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It’s All Spin
© Getty / Stone / Susan Werner
Please, Erna!
1. Look at the photo and cartoon
and say what they illustrate.
2. Do you agree that money
means happiness? Why?
3. What would you do if you were
very rich?
4. Watch the opening sequence
once only and say what you
5. What kind of document
do you think this is?
Video 2: A Simple Pleasure
© Getty / Image Bank / Malcom Piers
1. Look at the pictures and say what you think
the text is going to be about. Then, make a list of all
the words related to this topic you can think of.
2. Pronounce the title of the document. What does it
make you think of?
3. Listen to the recording and make a short presentation
(type, author, composition, general topic). Then read
the document once and identify the elements that are
characteristic of the genre.
Read the first stanza
1. Pick out all the words belonging to the same lexical
field. What is the effect produced?
2. Who do “we” and “they” refer to? What are their roles?
3. Read the first four lines as a whole. Considering the
two adverbs used there, what do you think the
opinion of the singer is?
4. Find the rhyming pattern in this stanza.
5. What invention is denounced here? Why?
6. Explain in your own words what ‘our religion’ is. What
reinforces this comparison?
7. Why do you think lines 9, 10 and 11 are separated
from the rest? Why are they repeated at the end of
each chorus?
8. What is the effect produced by line 11?
Read the Chorus
9. What sound do the rhymes echo?
10. What is the message of the chorus? Compare it with
stanza 1.
Read Stanza 2
11. What consequence of the behaviour denounced in
stanza 1 is given here?
12. Look in a dictionary for the meaning of the words
“loan” and “mortgage”. What do you think of the
solution proposed?
13. Analyse lines 23 and 24. What is the message here?
Read Stanza 3
14. What are the verb forms? Who is speaking to whom?
15. What do you think the message of this stanza is?
• Explain in your own words what the singer wants to
denounce. Do you think her message is effective?
• Do you agree with her?
• Do you think songs are a good way to convey a
message? Why or why not?
• Can you think of other examples of songs, films or
stories about the same subject?
Word Trackers
their meanings
1 Match these “money verbs” to
on the right.
. have (money)
a. spend
. keep (money) for the future
b. blow
. pay (money) for things
c. earn
. make (money) by working
d. save
. pay (money) for things without
e. possess
thinking of the consequences
2 Complete with words from the
things are …
a. People who want more and more
b. People who have no money left are
c. People who spend money without
of the consequences behave
t have
d. People who can’t … something don’
enough money to buy what they wan
e. People who borrow money from the
take out a …
3 Find in the poem the English equ
for these expressions.
a. faire un emprunt
b. pagaille
c. fouiller dans son portefeuille
We live in a greedy little world
That teaches every little boy and girl
To earn as much as they can possibly
Then turn around and… spend it foolishly
We’ve created us a credit card mess
We spend the money we don’t possess
Our religion is to go and blow it all
So it’s shoppin’ every Sunday at the mall
Repeat Chorus
Can you hear it ring
It makes you wanna sing
You’ll live like a king
With lots of money and things Ka-ching!
© Lyrics by Shania Twain and Robert John Lange.
All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store
Can you hear it ring
It makes you wanna sing
It’s such a beautiful thing Ka-ching!
Lots of diamond rings
The happiness it brings
You’ll live like a king
With lots of money and things
When you’re broke go and get a loan
Take out another mortgage on your home
Consolidate so you can afford
To go and spend some more…
When you get bored
All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store
Repeat Chorus
Let’s swing
Dig deeper in your pocket
Oh, yeah, ha
Come on I know you’ve got it
Dig deeper in your wallet-oh
All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store
© Corbis / Lindsay Hebberd
1. That / ø
a. We live in a world that teaches every child to earn as
much as they can.
b. We spend the money we don’t possess.
◗ Repérez dans chacune des deux phrases ci-dessus
la principale et la subordonnée relative.
◗ Pour chacune, dites quel est le mot développé
par la subordonnée et identifiez le relatif.
◗ Dites si d’autre(s) relatif(s) aurai(en)t pu convenir.
Lesquels ?
◗ Comparez a et b : fonction du relatif, conséquence
sur la phrase.
1 Dites si on peut remplacer les pronoms relatifs
par Ø dans les phrases suivantes.
a. We live in a world that is full of greedy people
b. We buy things that we don’t need.
c. He’s a banker who sells mortgages.
d. The song that she sung was all about greed.
e. She bought a house that she couldn’t afford.
f. That’s the credit card that charges the highest
interest rate.
