auction of promises
auction of promises
Contents Magazine details ............................................................................... 3 Village Cafe....................................................................................... 4 Community Speedwatch ................................................................... 4 Village AGM with “Crime Prevention and Security” talk ..................... 4 Comberton First Scouts Group Jumble Sale ..................................... 5 Comberton Sports & Arts: events ...................................................... 7 St Mary’s Church............................................................................... 9 Baptist Church ................................................................................ 11 Cambridge Wind Band—Stars and Stripes...................................... 11 Catholic Church............................................................................... 11 Meridian Primary School ................................................................. 13 Cambridge Carbon Footprint ........................................................... 13 Comberton Walkers ........................................................................ 13 Comberton Library .......................................................................... 15 12th Cambridge Dragon Boat Festival ........................................... 15 Women’s Institute Report ................................................................ 17 Comberton in the Past..................................................................... 17 Bags2School, Friends of CVC Trust Fund ....................................... 19 Auction of Promises, Friends of CVC Trust Fund ............................ 19 Barton Drama Group: The Odd Couple ........................................... 21 Comberton Antiquarian Society Spring Outing ................................ 21 Comberton Friendship Club ............................................................ 23 Hearing Aid help.............................................................................. 23 Comberton Luncheon Club ............................................................. 23 Watercolour exhibition in Comberton Library ................................... 25 “Beaver” leader required ................................................................. 25 A 20 mph speed limit for Comberton? ............................................. 27 Parish Councillors ........................................................................... 27 Comberton Community Swimming Club .......................................... 29 District Councillor Report................................................................. 31 Comberton Allotments and Gardens Association dates ................... 31 Costcutter Challenge ....................................................................... 33 Costcutter Challenge, answers ........................................................ 35 April diary dates 2, evening 7.30 8, evening 8.00 8, evening 8.30 12, evening 7.45 14, afternoon 2.30 23, afternoon 2.00 4.00 23, evening 8.00 25, evening 8.00 29, morning 9.00 29,afternoon 30, evening 9.00 Village Hall AGM + talk, VH Custard Comedy, CVC Quiz Night, Three Horseshoes WI: The Story of Cambridge’s “Mr Selfridge” Comberton Friendship Club Comberton First Scouts’ Jumble Sale, VH Charity Race Night, Three Horseshoes WI Annual Council Meeting, CVC collection of Bags2School, CVC Luncheon Club: The Old Crown, Girton Motown and Soul Night, Three Horseshoes Regular dates for your diary Every Monday 9.30 11.30 Fun for 1s and 2s, Playgroup Every Monday 9.45 Comberton Walkers, Baptist Church 1st, 2nd & 4th Monday 7.00 Carpet Bowls, VH 3rd Monday evening 7.30 Comberton Wine Makers, VH Every Monday 8.00 9.30 Aikido, for 16+, VH Every Tuesday 9.30 11.30 Little Bundles (under 1s), Playgroup Every Tuesday 10.30 12.00 Comberton Café and Crafts, VH Every Tuesday 10.30 12.00 Table Tennis, VH Every Tuesday 2.00 3.00 Slow ‘n’ Low, VH Every Tuesday after school Young Enterprise, Meridian School 2nd Tuesday evening 7.45 Women’s Institute, VH 4th Tuesday evening 8.00 Comberton Antiquarian Society, VH Every Wednesday 10.00 11.30 Comberton Baby & Toddler Group, VH Every Wednesday 12.25 1.10 Lunchtime Badminton, CVC Every Wednesday 2.00 Comberton Bridge Club, VH Every Wednesday after school Tang Soo Do, Meridian School Every Wednesday 6.30 9.00 Tennis Club mix-in session Wednesday (term) 2.00 3.30 Bumps and Babes, Baptist Church 2nd Wednesday (not Aug) 7.30 Parish Council Meeting, VH Every Thursday 9.30 11.30 Fun for 1s and 2s, Playgroup 4th Thursday afternoon 2.30 Oasis Teas (over 55s), Village Hall Every Thursday 4.00 6.00 Connections Bus Project, Rec. Every Friday 6.00 7.00 Comberton Tae Kwon Do} Meridian 7.00 8.00 } School Every Saturday 9.00 11.30 Tennis Club mix-in session 3rd Saturday, (term) 10.00 12.00 Dads R Us, Baptist Church 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings SEF for 14 to 17-year-olds, Baptist Church VH = Village Hall CVC = Comberton Village College A Message from the Editor The clocks have moved forward, Easter is already behind us, and it’s time to gear up for summer: more consistent warmer weather should be on the way! But a few grey days now and again are a small price to pay: we are so