Unique Units - Fall from Heaven


Unique Units - Fall from Heaven
Clan of Embers...........14
Fall from Heaven II is a dark fantasy
Here is a brief list of some of the
new features in Fall from Heaven:
mod for Civilization IV. The Age of Ice
has ended, what is left of the once great
empires of man have formed into small
tribes, ready to rebuild and retake that
which was lost. But the world is not
empty. Hordes of barbarians await these
new civilizations. Wild animals stalk
hapless scouts and reckless emissaries.
Giant spiders lie in patient wait in the
jungles and the forests waiting for their
prey to take that last, fatal, step.
Magic! - Spellcasting units can take
promotions in the different spheres of
magic, granting them access to new
spells and abilities. There are three sorts
Heroes - In times of darkness and strife, of casters, those that know Sorcery,
heroes will rise to lead their civilizations those that practice Summoing and
to victory. Heroes are world units, that Divine casters. A unit has access to
can only be built once. If they die, they spells depending on what sort of caster
cannot be rebuilt. Each civilization has it is and the spell spheres it has access
at least one hero associated with it, as
to. There are 17 spheres of mana (Fire,
does each religion. Heroes gain
Entropy, Nature, Spirit, etc). Casters
experience each turn, meaning that in
gain experience slowly automatically, so
any given game, they will probably be
there is no need to risk them in combat
your most powerful unit by far. They
as they pursue their studies in the
are capable of taking lightly defended
mystical arts.
cities by themselves, but they're only a
short dogpile away from being dead, so Experience - Veteran units are now
protect them!
more valuable. The base promotions
There is great evil, but also
have been essentially doubled, making
selfless good. There are those who strive
the difference between experinced units
to remain neutral in the coming conflict
and greenhorns especially noticeable.
as opposed ideologies break the world
Also, new promotions have been added,
asunder once again. The first goal, is
become the scourge of the undead, if it
survival. The second goal is power, for
suits your fancy.
good or ill. Will you pursue power
through strength of arms or arcane
Upgrading - In order to upgrade the
studies, through piety or blasphemy?
Technology - Specialization is the
Choose carefully. On each path you will name of the game here, while you may strongest units a unit must first prove
itself worthy. Do you want to be an
gain allies, and bitter foes, and the
be able to generalize into the first or
Immortal? Unable to die, and thus able
deeper you delve into the secrets of
second tier of techs, you're probably
to fight for all eternity? Then you have
combat, or sorcery, or the divine, the
better off specializing in one of the
to be at least a Lv. 6 Champion.
harder it will be to turn back.
various forms of combat or the arcane
or the religious. Tech progression is
noticable slower in FfH, giving you an
opportunity to play with those new toys
you just discovered. There are also
religious specific techs, that cannot be
researched unless you follow the
appropriate state religion.
Religions - Not all religions are created
equal, and some of them effect the
alignment of your civilizations. If you
choose to follow the vile practices of
the Ashen Veil, your civilization will
descend into the depths of Evil. You
will of course be rewarded with
immense arcane power, knowledge and
the aid of Demons. On the other hand,
if you follow the Runes of Kilmorph,
you will be able to obtain the aid of the
reclusive dwarves and share in their love
of gold and gems.
Many peoples claim the blood of heroes or even gods amongst their ancestors;
the Amurites are alone in believing themselves children of the one hero to
have slain a god. Kylorin, the ageless sorcerer, adopted this people during the
harsh Age of Ice, and with their help overthrew the dread god-king Mulcarn.
He left behind the gift of unparalleled magical talents as well an insatiable
curiosity for all things mystical. Their powers earn suspicion from the upright
and envy from the fallen, and so that Valledia the Even and Dain the
Caswallawn must walk a careful path in this new age. Their skills and their
secrets make them a dangerous target, but an inviting one nonetheless.
Unique Features:
Theme: Magical Society
Govannon – Requires: Sorcery
5 1 Cost: 480
Can build mana nodes.
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II,
Channeling III, Hero, Sorcery
Wizards (mage replacement) begin with “Spell-staff” promotion
Cave of Ancestors building (grants +1 XP to each adept built,
per mana node owned)
Cannot build: No Restrictions
Govannon is a capable spellcaster in his own
right, all the more so as a hero. But his true use
lies in teaching several useful adept spells to any
World Spell: Arcane Lacuna
unit once he learns them himself, including Blaze,
All the players Arcane units gain one xp per upgraded
Blur, Dance of Blades, Escape, Haste, and Raise
mana node in the world, all mana nodes revert to raw mana.
Starting Mana: Body, Fire, Mind
Unique Units
Wizard 4
Cost: 120
Arcane Unit - Replaces Mage – Requires: Arcane Lore
Can build mana nodes.
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Sorcery, Spellstaff
Unit starts with +1 Free Promotion, Must be upgraded from a unit at level 4+
Upgrades to Archmage
Firebow 5/4
Cost: 120
Archery Unit - Replaces Longbowman – Requires: Machinery, and Bowyer
+1 First Strike, +25% City Defense, +25% Hill Defense
Starts with Channeling II, Fire I, Sorcery
Unit can use Bronze and Iron weapons.
Upgrades to Marksman, Arquebus, Crossbowman
Chanter 5/3 (+1 Poison )
Cost: 120
Recon Unit - Replaces Assassin – Requires: Poisons, and Hunting Lodge
+1 First Strike
Starts with Channeling I, Dimensional I, Sorcery
Can See Hidden Animals
Upgrades to Shadow or Marksman
Unique Buildings
Cave of Ancestors Cost: 120
Requires: Sorcery
All Arcane units produced in the city will gain +1 XP
for every mana resource the city has access to.
Valledia the Even
Dain the Caswallawn
Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral
-50% Civic Upkep
Double Production Speed of Courthouse,
+100% Birth Rate
Double Production Speed of Elder Council,
Free promotion(Arcane)
- Arcane units
Double Production Speed of Mage Guild
Favorite Civic: Apprenticeship
Favorite Wonder: Crown of Akharien
Free promotion(Arcane)
- Arcane units
Double Production Speed of Mage Guild
Favorite Civic: Aristocracy
Favorite Wonder: Crown of Akharien
It’s a nation of lies and illusions led by a madman and his daughter. All those
still clinging to sanity fled long ago, and now the Balseraphs share Perpentach’s
madness, living to amuse him. He goes to war on a whim and fights
unpredictably, but is no less a threat for it. Despite the capriciousness of their
ruler, the Balseraph cities are marvels to behold, dizzying carnivals filled with
endless amusement and captivating horrors. Should the Fool King step out for
a bit, his young daughter Keelyn will emerge from the shadows to hold an
elaborate court filled entirely with otherworldly creatures bound to her will.
Unique Features:
Theme: Mad Clowns
• Can sacrifice slaves to make humanoid cages (for extra
happiness and culture)
• Insane Trait (Perpentach only) gives 3 traits which change at
random intervals.
• Hall of Mirrors building creates illusions of attackers
Cannot build: No Restrictions
World Spell: Revelry
Initiaties a Golden Age that lasts twice as long as normal.
Starting Mana: Air, Chaos, Mind
Cost: 180
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II,
Chaos I, Chaos II, Spell Extension I,
Magic Immune, Mind I, Sorcery
Loki acts as a Gypsy Wagon, lowering the culture
and gold of any rival city he's in. But Loki also
cause unrest in the cities he occupies and can flip
them to the Balseraphs if their culture gets low
enough. He can also investigate cities and has
effective spells for confusing enemy units, but his
most frustrating ability is that he is the most
difficult unit in the game to kill.
