SPRINg SCHEDUlE OF ClASSES January 25, 2016
SPRINg SCHEDUlE OF ClASSES January 25, 2016
1 MISSION STATEMENT “We are committed to providing the highest quality academic, ESL courses, career technical education training, and job placement services to a diverse population, empowering students to succeed in a technologically changing society.” STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students completing their educational programs at Harbor Occupational Center or our branch locations will: nD emonstrate effective communication skills enabling them to compete in the job market. nD emonstrate interpersonal skills that will allow them to work effectively in the work place. nD emonstrate the ability to use critical thinking and problem solving skills in classroom activities. nD emonstrate academic and career technical education skills to succeed in a technologically changing society. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF GENERAL INFORMATION Dr. Penny Kunitani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal Sonya Ramirez. . . . . . . . Assistant Principal, Operations Resurreccion Angeles . . . . Assistant Principal, Operations Imelda Macias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Principal, Adult Counseling Services Harbor Occupational Center, and its branch locations are full-time educational programs operated by the Los Angeles Unified School District • Division of Adult and Career Education. The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Programs include: English as a Second Language (ESL), Math and English skills remediation, High School Equivalency Test Preparation (HiSET), high school diploma classes and short-term career technical training and job placement assistance. Spring Semester Calendar Spring Semester. . . . . . . . . January 25 – June 10, 2016 Martin Luther King Jr. Day. . . . . . . . . . .January 18, 2016 President’s Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 15, 2016 Spring Break . . . . . . . . . . . . March 21 – March 25, 2016 Cesar Chavez Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 28, 2016 Memorial Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 30, 2016 CERTIFICATES Certificates are awarded upon successful completion of training. All course competencies must be met before a certificate is awarded. ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS Any person high school ages or older is eligible for enrollment. Those under 18 must have approval from their parent or guardian, home school and Harbor Occupational Center. Enrollment must be confirmed by attendance at the first class meeting. Under the continuous enrollment policy, vacancies at the first class meeting will be filled immediately. TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS (ABE/ASE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 ADULT INDEPENDENT STUDY (AIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 HiSET PREPARATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 DISTANCE LEARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION and WORK CENTER (AEWC) . . . 5 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) . . . . . . . . . .5 ARTS and MEDIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 BUSINESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 HEALTH and MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . .8 INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY . . . 8 TRANSPORTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT and UTILITIES . . . . . . . . . . 10 BUILDING and CONSTRUCTION TRADES . . . . . . . . . 10 MANUFACTURING DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLIANCE All educational and career technical education opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, national origin, gender (including sexual harassment), physical or mental disability, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices, in compliance with federal civil rights laws. A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in educational and career technical programs. Brochure Disclaimer Information in this brochure was accurate at time of publication. Changes may have occurred subsequently. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION FEE INFORMATION 1. A class fee depending on class selected. 2. A fee of $10 for a School Photo I.D. 3. Books and supplies are required for most classes. COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE An orientation/assessment in reading and math is given to new students. Call (310) 547-5551 for scheduled times. Students receive assistance in course credit evaluation, program planning and career-technical guidance. Bilingual counselors are available. ALL FEES ARE PAYABLE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. CTE COURSE FEE EXEMPTIONS, EXCEPTION, FEE WAIVERS, REFUNDS, and DROP CHARGES SEXUAL HARASSMENT It is the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District to maintain a working and learning environment that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of or by employees or students is a form of gender discrimination in that it constitutes differential treatment on the basis of gender, and, for that reason, is a violation of state and federal laws and a violation of this policy. A. CTE COURSE FEE EXEMPTIONS The students meeting any of the following criteria are exempt from paying fees: 1. Concurrent students referred by their high school counselor. 