Our Lady of Good Counsel - St. Joseph Catholic Community
Our Lady of Good Counsel - St. Joseph Catholic Community
Directory St. Joseph Parish Business Center 4824 Highland 630-964-0216 • 630 964-0867 fax Religious Education Office: 630-964-0216 x1106 Youth Ministry: 630-964-0216 x1201 St. Joseph School: 630-969-4306 www.stjosephdg.org Weekend Masses: Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, & 5:00 pm Weekday Masses: 7:00 am (Monday-Friday) 8:00 am (Saturday) Weekday Holy Days: Call for schedule Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Confession) Saturday: 3:30—4:30 pm St. Joseph Catholic Church ▪ 4801 Main Street, Downers Grove Registration: We are happy to welcome new members to our community. Please contact Deacon Frank Kozar at 630 964-0216 x1107. Pastor: Rev. John Phan [email protected] Deacons: Frank Kozar, Greg Ouska, Carl Schumacher & Robert (Pat) Sullivan God’s Call to Us (The St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement) St. Joseph Parish is a community chosen and called by God to be sent and directed by the Holy Spirit. It exists to provide the People of God the pastoral care and spiritual nourishment they need to proclaim the good news of Christ in their lives and to the world. Our Response to God’s Call Parish Service Coordinator: Frank Kozar [email protected] Music Director/Liturgist: Robert Valle [email protected] Liturgy Assistant: Helene Nogle [email protected] Adult Faith Formation Director: Barb Labotka [email protected] Director of Religious Education: Jacqueline Lackaff [email protected] Religious Education/Youth Apostolate Assist: (The St. Joseph Parish Vision Statement) St. Joseph Parish is a community of God’s People empowered by the Holy Spirit to promote God’s reign in the world. Nourished by Word and Sacrament, we will grow together in faith, hope, and in a passionate love of God and neighbor. In our families, we will teach and learn the love of Jesus Christ. In our various occupations we will make decisions and set priorities in accordance with the values of the Gospel. And in the world around us we will stand always for justice, compassion and peace. Helen McAlpine [email protected] Director of Youth Apostolate: Marta Spiezio [email protected] Parish Administrator: Beth Harbauer [email protected] Parish Administrative Assistant: Gail Granby [email protected] School Principal: Rita Stasi [email protected] School Secretary: Julie Wojciechowski [email protected] Spiezio & Affiliates Counseling Service: Joanna Avignone [email protected] Facilities Manager Joseph Geraghty [email protected] Sacraments Baptisms: We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism every Sunday. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal formation meeting. Baptisms are scheduled at this meeting. Please call the Parish Center for reservations and further information. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance to provide ample time for preparation of this sacrament. Please call the Parish Center for more information. Sick or Homebound: If you or a member of your family is hospitalized or homebound and would like a priest to visit, please notify the Parish Center. Parish Boundaries: North: Tollway; South: 59th St. East: Prospect Ave. & extensions north and south; West: Belmont Avenue P A S T O R’ S C O R NE R D ear Parishioners, The Lord is risen! Alleluia! Our fifty day celebration of Easter continues today, with the Third Sunday of Easter. When Jesus met his disciples after the resurrection, the first words that he spoke to them were: “Peace be with you.” He didn't scold them for abandoning him in the Gethsemane Garden, or for denying him three times. Christ’s Resurrection was and is meant to bring peace and healing to all people. As we continue living and celebrating in this Easter Season, let us continue to give thanks to God for all that has been accomplished through the Love and Resurrection of Jesus. Throughout this season we can continue to proclaim: This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad! Please keep our parish children in your prayers as they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion the next two Sundays. What a joy to celebrate with them as they come to the Altar – the Eucharistic Table – for the first time. Finally, I invite everyone to come to a very important meeting for parishioners in Fitzgerald Hall on Thursday, April 23, at 7:30 pm in order to update you on the facilities study that has taken place these past several months. See today’s bulletin for details. Joyfully in Christ! Father John Phan The Ministry of the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training Session April 27 t 7:00 pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the presider in distributing Holy