quick facts - University of Georgia Panhellenic Council


quick facts - University of Georgia Panhellenic Council
a note of thanks
To our very own Panhellenic
Vice President of Recruitment
thanks kelsey ann!
Cover painting by Kelsey Ann Williams
From left to right)
Henna Ukani, Erin Munger, Ann Patrick
Meagher, Ashley Merkel, Emma Pile,
Kelsey Ann Williams, Meaghan Cleary
Panhellenic Executive Board
Dear Potential New Member:
Welcome to The University of Georgia! As the representatives for the more
than 4,200 UGA sorority women, we congratulate you on your acceptance and
decision to attend UGA. Your years here will include many exciting learning
experiences but perhaps none as well-rounded and memorable as being a
member of a Greek organization. The Greek community at UGA has enhanced
the lives of thousands of students since 1865 and can add many valuable
dimensions to your college experience.
We, along with all 17 of our sororities, are eagerly awaiting your participation
in what is sure to be a rewarding and unique experience. Recruitment will allow
you the opportunity to meet as many Greek women as possible and learn about
each organization, Panhellenic, and the Greek community. When most women
think about participating in Recruitment, their primary hope is to join the one
special sorority taht makes them feel the most at home. However, Recruitment
is much more. In joining any sorority, you become part of Panhellenic. Think
of Recruitment as a way to become a member of Panhellenic, rather than a
member of just one sorority. By considering Panhellenic as a whole, you can look
at all sororities with an open mind. Please do not rule out any sorority before
Recruitment starts or before learning first-hand what each sorority has to offer.
After all, every sorority shares common goals of sisterhood, and we are all part
of Panhellenic. Involvement in a sorority can be a positive contribution to your
collegiate experience through friendship, leadership, academics, philanthropy,
networking opportunities, and personal growth.
No matter which sorority you choose, the Panhellenic friendships you form will
be lifelong. Beginning with your first day as a new member, you will be part of a
group of women with whom you can share your college experience. A sorority is
much more than just a house to live in – it is a group of women drawn together
by mutual goals, trust, and respect.
Once again, we are pleased you have chosen to attend UGA. We hope you
enjoy Recruitment and decide to become part of our Greek community. We wish
you the best in your future at The University of Georgia!
The Panhellenic Council
Every woman who joins a sorority becomes a member of
Panhellenic. The Panhellenic Council is the governing body for all
17 National Panhellenic Council (NPC) sororities on the University
of Georgia campus and unites every sorority woman regardless of
individual affiliation. Each sorority has a delegate and an assistant
delegate on the Council. Together, the Council members strive
to unite sorority women and strengthen their values through
cooperation, common interests and talents brought from each
chapter. The Council is led by seven executive board members
and the advisor who oversees all programs and activities. They
work together with the delegates to make the Greek community a
positive and active influence on the UGA campus and in the Athens
community. The Panhellenic Council is responsible for promoting
scholarship, philanthropy, personal growth, health, safety and
involvement in sorority life and the Greek community as a whole.
Through committee work, Panhellenic provides activities and
honors such as Panhellenic social events, philanthropy projects and
scholarship awards. Panhellenic also sponsors programs in areas
such as risk management, personal safety, leadership and new
member education. The Council sponsors numerous service projects
and contributes financially to campus and community organizations.
Finally, the Council organizes and oversees Recruitment. Thus, you
are able to experience what Panhellenic does first-hand.
The Panhellenic Creed
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
We, as undergraduate members of
women’s fraternities, stand for good
scholarship, for guarding good health,
for maintenance of fine standards, and
for serving, to the best of our ability,
our college community. Cooperation for
furthering fraternity life, in harmony
with its best possibilities, is the ideal that
shall guide our fraternity activities.
We, as fraternity women, stand for service
through the development of character
inspired by the close contact and deep
friendship of individual fraternity and
Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide
and wise human service, through mutual
respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by
which we strive to live.
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
National Pan-Hellenic
Council Members
Council Members
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta
Sigma Gamma Rho
Zeta Phi Beta
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Chi Psi
Delta Sigma Phi
Alpha Phi Alpha
Delta Tau Delta
Omega Psi Phi
Kappa Alpha
Phi Beta Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Multicultural Greek
Phi Delta Theta
Council Members
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Gamma Delta
Alpha Sigma Rho
Phi Kappa Psi
Delta Phi Lambda
Phi Kappa Theta
Delta Phi Omega
Pi Kappa Alpha
Lambda Theta Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Gamma Eta
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Sigma Rho
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Lambda Phi Epsilon
Lambda Sigma Upsilon Sigma Pi
Tau Epsilon Phi
Lambda Theta Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Delta Epsilon Psi
Theta Chi
Sigma Beta Rho
Zeta Beta Tau
Xi Kappa
“We as a Greek community commit
to upholding the highest moral,
academic, and ethical standards
upon which we were founded, to
change inappropriate ‘traditions’
which defy the ideals of our founding
rituals, and to accept a higher level of
accountability of Greek members for
the safety of one another.”
The Greek Community
Panhellenic is only a small part of the Greek community at UGA. The
Greek community also includes the groups of the Interfraternity Council,
National Pan-Hellenic Council and the Multicultural Greek Council. All
chapters are advised by the Greek Life Office.
The Interfraternity Council, known as IFC, is the governing body
for fraternities on campus. IFC is responsible for creating policies,
promoting academic excellence and planning Fraternity Recruitment.
The IFC executive board is comprised of members from various
fraternities and holds weekly meetings.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council, known as NPHC, is another part
of the UGA Greek community. NPHC brings unity among traditionally
African-American sororities and fraternities on campus. NPHC is
made up of seven groups: three fraternities and four sororities. NPHC
sororities do not participate in Formal Recruitment because their
national policies do not permit women to join who have not begun
classes or established a college grade point average.
The Multicultural Greek Council, known as MGC, our newest and
fastest growing council, consists of 12 organizations. MGC serves as
an umbrella organization to unify its unique fraternities and sororities.
Together they hope to raise awareness of their respective cultures.
The Office of Greek Life provides educational initiatives designed to
challenge, support, and recognize individuals and groups associated
with Greek organizations through leadership training, academic support,
community service and diversified programming. While the Greek Life
Office staff provides advisement, support and assistance to our member
groups as well as the four governing councils, the groups are recognized
as autonomous groups, and the University sets forth the rights of these
groups as private, voluntary social organizations. UGA and the Greek
Life office are not involved in membership decisions.
As you can see, being a part of a sorority and Panhellenic brings you
in contact with a diverse group of people. All four councils are part of
Greek Life at UGA, and all Greeks rely on each other for support and
For more information regarding UGA’s Greek community, please
contact the Greek Life Office at (706)542-4612. Details regarding all
aspects of Greek Life and individual council and chapter information can
be found at the Greek Life website: greeklife.uga.edu
Greek Dictionary
Alpha (al-fah)
Beta (bay-tah)
Gamma (gam-ah)
Delta (del-tah)
Epsilon (ep-si-lon)
Zeta (zay-tah)
Eta (ay-tah)
Theta (thay-tah)
Iota (eye-o-tah)
Kappa (kap-pah)
Lambda (lamb-da)
Mu (mew)
Nu (new)
Xi (zie)
Omicron (omm-i-cron)
Pi (pie)
Rho (roe)
Sigma (sig-mah)
fraternities, each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek letter society of college
men, undergraduate and alumni.
Tau (taw)
Initiation: The formal ceremony which brings new members into full membership
Upsilon (oop-si-lon)
Phi (fie)
Chi (kie)
Psi (sie)
Omega (o-may-gah)
Active: A sorority woman who has been formally initiated by her chapter.
Alumna: An initiated sorority member who is no longer in college but can provide
recommendations for her sorority.
Bid: A formal invitation to join a sorority or fraternity issued by the Panhellenic
Council or by an individual sorority or fraternity.
Chapter: A local group of a national organization, designated by its own Greek
letter name.
Continuous Open Bidding: An opportunity for chapters who are not at quota
or total to extend bids to women who did not join a sorority during Formal
Fraternity: The name that applies to all Greaek letter organizations and is
characterized by a ritual, pin and strong bond of sisterhood.
Gamma Chi: A sorority member who has disaffiliated during Recruitment to
assist Potential New Members. Gamma Chis will be wearing blue vests during
Greek: A member of a sorority or fraternity.
House Director/Mother: A woman who lives in the sorority house and cares for
all of the women living in the sorority house. She plans meals and manages the
Interfraternity Council (IFC): an umbrella organization that presides over men’s
of a sorority or fraternity.
Intentional Single Preference: When a PNM attends more than one Pref Round
event but only lists one choice on her Membership Recruitment Acceptance
Binding Agreement. This is strongly discouraged as your chances of joining are
severely limited.
Lavalier: A necklace with Greek letters attached to it. Sorority members usually
receive their sorority’s lavalier at the time of joining or after initiation.
Legacy: A PNM whose mother or sister is an alumna of or active in a particular
sorority. A sorority is not obligated to pledge its legacies.
Greek Dictionary
Alpha (al-fah)
Beta (bay-tah)
Gamma (gam-ah)
Delta (del-tah)
Epsilon (ep-si-lon)
Zeta (zay-tah)
Eta (ay-tah)
Theta (thay-tah)
Iota (eye-o-tah)
Kappa (kap-pah)
Lambda (lamb-da)
Mu (mew)
and the chapter. This individual is responsible for implementing and monitoring the
new member program and preparing the new members for initiation.
Nu (new)
National Panhellenic Conference (NPC): a conference body, composed of all 26
Xi (zie)
Omicron (omm-i-cron)
Pi (pie)
Rho (roe)
Sigma (sig-mah)
Panhellenic Exec: The seven members of Panhellenic Exec lead the UGA Panhellenic
Tau (taw)
Upsilon (oop-si-lon)
Phi (fie)
Chi (kie)
Psi (sie)
Omega (o-may-gah)
Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA): Also known
as a Pref Card, each PNM completes an MRABA after Pref Round to state her
membership preferences. The PNM ranks the sororities she visited during preference
round and signs it to state she will accept a bid from any sorority she lists. This is a
binding agreement.
Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): a UGA conference body composed of 11
cultural interest Greek letter organizations, 6 sororities and 5 fraternities.
Mismatch: When a PNM’s name fails to match any of her sorority preferences.
New Member: One who has been accepted as a member of a sorority or fraternity.
After a period of education about the sorority/fraternity, she/he may be initiated.
New Member Educator: The individual who is the liaison between the new members
members of women’s fraternities, each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek
letter society of college women, undergraduate and alumnae. UGA has 17 of the 26
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): a national council body composed of the
nine historically, predominantly African American Greek letter organizations at
both the college and alumni level. UGA has seven of the nine represented.
