AnnuAl report novA kbm group And novA kbm d.d.
AnnuAl report novA kbm group And novA kbm d.d.
AnnuAl report novA kbm group And novA kbm d.d. As the first morning ray pierces the darkness, a new day is born. Our dreams fall asleep and the opportunity to make them true awakens. To take our future into our own hands. To capitalize on everything we have achieved so far. To choose the sunlit path. There are 365 sunrises in a year. 365 opportunities to make the world we live in a better place and then look back at our achievements at the end of the day and rest assured that we are ready for tomorrow. NOVA KBM GROUP´S OPERATING COSTS (€mln) 16.6 16.4 15.6 14.5 108.5 104.1 97.9 89.1 2011 2012 2013 2014 Depreciation and amortisation -9% OPERATING COSTS ARE DOWN BY 8.7%. Staff,generalandadministrativecosts NET INTEREST INCOME (€mln) 135.6 110.7 105.8 99.3 THE 2014 INTEREST MARGIN EXCEEDS THE LEVEL OF THE PREVIOUS THREE YEARS. 93.6 74.6 71.7 60.6 2011 2013 2012 NovaKBMGroup 2014 NovaKBM TOTAL ASSETS (€mln) 5,813 5,322 4,811 4,369 4,811 4,339 2011 2013 2012 NovaKBMGroup 3,910 3,608 2014 THE REDUCTION IN TOTAL ASSETS IS IN LINE WITH THE COMMITMENTS GIVEN TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION. NovaKBM CUSTOMER DEPOSITS (€mln) 3,761 3,619 3,079 3,062 3,077 2,917 2,466 2,364 2011 NovaKBMGroup 2012 NovaKBM 2013 2014 THE VOLUME OF CUSTOMER DEPOSITS REMAINS STABLE. CONTENTS BUSINESS REPORT 7 1 1.1 1.2 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Key performance indicators of the Nova KBM Group Key performance indicators of Nova KBM 8 8 9 2 STATEMENT BY THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 10 3 REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD 13 4 PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS AIMED AT RESTORING THE PROFITABILITY OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP 19 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 PROFILE OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM Important events and achievements during 2014 Significant events after the end of the financial year Awards and recognitions in 2014 Governance of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM Organisational structure of the Nova KBM Group Organisational structure of Nova KBM Governing bodies of Nova KBM Internal Audit Centre 24 24 26 26 27 27 28 29 33 6 SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY OF NOVA KBM 35 7 DECLARATION ON THE ADEQUACY OF RISK MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 37 8 RISK MANAGEMENT 38 9 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF NOVA KBM AND THE NOVA KBM GROUP 44 10 10.1 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 PERFORMANCE OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM Macroeconomic environment Analysis of performance of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM Nova KBM Group Nova KBM Profile of the Nova KBM Group companies Nova KBM´s marketing strategy and marketing activities New and upgraded services and distribution channels of Nova KBM Modern distribution channels of Nova KBM Nova KBM´s corporate banking operations Nova KBM´s retail banking operations Nova KBM´s international operations Nova KBM´s treasury operations Nova KBM´s brokerage services Human resource management at Nova KBM Internal development of Nova KBM 46 46 48 48 50 54 64 65 65 66 68 69 70 71 71 75 11 PLANS FOR 2015 79 12 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 81 13 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT OF NOVA KBM 14 STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT´S RESPONSIBILITIES 105 15 TYPE OF SERVICES FOR WHICH NOVA KBM HAS THE AUTHORISATION OF THE BANK OF SLOVENIA 106 16 NOVA KBM BRANCH OFFICE NETWORK 107 FINANCIAL REPORT 90 110 1 AUDITOR´S REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM 111 2 1 2 3 4 5 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM Income Statement Statement of Other Comprehensive Income Statement of Financial Position Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Changes in Equity 115 115 116 117 118 120 3 1 2 3 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM General information Basis for the presentation of consolidated financial statements Significant accounting policies 122 122 124 126 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Risk exposure Credit risk Liquidity risk Market risks Geographical analysis of assets and liabilities Operational risk Capital risk 142 142 153 159 168 170 172 5 Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities 173 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Reporting by operating segments Analysis by operating segments Analysis by geographical segments Reconciliation of operating segment results, assets and liabilities 180 180 182 182 NOTES TO THE INCOME STATEMENT ITEMS 183 Notes to the statement of financial position items 192 Other notes 214 LIST OF acronyms USED IN THE ANNUAL REPORT AJPES = Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services ALCO = Nova KBM´s Assets and Liabilities Committee AQR = Asset Quality Review BAMC = Bank Assets Management Company CIR = Cost-to-Income Ratio DNT = Day-Night Safes EBA = European Banking Authority EC = European Commission ECB = European Central Bank EFQM = European Foundation for Quality Management FURS = Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia ICAAP = Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process IFRSs = International Financial Reporting Standards ILO = International Labour Organization IMAD = Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development IS = Income Statement MF = Ministry of Finance NPL = Non-Performing Loan POS = Point-Of-Sale RAST = Nova KBM´s programme aimed at reducing operating costs RS = Republic of Slovenia SEC = Securities SEPA = Single Euro Payments Area SID Banka = Slovene Export and Development Bank SOD = Slovenska odškodninska družba (Central ownership entity of Slovenia) SSH = Slovene Sovereign Holding VaR = Value-at-Risk ZBan = Banking Act ZGD = Companies Act ZSDH = Slovene Sovereign Holding Act ZTFI = Financial Instruments Market Act Note The assets and liabilities of KBM Banka were reclassified into discontinued operations in the Nova KBM Group´s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014, while in the financial statements of Nova KBM for the year ended 31 December 2014, the investment in the equity of KBM Banka was reclassified as discontinued operations. The financial statements of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM for the year ended 31 December 2013 (with the exception of the statement of financial position) and the related notes were restated accordingly, as were the data and analysis included in the business part of the annual report. e A c h d Ay o p e n s u p n e w o p p o r t u n i t i e s , b u t i t i s o n ly w h e n w e s e i z e t h e m t h A t t h e y c A n f u l ly s h i n e . business report Contents of the Business Report 1/KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1.1 / Key performance indicators of the Nova KBM Group1 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Statement of financial position (€000) Total assets Total deposits from the non-banking sector measured at amortised cost Total loans and advances to the non-banking sector measured at amortised cost Financial assets a) of which available-for-sale b) of which held-to-maturity Total equity Impairment of financial assets, provisions Off-balance sheet items Income statement (€000) Net interest income Net non-interest income (including net gains or losses from discontinued operations) - of which net fee and commission income Staff, general and administrative costs Depreciation and amortisation Impairment losses and provisions Profit/(loss) before tax from continuing and discontinued operations Tax expense/(income) related to profit or loss from continuing and discontinued operations Net profit/(loss) Statement of comprehensive income (€000) Other comprehensive income before tax Income tax expense related to other comprehensive income Number of employees Shares Number of shareholders Number of shares Accountable par value of one share (€) Book value per share (€) Ratios (%) a) Equity - Total capital adequacy ratio - Tier 1 capital ratio - Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio b) Asset quality - Impairment of financial assets measured at amortised cost and provisions for commitments/Classified on- and off-balance sheet items - Premium for risk - Gross NPLs/Gross loan portfolio - Loan impairment losses/Gross NPLs c) Profitability - Interest margin - Non-interest margin - Margin of financial intermediation - ROAA before tax - ROAA after tax - ROAE before tax - ROAE after tax d) Operating costs - Operating costs/Average total assets - Cost-to-income (CIR) - Operating costs (excluding extraordinary costs)/Income (CIR2) e) Net loans and advances to customers/Deposits from customers (net LTD) f) Gross loans and advances to customers/Deposits from customers (gross LTD) 2014 2013 2012 Index 2 31.12. 4,369,010 3,076,875 1,920,875 1,708,358 1,482,120 206,540 616,357 754,972 718,120 1.1. – 31.12. 110,726 55,996 55,959 (89,146) (14,462) (44,514) 18,600 4,681 23,281 1.1. – 31.12. 40,255 (7,047) 31.12. 1,751 1 10,000,000 15.00 61.34 23.30 23.30 23.30 3 31.12. 4,810,793 3,079,299 2,231,765 1,773,389 1,466,864 280,153 560,028 805,048 725,706 1.1. – 31.12. 74,603 101,063 56,553 (97,883) (15,628) (720,735) (658,580) (26,328) (684,908) 1.1. – 31.12. 13,091 (2,206) 31.12. 1,856 1 10,000,000 15.00 56.67 18.13 18.06 18.06 4 31.12. 5,321,810 3,618,678 3,397,900 1,125,656 589,413 500,108 253,204 759,234 789,457 1.1. – 31.12. 105,844 105,937 58,800 (104,059) (16,443) (309,466) (218,187) 12,490 (205,697) 1.1. – 31.12. 28,254 (6,020) 31.12. 2,027 97,429 39,122,968 1.04 5.37 9.17 8.17 5.26 5 = 2/3 91 100 86 96 101 74 110 94 99 148 55 99 91 93 6 308 319 19.35 16.79 12.93 2.71 23.47 59.12 2.38 1.21 3.59 0.40 0.50 3.07 3.85 2.23 62.14 59.46 62.43 23.93 18.17 62.48 1.44 1.96 3.40 (12.74) (13.25) (221.22) (230.06) 2.20 64.62 61.18 72.48 6.77 17.08 56.86 1.87 1.87 3.73 (3.85) (3.63) (55.00) (51.85) 2.12 56.90 56.43 93.90 82.54 91.64 111.62 1 All references in this Annual Report to the 'Group' are to the Nova KBM Group. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 8 Contents of the Business Report 1.2 / Key performance indicators of Nova KBM2 ITEM DESCRIPTION 2014 2013 2012 Index 2 31.12. 3 31.12. 4 31.12. 5 = 2/3 Total assets 3,608,215 3,909,983 4,338,568 92 Total deposits from the non-banking sector measured at amortised cost 2,466,097 2,364,102 2,917,317 104 1 Statement of financial position (€000) a) of which from legal and other entities that carry out economic activity 590,033 539,986 974,082 109 b) of which from households 1,876,064 1,824,116 1,943,235 103 Total loans and advances to the non-banking sector measured at amortised cost 1,593,294 1,826,371 2,891,136 87 a) of which to legal and other entities that carry out economic activity 830,681 1,003,891 2,017,969 83 b) of which to households 762,613 822,480 873,167 93 Financial assets 1,383,207 1,428,434 849,453 97 a) of which available-for-sale 1,275,213 1,210,799 417,102 105 b) of which held-to-maturity 89,950 192,437 397,130 47 Total equity 580,347 517,712 192,569 112 Impairment of financial assets, provisions 525,531 583,006 634,558 90 Off-balance sheet items 640,600 630,100 699,155 102 Income statement (€000) 1.1. – 31.12. 1.1. – 31.12. 1.1. – 31.12. Net interest income 93,591 60,628 71,736 154 Net non-interest income (including net gains or losses from discontinued operations) 54,364 74,666 101,057 73 - of which net fee and commission income 42,122 41,755 41,735 101 Staff, general and administrative costs (63,179) (71,242) (70,157) 89 Depreciation and amortisation (10,866) (11,788) (11,986) 92 Impairment losses and provisions (43,079) (685,758) (304,985) 6 30,831 (633,494) (214,335) Profit/(loss) before tax from continuing and discontinued operations Tax expense/(income) related to profit or loss from continuing and discontinued operations Net profit/(loss) Statement of comprehensive income (€000) 5,085 (23,006) 11,080 35,916 (656,500) (203,255) 1.1. – 31.12. 1.1. – 31.12. 1.1. – 31.12. Other comprehensive income before tax 32,311 11,033 27,765 293 Income tax expense related to other comprehensive income (5,592) (1,801) (5,676) 310 31.12. 31.12. 31.12. 1,124 1,201 1,280 94 Number of employees Shares Number of shareholders 1 1 97,429 100 Number of shares 10,000,000 10,000,000 39,122,968 100 Accountable par value of one share (€) 15.00 15.00 1.04 Book value per share (€) 58.03 51.77 4.92 Ratios (%) a) Equity - Total capital adequacy ratio 25.75 20.49 9.18 - Tier 1 capital ratio 25.75 20.45 8.33 - Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio 25.75 20.45 4.91 b) Asset quality - Impairment of financial assets measured at amortised cost and provisions for commitments/Classified on- and off-balance sheet items - Premium for risk 17.13 16.43 13.55 2.26 26.21 8.82 - Gross NPLs/Gross loan portfolio 22.42 19.35 14.78 - Loan impairment losses/Gross NPLs 54.59 59.14 67.61 - Interest margin 2.48 1.44 1.54 - Non-interest margin 1.44 1.77 2.17 - Margin of financial intermediation 3.92 3.21 3.71 - ROAA before tax 0.82 (15.03) (4.60) - ROAA after tax 0.95 (15.57) (4.36) - ROAE before tax 5.57 (249.42) (65.54) - ROAE after tax 6.49 (258.48) (62.15) d) Operating costs 1.96 1.97 1.76 - Cost-to-income (CIR) 50.05 61.37 47.54 - Operating costs (excluding extraordinary costs)/Income (CIR2) 48.21 56.26 42.49 e) Net loans and advances to customers/Deposits from customers (net LTD) 64.61 77.25 99.10 f) Gross loans and advances to customers/Deposits from customers (gross LTD) 81.31 96.16 118.75 - Liquid assets/Current financial liabilities to the non-banking sector measured at amortised cost 99.13 53.95 43.40 - Liquid assets/Average total assets 42.62 20.66 15.66 c) Profitability - Operating costs/Average total assets g) Liquidity 2 All references in this Annual Report to the 'Bank' or 'Nova KBM' are to Nova KBM d.d. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 9 Contents of the Business Report 2/STATEMENT BY THE MANAGEMENT BOARD consistent execution of actions aimed at achieving improved operational and cost efficiency, while at the same time they strengthen the confidence of all stakeholders in the Bank. For this reason, the priority tasks determined for Nova KBM for 2014 were derived from the commitments that the Bank and its owner, the Republic of Slovenia, have given to the European Commission and that constitute the framework of Nova KBM´s restructuring programme. Throughout 2014, both the Bank and the Group delivered stable, sound and, once again, profitable performances, thereby meeting one of the key targets set for 2014. While the net profit reported by the Group hit €23,281,000, Nova KBM reported a net profit of €35,916,000 for last year. Dear Sirs The Nova KBM Management Board sees the year 2014 as another very important and challenging year in the history of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. In 2014, we registered the first positive results of measures implemented with the aim of revamping the Bank and the Group in both business and organisational terms, a process which we started two years ago. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that we have designed our last year´s central corporate campaign, but also this annual report you are now reading, under the slogan 'Ready for tomorrow'. Indeed, we believe that we have accomplished, and even exceeded, many goals on the road to restoring the profitability of our operations. Despite some signs of gradual economic recovery, the market conditions in our environment continued to be tight last year. The measures aimed at stabilizing the Slovene banking system, which were adopted by the government in 2013 and from which our Bank also benefited, are understood by us as a commitment to ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. As of 31 December 2014, the Group´s total assets stood at €4,369,010,000, down 9.2%, or €441,783,000, on the 2013 year-end figure. This reduction in total assets was in line with the commitments given to the European Commission. The lending volumes were reduced too, yet we managed throughout the year to maintain a constant market share in loans to both retail and corporate segments. As an active member of bank syndicates, Nova KBM participated in corporate restructuring projects, in addition to strengthening its activities in support of the operational and financial restructuring of a number of companies. The transfer of assets at risk to the BAMC was completed in the first half of 2014, making it possible for the specialised departments of the Bank to focus even more on the effective management of bad loans that remained on the books of Nova KBM. The measures that have been taken in this regard will be further reinforced in 2015, as will be the management of all types of risk. We were successful in our goal of reducing the costs of both Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group, with operating costs incurred by Nova KBM registering a year-on-year decline of just over 10%. A reduction was achieved in material and service costs as well as staff costs. D AY 1 0 Contents of the Business Report Apart from cutting costs, we are gradually reducing the number of staff, in line with the requirements set out in the restructuring programme. When making redundancies, priority is given to measures that are the least disagreeable for the employees. Furthermore, we introduced several changes to make the organisational structure of the Bank slimmer, continued downsizing our branch office network, and streamlined a number of functions. Despite some changes taking place in its broader management team, all necessary measures were taken to ensure appropriate corporate governance of Nova KBM and the smooth running of its operations. In the area of information technology, Nova KBM undertakes in-house development of the key components of its information system, as well as architectural and systematic management of outsourcers, which enables it to take a focused approach to the design of the entire infrastructure at different levels: from processes and business software to system infrastructure. In 2014, Nova KBM entered the final stage of its in-house development and pilot use of consolidated e-banking services (Bank@Net and Poslovni Bank@Net) through uniform information support for the corporate and retail customers. Furthermore, Nova KBM´s data warehouse was functionally upgraded in 2014 for the needs of application solutions that support decision-making and reporting processes. As part of the overhaul of its business processes and organisational structure, the Bank adapted and optimised the key process used to support the management of changes in the information technology support system. At the Nova KBM Group level, work on the consolidation of activities took place last year. The process of divesting strategically less significant operations continued with the liquidation of KBM Fineko. In addition, measures were implemented to terminate the banking operations and to accomplish the envisaged closure of Adria Bank, while the liquidation proceedings against KBM Leasing and Gorica Leasing began just before the end of the year. With this extensive work and the key task of the Nova KBM Group´s restructuring programme set for ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 2014 complete, in 2015 we will focus even more on our principal activities and key members of the Nova KBM Group, while continuing efforts to further consolidate our operations. In addition to carrying out their day-to-day operations, the Bank and the Group met all the obligations arising from the EU-wide comprehensive asset quality review and stress tests, as well as the privatisation of Nova KBM. As the second-largest systemically important bank in Slovenia, in November 2014 Nova KBM came under the direct supervision of the ECB within the framework of the European Supervisory Mechanism, and held kick-off meetings to enable its designated staff to be introduced to an ECB supervisory team. Our endeavours to strengthen our operations, as well as the measures taken by the regulator in this regard, were recognised by the rating agencies, which, after several years, raised the rating of Nova KBM by one notch at the beginning of 2014. Moody´s Investors Service upgraded Nova KBM´s long-term deposit rating to 'Caa1', at the same time changing the outlook on the rating from 'negative' to 'stable'. In the middle of the year, Fitch Ratings affirmed the long-term and short-term Issuer Default Ratings of Nova KBM at 'BB-/B' with negative outlook, while upgrading the Viability Rating to 'b' from 'b-'. Other ratings were also affirmed, i.e. the Support Rating at '3' and the Support Rating Floor at 'BB-'. The affirmation of the Support Rating and Support Rating Floor reflects Nova KBM´s full state ownership, systemic importance, and the current restructuring in accordance with stateaid procedures, while the upgrade of its Viability Rating by one notch reflects its improved capital position. The positive results reported for the end of the year by both the Bank and the Group demonstrate that the strategic and operational measures we have taken over the last two years, coupled with state aid, were appropriate ones. The implementation of these measures would not have been possible without the constructive cooperation and efforts of Bank employees. We are glad to note that last year we managed to make D AY 1 1 Contents of the Business Report a turnaround in the operations of the Bank, and that we are now better prepared for tomorrow. Our financial plan for 2015 envisages that Nova KBM will end the year with a net profit of €35 million (provided no significant changes in the economic climate occur), while its total assets are expected to be €3.5 billion. The Bank will further reduce its operating costs, and targets to bring them down by 3.1% in 2015. The Nova KBM Group is expected to report a net profit of €28 million, while its total assets are forecast to reach €4.3 billion by the end of 2015. Despite the challenges that lie ahead of us, the strategic direction of Nova KBM remains unchanged: to continue delivering sound, cost-efficient and profitable performance across all key banking segments and all services provided to retail and corporate customers. Our top priority remains our customers, and we will continue to do our best to offer them first-grade and contemporary financial solutions. Instead of pursuing business growth, preference will be given to the quality of the loan portfolio and proactive risk management. Through consistent implementation of our values, we will strive to meet the expectations of our owner, customers, business partners, and the environment in which we operate. We are convinced we can achieve our goals by working in a responsible and professional manner, and adhering to high ethical standards. Let us end this statement by expressing our sincere gratitude for the trust you have placed in us so far, while at the same time inviting you to collaborate with us also in 2015. Management Board of Nova KBM d.d. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Sabina Župec Kranjc Member | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Robert Senica President D AY 1 2 Contents of the Business Report 3/REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Based on a review of performance of the Supervisory Board, we are of the opinion that the Supervisory Board carried out its work of supervising the Bank Management Board as well as operations of the Bank and the Group in compliance with its competencies and in an appropriate manner. From 1 January to 5 February 2014, when Karmen Dvorjak resigned from her position as a Supervisory Board member, the composition of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board was as follows: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Andrej Fatur, Miha Glavič, Peter Kavčič, Karmen Dvorjak, Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles. Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles resigned as members of the Supervisory Board on 19 March 2014 and 23 September 2014, respectively. On 27 June 2014, the Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting decided to amend the Bank´s Articles of Association by reducing the required number of Supervisory Board members from nine to six. As of 31 December 2014, the Nova KBM Supervisory Board comprised the following members: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Andrej Fatur, Miha Glavič and Peter Kavčič. The Supervisory Board carried out its function of assuring efficient supervision over the management of the Bank and the Group, and its duty of careful and scrupulous performance, on the basis of its competencies as laid down by law and other regulations as well as by internal acts of Nova KBM. The Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies was also observed by the Supervisory Board in performing its duties. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Method and scope of supervising the management of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group The work of the Supervisory Board was adequately organised and was carried out in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board members received professionally prepared materials which enabled them to be wellinformed on the matters on which they had to decide. Last year, the Supervisory Board adopted certain guidelines and measures concerning the preparation of materials for the purpose of decision-making by the Supervisory Board, and requested that specific forms be used when submitting materials for either regular meetings or meetings by correspondence of the Supervisory Board. We believe that the Supervisory Board had sufficient reports and information available to responsibly control the operations of the Bank and the work of the Internal Audit Centre, to supervise the management of the Bank during the year, and to actively participate in the creation of the governance policy and the fit and proper policy. The Supervisory Board was furnished with additional commentary or explanations when this was found necessary. Members of the Supervisory Board took all precautionary measures to avoid any conflicts of interest that might influence their decisions. In case of conflicts of interest, the Supervisory Board members acted in accordance with law, implementing regulations of the Bank of Slovenia, and the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies. Any conflicts of interest for individual Supervisory Board members were only provisional and were not a reason for ending his/her term of office. D AY 1 3 Contents of the Business Report Members of the Supervisory Board considered the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, adopted by the Slovene Sovereign Holding at the end of 2014 (on 19 December 2014). Since coming into effect, this code has been taken into consideration and adhered to by the Supervisory Board in carrying out its work. In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies, all members of the Supervisory Board have signed a statement declaring that they meet the criteria of independence, that they are professionally qualified to act on the Supervisory Board, and that they have sufficient experience and skills to perform such work. The Chair of the Supervisory Board did his work in accordance with the competencies and the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, and also cooperated with the Bank Management Board during Supervisory Board meetings. He regularly monitored the developments related to the operations of the Bank and promptly and consistently responded to any action that required his involvement. The Chair of the Supervisory Board encouraged other Supervisory Board members to perform their duties efficiently and actively, and involved them in the communication with the Management Board outside the regular meetings. In order for the Supervisory Board to be better informed about any important, critical and unexpected events related to the operations of the Bank, as well as to promptly and effectively respond to any such event, he suggested that a communication protocol be adopted for use in the provision of information to Supervisory Board members via e-mail. In addition, the Chair of the Supervisory Board suggested that any topical and urgent questions raised by Supervisory Board members in respect of the events mentioned above be submitted to the Bank Secretariat through him, based on which the Bank Secretariat, in cooperation with the relevant departments, should prepare responses that would be presented, as a separate agenda item, at the subsequent regular meeting of the Supervisory Board. The Chair of the Supervisory Board chaired the meetings in such a way as to provide for responsible, transparent and prudent decision-making by the Supervisory Board. The communication of the Supervisory Board with the public was conducted exclusively through its Chair. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The composition of the Supervisory Board, the members of which have proper and complementary knowledge, experience and skills, as well as personal integrity and professional ethics, provides for responsible supervision and decisions to be reached to the benefit of the Bank. In accordance with a decision passed by the Bank Shareholders´ Meeting in June 2014, the number of Supervisory Board members was reduced to reflect the commitments given to the European Commission by the Republic of Slovenia on the occasion of providing state aid to the Bank. The reduction in the number of its members made it possible for the Supervisory Board to perform its work in an even more effective and efficient manner, to conduct in-depth discussions, and to pass wellthought out decisions based on the excellent balance of experience and skills of its members. As in previous years, Supervisory Board members came to meetings well prepared, and meetings were regularly attended by the majority of its members. There were hardly any absences from the meetings of the Supervisory Board last year. Supervisory Board members were adequately prepared for discussing relevant affairs; they presented constructive proposals and, on the basis of professionally prepared and comprehensive information provided by the Management Board, reached decisions in compliance with the adopted rules and their competencies. The Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board are harmonised with the applicable principles of good corporate governance. The Management Board of the Bank was invited to all Supervisory Board meetings. The Supervisory Board believes that its members carried out their work with great responsibility and commitment. In 2014, some members of the Supervisory Board attended the supervisory board members´ training programmes organised by the Slovene Directors´ Association, the Deloitte Academy, and the Bank Association of Slovenia. In addition to exhaustive materials prepared for the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of the Bank provided all necessary explanations on individual issues. Beside detailed arguments of the Management Board given directly at the meetings, the members of the Management Board were also prepared to discuss in detail any questions from the Supervisory Board members. The communication and cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board was adequate and correct. D AY 1 4 Contents of the Business Report In 2014, the self-assessment of the Supervisory Board and its committees was carried out by taking into consideration individual recommendations and analyses prepared for that purpose by Deloitte Svetovanje in the years 2013 and 2014. Based on an analysis of selfassessment of members of the Supervisory Board and its committees, which was carried out using questionnaires drafted by the Slovene Directors´ Association, it was established that, as regards the preparation for the meetings, their participation in and activity at the meetings, and their contribution to formulating individual decisions reached, the Supervisory Board members had effectively performed their supervisory function during 2014 and had acted in accordance with the interests of the Bank. The Supervisory Board achieved a high overall level of governance, which enabled its members to perform their work and duties effectively. The Supervisory Board also noted that, by taking into consideration recommendations and findings of the analysis conducted by Deloitte Svetovanje, it had managed to improve its work, particularly in the following key areas: transparency of appointment of Management Board members (in 2014, one member left the Management Board, while two new members joined it); provision of information to the Supervisory Board; control by the Supervisory Board and its committees over the Bank´s strategy and planning; management of NPLs (the total level of Nova KBM´s NPLs declined last year); risk management; cost management (costefficiency); and financial reporting. The efforts made by the Supervisory Board in the areas referred to above were aimed at ensuring the successful performance of the Bank in the long run. Based on a self-assessment of the Supervisory Board committees (the Audit Committee, and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee), it was established that the composition of these committees (in terms of the expertise and experience of their members) was such as to ensure that the tasks carried out by them were accomplished in a thorough and efficient manner. The work carried out by these two committees provided effective support to the Supervisory Board, and the Supervisory Board was regularly and promptly informed about the issues discussed by the two committees as well as of any proposals and initiatives given by the committees. Following a reduction in the number of Supervisory Board members in accordance with the ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. commitments given to the European Commission referred to above, the number of members of both of the Supervisory Board committees was reduced, to four in each of the committees. Deloitte Svetovanje considers that an improvement in the work of the Audit Committee can be achieved, in particular in the following areas: provision of an increased range of comparable financials; supervision of risk management; supervision of risks of fraud; supervision of transactions concluded with related parties; financial reporting and policy approval; supervision of the implementation of the Code of Ethics; and supervision of communication with the regulator. In carrying out their work, both Supervisory Board committees took into consideration the recommendations and findings arising from the last year´s analysis conducted by Deloitte Svetovanje. Consequently, Gojko Koprivec, an expert in banking, joined the Audit Committee for a limited period of time as an external member. Jernej Pirc, an expert in the area of information technology, was appointed as a new external member of the Audit Committee to provide necessary support in a comprehensive analysis and review of the Bank´s information technology. In 2014, the Audit Committee devoted particular attention to the quality and timely provision of information to the Supervisory Board for its further consideration. Furthermore, it focused on the Bank´s strategy and planning process, for the purpose of which it held several extraordinary meetings, while some of its members participated in relevant workshops. The cooperation of the Audit Committee with internal and external auditors continued at the high level of previous years. A designated external auditor participated in the meetings of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee tried to intensify its communication with the Bank of Slovenia, as the regulator of the national banking system, and to improve the control of risks present in the identification of fraud and in related party transactions. To that effect, it strengthened its collaboration with the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee tried to adhere to the recommendations of Deloitte Svetovanje as regards the efforts to be made to enhance the transparency of appointment of Management Board members. Two new members joined the Nova KBM Management Board in 2014, with the Remuneration D AY 1 5 Contents of the Business Report and Nomination Committee having an active role in the appointment process. Taking into consideration the rules applicable to the appointment and term of office of Management Board members, as set out in the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee first examined its competences and options in the appointment process, after which it clearly determined this process and carried it out to the end in a transparent manner. To that effect, it requested the President of the Management Board to provide, prior to submitting to the Supervisory Board a proposal for the appointment of a new Management Board member, a list of at least two candidates for the Management Board. Both of these candidates were then extensively interviewed and examined by the committee. Also, the committee checked their references and obtained additional information with respect to their skills and experience. Prior to adopting its opinion for the purpose of assisting the Supervisory Board in its decision-making, the committee waited to receive information about the fit and proper assessment of the candidates. Examination of the Bank´s operations and consideration of most important issues relating to the Bank´s business In 2014, the Supervisory Board met at 11 regular meetings and ten meetings by correspondence. The most important issues discussed at the Supervisory Board meetings in 2014 were connected to the implementation of the Restructuring Programme and commitments given to the European Commission, the privatisation of the Bank, stress tests and the AQR, the 2015 financial plan, and the procedures and measures taken to reduce the level of NPLs in the Bank´s loan portfolio. The Supervisory Board also discussed the measures taken to wind down the Nova KBM Group leasing companies, and the activities related to the liquidation of KBM Fineko. In addition, it regularly monitored the developments taking place in the operations of PBS and KBM Banka, and the implementation of the 2014 Business Policy and Financial Plan of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. During 2014, the Supervisory Board made a ruling requiring the Management Board to report monthly on the measures taken to reduce the volume of NPLs, on the progress made in this regard, and on the level of NPLs. In addition, it set 31 December 2014 as the deadline for the implementation of the Early Warning System that is to assist the Bank in indentifying any ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. difficulties in the operations of its corporate customers. The implementation of measures aimed at strengthening the Bank´s capital position and financial stability was monitored by the Supervisory Board on a monthly basis, as were all the activities related to the AQR. In addition to these key issues, the Supervisory Board deliberated on and approved the 2013 Annual Report of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group, as well as other materials which the Supervisory Board submitted for approval to the Shareholders´ Meeting. It discussed other important affairs as well. The Supervisory Board dealt with the following key affairs and issues in 2014: • In January, it was given information about the transfer of assets to the BAMC and the measures taken in this regard, while throughout the year it regularly monitored the development of activities and procedures related to the cooperation between the Bank and the BAMC. • In February, it adopted measures and procedures aimed at upgrading the Bank´s corporate governance system. • At the beginning of the year, it reviewed the unaudited 2013 report on operations of the Nova KBM Group. • In March, it considered the Bank