ingilizce 3 - Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Genel Müdürlüğü
ingilizce 3 - Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Genel Müdürlüğü
T.C. MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI AÇIK ÖĞRETİM OKULLARI AÇIK ÖĞRETİM LİSESİ – MESLEKİ AÇIK ÖĞRETİM LİSESİ İNGİLİZCE 3 DERS NOTU YAZARLAR İrfan BAYGÜL Gürsel YEŞİLOĞLU ANKARA 2013 MEB HAYAT BOYU ÖĞRENME GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ YAYINLARI AÇIK ÖĞRETİM OKULLARI DERS NOTLARI DİZİSİ Copyright © MEB Her hakkı saklıdır ve Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına aittir. Tümü ya da bölümleri izin alınmadan hiçbir şekilde çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz ve dağıtılamaz. Yazar : İrfan BAYGÜL / Gürsel YEŞİLOĞLU Grafik : Hatice DEMİRER Resimleme: Sevgi MERT Kapak : Güler ALTUNÖZ ATATÜRK'ÜN GENÇL‹⁄E H‹TABES‹ Ey Türk gençli¤i! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en k›ymetli hazinendir. ‹stikbalde dahi, seni, bu hazineden, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahlar›n olacakt›r. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düflersen, vazifeye at›lmak için, içinde bulunaca¤›n vaziyetin imkân ve fleraitini düflünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve flerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. ‹stiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düflmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemifl bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatan›n, bütün kaleleri zapt edilmifl, bütün tersanelerine girilmifl, bütün ordular› da¤›t›lm›fl ve memleketin her köflesi bilfiil iflgal edilmifl olabilir. Bütün bu fleraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ h›yanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri flahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düflmüfl olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâd›! ‹flte, bu ahval ve flerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmakt›r! Muhtaç oldu¤un kudret, damarlar›ndaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur! .. MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK CONTENS UNIT ONE SOCIETY AND LIFE My Family_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 Wh-Questions (Soru Kelimeleri) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 Sımple Present Tense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17 Determiners (Belirteçler) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 TESTS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 UNIT TWO JOBS Diffederü Jobs Different Personalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39 Present Continuous Tense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 Possessive Adjectives (Sahiplik Sıfatları) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 Possessive Pronouns (İyelik Zamirleri)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51 Countable & Uncountable Nouns (Sayılabilen & Sayılamayan isimler) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55 TESTS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 UNIT THREE SPORT Extreme Sportsman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 69 Going to v1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 Order Of Adjectives (Sıfatların Sıralanışı) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77 Coordinating Conjunctions (Bağlaçlar) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80 TESTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 85 BIBLIOGRAPHY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 90 UNIT ONE CEVAP ANAHTARI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 91 UNIT TWO CEVAP ANAHTARI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 94 UNIT THREE CEVAP ANAHTARI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 97 UNIT ONE SOCIETY AND LIFE (TOPLUM VE YAŞAM) ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda: 1. Kişisel ve ailevi bilgilerinizi kısa ve net bir şekilde söyleyebilecek 2. Her zaman yaptığınız bir işi söyleyebilecek, genel olaylardan bahsedebilecek, genel doğruları anlatabilecek 3. Sayılabilen ve sayılamayan isimleri 4. Soru kelimelerini öğrenmiş olacaksınız. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konu içinde ilk kez karşılaştığınız kelimeleri okuma parçasının sonunda verilen tablodan öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmalara başlamadan önce yönergeleri dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Alıştırmalardan önce verilen, örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz ve ondan sonra alıştırmaları çözmeye başlayınız. ūū Alıştırmaları çözdükten sonra cevap anahtarından kontrol ederek yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmanın konusuna tekrar çalışınız. 10 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART ONE My Family (Ailem) I have got a nice family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. I have got one brother and one sister. We live in a nice apartment in Manchester. My father’s name is Thomas. He is 35 years old. He is a doctor at Manchester City Hospital. He hasn’t got long working hours but sometimes he works at night. My father is a fan of Manchester United. He is crazy about football. He never misses the matches of Manchester. 11 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) My mother’s name is Lisa. She is 33 years old. She is a nurse at the same hospital with my father. My mother likes her job very much. She says helping people in need makes her happy. My brother Tom is 6 years old. He goes to the kindergarden. He likes art and playing with toys very much. He wants to be a famous artist in the future. My sister Lisa is 7 years old and she is a student at Manchester Primary school. She loves her teachers and her school very much. She never goes to school late. She is always punctual. When my parents work at the hospital at nights, I look after my sister. By the way I forgot to tell about myself. I am Linda, am 11 years old. I go to Manchester Primary school too. I want to be a musician in the future. I love my family. They are everything for me. Words: Kelimeler nice long working hours fan crazy about art punctual never 12 : hoş ,güzel : uzun çalışma saatleri :taraftar : çok sevmek, çıldırmak :resim :dakik :asla ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) look after by the way primary school high school future everything : bakmak, ilgilenmek : bu arada : ilkokul : lise :gelecek : her şey 1. Parçaya göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Her father is a dentist / doctor. 2. 2.Her mother is / isn’t a nurse. 3. 3.Her father is a fan of Leeds United / Manchester United. 4. 4.Her mother doesn’t like / likes her job very much. 5. 5.Her brother Tom goes / doesn’t go to the kindergarden. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve sorular cevaplandırınız. 1. How old is Linda? 2. How many sisters and brothers has Linda got? 3. What does Linda’s father do? 4. Does his father have long working hours? 5. Does Linda’s sister go to school late? 6. Who is crazy about football? 7. Does his father miss the match of Manchester United? 8. Is Lisa 34 years old? 9. Does Linda’s brother go to kindergarden? 10. What does Linda want to be in the future? 13 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART TWO Wh-Questions (Soru Kelimeleri) İngilizcede soru kelimeleri What – Ne Olaylar, kişiler, nesneler ve etkinliklerle ilgili soru sormak için kullanılır. – What do you do at the weekends? (Hafta sonları ne yaparsın?) – What is this? (Bu nedir?) Who – Kim İnsanlar hakkında soru sormak için (bir şeyin kime ait olduğunu sormak için) kullanılır. – Who is at the door? (Kapıda kim var?) – Who do you admire? (Kime hayransın?) Whose – Kimin İyelik hakkında soru sormak için kullanılır. – Whose car is this? (Bu kimin arabası?) – Whose mobile phone is this? (Bu kimin cep telefonu?) 14 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Which – Hangisi Çok sayıda nesnelerden hangisi olduğunu sormak için kullanılır. – Which is my book? (Hangisi benim kitabım?) – Which car is fast? (Hangi araba hızlı?) Where – Nerede, Nereye Bir şeyin nerede olduğunu sormak için kullanılır. – Where do you live? (Nerede yaşarsın?) – Where do you go? (Nereye gidersin?) When – Ne Zaman Zamanlar, günler ve tarihleri sormak için kullanılır. – When do you do your homework? (Ödevini ne zaman yaparsın?) – When do you wake up? (Ne zaman kalkarsın?) How – Nasıl Bir şeyin nasıl olduğunu sormak için kullanılır. – How do you cook this meal? (Bu yemeği nasıl pişiriyorsun?) – How do you go to school? (Okula nasıl gidersin?) 15 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Why – Niçin, Neden Bir şeyin neden ve niçin olduğunu sormak için kullanılır. – Why do you work so much? (Neden bu kadar çok çalışıyorsun?) – Why do you always shout at me? (Neden bana sürekli, bağırıyorsun?) Alıştırmalar 3. Boşlukları “who, what, when, where, whose, which, why, how” ile doldurunuz. 1. – ...................... cleans the house? 2. – ...................... don’t you eat junk food? – I like horror films. 10. – ...................... is at the door? 16 – We go to Balıkesir for our summer holiday. 9. – ...................... kind of films do you like? – I go to school by bus. 8. – ...................... do you go for your summer holiday? – I read books in my free time. 7. – ...................... do you go to school? – I prefer tea to coffee. 6. – ...................... do you do in your free time? – It leaves at 10.00 o’clock. 5. – ...................... do you prefer tea or coffee? – It is my uncles house. 4. – ...................... does the train leave ? – Because it is dangerous for our health. 3. – ...................... house is this? – My mother cleans the house. – The postman is at the door. ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART THREE Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense her zaman yapılan, her zaman doğru olan eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. Türkçedeki geniş zamanın karşılığıdır. Simple Present Tense bir eylemin sürekli tekrarlandığı veya alışılagelmiş olduğu fikrini verir. Bu eylem bir alışkanlık, hobi, günlük bir olay veya sık sık tekrar eden bir olay olabilir. Bu zamanda fiil: Olumlu cümlede fiil 1. hâlde I / you / we / they şahıslarında fiil yalın hâlde V1 He / she / it şahıslarında fiilin sonuna ’s’getirilir Vs Olumsuz cümlede fiil 1. hâlde I / you / we / they şahıslarında ‘don’ t V1 He / she / it şahıslarında ‘doesn’ t V1 S + V1 + O I study lesson. (Ben ders çalışırım.) She studies lesson. (O ders çalışır.) S + don’t / doesn’t V1 + O I don’t study lesson. (Ben ders çalışamam.) He doesn’t drink coke. (O kola içmez.) Soru cümlesinde fiil 1. hâlde kullanılır. Do / does + S + V1 + O I/you/we/they şahıslarında ‘Do V1’ Do you study lesson? (Sen ders çalışır mısın?) Does he study lesson? O ders çalışır mı?) He/she/it şahıslarında ‘Does V1’ I play chess. (Satranç oynarım.) He does not drink tea. (O çay içmez.) The banks open every morning at 9.00 am. (Bankalar her sabah saat 9.00’da açılır.) 