2 Reliez les deux phrases à l’aide d’un pronom
a. He went to his bank. It was at the end of the street.
b. He put his credit card in the automatic teller. It was
outside the bank.
c. He tried to remember his code. It was difficult.
d. He put in a code. It was wrong.
e. He tried a second code. It was wrong too.
f. He had an idea. The idea was to go inside the bank.
g. He spoke to the clerk. He was behind the desk.
h. The clerk told him about his money. His money had
2. À l’oral
a. It makes you wanna sing. It makes you want to sing
b. Ya gonna spend all your money. You are going to
spend all your money.
c. Gimme your money! Give me your money !
◗ Comparez ces phrases et leur transcription
en anglais correct. Dites à quoi correspondent
les expressions en gras.
3 Écrivez ces phrases en anglais correct.
a. I gotta go now
d. I wanna go home.
b. Whatcha doing here?
e. Whatcha gonna do?
c. I’m not gonna
f. Lemme go now!
tell you anything.
g. Gimme my keys!
3. Les articles
a. Take me to the nearest store.
b. You’ll live like a king.
c. Money doesn’t bring happiness.
d. The happiness it brings…
e. The money we don’t possess…
◗ Relevez les articles dans les exemples a, b et c.
Expliquez les choix.
◗ Comparez la phrase c avec les extraits du texte b
et e. Que remarquez vous? Expliquez le choix de
l’article défini.
4 Complétez ces citations avec a, the ou ø.
a. “… money makes … world go around.” (Film title)
b. “Whoever said money can’t buy … happiness simply
didn’t know where to go shopping”. (Bo Derek,
c. “All I ask is … chance to prove that … money can’t
make me happy.” (Spike Milligan, English comedian)
d. “… man who has $10,000 left when he dies is …
failure.” (Errol Flynn, actor)
e. “… money isn’t everything. There’s always …
Mastercard and …Visa.” (Unknown)
f. “… safest way to double your money is to fold it over
once and put it in your pocket.” (Kin Hubbard,
American newspaper columnist)
g. “If you can count your money, you don’t have …
billion dollars.” (J. Paul Getty, millionaire)
[ Translating ]
La traduction des articles
a. Money doesn’t bring happiness.
b. So it’s shoppin’ every Sunday at the mall.
c. With lots of money and things.
d. I have my new purse in my hand.
e. I go shopping once a week.
◗ Traduisez les phrases ci-dessous.
◗ Que remarquez-vous concernant les articles ?
1 Traduisez les phrases suivantes
a. Je n’aime pas l’argent.
b. Elle dépense tout l’argent que je gagne.
c. Il travaille comme banquier.
d. Il ne travaille pas le lundi.
e. La publicité est un moyen de vous faire dépenser
de l’argent.
f. Vous entendez parfois la même publicité cinq fois
par jour.
g. Le slogan vous reste dans la tête.
h. Ma cousine est publiciste. Elle dit que les
acheteurs sont faciles à séduire.
i. Aux États-Unis, la publicité sur l’alcool et le tabac
est autorisée.
2 Traduisez en français. Attention aux relatifs.
a. The man who lent me money was a banker.
b. The man we saw is a millionaire.
c. The way he spends his money is worrying.
d. Here is the purse where I keep my money.
e. Everything he said left me puzzled.
1 Sound and spelling
◗ Repérez, dans chaque groupe, le mot dans lequel
la lettre <o> ne se prononce pas de la même façon
que les deux autres.
• told – bold – doll
• hot – top – note
• work – afford – bored
• store – world – corner
• shop – got – vote
• broke – home – lock
• word – order – worst
◗ Déduisez quelques règles.
• <o> se pronounce [ɒ] devant …
• <o> se pronounce [ɔ] devant … sauf s’il est précédé
de <w>.
• <o> se pronounce [əυ] devant une consonne suivie
de … ou devant …
• <o> se pronounce [] après …
◗ Prononcez ces mots que vous ne connaissez
peut-être pas tous puis écoutez pour vérifier.
tot – tote – dot – dote – bold – worth – worm –
wore – gore
2 Rhythm and stress
Attention à la prononciation nasalisée de <-ing>,
différente de la prononciation française
des mots adoptés de l’anglais comme “parking”.
◗ Exercez-vous à prononcer les phrases 1 à 4 en liant
bien les éléments puis écoutez pour vous corriger.
1. I’m singing in the rain.
2. They’re swinging in the night.
3. The bell’s ringing this morning.
4. She’s bringing her clothing.
◗ Écrivez les phrases 5 à 7 que vous entendez.
Rhythm ’n’ chant
I haven’t got a single penny
I’m miserable and broke
I’m gonna go and get a loan
And blow it on a car and home
And then when I’m completely bored
I’ll see what else I can afford
And if I can I’ll borrow more
And spend it in the local store
You think I’m greedy - I don’t care
Your jealous cause life isn’t fair