Chapter 24 - Friars` Briar Association
Chapter 24 - Friars` Briar Association
Chapter24 TheCalgary2002Briar EarlvPlans Bri ar participantscontaiDirgdciailsofthe 2002 B{iar Whenlhe lcltcr of invilaiioncamcIo fofmer F.riars' at the CalgaryCe.lrc Inn 1obe curlcdal the CalgaryCurlingClub,March l1-15 wilh accommodations gamesat ilre Saddledome as andoppofuniticslo watchman] ol the Nokia Men's NadonalChampionship well lhatweek, we kncw thata greattimc wasin the offing! h wasin Calgaryin 1980ftat our secondCanadianClergf,Curlingevenlwas shgedfollowinga yearof evalualionandregrcupingafterthe premieronein winnipeg in I 978 which our princjpallbunder,Don Anoscalled Thc wasin Calgarythat our namewaschangcdto The FriarsBriar. The suggesdon camefrom a reporterwho sawDon leavinghis spotlrom amon8repofiersof thc national gaEesto bc with the clerg] and drcirspicl. He remarkedto his fellow reporlcrsthat men'schanrpionship changeda letterandwe havesincecallodourselvesthe Don hadgoneIo theFriars'Briaf. Our associalion fiat ycar for Fdars Briar Associ.tlionandour yearlyevenl,The Friars Briar. Thirty-sixrinksregistered on $e StampedcGroundsl[ w.r.l1his play in lhe two.levclBigFon. buildingoearthe Saddledome us wilh lhc lovcly secondCanadiarClergyCur:ingevcnrthatthe CalgaryClcrgy Crrling club presented big rrophy.compietewilh a sturdycar.yingcase.lo be presentcdyearlythercaiierto the tl,p rink in lbe Flighr. Championship Again in 1997Calgaryhosledboth whal \\'asthenknown asthe Lab.n Brier andthe Friars Briar' This lim€ lhc localclergycurlerswcrc happyto tell u\ in theirleltef ofilrritalion thatwe hadreceivcda special CalgaryCurlir]gClub locatgdiusl off Menmrial in!irc to play our Friars'Briar i|l the rcwly consrrucrcd Drive west andCcnre Slrect. The warminvilarionsentoul in December200l underlhc signaturcof PasofGeorgeBudd.ften, wasthc rhird in!irc by the CalgaryCletgyCLrl:ngcl!b in our lwcnly four yearhistory.Alconnnodalionhadbeen arrangcdfor us al theCalgaryCentrclnn on lhe Macl-codTrail Southandicc at &e CalgaryCurlingclub. Th€ darcscoincidedwi!h lhoseof tile Nokia Brier which was to be plaled ir the famjliarSxddledome lvere!o be sen!li) Orie Oldficld,a long_time1aymcrnber buildingon theSlampcdcgrounds.Regislralions andpanicipanrin the Fiiars'Briar. The nksareforpEd andthc 'Clines' shine Whcn rberegistradons lbr the 2002Friars'Bnarwcrc compleleat the lime of thc Mondaynightopeningal $e CalgaryCurlingClub. twenty'fourrinkswerereadyto play - four irom 8.C.. ninc from Albena,lbur tbur from Manilobaandthreelioln Onlario-Amongthemwerelire! husband'and' ffom Sdskalchcwan. *ife rinks Ken & CaroleInnes.Sicglicd& TeenieWall. Anne & Davjd winter- Amongthe curlerswas one Pusher'.Rinks curlingagainslHughChrislmasandrink ofien would like t()hdverelievcdhim olthe pushslick he usedso efleclivclyin delivedDghis sloncs.Anotherfriar tumedup wilh lis brushwith the crookedhandlc- andhe wasnl the eldeslof thc rina fron Toronlo,of which he wasa memher. The rink. howcvef.thal got thc mostpublicily al thc Friars Briar. by far wasthe live manriik from across Stcve Canada.all bearingthe surnamcClinc. TherewasPbil. lrom St.Calhcrine's.Bllis from Saskatoon, plus ago i! ? fbr these ffiars beSan five dccades white Rock. Curling Fred and David tiom from Airdrie. played Dave rnd Phil was thc skip. Ellis thirdofZclma, Saskatchcuan. their holne villagc lwo-icerink in qualilied custodian, Ellis as a' $as the lead. Deing a church as