17 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Always (Her zaman): – I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. (Yatmadan önce her zaman dişlerimi fırçalarım.) – She always reads before she sleps. (O yatmadan önce her zaman kitap okur.) – Do you always wake up erarly? (Her zaman erken mi kalkarsın?) Usually (Genellikle): – Ali usually plays football at weekends. (Ali genellikle hafta sonları futbol oynar.) 18 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – We usually go on a picnic on Sundays. (Pazar günleri genellikle pikniğe gideriz.) – What do you usually do in your free time? (Boş zamanlarında genellikle ne yaparsın?) Often (Sık sık): – We often go to cinema. (Biz sık sık sinemaya gideriz.) – Do you often watch TV? (Sık sık televizyon seyreder misin?) – They often come together and chat. (Onlar sık sık bir araya gelir ve sohbet ederler.) Sometimes (Ara sıra) : – She sometimes goes for a walk. (O ara sıra yürüyüşe gider.) 19 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – We sometimes go fishing with friends. (Bazen arkadaşlarla balık tutmaya gideriz.) – Sometimes I feel lonely. (Bazen kendimi yalnız hissediyorum.) Rarely (Nadiren): –I rarely forgot to do my homework. (Ben nadiren ödevimi yapmayı unuturum.) –I rarely go out at the weekends. (Hafta sonları nadiren dışarı çıkarım.) – They rarely go on a picnic. (Onlar nadiren pikniğe giderler.) Never (Hiç, asla): –I never say bad words. (Ben asla kötü söz söylemem.) –It never snows in summers. (Asla yazın kar yağmaz.) –Never say never. (Asla asla deme.) 20 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Every day/week/year etc. (Her gün/yıl/hafta vs.) –He goes to school every day. (O her gün okula gider.) –Mrs. Anderson is a tidy woman. She wipes the grounds everyday. (Bayan Anderson düzenli bir kadındır. O her gün yerleri siler.) –He goes to the same summer camp every year. (O her sene aynı yaz kampına gider.) At the weekends (Hafta sonları) – I go swimming at the weekends. (Hafta sonları yüzmeye giderim.) –What do you usually do at the weekends? (Hafta sonları genellikle ne yaparsın?) 21 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Do you usually stay at home at the weekends? –Do you usually stay at home at the weekends? (Hafta sonları genellikle evde mi durursun?) In the mornings (Sabahları) – I wake up early in the mornings. (Sabahları erken kalkarım.) –I always have breakfast in the mornings. (Her zaman sabahları kahvaltı yaparım.) – Do you wake up early in the mornings? (Sabahları erken kalkar mısın?) He/she/it Şahıslarında Fiilerin Yazım Kuralları Sonu “– ss, sh, –ch, –x, –o” ile biten fiillere “–es” eklenir. 22 wash (yıkamak) – washes kiss (öpmek) – kisses ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) catch (yakalamak) – catches fax (faks çekmek) – faxes Sonu sessiz harf ve “y” ile bitiyorsa “y” nin yerine "ies’"eklenir. study (ders çalışmak) – studies cry (ağlamak) – cries try (çabalamak) – tries Sonu sesli harf ve “y” ile bitiyorsa “s” eklenir. say (söylemek) – says buy (satın almak) – buys stay (kalmak) – stays Alıştırmalar 4. Aşağıdaki boşluklara parantez içindeki fiilin uygun hâli ile doldurunuz. 1. My name ............... (be) Ahmet. 2. My father ............... (go) to work at 8.00 o’clock every morninig. 3. What ............... your father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (do)? 4. The schools ............... (open) at 9.00 o’clock every day. 5. We usually ............... (play) footbal at the weekends. 6. I . .............. (not like) coffee. 7. Emre usually ............... (wake) up early in the mornings. 8. She ............... (not work). She is a housewife. 9. . . ............. you ............... (eat) fatty food? 10. How old ............... (be) you? 23 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 5. Aşağıda verilen sorularla cevapları eşleştiriniz. 1. How do you go to school? A. No, he isn’t. He is a doctor. 2. Do you like chocolate? B. Yes, I like it very much. 3. What time do you get up? C. I have got two brothers and one sister. 4. What is your fathers’ job? D. He is an engineer. 5. What kind of books do you like? F. Yes, I am. 6. How many brothers and sisters G. I like classical music. have you got? 7. Where does your sister live? H. She lives in İstanbul. 8. Are you a student? I. I get up at 9.00 o’clock. 9. What kind of music do you listen? J. I walk to school. 10. Is your father a teacher? K. I like history books. 6. Aşağıda verilen soruları parantez içindeki kelimeleri kullanarak cevaplandırınız. 1. How often do you brush your teeth? 2. Where do you go for your summer holiday? ............................... (milk) 5. Where does your uncle live? 24 ............................... ( Friday) 4. What do you usually drink? ............................... (Karadeniz) 3. What day comes before Saturday. ............................... (twice a day) ............................... (Germany) ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. What time do you go to bed? 7. What time do you lessons start? . . ............................. (at 8.00) 8. What do you usually do in your free time? . . . ............................ (read books) 9. How does your father go to work? . . ............................. (at 10.00) . . ............................. (by bus) 10. What do you do at the weekends? . . ............................. (play football) 25 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART FOUR Determiners (Belirteçler) Belirteçler isimlerden önce gelen ve isimleri niteleyen kelimelerdir. İsmi niteleyen bir sıfat veya sıfat grubu varsa onun da önüne gelirler (yani isim ve sıfatların arasına girmezler). a, an, the, my, your, his, her, its, your, our, their, this, that, these, those a ball (bir top) a big ball (büyük bir top) a very big ball (çok büyük bir top) NOT İki belirteç asla yan yana kullanılmaz. Yani bir belirteç başka bir belirteci niteleyemez. some of the my books some of the your books (some the books veya some my books ifadeleri yanlıştır. Doğrusu “some of my books.” veya “some of the books” şeklindedir.) Aşağıdaki belirteçleri inceleyiniz: “a” herhangi bir, “an” herhangi bir, “the” belirli bir – There is a man in the garden. (Bahçede bir adam adam var.) – I eat an apple everyday. (Her gün bir elma yerim.) –The man in the garden is my uncle. (Bahçedeki adam benim amcamdır.) 26 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) my – benim your – senin his – onun (erkek) her – onun (kadın) its – onun (cansız varlık, hayvan) your – sizin our – bizim their – onların – My book is about history. (Benim kitabım tarih hakkındadır.) – Your friend is very kind. (Senin arkadaşın çok kibar.) – His uncle lives in Mersin (Onun amcası Mersin'de yaşar.) – Its fur is black. Onun (hayvan) kürkü siyahtır. –Is your mother a nurse? (Senin annen bir hemşire midir?) – Our house has got a big garden. (Bizim evimizin büyük bir bahçesi var.) – Their car is very old. (Onların arabası çok eskidir.) this – bu (Yakındaki tekil varlıklar için kullanılır.) that – o (Uzaktaki tekil varlıklar için kullanılır.) these – bunlar (Yakındaki çoğul varlıklar için kullanılır.) those – onlar (Uzaktaki çoğul varlıklar için kullanılır.) örnek cümleleri inceleyiniz: 27 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – This is my book. (Bu benim kitabım.) – That bicycle belongs to me. (O bisiklet bana ait.) – These books are interesting. (Bu kitaplar ilginctirler.) – Those houses are very old. (O evler çok eskidirler.) 7. Aşağıdaki boşlukları “a, an, the” kullanarak doldurunuz. Bazı boşluklarda belirteç kullanılamayabilir. 1. There is ............. book in the bookcase. 2. I never go to ............. bed late. 3. Do you drink ............. water everyday? 4. Do you often have ............. headache? 5. My brother is ............. dentist. 6. ............. man in front of the car is my uncle. 7. You must learn ............. English. 8. I drink ............. glass of milk everyday. 9. My father reads ............. book everyday. 10. I want ............. bar of chocolate. 8. Boşlukları “my, your, his, her, its,your, our ve their” ile doldurunuz. 1. I always wear ............. jacket . 2. Do you study ............. lessons everyday? 3. The cat is drinking ............. milk. 28 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 4. The students should do ............. homework. 5. Don’t put ............. hands in your pocket. 6. Ayşe always wears ............. red blouse. 7. We will do ............. job by ourselves. 8. My father always wears ............. black hat. 9. Take off ............. coat. It is hot in here. 10. Do you brush ............. teeth twice a day? 9. Boşlukları “my, your, his, her, its,your, our ve their” ile doldurunuz. 1. This / These car is fast, but that/ those are slow. 2. This / These houses are very old, but that/ those are new. 3. This / These workers are lazy, but that /those worker isn’t. 4. That / Those are my friends. 5. That / Those is my phone. 6. That / Those balloons over there are very big. 7.What’s this / these? It’s an umbrella. 8. This / These is Emre’s toy. 9.What’s this / that over there? 10. This / These are my books.Yours are that/those. 10. Boşlukları “this, these, that, those”kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. Which one is mine, ............. one or that one ? 2. Look at ............. cars in the car park over there. 3. . . ........... book belongs to me, that one is yours. 4. . . ........... trees over there are apple trees. 5. You’re right, ............. computer is better than that one. 29 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. Look at ............. small stones on the table, they are so beautiful. 7. Do you think ............. black clouds on the sky will bring rain? 8. I can’t start ............. car. I think there is a problem with the engine. 9. ............. car is cheaper and more comfortable than that one. 10. ............. boy over there is an orphan. 30 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) UNIT ONE (TEST) 1. Everyone in this company uses ..... ... computer. Everyone has his own computer. A) a B) the C) – D) an 2. Excuse me. Is there ........ shopping mall in this city? A) the B) – C) a D) an 3. He eats ........ apple everyday. A) a B) an C) – D) the 4. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Ankara is the capital city of Turkey. A) A B) tThe C) – D) An 5. This is . . ............... new bicycle. My father bought it yesterday. A) my B) your C) its D) you 31 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. Which one is ................. car? A) you B) your C) yours D) it 7. The canary belongs to ............. . . . . husband but the cat is mine. A) my B) me C) your D) his 8. Look here! the biggest watermelon I have ever seen. A) This B) That C) These D) Those 9. . . . . . . . ..... watch on the wall isn’t working properly. A) These B) That C) Those D) Is 10.Did you see ................. man over there? A) this B) that C) these D) those 32 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 11.. . . . . . . . . . . ............ does Ahmet live? A) Where B) Which C) When D) Who 12.. . . . . . . . . . . ...... did you buy that umbrella? A) What B) Where C) Whose D) Which 13.. . . . . . . . . . . ..... do you think about? A) Where B) Which C) When D) What 14.. . . . . . . . . . . ..... books do you read in a month? A) Where B) What C) How many D) How much 15.. . . . . . . . . . . ..... do you go to work? B: At 7 o’clock. A) Why B) Where C) What time D) Whose 33 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 16.A: . . . . ................ do you usually go for your holiday? B : To Egypt. A) Where B) Why C) What time D) How 17.. . . . . . . ............. is the most hardworking student in your class? A) What B) Where C) Whose D) Who 18.A: . . . . ................ car is that over there? B : It is my father’s car. A) Where B) Why C) Which D) Whose 19.. . . . . . . ............. do you usually do in the evenings? A) Which B) Why C) What time D) What 20.. . . . . . . ............. old is your little brother? A) How B) Where C) Why D) Who 34 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 21.There is .................... man in the garden. A) a B) an C) – D) there 22.Eat . . . . . . .............. orange everyday. A) a B) – C) an D) the 23.Is . . . . . . . . ............ car is fast. A) those B) these C) this D) they 24. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... houses are very modern. A) They B) That C) This D) Those 25. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... is my friend Tom. A) They B) The C) This D) Those 35 UNIT TWO JOBS (MESLEKLER) ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda: 1. Meslekler ile ilgili günlük dilde en sık kullanılan sözcükleri içeren metinleri anlayabilecek 2. Konuşma anında yaptığınız eylemleri söyleyebilecek 3. Sayılabilen ve sayılamayan isimleri öğrenecek 4. İsimlerden önce gelen ve ismi belirleyen belirteçleri öğrenecek 5. Sahiplik sıfatlarının kullanımını öğreneceksiniz. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konuyu dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Konu içinde yeni karşılaştığınız kavramları öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmaları yapmadan önce örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. ūū Alıştırmaları ve testleri çözdükten sonra kontrol edip yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmaları ve testlerin konularına tekrar çalışınız. 38 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART ONE Different Jobs Different Personalities (Farklı Meslekler Farklı Kişilikler) Ali, is 45 years old. He is a bus driver and works in Mannheim, Germany. He usually goes to work early in the morning. He has three hours break in the midday. He goes home and has a rest. He hasn’t got much free time during the week. But at the weekends he is free. He likes doing sports. He goes to the gym at the weekends. He is very athletic. Ayşe is a doctor in İstanbul. He has got a nice consulting room in Sarıyer. Her Office is small but nice. There are lots of flowers in her office. She likes flowers very much. She is a good doctor. She behaves well to her patients. She hasn’t got a busy schedule but she has to be in the office all day long because of her patients. But at the weekends she is free. She usually goes to theatre. She likes plays very much. Ümit is a literature teacher in Ankara. He teaches at a secondary schoool in Keçiören. He likes his students and job very much. He teaches in a big school. There are nearly 1500 students in his school. He is married and has got two sons. He has got a busy schedule at school. He goes to school five days a week. He likes reading very much. He likes playing basketball, going fishing and jogging in his free time. 39 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Words: Kelimeler bus driver break early midday week weekend doing sports go to the gym athletic doctor consulting office nice flower behave patient busy schedule literature teach nearly reading playing fishing jogging : otobüs şoförü :mola :erken : gün ortası :hafta : hafta sonu : spor yapmak : spor salonuna gitmek :atletik :doktor :muayenehane :ofis :hoş :çiçek :davranış :hasta : yoğun çalışma saatleri :edebiyat :öğretmek : yaklaşık olarak :okumak :oynamak : balık tutmak : koşu yapmak 1. Metne göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Ali is a taxi/ bus driver. 2. Ali usually goes to work late/early in the morning. 3. Ayşe’s office is very big/small but nice. 40 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 4. Ayşe likes bananas/flowers very much. 5. Ümit hasn’t/has got a daughter. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. Who lives in Germany? 2. What does Ali do? 3. Has Ali got much free time during the week? 4. Who has got a consulting room in Sarıyer? 5. Has Ayşe got a busy schedule? 6. What does Ayşe do in her free time? 7. Who is a literature teacher? 8. How many children has Ümit got? 9. How many days does Ümit go to school? 10. What does he like doing in his free time? 41 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART TWO “Present Continuous Tense” Genel olarak konuşma anından önce başlayan, konuşma anında devam eden ve muhtemelen bir süre daha devam edecek olayları anlatmak için Present Continuous Tense’i kullanırız. I am reading a newspaper. (Gazete okuyorum.) The children are playing in the garden now. (Çocuklar şu anda bahçede oynuyorlar.) Soner is speaking to his teacher. (Soner öğretmeni ile konuşuyor.) Merve is washing the dishes at the moment. (Merve şu anda bulşaşık yıkıyor.) Bu zamanda fiil: Olumlu Cümlede Fiil I am (I’m) S + am / is / are Ving + O I am studying lesson. Ving He / she / it is (‘s) (Ders çalışıyorum.) Ving We / you / they are (‘re) Ving Olumsuz Cümlede I am not (I’m not) S + am not / isn’t / aren’t Ving + O Ving He/she/it is not (isn‘t) Ving We/you/ they are (aren‘t) Soru Cümlesinde Am I Ving Are we/you/ they 42 Ving I am not studying lesson. (Ders çalışmıyorum.) She isn’t reading a book. (O kitap okumuyor.) Am + Is / Are + S + Ving + O Ving Is he/she/it She is reading a book. (O kitap okuyor.) Ving Are you studying lesson? (Ders çalışıyor musun?) Is she reading a book? (O kitap okuyor mu?) ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) –They are having a meeting at the moment. (Onlar şu anda toplantı yapıyorlar.) –I am drinking milk. (Süt içiyorum.) –She isn’t watching T.V. (O televizyon seyretmiyor.) – Are you drinking tea? (Çay içiyor musun?) Ancak “Present Continuous Tense” aşağıdaki durumlarda da kullanılır: 1. Şu anda devam eden uzun süreli eylemlerde 2. Yakın gelecekte olacak eylemlerde 3. Always” kullanarak tekrar eden eylemlerde (Genellikle şikayet etme amaçlı) 1. Devam Eden Uzun Süreli Eylemler I am reading Safahat. Present Continuous Tense bazen uzun süren ve süregelen bir eylemi ifade etmek için kullanılabilir. Burada eylem konuşma anında olmayabilir. Örnekleri dikkatli bir şekilde inceleyiniz. I am reading Safahat. Safahat'ı okuyorum. (Kitap okuma eylemi o anda olmayabilir ancak kişi kitaba başlamış ve aralıklarla kitabı okumaktadır.) 43 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 2. Yakın Gelecek Bazen Present Continuous Tense, yakın gelecekte bir eylemin gerçekleşeceğini ya da gerçekleşmeyeceğini anlatmak için kullanılabilir. Bu durumda genellikle gelecek zaman ifade eden kelimeler kullanılır. Örnekler –I am not going to the school tomorrow. (Yarın okula gitmiyorum.) – Are you going to the camp next week? (Gelecek hafta kampa gidiyor musun?) 3. “Always” ile birlikte Present Continuous Tense “always (her zaman)” ve “constantly (sürekli)” ile birlikte kullanılabilir, bu durumda rahatsız ya da şaşırtıcı bir eylemin sıkça gerçekleştiği anlaşılır. Örnekler –You are always coming late to class. (Derse her zaman geç geliyorsun.) You are always coming late to class. 44 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – He is constantly complaining. I wish he would not. (O sürekli şikayet ediyor. Keşke etmese.) Present Continuous Tense ile kullanılan zaman ifadeleri aşağıda verilmiştir. Sınavlarda cümlenin hangi tense olduğunu anlamak için bu zaman ifadelerinin bilinmesi çok önemlidir. “now, at the moment, right now” now (şimdi, şu an) – I am brushing my teeth now. (Şu anda dişlerimi fırçalıyorum.) – Linda is busy. She is speaking on the phone now. (Linda meşgul. O şu anda telefonda konuşuyor.) – What are they doing there now? (Onlar orada ne yapıyorlar?) at the moment (şimdi, şu an) – I am having breakfast at the moment. (Şu an kahvaltı yapıyorum.) – He can’t speak to you at the moment. He is driving. (O şu anda seninle konuşamaz. O araba sürüyor.) – He is watching television at the moment. (O şu anda televizyon seyrediyor.) 45 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) right now (şu anda) –She is sleeping right now. (O şu anda uyuyor.) –What is he doing right now? (O şu anda ne yapıyor?) –He is having a shower right now. (O şu anda duş alıyor.) Non-progressive ( Stative) Verbs: (Present Continuous Tense’te Kullanılmayan Fiiller) Düşünmek, sevmek, anlamak, sahip olmak gibi soyut anlamlı fiiller continuous (be + -ing) yapısında kullanılamazlar. Bu fiiler Simple Tense ile ifade edilir. know (bilmek), realize (farkına varmak), understand (anlamak), believe (inanmak), feel (hissetmek), suppose (sanmak), think (düşünmek), imagine (hayal etmek), remember (hatırlamak), forget (unutmak), mean (demek istemek), hate (nefret etmek) love, like, hate, dislike, taste, smell, hear, feel, see “gibi fiiller –ing takısı almazlar. Doğru kullanım Yanlış kullanım – I understand now. (Şimdi anlıyorum.) I am understanding now. – I see. (Görüyorum.) I am seeing. – I know. (Biliyorum.) I am knowing. – I think you are right. (Bence haklısın.) I am thinking you are right. – I remember you. (Seni hatırlıyorum.) I am remembering you. – I love you. (Seni seviyorum.) I am loving you. – I hate coke. (Koladan nefret ederim.) I am hating coke. 46 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) “–ing” Takısının Fiile Ekleniş Kuralları Fiilin sonunda bir sessiz harf + –e varsa –e düşer ve –ing eklenir. ride (ata, bisiklete binmek) riding take (almak) taking leave (ayrılmak, terk etmek) leaving come (gelmek) coming – Look! That little girl is riding a horse. (Baksana! Şu küçük kız ata biniyor.) – They are coming towards us. (Bize doğru geliyorlar.) Fiilin sonunda bir sesli + bir sessiz harf varsa – ing eklenir. sessiz harf çift yazılır ve plan (paln yapmak) planning run (koşmak) running sit (oturmak) sitting stop (durmak) stopping beg (dilenmek) begging – They are planning to meet next week again. (Gelecek hafta tekrar buluşmayı planlıyorlar.) – My grandmother is sitting in front of the window. (Büyükannem pencerenin önünde oturuyor.) Fiilin sonundaki w,y, ve x harfleri çift yazılmaz. fix (tamir etmek) fixing pay (ödemek) paying box (boks yapmak) boxing sew (dikiş dikmek) sewing say (söylemek) saying buy (satın almak) buying 47 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – He is fixing the window. (O pencereyi tamir ediyor.) – My mother is sewing at the moment. (Annem şu an dikiş dikiyor.) Fiilin sonunda iki sesli + bir sessiz harf varsa harf çift yazılmaz. sadece –ing eklenir, sessiz keep (tutmak) keeping read (okumak) reading – What are you keeping in your hand. (Elinde ne tutuyorsun?) – The students are reading silently. (Öğrenciler sessizce kitap okuyorlar.) Fiilin sonunda iki sessiz harf ard arda gelmişse sadece –ing eklenir, sessiz harf çift yazılmaz. sing (şarkı söylemek) singing wash (yıkamak) washing – She is singing a song now. (O şu anda bir şarkı söylüyor.) – My mother is washing the dishes. (Annem bulaşıkları yıkıyor.) 