the date you wish to volunteer and then select the shift. It’s that easy!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS, WE COULDN’T DO WHAT WE DO WITHOUT YOU! ITEMS CURRENTLY NEEDED IN THE PANTRY: Pudding Cups; Fruit Cups; Granola Bars; Peanut Butter Crackers and bag soup. Page 7 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Lawrence – On the Web! Our new website is an easy way to find out information about St. Lawrence! Today’s website feature is the Priest Schedule section of our website. When you visit www.stlawrence.org, you will see a page like this: St. Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care (providers of Creighton Model NFP services and training in our diocese), will host "That’s Amore" fundraiser Banquet Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 at Christ the King's McGloughlin Center, beginning at 6:00 p.m. with auction, games, and dinner provided by “Catering by the Family. Call 813-494-5284 for more information on sponsorships and reservations ($50 individual) or go to our website event page at www.stgiannacenter.com If you click here Parish Census Please turn yours in today! A parish census form and/or card helps us to know how many families we are serving and how we can serve you best! Please only complete a census card to update a change. These forms may be dropped in the offertory baskets. Thank you! You will come to a page like this: National Alliance on Mental Illness Family-to-Family Program The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will be presenting their 12-week Family-to- Family class at St. Paul's in Tampa on Thursday evenings beginning September 1. Family-to-Family is a free class for family and friends of adults living with mental illness. The course is designed to help family members understand and support their loved one living with mental illness, while maintaining their own well-being. If interested, please contact Deacon Ray Dever at [email protected] or call the parish office at 813-961-3023 . 2nd Annual Adaptive Ministry Roundtable Do you lead, are part of, or want to learn more about disability ministry? The One Roof Initiative invites you to our 2nd Annual Adaptive Ministry Roundtable on Saturday, August 27th from 10 am - 1 pm at St. James United Methodist Church (16202 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, Tampa). This free interactive event is for attendees to learn from some of the best teachers...each other! Registration at this link: www.theoneroof.com. This page will give you details on which priests are celebrating Masses for the coming week. Our website is mobile friendly! You can visit it from your computer or mobile device! September 4, 2016 Page 8 St. Lawrence Catholic School News The 2016—2017 School Year is off to a GREAT Start! Students are already exploring and learning in the brand new STREAM lab, and they are excited to put to use all the brand new computers in the Technology lab. Thank you, Parents’ Club! September School Calendar 5 Labor Day Holiday, No Classes 7 All School Mass, 8:30 AM 13Donuts with Dad; Gr. K-3; 7:30-8:00 AM 14All School Mass; 8:30 AM 15Donuts with Dad EC, 4-5; 7:30-8:00 AM 16Donuts With Dad Gr. 6 - 8; 7:30-8:30 AM 18Catechetical Sunday - Blessing of Catechists at 9:30 AM Mass 21Discipleship Word & Scripture Verse Ceremony, 8:15 AM 21 All School Mass, 8:30 AM 23Parent/Teacher Conference Day - Noon Dismissal; Celtic Pride 26 Yearbook Pictures - EC - Grades 3 & 6 27 Yearbook Pictures - Grades 4, 5, 7 & 8 27 Gr. 6 Psalm 139 Retreat; 8:10 AM - 3:10 PM 28 All School Mass - 8:30 AM Page 9 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time All are Welcome to St. Lawrence Catholic Church ! ¡Todos son bienvenidos a la Iglesia Católica de San Lorenzo! Msgr. Michael Muhr Pastor Msgr. Michael Muhr, Párroco Fr. Steven “Chuck” Dornquast Parochial Vicar Senior Priests In Residence Msgr. Laurence E. Higgins, Pastor Emeritus Fr. Crispin Keating, O.F.M. Assisting Priests Msgr. Joseph McCahon Fr. Ramon Hernandez Fr. Rock Travnikar, O.F.M. Deacons Deacon Cris Stout Deacon Greg Lambert Deacon Julio Vázquez Pastoral