August 14, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Parish


August 14, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Parish
Father Tom Bourque, T.O.R., Parochial Administrator
Father Alberto Bueno, T.O.R., Parochial Vicar
Father Jonathan St. André, T.O.R., Parochial Vicar
Father Pat Whittle, T.O.R., Priest-in-Residence
Saturday Vigil Masses:
Sunday Masses:
Call Mr. Danny Rucker - 703-880-4340
Daily Masses:
PARISH OFFICES - Hours - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday - Friday
CHURCH OFFICE: 703-880-4300, FAX: 703-880-4320
Director of Facilities
Mr. Danny Rucker
And Events
Kitchen Manager:
Ms. Laura Stump
Network/IT Manager:
Mr. John Peitler
Finance Administrator: Ms. Teresa Westhues 703-880-4313
Asst. Bookkeeper and Mrs. Beth Covert
Child Protection Liaison
Music Director:
Mrs. Alice Eelman
Religious Education Dir. Mr. Reyes Ruiz
Religious Ed. Secretary Mrs. Rosalind Murphy 703-880-4305
Parish Secretary/
Mrs. Tisha Hilliard
Finance Assistant
Parish Secretaries:
Mrs. Jeanne Nappier
Mrs. Mary Kirby
First Friday Masses
Religious Education Director, Mr. Reyes Ruiz
In Case of Absences - CCD Office - 703-880-4307
September - May
Grades K-4
Saturday 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Pre-School - Ages 3-5
Sunday during 10 a.m. Mass
Spanish 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Grades 5-8
Monday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
(RCIC/Special Sacraments)
Religious Education Secretary - 703-880-4305
Director of Youth Ministry:
Mr. David Bristow, 703-880-4309
Jr. High School Youth - Grades 9-12
High School Youth - Grades –9-12
NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Please call or register at the Church Office. Remember, just attending church
here does not automatically make you a registered parishioner.
5:00 p.m.
7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m.,
1:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m. (Spanish)
5:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m. Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. Monday - Saturday
7:30 p.m.
suggestions. Contact us at [email protected].
Wednesdays in the Church - 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
NOCTURNAL ADORATION: following First Friday Mass
CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:30 p.m. and by appointment.
MARRIAGE: Arrangements must begin at least (6) months in
advance of the date of the wedding. This is a Diocesan requirement. Call the Church Office for an appointment.
BAPTISMS: Held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the church. Call the
Church Office at least one month in advance. For parishioners
who are asked to be Godparents, please contact the Church
Office no less than 3 weeks before the event takes place to
see if you meet the Diocesan requirements.
BAPTISMAL CLASSES: Baptismal classes are required for
all parents and God-parents prior to the child being baptized. The next Baptismal Class held here at St. Joseph is
September 3, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in parish meeting room
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for copy material is
Monday before Noon. Any announcements received after Monday will be in the next bulletin. Please submit material in writing
or via e-mail at [email protected].
St. Joseph School
OFFICE: 703-880-4350, FAX: 703-880-4320
Dir. of Curriculum & Instruction
Dir of Tech. & Student Activities
Mrs. Cindi Conroy
Mrs. Eileen Lau
Mrs. Sara Beltran
Mrs. Mary Lewis
Mrs. Debbie Lizama
Visit us on our website!