Communion at Masses. Our Lord, present under the forms of bread and wine, is food for our journey to the kingdom! For those interested in becoming Extraordinary Ministers, there are special formation sessions which focus on the spirituality of the minister, the ritual of the Eucharist, and guidelines specific to St. Joseph Parish. The next formation session for those interested will be held on Monday, April 27 at 7:00 pm. Please contact Rob Visher (630.244.6813 or [email protected]) for details if you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. You may also contact Bob Valle, Director of Music/Liturgist at the parish [email protected] or 630.964.0216, ext. 1209. S T E W A RD S H I P 2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Pledge Report Parish Goal: $ 109,598.00 Amount Pledged: $ 93,467.00 Amount Paid: $ 49,549.00 Amount Due: $ 43,918.00 Donor Count: A Call to Stewardship Fiscal Year Stewardship Information Sunday, April 12 Manna Gift Cards Manna Gift Cards are available for purchase after the Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday, 8:45 am and 10:30 am Masses in the narthex. A variety of merchants are available. Your purchase of gift cards helps support St. Joseph School. $ 1,143,900.00 Actual Year-to-Date Gifts: $ 1,082,453.64 Amount Short of Needed Goal: $ 372 Nature’s Lessons Believe one who has tried, you shall find a fuller satisfaction in the woods than in books. The trees and the rocks will teach you that which you cannot hear from the masters. —St. Bernard of Clairvaux Year-to-Date Goal 61,446.36 Weekly Sunday Goal: $ 27,900.00 Sunday Contributions $ 23,414.55 Electronic Contributions $ 3,743.01 Gifts from April 12 $ 27,157.56 (Sunday & Electronic Contributions) Thanks for Giving First Fruits and Taking a Step! Patronize Our Bulletin Advertisers The bulletin is provided to St. Joseph Church free of charge thanks to the businesses that advertise. Please consider those who advertise in the bulletin first when shopping for goods and services. Is God Calling You? St. Joseph Parish Council is Seeking New Members What is the St. Joseph Parish Council? • • • An advising and consulting body for the Pastor in shepherding the parish. A group committed to setting a parish-wide vision for all aspects of parish life: worship, education, community, service, and administration. We are called by God to offer our time and talents in union with our pastor to keep our parish vibrant in our Catholic faith. Who are the council members? • • Parishioners from all backgrounds willing to speak for the whole parish. Usually twelve members chosen by discernment of the current council along with the Pastor. What is the commitment for council members? • • Ten monthly meetings on the second Monday of the month from 7:30-9:30 pm (we are off July and December). A three year term. We invite you to consider serving St. Joseph Parish by joining the Parish Council. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Cathie Dunn at 630.515.9528 or [email protected]. Note: Today’s profile in the Parish Council’s ongoing series on parishioner volunteers features Pat Lord and the Council of Catholic Women (CCW). It was wriƩen by John Frank, Parish Council Member. It’s pre y safe to say virtually everyone who knows a person that is totally posi ve, though ul and helpful in responding to the needs of others, fully reliable in mee ng commitments, and humble and unassuming in all acts of service, would consider that person special. through this ministry, Pat and a small group of women took ac on. Although at the me also ac ve with the Eastern DuPage Deanery as its president, Pat started the revival effort, led the planning of inaugural events to boost CCW membership, and has par cipated ever since. St. Joseph has such a parishioner in Pat Lord. When Pat describes her deep involvement in our parish and diocese, it quickly becomes clear that she fully embodies the words of 1 Peter 4:10, “As each one has received a giŌ, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” In addi on to being involved with CCW, Pat is a Eucharis c Minister, remains ac ve in the Eastern DuPage Deanery, proofreads the weekly bulle n (simply because she was asked), and is a member of St. Joe’s Resurrec on Choir. She has supported the parish Blood Drive since she was first asked in the early 1990s to help serve refreshments and now runs it four mes a year. She started going to Bible study 20 years ago and has led it for the last ten. Clearly, when asked, Pat heeds the call to serve others and then seems always to go one step further. Pat, a Chicago South Sider grew up in St. Columbanus Parish (where she a ended school as well) and is an alumnus of Aquinas High School. While living in Lisle and then Downers Grove since 1978 (with nine years in New Jersey between her west suburban stays), she and her husband, Joe, raised their seven children in St. Joseph Parish and School. On returning from New Jersey, Pat had no doubts about a homecoming to St. Joe’s…the connec ons were just too strong to do otherwise. Pat’s generosity in both me and talent is currently evident through her membership in our Council of Catholic Women (CCW) – but that’s just part of her story. From 2002 to 2010, the parish didn’t have a CCW chapter. So with her history of involvement in CCW before 2002 (including a 1994-96 term as its president) and seeing a need to serve others Pat’s enthusias c commitments to many parish ministries stem from simply loving what she does. She enjoys making a difference in the lives of others in response to Jesus’ calling to serve and the resul ng fellowship from working side-by-side with those answering the same call. She says these acts energize and fulfill her. This is why she so o en says “Yes” when asked, why she so o en steps up when she sees an opportunity to serve, and why St. Joseph Parish is so blessed and fortunate to have her. Much thanks and apprecia on to Pat for all that she has done and con nues to do for our parish and diocese. A side note: While talking with Pat for this ar cle, she men oned that St. Joe’s CCW is always looking for new, ac ve members. The CCW mission is to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service through its various ac vi es. True to its mission, the group has been involved in the Ministry Fair; served refreshments at past Confirma on recep ons; and conducted the Christmas cookie sale with dona ons provided to the St. Vincent DePaul Society and the Bishop Blanche e Diocesan Scholarship Fund. CCW also has provided dona ons to the Sisters of the Sacred Heart for the last two years. It also created and delivered welcome baskets to new parishioners. This year, it held a parish Mardi Gras party with the profits going to WATTS of LOVE, an organiza on that supplies light to Third World countries. Over the years, our CCW has given to the Family Shelter in Downers Grove and Hopes Front Door and has sponsored a child for a year through Woman’s Choice Services. Needless to say, the women of St. Joe’s CCW touch many lives with their service and gi s of me and talent. C O U NC I L O F C A T HO L I C W O M E N C O R NE R St. Joseph Parish Council of Catholic Women is pleased to name fâx f|~ÉÜt 2015 Woman of the Year! Sue was honored at a Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Siegel at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet on Saturday, April 18, 2015, along with her counterparts from throughout the Deaneries of the Diocese. The theme of the Mass and the luncheon that followed was “Exult in the Lord.” Sue is being recognized for her consistent, dependable and dedicated support of our organization and our church. Sue can be counted on to volunteer on committees and projects, and her help always proves to be invaluable. Sue is an active participant in our meetings and events. Sue has taken on some projects solo, or with minimal help, yet she is always positive and quick to praise the work of others. Sue has served our church by being on the St. Joseph Service Board, and has served in several CCW Board positions including recording secretary and senior services chair. Currently, Sue serves as chairperson of our Service Commission, and for a long time, has lovingly assembled, decorated and delivered Welcome Baskets to new St. Joseph parishioners. She’s also made some awesome gift baskets to represent our parish and to help raise charitable funds at Joliet Diocesan and Deanery CCW events. Sue serves her CCW in the spirit of St. Therese in that she can “Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.” and it makes a big difference in our CCW. Congratulations Sue, and thank you! Our Lady of Good Counsel Please join us as we celebrate Our Lady of Good Counsel on her feast day, Sunday, April 26! Our Lady of Good Counsel is the patron saint of all Council of Catholic Women (CCW) members, including the women of St. Joseph Church. In Our Lady’s honor, CCW board members will serve as ushers and greeters at the 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Masses on Sunday, April 26. After Mass, visit the CCW table in the narthex for more information. New or renewing CCW members, and those joining our email list, will receive a medal or prayer card of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Won’t be at those Masses? Pick up your medal or prayer card at a meeting! We meet at 7:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of every month, in the parish center dining room. Women of the parish are invited to come and check us out! The Saint Joseph Parish Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service through its various activities. We do all things with the guidance and through the intercession of Our Lady, to whom our council is dedicated. ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION This year St. Joseph is pleased to announce the following programs for the youth of our parish: Catholic Kids’ Club the week of June 22 to 26 and Totus Tuus the week of July 27 to 31. Catholic Kids’ Club is for children entering PK4 through 3rd grade for the 2015-2016 school year. This year our theme is “Angels”. The program will run from 9:00 – 11:30 daily … June 22 - 26. The cost for the program is $25 per child (camp t-shirt included). Totus Tuus summer cateche cal youth program is a week-long “parish mission” for youth entering grades 1st through 12th and is dedicated to the proclama on of the Gospel and promo ng the Catholic faith through evangeliza on, catechesis, Chris an witness, Marian devo on, and Eucharis c worship. The program is led by college students and seminarians who use skits, songs, and games to teach the Virtues and the Sorrowful Mysteries. The program for junior and senior high school students begins Sunday, July 26 through July 30 and runs from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The cost is $15 per student. For elementary school children entering grades 1-6, the program begins on Monday, July 27 through Friday July 31, runs from 9:00 to 2:30 pm each day, and the cost is $35 per child or $90 for three or more. Mass is celebrated daily at 11:15 am and all are welcome. Family Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone and email address _________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact (name/phone) __________________________________________________________ Medical condi ons to be aware of (allergies/diabetes/asthma) ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Programs Child Name CKC*/TT /Both ________________________________________________________ CKC*/TT /Both ________________________________________________________ KC*/TT /Both ________________________________________________________ CKC*/TT /Both ________________________________________________________ Grade M/F M/F M/F M/F _____ _____ _____ _____ Fee _____ _____ _____ _____ The registra on fee for Catholic Kids’ Club includes a T-shirt. T-shirts for Totus Tuus will be available for purchase during the program’s first days. Also, please note if you would like your child placed in a group with a friend… siblings will be grouped together unless otherwise instructed. Late requests cannot be accommodated. RegistraƟon will begin on May 1st and conƟnue on a first come first serve basis unƟl we reach the maximum of 100 for Catholic Kids’ Club … 90 for Totus Tuus. Please send the completed form with the tui on to the Parish Center – 4824 Highland Ave. You will receive a confirma on email once your payment and registra on have been received and processed. Any ques ons or concerns, please contact Lori Balsamo at 630.964.0216. A D U L T F AI T H F O R M A T I O N May Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Join St. Joseph Parish for a May Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The overnight pilgrimage will begin with a coach bus departing from St. Joseph Parish parking lot at 3:00 pm on Friday, May 15 and returning on Saturday, May 16. The pilgrimage includes participation in Relevant Radio’s “Marian Day of Reflection” with Rev. Francis Hoffman (Fr. Rocky) from 8:30 am-3:30 pm on Saturday. Focusing on the theme “Holy Family and Your Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph” the day includes prayer, procession and the May Crowning of our Blessed Mother. The morning session will include meditations, Holy Mass and Rosary. There will be time for confession and reflection. Following lunch with fellow pilgrims in the crypt ($15), the day of reflection continues with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the final meditation, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Reservations will be made for transportation, lodging, and food and will include roundtrip via deluxe motor coach ($150.00), overnight stay at the Hampton Inn, LaCrosse ($150.00) and lunch at the Shrine ($15). Dinner will be on your own, Friday and Saturday. Please make check payable to: St. Joseph Parish. You can mail or drop off your payment to St. Joseph Parish, 4824 Highland, Downers Grove, IL 60515. For more information, please contact Barbara Labotka at 630.272.4335. Space is limited and registration deadline is May 10. A plenary indulgence can be gained by participating in this pilgrimage. Get closer to Jesus through Mary! Join your fellow parishioners as we explore Marian Consecration as presented in 33 Days