Management Board´s proposal regarding the covering of the 2013 loss incurred by the Bank. • It regularly monitored the progress made on the privatisation and restructuring of the Bank. • It discussed and approved the 2013 Annual Report of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. • It discussed the materials for the 25th and 26th Bank Shareholders´ Meeting, and proposed that the Shareholders´ Meeting should reach appropriate decisions (for example with respect to the amendments to the Bank´s Articles of Association). In addition, it proposed that the Bank´s Fit and Proper Policy be presented to the Shareholders´ Meeting. • It discussed and, on a monthly basis, monitored the initiatives that had already been implemented and verified those that were planned to be implemented with the aim of reducing the level of NPLs in the Bank´s loan portfolio. It also made certain suggestions in this regard, all with the purpose of accelerating the reduction in the level of NPLs. • It discussed and considered the progress made on the implementation of the Early Warning System aimed D AY 1 6 Contents of the Business Report • • • • • • • at helping the Bank identify any financial difficulties faced by its corporate customers. It was regularly informed about the development of operations in the Nova KBM Group companies, and discussed the work related to the partial integration of the operations of PBS into those of Nova KBM, as well as the proposals for recapitalisation and liquidation of several Group companies (KBM Invest, Gorica Leasing, KBM Leasing and KBM Fineko). Two of its members even made a work visit to KBM Banka to discuss options for its future operations. It considered the resignation of Igor Žibrik as a Management Board member, and appointed Robert Senica and Sabina Župec Kranjc as new Management Board members. It regularly monitored the project of replacing the Bank´s central information system. It considered the AQR report and the report on the results of stress tests. It was informed of the letter sent to the management of the Nova KBM Group, setting out the findings of the pre-audit of the 2014 financial statements. It discussed the resignation of its members (Karmen Dvorjak, Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles). It discussed and consented to the 2015 Business Policy and Financial Plan of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. In addition to the above stated key issues, the Supervisory Board discussed the following important matters: • It consented to the composition of the Fit and Proper Committee, whose task is to assess, in accordance with the adopted Fit and Proper Policy, the suitability of officers holding key positions, including members of the management and supervisory bodies. • It adopted the Corporate Governance Statement for 2013. • It gave its consent to the upper limit of long-term borrowings of the Bank in 2014. • It gave its consent to the annual plan of work of the Internal Audit Centre for 2014, and was informed of the 2013 Report on the Internal Audit in the Nova KBM Group. • It was informed of the 2013 risk profile of the Bank. • At its meeting held in August, it appointed Jernej Pirc, an expert in information technology, as an external member of the Audit Committee, while at the same time, in accordance with the commitments given to the European Commission, to reduce the number ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. • • • • • • • of members of its committees, it dismissed Gojko Koprivec and Aleksander Igličar as external members of the Audit Committee, and Adriana Rejc Buhovac as an external member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. It was informed of the letters of the Bank of Slovenia to the Management and Supervisory Boards, and of the decisions, resolutions and recommendations of the Bank of Slovenia and the explanations of the Management Board in respect of these documents. It regularly discussed and gave its consent to the Bank´s exposure to individual customers pursuant to the Banking Act, and to exposures of the Bank to persons having a special relationship with the Bank. It considered the Management Board´s reports regarding the transfer of assets to the BAMC, and discussed any additional requirements and procedures in this respect. It considered the Management Board´s reports regarding the progress of the project aimed at reducing the costs incurred by the Bank. It adopted amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, and the Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee, and consented to the amended Rules of Procedure of the Management Board. In November, it appointed its member Peter Kavčič as the Chair of the Audit Committee (following the resignation of Keith Charles Miles). It consented to the 2014 investment and financing strategy of the Bank. Based on the aforementioned, and Articles 272 and 281 of the Companies Act, the Supervisory Board asserts and establishes that it regularly and thoroughly monitored the operations of the Bank and the Group in 2014 within its competencies, thus adequately supervising the management and operations of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group and the work of the Internal Audit Centre. Supervisory Board committees The following committees carried out their work during 2014 in accordance with the Companies Act and the Banking Act: the Audit Committee, and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Supervisory Board committees performed their work in accordance with the respective programme of work or in accordance with decisions and duties adopted by the Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board committees D AY 1 7 Contents of the Business Report provided support to the Supervisory Board in controlling the management of the Bank and Group companies. Committees carried out their work in accordance with law, and the Bank´s Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure which set out the areas and the method of work of individual committees. Committees are composed of Supervisory Board members and one or more external experts who have extensive knowledge of the area for which a particular committee is responsible and of the operations of the Bank that require specific skills. Review and approval of the Annual Report and consideration of the proposal of the Bank Management Board with regard to the distribution of the 2014 profit available for appropriation The Management Board submitted to the Supervisory Board the audited 2014 Annual Report of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group, together with the auditor´s report, within the legal deadline. It also submitted the annual report on the internal audit of the Nova KBM Group for the year 2014. The Supervisory Board deliberated on the audited 2014 Annual Report of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. It established that the annual report gave a complete overview of the Bank´s and the Group´s operations in 2014. The Supervisory Board was also informed of the opinion of the certified auditor Deloitte Revizija. As stated in this opinion, the financial statements of the Bank and the consolidated financial statements of the Group present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Bank and the Group as of 31 December 2014, and their financial performance and their cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2014 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed by the EU, and in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act and the Banking Act relating to the drafting of the financial statements. The external auditor is of the opinion that the business part of the annual report is also in compliance with the audited financial statements. The Supervisory Board considered the decision passed by the Bank Management Board that the 2014 profit available for appropriation (after creating regulatory, statutory and other reserves from profit) totalled €8,530,971.86. The Supervisory Board was also informed of the fact that Nova KBM must refrain from paying out dividends for the financial year 2014 because of the commitments it has given to the European Commission. In view of the aforementioned, the Supervisory Board proposes that the Shareholders´ Meeting resolves to allocate the entire 2014 profit available for appropriation reported by Nova KBM, totalling €8,530,971.86, to retained earnings. Maribor, 2 March 2015 Supervisory Board of Nova KBM d.d. Peter Kukovica, Chair ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 1 8 Contents of the Business Report 4/PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS AIMED AT RESTORING THE PROFITABILITY OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP Having benefited from a state-sponsored recapitalisation in 2013, Nova KBM started last year with a strong capital position, committed to implementing the adopted restructuring programme in order to continue its transformation into a financial institution with high positive and ethical values, while at the same time pursuing the objective of justifying the trust its customers and the owner had placed in it. Consistent implementation of the restructuring programme The restructuring programme, which the European Commission consented to in 2013, encompasses 16 umbrella commitments that the Bank and the Republic of Slovenia must fulfil by the end of 2017 (hereafter referred to as the 'Restructuring Programme'). Among the most important commitments are the following: 1. Gradual downsizing of total assets. 2. Reduction in operating costs and streamline of operations, including the optimisation of the Bank´s branch office network. 3. Divestment and sale of non-strategic assets and focus of the Nova KBM Group on the principal banking services. 4. Overhaul of the risk management system and lending processes. 5. Enhancement of corporate governance structures. 6. Transfer of assets at risk to the BAMC. Consistent and accurate implementation of all the commitments and obligations set out in the Restructuring Programme is continuously monitored and verified by a qualified Monitoring Trustee who is independent of Nova KBM and the Republic of Slovenia. Moreover, the trustee has the qualifications necessary to execute the mandate, and is not, or will not become, exposed to any conflict of interest. The Monitoring Trustee was selected by the Bank on the basis of a call for tender, with the European Commission giving its consent to the selection. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. TheNovaKBMGroup´s TOTAL ASSETS declined by17.86%overthepasttwoyears. -18% REDUCTION IN TOTAL ASSETS (€bln) 5.32 4.81 4.34 2012 NovaKBMGroup 4.37 3.91 2013 3.61 2014 NovaKBM CommitmentsbytheNovaKBMGroup(trend) D AY 1 9 Contents of the Business Report Nova KBM Group is reducing its costs and optimising its branch office network The management of staff, general and administrative costs of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group is becoming increasingly efficient, largely on account of the RAST project (a project aimed at reducing operating costs), which came into being at the end of 2012. The purpose of the RAST project is to draw up and implement all necessary rationalisation measures, and to set up a system of continuous cost efficiency improvement that will help the Bank streamline its operations. -17% The Bank started the project in February 2013, while at the Nova KBM Group level it has been in place since June 2013. The management of the Bank considers that the project is delivering positive results. Since the appointment of the new Management Board in 2012, a total of over 100 costcutting measures have been implemented in Nova KBM as part of the RAST project, with cost savings arising from these measures being estimated at €7.55 million. Additional estimated cost savings of €2.77 million have been achieved through the implementation of a total of 156 cost-cutting measures across the Group. TheCOSTS (excludingextraordinary costs)incurredbytheNovaKBMGroup fellby17.07%overthepasttwoyears. REDUCTION IN COSTS (excluding extraordinary costs; €mln) 119.5 107.5 81.2 2012 NovaKBMGroup 99.1 77.5 2013 71.3 Among the most important measures completed by the Bank in 2014 were the following: branch office network optimisation; optimisation of procurement agreements; identification of product/business line profitability; outsourcing of ATMs and POS terminals; replacement of printed customer correspondence with electronic equivalents; acquisition of the status as a Visa and MasterCard principal member; introduction of a common procurement list; introduction of the option to use ATMs to make fund transfers between accounts; overhaul of the lending process; and consolidation of business premises. In addition, based on the results of a benchmark analysis and supported by employee suggestions, the Bank identified further cost-cutting measures, the implementation of which is expected to contribute to additional cost savings. 2014 NovaKBM CommitmentsbytheNovaKBMGroup(trend) At the Group level, the following measures were being carried out in 2014: reduction of staff costs; consolidation of business premises; rationalisation of the ATM network; optimisation of agreements on the procurement, protection and the maintenance of tangible fixed assets; a reduction in advertising costs, etc. The Restructuring Programme also places an obligation on the Bank to scale down the number of its branch ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 2 0 Contents of the Business Report offices, both in Slovenia and in other markets where it still has a physical presence. To that effect, in 2014 the Bank started gradually optimising its branch office network, closing four of its branch offices in Slovenia by the end of the year. However, the Bank may consider opening new branch offices in locations where this would prove to be advantageous to the Bank´s business. Any decision in this regard will be based on an appropriate cost-benefit analysis, taking into consideration the Bank´s concern for customers and all the consequences of such a decision, including consequences for the local environment. Customers and the public in general are informed in a timely fashion on any decision reached by the Bank with respect to changes in its branch office network. Divestment of the Nova KBM Group´s non-strategic assets in 2014 During 2014, important steps were taken to further consolidate the operations of the Nova KBM Group. In May, Nova KBM infused fresh capital of €12,200,000 into Adria Bank3, thereby increasing its shareholding to 100%. At the end of September 2014, the Adria Bank Shareholders´ Meeting took a decision to begin the work on the termination of the banking activities of Adria Bank and its envisaged winding down. In July, Nova KBM recapitalised KBM Leasing Hrvatska4, its Croatia-based subsidiary, with €7,485,000. KBM Fineko (in liquidation)5 was deleted from the court register on 2 December 2014, while the measures to initiate the liquidation of KBM Leasing6 and Gorica Leasing7 started being taken towards the end of last year. Although the liquidation of the two leasing companies, which is scheduled to complete in 2015, and the transfer of the leasing business to Nova KBM involved a considerable amount of work, this process was necessary as it was the key task with respect to the consolidation of the Nova KBM Group, as set out in its Restructuring Programme for 2014. Furthermore, work was carried out to partially integrate the operations of PBS8 (which is 99.12% owned by Nova 3 All references in this Annual Report to 'Adria Bank' are to Adria Bank AG. 4 All references in this Annual Report to 'KBM Leasing Hrvatska' are to KBM Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o. 5 All references in this Annual Report to 'KBM Fineko' are to KBM Fineko d.o.o. (in liquidation). 6 All references in this Annual Report to 'KBM Leasing' are to KBM Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation). 7 All references in this Annual Report to 'Gorica Leasing' are to Gorica Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation). 8 All references in this Annual Report to 'PBS' are to Poštna banka Slovenije d.d. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. KBM) into those of Nova KBM. KBM Infond9 (which is 72.73% owned by Nova KBM), M-Pay (which is 50% owned by Nova KBM) and the associated company Moja naložba10 (which is 45% owned by Nova KBM) remain core members of the Nova KBM Group. On 29 December 2014, the Nova KBM Management Board passed a decision to start the procedure for the direct sale of KBM Banka11, Kragujevac. In this regard, the implementation has begun of all the activities necessary to accomplish the sale. In 2015, the Nova KBM Group will focus even more on its core business, while at the same time making efforts to be actively present in the key market segments. In addition, work will continue on the consolidation of the Nova KBM Group, and on the project aimed at improving the cost-efficiency of the Nova KBM Group operations and making the Nova KBM Group´s organisational structure slimmer and more effective. Overhaul of the risk management system and lending processes to better support corporate restructuring After it had been recapitalised in December 2013, Nova KBM managed throughout last year to strengthen its role in the de-leveraging and recovery of the Slovene economy. Apart from actively monitoring the operations of its corporate customers, Nova KBM participated as an important member in several bank syndicates and projects that have been set up to ensure short- and long-term restructuring of about 45 companies, always taking into consideration the Slovene Principles of the Financial Restructuring of Corporate Debt. The activities of the Bank in this area are focused mainly on helping companies that are believed to have a healthy operating basis and growth potential to ensure their repayment capabilities and future operations. By so doing, Nova KBM demonstrates that it continues to be a vital and reliable partner to many companies in these still uncertain and challenging economic times. Enhancement of corporate governance structures The provisions of the Bank´s Articles of Association referring to corporate governance have been amended 9 All references in this Annual Report to 'KBM Infond' are to KBM Infond d.o.o. 10 All references in this Annual Report to 'Moja naložba' are to Moja naložba, pokojninska družba, d.d. 11 All references in this Annual Report to 'KBM Banka' are to KBM Banka a.d. D AY 2 1 Contents of the Business Report to reflect requirements arising from the commitments given to the European Commission. In particular, the Bank specified in detail the conditions, methods, and procedures of work of the Management and Supervisory Boards. Furthermore, amendments have been made to policies and other internal documents that regulate the work of individual bodies of the Bank and the related risk management practices. Transfer of assets at risk to the BAMC In accordance with the adopted action plan and the relevant agreement signed with the BAMC, Nova KBM continued the work related to the transfer of its assets at risk to the BAMC. All obligations placed on the Bank in this respect were duly fulfilled, and the Bank cooperated constructively with the BAMC and other parties involved in procedures related to the transfer of assets. Notification of customers whose debts were to be transferred to the BAMC was made in a timely fashion. The legal and book transfer of assets at risk was completed in December 2013, while the physical transfer of assets was conducted gradually in five tranches, the last of which was in June 2014. The Loan Workout Department with its highly skilled staff is devoting additional energy to ensuring that the assets at risk that remained on the books of Nova KBM are managed effectively. Privatisation of Nova KBM The Restructuring Programme envisages the privatisation and the sale of the entire 100% government shareholding in Nova KBM. The sale of the Bank is, on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, run by the SSH, which has commissioned Lazard Frères to carry out a twolevel selling process. The selling process started on 22 May 2014 with the publication of an invitation to express interest in the acquisition of a 100% shareholding in Nova KBM. Following the receipt of non-binding offers, the SSH started the second phase of the selling process. The investors invited to take part in this phase were those that had submitted complete offers within the set deadline and had at the same time provided the most favourable purchase conditions. The second phase of the selling process took place in autumn, and during this period potential investors were able, in accordance with the selling process, to prepare and submit their binding offers. Due to circumstances arising after the publication of results by the ECB on the EU-wide stress tests, the bidders, in agreement with financial advisers and the ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. SSH, complemented their binding offers at the end of the year. The Bank met all its obligations related to the selling process on a regular and timely basis: it provided support necessary to carry out the financial and legal due diligence of its operations, and furnished potential investors with all relevant information. Nova KBM took part in the EU-wide stress tests and asset quality review In 2014, Nova KBM took part in the most extensive assessment ever made of the resilience of the European banking system. It was carried out by ECB-selected independent international experts, and comprised an asset quality review (AQR) and stress tests. A total of 130 European banks were involved in the assessment, which lasted from November 2013 to October last year. Nova KBM, as the second-largest systemically important bank in Slovenia, actively participated in the execution of this comprehensive assessment and, despite the additional workload imposed on its employees and the obligations related to the day-to-day operations, consistently and accurately performed all its work in this regard. While the stress tests were carried out based on the consolidated data for the end of 2013, a year that was probably the most challenging one in decades for Nova KBM, the criteria used in the stress tests that assessed the resilience of banks under the baseline and adverse scenarios in a three-year period were very stringent. The assumption of a static balance sheet was applied to the stress test carried out in Nova KBM. Before final publication, the results of the stress tests had been adjusted with the findings of the asset quality review (join-up of results). The results of the comprehensive assessment, published on 26 October 2014, revealed that, as of 31 December 2013, Nova KBM´s Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1) ratio stood at 12.8% under the baseline scenario, which was well above the minimum requirement (8%), while under the adverse scenario its CET1 was 4.4%, suggesting that Nova KBM failed to meet the minimum ratio requirement set for this scenario (5.5%). Nova KBM´s total capital shortfall to meet the 5.5% threshold, calculated in accordance with the stress test´s stringent criteria, amounted to €31 million. Acting with due care and diligence, Nova KBM took into consideration the capital adjustment, which was derived from the results of the comprehensive assessment, when setting aside additional provisioning charges in 2014. D AY 2 2 Contents of the Business Report Nova KBM became subject to the Single Supervisory Mechanism Being the second largest bank in Slovenia, Nova KBM is among the systemically important banks, with the result that it became subject to the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), starting from 4 November 2014. The SSM has put in place a new bank supervision system that involves the ECB and competent national supervisors of the Eurozone countries. The senior management and managers of key departments of the Bank were introduced to a supervisory team of the ECB at the kick‑off meeting at the beginning of last December. Overhaul of business processes In accordance with its strategic directions, the Bank has conducted an inventory of its business processes, defining five core ones, which are as follows: corporate banking processes; retail banking processes; financial market processes; processes related to the management of the Bank and governance of the Nova KBM Group; and supportive processes. These processes constitute the first level of the process architecture, with each of them comprising several processes that are, depending on the needs of the operations, further sub-divided (to the level of sub-processes and tasks). Apart from defining processes, the Bank has determined the association between tasks on the one hand, and the assets and sources needed to carry out those tasks on the other. Workshops on the business process changes were held throughout last year for process owners, administrators and key users. In addition, an action plan and measures have been drawn up to enable the implementation of necessary process and organisational improvements in 2015. These measures have been aligned with the commitments set out in the Restructuring Programme with respect to further reductions in the number of employees. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 2 3 Contents of the Business Report 5/PROFILE OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM 5.1 / Important events and achievements during 2014 2014 /1 The Nova KBM Supervisory Board was presented with details of the work carried out with regard to the recapitalisation of the Bank, and considered the results of stress tests conducted in December 2013. In addition, it was informed about the withdrawal of Igor Hustič as a candidate for the Bank Management Board. Moody´s Investors Service upgraded Nova KBM´s long-term deposit rating by one notch to 'Caa1', at the same time changing the outlook on the rating from 'negative' to 'stable'. 2014 /2 Karmen Dvorjak resigned as a member of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board. The Nova KBM Supervisory Board consented to the financial plan of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. The Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting discussed a proposal for amendments to the Bank´s Articles of Association, and was presented with Nova KBM´s Remuneration Policy. 2014 /3 Egon Žižmond resigned as a member of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board. The process began to sell the Nova KBM Group leasing companies (KBM Leasing, Gorica Leasing and KBM Leasing Hrvatska). Fitch Ratings affirmed the ratings of Nova KBM. 2014 2014 2014 2014 /4 /5 /6 /7 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 The Nova KBM Supervisory Board appointed Robert Senica as a new member of the Bank Management Board for a period of five years. Slovenska odškodninska družba (SOD), on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, published an invitation to express interest in the acquisition of a 100% shareholding in Nova KBM. Nova KBM infused fresh capital of €12,200,000 into Adria Bank, thereby increasing its shareholding to 100%. By adopting an amendment to the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting reduced the number of members of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board from seven to six. The Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia granted a licence to Robert Senica to hold the office of member of the Nova KBM Management Board, with his term of office starting on 1 August 2014. Nova KBM infused fresh capital of €7,485,000 into KBM Leasing Hrvatska, its Croatia-based subsidiary. | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 2 4 Contents of the Business Report Igor Žibrik stepped down as a member of the Nova KBM Management Board. 2014 /9 Nova KBM, along with NLB, filed an initiative with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia to start a procedure to assess the constitutionality of the Act Amending the Public Information Access Act, and made a proposal for a temporary suspension of the contested provisions of the said act. Keith Charles Miles resigned as a member of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board. The Adria Bank Shareholders´ Meeting took a decision to begin the work on the termination of the banking activities of Adria Bank and its envisaged winding down. 2014 /10 The Nova KBM Supervisory Board unanimously agreed to appoint Sabina Župec Kranjc, Nova KBM´s then Executive Director for Financial Markets, as a new member of the Nova KBM Management Board. The European Central Bank and the European Banking Authority released the results of an EU-wide comprehensive assessment of banks. This was the most extensive assessment ever made of the resilience of the European banking system, and comprised an asset quality review (AQR) and stress tests. The Slovene Sovereign Holding (SSH) received several binding offers for the acquisition of a 100% shareholding in Nova KBM. As a co-arranger, Nova KBM participated actively in the process of the first placement of long-term bonds by the company Gorenje of Velenje (GV01). 2014 /11 On 4 November, the ECB fully assumed supervisory tasks and responsibilities in the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), thereby taking over the monitoring of the key banks in the Eurozone. Among the 120 systemically important banking groups from across the Eurozone which came under the direct supervision of the ECB are the Slovene NLB, Nova KBM and UniCredit Banka Slovenija. The aim of this centralised supervision is to enhance the safety, viability and financial integrity of the European banking system. Sabina Župec Kranjc was granted a Bank of Slovenia licence to hold the office of member of the Nova KBM Management Board. Her term of office started on 17 November 2014. 2014 /12 The Nova KBM Supervisory Board consented to the 2015 financial plan of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group, which constitutes the basis for further implementation of measures arising from the Restructuring Programme. Based on the Nova KBM Group´s Restructuring Programme, Nova KBM started taking measures to initiate the liquidation of KBM Leasing and Gorica Leasing. Through debt-to-equity conversions, Nova KBM recapitalised KBM Invest12, KBM Leasing and Gorica Leasing by €19,000,000, €56,699,000 and €46,894,000, respectively. On 31 December, the relevant court made a ruling to institute liquidation proceedings against KBM Leasing and Gorica Leasing. KBM Fineko was deleted from the court register following the completion of liquidation proceedings. The process of partial integration of PBS operations into those of Nova KBM began. On 29 December, the Nova KBM Management Board passed a decision to start the procedure for the direct sale of KBM Banka. In this regard, the implementation has begun of all the activities necessary to accomplish the sale. 12 All references in this Annual Report to ‘KBM Invest’ are to KBM Invest d.o.o. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 2 5 Contents of the Business Report 5.2 / Significant events after the end of the financial year In February 2015, the Supervisory Board recalled Aleš Hauc from the position of the President of the Management Board, and appointed Robert Senica, who was then a member of the Management Board, as the new President. 5.3 / Awards and recognitions in 2014 Gold Quill Award 2014 The marketing project 'Rimaj z Zlatkom' (Rhyme with Zlatko), which the Bank launched in 2012 as part of the campaign to promote its trademark 'Sveta vladar' (Ruler of the world), was granted the international Gold Quill Award 2014 for excellence in communication, in addition to being named as the best of all projects competing in the category 'External Communication'. The project was rated highly, scoring 6.8 out of the 7 available points. Sempler Award At the beginning of December, the jury of the competition for the best media strategy in 2014 (SEMPL), awarded Nova KBM the main prize – the Grand Sempler. The awarded media strategy was drawn up by the Bank to support its acclaimed marketing campaign 'Živim lajf/ Teden skozi Zlatkove oči' (Living Life/A week through Zlatko´s eyes) with the rap singer Zlatko, developed for the trademark 'Sveta vladar' (Ruler of the world). Apart from the main prize, Nova KBM won two golden awards, one in each of the following categories: D – Best Experiential Campaign, and E – Best Use of the Digital World. Through the innovative marketing campaign 'Živim lajf/Teden skozi Zlatkove oči' (Living Life/A week through Zlatko´s eyes), the Bank successfully appealed to young target groups with a view to effectively ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. reaching them at a later date and making them its customers. In this campaign, Nova KBM used a pioneer communication tool, namely a live broadcast of Zlatko´s private life through Google Glass. Competition for the best 2013 annual report In November, at the 2013 Best Annual Report Competition organised by the Finance newspaper, Nova KBM won two second-place awards, one in the category 'Best Financial Report among Financial Institutions', and one in the category 'Best Communication Report among Financial Institutions'. Nomination for the Prizma Award for excellence in public relations Nova KBM´s examples of good practice have been recognised by the Slovene Public Relations Association, which grants prizes, called Prizma, for excellence in public relations. The following two projects undertaken by Nova KBM were shortlisted in November 2014 for awards as examples of good practice: the internal electronic newspaper Med Nami, in the category 'Use of Communication Skills, Tools and Media', and the charity project 'Anina zvezdica' (Ana´s little star), in the category 'Social Responsibility Programmes'. Selection of the best investment funds by the Moje Finance magazine In the competition for the selection of the best investment funds and fund managers, organised by the Moje Finance magazine for the fourth consecutive year, as many as three KBM Infond fund managers were ranked among the ten best fund managers in Slovenia of the last three-year period. In addition, Infond Beta, a developed markets equity fund managed by KBM Infond, was selected as the best global developed markets fund of the last three- and five-year periods. D AY 2 6 Contents of the Business Report 5.4 / Governance of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM 5.4.1 Organisational structure of the Nova KBM Group Poštnabanka Slovenijed.d. 99.12% Adria BankAG 100% KBM Bankaa.d. 89.53% KBMInfondd.o.o. 72.73% 1 I I I I I I I I I I NOVA KBM D.D. Gorica Leasingd.o.o. /inliquidation/ 100% 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KBM Investd.o.o. 100% Moja naložbad.d. 45% I I I I I I I I I I M-Payd.o.o. 50% KBMLeasingd.o.o. /inliquidation/ 100% 4 Direct shareholding of a Nova KBM subsidiary in an entity. 6% Direct shareholding of Nova KBM in an entity. KBMLeasing Hrvatskad.o.o. 98.54% 1.4 Maribor FinanceB.v. 0.00% 2 Direct shareholding of Nova KBM in its associated company. 1 TheGroup´sstakeinthesharecapitalofKBMInfondaccountsfor72.00%.DuetoKBMInfondholdingacertainamountofitsownshares,theGroup´sstakeinthecapitalof andvotingrightsinKBMInfondequals72.73%. 2 InaccordancewithIFRS10,MBFinanceisregardedasaspecialpurposevehiclecontrolledbyNovaKBM.NovaKBMhasneithervotingrightsnoranequitystakeinthis entity. 3 GoricaLeasingfiledforliquidationon31December2014. 4 KBMLeasingfiledforliquidationon31December2014. InMay2014,NovaKBMinfusedfreshcapitalof€12,200,000intoAdriaBank,therebyincreasingitsshareholdingto100%.InJuly2014,NovaKBMrecapitalisedKBMLeasing Hrvatskawith€7,485,000,asaresultofwhichitsshareholdinginthisCroatiansubsidiaryincreasedto98.54%.TheliquidationproceedingsagainstKBMFinekowere completedon30September2014. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 2 7 Contents of the Business Report 5.4.2 Organisational structure of Nova KBM LegalOffice Strategic Communications Secretariat Development Department Strategic Marketing LoanWorkout Department Advisersand Authorised Representatives Corporate Security, Complianceand Control Management BoardOffice Supervisory BoardAudit Committee Human Resource Department Supervisory Board InternalAudit Centre Bank Restructuring Department MANAGEMENT BOARD NovaKBMGroup Governance Centre Infrastructure Department Development, Monitoringand SupportDivision BUSINESS PROCESSES Financial MarketsDivision TREASURy FinanceandRisk Management Division Corporate Banking Division MONITORINGOFCORPORATE CUSTOMERS INvESTMENT BANKING TECHNICALSUPPORTAND MONITORINGOFRETAIL BANKINGOPERATIONS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGy SMALLANDMEDIUM-SIZED CORPORATECUSTOMERS ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS PAyMENT TRANSACTIONSAND MODERNDISTRIBUTION CHANNELS LARGE CORPORATE CUSTOMERS RetailBanking Division BRANCHOFFICE NETWORK MONITORING OFOPERATIONS 0,00 CONTROLLING RISKMANAGEMENT LEASING TECHNICALSUPPORTTO CORPORATEBANKING CREDITANALySIS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 2 8 Contents of the Business Report 5.4.3 Governing bodies of Nova KBM The governance of the Bank is based on applicable legislation, the Bank´s Articles of Association, and the rights and responsibilities of the Bank´s governance and management bodies that follow the principles of responsible running and management of all activities of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. In compliance with Slovene legislation, the Bank has a two-tier management structure under which the relations between individual bodies are founded on mutual division of rights and responsibilities. As of 31 December 2014, Nova KBM shares (KBMR) were no longer quoted on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the Warsaw Stock Exchange due to being cancelled as a result of extraordinary measures imposed by the Bank of Slovenia. Based on the state-sponsored recapitalisation, on 18 December 2013 the Republic of Slovenia became a 100% owner of all the newly issued shares of Nova KBM (KBMS). These shares, however, are not quoted on a stock market. In view of the fact that its bonds (KBM 10) are quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange, Nova KBM is still regarded as a public limited company under the provisions of the Financial Instruments Market Act (ZTFI). Article 99 of the ZTFI stipulates that any issuer whose securities have been accepted for trading on the regulated market in the Republic of Slovenia or another Member State falls within the definition of a public company. Considering the situation referred to in the previous paragraph, Nova KBM, as a public limited company, fully complies in its governance system with the principles laid down in the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies (hereafter also referred to as the 'Code'), which, in addition to accomplishing the main objectives of shareholders according to internal and external global orientations, has a significant impact on the Bank´s business performance and development. The Code, which was adopted on 8 December 2009 and came into being as of 1 January 2010, contains, among other things, a recommendation on formulating the Corporate Governance Policy. Nova KBM follows the recommendations of the Code and has been regularly revising its Corporate ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Governance Policy since its first formulation in 2010. In line with the recommendations of the Code, this policy stipulates the principal directions in governing the Bank, taking into consideration the Bank´s long-term objectives, its values, and its responsibility toward the broader social environment, which should increase the standards or transparency of members of management and supervisory bodies as well as of other stakeholders (employees) in conducting the regular operations of the Bank. The Corporate Governance Policy is updated by the Management and Supervisory Boards on a regular basis to reflect the latest guidelines with respect to the governance of the Bank. As a company in which the Republic of Slovenia holds an equity investment, Nova KBM also complied in 2014 with the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments, which was adopted by the Management and Supervisory Boards of Slovenska odškodninska družba (SOD) on 15 May 2013 on the basis of the provisions of the Slovene Sovereign Holding Act (ZSDH). Until it was transformed into the Slovene Sovereign Holding (SSH), the SOD had managed the assets of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the ZSDH. On the day it was entered into the court register, i.e. 11 June 2014, the SSH assumed all powers, competences, rights and obligations held by the SOD prior to the transformation, which enabled it to continue managing the capital investments owned by either the Republic of Slovenia directly or itself. The SSH has continued to pursue the principles and recommendations of good practice for the corporate governance of state assets, as set out in the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments, adopted by the SOD on 15 May 2013. This code had been in effect and used until it was replaced by the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, adopted by the SSH on 19 December 2014 and published on its website on 22 December 2014. Nova KBM Management Board As of 31 December 2014, the Nova KBM Management Board had the following three members: Aleš Hauc (President), Robert Senica (Member) and Sabina Župec Kranjc (Member). On 5 September 2014, Igor Žibrik, the then member of the Management Board, served notice of his resignation D AY 2 9 Contents of the Business Report from his position. The Supervisory Board was informed of Žibrik´s decision on 15 September 2014, and his term of office ended on 31 October 2014. On 3 April 2014, the Supervisory Board appointed Robert Senica as a new member of the Management Board for a period of five years. After he had been granted a Bank of Slovenia licence to hold the office of member of the Nova KBM Management Board on 8 July 2014, Senica took up his position on 1 August 2014. On 1 October 2014, the Supervisory Board appointed Sabina Župec Kranjc as the third member of the Management Board. Her five-year term of office started on 17 November 2014, after she had been granted a Bank of Slovenia licence to hold the office of member of the Nova KBM Management Board on 11 November 2014. At the end of 2014, Aleš Hauc was the Chair of the Supervisory Board of Moja naložba and PBS, a Supervisory Board member of the Bank Association of Slovenia, and the Deputy Chair of the KBM Banka Management Board. Robert Senica was a member of the Supervisory Board of Moja naložba, while Sabina Župec Kranjc was a member of the Supervisory Board of PBS and KBM Infond. Management Board members conduct their duties on the basis of an employment contract that sets out the remuneration for their performance and other types of emolument, the amount of which is adjusted according to the Act Regulating the Incomes of Managers of Companies owned by the Republic of Slovenia and Municipalities, and the Regulation on Setting the Highest Correlation of Basic Payments and the Rate of Variable Remuneration of Directors. In accordance with the Banking Act and the Bank of Slovenia Decision Regulating Risk Management and Implementation of the Adequate Internal Capital Assessment Procedure for Banks and Savings Banks, Nova KBM has set up and is implementing an appropriate remuneration policy for employees having specific roles and responsibilities, including members of the Management Board. The currently applicable remuneration policy was adopted on 10 January 2013. Based on adopted performance criteria, the Supervisory Board takes decisions with regard to the award to be paid to the Management Board members for their ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. performance. The Bank discloses the remuneration of the Management Board in compliance with regulations governing that issue. The remuneration of Management Board members is disclosed in the financial part of the Annual Report. Management Board members act also as members of supervisory bodies of the Bank´s subsidiaries and the associated company, for which work they receive a payment for holding their office, attendance fees and reimbursement of costs incurred as a result of performing their duties, and are entitled to share in profits in accordance with the resolution of the Shareholders´ Meeting of respective companies. On 27 June 2014, the Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting adopted amendments to the Bank´s Articles of Association, based on which members of the Management Board are no longer entitled to a payment for acting on the supervisory boards of affiliated companies within the Nova KBM Group, but may only be reimbursed for these costs in accordance with the relevant decision adopted by the Shareholders´ Meeting of the respective company. Based on a decision passed by the Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting, the Nova KBM Management Board members signed a statement to refrain from receiving payments for acting on supervisory boards of affiliated companies within the Nova KBM Group. The Management Board reports regularly, or at least quarterly, to the Supervisory Board on all issues relevant to the business of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. On the request of the Supervisory Board and in compliance with the principles of diligence and reasonable care, the Management Board also informs the Supervisory Board members on individual issues in cases where the information is linked to the business of the Bank and the Group, and such information significantly impacts, or will impact, the position of the Bank or the interests of the broader public in respect of the Bank´s activities. Both bodies respect the principles that are crucial for mutual trust and the division of responsibilities. Further information about the work and competences of the Management Board is available in the section headed 'Corporate governance statement of Nova KBM'. D AY 3 0 Contents of the Business Report Other committees of Nova KBM Bank Credit Committee On 24 November 2014, the Credit Committee for Large Corporate Customers was transformed into the Bank Credit Committee and took over the responsibilities of the former. The members of the Bank Credit Committee at the end of 2014 were: Robert Senica (Chair), Sabina Župec Kranjc (Deputy Chair), Peter Kupljen, Jernej Močnik and Borut Radolič. The Credit Committee for SMEs and Sole Proprietors had the following members in 2014: Anton Guzej (Chair), Helga Kerec (Deputy Chair), Aleksander Batič, Saša Kebrič and Branka Vujanovič. Vladica Gregorčič and Vasja Pajntar acted as substitute members. The Credit Committee for SMEs and Sole Proprietors was responsible for the management of credit risk arising from the Bank´s exposure to this segment of customers. On 24 November 2014, the Bank Credit Committee assumed the competences of the Credit Committee for SMEs and Sole Proprietors, which was dissolved on the same day. Credit Committee for Loans at Increased Risk The Bank also has in place the Credit Committee for Loans at Increased Risk. This committee had the following members at the end of 2014: Sabina Župec Kranjc (Chair), Robert Senica (Deputy Chair), Peter Kupljen, Suzana Slamek and Borut Radolič. Liquidity Committee The Liquidity Committee reviews the provision of shortterm liquidity. The members of the Liquidity Committee at the end of 2014 were: Sabina Župec Kranjc (Chair), Valerija Pilih Grah (Deputy Chair), Jernej Močnik, Aleksander Batič, Peter Kupljen and Vlasta Brečko. Substitute members were Vojko Kalinić, Marjetka Šušterič and Helga Kerec. The Liquidity Committee meets daily. Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) The ALCO reviews the statement of financial position structure, capital adequacy, interest rate risk, structural liquidity, market risks, currency risk, profitability and the performance of profit centres, financial plans, aggregate credit risk, regulatory requirements, tax ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. aspects of operations and other risks associated with new products and services. The members of the ALCO at the end of 2014 were: Sabina Župec Kranjc (Chair), Aleš Hauc, Robert Senica, Peter Kupljen, Jernej Močnik, Aleksander Batič, Valerija Pilih Grah, Marjetka Šušterič and Suzana Slamek. Substitute members were Tatjana Skaza, Helga Kerec, Branka Vujanovič, Vojko Kalinić and Filip Arih. The ALCO meets once every month. Policy Approval Committee The Policy Approval Committee is responsible for: approving business policies and strategies, reconciling open issues with regard to business polices, methodologies for the calculation of adequate economic capital of the Bank, the risk matrix, assessment matrix and the risk profile, and the assessment of the Bank´s economic capital for covering risks for which the Bank does not calculate the adequate internal capital. The members of the Policy Approval Committee at the end of 2014 were: Aleš Hauc (Chair), Sabina Župec Kranjc (Deputy Chair), Robert Senica, Jernej Močnik, Aleksander Batič, Vlasta Brečko, Peter Kupljen, Mitja Leskovar, Miha Šlamberger, Katarina Kolarič, Alenka Senčar, Suzana Slamek, Borut Radolič, Andreja Hojnik Šlamberger and Primož Britovšek. Classification Committee The Classification Committee is responsible for the review and approval of changes in customer classification. The members of the Classification Committee at the end of 2014 were: Peter Kupljen (Chair), Marjetka Šušterič (Deputy Chair), Irena Lah (her substitute member: Gorazd Peršuh), Suzana Slamek (her substitute member: Cvetka Žirovnik), Jernej Močnik, Anton Guzej, Helga Kerec and Metka Čretnik Zavec. The Classification Committee meets on a monthly basis. Fit and Proper Committee In accordance with the provisions of the Banking Act, the Companies Act and the Bank of Slovenia regulations, in 2014 the Bank set up the Fit and Proper Committee, whose task is to assess the suitability of officers holding key positions, including members of the management and supervisory bodies. The members of the Fit and Proper Committee at the end of 2014 were: Simon Tantegel (Chair), France Arhar (Deputy Chair) and Maksimiljan Juder. D AY 3 1 Contents of the Business Report Nova KBM Supervisory Board From 1 January to 5 February 2014, when Karmen Dvorjak resigned from her position as a Supervisory Board member, the composition of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board was as follows: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Andrej Fatur, Miha Glavič, Peter Kavčič, Karmen Dvorjak, Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles. Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles resigned as members of the Supervisory Board on 19 March 2014 and 23 September 2014, respectively. As of 31 December 2014, the Nova KBM Supervisory Board comprised the following members: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Andrej Fatur, Miha Glavič and Peter Kavčič. Further information about the work and competences of the Supervisory Board is available in the section headed 'Corporate governance statement of Nova KBM'. Peter Kukovica has been a Supervisory Board member since July 2012. He has a PhD in Management and Organisation. On 28 April 2014, he was appointed as a member of the Management Board of Gorenje, where he had acted as an adviser to the President of the Management Board since 17 June 2013. Until December 2012, he had served as the President of the Management Board of Iskra Sistemi, prior to which he was a member and later the President of the Management Board of Iskra MIS, and the Manager of the Tevis Recruitment Agency, among other positions. Peter Kavčič has been a Supervisory Board member since July 2012. He has an MSc in Business Administration. He is the founder and an authorised representative of the company Vizualne komunikacije comTEC, the head of a research team in this company, and an independent adviser on strategic management. Niko Samec has been a Supervisory Board member since July 2012. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and is a professor, as well as the Dean, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Maribor. He also heads the Faculty´s laboratory for combustion and environmental engineering. Miha Glavič has been a Supervisory Board member since July 2012. He holds a BSc in Civil Engineering and ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. is currently serving as a Deputy Director of the Public Intermunicipal Housing Fund, Maribor. In the past, he was an Occupational Health and Safety Inspector at the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, among other positions. Andrej Fatur has been a Supervisory Board member since July 2012. He holds a PhD in Law and serves as an attorney for corporate law. In addition, he is the Chair of the Public Finance Law Institute. In the past, he acted as a legal adviser to the Bank of Slovenia, among other positions. In 2014, the amount of attendance fees and other remuneration paid to members of the Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board committees, and the method of their payment, was aligned with the Corporate Governance Code for State Capital Investments, and the Recommendations of the Manager of Direct and Indirect Capital Investments of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the remuneration paid to members of supervisory bodies. These documents were issued by the SOD in April 2013. In addition, the amount of remuneration referred to above, and the method of its payment, has been aligned with the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, adopted by the SSH on 19 December 2014. The total remuneration paid to Supervisory Board members consists of: a payment for holding the office, and to cover attendance fees and liability insurance, and the reimbursement of costs incurred as a result of performing their duties, as well as participation and membership fees, and the reimbursement of costs related to the payment of training, participation and membership fees. Pursuant to the decisions passed by the Shareholders´ Meeting on 22 July 2011 and 27 June 2014, in 2014 members of the Supervisory Board were entitled to receive a gross attendance fee in the amount of €275. Members of Supervisory Board committees received a gross attendance fee amounting to 80% of the attendance fees referred to in the previous sentence. The attendance fee for each meeting by correspondence amounted to 80% of the regular attendance fee. In addition to attendance fees, each Supervisory Board member received an annual basic gross payment of €13,000 for holding the office. The amount of extra remuneration paid to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board and to chairs of Supervisory Board committees, the method of payment and the D AY 3 2 Contents of the Business Report limit on the total remuneration payable to them, as well as the reimbursement of costs incurred as a result of holding their office, were adjusted in 2014 to reflect the recommendations of the SOD, and the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, adopted by the SSH on 19 December 2014. The Supervisory Board has also determined the remuneration to be paid to external members of Supervisory Board committees, which, for members of standing committees and bodies of the Supervisory Board, amounts to €650 gross per month. External members of non-standing committees are entitled to the same amount for the actual duration of a committee or body. External members are reimbursed for costs in the same way as Supervisory Board members. Supervisory Board committees The following committees carried out their work during 2014 in accordance with the Companies Act and the Banking Act: the Audit Committee, and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Further information about the work and competences of Supervisory Board committees is set out in the section headed 'Corporate governance statement of Nova KBM'. Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting The Shareholders´ Meeting is the body of the Bank in which shareholders can exercise their rights, i.e. reach decisions on statutory issues, in particular issues in respect of staff decisions (appointment of Supervisory Board members, election of auditors), profit distribution (appropriation of profit available for distribution), corporate changes (e.g. amendments to the Articles of Association, increase or decrease in share capital) and legal restructurings (e.g. mergers, acquisitions, demergers, etc.) with the aim of accomplishing the fundamental economic objective – maximising the value of the Bank. Information in respect of the convocation of a Shareholders´ Meeting, participation in the Shareholders´ Meeting, and on the method of decision-making at the Shareholders´ Meeting is set out in the section headed 'Corporate governance statement of Nova KBM'. Two Shareholders´ Meetings of Nova KBM were held in 2014. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. At the Shareholders´ Meeting held on 14 March 2014, a ruling was made to adjust the Bank´s Articles of Association to reflect the commitments given to the European Commission. The amendments made to the Articles of Association related mainly to the rules governing the selection of members for, and the functioning of, the Management and Supervisory Boards. In addition, the provision regarding the authorised capital of the Bank was deleted, and the Shareholders´ Meeting was given information about the Nova KBM Remuneration Policy. The second Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting in 2014 was held on 27 June. On this occasion, the shareholders of the Bank were informed about the 2013 report on the internal audit of the Nova KBM Group, the Supervisory Board´s opinion, the Annual Report of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM for the year 2013, and the auditor´s and the Supervisory Board´s report on the examination of the 2013 Annual Report of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM. The shareholders of the Bank were also informed of the amount and the method of covering the Bank´s 2013 loss, and decided to grant a discharge to the Management and Supervisory Boards for the year 2013. Furthermore, the shareholders were informed about remuneration paid to the members of the management and supervisory bodies in 2013, and they elected Deloitte Revizija for the audit of the 2014 financial statements of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group. The Shareholders´ Meeting also passed a decision to amend the Bank´s Articles of Association, and made decisions with respect to the amount of basic remuneration, attendance fees and other remuneration payable to, as well as the reimbursement of costs incurred by, members of the Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board committees. In addition, the Shareholders´ Meeting considered the Nova KBM Fit and Proper Policy. 5.4.4 Internal Audit Centre The Internal Audit Centre (hereafter the 'CNR') of Nova KBM performs its work in compliance with the Banking Act, the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics of Internal Auditors, and the Code of Principles of Internal Auditing. Its duties and competences are set out in the Charter of Internal Auditing, while the method of its work is regulated by the Rules Governing the Work of Internal Auditors. The CNR has organised its work in such a way D AY 3 3 Contents of the Business Report that the auditing of the Bank is performed separately from the audit reviews in the Bank´s subsidiary companies. The CNR is responsible for coordinating the work of all internal auditors of the Nova KBM Group, and for the transfer of good practice. The internal auditors give assurance of their organisational independence, which was not threatened in any way during 2014. The main duty of the CNR is to give the Management and Supervisory Boards an impartial assurance with respect to the efficiency of risk management, taking into consideration an assessment of whether the key risks are properly managed and the system of internal controls is effectively implemented. A good system of internal controls is a crucial element of the effective management of risks in accomplishing the operating objectives of the Bank. In addition to 17 internal auditors of the Nova KBM Group who carried out audit reviews in 2014, two contract auditors were hired to perform audit reviews of Adria Bank and KBM Infond. Throughout the year, the CNR coordinated the regular reporting on the implementation of recommendations in the Nova KBM Group companies, and prepared quarterly reports on internal auditing at the Nova KBM Group level. These reports were submitted for review to the Nova KBM Management Board, the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board. A total of 62 audit reviews, of which 43 were scheduled and 19 were extraordinary ones, were carried out last year, encompassing all segments of the operations of the Nova KBM Group. Apart from carrying out audit reviews, the internal auditors offered advice, coordinated audit reviews conducted by external auditors as well as inspections and reviews conducted by the Bank of Slovenia, collaborated with the Investigation Committee, and followed the implementation of given recommendations. the Group as a whole. The number of non-implemented recommendations saw a significant improvement last year, falling from 23 in 2013 to eight in 2014 after having been 51 in 2012. The CNR continued to regularly monitor the implementation of recommendations given to each company within the Nova KBM Group, and reported on their findings at the meetings of the Bank Management Board. Focus was placed last year on the audit of the management of credit and operational risks. As part of the audit of credit risk management, several reviews were made to verify whether the corporate and retail lending procedures comply with the Bank´s rules and the applicable legislation. In addition, an audit review was carried out of the management of credit risk arising from retail lending, as was a review of the monitoring of, and reporting on, collateral provided as security for loans. The CNR also carried out a review of the implementation of recommendations given to some members of the Nova KBM Group with respect to their lending processes. An improvement was noted in the functioning of internal controls in most of the reviewed areas. The audit of operational risk management concentrated on the following key areas: information technology (a review was made of the new software support); cash operations; the human resource function; and the procedures related to the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing. Following the reviews, several recommendations were given, particularly regarding the management of operational risk in the area of information technology. While some considerable operational risks were also identified in anti-money laundering procedures, the Bank has already taken action to combat these risks. The 2014 internal audit plan was not completely implemented, the main reasons for this being an increased number of extraordinary audit reviews, which required the involvement of internal auditors, and other extraordinary tasks that the internal auditors had to carry out last year. In 2014, a total of 262 recommendations were implemented to improve the operations and management of both individual Group companies and ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 3 4 Contents of the Business Report 6/SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY OF NOVA KBM The composition of Nova KBM´s shareholders´ equity at the end of 2014 and 2013 is presented in the table below. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1. Share capital · ordinary shares – subscribed by the state 2. Share premium 360,572 360,572 · paid-in capital surplus 360,572 360,572 3. Accumulated other comprehensive income 33,859 7,140 4. Reserves from profit 27,389 0 8,527 0 5. Retained earnings (including net profit for the financial year) · net profit for the financial year TOTAL Nova KBM´s shareholders´ equity saw a year-on-year increment of €12.1%, or €62,635,000, partially as a result of the net profit reported for 2014, totalling €35,916,000, and partially due to an increase of €26,719,000 arising from a recovery in the market price of securities which are fair valued through equity. Of the total net profit generated by the Bank in 2014, €27,389,000 was allocated by the Management and Supervisory Boards to regulatory, statutory and other reserves 8,527 0 580,347 517,712 from profit, while the remaining profit balance, in the amount of €8,527,000, constitutes the profit available for appropriation, the use of which is subject to a decision of the Shareholders´ Meeting. As of 31 December 2014, the share capital of the Bank totalled €150,000,000 and was split into 10,000,000 ordinary no-par-value shares, all of which were held by the Republic of Slovenia. Information about shares Nova KBM Group Book value per share13 (€) Net earnings/(loss) per share14 (€) Nova KBM 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 61.34 56.67 5.37 10.07 58.03 51.77 4.92 9.55 2.19 (63.05) (5.25) (2.38) 3.59 (65.65) (5.20) (2.42) 13 Book value per share on the last day of the reporting period is calculated as the ratio between the Bank´s total equity (for the Group: equity attributable to owners of the parent) and the total number of Bank shares outstanding at the end of the reporting period. 14 Net earnings or loss per share is calculated as the ratio between the Bank´s annualised net profit or loss (for the Group: net profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent) and the weighted average number of Bank shares in the period. The total number of KBMS shares outstanding at the end of the reporting period was taken into account in the calculation of the 2014 net earnings and the 2013 net loss. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 3 5 e A c h A n d e v e r y d A y, t h e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r A b e t t e r l i f e AwA i t s u s . risk mAnAgement Contents of the Business Report 7/DECLARATION ON THE ADEQUACY OF RISK MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS In accordance with Article 435(e) of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and the European Council on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (CRR), the governance bodies of Nova KBM consisting of: the Management Board in the following composition: Robert Senica, President, and Sabina Župec Kranjc, Member, and the Supervisory Board, represented by Peter Kukovica, Chair, confirm, by signing this declaration, that Nova KBM has in place adequate risk management arrangements and that its risk management function is organisationally separate up to the executive management level. Nova KBM´s risk management system is adequate with regard to its risk profile, strategy and capability of taking risks. Maribor, 2 March 2015 Management Board of Nova KBM d.d. Sabina Župec Kranjc Member ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Robert Senica President Supervisory Board of Nova KBM d.d. Peter Kukovica Chair D AY 3 7 Contents of the Business Report 8/RISK MANAGEMENT In accordance with its mission, the Group will always ensure the security of its operations, assume risk in a thoughtful and responsible manner, and comply with the highest standards of risk management. The strategy of the Group defines the amount of risk the Group is capable and willing to accept in order to manage it successfully. The Group is aware of all the risks that are inherent in its operations, and categorizes these according to the type of risk, individual organisational units, business processes, and employees. The following risk management processes reflect the Group´s overall approach to risk: • the identification of all risks that arise in the operations of the Group • the measurement or assessment of the extent of risk as well as the evaluation of the method of monitoring individual risk factors • the continuous monitoring of the Group´s exposure to specific risks, and systematic and comprehensive reporting on risk exposure • learning and adapting in an evolving business environment, which includes regular evaluation of limits, and methodologies for establishing limits in order to ensure stable and prudent operations of the Nova KBM Group in the long run. It is the responsibility of each Group employee to identify risks. The acceptable level and the method of measuring and monitoring the risks are defined by individuals who specialise in dealing with each type of risk. The organisational unit responsible for defining the acceptable level of specific type of risk and the method of measuring and monitoring the risks is organisationally separate from the units taking risk. The monitoring and managing of specific types of risk are described in detail in the respective risk management policy that takes into account specific characteristics of individual risk types. For each risk management policy, one person is responsible. This person must also take ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. care of adjusting the respective policy to other policies while taking into account the applicable legislation and best banking practice. The decision-maker in respect of the methodologies for measuring, monitoring, and managing risks in the Group is Nova KBM. The banking companies within the Nova KBM Group take over the methodologies that are used by Nova KBM. This allows comparability of accepted risks. Non-banking companies in the Nova KBM Group manage risks in accordance with methodologies that reflect their activities and volume of operations, while taking legal requirements into consideration. Persons responsible in the Bank for individual risk policies are acquainted with the method of managing respective risks across all Group companies and have the opportunity and obligation to influence the setting up of adequate methods of managing risks in all Group companies. Risk management procedures are conducted independently at the level of each Group company. The Group has set up methods of reporting on individual risk, which stipulate the content, the frequency, and recipients of reports. Through an assessment of the likelihood of the realization of threats and occurrence of loss, a critical review is carried out each year of the Group´s risk profile and its ability to assume specific types of risk. At the same time, an evaluation is made of the adequacy of controls established to limit individual types of risk. All of the companies in the Nova KBM Group treat risk management as a continuous process of identifying, measuring and managing the risks that arise in their operations. To enhance control over risk, in 2014 the Group developed several new risk management measures, such as intensive and proactive treatment of customers in financial distress, and set up a system for early detection of increased risk. D AY 3 8 Contents of the Business Report Credit risk Credit risk is the risk of loss resulting from the failure of a debtor to repay its debts. Nova KBM is primarily exposed to credit risk through its loan portfolio, which comprises: • risk-bearing balance sheet items (financial assets measured at amortised cost, financial assets at cost and other financial assets that may be allocated to individual debtors) • risk-bearing off-balance sheet items (undrawn loans, undrawn overdrafts, credit lines, guarantees given, sureties, letters of credit and similar transactions whereunder a payment obligation may be incurred by the Bank). In the area of credit risk management, in 2014 Nova KBM made the following improvements: • it adopted rules for the identification of restructured exposures in accordance with the relevant technical standard of the European Banking Authority • it implemented an application used for early detection of any credit risk that may arise • it successfully changed over to the Basel III regime. Credit risk management in Nova KBM comprises: • determining the target groups of customers • continuous monitoring and analysis of debtors´ performance • determining an adequate level of provisioning charges • ensuring compliance with the capital adequacy requirements • monitoring the adequacy of collateral provided for securing individual financial assets and commitments • measuring the concentration of the loan portfolio by industry sectors, market segments and collateral taken • measuring the risk of the loan portfolio according to the average credit rating and the impairment level • monitoring non-performing loans and assessing losses • limiting exposure by setting up limits for individual customers and groups of related customers • identifying credit risk in a systematic manner on the basis of early warning signals • conducting stress testing. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Pursuant to the Bank´s credit risk management policy, the loan approval process in the Bank is organisationally separate from its risk management process. All of the companies in the Nova KBM Group comply with the requirements regarding the maximum exposure to a customer or a group of related customers, as set out in the Nova KBM Group Methodology for Determining Upper Lending Limits. The principal goal of credit risk management is to ensure the stable and profitable performance of the Bank while assuming the necessary level of credit risk that arises from the nature of banking operations. The Nova KBM Group reduces the impact of accepted risks by complying with the following regulations, documents and rules: • regulations of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Slovenia, which are based on the directives and regulations of the European Community • its own risk management strategy, policies and methodologies • rules of good banking practice. Prior to approving any loan, the Bank carries out a thorough verification of a customer and classifies each customer into credit risk categories A to E based on its Methodology for Classifying Customers into Credit Rating Categories. During the business relationship with a customer, the Bank carries out the following procedures: • at least once a year, it verifies the adequacy of credit rating assigned to the customer, taking into consideration financial statement data and subjective factors • it assesses, on a daily basis, whether the credit rating assigned to the customer is compliant with the adopted classification criteria, such as the number of days payments are past-due, blocking of current accounts, and the criteria regarding the institution of insolvency proceedings • depending on the risk classification of the customer or exposure on a single loan, it promptly sets aside an adequate level of provisioning charges for each transaction. Using a credit rating model, the Bank promptly classifies customers into appropriate credit rating categories. Special attention is devoted to the categories of defaulting customers and non-performing exposures. In accordance with the adopted classification rules, D AY 3 9 Contents of the Business Report a customer that has been classified into one of these categories is classified into the category of cured exposures once its performance improves. has to provide necessary funding at significantly higher than usual costs. It arises from maturity mismatches between assets and liabilities. For calculating impairment losses and provisions, Nova KBM uses its own Methodology for Assessing Credit Risk Losses, which is compliant with the Bank of Slovenia Regulation on the Assessment of Credit Risk Losses of Banks and Savings Banks, the International Financial Reporting Standards and the EC directives. The Bank´s own methodologies for identifying, measuring, managing and monitoring liquidity risk are applied at the Group level. These methodologies enable the matching of actual and potential liquidity sources with the actual and potential use of liquid assets within the same time periods. In 2014, the following upgrades were made to the Bank´s credit rating classification system: • An application was implemented to enable the recording of customer classification across the entire Nova KBM Group. In addition, the Bank determined uniform collective impairment rates to be applied by all Nova KBM Group companies. The purpose of these two actions was to provide the conditions for a complete harmonisation of the monitoring of risk profiles of all Nova KBM Group companies´ loan portfolios. • Based on the rules laid down in the EBA technical standards, the Bank adopted rules for the identification of restructured exposures. Taking into consideration these rules, the Bank developed a model according to which the identification of restructured exposures in the Nova KBM Group is carried out by means of checking the credit classification of customers as well as the type and the weight of modified financing terms. These rules have an impact on the classification of assets into the category of non-performing exposures, a category about which the Bank must report to the ECB. • The EWS application was implemented, which is used for the early detection of any credit risk that may arise. Credit risk warning signals recognised by the application are verified on a daily basis, and any indications of increased risk are automatically reported to the commercial departments. • Rules were set up for the classification of defaulters, non-performing exposures and cured exposures. An application to monitor these classification categories was also brought into service. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk management is an integral part of the Bank´s prudent and secure operations. Liquidity risk is the risk of loss resulting from the Bank´s inability to meet all of its payment obligations, or the risk that it ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. In the area of liquidity risk management, Nova KBM set up an econometric model used to determine the stability of retail deposits subject to higher outflow rates. The Bank´s principal objectives with respect to liquidity risk management are as follows: • continuous provision of liquidity • daily settlement of all on- and off-balance sheet liabilities that are due, across all currencies • compliance with all regulatory requirements • setting up liquidity risk limits which are regularly reviewed and monitored • setting up and managing an adequate pool of assets used as collateral for the central bank credit operations • efficient management of daily liquidity surpluses and the creation of an adequate liquidity reserve • monitoring the liquidity gap. The Bank regularly carries out various liquidity management scenarios, adopts measures to reduce liquidity risk, and regularly checks the adequacy and accuracy of assumptions used in the scenarios. Based on the results of adverse scenarios, the Bank has determined the necessary level of liquidity reserves to be used in the periods of most difficult and emergency liquidity situations. During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Bank managed liquidity risk in accordance with the policy and methodologies approved by the ALCO. It fully complied with the regulations on minimum requirements concerning liquidity position, which prescribe as obligatory the Category One Liquidity Ratio (0 to 30 days), while the Category Two Liquidity Ratio (0 to 180 days) is D AY 4 0 Contents of the Business Report calculated for information purposes only. The prescribed Category One Liquidity Ratio is set at 1.0. The ALCO reviews regular reports on the diversification of funding and on the results of the dynamic liquidity gap analysis. The latter takes into consideration the time component of cash flows and is used for the early detection of negative moments in the anticipated liquidity position. The main cash flows are assessed on the basis of a statistical analysis of time-series data on liquidity items. Negative liquidity position may arise very quickly and unexpectedly. In order to be prepared to deal with such situations, the Bank has drawn up three different stress scenarios, at two difficulty levels, the aim of which is to support the management of the Bank to adopt adequate measures for reducing liquidity risk. Stress tests are carried out on a monthly basis. The main goal of carrying out stress tests is to provide a sufficient level of liquidity reserves in strictly defined future periods, taking into account the limit on the cumulative net liquidity gap depending on the type of stress scenario. The results of stress tests are reviewed by the ALCO. Market risks Market risk is a risk of loss arising due to adverse changes in financial markets (changes in the prices of financial instruments, exchange rates, interest rates). The Bank monitors market risks of trading book items and markets risks of banking book items separately. The method of monitoring and reporting as well as of limiting the exposure to market risks is set out in the market risk management policy. The methodology used for managing market risks is based on the value-at-risk (VaR) measure and is compliant with the Basel capital requirements: 99% one-sided confidence interval, a 10-day retention period and the calculation of volatility based on 250 days of data. The volatility is calculated based on historical data. The Bank has set up a system of limits to control exposure to market risks. Position risk is a risk of loss arising due to a change in the price of a financial instrument that the Bank holds in its portfolio for the purpose of trading on its proprietary account. The Bank manages three trading portfolios: the portfolio of debt securities, the portfolio of equity instruments and the currency portfolio. Position risk is controlled by trading limits. Trading in securities is ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. limited by the highest risk value of the portfolio and stoploss limit. In addition, stop-loss limit is defined for each transaction. Limits for foreign currency trading for the Bank´s proprietary account are defined as the maximum allowable open position for the Trading Department. The limits are revised at least once a year and adopted by the ALCO. Compliance with limits is controlled on a daily basis by the Risk Management Department, which also publishes the limits on the Bank´s intranet site and, in accordance with internal regulations, reports any violation of limits to the responsible authorities. Foreign exchange risk represents a potential loss arising from an open foreign currency position and the volatility of foreign exchange rates. The maximum allowable 10-day VaR is established at the individual currency level just as for the entire currency portfolio. The efficiency of maintaining a balanced position by individual foreign currencies is monitored daily, whereas any violation of limits is, in accordance with internal regulations, reported to the responsible authorities. Interest rate risk is a risk of loss arising due to unexpected changes in market interest rates, and derives from maturity mismatches of interestsensitive assets and liabilities. Interest rate risk is identified, measured, managed, controlled and monitored in accordance with the methodology for measuring interest rate risk, and the interest rate risk management policy. To manage interest rate risk, the Bank calculates monthly the impact on its net interest income of interest rate changes in the next three months, as well as of the parallel shift of the yield curve by 200 basis points. The impact of changes in interest rates on the Bank´s profit or loss is measured for a one-year period. In addition, the Bank regularly calculates the net present value of interestsensitive items to determine whether, under the stress test scenario which takes into account a +/- 200 basis points change in interest rates, this value accounts for more than 20% of the Bank´s equity. The exposure to interest rate risk of the Bank´s portfolios is controlled by the system of limits, which is approved by the ALCO and reviewed at least on an annual basis. Operational risk Operational risk is the risk of loss arising from inappropriate or failed implementation of internal processes, the actions of people, the functioning of D AY 4 1 Contents of the Business Report systems or due to external factors. Legal risk and risk of outsourcing are also included in operational risk, while strategic risk and reputational risk do not fall into this risk category. While both the Group and the Bank calculate capital requirements for operational risk in accordance with the basic indicator approach, they also annually calculate these requirements under the standardised approach. The latter calculation, however, is made for informative purposes only. Provided the capital requirements for operational risk calculated under the standardised approach are more favourable than those calculated under the basic indicator approach, the Bank will implement the standardised approach in the future. In the second half of each year, an interim monthly assessment is made of the capital requirements for operational risk. These monthly assessments depend on the dynamics of income during the first half of the year. Considerably fewer operational risk loss events were recorded by the Nova KBM Group in 2014 compared to 2013. Operational risk loss events are systematically registered. The reporting on loss events captures all costs centres of the Bank and is carried out on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis. Operational risk loss events are reported by the Group companies through the APIS application. The Bank has defined as an operational risk loss event any event that has a negative material effect on its operations and is recorded in its accounts. The Bank classifies operational risk loss events by operating segment and by type of loss events, in accordance with the Basel capital directives. Since not all operational risk losses can be measured, an assessment of losses is made when evaluating the annual risk profile of the Bank. The evaluation of the risk profile with respect to operational risk is of particular importance, given that the operational risk loss events make up the largest proportion of loss events suffered by the Bank that cannot be reliably measured; they can only be, and must be, assessed. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Capital risk and ICAAP Capital risk arises from an inappropriate size of capital, inappropriate structure of capital with regard to the volume and the nature of business, or from difficulties in acquiring fresh capital. The Bank has set up a capital management policy and has in place procedures and mechanisms for ensuring adequate size and structure of its capital. For the purpose of managing capital, the Bank regularly monitors the size of available and minimum regulatory capital as well as the movements in capital adequacy ratios, taking into account the regulations applied to, and projections of, capital movements, capital requirements and capital adequacy. Capital adequacy projections for the period until the end of the current year and for the next six-month period are discussed monthly by the ALCO. The internal capital adequacy assessment process (ICAAP) is used by the Bank to continuously monitor the risks it takes in relation to its ability to accept such risks. The process involves regular assessments of available and adequate economic capital, and the creation and review of the risk profile. Available economic capital and adequate economic capital are calculated monthly for the Bank, and quarterly for the Group. Adequate economic capital is calculated as the sum of capital requirements for the following types of risk: • credit risk • market risks (other than foreign exchange risk) • operational risk • interest rate risk arising from the banking book • foreign exchange risk • liquidity risk • capital risk • reputational risk • strategic risk • profitability risk arising from the movements in deposit interest rates • risks arising from external factors. In 2014, the Bank successfully implemented the new Basel Accord framework, known as Basel III, which has been adopted to ensure the uniform application of capital disclosure rules. The Basel III rules are, through the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), directly applicable across all Member States. Changing over to D AY 4 2 Contents of the Business Report the new capital accord resulted in an elevation of the capital adequacy ratio calculated by the Bank. In accordance with the CRR, banks are required to compute their leverage ratio. The leverage ratio has two objectives: first to limit the risk of excessive leverage by constraining the building up of leverage in the banking sector, and second to act as a backstop to risk-based capital requirements. While the requirement regarding the minimum level of leverage ratio has not yet been determined, it is expected to be set at 3% and to become binding from 1 January 2018. The Bank does not foresee any difficulties in meeting the required minimum level of the leverage ratio. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 4 3 Contents of the Business Report 9/STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF NOVA KBM AND THE NOVA KBM GROUP In 2013, the Bank drafted its strategic development programme for the period 2014 to 2018, the proposal of which was approved by the Supervisory Board in October 2013. The strategic development programme is aligned with the Restructuring Programme of the Bank and the Group. If Nova KBM is sold, its new owner might reach an agreement with the European Commission on the suspension of most of the commitments Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group must meet in their operations. The strategic development programme outlines, in particular, the following key components of the Bank´s and the Group´s future business models: • strategic directions for individual business segments • mission • vision • corporate values • corporate strategic directions. In addition, the strategic development programme defines the markets and products that are of strategic importance for the development of the Bank and the Group, and the markets and products that are considered crucial for sound performance of the Bank and the Group, taking into consideration the scarcity of capital, customer deposits and well-qualified staff. The Nova KBM Group will withdraw from the markets and discontinue providing services that do not generate sufficient return and do not constitute the basis for profitable growth, allowing it to focus on markets and services where the Bank can demonstrate competitive advantages and achieve above-average growth. Strategic directions The strategy of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group gives absolute priority to corporate and retail banking, taking into consideration the following corporate strategic directions: • focus on customers (see the section headed 'Sustainable development' for further details) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. • European orientation and consistent compliance with banking industry commitments (see the section headed 'Programmes and projects aimed at restoring the profitability of the Nova KBM Group') • safety and stability of operations and deposits • process organisation (see the section headed 'Internal development of Nova KBM' for further details) • application of advanced business models • efficiency and profitability of operations • achievement of target key performance indicators (set on the basis of appropriate criteria) • provision of resources necessary to accomplish strategic objectives (capital, funding, human resources) • formulation and implementation of measures to achieve short-term objectives • social responsibility (see the section headed 'Sustainable development' for further details). As regards corporate banking, the Bank will focus on developing and strengthening operations with small and medium-sized companies, including sole proprietors and micro enterprises. This will make it possible for the Bank to minimize its exposure to credit risk by properly dispersing all types of risk arising from credit relationships. In the retail banking segment, the Bank will invest a great deal of energy into continual upgrades of its product offerings. It will strengthen and set up longlasting professional relationships with its customers, thereby bolstering their confidence in and loyalty to its products and services. In the area of finance and risk management, an improvement will be made to the management of all types of risk, with emphasis on credit, liquidity, interest rate, foreign exchange and operational risks. Mission Nova KBM, as the leading company within the Nova KBM Group, operates as a modern, stable and reliable bank. It builds its reputation on its more than 150 years D AY 4 4 Contents of the Business Report of tradition of providing contemporary banking and other financial services that help it establish successful partnerships with its customers, other stakeholders, and its broader environment. At the same time, it considers the satisfaction of its shareholder, investors and all other stakeholders as well as proper management of all types of banking risks to be the core principles of its business. Vision The vision of the Bank is to ensure the stability of the business it conducts in the local area and the region in which it is present, this being supported by strong operational efficiency in all key segments, and by its ability to generate a steady return. Nova KBM, as the leading company within the Nova KBM Group, would like to continue doing business with trustworthy stakeholders to whom it will endeavour to provide contemporary products and services. In its efforts to perform successfully and profitably, the Bank will favour stability (i.e. ensuring the quality of its loan portfolios and proper management of all types of banking risks) over business growth as this will increase its safety and the safety of all its stakeholders. Corporate culture The corporate culture of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group is based on the following values: unconditional honesty and integrity, commitment to work, positive approach, professional competence, responsibility, excellence, affiliation to the Bank and the Group, and zero tolerance towards any kind of fraud or illegal conduct. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 4 5 Contents of the Business Report 10/PERFORMANCE OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM 10.1 / Macroeconomic environment Economic environment in 2014 The economic environment in Slovenia is strengthening and the macroeconomic risks banks are exposed to are diminishing on the back of rising economic growth generated by, in particular, the favourable dynamics in exports and the improved situation in the labour market. Nevertheless, there remains a risk of lowerthan-forecast GDP growth, partially due to the uncertain economic recovery in some Eurozone countries, and partially because of a potential rise in geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East. Domestic economic growth remains predominantly driven by foreign demand, which could lose momentum, given the uncertainty of the economic recovery in Slovenia´s key trading partners. Last year, households maintained their financial surplus at the level of the end of 2013, having slightly increased their consumption as their income had risen and indebtedness had declined. In a situation of favourable growth in the export sector and deleveraging of the economy, the current account surplus is being reflected in high net savings by the private sector. Selected macroeconomic indicators Indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014** 1.3 0.7 (2.5) (1.0) 3.2* 2.0 Real GDP growth (%) Inflation rate (annual average; %) 1.8 1.8 2.6 1.8 0.2* 0.3 Registered unemployment rate (%) 10.7 11.8 13.0 13.1 12.5* 13.1 Exports growth rate (%) 10.1 7.0 0.3 2.6 6.5* 3.7 Imports growth rate (%) 6.6 5.0 (3.9) 1.4 2.4* 3.1 Industrial production growth rate (%) 7.1 4.7 0.4 5.3 1.9* 2.6 * Estimates for the last quarter. ** Forecast. Sources: IMAD, ECB and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Towards the end of 2013, the required return on government bonds of most of the Eurozone countries saw a further decline. The return on 10-year government bonds of Eurozone countries reached the lowest ever level, with the periphery Eurozone countries registering the largest decline in the required return on their bonds. The decline in the required return may be attributed mainly to the measures adopted in 2014 by the ECB to stimulate the economic recovery and strengthen the functioning of the monetary transmission mechanism. According to business tendency data, the prospects for the manufacturing sector improved at the end of 2014. Although the expectations of companies operating in the manufacturing sector had deteriorated since August, they mostly improved in December. Most companies ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. do not expect to see further employment growth. As regards household consumption indicators, we saw further growth in the gross wage bill, which is attributed to improved conditions in the labour market, while social transfers remained below the 2013 level. The number of registered unemployed persons has been declining since March 2014, mainly on the back of positive employment rates (IMAD; January 2015). Banking environment in 2014 In 2014, the shrinking of the Slovene banking system´s total assets continued for the fifth consecutive year, but at a slower pace than in the two preceding years. While the contraction of funding in the previous years was largely the result of banks repaying their debts to foreign wholesale financial market participants, the D AY 4 6 Contents of the Business Report decline in funding we saw in 2014 derived from the accelerated deleveraging process, with banks repaying their debts to the Eurosystem. On the assets side of bank statements of financial position, the volume of loans outstanding to the non-banking sector went down the most, with investments shifting to more liquid assets with lower returns, and to securities. The lending volume of Slovene banks declined further in 2014, the reasons for this being the weak credit capability of companies and their reluctance to take out new loans. However, there have been some positive changes in the demand for loans recently. The leverage of companies, measured as the ratio between debt and equity financing, is declining only slowly and therefore continues to remain, on average, a significant limiting factor of companies´ credit capability. Households´ demand for loans remained low in 2014. Another factor that prevents banks from growing their loan portfolios, apart from weak demand, is having restrictive loan offerings, which we saw in the recent period. Standards for lending to corporate customers have been tightening throughout the period of the crisis and are currently at a very restrictive level. operations, and an increased proportion of marketable instruments that can be used for secondary liquidity purposes in the total assets. On the other hand, banks became more exposed to the risk of an interest rate rise. The difference between the average repricing periods for asset and liability interest rates lengthened by 2.3 months from December 2013 to October 2014 (Bank of Slovenia; January 2015). Unstable funding sources and banks´ credit risk aversion were also factors that prevented the banks from building their loan portfolios. An increasingly high proportion of funding is short-term in nature, which makes it practically impossible for banks to grant long-term loans. As a result, banks invest part of the funding they raise in securities. Lack of competitiveness of Slovene banks´ offerings is suggested also by an increasing proportion of loans that non-financial companies contract in foreign markets. Local demand is expected to benefit from the accommodative monetary policy, supported by the standard and non-standard measures adopted in June 2014, and from more favourable lending conditions. Private consumption will benefit from lower prices of primary raw materials and rising incomes, with the latter resulting from a gradual improvement of conditions in the labour market. In 2014, credit risk remained the most significant systemic risk to which the banking system was exposed, although it was mainly limited to predominantly locally-owned banks. Further development of banks´ exposure to credit risk will depend greatly on the revival of lending, but also on actions taken by banks to deal with the remaining proportion of their bad assets through disposals, restructurings, write-offs and, where justified, debt-to-equity conversions. The liquidity of the Slovene banking system strengthened in 2014 compared to the previous year, as demonstrated by a relatively high value of the Category One Liquidity Ratio, a high proportion of the non-utilised pool of assets eligible as collateral for the Eurosystem credit ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Forecast for 2015 Global economic indicators affirm that the world real GDP growth (excluding the Eurozone) will gradually pick up over the projection horizon from 2014 to 2016, rising from 3.6% in 2014 to 4.2% in 2016. Very accommodative monetary policies adopted by highly developed economies continue to support the revival of financial markets and the global economy as a whole. Recent indicators suggest a somewhat weaker outlook in the short-term, reflecting subdued trade developments, geopolitical tensions, and uncertainties about the reform process in some Eurozone countries. Nevertheless, the underlying forces to sustain a continued recovery remain in place. Taking into consideration the anticipated faster economic recovery in the international environment, further rehabilitation of the banking system, fiscal consolidation, and the beginning of the corporate sector restructuring, the IMAD forecasts that the real GDP growth rate will see a gradual increase in 2015. The rate of inflation is expected to increase only gradually, given the ongoing weak recovery of economic activity and a decline in prices in the international markets. While the de-leveraging process of companies, which started in 2010, is expected to continue throughout this year, unfavourable lending conditions continue to prevail, certainly suggesting that a notable revival of credit activity is unlikely to take place in 2015. According to available data, the disposable income of households D AY 4 7 Contents of the Business Report saw an increase last year, raising optimism that the consumer sentiment will remain strong in 2015. Private consumption is expected to continue registering a positive trend, while the government consumption is forecast to fall further. The value-added growth is expected to increase gradually throughout 2015. With the rehabilitation of the banking system over, the performance of the financial and insurance sectors is likely to improve slowly in 2015. Value added in public services will stagnate due to further streamlining in the public sector. Growth in the manufacturing industry will rely mainly on industries with higher technology intensity and more export-oriented industries (IMAD; September 2014). to €103,608,000, a decline of 8.7% from 2013, while net provisioning charges set aside by the Group in 2014 totalled €44,514,000, a considerable reduction from 2013 when these charges reached €720,735,000. Net interest income The net interest income earned by the Group in 2014 totalled €110,726,000, an increase of 48.4% from 2013. The year-on-year increase in this category was the result of a 48.5% decline in interest expenses, partially offset by a 6.6% reduction in interest income. Nova KBM saw the largest fall in interest expenses, while a decline in interest income was registered across all segments of the Group. Non-interest income The 2014 net fee and commission income was down 1.1% from 2013. Both fee and commission income, and fee and commission expenses saw a decline last year, with fees earned on payment transactions registering the largest drop. Nevertheless, several fundamentals remain positive and support the expected pick-up in 2015 and beyond (ECB; December 2014). 10.2 / Analysis of performance of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM Other non-interest income15 generated by the Group in 2014 totalled €37,000. In 2014, the Group incurred a loss of €19,364,000 from discontinued operations resulting from the initiation of the process of directly selling a subsidiary bank. 10.2.1 Nova KBM Group Operating costs Operating costs (administration costs, including depreciation and amortisation) totalled €103,608,000 in 2014, down 8.7% on 2013, with the largest decline in Income statement For the year ended 31 December 2014, the Nova KBM Group reported a net profit of €23,281,000, as opposed to a net loss of €684,908,000 incurred a year ago. Income from continuing and discontinued operations totalled €166,722,000 in 2014, down 5.1% on 2013, with most of the income deriving from net interest and net fees and commissions, which totalled €110,726,000 and €55,959,000, respectively. Operating costs amounted 15 Other non-interest income includes: dividend income; realised gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss; net gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading; gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss; net exchange rate differences; net gains or losses on derecognition of assets other than non-current assets held for sale; other net operating income or loss; share of profits or losses of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method; net gains or losses from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale; and gains or losses from discontinued operations. STRUCTURE OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP´S 2014 NET PROFIT (€000) 55,959 37 110,726 (103,608) (44,514) 4,681 23,281 Net interest Net fees and commissions Other non-interest income* Costs Net provisions and impairment losses Taxes* Net profit *Othernon-interestincomeandtaxesincludethefinancialeffectsofdiscontinuedoperations. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 4 8 Contents of the Business Report OPERATING COSTS (€000) 55,156 49,779 42,727 39,367 -9.7% -7.5% -7.9% 15,628 14,462 2013 2014 Staff costs General and administrative costs these costs registered by Nova KBM. As regards the composition of operating costs, staff costs accounted for 48.0% of the total operating costs, followed by general and administrative costs (38.0%), and depreciation and amortisation (14.0%). The Group´s cost-to-income (CIR) ratio stood at 62.14% at the end of 2014. Net provisions and impairment losses Net provisioning charges set aside by the Group in 2014 totalled €44,514,000, compared to €720,735,000 reported for 2013, with loan impairment losses of €60,011,000 recognised last year being partially offset by Depreciation and amortisation the release of provisions of €15,497,000, which had been created mainly for off-balance sheet liabilities and for restructuring costs. Statement of financial position Total assets As of 31 December 2014, the Group´s total assets amounted to €4,369,010,000, down 9.2%, or €441,783,000 on the 2013 year-end figure. The decline in total assets was in line with the requirements of the European Commission. MOVEMENTS IN THE NOVA KBM GROUP´S ASSETS IN THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (€000) 4,810,793 (362,534) 24,442 (65,031) Total assets 31.12.2013 Financial assets Loans and advances 4,369,010 (38,660) Cash, balances at central banks and demand deposits at banks Other assets Total assets 31.12.2014 MOVEMENTS IN THE NOVA KBM GROUP´S LIABILITIES AND EQUITY IN THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (€000) 4,810,793 (542,957) (2,424) Total liabilities and equity 31.12.2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Deposits and loans from banks Deposits and loans from customers | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. (17,152) 64,421 Provisions Other liabilities 56,329 4,369,010 Equity Total liabilities and equity 31.12.2014 D AY 4 9 Contents of the Business Report Group assets and liabilities The year-on-year decline in total assets was mainly the result of a €310,890,000 drop in net loans outstanding to the non-banking sector, but also due to a decrease of €58,357,000 in the balance of available-for-sale and heldto-maturity financial assets. This decline was partially offset by an increase of €53,405,000 in the balance of non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations resulting from the initiation of the process of directly selling a subsidiary bank. On the liabilities side of the statement of financial position, we saw a decline in the balance of liabilities to banks, which was attributable mainly to scheduled and early repayments of funds raised in the past. A year-on-year decline in net loans outstanding to the non-banking sector, coupled with a broadly unchanged level of customer deposits, caused the Group´s net loanto-deposit ratio to contract by 10.05 percentage points, to 62.43% at the end of 2014. The Group is consistently implementing its Restructuring Programme and is scaling down its business volumes and risk-weighted assets in accordance with the commitments it has given to the European Commission. Equity At the end of 2014, the Group´s total equity amounted to €616,357,000, up 10.1% on the 2013 year-end figure. 10.2.2 Nova KBM Income statement For the year ended 31 December 2014, the Bank reported a pre-tax, pre-provision profit of €77,261,000, an increase of 11.2%, or €7,798,000, from a year ago. The 2014 net profit of the Bank totalled €35,916,000, as opposed to a net loss of €656,500,000 incurred in 2013. Net interest income The year-on-year increase of 54.4%, or €32,963,000, in net interest income was the result of a decline of 49.4%, or €42,132,000, in interest expenses, partially offset by a decrease in interest income, which registered a drop of 6.3%, or €9,169,000. A decrease in interest income of 21.5%, or €25,630,000, relative to 2013 was attributable to a lower amount of interest earned on loans as a result of a decline in both average interest rates and the gross balance of loans outstanding to the non-banking sector. The average monthly balance of gross loans outstanding to the nonbanking sector decreased year-on-year by 33.7%, or €1,110,000, mainly as a result of the Bank transferring its bad loans to the BAMC in December 2013, but also due to the repayment of loans by customers, and low lending volumes. The average monthly balance of available-for-sale and held-to-maturity financial assets increased year-on-year by 55.0%, or €498,158,000. Excluded income attributable to the impairment of interest recognised by the Bank in 2014 totalled €11,671,000, down 54.1%, or €13,764,000, on 2013. Of the total income earned by the Bank, €10,320,000 related to default interest, which was about one-third less than in 2013. Interest expenses declined year-on-year by 49.4%, or €42,132,000, of which €40,269,000 pertained to a decline in interest paid on financial liabilities measured at amortised cost. The average monthly balance of deposits from the non-banking sector decreased yearon-year by 10.9%, or €303,542,000, chiefly on account of the 2013 conversion of state deposits into equity STRUCTURE OF NOVA KBM´S 2014 NET PROFIT (€000) 12,242 42,122 93,591 (74,045) (43,079) Net interest Net fees and commissions Other non-interest income* Costs Net provisions and impairment losses 5,085 35,916 Taxes Net profit *Othernon-interestincomeincludesthefinancialeffectsofdiscontinuedoperations. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 5 0 Contents of the Business Report of the Bank. The amount of interest paid on funds borrowed from the central bank declined too, from €2,357,000 in 2013 to €498,000 in 2014, due to the Bank repaying, by the end of November 2014, all the funds totalling €420,000,000 it had borrowed through the ECB´s longer-term refinancing operations at the end of November 2013. Staff costs decreased year-on-year by 11.1%, or €4,294,000, with the number of employees falling by 77. Efforts made by the Bank to improve its cost-efficiency were reflected in the cost-to-income ratio (CIR), calculated as the ratio between operating costs and net income, which fell from 61.37% in 2013 to 50.05% in 2014. Without the Bank incurring extraordinary costs (which totalled €2,723,000 in 2014, and €5,574,000 in 2013), the cost-to-income ratio would have stood at 48.21% in 2014. The year-on-year decline in interest expenses was also the result of a reduction in the ECB´s key interest rates, as presented in the table below. Net provisions and impairment losses The amount of net provisioning charges set aside by the Bank in 2014 totalled €43,079,000, compared to €685,758,000 reported for 2013. In 2014, the Bank recognised provisioning charges for the following asset categories: • loans measured at amortised cost, in the amount of €36,053,000 • financial assets measured at cost, in the amount of €2,035,000 • available-for-sale financial assets designated at fair value, in the amount of €1,437,000 • other assets, in the amount of €12,014,000. Interest rate applicable to the ECB´s main refinancing operations (ECB´s key interest rate) Effective date 13.11.2013 0.25% 11.06.2014 0.15% 10.09.2014 0.05% Source: Non-interest income Non-interest income earned by the Bank in 2014 reached €54,364,000. Fee and commission income totalled €46,163,000, while fee and commission expenses reached €4,041,000, providing net fee and commission income of €42,122,000. During 2014, the Bank released net provisions of €8,460,000. Other non-interest income amounted to €12,242,000, of which the largest proportion derived from trading in securities. Comprehensive income The comprehensive income after tax equalled €62,635,000 (2013: a comprehensive loss of €647,268,000). The 2014 net profit was negatively affected by actuarial net losses of €725,000 incurred on defined benefit pension plans. This loss was more than offset by gains of €33,036,000 earned in respect of available-for-sale financial assets. Income tax relating Operating costs Operating costs (administration costs, including depreciation and amortisation) incurred by the Bank in 2014 totalled €74,045,000, down 10.8%, or €8,985,000, on the figure reported for 2013. OPERATING COSTS (€000) 38,809 -13.1% 34,515 -11.1% 30,153 26,214 +7.5% -7.8% 11,788 2,280 Staff costs ANNUAL REPORT 2014 10,866 2,450 Costs of materials | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 2013 2014 Costs of services Depreciation and amortisation D AY 5 1 Contents of the Business Report to components of other comprehensive income amounted to €5,592,000. €22,031,000 was attributable to a decline in the balance of debt securities and €16,042,000 was attributable to a decline in the balance of equity instruments. Statement of financial position Investments in the equity of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures The Bank´s investments in the equity of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures saw an increase of €42,625,000 last year, mainly on account of recapitalisation of subsidiaries. Total assets As of 31 December 2014, the Bank´s total assets amounted to €3,608,215,000, down 7.7%, or €301,768,000, on the 2013 year-end figure. Loans and advances to customers The balance of net loans and advances to the nonbanking sector totalled €1,593,294,000 at the end of 2014; a year-on-year decrease of 12.8%, or €233,077,000. The balance of gross loans outstanding to the non-banking sector decreased year-on-year by €267,949,000, of which €122,221,000 was attributable to a decline in gross loans outstanding to non-financial companies. Value adjustments on loans were reduced by €34,872,000 in 2014. Deposits and loans from customers Deposits and loans from customers increased year-onyear by 4.3%, or €101,995,000, with the largest increase being registered in household deposits, which went up by €49,016,000, and deposits and loans from other financial organisations, which saw an increment of €38,023,000. Loans from banks and central banks Loans from banks, including central banks, saw a decline of €420,360,000 last year. Available-for-sale and held-to-maturity financial assets The balance of available-for-sale and held-to-maturity financial assets fell year-on-year by €38,073,000, of which The decline in this category resulting from the November repayment of funds totalling €420,000,000, which the Bank had borrowed in the past through the MOVEMENTS IN NOVA KBM´S ASSETS IN THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (€000) 3,909,983 (307,131) 42,625 26,849 (45,227) Total assets 31.12.2013 Loans and advances Financial assets Investments in the Investment property equity of subsidiaries (18,884) 3,608,215 Other assets Total assets 31.12.2014 MOVEMENTS IN NOVA KBM´S LIABILITIES AND EQUITY IN THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (€000) 3,909,983 3,410 (460,562) 62,635 3,608,215 101,995 (9,246) Total liabilities and equity 31.12.2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Deposits and loans from banks Provisions | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Deposits and loans from customers Other liabilities Equity Total liabilities and equity 31.12.2014 D AY 5 2 Contents of the Business Report ECB´s longer-term refinancing operations, was partially reversed in December 2014 when the Bank raised €88,000,000 through the ECB´s targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO). The remaining decline in the balance of this category was attributable mainly to the repayment of loans to SID Banka. Equity At the end of 2014, the Bank´s total equity amounted to €580,347,000, up 12.1%, or €62,635,000, on the 2013 yearend figure. The year-on-year increase in equity was partially the result of the net profit reported for 2014, totalling €35,916,000, and partially due to an increase of €26,719,000 arising from a recovery in the market price of securities which are fair valued through equity. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 5 3 Contents of the Business Report 10.3 / Profile of the Nova KBM Group companies16 Poštna banka Slovenije d.d. Year of establishment: 1991 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 99.12 Management Board members as of 31 December 2014: Danica Ozvaldič (substitute member) and Mojca Mak (substitute member) Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Aleš Hauc (Chair), Sabina Župec Kranjc (Deputy Chair), Boris Novak, Miha Šlamberger and Vinko Filipič ACTIVITY PBS provides financial services, including banking services, mutually recognised financial services, additional financial services and other ancillary financial services pursuant to the Banking Act. On 10 December 2013, PBS received a Bank of Slovenia licence allowing it to provide insurance brokerage services in accordance with the law governing the insurance business. business performance in 2014 PBS´s total assets decreased year-on-year by 7% to €720,102,000 at the end of 2014. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost totalled €662,068,000, with the largest proportion of this figure, €616,398,000, relating to customer deposits, which saw a year-on-year decline of 3%. PBS´s funds borrowed through longer-term refinancing operations with the central bank registered last year a decline of €35,668,000. On the assets side of the statement of financial position, we saw a decline of €58,200,000 in loans and deposits outstanding to banks, while the net loans and advances to customers fell by €47,252,000, to €304,056,000 at the end of the year. The portfolio of securities totalled €315,249,000 at the end of the year, up €32,018,000 on 2013. For 2014, PBS reported a net interest income of €20,582,000, up 22% on 2013, and a net non-interest income of €11,472,000, which was 63% more than in 2013. The year-on-year increase in non-interest income was attributable mainly to a gain of €4,467,000 earned on the sale of securities. Net fees and commissions earned by PBS, totalling €9,570,000, were sufficient to cover 56.2% of its operating costs. Administration costs decreased year-on-year by €971,000, reflecting PBS´s active approach towards cost management. In view of the ongoing weak economic climate, and considering the fact that its loan portfolio was not cleaned up completely in 2013, PBS set aside €14,810,000 in net provisioning charges last year. The net profit reported by PBS for 2014 totalled €246,000, against a net loss of €57,164,000 incurred a year ago. business strategy The priorities which PBS has set for its operations for 2015 are as follows: • to focus on lending to small and medium-sized companies as well as households • to increase the number of products per customer • to favour prudent management of risk and the provision of returns in line with the commitments given to the European Commission, instead of pursuing growth • to place an increased focus on active management of the securities portfolio in order to achieve appropriate returns • to retain the leading position in the area of retail customer payments • to actively manage NPLs in order to maximise the loan recovery rate and reduce any losses, as well as to cut down on operating costs. 16 The financial data included in this section are taken from the stand-alone financial statements of the Group companies. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 5 4 Contents of the Business Report Adria Bank AG Year of establishment: 1980 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 100.00 Management Board members as of 31 December 2014: Udo Amadeus Szekulics (President) Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Peter Kupljen (Chair), Mitja Leskovar (Deputy Chair) and Lidija Perovic ACTIVITY On 29 August 2014, the Adria Bank Supervisory Board reached a decision to start all the procedures to terminate the operations of Adria Bank, with the date of returning its licence for providing banking services being set for 31 March 2015. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE in 2014 In May 2014, Nova KBM infused fresh capital of €12,200,000 into Adria Bank, thereby increasing its shareholding to 100%. Adria Bank´s total assets fell by almost 70% last year, to reach €37,359,000 as of 31 December 2014. This considerable reduction in total assets derived mainly from the shrinkage of Adria Bank´s portfolio of loans and advances to customers, as a result of a large proportion of this portfolio being taken over by Nova KBM after the decision had been reached to terminate the banking operations of Adria Bank. At the end of 2014, the balance of cash and demand deposits placed with banks totalled €19,729,000, while the balance of available-for-sale ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. financial assets was €12,928,000. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost amounted to €22,230,000, of which €19,175,000 was in customer deposits. Adria Bank´s total equity amounted to €12,171,000 at the end of 2014. Net interest income and net non-interest income generated by Adria Bank in 2014 totalled €1,213,000 and €337,000, respectively. Administration costs incurred by Adria Bank were €5,588,000, up 19% on 2013, mainly as a result of legal fees paid in relation to the winding up of its operations. After releasing provisioning charges of €4,615,000, Adria Bank incurred a net loss last year of €219,000. BUSINESS STRATEGY By 31 March 2015, Adria Bank plans to return to the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) its licence for providing banking services, after which it expects to change its legal form from a joint stock company (AG) to a limited liability company (GmbH). D AY 5 5 Contents of the Business Report KBM Banka a.d. Year of establishment: 1955 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 89.53 Executive Board members as of 31 December 2014: Vesna Užnik Đorić (President) and Ljubinka Lovčević Management Board members as of 31 December 2014: Igor Žibrik (Chair), Aleš Hauc (Deputy Chair), Drago Bahun, Sanja Tucaković and Nedeljko Tenjević ACTIVITY The principal activity of KBM Banka is the provision of corporate and retail banking services. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 As of 31 March 2014, KBM Banka did not meet the capital requirements prescribed by the local regulator. The European Commission refused to give consent to a proposal of Nova KBM, according to which a recapitalisation of €10 million and a write-off of a €5 million subordinated debt were envisaged for KBM Banka, making it impossible for KBM Banka to continue to run its operations normally and on a sound basis. KBM Banka´s total assets shrank by almost 30% last year, to reach €79,292,000 as of 31 December 2014. The largest decline was attributable to a reduction in the balance of securities, as a result of KBM Banka being forced to sell a certain proportion of its securities portfolio in order to maintain an adequate liquidity position. At the end of 2014, the total balance of financial assets (the sum of available-for-sale financial assets, financial assets held for trading and held-to-maturity financial assets) amounted to €9,979,000, while the balance of loans and advances outstanding to customers totalled €33,531,000, down 19% on 2013, reflecting a decline in KBM Banka´s business volume and the poor economic situation in Serbia. The balance of cash and ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. demand deposits placed with banks was €22,875,000. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost totalled €64,256,000, of which €55,649,000 was in customer deposits. KBM Banka´s total equity stood at €14,246,000 at the end of 2014. The net interest income and net non-interest income generated by KBM Banka in 2014 totalled €3,826,000 and €2,382,000, respectively. Administration costs were €5,515,000, down 23% on 2013. After setting aside provisioning charges of €2,521,000, KBM Banka incurred a net loss last year of €2,120,000. BUSINESS STRATEGY The following options have been considered for KBM Banka: (i) liquidation, as part of which KBM Banka would be required to meet all regulatory requirements with respect to the level of its capital and capital adequacy. Given the negative position of the European Commission regarding the measures referred to above to strengthen KBM Banka´s capital base, this option is not regarded as feasible; (ii) recapitalisation provided by another party; or (iii) the sale of KBM Banka. All the procedures necessary to sell KBM Banka have started, with the sale expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2015. D AY 5 6 Contents of the Business Report KBM Infond, družba za upravljanje, d.o.o. Year of establishment: 1993 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 72.73 Management Board members as of 31 December 2014: Matjaž Lorenčič (President) and Samo Stonič Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Miha Šlamberger (Chair), Sabina Župec Kranjc (Deputy Chair), Mitja Leskovar, Vito Bobek and Borut Celcer ACTIVITY At the end of 2014, the company managed the Infond PBGS Mixed Mutual Fund, and the Infond Umbrella Fund with eighteen sub-funds, of which thirteen were equity sub-funds, one was a bond sub-fund, one was a money market sub-fund, and three were mixed sub-funds. According to the available data, the total market capitalisation of all mutual funds managed by companies headquartered in Slovenia was €2,141,231,000 at the end of 2014. Net asset value of all mutual funds managed by KBM Infond totalled €265,508,000, giving the company a market share of 12.40%. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 For 2014, the company reported a net profit of €1,309,000. The company´s total equity amounted to €12,590,000 as of 31 December 2014, a decline 0.65% from the previous year, while its total assets stood at €13,563,000, down 1.55% on 2013. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Last year, the company removed the Infond PBGS Mixed Mutual Fund from trading on the regulated market of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, and took over from KDD the records of investors in the fund. BUSINESS STRATEGY The main objectives of KBM Infond for 2015 are as follows: to promote the sale of existing products and to develop new combined products within the Nova KBM Group; to develop the Nova KBM branch office network into the main sales and advisory channel for its products; to strengthen cooperation with institutional investors, principally pension management companies; to look for acquisition targets; to optimise and efficiently manage operating costs; to pursue the policy of distributing profits to shareholders; to repay the subsequently contributed capital; to ensure an adequate capital base; to meet all regulatory requirements with respect to its operations. D AY 5 7 Contents of the Business Report KBM Invest d.o.o. Year of establishment: 1998 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 100.00 Management as of 31 December 2014: Nada Kolmanič (Manager) Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Mitja Leskovar (Chair), Anton Guzej, Peter Kupljen and Borut Radolič ACTIVITY In 2014, the company carried out the following activities: • investment engineering, and maintenance services and management of Nova KBM´s large real estate investments, as set out in the adopted annual plan, focusing on investments and investmentmaintenance works related to newly-constructed buildings, as well as refurbishment of the Bank´s business premises • construction and sale of real estate in the market. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 The year of 2014 saw the continuation of poor performance of the real estate market, with the prices and demand for real estate registering a further decline. For 2014, the company reported a net loss of €1,345,000. The sales income generated by the company was not sufficient to cover the costs of its inventory of real estate units built for the market. The largest proportion of the 2014 net loss was attributable to the costs of financing the real estate projects built for the market, which the company could not cover with the prices achieved in the market. The total income earned by the company in 2014 amounted to €9,008,000, up 36% on 2013. The year-onyear increase in income was attributable mainly to the sale of four plots of land to the BAMC. Net sales income of €8,851,000 was partially derived from the sale of the inventory of completed real estate units, and partially ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. from investment engineering services provided to Nova KBM. Total expenses incurred by the company last year amounted to €10,353,000, of which the largest proportion related to the costs of products and services sold, costs incurred in the maintenance of real estate projects, administration costs, and financing expenses. The company´s total assets were €13,492,000 at the end of 2014, down 26.5% on 2013, mainly as a result of a 33.3% decrease in inventory due to the sale of a certain number of real estate units. The balance of inventory totalled €10,721,000 at the end of 2014, which made up 79.5% of the company´s total assets. Because it was undercapitalised, in 2014 the company requested Nova KBM to provide additional capital of €19,000,000, which Nova KBM did in December 2014, by way of a debt-to-equity conversion. BUSINESS STRATEGY In 2015, the company will carry on the work arising from its changed role within the Nova KBM Group. In agreement with Nova KBM, it will take an active part in resolving problems related to real estate projects financed by loans that Nova KBM gave to construction companies or investors that later filed for compulsory composition or bankruptcy. In accordance with the Restructuring Programme, KBM Invest will file for liquidation no later than the end of 2017. D AY 5 8 Contents of the Business Report KBM Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation) Year of establishment: 1989 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 100.00 Management as of 31 December 2014: Jure Hartman (Liquidator) Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Mitja Leskovar (Chair), Anton Guzej (Deputy Chair), Peter Kupljen and Borut Radolič ACTIVITY KBM Leasing offers finance leasing and operating leasing of movable property and real estate. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 On 30 December 2014, Nova KBM passed a decision to initiate the regular liquidation of KBM Leasing, in line with the adopted Restructuring Programme. No new lease agreements have been concluded by the company since the second half of 2012. The company used all the proceeds received, either under the outstanding lease agreements or from the sale of inventory, to pay off its financial obligations. The high level of inventory of equipment seized under lease agreements, and the negative net worth were the main burdens on the company´s operations last year. In June 2014, the company drew up a proposal for its financial restructuring by way of liquidation, based on which the recapitalisation of the company, worth €56,699,000, took place at the end of the year. To release itself from the burden of inventory, the company was involved in the project of transferring bad assets to the BAMC, which was carried out in May 2014. At the end of last year, the company sold its investment property to Nova KBM, using the proceeds to repay its financial obligations to the banks in the Nova KBM Group as well as to other creditor banks. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. For the year ended 31 December 2014, the company reported a net loss of €4,421,000 and a total equity of €14,654,000. The loss incurred last year was attributable to additional provisioning charges set aside by the company as a result of being exposed to some new risks and potential liabilities. Due to having negative net worth throughout most of last year, the company had to raise loans to finance its business, thereby incurring the burden of interest, which placed additional pressure on its already weak financial position. The company´s total assets decreased year-on-year by €45,517,000, or 71%, to reach €18,974,000 at the end of 2014. The value of the company´s inventory held for sale totalled €6,580,000 or €2,194,000 net, after absorbing the impact of impairment losses totalling €4,386,000 set aside for these assets. Inventory made up 12% of the company´s total assets at the end of 2014. The balance of claims under outstanding lease agreements totalled €21,219,000, of which €3,675,000, or 17%, was in past-due and unpaid claims. Impairment losses of €9,650,000 have been recorded for these claims. The remaining assets of the company are held in cash, business premises and other claims. business strategy KBM Leasing expects to complete the liquidation proceedings by 31 July 2015, after which the remaining assets of the company will be transferred to Nova KBM. D AY 5 9 Contents of the Business Report Gorica Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation) Year of establishment: 1998 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 100.00 Management as of 31 December 2014: Silvan Križman (Liquidator) Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Mitja Leskovar (Chair), Peter Kupljen and Borut Radolič ACTIVITY Gorica Leasing offers finance leasing of movable property and technological, gaming and office equipment, finance and operating leasing of real estate, and investment leasing in respect of efficient use of energy. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 On 30 December 2014, Nova KBM passed a decision to initiate the regular liquidation of Gorica Leasing, in line with the adopted Restructuring Programme. No new lease agreements have been concluded by the company since the second half of 2012. The company used all the proceeds received, either under the outstanding lease agreements or from the sale of inventory, to pay off its financial obligations. The high level of inventory of equipment seized under lease agreements, and the negative net worth were the main burdens on the company´s operations last year. In June 2014, the company drew up a proposal for its financial restructuring by way of liquidation, based on which the recapitalisation of the company, worth €46,894,000, took place at the end of the year. To release itself from the burden of inventory, the company was involved in the project of transferring bad assets to the BAMC, which was carried out in June 2014. By the end of last year, the company had repaid all of its financial liabilities to the creditor banks, either by using ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. its own funds for this purpose, or through debt-to-equity conversions. For the year ended 31 December 2014, the company reported a net loss of €5,100,000 and a total equity of €21,672,000. The loss incurred last year was attributable to additional provisioning charges set aside by the company as a result of being exposed to some new risks and potential liabilities. The company´s total assets decreased year-on-year by €13,669,000, or 38%, to reach €22,545,000 at the end of 2014. The value of the company´s inventory held for sale totalled €5,895,000 or €2,731,000 net, after absorbing the impact of impairment losses totalling €3,164,000 set aside for these assets. Inventory made up 12% of the company´s total assets at the end of 2014. The balance of claims under outstanding lease agreements totalled €19,819,000, of which €13,205,000, or 67%, was in past-due and unpaid claims. Impairment losses of €10,922,000 have been recorded for these claims. The remaining assets of the company are held in cash, business premises and other claims. BUSINESS STRATEGY Gorica Leasing expects to complete the liquidation proceedings by 31 July 2015, after which the remaining assets of the company will be transferred to Nova KBM. D AY 6 0 Contents of the Business Report KBM Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o. Year of establishment: 2006 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 98.54 Management Board members as of 31 December 2014: Jure Hartman (President) and Koraljka Kociančić Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Mitja Leskovar (Chair), Peter Kupljen and Borut Radolič ACTIVITY KBM Leasing Hrvatska offers finance and operating leasing in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The operations of the company are constantly monitored by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA). The company is expected to be put into liquidation, as a result of which it has ceased its principal activity and has not concluded any new lease transactions since August 2014. recapitalisation worth €7.5 million in the form of a debtto-equity conversion, the company last year reduced its liabilities to banks arising from loans by €10,395,000. The terms of new transactions, until these were suspended, had been within the defined time limits. Despite a considerable level of provisioning expenses set aside last year, totalling €1,658,000, the company managed throughout the year to maintain an adequate liquidity position and to generate positive cash flow. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 In line with the Nova KBM Group´s Restructuring Programme, the company committed itself to comply with the following requests of Nova KBM: to reduce its total assets by 10% annually; to repay loans of at least €1.5 million; to focus on the sale of inventory; to limit the term of any new transactions as long as these are still being concluded (any new agreements must expire no later than 31 December 2018); to ensure cash-flow needed for positive results; and to reduce operating costs. BUSINESS STRATEGY The main objectives of KBM Leasing Hrvatska for 2015 are as follows: • to reduce its exposure to Nova KBM (up to the level allowed by its positive cash flow) • to focus on the sale of inventory and on the recovery of bad assets • to not engage in any new transactions • to generate positive cash flow (Nova KBM will not provide any additional liquidity) • to reduce operating costs • to file for liquidation in the first quarter of 2015 • to reduce its total assets by 10% • to consider options to sell itself or at least its portfolio. The company had reduced its total assets to €22,493,000 by the end of last year, which was a decline of €5,247,000, or 19%, relative to 2013. Taking into consideration the ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 6 1 Contents of the Business Report M-PAY d.o.o. Year of establishment: 2004 Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 50.00 Management as of 31 December 2014: Janez Stajnko (Manager) Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Vlasta Brečko (Chair), Marko Jagodič (Deputy Chair), Miha Šlamberger, Aleksander Batič and Marko Boštjančič ACTIVITY M-Pay was set up as a joint venture between Nova KBM and Mobitel (now Telekom) with the aim of processing payments sent through the mobile payment system which the partners have been developing since the start of their cooperation. Based upon an agreement between its owners, and in accordance with their strategies, M-Pay has not yet taken over the processing of mobile payments, which is why it has no permanent employees and is operating on a small scale. The main activity of the company is content-related and technical coordination of the Moneta system, and the provision of advice on the inclusion of new members into the system and on further development of mobile payment services. The mission of the company is to further develop the Moneta system and, by so doing, to provide its institutional participants in Slovenia with an open business and technical platform that allows payments for contemporary and widely spread financial services to be made using mobile phones. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 M-Pay acts as a coordinator of the development of the Moneta system. It provides advisory services to both strategic partners pursuant to the agreement entered into, from which all its income is derived. BUSINESS STRATEGY With a vision of becoming the leading Slovene organisation in the area of mobile payment services, systems and processing, the company aims to support all key elements of the Moneta system in order to be able to fully cover with its services the market of mobile operators, banks and payment service providers. In 2014, the total income of the company equalled €23,000, while its total expenses reached €4,000. The net profit reported by the company for last year was €15,000. At the end of 2014, the company´s total assets stood at €225,000. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 6 2 Contents of the Business Report Moja naložba, pokojninska družba, d.d. Year of establishment: 2000 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Nova KBM´s shareholding as of 31 December 2014 (%): 45.00 Management Board members as of 31 December 2014: Lojze Grobelnik (President) and Igor Pšunder Supervisory Board members as of 31 December 2014: Aleš Hauc (Chair), Katrca Rangus (Deputy Chair), Jure Korent, Irena Šela, Irena Žnidaršič, Igor Marinič, Rok Moljk, Robert Senica and Denis Stroligo ACTIVITY Moja naložba is a joint-stock company incorporated under the Pension and Disability Insurance Act and the Insurance Act. It is a specialised insurance company which may provide only voluntary supplementary pension insurance. The principal activities of the company are as follows: collection of voluntary supplementary pension insurance premiums and administration of personal accounts; management of assets of the pension company; payment of annuities; and management of closed and open mutual pension funds. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 As of 31 December 2014, the company´s total assets were €115,242,000, up 5% on the 2013 year-end figure, as a result of a year-on-year increase in the value of the long-term business fund for pension savings from €101 million to €104.8 million. Despite the company registering a decline (although only a marginal one of 3.7%) in the number of its policyholders, the total volume of extraordinary withdrawals made by policyholders last year as a result of terminating their insurance policies with the company was considerably lower than in previous years. The total amount of funds paid out to policyholders, either as result of regular or extraordinary termination of insurance policies, reached €13.1 million last year. It is expected that the declining trend of extraordinary withdrawals of funds will continue this year. On the back of a 9% increase in collected premium, a lower level of fund pay-outs, and an above-guaranteed return provided by the company, the value of its longterm fund for pension savings increased year-on-year by 3.8%, to reach €104.8 million at the end of 2014. For 2014, the company reported a net profit of €343,000, against a net loss of €387,000 incurred a year ago. The company´s continuing operations, which include the performance of the annuity fund, delivered a positive result of €74,000 (2013: €57,000), while the financing result amounted to €258,000 (2013: a loss of €187,000). Other income totalled €14,000 (2013: other expenses of €257,000) and derived mainly from ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. other income generated by the long-term business funds for annuity insurance, partially offset by expenses related to the permanent transfer payment to the long-term business fund for pension insurance. BUSINESS STRATEGY The key competitive advantage of Moja naložba is providing an efficient balance between safety (sound shareholding structure, above-average guaranteed return) and the return of assets managed (active asset management, above-average return under any market conditions). The company will build the efficiency of its business and commercial activities on its long-term ranking among the most successful comparable providers of voluntary supplementary pension insurance in terms of return. The accomplishment of this objective will improve the reputation of the company and the confidence of customers in its operations, which will ensure the company attains a more favourable position in the area of selling voluntary supplementary pension insurance. In 2015, the company will continue carrying out activities to acquire new policy holders, targeting both employers that are not yet included in the system of voluntary pension insurance and those that already pay premiums for their employees. As regards the latter, the company will make an effort to become the second-choice voluntary pension insurance provider, given that the insurance conditions provided by the company and the to-date results suggest that several additional agreements on voluntary pension insurance could be signed with employers. Following the receipt of necessary approvals and permits, the company will enable policy holders to be included in the life-cycle funds. In this way, it will offer policyholders the chance to join two additional funds without a guaranteed return. The company anticipates that the difficult situation faced by the economic sector will ease somewhat in 2015, raising hopes that the total insurance premium collected by the company during the year will be at least at the 2014 level. For 2015, the company expects to report positive results across all segments of its operations. D AY 6 3 Contents of the Business Report 10.4 / Nova KBM´s marketing strategy and marketing activities Marketing strategy and marketing activities were formulated on the basis of the business strategy and objectives of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. In carrying out its market activities, the Bank devoted a great deal of attention to the changed market conditions. Among the most important objectives pursued in the execution of the strategy were concern for strengthening the reputation of the Bank, preserving the satisfaction of customers and of the trust they have placed in the Bank, efficient accomplishment of commercial and other business objectives, and focus on cost optimisation. In the challenging market conditions that prevailed throughout last year, the Bank endeavoured to upgrade the existing financial services and develop new ones, primarily such that bring additional value to customers, in order to retain the existing customers, build their confidence in Bank operations, and sustain their level of satisfaction. To promote its services and those offered by other Nova KBM Group companies, during 2014 the Bank conducted a number of marketing campaigns, including sales promotion, advertising, cross-selling, and internal marketing, among others. Special attention was devoted to activities aimed at encouraging customers to continue using or even to take additional loan, deposit and insurance products, many of which were adapted to suit the contemporary needs of customers. The Visa prepaid card was successfully promoted as being part of the overall identity of the NK Maribor Football Club. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Utilising its trademark 'Sveta vladar' (Ruler of the world) aimed at appealing to young people, the Bank communicated in an innovative fashion, created new trends, and tried to bring its services closer to the target group through providing them with positive experiences. The cooperation with corporate customers and sole proprietors was strengthened at numerous business events, through the activities conducted within the Entrepreneur Centre, and by creating special product packages for this segment. The Bank tried to build up its reputational capital through effective internal and external communication. For its communication efforts, the Bank used a variety of tools and channels, including websites, social networks and others, in addition to several new communication channels that were introduced in 2014. Several marketing campaigns were also carried out in cooperation between the Bank and other Nova KBM Group companies, as were some cross-selling and internal marketing initiatives aimed at promoting the services provided by the Bank. The Bank devoted a great deal of attention to internal communication. For that purpose, it prepared several communication guidelines and the annual internal communication plan, along with a schedule of initiatives aimed at enhancing the internal flow of information. In addition, it conducted a survey on communication efficiency to identify the main obstacles to achieving the highest level of internal communication. Further information about internal communication is given in the section headed 'Sustainable development'. D AY 6 4 Contents of the Business Report 10.5 / New and upgraded services and distribution channels of Nova KBM In 2014, the Bank pursued the strategic direction of developing new services and upgrading the existing ones, thereby providing customers with additional value and enabling them to access the banking services through contemporary distribution channels. New and upgraded products and services provided by the Bank are presented in the table below. Business segment New products and services, and upgrades of existing ones Website • Upgrade of the Bank website. • New website for the youngest (Dindin). Savings products • At-call deposit account aimed at customers that prefer to have the option of withdrawing their savings at any time. • Launch of a contemporary savings application called ‘Varčevalnik’ (Saver) that helps customers achieve their savings objectives. Moneta • Simplified activation of the Moneta service enabled for Nova KBM customers. Loan products • Extension of the maturity of housing loans from 25 to 31 years; reduction of the minimum monthly instalment. • Extension of the maturity of consumer loans from eight to 12 years; reduction of the minimum monthly instalment from €42 to €35. Distance personal account • Option to open a personal account at a distance, without visiting a branch office. ATMs • Extension of ATM services to include the option of receiving a transaction confirmation via SMS. • Extension of ATM services to include the option of transferring funds between accounts held at any Slovene bank. Services for sole proprietors and private undertakings • Overhaul and upgrade of existing product packages and introduction of new ones for sole proprietors and private undertakings (packages for merchants, caterers, accountants and carriers). Personal banking • Introduction of personal banking services to enable individual treatment of customers by qualified banking advisers. Online banking service for retail customers • Upgrade of the online banking facility to include new functionalities for personal banking services. Online banking service for corporate customers • Replacement of EPP applications as well as of mounted and online web banking facilities with the Bank´s own web application Poslovni Bank@Net. Payment cards • Start of a complete overhaul of payment cards to enable payments in instalments and contactless payments. • Start of work to migrate payment card transactions to a new process centre. E-invoices • Inclusion in the e-invoice exchange system as an issuer and a recipient of e-invoices on behalf of both corporate and retail customers. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 10.6 / Modern distribution channels of Nova KBM The distribution network of Nova KBM makes it possible for customers to carry out their operations in different ways: • in person, at counters of Nova KBM, Pošta Slovenije and PBS • by using payment cards at the Bank´s own ATMs • by using payment cards at the Bank´s own POS terminals • by using payment cards at ATMs and POS terminals of other banks • by using mobile phones with Moneta eTerminals, Moneta Terminals, Moneta vending machines, over the internet or by telephone • via internet: at distance current account opening • by using the online banking service: Bank@Net (for households) and Poslovni Bank@Net (for corporate customers) • by using the mobile banking service: mBank@Net (for households) for smartphones with the Android OS or iOS • by using telephone banking • by using day-night safes or by collecting money at agreed upon places. The use of modern distribution channels is indirectly linked to the functioning of payment systems. As in previous years, in 2014 several changes were implemented in the area of payment systems, such as the following: • In the central payment system application (CAPS), the following changes were implemented: • changes due to amendments to the legal framework governing payment systems • changes due to amendments of rules governing the functioning of systems used for the processing of SEPA credit transfers and direct debits, and due to the introduction of a common uniform technical platform of the TARGET2 payment system • changes due to amendments of the Bank´s cost centres • changes aimed at improving the efficiency of payment processing in the Bank. • A comprehensive overhaul of the SPI reports to comply with the applicable legislation. • Migration of the payment cards processing to Bankart. D AY 6 5 Contents of the Business Report Branch offices At the end of 2014, Nova KBM had three branches, under which a total of 64 branch offices were operating. Certain banking services for households may also be provided at more than 500 locations of Pošta Slovenije and branch offices of PBS. ATMs The total number of Nova KBM´s ATMs at the end of 2014 was 258, which gives a market share of 14.6%. All of the ATMs have been upgraded to comply with the EMV standard required by MasterCard™ and Visa™. POS terminals A POS terminal is a computer substitute for a cash register. As of 31 December 2014, Nova KBM had 3,067 static and mobile POS terminals in operation, down 4.51% on 2013. The Bank registered an 11.6% increase in the number of transactions at POS terminals, from 6.39 million in 2013 to 7.1 million in 2014. At the end of 2014, Nova KBM had 19,083 POS contracts (Activa, Maestro™, MasterCard™, Visa™ and Karanta™) in place. Payment cards As of 31 December 2014, the Bank had 407,999 active payment cards outstanding to retail and corporate customers, up 1.6% on 2013. The total number of transactions with payment cards increased year-onyear by 6.86% and reached 15,593,171 in 2014. Moneta In 2014, the volume of payments made through Moneta once again saw an increase. The total payments were worth €31.47 million, up 4.3% on 2013, with the number of Nova KBM customers using the Moneta service increasing year-on-year by 27.5%. Online and mobile banking service: Bank@Net, mBank@Net and Poslovni Bank@Net Nova KBM offers online banking services to households via Bank@Net, while corporate customers (including sole proprietors) are offered Poslovni Bank@Net for their online banking transactions. Bank@Net and mBank@Net The number of retail customers using Bank@Net has been steadily increasing. At the end of 2014, there were 80,423 Bank@Net users, up 19.75% on 2013. The total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. number of transactions made through Bank@Net in 2014 was 4,695,018, a decline of just over 65,000, or 2%, on 2013. The Bank´s mobile banking service, mBank@Net, was last year used by 56% more customers than a year previously. Poslovni Bank@Net The number of Poslovni Bank@Net users at the end of 2014 was 8,663, down 0.6% on 2013. Compared to 2013, the number of domestic and international payment transactions sent over Poslovni Bank@Net decreased by 2.7% and 5.3%, respectively. Telephone banking and Western Union The number of transactions executed through the telephone banking service of Nova KBM, TeleBanka, increased year-on-year by 4.2%, with the total value of these transactions rising by 18.8% relative to 2013. The number of Western Union Money Transfer transactions saw an increase of 5.45%, while the total value of these transactions went up by 1.05% relative to 2013. Day-night safes and collection of money at agreed upon places As of 31 December 2014, Nova KBM had in place 1,807 contracts with corporate customers and sole proprietors for the use of a total of 2,550 cash collection points (day-night safes and agreed-upon sales points). While the number of such contracts increased yearon-year by 18.88%, the total volume of daily proceeds accepted through these two channels in 2014 exceeded €1,000 million. 