August 2012
August 2012
AMA CHARTER CLUB #397 Club Officers: President: Bob Mosinski 630-229-6702 Vice President: Tom Camp 630-305-9422 Treasurer: Bill Hickey 630-428-4978 Secretary: Dave Cotton 630-637-0354 Safety Officer: Mick Pfeifer 630-717-1041 Fun Fly Committee: Dave Engel, (Director) 630-305-0457 Larry Dudkowski Dave Carlson Publicity Director: Harlan Davis 630-420-1076 Nominating Committee: Harlan Davis, (Chair) Forest Preserve Relations: Bob Mosinski Flying Instructors: See club's Web Site at For complete list of Instructors. Fund Raising Committee: Larry Dudkowski Bob Mosinski Harlan Davis Librarian: Hank Bourassa 331-684-8209 Webmaster: Dave Carlson 630-851-3914 Newsletter: Ray Luchetti (Editor) 630-357-4022 NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS AUGUST, 2012 I’m happy to report that our Tailgator Swap Event is about 80% booked and I believe it will be a sellout. This event, scheduled on August, 25th,, will be a major event for our club and one we plan on being a success. If you can volunteer to help out please contact me. Fingers crossed for good weather! ☺ A board meeting was held on August 8th and many topics were covered. I will detail more at our next meeting on August 28th. However, the discussions we very positive and there was a general consensus that our club is doing very well. We covered Safety, Fun Fly planning, event planning, the flight assistance program, various new ideas and membership growth. We also encourage any members that would like to run for a Board position to please contact Harlan Davis to submit your name. We had the President in town over the weekend of August 12th which shut the field down. The Requalification event will take place on August 19th unless he heads back in for more campaign donations. ☺ We have a lot of events planned for the remainder of the year and flying season. Please check the club calendar for a few changes. Recent safety events at other flying fields highlight the continued call for safety. Please continue the great effort we all have made in keeping our field safe. Remember safety starts with the individual. Assess you own flying skills and stay within those limits. Seek help from others and seek an Instructor if you need help. The assistance program is not only for beginners; we will be expanding the program to encourage continued development of piloting skills for all levels. The field is in great shape and we are on schedule for seal coating. The recent rains have even started to pop some green back into the turf. Remember the safety topic of making sure your card is in the slot when you are flying. For those still using 72 MHz make sure to remove your card from your channel slot when done flying each time. This is the established protocol for our field and impound. September 16th is our annual club picnic so mark off that date now. Bring out the family for some great food, great flying and family time. Fly Safe, Have Fun The Pres Financial Report Bill Hickey Financial Report July 1, 2012 to July 31, 2012 Description Balance July 1, 2012 Operating Fund $749.29 Field Fund Total $3,352.46 Comments $4,101.75 Income: Dues Brand Items Swap Meet Total Income Total Cash Available 120.00 72.00 40.00 232.00 981.29 Expenses: Improvements Field Maintenance 120.72 Events 195.00 195.00 3,547.46 93.66 90.60 Brand Items Brand Items Brand Items Total Expenses 574.20 142.13 17.88 945.53 93.66 Transfer (18.00) 18.00 Balance July 31, 2012 $ 17.76 $3,471.80 Two new members, Sam Peguero & Chuck Cornell; plus welcome 315.00 back, Bob Johnson. 72.00 Sold six hats. 40.00 Four Tailgator fees. 427.00 4,528.75 93.66 Easy-Up #2. 120.72 Striping paint. Air Show food & 90.60 permit. Shirt & Jacket order 574.20 (Dream Ink). 142.13 Hat purchases (12). 17.88 Badges & Plaque. 1,039.19 - Excess donations for Air Show permit. $3,489.56 Bill Hickey Prop Masters Treasurer 305 White Oak Drive Naperville, IL 60540 Newsletter Contributions [email protected] Send articles or pictures of interest to the club to: [email protected] The deadline for submissions is the second Tuesday of the month. Club Newsletters are posted at the club website: Meeting Minutes Dave Cotton Meeting minutes - July 31, 2012 Opening: The meeting, held at the Judd Kendall VFW hall, started at 7:30 pm and ended at 8:45 pm. The June meeting minutes were approved as published and the June 2012 Financial Report was approved as presented at the meeting and published in the Newsletter. Committee Reports: Newsletter Safety Fun Fly Forest Preserve Website Library Instruction Fundraising