Panhellenic Council: The governing body of the women’s fraternities on the UGA
Council. They are sorority members who have disaffiliated during Recruitment to
oversee the process. Look for members of Panhellenic Exec in red vests.
Potential New Member (PNM): A woman who is participating in the Recruitment
process and wishes to explore the possibilities of sorority membership.
Quota: The number of women that a sorority may pledge during Recruitment.
Recommendation: A letter written by an sorority alumna introducing and
recommending a Potential New Member for membership in her sorority. Also called
a rec or reference.
Recruitment: A function whereby undergraduates interested in a sorority or
fraternity meet with the members, learn more about the organization and join a
Academic achievement is the first and foremost
priority of all sororities. Every sorority places strong
emphasis on creating an atmosphere conducive to
high academic performance as well as challenging
each member to live up to her highest academic
Each sorority implements various programs
designed to assist members in their academic
pursuits. Programs range from tutoring and study
hours in the house to educational programs, awards
and incentives.
Additionally, most organizations provide financial
scholarships for members, often supported by
their national organizations and local alumnae
groups. The Panhellenic Council sponsors programs
throughout the year designed to help chapters focus
on methods of scholastic improvement and annually
awards several scholarships to recognize academic
These efforts reinforce the belief that academic
achievement is an integral part of the Greek
experience. Since the implementation of the HOPE
and Zell Miller Scholarships, chapters have been
working even harder to help their members reach
their full potential.
Sorority women consistently achieve a higher
grade point average than non-Greek undergraduate
women. This statistic indicates the positive effect
sororities have on women’s academic achievement.
Panhellenic Average GPA’s
Fall 2014:
Spring 2015:
The UGA Greek community is dedicated to building
future leaders by providing a wealth of leadership
opportunities. From academia to business to philanthropy,
the leaders of today are gaining their leadership edge from
their fraternal experiences.
Membership in a Greek organization is one of the most
effective ways to discover and refine your leadership
potential. Within each chapter, members have the chance
to assume many different leadership roles. These roles
range from serving as Recruitment Chair to Treasurer to
Social Chair or even President. Within each organization,
anywhere from 5 to 25 different leadership positions exist,
all requiring different degrees of skill and committment.
Opportunities to learn and practice leadership stretch
beyond chapters as there are leadership roles open on the
Panhellenic Council and other organizations. Leadership
is also gained by participating in educational programs
and leadership workshops. The Greek Life Office offers
several leadership development programs, such as the
Greek Ambassador Program, Freshmen Greek Leaders,
Sophomore Leaders Circle, Order of Omega and Junior
Panhellenic. Each national organization also sponsors
leadership development programs which may include
officer training programs and regional conferences.
Beyond the Greek community, sorority women are
involved in nearly all student organizations at UGA and
can be found in leadership positions in many organizations
such as UGA Athletics, the Student Government
Association, Dawg Camp, Arch Society, University Judiciary
and Georgia Recruitment Team, just to name a few.
All Greek organizations at the University of Georgia are
involved with specific philanthropies and service projects.
Each of our 18 sororities volunteers their time and
contributes financially to help those in need.
Sororities host a variety of fundraisers throughout the
year such as softball and golf tournaments, barbecues,
trivia nights and many other events. The money raised
goes directly to the sorority’s philanthropy.
Chapters also donate their time outside of their own
philanthropic events. Members participate in a variety
of University-wide and community-based organizations
such as the Athens Homeless Shelter, Northeast Georgia
Food Bank, and the Athens Tutorial Program. Every year,
the Greek community hosts “Trunk or Treat” and an
Easter Egg Hunt for the Boys and Girls Club of Athens.
Sorority women volunteer their time in countless ways to
help others, contributing approximately 60,000 hours of
service in 2014.
Sorority women actively participate in University-wide
UGAMiracle events to benefit Children’s Miracle Network
and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Panhellenic had full
sorority participation and helped UGAMiracle raise over
$683,251.15 for this worthy cause.
The Panhellenic Council also sponsors the UGA Student
Food Pantry. Sorority members provide staffing and
coordinate donations that serves students, faculty and
staff in need. Greeks feel it is important to focus on
aspects of life that can be improved, and serving others
is a small way to help.
One advantage of Greek Life is the wide range of
activities available to you. Being in a sorority does not
restrict you from becoming involved in the rest of campus
life. You will have time to be involved with your sorority,
other organizations and keep up your grades with a little
time management.
All sororities encourage members to be involved in
activities outside the sorority. Through participation
in various activities, a sorority can help develop the
talents of its members. UGA offers a variety of athletic
events in which all chapters may participate. In addition
to organized intramural sports such as flag football,
basketball, tennis, soccer and softball, there are a
number of club teams in which women can participate.
UGA athletes and band members are also members of
sororities. Volleyball and soccer players, cheerleaders,
Gymdogs and runners are all supported by their sorority
Greek students are involved in the more than 600
student organizations on campus as well as many
organizations in the Athens community. Many Greeks
hold leadership positions within these organizations,
ranging from the Student Government Association to the
University Union. Greeks can be found in the Arch Society,
as Orientation Leaders and volunteering for Relay for Life.
They are active in business fraternities, honor societies
and advocacy groups.
Greeks are definitely an active force on campus and
in the community. A sorority can open many doors to
activities you may not otherwise experience and introduce
you to people you might not otherwise meet.
Although each sorority is unique and has its own special
characteristics, there is a common thread that unites us all sisterhood, a special bond experienced among the members
of a sorority.
In addition to academic and leadership opportunities,
sororities also provide social programs and activities
for their members. Social activities include events such
as formals, themed socials, date nights, Homecoming,
and Parents Weekends.
Throughout your days at UGA, no matter how situations
change or how many friends come and go, sisterhood is
the steady acceptance that remains. Apart, we are different
people with very much to offer, and when we are together,
we are a family that shares a unique bond.
Sisterhood entails a respect for others and under no
circumstance will individual chapters, the Panhellenic
Council, the Greek community or UGA tolerate any sort of
hazing activity. Hazing is any intentional, negligent or reckless
action, activity or situation which causes another pain,
embarrassment or harassment, regardless of the willingness
of the participant.
Sororities were founded by women who came together as
friends to create a sisterhood and to support each other.
Their goals are intellectual, social and moral development.
Sororities at UGA expect their members to strive for
academic achievement, demonstrate responsible citizenship,
show concern for the rights and needs of others and provide
leadership by promoting self respect.
All chapters work to educate and foster a strong commitment
to a fair and respectful environment for living, work, and study.
Hazing has no place in sorority life and is completely contrary
to the original ideals of a women’s fraternal organization. If
you have questions or concerns regarding hazing, please
contact the Greek Life Office (706) 542-4612 or the Hazing/
After-Hours Hotline at (706) 207-0779.
Additionally, the University’s Non-Discrimination and AntiHarassment (“NDAH”) Policy prohibits any member of the
UGA community from engaging in harassment, including
sexual misconduct, and discrimination against others within
the University community, and includes instructions for making
a complaint. The full NDAH policy is available at: http://eoo.
The primary goal of every chapter is to bring together
a group of women and enhance their values, traditions
and honor while building lasting bonds of friendship.
Diversified social programs allow students the
opportunity to develop meaningful friendships within
chapters, the Greek community and the UGA campus
as a whole.
For years, Greeks across the country have had to deal
with an image of reckless partying and irresponsible
behavior. At UGA, each chapter maintains a responsible
social policy to promote enjoyable social activities in
a safe environment. Alcohol is not permitted in any
chapter house. The University also has a closed party
policy that opposes the misuse of alcohol and maintains
that all chapters, individual members and guests must
abide by state and local laws and university regulations.
All chapters work to foster a better understanding
of social responsibility and alcohol education for
their members. Panhellenic is committed to helping
its organizations maintain balanced social programs
which contribute to personal development and do not
detract from the University’s educational mission.
The purpose of a social life is to create a stimulating
environment in which you develop into a mature and
responsible individual. The social opportunities are
varied and endless. There is always something to do
when you are part of Greek Life at UGA.
gamma chis
Recruitment is exciting and memorable but can also be hectic and emotional.
From the start of Recruitment, you will be assigned a Gamma Chi (also
known as a Recruitment Counselor) along with 17 to 20 other Potential New
Members. Your Gamma Chi is prepared to help you in any way and can
answer any questions you may have. Although she is a member of a sorority,
she is representing the Panhellenic Council during Recruitment week.
Each Gamma Chi has promised not to reveal her sorority affiliation in order
to give unbiased advice and reduce the pressure you might feel if you knew
with which sorority she is affiliated. Although it is sometimes tempting to
know which sorority your Gamma Chi is a member of, please do not ask
her to tell you or make extreme efforts to find out her affiliation. Also, if
you know which sorority a Gamma Chi is a member of, do not reveal her
affiliation to anyone else. All of the Gamma Chis and Panhellenic Exec will
reveal their sorority affiliations on Bid Day.
You will be able to identify Gamma Chis by the blue vests each of them will
wear during Recruitment. You will have daily meetings with your Gamma
Chi to review the day’s activities and to receive additional information.
These meetings are very important and attendance is required.
Your Gamma Chi went through an extensive training program to qualify her
for this position. Through her training, she gained a thorough knowledge
of the Recruitment process. She has participated in Recruitment both as a
Potential New Member and on the other side as a sorority member, so she is
familiar with all aspects of Recruitment. Most importantly, she is an impartial
listener. She will be your friend who will share in your joys and anxieties and
is always willing to talk about what you are feeling and experiencing.
Your Gamma Chi can help you make your Recruitment experience even
more exciting and enjoyable. Never hesitate to ask her anything. She is a
vital link between you and the Greek community, so get to know her!
What to Expect |
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round One – Open House:
During Round One, you will visit all 17 sororities for 20 minutes each over the
course of 2 days. These events are intended to introduce you to every chapter
before you begin to make any decisions. Each event will begin with the chapter
members performing chants and cheers. These can be loud, but don’t be afraid
– they are just excited to meet you! You will spend the rest of the event being
introduced to different sisters and talking to your hostess. You will probably
talk about yourself (what you did over the summer, your high school activities,
your intended major, etc.). Don’t be shy; the sorority members just want to get
to know you. You may also get tired of repeating yourself, but remember each
house is a new group that wants a chance to meet you. Don’t be afraid to ask
questions! These events are short, so just relax and enjoy meeting new friends.
Round Two – House Tours:
Round Two is an exciting day of house tours. Each Round Two event is 20 minutes
long, and if invited, you may attend up to 12 events. All of our sororities live in
beautiful historic homes, and during this round they will show you around their
house. They will want to get to know you on a more personal basis and during this
round, you should begin to be able to recognize the character and spirit of each
sorority. Pay attention to your feelings and consider whether you feel comfortable
at each house and if you were excited to return for a second visit.
