PARDINI`S 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 CIRCLE THE
PARDINI`S 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 CIRCLE THE
Fly Dope Volume 55 Issue 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Gen. Meeting Program Presidents Message 2016 Banquet Info. Roger Miller Academy Thank You Back of Beyond Kings River Outing Supporters Apr Calendar May Calendar Quarterly Calendar Pay Pal Announcement Our Mission Membership Application Board of Dir. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart. 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Apr . 2016 FIFTY FIVE YEARS AND COUNTING PARDINI’S 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 CIRCLE THE DATE Saturday, April 23, 2016 SILENT & LIVE AUCTIONS GIANT FLY FISHING GENERAL RAFFLE BUCKET RAFFLES RODS, REELS, FLY LINES, GUIDED FISHING TRIPS AND MORE! DOOR’S OPEN AT 6 pm Helen Keller 1 PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Hi All You might have thought that the big news of the month had to do with the presidential election coming up, or perhaps with something going on in exotic locations, but no! I’m here to tell you that the real news is that the Fly Fishers for Conservation banquet is coming up soon! How big is it, you say? Well, thanks to the efforts of our new second vice president, Kevin Wren, and his hard working committee, we now have literally thousands of dollars’ worth of top quality items ready to delight any fly angler, all ready to be given away (raffle) or sold to the highest bidder. So, how do you cash in on that loot? First, be sure to come to the banquet, and buy plenty of raffle tickets. Second, bid! Bid the other guy up, after all, he doesn’t need another fly rod and you do! Thanks to our outings director, Scott West, we had yet another outstanding outing last month. This one was on the Upper Kings, where I for one expected to see some devastation from the Rough Fire. Instead, what greeted us was a river canyon covered in wild flowers and with the Kings River flowing at the bottom as usual. It was a great day to be outdoors. The food was good, comradery better, and the fishing was at least fair. Looking ahead to May, we have the Roger Miller Youth Academy scheduled, and yet another outing, this one to Hume Lake. Don’t miss it! There is also a general meeting on May 5 in celebration of the Battle of Puebl… what? Not celebrating the Mexican Cinco de Mayo? Oh. Instead, Guy Jeans will be talking to us about the top 20 fly fishing mistakes. While I’m sure you don’t make any of the mistakes he’ll be talking about, I just might. Fly tying with Jerry Hopewell has ended for the year. Many thanks to Jerry for his hospitality and his efforts in teaching members about that important aspect of fly fishing. This month, Garth Hirata will be heading up the fly casting classes at Dry Creek Park. Thanks to your membership in this club and the efforts of the officers, you can learn how to tie a fly and cast it to the trout, and then join us on an outing to practice your new skills. Until next time, tight loops and drag free John Cameron, president 2 2016 BANQUET INFORMATION FLY FISHERS FOR CONSERVATION, INC. 100 E. Sierra Ave., PMB 3310 Fresno, Ca. 93710 January, 2016 PLEASE JOIN US ON APRIL 23rd. FOR GREAT FOOD, FUN, AND TONS OF RAFFLE PRIZES AT OUR SPRING BANQUET AT PARDINI’S CATERING Once a year we hold our Spring Banquet to support our club’s continued goals of Conservation and Education. There are live and silent auctions, as well as two giant raffles. Established in 1961, we are proud of FFFC’s heritage as the oldest fly fishing club in the Western United States. Our club is one of a handful of clubs that in 1964, helped form the Federation of Fly Fishers (now the International Federation of Fly Fishers). FFFC has achieved a long list of accomplishments. We came together as a club in 1961, when a proposed dam above Pine Flat Reservoir threatened to flood a big portion of the upper Kings River. These FFFC founders & early members were a driving force in preventing the dam from being constructed. Ultimately, in the 1980’s the Kings River above Pine Flat was designated as a national “Wild & Scenic” river. Today, FFFC is just as committed as we were in 1961. In 2007 we completed the restoration of a two mile section of Big Meadows Creek – a tributary of the Upper Kings River. We support the Kings River Fisheries Management in their efforts to improve fishing on the Lower Kings. We also continue to support the San Joaquin River Parkway, in their efforts to increase public access to this beautiful river bordering North Fresno. In 2010 FFFC continued its focus on Youth Education, initiating the annual “Roger Miller Youth Fly Fishing Academy” for kids 10-15 years old- a weekend