second. Slclc Fredrlrcrnatcd emploled lijar. VctcrinarianSlclc was thc tokenlaypersonallowcdon a Friars Brjar rink DougDirks of tilrle |alkingwilh. andtakingpicluresof, the Clineson Calgafy'sC.B.C.T.V. stationspcnlconsidcrable jcc. They werc fealured,in his morningprogram.Colleenlones,not 10be bcaten(Shcs a compelilorl) usedthcpiciuresandwaxedcloquentlyaboutthe lniquenessolthis happeningon thc Slorts lxter fu the 154 day.So.wc arc indeed,a nalionalphenomenonl Folhuing r grcalmeal,sened,by lhe CalgaryCurlingclub staffandsomewordsofwelcomeby thc vicc chairol rhe local organizingcommittee,the drawsandruleswerehandedout Rinkswetedividedinlo foufdilisions. A roundrobin wasplayedamonglherinksof cachdilision. The top two rinks fiom each Flight. Third andfou(h rinkswouldgo to lie ts dilisron wouldgo io ihe A (Champio.rship) (Consoladon) Flighl. Rinksplacingiifdr a:rdsix$ would endup in C (Hades)Flight At lhe endoflhis hourofrefrcshmen!andirstrxclioDthc J:mtgameswereplayed- half fie rinks played 316 p.m.andhalfatS:30p.m.. Trrditionallyin thesedrawsEastemrinks play Wcsiernrinks to detetmrne thc $inner ol thc ptesdgiotsH€alenlyHosl Shiclddonatcdjn 1994by lhe CalgaryCurlingCltrbtor ycxrly prcscnralion-For thisyear'scompcritiontbeClinc rink wasarbilratilychosento reprcscntthe Bast draw. ThcChristmas andthcChn\hrsrink.lhe west. TbisgametookplacconsheeiOneinthc6PM Liiar Palch issuc of the much apprcciated rink !\iclded thc big slick! A ndy I ones,writ ng in the firsl gamcs. scoring a six in the Monday njght Nc$s. notedrhalGeorgeDuddhadthe bigcst end ofaU thc in lhe eighth! missing his last rock se\cnrhend.only 10gencrouslygive thc oppositiona lour by Roundrobincontinued;n cachof $e dlrecdivisionsTucsdayandWedncsd.ymomingsandafternoons. Eachollhe lwenly'fourrinksplayedin lwo otihe firce time slotseachday. ThursdayandFridayscorcs ConsolalionandHadesflights. writing in Frjday's dcrcnnincdlhe ilnal positionsin the Championship, semi-finalgames(rnThuruday."Thcrewas lols the drama ofthe Fiar l'alch rews,Andy Jonesdescribcs Flighl Despitetakingfour ofthe eightspotsin in the Championship ofercilcmenl anddrama,especiaily gamc rinks battlcit gold tharsawtwo Saskaichcwan medal the final was sbut out of rhiscveni,Calgary and Scholzof williams of Saskarchewan fina: belwccn gold The scmi and silver mcdals. olrl lbr the gone way lt game have eithcr going The could homc. with lhe score tied areal nail biter Albcia was score threc Williams rink might as though the end when it looked in ahe second heen decided could havc poinrsto iake a4'0lcad. BulCuy Scholzexccuteda pcrfec!angleraiseto thebuttonto takecnc and sahagelhe cnd. Theeighthendcamedown to a slcalattemplby the Scholzteam They managedlo bury a rock.justouts;delhe four foot ring lcavingWilliamsa draw lo the four. Gary drew.wiih pedecl weight,andwon entry1()thc final game." _Theotberscmi-iinalbef$eenthe Omanrink ofAlberta andtheHalvcrsonrink of Saska(chewan ' writes Joncsin the FriarPalchNews.tumcdon a steaioftwo in the sixth€nd MurruyHalvcrsonexecutcdan doublelo spinhis rock up to rhebulbn bchindcover' Omanhadsetup thc 'n'i 1(lscor€ around-the-horn multiplepointsafierblankingfour andlive, bu1wasunableto makehis hit and-rolllo bealthe opponenfs Thc banouelandannnalrneelins Borowing againfrom And) JonesFridayissueof Friar Pakh ncwsconcemingThursdayevening,"Lasl nighasbanquetwas.asalways.ahighlightofthe lvcek- The ente ainmentbytheChinookCbapelsingers *i. out.tunding.They sangsomeold favourircsaswellas somcoatheirownoriginalmaierial Mict songwrilerandrearcd us to a samplcofhis lalenls. The evening Cibbs.the guitarist,is an accomplished had a grealamosphcfeofagroup of friendstogctheragain,happyto spendlime in reminiscingand plann;g fur lhc futult. The gamcsarcwonderful-The Brier is an atlracdon.iul ir is fie lbllowshipand lhal makcslhis evenlspccial" DonAmos, now of rhe goorlhumourofthis brclhcrhood(andsislerhood) sain|cdmemory.wouldhavebccnproudoflhis tcslamentby Andyarc impLrflan! to Dan Eaglefor !hc banquetanangemcntslf firsl i mpressions Apprcciadonis expresseal andDaPkins whileclolhs. herewas an erampleofthis axiom. The roundtables,covcredwilh beau!ilully pjcture of was a protrudingoul of fte lopsof the drinkingglasscsat eachldblc.lookinglike red roscs. beaury! Thc eveningclosedwilh thc annualmcetingof theFriar's Briar Associalion.PresidenlKutch Imayoshi opcnedwilh a pr.ryer.Sccrelaryl,$ Hrntjensreviewcdtheminulesof thc 2001meelingandthc 155 discussionthaltook placcin theere,rulivcmcctingheldthe day betorewhende agendafor tbis mecting dislrihuledcopiesofthe auditedfinancialstale.ncnltom February was snxck. Ken Innes.lhctreasurer, ofJil,039.3lJ. 31.2002showinga creditbalancc 1,2001to January by $e BoardoiDircclors regdrdingofficerslbr lhc Ncw Ycar was a Tbe only cbrngcrccommended Direchr lbr Manitobato fill lhe vacaflcycauscdby thedealhof RogcrColl. FrascrMtldrew s namewas named submittedby the liiars prcsenlirom lhal provincc. FraserSavca prof:ressrcportfor thecomlnallee lwo yearsagoby thc direclorsto lry ard fird a nationalsponsorfor lhe tsiiar'sBriar As socialionwho migla makeitfi.)anciallyeasierfof more|o a(cnd our yearlyevent. No sxchpcrsonorcompanyhadas yet agfeedto do s0Partoflhe rdionaleofhaving a Canada'$'ideyearl] clcrgycurling eventit the mird ofour deceased menbr, Don Amos,bac! ir $e ycar 1978whel wc lirsl camclogetherin Winnipegal the time oI lhc SilverBroom.waslo crealea gfealersenseofu,rily andwarmft as wcll as10havesomelricndly rivalry beNeenEastandWest. Pa{ of eachycar'sspic:would be a gameor the s|lmof scvcralgameswhereone waspiltedagainsllhe olher. Sinccno trophywasal hand,Don broughlan old onegiventhe Onhrio us with the curlersbut the Unit.d ChurchObservcrwhich was usedunlii the Calgaryfiiars presenled Hcalenly Hosl Shield. At the 2001Briar in Kilchenerlhis shieldsas gilcn to a Winnipcgfiiar who shall lbr safei(eepjng, until neededfof thc 2lX)2prescnlation.Havingskippedthe wi:lningrink on be nameless. of the in abserlia'shieldlbr behalfofthe West.HughChristnaswas graciousin his acceplancc until ncxt year'sBriar in Winojpegwhercit now restsi saie*eeping to thc 'poel laurealc" Specialpresentarion Anotherinlcrcslingpfesenulionthal:akesplaceyearlyal the Thursda]nightbanquetof the Fdars' Briar is ofalrophygivenby RdlphMjltonofWoodLakePressinwinfield.Alberta. Callil, AmazingGracc' or. WesleyLeatherheadandchooscyourowncrilerionforawardinglhis lrophy". saidRalph. This year lhc dccislonwas rlake 1()prescntthis lrcphy 10HcrbcrtF.D Er:ksson.alsoknown asthe 'P(xt Laureaie' lorthe Friars'Briav.Il wasthc w.iler's pnvilegcto introduceilis year'scandidac. Thescwerenry words: 'Herbwasborn in I9I l He enlcredlhe LutheraDSe.ninatyal $e maturcageof fifiy years He wasmarriedior fifty rwo yearsprrcr to hjs wife's dealhio 1995. They had fivc daughters-Herb Prescnlly residesina rcvcnthstorevsuiteo0 I10'' SireetinEdmonbn. Herb 