lucky to live in lovely, peaceful Comberton when people are having such a tough time in other parts of the world. Please send in your news and reports in time for the next deadline, which is Friday 22 April. Suki The Village Café at the Village Hall is open every Tuesday from 10.30 - 12 noon Coffee, tea and squash are available Meet up with old friends and make new ones - families welcome! We hope to see you there soon... Comberton Contact Team Editor & Designer Suki Williams 2 South Street 01223 263940 [email protected] Please supply copy by email in a plain text format. Treasurer/Advertising Terry Coad 38 Westlands 01223 263264 [email protected] Please supply images in the .jpg format. Distribution Marian Dymott 26 Barrons Way 01223 263292 If you can help with distribution, please get in touch with Marian. Advertising Rates for Comberton Contact Any changes will be effective at the time of booking your advertisement Size (w x h) 122mm x 183mm 122mm x 109mm 122mm x 72mm 122mm x 35mm 60mm x 72mm One tenth page 60mm x 35mm Coloured back cover (one-off) Whole page Three fifth page Two fifth page One fifth page Annual Single edition £400.00 £44 £240.00 £27 £160.00 £18 £ 80.00 £ 9 £ 80.00 £ 9 £ 50.00 £ 6 Whole page £66. COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH We desperately need volunteers for the “COMBERTON COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH TEAM” This scheme allows volunteers to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles through their neighbourhood by the use of electronic speed displays. The registered owner of any vehicle seen exceeding the speed limit is then sent a letter advising and educating them on the law and the dangers of speeding, and that it is unacceptable to the local community. A Speedwatch team consists of 3 volunteers, and as there are only 3 of us at present we desperately need more volunteers. If you live near a spot where motorists are regularly speeding, or if you just feel strongly about speeding motorists and would like more information, then please get in touch with me. IT’S YOUR VILLAGE SO PLEASE HELP MAKE IT A SAFER ONE Roger Musto Comberton Speedwatch Coordinator., [email protected] 01223 264086 07941 061077 COMBERTON VILLAGE HALL On Wednesday April 13th at 7.30pm there will be a talk on Crime Prevention and Security by Rachel Carr,Crime Reduction Officer for South Cambs This has been arranged following a spate of burglaries and thefts in this area ~~~~~~~~ Immediately following this talk the Annual Meeting of the Village Hall will be held All are welcome. Wine Reception from 7.00 pm COMBERTON 1ST SCOUT GROUP ANNUAL JUMBLE SALE 23April 2016 Comberton Village Hall 2pm – 4pm Refreshments available Admission 20p Collections on the day; please leave outside your house marked ‘Scouts’ For larger items please call: Group Scout Leader - Ian Douglas 07710803708 BIG BREW COFFEE MORNING The coffee morning on 5th March was a very enjoyable event, attracting around 70 people. We raised £250 for Traidcraft Exchange, the charity arm of the organisation, and sold £185 worth of goods from our Fairtrade stall. Many thanks to everyone who helped or supported us in any way. Mary Jenkins and Joan Mead MELBOURN FLOORING AND INTERIORS LIMITED Cherry Park, Cambridge Road, Melbourn, SGS 6EY Tel :01763 262413 Fax: 01763 262450 FLOORING Vast Range of Carpets from all leading manufacturers Real Wood, Laminates, Vinyl's, Karndean, Amtico and Project Floors Safety Flooring Free Estimates. Fitting by experienced staff HOME INTERIORS Wallpaper sample books - orders next day delivery Dulux paint and accessories Designer Fabrics - Sanderson - Harlequin - Prestigious - most with next day delivery TILES New Tile showroom at 27 Royston Road, Foxton, CB22 6SE - for all your tiling needs. Everything to complete your DIY programme Visit our LARGE SHOWROOM, 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, 9 to 4 Saturday, Call 01763 262413 (Melbourn) or 01223 870011 (Foxton) to speak to one of our friendly staff Large showroom, ample free parking Events in April Fri 8 April 8.00pm – Custard Comedy Custard Comedy Comberton gives you the chance to see top quality comedy from some of the biggest names in Britain and around the world—ring on your doorstep—and takes place on the second Friday of each month except July and August. Jonny Awsum is a comedic whirlwind. Audience members don't just leave entertained, they leave as fans. Armed with an impressive arsenal of jokes and his trusty guitar, he’s a must for comedy clubs, regularly ending his sets to standing ovations and demands of an encore. Mark Palmer is a rising star: his ability to blend a theme or topic with one of today's funniest comedy routines is unparalleled. His smart, sometimes loud, and often opinionated brand of comedy makes him an audience favourite. Suzy Bennett, an ex-Butlins-Redcoat from Devon, is a dynamo with a uniquely warm and chatty stage presence. Her saucy comedy has been delighting audiences up and down the country, and she hosts the Playtex Moonwalk in Hyde Park, entertaining 17,000 people wearing a novelty bra! Robyn Perkins is an American comedienne who provides her 'engaging persona' as MC and is witty and chatty. All shows are for over 18s only “Earlybird” online tickets @ £5.50 fee, then £7.00 inc. booking fee. £8.00 from Comberton