workshop on the basics of fly fishing & awareness of protecting our outdoor resources. In 2011 we strengthened our support for youth fly fishing by offering two scholarship’s annually to attend The Fly Shop’s KIDSCAMP- held at Antelope Creek. In 2012 we signed on as a partner with Fresno’s Veteran’s Hospital, assisting them with our local “Project Healing Waters” program for wounded servicemen. Last but not least, we continue to provide monetary assistance & manpower to local school teachers that teach “Salmonids in the Classroom”- an educational program where trout & salmon are raised from eggs in the classroom; then released in our local rivers as a classroom field trip. FFFC feels very strongly about the importance of educating everyone in the Fresno area (especially the future stakeholders- our kids) on how a healthy river & environment positively impacts everyone in our community. Your support of our banquet is very important in allowing us to take on more and bigger conservation and education projects. That’s why our club was founded. It’s truly what we’re all about. With your help we can continue to support projects that connect our community to the outdoors & the sport of fly fishing. Thank you for your continued support! John Cameron President, Fly Fishers for Conservation 2016 Mark your calendars now. Saturday, April 23, 2016 3 FLY FISHERS FOR CONSERVATION ANNUAL 2016 SPRING BANQUET Pardini’s CIRCLE THE DATE Saturday, April 23, 2016 SILENT & LIVE AUCTIONS GIANT FLY FISHING GENERAL RAFFLE BUCKET RAFFLES RODS, REELS, FLY LINES, GUIDED FISHING TRIPS AND MORE! --Pre-banquet raffle--0nly 150 tickets to be sold-Two night stay at the Indian Creek Lodge plus two days GUIDED drift boat FISHING on the TRINITY RIVER and $100 dining voucher This trip is for 2 people double occupancy $20 PER TICKET Winner need not be present. Tickets for sale until 150 are sold. Buy your banquet dinner tickets and raffle tickets on line or print off this form and mail it in with your check ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2016 Banquet Dinner Reservation Form Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________________________________ Qty. of dinner tickets: *$40.00 before March 25th ______x$40.00 = $______ *$45.00 per ticket after March 25th (if space available) ______x$45.00 = $______ Qty. of General Raffle tickets:($1.00/ea) _____ x $1.00 = $______ Package deal: Pay for 50 raffle tickets and get 60 ______x $50.00 = $______ or: Pay for 100 tickets and get 125 ______x $100.00 = $______ Qty. of Pre Banquet Raffle tickets: ($20.00/ea) ______x$20.00 = $______ Total Enclosed = $_______ To pay by check …print off and complete the form and mail form & check to FFFC 100 E. Sierra, PMB 3310, Fresno, CA 93710 4 2016 ROGER MILLER YOUTH FLY FISHING ADACEMY Fly Fishers for Conservation, Fresno 2016 Roger Miller Youth Fly Fishing Academy May 21st and 22nd Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation is again offering a two-day fly fishing academy in partnership with the San Joaquin River Parkway Trust and the San Joaquin River Conservancy. Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation is the oldest fly fishing club west of the Mississippi. The Academy is designed for young people ages 11 to 15. Instruction will include casting, fly tying, conservation, and a host of other skills offered by regional experts. The course includes a day of education at the Coke Hallowell River Center and one day of fishing in regional waters. All instructional material and equipment is provided. There is a $25 fee (some scholarships are available) and some adult or parental participation is required. Enrollment is limited to 12 serious young people who would like a hands-on introduction to this engaging sport. If you’re a Boy Scout there will be a Merit Badge Counselor on Site so make sure you bring your card and book for your merit badge. Applications will be accepted until the course is full. For further information contact the Education Director: Gary Pullings: [email protected] Learn more about Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation and to register and sign up, visit our online application at 5 ROGER MILLER YOUTH ACADEMY TESTIMONIAL One of our youth academy grads, Evan Cook. Evan has been kayak fishing the San Joaquin River below Millerton Lake during spring break. Certainly looks like his time at the youth academy was totally worth his time. Great Job Evan 6 THANK YOU 7 Thank you, cont’d from pg. 8 BACK OF BEYOND STEPHEN NEAL In Wildness is the Preservation of the World - “Henry David Thoreau" LONE LAKE OUTING TWO BOB'S, A PAUL, AND A PAIR OF STEPHENS Islay time, I sit in Steve's, Bells Beach island home, looking across Saratoga Passage towards Mount Baker. Below