Stunning Major Works on Display


Stunning Major Works on Display
A school community fostering creativity individuality and
leadership while striving for excellence in teaching and learning.
Stunning Major
Works on Display
The start of spring was celebrated with
the Annual Mosman High Art
Exhibition. This year the HSC art was
complimented with two extra displays of
HSC major works in Industrial Technology multimedia and Design and Technology. Our wonderful 110 year old art
block was transformed into a gallery
filled with Year 12 major works. Year 12
has excelled themselves this year and the
quality, diversity and creativity of the
major works is simply amazing. From
drawings to paintings, pottery, sculpture,
printmaking and more the students have
explored their interests and passion creating exquisite pieces that they will
treasure always. The Head of Art Rod
Grant was thrilled with their achievement. The art staff at Mosman High is a
September 2012
P&C Meeting
Local Schools
Local Decisions
RAM Module
Thursday 13
September 2012
dedicated team of professionals. Not
only are they outstanding teachers but
they are also artists in their own right.
The skills they impart to our students
ensure that their innate creativity and
talent is maximized.
Design and Technology is going from
strength to strength at Mosman and
once again creativity, diversity of
choice and innovative skills are encouraged and enhanced. With an accelerated program in this subject area some
Year 11 students complete their HSC in
design and technology one year early.
The works were also on display at the
same time as the Art Exhibition and the
Continued on page 2
Deputy Principals Report - page 3
Out and About - page 3
P & C Report - page 4
Performing Arts News - page 4
Student Stars - page 5
TVs Surfing Scientist - page 6
Year 12 End of Year Policy - page 7
Annual Art Show - page 8
TAS Report - page 10
Calendar of Events - page 11
Sick Bay Procedures - page 12
continued from page 1
school hall was filled with such products
as a Balinese day bed complete with iPad
and sound system, a beautiful outdoor
setting made of compressed cardboard, a
solar powered pool cleaner, an ingenious
chair for the “messy girl’s” bedroom and
a solar powered” busker’s” box just to
mention a few of these innovative
The final display on the evening consisted of Industrial Technology multimedia
major works. Once again creativity was
intertwined with process to product,
resulting in E-zines, multimedia advertisements, webpage designs and games,
animations and more.
Farewell to Year 12
It only seems like yesterday that the class
of 2012 were sitting in the school hall
thinking about what Year 7 and high
school would be like and six years later
they are about to take the next step in
their journey leaving high school and
moving to tertiary education. This Year
12 is an outstanding group of young
people. They have excelled in all areas
whether it is leadership, academic
achievement and creativity, on the sporting field or support for others less
fortunate. As the HSC major works and
performances draw to a close with the
final performances in music 1 and 2,
Year 12 can be confident that they and
their teachers have made every effort to
achieve to the highest level. I am proud
of this wonderful group of young men
and woman and I confidently predict that
our world will be all the better for their
leadership and involvement in the future.
On behalf of the Mosman High
community I wish them every success in
their HSC examinations and in their
future lives.
Model United Nations Assembly
James Adamson, Anita Moser and
Timothy Lee after success in the
regional MUNA were selected to represent at the Nationals in Canberra. Held
in old parliament house our three
students represented Israel and engaged
in debates as varied as the benefits of
the Arab Spring to Involvement in
Afghanistan and the need for sustainability. The weather in Canberra was
freezing but the debates and the
company were warm. With students
from Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland,
NSW and Canberra it was a perfect
opportunity for our students to make
new friends. National MUNA is
sponsored by the Sunrise Rotary Club
of Canberra who are in partnership
with the Australian National University. All students were taken on a tour of
the university as well as had the opportunity to hear internationally acclaimed
speakers from the university talking on
topics from climate change to the
operations of the UN general assembly.
Our three students were eloquent,
informed and passionate in the delivery
of their perspectives on the different
resolutions. This was the first time that
Mosman Rotary had been represented
at the nationals and my congratulations
to James, Anita and TJ.
Jazz at the Gallery
Congratulations to the Mosman Music
Committee who once again successfully organised a fabulous night of jazz,
good food and dance at the Mosman
Gallery. With a thirteen piece jazz band
lead by our own Todd Hardy on
trumpet and with an outstanding
performance by the Mosman High Jazz
Band, the night was swinging early.
The music committee consists of
parents whose children are part of the
music ensembles and who meet once a
month to support music at Mosman.
James, Anita
and Timothy at
the Model
United Nations
Assembly at
Old Parliament
This annual event is one of the most popular on the Mosman High calendar and
once again lived up to its well deserved
Speaking of exciting news, I have just
received a letter from James Ritchie the
Australian Ambassador in Rome who
responded to my letter indicating that
when our music ensembles visit Italy
next year, Ambassador Ritchie will be
hosting us at the Australian Embassy in
Rome. Another exciting opportunity for
our students!