Publicity Picnic Nomination Air Show Ray Luchetti stated “we’re doing fine”. Mick Pfeifer and Harlan Davis discussed battery safety and frequency control/impound stand use – please use your cards to indicate your frequency. Lastly Dave Carlson mentioned that we should direct new flyers to the club instructors. Dave Engel reported that August 12th will be Qualification Sunday (later re-scheduled to the 19th) so come out and perform the prescribed maneuvers for your class or try to advance your classification, (see May’s newsletter for a list of maneuvers for each classification). Dave Carlson mentioned that he would add the maneuvers to the website. Tom Camp reported that all was good at the field and with the Forest Preserve. Dave Carlson reported that the website was operating well. It was requested that more updated pictures be added to the site. Hank Bourassa stated “Nothing exciting is going on in the library”. Bob Mosinski stated that we will miss Ivan Cankov; however our Instructors are top notch so look to them since they are dedicated to getting you in the air. Training continues on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. See Old Business. No report requested. No report requested. No report requested. No report requested. Old Business: President Bob Mosinski requested members “to please sign up to help out at the Tailgator Swap. Help is needed in order to make sure it’s a successful event”. The Swap will be held on August 25th and set-up will start at 6:30 am in the VFW parking lot. New Business: Mel Ziska announced that Fox Valley is hosting the IMAC Challenge on August 4th and 5th. Mel urged everyone to come out and enjoy the event. New Members & Guests: Visitors that were in attendance were Bob, Sam, Ron, Chuck and Austin. Thanks for coming to the meeting and checking us out. Lost Horizons: No Lost Horizons were awarded. Meeting Minutes Dave Cotton Raffle: Harlan Davis and Mick Pfeifer had a super raffle which included a Katana (90 size), incidence meter, 480 Park Runner, lost plane alert, and the oil. See the recycle table – a small donation buys lots. Show and Tell: (See photo section) Mel Ziska Dan Nosek Travis McClure Robert Carrington Paul Bock Bruce Haynes John Totten Dave Carlson Dave Engel Hank Bourassa Joe Bartek Mick Pfeifer Yak 54 by Aeroworks with a 100cc engine in a red, green and yellow color scheme. Homemade engine test stand. Piper Cub kit by Great Planes, a work in progress, still needs covering. Hobby Zone Champ and WE2012 helicopter by Estes. Low wing sports plane (Rivets?) with a 25 size motor in red with yellow trim. P51B ARF by e-flight with a 32 size engine. Great Planes trainer 60 kit with a 50 size engine. (10 years in the making and John is going to get it done). Standard office file case adapted to serve as a transmitter case. B-17 by Hobby King powered by 4 electric motors in a military green color scheme. EDF jet – Stinger 64 from Value Hobby. Blue-Beagle X1.25 pusher with a 44” wing span. Scratch built foamie with a 400 electric motor. RimFire by Sterling ready for a 25 size motor. Closing: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday August 28th at 7:30 pm at the Judd Kendall VFW hall. July 31st Meeting Photos Ray Luchetti Mel Ziska – Yak 54 by Aeroworks. Dan Nosek – Homemade engine test stand. Travis McClure – Great Planes Piper Cub kit. Bob Carrington – Hobby Zone Champ. Bob Carrington again, Estes helicopter. Paul Bock – Rivets sport plane. Bruce Haynes – P51 B ARF. July 31st Meeting Photos Ray Luchetti John Totten – Great Planes Trainer 60 kit. Dave Carlson – Transmitter case. Dave Engel – B17F by Hobby King. Hank Bourassa – Stinger 64 EDF jet. Joe Bartek – Blue-Beagle X 1.25. Mick Pfeifer – Sterling RimFire. Fun Fly Committee Fun Fly#7 Qualification Sunday August 19th Don’t forget, Qualification Sunday will be held on August 19th. Check the May newsletter for a list of maneuvers for each pilot classification. Fun fly # 8 Anything goes Washer Drop September 30th Anything goes means you may use anything at your discretion to drop the washer, electronic or mechanical. Here is how it will go: The plane must take off and make one full pass of the field. After one full pass the pilot may at his discretion drop the washer aiming at a cone that will be on the field; the plane must stay at an altitude no lower than 10 feet. Pilots will be given a washer 5/8” with a 12“ribbon. You must use the washer supplied and no modifications are allowed to washer or ribbon. No hovering or helicopters. Scoring: closest to cone is First, next