3. Boşlukları parantez içindeki fiilin uygun hâli ile doldurunuz. 1. John ....................... (read) a magazine now. 2. What ....................... you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (do) tonight? 3. My father .................... . . . (work) late tonight. 4. The doorbell ....................... (ring). Can you look at it? 5. I ....................... (look) for my glasses. I can’t f ind it anywhere. 6. My brother ....................... (study) economics at Gazi University. 48 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 7. Why ....................... you... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (laugh) at me? 8. Shhh be quite! The baby ....................... (sleep). 9. I . ...................... (go) to a film with friends tonight. 10. My friends ………………. (come) to visit us tomorrow. 4. Boşlukları, “Present Simple” ya da “Present Continuous Tense” kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. Every Sunday we ....................... (go) on a picnic with our neighbours. 2. Take your umbrella. It ....................... (rain) outside at the moment. 3. They ....................... (study) five hours a day. 4. You ....................... (look) so happy today! 5. My mother in law ....................... (stay) with us this weekend. 6. At the moment, my mother ....................... (cook) the dinner. 7. He ....................... (be) never late to work. He is very punctual. 8. Each Friday, we ....................... (visit) the olds house. 9. They ....................... (travel)to India every summer. 10. We ....................... (have) dinner right now. 5. Aşağıdaki soruları “Present Simple” ya da “Present Continuous Tense” kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. . . ..................... (you / go) on holiday by plane or by car? 2. . . ..................... (they / play) computer games at the moment? 3. . . ..................... (he /do) homework right now? 4. Where ....................... (he / go) right now? 5. . . ..................... (she / visit) her relatives very often? 6. . . ..................... (she / get) up early in the morning? 7. What ....................... (you / try) to do? I can’t understand. 8. . . ..................... (students / go) to school on Sundays? 9. How many kilometres....................... (he / cycle) every day? 10. . . ..................... (Samanta / clean) the kitchen at the moment? 49 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART THREE Possessive Adjectives (Sahiplik Sıfatları) İsmin önünde kullanılırlar. İsmin kime ait olduğunu gösterirler. Sahiplik bildiren sıfatlardan sonra mutlaka bir nesne kullanılır. my(benim) your(senin) his (onun) (erkek) her (onun) (kadın) its (onun) (cansız varlık ve hayvan) our(bizim) your(sizin) their(onların) My father is a doctor. – My father is a doctor. (Babam bir doktordur.) – His school is far. (Onun okulu uzaktadır.) – Her school is in the city centre. (Onun okulu şehir merkezindedir.) – Our house is very beautiful. (Bizim evimiz çok güzel.) 50 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – Their house is not far. (Onların evi uzak değil.) 6. Aşagıdaki boşlukları, possesive adjectives (iyelik sıfatları) “my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their” kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. Ali and Hatice are in ...................... (they) house. 2. Gizem is brushing ...................... (she) teeth. 3. Emre is drinking ............... . . . . . . . (he) milk. 4. This is ...................... (you) probem. 5. I am working on ............... . . . . . . . (I) new project. 6. My brothers likes...................... (he) job very much. 7. . . .................... (they) father works in a leather factory. 8. Ayşe likes ...................... (she) bird very much. 9. . . .................... (I) husband and I went to England for our holiday. 10. This is ...................... (we) classroom. Possessive Pronouns (İyelik Zamirleri) Doğrudan ismin yerine kullanılan kelimelerdir. İyelik zamirleri kendilerinden sonra nesne almazlar. mine(benimki) yours(seninki) his(onunki-erkek) hers (onunki kadın) ours(bizimki) theirs(onlarınki) 51 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) This is our car. – This is our car. (Bu bizim arabamız.) – Its ours. (Bu bizimki.) – That is your bicycle. (Bu senin bisikletin.) – Its yours. (Bu seninki.) – This is his classroom. (Bu onun sınıfı.) – Its his. (Bu onunki.) – They are officers. (Onlar memurlar.) – That’s their office. (O onların ofisi.) – That’s theirs. (O onlarınki.) 52 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – We are students. (Biz öğrenciyiz.) – This is our classroom. (Bu bizim sınıfımız.) – This is ours. (Bu bizimki.) 7. Aşagıdaki boşlukları, possesive pronuons (iyelik zamirleri) “mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs” kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. That is Canan’s hat, that’s .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. This is Ayla and Ayhan’s house, it’s ...................... . 3. That is Cengiz’s motorbike over there, it’s ...................... . 4. This pencil is ..................... . , that’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . over there. 5. It’s my umbrella,its ............. . . . . . . . . . . 6. It’s his coat, it’s ................. . . . . . . 7. This is your money, it’s ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. These are your books, they are ...................... . 9. This bag is my mother’s, it’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. The horse belongs to Tom, it’s ...................... . 8. Aşagıdaki boşlukları, possesive adjectives (iyelik sıfatları) “my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their” kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. Ali and Hatice are in ...................... (they) house. 2. Gizem is brushing ...................... (she) teeth. 3. Emre is drinking ................ . . . . . . ( he) milk. 4. This is ...................... (you) probem. 5. I am working on ................ . . . . . . (I) new project. 53 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. My brothers likes ...................... (he) job very much. 7. ...................... (they) father works in a leather factory. 8. Ayşe likes ...................... (she) bird very much. 9. ...................... (I) husband and I went to England for our holiday. 10. This is...................... (we) classroom. 9. Doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1.It’s your / yours problem. 2. This is a nice book.Is it your / yours? 3. That’s not my / mine room. 4. My / Mine bike is faster than yours. 5. I don’t know their / theirs names. 6. I know what your / yours problem is. 7. Her / Hers hair is longer than yours. 8.What’s your / yours problem? 9. This is my / mine busines. 10. Who is your / yours father? 54 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART FOUR Countable & Uncountable Nouns (Sayılabilen & Sayılamayan İsimler) Sayılabilen isimlere İngilizcede “contable nouns” denir. Sayabildiğimiz her isim bu gruba girer. cat(kedi) bird(kuş) egg(yumurta) door(kapı) bottle(şişe) book(kitap) umbrella(şemsiye) table(masa) mobile phone (cep telefonu) Sayılabilen isimler tekil ve çoğul durumda olabilir. – My bag is heavy. (Çantam ağır.) –My bags are heavy. (Çantalarım ağır.) – This is a computer. (Bu bir bilgisayardır.) – These are my books. (Bunlar benim kitaplarım.) 55 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Sayılabilen tekil isimlerle birlikte “a / an / the / my/ this vb.” kelimeler kullanılmalıdır. – An ostrich is a bird. (Devekuşu bir kuştur.) – A snake is a reptile. (Yılan bir sürüngendir.) – That man over there is spy. (Ordaki adam bir casustur.) – The book is thick, I can’t read it in one day. (Kitap kalın, onu bir günde okuyamam.) “A few "ve" many” sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır. – I’ve got a few books. (Birkaç kitabım var.) – Have you got many pens? (Çok kalemin var mı?) – She has got a few friends. (Onun birkaç arkadaşı var.) – I haven’t got many toys. (Çok oyuncağım yok.) 56 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) Uncountable Nouns (Sayılamayan İsimler) Sayılamayan isimlere İngilizcede “uncountable nouns” denir. Sayılamayan isimler çoğul yapılamaz ve başına “a/an” gibi kelimeler getirilemez. Soyut isimler de sayılamayan isimler grubuna girer. rice(pirinç) water(su) salt(tuz) oil(yağ) flour(un) music(müzik) art(sanat) love(aşk) happiness(mutluluk) experience(tecrübe) courage(cesaret) news (haber) vb. Sayılamayan isimler tekil olarak değerlendirilir ve tekil fiil alır. – Happiness is very important. (Mutluluk çok önemlidir.) – Oil makes you fat. (Yağ seni şişmanlatır.) – You seem sad. (Üzgün görünüyorsun.) – Drinking water is important for your health. (Su içmek sağlığın için önemlidir.) 57 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) “Some, a little ve much” sayılamayan isimlerle birlikte kullanılır. – I haven’t got much time. (Çok zamanım yok.) – Have you got much money? (Çok paran var mı?) – I’ve got a little courage to do this. (Bunu yapmaya biraz cesaretim var). – We haven’t got flour, you have to buy some. (Unumuz yok, biraz satın almalısın.) “A lot of, any, some” hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle birlikte kullanılır. – My father spends a lot of money. (Babam çok para harcar.) – There are a lot of pictures on the wall. (Duvarda birçok resim var.) – I haven’t got any money. (Hiç param yok.) – Have you got any pencils? (Hiç kurşun kalemin var mı?) – We have got some time. (Biraz vaktimiz var.) – There are some books on the table. (Masanın üstünde birkaç kitap var.) 58 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 10. Sayılabilen isimlerin yanına “C” (countable) sayılamayanların yanına “U” (uncountable) yazınız. 1. book ......................... 