Round Three – Philanthropy:
Round Three events are focused on philanthropy and involvement. Events are 30
minutes in length, and if invited, you may attend up to 6 events. At each house,
the chapter members will show a video about their philanthropy. This will show
you a lot about what the chapter values and its personality. Each of our sororities
has a specific philanthropy it raises money for throughout the year. This round is
a good opportunity to ask about other activities the sorority is involved in such
as service projects and campus organizations.
What to Wear |
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round One
For rounds one and three,
casual skirts and dresses are
appropriate. During round
two all women wear the
Panhellenic Recruitment
t-shirt with choice of bottoms
(shorts, skirts, etc.) Athletic
shorts are discouraged.
Lightweight materials
are a necessity because
of the hot weather. You
Round Two
will be walking a lot so
sandals, flats and other
comfortable shoes are
recommended (heels are
strongly discouraged).
Ensure that your clothing
is not too revealing
or short. The most
important thing is to
make sure you feel
comfortable and
Round Three
What to Expect |
Preferential Round (Prefs):
The last day of Recruitment is Preferential Round. Events are 50 minutes
long and if invited, you may attend up to 3 events. Remember that the
sororities would not have invited you to Prefs if they did not enjoy your
company. This round is meant to help you make your final decision. At
each event, think carefully about how comfortable you feel at each house
and take time to look around you, as the women at these events could
become your sisters. What qualities do you share with these women? Do
you feel comfortable with them?
Each sorority will present a ceremony, which usually consists of singers
and speakers. The members will tell you what it means to be a sister and
what their sorority has to offer. When making your decision, think back to
previous rounds of Recruitment and recall what you liked best about each
group. Consider why you would like to be a member of that organization
and how comfortable you felt at the house each day. It can sometimes
be difficult to choose between sororities, but remember that there is
not necessarily one “right” choice, and a group that you may not have
strongly considered earlier may be the perfect place for you.
Bid Day
The conclusion of Recruitment is Bid Day! You may receive an invitation
to join or you may be notified by Panhellenic that your bid has not been
matched. If your bid has not been matched, you will be eligible for snap
bidding. If you receive an invitation to join, your bid card will list the sorority
that has selected you. Every new member is required to wear a white dress
on Bid Day. You will meet with your new member class at Tate Grand Hall
and be shuttled by University busses to your Bid Day Celebration.
At your sorority house, you will be met by your new sisters. Bid Day is a time
for fun, pictures, entertainment and new friends. You will meet and become
better acquainted with the other new members and older sorority sisters.
This day is the exciting end of Recruitment and the beginning of the
development of your new “home away from home”. Your new friends will
last throughout your college career and the years after. Sisterhood extends
beyond your college years to anywhere you may go as an alumna.
What to Wear |
For Preferential Round,
nice dresses or skirts
that you would wear to a
wedding, church or similar
special event are appropriate.
Semi-formal and formal
dresses are too dressy. Since
you may only attend up to three
Pref Round events, heels are
appropriate but not required.
Because Pref events are the most
formal, many women choose
to wear black dresses but
this is not a requirement.
Again, make sure you feel
preferential round
Every new member is
required to wear a white
dress on Bid Day.
bid day
Continuous Open Bidding
What to expect during COB:
The purpose of Continuous Open Bidding (COB) is to enable the chapters that did
not fill quota, or filled quota but did not reach chapter total, to invite additional new
members to join immediately following Formal Recruitment. It is also an opportunity
for those women who have mismatched, been released from Recruitment or
withdrawn from Recruitment to join a sorority.
The intent of COB is to provide maximum opportunities for membership to the
greatest number of women who did not join during the Formal Recruitment period.
Continuous Open Bidding begins after Bid Day and will also continue throughout the
year when sororities have spaces available so you could be contacted about COB
opportunities several months after Recruitment has ended. Your Gamma Chi will
explain COB in more detail during Recruitment.
Signing the Membership Recruitment
Acceptance Binding Agreement:
The preferential bidding system is a method in which Potential New
Members’ preferences are matched to sororities’ preference
lists. Following your last Preferential Round event, you
will meet with your Gamma Chi to sign a Membership
Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA).
You must maintain complete silence between each
Preferential Round event from the time you leave
your last house until you sign your MRABA. You
may ask a Gamma Chi or Panhellenic Executive
Officer for assistance. However, remember the
silence period is important to ensure that your
decision is yours and yours alone.
On your MRABA you will be asked to list, in order
of preference, the sorority(ies) you wish to join and
you will sign your MRABA with the understanding
that you are willing to accept a bid from the group(s)
listed. If a bid is extended to you from one of your
choices and you decide not to accept it, you will not be
eligible to participate in Continuous Open Bidding and or
Recruitment for one year.
Remember that the decision you indicate on your MRABA is binding
for one year. If you attend more than one Preferential Round event,
your Gamma Chi will encourage you to list more than one sorority on
your MRABA because you maximize your opportunity to receive a bid
if you list more than one option. Once you have signed and turned
in your MRABA, it cannot be changed under any circumstances. You
should also not reveal to anyone what choices you made because
there is no guarantee of which group you will match. If there is ever
any problem with your MRABA, only a Panhellenic Executive Officer or
your Gamma Chi will contact you about it.
Upper Classmen Quota
What is an upperclassmen quota?
An upperclassmen quota is a seperate quota that is used to
specifically place upperclassmen Potential New Members. It
makes the recruitment process more friendly!
Why are we using an upperclassmen quota for Fall
It gives upperclassmen and transfer students a greater
opportunity to pledge during the Formal Recruiment
How will you determine if I am an upperclassmen?
We will determine if you are an upperclassmen based
on your high school graduation date. If you graduated in
Spring 2014 then you will be considered a freshman, and if
you graduated any time before that you will be considered an
upperclassmen. If you feel that you have special circumstances,
please contact the Panhellenic Council.
If I am an upperclassmen will the process be different?
No, the process will be no different for you!
PNM Code of Ethics
Being a part of the University of Georgia’s sorority recruitment is not only a great
opportunity but also a great privilege. Each of the sororities on campus has
worked hard for the past year in preparation for your visit to their home. As a
guest, you are expected to act in accordance to the following rules, which apply
to both the active sorority members as well as recruitment counselors. Failure to
do so may result in your removal from the recruitment process.
Potenial New Member Code of Ethics:
• I will attend all events to which I receive an invitation.
• I will behave respectfully towards myself, other potential members,
chapter members, recruitment counselors, and university staff at
all times.
• I will act respectfully and politely when attending all events.
• I will not discuss my opinion of any sorority participating in
recruitment with other potential new members.
• I will not discuss or reveal a known affiliation of any recruitment
counselor or Panhellenic Exec member with other potential new
• I understand that if I am matched with a sorority and receive a bid,
I am bound to that group and am therefore considered ineligible
for an invitation for membership from any other sorority for a year.
New Member Obligations
Once you make the decision to join a sorority, you will begin one of the most exciting
times of your college career. You are probably wondering what your role as a new
member will be and what you can expect to gain from sorority membership. You
will enter a new circle of friends and can expect to find your home away from home.
You can also expect to be treated with respect. Sororities at UGA do not condone or
participate in any activities which can be classified as hazing.
Each sorority has an organized program designed for its new members. Once a week
you will attend a meeting with the new member educator. She is a sister who has
been elected to direct the new member program. At these meetings you will study
the history, purpose, structure and standards of your sorority. This education period
will give you an appreciation and understanding of what awaits you as an initiated
In a sorority, you will find an atmosphere where academic endeavors are encouraged
and honored. You will be expected to work up to your potential and attend all of your
classes. Some sororities may require you to attend a study hall at the house. Every
sorority stresses academics and will have programs set up to assist you.
Activities are also held to build relations between the new members and the sisters.
Each new member has a big sister who is there to help and offer the benefit of her
experience in the chapter. Additionally, sisterhood events such as movie nights and
study breaks are planned to bring the new members and sisters closer together.
It is important not only to be involved in the sorority, but in other activities. Greeks
have a reputation for being active in and holding leadership positions in many
organizations. Because they realize the benefits and rewards of campus involvement,
sororities may require members to be involved in one or more activities outside the
sorority. This can help you learn to budget your time.
The value of your experience will depend largely upon what you make of it. Remember
that the sorority chose you not only on the basis of your past achievements, but for
the contributions you will make as a future sister. You will be expected to attend
sorority functions and contribute your time to making your chapter a success. You will
represent your sorority to others and will be expected to maintain the high standards
your sorority has established. Sorority membership can be one of the most rewarding
experiences of your college career. Make the most of it!
Financial Requirements
An important consideration in deciding to join a sorority should be if you are
able to meet the financial requirements of membership. Membership is most
expensive the first semester you join due to many one-time fees. However,
all sororities are willing to work with each member individually through
payment plans to meet the financial obligations of membership.
Sororities often require members to live in the sorority house for at least one
year, usually during the second year of membership. Living in the sorority
house is an exceptional value, as the average cost of living in the house
(including room, board and dues) can be less than living in UGA residence
There are also many “extras” such as t-shirts from events, which are in
no way mandatory. T-shirts cost from $12 to $20. If you have questions
regarding the cost of belonging to a sorority, please ask your Gamma Chi or
sorority members about their costs.
Average Expenses (per semester)
Average New Member Dues (first semester membership only): $1,600
Average In-House Dues: $3,600
Average Out-of-House Dues: $1,100
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
If I participate in Recruitment, am I obligated to
join a sorority?
No, many women choose to go through Recruitment
to meet people and make new friends. Recruitment
is an opportunity for you to visit the sororities, get a
glimpse of Greek life, and assess whether or not you
would like to be a part of the UGA Greek community.
What if I only want to be in a certain sorority?
Potential New Members often experience the greatest
disappointment by beginning the Recruitment process
only wanting to be in one or a few certain sororities.
Sorority membership is more than wearing certain
Greek letters. It is giving your time and energy to
the sorority, agreeing to abide by all the rules and
regulations, and living up to high expectations. Don’t
make a decision based on stereotypes and others’
opinions. Keep an open mind and make a decision
that is right for you.
I have heard that sororities have various reputations.
How do I handle this information?
The only opinion of a chapter that should matter
is yours. Each chapter is different from campus to
campus and from year to year. If you allow someone
else’s perceptions to influence you, then you may not
feel satisfied with your choices during Recruitment.
Remember that each chapter is made up of many
different women with different talents and qualities that
compose the entire group. There are always rumors
about any important event and Recruitment is no
exception. If you hear derogatory remarks
about any sorority or any women in
the group, please disregard those
comments as inappropriate and
against the Panhellenic spirit.
