June 2014 newsletter
June 2014 newsletter
Volume 60, Issue 6 The Friendly Visitor June, 2014 Our Vision is: Enlarging the circle of disciples through Jesus Our Mission is Embracing, Equipping and Empowering persons to Evangelize through Jesus. Three years ago as incoming pastor of First Church the transition process was moving on and may I say: efficiently and effortlessly. Three years after I am thankful for the prayerful-faithful-fruitful disciples of First Church. Disciples who in many respects know what it means to worship God and be of service to God’s people near and far. Three years ago as a servant of God called to be in His itinerant ministry I was elated in knowing that God still licenses me to be an instrument of service. Three years after all praise and thanks to God for the group of people; each with valuable gifts and graces making the work of ministry and mission much more meaningful and transforming with the help of God as Team Leaders. Three years ago I was packing boxes; saying goodbyes; experiencing moments of sadness and nervousness; because leaving one vineyard after seven years for another rather unknown mission field demands complete faith and faithfulness. Three years now after attending organized transition gatherings within the new district and trying to navigate the new mission field I am appreciative of the directions of God the Master Itinerant Preacher in my life and vocation. Three years and counting! May God who planned and is implementing His vision encourage and empower all disciples of First Church to be much involved in the making of disciples through the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Van Wert First United Methodist Church @vanwertfirst First United Methodist Church 113 W. Central Avenue Van Wert, Ohio 45891 Phone: 419.238.0631 Fax: 419-238-3608 [email protected] www.vanwertfirst.net Three years and counting my friends and fellow pilgrims; let’s ponder the words of a hymn written in 1894 by Arthur Campbell Ainger: God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year God is working his purpose out, and the time is drawing near; nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. All that we do can have no worth, unless God bless the deed; vainly we hope for the harvest-tide, till God gives life to the seed; yet nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Three years and counting! Let’s allow God to be God. Amen. Gus 2 SCHEDULE WORSHIP Sunday Services - Blended Service 8:15 am Traditional Service 10:45 am SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 am (all ages) Nursery provided For worship services & Sunday school A.W.E.—Marcia Wise Alternate Worship Experience for children Summer hiatus Worship broadcast - 9:30 am & 6 pm Sundays 1:30 pm Thursdays Time Warner channel 6 Liturgical Arts tba DVDs - Copies of the worship services are available in the church library to borrow. To purchase, see Susan. SENIOR CHOIR Summer hiatus First United Methodist Church – Lectionary Readings – June, Date June 01, June 08, June 15, June 22, June 29, Preaching Scripture 7th Sunday of Easter Pentecost Senior Choir Confirmation…Fathers’ Day 2nd Sunday after Pentecost 3rd Sunday after Pentecost Sermon Topic I John 1:01-10 The Life One Leads I John 2:01-14 Happy Birthday I John 3:16-24 The Spirit He Gave I John 4:07-21 The Source of Love I John 5:01-05 Conflict Is Certain Sponsor a Child at “Weird Animals” Vacation Bible School This year we are asking members of the congregation to sponsor children who will be coming to Vacation Bible School by providing $8.00 for each child to receive a “Weird Animals” VBS Gift Set of the following items: 5 Bible memory buddies, an Action Axl, Higher Flyer, flip-flop top, switcheroo spinner, & Whistle Screamer. (Our goal is to have sponsorship for 100 children.) If you would like to sponsor one or more children, please fill out the attached signature card with $8.00 for each child and place it in the offering plate or in Lisa’s