August - Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska
August - Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska
A U G U S T 2 00 6 Hope 13-16 July 2006 From Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon AAMA camped at the Methodist Retreat in Hope. Over the three day event we had members and friends staying in campers, motor homes, cabins, B&B‟s, and in the Retreat. Old cars and owners present were Sara & Ethan Stoops - „36 Cadillac; Dennis and & Diane Al len-‟34 Ford Fordor; Tom & Marcy Cresap - „25 Ford T Touring; Howard & Barb Hansen with granddaughter Chelsea - „36 Dodge Pickup; Fred & Janet Schurman - „25 Ford TT C-cab; Dick & Barb Henningsen with granddaughter Heather - „56 Ford Victoria; Scott & Cindy Hulse and friend Mileena - „58 Rolls Royce. Others present were Lee & Betty Plummer; Mark & Hannah Cresap; and our President, Jim Fredenhagen. Our Activities included eating at The Discovery Café on Thursday and Friday nights; lots of parades thru Hope and Porcupine campground; a car show in the RV Park; a trip to Coeur d‟alene campground; hamburger/hot dog potluck on Saturday; a song fest Saturday night with song books, guitar, and harmonica accompaniment provided by Tom and Marcy; potluck breakfast and Wagon Trail foot race on Sunday with Howard winning 2nd place in his class; and climaxed by the raffle drawing with Diane winning a 7mm Remington rifle. There were many activities and adventures during the weekend - too many to address in the space allotted but I am sure all would agree it was a very special weekend. Special thanks to The gangs all here! Tom and Marcy for Saturday nights music, every one who brought food, everyone who pitched in and cleaned the Retreat, and our Hope neighbors, Scott and Fayrene Sherritt, for providing raffle tickets and mowing the weeds down in front of the Retreat. Quick the Fire Extinguisher! Whats under the hood? Tinkering Times J U L Y 20 0 6 Presidents Ramblings! Hi Fellow Tinkerers, Their will be lots of talk at the August meeting … recapping Show and Shine, Hope Weekend, Yellowknife Tour, preparing for the Joint Meet August 11-13. Hope you can all come and enjoy the fun...same time , 6:30pm on 9 August. Afterwords we‟ll cruise to a destination to be announced. Hope to you‟ve all had a great July; it went by fast… See you then! - Jim Hope Gas station PA G E 2 Officers President: Jim Fredenhagen 243-5214 Vice President: Diane Allen 345- 6355 Secretary: Gwyn Wiedmer 243-7005 Treasurer: Howard Hansen 345-1268 Members at Large Peg Stout —2006 LeRoi Heaven —2006 Kurt Rein—2006 Ralph Centoni—2005 Immediate Past Presidents Fred Schurman (2005) Diane Allen (2004) Fred Schurman (2001, 2002, 2003) Peg Stout (2000) Ken Stout (1999) Dennis Allen (1998, 1997) Mike Weidmer (1996) George Chase (1995) Editor’s Howard and Barbara Hansen Send letters, articles and ads to: Tinkering Times, 14840 Loc Loman Lane, Anchorage, AK 99516 E-mail: [email protected] (Place “Tinkering Times” in the subject line.) Telephone: (907) 345-1268 The Tinkering Times is published monthly by Alaska’s premier antique and classic automobile club—The Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska, P.O. Box 232086, Anchorage, AK 99523-2086. The opinions expressed by the authors who contribute to the Tinkering Times are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official policy of the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska. J U L Y 20 0 6 Tinkering Times PA G E 3 Schedule of Events for Summer and Fall 2006 August 6 Jay Ofsthun Show & Shine. Delaney Park Strip 9am - 5pm. (Fred Schurman and a nephew of Jay Ofsthun will be two of the judges. August 9 Regular meeting at Robbie‟s. 6:30. August 11-13 Joint weekend meeting with VLNAACF From Fairbanks. ( Howard Hansen 345-1268) September -9 Adopt-A- Road ( Tom & Marcy Cresap) September - 15 - 18 Denali Park Weekend possibly ! ( Bruce Campbell (345-3129) The Clean up Crew July Adopt-A-Road By Marcy Cresap AAMers had fun picking up trash on July 8. After a light snack and coffee, we headed out and attacked the litter. It is disappointing that there are so many litterbugs out there but we had the litter under control in no time. A couple of residents took the time to stop and thank us for keeping Northern Lights clean. Thanks to all the participants. Participants were: Bruce Campbell, Robbie Robinson, Betty and Lee Plummer, Dennis and Diane Allen, Ken Evans, Barb and Howard Hansen, Tom and Marcy Cresap, Scott Hulse, Gwyn and Mike Wiedmer and Elisabeth Wiedmer. J U L Y 20 0 6 Tinkering Times McCarthy - Kennicott Run -2006 This years 4th of July Tour ventured to Mc Carthy and Kennicott for a week of fun and relaxation. McCarthy is really the town at “the end of the road.” A town where you can step back to 1914 and experience a simple life for a few days. The road to McCarthy,ends at a parking area near a foot bridge. On the McCarthy end you can get a shuttle to McCarthy or Kennicott mine. Through the magic worked by our rally master, Diane Allen, the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska were able to take the cars into McCarthy. She arranged for passage over a private bridge to the area that is normally