Any questions regarding
rumors or inappropriate
comments should be
directed to your Gamma
Chi or a Panhellenic
Executive Officer. It is very
important to keep an open
mind about each sorority
throughout the process and
not to dismiss a certain house
based on rumor or stereotype.
What do sororities look for in members?
It is difficult to pin-point exactly for what sorority women
are looking. There are as many answers to that question
as there are sorority women. A strong academic
background is very important to every sorority. Each
sorority has a minimum grade requirement and no
matter how wonderful the Potential New Member may
be, the sorority might release her if she cannot meet the
grade requirement.
Often, women have friends currently in sororities or are
legacies to certain sororities. Some women feel that
these Potential New Members have an advantage in
that sorority. However, just as you are not obligated
to join that sorority, that sorority is not obligated to
extend you an invitation for membership. Furthermore,
you should not worry if you are not a legacy or do not
know anyone in a sorority. The entire point of going
through Recruitment is to meet new people, and every
sorority wants to give all Potential New Members
an equal chance. It is most important to be yourself.
Every sorority is looking for a variety of members. Not
everyone can or wants to be Chapter President, and the
sororities realize this. Keep in mind that it is up to you to
present yourself to each sorority. Smile and feel free to
talk and ask questions.
Remember that membership selection is not an
easy task, and it varies from sorority to sorority.
These differences are based on national policies and
chapter bylaws. Therefore, Panhellenic has no input
in the membership selection process or the
qualifications each sorority considers
for members. Sororities strive to
put together a well-rounded
and balanced group of new
members. There is no mold
or “perfect” member. Every
house wants to add diversity
with each group of new
members. No sorority wants
to be a house of clones. It
is important to be yourself
and let your personality
I am a legacy to a sorority - what should I know?
Each Potential New Member is considered on an
individual basis; a legacy is no more obligated to join
a particular sorority than the sorority is obligated to
pledge her. The Potential New Member
and the sorority should be looking
for compatibility, not necessarily a
family connection to the group.
Panhellenic has no policies
regarding legacies because
each sorority has its own
policy, and Panhellenic
has no input in individual
sorority membership
decisions. More specific
questions regarding
legacies should be
directed to the individual
How do the sororities decide who to invite back for
each round?
As your Recruitment schedule is reduced from round
to round, so is the number of women each sorority
is allowed to invite back. Every Potential
New Member has something to
offer a sorority, but sororities
are required to release some
Potential New Members. In
deciding which Potential
New Members to invite
back and which to
release, each chapter
has a democratic voting
process. In other words,
one or a few sorority
women cannot guarantee
that a Potential New
Member will receive
an invitation to the next
round. Also, sororities are not
required to pledge their legacies.
Most importantly, a sorority
woman should never imply or promise
a Potential New Member that she will be
returning to any subsequent round.
What if I turn down a bid I
After the Preferential Round if you
wish to join a sorority, you will fill out
and sign an official Membership Recruitment
Acceptance Binding Agreement. Your signature on
this card is binding for one year. If you then receive a
bid and decide not to accept it, you will not be able to
What are recommendations and do I need them?
participate in Recruitment or Continuous Open Bidding
Recommendations (recs) are letters or statements from
for one year. We therefore urge you to think carefully
a sorority alumna recommending a Potential New
before turning down a bid as emotions can temporarily
Member for membership. While it is recommended
cloud your thinking. Please give yourself and the sorority
that you secure as many recs as possible, remember
a chance before declining a bid.
that it is ultimately not your obligation to solicit recs
so don’t worry if you can’t find a letter for a sorority
What if I have a hard time making decisions about
– the sororities will also be looking for recs on you.
Sometimes it can be difficult for sororities to secure
Difficult decisions are a very common dilemma.
recs for all PNMs so it is extremely helpful to them for
Potential New Members, however, should not look at
you to send in recs. There is no advantage to having
this as a problem. Most women can be happy in any of
more than one rec for a chapter. If you wish to secure
the sororities on campus. Besides, you have to keep in
recs, the letters must come from sorority members who
mind that sororities are also having to make decisions.
are alumnae. You should not contact sororities about
Think carefully and look objectively at what each sorority
recs – it is only appropriate for an alumna to contact
has to offer you. A sorority should be a home away
her sorority. For your convenience, addresses to send
from home; a place where you feel totally comfortable
recs to for each chapter are listed in the Pointer and
and welcome. Your experiences at each Recruitment
online. Sororities will accept recs until the last day of
event and personal goals and desires should guide your
recruitment If you are having difficulty securing recs, a
decision making.
list of alumnae of Panhellenic associations can be found
at npcwomen.org.
What to Bring
Don’t forget to bring all of your
belongings as there is no break
between Recruitment and
the first day of UGA classes!
• 1 pack of 3 x 5 index cards*
• A white dress**
• Umbrella
• Comfortable shoes
• Band-aids
• Safety pins
* Index cards are filled out and
left at each house for attendance
purposes. You will need
approximately 50 index cards
** Panhellenic Sororities require
new members to wear a white
dress on Bid Day
Abiding by the
Spirit of Recruitment
Recruitment is intended to
give each PNM an equal
opporunity to become familiar
with every sorority. To keep
the process fair, guidelines
have been established with
the expectation they will be
followed. However, violations
may occur, sometimes
involving PNMs unwittingly. If
a sorority offers you presents,
invites you to Recruitment
events during the summer or
implies that you will receive
a bid, that sorority is illegally
recruiting you. This is unfair
to you because this special
attention may lead you to
believe you may have a
better chance of becoming
a member of that chapter.
However, Recruitment holds
no guarantees for anyone.
Sororities should be confident
that they can attract members
when playing by the rules. If
you are aware that a sorority
is illegally recruiting you, it
is your duty to report this
violation. Please contact
Panhellenic with any questions
Important Reminders
All women participating in Recruitment who are scheduled to live in University Housing this
Fall may move into their assigned rooms on Tuesday, August 11 beginning at 8 a.m. Upon
your arrival to campus, report to your assigned residence hall. It is extremely important that
you check into your room and move in your belongings as soon as you arrive on campus.
Participants who will be living off-campus this fall must move into those residences
for Recruitment as no special housing is provided.You must also provide your own
transportation each morning to the Tate Center.
Recruitment check-in will be in the Reception Hall in Tate from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and in
Brumby Hall from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. All participants are required to check in. Do not check in
for Recruitment until you have moved into your residence hall.
Five breakfasts and 2 lunches are provided during Recruitment. For meals on your own,
remember to bring extra money. The UGA Meal plan will be open at limited locations the
first day of recruitment.
UGA buses are chartered during Recruitment to transport you to and from events. Potential
New Members are required to ride the bus to events. Buses will load at the Tate Student
Center one hour before events begin each morning and will be available between events
if houses are not within walking distance of each other. Buses will also take you back to the
Tate Center after your last event.
During Recruitment, scheduling conflicts may occur for you. Panhellenic makes every effort
to accommodate your schedule and will get you to as many events as possible. Sororities
will be made aware that you are missing events due to scheduling conflicts and not skipping
them. Try not to worry – we will work with you individually to help you get the most out of
your Recruitment experience!
Potential New Member’s Bill of Rights
• The right to be treated as an individual.
• The right to be fully informed about the Recruitment process.
• The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers
from Gamma Chis and sorority members.
• The right to be treated with respect.
• The right to be treated as a capable and mature person and not be patronized.
• The right to ask how and why and receive straight answers.
• The right to have and express opinions to Gamma Chis.
• The right to have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with Gamma Chis.
• The right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others.
• The right to be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in MRABA signing.
• The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full
responsibility for the results of that decision.
• The right to have a positive, safe and enriching Recruitment and membership experience.
Panhellenic Recruitment Rules
1. A woman must be enrolled at the University of Georgia as a student to participate
in Recruitment and belong to a sorority.
2. Potential New Members and sorority women are not permitted to discuss or
mention any other sorority or fraternity in a negative or degrading manner at any
time. Sororities are not to mention or make inference to other sororities and/or
fraternities in songs, skits, slide shows or other types of entertainment.
3. Sorority women and Potential New Members may not arrange or go on dates or
double dates together from the disaffiliation date of August 1 until the conclusion
of Formal Recruitment.
4. Potential New Members may not contact, in any manner, a sorority member
from the disaffiliation date of August 1 until bids are extended. Contact includes
visiting, phoning, sending letters, notes, flowers, balloons, etc. Contact the
Panhellenic Executive Board with extenuating circumstances.
5. Any Greek woman, including members and alumnae, may not contact or visit a
Potential New Member in her place of residence during the Formal Recruitment
program. This includes residence halls, apartments or any other type of lodging.
6. Greek women may not tell Potential New Members to which sorority Gamma Chis
and Panhellenic Executive Officers belong.
7. Potential New Members may not tell other people to which sorority Gamma Chis
and Panhellenic Executive Officers belong.
8. Gamma Chis will be stationed at all the chapter houses during events for the
Potential New Members if they need assistance.
9. Potential New Members must attend all first round events. For subsequent rounds,
Potential New Members must accept invitations to the maximum number of
events they can. A Potential New Member not attending an event she accepted an
invitation for may be dismissed from the Recruitment program.
10.Sorority women, alumnae or anyone acting as a representative of a sorority should
not tell a Potential New Member or imply that she has a bid, ask her to join or
imply an invitation from a group at any time. Any type of statement, written or oral,
that would lead a Potential New Member to believe that she was automatically
assured a bid or invitation from a sorority is prohibited. Sorority women are not
permitted to say anything regarding a Potential New Member’s return to their
house at any time during the Recruitment process. A bid, written or oral, is defined
as a sorority member saying that she or her particular chapter is interested in
pledging a particular woman. A bid also infers or implies future connections with
the sorority including future meetings during Formal Recruitment. Conversation
during the Preferential Round should not in any way indicate that a Potential New
Member will be a part of that particular group, will be guaranteed a place or will
be returning for Bid Day.
11.No Potential New Member shall be asked to state intent or give a promise to any
sorority woman, alumna or anyone acting as a representative of a sorority. No
Potential New Member should likewise tell her intent or give a promise.
12.Potential New Members must attend all meetings with their Gamma Chis. Failure
to do so will result in dismissal from the Recruitment program.
13.A Potential New Member must consult with her Gamma Chi before withdrawing
from the Recruitment program. In the event the Potential New Member feels she
must wirhdraw, she must complete an official withdrawal form with her Gamma
14.Any Potential New Member signing a Membership Recruitment Acceptance
Binding Agreement and receiving a bid at the end of Formal Recruitment is bound
by the agreement for one calendar year if she is at the same university or college.