office. Thank you for your support in this important community mission of First Church. V.B.S. will be held July 14-18. ADULT HANDBELLS Summer hiatus MEN’S PROGRAMS Wednesday Breakfast For a Buck Bible Study 7:00 am, Dining Room Wednesday Bible Study 8:00 am, Conference Room Wednesday Iron Men Study 6pm, Conference Room (continued on page 3) 2014 Weird Animals Where Jesus’ love is One-of-a-kind I/We will be praying for: ______________________________ during Bible school. Signed ___________________________ 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS JUNE GREETERS: Eric & Courtney Hurless, Lonnie & Deb Nedderman IN THE CHURCH FAMILY: BIRTHS: Nalla Izzaliah Shaffer, May 11, 2014 to Logan Shaffer and Autumn May Henry Jospeh, May 28, 2014 to Colin and Sarah Nedderman WEDDING: Michael Tempio & Tracy Mendenhall, May 10, 2014 UPDATING OUR SCHEDULE (continued from page 2) WOMEN’S PROGRAMS Women in the Word Wednesdays — 4:00 pm Conference Room DATA BASE: We are updating our data base and would like to make sure we have the most current information for all of our members and friends. This is the information that we use to contact you and that we print in our church directory for our members. We are starting to send most of our information through texts and emails. If you do not want any of the information printed in the church directory please specify. If there is any information that you don’t want us to have you may leave it blank. Please give us your preferred email address and we can enter up to two emails per person. Please remember that we use the cell numbers to text information and the email addresses to send information about our church ministries and occasionally information about our members. The more information you give us the better. If we need clarification we can always call you. Please fill out the form on page 11 and return to the office, put in the offering plate or email the information to [email protected]. You can also access the form on our website at www.vanwertfirst.net (under Contact us) Please feel free to see me with any questions or concerns. Teresa PRESCHOOL STAFF OPENING: We are looking for 2 teacher assistants. If you On Our Own Monthly, 10:00 am Linda Mechling’s home (6/25) Clay Pots Thursdays– 8 am Conference Room Women’s Team No meeting until Fall Lydia Circle - June 10 noon , kitchenette Hostess, Teresa Shaffer Devotions, Gloria Wendel Sarah Circle No meeting until Fall Knitting Circle - TBA are interested, please contact Shanay Taylor [email protected] or 419-2380631 ext 308 Martha/Ruth Circle - LIVE STREAMING OF OUR WORSHIP SERVICES are now available from channel Sewing Circle - June 18 , 1:30 pm Church Library 6 on your computer. Go to our web site or click on Channel 6. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: Visit our Facebook page and keep in touch with the happenings and inspirational messages there. Van Wert First United Methodist Church FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: Go to twitter.com and follow the messages, updates and reminders. Tweet us as well. @vanwertfirst FLOWER CALENDAR: The 2014 flower calendar is on the office door. There are a few spots open in every month and all of July and November are available. up or call the church office to schedule. Sign CHANGES: When you change your phone number, please notify the church whether it be your land line or your cell phone number. If you change your address or email address, please let us know as well. It helps us keep in touch as needed. Save the Date! We need Volunteers! Please get with Lisa Johnson if you wish to help! Find out that Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-kind at First United Methodist Church’s Vacation Bible School Age 3 (by July) through going into grade 5 July 14-18 9:00am-12:15pm Contact Helen Huston 238-5713 ADULTS Adult Bible Class Summer hiatus FaithWeavers Summer hiatus The Disciple Makers Sundays, 9:30 am Conference Room Hal Hunt Class Sundays, 9:30 am Dining Room 