Unique Units
Puppeter 4
Cost: 120
Arcane Unit - Replaces Conjurer – Requires: Summoning
Can build mana nodes. Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Puppeteer, Summoning
Unit starts with +1 Free Promotion, Must be upgraded from a unit at level 4+
Upgrades to Summoner
Taskmaster 5/3
(+1 Poison) 2
Cost: 120
Recon Unit - Replaces Assassin – Requires: Poisons, and Freak Show
-50% City Strength, +25% chance to create slave from combat
Can See Hidden Animals, Starts with Marksman
Upgrades to Shadow or Marksman
Harlequin 6
Cost: 150
Recon Unit - Replaces Ranger – Requires: Animal Handling, and Carnival
Can See Hidden Animals, Better results from villages
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Chaos I, Mind I, Sorcery, Subdue Animal
Upgrades to Shadow or Marksman
Freak 3
Cost: 60
Melee Unit – Requires: Freak Show
Starts with Mutated
Upgrades to Acrobat or Swordsman
Courtesan 8/7 (+2 Poison )
2 Cost: 240
- National Unit (3 allowed)
Recon Unit - Replaces Shadow – Requires: Guilds, and Council of Esus
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes, +25% chance to create slave from combat
Can See Hidden Animals, Can Explore Rival Territory, Helps Thwart Rival Spies
Starts with Invisible, Marksman
Unique Buildings
Arena Cost: 100
Replaces Training Yard – Requires: Bronze Working
Allows units to be risked for XP, 50% to die, 50% to gain XP
with Nationhood, Required to build Heroic Epic
Freak Show Cost: 60
Requires: Carnival
Can turn 1 Citizen into Great Bard
Allows the creation of Humanoid cages from slaves
Required to Train Freak, Taskmaster, City more likely to generate Great Bard
Hall of Mirrors Cost: 180
Requires: Alteration and Carnival
Creates illusions of attackers
Alignment: Evil
Alignment: Evil
+2 /City
Double Production Speed of Carnival,
+2 /City
Double Production Speed of Carnival,
+2 duration to summoned units
-25% XP Needed for promotions.
Free promotion(Arcane)
- Arcane units
Double Production Speed of Mage Guild
Favorite Civic: Slavery
Favorite Wonder: Syliven's Perfect Lyre
Three traits are generated randomly and switch
randomly during the game.
Favorite Civic: Slavery
Favorite Wonder: Theatre of Dreams
The Bannor Empire is a people forged by unbelievable hardship into a
weapon of unrelenting justice. They are led by Sabathiel, an angel held to the
strictest interpretation of the Compact, and Capria, a woman of boundless
courage. With a sprawling but well ordered empire, the Bannor people take
great pride in how much they have accomplished. They have the will to take
the fight to the enemy no matter the price; the only question is if they will
take it too far, but they did not fight their way through fire and ice only to let
the world fall to darkness.
Donal Lugh – Requires: Fanaticism
Unique Features:
Theme: Lawful Crusaders
Crusade Civic:
• Must be at war
• -75% War
• +2
in cities with state religion
• Cities with State Religion Train Units +25% faster
• Restricts great people to Great Commander
• Can only build military units and buildings
• Cannot start diplomacy with your enemies
• Spawns Demagog units at villages and towns at chance
Cannot build: No Restrictions
Cost: 300
Starts with Empty Bier, Guardsman,
Hero, Recruiter, Sorcery, Spirit II
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
The Bannor hero can recruit a random assortment
of units without being used up and can bring
hope to cities. Recruit ability renews each time
he kills a demon or undead enemy unit.
World Spell: Rally
Creates a Demagog in every Bannor city and on every Bannor Town
improvement, only usueable during a crusade
Starting Mana: Earth, Law, Spirit
Unique Units
Demagog 5
Cost: 60
Melee Unit – Requires: Iron Working, and Crusade
+25% vs. Melee
Can only be built during a crusade. Will abandon the owner when crusade is over.
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Flagbearer 5/4
Cost: 120
Melee Unit – Requires: Fanaticism, and Crusade
Starts with Morale (+10% Strength, +10% City Attack, 10% chance of wearing of per turn)
Passes the Morale promotion to all living allied units within 1 tile.
Can only be built during a crusade. Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Unique Buildings
Bannor Training Yard Cost: 100
Replaces Training Yard – Requires: Bronze Working
Free Guardsman Promotion for Melee Units trained in this city.
Guards against Marksman units. Increased chance to defend the stack.
with Nationhood, Required to build Heroic Epic
Alignment: Good
Alignment: Good
-50% Civic Upkep
Double Production Speed of Courthouse,
-25% XP Needed for promotions.
Favorite Civic: Theocracy
Favorite Wonder: Aquae Sucellus
No Anarchy
Free promotion(Mobility I)
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Temple.
+50% Wonder Production
Double Production Speed of Forge.
Favorite Civic: Religion
Favorite Wonder: Aquae Sucellus
Ancient and powerful, the rulers of the Calabim posses a dark secret.
Through fell ritual their lives can be prolonged at the expense of others, and
by this act Alexis and Flauros have created a decadent vampiric aristocracy.
Their battlefield success comes at a price they are only too happy to pay—
the blood of their human thralls, kept in miserable conditions to serve as
little more than cattle. This secret would surely incense all honorable nations
of Erebus, but could even the strongest legion compare to the might of a
vampire lord? Perhaps their enemies are willing to dismiss the ugly rumors as
just that, to avoid the danger of sharing the fate of the sad Calabim humans.
Losha Valas
Unique Features:
Theme: Aristocratic Vampires
• Vampirism Promotion adds strength and allows 3 unique
abilities: Feasting reduces city population to gain experience;
Feeding restores health by sacrificing a targeted friendly unit; gift
passes vampirism promotion to another unit of level 6+ (4+ if
Cannot build: Elder Council building
World Spell: River of Blood
All Calabim cites get +2 population, all non-Calabim cities get -2
population (to a minimum of 1 population)
– Requires: Fanaticism
Cost: 300
Starts with Body I, Channeling I, Death I
Channeling II, Hero, Sorcery, Vampirism
Gains the Immortal promotion after
beating a living unit in combat
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
Losha is the Calabim hero and a powerful
vampire in her own right. But even beyond this
she gains the Immortal promotion each time she
defeats a living unit in combat, meaning she is
very difficult to kill if she is kept fed.
Starting Mana: Body, Law, Shadow
Unique Units
Bloodpet 3
Cost: 25
Melee Unit - Replaces Warrior
When fed upon by a vampire using the “feed” the vampire will be
granted an extra movement and ability to attack again.
Unit can use Bronze and Iron weapons.
Upgrades to Moroi or Archer
Moroi 4
Cost: 60
Melee Unit - Replaces Axeman – Requires: Bronze Working and Training Yard
+10% City Attack, Has a self-only version of Burning Blood
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Upgrades to Vampire
Vampire 5
Cost: 180
Melee Unit - Replaces Champion – Requires: Feudalism and Governor's Manor
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Body I, Death I, Sorcery, Vampirism
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Upgrades to Eidolon, Paladin, Vampire Lord or Brujah
Brujah 11/5
Cost: 240
Melee Unit - Replaces Berserker– Requires: Rage and Bear Totem
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Body I, Death I, Sorcery, Vampirism
Causes Collateral Damage
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Vampire Lord 9
Cost: 240
Melee Unit - Replaces Immortal – Requires: Divine Essence
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Channeling III, Body I, Death I, Mind I, Sorcery,
Summoning, Vampirism, Unit Cannot be Built, Must be upgraded from a unit of Level 12+
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Resurrected in the civilization's Capital if killed
Unique Buildings
Breeding Pit Cost: 100
Stores +20%
after Growth
Governor's Manor Cost: 120
Replaces Courthouse – Requires: Code of Laws
-10 to Crime Rate, -20+% Maintenance, -25% War
Provides +1 per Unhappy population
with Social Order, Required to train Vampires
Double production speed with Organized leaders
Alignment: Evil
Alignment: Evil
+100% Birth Rate
Double Production Speed of Elder Council,
Free promotion(Combat I)
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
Double Production Speed of Shipyard,
Favorite Civic: Aristocracy
Favorite Wonder: Soul Forge
+1 on plots with 2
Double Production Speed of Market,
Money Changer.
-50% Civic Upkep
Double Production Speed of
Governor's Manor, Lighthouse.