closest Second, etc. Dropping lower than 10 feet or over the flight line is a DG. See you there September 30th, Dave and the Fun Fly Committee Prop Masters’ Annual Picnic Mark your calendar for Sunday September 16th. This is the date of the annual Prop Masters’ Family Picnic. The idea is to bring your family out to the field and spend the day together. Show them what Dad does when he runs out of the house on Sunday mornings. So bring your special stuff to show off to the family!! LOL Lunch will be served starting around 11:30. There is no charge for the picnic since the club will provide the food and drink. The menu is typical fare, hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings, potato salad, coleslaw, chips and pop. If you would like to bring a dish to share, feel free. If you need something special grilled, like chicken or whatever, just let the grill masters Bob Mosinski or Larry Dudkowski know so they can allow time and space for cooking it. We look forward to seeing all of you, Dave Engel, and the Fun Fly and Picnic Committee. Fun Fly Committee 2012 CLUB CALENDAR Monthly Meeting January 31st February 28th & Flight Box Beauty Contest March 27th & Winter project judging at the mtg. April 24th May 29th th June 26 & Beauty Contest July 31st August 28th September 25th October 30th November 27th December 28th & Christmas Auction Fun Fly Date January 1st Fun Fly Event Polar Bear Fun Fly 10:00 am at the field Notes Too windy, met at McDonalds. Fun Fly #1 Indoor Fun Fly at the meeting. No Fun Fly this month. April 1st Fun Fly #2 Spot Landing April 29th June 3th Fun Fly #3 Fast and Slow Fun Fly #4 Timed to Climb/Practice for Barnstormers Contest Fun Fly #5 Barnstormers Contest @ their field. Fun Fly #6 Air Show June 24th July 8th August 19th August 25th September 16th September 30th November 4th December 2nd Fun Fly #7 – Qualification Sunday Tailgater Swap Meet Annual Prop Masters Picnic Fun Fly #8 – Washer Drop Fun Fly #9 Fun Fly #10 No Fun Fly – Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Air Show Postponed one week due to July 4th holiday. Note date change. Moved to Friday. Editor’s Note We are attempting to assemble pictures of all members to be posted in a gallery on our website. Listed below are the members’ pictures we currently are lacking. Please see me at the next meeting to have your picture taken. Thanks, Ray Luchetti Bill Barclay Bill Phillips Derrick Williamson Ed Miller Chuck Cornell Robert Johnson Craig Vander Kolk Travis McClure Dave Russell Mike Wendell Sam Peguero Hints, Information, Tips and Stuff Larry Dudkowski You’ll remember back in November I wrote an article on building an Avistar Trainer. Well maybe you don’t remember, but that’s OK. I powered my trainer with an OS.46 LA. That’s the inexpensive bushing engine from our friends at O.S. While I tried to build the Avistar as per instructed, I did make a few changes as I mentioned in the article. Over the winter I added one additional change. I painted the firewall and surrounding area with satin black Rust-Oleum to fuel proof it. I just wasn’t sure it was sealed properly and besides I think the black looks cooler. That was the last change, I promise. The first flight of the Avistar was towards the end of May. Why so late? Just busy I guess. Like everyone else there was work and “Honey-Do’s” around the house. So just busy is as good an answer as any. Also I did have to break- in the new engine and that took an extra outing to the field to accomplish. But I really wasn’t in any hurry. Besides, if I wanted to fly something, I had my Twist and Ultra-Stick to fly. Well I had my Ultra-Stick anyway, after the Bull’s Eye SpotLanding contest in April where I totaled my Twist. For the maiden flight I picked an instructor night because I wanted someone other than me to do the pre-flight check and maiden flight. After all I know I set everything up correctly (LOL) so I would probably overlook some glaring mistake, like reverse ailerons or something. I firmly believe that four eyes are always better than two where inspecting a new aircraft is concerned, especially if two of those eyes are the builder’s. Also I wanted someone to take it up for the first time. Also I was a little short on “Stick-Time” and I felt a pilot with a few more hours under his belt for the year would be a better choice for a maiden flight. I asked Tom Camp to ground check and take my Avistar up for its first flight. Tom is one of the best pilots we have for both of these jobs. He agreed to help me out and about the “best pilot stuff” too. We