to Morning Glory! What: The Immaculate Heart—33 Days to Morning Glory Parish Retreat is a six-week program that meets one evening per week—it’s called a retreat because it provides an opportunity for reflec on. We begin with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and prepara on for Marian Consecra on because she leads us to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to Holiness. The 33 Days to Morning Glory and the accompanying group retreat materials provide a wonderful format for reflec on, discussion and learning. The mee ngs include DVD lessons, discussion, review of the Retreat Companion, and prayer. When: 7:00—8:00 pm April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26; the consecra on will follow 11:00 am Mass on May 31, the Queenship of Mary. Where: St. Joseph Parish Center Library Cost for ParƟcipant Packet: $29.95—33 Days to Morning Glory included $19.95—33 Days to Morning Glory not included For further informa on and to register, please contact Barb Labotka at adul [email protected] or 630.964.0216 x1204. A D U L T F AI T H F O R M A T I O N The Adult Faith Formation Book Club will meet on Saturday, April 25 after the 8:00 am Mass in the St. Joseph Parish Center dining room. FEED YOUR SPIRIT The Fourth Commandment Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you. He was obedient to them. The Lord Jesus himself recalled the force of this "commandment of God." The Apostle teaches: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother, (This is the first commandment with a promise.) that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth."' The fourth commandment opens the second table of the Decalogue. It shows us the order of charity. God has willed that, after him, we should honor our parents to whom we owe life and who have handed on to us the knowledge of God. We are obliged to honor and respect all those whom God, for our good, has vested with his authority. This commandment is expressed in positive terms of duties to be fulfilled. It introduces the subsequent commandments which are concerned with particular respect for life, marriage, earthly goods, and speech. It constitutes one of the foundations of the social doctrine of the Church. The fourth commandment is addressed expressly to children in their relationship to their father and mother, because this relationship is the most universal. It likewise concerns the ties of kinship between members of the extended family. It requires honor, affection, and gratitude toward elders and ancestors. Finally, it extends to the duties of pupils to teachers, employees to employers, subordinates to leaders, citizens to their country, and to those who administer or govern it. This commandment includes and presupposes the duties of parents, instructors, teachers, leaders, magistrates, those who govern, all who exercise authority over others or over a community of persons. Observing the fourth commandment brings its reward: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God gives you." Respecting this commandment provides, along with spiritual fruits, temporal fruits of peace and prosperity. Conversely, failure to observe it brings great harm to communities and to individuals. The Catechism of the Catholic Church S T . JO S E PH Y O U T H A P O S T O L AT E ~ “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phil. 4:13 The Discovery 2015 youth and adult team has been meeting since early February to prepare for our FAMOUS Annual Overnight Retreat – Discovery 2015. This years’ Youth Directors are Sean Economou, Molly Michaels and Angela Sterr. Along with these three talented young directors, we have an additional 45 high school and adult leaders! What a team! We are all planning to serve you and help make your Discovery Retreat the best ever! Please consider attending this memorable weekend on April 25-26 that is offered FOR teens…..BY teens. Current freshmen, sophomore and junior students who have not yet made a Discovery Retreat are greatly encouraged to attend this weekend. It will REALLY help you through the sometimes difficult decisions and choices you are faced with in high school. It will also give you a group of Catholic Christian friends who you can always count on to pray for you and be honest with you! Incoming freshmen are also welcome to come on this retreat and would be grouped together with a senior leader. Brochures and permission forms are available on the brochure rack in the narthex near the ministry room or by calling Marta Spiezio at the Parish Center Office. ST. JOSEPH PARISH EVENTS ▪ Week of April 19 Sunday, April 19 8:00 am RE Sunday Classes 11:00 am Liturgy of the Word 12:30 pm Baptisms Monday, April 20 9:00 am Physical Fitness Group 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 