2. man .......................... 3. children ..................... 4. sugar ......................... 5. air ............................ 6. bread ........................ 7. money ...................... 8. milk .......................... 9. apple ........................ 10. door ......................... 11. Aşağıdaki alıştırmalarda uygun olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. She doesn’t drink many / much water. 2. Have you got any / a little friends. 3. The baby wants to drink some / any milk. 4. I haven’t got any / some money left. 5. Do you put any / many sugar into your tea? 6. The naughty child needs some / any advice. 7. We have alot of / a little friends. 8.How many / much problems do you solve in a day? 9. Are there much / many cars on the road? 10. Do you read a little / a lot of books? 12. Aşağıdaki boşlukları “some, any, much, many” ile doldurunuz. 1. There is ...................... cheese left in the fridge. 2. We need ...................... eggs and flour to make a cake. 3. How ...................... money do you need? 59 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 4. How are there in the car park? 5. I need ......................information to finish my project. 6. How ......................rice do we have left? 7. Buy me ...................... lemons when you go to the greengrocers. 8. The meal is too ............ .......... for me. I can’t eat all of it. 9. The flowers need .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . water. 60 10. I couldn’t answer .................. of the questions. But I made most of them. ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) UNIT TWO (TEST) 1. What we need is ................. time. A) many B) any C) a little D) a 2. She visits ........................... grandparents every weekend. A) his B) him C) her D) hers 3. This is not ........................, it is mine. A) you B) your C) yours D) my 4. I don’t have ..................... money. A) many B) any C) a few D) a 5. Look up! The sky ...................... . . dark. A) is getting B) gets C) getting D) get 61 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. Come in and sit in your seat. The lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . now. A) start B) starting C) starts D) started 7. At the moment the teacher ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our exams. A) is handing out B) hands out C) hand out D) are handing out 8. I really ............................ to get a high mark from the exam today. A) wants B) am wanting C) wanting D) want 9. Mr. Johnson .......................... . . for work at 8: am every morning. A) living B) is leaving C) leaves D) lives 10. . . . . . . . .......... the train ............ . . . . . . . . . . at 6.00 am every morning? A) Are / leave B) Is / leaving C) Do / leave D) Does / leave 11.Spanish people ...................... . . . . . . a nap every midday. A) takes B) take C) am not taking D) no take 62 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 12.– Excuse me. Is this your bicycle? – No, it . ........................... to me. It is my friend’s. A) not belonging B) is not belonging C) no belong D) doesn’t belong 13.– . . . . . . . . ........... you .................. . lesson at the moment? – Yes, I have an important exam tomorrow. A) Is /studying B) Do /study C) Are /studying D) Are /study 14.– How is your new motorbike? – It . . . . . . ............. some problems with the engine. A) has B) have C) having D) is 15.It . . . . . . . . . .............., I think it is broken. A) not works B) doesn’t work C) work D) works 16.Mr. Anderson ............................ lunch at the same restaurant. Because his wife is abroad. A) have B) has C) are have D) is have 63 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 17.Shelia ............................ watching documentaries. A) like B) is like C) does like D) likes 18.Water ................ uncountable. A) be B) is C) are D) am 19.The book is ............... not ..... . . . . . . . . . . . A) my / mine B) I / my C) mine / yours D) your/mine 20.Does oil ..................... you fat? A) make B) makes C) is D) do 21.We . . . ......................... dinner at the moment. A) have B) has C) are having D) is having 22.I am writing letter to my friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A) at the moment B) everyday C) usually D) always 64 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 23.We . . . . . . ...................... eat at home. A) now B) at the moment C) every day D) usually 24.What . . . ......................... he ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? A) do / do B) does / do C) do / does D) is / do 25.Don’t make noise. The baby is sleeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A) every day B) at the moment C) always D) usually 65 UNIT THREE SPORTS (SPOR) ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda: 1. Spor konusunda bir okuma parçasını okuyup anlayabilecek 2. İngilizce sıfatların sıralanışını öğrenecek 3. Gelecekle ilgili bir konudan bahsedebilecek 4. Bağlaçları ve bunların cümledeki kullanımlarını öğrenmiş olacaksınız. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konu içinde ilk kez karşılaştığınız kelimeleri okuma parçasının sonunda verilen tablodan öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmalara başlamadan önce yönergeyi dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Alıştırmaların başında verilen örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz ve ondan sonra alıştırmaları çözmeye başlayınız. ūū Alıştırmaları çözdükten sonra cevap anahtarından kontrol ederek yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmanın konusuna tekrar çalışınız. 68 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART ONE Extreme Sportsman Turan Delimehmetoğlu is thirty-seven years old and he is a language teacher. He is a translator and a sportsman at the same time. He can do martial arts like tekwondoo, wing chung and aikido. He can also swim, ride a bike and skate. These features don’t make him extreme. You may think that most people can do it, but the difference is that he is visually impaired. From his birth he had signs of light, but this wasn’t enough for him to see completely. His doctor said to his parents that he was visually impaired and had to go to the blinds school. So he started to the blind’s school. There was nothing to do. His parents accepted the situation, but Turan didn’t. He wanted to something which would make him different from the others at the school. Turan decided to do a sport but his parents thought he couldn’t do, because he was a visually impaired person. They said it was impossible for him to do a sports especially martial arts. But he insisted on doing and his primary school teacher supported him. So he bagan doing sports when he was seven years old. 69 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) He started with teakwondoo. At the beginning it was difficult for him. But later he realised that feeling was more important than seeing in martial arts. He continued doing teakwondoo. He won several championships. Later he learned wing chun which is a defence sport. He liked this sport so much that he began to teach it. He adapted wing chun on visually impaired children. Nowadays more than hundred of visually impaired children have learned this sport .By doing this sport they learned how to use their seeing more effectively. Sport was the change of Turan’s life. He discovered the power of senses. He can’t see completely but he learned how to use his seeing. He says feeling is more important than seeing. Next year he is planning a new Project. He is going to cycle from Germany to Turkey in order to call attention to the educational problems of the visually impared people. He is going to be the first impaired person who will cycle over 3000 kilometres. We are looking forward to see his other extraordinary projects. Words: Kelimeler extreme :sıradışı language :dil sportsman :sporcu runner :koşucu translator :çevirmen difference :fark visually impaired: görme engelli totally :tamamen primary school : ilkokul sign :belirti wing chun : bir çeşit Uzakdoğu savunma sporu 70 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 1. Doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Turan is 36 / 37 yeras old. 2. He is a maths / language teacher. 3. He can / can’t swim. 4. His primary school teacher suppurted / didn't supported him. 5. Next year he is planning to fly / cycle from Germany to Turkey. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. How old is Turan Delimehmetoğlu? 2. Which martial arts can he do? 3. Can he see completely? 4. Did his primary school teacher support him? 5. When did he began doing sports? 6. Is wing chung a defence sport? 7. What was the change of Turan’s life? 8. What did Turan discover? 9. What is Turan planning next year? 10. Is feeling more important than seeing according to Turan? 71 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART TWO “Going to v1” Gelecekte olacak eylemleri anlatırken ”going to v1” yapısını kullanırız. Bu yapı gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz, önceden kararlaştırdığımız eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır. – My father bought a guitar, he is going to learn how to play it. (Babam gitar satın aldı, o gitar çalmasını öğrenecek.) – I bought the tickets. We are going to fly to Egypyt to see the pyramids. (Biletleri satın aldım. Piramitleri görmek için Mısır’a uçacağız.) – We are going to have an oral exam tomorrow. (Yarın sözlü sınav olacağız.) Herhangi bir olayın olacağını belirten işaretler (ipuçları) varsa “ going to” yapısı kullanılır. – Look at the black clouds, it is going to rain. Look at the black clouds, it is going to rain. (Şu kara bulutlara bak. Yağmur yağacak.) – It is very cold. It is going to snow. (Hava çok soğuk. Kar yağacak.) – You are going to fail the class. Your marks are too low. (Sınıfta kalacaksın. Notların çok düşük.) 72 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – You are sneezing too much. You are going to be ill. (Çok hapşırıyorsun, hastalanacaksın.) Bu zamanda fiil Olumlu Cümlede Fiil S + am / is / are going to V1 + O I am (I’m) He/She/It is (‘s) We/You/Tthey are (‘re) I am going to study lesson. (Ders çalışacağım.) She is going to read a book. (O kitap okuyacak.) Olumsuz Cümlede I am not (I’m not) He / she / it is not (isn‘t) We / you / they are (aren‘t) S + am not / isn't / aren't Ving + O I am not going to study lesson (Ders çalışmayacağız.) She isn’t going to read a book. (O kitap okumayacak.) Soru Cümlesinde Am / Is / Are + S + Ving + O Am I Is he/she/it Are we/you/ they Are you going to study lesson? (Ders çalışacak mısın?) Is she going to read a book? (O kitap okuyacak mı?) – I am going to drink milk. (Süt içeceğim.) – She isn’t going to watch TV. (O televizyon seyretmeyecek.) – Are you going to drink tea? (Çay içecek misin?) 