Sports and Arts Reception or £10.00 on the door. Sat 16 April 8.00pm – Mosaic Dance School Sat 23 April 8.00pm – Sylvia Amit Dance School—Show Case Mon 25 April 8.00pm – WI Annual Council Meeting 30 Apr / 1 May 8.00pm – Stagecoach Seniors Show Tickets available online For more information please ring Comberton Sports & Arts Reception 01223 264444 or email [email protected] Richard Brown, Arts Development Manager Comberton Sports & Arts, Comberton Village College West Street, Comberton, CB23 7DU. THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY, COMBERTON In the Lordsbridge Team Ministry Revd. Canon Michael Booker - team rector 01223 260095 [email protected] Find us on Facebook - St Mary’s Church, Comberton Churchwardens: Chris Westgarth, Tel 263242 & Mrs Mary Jenkins, 80 West Street, Tel 263751 Please contact Mike Booker about arrangements for Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings and the readings of Banns of marriage. Services and Events at St Mary’s in April Sunday 3 Sunday 10 Sunday 17 Sunday 24 Thursday 28 Sunday May 3.00am Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion 9.30am A short service of Communion, followed by Annual Parochial Church Meeting 6.00pm Evensong at St Andrew’s, Toft 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Morning Worship 9.30am Worship for all ages, with Baptism 2.30pm Oasis Tea, in the Village Hall we will be celebrating the Queen’s Birthday 8.00am Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion There is a special invitation to join in Toft’s May Day celebrations today. There will be Maypole dancing at about 2.30pm, followed by blessing the well, worship in church and tea at the manor house From mid-April to early July, Mike Booker will be on study leave. He’ll be reading a lot of books, and also travelling around to see some of the exciting things happening in churches across the country. Look out for news of his travels when he gets back. During this time, please contact the church wardens about events at St Mary’s. St Mary’s is part of a family of churches, the Lordsbridge Team, and Mike’s two Team Vicar colleagues are always happy to help: Rev Alison Myers 01954 212815 [email protected] Rev Rebecca Gilbert 01223 817805 [email protected] A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Comberton Art and Crafts Exhibition 30 and 31July Comberton Village Hall Free Admission Refreshments available COMBERTON BAPTIST CHURCH Green End, Comberton Revd Keith Tarring (01223) 264797) Sundays at CBC 10.30 - Family Worship 20.00 - Prayer Meeting Youth at CBC: Youth Pastor Adrian Semerene [email protected] Activities include Sunday morning groups, midweek bible studies, trips, and more. Cambridge Wind Band presents Stars and Stripes Saturday 30 April – 7.30pm West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge An evening of American music featuring Bernstein, Stevie Wonder, John Williams and much, much more. Tickets £15 / £10 available from ADC Box office, tel: 01223 300085 or email: [email protected] We would like to thank the Cambridge Wind Band who are raising funds through this concert for Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire. The Catholic Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JR 01223 350787 The Catholic Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs (OLEM) serves much of the south and west of Cambridge. Detailed below are the normal times of masses at weekends Vigil Mass on Saturday evening:5.00 pm Cambourne (In the new church) 6.00 pm Bar Hill 6.00 pm OLEM Sunday Masses at OLEM:8.00 am 9.30 am (Children’s) 10.45 am (Sung) 12.15 pm (Polish) 5.00 pm (Folk) 6.15 pm (Latin) Further details of these and all other may be found on the parish website which also has the weekly newssheet. News from Meridian Primary School According to Confucius, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Primary school is all about introducing ideas and helping children to try to understand, and be excited by, the complicated, confusing and amazing world around us. In another action-packed year for Year 3, we have been Around the World in 80 Days with Jules Verne, helped some children escape from an enchanted wood at Forest School, performed Twelfth Night at the Mumford Theatre, and been back to the beginning of time and made it all the way through the Stone Age and Bronze Age to the Iron Age, as well as having a live link-up to the International Space Station. We have been part of Shakespeare Week, including a Shakespeare treasure hunt around the school, a virtual tour of The Birthplace in Stratford and a session with a Tudor storyteller. We are ending the Spring term by creating a puppet version of Mozart’s The Magic Flute with the children writing the script, designing and making the puppets and performing the show for their parents. One of our favourite days this year was our recent trip to Celtic Harmony, where we travelled back in time to the Iron Age to become farmers. Having gone through the gates, once we made it clear we came in peace, we had our faces painted with woad in honour of various Celtic gods and goddesses, we had fun using our strength to grind wheat to make flour, and then making bread. After lunch in a large Iron Age roundhouse, we carded wool and then used teamwork to weave some trousers for the Celtic chief on looms, and