HERNDON, VIRGINIA * 703-880-4300
Saturday, August 13
8:00 a.m. + Fr. Edmund Carroll, T.O.R. by Mary & Tony
5:00 p.m. - Living and Deceased Members of St. Joseph
Sunday, August 14
7:00 a.m. + Catherine Bressin by Pat Gilbert
8:30 a.m. + Sarah Nathness by The Adesso Family
10:00 a.m + Sheila Ruth Cawley by The Dobranski Family
11:30 a.m. + Tom Howard by his Family
1:00 p.m. + Donald Kiley by Daughter Nicole, Rick & Eli
3:30 p.m. - Spanish Mass
5:00 p.m. - Living and Deceased Parishioners of St. Joseph
Monday, August 15 - The Feast of the Assumption of The
Blessed Virgin Mary
6:30 a.m. - Mary Cahalane by The Miller Family
8:00 a.m. + Stanislaw Zajac by Mary Diana Szulc
Tuesday, August 16
6:30 a.m. + James McKee by Kathy Reece
8:00 a.m. + Lien Partik by George & Barbara Roesch
Wednesday, August 17
6:30 a.m. + Maureen Grodek by Katherine & Bill Miller
8:00 a.m. + Amy Christman by The Christman Family
Thursday, August 18
6:30 a.m. - Fr. Ronald Mohnickey by The Proctor Family
8:00 a.m. + Asuncion Somon by Filly Coo
Friday, August 19
6:30 a.m. - Andette Ilagan by Cris Beltran & Family
8:00 a.m. + Betty Rodriguez by José Diaz
Saturday, August 20
8:00 a.m. + John & Jean Blazejewski by Mary Diana Szulc
5:00 p.m. + William Dobranski & William Cawley
by The Dobranski Family
Sunday, August 21
7:00 a.m. + Rose Conroy by Genie & Joe Conroy & Sons
8:30 a.m. + Ida Mello by The Adesso Family
10:00 a.m - Living and Deceased Members of St. Joseph
11:30 a.m. + James Iarrobino, Sr. by The Valeski Family
1:00 p.m. + Lillian Cappabinco by Helene Gorayeb
3:30 p.m. - Spanish Mass
5:00 p.m. + Marge Rose by Mary Diana Szulc
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for August
Universal: SPORTS
That sports may be an opportunity for
friendly encounters between people and may
contribute to peace in the world.
Evangelization: LIVING THE GOSPEL
That Christians may live the Gospel, giving
witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor.
August 14, 2016
Peace and good! On August 11th we celebrated the Feast of St. Clare
of Assisi. As Franciscans, we refer to and honor Clare of Assisi as a
co-founder of the Franciscan movement. In our Franciscan tradition
we give attention to Clare and her unique role in the Franciscan
story for the best insight into Francis since she was the first
Franciscan woman.
The Franciscan pilgrimage leader, Friar Roch Niemier, OFM shares
the following insights into Clare’s life.
Clare was born in 1193, in the upper section of Assisi,
of a noble and wealthy family. As Francis was stirring up the
town with his gospel life, Clare herself became attracted to join
Francis and in 1212 left her family by stealth in order to do so.
Eventually Francis settled her into San Damiano, together with
the first women who joined her community. Clare lived the
ideals of the gospel in the spirit of St. Francis until she died in
1253, some 27 years after Francis.
Perhaps the best insight into Clare, and what she accomplished,
is to examine briefly the qualities of her leadership, a leadership
that gave birth to an entirely new and refreshing look at women,
at society, and at the Church of her era.
Friar Roch shares three qualities of her leadership:
• Servant Leadership
• Respect and equality
• A Contemplative and Listening Spirit
The first quality – Servant Leadership:
Clare was, undoubtedly, a servant first. Although from
aristocracy, she instinctively mothered her sisters, and all who
came to San Damiano, with compassion and healing and love.
All grew into reflections of the gospel. The “servant first”
quality makes sure that other people’s highest priority needs
are being served.
The second quality – Respect and Equality:
Clare created a city of equal ladies at San Damiano. All classes
of women were welcome and made to feel one. This was a
radical stance for her time. She provided a new image and
dignity for women, a new model of religious life. As we absorb
this we feel a new breath of air, a kind of new light, a new place,
a new city of God. This grew out of respect towards all: rich,
poor, sick, uneducated, middle class. All were equal in the sight
of God and thus in the vision of Clare.
The third quality – A Contemplative and Listening Spirit:
Nurturing a prayerful, contemplative spirit might be the most
important quality for a leader, for it gives birth to a listening
stance towards others. A contemplative spirit teaches one to
listen. It anchors the person concerning the vision and goals of
the group. It keeps clarifying the focus of life and one’s
institution (or family), maintaining a single-hearted perspective.
A contemplative spirit develops strong roots. As a contemplative
Clare was very clear about her way of life and instilled this
foundation in her sisters.
Clare of Assisi invites each of us to embrace the Gospel in our daily
lives by embracing: servant leadership; respect and equality; and a
contemplative and listening spirit.
In the peace of Francis of Assisi,
Niemier, R. (ND). ST. CLARE... New Woman of the Spoleto Valley. Newsletter.
