July 2014 Newsletter
July 2014 Newsletter
Neighbours Newsletter July 2014 On July 1st, 2014– For the first time in three year the citizens of Rouyn-Noranda celebrated Canada Day. The day started off cloudy with lots of rain but soon turned into a bright sunny day. The day was filled with activities such as; inflatable games, magicians, clowns, face painting, artisans, tree distribution, cake, firework and shows!! Neighbours Newsletter NEIGHBOURS REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ROUYN-NORANDA On that day Neighbours office was opened from 9am to7pm to welcome members and guests. We were also opened for people to come and cool off during this hot day. Neighbours staff and students also helped out that day with inflatable games, tree & cake distribution and with the opening ceremony. Here are a few pictures; Article about Neighbours 10 Year Anniversary Approximately 300 within the community of 1200 English citizens are Neighbours members. 10 years of partnership for the English neighbours They’re about 1200, in private they express themselves in a different language than French. They’ve been your neighbours for over 85 years. And yet they remain overlooked. An organization dedicated to improving and maintaining the living conditions of Anglophone citizens in the Copper Capital, the Neighbours Regional Association of Rouyn-Noranda received their Letter Patent (granting to office) in June 2004. Its roots date back to the beginning of the 1980’s. “At that time, we were a regional part of the Quebec Alliance,” says Sharleen Sullivan, the general director of the organization. “However, over time, the Quebec Alliance radicalized, going from a lobbying group to an angryphones group. It no longer fit our views of partnership. We also noted that the needs of the Anglophones in Montreal, where the majority of the Quebec Alliance members were situated, no longer really matched the reality experienced in Rouyn-Noranda. It was then that we began taking the steps to become an independent association.” As their name states, Neighbours works in the context of good neighbourliness. “We’ve established various partnerships to help the organizations and businesses of Rouyn-Noranda offer better adapted services to the English-speaking community,” states Mrs. Sullivan. Its form varies depending on the problems that arise. For example it’s thanks to Neighbours that the Centre de santé and other social services of Rouyn-Noranda can offer service in English. The association also works closely with the City of Rouyn-Noranda to translate certain sections of its website to English. Source: English translated from the newspaper Bac Page 2 N E I G HB O U R S N E W S L E T T E R The purpose of Canada’s new anti-spam law is to block unwanted commercial messages and junk email, often called "spam" email. The law targets messages sent by email, instant messaging, cell phones and other similar ways. Here is how the law will affect messages you get as of July 1, 2014. The General Rule: No Messages Without Your Permission The law says that you must clearly give permission before anyone can send you a commercial message. What is a commercial message? The definition is broad. For example, it can include an email describing something for sale or directing you to a website. Exceptions: Messages Sent Without Your Permission People with whom you have done business in the past two years can continue to send you emails even without your permission. For example, this could be the case if you bought something in a store, or did volunteer work for an organization. In these cases, the law assumes that you gave permission to receive messages. However, within the next two years, the senders of these messages must make sure that you still want to be on their lists. If you don’t, they must take you off. There are other messages that the law does not affect: messages sent because you made some kind of request; such as making complaint or asking a question messages from a registered charity about fundraising If the Law Is Not Respected: Complaints People who do not respect the anti-spam law can be fined up to $10 million dollars! If a message is sent without your permission, or the content of an email is misleading or false, you can file a complaint with the Spam Reporting Centre. Source: http://www.educaloi.qc.ca Fun Fact The month of July was named after Julius Caesar; before that it was called Quintiles. July's birthstone is the ruby, which symbolizes contentment. Its birth flowers are the Larkspur or the Water Lily. The zodiac signs for the month of July are Cancer (until July 21) and Leo (July 22 onwards). N E I G HB OU R S N E W S L E T T E R Source: Wikipedia Page 3 Are you organizing a garage sale? Did you know that there are certain rules to follow The city of Rouyn-Noranda has asked citizens to respect the following points: The garage sale is to be held only for the citizens of a residential area to permit them to get rid of things that are no longer needed, therefore things that belong to you and are used. Note: It is forbidden to buy items to resell them in a garage sale. The garage sale is to last for only a short period of time or during a weekend. Note: It is forbidden to have a garage sale every weekend or during the whole summer. The items for sale must be set up in the yard of the person having the garage sale. Note: It is forbidden to use the sidewalk, the street or alley way, the city’s public property or another person’s