Favorite Civic: Fend for Themselves
Favorite Wonder: Pillar of Chains
Clan of Embers
Are the numberless orcs of Erebus shunned because of their viciousness and
cruelty, or are they cruel and vicious because they are shunned? A riddle
which troubles sages and priests, perhaps, but battlefield commanders have
little time for such thoughts when the Clan of Embers is upon them. Quick
and harsh like the fallen goddess they serve, orcs and goblins have menaced
civilizations since the end of the Age of Magic. In the Age of Rebirth,
however, they pose a more dire threat as uncontrolled hordes have been
shaped into one mighty clan under Jonas the War-Priest. Sheelba, their queen,
brings the advances of civilization but none of its civility.
Unique Features:
Theme: Barbaric Orcs
• All units begin with Orcish Promotion (+10% Jungle Strength,
+25% resistance to Fire damage)
• Orc Adepts does not require a building
• Goblins defeating wolves upgrade to Wolf Riders for free
Cannot build: Alchemy Lab, Library, Mage Guild, Stables
World Spell: For the Horde
50% of the barbarian orc units convert to the Players control.
– Requires: Bronze Working
Cost: 180
+25% vs. Melee Units
Starts with Hero, Orcish
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
Rantine is a powerful early weapon against
enemies of the Clan of Embers, and a great tool
against their allies, with his ability to convert
barbarian cities if he is the strongest unit in it.
Starting Mana: Body, Fire, Nature
Unique Units
Goblin 2
Cost: 15
Recon Unit - Replaces Scout
Can See Hidden Animals, Better Results from Tribal Villages
+50% vs. Animals, Starts with Orcish
Upgrades to Wolf Rider
Wolf Rider 4
Cost: 60
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horseman – Requires: Horseback Riding
Doesn't receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw from Combat (10% Chance)
+40% vs. Archery Units, Starts with Orcish, no resource requirements
Upgrades to Chariot
Ogre 8
Cost: 150
Melee Unit - Replaces Horse Archer – Requires: Stirrups
Starts with Orcish
Upgrades to Ogre Warchief or Stoneskin Ogre
Ogre Warchief 13/11
Cost: 300
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Melee Unit - Replaces Knight – Requires: Armored Cavalry and Hippodrome
Starts with Orcish
Stoneskin Ogre 13/17
Cost: 300
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Melee Unit - Replaces War Elephant – Requires: Domesticate Elephant and Large Animal
+50% vs. Mounted Units
Starts with Orcish, Stoneskin
Jonas Endain
Alignment: Evil
Alignment: Evil
No Anarchy
Free promotion(Mobility I)
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Temple.
+2 /City
No upkeep costs for Compassion,
Double Production Speed of Granary,
Leader starts at peace with Barbarians.
Favorite Civic: Conquest
Favorite Wonder: The Dragon's Hoard
Free promotion(Combat I)
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
Double Production Speed of Shipyard,
-50% Civic Upkep
Double Production Speed of Courthouse,
Leader starts at peace with Barbarians.
Favorite Civic: Apprenticeship
Favorite Wonder: The Dragon's Hoard
The greatest shock to those who study the Doviello is this—that they are
indeed human. This is a tribe so savage and feral that most sane people assume
them to be monsters; alas such barbarism is indeed rooted in the deepest
reaches of the human soul. The unending winter of the Age of Ice winnowed
away compassion and trust from the Doviello, stripped them bare of
everything but will and strength. Charadon leads them like a wolf pack,
constantly in search of the easiest and weakest prey. Even orcs and beasts fear
the alpha wolf of the Doviello. Mahala is subtler, but no less dangerous for her
tendency to strike quick and vanish back into the snowy night.
Unique Features:
Theme: Chaotic Barbarian Men
The War Machine
– Requires: Machinery, Siege Workship
• Many units do not require prerequisite buildings, but are more
• Start with two additional Beastmen
• Battlemaster can upgrade Axemen to Battlemasters outside of
• Bison Rider (Knight replacment) do not require resources
Cannot build: Mage Guild, Alchemy Lab, Archery Range, Bowyer,
Training Yard, Machinist shop, nor Library buildings, or
Arquebus or Cannon units
Cost: 240
Doesn't receive defensive bonuses.
Can withdraw from combat (25% chance)
+50% vs Mounted units.
Starts with Hero
World Spell: Wild Hunt
Creates a wolf unit for every combat unit the player controls, the
wolfes strength is based on the matching combat units strength.
Starting Mana: Body, Chaos, Earth
Unique Units
Beastman 3
Cost: 25
Melee Unit - Replaces Warrior
+20% City Attack, +25% City Defense
Unit can use Bronze and Iron weapons.
Upgrades to Axeman or Javelin Thrower
Javelin Thrower 4
Cost: 90
Archery Unit - Replaces Archer – Requires: Archery
+1 First Strike
+25% City Defense, +25% Hill Defense
Upgrades to Longbowman or Crossbowman
Battlemaster 6
Cost: 150
Melee Unit - Replaces Champion – Requires: Iron Working
+50% Tundra Attack and Defense
Unit can use Bronze, Iron or Mithril weapons.
Axemen in same stack as the Battlemaster can upgrade to Battlemasters.
Upgrades to Eidolon, Paladin, Berserker, Immortal, or Phalanx
Bison Rider 12
Cost: 240
Mounted Unit - Replaces Knight – Requires: Armored Cavalry and Hippodrome
Doesn't receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw from Combat (35% Chance)
No resource Requirement
Unit can use Bronze, Iron or Mithril weapons.
Alignment: Evil
Alignment: Evil
Free promotion(Combat I)
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
Double Production Speed of Shipyard,
Leader starts at peace with Barbarians.
Favorite Civic: Apprenticeship
Favorite Wonder: Crown of Akharien
Free promotion(Commando)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
+1 XP from combat.
+100% Gold from Pillaging
+50 Starting Gold
-50% to upgrade costs.
Favorite Civic: Aristocracy
Favorite Wonder: Crown of Akharien
The Elohim are the heirs to an honored and selfless legacy. Throughout the
ages they have guarded sacred shrines, given comfort to the broken, and
brokered peace between deadly rivals. The role the Elohim have chosen earns
them the adoration of the humble man, but rulers often resent their meddling
and seek the mysteries they guard. Though he prizes peace above all, Einion
Logos will not let his followers be slaughtered like lambs. And though she is
willing to sacrifice all, Ethne the White will not stand by as their good works
are undone by the growing evil that sees kindness as vulnerability.
Unique Features:
Theme: Spiritual Monks
Cannot build: No restrictions
– Requires: Fanaticism
Cost: 300
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II,
Channeling III, Earth I, Hero, Sorcery,
Mind I, Spirit I
World Spell: Sanctuary
Kicks all non-team units out of their borders and makes all non-team
Corlindale makes a superb mage, though if his
units unable to enter the players lands for 30 turns.
magic can't protect you, his diplomacy will. He
can be sacrificed to make peace between your civ
Starting Mana: Nature, Spirit, Water
and all current enemies, pushing their troops
outside your borders.
Unique Units
Devout 5
Cost: 120
Recon Unit - Replaces Assassin – Requires: Poisons, and Hunting Lodge
Can See Hidden Animals, Can Explore Rival Territory
-50% City Strength
Starts with Channeling I, Life I
Monk 6
Cost: 120
Disciple Unit - Requires: Priesthood
Starts with Demon Slaying I, Medic I
Unique Buildings
Reliquary Cost: 100
Requires: Soul Debt
Free Spirit Guide Promotion for Units trained in this city.
City more likely to generate Great Prophet
Chancel of Guardian Cost: 120
Requires: Priesthood
20% Chance of bestowing the Defensive promotion on any unit trained in the city.
25% Defense (Except vs. Gunpowder-based Units)
Unique Rituals
Hallowing of the Elohim Cost: 600
Requires: Way of the Wise
Decreases the Armageddon Counter a small amount.