All Recruitment Rules
have been established
to help sorority women
and Potential New
Members uphold the
Recruitment system.
The Formal Recruitment
period has a twofold
purpose: to give the
Potential New Member
every opportunity to
become acquainted with
as many sororities as
possible so that she may
make a wise, unbiased
decision concerning
membership and to
ensure that sororities
have equal opportunities
in recruiting and
membership selection
under the Panhellenic
All sorority members
and Potential New
Members will be
expected to conform to
the highest standards
of conduct. Mentioning
subjects such as sorority
reputations, stereotypes
or generalizations,
Potential New Member
reputations or promising
bids for membership
violates the spirit of the
Panhellenic System.
Formal Recruitment
begins August 11,
2015 and ends at the
conclusion of Bid Day on
August 17, 2015.
15.Potential New Members found in violation of any of the Recruitment Rules will be
subject to dismissal from the Recruitment program.
9 a.m. PNMs scheduled to live in UGA residence
halls move in beginning at 9 a.m. Report
to your assigned Residence Hall first and
then check in for Recruitment.
2 – 5 p.m. Recruitment Check-in for Brumby Hall
residents at Brumby Hall
2 – 3 p.m. Parent Orientation, Tate Grand Hall
Recruitment Orientation and Gamma
niversity of Georgia
–Tate Grand Hall
ic Councimeetings
6 a.m. 7 a.m. Breakfast, Tate Plaza
Meet buses at Tate Plaza
Round One events 1 – 11
Event 1: Event 2: Event 3: Event 4: 8 – 8:20
8:35 – 8:55
9:10 – 9:30
9:45 – 10:05
Break between Events 4 & 5
Event 5: Event 6: Event 7: Noon – 1 p.m. 1 p.m. Event 8: Event 9: Event 10: Event 11: 4 – 5 p.m. 10:30 – 10:50
11:05 – 11:25
11:40 – 12:00
Lunch, Tate Plaza
Meet buses at Tate Plaza
1:45 – 2:05
2:20 – 2:40
2:55 – 3:15
3:30 – 3:50
Gamma Chi group meetings
6 a.m. 7 a.m. Breakfast, Tate Plaza
Meet buses at Tate Plaza
Round One events 12 – 17
Event 12: Event 13: Event 14: Event 15: Event 16: Event 17: 11:30 – 12:30 8 – 8:20
8:35 – 8:55
9:10 – 9:30
9:45– 10:05
10:20 – 10:40
10:55 – 11:15
Gamma Chi group meetings/
PNM sorority selections
7 a.m. Breakfast, Tate Plaza.
PNMs receive schedules for
Round Two from Gamma Chis
Meet buses at Tate Plaza
Round Two events 1-12
9 a.m – 5 p.m Recruitment Check-in –
Reception Hall, Tate Center
7 – 9 p.m.
The U
6 a.m. Chi
Event 1: 8 – 8:20
Event 2: 8:45 – 9:05
Event 3: 9:30 – 9:50
Event 4: 10:15 – 10:35
Event 5: 11:00 – 11:20
Event 6: 11:45 – 12:05 aigroe
inU ehT
Event 7: 12:30 – 12:50 licnuofCo yctiniserlelevhnaP
1 – 2 p.m. Lunch, Tate Grand Hall
2 p.m.
Meet buses at Tate Plaza
Event 8:
3 – 3:20
Event 9: 3:45 – 4:05
Event 10: 4:30 – 4:50
Event 11: 5:15 – 5:35
Event 12: 6 – 6:20
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Gamma Chi group meetings/
PNM sorority selections
7 a.m. 8 a.m. Breakfast, Tate Plaza
Meet buses at Tate Plaza
Event 1: Event 2: Event 3: Event 4: Event 5: Event 6: 2 – 3 p.m. 9 – 9:30
9:50 – 10:20
10:40 – 11:10
11:30 – 12:00
12:20 – 12:50
1:10 - 1:40
Gamma Chi group meetings
PNM sorority selections
Round Three events 1-6
6 a.m. Breakfast, Tate Plaza.
PNMs receive Pref Round schedules
from Gamma Chis
7 a.m. Meet buses at Tate Plaza
Preferential Round events 1-3
Event 1: 8 – 8:50
Event 2: 9:20 – 10:10
Event 3: 10:40 – 11:30
12:45 – 2 p.m. PNM sorority selections
and MRABA signing at Gamma Chi
group meetings
6 p.m. 7 p.m. Bid Distribution –Tate Grand Hall
Bid Day activities begin
we look forward to seeing you in august!
of Chapter Pages
Alpha Chi Omega ................................................................... 24
Alpha Delta Pi.......................................................................... 25
Alpha Gamma Delta ............................................................... 26
Chi Omega ............................................................................. 28
Delta Delta Delta .................................................................... 29
Delta Gamma ......................................................................... 30
Delta Zeta ............................................................................... 31
Gamma Phi Beta .................................................................... 32
Kappa Alpha Theta .................................................................. 33
Kappa Delta ............................................................................ 34
Kappa Kappa Gamma ............................................................ 35
Phi Mu .................................................................................... 36
G fo ytisrevinU ehT
licnuoC cinellehnaP
Alpha Omicron Pi ................................................................... 27
Pi Beta Phi .............................................................................. 37
Sigma Delta Tau ..................................................................... 38
Sigma Kappa........................................................................... 39
Zeta Tau Alpha ........................................................................ 40
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“Went to college, what did I see?
Alpha Chi is the one for me!”
Chapter Name:
Alpha Chi, A Chi O
DePauw University, October 15, 1885
Beta Sigma
Greek Lyre
Red Carnation
Scarlet and Olive Green
The Lyre
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
alpha chi omega
Founded at DePauw University by seven talented and ambitious women, Alpha Chi
Omega has since expanded to more than 130 collegiate chapters across the country.
The Beta Sigma chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was installed at the University of
Georgia in 1938, and has been dedicated to uplifting and empowering its members,
the university and the Athens community through scholarship and service ever since.
With the motto, “Together let us seek the heights,” the women of Alpha Chi Omega
strive to be the best versions of themselves in order to succeed as sisters.The Beta
Sigma chapter at UGA has been honored as one of the top Alpha Chi Omega
chapters in the nation for over a decade.
The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega have a heart for their national philanthropy and are
proud to generate awareness and funds for Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA).
With this mission in mind, our members have become active participants in the
growing national movement to promote healthy relationships. Each year Beta Sigma
hosts “Barefoot on the Lawn,” an event benefitting DVA where the UGA community
enjoys a home-cooked meal and live music on the Alpha Chi Omega lawn. The
sisters of Beta Sigma have also adopted UGA Relay for Life as their chapter
philanthropy, and are united together in the fight against cancer.
Alpha Chis pride themselves on being leaders of the UGA campus with a passion
for service and fellowship. Many hold leadership positions within UGA’s largest
philanthropic organizations including Relay for Life, UGA HEROs and UGA
Miracle. Several sisters have founded, organized and led their own philanthropic
organizations including Whatever It Takes at UGA and Camp Kesem UGA. This
dedication to service extends to numerous other causes within the community
such as CURE at UGA, Autism UGA, Dawgs for Diabetes, YoungLife, Shop With
a Bulldawg and more. Members show their Dawg pride by serving at the Visitor’s
Center, as Dawg Camp counselors and Orientation Leaders. Sisters have served in
the Student Government Association, have been recognized on UGA’s Homecoming
Court and several have been honored as UGA’s Amazing Students. In addition to
cheering on sisters who participate and volunteer in UGA athletics, Alpha Chis can
always be seen cheering on the Dawgs every Saturday during football season!
Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Georgia is a true sisterhood that encourages
members to reach and embrace their full potential and to cultivate genuine
friendships. We are dedicated to making our time at UGA, and our time together,
a wonderful and fulfilling four years and beyond. We warmly welcome you to the
University of Georgia and can’t wait to meet you during Recruitment! Go Dawgs!
Send Letters of Recommendation to:
[email protected]
Alpha Chi Omega
Attn: Kelly Rodriguez
1064 South Lumpkin St.
Athens, Ga 30605
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“Boom boom,
I wanna go A-D-Pi,
don’t you?”
alpha delta pi
The “Adelphean Society” is noted as being the first secret society for
college women. The founding date of 1851 gives ADPi the distinction of
being the first sorority.
In 1913, the Adelphean Society changed its name to Alpha Delta Pi. The
ADPi founders chose “we live for each other” as their open motto and their
avowed purpose was that of bettering themselves morally, mentally and
socially. From its inception, Alpha Delta Pi possessed all of the attributes
of a secret order including ritual, badge, motto, grip and a password. The
Beta Nu chapter of Alpha Delta Pi was installed on the University of Georgia
campus in 1933. Alpha Delta Pi’s national tradition of excellence gives its
sisterhood a sense of strength and unity.
Members of Alpha Delta Pi enjoy working actively with their national
philanthropy, the Ronald McDonald House. Their annual “Teeter Totter
Barbecue” is just one way that they raise funds. This unique activity provides
a wonderful opportunity for collegians and alumnae to help children
throughout the United States and Canada. Since ADPi’s national support of
the Ronald McDonald House began, sorority members across the country
contribute over $100,000 annually to this philanthropy.
Members of ADPi are very active on the University of Georgia campus.
While maintaining a high chapter grade point average, they are involved
in Relay for Life, Arch Society, ugaMIRACLE,UGA HEROs, Clarke County
Mentoring Program, UGA Athletics, Hoop Girls, Diamond Darlings, Order of
Omega and with campus honor societies. Alpha Delta Pi welcomes you to
the University of Georgia. We look forward to meeting you!
Send Letters of Recommendation to:
[email protected]
Alpha Delta Pi
Attn: Caroline Youngs
1953 S. Lumpkin St.
Athens, GA 30606
Chapter Name:
Wesleyan College, May 15, 1851
Beta Nu
Woodland Violet
Azure Blue and White
The Adelphean
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“Oh how I love those Alpha Gams
so deep deep, so down down,
in my heart!”
Chapter Name:
Alpha Gam
Syracuse University, May 30, 1904
Gamma Alpha
14 Pearls
Red and Buff Roses
Red, Buff, and Green
The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
alpha gamma delta
The Gamma Alpha Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta was installed at the University of
Georgia in 1923 and is the third oldest sorority on campus. After almost ninety years
on campus, the ladies of Gamma Alpha continually strive to surpass the principles of
sisterhood set forth by their eleven founding members through service, scholarship,
and involvement.
The Alpha Gamma Delta foundation, which benefits diabetes research is Alpha
Gam’s national philanthropy. Through the foundation, large grants are made annually
to organizations and individuals for diabetes research, treatment, and education.