private property to set up your items. The display of signs announcing the garage sale is not permitted on the property of the city of Rouyn-Noranda unless it’s on the private property where the garage sale is being held. You can advertise in local newspapers. Note: The city of Rouyn-Noranda will quickly intervene to remove signs and notify the citizen of the offenses in points 1 to 4. Note: A garage sale increases circulation and the parking of vehicles in your neighbourhood, therefore out of respect for others, do not abuse it. With your cooperation, you’ve helped us maintain a peaceful environment and harmony between the citizens of your neighbourhood. Thank you for your cooperation. Source: Ville de Rouyn-Noranda A blonde woman decides that she is sick and tired of all the blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, so she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat at the same time. He goes over and asks her if she is OK. She replies yes. He asks what she is doing. She replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb and she wanted to do it by painting the house. He then asks her why she has a ski jacket over her fur coat. She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and they said, "For best results, put on two coats." Source: jokefactory.com Since June, Neighbours has recruited two new summer students; Serena Shushack and Ryan Caprio. Each student has different tasks to help provide services to the English-Speaking community. Ryan Caprio: Ryan, who is pictured to the right, is our post-secondary student who is currently enrolled at Heritage College studying Liberal Arts. His job consists of creating a Guide to Abitbi-Témiscamingue booklet including information about what to do in Rouyn-Noranda and surrounding regions which is now available. Ryan also greets members and helps direct them to services they may need. Serena Shushack: Serena, who is pictured to the left is our high school summer student. She will be completing her last year of high school in September. Her job consist of developing administrative tasks, including; greeting members, answering the phone, computer skills, etc… She is also hard at work fixing up our library, since we have received even more books. Come, stop by and say hi to our summer students!!! Source: Written by Jessica Nesteruk CLEAN YOU’RE CITY: Big cleanup of Millenbach The City has conducted a cleanup operation in collaboration with the Government of Québec (Natural Resources and Environment), Sûreté du Québec, Glencore Xstrata-Horne Smelter, Norbec, Hydrosphere Construction, Multitech Environment, Regional Council of environment Abitbi-Témiscamingue, 9e Escadron, Legault Metal, Radio NRJ, CHUN FM and RNC Media. To achieve this project over a dozen corporate teams and over 100 volunteers will be hard at work to make this a success. The week before, preparatory work will be done to remove large objects using heavy machinery. On the day of the cleanup volunteer will clear any garbage found and over 200 trees will be planted. One of Neighbours staff was able to go to the press conference and was amazed by the trash that was there. There was the usual pop cans and coffee cups but the worst was rusted washers and dryers, mattresses, propane tanks and other large items. We would like to encourage everyone to properly dispose your items to keep our environment as healthy and safe as possible, here are various ways you can dispose your items; Items (still usable) can be given to Ressourcerie Bernard Hamel or Call 819-797-2245 Pick-up of large items (upon request): Call 819-763-5717 Operation spring cleanup: Check local newspaper, city website or call 819-797-7114 to find out when trucks with come near you Ecocentre located on rang Lusko: 819-762-6282 Source: Press Release from Ville de Rouyn-Noranda Page 5 Did you know you could turn a recycled plastic bottle into a vehicle? Well that’s what students from Rouyn-Noranda, Val-d’Or and Amos did at Noranda School on May 9th. Due to the project called Défi Apprenti Génie 2014 students recycled plastic bottles and other materials to make vehicles. As part of the engineering apprentice challenge 67 students of the second and third cycles built vehicles with plastic bottles. The vehicles had to roll a distance of at least five meters using air pressure that was stored in the bottle. Noranda School students worked hard & won prizes for their accomplishments and participation; Catherine Héroux & Austin Lévesque won Silver in the Second Cycle with their vehicle called the “Ice Cream Truck’ David St-Amand & Romy Lacroix won Bronze in the Second Cycle with their vehicle called “Bob” Elizabeth Olivier Grenier won the CRÉO prize Del Mei Cyr won the Camp Chicobi Participation prize Maxime Gariépy & Catherine Héroux & Olivier Del Mei Cyr won the Student Participation prize Source: Written by Jessica Nesteruk Page 6 N E I G HB O U R S N E W S L E T T E R Did you know that within Rouyn-Noranda resides two social groups dedicated to the organization of Manga and Anime Conventions? MangAbitibi is a convention itself, which has taken place recently, here in Rouyn-Noranda. The 8th and 9th of June of this year MangAbitibi set itself up in the basement of the Petit Theatres, hosting video game and card game tournaments, Cosplay competitions and more. Even if this was their first convention, over 200 people showed up to participate. L’Organisme de Réparation et de Divertissement Informatique (L’O.R.D.I) is an