touched and smelt various herbs while finding out about their healing properties, before making bracelets which were then dyed in woad (blue) or madder (red). Who wouldn’t want to be eight years old? What amazing adventures we have had at Meridian! Thank you to all the parents over the years that have helped to make these memorable experiences happen and been so supportive of this style of learning. Spring Clean Your Home Naturally St Andrews, St Andrew’s Road, Chesterton, CB4 1DH 23 April 2016, 2:00 - 4.00pm Cambridge Carbon Footprint is delighted to offer a new green cleaning skillshare on how to keep your home and clothes clean and fresh using natural and nontoxic ingredients. There’ll be ideas and demonstrations on cleaning all the rooms and surfaces in your home and a chance to make your own products. The event is free but booking essential: Call the office on 01223 301842 or email [email protected] or (Mon - Fri, 9 - 5) Jim and Caragh Urquhart welcome you to: The Three Horseshoes Opening times Closed most Mondays Tues -Thurs: 12.00 - 2.30 and 5.30 -11.00 Fri: 12.00 - 2.30 and 5.30 -12.00 Sat:12.00 -12.00 Sun:12.00 -11.00 22 South Street, Comberton, CB23 7DZ (01223 262252) A variety of fresh, homemade dishes. OAP lunchtime specials (Tues -Thurs): 2 meals for £10. Kids Menu, Lunch & Evening Menu, Traditional Sunday Roasts Pre booking recommended for groups of 4+ Games Room – Pool Table & Dart Board, Jukebox Food times Bank Holiday Mondays: 12.30 - 2.30 Tues: 12.00 - 2.00 Weds to Fri: 12.00 - 2.00 and 6.00 - 8.00 Sat:12.30 - 2.30 Sun:12.30 - 2.30 Events: Quiz Night - Cash prizes & Raffle, Friday 8 April, 8.30pm Charity Race Night – Saturday 23 April, 9pm Music - Motown & Soul Night – Sat 30 April, 9pm Visit our Facebook Page for further information: Comberton Library Opening Hours: Monday 10am - 1pm Wednesday 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm Friday 2pm - 5pm Saturday 10am - 1pm More details can be found on the Library Service website at 12th Cambridge Dragon Boat Festival attracts a global audience! 2015 Cambridge Dragon Boat Festival courtesy Vanessa Barton Photography Companies, clubs and organisations are getting teams together to take part in this year’s eagerly-anticipated Cambridge Dragon Boat Festival in aid of Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust. The Festival has become one of the biggest corporate team events in the regional calendar and attracts participants from around the globe! The sense of intercompany rivalry is definitely building. The Festival charity, Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT) is the only charity dedicated to making a difference for patients at Addenbrooke’s and The Rosie Hospitals. Whether it’s treatment for an emergency, acute condition, pregnancy or long term illness, they believe that every patient deserves the highest quality of care available. Their aim is to continue to support the hospitals, by raising funds for cutting edge technology, additional specialist services, vital research and extra comforts for patients over and above what would be possible through NHS funding alone. Carla Brown, Corporate Fundraising Manager, says, “We are delighted to be the Festival charity once again. In 2016, Addenbrooke’s Hospital celebrates its 250th anniversary and we welcome your support during this very special year.” No previous experience is required: taking part in the dragon boat racing to help raise money for ACT only requires plenty of team spirit and enthusiasm! The dragon boats, qualified helms, and all racing equipment are provided, and each crew is guaranteed a minimum of three races. The Festival promises to be a fantastic day for competitors and spectators alike, with Chinese themed entertainment, children’s rides, inflatable activities and plenty of food and drink for all the family on the bankside. The top fundraising crew for ACT will also receive a delicious prize meal courtesy of recently refurbished Café Rouge Cambridge. For further information and an entry form please visit cambridge or call Gable Events on 01780 470 718. To find out more about the services of Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust call 01223 217757 or visit SAUNDERS NURSERIES Flowering & Ornamental shrubs and climbers Hedging - Beech Quickthorn, Privet, Laurel etc Also hedging conifers in several sizes up to 8’ Hardy Perennials in a wide variety All at growers prices Open 7 days a week 10am - 5pm Saunders Nurseries West Street, Comberton Tel: 01223 262268 Comberton WI report for March 2016 Our speaker in March was Tamsin Wimhurst, who gave a fascinating talk on the David Parr House. David Parr was a Cambridge man who worked for Frederick Leach and Sons at the end of the nineteenth century until his death in the 1920s. Leach’s was a firm of interior decorators who worked for William Morris and George Bodley and completed their designs in Cambridge and all over the country. Many of the Cambridge colleges and churches employed these designers. David Parr was a skilled craftsman and in his free time, he decorated his own modest house in Gwydir Street with the designs used in much grander settings. When he died, his granddaughter Elsie Palmer moved in to keep his widow company. Elsie continued to occupy the house until she was in her late nineties and kept most of the