2. Alternative Education and Work Center (AEWC) students. TOBACCO FREE CAMPUS/NO SMOKING Federal and state governments have adopted various antitobacco laws that require schools to have adopted and fully implemented tobacco-free environment policies. As required by these laws, the Los Angeles Unified School District has prohibited smoking and the use of all tobacco products on all school and District property. 3. Minor students enrolled in a service center for which a Pupil Accounting Report (PAR) is on file. 4. An individual with a disability up to age 22 per District Bulletin 4692. B. CTE Course Fee Exception Adult students in the High School Diploma program who enroll in a CTE course to meet a graduation requirement do not pay a class fee. UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with state or federal law in adult basic education, consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, career technical education, child care and development programs, child nutrition programs and special education programs must be made in writing and given to the District’s Compliance Officer. If you have a complaint see an administrator at Harbor Occupational Center or call (310) 547-5551. Confidentiality of the facts of the complaint will be observed to the maximum possible. The District will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who files a complaint. C. CTE Fee Waivers A student may request a waiver of Course Fees. The student must submit documentation of hardship, which includes the amount of financial support he or she is eligible to receive from social services to pay the Course Fee. Service center administrators are responsible for determining need and waiving all or a portion of the fees. These waivers are noted on the students’ registration forms. They are kept at the service center with the financial records. D. CTE Course Fee Refunds and Drop Charges Upon request, a student may be issued a refund of fees when he or she drops the class before the first day of attendance or within seven (7) calendar days following the first day of possible attendance. However, a $20 drop fee will be assessed on a per course basis, except when an administrator has closed the class during the initial enrollment period. Veterans Harbor Occupational Center is approved by the California State Aproving Agency to enroll veterans and other eliigible persons. Disability Support Services This office assists in providing necessary accommodations to students who have physical disabilities, hearing impairments and vision loss. Also serves students with learning and emotional disabilities or a history of substance abuse. Written verification of the disability is required. A resource room for visually impaired students is available at Harbor Occupational Center. TERMINATION OF CLASSES The administration reserves the right to terminate or combine a class according to Division of Adult and Career Education policy. 3 HARBOR occupational center CLASS SCHEDULE 740 NORTH PACIFIC AVENUE • SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 (310) 547-5551 • www.harboroc.org ASSESSMENT CENTER SAN PEDRO ADULT LEARNING CENTER 950 West Santa Cruz Street, San Pedro • (310) 547-4425 This center offers reading and math assessment for students entering into ESL, Academic or CTE programs. The assessment test is free and no appointment is required. Please call (310) 547-5551 for testing schedule. M – F M – Th M – F M – Th M – Th M – Th HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY TEST Preparation (HiSET) Harbor Occupational Center is an official test site. Adults may earn a High School Equivalency Certificate by taking the High School Equivalency Test. Study for the HiSet exam by taking a preparation course. The first Step is to take a placement test. Students may enroll in the test Preparation class at any time. M – Th 3:00p – 5:30p Room M202 Room M215 Room M308 Room M202 Room M303 Room M303 Room M308 Room M202 Room M303 Room M303 II Lab English Lab English Lab II Lab Reading 2 and 3 Reading 1 Room E105 Room 115 Room 114 Room E105 Room 115 Room 114 Chedotte Morris Mendez Chedotte Macias Macias Staff Chedotte Palma Suhre Howe Poole Choi-Milling Howe Mendez Staff NARBONNE high school 24300 S. Western Avenue, Harbor City • (310) 547-5551 M – Th 3:15p – 5:45p M – Th 3:15p – 5:45p II Lab II Lab Room A9 TBA Room B-18 Morris Algebra 1A (31 - 02 - 70) Algebra 1B (31 - 02 - 71) Biology/1/Life Science (36 - 09 - 73) Biology/2/Life Science (36 - 09 - 74) Economics (37 - 09 - 71) English 1 (23 - 09 - 71) English 2 (23 - 09 - 72) English 3 (23 - 10 - 73) English 4 (23 - 10 - 74) English Composition/Contemporary (23 - 11 - 75) English Composition/Expository (23 - 12 - 77) Fine Arts/The Visual Arts (20 - 09 - 52) (Not A – G Approved) High School Equivalency Test Preparation Test-Taking Strategies (30 - 50 - 75) General Science/Integrated 1 (36 - 09 - 51) General Science/Integrated 2 (36 - 09 - 52) Geometry 1A (31 - 03 - 71) Geometry 1B (31 - 03 - 72) Health (36 - 05 - 74) Life Skills (37 - 04 - 77) Literature/American (23 - 11 - 76) Literature/Modern (23 - 12 - 78) Math 1 (53 - 03 - 75) Math 2 (53 - 03 - 76) Math 3 (53 - 03 - 77) Parent Education (37 - 04 - 78) Psychology (37 - 04 - 74) U.S. Government (37 - 06 - 70) U.S. History/1 (37 - 01 - 70) U.S. History/2 (37 - 01 - 71) World History/1 (37 - 02 - 71) World History/2 (37 - 02 - 72) BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER 3:15p – 5:45p 3:15p – 5:45p 3:15p – 5:45p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p II Lab Courses are offered through individualized instruction in Learning Centers where different study programs that meet the individual needs of learners are available. Classes may be completed at the student’s pace. 1527 Lakme Avenue, Wilmington • (310) 847-3781 M – Th M – Th M – Th M – Th M – Th M – Th Kurland Hosking Kurland Hosking Kurland Morris Individualized Instruction Lab HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Math Lab English Lab Reading 2 and 3 Math Lab II Lab II Lab Reading 1 Math/Science Lab II Lab II Lab Room 5 Room 6 Room 5 Room 6 Room 5 Room 6 SAN PEDRO HIGH SCHOOL 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro • (310) 547-5551 8:00a – 10:00a 8:00a – 10:00a 8:00a – 10:00a 10:15a – 12:15p 10:15a – 12:15p 12:45p – 2:45p 12:45p – 2:45p 3:30p – 6:00p 3:30p – 6:00p 6:00p – 8:45p Reading 2 and 3 II Lab Reading 2 and 3 II Lab Reading 2 and 3 II Lab 1001 West 15th Street, San Pedro • (310) 547-5551 ACADEMIC EDUCATION M – F M – F M – F M–F M – F M – F M – F M – Th M – Th M – Th 8:00a – 10:00a 8:00a – 10:00a 10:15a – 12:15p 10:15a – 12:15p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p Hosking Staff 4 Adult Independent Study Courses Offered: Economics (37 - 09 - 71) Health (36 - 05 - 74) Life Skills (37 - 04 - 77) Parent Education (37 - 04 - 78) Psychology (37 - 04 - 74) U.S. Government (37 - 06 - 70) U.S. History/1 (37 - 01 - 70) U.S. History/2 (37 - 01 - 71) World History/1 (37 - 02 - 71) World History/2 (37 - 02 - 72) Adult Independent Study Adult Independent Study (AIS) offers home study for the adult high school diploma program. Students complete assignments at home and meet with an instructor on a weekly basis for assistance and testing. The first step is to take a placement test. A minimum of 10.0 Reading level is required to participate. A refundable deposit of $75 is charged at the time of registration. See a counselor for more information. HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro • (310) 547-5551 T W Th 12:45p – 5:00p AIS 1:00p – 4:00p AIS Room M304 Room M304 Alternative Education and Work Center (AEWC) Read Read BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER 1527 Lakme Avenue, Wilmington • (310) 847-3781 This program targets youth (ages 16 - 18) who have exited high school and seek a high school diploma. M T W SAN PEDRO SKILLS CENTER 1:15p – 5:15p 3:30p – 5:15p AIS AIS Room 114 Room 114 Choi-Milling Choi-Milling 920 West 36th Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 Phone (310) 221-4651 • Fax (310) 221-4659 NARBONNE high school 24300 S. Western Avenue, Harbor City • (310) 547-5551 M – Th 3:00p – 5:30p AIS Room D9 M – F M – F Suhre 5 8:30a-12:30p 8:30a-12:30p AIS AIS Room 2 Room 1 Maria Adame Cruz Zayda Pineda ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) and DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAMS 15th Street Elementary school Marine Avenue Adult Learning Center 1468 Marine Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 For more information call (310) 547-5551 1527 South Mesa Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 For more information call (310) 547-5551 M – F 8:15a – 10:15a ESL 1 – 6 Room 38 M – F M – F M – F M W Green Banning Adult Learning Center 1527 Lakme Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 Phone (310) 847-3781 • Fax (310) 847-3791 M – Th M – Th M – Th M – Th M – Th M – Th 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p ESL/Lit 1 ESL 1 ESL 1 ESL 2 ESL 3 ESL 4 – 6 Room 107 Brigida-Gallegos Room 109 Green Room 108 Galvez Room 118 Pagdilao Room 112 Myers Room 114 Staff 8:30a – 10:30a 8:30a – 10:30a 8:30a – 10:30a 10:45a – 12:15p 10:45a – 12:45p ESL 1 ESL 1– 2 ESL 3 – 6 ESL/DL/Citizenship ESL/DL/Citizenship Room C Room B Room A Room A Room A MEYLER Elementary School 123 West 223rd Street • Torrance, CA 90502 For more information