Ethne the White
Einon Logos
Alignment: Good
Alignment: Good
+2 /City
Double Production Speed of Carnival,
Free promotion(Homeland)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Archery Range,
Favorite Civic: Liberty
Favorite Wonder: Shrine of Sirona
+100% Birth Rate
Double Production Speed of Elder Council,
Free promotion(Homeland)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Archery Range,
Favorite Civic: Pacifism
Favorite Wonder: Temple of Temporance
Agares the angel of hope fell from heaven for lust of power. Cassiel, leader of
the Grigori, fell from contempt of it. The races of Erebus are divine enough to
choose their own fate, and any intervention in it by the so-called gods is too
much for him. In his lands he shelters refugees from the ideological wars that
mark the Age of Rebirth, as well the Luonnotar, a reclusive sect strangely
immune to the powers of sorcerer and shaman alike. Cassiel has wagered more
than mortals could dream of on his stand for human determinism, and so
neither force nor persuasion will bring him to side fully with the agenda of any
god or religion. Will his followers have the courage to defend this new vision
for Erebus?
Cost: 0
Starts with Hero
An Adventurer is a hero unit that can be
upgraded to any of the Melee, Archer, Mounted,
Recon, or Adept units the owning civilization can
Unique Features:
Theme: Forsaker of the Gods
• Agnostic trait prevents adoption of any state religion
• Palace, Grigori Tavern, and Adventurers guild all generate
“Great Adventurer” points. Great Adventurers are units
generated with Great People Points which can be upgraded to
any buildable unit and begin with the “Hero” promotion.
• Luonnotar (Inquisitor replacement) starts with Magic Immune
and can be sacrificed instead of Great Prophets to build the
Altar of Luonnotar.
Cannot build: Any temples or any disciple units.
World Spell: Ardor
Resets the players Great People counter
Starting Mana: Enchantment, Spirit, Water
Unique Units
Grigori Medic 4
Cost: 180
Melee Unit - Requires: Medicine, and Infirmary
Starts with Divine, Life II, Medic I
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Dragon Slayer 6
Cost: 120
Melee Unit - Replaces Champion – Requires: Iron Working, and Training Yard
Starts with Courage, Dragon Slaying
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Upgrades to Eidolon, Paladin, Berserker, Immortal or Phalanx
Luonnotar 10
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Disciple Unit - Replaces Inquisitor – Requires: Strength of Will
+50% vs. Disciple Units
Starts with Command, Magic Immune, Medic I
Unit Cannot be Built, Must be upgraded from a unit at level 6+
Unique Buildings
Grigori Tavern Cost: 250
Requires: Mercantalism
+5 to Crime Rate, 10% Maintenance, +1 Trade Route, +25% Trade Route Yield
with Consumption
City more likely to generate Adventurer
Adventurers Guild Cost: 120
Requires: Currency
Birth Rate
City more likely to generate Adventurer
Alignment: Neutral
+100% Birth Rate
Double Production Speed of Elder Council,
+50% Wonder Production
Double Production Speed of Forge.
Leader cannot adopt a state religion
Reduces the chance religions will spread to
the leaders cities
Allows the player to pick the trait of their choice.
Favorite Civic: Pacifism
Favorite Wonder: Hall of Kings
How do you survive when all you have is tradition? How do you feed your
tribe if honor is all you posses? The enterprising Rhoanna found a solution.
Rather than spend their martial prowess in fruitless raids against each other,
their vigor is sold to the highest bidder. The Hippus have become the most
famous mercenaries. Led by Tasunke in the field and Rhoanna at the
bargaining table, these horse-bound warriors will turn on old friends as soon
as their contract is finished if their new allies demand it. Other leaders
wonder if the Hippus truly have no agenda beyond wealth, the clank of coins
paid for a battle waged. The Hippus clans know their survival is assured so
long as every rival sees them as a potential asset.
Unique Features:
Theme: Horse-borne Mercenaries
– Requires: Warhorses, Horses or Nightmare
• Free horses from Palace
• Unique stable gives all mounted units extra movement and
withdrawal (+1 Move, +10% Withdrawal)
• Knights can cast “Dance of Blades” spell
• Mercenaries are mounted units
Cannot build: Any temples or any disciple units.
World Spell: Warcry
Grants all combat units +1 strength, blitz, +1 movement and has a
5% chance per turn of wearing off
Cost: 360
Doesn't receive defensive bonuses
Can withdraw from combat (50% chance)
Starts with Commando, Courage, Hero
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
A Superlative mounted unit, Magnadine can also
recruit mercenary units to clean up behind him
as he pushes deep into enemy territory or harries
an assaulting force. Magnadine also converts any
living barbarian units he conquers to his cause.
Starting Mana: Air, Nature
Unique Units
Mounted Mercenary 5
Mounted Unit - Replaces Mercenary
Can Expand Guild of the Nine
Can Withdraw from Combat (+20% Chance)
Can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Death won't cause War
Unique Buildings
Hippus Stable Cost: 100
Replaces Stable – Requires: Horseback Riding
Free Horselord Promotion (+1 Move, +10% Withdrawal) for
Mounted units produced in this city
Double production speed for Aggressive leaders
Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral
Free promotion(Combat I)
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
Double Production Speed of Shipyard,
Free promotion(Commando)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
+1 XP from combat.
+2 /City
No upkeep costs for Compassion,
Double Production Speed of Granary,
+1 on plots with 2
Double Production Speed of Market,
Money Changer.
Favorite Civic: Consumption
Favorite Wonder: Ride of the Nine Kings
+100% Gold from Pillaging
Favorite Civic: Guilds
Favorite Wonder: Ride of the Nine Kings
These are the remnants of those served the despot god Mulcarn in the
previous Age. The fearsome supernatural winter of the Age of Ice shaped this
society, but the void left when Mulcarn was slain by Kylorin left them
broken and disparaged. The wandering Auric Ulvin heard their whispers, and
now leads the Illians in search of their lost glory. Will the Age of Rebirth be
proven an aberration as history repeats itself?
Wilboman – Requires: Iron Working
World Spell: None
Starting Mana: Chaos, Enchantment, Water
Cost: 360
Cannot enter Desert
+25% Tundra Attack and Defense
+25% Ice Attack and Defense
Starts with Hero. Immune to Cold,
Sentry, Vulnerable to Fire
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
Unique Units
Javelin Thrower 4
Cost: 90
Replaces Archer – Requires: Archery
+1 First Strike
+25% City Defense, +25% Hill Defense
Auric Ulvin
Alignment: Evil
No Anarchy
Free promotion(Mobility I)
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Temple.
+1 /City
-25% XP Needed for promotions.
Favorite Civic: Foreign Trade
Favorite Wonder: Bone Palace
Hell’s fury may not match a scorned maiden, but its greed and lust is
unmatched. Finding some souls too strong or pure to be lured to hell, Agares’
disciples brought hell to Erebus. And so were the Infernals released, demons
hungry for destruction led by the fearsome Hyborem. Slowly their influence
spreads, corrupting the land and its inhabitants. If the people of Erebus fall
prey to their darker side and fuel the Infernals power, the entire world will
burn and Agares’ hell will hold sway over all creation.
Unique Features:
Theme: Demons
7 (+2 Unholy Combat) 2
• A player cannot start the game as the Infernals, instead the first
+5 to Armageddon Counter
civilization to research Infernal Pact invites them into the world.
Starts with Demon, Gela, Hero, Loyalty
• Free Iron from Palace
Sentry I, Sentry II, Iron Weapons
• Most units start with demon promotion, which gives bonuses
when on hell terrain.
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
• Turn the terrain around their cities to “Hell”, alternate versions
of terrain. Deserts will become burning sands, which may catch
fire, preventing certain units from entering
Hyborems Gela provides +2 Unholy combat, and
• Some units start with Stigmata promotion, with gives a
a -25% resistance to unholy damage.
strength bonus equal to 50% of the Armageddon Counter.
• All cities start with Ashen Veil religion
• If Hyborem is killed, all traits are lost, except Fallow
• Fallow trait means food has no effect on city growth
• Gain free “mane” units when an “evil” unit dies, anywhere in
the world (evil units are those with Ashen Veil or Octopus
Overlords religion, death or entropy promotions, or citizens
lost in cities of evil empires). Manes can be added to cities to
increase population, sacrificed for production, or upgraded to
any buildible unit.
Cannot build: Granary, Smokehouse
World Spell: Hyborem's Whisper
Allows Hyborem to take control of a city with the Ashen Veil
Starting Mana: Entropy, Fire
Unique Units
Manes 2
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (80% Chance)
Starts with Demon
Imp 3
(+1 Unholy) 1
Cost: 90
Arcane Unit - Replaces Adept –Requires: Knowledge of Ether
Can build Mana Nodes. Starts with Channeling I, Demon, Resist Fire
Unit starts with +1 Free Promotion.
Upgrades to Conjurer or Mage
Sect of Flies 4
(+2 Unholy) 1
Cost: 120
Melee Unit - Replaces Champion – Requires: Iron Working, and Training Yard
+25% vs. Melee, Starts with Demon
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Upgrades to Eidolon or Paladin
Balor 7/3
(+4 Unholy) 1
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Melee - Replaces Berserker – Requires: Rage and Bear Totem
Starts with Demon, Resist Fire, Stigmata
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Death Knight 8/6 (+2 Unholy +2 Death) 3
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Cost: 240
Mounted Unit - Replaces Knight – Requires: Armored Cavalry, Hippodrome, and Horse or
Nightmare Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (35% Chance)
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Death I, Sorcery, Undead
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Alignment: Evil
+2 /City
No upkeep costs for Compassion,
Double Production Speed of Granary,
Leader starts at peace with Barbarians.
+2 duration to summoned units
Cities won't change population due to food
Favorite Civic: Apprenticeship
Favorite Wonder: Infernal Grimoire
Sturdy dwarves, the Khazad have finally stepped out to embrace their destiny
as one of Erebus’ powers. Tradition holds them in a firm grip, but ambition
draws them away from their underground homes. Steadfast in battle, in faith,
and in friendship, they build their empire slowly but give not an inch in trade
nor warfare. Arturus Throne and Kandros Fir bear each other an old grudge,
but an older debt, and while neither would ask help, each would gladly die
for the other.
Special Note: The Khazad take pride in their treasury, in fact the
productivity of the nation is controlled by how much gold they have stored.
Rich players will be the most productive empire on Erebus, poor players will
be battling unhappiness.
Unique Features:
Theme: Dwarves
Maros – Requires: Iron Working
Cost: 180
+50% City Defense
Starts with Dwarven, Hero
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
• Free Gold Resource from palace
• Dwarven adepts can cast repair if given enchantment
promotion (heals golems, siege, & ships)
• Units begin with “Dwarven” Promotion, giving Double
Movement on hills and +25% resistance to poison.
• Gain substantial bonuses or penalties (to production,
happiness, and GPP) depending on how much gold per city they
have at the moment. (Total gold on hand, divided by number of
• 0-49
Empty +2
• 50-99
• 100-149
• 150-199
Stocked +1
• 200-299
Abundant +2 , +10%
• 300-499
, +25%
• 500+
Overflowing +3 ,+40% +40%
• Stronger Siege weapons
Cannot build: Any arcane units beyond adepts; Longbowmen,
Rangers, Marksmen, Elephants units
World Spell: Motherlode
Gives the player 10gp per mine they control
Starting Mana: Earth, Law
Unique Units
Trebuchet 6/4
Cost: 90
Siege Unit - Replaces Catapult – Requires: Construction, and Siege Workshop
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (80% Chance)
Causes Collateral Damage, Maxium 75% Damage to Enemy on Attack
Can bombard city defenses (-25% /Turn)
Upgrades to Dwarven Cannon
Dwarven Cannon 10/7
Cost: 180
Siege Unit - Replaces Cannon –Requires: Blasting Powder, Gunpowder, Siege Workshop
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (25% Chance)
Causes Collateral Damage, Maxium 75% Damage to Enemy on Attack
Can bombard city defenses (-30% /Turn)
Myconid 14
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Recon Unit - Replaces Bearmaster – Requires: Animal Mastery, and Grove
Can see Hidden Animals, Better Results from Tribal Villages
-20% City Attack
Boar Rider 6/5
Cost: 120
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horseman – Requires: Stirrups, Archery, and Pigs
+1 First Strike
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (35% Chance)
Starts with Dwarven
Upgrades to Chariot
Dwarven Hornguard 12/10
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Mounted Unit - Replaces Knight – Requires: Armored Cavalry, and Hippodrome
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (35% Chance)
Starts with Dwarven
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Dwarven Shadow 13 (+2
1 Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Recon Unit - Replaces Shadow – Requires: Guilds, and Council of Esus
Can see Hidden Animals, Can Explore Rival Territory, Helps Thwart Rival Spies
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes, Causes Collateral Damage, -25% City Strength
Starts with Dwarven, Invisible, Marksman
Dwarven Druid 8
2 Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Recon Unit - Replaces Druid – Requires: Commune with Nature, and Grove
Cargo Space 1(Carries Birds), Can Move through Impassable Terrain, Better results from
Tribal Villages, -20% City Attack, +50% vs. Animals, Starts with Channeling I, Channeling
II, Channeling III, Divine, Dwarven, Earth I, Medic I, Sorcery, Subdue Animal, Summoning
+1 Affinity for Earth Mana
Kandros Fir
Arturus Thorne
Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral
Free promotion(Combat I)
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
Double Production Speed of Shipyard,
+1 on plots with 2
Double Production Speed of Market,
Money Changer.
-50% Civic Upkep
Double Production Speed of Courthouse,
+50% Wonder Production
Double Production Speed of Forge.
Favorite Civic: Nationhood
Favorite Wonder: Caminus Aureus
+50 Starting Gold
-50% to upgrade costs.
Favorite Civic: Consumption
Favorite Wonder: Caminus Aureus
Cardith Lorda is a mysterious young boy with a supernatural wisdom and
unmatched charisma. His dreams of building a peace and prosperity that can
stand the assault of time and calamities draw men and women of all races to
his teeming cities, marvels which put even the halls of the Bannor to shame.
Will their unity be enough of a shield as the Kuriotates create a lasting haven,
or will the savagery of their foes require ferocity in return?
Special Note: The Kuriotates can only build 3 true cities. These super cities
can work all plots within 3 tiles of the city instead of the nromal 2. All other
cities in the Kuriotate empire are only Settlements which have no
production, or cost any maintenance.
Eurabatres the Gold Dragon
– Requires: Divine Essence
Unique Features:
Theme: Child King leads Cities of outcasts
• Sprawling Trait (Limited number of cities [2/2/3/3/4/5 for
dual,tiny,small,standard,large, huge map sizes], each of which
can work 3rd ring of tiles. Cities built after the limit will be
settlements, which cannot build or collect commerce.
Cannot build: No Restrictions
World Spell: Legends
Gives a huge culture boost to all the players cities and settlements
Cost: 360
Can move through impassable terrain
1 First Strike
Doesn't receive defensive bonuses
Ignores Terrain Movement costs
Starts with Dragon, Sentry, Magic
C'mon, it's a dragon! Build him already,
Eurabatres strength is unmatched.
Starting Mana: Spirit, Sun, Water
Unique Units
Centaur 4
Cost: 60
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horseman – Requires: Horseback Riding
+40% vs. Archery Units, Can withdraw from combat ( 25% Chance )
Has the Sprint Ability, adds the Hasted (+1 Movement, 100% chance of wearing off) and
Fatigued (-10% Str, 50% chance of wearing off) Promotions. Can not use while Fatigued.
Upgrades to Chariot or Horse Archer
Unique Buildings
Tailor Cost: 140
Requires: Crafting
+5% with Dyes, +5%
with Silk, +5%
with Cotton
from Dyes, Silk, Cotton
Jewelry Cost: 120
Requires: Smelting
+5% with Gems, +5%
with Gold, +5%
with Pearls
from Gems, Gold, Pearls
Cardith Lorda
Alignment: Good
+100% Birth Rate
Double Production Speed of Elder Council,
+2 /City
No upkeep costs for Compassion,
Double Production Speed of Granary,
Acities are allowed to work the 3rd plot ring instead of just
the first two
Player has a limited number of cities (amount determined
by mapsize)
Allows the player to pick the trait of their choice.