decorative work intact. When she died recently, a trust was able to buy the house and it is hoped that it will be conserved and opened up to the public. The house is remarkable for its unique decoration, but it is also testament to Elsie who spent nearly nine decades there. Members hope to have a tour of the house later this year. Date for the diary: Tuesday 12 April at 7.45pm in the Village Hall, "The shop girls- the story of Cambridge's Mr Selfridge", with Ellie Seymour. Visitors are always welcome. Comberton in the Past John Green Comberton gets its name from a Welshman, Cumbra, round whose tun, or farm, the village grew, presumably before the coming of the Anglo-Saxons. We know that the Romans were in the district, for the field-name Harborough (off the Long Road) indicates the site of a military “harbour” or camp’ and the remains of a Roman villa were found in 1842 in a field south of Comberton Church. As the farm Westfield, so called from the thirteenth century or earlier, lies south of Comberton, it seems possible that it owes its name to a settlement, now vanished, to the east of it on the Bourn Brook, perhaps near the site of the Roman villa. From Domesday Book (1086) we know that the population then numbered nearly 200, with about a dozen sokemen (owners of land) and the rest either villeins or bordars (farmers and labourers not permitted to leave the village) or serfs, these being virtually slaves. The sokemen swore fealty to the lord of the manor, a manorial custom that persisted in this village up to forty years ago (1925 i.e.1965 minus 40), when the late Mr. Algy Ellis, on purchasing the freehold of of the Manor House in Green End, was required to swear fealty to the then Lord of the Comberton Greens Manor, Alderman W. L. Raynes, of Cambridge. William the Conqueror had granted the manor of Cumbertone to one Erchanger the Baker, in return for which he and his descendants baked a simnel cake daily for the reigning king - until 1279 when the royal appetite waned a little and was satisfied with one every Saturday. Another Comberton manor, that called Birdlines in South Street, got its name from another Norman, John de Burdelays, whose name appears in the records in 1283. One of the few remaining “poppyheads” carved on a pew in the church represents a sitting hen, said to be the heraldic device of the Burdelays family. Their property passed in 1553 to St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. Local solicitors offering client focused and value for money legal services tailored to your individual needs Tel: (01223) 713300 Conveyancing: Residential and Commer cial Email: [email protected] Probate and Wills: also Power s of Attor ney and Planning for the future Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Family: Divor ce and Separ ation, Childr en and Finance, Cohabitation Agreement, Change of Name [email protected]; [email protected] Comberton office: Cambridge office: 5 Green End Mount Pleasant House Comberton Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB23 7DY Cambridge CB3 0RN Free Parking / Disabled Access Fundraising events at Comberton Village College to raise funds for Outdoor Play Equipment The collection will take place on Friday 29th April at 9.00am. Please support us by dropping your bags at CVC Reception during school hours and outside school hours at Comberton Sports & Arts Reception from Monday 25th April. If you would like us to collect the bags from your house in Comberton then please contact us via email [email protected] and we will arrange collection at a mutually convenient time. AUCTION OF PROMISES We are delighted to have David Palmer, TV Auctioneer back at Comberton Village College for the College’s annual fundraising event. Date: Friday 6 May Venue: Performance Hall at Comberton Sports & Arts Time: Viewing from 7.00pm Auction begins 7.30pm Tickets: Adults: £5 (including a glass of wine) Students: £2.50 (including soft drink) Tickets will be available at the door, advance tickets purchases to be confirmed. If you would like to donate items for the Auction of Promises, please drop them at CVC Reception during school hours, alternatively please contact us via email [email protected] for further information. Please leave your contact details with your gift. Please note due to Trading Standards Regulations we are unable to accept Electrical Goods. Both these events are supported by Friends of CVC Trust Fund BARTON DRAMA GROUP Our Spring production is The Odd Couple by Neil Simon. Performances are from Wednesday 20 – Saturday 23 April at 7.45 pm, plus a matinee on Saturday 23 April at 2.30 pm. Again, some new faces as well as established members appear in this classic comedy, opening as friends gather for cards at Oscar’s rather messy apartment. Arriving late is Felix, just separated from his wife. The highly entertaining story unfolds as the fastidious Felix and the slovenly Oscar decide to share the apartment, certainly an ‘odd couple’. Tickets are available from Norma Eaton, Telephone (01223) 263561. Prices are £8 (£6 concessions) which includes refreshments. Barton Drama Group website – This amateur production of “The Odd Couple” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH LTD. Comberton Antiquarian Society Spring Outing—Saturday 21 May 2016 Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, nr