Staff Audrey Boston: Director of Sacramental Services Deacon Cris Stout: Administrator of Pastoral Programs Neil Kennedy: Assist. Administrator of Pastoral Programs Danah Lee: Higgins Hall Events Manager Daniel Allen: Facilities Manager Glenda Paschall: Accountant/Office Manager Leo Tellado: Director of Spanish Mass Music Luisa M. Long: Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries And Bulletin Editor Philip Jakob: Director of Music Ministries Tim Cleaver: Coordinator of Ministries Opportunities Chris McBride: Director of High School Youth Ministry Luisa M. Long: Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries Sarah Williford: Director Religious Education and Youth Faith Formation/EDGE P. Steven “Chuck” Dornquast, Vicario Parroquial Sacerdotes en Residencia Msgr. Laurence E. Higgins, Pastor Emeritus P. Crispín Keating, O.F.M. Sacerdote(s) Asistente P. Ramon Hernandez, Diáconos Diácono Cris Stout Diácono Greg Lambert Diácono Julio Vázquez Personal Pastoral Parroquial Audrey Boston: Directora de Servicios de Sacramentos Diácono Cris Stout: Administrador Parroquial Danah Lee: Gerente de Eventos Salón Higgins Daniel Allen: Gerente de Facilidades Glenda Paschall: Gerente de la Oficina Contable Leo Tellado: Director de Musica en Español Luisa M. Long: Coordinadora de Ministerios Hispanos, y Editora de Boletín Philip Jakob: Director de Musica Misas en Español Domingos ~ 5:00 p.m. y Martes ~ 7:00 p.m. Confesiónes En Español Martes 6:15 – 6:45pm antes de Misa Domingo 4:15pm ~ 4:45pm antes de Misa Sacramentos Pastorales a los Enfermos llame a la oficina parroquial al 813-875-4040. Ministerios Hispanos MARTES For Sacrament of the Sick and Homebound Please call the parish office at 813-875-4040. Grupo MDS Para Matrimonios Seguiente Salón San Augustin 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Contacte: Edwin y Vicky Perez - 813 449 3209/813-943-2984 Knights of Columbus Council 11830 Alcides Segui: Grand Knight 813-389-2590 MIÉRCOLES St. Lawrence Catholic School Therese Hernandez: Principal Melodie Jaffe: Parents Club President Grupo de Oración “El Buen Pastor” 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Henry Menendez 813-503-5748 Grupo de Emaús Mujeres 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m Elba Nieves 813-506-3291 DOMINGO Rosario Dedicado a Nuestra Santisima Madre 4 de Sep'embre 2016 Pagina 10 Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Lleno de espuelas de arena y pinos de matorral, una mezcla de pastizales y pantanos, cuando la avenida de Himes era sólo 2 carriles y sin bordillos , o cera y no había Carrollwood y sin Town 'n' Country, el Monseñor Lawrence E. Higgins fue dirigido por el arzobispo Joseph Hurley a construir una parroquia y durante 59 años como sacerdote diocesano dio su corazón y el alma a las personas de nuestra comunidad. Creo que es cierto que en el funeral de un sacerdote el predica su última homilía, su último sermón. Todos somos de diferentes orígenes y de muchas maneras , él Monseñor conecto con nosotros y como todos los buenos mentores y amigos dejo raises en nuestras vidas, sus palabras surgen en un momento como este, también las de el. El que no carga con su propia cruz para seguirme luego, no puede ser discipulo mío.” Lucas 14:27 El mensaje del Monseñor era el Evangelio de Jesús acerca de la primacía de la fe y una fuerte vida de oración. Más cercano al corazón del Monseñor fue la importancia de la fe y la familia como decía a menudo, "Todo comienza con La Familia." Se trata de la oración familiar y adorar juntos, siendo el uno para el otro y dando el perdón cuando sea necesario. A medida que pasaron los años, se convirtió en una fuerza aún más inmersa en la comunidad y su compasión salió a causas nobles y a la gente que le importaba profundamente. El Monseñor tenía un don especial para conectar con la gente. En tiempos de dificultad y tristeza la gente sabía que él realmente se preocupaba por ellos. Este año pasado, desde que regrese a la area de Tampa y a esta comunidad he oído una historia tras otra de personas a través de nuestra comunidad sobre la forma en que él estaba