73 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) "Going to future” yapısında aşağıdaki zaman zarfları kullanılabilir. Sınavlarda cümlenin hangi tense olduğunu anlamak için bu zaman ifadelerinin bilinmesi çok önemlidir. today tonight tomorrow soon this week this month next week next year :bugün : bu gece :yarın :yakında : bu hafta : bu ay : gelecek hafta : gelecek yıl – I am going to finish my homework tonight. (Ödevimi bu gece bitireceğim.) – The train is going to arrive soon. (Tren yakında gelecek.) – We are going to paint the house next week. (Evi gelecek hafta temizleyeceğiz.) – I am going to show you my stamp collection. (Size pul koleksiyonumu göstereceğim.) – I am going to have an important exam tomorrow. (Yarın önemli bir sınav olacağım.) 74 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 3. Boşlukları “be ” fiilinin uygun hâli ile doldurunuz. 1. We ................... going to buy a new house. 2. She ................... going to sell her car. 3. Emre and Ayşe ................... going to see a movie. 4. . . ................. you going to sleep early? 5. . . ................. your brother going to help with your project? 6. She ................... going to buy a new bag. 7. They ................... going to meet on Sunday. 8. She is studying medicine. She ................... going to be a doctor. 9. What ................... you going to do at the weekend? 10. It ................... going to rain soon. 4. Boşlukları “be going to V1” yapısını kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. I . ..................... (meet) my old friends. 2. I . ..................... (not / walk) to work tomorrow. 3. My father is in the garden. He ...................... (plant) some flowers. 4. My father ...................... (not / paint) the house. 5. My mother promised. She ...................... (buy) me a mobile phone. 6. I feel terrible. I ................... . . . (faint). 7. They ...................... (spend) their summer holiday in Hawaii. 8. I . ..................... (not / visit) Robert on Monday. 9. The train ..................... (leave) in ten minutes. 10. We ................... (move) to İstanbul next year. 75 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 4. Verilen kelimeleri kullanarak cümleler yazınız. 1. holiday / go / to / on / are / going / They /next week ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. It / rain / going / isn’t / to / tomorrow. .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. tell / my secret. / going / not / I’m / to .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. isn’t / to / going / leave / tonight . / She .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. to / you / going / study/ lesson? / Are .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. to / going / What / do / at the weekend? / you / are ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. to / going / you / move? / Where / are ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. I / change / to/ am / going / my / car/ year. / next ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. a /buy / new /computer?/ going / When / to / you / are ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. I / to / study / going / not / am / tomorrow. ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART THREE Order Of Adjectives (Sıfatların Sıralanışı) Bir ismi birden fazla sıfatla açıklayabiliriz. Bu durumda sıfatları belli bir düzene göre sıralamamız gerekmektedir. İngilizcede bir ismin başına birden fazla sıfat getirileceğinde aşağıdaki düzene göre sıralama yapılmaktadır. – fikir / görüş opinion ↓ size – boyut ↓ silly (aptal), beautiful (güzel), diff icult (zor) small (küçük), big (büyük), short (kısa) ,tall (buyuna uzun), long (enine uzun) age – yaş ↓ – biçim shape ↓ young (genç), old (yaşlı) – renk colour ↓ – köken origin ↓ material – madde white (beyaz), yellow (sarı), black (siyah), red (kırmızı) round (yuvarlak), square (kare), slim (ince), plump (etine dolgun) fat (şişman) Turkish (Türk), German (Alman), Japanese, (Japon) metal (metal), iron (demir), plastic (plastik), wooden (ahşap) – A small round wooden table (küçük yuvarlak ahşap masa) –a new expensive leather jacket (pahalı yeni deri ceket) 77 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) an old wooden toy (eski ahşap oyuncak) a tall young man (uzun genç adam) a lovely small toy cat (sevecen küçük oyuncak kedi) an intelligent young Turkish student (zeki genç Türk öğrenci) – We live in a nice new house in Ankara. (Biz Ankara’da yeni güzel bir evde oturuyoruz.) – A dangerous big black dog is barking in the street. (Tehlikeli büyük siyah bir köpek sokakta havlıyor.) – She bought a nice woolen sweather. (O hoş yün bir süveter satın aldı.) – We sat at a big round wooden table and spoke. (Biz büyük yuvarlak bir masaya oturduk ve konuştuk.) 6. Doğru kullanımı yuvarlak içine alınız. 1. There is a wooden beautiful square / beautiful square wooden table in the dining room. 2. My husband buoght me a gold beautiful / a beautiful gold necklage for our wedding anniversary. 3. We made a wooden nice small / a nice small wooden kennel for our dog. 4. We watched an old Turkish Yeşilçam interesting film / an interesting old Yeşilçam film at the weekend. 5. It may snow! There are black big / big black clouds in the sky and the weather is freezing cold. 6. My husband has brown short gorgeous / gorgeous short brown hair. 78 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 7. My grandparents live in a lovely little old / old lovely little house near Yozgat. 8. The gallerry exhibited Osman Hamdi Bey’s beautiful old / old beautiful paintings. 9. When it began to rain a man opened an enormous black / a black enormous umbrella. 10. Ersin bought a shiny German new sports car / shiny new German sports car. 7. Parantez içindeki sıfatları boşluklara doğru sıralaması ile yerleştiriniz. 1. I bought a pair of ........................ gloves. (black leather) 2. He invited a ........................ man to dinner. (poor old) 3. These vegetables are ........ ................ (agricultural organic) 4. Emre needs ........................ (five thick wooden ) sticks to make a kite. 5. Ayşe will wear her ........................ (silk new red) dress for the wedding. 6. My father bought a (n) ...... .................. (sports old) car yesterday. 7. Don’t forget to visit the ........................ (Roman anchient) ruints in Gordion. 8. The table was full with ...... .................. (red beautiful) roses. 9. My mother cooks ........................ (chocolate delicious) cake. 10. My father doesn’t let us drive his ................... (expensive sports) car. 79 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) PART FOUR Coordinatıng Conjunctions (Bağlaçlar) Aynı dil bilgisi yapısına sahip olan iki isim, iki sıfat, iki zarf veya cümlecik ve cümleyi birbirine bağlayan kelimelerdir. and, or, but, nor, so, for, yet “And” (ve) “And” aynı doğrultuda olumlu veya olumsuz anlama sahip kelimeleri, sözcükleri ya da cümleleri birleştirir. – It is sunny and hot today. (Bugün hava güneşli ve sıcak.) – The meeting was crowded and noisy. (Toplantı kalabalık ve gürültülüydü.) – Ahmet and Mehmet are going to study law at university. (Ahmet ve Mehmet üniversitede hukuk okuyacaklar.) “But, yet” (fakat, ama) “But” ve “yet” “fakat, ama” anlamına gelir ve zıtlık vurgulayan kelimeleri ya da cümleleri birleştirir. İki cümle arasında virgülle kullanılır. – He is an intelligent, but naughty boy. (O zeki fakat yaramaz bir çocuktur.) 80 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – It is a cheap, yet uncomfortable car. (O ucuz fakat konforsuz bir arabadır.) – He is rich, but stingy. (O zengin fakat cimridir.) – I came to visit you, yet you weren’t at home. (Seni ziyarete geldim fakat sen evde yoktun. ) “Or” (ya da, yoksa) İki kelime veya cümle arasında seçenek sunarken “ya da” anlamında kullanılır. İki cümle arasında virgülle kullanılır. – I will succeed sooner or late. (Er ya da geç başaracağım.) – We must hurry or we will miss the train. (Acele etmeliyiz yoksa treni kaçıracağız.) – What will you drink, coffee or tea? (Ne içersin, kahve mi yoksa çay mı? ) “So”(bundan dolayı, bu yüzden) İki cümle arasında virgül ile kullanılır. Cümle başında “so” kullanılmaz. – İpek was ill, so she didn’t go to school. (İpek hastaydı bu yüzden okula gitmedi.) 81 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) – My father was tired, so he went to bed early. (Babam hastaydı bu yüzden erken yattı.) – I missed the bus, so I took a taxi. (Otobüsü kaçırdım bu yüzden taksiyle geldim.) “For” (çünkü) – I don’t want to move to another city, for I love this city very much. (Başka bir şehre taşınmak istemiyorum çünkü burayı çok seviyorum.) – I want to move from this house, for I don’t like it very much. (Bu evden taşınmak istiyorum çünkü burayı çok sevmiyorum.) – I couldn’t pass the exam, for the questions were too difficult. (Sınavı geçemedim çünkü sorular çok zordu.) “Yet” (fakat) İki cümle arasında ”yet” , “but” gibi kullanılır. “yet” den önce virgül kullanılmalıdır. – Ayşe didn’t study hard, yet she got a high mark from the exam. (Ayşe çok çalışmadı ama sınavdan yüksek not aldı.) – She didn’t feel well, yet she went to work. (O kendini iyi hissetmedi ama işe gitti.) – He is hungry, yet he doesn’t want to eat. (O aç fakat bir şey yemek istemiyor.) 82 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) “Nor” (nede) Türkçede iki seçenekten hiçbiri anlamına gelir. “nor” bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında birinci cümle olumsuz ya da olumsuz anlama sahip olur. “nor” dan sonra gelen cümle ise devrik olur. (yardımcı fiil başa gelir) – He doesn’t like tea, nor does he coffee. (Eti sevmediği gibi, balığı da sevmez.) – Zeynep didn’t eat anything, nor did she drink anything. (Zeynep ne bir şey yedi, ne de birşey içti.) – He didn’t call, nor did he write . (O aramadı, ne de yazdı.) 8. Doğru kullanımı yuvarlak içine alınız. 1. I’m watching TV and / but drinking tea. 2. I like playing football and / but my brother doesn’t. 3. Why don’t you call Alan and / so invite her ? 4. You should have a rest and / or you will be ill. 5. I don’t want to sell my house, and / yet I need money. 6. Would you rather stay at home and / or go out with me? 7. John could repair his house by himself and / but he didn’t. 8. He saw me on the road and / but he didn’t say anything. 9. You had better study but / or you will fail. 10. I fell down and / but I injured my arm. 9. Boşlukla “and, but, so, or” ile doldurunuz. 1. Nobody was in the off ice ................... I left a message. 2. He always eats much ........ ........... he never puts on weight. 83 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 3. It was early in the morning ................... but there was a heavy traffic. 4. You had better hurry ................... you’ll be late for the lesson. 