Oxford Blenheim Palace is the home of 12th Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. We have arranged an outing there and are pleased to be able to offer places to non-members of Comberton Antiquarian Society. The Palace is a masterpiece of English Baroque architecture, designed by Sir John Vanbrugh in 1705. Priceless portraits, tapestries, and an exquisite collection of furniture, grace the palace interior, set against a magnificent backdrop of ornate ceilings and striking stone work. It became a World Heritage Site in 1987 and is surrounded by more than 2000 acres of ‘Capability” Brown landscaped parkland, together with award-wining Formal Gardens, the Main Lake and Queen Pool. The cost of the outing is £27 per person, which covers the cost of the coach and entrance to Blenheim Palace. You can join a guided tour if you want to—it is included in the ticket price. Itinerary 8.45am 10.45 approx. 5.00pm 7.00 approx. Depart Comberton Village College Arrive Blenheim Palace Depart Blenheim Palace Arrive Comberton Village College If you would like to join us, please contact Geoff Nicholls on 01223 262720. Cheques should be made payable to COMBERTON ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Comberton Friendship Club We met on Thursday afternoon, 10 March. Our speakers were Pam and Geoff Harper, with Solo the dog, a six month old Labrador who is in training to work with the deaf. The work is all done by volunteers and completely supported by charity. Pam gave a wonderfully informative talk with a slide show on how their dogs are trained. The idea was first brought back from the U.S.A. by Bruce Fogel in 1979 and, with the backing of Lady Beatrix Wright, was set up in 1982, having its first airing at Crufts. The charity now owns 2,500 dogs and has two training centres, in Yorkshire and Buckinghamshire. They are ready to be used as fully trained dogs for the deaf when they are 18 month old. They normally stay with the same person for 10-11 years. After that period of time their working days are over and they are placed with people as pets. 10 million people in the UK are deaf for a wide variety of reasons and of these, 800,000 are profoundly deaf. The dogs are wonderful, providing these people with independence, confidence and companionship. We gave £30 towards the charity and it will be one of our chosen charities for this year. Next meeting: April 14 at 2.30pm. There will be a raffle. Do you use an NHS hearing aid? If so, please be aware of the free service, which is available throughout Cambridgeshire and is operated by who hold a regular Hearing Help “Drop-in Session” in Comberton at the Sheltered Housing Centre on the third Tuesday of each month between 2pm and3.30pm. They supply NHS hearing aid users with free batteries, and clean and retube hearing aids. They can give advice as well. Their website give further information: Comberton Luncheon Club 29 April The Old Crown, Girton 27 May Black Horse, Dry Drayton 24 June Bourn Golf Club Telephone Frances on Cambridge 264230 if you would like to come and lunch with us. 01223 423800 All forms of electrical works Heating installations and servicing General home improvements and maintenance All aspects of plumbing works Bathroom an wetroom refurbishments There is a an exhibition of delightful watercolours in the Comberton Library. They have been done by the advanced, intermediate and beginner students who have been undertaking the recent adult education courses at the Village College and are of a very high standard. Do go along and have a look! The exhibition has already attracted many favourable comments, and you might well find them pleasing to look at and be interested to see what can be achieved by participating in local art classes. Some of them are for sale: if you are interested in buying one, you can contact the adult and community education tutor at C V C, Gilly Marklew, by emailing gill@gilly- 1st Comberton Scout Group We urgently need leaders to help run our Beaver colony and we would love to hear from you if you can possibly help. This will involve working with young children between the ages of six and eight years old. The children get involved in lots of activities and Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week at our Scout Hut in the grounds of Comberton Village College on Thursdays between 5.30pm and 6.30pm. If we cannot get volunteers it will mean that the colony will have to close and working with our young beavers is a very rewarding as well as enjoyable experience, so please do get in touch. If you are interested please call Tracy Pemberton on 01223 262445 or Ian Douglas on 07710803708 or email Tracy at: [email protected]. A 20mph speed limit for Comberton? Over recent years, 20mph speed limit signs have popped up all over the place, for instance in Haslingfield, Cambridge, London and soon Cardiff. So why is 20mph an increasingly popular choice? Research shows that 20mph speed limits tick the boxes for improving both public health and the local environment. As you would expect, health is improved when lower speed limits reduce the frequency and severity of road traffic accidents. Each 1mph less reduces casualties and crashes by 6%; for those over 60 years old involved in an accident, a crash at 20mph is ten times more survivable (than at 30mph). And there