Favorite Civic: Apprenticeship
Favorite Wonder: Crown of Akharien
The oceans and seas of Erebus are home to the Lanun, an untamable people as
comfortable on deck as on land. Every captain is a nation unto himself, and the
two most powerful are Falamar and Hannah the Irin. Falamar is as dauntless as
the waves, with an allure that draws in women from any port, while Hannah is
as fickle as the wind, and a tempest when crossed. They are unrivaled on the
waves, but as the conflicts of Erebus draws them in they will be forced to fight
on battlegrounds of every type, and must stand firm or be buried in the sands
of time.
Guybrush Threepwood
Unique Features:
Theme: Pirates
• Farms give -1 food
• All sea tiles give +1 food
• +1 moves to naval units
• Only civ that can see Pearl happiness resource
• Pirates gain gold when defeating other units
• Boarding Party (Champion replacement) can attack naval units
and will capture boats upon victory.
• Hero can sing (but not well)
• Bonus to diplomacy with female leaders, Falamar only
• Workers can build “Pirate Coves” which turn land into water
and allow ships extra defense and healing.
– Requires: Iron Working
Cost: 360
Starts Boarding, Hero
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
Guybrush has the boarding party ability to take
control of defeated ships. Plus he can sing!
Cannot build: No Restrictions
World Spell: Raging Seas
Acts as a Tsunami for the entire world, but it won't damage Lanun
ships or improvements
The Black Wind – Requires: Optics
Starting Mana: Air, Chaos, Water
Cost: 300
Cargo Space: 2
Can withdraw from combat (20% chance)
Starts with Hero, Hidden Nationality
Combat Victories produce +10 gold.
Unique Units
Pirate 5
Cost: 100
Naval Unit - Replaces Privateer – Requires: Optics, and Bronze or Iron or Mithril
Cargo Space: 1
Can withdraw from combat (20% chance)
Starts with Hidden Nationality
Combat Victories produce +10 gold.
Boarding Party 5
Cost: 120
Melee Unit - Replaces Champion – Requires: Iron Working, and Harbor
Starts with Boarding
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Upgrades to Eidolon, Paladin, Berserker, Immortal or Phalanx
War Tortoise 11/19
Cost: 240
Mounted Unit - Replaces War Elephant – Requires: Domesticate Elephants, Large Animal Stable
Doesn't receive Defensive Bonuses.
+50% vs. Mounted units.
Starts with Water Walking.
Hannah the Irin
Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral
+2 /City
No upkeep costs for Compassion,
Double Production Speed of Granary,
+1 /City
-25% XP Needed for promotions.
Favorite Civic: Caste System
Favorite Wonder: The Great Lighthouse
+1 on plots with 2
Double Production Speed of Market,
Money Changer.
Free promotion(Commando)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
+1 XP from combat.
+100% Gold from Pillaging
Favorite Civic: Foreign Trade
Favorite Wonder: The Great Lighthouse
Once the summer court spent its days in song and harmony with nature, but
those days are long past. The death of their god set off a bloody civil war
which was only stopped because the frozen world made travel impossible.
Now that the Age of Ice is ended the surviving Ljosalfar are banding back
together and the civil war can begin anew.
Unique Features:
Theme: Nature Elves
• Workers can build improvements in forests to retain forest
bonus to production. (Includes Fellowship of Leaves specific
terrain ancient forests, as well.)
• Units begin with Elven promotion, giving increased movement
and defense in forests
• Free Dexterous Promotion (+1 Atk Str) for Archery units
from Ljosalfar Archery Range.
Cannot build: Lumber Mills, Seige Weapons, Bear Totem, Machinists
Gilden Silveric
– Requires: Archery
Cost: 120
+1 First Strike
+25% Hill Defense
+25% City Defense
Starts with Dexterous, Elven, Hero
Shop, Alchemy Lab, Chariots, Arquebus, Berserker
World Spell: March of the Trees
All forests in the players empire turn into Treants for 5 turns, when
the Treants die they return to forests in the plot (if it can support a
Starting Mana: Air, Life, Nature
Unique Units
Fyrdwell 6
Cost: 120
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horsearcher – Requires: Stirrups, Archery and Deer
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can withdraw from combat (35% Chance)
Starts with Elven
Upgrades to Knight
Flurry 12
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Archery Unit - Replaces Crossbowman – Requires: Machinery, and Bowyer
+1 First Strike, Starts with Blitz
Unit can use Bronze and Iron weapons.
Unique Buildings
Ljosalfar Archery Range Cost: 100
Replaces Archery Range – Requires: Archery
Free Dexterous Promotion (+1 Atk Str) for Archery units produced in this city
5% Defense (except versus Gunpowder units)
Double production speed for Defender leaders
Arendel Phaedra
Alignment: Good
Alignment: Neutral
+2 /City
No upkeep costs for Compassion,
Double Production Speed of Granary,
+2 /City
Double Production Speed of Carnival,
No Anarchy
Free promotion(Mobility I)
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Temple.
Favorite Civic: Aristocracy
Favorite Wonder: Temple of Temporance
Free promotion(Arcane)
- Arcane units
Double Production Speed of Mage Guild
Favorite Civic: Scholarship
Favorite Wonder: Catacomb Libralus
Alignment: Neutral
Free promotion(Commando)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
+1 XP from combat.
+100% Gold from Pillaging
Free promotion(Homeland)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Archery Range,
Favorite Civic: Nationhood
Favorite Wonder: Tower of Eyes
The cities of the Luchuirp are beautiful to behold. Enchanted lifts carry people
throughout the city and powerful golems serve and guard the dwarves.
Although most golems are unable to learn Barnaxus is an oddity even among
the Luchuirp. Able to learn, and pass what he learns along to the rest of the
Luchuirps golem army, no civilization is as influenced by one unit as the
Luchuirp is by Barnaxus.
Unique Features:
Theme: Dwarven Tinkers
• Dwarven adepts can cast repair if given enchantment
Barnarux – Requires: Construction
Cost: 180
promotion (heals golems, siege, & ships)
Starts with Golem, Pieces of Barnarux
• Mud golem replaces workers, (work faster, not built with food)
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril
• ALL golems given “Empower” (+ 10% str) promotions as
Barnaxus the hero gains combat promotions.
Cannot build: Normal Melee Units beyond warriors, Archery Units
The first “living” golem, Barnarux is able to change
beyond slingers (archer equivalent), Rangers, Horse Archers,
and adapt to his environmnt. Even more amazing,
Beastmaster, Marksman, War Elephant
he is able to share this knowledge with all of the
golems in his empire. The game effect of this is
World Spell: Gifts of Nantosuelta
that if Barnarux has the Combat I-V promotions,
Creates a Golden Hammer equipment in each of the players cities
all golems in his empire will gain the Empower
equivalent (+10% str per lvl).
( Golden Hammers can be picked up by a unit to boost his strength,
used to finish a building, or given to a citizen to create a great
engineer specialist )
Starting Mana: Earth, Enchantment, Life
Unique Units
Mud Golem 0/2
Cost: 100
Replaces Worker
Can do everything a worker can.