4th Day Emmaus Group Noon, 4th Sunday Conference Room M & Ms Summer hiatus (Continued on page 4) 4 Come and Join us as we begin our Journey through the 23rd Psalm! June 1st is the first session of SCHEDULE (continued from page 3) Tuesday Prayer Group 10:30 am, Conference Rm Tuesday Nighters 7:30 pm, Library, TBA The Grazing Disciples (Twenty Something Plus) Summer Sunday School. Summer hiatus Discovery Study— Wednesdays, Noon, Conference Room We will meet in the Krout at 9:30am. Crestview Study Group Summer hiatus (beginning June 15 we will meet in Scheidt Classroom) Young Family Dinner June 13, 6pm @Ruth Ann & Bruce Dowlers’ The Seekers Summer hiatus Visitation Team- Hope to see you Here! Family Movie Night June 27th 7 pm No June meeting Children Sunday School—9:30 am Theme: 23rd Psalm Cub Scouts— Mondays, 6:00 pm Boy Scouts— Mondays, 7:00 pm Weekday Preschool - 3 and 4 year olds, Monday -Thursday, 8:30—11:30 am Summer hiatus MIDDLE SCHOOL Boy Scouts— Mondays, 7 pm Sunday School - 9:30 am, Youth Room Youth Fellowship - Sundays, 4:30—6 Genesis Group - Students 3rd Sunday, noon SENIOR HIGHS Boy Scouts—Mondays, 7 pm Sunday School - Summer hiatus Youth Fellowship - Sundays, 6:30—8 pm Kingdom Men Summer hiatus First Church’s New Bouncing Babies! Dillon Wilson Staas, V Born March 19, 2014 7 lbs 2 oz 19 in Dillon & Renee on being new parents: “Renee has taken off the rest of the school year from teaching 4-5 grade at Antwerp Elementary and will return to school next August. We have been very blessed with support from the church as well as a lot of help from Renee's parents who are retired and have been able to spend a lot of time with us and the baby. Obviously, sleeping is not what it used to be and getting out the door to go somewhere is much more challenging than it used to be, but we are adjusting happily. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to share Dillon V with Dillon Jr. and I know it means a great deal to him and my grandmother to see the name be passed on to another generation. Renee and I enjoy watching as he grows and changes and just taking it all in. We look forward to sharing him with our church family. He will be baptized by Dillon III at the 10:45 service on July 20.” The fellowship hour is MOVING to Krout beginning June 15. Come upstairs to enjoy coffee, juice, donuts and fellowship from 8:30—9:45 a.m. Come join us! 5 FIRST CHURCH STAFF Gus Christo-Baker Senior Pastor [email protected] Paul Miller Visitation Pastor Ex 301 Ex 305 Teresa Shaffer Office manager/sec’y, Middle School Ministries [email protected] Ex 302 in krout The following students will be confirmed on June 15th at the 10:45 service: Brianna Bebout Nick Carter Michael Joseph Miah Katalenas Emma Verville Rachel Verville SONSHINE CONCERT—JUNE 19TH. 7 PM FUMC Sonshine Productions is a musical drama ministry based at Bethel United Methodist Church in Columbus, Ohio. Sonshine produces original Broadway style musicals that are based on both Old and New Testament stories. Full costuming, props, lighting and sound along with an exciting contemporary musical score help bring these Biblical texts to life. Since 1980, both youth and adult casts have performed Sonshine musicals all over Ohio and neighboring states. Sonshine has gained a reputation for excellence and strives for professionalism and spiritual integrity. Sonshine is led by founder and director Mark Fox, Director of Music at Bethel International United Methodist and Director of Bands at Franklin Heights High School in Columbus. “Dream Maker” is a contemporary musical drama derived from the Old Testament story of Joseph, known for his coat of many colors and his dreams. The dreams he experiences from God make him an outcast. After being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, Joseph rises to the position of Governor of Egypt and ultimately holds his brother’s fate in his hands. “Dream Maker” was written by Rev. Timothy Forbess and Kevin Pike. The music was composed by Sonshine