are other health benefits too, people are more inclined to walk or cycle, or go out for a run. Those who are active feel safer when out and about, and going out by foot or bike can strengthen communities. Lower speed limits are also associated with lower noise and air pollution. Noise pollution is reduced by 50% when speeds reduce from 30 to 20mph. These benefits come at a marginal cost in journey times, as travelling at 20mph (rather than 30mph) only adds 30 seconds over half a mile. Over the coming months I will write a regular contribution for Contact about the possibilities for implementing a 20 mph speed limit in Comberton. I will present some debates and some options we have. This forms part of a wider consultation by the Parish Council: later in the year we will also hold a 20mph information day and run a village survey. In the meantime, please do get in touch with letters of support or any concerns, and I will include these in the consultation. Many thanks, Anna Barford (Parish Councillor), 82 Green End, Comberton, CB23 7DY, [email protected] Parish Councillors Miss Amanda Bacon (Chairman), Arial View, 92B Swaynes Lane 264711 Dr Anna Barford 82 Green End Mr Hywel Griffiths (Vice-Chairman) 18 Barrons Way 263390 Mrs Sophie Higman Berry Cottage, 7 West Street 264624 Mr Andrew Hollick 73 Swaynes Lane 263089 Dr Janet McCabe 3 Westcroft 263387 Mr Simon Moffat 86 Swaynes Lane Mrs Jill Preston 45 Long Road 263077 Mr Tim Scott Moat House, 65 Green End 263434 Mr Nick Taylor 41 West Street 263419 Ms Caragh Urquhart The Three Horseshoes, South Street Miss Chris Westgarth 85 Barton Road 263242 Parish Council contact details Mrs Gail Stoehr, Clerk to Comberton Parish Council, 30 West Drive, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge, CB23 7NY Email [email protected] Tel: 01954 210241 Fax: 0870 705 2759 The Parish Council meets on the second Wednesday in the month (except August) at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Any extra-ordinary meetings needed will be advertised on the notice board in South Street. The Planning Committee meets according to applications received: its meetings are also advertised on the notice board. All parishioners are invited to attend meetings. The first ten minutes are open for residents to ask questions or comment on Comberton matters. If the matter is on the agenda or has previously been discussed a response may be given at the meeting; otherwise it might be tabled for discussion at a forthcoming meeting. W.J. Brown & Son Motor Engineers Cross Road, Comberton Your Local Friendly Garage tel: 01223 263433 Sales—Services Inspections pre-MOT—Travel Inspection District Councillor Report I will take this opportunity to mention all the issues and queries residents have brought to my attention over the last couple of months, some are District, some Parish and other County matters. Where possible I have passed these issues on to relevant parties. The Bennell Farm development is the main topic for most, and by mid April a decision at SCDC will have been made. Linked to this is the state of the sewers and volume of traffic on the roads. Clearly another 90 homes in the village will have serious issues with our infrastructure unless these are addressed with any new builds. Swaynes Lane with its pot holes, cut up verges and speeding traffic is a common complaint. This could be addressed by 20mph speed limit and maybe a one way system? On the subject of speeding, several residents have asked for large parts of the village to be 20mph zones. Personally I think this would be a good idea. I will now simply list the other topics. Dog mess - not being picked up all over the village. Ground source heat pumps - noisy and can lead the health problems for some through sleep deprivation. Parking on Hillfield Road mainly relates to inconsiderate parking and cars not being left in or outside garages. Street lights - shambollic. Nursery Way - generally not enough site maintenance. Bins - either not emptied or not put back in the right place. Drainage, mainly the ditch by the village college/Kentings - this has now been addressed. Queries over the grain store by the woodland burial ground all within planning regulations. Moans about inconsiderate car drivers parking on the pavements - simple, don't do it, be considerate. The Village College greater dialogue with village groups such as the parish council. Hopefully I have not left any of you out? So other than that everything is just fine and dandy!! M J E Scott COMBERTON ALLOTMENTS & GARDENS ASSOCIATION DATES FOR YOUR 2016 DIARY Spring Plant Sale Saturday7 May 10.00am Playschool Our events commence with the Plant Sale where we hope to sell you lots of fine plants to nurture and perhaps exhibit plants or produce in the Autumn Show. This is a ‘bring and buy’ event so if you have surplus vegetable or flower plants please bring along and add to our stock. Profits help to support the Village Autumn Show. FREE ENTRY so come early and bag the best bargains. Summer Barbecue Saturday 16 July 6.00pm Long Road Allotments Autumn Show Saturday 17 Sept Meridian School Annual General Meeting Weds 23 Nov 7.30pm Village Hall Annual Outing We hope to arrange an outing in late September following the success of last year’s trip to Blickling Hall. The destination has still to be decided upon so watch future