call (310) 547-5551 M – F 8:15a – 10:15a ESL 1 – 4 ESL Bungalow George De La Torre Elementary School M – F M – F M – F M – Th M – Th 500 Island Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 For more information call (310) 547-5551 ESL 1 – 6 Room 10 Pinales HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Room M206 Room M206 8:00a – 10:00a 8:00a – 10:00a 6:00p – 8:45p 6:00p – 8:45p ESL 3 – 6 ESL 0 – 2 ESL 1 ESL 2 – 6 Room 1 Room 9 Room 11 Room 9 Myers Sanchez Genest Sanchez Wilmington Skills Center 740 North Pacific Avenue • San Pedro, CA 90731 Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 M – F 8:00a – 10:00a ESL 1 – 6 M – Th 6:00p – 8:45p ESL 1 – 6 Galvez San Pedro Adult Learning Center 950 W. Santa Cruz Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 Phone (310) 547-4425 • Fax (310) 832-3489 8:15a – 10:15a Genest Staff Staff Galvez Galvez 217 Island Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 Phone (310) 549-9831 • Fax (310) 834-9674 Dow Pinales M – F 6 10:30a – 12:30p ESL 1 – 6 Room 1 Dow CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION Classes (CTE) ARTS and MEDIA HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 BUSINESS GRAPHIC DESIGNER $100.00 (FUNDAMENTALS) 70-65-50 Basic principles of vector art, graphic design, print and typography, color theory, illustration, logo design, and branding. Conceptualization of images through the creative process and design software. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room M213 Scott HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER 1527 Lakme Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 Phone (310) 847-3781 • Fax (310) 847-3791 GRAPHIC DESIGNER/ $100.00 DIGITAL IMAGING 70-65-55 Prepares students in the use of a variety of digital image software and hardware used in the creation and manipulation of still, two-dimensional photo images and design. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. Prerequisite: Graphic Designer/Fundamentals (70-65-50). M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room M213 San Pedro ADULT LEARNING CENTER 950 West Santa Cruz Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 547-4425 • Fax (310) 832-3489 WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER 217 Island Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 (310) 549-9831 • Fax (310) 834-9674 COMPUTER OPERATION/1: FOUNDATIONS Scott This course is the first in a series of four, designed for students of all career pathways. Students are provided a comprehensive understanding of basic computing and the Windows operating system. An introduction to word processing and electronic file management; and an overview of the internet and use of email. GRAPHIC DESIGNER/ $100.00 ADVERTISING DESIGN 70-65-60 Illustration and layout design using, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and concepts in pre-press production. Create magazines ads, posters, brochures and page layouts. Portfolio preparation. Prerequisite: Graphic Designer/Digital Imaging (70-65-55). M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room M213 HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Scott M–F M – F GRAPHIC DESIGNER/ $100.00 WEB DESIGN 70-65-65 Basic concepts in web design using Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, Basic CSS, and HTML. Prepare layout designs and images for the web. Create a web based portfolio. Prerequisite: Graphic Designer/Advertising Design (70-65-60). M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room M213 $90.00 75-35-80 8:00a – 12:15p 10:15a – 2:45p Room M310 Room M302 Pollard Moreno BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room 117 Licea SAN PEDRO ADULT LEARNING CENTER Scott M – Th 6:00p – 8:45p Room 3 Ochoa WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER Visit us at www.harboroc.org M – F 7 8:00a – 12:15p Room 3 Navarro COMPUTER OPERATION/2: $90.00 INTEGRATED APPLICATIONS 75-35-90 Provides students with an introduction to Microsoft’s Office, Word and Excel program applications. Students will learn about creating and editing documents and spreadsheets; applying formatting elements and page layouts; producing tables and charts; saving and printing. COMPUTER OPERATION/3: $90.00 DATABASE MANAGEMENT 75-45-50 Provides technical instruction and practical experience in database management. Emphasis is placed on basic filing, alphabetical indexing, cross-referencing techniques for on-file documents, application of system commands for file maintenance; the creation, documentation, and protection of functional data files; and understanding key aspects of the Access database program, including record creation, tables, forms, queries, and filtering. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Computer Operation/I: Foundations (75-35-80) course or instructor’s permission. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Computer Operation/2: Integrated Applications (75-35-90) course or instructor’s permission. HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER M–F M – F 8:00a – 12:15p 10:15a – 2:45p Room M310 Room M302 Pollard Moreno HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER M–F M – F BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room 117 Licea 6:00p – 8:45p Room 3 M – Th Ochoa 8:00a – 12:15p Room 3 Pollard Moreno 5:30p – 8:45p Room 117 Licea SAN PEDRO ADULT LEARNING CENTER WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER M – F Room M310 Room M302 BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER SAN PEDRO ADULT LEARNING CENTER M – Th 8:00a – 12:15p 10:15a – 2:45p M – Th Navarro 6:00p – 8:45p Room 3 Ochoa WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER M – F 8 8:00a – 12:15p Room 3 Navarro COMPUTER OPERATION/4: PRESENTATIONS $90.00 75-45-60 HEALTH and MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Provides technical instruction and practical experience in presentation programs. Emphasis is placed on the different types of presentation graphics software, understanding the parts of the PowerPoint, creating a new presentation using the basic principles of design, formatting objects to edit and improve the presentation graphics, and tips to maximize the effect and utility of the presentation. 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 Medical Assistant $300.00 77-40-50 Prepares students to function as medical assistants through training in ethics, medical terminology, and medical forms. Students will gain expertise in the day-to-day functions of ambulatory care, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, out-patient surgery, urology, CBEDS No.: 4242 orthopedics, internal medicine, cardiology and laboratory. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Computer Operation/3: Database Management (75-45-50) course or instructor’s permission. Prerequisites: 7.5 reading level as measured by the TABE D 9/10 test, at least 18 years of age, and evidence of measles, mumps, rubella, rubeola, varicella, and TB screenings. HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER M–F M – F 8:00a – 12:15p 10:15a – 2:45p Room M310 Room M302 Pollard Moreno M–F 7:30a – 2:30p Room D203 Abraham BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room 117 Licea SAN PEDRO ADULT LEARNING CENTER M – Th 6:00p – 8:45p Room 3 Ochoa WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room 3 COMPUTER OPERATION/5: IC3 CERTIFICATION PREPARATION Navarro $90.00 75-45-70 Provides students with technical instruction and practical experience in fulfilling the requirements of the Internet and Computing Core Certificate (IC3) Program, a global training and certification program for students and employees who want to excel in a digital world. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Computer Operation/4: Presentations (75-45-60) course or instructor’s permission. HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER M–F M – F 8:00a – 12:15p 10:15a – 2:45p Room M310 Room M302 Pollard Moreno WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room 3 Navarro FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (310) 547-5551 Visit us at www.harboroc.org 9 A+ CERTIFICATION/3 $90.00 (COMPUTER REPAIR) 74-15-70 Introduction to computer networks including hardware and protocols. Software, hardware, and virus troubleshooting methodologies are discussed. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the A+ Certification/2 (74-15-60) course. 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 M – F A+ CERTIFICATION/1 $90.00 (COMPUTER REPAIR) 74-15-50 Installation, repair, and configuration of computer hardware. Includes system boards, memory, processors, storage devices, and printers. 8:00a –12:15p Room M211 Le M – F Room M211 8:00a – 12:15p Room M211 Le NETWORKING/2$100.00 77- 65-60 Introduction to network administration. DOS, Windows, hardware and software for the network. Prerequisites: Completion of Computer Operator Software Applications and/or demonstrated computer skills and 7.5 reading and math. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the A+ Certification/1 (74-15-50) course. 8:00a – 12:15p Le Prerequisites: Completion of Computer Operation 2/Integrated Applications and/or demonstrated computer skills and 7.5 reading and math. A+ CERTIFICATION/2 $90.00 (COMPUTER REPAIR) 74-15-60 Installation, repair, and configuration of computer software and operating systems. Includes Windows 2000/XP/ Vista/7. M – F Room M211 NETWORKING/1$100.00 CERTIFICATION PREPARATION 77-65-50 Prepares students to administer and manage network operating systems. Prerequisites: Requires successful completion of one of the Computer Operation courses (75-35-80, 75-35-90, 75-45-50, 75-45-60, or 75-45-70) or instructor’s permission. M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Le M – F 10 8:00a – 12:15p Room M211 Le AUTO TECH: DRIVE TRAIN $120.00 79-90-59 Drive train diagnosis and repair: clutch, transmission, drive shaft, universal joint and drive axle. Transportation HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Auto Tech: Diesel/2 (79-90-57) or instructor’s permission. * Managed Enrollment Schedule *M – F M – Th AUTO TECH: DIESEL/1 79-90-55 Monday, February 1, 2016 – Friday, March 11, 2016 AUTO TECH: DRIVE TRAIN (Diesel) 79-90-59 Monday, May 2, 2016 – Friday, June 10, 2016 AUTO TECH: DIESEL/1 $120.00 79-90-55 Diesel engine diagnosis and repair. Cylinder head, valve train and engine block repair. Instruction and practical experience with “green” vehicle technologies. Room D201 Room D201 M – F M – Th Room D201 Room D201 Room A102/103 Room A109 Lopez Torrence Prerequisites: Requires completion of the Auto Tech: Engine Repair (79-90-73) or instructor’s permission. M – F M – Th Prerequisites: Requires successful completion of the Auto Tech: Diesel/1 (79-90-55) course or instructor’s permission. 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p AUTO TECH: ELECTRICAL $120.00 AND ELECTRONICS/1 79-90- 61 Electrical and electronic diagnosis and repair: diagnosis of domestic & imports, battery, starting system, & charging system. Cochran Bijelic AUTO TECH: DIESEL/2 $120.00 79-90-57 Diesel engine diagnosis and repair. Lubrication, cooling, fuel, intake and exhaust systems. Engine brakes and electronic fuel systems. *M – F M – Th Cochran Bijelic Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Auto Tech: Engine Repair (79-90-73) or instructor’s permission. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Auto Tech: Engine Repair (79-90-73) or instructor’s permission. 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room D201 Room D201 AUTO TECH: BRAKES $110.00 79-90-53 Brake diagnosis and repair: general, hydraulic system, drum brake, disc brake, power assist units, wheel bearings, parking brakes, electronic brake, and control systems. AUTO TECH: DIESEL/2 79-90-57 Monday, March 14, 2016 – Friday, April 29, 2016 *M – F M – Th 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Cochran Bijelic 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room A102/103 Room A109 Lopez Torrence AUTO TECH: $120.00 ENGINE PERFORMANCE/1 79-90-69 Introduction to the different engine designs, automotive electricity, hybrid vehicles, and alternative fuel vehicles Engine performance diagnosis and repair: general, computerized engine controls, and ignition system. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Auto Tech: Engine Repair (79-90-73) or instructor’s permission. M – F M – Th 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room A102/103 Room A109 Lopez Torrence Visit us at www.harboroc.org FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (310) 547-5551 11 AUTO TECH: $120.00 ENGINE PERFORMANCE/2 79-90-71 Engine performance: fuel, air induction, and exhaust systems, emission controls systems, and engine-related service. It also offers reviews of engine design, automotive electricity, hybrid vehicles, and alternative fuel vehicles. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Auto Tech: Engine Performance/1 (79-90-69) or instructor’s permission. M – F 8:00a – 2:45p Room A102/103 Lopez M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room A109 Torrence TECHNOLOGY/1: $60.00 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS 79-90-83 Emphasis on domestic car engine designs, engine cooling systems, engine lubrication systems, automotive electricity, charging systems, and starting systems. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires employment-level competency in reading, written and oral communications, and math. M – F 8:00a – 2:45p Room A102/103 Lopez M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room A109 Torrence AUTO TECH: ENGINE REPAIR $120.00 79-90-73 Engine repair: general engine, cylinder head and valve train, engine block assembly, and lubrication and cooling systems. M – F 8:00a – 2:45p Room A102/103 Lopez M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room A109 Torrence TECHNOLOGY/2: $60.00 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS 79-90-85 Emphasis on foreign car engine designs, the ignition systems, exhaust systems, emission control, major engine operations, and alternative power sources for automobiles. AUTO TECH: SUSPENSION $110.00 AND STEERING 79-90-79 Suspension and steering diagnosis and repair: general, steering, suspension, related steering and suspension, wheels, and tires. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of Auto Tech: Engine Repair (79-90-73) course or instructor’s permission. M – F 8:00a – 2:45p Room A102/103 Lopez M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room A109 Torrence Visit us at www.harboroc.org Prerequisites: Enrollment requires completion of the Technology/1: Automotive Systems (79-90-83) course or instructor’s permission. M – F 8:00a – 2:45p Room A102/103 Lopez M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p Room A109 Torrence FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (310) 547-5551 12 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & UTILITIES BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 * Managed Enrollment Schedule HVAC/1 $100.00 72-85-60 Provides instruction in residential and commercial heating systems. Emphasis on basic theories and applications of electricity and thermodynamics, troubleshooting, and maintenance techniques used for heating systems. HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Electrician/2 (72-75-55) Monday, February 1, 2016 – Friday, March 11, 2016 Electrician/1 (72-75-50) Monday, March 14, 2016 – Friday, April 29, 2016 Prerequisites: Enrollment requires employment-level competency in reading, written and oral communications, and math, and ability to lift heavy items required in the industry. Electrician/2 (72-75-55) Monday, May 2, 2016 – Friday, June 10, 2016 M – F M – F M – Th Electrician/1 $240.00 Fundamentals72-75-50 This course is designed for electrical technician and electrician trainees. It provides students with technical instruction and practical experience in workplace safety, trade mathematics, fundamental electrical concepts, storage batteries in direct current (DC) circuits, Ohm’s Law, alternating current (AC). *M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room M104 Ghanim M – Th 6:00p – 8:45p Room M104 Ghanim 8:00a –12:15p 12:45p – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room M108 Room M106 Room M106 Nguyen Morales Morales HVAC/2 $100.00 72-85-65 Provides students with instruction in residential and commercial ventilation and refrigeration. Emphasis on generation and modification of electricity for HVAC systems, wiring principles and procedures approved by the National Electric Code (NEC), operational techniques for ventilation and refrigeration systems, and troubleshooting techniques. Prerequisites: Enrollment requires completion of the HVAC/1 (72-85-60) course or instructor’s permission. Electrician/2$240.00 Wiring and Codes 72-75-55 Provides students with technical instruction and practical experience in electrical wiring codes. *M – F 8:00a – 12:15p Room M104 Ghanim M – Th 6:00p – 8:45p Room M104 Ghanim M – F M – F M – Th 13 8:00a –12:15p 12:45p – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room M108 Room M106 Room M106 Nguyen Morales Morales HVAC/3 $100.00 72-85-70 Provides students with project-based experiences in air conditioning and integrated systems. Emphasis on cooling and control systems, commercial air conditioning, integrated systems, and lab work focusing on the service, diagnostic, and repair techniques used in the HVAC industry. Plumbing/2$100.00 71-45-80 This is the second in a sequence of two. Instruction includes water supply piping and protection, proper selection and use of fixtures and appliances, testing and inspection techniques, and the use of sustainable and green materials. Prerequisites: Completion of the HVAC/2 (72-85-65) course or instructor’s permission. M – Th M – F M – F M – Th REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN $100.00 (FUNDAMENTALS) 79-10-60 This course provides training in the refrigeration and air conditioning trade. Basic knowledge of refrigeration and air conditioning mechanical theory, operation and maintenance, with emphasis on commercial aspects of refrigeration and air conditioning, including heating systems. 8:00a –12:15p 12:45p – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room M108 Room M106 Room M106 Prerequisites: Requires completion of the Plumbing/1 (71-45-70). Nguyen Morales Morales Plumbing/1$100.00 71-45-70 This is the first in a sequence of two. Instruction in basic plumbing according to the Uniform Plumbing Code and the Los Angeles Plumbing Code. Emphasis on materials (including sustainable and green products), tools, pipefitting techniques, sanitary drainage, vent and storm water drainage systems, vent piping, and traps. M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p A101 M – F M – F M – Th 5:30p – 8:45p 8:00a –12:15p 12:45p – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p A101 Room M108 Room M106 Room M106 Trevino Nguyen Morales Morales Trevino REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN: $100.00 SERVICE 79-10-65 This course provides training in the refrigeration and air conditioning trade. System fundamentals, troubleshooting and repair procedures are emphasized in practical terms. Visit us at www.harboroc.org FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (310) 547-5551 M – F M – F M – Th 14 8:00a –12:15p 12:45p – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p Room M108 Room M106 Room M106 Nguyen Morales Morales MANUFACTURING DEVELOPMENT HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro Phone (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER 217 Island Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 (310) 549-9831 • Fax (310) 834-9674 * Managed Enrollment Schedule HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER WELDING/1 (77-95-50) Monday, February 1, 2016 – Friday, March 11, 2016 WELDING/2$100.00 77-95-60 Provides students with instruction on advanced techniques in welding and cutting processes. Advanced welding, plasma arc cutting, types of welds, weld joints and trade math. WELDING/2 (77-95-60) Monday, March 14, 2016 – Friday, April 29, 2016 WELDING/3 (77-95-70) Monday, May 2, 2016 – Friday, June 10, 2016 Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Welding/1 (67-95-50) course or instructor’s permission. WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER WELDING/3 (77-95-70) Monday, February 1, 2016 – Friday, March 11, 2016 Weekly material fee of $50 (days) / $20 (evenings). HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER WELDING/1 (77-95-50) Monday, March, 14, 2016 – Friday, April 29, 2016 *M – F M – Th WELDING/2 (77-95-60) Monday, May 2, 2016 – Friday, June 10, 2016 *M – F M – Th Weekly material fee of $50 (days) / $20 (evenings). HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER W106 W106 Pernell Cerda 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p W106 W106 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p W106 W106 Watkins Staff Prerequisites: Enrollment requires successful completion of the Welding/2 (67-95-60) course or instructor’s permission. Weekly material fee of $50 (days) / $20 (evenings). WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER *M – F M – Th Pernell Cerda WELDING/3$100.00 77-95-70 Technical instruction & practical experience in advanced shielded metal arc welding in flux-core arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, groove welds, and carbon arc cutting. Review of geometric and trigonometric designs with an introduction to fabrication and robotic welding. Focus on the requirements of the City of Los Angeles Departmental Welding Exams adopted from the American Welding Society (AWS) . Prerequisites: Requires employment-level competency in reading, written, oral communication, and math. 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p W106 W106 WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER WELDING/1$100.00 77-95-50 Course provides technical instruction and practical experience in shielded metal arc welding, oxyacetylene cutting and trade mathematics. Emphasis on workplace safety procedures and employability skills. *M – F M – Th 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER Watkins Staff *M – F M – Th 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p W106 W106 Pernell Cerda WILMINGTON SKILLS CENTER 15 *M – F M – Th 8:00a – 2:45p 5:30p – 8:45p W106 W106 Watkins Staff Spring Schedule of Classes January 25, 2016 – June 10, 2016 Los Angeles Unified School District Division of adult and career education Harbor Occupational Center NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID 740 N. Pacific Avenue San Pedro, CA 90731 LOS ANGELES, CA PERMIT No. 22194 ECRWSS MAIN CAMPUS GI BS O N LOS ANGELES N S JO HN HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 North Pacific Avenue • San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 547-5551 • Fax (310) 547-4974 • www.harboroc.org Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. BL VD . Residential Customer HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER 740 N. PACIFIC AVE SAN PEDRO, CA CHANNEL ST. T FRON ST. LONG BEACH 47 MARINE AVENUE ADULT LEARNING CENTER 1468 Marine Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 For more information call (310) 547-5551 MEYLER ADULT LEARNING CENTER 1123 West 223rd Street • Torrance, CA 90502 For more information call (310) 547-5551 1ST ST. S. HARBOR BLVD. George De La Torre Elementary School 500 Island Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 For more information call (310) 547-5551 N. PACIFIC AVE. BANNING ADULT LEARNING CENTER 1527 Lakme Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 Phone (310) 847-3781 • Fax (310) 847-3791 S. GAFFEY ST. Branch Locations 6TH ST. 9TH ST. NARBONNE high school 24300 Western Avenue • Harbor City, CA 90710 For more information call (310) 547-5551 SAN PEDRO ADULT LEARNING CENTER 950 W. Santa Cruz Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 Phone (310) 547-4425 • Fax (310) 832-3489 SAN PEDRO HIGH SCHOOL 1001 West 15th Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 For more information call (310) 547-5551 SAN PEDRO SKILLS CENTER 920 West 36th Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 221-4651 • Fax (310) 221-4659 Wilmington Skills Center 217 Island Avenue • Wilmington, CA 90744 Phone (310) 549-9831 • Fax (310) 834-9674 15TH STREET elementary school 1527 South Mesa Street • San Pedro, CA 90731 For more information call (310) 547-5551 certifications D IESEL Bring in this coupon to receive a $20 discount on your Registration Fee www.harboroc.org or www.lausd.net/harbor_oc Expires May 16, 2016