allí para ellos. Sus esfuerzós debe para nosotros recuerdarnos que todos estamos llamados para conectarnos a otros y hacer una diferencia. Por último, me gustaría escribir sobre lo que nos dice acerca de la forma en que vivió su último año. Desde poco antes de que se fracturó la cadera hace un año, ha sido una luchar especialmente para alguien que siempre via sido tan activo. Para la familia Murray y los amigos cercanos que se preocuparon por él con tanta devoción, que nos enseñó a vivir hasta la muerte. Su cuidado por los demás nunca vaciló. Su espíritu esperanzador y oración constante era edificante. Hace un par de meses, recuerdo que le daba consejo a uno de nuestros seminaristas. Fue un momento especial para verlo animándo a alguien que aspira al sacerdocio. Él le dijo que se asegúrase de orar todos los días, para estar cerca de Santa Virgen Maria y a través del rosario y que "es la gente quien hace el pastor, no el pastor que hace a la gente ". El Monseñor Higgins, nuestro sacerdote, visionario y amigo nos deja un patrimonio de fe , de acercarse a los demás que perdurará para las generaciones venideras. Que los ángeles le guien al paraíso! Padre Mike Muhr Párroco Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Pagina 11 Ministerio de Lectores 11 de Septiembre 2016 Lecturas: Dedíquele tiempo al Señor en el Santísimo ] Primera: Carlos Jose Peralta Segunda: Mariana Triay Oración Para Un Nuevo Obispo Dios todopoderoso y eterno, Pastor que guías a tu pueblo. Te damos gracias por habernos concedido al Obispo Roberto Lynch como obispo nuestro durante los últimos veinte años. Confiados en tu amor durante este tiempo de transición, creemos que, una vez más, darás a la Diócesis de St. Petersburg un pastor que nos inspire a ser el corazón misericordioso de Cristo, su voz de esperanza y sus manos de justicia. Fortalece a nuestro nuevo obispo, para que guíe nuestros pensamientos e ilumine nuestro corazón con la verdad del evangelio, el poder de los sacramentos, y el deseo de servirte en todas las cosas. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén Aproveche la gran bendición de tener al Santísimo expuesto todas las semanas desde el Jueves después de la Santa Misa de 8:30a.m. hasta el Sábado a las 2:00p.m. No pierda la oportunidad que la Iglesia San Lorenzo ofrece y dedíquele una hora como el Señor nos pide, en su presencia. Adórele y pídale que le guíe para siempre hacer su Voluntad. Necesitamos su ayuda, por favor pongalo en oración. ¡Venga a Adorarlo! El Santo Rosario Dedicado a Nuestra Santísima Madre No pierdas la gran oportunidad de únirte a rezar el Rosario en la capilla. Todos los Domingos, antes de la Santa Misa de las 5:00p.m. Todos son bienvenidos! Día del Trabajo ~ Lunes, 05 de Septiembre 2016 La Oficina Parroquial y la escuela permanecerá cerrada. El Día del Trabajo se celebra anualmente el primer lunes de septiembre. Fue organizado originalmente para celebrar fortalezas y contribuciones de diversas asociaciones del trabajo para la economía de Estados Unidos. ¡Que tengas un buen dia! 4 de Sep'embre 2016 Page 12 Page 13 Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Misa en Honor a la Virgen de Coromoto Patrona de Venezuela 11 de Septiembre 2016 - Iglesia San Lorenzo Rosario 4:15pm — Misa 5:00pm Celebrando cada año las Advocaciones Marianas de Latinoamérica Santa María de Coromoto en Guanare de los Cospes o Virgen de Coromoto es la patrona de Venezuela y, desde el 19 de Noviembre de 2011 Patrona Principal de la Iglesia Arquidiocesana de Caracas luego que la Santa Sede aprobó su designación. Es una advocación mariana, venerada tanto en la ciudad de Guanare, (Capital del Estado Portuguesa en Venezuela), donde apareció hace 362 años, como en toda Venezuela. Todos son invitados a compartir en esta celebración de Festividad Mariana! Iglesia San Lorenzo 5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614 View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com CatholicMatch Florida CatholicMatch.com/goFL View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com © 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc.