January 2014 Newsletter - Cascade Family Flyfishers
January 2014 Newsletter - Cascade Family Flyfishers
Cascade Family Fly Fishers Cascade Newsreel Clearer Waters Brighter Streams Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2014 Inside this issue: Page 2… The Prez Sez Page 3… Alsea Outing Page 4… Dave Hughes “Wet Flys” Page 5… Photos from Christmas Page 6… Photos from Planning Mtg Meeting Location The Veteran’s Club 1626 Willamette St, Eugene Meeting Time 4th Wednesday of Each Month Doors open at 6:15 pm meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Page 7… Presentations/Outings Page 8… Member Deals Page 9… CFF Fishing Information Page 10.. Other Club Websites If anyone in the club needs a ride to a meeting or outing, please call one of the club leaders (listed on page 2) and we will make sure you have transportation. Page 11.. Membership Page 12.. About CFF —————————————————————-- On the cover: Crane Prairie outing, July 4th weekend 2013. Photo by Roz Kauffman. January 22nd Meeting Speaker: Dave Hughes Wet Flys More details on Page 4 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Cascade Family The Prez Sez by Glenn Miller Fly Fishers 2013 Club Leadership Executive Board Club President Glenn Miller 541-359-9522 Vice President Randy Beard 541-521-2801 Treasurer Rod Roth 541-342-6745 Secretary Jen Acosta 541-741-8276 Past President Marv Clemons 541-688-8774 Board Members Vic Hadley Michael Diehl Tim Hood Joe Moody Susan Primak BJ Burnett Committee Chairpersons: Outings Rick Diggs Mike Marlett Newsletter Roz Kauffman Website John Hackbarth Communications Michelle Overall Membership Maryam Peigahi Library Alan Corbin Programs Michael T. Williams Fly Tying Classes Rod Roth Raffle Fred Acosta Auction/FFF Rep Marv Clemons Conservation Glen Neal Page 2 man with a brief explanation. 3) Al Corbin will be purchasing new DVD’s for the club library. He’ll be making the purchase early in 2014 so look him up if you’re getting bored this winter and want to spice up your life with some new DVD’s to watch. 4) We’ll be doing door prizes again this year. Come to the meetings and have a chance at winning something special! 5) Some spoke to how important this club is to them and how much they enjoy the family atmosphere. I agree; the CFF is a great club to be a part of! The New Year promises to be just as busy for our club as 2013. On Feb 1-3 we’ll have a booth at the Boat and Sportsman Show. And our club will once again be overseeing In case you missed it, we had a great the raffle at the NW Fly Tying and Fly FishChristmas Party in December with many ing Expo being held on March 7-9 at the Almembers and their families in attendance. bany fairgrounds. Note that this year’s Besides filling up on pizza, we presented event is three days instead of the normal Glen Neal the CFF Fly Fisher of the year two with the added day (Sunday) having an award for 2013. Glen was very deserving as emphasis on activities for kids. Marv he has been a solid member and leader in Clemons is coordinating both of these this club for quite some time. His efforts in events and will be finalizing his list of volunleading the clubs conservation work at Delta teers at the Jan 22rd general meeting. If you Ponds the last couple of years are especially can help out at one (or both) of these noteworthy. events, be sure to talk to Marv. Our club will also continue where we left off last year, Last month we also had our annual planning meeting. Besides welcoming our new working on a number of conservation provice President, Randy Beard, and four new jects throughout the year at the Delta Ponds. Also, Rick Diggs is starting to put together board members (Joe Moody, Tim Hood, Susan Primak, and BJ Burnett) we covered the outings calendar for the year and is in a lot of topics. I have a few things to report need of volunteers to lead outings. If you want to step up and help in this area, see from the meeting: 1) CFF will team up with Rick and he will put the trip on the schedule. the McKenzie Fly Fishers to put on fly fishing lessons for new fly fishers in both clubs. Don’t forget that we’ll be meeting at the VetThe lessons will be held on Thursday nights eran’s Club in 2014. The address is 1626 and will start up sometime around late Feb- Willamette St. There is good parking availruary. More info will be forth coming. 