did the ground check and happily everything worked correctly so I fired up the engine. Tom took it off and after a couple of laps around the field he brought the Avistar down so we could make some adjustments. Tom felt that the Avistar had a little too much aileron and elevator throw. The biggest problem was with the throttle adjustment. It was not set low enough to shut down the engine. The elevator and aileron adjustments were done in the transmitter via EPA (End-Point-Adjustment) and the high and low dual rate settings. To adjust the throttle throw we had to actually do some work. We had to remove the wing to adjust the length of linkage between the throttle and servo to get it working correctly. Once all of the ground adjustments were made and the wing reattached, Tom took her up again. This time everything went smoothly and the Avistar flew hands-off with only one or two clicks of adjustment. Tom landed and I checked everything out again and everything looked great. I took the Avistar up a few more times that evening to get in some “stick-time”. It flies just like you would want a trainer to fly. A little on the slow side, after all it’s powered by a .46 LA but it’s not really under powered. Now isn’t that what you want from a trainer? A trainer should be a good gentle flyer with no bad tendencies, capable of basic aerobatic maneuvers such as loops and rolls. I feel that the 46 LA powered Avistar fills this niche very nicely. It’s the kind of model your can teach people to fly with. And isn’t that what a trainer’s for? Anytime you bring a new model for Show-N-Tell or write about one, one of the questions someone always asks is, “What does it weigh?” I’ve never really understood that question. To me they weigh what they weigh. As long as you don’t go overboard during construction and start reinforcing everything, the weight should not be critical. Now I understand that weight is a VERY critical factor in foamie construction and other small electric aircraft. But for your run-of-the-mill glow powered trainer, I just don’t think that the weight is that critical, although lighter is always better. I checked, and weight is not even mentioned in the instruction manual. For the record, my Avistar weighs just less than 5lbs, 4lb.14 oz. to be exact. Well that’s it for another month. Hope to see everyone at the field (that’s if I can find a parking spot). Also looking forward to the “Tailgaters Swap” meet and Qualification Sunday in August; hope to see everyone at these events, that’s if the temperature ever gets below 100, the wind gets below warp-3 and the President is not visiting us again. Until then.. Fly Smart, Fly Safe, Larry Dudkowski PROP MASTERS R/C AERO CLUB 1st ANNUAL “TAILGATER” OUTDOOR SWAP EVENT Admission is FREE! VENDOR 1 VENDOR 2 Enter/Exit A1- -B1 A2- -B2 A3- -B3 A4- -B4 A5- -B5 A6- -B6 A7- -B7 A8- -B8 A9- -B9 A10- -B10 A11- -B11 A12- -B12 A13- -B13 A14- -B14 When: Saturday - August 25th, 2012 8:00 a.m. until Noon Seller Setup 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. All Seller vehicles must be in location before open to public at 8 a.m. Seller vehicles will be allowed to leave after 10 a.m. on the hour. NO EXCEPTIONS Where : Judd Kendal — VFW Post — 3873 908 W. Jackson St.—Parking Lot Naperville, IL 60540 (please do not contact the hall) What: Sellers for $10.00* dollars, you get a parking space for your vehicle and the space adjacent for selling. You can pack your car with as many buddies as you can, still only $10 bucks. But, that won’t leave much room for stuff to sell or items you will buy. You can bring your own table, plywood & saw horses, pop-up canopy or blanket to set up your space anyway you like; as long as you don't go outside your space. You can sell out of your vehicle too! How: All spots reserved in alpha/number order. First come, first served until they are gone! *Full refund if event rained out Payment Address: Bob Mosinski 2765 Crooker Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 Payable : Prop Masters C2- C3- C4- C5- C6- C7Enter/Exit CONCESSIONS VENDOR 3 VENDOR 4 Note: No table or chairs are provided. Basic concessions available. Contact Bob Mosinski at [email protected] or 630-698-0185 C1- Remember when R/C swap shows didn’t cost you an “arm and a leg” to sell or get in? Visit the Prop Masters R/C Club Web Site at http// Support your local Hobby Shop Next Meeting: August 28th. @ 7:30 p.m. at the Naperville VFW Hall. Fun Fly #7: August 19th. Qualification Sunday. Tailgater Swap Meet: August 25th. Annual Club Picnic: September 16th.