pm Jr. High Confirmation Class (Grade 7 only) 7:00 pm Charismatic Prayer Group Tuesday, April 21 9:30 am Bible Study Ministry 7:30 pm Choir Wednesday, April 22 9:00 am Physical Fitness Group 4:00 pm RE Classes 6:30 pm Legion of Mary Sch/Sh Chapel Church Ch2 Ministry Rm Chapel PC Library PC Chapel Ministry Rm MR Ch2 Chu/Sch/Sh PC Library Wednesday, April 22 7:00 pm SAFE 7:00 pm SJSM 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal 8:30 pm YA Rosary Thursday, April 23 4:00 pm RE Classes 6:30 pm Wedding Rehearsal 7:00 pm Campus Improvement Town Hall Mtg Friday, April 24 7:30 am Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am Physical Fitness Group 6:30 pm First Communion Practice 7:00 pm YA Discovery Retreat Saturday, April 25 8:00 am YA Discovery Retreat 2:00 pm Wedding 3:30 pm Confession Abbreviations: AFF-Adult Faith Formation Chu-Church Ch-Church Hall HR-Handbell Room PC-Parish Center MR-Music Room RE-Religious Education Sch-School Sh-School Hall YA-Youth Apostolate Ministry Rm MR HR/Ch1 Youth Rm Chu/Sch/Sh Chu Chu1/2/3 Chapel Ch2 Chu PC—All Rms PC-All Rms Chu Chapel Wondering what to get that special woman in your life? MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS It’s time to enroll in St. Joseph Parish yearly Spiritual Bouquet of Masses for a lasting Mother’s Day Gift or Remembrance. The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift is offered by St. Joseph Church. There is no better gift than the gift of prayer! Give the gift of a spiritual bouquet for that special mother in your life. St. Joseph Parish will offer a monthly Mass for all mothers included in the Spiritual Bouquet. The special woman in your life will be enrolled in these monthly Masses. You will receive a beautiful card with all the dates and times of the Masses throughout the year. On Mother’s Day, you will present the card to the mom you have enrolled. The names will also be listed on the cover of our bulletin on Mother’s Day. Fill out the form below to enroll. The enrollment form can be included in the Sunday collection basket, mailed or dropped off to: St. Joseph Parish Center, 4824 Highland Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Your card will be available for pick-up at the Parish Center Office or we can mail it to you if needed. Please be advised that there is a limited number of cards available. Your enrollment must be received by Monday, May 4 to be included in the Mother’s Day list on the bulletin cover. This is a beautiful gift to either remember a mom who is deceased or to include your mom who is living in a monthly Mass. The suggested offering is $15.00 per enrollment. Make check payable to St. Joseph Church. Please remember: 1. ________________________________________________________________ __ living __ deceased 2. ________________________________________________________________ __ living __ deceased 3. ________________________________________________________________ __ living __ deceased 4. ________________________________________________________________ __ living __ deceased My Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________ Please check: _____Mail card(s) _____I will pick up _____No card PRAYING FROM SUNDAY TO SUNDAY Today’s Readings First Reading — The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead (Acts 3:13 -15, 17-19). Psalm — Lord, let your face shine on us (Psalm 4). Second Reading — We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one (1 John 2:15a). Gospel — Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day (Luke 24:35-48). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Monday: Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Third Sunday of Easter Tuesday: St. Anselm Wednesday: Administrative Professionals Day; Earth Day Thursday: St. George; St. Adalbert Friday: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen; National Arbor Day Saturday: St. Mark Sunday, April 26 Gospel of John 10:11-18 Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them. This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd. This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have power to lay it down, and power to take it up again. This command I have received from my Father.” Eucharistic Adoration Adoration takes place in the church chapel every Monday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and every Friday from 7:30 am until 5:30 pm. “The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white host.” - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Adorers are needed. Please sign-up in the narthex. Pray for the Sick St. Joseph Parish Community recognizes and remembers in prayer, all active duty service members. Don Daly, Lucille Engelsman, Daniel Jirka, Ellen Jurgens, Terry Lynch, Gertrude McGarry, Carissa