director Mark Fox. Being a completely original musical drama, “Dream Maker” is special to the 40 cast members of Sonshine. The show has been taken to heart and we hope you find the enthusiastic performance to be inspirational. Jana Thompson Spiritual Formation & Young Family Director [email protected] Ex 304 Gloria Wendel Worship coordinator/organist [email protected], 749-2394 Paul Hoverman Chancel choir director [email protected] 238-3639 Jake Wilder Blended Service Worship Leader Lisa Johnson Director of Christian Ed. [email protected] Ex 307 Mark Scheidt High School Ministries [email protected] 238-0360 Ron Allison Technology Coordinator [email protected] 771-9854 Susan Mathew Marketing Coordinator [email protected] Ex 306 Shanay Taylor Preschool administrator [email protected] Ex 308 Merle Whetstone Church treasurer Jason Kreischer Custodian David Thompson Building Supervisor Delda McHugh Assistant custodian 6 OFFICERS FOR 2014 TEAM MEETING COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Trustees, June 11, 6:30 pm NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Chair—Gus Christo-Baker Ex Officio Member: Lay Leader—Al Arnold Class of 2014 Jim Covey Judy Krites David Zeigler Class of 2015 Al Arnold Cindy DuVall Nikki Bebout Class of 2016 Eric Hurless Annette Hoverman Natasha Breese STAFF-PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE Chair—Denny Schumm Lay Leader: Ex Officio— Al Arnold Lay Delegate to Annual Conference: Ex Officio— Anita Zuber Class of 2014 Jan White Jerry Hoffman Arlene Hurless Class of 2015 Nancy Kelly Denny Schumm Melody McCracken Class of 2016 Bob Sowers Casey McConahay Lonnie Nedderman PRESCHOOL BOARD Chair—Joel Penton Treasurer-D.J. Muse Recording Secretary— Staff Representative— Lisa Johnson Class of 2014 Dillon Staas IV Joel Penton Sr. Lois Haller Class of 2016 D.J. Muse Tasha Breese Anjie Hanicq Jill Coleman Class of 2017 Jan White Kristen Pollock Vacation Bible School 2014 registration Form First United Methodist Church Jefferson at Central Van Wert, OH 419-238-0631 July 14– July 18 9a.m. – 12:15p.m. Age 3 (by July) through going into grade 5 Child’s NAME ______________________________ m / f Parent/caregiver’s name___________________________ Grade entering ________ Contact #_________________ Address_______________________________________ City_____________________ ST____ zip____________ Allergies or other medications______________________ Emergency Contact ______________________________ Home church ___________________________________ I give permission to use my child’s image for advertising y / n How did you learn about Bible School at 1st UM? (Mark all that apply) __ 1st UM web site __ Float in the parade __ Friends/family __ Church member __ Church service __ Church bulletin __ Outdoor sign by the Church You may register by following the link on our church website: www.vanwertfirst.net June Middle School Youth Gatherings 4:30—6 Supper at 6 June June June June 1 Regular meeting 8 Regular meeting 15 Regular meeting 22-28 Chattanooga, TN Mission Trip June High School Youth Gatherings Supper at 6:00 All meetings Sunday evenings, 6:30—8:00 p.m. Youth Room Our Sincere Thanks to those who have recently contributed books. You should be able to find one that will appeal to you. Books will be on top of the library desk through June along with the round table of those read and enjoyed by me. New Books: Getting Through the Night, Price, Large Print; [re]designing Worship, Miller; Made to Be Loved, Bell; Learning to Let Go, Kuykendall; Know the Marks of Cults, Breese; Jesus for a New Generation – Xers, Ford; Seeing God, McDermott. Romaine Whetstone, librarian Middle School Youth Mission Trip June 22—28, 2014 7 NEWSLETTER Susan Mathew, editor Teresa Shaffer, proofing, mailing Janet Rickner, proofing, mailing David Leiendecker, proofing Contributing: Al Arnold, Sleuth Gus Christo-Baker Lisa Dunn Paul Hoverman Lisa Johnson Merle Whetstone Mark Scheidt Teresa Shaffer Jana Thompson Gloria Wendel