May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
St. Titus Parish 3006 KEENWOOD ROAD, EAST NORRITON, PA 19403 PARISH PHONE: 610-279-4990 FAX: 610-279-8640 WWW.STTITUS.ORG EMAIL: STTITUS@ STTITUS. ORG PASTOR: REVEREND LEONARD A. LEWANDOWSKI DEACON: CLAUDE GRANESE May 1, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 4:30pm Sunday Morning 9:00am, 11:00am Daily Mass Mon, Tues, Fri 8:45am Thurs 6:30pm Saturday 8:45am Holy Days 8:45am,12:00Noon,7:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday afternoons 3:30-4:00pm or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second Sunday of each month at 12:15pm. Fourth Sunday of month during 11:00am Mass. Baptisms are not performed on holidays. Parents presenting their first child for baptism are required to attend Pre-Jordan class. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples must make arrangements at least six months in advance of the requested date. Pre Cana participation is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Catholics who are seriously ill or weakened by old age are encouraged to request this Sacrament. Those entering the hospital for surgery are invited to receive this sacrament prior to admission. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday, 9:00am—4:00pm Evenings: Monday-Thursday, 6:00-9:00pm PARISH STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Maureen Lewis: 610-279-4990 [email protected] The Holy City of Jersualem coming down from heaven, the glory of God gave it light! DIRECTOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Claire Boyle 610-306-3438 [email protected] CHOIR & MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Bob Leso: 856-478-4137 [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR Mrs. Maureen Lewis 610-279-4990 [email protected] HOLY ROSARY REGIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Mrs. Lisa Hoban 610-825-0160 [email protected] 6th Sunday of Easter 2 LITURGICAL NOTES: Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11:00 Mass Miraculous Medal Novena, Mondays after 8:45am Mass Divine Mercy Devotion, Fridays after 8:45am Mass Rosary following every Morning Mass Thursday, May 5th is a holyday of obligation celebrating the feast of Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. Masses are at 8:45am, 12:00Noon, 7:00pm St. Titus May Procession Sunday, May 8th after 11:00am Mass Come and honor our Blessed Mother! 2nd graders are asked to wear 1st Communion attire. “From the Pen of Father Len” Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Titus Parish, Praised be Jesus Christ—now and forever! “April showers bring May Flowers”! “Flowers “ are one thing that the month of May can be noted for. Other things include First Communion, Mother’s Day, Weddings , and Graduations. For us Catholics, the month of May—the “entire” month—is the month dedicated to the Blessed Mother. “May crowning” will , of course, be numerous throughout the month. We will have ours on the 8th of May. Other churches, schools, sodalities , and Marian organizations will have theirs on other dates. And rightfully so. Mary is n not only the mother of Jesus, Jesus “gave her” to all of us from the cross. She is indeed our “mother” and our “Queen”. We celebrate that Queenship in the final decade of the 4 mysteries of the Rosary, namely, “the coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of the Universe”. “Queen of the Universe” is quite a title and a position to be in. She’s not just Queen of our Planet, or of our solar system, or of our galaxy. She is Queen of the “UNIVERSE”. That means she’s Queen of EVERY planet, EVERY solar system, EVERY galaxy, and EVERY galaxy that exists anywhere and everywhere in outer space. So she is definitely our queen. And, if you believe in aliens or “beings” that may live on other planets, that means that see’s their queen, too. During the month of May many things can happen. It’s usually a beautiful month every place in the world. For our part of the world, we’re headed to spring and summer. In other parts of the world, they’re going into autumn and winter. But the month of May almost everywhere is a beautiful month. Rightfully, so, therefore, it should be dedicated to the most “beautiful” (physically and spiritually) person in the world. “Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”. May that always be our prayer and Mary always be personally accepted as our Queen and Mother. Peace Fr. Len ST. TITUS RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE ANNUAL ROSE SALE Next Saturday and Sunday, May 7-8th, members of the Respect Life Committee will be offering fresh, live roses in celebration of the gift of Motherhood. Your kind donations are greatly appreciated and your support enables the PRO-LIFE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION of SOUTHEAST PA to continue its efforts to actively educate, inform and promote Jesus' Gospel of life from conception to natural death. #095 THANK YOU! The PA HERO WALK and the Knights of Columbus Tomko Assembly extend our deep appreciation to all our friends who enjoyed and donated to the recent fundraiser breakfast. We were able to raise over $500.00 which will benefit the Veterans of Pennsylvania. Thank you for supporting the men and women who have given so much. Visit to learn more. May 1, 2016 3 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Welcome Sunday, May 1 9:00am † Elizabeth Stanton 11:00am Living & Deceased Parishioners Monday, May 2 8:45am † T. F. & Rose Marie O’Connor Family Tuesday, May 3 8:45am † John Jones Wednesday, May 4 NO MASS Thursday, May 5 ASCENSION DAY 8:45am † David DeColli 12noon Living & Deceased Parishioners 7:00pm † Zofia Debicka Friday, May 6 8:45am † Walter Paquette Saturday, May 7 8:45am † Margaret Swift 11:00am Special Mass for Feast of the Holy Cross 4:30pm † Alfred Haywood Sunday, May 8 9:00am Mothers’ Day Intentions 11:00am Mothers’ Day Intentions To all who are tired and need rest; To all who mourn and need comfort; To all who are friendless and need friendship; To all who are discouraged and need hope; To all who are homeless and need sheltering love; To all who sin and need a Savior; And to whomsoever will. The Parish of St. Titus opens wide its doors In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! CANDLE INTENTIONS Week of May 1st-7th BLESSED MOTHER: Robert Harper SAINT JOSEPH: Donna James SECOND ORDER OF HOLY LAND SOLIDARITY CROSSES If you haven’t picked up your cross orders yet, please come and get them! Pick up in the Parish Office during regular business hours. Thanks for your patience. ElectionofGodparents: One Godparent is required. Two Godparents – one male, one female may be appointed. Godparents must be practicing Catholics, 16 years of age or older, fully initiated into the Church (Baptized and Confirmed) at least 6 months before baptism. A non-Catholic may stand as a Christian Witness. Former Catholics are ineligible. Godparents must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from their pastor; Christian Witnesses must provide a copy of their baptismal record. These documents and baptismal stipend must be received by the parish office one week before the day of Baptism. OUR FINANCIAL PICTURE Fiscal Year: July 1st, 2015 to June 30th, 2016 Total Sunday Collection for Weekend of April 23-24, 2016………..$7,625.00 Snowman Jars proceeds for Weekend of April 23-24, 2016………..$275.00 Thank You for Your Generosity! PLEASE NOTE: There will be a 2nd Collection on this weekend, April 30th-May 1st for the Home Mission. There was no envelope provided. THIS WEEK AT ST. TITUS SUNDAY, MAY 1 11:00am Mass, First Holy Communion, Church 6:30-9:30pm, Bethany Music Group Practice, Church 6:30-8:00pm, Topic Night@Youth Center, 7-12th Gr. MONDAY, MAY 2 6:45-8:00pm, PREP/AFF Class TUESDAY, MAY 3 10:30am, Senior Citizens Meeting, Parish Center 1:00pm, Flame of Love Cenacle, Rectory Mtg Rm. 6:30pm, Hand Bell Choir Practice, School WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 7:30pm, Knights of Columbus Council Mtg, Parish Ctr. THURSDAY, MAY 5 Pray the Rosary after 6:30pm Mass FRIDAY, MAY 6 8pm Friday-2:30am Saturday, Night of Reparation, Ch SATURDAY, MAY 7 11:00am, Mass for Feast of the Holy Cross, Church 12noon-2:00pm, Feast of the Holy Cross, Social Hall 4:00pm, Rosary for the Unborn, Church 6th Sunday of Easter 4 St. Titus Golf Outing Monday, May 23, 2016 WIN A CAR WITH A HOLE IN ONE ! All proceeds from this outing will benefit St. Titus Church SCHEDULE of EVENTS: Registration & Lunch begin at 11:00am Shotgun Start at 12:30pm Dinner Buffet 5:30pm Sandy Run Country Club 200 East Valley Green Rd Oreland, Pa. 19075 Cost: $140 per golfer includes: Hot lunch buffet Course refreshments One hour open bar Full Dinner Buffet Skills Contests with Prizes In addition to participating in the event, varying sponsorship levels are also available: Tee sponsorships at $100tee sign w/company name and logo. Please contact one of the following Committee Members or see St. Titus website for registration form: Dan Cleary Mike Creeden [email protected] [email protected] Mary Malazita Mike Rodgers [email protected] [email protected] John Morton Ed Ruane [email protected] [email protected] Anthony Saldutti Paul Paluba [email protected] [email protected] Tom Tirpak [email protected] BUY IN-STOCK SCRIP & PLACE SPECIAL ORDERS! Good News for Spring Gift Giving! Get Low Denomination Gift Cards While They Last! Starting Saturday, April 9 - limited number of small amount gift cards available while supplies last. Perfect for teacher gifts and grad parties! Don't wait to place your orders. The following cards will be available: #095 Albertsons $10 Gift Cards $10 AMC Theatres® $10 Barnes & Noble $5 Meijer $10 Outback $10 Regal Entertainment Group $10 Target $10 Starbucks $5 Supervalu $10 DON’T FORGET YOUR REGULAR IN-STOCK CARDS—ALWAYS AVAILABLE SHOPRITE, GIANT, WAWA, KOHL’S, WEIS, ETC! May 1, 2016 FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES ADULT 5 FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES YOUTH RENEWAL OF CONSECRATION St. Titus Youth Ministry TO JESUS THROUGH MARY REAL. RELEVANT. JESUS. Join us on Friday, May 13, the Feast of 7th-12th grades! Our Lady of Fatima, as we renew our Consecration to Jesus through Mary. All are welcome; whether you made Sun., May 1: TOPIC NIGHT @ the YC the Consecration with us last year, “Who IS Mary? A Deeper Look” made it on your own, making it for the first time or just 6:30-8:00pm/FREE PIZZA! curious as to what the Consecration is, please come! We will renew our Consecration after the 8:45 Mass in the Sun., May 8: ADORE! (Eucharistic Adoration) morning and at 7:00PM. Light refreshments will be Time to encounter Jesus! served afterwards. If you have a certificate, please bring 7:30-8:30pm in the Church it with you! NEW MINISTRY – CALLING ALL WOMEN!! PRAY FOR MY PRIEST - SPIRITUAL MOTHERHOOD It is the goal of this ministry to ensure that all priests, religious and diocesan, active and retired, and eventually all seminarians in our Archdiocese, be matched with a spiritual mother, a woman of prayer, who will raise her priestly son up to God unceasingly in prayer and sacrifice. There are currently 386 adopted priest sons but 162 are still awaiting a Spiritual Mother. Do something amazing for Mother’s Day – adopt a priest son! Additional information and forms can be found on the Faith Formation bulletin board or STIR UP YOUR SOUL –Teens & Up Next meeting - Saturday, May 28 11:00-1:00 in the Youth Center A deep, JOYFUL prayer experience! NAME THE SAINT! This ‘Blessed’ was born in 1322 in Bologna, Italy. She developed a deep love for all things Catholic but most especially for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. At the age of nine she asked to live in a nearby monastery. She longed to receive her First Holy Communion but was told that she was too young until one day, after Mass, while praying, a glowing light appeared above her head containing the Sacred Host! Everyone understood that WHAT IS FORMED? Jesus Himself wanted this FORMED is a website that provides unlimited digital little one to receive Him! And access to the BEST Catholic content for EVERY parish so she did. With her heart so family in a parish with a subscription. filled with love and her single St. Titus has a subscription but it will expire soon! earthly desire fulfilled, this little “blessed” died in a state Sign up today at and enter our “parish of ecstasy and sheer joy with a smile on her face. code”: 24a849. Enter your email address and create She is the patroness of a fervent First Holy Communion. your own password. Then, to access FORMED Her body is incorrupt and her Feast Day is May 12. afterward, just “log in” using your email and password. For more information contact: Claire Boyle [email protected] or 610-306-3438 6th Sunday of Easter 6 J U BI LEE Y EAR OF M ER CY C ON N ECT ION S Reflection for May 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy - Mary, the Mother of Mercy Have you ever found it difficult to forgive? If so, turn to Mary, the Mother of Mercy. She is the Mother of God whose “mercy endures forever” (Ps 118:1), the Mother of Jesus who prayed, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do” (Lk. 23:34). She is our surest help when we struggle with feelings of resentment or the desire to “get even.” For did not she, of all people, have reason to feel resentment, to desire revenge, to despise those who betrayed and abandoned her Son? Did not she have reason to wish for revenge against the hypocrisy of religious leaders who twisted the truth of his words and the goodness of his mighty deeds to justify his condemnation as a charlatan deserving death? And, did not she have reason to wish for vengeance against the cowardice of Pilate, the cruelty of his executioners, and the mockery of the bystanders who scornfully laughed at her beloved Son stripped naked dying helplessly on the cross? Indeed, she had every reason to cry out to God as king for vengeance against the perpetrators of such barbarous cruelty! But, no, she did not. She forgave. She witnessed Jesus asking His Father to forgive. So let us pray the “Hail, Holy Queen” every day during this Holy Year of Mercy, asking Mary, the Mother of Mercy, to help us be merciful when we feel the desire for revenge or for “getting even.” May Mary, the Mother of Mercy be “our life, our sweetness, and our hope” as we learn how “blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.” (Mt 5:7). ~Sr. Annette Pelletier, IHM, Prof. of Theology, Immaculata University How to Live It Read the story of Immacule Ilibagiza. In her book, Left To Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, she recounts how she survived the Rwandan genocide and was brought to forgive those who murdered her family through the prayer of the Rosary, especially the Sorrowful Mysteries. Then, consider taking up the Rosary and asking Our Lady to help you forgive those who have injured you. Quote from Catholic Tradition: “Seek refuge in Mary because she is the city of refuge. We know that Moses set up three cities of refuge for anyone who inadvertently killed his neighbor. Now the Lord has established a refuge of mercy, Mary, even for those who deliberately commit evil. Mary provides shelter and strength for the sinner." ~Saint Anthony of Padua “Even while living in the world, the heart of Mary was so filled with motherly tenderness and compassion for men that no one ever suffered so much for their own pains, as Mary suffered for the pains of her children.” ~Saint Jerome, Father and Doctor of the Church To continue reflecting on this theme, consider one of these resources: •Recommended Book for the Month: The World's First Love, Archbishop Fulton Sheen Lighthouse Catholic Media CD: Mary: Handmaid of the Lord by Blessed Mother Teresa ST. PADRE PIO FESTIVAL Pilgrim buses welcome! St. Bede the Venerable Parish in Holland, PA is hosting its first ever Festival in honor of St. Pio of Petrelcina on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, 2016. Religious activities include Masses and services conducted by Father Pio Mandato F.M.H.J., whose parents lived in Padre Pio's hometown, and who is also very familiar with the popular saint's life and miraculous works. A highlight of the festival will be the Sunday, June 26th Mass at 12:30pm, followed by a street procession. Afterwards a healing service will be conducted, with the application and blessing with relics. Social activities, including live musical entertainment and numerous food and craft vendors on grounds. For more info contact 215-357-5720 or RELEVANT RADIO, a national Catholic radio network is now available to listeners throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Relevant airs locally on 640 AM WWJZ, online at, and through a free mobile phone application from anywhere in the world. The mission of this ministry is to focus on the New Evangelization by providing relevant programming to help people bridge the gap between faith and everyday life. #095 May 1, 2016 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS… OUR SICK: Eddie Avancena, Alex Baronowski, Mary Ann Brady, Mitch Budzilowicz Patrick Campellone, Esther Crawford, Mary Gavanus, Joan Interrante, Gordon Kittel, Pat Meier, Stephen Ondik, Jr., Jason Robert Taylor St. Titus / St. Francis KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS All Catholic men age 18 and over are invited to join The Knights of Columbus! We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the St. Titus Parish Center. NEXT MEETING: Council Meeting, Wednesday, May 4th 7:30-9:00pm, Parish Center New prospective members are welcome to attend. For more information call: Don McAvoy at 610-539-7881 or Tony Finamore, 484-995-7600. SIXTHREE GROUP RETREAT A retreat for Fathers and Sons will be held Father’s Day weekend, June 17-19th at Malvern Retreat House. Participants should be home before 1pm on Sunday. There is no charge for grade or high school students who attend. Visit for more details or contact Don McAvoy at 610-539-7881. MAY SPRING FLOWER SALE - You've taken care of Mom, now take care of your garden! The 8th graders of Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School are hosting a spring flower sale. We offer geraniums, petunias, New Guinea Impatiens, 10" hanging baskets, and assorted flats ranging in price from $5 -$15. Orders are due May 9; Pickup on Sat. May 14th from 9:00am2:30pm in Grady Hall at Holy Rosary. Forms and payment (cash or check) can be dropped off at the school office between 8:15am and 2:45pm. Order forms can be found on our website at http:// If you have any questions, please contact Tracy at 484-250-9444. 7 ST. TITUS SENIOR ACTIVITIES CLUB is open to anyone age 55 or older. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd in the Parish Center. Bingo is played from 10:30am to 12noon and there will be entertainment. You are welcome to bring your lunch. Coffee, tea and desserts are provided. The dues are only $5.00 per year. Upcoming events: Bake Sale-May 14-15; June Luncheon-June 7. Come out and have a good time! ST. TITUS SENIOR ACTIVITIES CLUB Our JUNE LUNCHEON, will be held at “Pepper’s”, Valley Forge Center, 239 Town Center Road, King of Prussia Tuesday, June 7, at 12:30pm. Menu choices: Chicken Parmesan, Crab Cake, Pork Chop or Raviolis. If you are interested in attending, please send your check to our treasurer, Irene Nugent, 2808 Swede Road, Norristown, PA 19401, or drop it off at the Parish Office with a notation for the Senior Luncheon and your choice of entree. COME ON OUT AND CELEBRATE SUMMER! MOTHER & (ADULT) DAUGHTER RETREAT May 6-8th, (Mother’s Day Weekend) Marianist Family Retreat Center, Cape May Point, NJ 08212.This is a wonderful opportunity to walk upon common ground while celebrating your differences. Eucharist, small group sharing, prayer experiences, socials and fun are included - beach walks too! Cost: $130 per person. Sign up online at or call 609-884-3829. F R . L EN ’ S L A UG H ING C OR NER Little Ricky and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother’s house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Little Ricky received his plate, he started eating right away. “Ricky! Please wait until we say our prayer”, said his mother.“I don’t need to,” the boy replied. “Of course, you do”, his mother insisted. “We always say a prayer before eating at our house.” “That’s our house,” Ricky explained. “But this is Grandma’s house and she knows how to cook!” 6th Sunday of Easter 8 ST. TITUS OUTREACH PROGRAM ANNUAL MANNA FOOD DRIVE The annual Manna Food Drive will take place May 14th-15th. The Manna Bags will be distributed the weekend of May 7th-8th. This food collection benefits the Martha's Choices Food Pantry at Catholic Social Services in East Norriton and helps stock the pantry for the upcoming summer months when food donations tend to decline. ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE CASSEROLE PROGRAM St. Titus Parish has been making casseroles for St. John’s Hospice in Center City Philadelphia for over 25 years. The casseroles are the “Main Course” of a complete, hot meal that is served to hundreds of God’s poor and homeless who come to St. John’s for their daily bread. Please do not feel restricted to the recipes which can be found on the recipe sheets near the casserole pan in the vestibule. Your favorite recipe is most welcome! So are store bought casseroles such as Stouffers or Oncor. St. John’s provides us with pans and lids for your dishes. If you provide your own, please use a standard “half tray”. Each casserole serves 6-8 men. Each month, St. John’s picks up the dishes from our freezer. Here are some useful hints: Please bring your casseroles frozen to church and put them in the freezer located in the vestibule of the Social Hall. If the door to the Social Hall is locked, please leave the casserole with a sacristan or maintenance. Prepare your recipe so that it can be eaten with a plastic “spork” (a combination spoon and fork). Please mark the lid with the main ingredients and date you prepared your casserole. Dust your pans! Fire up your ovens! The annual Senior Citizens Bake Sale will be held on May 14th-15th. Pull out your favorite recipes and whip up some goodies to donate to the cause. Contact Bernie Pires at 610-630-0962 if you #095 can share your baking talents. MINISTRIES Altar Servers Kathy Sexton Bell Choir Mary Ann Graham Bereavement Nancy Granese Bethany Music Ken Yoder Catechists Claire Boyle Church Cleaning Karen Haggerty Church Decorating Karen Haggerty CYO Megan Patzuk Eucharistic Ministers Phil Killian Finance Council Mike Sexton Flame of Love Victoria Naoe Fundraising Comm. Anthony Saldutti Gabriel’s /Gardening Parish Office Knights of Columbus Matt Faust Lectors Denise Hoisington Liturgy Committee Martha Heid Music Ministry Bob Leso Outreach John Barrett Pilgrim Virgin Statue Rose Fiorentino Pre-Jordan Lina & Tom McCracken Respect Life Comm. John Harris Sacristans Jack Fessler Senior Group Bernie Pires Sodality Nancy Kolenda STAC Bill Munro Stewardship Council Kevin Tickner 2 Hearts/2K Hail Marys/ Bella Kampmeyer Night of Reparation Ushers Parish Office 610-277-8394 570-650-8015 215-822-6012 610-272-6660 610-306-3438 484-390-1217 484-390-1217 484-744-0771 484-684-7764 215-480-5866 484-347-8569 610-313-9063 610-279-4990 610-277-4250 484-432-5871 610-272-2309 856-478-4137 610-279-5086 610-631-1835 610-279-7891 610-631-0532 610-476-6316 610-630-0962 610-716-5617 610-277-6926 610-292-7193 215-820-1995 610-279-4990 The Beatitudes…Did you ever wonder who are “the poor in spirit?” Or how the “meek will inherit the land?” What makes peacemakers “children of God?” After all, aren’t we all God’s children? Deacon Claude will lead a Bible study, reflection and prayer on the Beatitudes in the Fall to cover these and other questions. Right now, he is trying to gauge interest. If you would like to participate, please let him know at 215-292-6479 or [email protected]. IHM NUN RUN Join us on June 4, 2016 for the IHM Nun Run, a 5K run/walk at Villa Maria House of Studies, Immaculata, PA which is across the street from Immaculata University. Start time is 8:30am. Proceeds benefit Camilla Hall, the retirement home for the aged and infirmed Sisters of IHM. Donations are $30 for individual and $15 for a child 12 yrs. old and under. Register online, May 27th is the last day to register. No race day registrations. May 1, 2016 9 SPRING ARCHDIOCESAN LOTTERY—GAME STARTS MONDAY, MAY 2! Tickets are good for the month of May. Winning numbers are based on the PA Pick 4 evening number. Prizes: $1500 Every Friday in May; $1200 Every Saturday in May; $1000 Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in May. Plus, prizes for any combo of the 4 digits. Check the winning numbers every week in the Bulletin. Just look for this winners calendar! Archdiocesan Lottery Calendar May 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 $1000. 3 $1000. 4 $1000. 5 $1000. 6 $1500. 