2) Mi- able either in the lot behind the facility or on chael T has a power packed lineup of the street east of Willamette. speakers for 2014! You won’t want to miss Hope to see all of you at our first meeting a meeting. 3) We’re once again planning on on January 22nd! doing the “club member’s presentation” at our November meeting. To better facilitate Glenn this effort, please send any club or individual trip photos you want included to Roz Kauff- Happy New Year! Page 3 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Alsea River Outing 1/18/2014 Fred Acosta, Trip Host 541/741-8276 (H) 541/914-3332 (C) The North Fork Alsea outing will be held on January 18, 2014. Members attending will meet at the Alsea Hatchery at 9:00 AM at the small second parking lot by the basketball hoop and public restroom on the hatchery entry road. Those wishing to carpool will meet at 7:00 AM in the McDonalds parking lot in Junction City. We will leave the parking lot no later than 7:30 AM. If you plan to attend, please call me and let me know so I will know who to expect at McDonalds and/or at the hatchery. Directions to the Alsea Hatchery From Monroe, travel approx 10 miles to the Greenberry Store and Grange on Hwy 99 North. Turn left between the tavern and grange hall on Greenberry Road for approx 10 miles to the end. Turn right for about .25 miles and take a sharp left. If you pass the school, you have gone too far. Travel this road approx 10 miles over Decker Ridge to the end at Hwy 20. Turn left and precede approx. 10 miles through the s-curves over Mary’s Peak Summit to the Hwy 20 Bridge over the North Fork of the Alsea. Just past the bridge, turn right on the Alsea Hatchery Road. Proceed to the second parking lot. The second route was closed for bridge repair last year. This route goes past Alsea Falls. From Monroe drive approximately .5 miles to the Alsea Falls turn off from Hwy 99W. Turn left on to the Alsea Hwy Road and travel through Glenbrook past Alsea Falls and continue to the intersection with the road into the town of Alsea. Turn right and progress approximately one mile to the intersection with Hwy 20 in Alsea. Turn right and travel approximately 2.5 miles to the turn off to the Alsea Hatchery Rd. to the left just before the Alsea River bridge on Hwy 20. Continue on to the second parking lot by the basketball hoop and the public restroom at the hatchery. GEAR: A valid Fishing license and steelhead tag; waders and shoes with traction devices; wading staff; rain gear; 12 – 15 pound leader material; 5-9 wht fly rods; 5-8 wht floating lines (sink tips if a preference); 1/8 – 3/8 egg patterns in pink, orange, flame, flesh, blue, green, orange/yellow combination, or cerise yarn balls; weighted nymphs like pink/red headed egg sucking leeches, or large caddis for keeping your egg patterns near the bottom (you will want to run your egg patterns between 6 and 12 inches off the bottom); you may want to bring some green butt skunks, silver Hiltons, Intruders or muddlers in case you want to swing some flies; strike indicators if a preference; a hearty lunch, water/beverage, sense of humor & positive attitude. We will meet at the hatchery at 9:00 and go over how to rig your fly rod, fly patterns, casting, wading precautions, how & where to fish. To check the Alsea Hatchery Hot Line for the latest fish counts, call 541-487-5524. Give me a call if you have any questions. Hope you join us for this wonderful outing. Annual Dues Don’t forget to pay your annual dues this month. You can pay at the monthly meeting or mail to our PO box. Conservation Corner Next volunteer day will be at Delta Ponds on January 25th from 9:00 am to noon. We will be mulching. The City of Eugene will provide gloves and tools. If you have any questions contact Glen Neal at 541/345-8183. Eugene Boat & Sportsman Show