my eyes' horizon line, seagulls' strut proudly on damp sand while those at eye level and above drop clams from on high to the rocky beach below, dinner on the half shell. The shore line is expanding as the outgoing tide reveals more feeding grounds for the feasting feathered sea birds gathered out front. The evening’s light is diffused, the sharp corners of the day have softened. At Howard’s insistence that I get out of Dodge, I used up some comp time and left work early on this sunny Thursday afternoon. I'm getting an early jump on an Alpine Fly Fishers outing. My reward, quiet time; to write and let the words flow from my mind to the keyboard of this new fangled electronic format called word processing. On the ride up, while my conscious mind piloted the car and dealt with traffic, time, space, moving objects and destination; my subconscious worked its way through life's' current turmoil and angst. The quest for power and greed is being played out for the entire world to see on Television and social media. We live in a world where men scarcely know each other, and are at pains to fight endless wars to confirm this somber fact. And while I try to remain objective, this election pains my heart. I know where I fit in this pattern, having chosen my life path very early in my life. While others seek gold, and power over others; I seek places where trout live and Steelhead swim. I seek the small magic, the inconsequential, over the perceived consequential. I've chosen quiet conversation over sound bites and posturing. I'll take clear cool air, fast moving clean cool water, a good horse in a sage brush desert, a rain puddle, dew heavy branches, my wife's hand in mine, my son standing beside me in a river, my daughters laughter as her boys delight and horrify us at the same time. I puzzle over why anyone would seek the other; but each to their own. Well enough about world angst let me take you on a journey of small wonders with two Bob's, a Paul and a pair of Stephens. The four of us spent two days upon the waters of Lone Lake casting to unseen trout. Each take was a gift from the fish to us. The take and the catch went to the fish. It was most definitely not due to our skills or prowess as fishermen. We pulled our yarn and feathered offerings through the water and the fish gifted us with 9 BACK OF BEYOND, CONT’D FROM PG. 9 a catch. Every take was a surprise. There were no patterns to the take, they were on or they were not. But when they chose to hook up with us, they gave it their all. We were rewarded with multiple jumps and strong determined runs and, when the trout finally entered the net, they were all between 16 and 20 inches and their rainbow marked sides literally glowed with color and brightness. Each one was a small wonder, gifted to us and I for one truly felt blessed. On the water with us were about 20 other fly fishermen. They all had strategic spots on the lake and were anchored up bow and stern. These fishermen chose stillness as their method of bring the trout to the fly. They were very successful, way more successful than our method. We all witnessed the effectiveness of chironomids fishing on Lone Lake, and while some of us dabbled we couldn't quite crossover to the dark side. I teasingly encouraged Bob Alston to emulate a very successful chironomids fisherman who was pulling a multitude of rainbow trout from the lake's waters. The fisherman was in a very old aluminum dory. The dories age and weathering made it look more like a galvanized bucket than aluminum. The fisherman was wearing a reed patterned camo fishing jacket and sporting long white hair. He had the science and concentration of chironomids fishing down. I implored Bob to adopt the fisherman's dress and style, sure that the template would increase Bob's catch rate exponentially. He reluctantly declined. To us hyperactive fishermen the dory crowd appeared asleep between catches and we kept looking over our shoulders to see if they moved. We hold our glasses high to their success rates and their attention to detail. But to escape the boredom of watching a stationary float in placid waters, we finned away, trolling with streamers and wooly buggers and a slow retrieve. This became our refuge from what we perceived as hypnotic boredom. Earlier between catches I overheard the two Doctors discussing in dispassionate clinical detail the possible drug combinations that would make chironomids fishing palatable, something that would enhance your attention and awareness and something else that would slow you down so that you don't crash from the boredom of not moving. Unpronounceable chemical drug compounds rolled off their tongues and then, mucho laughter rolled across the water. Ah, Doctor humor! 10 BACK OF BEYOND , CONT’D FROM PG. 10 There where two chironomids fishermen who broke the mold they were anchored up about two boat links apart. While they fished they drank beer and carried on a very lively discussion punctuated with much laughter and good cheer; I do not know if they were catching fish but I know they were enjoying their time on the water. In our evenings we sipped good scotch, drank assorted beers, and watched various basketball games from the March Madness lineup. In the mornings we drank Steve's fresh roasted and brewed coffee and watched the news. We swapped life stories, discussed politics, and shared antidotes from living and hobbies. Our conversations moved with us from living room to porch, out to the beach and then the kitchen. We surrounded tables and supped on casseroles, salads, ribs and scalloped potatoes. Snacks were laid out and grazed on while, visiting with each other. We kept ourselves well fed. We watched and enjoyed sunrises and sunsets and absorbed the quiet and peace into our souls. Bob Koehne shared stories of his life in the Air Force, his travels with his wife around the world and their fishing trips to Canada and beyond. Bob Alston and Steve Egge told stories about Canadian fishing adventures, travels and un-named patients. Paul Watanabe told stories of fishing, hobbies and Boeing. Bears, lost lakes, pee, flipping planes, mats of flies, self inflating PFD's, frozen guides, dirt roads, border crossing and customs, and fish caught, lost and pursued; these were just part of the magic we shared with each other. Each of our lives is rich in wonder and discovery. We enjoyed our time together and felt enriched by the experience of being with each other. I will always choose the magic of small things, power and greed is not a path I want to walk. Thank you, Steve Egge, Bob Alston, Bob Koehne and Paul Watanabe for a wonderful time. Until next time, Stephen "Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after” Henry David Thore 11 KINGS RIVER OUTING REPORT The club enjoyed an outing to the Upper Kings River on March 19. As you can see from the pictures, a good time was had by all. The only one we can confirm as having angling success was Greg Pullins’ granddaughter, Madeline. (see pg. 15) The rest of us have stories to tell, which may or may not be reliable. We also had a good time swapping stories and enjoying a great picnic on the banks of the Kings. While evidence of the Rough Fire could be seen, the trout and the vegetation along the river seem to have survived. The Kings River is one of California’s blue ribbon trout streams, home to wild rainbows and browns that are a challenge worthy of our best anglers to catch. It has survived fires before, and will again this time. As you can see, Mother Nature greeted us with her finest weather and wildflowers, which makes any day spent outside and away from civilization a refreshing delight. If you missed this outing, it’s OK. We’ll go again. 12 Kings river outing, cont’d from pg. 12 13 Kings river outing, cont’d from pg. 13 14 Kings river outing, cont’d from pg. 14 15 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE GUIDES AND BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORT THE GOALS AND MISSION OF OUR CLUB FLY TYING CLASSES 16 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE GUIDES AND BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORT THE GOALS AND MISSION OF OUR CLUB 17 April 14.1SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1. 2. 8. 9. 3. 4. 5. 6.FLY 7. NO GEN- 10. 11. BOARD 12. 13.FLY 14. 15. 16. 21. 22. 23. 28. 29. 30. 17. 24. MEETING DENNY’S @ HERNDON AND CLOVIS 18. 25. CASTING IN ERAL MEETTHE PARK. ING THIS MONTH. Dry Creek Park 6 pm CASTING IN THE PARK. Dry Creek Park 6 pm 19. 20.FLY 26. 27.FLY CASTING IN THE PARK. Dry Creek Park 6 pm CASTING IN THE PARK. Dry Creek Park 6 pm 18 may SUN 1. MON 2. TUE 3. WED 4. THU 5. GEN- FRI SAT 6. 7. Hume Lake Outing ERAL MEETING GUY JEANS 8. 9. Board 10. Meeting Denny’s @Herndon & Clovis 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ROGER MILLER FLY FISHING ACADEMY 22. ROGER 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31. MILLER FLY FISHING ACADEMY 29. 19 2016 QUARTERLY CALENDAR MAY APRIL MAY 5: GENERAL MEETING: GUY JEANS, “ TOP 20 FLY TYING FISHING MISTAKES” APR . 6 13 20 27: FLY FISHING IN THE PARK WITH GARTH HIRATA. DRY CREEK PARK AT 6PM MAY 9: BOARD MEETING AT DENNY’S CORNER OF HERNDON AND CLOVIS. 7 PM APR. 11: BOARD MEETING DENNY, DENNY’S AT THE CORNER OF HERNDON & CLOVIS. 