Romaine Whetstone Deadline: the 15th of the month for the next issue Please direct any suggestions, corrections and/or articles for consideration to: [email protected] Our youth will be on a service mission trip. They will have the opportunity to serve the community of Chattanooga by working in: Kids Clubs Senior Centers Food Banks Children’s programs Beautification programs Please pray for our youth & leaders as we prepare our hearts and minds to show the love of Jesus through our work. FINANCIAL Report, 4/30/14 April Income: April Expense: Receipt Under Expense: YTD Receipts: YTD Expense: Receipt Under Expense: Capital Campaign Income: $38,281.70 $44,012.51 ($5,730.80) $149,092.39 $164,000.36 ($14,907.97) $5,800.00 April expenses exceeded income by $5,730.80. Year-to-date expenses are $9,980 under Budgeted expense, but Year-to-date income is $24, 888 under Budgeted Giving. Thus, YTD Receipts are under Expense by $14,908. Attendance Report Average Attendance April, 2014 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 117 274 YTD 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 82 198 YTD All Services: 280 CHILDCARE SCHEDULE June 1 Nursery infants—2 8:15—Mona Massillo 9:30—Smelser Family 10:45—Christie Wendel Preschoolers—Mary & Elizabeth Mitchener June 8 Nursery infants and —2 8:15—Nikki Bebout 9:30—Smelser Family 10:45—Michele & Hannah McCleery Preschoolers—RJ & Jill Coleman June 15 Nursery infants—2 8:15—Ann Adam 9:30—Smelsers 10:45—Mona Scheidt Preschoolers—Kirby & Sammi Joseph June 22 Nursery infants—2 8:15—Susan Mathew 9:30—Smelser Family 10:45—Andrea & Dennis Merriman Preschoolers—Ruth Ann & Bruce Dowler June 29 Nursery infants—2 8:15—Cindy & Steve DuVall 9:30—Smelser Family 10:45—Trina & Scott Steen Preschoolers—Jodi Wallenhorst 8 LONG TERM PRAYER LIST HEALTH CONCERNS: Sandra Anderson, Betty Bumbalough, Ron Burnett, Tom Carr, Pete Haley, Isaac Harris, Andy Howell, Dee Howell, Leroy Leibert, Kellie May, John Marshall, Scott Mendenhall, Cheryl Miller, Paul & Loraine Miller, Cathy Rinehart, Paula Ryan, Lauren Scheidt, Dianna Schultz, Dorothy Stemen, Rebecca and Ryan Strickler, Lawrence Stripe, Rebecca Terry, Hannah Wireman, Bob Witherow, Roger Wolford. MILITARY: Ed Carter, Caleb Kreischer, J.R. Price, Matt Saam, Evan Wells, Families of military who have been wounded or killed in action, Jobs for veterans, POWS, Refugees of war, suicides. MISSIONARIES: Gaston & Jeanne Ntambo–Congo, Joel Penton and Ryan Holliday, persecuted Christians, missionaries around the world, Teresa LaValle, Saheed Abedini, Kenneth Bay, Matt & Grace. GLOBAL CONCERNS: Refugees and victims of natural disasters, floods, droughts, tornados, famine, fires, snow, typhoons, earthquakes, terrorism, victims of bombing, human trafficking, and wars, victims of school, mall and airport shootings, Nigerian school girls, world leaders, US president and leaders. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH First Church and Pastor Gus, Lay ministers: Jana Thompson, Marty Burchfield, Dave Thomas; Preschool; Stephen Ministries, Our Bishop, Greg Palmer; NW Plaines District; district superintendent and assistant, West Ohio Conference. COLLEGE STUDENTS NURSING HOME RESIDENTS VAN CREST: Mary Amstutz, Mary Bebout, Mary & Wayne Compton, Paul Ross, Gloria Ruddock, Jay Simson, Bob Say, Wilma Snyder, Louise Stemen, Louise Tingley, Ruth Tribolet. VAN WERT MANOR: Billie Krugh, Mary McCammon, Rich Riley, Betty Vogt. HEARTH AND HOME: Gus Brown, Virginia Gudakunst, Audrey Jacobs, Harvey Stoller, Carlos & Joan Waltz. LAURELS OF SHANE HILL: Belle Bolton SHUT-INS LIVING AWAY FROM VW: Forrest Gribler, Spencerville; Bonnie Wallace, Columbus; Frank Van Horn, Columbus, Marjorie Bollinger, Columbus. 