5. I tried to persuade her ................... I couldn’t. 6. What would you like to drink milk ................... fruit juice? 7. I am tall ................... my wife is short. 8. He is good at martial arts ................... his favorite sport is wrestling. 9. Money makes rich ........ ........... it doesn’t make happy. 10. He has easily passed ..... .............. he studied a lot. 10. Boşlukları “nor, for, but, or, so” ile doldurunuz. 1. I didn’t go to bed early yesterday, ................... I watched a horror film. 2. The car is old ................... it is comfortable. 3. Do you like playing tennis ................... golf? 4. He likes to play tennis, ................... his favourite sport is football. 5. I was very hungry, .................. I went to a restaurant and had a big meal. 6. Yusuf felt cold ................... he put on a coat. 7. Rümeysa tried to write a poem, ................... It was too difficult. 8. To get from England to France you can fly ................ you can go by ferry. 9. The meal wasn’t very nice, ................... was the tea. 84 10. Engin lost his watch, ................... he bought a new one. ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) UNIT THREE (TEST) 1. He couldn’t win the race ....................... he didn’t get the prize. A) so B) because C) or D) and 2. The boy didn’t want to go to school, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . he wanted to work. A) nor B) and C) or D) yet 3. They knew they would go to the swimming pool, ....................... they brought their swimming suits. A) but B) yet C) so D) and 4. They went for a two week camping holiday, ....................... they got bored from the city life. A) for B) but C) so D) and 5. We have a ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . table in our kitchen. A) beautiful wooden round B) wooden round beautiful C) beautiful round wooden D) round beautiful wooden 85 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. I saw a ................................. . . . . . . man on the street. A) poor old man B) man poor old C) old poor man D) man old poor 7. There was a(n) ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the garden. A) rat enormous gray B) gray rat enormous C) enormous rat gray D) enormuos gray rat 8. My grandparents live in a(n) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . house near Yozgat. A) old lovely little B) lovely old little C) little old lovely D) lovely little old 9. Lisa is cooking the meal ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . listening to music at the same time. A) and B) but C) so D) nor 10.You should have a rest ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we will have an accident. You are too tired. A) so B) or C) for D) and 86 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 11.I want to go out .......................... there is nothing to eat at home. A) nor B) so C) and D) for 12.I saw a (n) ................................. . . . . . . man on the street. A) poor old man B) man poor old C) old poor man D) man old poor 13.He saw me on the road .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . he didn’t remember me. A) so B) but C) for D) or 14.My husband bought a ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for our wedding anniversary. A) gold beautiful ring B) gold ring beautiful C) beautiful gold ring D) beautiful ring gold 15.He is drinking tea now, .......................... his favourite drink is coffee. A) and B) but C) so D) or 87 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 16.Ali lost his umbrella ............... . . . . . . . . . . . he bought a new one. A) and B) but C) or D) so 17.He was ill .......................... he went to work. A) but B) or C) for D) so 18.I am fat .......................... my wife isn’t. A) so B) but C) or D) and 19.Ayten fell down .................... . . . . . . broke her leg. A) or B) and C) but D) for 20.Do you like drinking tea .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coffee? A) so B) and C) for D) or 88 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 21.There . . . .................................... a really big storm in a few days. A) going to be B) is go to be C) are going to be D) is going to be 22.I . . . . . . . . . . ............................. to England in a few weeks. A) am go to B) am going C) am going to go D) is going to go 23.Ali and Nursena ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get married next month. A) is going to B) are going to C) am going to D) is go to 24.I . . . . . . . . . . ............................. walk to the stadium. A) am not go to B) am not going to C) is not going to D) are going to 25.Next week is holiday. We ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . work next week then. A) are going to B) aren’t going to C) is going to D) are go to 89 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) BIBLIOGRAPHY Azar, Betty Schrampfer; Fundamentals is of English Grammer, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992. Swan, Michael; Practical English Usage, Second Edition, Oxford University Press 1995. Baygül, İrfan; Sentence Structures in English and Syntax 1, Engin Yayınevi, Ankara 2005. 90 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) UNIT ONE CEVAP ANAHTARI 1. Parçaya göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Her father is a doctor. 2. Her mother is a nurse. 3. Her father is a fan of Manchester United. 4. Her mother likes her job very much. 5. Her brother Tom goes to the kindergarden. 4. – What time/ When does the train leave ? – It leaves at 10.00 o’clock. 5. – What do you prefer tea or coffee? – I prefer tea to coffee. 6. – What do you do in your free time? – I read boks in my free time. 7. – How do you go to school? – I go to school by bus. 8. – Where do you go for your summer holiday? 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevap – We go to Balıkesir for our summerlandırınız. holiday. 1. Linda is 11 year sold. 2. Linda has got one brother and one 9. – What kind of films do you like? – I like horror films. sister. 10.– Who is at the door? 3. Linda’s father is a doctor. 4.No he hasn’t got long working – The postman is at the door. hours. 5. No she never goes to school late. 4. Boşlukları, parantez içindeki fiilin 6. Linda’s father is crazy about football. uygun hâli ile doldurunuz. 7. No, he never misses the matches of 1. My name is Ahmet. Manchester United. 2. My father goes to work at 8.00 o’clock 8. No, she isn’t .She is 33 years old. every morninig. 9.Yes, he does./Yes, Linda’s brother 3. What does your father do ? goes to the kindergarten. 4. The schools open at 9.00 o’clock 10. Linda wants to be a musician in the every day. future. 5. We usually play footbal at the weekends. 3. Boşlukları “who, what, when, whe 6. I don’t like coffee. re, whose, which, why, how” ile dol 7. Emre usually wakes early in the mordurunuz . nings. 1. – Who cleans the house? 8. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife. – My mother cleans the house. 9. Do you eat fatty food? 2. – Why don’t you eat junk food? – Because it is dangerous for our 10. How old are you? health. 3. – Whose house is this? – It is my unles house? 91 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 5. Aşağıda verilen sorularla cevapları eşleştiriniz. 1. J 2. B 3. I 4. D 5. K 6. C 7. H 8. F 9. G 10.A 7. Aşağıdaki boşlukları “a,an, the” kullanarak doldurunuz. Bazı boşluklarda belirteç kullanılamayabilir. 1. There is a book in the bookcase. 2. I never go to – bed late. 3. Do you water – water everyday? 4. Do you often have a headache? 5. My brother is a dentist. 6. The man in front of the car is my uncle. 7. You must learn – English. 8. I drink a glass of milk everyday. 6. Aşağıdaki soruları cevaplandırınız. 9. My father reads a book everyday. 1. How often do you brush your teeth? 10.I want a bar of chocolate. I brush my teeth twice a day. 2. Where do you go for your summer 8. Boşlukları “my, your, his, her, its, your, our ve their” ile doldurunuz. holiday? I go to Karadeniz for my summer 1. I always wear my jacket . holiday. 2. Do you study your lessons everyday. 3. What day comes before Saturday. 3. The cat is drinking its milk. Friday comes before Saturday. 4. The students should do their home 4. What do you usually drink? work. I usually drink milk. 5. Don’t put your hands in your pocket. 5. Where does your uncle live? 6. Ayşe always waers her red blouse. My uncle lives in Germany. 7. We will do our job by ourselves. 6. What time do you go to bed? 8. My father always wears his black hat. I go to bed at 10.00. 9. Take off your coat. It is hot in here. 7. What time does you lessons start? 10.Do you brush your teeth twice a day? My lessons start at 8.00. 8. What do you usually do in your free time? I usually read books in my free time. 9. How does your father go to work? My father goes to work by bus. 10. What do you do at the weekends? I play footbal at the weekends. 92 9. Boşlukları “my, your, his, her, its, your, our ve their” ile doldurunuz. 1. This car is fast, but those are slow. 2. These houses are very old, but those are new. 3. These workers are lazy, but that worker isn’t. ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 4. Those are my friends. 5. That is my phone. 6. Those balloons over there are very big. 7. What’s this? It’s an umbrella. 8. This is Emre’s toy. 9. What’s that over there? 10.These are my books.Yours are those. 10.Boşlukları “this, these, that, those” kullanarak doldurunuz. 1.Which one is mine, this one or that one ? 2. Look at that cars in the car park over there. 3. This book belongs to me,that one is yours. 4. Those trees over there are apple trees. 5. You’re right this computer is better than that one. 6. Look at these small stones on the table, they are so beautiful. 7.Do you think those black clouds on the sky will bring rain? 8. I can’t start this car. I think there is a problem with the engine. 9. This car is cheaper and more comfortable than that one. 10.That boy over there is an orphan. TEST 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. C 93 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) UNIT TWO CEVAP ANAHTARI 1. Metne göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Ali is a bus driver. 2. Ali usually goes to work early in the morning. 3. Ayşe’s office is small but nice. 4. Ayşe likes flowers very much. 5. Ümit hasn’t got a daughter. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. Ali lives in Germany. 2. He is a bus driver. 3. No, Ali hasn’t got much free time during the week. 4. Ayşe has got a consulting room in Sarıyer. 5. No, she hasn’t got a busy schedule. 6.She usually goes to theatre in her free time. 7. Ümit is a Literature teacher? 8. Ümit has got two children. 9. He goes to school five days a week. 10.He likes playing basketball, going fishing and jogging in his free time. 3. Boşlukları parantez içindeki fiilin uygun hâli ile doldurunuz. 