Jan 31—Feb 2 We still need volunteers to work our booth. Sign up at the January 22nd meeting or call Marv Clemons to volunteer 541/688-8774. Page 4 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Dave Hughes Wet Fly Fishing, January 22, 2014 The one and only Dave Hughes returns to the Cascade Family Flyfishers Club, inaugurating the CFF’s new meeting place, The Veterans Memorial Building 1626 Willamette St, in Eugene, OR. Dave Hughes is the most prolific fly fishing author on the planet. Dave’s first book, An Anglers Astoria — Steelhead, Trout & Salmon Fishing, was published in 1982. This gentle beginning has since burgeoned into more than 20 books published, more on the way. From biography to “how to do it,” Dave Hughes has been leading the pack for years. Dave Hughes hails from Astoria, OR, born July 4, 1945. An abbreviated chronological trip includes these dates/features: 1967, graduated University of Oregon; 1968, served in Viet Nam; 1983, founding president of Oregon Trout; 1985, Life Member, Fly Fishing Federation. CFF Fly Tying Classes 2014 Location: Veteran’s Memorial Association Building 1626 Willamette St., Eugene, OR Class Room: Board Room — First Floor Tuesday Nights for 8 weeks: Starting February 4 through March 25, 2014. Time: 7 pm—9 pm. Space will be limited 12 total tiers. Based upon one of Dave’s most popular books, “Wet Flies: Tying and Fishing Soft Hackles, Winged and Wingless Wets and Fuzzy Nymphs,” originally published in 1995, Dave tells me his current “Wet Fly Fishing” program is new, loaded with standard high quality information bolstered by the results of fresh insights. All materials and instructions will be provided. Dave Hughes will be at our regular pre-meeting nohost dinner, always at the Steelhead Brewery & Café, corner of East 5th & Pearl streets, 5:00 pm. Perhaps Dave’s fly fishing writing wife, Masako Tani of Japan will also be in attendance. Come on down, — The Steelhead — 5:00 pm, January 22, 2014. Contact Rod Roth for additional information @ 541/342-6745 Michael T. Williams Limited basic fly-tying equipment provided if needed. Cost $25 for the eight weeks (paid in advance) or $5.00 per tying night. or email [email protected] Page 5 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 The Christmas Party We had a full house at the Christmas Party which was held at Roaring Rapids Pizza. Carol Tannenbaum inspects Susan’s Primak’s winnings. Glen Neal reacts to the news that he is “Member of The Year” Fred and Lindy Enright with a bottle of wine from the gift exchange. Rick Diggs (above) bought a raffle ticket but George Randle (below ) took home the rod. L-R Doug Dewald and George Randle. Page 6 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 The Planning Meeting Front to back—Susan Primak, Tim Hood, Glen Neal, Joe Moody, Rick Diggs L to R—Glenn Miller, Michael T Williams, Michael Diehl and new VP Randy Beard. L to R—Curtis Erickson, Marv Clemons, Fred Acosta, Jen Acosta and John Hackbarth. L to R—Marv Clemons, Curtis Erickson, Alan Corbin Back L to R– Michael Diehl, Michelle Overall, Steve Overall, Glenn Miller and Randy Beard Page 7 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 2014 Outings Location Date Host Phone # Alsea River January 18 Fred Acosta 541/741-8276 Hult Reservoir March 13 Glen Neal 541/345-8183 Coastal Trip TBD Marv Clemons 541/688-8774 Erma Bell June 20-21 Glenn Miller 541/359-9522 July Glen Neal 541/345-8183 Rick Diggs 541/685-2582 (Horton Pond) Lakes High Lakes Gathering East Lake Aug 15-17 Rod Roth 541/342-6745 Crooked River Sept 19-21 Fred Acosta 541/741-8276 2014 Presentations Speaker Topic Date Dave Hughes Wet Flys January 22 Scott Richmond Oregon Carp February 26 Joe Warren Fly Fishing Baja on a Budget March 26 & Fly Tying Demo Bob Wolfe Why Fish Chronomids? April 23 Chester Allen Fly Fishing for Sea-Run May 28 Cutthroat & Fly Tying Demo Michael T. Williams TBD June 25 Page 8 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Member COUPON LAWN MOWER Deals FEBRUARY SERVICE SPECIAL ONLY…$59.95 (REG. $79.95) GOOD THRU FEB. 2014 MOST BRANDS: Includes: Check compression and ignition—Complete carburetor service—Oil change—Service filter & cables—Sharpen & balance—Rotary blade—Install new spark plug—start and adjust carburetor—Check over completely! (walk behind only) Call Us About Members receive a 10% discount at Caddis Fly and Homewaters, when you mention discount at time of purchase. Your Riding Mower HONDA Power Equipment CASCADE GARDEN EQUIPMENT, LLC 168 West 6th Ave. Eugene, OR 541-344-6992 1035 Conger . Eugene Behind Burger King Open Mon-Fri 8-5, Saturday 8-3 Pickup & delivery available cascadegardenequipment.com For Sale Trolling Motor, Battery & Charger MINN-KOTA Endura C2 trolling motor is brand new still in the box. I bought it to use with my pontoon, but am not comfortable in using it. Motor details: 34 lb thrust, 36 in shaft length. Extension twist tiller, quick release lever lock, with five forward, and three reverse speeds. Priced at $85.00. still one year left on the extended warrantee. Also have the transom bracket motor mount I bought from Dave Scadden for the pontoon for $20.00. - BATTERY CHARGER - Advanced Anglers Pro Series 8AMP on board two bank charger. New. Priced at $50.00. - BATTERY-Advanced Anglers AGM Absorbent glass mat dual purpose battery with black case. Battery details: Group size 24-12 400 cycle life, will not freeze, AF and D.O.T And OSHA approved, will not leak, maintenance free, Never needs filling. Marine Cranking amps 1195, Cold cranking amps 945, hours amps 75, reserve Capacity 178, wt 53.5 lbs. Priced at 50.00 Contact BJ at 541-206-3852 or Email: [email protected] Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Page 9 CFF Fishing Information Page Where You Can Get Real Time Information Montana Fish and Game http://fwp.mt.gov/ Washington Department of Fish and Game http://wdfw.wa.gov Real Time River Levels Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife FishWorks Newsletter http://waterdata.usgs.gov/or/ nwis/current/?type=flow http://dfw.state.or.us/fish/STEP/ fishworks/index.asp http://www.west-fly-fishing.com California Fish and Game Idaho Fish and Wildlife http://www.fgc.ca.gov/ http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/ public/wildlife/ Photo by Ann Stuestall Smith Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife http://www.dfw.state.or.us Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Page 10 News Reel Deadline & Information Send your Newsreel submissions by the following Sunday after the monthly board meeting (2nd Wednesday of the Month) to Roz Kauffman at [email protected]. Send photos via email to the same address and we will start editing them into our year-end presentation. The sooner you send in your photos the better as it tends to be a big job when left to the end of the year. Include names and places with your photos. Thanks, Your Editor—RK OTHER CLUB WEBSITES TO CHECK OUT Blue Mountain Fly Casters http://bluemtnflycasters.org/ Cascade Family Flyfishers http://www.cascadefamilyflyfishers.com/ Central Oregon Flyfishers http://www.coflyfishers.org/ Clackamas Flyfishers http://www.clackamasflyfishers.org/ Clark-Skamania Fly Fisher http://www.clark-skamania-flyfishers.org/ Columbia Gorge Fly Fishers http://community.gorge.net/cgflyfishers Fly Fishers Club of Oregon http://www.flyfisherscluboregon.com/ Lower Umpqua Flycasters http://www.lufc.us/ Fly swap continues, so bring six flies to the meeting and you will take home six other McKenzie Fly Fishers http://www.mckenzieflyfishers.org/ Northwest Fly Fishers http://www.nwflyfishers.org/ Rainland Fly Casters http://www.rainlandflycasters.org/ Rogue Flyfishers http://rogueflyfishers.org/ Santiam Flycasters http://www.santiamflycasters.com/ Stonefly Maidens http://www.stoneflymaidens.org/ The Steamboaters http://www.steamboaters.org/ Sunriver Anglers http://www.sunriveranglers.com/ Umpqua Valley Fly Fishers http://www.uvff.org/ Washington County Fly Fishers http://www.wcflyfishers-ore.com/ Contact Fred Acosta if you have items to contribute to the raffle Page 11 Volume 31, Issue 1 January 2014 Membership Application CASCADE FAMILY FLYFISHERSAPPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP/MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Mail To: Cascade Family Fly Fishers, P.O. Box 5384 , Eugene, Or 97405 Please print legibly: Name_____________________________________________ Nickname ___________________________ DOB (optional) ___________________ Spouse/partner ___________________________________ Nickname ___________________________ DOB (optional) __________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip ___________ Home Phone __________________________________ Work Phone ____________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ Cell Phone ____________________________________ Occupation and or employer ___________________________________________________________________ Are you a member of FFF? Yes ____ No ____ FFF expiration date? ____________________ The following information is requested in order to maintain a data base of our member’s knowledge and experience which may be of help in club activities. Please be as complete as possible Years of fly fishing experience 0-3 ____ 3-5 ____ 5-10 ____ 10-20 ____ 20-40 ____ Over 40 ____ As a fly caster are you: Novice? ____ Average? ____ Proficient? ____ Expert? ____ FFF Certified Instructor? ____ Do you tie your own flies? Yes ____ No____ If yes rate you tying from Novice 1 to Instructor being 5 _____Check any of the following watercraft that you own: Float tube ____ Pontoon boat ____ Canoe ____ Drift boat ____ Pram ____ Motor boat ____ Jet boat ____ Others (Describe) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Club members are asked to consider serving on at least one committee of their choice to assist the committee chairperson when required. Number your choices from 1 –3 of the following committees: Newsletter ____ Program ____ Membership ____ Raffle ____ Conservation ____ Education ____ Auction ____ Outings ____ Library ____ Webmaster ____ Fly Tying ____ Legislative/Environment _______ Complete dues as follows: Individual or Family $25.00 (includes one name tag) (dues are $15.00 when joining after July 1st Student $15.00 “ “ Associate (resident outside Lane County) $10.00 “ “ Additional name tags $6.00 each Additional club patches $6.00 each Total amount due:__________________________________$ ___________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________ I do _______ do not ______ authorize the printing of my contact information in the club directory. (please check your option) P.O. Box 5384 Eugene, Or 97405 ABOUT THE CASCADE FAMILY FLY FISHERS The Cascade Family Fly Fishers (CFF) is an independent, not for profit, fly fishing organization open to the public and is an affiliate of the National Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF). Annual dues are $25.00 for an individual or family membership, $15.00 for a student, and $10.00 for those who live outside Lane County. Membership includes a subscription to the newsletter and the privilege of participating in any and all club activities. CFF Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month and the general membership meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Articles found in the CFF newsletter may be reprinted in other non-profit publications without the express permission of the CFF so long as full acknowledgement is given to CFF and the author or authors. Trademarks and/or logos may appear in the “Trading Post” section of the newsletter, (which is the club member’s free of charge classified section), but this does not give any proprietary rights to the company. Should a for-profit company wish to place an ad in the newsletter for a product or service, it can purchase a 1/8th page for $20.00 or a 1/2 page for $50.00. All rates are per issue and inserts will be considered. Ad and article deadlines are midnight, the second Sunday of the month. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: CASCADE FAMILY FLY FISHERS P.O.BOX 5384 EUGENE, OREGON, 97405 www.cascadefamilyflyfishers.com President: Glenn Miller [email protected]
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