1 2 4 5 – – – – Carol Sidle Sharon Witten Ric Kelly Rick Welch Karen Kemler 6 – Louise Hartwig Dick Mercer Demond Johnson 8 – Jill DeWert Jalen McCracken 9 – Janet Rickner Janet Purk Finley Foster 1 – Dean & Eleanor McOmber Dave & Susan Mathew 2 – Kenneth & Betty Anspach Steve & Marilyn Bebout 6 – Lonnie & Deb Nedderman Dennis & Linda Schumm 8 – Fred & Louise Hartwig Al & Dorothy Arnold 11 - Eric & Alyssa Putman 13 – Anthony & Marilyn Alessandrini 14 – Jim & Kris Snyder 10 – Susan Burchfield Ryanne Wermer 11 – Teresa Shaffer Gabe Pollock 13 – Marjorie Bolinger Larry Mengerink 15 – Wilma Snyder Connor Massillo 16 – Eloise Garman Livia Butler Brayden Farmer 17 – Wayne Compton June Shriver Mickey McConahay Amy Stemen Katey Gamble Andrew Deitemeyer 18 – Sue Corle Cloey Spry Cole DeWert 19 – Angela Myers Chloe Brake 20 – Pat Johnson J.R. Price 21 – Bob Sowers 22 – Brad Owens 23 – Dennis Miller 24 – Kathy Steele Nathan Stevens 25 – Dave Watkins Jacqueline Dearbaugh 26 – Roy Jeknavorian Sr. Kayla Krites Ben Verville 27 – Julie Gamble Jasmine Diemer 28 – Courtney Hurless Miah Katalenas 29 – Bill Wermer Brock Thatcher 30 – Jerry Dohoney Riley Jones Hannah McCleery 15 – Chuck & Kathy Steele Jim & Ruth Ann Covey 16 – Roger & Kay Okuley 17 – Tom & Kendra Kalkreuth Gary & Barb Showalter Robert & Jill Coleman 18 – Scott & Samantha Farmer 19 – Alan & Joyce Morris Richard & Karen Smith 20 – John & Jean Auld Stephen & Jacqueline Dearbaugh Kent & Jill Smelser 22 – Marty & Susan Burchfield Jim & Denise Davis Patrick & Shanann Jackson 23 – Ken & Karen McClain Matthew & Storm Mercer 26 – Warren & Rhea Foy 28 – Joel & Peggy Penton Trevor & Nikki Bebout 30 – John & Sue Wehage Preschool We had an incredibly blessed year. It was amazing to see the growth in children through learning, creating friendships, adapting to their environments and willingness to take chances in an environment where we share the love Jesus has for all of his children. We wrapped up the end of the year with a trip to the Fire Station, the Brumback Library, a spring program and a family day at Smiley Park. Look for us in the Peony parade on June 7 th! Accepting Registrations for children ages 3-5. 3-4 years old 2-day $60/month Pre-K, 4-5 year olds 3-day $85/month Pre-K, 4-5 year olds 4-day $110/month Mrs. Ellerbrock’s Mrs. Healey’s Class Mrs. Hawn’s Class 9 Spiritual Formation Opportunities Coming September 2014….. So many opportunities for spiritual growth are available for you at FUMC. Please look through the life groups and their brief descriptions to see if one of those fit. And then we are adding the following groups in the Fall. 1. Journey 101. Do you feel like you just don’t know enough about the Bible, your faith or God to be in a life group? This group is for you. There are three books: Knowing God, Loving God, and Serving God. Each books covers 6 weeks. You can take one class or all three and begin the journey of a spiritual life that is more than a Sunday Morning worship service. 2. Apprentice . So you’ve been a Christian for a while now, but just find that your growth has stopped since you said Yes to Jesus. This course if for you! Again it’s three books that are meant to be read as a series. The Good and Beautiful God, The Good and Beautiful Life, and The Good and Beautiful Community are the three books. This class is designed for those of you who want to grow spiritually so it does require work outside of class and a commitment to the class as well. 3. Stephen Ministry Training. You have felt that God is tugging at you to give more in care and service to His people. Perhaps you would like to explore becoming a Stephen Minister. We are currently recruiting people to take on this caring ministry. See Jana Thompson, Susan Mathew or Shirley Jarvis for more information. 