Misliewic, Steve Murray, Bill Paradise, Alfredo Punzalan, Jr. and Sr., and Travis Sanchez Justin T. Lewandowski Please inform the Parish Center when your soldier returns home. Thank you! James Hutto, III Josefina Molina Third Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 You alone, O Lord, bring security to my dwelling. - Psalm 4:9 APRIL MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS 04-19 SUNDAY 7:00 AM John Gammuto 9:00 AM Monica Hammerschmidt (L) 11:00 AM Carole Kickert 5:00 PM Fathers’ Spiritual Bouquet 04-20 MONDAY 7:00 AM Marilyn Caliendo 04-21 TUESDAY 7:00 AM Brian Maher 8:15 AM George Strnad 04-22 WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM Anthony Trunzo, Sr. 04-23 THURSDAY 7:00 AM Edward Nilan 04-24 FRIDAY 7:00 AM Kevin Aguayo (L) 04-25 SATURDAY 8:00 AM Matylda Giles 5:00 PM John Poloncsik 04-26 SUNDAY 7:00 AM John Wayne Walker 9:00 AM Erica Hammerschmidt (L) 11:00 AM Maggie Caliendo 5:00 PM People of the Parish Ministr y Schedule for Saturday, April 25 & Sunday, April 26 Mass Times Lectors Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers Greeters SATURDAY 5:00 PM D. Naponiello N. Naponiello S. Fahey, J. Gasbarre, J. McReynolds, B. Paul, R. Raike, R. Smith M. Koszewski M. Roche K. Barsketis R. Carroll E. Carroll SUNDAY 7:00 AM S. PalubickiKennedy M. Raines C. Cavanaugh, A.M. Himpler, M. Kennedy, S. Kennedy, E. Wengren, C. Whipple, G. Wrobleski M. Bertram C. Bowe O. Geraghty P. Malek SUNDAY 9:00 AM J. Indreika M. Indreika K. Crane, D. Dryer, T. Dryer, G. Hose, C. McCue, T. Wilkinson J. Porcelli B. Harbauer A. Harbauer C. Mejdrich M. Dunn SUNDAY 11:00 AM J. Bigane C. Ayala G. Francisco, J. Himpler, M. James, P. Lord, P. Nielsen, M. Taylor J. Provenzale N. Clements J. Flavin K. Sullivan M. Harnik SUNDAY 5:00 PM J. Frank L. Frank S. Becker, A. Chandler, M. Dempsey, T. Pal, M. Pattanayak, F. Platzke, A. Sima D. Hanson A. Perino L. Kearney A. Peterson J. Petrick C. Podjasek Facility Space Analysis/Master Plan The Architectural Firm, Serena/Sturm, has completed a preliminary “Master Plan” and Facility Space Analysis of the parish property and buildings. Approximately 50 of our parishioners and all parish staff members provided their comments and/or suggestions regarding the present facilities of our parish property. The St. Joseph Campus Improvement Committee invites you to attend a “Town Hall” meeting where Serena/Sturm will present their thoughts on the initial “Master Plan”. Please join us. Your presence and input are important to the future plans of our Parish Campus! When: Thursday, April 23, 2015 ▪ 7:30 pm Where: St. Joseph Fitzgerald Hall On behalf of the St. Joseph Campus Improvement Committee and Serena/Sturm, thank you to those who offered their comments and suggestions. Your ideas were greatly appreciated. s John G. Marchese TOON UNERAL HOMES D.D.S., Ltd. F AND CREMATION SERVICE General Dentistry For The Entire Family Specializing in the Western Suburbs Full Time Realtor • Local Touch Call Any Time Cell: 630-209-1115 www.courtneybohnenstach.com Serving the Communities Since 1929 New Patients Welcome Emergencies Seen Promptly Weekends and Evenings Available 5133 Washington St. Courtney Bohnen Stach 630-964-7852 Downers Grove Stankus Plumbing Brian or Sally, coordinators 630-241-9700 www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA LAW OFFICES OF RORY K. McGINTY, P.C. General Practice Including Corporate Law • Estate Planning • Traffic • Labor • Transportation 5202 Washington, Downers Grove A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 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Kerrigan II 4927 Main St Downers Grove Tel 630.626.3222 Cell 708.906.6856 [email protected] Auto - Home - Life - Business Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 630-663-1444 Charism Eldercare Services www.charism.net • (630) 515-9223 Are you troubled by caregiving responsibilities? Charism is your answer for peace of mind. Parishioner Mardy Chizek, RN, FNP, BSN, MBA, AAS Introducing Dr. Eva Coggin, D.D.S. Relocated To Clarendon Hills Special For New Patients FREE Initial Exam Services: Crowns • Implants • Cosmetic Orthodontics • Whitening Dentures • General Family Dentist • Specialist Team Hours: Mon, Tues 8am - 7pm • Wed, Thurs 8am - 5pm Some Fridays & Saturdays • 630.325.9298 235 Burlington Ave. • Clarendon Hills • www.clarendonhillsdentist.com Rozmawiamy po Polsku DOLATOWSKI ELECTRIC Residential Specialist 968-6949 Hot Foods • Deli • Dessert Catering Platters Delicious Meats & Cheeses Produce and Groceries Polish and Lithuanian Family Owned Business PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE $5 OFF any purchase of $50 or more 7145 S. Kingery Hwy. Route 83 Willowbrook, IL PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ 630.655.2200 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm • Sat 8am-8pm • Sun 8am-6pm $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Saint Margaret Sunday Missal ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 An ideal companion for personal prayer. *First Three Months In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com MARA KEARNEY (PARISHIONER) FINANCIAL ADVISOR, WADDELL & REED INVESTING WITH A PLAN 630-954-4611 x132 [email protected] 50% Off Gibson Greeting Cards www.maralynn.kearney.wrfa.com 200% Guarantee On Any Perishable item BEST AMERICAN LIMO PLATINUM PARTNERS REALTORS Ultra • Foods has 36,000 everyday low prices storewide! OPEN 6 am to 12 am – 7 DAYS 630.852.2700 “Catering for All Occasions” 1212 75th Street, Downers Grove BRIAN R. NUGENT, D.D.S. Dentistry For All Ages - 20 Years of Experience - Licensed General Dentist 425 Burlington Ave., Downers Grove (630) 968-5900 000826 St Joseph Church (B) • O’Hare & Midway, All Area Airports • Weddings • Proms • Concerts • Charters • Sporting Events 630-347-3000 www.AmBestLimo.com PC MD PC & MAC Sales & Service Networking • WIFI • Internet (630) 789-3971 Tom [email protected] www.pcmd.com WE STILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS! www.jspaluch.com MARY KENNEDY, parishioner Direct 630-740-6189 www.marykennedy.com [email protected] COMMUNITY BANK of DOWNERS GROVE 1111 Warren Ave. 630-968-4700 A branch of Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company® President Michael Busse For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 GV TREE SERVICES, LLC EXTERIOR DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS •Roofing • Siding • Windows FREE ESTIMATES Dale Meador, Owner Direct: 630-728-3090 Off: 630-963-3794 www.edi-inc.com TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL TRIMMING APRIL 1ST TO OCT 31ST FULLY INSURED CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK Local Resident FREE ESTIMATES Your ad could be in this space! 630-495-2264 Seniors Helping Seniors (630) 324-6086 Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Home Care Services For Seniors By Seniors OPTOMETRIST Office Hours by Appointment 1001 Ogden Ave., Ste. 101 Downers Grove 969-0402 Hubeny & Zaba, LLC 6900 S. Cass Avenue Darien 968-6590 More Choices More Support The Smart Way to Buy Insurance Oakbrook Terr. Partners in Your Future 630-737-0300 • Auto • Home • Life 630.691.1114 • Health *** Dr. Janice M. Walser Large Catholic Area Above Ground Burial Also Insurance & Financial Services NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rides, Errands, Doctor Visits Companionship Meal Prep, Cleaning Bath Assist Free Assessment - No Contract CLARENDON HILLS CEMETERY • • • • Business Group Health Bonds Benefits TOM & MARY WALSH Parishioners We Are Your Trusted Choice® Insurance Agency Since 1946 • Total Comfort Experts • Sales & Service • Parishioner 850 N. Cass Ave. • Westmont, IL (630) 455-9015 • PRIVATE PARTY ROOM • UP TO 50 PEOPLE • CATERING BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties 3041 Butterfield Rd. Full Service Law Firm Oak Brook Promenade Estate Planning & Probate Real Estate & Business 200 E. 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Call 24 Hours a Day • 7 Days a Week OAK BROOK www.twgroupinc.com Our Family Serving Families Like Yours for Four Generations Terrence M. Sullivan • Brian D. Sullivan 630-968-1000 adamswinterfieldsullivan.com 630/969-4441 4343 Main St. • Downers Grove 4913 Main St. 40 Years Experience “Hire The Professionals” 630-687-3335 We are proud to announce the opening of Sushi House in Downtown Downers Grove 950 Warren Street (Across from the Tivoli Theatre) Dine In • Carryout • Delivery *Open Seven Days a week for Lunch and Dinner PARISHIONER DISCOUNT W/AD 630-968-0088 • mysushihouse.com Ejector / Sump Pumps Sewer Camera Inspection Sewer Routing • Water Heaters Rehabs • Water Jetting Sewer / Water THINK SPRING LAWN MOWING SERVICES SPRING CLEAN UP MULCH - PATIOS - SIDEWALKS Call Dave at 630-546-5689 10% OFF First Months Bill • Wills • Living Trusts • Probate 7702 S. Cass Ave. #115 Darien, IL (630) 810-0316 www.overmannlaw.com Paul Massura Broker Associate 630.204.5415 Cell [email protected] 724 Ogden Avenue Downers Grove, IL 60515 Parishioner www.paulmassura.bairdwarner.com F ree Consultation With An Attorney Devoted To Estate Planning BORLA, NORTH & ASSOC. GENERAL PRACTICE Benote H Wimp Jr, Agent REAL ESTATE, WILLS, FAMILY LAW BUSINESS & CORPORATE FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 6912 MAIN ST., D OWNERS GROVE (331) 777-2957 or www.benote.wimp.com 6900 Main St. Ste. 54 Downers Grove, IL 60516 Financial Services 630.969.3903 WWW.B ORLA NORTH .COM PARISHIONER 000826 St Joseph Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170