Starts with Golem
Wood Golem 6
Cost: 90
Replaces Worker – Requires: Construction, and Sculptor's Studio
Starts with Golem, Vulnerable to Fire
Cannot upgrade to this Unit Type
Iron Golem 6
Cost: 180
Replaces Champion – Requires: Iron Working, and Iron or Mithril
Starts with Golem
Cannot upgrade to this Unit Type
Clockwork Golem 15/9
Cost: 360
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Replaces Berserker – Requires: Machinery, and Machinists Shop
Starts with Golem
Causes Collateral Damage
Cannot upgrade to this Unit Type
Bone Golem 13
Cost: 360
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Replaces Immortal – Requires: Divine Essense, and Ivory
Starts with Cannibalize, Golem
Cannot upgrade to this Unit Type
Resurected in the civilization's capital if killed
Nullstone Golem 13
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Replaces Phalanx – Requires: Mithril Weapons, and Weaponsmith
Starts with Golem, Magic Immune
Cannot upgrade to this Unit Type
Builds +25% faster with access to Marble
Gargoyle 6
Cost: 180
Replaces Longbowman – Requires: Engineering, and Sculptor's Studio
+25% City Defense, Starts with Defensive, Golem
Cannot upgrade to this Unit Type
Builds +25% faster with access to Marble
Boar Rider 6/5
Cost: 120
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horseman – Requires: Stirrups, Archery, and Pigs
+1 First Strike
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (35% Chance)
Starts with Dwarven
Upgrades to Chariot
Dwarven Hornguard 12/10
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Mounted Unit - Replaces Knight – Requires: Armored Cavalry, and Hippodrome
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (35% Chance)
Starts with Dwarven
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Dwarven Shadow 13 (+2
1 Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Recon Unit - Replaces Shadow – Requires: Guilds, and Council of Esus
Can see Hidden Animals, Can Explore Rival Territory, Helps Thwart Rival Spies
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes, Causes Collateral Damage, -25% City Strength
Starts with Dwarven, Invisible, Marksman
Dwarven Druid 8
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Recon Unit - Replaces Druid – Requires: Commune with Nature, and Grove
Cargo Space 1(Carries Birds), Can Move through Impassable Terrain, Better results from
Tribal Villages, -20% City Attack, +50% vs. Animals, Starts with Channeling I, Channeling
II, Channeling III, Divine, Dwarven, Earth I, Medic I, Sorcery, Subdue Animal, Summoning
+1 Affinity for Earth Mana
Unique Buildings
Sculptor's Studio Cost: 90
Replaces Training Yard – Requires: Bronze Working
with Nationhood
Required to build Heroic Epic
Blasting Workshop Cost: 120
Requires: Elementalism, and Fire Mana
Grants all golems produced in the city the ability to cast Fireball
Gridlines Cost: 180
Requires: Divination
Grants all golems produced in the city the City Garrison promotion.
Garrim Gyr
Beeri Bawl
Alignment: Good
Alignment: Good
+1 on plots with 2
Double Production Speed of Market,
Money Changer.
Free promotion(Homeland)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Archery Range,
No Anarchy
Free promotion(Mobility I)
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Temple.
-50% Civic Upkep
Double Production Speed of Courthouse,
Favorite Civic: Guilds
Favorite Wonder: Form of the Titan
Favorite Civic: Mercantilism
Favorite Wonder: Guild of Hammers
The Malakim were a simple tribe of desert nomads until Varn Gosam found
them. A Svartalfar who had been changed by contact with the sun god Lugus,
he in turn changed their society profoundly. The Malakim will abide no
darkness to dwell amongst them, and thieves and spies find it impossible to
sneak through a Malakim city unnoticed. Their piety earns them foresight
and prowess in their native sands, but will their unwavering principles earn
them more enmity than they can survive?
Teutrix – Requires: Blasting Powder, Gunpowder
Unique Features:
Theme: Desert people
• All Units start with “Nomad” promotion, giving Double
Movement in Desert, +20% Desert Attack and Defense
Cannot build: Assassins
Cost: 180
+25% Desert Attack and Defense
Starts with Hero, Nomad
+1 Vote in the Overcouncil
World Spell: Religious Fervor
Creates a priest of the players state religion in each of the players
cities with that state religion, these priests start with +1 xp for every
city the player has with that religion
Starting Mana: Life, Mind, Sun
Unique Units
Lightbringer 2
Cost: 60
Disciple Unit
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes
Starts with Sentry
Upgrades to Ecclesiastic, Thane of Kilmorph, Disciple of Leaves, Acolyte, Zealot, or Savant
Camel Archer 6
Cost: 120
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horse Archer – Requires: Stirrups, Archery, and Stable
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses. Can Withdraw From Combat (+35% Chance)
Requires no Resources
Upgrades to Knight
Unique Buildings
Citadel of Light Cost: 240
Requires: Sorcery, and Fire Mana
Produces a Fireball if an enemy unit is within 2 tiles of it at the start of your turn.
+5% Defense (except vs. Gunpowder units)
Varn Gosam
Alignment: Good
+2 /City
Double Production Speed of Carnival,
+1 on plots with 2
Double Production Speed of Market,
Money Changer.
Allows the player to pick the trait of their choice.
Favorite Civic: Overcouncil
Favorite Wonder: Syliven's Perfect Lyre
The Mercurians will enter the game when the Mercurian Gate wonder is
built. They will join the team of the builder and will declare war against any
civilization that worships the Ashen Veil. Although the Mercurians do have
human followers, their most powerful units are only provided when the
righteous die and are reborn as Angels.
Special Note: No player can begin the game as the Mercurians, instead they
join the team of the player that completes the Mercurian Gate wonder and
that player may choose to stay with his current civilization or switch to the
controlling the Mercurians when they come into play.
Unique Features:
Theme: Militant Angels
• Cannot begin the game as this civ (to play as Mercurians,
choose another civ and build the Mercurian gate)
• Free Iron from Palace
• Gain free angel units when a “good” unit dies, anywhere in the
world. (good units are those with Runes or Order religion or
citizens lost in cities of good empires.)
• Advanced units must be upgraded to from angel units
• Begin the game permanently allied with the player that
summoned them.
• If their Hero unit, Basium, is killed, all traits are lost.
• Most units have the “Angel” Promotion, which gives some
damage resistance and immunity to spells that specify a living
Cannot build: Any advanced (national) unit directly, or warriors or
(+4 Holy Combat) 2
+5 to the Armageddon Counter
Starts with Angel, Hero, Iron Weapons,
Loyalty, Sentry I, Sentry II
World Spell: Divine Retribution
Does damage to all Undead and Demonic units in the world.
Starting Mana: Earth, Life
Unique Units
Angel 4
(+2 Holy Combat) 1
Melee Unit
Starts with Angel
Ophanim 9/6
(+3 Holy Combat) 2
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Mounted Unit - Requires: Warhorses, and Horse or Nightmare
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses, Can Withdraw From Combat (25% Chance)
+50% vs. Archery Units, Starts with Angel, Flying
Unit Cannot be Built, Must be upgraded from level +6 or higher
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Repentant Angel 12
(+4 Holy Combat) 3
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Mounted Unit - Requires: Armored Cavalry and Hippodrome
Starts with Angel
Unit Cannot be Built, Must be upgraded from level +3 or higher
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Valkyrie 6
(+3 Holy Combat) 1
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Melee Unit - Requires: Divine Essence
Starts with Angel
Unit Cannot be Built, Must be upgraded from level +9 or higher
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Resurrected in the civilization's capital if killed
Angel of Death 8/6
(+3 Holy Combat) 2
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Recon Unit
Can see Hidden Animals, Can Explore Rival Territory, Helps Thwart Rival Spies
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes
Starts with Angel, Invisible, Marksman, Vile Touch
Unit Cannot be Built, Must be upgraded from level +6 or higher
Alignment: Good
Free promotion(Combat I)
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
Double Production Speed of Shipyard,
Free promotion(Commando)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
+1 XP from combat.
+100% Gold from Pillaging
+50 Starting Gold
-50% to upgrade costs.
Favorite Civic: Military State
Favorite Wonder: Temple of Temporance
A new civilization in the Age of Rebirth, the Sheaim attract those exiled or
running from other civilizations. They are promised power in trade for
service, but few achieve it. Only the highest ranks are aware that the real goal
of the Sheaim is the destruction of the world.
Unique Features:
Theme: Bringers of Armageddon
• Planar Gate building randomly spawns outer planar creatures
which will join your civilization. More units will come the
higher the Armageddon Counter is.
• Elegy of the Sheaim Ritual raises the Armageddon Counter
each time it is built.
Cannot build: Training Yard building, Melee units beyond Warrior
Abashi the Black Dragon
– Requires: Divine Essence
Cost: 360
1 First Strike
Can move through impassable terrain.