7 PM MAY 7: HUME LAKE OUTING MAY 21 & 22: ROGER MILLER FLY FISHING ACADEMY. (MORE INFORMATION ON PG. 5) APR. 23: ANNUAL BANQUET 6 PM PARDINI’S BANQUET CENTER JUNE JUNE 2: GENERAL MEETING TBA . JUNE 13: BOARD MEETING DENNY’S AT THE CORNER OF HERNDON & CLOVIS, 7PM. JUNE 18: LADIE’S BIG MEADOW OUTING. POTLUCK BBQ * Dates subject to change - check with a Board member for more information 20 PAY PAL ACCOUNT Through the persistence of club treasurer Ken Bush, I'm pleased to announce that the club has created a PayPal account, and will soon be accepting credit cards for club transactions. A smartphone card reader will be available at all of the general meetings, and at the banquet in 2014 to process credit card transactions. We're also working on getting a PayPal link on the club's web once we get the kinks worked out, we anticipate club member's being able to pay their membership dues, buy club merchandise, buy raffle tickets and buy banquet dinner tickets from anywhere that you have internet access. We've talked to other organizations who have added PayPal, and it's been a success at each organization site. Keep an eye out for the link on the website, and also keep it in mind as a payment option at general meetings. Our website: 21 DONATE TO FFFC Fly Fishers for Conservation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. This means you can use your contribution as a tax deduction. The club gets revenue from membership dues and the annual fundraiser dinner. We try to contribute to conservation issues in the area and to our youth with our Trout in the Classroom program, and by holding a Youth Fly-Fishing Academy annually. The club is always in need of funds. Please consider donating. You may send a check to Fly Fishers for Conservation at 100 E. Sierra, PMB 3310, Fresno, CA 93710. Your donations will be greatly appreciated and they will help the club fulfill its obligations. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE CLUB, VISIT OUR NEWLY REDESIGNED WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.FRESNOFLYFISHERS.ORG/ THANKS TO WEBMASTER GARY PULLINGS BE SURE TO LOG IN TO OUR FORUM FOR LOCAL INFO Our Mission Fly Fishers for Conservation (FFFC) was organized in 1961 by a group of devoted fly fishers deeply concerned with the preservation of trout and all game fish, their environment, and the quality of fishing. Our club has maintained two goals since that time: To foster and promote the sport of angling with artificial flies. To protect, conserve and increase our angling resources. 22 NN FLY FISHERS for CONSERVATION, INC. 100 E. Sierra PMB 3310 Fresno, Ca. 93710 2016 FFFC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME(s):__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ OCCUPATION/PROFESSION________________________________ ______ NEW MEMBER ______RENEWAL _______ CHECK HERE IF THERE ARE NO CHANGES TO YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE & EMAIL ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________________________________________________ STATE:___________________________ ZIP:_________________________________ PHONE:________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________________________________ Family/Single Membership……………….……$36.00 (Can include partner & children under 18 years old) __________ Senior Membership (65 yrs. +)……………….…..$24.00 (Can include partner) __________ Junior Membership (under 18 yrs.)……………...$13.00 __________ Life Membership………………………………..$500.00 (Can include partner) __________ Additional Conservation Donation….……………….. __________ Total Due………………………………………………. __________ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: FFFC (Fly Fishers for Conservation) 100 E. Sierra PMB 3310, Fresno CA 93710 MEMBER CLUB, FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERMAN 23 2016 Board of Directors Phone Email President John Cameron 903-5138 [email protected] 1st VP Scott Piggott 790-8492 [email protected] 2nd VP Kevin Wren 439-0608 [email protected] Treasurer Ken Bush 641-5193 [email protected] Secretary Jim Clark 322-1685 [email protected] Communications Scott West 246-4389 [email protected] Conservation Brian Loven 897-4700 [email protected] Membership Leo Labbe 325-7235 [email protected] Editor Judy Cameron 903-5123 [email protected] Trout in the Classroom Bill Bruce 392-3963 [email protected] Education Fred Ramirez 323-5319 [email protected] Gary Pullings 559-917-7128 [email protected] Phil Davis 412-7552 [email protected] Jeff Trafican 260-7974 [email protected] Bob Papazian 307-4601 [email protected] Tim Lawrence 779-5338 [email protected] Outings Scott West 246-4389 [email protected] Web Page Gary Pullings 559-917-7128 [email protected] Rod Building Jim Jacobson 999-8912 [email protected] Fly Tying Jerry Hopewell 638-5282 [email protected] Fly Casting Dan Busby 433-1651 [email protected] Garth HIrata 492-2885 [email protected] Directors at large Social Fair Jim Horn Mits Kozuki 271-5448 646-3020 24 [email protected] [email protected]