Alpha Gam hosts an annual philanthropy event each fall called Mr. Milledge, in
which members of fraternities compete in a male beauty pageant. This spring Alpha
Gamma Delta will also begin a new philanthropy event, titled “Sorority Fitness
Games,” in which members of sororities will compete against each other in several
athletic events. The money raised at each event is donated to the Alpha Gamma
Delta Foundation.
Not only do the sisters of Alpha Gam give back to the Foundation, but they also
give back to the local community. The chapter supports Talmage Terrace and Lanier
Gardens senior living community and frequently visits the residents. Alpha Gams
also take pride in supporting other Greek and campus philanthropy events. Across
campus, you can find an Alpha Gam in nearly every organization. Sisters participate
in the UGA Honors program, Order of Omega, honors societies, and are represented
as college ambassadors. Leadership comes naturally to Alpha Gams. Sisters are
active in several pre-professional organizations, Young Life, Autism UGA, Manna
Project International, Wesley Foundation, Golden Key, Leonard Leadership Scholars,
Arch Society, as well as UGA Miracle, Relay for Life and UGA HEROs. Sisters are
also involved with Redcoats, Majorettes, cheerleading, Hoop Girls, Red Hotz, Sports
Medicine, and Dance Dawgs. Many of the sisters also have participated in Study
Abroad programs to places all over the world including Australia, South Africa,
China, New Zealand, and Spain.
Alpha Gamma Delta holds a special place in each sister’s heart and looks forward
to sharing that experience with you during recruitment. From themed social events
to sisterhood parties to formal dances, there is never a dull moment. Alpha Gamma
Delta welcomes you to the University of Georgia and looks forward to meeting you
during Recruitment this year!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Alpha Gamma Delta
Attn: Corinne Sweeney
480 Millhaven Way
Johns Creek, GA 30005
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“It’s my life,
oh so right,
AOPi’s the life!”
alpha omicron pi
Founded in New York by four accomplished women, Alpha Omicron Pi
has expanded to 109 chapters across the country. Chartered in 1935, the
Lambda Sigma chapter stands to uphold the high standards of academic
excellence, leadership, involvement and genuine friendship. AOII takes
great pride in academics and consistently holds one of the highest grade
point averages among all of the sororities! Members participate in the UGA
honors program, Order of Omega, Foundation Fellows, and has ambassadors
in many of the colleges here at the university. Leadership is also a high priority to members of AOII. AOII is represented on
the executive boards of UGA Miracle, HEROS, Relay for Life, and CURE UGA.
Members are active in the Arch Society, Tate Society, Wesley Leadership,
CRU, and Young Life. Perhaps most characteristic of the chapter is its deep involvement in campus
organizations. AOII is represented in the Red and Black Newspaper, Dawg
Camp, the Georgia Recruitment Team, Student Government Association,
and the Visitors Center. Members have active roles in UGA Athletics on the
Track Team, the Cheerleading team, the Dance Dawgs, the Georgettes, and
the Club Lacrosse team. Over the past few years, AOII members have been
honored as Orientation Leaders to assist the incoming freshman in their
transition to college. An AOII was voted UGA’s Homecoming Queen in 2006,
2008, 2011, and 2014. In 2011, an AOII served as SGA’s President. With a passion for our national philanthropy, the Juvenile Arthritis
Foundation, the Chapter puts on an annual 5K “Run for the Roses.” As a
top sorority in community service, members love taking time to get involved
in the community volunteering for Athens Regional Hospital, Mercy Health
Center, the Boys and Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity, as well as mentoring
and coaching at local schools.
A visible characteristic of this group of women is their sincere ability to
remain honest and true to themselves. Girls with a diversity of interests and
backgrounds come from hometowns all over the country to share a wonderful
four years together at UGA. We warmly welcome you to the University of
Georgia and hope you enjoy Recruitment! GO DAWGS!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Alpha Omicron Pi
Attn: Kelsey Graham
1190 S. Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
Chapter Name:
Barnard College of Columbia University,
January 2, 1897
Lambda Sigma
Jacqueminot Rose
Cardinal and White
Panda Bear
To Dragma
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“Chi Omega key I chi,
Chi Omega til I die!”
Chapter Name:
Chi O
University of Arkansas,
April 5, 1895
Mu Beta
White Carnation
Cardinal and Straw
The Eleusis of Chi Omega
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
chi omega
Founded in 1895 at the University of Arkansas, Chi Omega is the largest women’s
fraternal organization in the world with over 320,000 initiates and 174 collegiate
chapters. The Mu Beta Chapter of Chi Omega was founded on April 21, 1922 as the
second sorority at the University of Georgia.
Throughout Chi Omega’s history, six great purposes have been stressed, including
friendship, high standards of personnel, sincere learning and credible scholarship,
community service, participation in campus activities, and career development.
Members are encouraged to develop appreciation for the things in life that contribute
to a finer culture, habits of responsibility, attitudes of understanding, standards of
conduct that make it possible to attain the purposes, and interest in learning. Chi
Omega’s open declaration is “Hellenic Culture and Christian Ideals.” Today members
recognize their great heritage from which they draw their present strength and prestige.
Chi Omegas participate in many activities at UGA and in the Athens community. Current
chapter members are on the executive boards of UGA Miracle, UGA HEROs, and
Food2Kids. There are several members that have served as senators on the Student
Government Association. Many Chi Omegas enjoy mentoring at Athens-Clarke County
Elementary Schools. Others participate in club volleyball, lacrosse, soccer, and tennis,
and one member is a Lady Dawg basketball player! Chi Omegas are also involved in
activities such as Diamond Darlings, Order of Omega, Hoop girls, and Relay for life.
Members are YoungLife Leaders and college representatives for companies, such as
Target and Rent the Runway. Chi Omega hosts a fall philanthropy event benefitting
Make a Wish and a spring philanthropy even called Dawgs for a Cause which benefits
a philanthropy chosen by the chapter each year.
Although the Chi Omega house appears small from the front, the dormitory area
can accomodate 69 girls, making it one of the largest sorority houses at UGA. The
courtyard (our claim to fame), which is adjacent to the living quarters and the chapter
room, is a great place to study on a cool fall day, to catch a few rays in the spring time,
or simply to socialize.
ChiO would like to welcome you to UGA and cannot wait to see you during
Please visit us at: ugachiomega.wix.com/ugachiomega
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Chi Omega
Attn: Sophie Macicek
324 South Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
“Tri-Delta and you will see
why all the best girls go Delta-D-D!”
delta delta delta
Founded at Boston University in 1888, Delta Delta Delta embodies the ideals
of truth, self-sacrifice and friendship. The stars and crescent, the badge of Tri
Delta, serves as a reminder to the sisters that they can reach great heights.
In Tri Delta, a woman will find the support she needs to set and accomplish
many goals. The Alpha Rho chapter of Tri Delta has been a member of the
Greek community at UGA for more than 75 years.
Tri Delta stresses the importance of both academics and extracurricular
activities. Members are leaders in a variety of activities including the Student
Government Association, Georgia Recruitment Team, Match Mates, Deck
Dawgs, University Judiciary, and Rotaract. Tri Deltas also participate in athletics
such as cheerleading, tennis and the Gymdogs. In the past, Tri Deltas have
been honored as Homecoming Queen and Miss UGA. Members also value
academic achievement and have been honored with membership in groups
such as Mortar Board, Golden Key, Order of Omega, Leonard Leadership
Scholars, the Honors Program and The Arch Society.
Tri Delta’s annual philanthropy event is a pancake supper which raises money
for Tri Delta’s national philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Other fundraisers for St. Jude include an annual bowling tournament, silent
auction and letter writing campaign. The members of Tri Delta are proud to
have raised more than $70,000 this year for such a worthy cause. Each year
Tri Delta is also proud to be among the top sponsors for both Relay for Life,
ugaMIRACLE, and UGA Heros.
The sisters of Delta Delta Delta welcome you to the University of Georgia and
look forward to seeing you during Recruitment.
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Delta Delta Delta
Attn: Amanda Guest
1111 S. Milledge Ave.
Athens, GA 30605
Chapter Name:
Tri Delta,Tri-Delt
Boston University,
Thanksgiving Eve, 1888
Alpha Rho
Stars and Crescent, Pine, Pearl
Silver, Gold and Cerulean Blue
The Trident
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“She’s an anchor lovin’ southern beauty”
nickname: DG
founded: Lewis School for Girls
chapter name:
December 25, 1873
Delta Iota
Cream Colored Rose
Bronze, Pink and Blue
Hannah (rag doll)
The Anchora
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
Delta Gamma
On Christmas Eve in 1873, three ambitious young women in Oxford,
Mississippi founded Delta Gamma with the goal of bringing together the
highest standard of women to form strong bonds on sisterhood and to foster
intellectual growth and service. Today, Delta Gamma boasts 147 collegiate
chapters and 190,000 members that continue to uphold these high standards.
The Delta Iota chapter joined UGA’s Greek community in 1968. Our chapter
prides itself on a strong and true sisterhood and excellence in academics,
leadership, service, and social endeavors. We are proud to continually receive
national awards for excellence.
DGs are proud to be actively involved on campus. Delta Gamma is
represented in Arch Society, the UGA Honors Program, Student Government
Association, University Judiciary, Diamond Darlings, Order of Omega, Greek
Ambassadors, Tate Society, Dawg Camp, Georgia Recruitment Team, and
many more. DGs can also be found in club sports including cheer, swimming,
and equestrian.
We live to serve by our motto, “Do Good.” Our annual philanthropy event is
a Low Country Boil dinner on our lawn that raises money for Delta Gamma’s
national philanthropy, Service for Sight, which works to improve the quality of
life for those with vision impairments or blindness. Our spring philanthropy
event supports Joining Forces, a partnership between Delta Gamma and
military veterans who have suffered eye injuries in combat. We are proud
to work with Prevent Blindness Georgia, and we have several sisters who
train puppies for the Guide Dog Foundation. DGs are also hold leadership
positions and are very involved in other philanthropies on campus including
UGA Miracle, Relay for Life, UGA HEROs, Special Olympics, UGA Make-aWish, and Habitat for Humanity.
The sisters of Delta Gamma can’t wait to welcome you to UGA and share our
sisterhood with you during recruitment!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Delta Gamma
Attn: Brooklyn Mackenzie
1812 Delancey Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
“Delta Zetas, sisters forever. Loving,
laughing, being together.”
Delta Zeta
Founded in 1902 at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio, Delta Zeta strives
to join its members in a strong sisterhood while stressing individuality and
personal development. Delta Zeta’s motto, “May the flame endure,” reflects
the eternal flame of sisterhood, love, and friendship shared by the sisters of
the Zeta Pi chapter.