1irslcurlcdwith us in Calgaryin i980 andhasbeerprescnling;s with poelnseachyearihat he hasaltendedthe Briar sLncethalycar.' As luck wouldhaveil, Peggyl,awrcncc.sislerolRalph Milaon.andmothcrofthe sonwho creatcdfte rrophy(youwill rcmemberlhat Boh McNaughlhad to rccrcaleil xlicr it fell his van at thc Oltawa 1993Briar) waspresent.Anyway,Peggywashaply lo peNonal:yprcsentthe trophy1()our tiicnd, Herb Eriksson.He rcspondcdby reciringhis laleslpoem,written at ihe Briar in Calgary. Hcre il is ashc gave it () us at the banquelthalnight: Friars'tsriar Twcntv-o-Two In Friars'Briar,Twenty-0-Two l cnly lbLrrrinkshale mel on ftc CalgaryCurlingClub's icy sbecls ro wicld theirbroomsandslidethe rocks in thc besrFriars'B.iar yei. Bur rheserinks are madeofctergy Orlario. lhroughprai B.C. wilh foot in hackandbroomin hand fiom Marcheleventhto liliecnth day theyplay mostenthusiasdcally. The Nokia Bdefs in Calgaryt(x). 156 vith Alherialeadingthc race Thc rink of l-erbeyiiom Bdmonlon bealMorris iiom Onla o ior tops andis rcally lcllins rhepacc. And assc 1lnishour play in theFri4rs'Briar thc wirneft andlosersall gxi.r. For Christianielbwshil is good uc cnloy aswell, rhccxcellenlfood andin Chrisl we'll be $ccting agan. H.F.D.Eriksson Thc p.c\idcnllhen calledfor thc namcsofthosefriars from clubsacrossCaradawho havcdiedsinccour lastnrccring.FfaserMuldrcw spokebricfly of tbe life andcontributionofRoger Coll. formerDirec|orof lhc A\socialionlrom winniteg, andlcd in prayeron bchalfof all lhe b.iar sainlswho, like Rogcr.bcar at this !imc. PfesidenlKotch gavea benediciionandthe meelingcnded rcmcmhrancc The final samesandapprecjalions ln the lwo drar,!sin the Fiiday morningcurlingall rinks panicipated Theseganesdelidcd thefinal Hades).The Consolation, rrnting ol thc panicipalingrinks wilhin cacheighl rink flight (Championship. rinks wercbaillingit out lbr great!'stfocus,ofcoursewrs on the mcdalcontenders.Two Saskatchewan fbr lhe bronzeandlburthplacesunding lnthe the gold andsilverandtwoAlbeta rinks werecoDlending laycenSniderliom walrcus batllclbr gold,Mu.try Halversontom Kyle. Da\ridHLnterfrom Saskatoon. aadSrewanMuna) liom Ca'gary,look an carly le:rdon lhc othersaskatlhewanrjnk composedol Ciry Williamsfrcm Dclmany,WesLong, Ron WegnerandJohnRoberls.all lrom SxskatoonScvcralends whenil scencdthatthe gamewas in thc ha.qfof theHalversonrink the Willi.rm'snnk bouncedback, finally com'ngto within onepoinl ol thc tlalve|sor rink who claimedlhe goldl ln the othermedrl game. thc Guy Scholzrjnk includingCranl Rodgers.Dan EaglcandHerb Scholrrcstedthe bron/€medalsfrom Ed Omans rink which includedJackToth,EvanBottomleyandBob Stanich Bd's rink had1(lbe conlent in choosingtheirfavoudteprizc irom amongthc donatedgills thatwercdisplayedon fic lahlefor al1hriff curlcrsbelow medallevcl. Following!hc FridayDrorninggamesa subslartiallunch.servsdby thc staff ollhe CalgaryCuding Club. andarrangcdaswas theMondayeveningmcalby Mavor Eagle,fither offriarDan Eagle Thenthc by PfcsidentKulch to lhe gold. silvcr andbronzesinncrs andthefourthplacerink nedalswcrepresenled andirdividualsfor thc 2(102Briar' A sub(antal hadfirst pick oIlhe prjas donaledby companies assjslsto fiiarc as well to unde$ri(e cxpenscsmd providetranspo.tation ol moneywasraise.d amoLrnt grveD and upby EdOnran trarelingliorn oul o,province. This wasdoneby a connnil|eeheaded of the nanes release a lisl ol thc cnergelicmtpor( by Gr:nt RodgcNandHughChristmas.Ed did nol thc from