organization dedicated to the gathering of people who share an interest in anime and manga, as well as organizing its own conventions and spreading information related to the organization. In the past they have held many gatherings and hosted varied events. They plan to host their 2nd convention in June 2015 but many gatherings will be planned between now and then. Both organizations have Facebook pages which can be found by simply searching their names. Their Facebook pages included; contact information, upcoming events and best of all videos and pictures of past events. Source: Written by Serena Shushack Movies at Neighbours Recently Neighbours has introduced a new addition to their services. Not only will you be able to borrow donated books but you will also have the option to borrow movies as well. As of the beginning of June Neighbours received a donation of various dvd’s that they now have in their library. Just like the books, you can come in and pick whichever movie you wish to take home with you. Neighbours will take down your name and number for the movies you have borrowed; just remember to return them. Featured Movies: Percy Jackson The Last Air bender Bridge to Terabithia Puss in Boots Avatar Dirty Dancing Despicable Me Looper Wall-E Indian Jones (Collection) Scorpion King (Collection) And many more…. N E I G HB OU R S N E W S L E T T E R Page 7 Weather Hazards in Quebec Quebec is situated in an area very much at risk of experiencing natural disasters. We must therefore prepare for any we might encounter. Here in Rouyn-Noranda we have a very high risk of wildfires and floods. The best way to experience a natural disaster is to be prepared for it, so here are some preparations and tips to help stay safe. Flooding preparations: Put weather protection sealant around basement windows and the base of ground-level doors. Do not store your important documents in the basement; keep them at a higher level, protected from flood damage. If a flood is forecast: Turn off basement furnaces and the outside gas valve. Take special precautions to safeguard electrical, natural gas or propane heating equipment. If flooding is imminent: Move furniture, electrical appliances and other belongings to floors above ground level. In some cases, homes may be protected with sandbags or polyethylene barriers. This approach requires specific instructions from your local emergency officials. Do NOT attempt to shut off electricity if any water is present. Water and live electrical wires can be lethal. Leave your home immediately and do not return until authorities indicate it is safe to do so. If you need to evacuate: Follow the routes specified by officials. Don't take shortcuts. They could lead you to a blocked or dangerous area. Never cross a flooded area. If you are in a car, do not drive through flood waters or underpasses. The water may be deeper than it looks and your car could get stuck or swept away by fast water. Avoid crossing bridges if the water is high and flowing quickly. If you are caught in fast-rising waters and your car stalls, leave it and save yourself and your passengers Wildfire Preparations: Check for and remove, fire hazards in and around your home, such as dried out branches, leaves and debris. Learn fire safety techniques and teach them to members of your family. Have fire drills with your family on a regular basis. Maintain first-aid supplies to treat the injured until help arrives. Have an escape plan so that all members of the family know how to get out of the house quickly and safely. Have an emergency plan so family members can contact each other in case they are separated during an evacuation. Make sure all family members are familiar with the technique of "STOP, DROP, AND ROLL" in case of clothes catching on fire. Make sure every floor and all sleeping areas have smoke detectors. If you see a wildfire approaching your home: Report it immediately by dialing 9-1-1 or your local emergency number. If it is safe, and there is time before the fire arrives, you should take the following action: Close all windows and doors in the house. Cover vents, windows, and other openings of the house with duct tape and/or precut pieces of plywood. Park your car, positioned forward out of the driveway. Continued on next page... Page 8 N E I G HB O U R S N E W S L E T T E R Weather Hazards in Quebec Continued…. Keep car windows closed and have your valuables already packed in your car. Turn off propane or natural gas. Move any propane barbeques into the open, away from structures. Remove flammable drapes, curtains, awnings or other window coverings. Keep lights on to aid visibility in case smoke fills the house. If sufficient water is available, turn sprinklers on to wet the roof and any water-proof valuables. Remember: In both cases keep your radio on to find out what areas are affected, what roads are safe, where to go and what to do if the local emergency team asks you to leave your home. Vacate your home when/if you are advised to do so by local emergency authorities. Ignoring such a warning could jeopardize the safety of your family or those who might eventually have to come to your rescue. Source: http://www.securitepublique.gouv.qc.ca/en/securitecivile/sepreparerauxsinistres/sinistres/tremblementterre.html http://www.getprepared.gc.ca/cnt/hzd/wldfrs-eng.aspx Sear Catalogue Did you used to receive your Sear catalogue in English, but now you only receive it in French? That’s because if you want to receive your