1. John is reading a magazine now. 2. What are you doing tonight? 3. My father is working late tonight. 4. The doorbell is ringing. Can you look at it? 5. I am looking for my glasses. I can’t find it anywhere. 6. My brother is studying economics at Gazi University. 94 7. Why are you laughing at me? 8. Shhh be quite! The baby is sleeping. 9. I am going to a film with friends tonight. 10.My friends is coming to visit us tomorrow. 4. Boşlukları "Present Simple" ya da "Present continuous Tense" kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. Every Sunday we go on a picnic with our neighbours. 2. Take your umbrella. It is raining outside at the moment. 3. They study five hours a day. 4. You look so happy today! 5. My mother in law is staying with us this weekend. 6.At the moment, my mother is cooking the dinner. 7. He is never late to work.He is very punctual. 8. Each Friday, we visit the olds house. 9. They travel to India every summer. 10.We are having dinner right now. 5. Aşağıdaki soruları "Present Simple" ya da "Present Continuous Tense" kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. Do you go on holiday by plane or by car? 2. Are they playing computer games at the moment? 3. Is he doing homework right now? 4. Where is he going right now? 5. Does she visit her relatives very often? ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 6. Does she get up early in the morning? 7. What. are you trying to do? I can’t understand. 8. Do students go to school on Sundays? 9.How many kilometres does he cycle every day? 10.Is Samantha cleaning the kitchen at the moment? 5. It’s my umbrella, its mine. 6. It’s his coat, it’s his. 7. This is your money, it’s yours. 8. These are your books, they are yours. 9. This bag is my mother’s, it’s hers. 10.The horse belongs to Tom. it’s his. 8.Aşagıdaki boşlukları, possesive adjectives (iyelik sıfatları) “my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their” kullana6. Aşagıdaki boşlukları, possesive adrak doldurunuz. jectives (iyelik sıfatları) “my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their” kullana- 1. Ali and Hatice are in their house. 2. Gizem is brushing her teeth. rak doldurunuz. 3. Emre is drinking his milk. 1. Ali and Hatice are in their house. 4. This is your probem. 2. Gizem is brushing her teeth. 5. I am working on my new project. 3. Emre is drinking his milk. 4. This is your probem. 6. My brothers likes his job very much. 5. I am working on my new project. 7. Their father works in a leather fac 6. My brothers likes his job very much. tory. 7. Their father works in a leather fac- 8. Ayşe likes her bird very much. tory. 9. My husband and I went to England 8. Ayşe likes her bird very much. for our holiday. 9. My husband and I went to England 10.This is our classroom. for our holiday. 10. This is our classroom. 9. Doğru olan şeçeneği işaretleyiniz. 7.Aşagıdaki boşlukları, possesive 1. It’s your problem. pronuons (iyelik zamirleri) “mine, 2. This is a nice book.Is it yours? yours, his, hers, ours, theirs” kulla- 3. That’s not my room. 4. My bike is faster than yours. narak doldurunuz. 5. I don’t know their names. 1. That is Canan’s hat, that’s hers. 2.This is Ayla and Ayhan’s house, it’s 6. I know what your problem is. 7. Her hair is longer than yours. theirs. 3. That is Cengiz’s motorbike over the- 8. What’s your problem? 9. This is my busines. re, it’s his. 4. This pencil is mine, that’s yours over 10.Who is your father? there. 95 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 10.Sayılabilen isimlerin yanına C “countable”, sayılamayanların yanına U “uncountable” yazınız. 1. book – C 2. man – C 3. children – C 4. sugar – U 5. air – U 6. bread – U 7. money – U 8. milk – U 9. apple – C 10.door – C 11. Aşağıdaki alıştırmalarda uygun olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. She doesn’t drink much water. 2. Have you got any friends. 3. The baby wants to drink some milk. 4. I haven’t got any money left. 5. Do you put any sugar into your tea? 6. The naughty child needs some advice. 7. We have a lot of friends. 8. How many problems do you solve in a day? 9. Are there many cars on the road? 10.Do you read a lot of books? 12.Aşağıdaki boşlukları “some, any, much, many” ile doldurunuz. 1. There is some cheese left in the fridge. 2. We need some eggs and flour to make a cake. 3. How much money do you need? 96 4. How many cars are there in the car park? 5. I need some information to finish my project. 6. How much rice do we have left? 7. Buy me some lemons when you go to the greengrocers. 8. The meal is too much for me. I can’t eat all of it. 9. The flowers need some/much water. 10. I couldn’t answer some of the questios. But I made most of them. TEST 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. B ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) UNIT THREE CEVAP ANAHTARI 1. Doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Turan is 37 yeras old 2. He is a language teacher. 3. He can swim. 4. His primary school teacher suppurted him. 5.Next year he is planning to cycle from Germany to Turkey. 5. Is your brother going to help with your project? 6. She is going to buy a new bag. 7. They are going to meet on Sunday. 8. She is studying medicine. She is going to be a doctor. 9. What are you going to do at the weekend? 10.It is going to rain soon. 2. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. 1.Turan Delimehmetoğlu is 37 years old. 2. He can do teakwondoo aikido and wing chung. 3. No he can’t see completely. 4. Yes, his primary school teacher supported him. 5. He began doing sports when he was seven. 6. Yes, it is. 7. Sports was the change of Turan’s life. 8. He discovered the power of senses. 9. He is going to cycle from Germany to Turkey. 10. Yes, it is./Yes, feeling is more important than seeing according to Turan? 4. Boşlukları “be going to V1” yapısını kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. I am going to meet my old friends. 2. I am not going to walk to work tomorrow. 3. My father is in the garden. He is going to plant some flowers. 4. My father isn’t going to paint the house. 5. My mother promised. She is going to buy me a mobile phone. 6. I feel terrible. I am going to faint. 7. They are going to spend their summer holiday in Hawaii. 8. I am not going to visit Robert on Monday. 9. The train is going to leave in ten minutes. 10.We are going to move to İstanbul next year. 3. Boşlukları “be ” fiilinin uygun hâli ile doldurunuz. 5. Verilen kelimeleri kullanarak cüm 1. We are going to buy a new house. leler yazınız. 2. She is going to sell her car. 3.Emre and Ayşe are going to see a 1. holiday / go / to / on / are / going / They / next week movie. They are going to go on holiday next 4. Are you going to sleep early? week. 97 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 2. It / rain / going / isn’t / to / tomorrow. It isn’t going to rain tomorrow. 3. tell / my secret. / going / not / I’m / to I’m not going to tell my secret. 4.isn’t / to / going / leave / tonight. / She She isn’t going to leave tonight. 5. to / you / going / study / lesson? / Are Are you going to study lesson? 6. to / going / What / do / at the weekend? / you /are What are you going to do at the weekend? 7. to / going / you / move? / Where / are Where are you going to move? 8. I / change / to / am / going / my / car / year. / next I am going to change my car next year. 9.a / buy / new /computer? / going / When / to / you / are When are you going to buy a new computer? 10.I / to / study / going / not / am / tomorrow. I am not going to study tomorrow. 5.It may snow! There are big black clouds in the sky and the weather is freezing cold. 6.My husband has gorgeous short brown hair. 7. My grandparents live in a lovely little old house near Yozgat. 8. The gallerry exhibited Osman Hamdi Bey’s beautiful old paintings. 9. When it began to rain a man opened an enormous black umbrella. 10.Ersin boughta shiny new German sports car. 7. Parantez içindeki sıfatları boşluklara doğru sıralama ile yerleştiriniz. 1. I bought a pair of black leather gloves. 2. He invited a poor old man to dinner. 3. These vegetables are organic agricultural products. 4. Emre needs five wooden sticks to make a kite. 5. Ayşe will wear her new silk red dress for the wedding. 6.My father bought an old sports car yesterday. 6. Doğru kullanımı yuvarlak içine 7.Don’t forget to visit the ancient Roalınız. man ruints in Gordion. 1. There is a beautiful square wooden 8.The table was full with beautiful red table in the dining room. roses. 2. My husband bought me a beautiful 9. My mother cooks delicious chocolate gold necklage for our wedding annicake. versary. 10.My father doesn’t let us drive his ex 3. We made a nice small wooden kenpensive sports car. nel for our dog. 4. We watched an interesting old Yeşilçam film at the weekend. 98 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 8. Doğru olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz. 1. I’m watching TV and drinking tea. 2. I like playing football but my brother doesn’t. 3.Why don’t you call Alan and invite her ? 4. You should have a rest or you will be ill. 5.I don’t want to sell my house, yet I need money. 6. Would you rather stay at home or go out with me? 7. John could repair his house by himself but he didn’t. 8. He saw me on the road but he didn’t say anything. 9. You had better study or you will fail. 10.I fell down but I injured my arm. 9.Money makes rich but it doesn’t make happy. 10.He has easily passed for he studied a lot. 10.Boşlukları “nor, for, but, or, so” ile doldurunuz. 1. I didn’t go to bed early yesterday, for I watched a horror film. 2. The car is old but it is comfortable. 3. Do you like playing tennis or golf? 4. He likes to play tennis, but his favourite sport is football. 5. I was very hungry, so I went to a restaurant and had a big meal. 6. Yusuf felt cold so he put on a coat. 7. Rümeysa tried to write a poem, but it was too difficult. 8.To get from England to France you can fly or you can go by ferry. 9. Boşlukları “and, but, so, or” ile dol9.The meal wasn't very nice, nor was durunuz. the tea. 1.Nobody was in the office so I left a 10.Engin lost his watch so he bought a message. new one. 2.He always eats much but he never puts on weight. 3. It was early in the morning but there TEST was a heavy traffic. 1. A 4. You had better hurry or you’ll be late 2. A for the lesson. 3. C 5.I tried to persuade her but I 4. A couldn’t. 5. C 6. What would you like to drink milk or 6. A fruit juice 7. D 7. I am tall but my wife is short. 8. D 8. He is good at martial arts but his fa- 9. A vorite sport is wrestling. 10. B 99 ENGLISH THREE (İNGİLİZCE 3) 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. D 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. B 100 GÜNEY KIBRIS RUM YÖNET‹M‹ NÖC: Nahcivan Özerk Cumhuriyeti (Azerbaycan) İl merkezleri Başkent (Ankara) N) (A ZE N RB .Ö AY .C CA