editions of Contact for details. THE CHALLENGE sponsored by COSTCUTTER STORES 24 Clues, 24 closely related answers ….. over to you! (a)= anagram ....................................... (5) A sort of prion (a) ....................................... (8) Pet chow’s the answer (a) ....................................... (9) A card game ....................................... (8) Greene’s Rock ....................................... (5) Weird poems ....................................... (4) “This son of?” ....................................... (6) Noddy drove one ....................................... (4) Aquae Sullis ....................................... (9) Military camp site ....................................... (10) Ladies College ....................................... (6) Oxford College ....................................... (6,5) Man streaker reveals this! (a) ....................................... (9) Sounds like a kitchen gadget ....................................... (9) Upset not scared (a) ....................................... (10) Gee ! Fiddles about (a) ....................................... (7) Old comedian Charlie, not Chaplin ....................................... (8) Caller is rubbish (a) ....................................... (7) Trainee ….. of sorts (a) ....................................... (9) Lied about fling (a) ....................................... (7) Dionne? ....................................... (8) Effective golf club ....................................... (10) Cake producing town ....................................... (9) Square theatre? ....................................... (9) Home of the brown drink? Entries please to Costcutter, Library or Green End Surgery no later than 15 April. The prize of £5, generously donated by Nayna & Vijay is to be spent in store. Name ………………………………………………………………………. Address ……………………………………………………………………… Traditional, non-competitive, Japanese martial art. The New Gym, Comberton Sports and Arts, CB23 7DU Mondays, 8:00pm – 9:30pm, For age 16+ Contact Alan Stevens, 4th Dan, Shidoin, Qualified Aikido Coach Beginners welcome – no need to bring special equipment. Cost £5 per session / £3.50 for Comberton VC students and staff. THE CHALLENGE ANSWERS & WINNERS FEBRUARY PANAMA .............................................. A Central American country / A lightweight hat AUSTIN ................................................ American state capital / English car (no longer) WELLINGTON...................................... Southern hemisphere capital / Famous British Aircraft CYPRUS .............................................. Mediterranean island / London underground station ORINOCO ............................................ S. American river / Womble ULSTER ............................................... Irish County / Style of overcoat MOROCCO .......................................... Mediterranean country / Goatskin leather BULGARIA ........................................... European country / Womble (Father’s brother) COPENHAGEN...................................... European capital city / Duke of Wellington’s horse RALEIGH ............................................. American State capital / English bicycle company HARROW ............................................. London borough / Farming implement VIENNA ................................................ European capital city / Long round loaf PARIS .................................................. European capital city / He who abducted Helen LAMBETH ............................................ London borough / Walk? Dance? Song? WARSAW ............................................. European capital city / Famous concerto GUINEA ............................................... African Republic / Old English coin CHELSEA ............................................ London borough / Style of boot NORFOLK ............................................ English county / Style of jacket HACKNEY ............................................ London borough / Type of carriage FIFE ..................................................... Scottish city / Small flute SURREY .............................................. English county / Horse drawn vehicle WINNER : SUE ALLIN, LONG ROAD MARCH HE HEATH THE THEWLIS LOW LOWRY HER HERTZOG NO NOLTE TO TORK SITUATION? MY MYCROFT HAVE HAVERSHAM LAW. LAWSON YES AND ANDREWS CONCLUSION BROW. BROWN VIEW SUBSTANCE. RESPOND AS ASTOR WIFE DECIDED SHE SHERIDAN THAT THATCHER FOR FORMBY IN INCE HOW HOWERD IN INMAN AT ATTENBOROUGH AND ANDERSEN TO TOMLINSON TO TONE CLEARLY HARD HARDY BUT BUTLER WAY TO GO. WAYNE TORME GOOD TOTAL……………….45……………………........ CAME CAMERON I IDLE MY MYERS PARTICULAR IS ISAACS SUCH SUCHARD AUGUST 17 th AUGUSTUS I IRONS GO GOLDING CONTEMPLATE TO TODD WAS WASHINGTON PART, PARTRIDGE HAD HADRIAN ONE O’NEAL A ASQUITH WE, WELLS WILL WILLIAMS TO TOWNSEND THE THERASA WINNER. JENNY BROWN, BARTON ROAD EXPERIENCED PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER If your child needs help with English and/or Maths for consolidation or just confidence boosting I offer 1:1 tuition in a welcoming and caring environment. KS1 and KS2 children very welcome. Do call me if you would like to have a free trial session to see how you get on. Tess Jones BA Hons PGCE Tel: 01223 874674 Email: [email protected]