was a f-i:re donation did wantus to know fiat ftcrc dorors,but beinga fbrmercnrp 'oyee, hecnour first, andlonglimc !easurcrfor thc Associalionwould GovcrnmenlofAlberta! Hughhaving haver menlallist of pastdonors10fte Calgarybriars10draw from- Grunl seemcdto be in chargcofthe take'homeprizc gifls which wercgivenoul to rinks accordingto their l-inalslard,ng Hale you reccnllyspenla wcck lvidroulthcuseof an atlomobilcl lfyouhavc. you'll know how muctr thchclpgivenby lhoseofus who arrivedin Calgarytor tbc Friats Bdar withoutour car apPfeciarcd visa versa.Thanks to the rink ,tnd DavidHolBresin getting10andffolll the ai4rot andlrom lhc holcl the Briarl David andothcl1\who pro\,idedlrunsportatir |o o$ers during alsogocs10FrankLjtlel andhis helpersfor naling availxhleand andapprcciitlions Congralulations promolingthe affactivc fleecelinedpullovcrshiras.complctc{ifi a sho zipperal theneckandthc Friars' Bria. CalgaryAlberra2002 vcrsionofour logo Your rink look€dright sharp3s theycurledandas belbrclhe cantras. all weafingftc ncw shirt The writcr alnost borght one'bll suddcnly lhey appeafed had a llrentalpictureofhis wile includingit with a bl'x ol warmclolhingwhich shcthoDghlI did:l'l really need.ready1otakcthesefavorilethingsto FirstUniled Missionon HaslingsStrcctin EastVancouverlor thosewho rcallyneededthcm. Thanks.iustthe same,l:rankl When theCanadianClergyCurlingAssociationwas first conceivedby Don Amos of Bramplon.Ontario who merwiih a groupof us in winnipeg in $e Springof 1977.oneof the ihingswe lookedforwardto andthrowa fcw focks besidcsthe oppofunityfof EastandWcst clcrgyto meelin a fun atr.rosphere arnongsrus andagainstcacholher.was thc uniqDeopportunityaswell, otseeinglirsl handcurling al.r very high lercl of compclence.This wasin pfe-televisiondays.ofcourse. Nowadayswi:h the opponrnity10seeso muchgoodcurlingal pro\riicial,nationalandwo.ld levelson television.thc need to gcl a book oftickels andlake in all of thesegames,plus haved spielofour hassomewharlessened own. But the needto rcncwlricndshipswith lriars we meelfrom ycar to ye3ra! our Fdars'Briars. ol our f'articipaiion conrinues.And so it is lhat we look forwardcagcrlyto the twenty'fifaha:rniversary roeelherin Winnipegin April.2003 in the Friars' Drial al the timc of thc Fofd World Curling games.Hopeto secyou there! Goodcurlingl Good6odl championship TheNokiaNationalMcn's a PostScdpl During rhewcekthatour 2002Friars' Briar was takingplaceal theCalgaryCurlingRink. so wasthe Nokia nationalMen s CurlingBder. IDorderlhat all friafs wouidhavetlre opponunily1osc. .l leastone ofthe lanergames.ticketswerervaihble for eachfriar fink !o ellendal a line thal would [t int{)lheir linc schcdulcandnot intederewith thcir parlicipalionin anyFr:ars'Briardmw. This \ras finrncedby by the commiuceof theCaigaryClcrgy Cu.lineClub, andwas muchappreciated thc localarrangemenrs No doubtall will recallthc progrcssand rcsultsof las!year'sNokia Brier.bul at thc risk ofboredom.lel me give a briefsummaDofsome of the slalislics:At lhe corclusionoftwo daysofpla)', somcwhatto lhe surpriseol-all,NorthernOntario'srink. skippedby Tjm Phillipswasalfie rop of lhc standingswiD a 3 {l record.Rinksskippedby RaDdyFcrbcyofAlberta. Marl Lukowicho,Manitoha.ItussHowardolNcw BrunswickandJohnMorris ofOntado sharcdsecondplacewith 2-I records Brilish Colurnbia'sPat Ryan,Ncwfoundlands Mark Noscwoahy,Nova Scotia'sShawnAdams.PrinceEdwad Island'sJohn ScottBitz andYukon,A,tro