Doesn't receive defensive bonuses.
Ignores terrain movement costs.
Starts with Dragon, Magic Immune,
World Spell: Worldbreak
Does damage to all units in cities, forest fires start around the world
Starting Mana: Chaos, Dimensional, Fire
The Sheaim hero is able to breath fire and his
roar will convert any surrounding Cult of the
Dragon units to his cause.
Unique Units
Pyre Zombie 3
(+1 Fire) 1
Cost: 120
Melee Unit - Replaces Axeman
+10% City Attack, Starts with Undead
The Pyre Zombie explodes when killed, damaging all units (enemy and friendly) within a
tile of the zombie. Unit can use Bronze and Iron weapons.
Eater of Dreams 5
Cost: 240
- National Unit ( 3 allowed )
Arcane Unit - Replaces Summoner – Requires: Ethereal Call and Reagents
Can build mana nodes.
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Channeling III, Summoning
Can sacrifice population in cities to regain the ability to cast with his “Consume Souls”ability. Unit starts with +1 Free Promotion, Unit Must be upgraded from a unit at level 6+
Chaos Maurauder 4
Melee Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Carnival
Starts with Demon
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Mobius Witch 4
Arcane Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Mage Guild
Can build mana nodes.
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Sorcery
Succubus 4
(+2 Unholy) 2
Melee Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Public Baths
Starts with Channeling I, Mind I, Demon
Unit can use Bronze, Iron and Mithril weapons.
Reveler 6
(+1 Poison) 2
Recon Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Gambling House
Can See Stealth
Can Withdraw from Combat (35% Chance)
Tar Demon 2/7
(+1 Unholy) 1
Melee Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Temple of Veil
Flat Movement Costs, Starts with Demon
When killed, large enough Tar Demons will split into two smaller Tar Demons
Minotaur 8/11
Melee Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Weaponsmith
+25% City Defense
Mantiore 13/9
Melee Unit – Spawns with Planar Gate and Large Animal Stable
+25% Mounted Units
Unique Buildings
Planar Gate Cost: 300
Requires: Knowledge of the Ether
Randomly spawns outer planar creatures which will join your civilization.
The creatures that are spawned by a Planar Gate depends on the buildings in your city.
The following building effect the chance that these creatuers will come through the gate:
• Carnival – Chaos Maurauder • Mage Guild – Mobius Witch
• Public Baths – Succubus • Weaponsmith – Minotaur • Large Animal Stables – Manticore
• Gambling House – Revelers • Temple of Veil – Tar Demon
The higher the Armageddon Counter the more likely you are to get units and the more you
can have at once.
Unique Rituals
Elegy of the Sheaim Cost: 600
Requires: Way of the Wicked
Increases the Armageddon Counter a small amount.
Tebryn Arbandi
Alignment: Evil
Alignment: Evil
Free promotion(Arcane)
- Arcane units
Double Production Speed of Mage Guild
+2 duration to summoned units
Favorite Civic: Serfdom
Favorite Wonder: Prophecy of Ragnarok
No Anarchy
Free promotion(Mobility I)
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Temple.
+2 duration to summoned units
Favorite Civic: Slavery
Favorite Wonder: Prophecy of Ragnarok
The Grey are rarely seen outside their borders. Partly because they see little
reason to leave their empire and partly because when they do they travel
invisibly. The true strength of the Sidar is that their specialists are more
talented than other civilizations. Sages provide an additional research,
merchants provide an additional gold, engineers an additional hammer and
bards an additional culture. To make specialists even more powerful any
Sidar unit of level 6 or higher can be transformed into a Shade, which can be
added to a city as a specialist of any type.
Unique Features:
Theme: Detached Immortals
Rathus Denmora – Requires: Poisons
• Sage/Great Sage specialists give +1 beaker
• Artist/Great Artist specialists give +1 culture
• Engineer/Great Engineer specialists give +1 hammer
• Merchant/Great Merchant Specialists give +1 gold
• Any unit of Level 6+ can become a Shade which in turn can
join the city as any Great Specialist except Great Priest.
Cannot build: No Restrictions
World Spell: Into the Mist
All the players combat units become Hidden (aka: invisible until they
attack or cast a spell)
Cost: 180
Can see Hidden Animals, Better results
from Tribal Villages
+50% vs. Melee Units
Starts with Hero, Hidden, Marksman,
Nether Blade, Shadow II, Sorcery
Rathus starts with the Hide spell, meaning he can
become Hidden again after an attack. He also got
the powerful equipment Nether Blade which
gives the user +2 Death str and +80% bonus vs.
Starting Mana: Body, Enchantment, Spirit
Unique Units
Ghost 5/3
(+2 Poison Combat) 2
Cost: 120
Recon Unit - Replaces Assassin – Requires: Poisons
Can see Hidden Animals, +1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes, -50% City Strength
Starts with Hidden, Marksman, Shadow II, Sorcery
Upgrades to Shadow or Marksman
Shade 2
Units that have abtained level 6 or greater can retire as a shade.
Can join a city as a Great Bard, Great Sage, Great Merchant or a Great Engineer.
Alignment: Neutral
+50% Wonder Production
Double Production Speed of Forge.
Free promotion(Homeland)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
Double Production Speed of Archery Range,
Favorite Civic: Caste System
Favorite Wonder: The Great Library
Once the winter court danced beneath the stars but they abandoned their faith
after the death of Sucellus and choose to revere Esus, the god of deception,
instead. Now their midnight pranks have turned deadly and the illusions and
games of former ages are used in war.
Unique Features:
Theme: Dark Elves
• Workers can build improvements in forests to retain forest
bonus to production. (Includes Fellowship of Leaves specific
terrain ancient forests, as well.)
• Illusionist unit (replaces conjuror) causes summons to begin
with illusion racial promotion rather than any other racial
• Recon units begin with +1 strength if built in cities with a
Svartalfar Hunting Lodge
Cannot build: Lumber Mills, Seige Weapons, Bear Totem, Machinists
Shop, Alchemy Lab, Chariots, Arquebus, Berserker
World Spell: Veil of Night
All the players combat units gain Hidden Nationality.
Starting Mana: Shadow, Nature, Mind
Alazkan the Assassin – Requires: Poisons
6/ 4
(+2 Poison) 2
Cost: 120
Can see Hidden Animals
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes
-50% City Strength
Starts with Elven, Hero, Marksman,
Hidden Nationality
Alazkan the Assassin is the strongest assassin in
the game. Rivaled possible only by Rathus
Denmora if he is weilding his Nether Blade.
His Hidden Nationality means he can be a
menace even in peacetime.
Unique Units
Illusionist 4
Cost: 120
Arcane Unit - Replaces Conjurer – Requires: Summoning
Can build mana nodes.
Starts with Channeling I, Channeling II, Illusionist, Summoning
Must be upgraded from a unit at level 4+
Unit starts with +1 Free Promotion.
Upgrades to Summoner
Nyxkin 6
Cost: 120
Mounted Unit - Replaces Horse Archer – Requires: Stirrups, Archery, and Stable
+1 First Strike, Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses. Can Withdraw from Combat (+35% Chance)
Starts with Elven
Upgrades to Knight
Flurry 12
Cost: 240
Archery Unit - Replaces Crossbowman – Requires: Machinery, and Bowyer
National Unit (3 Allowed)
+1 First Strike, Starts with Blitz
Unit can use Bronze and Iron weapons.
Unique Buildings
Svartalfar Hunting Lodge Cost: 100
Replaces Hunting Lodge – Requires: Hunting
Free Sinister Promotion (+1 Atk Str) for Recon Units produced in this city
+1 From Deer +1 From Fur
Faeryl Viconia
Alignment: Evil
Free promotion(Commando)
- Recon Units
- Archery Units
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Disciple Units
+1 XP from combat.
+100% Gold from Pillaging
Free promotion(Arcane)
- Arcane units
Double Production Speed of Mage Guild
Favorite Civic: Undercouncil
Favorite Wonder: Soul Forge