Year 9 Ski Camp
Over 100 well prepared Year 9 students
and their teachers travelled by bus to
Jindabyne last week for six days of
diverse activities including skiing and
snowboarding. The weather was perfect
if freezing with lots of snow falling,
giving our students the opportunity to ski
on soft powder snow. This annual camp
is a highlight for Year 9 with students
who vary from first time skiers to very
experienced skiers. Three of our Year 9
students Remy Faint, Kallen Grant and
Teddy Nicholas have been successful in
reaching the Nationals in Giant Slalom
and Border cross and these competitions
will be held on 7-9 September.
Year 11 Exams
As Term 3 comes to an end, Year 11
students sit for their final examinations
before commencing their HSC in Term
4. As a new initiative we will be holding
interviews with each Year 11 student in
the first week of term 4 to discuss their
final subject choices for the HSC as well
as career and university pathways . This
successful approach has been used for a
number of years with Year 10 prior to
their subject selections for Year 11 and
hopefully will be valued by our Year 11
students. Of course parents are more than
welcome to attend.
From the Deputy Principals
- Colette Longley and John Perdriau
Being A PARENT of an HSC Student
with HSC exams nearly upon us you
may be feeling the stress of your child.
Clearly HSC students may worry about
their exams or about how they will cope
leaving school or moving on from
friends. As well as wanting to do well for
themselves, they may feel that they have
to meet family expectations and that
they’re expected to do as well as friends
or siblings.
Common stress signs are:
* Feeling angry or irritable
* Feeling anxious
* Being moody
* Having trouble concentrating
* Lacking confidence
What you can do to help?
Look for signs of stress
Talk about what’s going on
Listen to your child’s concerns
Seek help together
* Keep an eye on our child’s health and
wellbeing. Simple food served on time,
regular sleep. Talk to your GP if you
have concerns.
* Have confidence in your child and be
supportive and optimistic, even if you
don’t feel like it - or especially if you
don’t feel like it.
* Keep family life quiet and uncomplicated. Try not to hover. Go to work or
do other activities as usual.
* Don’t give your young student the
idea that their whole future is at stake.
It isn’t. As we adults know, there are
many paths to the same door.
* Tell your student not to believe everything classmates say about how much
or how little work they’re doing.
* The HSC, despite what many parents
are led to believe, is not a competitive
sport. Results are not reliable indicators
of future success or happiness.
* Encourage exercise every day to reduce the tension in muscles and mind,
even if it’s walking around the block.
* Encourage relaxation exercises that
Out and About
Our students took out
both the junior and
senior poetry section
awards at the recent
Mosman Literary
Our PASS (Physical
Activity & Sports
Studies) students
participating in circuit
training at
Fitness First, Mosman.
slow the breathing and relax muscles.
Slow breathing (3 seconds in, 3 seconds
out) for five minutes can be a useful
short term coping strategy. Another strategy that can help is to sit in a quiet room
then tense each group of muscles for 10
seconds and relax for 10
In a few months you’ll wonder what you
were worried about.
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P & C Report
FROM Celia Harper, P & C President
Sam Cawthorn was definitely the highlight of the month for MHS P&C – we
were very proud to be able to sponsor
Sam to speak with our kids in 2 sessions
– Years 7 /8 and Years 9/10. The kids
were mesmerised by Sam’s dynamism
and story of survival against the odds.
His message was simple but powerful
“don’t let the people around you tell you
what you’ll be in life – you decide”.
Amazingly many of the kids were busy
texting their parents in the afternoon
telling them, they had to come to the
evening session…. Sam reported that 110
hits had already been recorded on his
social media networks from the Mosman
area by 6pm when he was back again to
talk to the parents and community. We
hope his message of resilience, engagement & inspiration was a powerful one
for your kids.
Also this month we had Katrina Worrall
– the District Guidance Officer and
Sandra Vine our school counsellor come
to the P&C meeting - speaking about
the prevalent issues affecting young
people including mental health problems (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance misuse), non-suicidal
self-injury, cyber bullying and problematic internet use. She explained the
impact of mental health problems on
adolescents’ physical, psychological
and social
development. We will put some of the
links shared with us onto the PIN
network – so check them out.
In September the P&C meeting is a
week earlier –7.30pm in the Library
Thursday 13 September (term ends
22/9/12). Susan Wyatt will share further details on the Local Schools, Local
Decisions initiative as well as the RAM
(Resource Allocation Model) . Help
us decide what you’d like to hear about
in our October meeting and where we
allocate P&C funds. We look forward
to seeing you.
Every Monday till 4.45
Mentors at the library
Bring your homework and drop in
to the library on Monday
afternoons. It is a relaxed
environment where students can
work at their own pace to
complete their work.
Mentors and teachers assist with
any school homework, assignments
or any study questions that
you may have.
Afternoon tea is provided.
Performing Arts News
FROM John Feros, Head Teacher
Well we made it! Once again the HSC
practical examinations are over for 2012.
Both Drama and Music students
completed their performances for outside
examiners. From all accounts, the
performances were well rehearsed and
really engaging. I saw some outstanding
Music and Drama performances in the
showcases before the HSC and
examiners would have certainly enjoyed
the high standard and skill of our
students. Now it is important for all
students to focus on the remaining theory
component, to further maximize their
results. Special thanks to all the teachers.