hweslTcnitoriesJohn Likely. Quebec'sFrancoisRobe.gc,Salkalchewan's Sobergall sharcdthird spol with a l-2record. By lhe ii,ftday ol play RandyFtrbey s Alberlarink was Scotl on lop $,ithan 8-l recofd.Ontarios JohnMorris wassecondwith a 7 2 rccord. Saskalchewan's Biiz rink waslhird andNcw Brunswick'sRussHorafd was fourlh in the slandings.Bul whcnthe Page playoffsendedon Sunday,RandyFerbey'srink fiom Albertahadbea@nRussHoward'sNew Brunswick rink andwashcadcdfor the Ford World Playoftsin Winnipeg,April of 20031Sceyoulhefer 158 Caloarv2002Friars' Briar Ski p Third Second Lead Citv Don Bro$rn DonOlson Norm MacDonald JackColclouqh Edmonton GeorgeBudd GaryHellard Stephen Hambidge Orie Oidlield Calgary Hugh christmas DaveHolmes GrantHastie P hilHlnk GeorgeFriedrich DarrylDewalt calgary Amo Bablilz Calgary NeilCampbell Frank Litlel Edmonlon Guy Scholz GranlRodgers Dan Eagle HerlcScholz Calgary Randy DaveShewciuk KevinTumback NestorShular C al gary CameronReid ClitfltlcMurtry Rossconnal Jack Blrns Britishcolumbia Harry Sieele lvancumming Cu y Voth-Doan S i d P hi l l i ps Ken lnnes CIiif Mcllillan CaaoleInnes FraserMuldrew DennisButcher Winnipeg PhilCline FllisCline Dave/FredCline Bruceweibe [rarti:r Maurice Davld t','lartin DonBarss Dan Skaret Murray Halvorson DavidHunier JaycenSnider Harold Hesie Bill Kiesman FslerGrant Gary Williams JackToth EvanBoltomley Jim Chapman Kulch lmtyoshi St. Andrews,l\,{B DavidWinter sieglried wall Ed Oman GordTruscolt lruinHolm ArchMcCurdy Toln Bray JimOsbome team AllCanada onlario Tom Kehler Saskaloon Stewart[riller Saskatchewar/AIberla Saskatoon John Roberts Saskaloon Bob Stanich Calgary GerryDeJong Abbotsford,Bc EmmittHolmes An Griffin Art Seaman Jan Huntjens Stevecline HerbEriksson 159 RolandLebrun Ilanitoba HelgeHongisto Elobicoke,on1. TomErayJr. Calgary Saskatchewan'sMedal Rinks GOLD! (lertto rigtrt SlewartMiUer(lead).JayccnSnider(second),David Huner (third).Muray Halvorson(skip) SILVER lllertorigtrg Johr Roberrs(lead).Ron weglrer (secofld).wcs Long (lhird),GaryWilliams (skip) 160 Albefta's Top Rink BRONZE (tel torigh, (jranrRodgers(ihird).Gry Ssholz(slip), Dan Eagle(second),Herb Scholz(lead) DavcLittel (right)andhis Calgaryrink displayingthe 2002Briar fleeces 161 [lighttr to I n i n k tr ixth placein thecham pionship An uth e rS a .ka tch e u aR Dor Barss(skip).Dan Skarct(third),Ket Petcrson(sccord),Tom Kehlcr (lead) David Martin (Local arangementschair in 2001), and his Kitcbener Watefloo rink MauriccMartin (ihifd), David Manin (second),TerrellWiebe(ledd)andBrucewiebe (skip) 162 The Cline Brothers(dght to left) aroundtheBanquettable Phil. EIlis,Fred,David. andSteve PoetLaureate Herb Eriksson reaolng his 2002Briar poem 163 Four FoundingMembcrs of theCanadianClergyCurling Association FrascrMuldfew,Hugb Christmas.CliffMcMurtry andBob McNaughl Thcscfriarsatlendedthe 1978Briar in Winnipeg calledthe 'Conspicl' DennisBulcher,FBserMuld.e$,,CameronReid.Bob andBcrlxh McNaughl.Hugb Christnas, Wrl|er Co\!an andCliff McMunry group"helpingto showoff the atfactive tablesetting "A handsome Ro\\ C'onnrl.Cliff. Bctly endJoyccMcMurlry,CamcronReid,PalriciaandJackBums An Ontario Table Iiclgc Hongislo,Mauriccl'lartin. David Martin,Bill fenncll. thc McNaughtsandArch Mccurdy 165 TheLutheransliom Edmonton l h i l H i n \.C c ,,j .c F r i eJri (k. A ' nuR abl i l /.nJ D afl )l D cqJl l Local AfiangementsChair: Georgc Budd looks relaxcd amonghis Calgary rink and hanquettable friends