The Parish staff wishes to thank the following parish
August 14, 2016
St. Joseph Men’s Society - In need of a weekly spiritual
battery charge? Join our Tuesday Morning Prayer Hour,
held every Tuesday, at 7:00-8:00AM in Room 210. We begin
with a group prayer, readings from the Magnificat, a short
analysis of next week's Gospel, and then a roundtable discussion. Every Tuesday, throughout the year, the opportunity to
join other men of the parish to "Put the family in the hands of
the Father" is there for the asking.
We thank our Religious Education staff, Faith Formation
program leaders, and the volunteers who shared the parish’s
commitment to Catechesis and Faith Formation with our
parishioners this past weekend. We thank you for your
We thank our parishioners who participate in the catechetical
and faith formation programs at the parish. May you continue
to deepen your faith and knowledge in our Catholic tradition.
We thank our parishioners for their support of the Parish
Facility Fund Collection. Your contributions assist us in
maintaining and caring for our parish buildings and grounds.
Know that we are grateful for your prayers and support.
We thank our parishioners who have responded to the call to
be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(Eucharistic Ministers). Eucharistic Ministers are called by
God to become servants to other members of the Body of
Christ. The function of an Extraordinary Minister is to assist
the priest in distributing the true presence of Christ during the
Mass. They also bring Holy Communion to our parishioners at
the hospital and nursing homes, and to those who are bound to
their homes. We thank you for your ministry.
The Lector’s proclamation enables God's Word to
achieve the purpose for which it was sent. If you
feel called to serve St. Joseph Catholic Church as
a Lector, and have received Confirmation, or if
you have any questions about becoming a Lector,
please call Mark Overberg at (703) 787-9824.
New Lector training will be provided on
August 20th from at 9 - 10 a.m. in the Church.
Sanctuary Flowers - If you would like to donate
flowers for the Sanctuary in honor or in memory of a
loved one or for some special occasion, call Jeanne at
703-880-4304. Please call at least two weeks prior to
arrange for flowers. A note in the bulletin will mark
your generosity and the event for which the flowers
were given.
Attn. Parishioners: The BBQ Committee is searching
for EMT or Medical Personnel for the Parish BBQ on
Saturday, Sept. 10th from 3:30 to closing. If you would like to
share your special talent with us, please contact Laura Stump
at 703-880-4324.
Ladies, please join us at our Open
House on August 25th at
7 p.m. in room 209. To start off the
evening, we will all gather with
Fr. Tom at the St. Joseph statue under
the arch by the church. Fr. Tom has a
small program planned for us.
If you want to know what the Ladies’ Society Mission is all
about or what we have planned for the upcoming year, please
come to our Open House and get involved! Fellowship,
refreshments and wine will be served.
Visit us on our website!
HERNDON, VIRGINIA * 703-880-4300
August 14, 2016
“Revolving Our Lives Around Christ”
The Office of Religious Education is now accepting
registrations for rising Preschool children through Adults for
those who wish to learn (more) about the Catholic Faith as
well as those who need to prepare to receive
sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and/or
First Holy Communion). For more information
call Mrs. Roz Murphy at (703) 880-4305,
email at [email protected] , click
the “Faith Formation” tab on our parish’s
website at, or simply scan the QR Code
to be directed to the SJC Website – Faith Formation.
Catechists (teachers) and Assistant Catechists Needed
St. Joseph Religious Education (CCD) is preparing for the
2016-2017 school year. Textbooks and supplies will be
ordered in anticipation for the upcoming 600 students who will
be attending our parish’s Catechism classes. However there is
just one thing still missing – YOU. Please consider volunteer
teaching or assisting for Religious Education classes starting
this September and ending in May of next year. For more
information call Mr. Reyes Ruiz at (703) 880-4332 or email at
[email protected].
This week we are highlighting the following positions for
Mondays or Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Please consider giving your time and talent to the youth of our
parish to one of the above.
Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
-ORSixth Grade……………..……..… One Catechist, Mondays
Seventh Grade, Confirmation ……One Catechist, Mondays
Eighth Grade, Confirmation …….One Catechist & Asst.,
Seventh Grade, Confirmation…….One Assistant, Tuesdays
Eighth Grade, Confirmation …….One Assistant, Tuesdays
R.C.I.C. - (unbaptized children)… One Catechist & Asst.,
2nd—6th Grade
Are you a Catholic who needs
Confirmation and First Holy
Communion? Classes are on Wednesdays
7:00-9:00 p.m. starting September 7th .