catalogue in English you must present yourself to the store directly or you can call Sears to put your name on the Distribution List. By calling this number and giving your name you will be able to receive your catalogue in English. The number 1-888-473-2772 or the complaint departement which is 1-800-511-5111. Source: Elsie Sullivan The public outdoor market project was developed in the summer of 2006 by citizens in collaboration with the City of Rouyn-Noranda and the Vieux-Noranda merchants. First located in the Vieux-Noranda, the establishment of a public market was to offer people an ideal place to buy fresh produce but also allow producers to promote and sell their products. Located on the Place of Citizenship (Place de la Citoyenneté) in front of City Hall, the market offers the public a chance to buy fresh local produce. Saturday from 9:30am to 2h20 pm from June 21 to September 27, 2014 (except on Saturday August 16th due to the Foire Gourmande) Source: Ville de Rouyn-Noranda N E I G HB OU R S N E W S L E T T E R Page 9 Free Parking for Tourists Many things are offered to the tourists of Rouyn-Noranda. One of these services is a free parking pass that allows tourists to park wherever they want for a maximum of three days. If you are a tourist in Rouyn-Noranda, you are eligible for acquiring one. All you need to do is visit the Information Bureau (Bureau d’information touristique) situated at 1675 avenue Larivière, Rouyn-Noranda and prove that you are not from the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region. As well as the three day free parking pass, the Information Bureau also offers free wireless Internet, picnic areas, RV drainage stations and more. Source: Written by Serena Shushack The Dos and Don’ts of Summer Dos Don’ts Do ask family and friends to utilise their pool. (Visit a public pool maybe?) Don’t break into your neighbours yard to use their pool Do use a fan to cool off if necessary. Don’t use a pool and fan simultaneously Do wear sunscreen and sun protection Don’t overestimate your abilities to suntan Do gently blow out any marshmallow you’ve set on fire Don’t wildly flail your marshmallow to put it out. Do pick wild flower bouquets Don’t pick poison ivy bouquets Do take a short walk on a long pier Don’t take a long walk off a short pier Page 10 N E I G HB O U R S N E W S L E T T E R Every August, Osisko en lumière, lights up the sky above Rouyn-Noranda. For three days, three fireworks shows are presented by professional fireworks teams as well as six outdoor concerts from various artists. This festival attracts spectators from Rouyn-Noranda and across Abitibi-Témiscamingue, as well as tourists visiting from around Quebec and north-eastern Ontario. This years Pyromusical festival will begin Friday, August 8th and its final day will be Sunday, August 10th. Each day will consist of two preforming artists. Saturday and Sunday will include workshops, dance shows and various activities. Fridays show begins at 8pm with Bodh'aktan, a hard rock/country band with a traditional Irish, Celtic and Québécois touch, followed by fireworks at 10pm and a performance by Marco Calliari at 10:30pm. Saturday brings an afternoon of activities beginning with inflatable games, a carousel, mini-putt and much more beginning at 12pm. At 1pm a workshop on The Secrets of Pyrotechnics will begin, followed by Parents/kids Dancing by Studio Rythme et Danse at 2:15pm. Later in the evening Steve Augeri, lead vocalist for the rock group Journey will perform at 8pm, with fireworks at 10pm and followed by a performance by Lou Gramm, lead vocalist of Foreigner, at 10:30pm. Sundays activities begin at 11am, with workshops, dance shows and more going on until 3pm. At 6:30pm Donnell Leahy and family will perform followed by Marc Dupré and friends at 8:30pm and Fireworks to end the festival at 10:15pm. Ticket sales Passport (3 evenings): 70 $ + tx. Single-Evening tickets: 40 $ + tx / evening Children 10 and under are free For more information you can visit their webpage: http://www.osiskoenlumiere.com/ Page 11 N E I G HB O U R S N E W S L E T T E R NEIGHBOURS MISSION STATEMENT R E G I O N A L A S S O C I A T I ON OF R OU Y N -NORANDA Mailing address: PO Box 2277 Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec J9X 5A9 Location: 139 avenue Murdoch Telephone: (819) 762-0882 Fax: (819) 762-0883 [email protected] Neighbours Regional Association of Rouyn-Noranda is a volunteer-based organization who believe in a vital future for our community. We serve the English-speaking population of the Rouyn Noranda area through facilitating information sharing, defending the right of access to service in English and organizing social and cultural events. We are committed to strengthening networks within the English and French speaking population as well as encouraging community development initiatives . Objectives: To facilitate information sharing within the ESC of Rouyn Noranda area To strengthen networks within English-speaking and French speaking community In partnership with: To defend the rights of our members to access services in English To organize social and cultural events To support community development initiatives Up-Coming Events Summer is here and so are the Mosquitoes!!! First-Aid Self-Help Course & Lunch Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 10:00am ***Please call to reserve your spot! Places are limited-Deadline is Friday, July 18th, 2014***
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