closed to visitors. Wow What a treat. Saturday, July 1st we gathered at the Northway Mall in Anchorage. Dennis and Diane Allen, Scott and Sheryl Hulse, Jeff and Betty Hassler, Mike and Gwyn Wiedmer with Mike‟s mother Elizabeth, and Greg and Jean Lear started in Anchorage. Joining the group in Eklutna were Lee and Betty Plummer, Tom and Marcy Cresap, and Art and Tam Isham. The first day, July 1st was spent traveling to Copper Center where we stayed at the historic Copper Center Lodge. Sunday we traveled the McCarthy road. Besides the great scenery there are several notable locations along the route. The Kuskalana Bridge is a single track bridge 238 ft. above the Kuskalana River. The road runs into Gilahina Trestle. This trestle used 500,000 ft. of timber to build and was completed in just 8 days. Try getting a contractor to do that today. Once all were at the footbridge Diane arranged for the private bridge to be opened for most of our party to continue to McCarthy. A few had reservations at lodging on the west side of the river for the night and would join us in the morning. Monday was our free day to explore or just relax. Mid morning most gathered for the short drive to Kennicott mine. The 5 mile drive PA G E 4 takes you to the town/mine site. A distinctive location provided everyone with a chance to get a picture of their car with the mill in the background. Tuesday,4th,time to get ready for the parade. Everyone opened their decorations and dressed up the cars for the day. For years every one in town was in the parade, so no one really watched. One year a couple stopped and watched the parade go by. The participants were so thrilled that they went around a second time. In honor of this couple the parade now routinely makes two passes through town. When we were nearing the end of the route and ready to start the second pass, Neal came along to say they would only do one pass this year. The parade was too long! Who would have guessed? The trip back to Chitina and home had minimal casualties. Art Isham had a flat tire. Between Chitina and Kenny Lake the clouds darkened and then poured rain for about 15 minutes. Fortunately Tom and Marcy Cresap were able to get the top up on their model T and put on rain gear before the rain hit. I haven‟t seen it rain that hard in years. This years 4th of July trip was excellent! Many thanks to Diane Allen for organizing the trip. - Scott Hulse J U L Y 20 0 6 PAGE 5 Tinkering Times Pictures of McCarthy Trip Hulse‟s enjoy view of Matanuska Glacier. Eager to be on our Way Dennis & Diane with Dolly The Copper Center Lodge J U L Y 20 0 6 Tinkering Times Schedule - The Joint Meet With Fairbanks Friday - August 11-13 Fri. 6 pm - Cook out at Majestic Valley Lodge. We furnish the main meal, so bring a side dish. Sat Breakfast - On your own. Either a Majestic Valley or other restaurants in the area. Sat 10am - Meet at the gravel pit across from the the lodge for car games and fun. Sat Noon - Another cookout at Majestic Valley. Sat. 1 pm - Cruise to Matanuska Glacier ( about 15 miles). Those who wish can hike down to the Glacier. Sat. eve. - 7 pm - Awards Banquet at Majestic Valley Lodge. Sunday - Breakfast on your own. Drive home. Remember - even if you can‟t attend for the weekend, enjoy a nice drive up Saturday and get there in time for the games. Should be a lot of fun. See you there. Howard In 1893 Henry built his first car. What year did he found Ford Motor Co.? (Answer is on page 8) In 1880 Canned fruits and vegetables first Who is this club member and what and what is the year and make of the car? (Answer next month) Last month„s mystery man was identified as Ted Kimzey. PA G E 6 August Birthdays Julie Ede Margaret Heaven Sandy Severson Fritz Wholwend Marianne Robinson Jimmy Beck Gene Porter Max Stoops Bert Shaw Dave Beck Bob Brown Beulah Yockey Lawerence Aschenbrenner Jenna Fredenhagen Ted Hawley Kelly Wiedmer Anniversaries Jim & Victoria Fredenhagen Donald & J Morefield Howard & Barb Hansen Jim & Julie Ede Ted & Deb Hawley Tom & Marcy Cresap 1 2 4 4 6 9 10 10 11 11 15 15 16 26 26 27 15 19 20 23 27 31 J U L Y 20 0 6 Tinkering Times Gabi and Jeffery and Chauffeur, Gandpa Bill Waldron at Willow 4th of July Parade. Day Break Center - June 15 The following members and cars met at the Center: Jim Fredenhagen - Model A Dave Mackey - Metropolitan Ken Evans - „55 Caddie Conv. Ralph Centoni - „55 Caddie 2 door Jerry Roach - „49 Caddie Conv. The Club members were received with great enthusiasm by the staff and visitors. Everyone enjoyed thee rides and we received many thanks. Jerry Roach 1936 Dodge Pickup Completely restored, Low mileage. Call Howard - 345-1268. Gilahina Trestle -McCarthy Road Cars on parade in Hope PA G E 7 J U L Y 20 0 6 Tinkering Times PA G E 8 July 12, 2006 Meeting 6:30 p.m. (Robbie‟s Club House) Refreshments: WE will plan on a Drive-a-Round 1903 Tinkering Times Article Deadline Please submit articles for the Tinkering Times by the 25th of July for the August newsletter. Fax information to Barb Hansen (907) 345-1268 or e-mail: [email protected]. Please put “Tinkering Times” in the subject line. Howard & Barb HansenEditors
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