Just come on by the Parish Office, call 703880-4332, or email at [email protected]
for inquires.
The St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry Calendar and Registration
is now online at under the faith formation section. Please access the webpage for the upcoming 2016-2017 schedule as well as the new registration
forms for the academic year. For any questions, please
contact the youth office at 703.880.4309/
[email protected].
St. Joseph School
St. Joseph School is accepting applications for the 2016-2017
school year. There are a few openings in grades 1 - 6. Please
contact Mrs. Mary Lewis, Admissions Coordinator
[email protected] for more information.
St. Joseph School is seeking a part time Spanish teacher for
grades 1-5 and a Learning Resource teacher. Interested
candidates should send a letter of interest and resumé to Mrs.
Cindi Conroy, Principal or [email protected].
Have you been told you have a great voice? Do you want to
share your gift with fellow parishioners? Then consider
becoming a cantor!! Flexible schedule!!! We especially
need cantors at the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass, 1:00 pm
Sunday and 5:00 pm Sunday Masses. Audition
required. High School students also welcome.
Contact: Alice Eelman at 703-880-4321 or
[email protected] for more details.
On Thursday evening, August 25, 2016 our parish choir will
sing at the taping of the TV Mass at the Basilica of the
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Come
support the choir and be a part of the TV Mass
congregation! Our choir will gather at 6:45PM in the Crypt
Church. The Sunday TV Mass is broadcast locally at
10:30AM on WDCW Channel 50 (CW50), as well as
nationally on the CatholicTV cable network from Boston.
For more information on this joyful act of evangelization
for our parish, contact Alice Eelman at 703-880-4321 or
[email protected].
Samaritan Knights of Columbus Council will host a picnic for
Knights and their families, as well as prospective Knights, at
Lake Fairfax Park on Sunday, August 14th from 12-4. Please
join your brother Knights for a hot dog or burger, play some
games and catch up on our activities. Please RSVP to Bern
Patchan if you’ll attend at 703-395-8294 or
[email protected].
Visit us on our website!
August 15th is the Feast of The
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. This year, it is not a Holy
Day of Obligation. Masses will
be the regular scheduled daily
Masses. There is an envelope in
your packet should you choose to
make an offering.
In Baptism
we are reborn as children of God, made members
of His Church, and heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven. With this in
mind, we welcome these children of God who were baptized on
August 7, 2016:
Dylan Emmanuel Ayala son of Marina Ayala;
Mayeree Mariel Ayala daughter of Marina Ayala;
Nicolle Alexandra Escobar Paz daughter of Boris & Yesny;
Jacob Hobanny Lopéz Andrade son of Edwin & Maria;
Christina Pilar Martinez daughter of Rafael & Dina;
Kenny David Martinez Marcos son of David & Esperanza;
Cesar Alexis Portillo Guillen son of Julio & Gloria;
Scarlett Monserrat Rivera Ramirez daughter of Edwin & Kenia;
Allison Michelle Santos Flores daughter of William & Elbia;
Kevin Brandon Serrano Rivera son of Carlos & Silvia;
Elvis Fabian Vargas Lopez son of Elvis & Vilma
Sunday, August 14
5:00 p.m. - Prayer Group [Spanish] (HALL C)
7:30 p.m. - Open BB [Adults Only] (Gym)
Monday, August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
7:00 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal [Spanish] (CH)
Tuesday, August 16
7:00 a.m. - Men’s Prayer Group (Rm. 210)
Wednesday, August 17
7:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration (CH)
Thursday, August 18
7:00 p.m. - BSA Troop 913 Committee Mtg. (Rm. 210)
7:15 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal (CH)
Friday, August 19
6:15 p.m. - Adult Bible Study (Rm. 205)
Saturday, August 20
9:00 a.m. - Lector Training (CH)
3:30 p.m. - Confessions (CH)
August 14, 2016
We Encourage Faith Direct - Manage your giving on line
with your own login. Sign up today by picking up a Faith Direct enrollment form from the Church office or, easier yet,
visit and use parish code VA101 to enroll on line.