Delta Zeta members believe in the value of service and leadership and are
actively involved both on campus and in the community. From the Miss UGA
Pageant to mentoring in local schools, members possess diverse interests
and are involved in a wide range of organizations. Members are involved in
athletic activities including Diamond Darlings, Match Mates, Hoop Girls, the
equestrian team and a variety of intramural sports. Delta Zetas take pride in
their involvement in organizations such as Arch Society, Student Government,
Rotaract, and Georgia Recruitment Team.
Delta Zeta has long served its philanthropy, the speech and hearing impaired,
on the local and national level. Nationally, it supports Gallaudet University,
House and Ear Institute and The Starkey Foundation, and locally it has started
its own grant, “The Turtle Grant,” for the hearing impaired in Athens. Every
fall, DZ hosts Wing Bash to benefit this worthy cause. In the spring, DZ hosts
a paintball tournament to benefit its newest philanthropy, The Painted Turtle,
a camp founded by Paul Newman for children with serious illnesses. Delta
Zeta is involved in many other service organizations on campus, such as
ugaMIRACLE, HERO, Habitat for Humanity and Relay for Life.
The sisters of Delta Zeta welcome you to the University of Georgia and wish
you the best of luck in Recruitment.
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Reference Chair
4941 Long Island Drive
NW Atlanta, GA 30327
nickname: DZ
founded: Miami University,
chapter name:
October 24, 1902
Zeta Pi
Roman Lamp
Killarney Rose
Old Rose and Green
The Lamp
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
Come on along and we’ll show you why,
all over this land #1 is Gamma Phi”
nickname: Gamma Phi
founded: Syracuse University,
chapter name:
November 11, 1874
Delta Upsilon
Crescent Moon
Pink Carnation
Pink and White
White Harp Seal
The Crescent
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
gamma phi beta
Gamma Phi Beta was founded in 1874 at Syracuse University. Gamma Phi’s
motto, “Founded Upon a Rock”, is representative of the principles of love,
labor, learning and loyalty upon which the sorority was built. Gamma Phis
strive to inspire the highest type of womanhood through community service,
academic achievement, and commitment to sisterhood.
In addition to their sorority activities, Gamma Phis are involved in seemingly
every facet of life at the University of Georgia. The sisters of the Delta Upsilon
chapter are devoted to the University, the Athens-area community, and to each
other. Gamma Phis are involved in a multitude of on-campus organizations,
including Student Government Association, Georgia Recruitment Team,
UGA Miracle, HEROs, and Relay for Life. They can be found supporting UGA
Athletics as Gameday Hosts, Deck Dawgs, Hoop Girls, Diamond Darlings and
Match Mates. Gamma Phis have been recognized for achieving academic
excellence by organizations such as Tate Society, Order of Omega, Foundation
Fellows, Ramsey Scholars, and Leonard Leadership Scholars.
The sisters of Gamma Phi Beta are dedicated to both local and national
philanthropy. Each fall, Gamma Phi hosts a Chili Cook-Off competition, which
benefits Children’s Miracle Network and Chip’s Nation. In the spring, their
annual Crescent Classic benefits Girls on the Run, an organization that strives
to build strong girls through mentoring, health promotion, and positive selfimage programs. Gamma Phis also support the local chapter of Girls on the
Run by serving as mentors and coaches.
The sisters of Gamma Phi Beta welcome you to UGA, and wish you the best
of luck during Recruitment!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Becca Briggs
397 South Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
“Theta made a lady out of me...”
kappa alpha theta
Kappa Alpha Theta was founded in 1870 as the first Greek-letter fraternity for
women. We value our history and our long tradition of leading the way for
women’s groups and women in higher education. The Gamma Delta chapter at
the University of Georgia, chartered in 1936, is one of more than 130 chapters
at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada.
Our four aspirations—we are intellectually ambitious, we exemplify the
widest influence for good, we align resources to best execute our mission,
and we promote the relevance of the Theta experience— lead us to personal
excellence and help us lead others there as well.
Thetas live up to their outstanding reputation by showing support for one
another, the University and the Greek community as a whole. The sisters of
Kappa Alpha Theta strive for excellence in all areas of campus life including
academics, social endeavors and sisterhood. Theta members currently serve
on the executive boards of Panhellenic, UGA Miracle, UGA HEROS, and Shop
with a Bulldawg. We also have members serving as university tour guides,
orientation leaders and freshmen college counselors!
Our members are also involved in Relay for Life, Student Government
Association, intermural and club sports, Dance Dawgs, Diamond Darlings,
UGA Cheerleading, The Red and Black Newspaper, Tate Honors Society, Order
of Omega, Habitat for Humanity, Young Life, Miss Sorority Row, Sophomore
Leadership Circle and the UGA Student Pantry.
As a group, Kappa Alpha Theta contributes a great deal of time and energy to
the University community and boasts a well rounded group of members with
hometowns from Texas to Tennessee and majors ranging from business to
veterinary medicine. In both the fall and spring, Theta sponsors philanthropy
events to benefit CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates.
The members of Kappa Alpha Theta can’t wait to meet you and welcome you
to the University of Georgia!
Find out more at: gammadelta.kappaalphatheta.org
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Kappa Alpha Theta
Attn: Claire Oliver
338 S. Milledge Ave.
Athens, GA 30605
nickname: Theta
founded: DePauw University,
chapter name:
January 27, 1870
Gamma Delta
Black and Gold
Kappa Alpha Theta
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“We are the Kappa Deltas,
we are the ones for you...
don’t you want to be a KD too?”
nickname: KD
founded: Longwood College,
chapter name:
October 23, 1897
Sigma Phi
Nautilus Shell
White Rose
Olive Green and Pearl White
Teddy Bear
The Angelos
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
kappa delta
“Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest.”
Kappa Delta was founded in Farmville, Virginia in 1897, and the Sigma Phi Chapter
was installed at UGA on March 22, 1924. National, the objective of the sorority is the
foundation and perpetuation of good fellowship, friendship, and sisterly love among
its members, the encouragement of literature and education, the promotion of social
interest, and the furtherance of charitable and benevolent purposes.
Kappa Deltas find pride in their sisterhood through a combination of leadership,
involvement, and love for each other. KD encourages scholarship, community
service, and campus involvement. Members of Kappa Delta’s hold positions in
numerous organizations such as Orientation Leaders, Georgia Spirit Program, Georgia
Recruitment Team, UGA Hero, UGA Miracle, Relay for Life, Tate Society, Order of
Omega, Student Government Association, Grady NewsSource, Dawg Camp, Georgia
Gameday, Hoop Girls, Diamond Darlings, Match Mates, Deck Dawgs, and many other
noteworthy organizations.
Kappa Delta is very involved in supporting local philanthropies: the Athens Council of
Prevent Child Abuse and local Girl Scout troops. Our chapter hosts events for local Girl
Scout troops three times each semester during which we promote recognizing inner
beauty and Kappa Delta’s Confidence Coalition.
Nationwide each chapter of Kappa Delta is granted their choice of local philanthropic
Shamrock Events. Each year, Sigma Phi chapter hosts a 5K-road race, known as the
5KD. Sigma Phi also hosts an All-You-Can-Eat Waffle House dinner at the Kappa Delta
house. All of the proceeds from this event benefit Prevent Child Abuse American and
Prevent Child Abuse Athens. While we host events throughout the year to raise money
for both local and national charities, our sisters feel that the most rewarding aspect of
our philanthropies is that we have the opportunity to make a difference by interacting
hands-on with the families our philanthropies support.
The Kappa Delta house is the only sorority house at UGA that is structured as one main
house and 19 furnished apartments. The apartments enclose a beautiful courtyard
where our sisters enjoy spending time together. Kappa Delta welcomes you to UGA
and wishes you the best of luck during Recruitment!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Kappa Delta
Attn: Taylor Underwood
750 S. Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
“I’m a Kappa Gamma,
awful glad I am a..
rootin’ tootin’ K-K-G!”
kappa kappa gamma
When Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded at Illinois’ Monmouth College,
the blues of the sky and the sea were chosen to represent their sisterhood.
Since October 13, 1870, members of Kappa Kappa Gamma have worked to
improve upon the principles that the six founding sisters set before them.
The fraternity badge is a golden key one inch in length, plain or jeweled, with
the Greek letters Kappa Kappa Gamma on the stem and the letters Alpha
Omega Omicron on the ward. Minerva with her owl is the patron goddess
of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The coat of arms also incorporates the various
fraternity symbols. The Delta Upsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma was
founded on February 14, 1948 at UGA.
Last year, the Kappas hosted their annual crawfish boil and their inaugural
color run benefitting a variety of organizations such as The Common Ground
Collective, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, and local Athens philanthropy Books
For Keeps. Kappa women are at home here, but their roots are in as many
places ranging from Texas to Connecticut! Members of Kappa are involved in
a variety of activities and various student organizations on campus. Nationally,
Kappa has grown to include 141 chapters and approximately 200,000 initiates.
Kappa Kappa Gamma wants every member throughout life to seek bonds
of friendship, mutual support, opportunity for self growth, respect for
intellectual development and an understanding and allegiance to positive
ethical principals.
Kappa welcomes you to Sorority Recruitment at the University of Georgia and
can’t wait to meet you! Find out more at ugakappa.org.
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Attn: Jordan Legg
440 South Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
nickname: Kappa
founded: Monmouth College
chapter name:
October 13, 1870
Delta Upsilon
Light Blue and Dark Blue
The Key
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“La de da, those Phi Mus are the best!”
nickname: Phi Mu
founded: Wesleyan College,
chapter name:
March 4,1852
Alpha Alpha
Rose Carnation
Rose and White
The Aglaia
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
phi mu
Phi Mu was originally founded as the Philomathean Society at Wesleyan
College in Macon, GA on March 4, 1852. For several years around the turn of
the century, there were discussions about becoming a national organization,
and in 1900 the organization adopted the Greek name “Phi Mu” symbolizing
the Society’s secret motto. In 1903 the national chapter was received by the
state of Georgia, and the original membership became the first chapter of Phi
Mu. The open motto for Phi Mu is “Les Soeurs Fideles” meaning “The Faithful
Sisters.” The Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi Mu at the University of Georgia was
founded as the first sorority at UGA on April 28, 1921.
Members of Phi Mu distinguish themselves through their commitment to
leadership, philanthropy, community involvement, and loyalty to one another.
Phi Mu’s National philanthropy is Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals,
translated as UGAMiracle on campus. To benefit this organization, Phi Mu
hosts annual “Meal on the Lawn”s in both the fall and spring. Members of
Phi Mu also participate in UGAMiracle’s 24-hour Dance Marathon, serving
as Executive Board members, Committee leads, Committee members and
Team Members. During the 2013-2014 school year, Phi Mu alone raised
$115,383.82 for this cause! When you visit Phi Mu, you will experience the
passion, enthusiasm and support Phi Mus continuously offer each other and
their surrounding community.