4. Financial Peace University. How many arguments have there been in your house about money? Are you tired of debt, debt and more debt? This class is for you. Meets for 9 weeks to discuss how to manage your money. If any of these classes interest you, please contact Jana Thompson for more information. Blessings! Jana Bible Studies/Small Groups/Classes Day Monday Tuesday M & M Life Group Next How Mtg Time Often Date 7:30 PM Bi Weekly Sept Prayer Group 10:30 AM The Grazing Disciples Crestview Study Group 7:30 PM Weekly 7:00 AM School Yr Wednesday Men's Breakfast for a Buck Men's 8:00 a.m. Bible Study Weekly Where Krout Subject Discovery Leader Jana Thompson 6/3 conf room Church Family Prayer Concerns Gloria Wendel Sept Sept JMT home CV classrm Philippians Jana Thompson Jana Thompson 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Weekly Weekly 6/4 6/4 On Our Own 10:00 AM Monthly June Li nda Mechl i ng's Home Tour of DeBrand Chocolates Sign up required Shirley Jarvis, Eleanor Souders, Linda Mechling Discovery Study Women in the Word 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Weekly Weekly 6/4 6/4 conf room conf room Discovery Advent Study Pastor Gus Shirley Jarvis The Seekers 5:15 PM Weekly Sept Library The Iron Men 6:00 PM Weekly 6/4 conf room Thursday Clay Pots High School Boys Study 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Weekly Weekly 6/5 conf room youth room Friday Young Family Dinner 6:00 PM Every so Often 6/13 Ruth & Bruce Dowler's Family, Marriage & Faith Jana & Dave Thompson Saturday Visitation Team 8:30 AM Monthly 7/26 Church Monthly Visits Jana Thompson Sunday Adult Bible Class 9:30 AM School Yr Sept classroom Hal Hunt Class The Disciple Makers 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 6/1 6/1 dining room conf room Faith Weavers 9:30 AM School Yr Genesis Small Group Students 12:00 PM Weekly Weekly Monthly Sept dining room Mathew Dave Leiendecker conf room OT Messiah Prophecies Dick Atwood Jana Thompson Heaven Women of the Bible Jana Thompson Kingdom Man Mark Scheidt Pastor Gus Adult BS Proverbs Uptown Dist Faithweavers Series conf room Ed Stevens Attitude! Ned Compton Rotates Al Arnold Pastor Gus Groups with a larger font and bolded or red take a summer break. They will begin again the week of September 1. Discovery study meets through June and break for July & August. 10 The Stephen Minister training will begin September 9 and run through December 9. Prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister as we begin this ministry. Contact Jana Thompson, Shirley Jarvis or Susan Mathew for further information about becoming a Stephen Minister. Check out the Stephen Ministry bulletin board in the back hallway for a Q & A Sheet, a Stephen Minister Job Description, or Stephen Minister Application. 11 First United Methodist Church ~ Data Base Update 2014 Name___________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Cell Phone ____________________ E-Mail _____________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________ Baptized: No ( ) Yes ( ) Year _________________ Occupation ______________________Company Name ___________________________ Work Phone __________________ Work E-Mail _________________________________ Spouse _________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Cell Phone ___________________ E-Mail ______________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________ Baptized: No ( ) Yes ( ) Year ________________ Occupation __________________________Company Name ________________________ Work Phone __________________ Work E-Mail __________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone ________________ Widowed ( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Anniv. Date ____/____/____ CHILDREN Name First, Middle, Last School Grade Birth date Date Baptized Date Confirmed Where Confirmed Cell Phone If you have adult children, please use the “notes” section to list marriages, births, etc. Thanks Notes:____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 12 Phone 419-238-0631 Fax 419-238-3608 Email–[email protected] Enlarging the circle of disciples through Jesus June 2014 Wednesday Schedule: 7 & 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 12:00 Discovery Study 4:00 Women in the word 5:15 Seekers 6:00 Iron Men Bible Study 6:30 Handbells Sunday Schedule: 8:15 & 10:45-Worship Coffee Bar open –9-10:30 9:30-Sunday School Classes 4:30-6pm Middle School Youth 6pm Youth Fellowship Meal 6:30-8pm High School Youth