7 $1200. Yummy-Yummy! The Senior Bake Sale is coming! Stop by their table in the Church Lobby before and after all Masses May 14th & 15th! Come One—Come All! Coming Soon ~ Spring Donut Social After each Mass, Sunday, May 22nd, Social Hall Sponsored by the St. Titus Stewardship Committee Seats are still available for the St. Titus Seniors’ Bus Trip to CHRISTMAS SHOW AT THE AMERICAN MUSIC THEATRE, Lancaster, PA November 19, 2016 Please call Bernie at 610-630-0962 to make a reservation. 6th Sunday of Easter 10 WHAT’S HAPPENING OUT AND ABOUT SACRED HEART CHOIR CONCERT Sacred Heart Parish proudly announces the date of a spectacular musical event for all to attend! On Sunday, May 1, at 3:00pm, the Sacred Heart Choir will present a free concert in the Church. Enjoy music by composers such as Purcell, Beethoven, and Schubert, as well as selections dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary. There will be solos, duets, and trios, all lead by our very own Sister Marganne Drago, SSJ, Director of Sacred Liturgy. Sacred Heart Church is located on the corner of Lewis Road and Walnut Street in Royersford. All are welcome! Bring a friend! A WELCOME HOME FOR OUR WWII VETERANS Please join us upon our arrival from Washington DC and welcome home over150 World War II veterans as they walk the red carpet on this Day of Honor. Lets show them our appreciation for the freedoms they preserved for us. Date: May 21, 2016 Where: St. Kevin’s Church 200 W. Sproul Rd. Springfield, PA 19064 When: Buses arrive 6:15pm, please arrive by 6:00pm Contact: Andrew-610-662-1812 for more information There is no charge for this open to the public event. SAINT ANTHONY PILGRIMAGE DAY If you feel lost or want to give thanks for being found, this feast day pilgrimage in honor of Saint Anthony of Padua: Messenger of Mercy is perfect for you. Let the Shrine of Saint Anthony in Ellicott City, Maryland help you reconnect and rediscover the beauty of holiness. The day includes Mass in the lovely shrine chapel, opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, featured speakers, Way of the Cross at the outdoor stations, rosary at the grotto, live music, and pony rides and a moon bounce for the children. GREATER NORRISTOWN ART LEAGUE FLEA MARKET Mark your calendar now for this event! Be a seller, a shopper or both! When: Saturday, May 21, 2016 Time: 8am to 3pm (Vendor set-up starts at 6:30am) Where: Norristown Cedar Club, 810 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton. Rental for 8’ table is $15. To register as a seller, call 610-539-3393 or email to [email protected]. CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES Veterans Serving the Catholic Community Post 1182, Norristown, is seeking Catholic active duty veterans for membership. Call 610-539-3579. CAMP GUADALUPE - 2 LOCATIONS FOR 2016 This year, Living Bridges will be having our annual Camp Guadalupe at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Springfield, June 20-24 and Malvern Retreat House, July 18-22 (9:30am-2:15pm EACH DAY). All children ages 4-12 are invited to join this week-long celebration of Catholic Faith, Art, Music and rich Cultural traditions. Our theme for this year is “Love in Action”, celebrating this special year of mercy. Contact Living Bridges at 610-525-4770. For registration forms, email [email protected]. Bring your food and picnic on the shrine grounds or purchase your lunch/dinner on the premises. Pre-registration and pre-payment are necessary for this event. Cost is $60 per adult and $10 per youth (to age 17). REGISTER EARLY; WE'D BE LOST WITHOUT YOU! Saturday, June 11, 2016 Bus Departure: 8:30am Saint Maria Goretti Parking Lot Approximate Return Home: 9:00pm Mail registration form along with payment to: Saint Maria Goretti Parish Center, c/o Angela McClellan, 1601 Derstine Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 **Payment is non-refundable but is transferable to another person. “Saint Anthony Pilgrimage Day” Name ________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City/Zip __________________________ #095 Phone _______________________Parish _____________________E-Mail _____________________ May 1, 2016 11 12 6th Sunday of Easter
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$15 day of event. Tickets include the price of admission, with food not included. Advance tickets are on