The members of Phi Mu welcome you to Sorority Recruitment at the University
of Georgia and cannot wait to meet you soon!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Phi Mu
Attn: Laura Farmer
250 South Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
“There’s nothing but Pi Phi,
nothing else I know...”
pi beta phi
The first national organization for women, Pi Beta Phi, was founded in 1867
at Monmouth College. UGA’s Georgia Alpha Chapter was established in 1939
and is one of 200 chapters.
Pi Phi’s symbol, the arrow, is always pointed upward and worn over the heart
to represent Pi Phi’s permanent place in a member’s heart.
Pi Beta Phi hosts their annual Pi Phi Pasta Fest and Pi Phiesta dinners to
raise money for its philanthropy, the Pi Beta Phi Foundation. The Pi Beta
Phi Foundation promotes literacy through Read > Lead > Achieve initiatives
and provides scholarships to those in need. These Read > Lead > Achieve
initiatives include The Arrowmount School of Arts and Crafts, a year round
school for education in arts and First Book, an organization that donates books
to children from low-income families. Pi Phi is also a partner in education
with Alps Road Elementary school in Athens where members tutor students
Some activities in which Pi Phi’s are involved include UGAMiracle, Order of
Omega Honors Society, UGA Judiciary, Greek Life Ambassadors, UGA Relay,
UGA HEROs, Diamond Darlings for UGA Baseball, Leonard Leadership
Fellows, Match Mates for UGA Tennis, and Student Government Association.
The mission of Pi Beta phi is to promote friendship, develop women of
intellect and integrity, cultivate leadership potential, and enrich lives through
community service. There is an unmatched level of integrity, commitment to
excellence, and a general aura of potential that sets a Pi Phi apart from the
rest. That’s because she is a member of a premier organization with a history
steeped in tradition. The ideals set forth by their founders are what they live
by today.
Pi Beta Phi hopes you have a fantastic experience at UGA and looks forward
to meeting you!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Kahler Smith
9 Ridgeview Circle
Valdosta, GA 31602
nickname: Pi Phi
founded: Monmouth College
chapter name:
April 28, 1867
Georgia Alpha
Wine Carnation
Wine and Silver Blue
The Arrow
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“The cutest girl I ever saw was
a Sigma Delta Tau!”
founded: Cornell University,
Sig Delt
chapter name:
March 25, 1917
Yellow Tea Rose
Cafe Au Lait and Old Blue
Teddy Bear
The Angelos
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
sigma delta tau
Sigma Delta Tau was founded on March 25, 1917 at Cornell University in
Ithaca, New York and has grown to include more than 90 college campuses
across the United States and Canada. The Eta chapter was chartered at the
University of Georgia on April 6, 1924. The mission of Sigma Delta Tau is
to enrich the college experience of women of similar ideals, to build lasting
friendships, and to foster personal growth.
On campus, Sig Delts are involved in many activities. SDT sisters hold
leadership positions on the executive boards of Relay for Life, UGA
Miracle, Habitat for Humanity, and Student Merchandising Association.
Many sisters are involved in SGA, HEROs, Match Mates, Greek Emerging
Leaders Resource Team, Advertising Club, and various honor societies.
The Eta chapter has a strong work ethic and repeatedly holds one of the
highest chapter grade point averages. Sig Delts also have active roles in
UGA athletics such as Women’s Basketball, Club Soccer, Swim Club, Club
Lacrosse, Club Tennis, Club Volleyball, and UGA Flagline.
In addition to campus activities, Sigma Delta Tau contributes to multiple
philanthropies. Each year, the Eta chapter looks forward to its signature
event, SDT Greek Grind, the largest Greek philanthropy on campus. This
highly anticipated event is a dance competition among all Panhellenic
sororities on campus that raises money for Prevent Child Abuse America.
Each year we take this event to a new level, expanding to a larger audience
and raising more money for this great cause. Last fall Sigma Delta Tau
raised over $76,000 for PCAA. Sig Delt sisters introduced their new spring
philanthropy, BΣΔΤ Box, this year. Benefitting SDT’s local philanthropy,
Breast Cancer Awareness, this concert is a joint event with an IFC fraternity,
giving the entire Greek community a great night for an even greater cause.
The Eta chapter shares a close sisterhood and takes pride in its academic,
social, and philanthropic endeavors.
Sigma Delta Tau welcomes you to Athens and hopes you have a wonderful
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Sigma Delta Tau
Attn: Taylor Bookstaff
525 Bloomfield St
Athens, GA 30605
“Sigma Kappa you will see,
is the place you want to be!”
sigma kappa
“One heart, one way,” is the way we live, work and play! The sisters of
Sigma Kappa have lived by this motto for more than a century. Sigma
Kappa creates more than friendships among its members, it creates
lifelong sisterhood.
Sigma Kappas bond by having fun at social events, cheering for the
Dawgs at football games, participating in various campus activities,
and helping others through philanthropy. Some annual events we
participate in are Homecoming activities, Violet Ball Formal, Parents
Weekend, Choral Cup, Greek Grind and Derby Days. Sisters also enjoy
living and playing together in their beautiful home, which is a part of
the National Register of Historic Places.
Sigma Kappas are visible and well-known on campus with members
involved in a variety of activities including Diamond Darlings, Hoop
Girls, Match Mates, ugaMiracle, HERO, Young Life, Relay for Life, Club
Cheerleading, CURE International, the Rally Foundation and Georgia
Recruitment Team among others!
Sigma Kappas also strive for academic excellence with many sisters in
the Honors Program, CURO Research, Leonard Leadership Scholars,
Arch Society, Tate Society, Order of Omega and other honor societies.
Sigma Kappa is also proud of our extensive number of girls on Deans
List, as well as the Presidential Scholars.
Sigma Kappa’s willingness to help others is apparent through their
philanthropic efforts. Sisters worked together to raise $70,000 at last
year’s Alzheimer’s Memory Walk, which benefitted the Alzheimer’s
Association, one of our national philanthropies. They also hold
The Longest Drive Tournament in the spring to raise money for the
Foundation as well as volunteer weekly at an assisted living home in
Athens in the Memory Room.
Sigma Kappa welcomes you to UGA and wishes you the best of luck
with Recruitment!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Allison Brill
12530 Pindell Circle
Alpharetta, GA 30004
nickname: SK
founded: Colby College
chapter name:
November 9, 1874
Epsilon Epsilon
Lavender and Maroon
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
“Boom boom
I’m glad I’m a Z-T-A,
Boom boom
wouldn’t have it any other way!”
nickname: Zeta
founded: Longwood College,
chapter name:
October 15, 1898
Gamma Pi
White Violet
Steel Grey and Turquoise Blue
The U
niversity of Georgia
Panhellenic Council
zeta tau alpha
In 1898, nine young women at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia
joined together in devotion to the right, the good and the true to form the
Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity. At the University of Georgia, the Zetas strive to
reflect their open motto “Seek the Noblest” in every aspect. The Gamma
Pi chapter, chartered in 1949, is committed to excellence and continually
receives national awards of the highest distinction. At the 2014 National
Convention, Gamma Pi chapter was awarded the Helen Margaret Harrison
Award which is given to the #1 Collegiate Chapter in the nation.
ZTA prides itself on exemplary leadership, involvement and service.
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha are active in UGA Cheerleading, UGA Miracle,
Georgettes, UGA Equestrian, Dance Dawgs, Relay for Life, Orientation
Leader, College Young Life, Crossroads, Hoop Girls, Wesley Foundation,
Match Mates, UGA Heros, LeaderSHAPE, Visitors Center Staff and Diamond
Academic achievement is also a high priority in ZTA. Many are part of the
UGA Honors Program as well as the Order of Omega. Several girls have
been selected for Foundation Fellows and Leonard Leadership Scholarships.
Zeta Tau Alpha consistently maintains an excellent chapter grade point
average that exceeds the overall University of Georgia student average.
ZTA’s national philanthropy of Breast Cancer Education and Awareness
is extremely important to the chapter. Every year, the chapter hosts the
Diamond Challenge Softball Tournament to raise money for the cure. The
Gamma Pi chapter raised more than $125,000 during the biennium to
benefit women nationwide. The ZTA Foundation claims “Think Pink!” as a
registered trademark to serve as the umbrella for all of our breast cancer
education and awareness projects.
Zeta Tau Alpha welcomes you to the University of Georgia and wishes you
the best of luck with Recruitment! GO DAWGS!!
Send letters of recommendation to:
[email protected]
Zeta Tau Alpha
Attn: Mackenna Perkins
897 South Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
FALL 2015
On March 17, 1917, five women at New York
University Law School took a pledge of sisterhood
and loyalty and so founded the Alpha Chapter of
Delta Phi Epsilon, the only social sorority founded
at a professional school. Our Founders selected
the motto Esse Quam Videri- to be, rather than to seem
to be- because they believed above all, our sisters
should remain true to who they are.
From this small group making up the first chapter,
there are now chapters and alumnae associations
all throughout the United States and Canada. Our
chapters, both undergraduate and alumnae, enjoy a
distinguished reputation for scholarship, service,
and leadership. We are excited to grow our
sisterhood and begin our legacy at the University
of Georgia.
Women who join a new colony of DPhiE are
known as Founders and they create the legacy and
traditions of Delta Phi Epsilon on campus. Find
where you belong, create your legacy, and see what
you can be with DPhiE! We are so excited to
welcome you to UGA recruitment and wish you
the best of luck! Quick
nickname: DPhiE
founded: New York University
School of Law, March 17, 1917
principles: Justice, Sisterhood & Love
Lovely Purple Iris
Royal Purple & Pure Gold
magazine: Triad
“Friendship, strength
and loyalty That’s all in a dphie”
Interested in learning more about DPhiE?
Sign up now at www.bedphie.com Our recruitment activities will begin following
formal recruitment bid-day. Send Letters of Recommendation to:
Delta Phi Epsilon
UGA Greek Life Office
153 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602
Email: [email protected]
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freshman greek leaders
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Sophomore Leaders Circle
UGA Student Affairs
Greek Life
Designed to prepare members for leadership roles within their chapters and the
Greek community through networking and personal development opportunities.
Greek Ambassadors Program
Positively promote Greek Life on UGA’s campus to prospective students, faculty/staff,
and the Athens community.
order of omega
This organization is the most prestigious Greek leadership honorary in the nation for
Juniors & Seniors. Membership consists of the top 3% of Greek leaders from each campus.
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through hosting several events to interact both our campus, community, and hospital.
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