Keep an eye out for some upcoming performances. Year 7 and 8 Drama will
showcase Term 3 work later in the
term. Our Music Ensembles will have a
performance evening in the hall on
19 September.
Don’t forget the Get Shorty film
competition happening in November.
Please drop into the Performing Arts
staffroom and pick-up an entry form.
Congratulations to Luke Gallagher who
has been selected to be a part of the
State Wind Band. These ensembles –
Senior State Wind Band and the Junior
State Wind Band are formed by the
selection of top musicians from across
the state. There are 50 students from 38
schools in the State Junior Wind Band.
There are 63 students from 40 High
Schools in the State Senior Wind Band.
Student Stars
Ailis Relihan (Y 9) who is a member of
our Concina Choir auditioned and has
been accepted as one of 30 singers state
wide to form the Core Choir for this
year’s School Spectacular. Each of these
Core Choir performers sings with a
microphone to lead the hundreds of
school children forming the general
choir. Very exciting!
RemyFaint, Kallen Grant and Teddy
Nicholas competed at the Nationals in
Snowboarding held in Perisher on
Thursday 6 September. Kallen competed in 2 events - the Giant Slalom and
Boarder X. Remy and Teddy competed in the Slalom.
Scenes from
“Jazz at the
Paloma Leech (Y8) is part of the NSW
Public Schools Dance Ensemble who
will be performing at the State Dance
Festival 10–14 September at the
Seymour Centre.
Mae Hartrick and Tony Cachia have had
their artworks chosen to be exhibited at
the Armory Gallery, Sydney Olympic
Park 8-21 September. Well done!
Ruben Meerman—TVs Surfing Scientist
Year 8 thoroughly enjoyed Ruben
Meerman’s Science presentation. He
presented facts and articles, focussed on
human impact on the Earth’s atmosphere
and the environment emphasising
environmental sustainability. Ruben
demonstrated how to make instant ice
and a brittle rubber duck using liquid
nitrogen. He also modelled global
cooling & warming events with liquid
nitrogen. He discussed the fate of
migratory birds affected by climate
change. Many students asked insightful
questions and were enthralled with the
Thank you to the Year 8 parent
who treated our students to a
geology lesson below.
Young Women’s
Leadership Seminar
Friday 3 August 2012
As an International student and a
member of the SRC we were very proud to be chosen to attend The Young Women’s Leadership Seminar at Parliament
House New South Wales. It was an opportunity to visit
Parliament House and view the
Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council Chambers as
well the Media Room. It is always interesting to see behind
the scenes of how our state is run. In the afternoon we were
invited to listen to the life stories of some of our Australian
women political leaders. “Fight for your dream!” I remember
the Hon. Linda Burney MP said. This made me think of my
dreams. We were touched by their stories and the way they
stood up for what they believe in. It showed us another side of
political life and this made us admire them.
Naomi Chan and Selvaarn Kopra
Annual Art Show
TAS Report
FROM Mark Jones, Head Teacher
Congratulations to the Year 12 students
who have just completed Major Works in
The TAS Faculty. Ms Livingstone was
pleased with the wonderful standard of
the Textiles class and these have been
sent away for marking. Mr Walker’s
Industrial Technology Multi Media class
was marked a couple of weeks ago with
the sophistication of projects and folios
developing each year as new technology
is introduced and a new aesthetic
Mr Clark & Mr Perdriau are equally
proud of the innovative projects for
Design & Technology. Both the Year 12
class and the Year 11 accelerated
students pursued their dreams in problem solving to design and build a
fantastic selection of Major Projects.
These were marked by four BoS
examiners on the 30 August. The D&T
and IT Multimedia projects were on
display during the Visual Art
exhibition so I hope many of you were
able to visit the hall & CLS3 to view
the senior work.
The Year 7 & 8 students have also
achieved wonderful results in the
various technologies offered at
Mosman. Students have been having
great success designing and making
Claymation animation, story book and
character designs, restaurant and menu
designs for “Wild Water Café”, metalwork creations, researching famous Australian innovation and patterns in nature,
storage solutions and art/metal jewellery
products. A reminder Technology
Mandatory classes have rotated for the
last time this year.
Also, parents can contact me anytime if
you require additional information
regarding subject selection options for
Dates are correct at time of printing
and may be subject to change.
Students who are feeling unwell should
seek permission from their class teacher
to go to sick bay.
Their condition will be assessed by our
First Aid Officer. If they believe your
student is not well enough to continue at
school, you will be telephoned.
Please note we are unable to issue
commercial pain relief such as Panadol
to students nor are we able to use
ointments for minor rashes etc.
As we have limited facilities it is
advisable to keep your student at home if
they are unwell.
Friday 21 September 2012
email [email protected]
Contact details:
Mosman High School
Military Road Mosman 2088
Phone: (02) 9968 1006 Fax: (02) 9968 1203
Email: [email protected]