We invite you to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Every Wednesday evening from 7 p.m. - 9
p.m., we have Eucharistic Adoration in the
Celebrating A Silver or Golden Wedding Anniversary This
The annual Mass for gold and silver jubilarians who were
married in 1966 or 1991will take place at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday,
October 16 at the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More. Mass will
be celebrated by Bishop Paul Loverde. To register, contact
Mrs. Mary Kirby in the parish office at 703-880-4302 no later
than September 23. For more info, visit
Mission: St. Joseph Catholic Church preaches the Gospel
through word, sacrament, and service to others in order to
build God’s Kingdom.
Vision: St. Joseph Catholic Church is a joyful community,
preaching the Good News to all, promoting God’s Word, the
sacraments, and serving others through “Works of Mercy” in
the spirit of Saints Joseph and Francis of Assisi.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Parish Advisory Council
• Jennie Albers, Secretary
• Cindi Conroy,
SJS Liaison
• Jim Nash, Fin. Comm.
• Mark Overberg,
• Greg Bengzon
• Marylou Bergeron
• Frank Bowen,
Vice Chairperson
• Terry McNulty
• Patty Navarro
• Tom Reilly
Do you have ideas for the parish or concerns about parish
life? Email the Parish Advisory Council at
[email protected] or speak to one of us in person.
August 14, 2016
This Week @ Trinity House Cafe
Kids: Story Hour - Tuesday, August 16, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Kids: Story, Song, and Craft - Thursday, August 18, 9:3010:30 a.m.
Live Music: Michael Warner - Friday, August 19, 6:30-8:30
Mark your calendars for the next Community Market!
Saturday, September 17
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
About Trinity House Cafe
Trinity House Café, on the corner of Church and Market Streets in
the heart of historic Leesburg, VA, is an outreach of the John Paul
II Fellowship, a Christian non-profit dedicated to renewing
community and culture.
Ignation Volunteer Corps (IVC) - Are you 50+, wanting
to serve in your community, and would like to join a dynamic
group of peers? Consider the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC):
We are a national movement of active retirees who volunteer
in our local community one or two days a week. We share our
talents and life experiences with organizations that directly
assist those suffering from poverty and we work to alleviate
structural injustice. We grow in our faith together as we go!
Please join us for one of our information sessions on
Wednesday August 31st, 10:00-11:15 a.m. at our Northern
Virginia Fairfax Offices. Contact our Regional Director Joanie
Coolidge at 703-534-4140, [email protected] and see for more information.
Discount Courses Available through Catholic
Distance University
Join the inspiring instructors at Catholic Distance University
for a faith-filled journey of discovery. Enroll in an online
independent study course of your choice and study anytime,
anywhere! Courses include: CHIST N086 Pius XII: In Defense
of Truth, CHIST N025 The True Story of the Crusades, SPIR
N064 Vatican II: Lay Spirituality, SPIR N156 Classics in
Prayer and the Spiritual Life, RELED N066 The Catholic
School: Identity and Leadership, and RELED N004 NDC:
Vitalizing the Catechetical Ministry. For a full list of courses,
browse our catalog at Use
Promo Code CDU15ARLINGTON when registering to qualify
for the $30 rate.
Check Out Fr. Ed Bresnahan on 2minutes2virtue: The
Weekly Challenge!
Tune in to 2minutes2virtue and take the Weekly Challenge
with Fr. Bresnahan, Chaplain of Bishop Ireton Catholic High
School in Alexandria. He hosts the August videos series
designed to help Catholics on the go get the most out of
Sunday readings. Sign up to receive the weekly videos at For more
information contact the Office for Family Life at (703) 8412550.
WMET 1160 AM Guadalupe Radio Network
Tune in to hear popular EWTN programming like “Catholic
Answers Live,” “Kresta in the Afternoon,” and “Morning
Glory” on WMET 1160AM every day. Guadalupe Radio
Network’s mission is to draw all people to the knowledge and
love of Jesus and His Church through the medium of Catholic
radio, in full accord with the Magisterium of the Catholic
Church. Check out for a full program
Collection: The weekend of August 7th
Second Collection:
$18,754 plus Faith Direct $13,792
Parish Facility Fund
$7,336 plus Faith Direct $4,918
Thank you for your continued support and kind