10.7 / Nova KBM´s corporate banking operations Lending operations Following the recapitalisation and the related improvement in the Bank´s liquidity position in 2013, the Corporate Banking Division entered 2014 with increased optimism, especially with regard to the ability of the Bank to significantly grow its lending business and pursue its main mission of monitoring its valuable customers. The reinforced capital base made it possible for the Bank to again provide its customers with a full range D AY 6 6 Contents of the Business Report of short- and long-term loans. Moreover, interest rates slowly declined, particularly in the second half of the year, which helped to make these loans more attractive. As regards its credit activity, the Bank complied with the restrictions arising from the Restructuring Programme that affects its lending policy through the established mechanisms. In the process of economic recovery, the Bank adapted its operations to the prevailing market conditions and sought business opportunities with existing customers as well as through the acquisition of new ones. of corporate customers. Most of these funds were used to finance projects aimed at developing an eco-friendly society and encouraging competitiveness of companies. Funds were also given to provide fixed and working capital. Most funds were granted to SMEs. Deposit operations During the year, the Bank regulated the level of deposits with regard to liquidity requirements. The main instrument for adjusting the volume of deposits was the interest rate, which depends on the maturity of deposits. In addition to customer deposits, the Bank occasionally borrowed special-purpose funding to support individual projects. Companies were mainly demanding working capital financing, while the demand for investment loans, which could have created conditions for a more conspicuous growth of the loan portfolio, continued to be weak. It is the policy of the Bank to attract deposits with longer maturities in order to be able to match the demand for long-term loans. Last year, the Bank devoted a great deal of attention to the restructuring of companies and rescheduling of their loans, but also to other initiatives that could help overindebted corporate customers continue their operations to run normally. In total, the Bank participated in 40 corporate restructurings, in addition to acting as a lead arranger in the restructuring of a debt of one of the largest Slovene companies. Other banking products In the factoring segment, in 2014 the Bank purchased receivables worth €43.7 million and generated an income of €392,000 on these transactions. Year-onyear, the volume of the Bank´s factoring business went up by 45%, with income rising by 20%. The Bank continued purchasing receivables only of A- and B-rated customers, and with a right of recourse. The Bank strengthened further its corporate advisory role. In partnership with some other institutions (the Slovene Enterprise Fund, the Venture Factory and the Institute for Entrepreneurship Research), it helped existing and new customers get access to information relevant to their operations, and offered them support in obtaining EU grants or other types of funding to finance their projects. Notwithstanding the fact that the financial crisis, which started in 2008 and deepened further during 2014, had a significant impact on its operations, the Bank continued to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to its corporate customers, thus having a direct or indirect impact on solving problems that occur in dayto-day operations of the economy. An increase was seen in the volume of business done with companies that were more competitive and oriented towards foreign markets, and whose operations were not hampered by the burden of debt. In addition, the Bank provided the service of local and cross-border payments and improved the quality of overall service, in particular in documentary operations. Also, it developed and offered to its customers several new payment services that facilitate the execution of SEPA transfers. To improve the quality of its loan portfolio under the current market conditions, the Bank undertook a number of measures, such as requiring additional collateral and reducing exposure to companies that were considered to be at great risk. The Bank continued its cooperation with SID Banka, from which it obtained long-term funds for the financing ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The volume of payments processed by the Bank in foreign currencies totalled €249 million in 2014, down 19% on 2013 when this figure was €307 million. At the end of 2014, there were 11,108 corporate current accounts maintained by the Bank, compared to 11,590 at the end of 2013, which constitutes a decrease of 4.15%. D AY 6 7 Contents of the Business Report The aggregate credit balance in all corporate current accounts held by the Bank was €207 million at the end of 2014, up 23% on 2013 when this figure was €167 million. Total debit and credit items across all corporate customer accounts amounted to €26,866 million and €26,849 million, respectively, providing a total turnover of €53,715 million, which was 0.05% more than in 2013 when this figure reached €53,688 million. Last year, the Bank carried out a considerable overhaul of its product offerings for corporate customers, with the focus being placed on basic products that the companies need to ensure the financing of their day-today operations. As part of this overhaul, several product packages were created to meet the requirements of target customer groups, such as accountants, farmers and carriers, as was a so-called welcome product package, which is aimed at attracting new customers. A total of 589 product package agreements were signed with customers last year. 10.8 / Nova KBM´s retail banking operations Retail banking is at the centre of the Bank´s business strategy. Through its extensive branch office network, the Bank provides its customers with comprehensive, well thought-out, and competitive financial services. The Bank is focused on tailor-made solutions for customers. Its prime concern is customer satisfaction, and this is being accomplished through its personal approach and the wide range of Bank and Group products and services, as well as insurance products, that are provided at one location. In 2014, the Bank downsized its branch office network by closing some less profitable units. At the same time, it relocated several of its branch offices, thereby getting even closer to its customers. The Bank wants to be perceived as a partner by its customers throughout their lives. This is why it devoted special attention in 2014 to more demanding customers as well as young and retired people. For more demanding customers, the Bank launched the personal banking service, giving customers the advantage of having their requirements attended to by only one banking adviser. Another target group of the Bank are young people, to whom it continued providing services specifically adapted to their needs and wishes through modern and contemporary distribution ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. channels. By selectively adapting its pricing policy for payment services, the Bank also successfully reached retired customers. At the end of 2014, there were 298,362 retail customers who maintained a current account with Nova KBM. The Bank is present in all Slovene regions through its extensive branch network. The Bank provides the following banking products to its customers also at all post offices: cash deposit and withdrawal; checking of current account balance; opening of personal accounts; and requesting Visa prepayment cards. By being able to use post offices for its retail banking services, it has enhanced its presence in locations where there are no Bank branch offices and has approached new customers, thus ensuring a range of banking services can be provided anywhere in Slovenia. Taking into account its own retail branch office network in addition to the PBS´s network of over 500 post office outlets where the customers of Nova KBM may use certain banking services, the Bank has the widest branch office network in Slovenia. Lending operations In 2014, weak demand for loans as result of adverse economic conditions and a relatively high number of unemployed was registered not only by the Bank, but by the entire Slovene banking system. Housing loans, in particular, were in low demand. Despite a well-diversified offering of real estate and its relatively favourable prices, consumers were reluctant to take out real estate loans. On the other hand, the Bank saw a year-on-year increase in the demand for consumer loans, including eco-loans that are used for the financing or co-financing of environmentally-friendly projects, such as, among other things, the purchase of energysaving appliances and devices, construction of energy saving and environmentally-friendly houses, and wind and solar power plants. The total amount of consumer loans outstanding at the end of 2014 was €157 million, with the majority of these loans having the maturity of five years. The loan product called 'Kredit takoj' (Instant loan) accounted for the largest proportion among consumer loans. The total number of housing loans was 21,934 totalling €557 million, with a maximum maturity of up to 31 years. D AY 6 8 Contents of the Business Report At the end of 2014, the Bank´s market share in loans to households accounted for 9.8%, a marginal decrease on 2013. Deposit operations In 2014, the Bank devoted a great deal of effort to attracting customer deposits. Throughout the year, it managed to maintain a stable level of funding, suggesting that it has regained customer confidence. At the end of 2014, the Bank´s market share in household deposits stood at 12.8%. Most of deposits placed with the Bank by households exceed €10,000 in value. The Bank offers different types of savings products: different current deposits; non-current deposits with maturities of one, two, three or more years; savings books with different notice periods; annuity savings; savings for young people of all age ranges; ZA-TO! gradual savings plan; housing savings accounts; and a combined deposit and investment account called 'Naložbeni duet' (Investment duo) which is a combination of a deposit and an investment into KBM Infond mutual funds. In addition to standard deposit products, the Bank also offers alternative types of savings, such as investment in securities and mutual funds, and investment life insurance products. These accounts may be opened at any branch office. Marketing of other Group products and services and of insurance products The selling of Nova KBM Group products and services, and of Zavarovalnica Maribor insurance products, forms part of the permanent offering at all branch offices of the Bank. The Bank seeks to provide all products at one location, thus facilitating the access of customers to the offerings provided by the Group companies, and, with the support of sales promotion activities, achieving high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. During 2014, the Bank intensively promoted the sale of products and services offered by other Nova KBM Group companies, thereby further utilising the synergy of the Group. It also made every effort to increase the sale of existing and new insurance products of Zavarovalnica Maribor, and was successful in the sale of KBM Infond mutual funds, collecting for them €8,996,124.23, almost six-times the figure of 2013. Declining interest rates on deposits, and customers´ willingness to accept a higher ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. level of risk to potentially earn better returns contributed, apart from active selling, the most to this good result. The Bank was also successful in selling the insurance products of Zavarovalnica Maribor. At branch offices of the Bank, customers may take out life insurance policies upon taking a loan, arrange travel insurance for themselves and their family, take out different types of accident insurance, payment card loss insurance, attractive health insurance, and similar. Through intensive cross-selling of different products, in 2014 the Bank managed to increase the average number of products used by its customers by 3.25%. 10.9 / Nova KBM´s international operations In December 2014, the Bank signed a tripartite 12year, €25,000,000 long-term loan agreement with the European Investment Bank and SID Banka. In connection with this agreement, the Bank also signed a bilateral loan agreement with SID Banka. Earlier in 2014, in March, the Bank confirmed its participation in the financing programme undertaken by SID Banka to support the recovery of facilities hit by glaze ice in February, and, to that effect, signed the Agreement on Amending the Terms Applicable to the Financing of the Recovery from a Natural Disaster. Later in the year, in June, two long-term loan agreements were signed by the Bank, again with SID Banka. While one loan, amounting to €20,405,000, was provided to finance the development of competitive economic activities, the other, totalling €24,405,000, was intended for the financing of projects supporting regional and social development. Another long-term loan agreement was signed with SID Banka in November, this time of €8,570,000 and with the purpose of acquiring funding to finance projects that contribute to the development of environmentally-friendly industries and society. In July 2014, Adria Bank repaid the long-term loan of €20,000,000 which it took from Nova KBM in November 2010. D AY 6 9 Contents of the Business Report Ratings assigned to Nova KBM by international rating agencies On 30 January 2014, Moody´s Investors Service upgraded Nova KBM´s long-term deposit rating to 'Caa1' from 'Caa2', at the same time changing the outlook on the rating from 'negative' to 'stable'. In March and July, Fitch Ratings affirmed the ratings of Nova KBM. As of 31 December 2014, the ratings of Nova KBM were as follows: Fitch Ratings: BB-/B (negative outlook) Moody´s Investors Service: Caa1/Non-Prime/E (stable outlook) 10.10 / Nova KBM´s treasury operations The Bank managed its liquidity in 2014 in such a way as to ensure the settlement of all obligations that became due. By applying a conservative approach, the Bank created an adequate secondary liquidity reserve, consisting of ECB-eligible securities and interbank loans that the Bank may use for securing claims in borrowings through the instruments of the ECB, while the ECBeligible securities may also be used for entering into repos in the interbank market. During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Bank fully complied with the regulations on minimum liquidity which require the banks to maintain the Category One Liquidity Ratio (up to 30 days). The prescribed liquidity ratio is 1.0. The Bank also complied with the Bank of Slovenia regulations on obligatory deposits. The Bank manages its liquidity at both the operational and structural level. At the operational level, the Bank participated in the first half of the year in the ECB´s finetuning operations, the aim of which was to withdraw the surplus of liquidity from the market. These operations were suspended in June. In November 2014, the Bank used excess liquidity to repay the funds it had received through the ECB´s three-year longer-term refinancing operations, the original maturity dates of which were in January and February 2015. As a result of the adverse economic conditions in the Eurozone, which was reflected in subdued economic ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. growth, and in view of the low inflation rate, in June 2014 the Governing Council of the ECB adopted further monetary measures, primarily with the aim of boosting the economy. Apart from cutting the key interest rate to 0.15% (in September, this rate was further reduced to 0.05%), the ECB introduced targeted longer-term refinancing operations. The first two of these operations were conducted in September and December 2014. Banks were allowed to borrow funds through these operations up to a certain amount of their loans outstanding to the non-financial private sector in the Eurozone, excluding housing loans. The remaining six of these operations will be conducted between March 2015 and June 2016, with the amount the banks will be allowed to borrow through them depending on the growth in their portfolios of loans outstanding to the segment specified above. The Bank participated in the targeted longer-term refinancing operations conducted in December 2014. Apart from introducing targeted longer-term refinancing operations, the ECB prolonged, at least until December 2016, the implementation of the fixed-rate full-allotment main and longer-term refinancing operations. The currently applicable interest rates for the ECB operations are as follows: for the main refinancing operations 0.05%, for the marginal lending facility 0.30%, while the interest rate for the marginal deposit facility is negative at 0.20%. Since June 2014, the interest rate for the marginal deposit facility has also been applied to banks´ average reserve holdings in excess of their minimum reserve requirements. Portfolio of debt securities held in the banking book The securities held in the banking book are mainly used for the provision of an adequate liquidity reserve and for managing interest rate risk. The Bank created the portfolio of debt securities in accordance with the Nova KBM Policy of Managing the Banking Book Debt Securities Portfolio. As of 31 December 2014, the total value of debt securities held in the banking book was €1,351,385,000, up 1.6% on 2013. Government securities and securities with state guarantee accounted for 96.0% of the total banking book portfolio, followed by securities issued by other issuers, which had a 3.0% share of the portfolio, and securities issued by prime banks, which accounted for 1.0% of the portfolio. D AY 7 0 Contents of the Business Report The composition of the portfolio of debt securities held in the banking book is presented in the table below. Asset item (€000) Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets TOTAL 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 1,261,435 1,180,979 89,950 192,437 1,351,385 1,373,416 Certificates of deposit In line with its financial plan, in 2014 the Bank also issued certificates of deposit, in addition to redeeming early its own-issued certificates of deposit worth €229,000. The total amount of certificates of deposit issued by the Bank and outstanding at the end of 2014 was €21,429,000. Interest rate policy The interest rate policy of the Bank was carried out in accordance with the adopted guidelines and on the basis of its business policy and financial plan for 2014. The policy was adjusted by the Bank to reflect current conditions in the local and international financial markets, and developments in the economic environment. Trading A total of 466 currency trading transactions were concluded by the Bank in 2014. The bulk of trading in foreign exchange markets was in the most important currencies such as the euro, US dollar and Swiss franc. The number of foreign currency cash transactions reached 3,622 last year. In 2014, the Bank entered into a total of 58 derivative transactions, while the repo and reverse repo transactions were not concluded by the Bank last year. The Bank continued to act as a primary dealer for the treasury bills issued by the Ministry of Finance. Last year, at auctions carried out by the Ministry of Finance, it purchased, both on behalf of customer accounts and for its own account, treasury bills of various maturities worth about €305,227,000 in total, which made up 19.5% of the total value of treasury bills issued by the Ministry of Finance last year. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 10.11 / Nova KBM´s brokerage services Last year, a total of 8,612 transactions were concluded by the Bank in domestic and foreign markets, with the value of these transactions being 23.57% higher than in 2013. On the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Nova KBM concluded transactions worth €102,400,000 in total, while the total amount of transactions concluded in 2014 in the international capital markets was €166,074,000. The value of transactions carried out through unregulated capital markets reached €59,000. At the end of 2013, Nova KBM introduced a new product enabling customers to have their funds managed within the KBM Infond Cover Fund. A total of €2,286,000 was collected last year through this product. In 2014, Nova KBM took over the investment banking business of Probanka. This, and the introduction of several new investment banking products, helped Nova KBM strengthen its market position in this segment. The average daily value of trading portfolios of equity instruments was €129,000 in 2014. The return generated by the Bank in 2014 on the average value of trading portfolios of equity instruments reached 52.20%, compared to a return of 1.20% reported for the EUROSTOXX 50 index. 10.12 / Human resource management at Nova KBM Employees In its attitude towards its employees, the Bank fosters the culture of mutual respect, and encourages employees to foster reciprocal trust, and engage in constant learning, professional development as well as responsible and efficient work. In addition, it supports teamwork and responsibility towards colleagues, while at the same time ensuring employees receive all their social security entitlements and have a safe working environment. In 2014, activities related to human resource management were carried out in line with the adopted staff policy based on the strategic and business objectives of the Bank, with emphasis on the professional development D AY 7 1 Contents of the Business Report 48% the educAtionAl level ofNovaKBMemployees improved in2014,with48% ofthetotalstaffhavingatleast auniversitydegree. of employees, but with due consideration for cost optimisation that will result from the Restructuring Programme. All the activities were implemented in accordance with the applicable legislation, taking into consideration the principles of ethical conduct and nondiscrimination. At the end of 2014, the Bank had 1,124 employees, down 77 on 2013. A total of 94 employees ended their employment, while the number of new employees reached 17. There were 1,119 permanent and five fixed-term employees working at the Bank at the end of last year. Terminations of employment were mainly the result of the Bank encouraging the retirement of older workers, and of natural fluctuations, but also due to changes in business processes (i.e. their automation and centralisation). In taking staff reduction measures, due regard was given to the integrity of employees, always taking into account their contribution to the success of the Bank. New staff were hired in a prudent manner, and only in cases where the need for staff could not have been covered by internal transfers, and the failure to fill the vacancy would result in a breach of the requirements imposed by the regulator, or in a disruption of the work process. Staff were hired also through student work agencies if less qualified positions had to be filled. 72% ThenumberofNovaKBM´s internAl trAining progrAmmes increAsed year-on-yearby72%. The number of Nova KBM employees in 2014 and 2013 is presented in the table below. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND THE AVERAGE EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES 47% 39% 46% 48% 40% 37% 14% High school degree or lower 2013 Total number of employees on the last day of the year 1,124 1,201 Average number of employees* 1,175 1,267 Number of new employees 17 14 Number of employees who left 94 93 Number of permanent employees 1,119 1,189 Number of fixed-term employees 5 12 32 39 * Arithmetic mean; as of the last day of the year. College degree University degree or higher 2014 Average in 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 2013 Number of disabled employees 15% 14% 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Employee demographics The average age of employees working at the Bank in 2014 was 46.5 years. On average, the proportion of women was 79% and the proportion of men was 21%. D AY 7 2 Contents of the Business Report Year-on-year, the educational level of employees changed in favour of those having at least a college degree. This was also a consequence of both the Bank´s staff policy over the last few years and the requirements dictated by the regulator, market and business environment. Remuneration of employees Most of the employees working at the Bank are in close contact with the customers, who require them to be highly trained and to possess appropriate skills and know-how. Only exceptionally motivated employees are capable of making customers satisfied and contributing to good business results. As in previous years, in 2014 the Bank continued its practice of evaluating the motivation of employees through annual interviews, in addition to measuring their motivation through quarterly assessments of their work performance. The motivation of employees, which is demonstrated by their commitment to work, was rewarded by the Bank in financial and non-financial ways, taking into consideration the applicable remuneration rules. In view of the requirement to reduce costs, horizontal promotions were rare in 2014, while vertical promotions were made in cases where this was necessary to satisfy the needs of work processes. Competency model as a tool for staffing and the professional development of employees In 2014, the Bank started taking steps to improve the competencies of employees. This was necessary in order to comply with the commitment regarding the reduction in the number of staff, as set out in the Restructuring Programme, and to align the remuneration of individual employees with their performance in an even more unbiased fashion. The setting up of a competency model to serve as the basis for the utilisation of the capabilities of each employee constitutes one of the challenges to be dealt with in 2015. Quality of work and life The Bank strives to create in the long run a work environment in which employees, despite their family obligations, will be productive and satisfied with their work. In order to find an efficient combination of professional life and family obligations, it is necessary to develop mutual trust and cooperation, which the Bank, as a holder of the basic 'Family-Friendly Company ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Certificate', has been building year after year. Last year, the Bank took a significant step forward in this area by adopting the Policy on Balancing Professional and Private Lives of Employees. For 2015, the Bank has set itself a goal of upgrading its role in helping employees balance their working and private lives by obtaining the full 'Family-Friendly Company Certificate'. Apart from offering certain benefits, the Bank helps its employees who find themselves in straitened circumstances by means of providing financial aid. In so doing, it takes into consideration the provisions of relevant collective employment agreements. Further details in this regard are given in the section headed 'Sustainable development'. Health as a primary value The Bank continued to pay attention to the health of employees. The Bank´s health policy is based on preventive measures. In 2014, the Bank organised preventive health check-ups for a total of 320 employees. Preventive health measures were further upgraded through an intensive campaign aimed at developing among employees a more responsible concern for a healthy lifestyle, and by organising education programmes on health care. The Bank offered its employees the opportunity to get vaccinated against seasonal flu, and organised for them a smoking cessation course, workshops on managing stress at work, and workshops on the importance of interpersonal relations. Also, throughout the year employees could take advantage of anonymous psychological help. Activities undertaken by the Bank to promote a healthy lifestyle will be further widened in 2015 by organising workshops on managing stress and on healthy nutrition. Moreover, the Bank will continue to enable its employees to participate in the recreational programmes organised by the internal sports club. Safety at work The Bank provides its employees with healthy work environment and safe work conditions, as well as with training on safety and health at work. All new employees were in 2014 trained in safety and health at work. In addition, periodical training on safety and health at work D AY 7 3 Contents of the Business Report was organised for employees working in places that, according to the Risk Assessment Analysis, were regarded as posing increased risk. Training on safety and health at work was also given to students hired by the Bank. Two work accidents were recorded by the Bank last year. Special attention is devoted to the needs, wishes and proposal of employees with respect to training. Proposals of employees regarding the training were, to the maximum extent practicable, taken into consideration in the preparation of the 2014 Training Catalogue. Insurance as an investment in the future and health The Bank gives its employees the option to join a voluntary supplementary pension insurance scheme. A total of 56% of all the employees were included in this insurance scheme at the end of last year. As in previous years, in addition to the regulatory required and regular ones, the Bank carried out several new training programmes adapted to the needs of the work and Bank operations, thereby enriching the work of employees in practice. Through the Bank, the employees, as well as their family members, may also join the collective accident insurance scheme. The employees working in places of increased risk, as determined by the Risk Assessment Analysis, are covered for the risk of accident. Besides planned training programmes included in the Training Catalogue, in 2014 the Bank organised other training sessions in response to needs arising during the year. Provision of a smooth work process Last year, the Bank drew up the Succeeding Programme and the Replacement Policy. Succession is based on appropriate training and development of selected individuals with the aim of ensuring that vacant positions are taken over by competent staff who are capable of assuming management tasks. The purpose of the replacement scheme is to ensure a smooth work process during the periods of unforeseen or foreseen absence from work of an employee. Communication The Bank strives to maintain an open dialogue with its employees and trade union. Face-to-face communication is corroborated by communication through the staff portal, the Bank´s intranet site, relevant publications in the internal newspaper, etc. Training of employees The training and professional development of employees are systematically planned through annual staff plans, which are an integral part of the Bank´s Staff Policy and of the business and financial plans. In 2014, the internal staff development practices were upgraded by adopting the Nova KBM Regulations on Education, Training and Career Building. These substantively regulate the education of employees, planning and implementation of training programmes, apprenticeships, induction, probationary period, and practical training of students and pupils. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The Bank recognises that constant training and thereby investment in the knowledge of its employees contributes to their professional and personal development, while for the Bank this means the advantage of having an adequately skilled workforce. Internal and external training programmes In 2014, the Bank continued to organise internal training programmes, the majority of which were given by internal experts. A total of 50 different training programmes were carried out last year, with a total of 849 employees, or 72% of all employees, taking part in them (318 repetitions, 3,950 participants). Compared to 2013, the number of internal training programmes increased by 72%. Internal training programmes are flexible in terms of content and time. The additional value of internal training programmes is also reflected in positive reception of such training by employees, which is due to the fact that lecturers come from their own ranks and are therefore easier for employees to identify with. The Bank constantly encourages its employees to internally transfer their knowledge and information to interested colleagues. In 2014, the Bank registered almost 5,300 participations in training programmes. A total of 76% of all employees took part in internal or external training programmes, with each employee spending on average 16 hours in training. In the cases where the Bank was not able to find D AY 7 4 Contents of the Business Report equivalent training programmes in Slovenia, employees were allowed to take part in training programmes abroad. A great deal of focus and energy was directed last year towards upgrading the sales skills of employees working in the commercial segment, and setting up an efficient system for the management of staff with the aim of enhancing communication between employees, transferring good practices, and strengthening collaboration between employees. Development of mobile trainers Significant efforts were made last year to train and develop mobile or internal coaches in the commercial segment. The purpose of providing training to mobile coaches was to ensure they were qualified to transfer know-how and skills within the Bank. Practical training of pupils and students The Bank enables pupils and students to engage in practical training and thus to become acquainted with the Bank and its work processes, while at the same allowing them to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities. 10.13 / Internal development of Nova KBM In line with its strategic directions, in 2014 the Bank concentrated on the overhaul of its business processes. To that effect, it defined the desired state of most of its business processes with the aim of complying with the following strategic objectives: 1. Focus on customers. 2. Continuous development and implementation of new and upgraded banking and other services. 3. Process organisation. 4. Provision of contemporary information technology. 5. Efficient and profitable operations. 6. Development of the Nova KBM Group. Focus on customers The Bank maintained professional relationships with its customers, taking into consideration their needs identified through the newly defined process of selling products and services to corporate and retail customers. Further details in this regard are given in the section headed 'Sustainable development'. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Continuous development and implementation of new and upgraded banking and other services With the aim of providing ongoing development of new services and revamping its existing offerings, the Bank set up the Development Department. As part of the overhaul of its business processes, the Bank defined the product development process, which encompasses all stages of a product launch, from the identification of needs/ideas for new products, through the transfer of product concepts into production, to the delivery of new products. In addition, the Bank has conferred appropriate responsibilities on various departments that are to work together in the product implementation process. Process organisation In order to introduce process organisation, the Bank has, as part of the overhaul of its business processes, determined the methodology for managing business processes. This methodology includes details with regard to ensuring the alignment of business processes with the strategy of the Bank, as well as details regarding the definition of roles and responsibilities, the management of process architecture, the management of business process changes, and the creation of a comprehensive framework for setting up a system for efficiency management. Provision of contemporary information technology To cut down on its costs, the Bank has decided to pursue the goal of having its own, self-developed and centralised IT system. Efficient and profitable operations Within the overhaul of its business processes, the Bank has set up a framework for the allocation of staff costs to individual activities and products, which will facilitate decision-making regarding the development or discontinuation of products. Development of the Nova KBM Group The goal of Nova KBM is the development and successful performance of the entire Nova KBM Group. As part of the project of overhauling its business processes, the Bank has made an inventory of, and has partially redefined, the process of corporate governance and cooperation between Nova KBM and its subsidiaries for the purpose of achieving synergies across the entire Group. D AY 7 5 Contents of the Business Report Development of Nova KBM´s information technology support Nova KBM itself develops technological support for its business processes. In accordance with its information technology policy, the Bank uses its own staff for the development of its key information technology solutions. In-house development of the key components of its information system, and architectural and systematic management of outsourcers, enables the Bank to take a focused approach to the design of the entire infrastructure at different levels: from processes and business software to system infrastructure. In 2014, the Bank entered the final stage of its in-house development and pilot use of consolidated e-banking services (Bank@Net and Poslovni Bank@Net) through uniform information support for the corporate and retail customers. The data warehouse, which is being developed by the Bank´s own staff to provide strategic information support, was functionally upgraded in 2014 for the needs of application solutions that support decision-making and reporting processes. As part of the overhaul of its business processes and organisational structure, the Bank adapted and optimised the key process used to support the management of changes in the information technology support system. The overhaul of business processes also served as a basis to continue work on the upgrade of the Bank´s information system. As part of the planned upgrade and consolidation of its central transaction system, and with the aim of establishing the basis for future architecture programme optimization, in 2014 the Bank continued efforts to integrate the kernel of the transaction system and its key sub-components into its own-developed environment. The replenishment and consolidation of data on corporate deposits in the central transaction system was successfully completed, while the design for a complete consolidation of all key technological and information sub-components into a uniform transaction system was drawn up and approved. Moreover, information solutions were being successfully developed to support the accomplishment of business objectives, and the work continued on the consolidation ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. and optimization of information support within the Nova KBM Group. In the area of computer infrastructure, the focus remained on cost optimization and efforts aimed at enhancing the efficiency of IT equipment. In accordance with the adopted information technology support strategy, the installation of new tape libraries, a key element in the provision of backup and archive copies of data, was completed by way of a successful migration intervention, affirming the Bank´s commitment to having its hardware upgraded on a regular basis. Furthermore, preparation work for internal consolidation of the IT infrastructure in the area of server environment virtualization and databases was concluded using inhouse know-how, as was a significant part of the project aimed at consolidating the server environment. Workstations and other information equipment used in branch offices and other organisational units of the Bank were continuously upgraded to meet the requirements of the work process. Investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Investments in information technology support Investments were made in computer hardware equipment used to provide backup and archive copies of data. Last year, particular attention was devoted to ensuring high operating efficiency and availability of equipment at workstations. To that effect, the Bank made regular upgrades to computer software and hardware, including personal and portable computers as well as periphery units, and encouraged shared use of multifunctional devices to achieve a significant optimization in document processing. As regards the server equipment of branch offices, work was carried out to optimize and upgrade computer hardware and system software. Unification and virtualisation of branch office servers and the database environment were carried out. Much emphasis was placed on the reduction of costs related to IT equipment. In this context, the Bank made an investment in the architectural consolidation of D AY 7 6 Contents of the Business Report computer equipment, including used at the Nova KBM Group level. The Bank also invested in business software in order to facilitate the accomplishment of its business objectives. Of the amount spent on business software, the largest proportion was used for the optimization and consolidation of the Bank´s central information system for the purpose of its architectural uniformity and efficient support to business processes. In addition, funds were earmarked for the consolidation of software used to support e-banking services provided to customers, and for the functional upgrade of these services. Investments in buildings Due to the adverse economic conditions, the investments in buildings were undertaken in a most rational manner. In 2014, the Bank continued to refurbish its branch offices and other facilities with the aim of arranging them in such a way as to create an optimum working environment and a place where customers can be served effectively. During 2014, the Bank arranged new premises adjacent to its Celje branch office, moving its corporate banking services there, and refurbished the Europark branch office and the Ljubljanska branch office. Apart from that, it carried out some smaller works, either to reduce operating costs or to provide more efficient customer services. Investments in the mechanographic and other equipment Purchases of mechanographic equipment were being made in line with the plan, taking into account the actual need or the wear and tear of equipment. The amount of funds spent in 2014 on this equipment was slightly lower than projected, in part reflecting overall reductions in investment spending. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 7 7 g r e y d Ay s A r e i l l u m i n At e d by those moments of decision, w h e n w e tA k e t h e g e r m o f A v i s i o n A n d b e g i n c r e At i n g o u r f u t u r e . o u r p l A n s f o r 2 015 Contents of the Business Report 11/PLANS FOR 2015 The Nova KBM Supervisory Board consented to the 2015 financial plan of the Bank and the Group in midDecember 2014. Set out below is a summary of the 2015 financial plan of Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group, which has been prepared by taking into consideration the commitments given to the European Commission. be €3,536 million at the end of 2015, the year-on-year reduction in this category will derive mainly from the repayment of funds to the creditor banks, the maturing of certificates of deposits issued by the Bank, and a decline in investments in the equity of subsidiaries and associates. The Nova KBM Group plans to accomplish most of the work related to its consolidation by the end of 2015. In this regard, Adria Bank is expected to cease its operations and to return its licence for providing banking services, while the liquidation proceedings against KBM Leasing and Gorica Leasing, and the transfer of assets of these two companies to Nova KBM, are planned to be completed during the year. The net interest income earned by Nova KBM in 2015 is expected to be €93 million. Due to lower average interest rates, the Bank expects to see a decline in both interest income and interest expenses. The interest margin of the Bank is projected to be 2.62% in 2015. According to the financial plan, net fees and commissions earned by the Bank in 2015 will amount to €43 million, approximately the same as in 2014. The total assets of the Nova KBM Group are expected to be €4,308 million at the end of 2015. The reduction in the business volume relative to last year will derive mainly from the repayment of funds to the creditor banks. The net profit delivered by the Nova KBM Group is expected to amount to €28 million. The largest proportion of income earned by the Nova KBM Group in 2015 will come from the net interest income and the net fee and commission income, which are estimated to be €118 million and €59 million, respectively. The interest margin, expressed as a ratio between net interest income and the average total assets, is projected to be 2.72%. The Nova KBM Group will further reduce its operating costs, and plans to bring them down to approximately €103 million in 2015. Net provisioning charges are planned to be €45 million in 2015. Nova KBM will continue taking measures to reduce its operating costs. These costs are expected to be approximately €72 million in 2015, providing a cost-toincome ratio (CIR) of 51.56%. Net provisioning charges incurred by the Bank in 2015 will be about €30 million. A reduction in total assets is also planned by the parent company of the Nova KBM Group, Nova KBM. While it is estimated that its balance sheet total will ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Nova KBM expects to end the financial year of 2015 with a net profit of €35 million. 28mln For 2015, the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM expect to report a net profit of €28 million and €35 million, respectively. D AY 7 9 we do not eXist without others And others d o n o t e X i s t w i t h o u t u s . o n ly t o g e t h e r c A n w e b e r e A dy f o r t o m o r r o w. s u s tA i n A b l e development Contents of the Business Report 12 /SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Main guidelines and achievements in the area of social responsibility and concern for sustainable development in 2014 By having the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Programme as an integral part of their strategy, both the Bank and the Group demonstrate their awareness of the important role of the banking industry in the business world. During 2014, the Bank further broadened its social responsibility agenda and concern for sustainable development, while at the same time making efforts to include employees in the projects undertaken in this area. Nova KBM sees its responsibility towards society as a combination of the provision of efficient and responsible corporate governance, the commitment of dedicated staff, concern for the financial literacy of customers, accountable use of financial services that bring added value to customers, and its active integration into society. Priority objectives which the Bank pursues in the area of social responsibility and sustainable development are as follows: • to enhance the reputation of the Bank and the trust placed in it by the public • to improve the financial literacy of various target groups of customers • to improve its competitive position • to increase the loyalty and commitment of employees. The Bank demonstrates its social responsibility in several ways, and by developing proper attitudes towards its business and social environment, the details of which are set out below: • Attitude towards the owner and investors. • Concern for the natural environment. • Attitude towards customers, clients and suppliers. • Building the loyalty of employees. • Attitude towards the media. • Integration into the local environment and broader community. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Areas of social responsibility and sustainable development ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE OWNER AND INVESTORS CONCERN FOR THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2014 Provisionofsupportnecessaryto conductfinancialandlegalduediligence oftheBank,andthesupplyofrelevant informationtopotentialinvestors. Dedicationoffundsreceivedfromthesale ofwastetonercartridgesforcharitable purposestotheCerebralPalsyAssociation ofSlovenia(Sonček). Gradualswitchtopaperlessoperations andincreaseduseofelectronicchannels tocommunicatewithcontemporary customers. Developmentofseveralbankingservices withaddedvalueforcustomersandclients (at-calldepositaccount,theapplication 'varčevalnik'(Saver),andprovisionofnew ATMservices). ATTITUDE TOWARDS CUSTOMERS, CLIENTS AND SUPPLIERS Implementationofseveralinitiatives aimedatimprovingfinancialliteracyofthe youngestsaversaswellasyoungandretired customers. Upgradeofthewebsitetoprovidean enhanceduserexperience,sales-focusand presentationoftheuseofbankingservices throughvariouslifesituations. Inclusionoflocalsuppliersinareaswhere theprocurementhasnotbeencentralised. BUILDING THE LOYALTY OF EMPLOYEES Onaverage,117employeestookpartineach internalinitiativeaimedatbuildinguployalty betweentheBankanditsemployees. ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE MEDIA Proactivecommunicationofthetopicsmost relevanttotheBank´soperations. Awell-receivedcharitycampaigncalled 'DonateaBook,DonateaFuture'wascarried outincooperationwiththeFriendsofyouth AssociationofSlovenia,throughwhichthe INTEGRATION Bankcollectedchildren´sandadolescents´ INTO THE LOCAL booksfromitsemployeesandcustomersfor ENVIRONMENT AND thepurposeofarrangingchildren´slibraries BROADER COMMUNITY atholidayhousesoftheFriendsofyouth AssociationofSlovenia.Inaddition,theBank gaveagrantforthecharityprojectcalled 'Godparentship'. D AY 8 1 Contents of the Business Report Attitude towards the owner and investors Based on a decision of the Bank of Slovenia to impose extraordinary measures on Nova KBM, the Republic of Slovenia recapitalised Nova KBM, thereby helping it to strengthen its financial position and improve the quality of its assets. Through the state-sponsored recapitalisation, carried out on 18 December 2013, the Republic of Slovenia became a 100% owner of the Bank. Upon the recapitalisation, the Republic of Slovenia announced that it intends to sell its entire shareholding in the Bank, presumably in 2016. To that effect, the procedure to sell the Bank started in 2014. The sale of the Bank is being implemented, on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, by the SSH, which has commissioned Lazard Frères to carry out a two-level selling process. Further details in this regard are given in the section headed 'Programmes and projects aimed at restoring the profitability of the Nova KBM Group'. In 2014, the Bank maintained and even strengthened its relationships with several international institutions which monitor the implementation of its Restructuring Programme, as well as other analytical and rating companies. Being the second largest bank in Slovenia, Nova KBM is among the systemically important banks, with the result that it became subject to the single supervisory mechanism (SSM), starting from 4 November 2014. The SSM has put in place a new bank supervision system that involves the ECB and competent national supervisors of the Eurozone countries. The senior management and managers of key departments of the Bank were introduced to an ECB supervisory team at the kick-off meeting at the beginning of last December. During 2014, the Bank informed the owner, potential investors and the public in general of all topics relevant to its operations, always in accordance with the applicable legislation and in a transparent manner. It made 61 public announcements (in English and Slovene) through the SEOnet system, and promptly responded to enquiries from potential investors during the privatisation process, while to other interested members of the public it responded at any time. Concern for the natural environment To demonstrate its responsible conduct, and with the aim of reducing its negative environmental impacts, in 2014 the Bank undertook several projects, all of which ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. had a double effect: they contributed to a reduction of negative effects on the environment, at the same time helping the Bank to cut down on operating costs. In this regard, the Bank pursued the following two objectives: • to reduce consumption of materials and costs • to search for renewable supply sources. The best results were achieved in the use of office materials, confirming once again the effectiveness of pre-determining cost limits for each organisational unit and of using a centralised service for the procurement of office materials. In this segment, the Bank saw a year-on-year reduction in costs of 12.6%. Apart from cutting costs, the Bank also managed to reduce the use of printed materials by making efforts for several years to actively raise the employees´ awareness of the importance of migrating to e-operations. With a year-on-year reduction of 20.6% in costs related to toner cartridges, the decision to start using renewable ones proved to be correct. Funds received from the sale of waste toner cartridges were dedicated for charity purposes to the Cerebral Palsy Association of Slovenia (Sonček). Costs related to the purchase of restroom supplies went down by 16.8% compared to 2013. Paperless operations were further widened, particularly in the area of communication with customers that use modern distribution channels provided by the Bank. The amount of paper used by the Bank declines as the number of customers using modern distribution channels increases. Cost item Period Cost reduction (%) Office materials Δ(2014/2013) (12.6) Toner cartridges Δ(2014/2013) (20.6) Restroom supplies Δ(2014/2013) (16.8) By separating waste, the Bank directly contributes to the reduction of negative effects on the environment. Separate collection of waste, introduced by the Bank in 2013, continued throughout last year. The amount of waste produced by the Bank was further reduced as a result of the consolidation and reduction of business premises and the reduction in the number of staff. D AY 8 2 Contents of the Business Report Refurbishment of business premises is only carried out after taking ecological aspects into consideration. In 2014, the Bank refurbished its Ljubljanska branch office, using for this purpose the remade existing furniture, instead of purchasing new furniture. The Bank is aware of the importance of energy efficiency. The centrally installed energy monitoring systems in its three largest buildings in Maribor make it possible for the Bank to monitor the use of energy products and the functioning of machines on a daily basis. In 2014, the Bank requested an energy check of its main office buildings to be carried out. Based on the results, a proposal has been drafted for organisational and investment measures to be implemented in 2015. For example, all larger office buildings of the Bank will be equipped with central energy monitoring systems. A reduction in the consumption of energy products is a concern of all the Bank employees. Nova KBM joined the project called 'A Day Without a Car', carried out as part of the European Mobility Week. With the aim of encouraging its employees and customers to use more environmentally-friendly means of transportation in city centres, the Bank allowed several bicycle stands to be placed in the courtyards of its central buildings in Maribor and Nova Gorica. A total of 123 Bank employees took part in the project, choosing to come to work on that day by bicycle, bus or train, or on foot. The Bank continued to purchase equipment that is the most energy-efficient and the operation of which has minimum negative effects on the environment. Attitude towards customers, clients and suppliers Customers and clients In planning its marketing activities for 2014, the Bank devoted a great deal of attention to the needs and wishes of its customers and extended its offerings by introducing several new products. One of these is the 'at-call deposit account', developed by the Bank to respond to conditions in the market and to allow its customers to save money over a long period of time, while having the opportunity to withdraw the funds held in the account in case of need. The Bank upgraded its application called 'Varčevalnik' (Saver), which is a type of virtual savings book available ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. to customers using on-line or mobile banking facilities. This application helps customers attain their savings objectives, also by providing friendly advice and reminders. Moreover, the Bank introduced the option to use ATMs to request transfers of funds between accounts, and the option to request an SMS receipt for this service. In addition, it enabled its customers to carry out simpler activation of the Moneta service. Towards the end of 2014, the Bank started a complete overhaul of its payment card offering, which it will continue in 2015. This overhaul introduces several technological changes, such as contactless payments, payments in instalments, and the option to use ATMs to create or change a card PIN, all of which is being done by the Bank to follow the recent trends and to adjust the offering to the contemporary needs of its customers. Further details about new services and distributions channels are given in the section headed 'New and upgraded services and distribution channels of Nova KBM'. Based on the results of user experience analyses, in 2014 the Bank made several upgrades to its website, including the addition of new functionalities. The website now welcomes users by showing various life situations, provides simple links to its product offerings as well as an enhanced user experience, and is more salesfocused. By being set up on a contemporary platform, it may also be browsed on mobile devices – tablet computers and smartphones. In April 2014, the Bank adjusted its offering of housing and consumer loans to the needs and wishes of the market. The maximum maturity of housing loans was extended from 25 to 31 years, with the minimum monthly instalment being reduced. The maturity of consumer loans was extended from eight to 12 years, while the minimum monthly instalment was reduced from €42 to €35. An internal marketing model has been set up by the Bank, the purpose of which is to identify employees as customers of the Bank, to help them gain better knowledge and understanding of the products and services provided by the Bank, as well as to convince them to become exclusive users of newly-launched products. By implementing this model, the employees have started to take a role as ambassadors of the Bank´s brand name and promoters of its services. D AY 8 3 Contents of the Business Report The Bank devotes particular attention to the satisfaction of customers, which it regularly monitors. According to a customer satisfaction survey of December 2014, the Bank managed to retain the customer satisfaction at the 2013 level, meaning that 95% of its customers were satisfied with the service provided, of which 64% claimed to be very satisfied. In 2014, the Bank focused even more on customer relationships and further enhanced communication with them, also by participating in various events, taking into account the results of various customer satisfaction surveys it had conducted. At ten professional and eight social gatherings the Bank strengthened relations with customers and business partners of the entire Group. Through various channels, the Bank monitors customer complaints, aiming to solve them in the most efficient manner. During 2014, a total of 14 practical workshops were held to instruct the employees in how to respond to customer complaints in an effective fashion. Providing advice to corporate customers – Entrepreneur Centre In line with its strategic policies, the Bank devotes a great deal of attention to small and medium-sized companies, and encourages entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. The advisory role of the Bank is strengthened through the work of its Entrepreneur Centre (in partnership with the Institute for Entrepreneurship Research). Several free workshops and consultations were carried out by this centre at which advice was given to businesses on how to apply for EU funds and prepare project documentation. The Bank participated actively in the PODIM international conference, and presented its current offerings at several fairs. Raising financial awareness among young people The Bank devotes a great deal of energy to teaching children and young people about the proper and prudent handling of money. In the middle of last year, it presented to the youngest children a new mascot called Dindin, in order to help children acquire, through play and in a funny and simple manner, the basics of savings and learn how to prudently handle their money. Children may meet Dindin in person at presentations and workshops. In addition, the Dindin website is available, where entertaining games and advice on savings are provided, ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 95% In2014,asmanyas95% of novA kbm customers clAimed to be sAtisfied withtheserviceprovided–thesameproportion asin2013. Aswellasreducing the money spent on tonercartridgesby20.6%lastyear,NovaKBM dedicatedthefundsreceivedfromthesaleofwaste tonercartridgesforchArity purposestothe CerebralPalsyAssociationofSlovenia(Sonček). NovaKBMjoinedtheproject'ADayWithoutaCar', with 128 of its employees tAking pArt in this initiAtive. A totAl of 2,200 books were collected byNovaKBMlastyearforthepurposeof establishinglibrariesatthechildren´sholiday housesoftheFriendsofyouthAssociationof Slovenia. D AY 8 4 Contents of the Business Report as is content for parents. Through the 'Sveta vladar' (Ruler of the world) website, the Bank provided young people with useful advice related to their schooling, work and leisure activities, and taught them about how to use modern payment products (payment cards and Moneta) and services (mobile banking). Last year, the Bank took part in the Demola project, the purpose of which was to encourage the cooperation between the University of Maribor and companies engaged in economic activities. The Bank launched a challenge on how to raise money using innovative technology, thereby getting an insight into how the banking services are understood by students. Environmentally-friendly products In 2014, the Bank remained focused on introducing products and customer relations procedures that are environmentally-friendly. In the area of customer notification, the number of electronic notices increasingly replaced the number of standard, printed-form notices. Among the products it offers, the Bank includes special purpose eco-loans, which are granted at more favourable interest rates compared to standard commercial loans, thereby supporting its customers in their environmental protection efforts. Suppliers The Bank and the Group continued pursuing the procure ment policy guidelines, which were adopted in 2013. Procurement is carried out in accordance with the prescribed procedure and in a transparent manner. Various criteria are used in the selection of suppliers, always taking into consideration the price and references of suppliers. While the Bank aims to build long-term partner relationships with suppliers that guarantee the stability of supply, it regularly verifies the current supply conditions in the market. All potential suppliers are informed of the selection criteria and are treated equally. Partner relationships with suppliers are strengthened through dialogue and mutual trust. Employees involved in the selection of suppliers were subject to appropriate training. A system of custody by type of costs has been introduced, and this will be ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. expanded to include the system of custody by suppliers. All suppliers are subject to a check at the time of the selection process and during the Bank´s contractual relationship with them, at least once a year. To facilitate the procurement function, the Bank is in the process of introducing standard procurement agreements, along with pre-defined and obligatory appendices. The operations of the Bank are diversified throughout the territory of Slovenia. Therefore, in cases where the procurement is not centralised or involves more than one supplier, the Bank tries to contract as many local suppliers as possible, with branch offices in the Nova Gorica region being particularly successful in this regard. The control of procurement has been centralised. By setting up the Cost Committee, which verifies all procurement agreements worth over €15,000 and monitors the movements in costs and investments on a monthly basis, the Bank managed to further enhance the control of procurement. Building the loyalty of employees 2014 was the third year since the Bank was awarded the basic 'Family-Friendly Company Certificate' and bound itself to implement 13 measures to promote its familyfriendly status. This certificate serves as a platform for the Bank to set up an organisational environment that will respect the private lives of employees and where employees with family obligations will feel accepted. In 2014, the Bank adopted a policy of helping employees balance their professional and personal lives, thereby making a significant step towards pursuing the objectives it has set itself in this regard. The policy sets out principles and basic guidelines that must be followed in the implementation of measures arising from the 'FamilyFriendly Company Certificate' and that serve as the basis for any decision made or conduct undertaken with respect to supporting employees in their efforts to reconcile their work and private lives. A workshop was given by the Bank last year to make its employees aware of the measures that a family-friendly company must implement. In accordance with the policy referred to above, parents of children enrolling in kindergarten or primary school were entitled to paid work absence and, in exceptional circumstances, could have even bring their children with them to the office. In collaboration with the trade union, D AY 8 5 Contents of the Business Report the Bank gave Christmas gifts to children, and enabled employees working in branch offices to negotiate more flexible working time. Information about the needs and opinions of employees is received through continuous dialogue and open communication with them, and also through annual interviews, which have been going on for a number of years. These interviews are not meant only to monitor the satisfaction of employees and to determine realistic and measurable goals, but also to provide information about the career wishes and plans of employees and about their desire to acquire additional skills. Last but not least, possibilities and proposals are discussed at interviews regarding how to properly balance professional and family lives. The Bank continued to pay attention to the health of employees and to safety in the workplace. Further details in this regard are provided in the section headed 'Human resource management at Nova KBM'. Being aware that the health of employees in their workplace depends on numerous factors related to their professional and private lives, the Bank provided its employees and their family members for the second consecutive year with the option to take advantage of free anonymous external psychological help, either via phone or in person. Good relations between employees can be a strong motivational factor for work and can help employees develop an affiliation to a company. To learn about the importance of interpersonal relationships and the options for their improvement, the Bank, in cooperation with a psychologist, organised a workshop for its employees on this topic and on efficient communication. During 2014, five regular meetings were held between the managers of main branch offices, the Management Board, and senior managers of the Retail Banking Division. The purpose of these meetings, which were well accepted by the managers, was to improve the flow of information, present relevant facts, and exchange good practices and useful innovations to be used by employees in branch offices. Internal communication and internal programmes for employees In the area of internal communication, in 2014 the Bank continued implementing measures necessary to ensure the employees were better informed about ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. issues relevant to the operations of the Bank, with an improved hierarchical flow of information being one of the most important innovations. Several steps were taken aimed at nurturing a pleasant and productive working atmosphere, resulting in the employees being more committed to work. As part of an internal programme for employees operated under the umbrella name 'Pripravljeni na...' (Ready for...), four different initiatives were carried out in the areas of charity, health, responsibility towards the environment, good relations in the workplace, and internal promotion of the use of modern services provided by the Bank. These initiatives were supported by a large proportion of staff, with 117 employees per initiative on average taking part. At the end of the year, the Bank decided to earmark funds, which would otherwise have been spent on business gifts, for the charity project called 'Godparentship', and organised a charity campaign called 'Donate a Book, Donate a Future', through which it collected books to be used for arranging and filling children´s libraries at holiday houses of the Friends of Youth Association of Slovenia. The Bank pursued its policy of distributing all information relevant to the operations of the Bank via e-circulars, while at the same time introducing new communication channels and improving the flow of information through face-to-face communication. A total of 154 circulars were received by the Bank employees last year, with an additional ten circulars being distributed to all the employees of the Group. In addition, four issues of the internal newspaper Med Nami were released last year in electronic form. On average, a total of 25 employees participated in the creation of each issue of the internal newspaper by contributing articles. Distributing the internal newspaper in electronic form makes it possible for the Bank to connect better with employees and establish a dialogue with them, thereby giving them an opportunity to participate actively in the creation of content for the newspaper. To achieve synergy effects, the Bank worked actively with other Group companies throughout 2014 to develop common marketing activities across a variety of communication channels. The Bank continued implementing communication guidelines in order to keep its employees better informed about the most relevant topics, and to help them provide adequate information to customers and business partners. A total of six communication guidelines were provided to employees last year. In addition, several recommendations were given to managers on how to effectively pass on relevant information to their subordinates. D AY 8 6 Contents of the Business Report Survey on communication efficiency For the purpose of improving the efficiency of communication and facilitating the hierarchical flow of information, in September 2014 the Bank conducted a survey on the internal communication efficiency, with as many as one-third of the total employees taking part in it. The average satisfaction of employees with information was rated at 3.43 (out of the 5 available points). While the satisfaction was the highest among the employees working in the eastern part of Slovenia, it decreased with distance from the head office. The most used sources of information were circulars, the internet and superiors. The source of information and the method of its provision were regarded as the most important factors contributing to the satisfaction with information, with 75.9% of the employees expressing a desire to receive information directly from their superiors. Given that the longest communication path from the source to the recipient was identified in areas with more than one level of management, increased attention will be given in the future to employees in this situation. Attitude towards the media The Bank devotes a great deal of attention to its relationship with the media, as part of both corporate and marketing communication. The specialised departments of the Bank furnished the media with all relevant information in order to support it in its role as a provider of objective information and to respect the public´s right to information. In 2014, the Bank upgraded its well-maintained relationship with the media by holding an increased number of personal meetings with journalists, by responding quickly to journalists´ enquiries, and through proactive communication of the topics most relevant to its operations, all of which helped it create positive publicity about itself. In addition, two press conferences were held and 15 extensive interviews were given for the most relevant media by the President and members of the Management Board. Personal meetings of key Bank speakers with journalists were also a regular practice last year. The Bank issued 27 press releases, responded to about 2,300 requests from journalists, and was mentioned more than 8,600 times in the media. The efficiency of the Bank´s media relations was assessed on the basis of its press coverage, and by conducting daily analyses and regular in-depth analyses of news published about the Bank. The year of 2014 was marked by ongoing difficult economic conditions, the start of the Bank´s privatisation, and the publication of the results of stress tests. The latter, in particular, had ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. a negative impact on public opinion about banks in Slovenia. Despite this, the Bank recorded last year an average positive press publicity of 47.6%, an increase of just over four percentage points on 2013. Integration into the local environment and broader community Sponsorships and grants As a socially responsible institution, the Bank is aware of the importance of being integrated into the broader social and local environment. Despite adverse economic conditions, it continued to take an active role in supporting higher quality of life of citizens and the development of the environment, both at the local and national levels. The Bank is also aware of its responsibility towards society. It acts as a supporter and promoter of various non-profit organisations, associations, institutions, clubs, and individuals, building with them partner relationships that contribute to the development and progress of the environment in which they operate. In 2014, the Bank continued to actively support a number of projects in the areas of culture, sports and education, in addition to supporting numerous humanitarian and other socially responsible initiatives. It provided funds to the Friends of Youth Association of Slovenia for the purpose of financially supporting a Slovenia-wide charity project called 'Godparentship', instead of spending these funds on business gifts. Sports For a number of years, the Bank has been a proud sponsor of a large number of sports events, competitions, associations, clubs and individuals, such as the freestyle skier Filip Flisar, the Golden Fox Women´s Ski Competition in Giant Slalom, the Nova KBM Branik Volleyball Club, the NK Maribor Football Club, the Tolmin Football Club, the Ajdovščina Basketball Club, the Branik Handball Club, the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia, the National Street Basketball Championship, and of some smaller sports events and collectives. In its concern for the health of its employees, the Bank supports the activities of the Nova KBM Sports Club, thereby also strengthening the affiliation of employees to the organisation. Culture Also last year, the Bank supported the Lent Festival as the main sponsor, and continued its long lasting partnership D AY 8 7 Contents of the Business Report with the Slovene National Theatre in Maribor. In addition, it provided support to the Ljubljana Festival, the Nova Gorica Cultural Association, the Nova Gorica Institute for Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, and to some other institutions concerned with art and culture. Sponsorship was also given to the Nova KBM choir which the Bank has been supporting since its formation. Education Each year, the Bank supports several top technical conferences and training programmes. In 2014, it provided support to a conference on the challenges of the recycling industry in Slovenia, the InfraKon conference on the building of future infrastructure projects in Slovenia, the PODIM conference, and the 39th panel discussion of the Maribor Association of Economists. The employees of the Bank, too, are aware of their responsibility to participate as experts in the exchange of know-how, experience and good practices and thus contribute to the development of an efficient educational environment and well-skilled personnel. Many of Nova KBM´s employees act as lecturers at different educational institutions, and are mentors to students working on their seminar papers as well as diplomas and master´s theses. They also participate in committees and the management of various professional organisations and are actively engaged in technical projects. Encouragement of economic development In line with its strategic directions, the Bank constantly encourages the development of entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. For the sixth year running, the Bank actively collaborated with the Institute for Entrepreneurship Research with which it set up the Entrepreneur Centre, the aim of which is to provide financial and technical advice to the interested entrepreneurs. Workshops on various topics are organised by the Bank each year, at which advice is given to entrepreneurs on how to attract funding and accelerate innovations. Another event organised by the Bank each year is a workshop called Business Days where entrepreneurs are informed about up-to-date business and financial topics that are useful for their operations. The Bank also actively participates in other expert organisations and specialised events where business people and entrepreneurs can obtain information and advice about financing possibilities. Humanitarianism The Bank participates frequently in humanitarian actions and charity projects, and also initiates the latter itself. Last December, the Bank conducted a charity campaign called 'Donate a Book, Donate a Future' through which it collected used and new books to be used for arranging and filling children´s libraries at holiday houses of the Friends of Youth Association of Slovenia where children from socially vulnerable families spend holidays. In addition to that, it financially supported a Slovenia-wide project called 'Godparentship' to help socially disadvantaged families. To sustain its socially responsible role, the Bank backed the activities of the Society for Helping Children with Autistic Disorder (Školjke), the Hospice Society, the charitable association Koraki za Korakce, the Mirno Morje Institute, the Vrabček Foundation, the Slovene Society for Cardiovascular Health, and various other organisations. SPONSORSHIPS AND GRANTS IN 2014 BY ACTIVITY 2.2% 2.6% 23.8% 71.4% ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Humanitarianism Education Culture Sports D AY 8 8 w e c A n A l wAy s tA k e A n e w p At h t h At w i l l tA k e u s t o wA r d s new opportunities. r e g u l At o r y s e c t i o n Contents of the Business Report 13 /CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT OF NOVA KBM 1. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE The Corporate Governance Code comprises: • Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies (application and deviation) • Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments (application and deviation), including recommendations given by the manager of direct and indirect capital investments of the Republic of Slovenia • Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State • Recommendations and Expectations of the Slovene Sovereign Holding. As of 31 December 2014, Nova KBM shares (KBMR) were no longer quoted on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the Warsaw Stock Exchange due to being cancelled as a result of extraordinary measures imposed by the Bank of Slovenia. Based on the state-sponsored recapitalisation, on 18 December 2013 the Republic of Slovenia became a 100% owner of all the newly issued shares of Nova KBM (KBMS). These shares, however, are not quoted on a stock market. The currently applicable Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies, which was adopted on 8 December 2009 and came into being as of 1 January 2010, contains, among other things, a recommendation on formulating the Corporate Governance Policy. Nova KBM and its bodies endeavour to fully observe the provisions of corporate governance codes as well as the recommendations and expectations of the Slovene Sovereign Holding. In setting up and developing a transparent, clear and successful governance and management system, during 2014 the Bank endeavoured, as far as practicable, to comply with regulatory provisions and the highest standards of responsible and well thought-out governance of the Bank, as laid down in the Corporate Governance Code (hereafter referred to as the 'Code'), thus further increasing the confidence of domestic and foreign investors, employees, and the wider public in the governance of the Bank. In view of the fact that its bonds (KBM 10) are quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange, Nova KBM is still regarded as a public limited company under the provisions of the Financial Instruments Market Act (ZTFI). Article 99 of the ZTFI stipulates that any issuer whose securities have been accepted for trading on the regulated market in the Republic of Slovenia or another Member State falls within the definition of a public company. In addition to striving to maximise the Bank´s value, the Bank complies with these standards in order to satisfy the interests of employees, customers, creditors, and other stakeholders, as well as of the Bank as a whole. Taking into consideration its objectives, this approach shall ensure a successful and long-term growth of the Bank´s assets. Considering the situation referred to in the previous paragraph, Nova KBM, as a public limited company, fully complies in its governance system with the principles laid down in the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies, which, in addition to accomplishing the main objectives of shareholders according to internal and external global orientations, has a significant impact on the Bank´s business performance and development. The Bank and its bodies endeavoured to fully observe the provisions of the Code that was in effect and used in 2014. However, in certain instances the Bank´s operations deviated from individual provisions of the Code. In compliance with the Preamble of the Code, the Bank sets out below the reasons for such deviations. The reasons were mainly related to the specific circumstances under which the Bank operated due to ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 9 0 Contents of the Business Report changed conditions in the Bank and in its environment (market); to payment characteristics of the banking sector; to the specific ownership structure of the Bank; and to other circumstances which had an impact on the governance and management of the Bank. As a company in which the Republic of Slovenia holds an equity investment, in 2014 Nova KBM also complied with the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments, adopted by the Management and Supervisory Boards of Slovenska odškodninska družba (SOD) on 15 May 2013 on the basis of the provisions of the Slovene Sovereign Holding Act (ZSDH). Until it was transformed into the Slovene Sovereign Holding (SSH), the SOD had managed the assets of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the ZSDH. On the day it was entered into the court register, i.e. 11 June 2014, the SSH assumed all powers, competences, rights and obligations held by the SOD prior to the transformation, which enabled it to continue managing the capital investments owned by either the Republic of Slovenia directly or itself. The SSH has continued to pursue the principles and recommendations of good practice for the corporate governance of state assets, as set out in the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments, adopted by the SOD on 15 May 2013. This code had been in effect and used until it was replaced by the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, adopted by the SSH on 19 December 2014 and published on its website on 22 December 2014. The purpose of this code is to have clear rules determined in advance regarding the conduct of the SOD and the SSH in the management of capital investments of the Republic of Slovenia, and to set out expectations towards companies in which the Republic of Slovenia holds a capital investment, thereby complying with the principles of responsible and due care as well as principles of transparent and effective management, taking into consideration the regulatory requirements to define commitments to a more active execution of management rights. The Bank has set out the reasons for deviations from the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments, which was in use in 2014, in the section headed 'Corporate governance statement of Nova KBM', which is an integral part of the Bank´s 2014 Annual Report. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. In April 2013, the SOD issued an amended and consolidated version of the Recommendations of the Manager of Direct and Indirect Capital Investments of the Republic of Slovenia. The aim of these recommendations is to set up a sound corporate governance system for state capital investments, thus ensuring that stateowned companies are better regulated and managed. For the purpose of concretising the principles of corporate governance, and in view of the need to regulate separately certain narrow and specific issues related to corporate governance that are not covered by the legal framework applicable to the management of state assets, the SSH took on the Recommendations of the Manager of Direct and Indirect Capital Investments of the Republic of Slovenia, which had been adopted by the SOD in April 2013. These recommendations had been in effect and used until 8 December 2014, when the SSH issued its own recommendations and expectations with regard to the management of investments owned by the state. The number of recommendations and expectations included in the document drawn up by the SSH is lower than the number in the document drawn up by the SOD, since some more general recommendations and expectations were incorporated into the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, issued by the SSH in December 2014. In its Corporate Governance Statement, Nova KBM, as a company in which the state holds a capital investment, states the extent to which it complied with both the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments, and individual recommendations of the SOD. G iven that the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, and the Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH were adopted only in December 2014, the Bank – within its Corporate Governance Statement for 2014, which forms an integral part of its Annual Report – has not expressed its position regarding the documents referred to above by stating the extent to which it complied with the rules and standards of good practice of corporate governance, or by stating the extent to which it deviated from these rules and standards. In its next published Corporate Governance Statement, which will be included in its Annual Report for 2015, the Bank will provide details regarding its compliance D AY 9 1 Contents of the Business Report with, or deviations from, the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State as well as the Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies Point 5.7 Code provision If the shareholders´ meeting is to decide on the management remuneration policy, it should adopt it at the proposal of the supervisory board and align it substantively with the current market situation and the situation in the company. The management remuneration policy should substantively follow the provisions of the Code, and should define: • the amount of non-variable remuneration to members of the management board • the possibility of variable remuneration for a member of the management board • criteria used for determining types of variable remuneration • any potential restrictions with respect to variable remuneration • the annual dynamics of setting the criteria for variable remuneration • specification of remuneration given as shares, stock options and other types of financial instruments, along with any restrictions of such remuneration • the annual assessment of the criteria being fulfilled and of the supervisory board activities in this area. Reason for deviation In 2014, the remuneration Management Board members complied with the Act Regulating the Incomes of Managers of Companies owned by the Republic of Slovenia and Municipalities, and the Regulation on Setting the Highest Correlation of Basic Payments and the Rate of Variable Remuneration of Directors. • an explanation how the choice of performance criteria contributes to the company´s long-term interests • an explanation of the methods applied to determine whether the performance criteria have been met • precise information on the deferment periods with regard to variable components of remuneration • information on the policy regarding termination payments, including the criteria conditioning termination payments and the amounts of termination payments • information with regard to vesting periods for sharebased remuneration • information on the policy regarding the retention of shares after vesting • information on the composition of peer groups in companies that have been studied with respect to their remuneration policies in the course of setting up a remuneration policy in the company concerned. Reason for deviation With respect to the disclosure of remuneration of Management Board members, the Bank fully complies with legal requirements, as evident also from the Annual Report. In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Management Board of the Bank informs the shareholders of the Bank, at the Shareholders´ Meeting at which the resolution on the appropriation of profit available for distribution is passed, about the remuneration paid to members of management and supervisory bodies for performing their duties in the previous financial year. In 2013, the Nova KBM Supervisory Board adopted the currently applicable remuneration policy. The disclosure of remuneration provided to Management Board members in 2014 is compliant with the remuneration policy and follows the recommendations of the Code. The Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments (application and deviation from provisions) Point 22.7 Point 75 Code provision Code provision The company discloses the gross and net remuneration of each member of the management board and of the supervisory board. Such a disclosure is clear and comprehensible to an average investor, and includes aside from statutorily-imposed content: The SOD (the SSH) will strive for companies with equity investments of the state to establish nomination committees as a special commission of the supervisory board. These will ensure adequate mechanisms regarding the selection of candidates for members of the supervisory ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 9 2 Contents of the Business Report board and overcome conflicts of interests which the supervisory board is faced with in the preparation of the proposal for the composition of the supervisory board. The nomination committee performs selection procedures of candidates and proposes to the supervisory board a list of candidates for appointment at the shareholders´ meeting. The nomination committee may support the supervisory board in all other matters which directly relate to the interests of the members of the supervisory board and require consent of the shareholders´ meeting (for example, the proposals concerning the remuneration of the members of the supervisory board). Reason for deviation The Nova KBM Supervisory Board appointed the Remuneration and Nomination Committee in 2011. Its competences comply with the Banking Act and implementing regulations of the Bank of Slovenia. In 2014, the appropriate procedures for the assessment and selection of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board were entirely carried out by the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Apart from the committee referred to in the previous paragraph, in 2014 the Bank set up the Fit and Proper Committee, whose task is to assess the suitability of officers holding key positions, including members of the management and supervisory bodies. This committee carries out its work in accordance with the Banking Act, the Companies Act and the Bank of Slovenia regulations. with legal requirements, as evident also from its Annual Report. In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Management Board of the Bank informs the shareholders of the Bank, at the Shareholders´ Meeting at which the resolution on the appropriation of profit available for distribution is passed, about the remuneration paid to members of management and supervisory bodies for performing their duties in the previous financial year. Remuneration of Management Board members complies with the currently applicable remuneration policy, which was adopted by the Bank Supervisory Board in 2013. In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, the supervisory board of a company must adopt the remuneration policy in cases where the shareholders´ meeting fails to do so. Remuneration of Management Board members is adjusted to the Act Regulating the Incomes of Managers of Companies owned by the Republic of Slovenia and Municipalities, and the Regulation on Setting the Highest Correlation of Basic Payments and the Rate of Variable Remuneration of Directors. Individual recommendations of the SSH (SOD) Point 87 Recommendation No. 2 – Remuneration of external members of supervisory board committees and other external experts with whom the supervisory board cooperates in its work Code provision Reason for deviation Shareholders must annually approve the remuneration policy at a shareholders´ meeting. The preparation of a remuneration policy falls under the responsibility of the chair of the supervisory board and appointment commission if formed. At the shareholders´ meeting the chair of the supervisory board presents to the shareholders the current remuneration policy and its implementation, and evaluates the function and the role of the remuneration policy. The supervisory board must ensure that the remuneration packages of the president of the management board and other members of the management board comply with the policy adopted at the shareholders´ meeting. In accordance with the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies, and a decision of the Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting, the amount of remuneration provided to external members of Supervisory Board committees has been determined by the Supervisory Board, taking into consideration the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies, and the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State Capital Investments. Reason for deviation With respect to the disclosure of remuneration of Management Board members, the Bank fully complies ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The remuneration provided in 2014 to external members of the Supervisory Board committees and other external experts with whom the Supervisory Board cooperates in its work was adjusted in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code for State Capital Investments, and the Recommendations of the Manager of Direct and Indirect D AY 9 3 Contents of the Business Report Capital Investments of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the remuneration provided to external members of supervisory board committees and other external experts with whom the supervisory board cooperates in its work. These documents were issued by the SOD in April 2013. Taking into consideration that remuneration of the Supervisory Board and its committees is in accordance with Point 8.12 of the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies disclosed in the Annual Report, the Bank does not include this information in the report submitted by the Supervisory Board to the Shareholders´ Meeting. Since 22 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, issued by the SSH. Recommendation No. 4 – Work of the audit committee Reason for deviation The Bank does not comply with this recommendation as regards the part referring to the frequency of meetings of the Audit Committee. Meetings of the Audit Committee are convened in accordance with the decisions passed by the Supervisory Board, taking into consideration the competences of the Audit Committee, as laid down in the applicable legislation, and recommendations of good business practice applicable to the work of audit committees, and depending on the need to resolve specific issues. Since 22 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, issued by the SSH, with reference also being made to the Recommendations for Audit Committees, issued by the Slovene Directors´ Association in 2009. Bank does not prepare three-year business plans, but prepares a standard document for each year – a Business Policy and Financial Plan of the Bank and the Group. This document is formulated by the Management Board and agreed by the Supervisory Board. The summary of this document is published on the Bank website. The planning is based on the adopted strategy. Since 8 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. Recommendation No. 6 – Quarterly reporting of the performance of a company/group Reason for deviation The Management Board prepares quarterly, half-yearly and annual reports, of which the Supervisory Board is informed in accordance with the Companies Act, the Banking Act and executive regulations. These reports are publicly available and may be examined by shareholders, and are also published on the Bank website. In its Corporate Governance Policy, the Bank has defined the equitable right to information of all shareholders as one of the most important principles of its corporate governance. This principle is exercised based on open and transparent communication with shareholders. The Bank fully complies with the Corporate Governance Code for Public Limited Companies as regards the part concerning reporting and transparency requirements. Since 8 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. Recommendation No. 7 – Transparency of procedures of making business deals involving company expenditure (ordering goods and services, grants, sponsorships) Reason for deviation Recommendation No. 5 – Three-year business planning by a company/group Reason for deviation The explanation of deviation given under the recommendation No. 6 (Quarterly reporting of the performance of a company/group) can be, mutatis mutandis, applied also to this recommendation. The ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The Bank does not comply with this recommendation as regards the part referring to the transparency of procedures when making business deals in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, since this Act does not apply to banks. Nevertheless, in negotiating and making any business deals, the Management Board and competent departments of the Bank act with due care and diligence and according to the highest ethical D AY 9 4 Contents of the Business Report standards, objectives, strategies and policies of the Bank, all in the best interests of the Bank. In accordance with the regulations governing the protection of internal information, the Bank also classifies as internal information any data that concerns business or events occurring at the Bank and its affiliated companies that may have a material effect on the performance or position of the Bank and the Group as a whole. Pursuant to the regulations and its internal rules, the Bank publishes such information through the information dissemination system of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and on its website. With respect to the publication and reporting of grants and sponsorships as well as of any other transactions which may incur costs, the Bank respects the confidentiality of information and does not reveal any information that is classified as a business secret. Such information is not published by the Bank, since its release may have a negative impact on the Bank´s customers and other business partners. Since 8 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. other remuneration under employment contracts) is disclosed in the financial part of Nova KBM´s annual reports and is publicly available. To protect confidential information, the Bank and companies in the Nova KBM Group do not publish binding collective agreements or arrangements regulating remuneration for work, which they have entered into with representatives of the trade union. Since 8 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. Recommendation No. 9 – Risk management, internal control and internal auditing Risk management, internal control Reason for deviation Nova KBM does not deviate from the provisions of this recommendation referring to risk management and internal control. Internal auditing Reason for deviation Recommendation No. 8 – Optimisation of labour costs in 2013 and 2014 Reason for deviation In 2012 and 2013, the Bank Management Board adopted certain cost-cutting measures and adjusted the remuneration policy to the current economic conditions. These measures have been set out by the Management Board in the Strategy of the Bank and the Group for the period from 2010 to 2013, and in the Business Policy and Financial Plan of the Bank and the Group for 2013 and 2014. Following the initiative of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, the Bank Supervisory Board requested the Management Board to reduce the operating costs across the entire Group and to start negotiations with the aim of adjusting the collective agreement to weak performance of the Bank. Information about pay-outs relating to other types of remuneration provided under individual contracts (severance benefit paid to employees who are made redundant for business reasons, retirement benefits, compensation for a non-competition clause, and some ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The Bank deviates from the recommendation stipulating that the Supervisory Board shall approve the mediumterm internal audit plan, since, in accordance with the doctrine of internal audit, the formulation of such a plan is not mandatory. Nevertheless, the Bank will draw up the medium-term internal audit plan and will submit it to the Supervisory Board for approval. Since 22 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in the Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, issued by the SSH. Recommendation No. 11 – Attaining quality and excellence in the operations of a company/group The fundamental principles of excellence are, in part, incorporated into the Bank´s organisational culture. Numerous external and internal analyses, carried out by the Bank on a regular basis, are to some extent consistent with the assessment principles of the EFQM model (e.g. internal quality assessment, benchmark analysis, D AY 9 5 Contents of the Business Report analysis of individual processes, process maturity analysis, internal communication analysis, customer satisfaction analysis, and annual interviews where employees are asked to evaluate their job satisfaction, etc). Based on the results of these analyses, the Bank has identified and implemented several measures to improve its performance across all segments. Following the implementation of necessary changes, and with the aim of achieving continuous improvements towards more efficient, effective and competitive operations, as well as sustainable development, the Bank will examine options to upgrade its existing principles of quality and to extend its system of quality and excellence to its entire business as well as that of the Group as a whole, thereby making progress in attaining high standards of excellence and quality. Since 8 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in new Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. Recommendation No. 12 – Shareholders´ Meetings Notwithstanding the recommendation that a Shareholders´ Meeting must be convened as soon as possible and not later than 14 days following the receipt of the request from a shareholder, the Bank complies with the provision of the Companies Act, which provides that a Shareholders´ Meeting must be convened as soon as possible, but not later than within two months of the receipt of such a request. To enable the shareholders to post questions regarding the operations of the Bank, or to post questions in the period pending a Shareholders´ Meeting, the Bank has set up the Investor Relations section on its website, which conforms to the Slovene market standards. Since 8 December 2014, a recommendation identical in substance to the one referred to above has been included in new Recommendations and Expectations of the SSH. 2. DESCRIPTION OF MAIN FEATURES OF INTERNAL CONTROL AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN RELATION TO FINANCIAL REPORTING PROCEDURES The aim of internal controls is to ensure that the risks to which the Bank is exposed are properly managed, ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. that proper accounting principles as well as internal and external financial reporting and communicating are applied, and that the Bank´s operations are carried out in compliance with law and business ethics. Internal controls are established within all processes and organisational units of the Bank and the Group, at all levels. Risk management is an important part of the management and governance system. It relates to the systematic identification, measurement, and assessment of risks arising from operations of the Group and its environment. Procedures of risk management, the objectives for risk management, as well as duties and responsibilities for managing risks are set out in respective risk management policies. A general rule applies that each company in the Group is responsible for identifying and managing all risks to which it is exposed in its operations. Assessing and managing risks has an important impact on setting up the business and strategic plan of the Bank and the Group, and on the decision-making process in commercial transactions, individual agreements, investments and other activities. Control over risk management is based on monthly reports which are reviewed by the competent bodies of the Bank responsible for monitoring the exposure to individual types of risk. For the purpose of obtaining a complete overview of risks to which the Bank and the Group are exposed, a risk profile is created once a year, which contains an assessment of the key types of risk and of the related controls. This document is reviewed by the Policy Approval Committee which is also responsible for adopting new policies and changes to the existing ones. A report on risk profile of the Bank and the Group is submitted to the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board. The Internal Audit Centre assesses the adequacy and efficiency of applicable internal controls, including information technology security and control, and assesses their reliability in accomplishing the strategic and implementation objectives of the Bank, at the same time taking into consideration the management of risks to which the Bank is exposed. The Internal Audit Centre reports to the Management Board, the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board on a regular basis. D AY 9 6 Contents of the Business Report The system of internal controls and the risk management system are examined each year by external auditors appointed for the audit of the Bank´s annual report. Nova KBM has not set up a share scheme within the meaning of Article 14 of the Financial Participation Act (ZUDDob). 3. INFORMATION AND EXPLANATIONS PROVIDED BY COMPANIES THAT ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPLICATION OF THE ACT REGULATING ACQUISITIONS (INFORMATION FROM POINT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 AND 11 OF THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH OF ARTICLE 70 OF THE COMPANIES ACT) Explanation regarding restrictions related to voting rights, in particular: (i) restrictions of voting rights to a certain stake or a certain number of votes; (ii) deadlines for executing voting rights; and (iii) agreements in which, on the basis of the company´s cooperation, the financial rights arising from securities are separated from the rights of holdership of such securities (Point 6 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) Explanation regarding the structure of the company´s share capital, including all securities, as stipulated by the act regulating acquisitions (Points 1 and 2 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) As of 31 December 2014, the share capital of the Bank totalled €150,000,000 and was split into 10,000,000 ordinary, registered no-par-value shares, all of which were held by the Republic of Slovenia. Nova KBM has issued only one class of shares which are all freely transferable and bear the same rights. Each ordinary share entitles its holder to one vote at the Bank Shareholders´ Meeting. The rights of the holders of ordinary shares are set out in the relevant legislation of the Republic of Slovenia. Explanation regarding significant direct and indirect holdership of the company´s securities in the sense of achieving a qualified stake as determined by the act regulating acquisitions (Point 3 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) As of 31 December 2014, the Republic of Slovenia was a 100% shareholder of Nova KBM. Explanation regarding the holders of securities that carry special control rights (Point 4 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) No special controlling rights are attached to Nova KBM shares. Explanation regarding the employee share scheme, if existing, of shares to which it relates, and an explanation about the method of exercising control over such scheme, if control is not exercised directly by the employees (Point 5 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. In accordance with the Bank´s Articles of Association, no restrictions apply to the voting rights attached to the issued shares. Explanation regarding any agreements among shareholders that could result in the restriction of the transfer of securities or voting rights (Point 7 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) No agreements exist among shareholders that could result in the restriction of the transfer of securities or voting rights. Explanation regarding the company´s rules on appointment or replacement of members of the management or supervisory bodies (Point 8 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) Management Board In accordance with the provisions of the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board appoints and recalls the President and other Management Board members, whereby the President of the Management Board may propose to the Supervisory Board the appointment or discharge of individual or other Management Board members. Management Board members are appointed for a fiveyear period and may be re-appointed, but no earlier than one year before the end of their term of office. The Supervisory Board may recall the President or a member of the Management Board, if there are grounds for such recall in accordance with the second paragraph D AY 9 7 Contents of the Business Report of Article 268 of the Companies Act, and in cases provided for by the applicable banking regulations. No agreements exist to which Point 10 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act applies. Membership in the Management Board may also be terminated on request of the member himself/herself. Explanation regarding any agreements between the company and the members of its management or supervisory bodies or the employees which foresee compensation should such persons, due to a takeover bid as stipulated by the act regulating acquisitions: (i) resign; (ii) be dismissed without reasonable cause; or (iii) be subject to the termination of their employment relationship (Point 11 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board is appointed by the Shareholders´ Meeting for a period of four years, in accordance with the Bank´s Articles of Association. The function of a Supervisory Board member may terminate before the expiry of his/her term of office referred to in the previous paragraph in the following cases: • if he/she gives a written notice, or • if he/she is recalled by the Shareholders´ Meeting. In accordance with provisions of the Companies Act and Article 30 of the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Shareholders´ Meeting is authorised to reach decisions with respect to amendments to the Articles of Association, whereby at least three-quarters of the share capital represented in the voting is required to pass a resolution of the Shareholders´ Meeting. Explanation regarding the authorisations of the members of the management for issuing or purchasing own shares (Point 9 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) In accordance with the Bank´s Articles of Association and other Bank´s documents, the authorisation of the Management Board for issuing or purchasing the Bank´s own shares is not restricted. The Management Board members may issue and purchase the Bank´s own shares under the terms and conditions stipulated by law. Explanation regarding any important agreements to which the company is a party, and which take effect, change or are cancelled on the basis of the change in the control of the company as a result of a takeover bid, as stipulated by the act regulating acquisitions, and the effects of such agreements (Point 10 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. No agreements exist to which Point 11 of the sixth paragraph of Article 70 of the Companies Act applies. 4. INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUNCTIONING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS´ MEETING AND OF ITS KEY COMPETENCES, AND DESCRIPTION OF SHAREHOLDERS´ RIGHTS AND THE METHOD OF THEIR EXERCISING Competences of the Shareholders´ Meeting The Shareholders´ Meeting shall decide about: • adoption of the annual report • appropriation of profit available for distribution • appointment and recall of Supervisory Board members • granting discharge to members of the Management and Supervisory Boards • amendments to the Bank´s Articles of Association • measures to increase or decrease the Bank´s share capital • dissolution of the Bank and status changes • appointment of the auditor • other matters, if so provided by the Articles of Association or the applicable law. At the Shareholders´ Meeting at which a resolution on the appropriation of profit available for distribution is passed, the Management Board must inform the shareholders about the remuneration provided to members of management and supervisory bodies for performing their duties in the previous financial year. The information must include all the details required by law, and must be disclosed in the annual report, together with the policy of remuneration of members of management and supervisory bodies. D AY 9 8 Contents of the Business Report The Shareholders´ Meeting is responsible for the adoption of the annual report only if the Supervisory Board did not adopt it, or if the Management Board and the Supervisory Board leave the adoption of the annual report to the discretion of the Shareholders´ Meeting. Call of the Shareholders´ Meeting The Shareholders´ Meeting is called by the Management Board. The Shareholders´ Meeting may also be called by the Supervisory Board, particularly in cases where the Management Board does not call the Shareholders´ Meeting in time, or if the call of the Shareholders´ Meeting is required for the smooth running of the Bank´s operations. The Shareholders´ Meeting must be called in accordance with the law, at least once a year and when this is to the benefit of the Bank. The Shareholders´ Meeting is called in such a way that a notice of the Shareholders´ Meeting, along with the content as required by law, is published on the AJPES website or in a daily newspaper distributed throughout the Republic of Slovenia, and on the Bank website (www., no later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the date of the Shareholders´ Meeting. Call of the Shareholders´ Meeting on request of a minority The Shareholders´ Meeting must be called if the shareholders holding jointly one-twentieth of the share capital request in writing for the Shareholders´ Meeting to be called by the Management Board. Participation in the Shareholders´ Meeting A shareholder, or his/her proxy or legal representative, is allowed to participate in the Shareholders´ Meeting and exercise his/her right to vote, provided that he/ she is entered as a shareholder in the central register of book-entry securities at the end of the fourth day prior to the date of the Shareholders´ Meeting and that the Management Board has received his/her written registration no later than the end of the fourth day prior to the date of the Shareholders´ Meeting. The conditions for participating and exercising the right to vote in the Shareholders´ Meeting are specified in more detail in the notice of the Shareholders´ Meeting. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Amendment of the agenda and proposals of shareholders Shareholders who jointly hold at least one-twentieth of the Bank´s share capital may, after the publication of the notice of the Shareholders´ Meeting, in accordance with the law, request in writing that additional items be put on the agenda. Shareholders may send their request for additional agenda items to the Bank via e-mail to the address specified by the Bank in each notice of the Shareholders´ Meeting, in scanned format as an attachment, or by fax. Pursuant to the law, shareholders may give written proposals for resolutions and voting proposals to each agenda item. Proposals for resolutions and voting proposals may be sent by shareholders, also via e-mail, to the address specified by the Bank in each notice of the Shareholders´ Meeting, in scanned format as an attachment, or by fax. Chairing the Shareholders´ Meeting The Shareholders´ Meeting of the Bank is chaired by the Chair of the Shareholders´ Meeting. The Chair of the Shareholders´ Meeting is a person appointed by the convener. Adoption of resolutions The Shareholders´ Meeting shall adopt resolutions with a bare majority of the votes cast, unless a qualified majority has been laid down by the Bank´s Articles of Association or the applicable law. Shareholders´ right to vote The right to vote of shareholders holding shares is exercised pro-rata to the number of their shares in the share capital. Each no-par-value share with a voting right entitles the shareholder to one voting right. Exercising the right to vote by proxy Each shareholder entitled to participate in the Shareholders´ Meeting may appoint a natural or legal person of full legal capacity to participate in the Shareholders´ Meeting on his/her behalf and to exercise his/her voting right. In order to be eligible to exercise the right to vote, the proxy must have a written power of attorney. Shareholders may appoint a proxy through electronic means. The form for exercising voting rights through D AY 9 9 Contents of the Business Report a proxy is available on the Bank website. The power of attorney may be sent to the Bank, also by e-mail, to the address specified by the Bank in each notice of the Shareholders´ Meeting, in scanned format as an attachment, or by fax. The power of attorney remains deposited with the Bank. The voting right may also be exercised through a financial institution, a shareholders´ association or another person. Further information regarding the functioning of the Shareholders´ Meeting is set out in Nova KBM´s Annual Report for 2014, in the section headed 'Governing bodies of Nova KBM'. 5. INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPOSITION AND WORK OF THE MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES AND THEIR COMMITTEES Management Board As of 31 December 2014, the Nova KBM Management Board had the following three members: Aleš Hauc (President), Robert Senica (Member) and Sabina Župec Kranjc (Member). On 5 September 2014, Igor Žibrik, the then member of the Management Board, served notice of his resignation from his position. The Supervisory Board was informed of Žibrik´s decision on 15 September 2014, and his term of office ended on 31 October 2014. On 3 April 2014, the Supervisory Board appointed Robert Senica as a new member of the Management Board for The composition of the Nova KBM Management Board saw some changes in 2014. a period of five years. After he had been granted a Bank of Slovenia licence to hold the office of member of the Management Board on 8 July 2014, Senica took up his position on 1 August 2014. On 1 October 2014, the Supervisory Board appointed Sabina Župec Kranjc as the third member of the Management Board. Her five-year term of office started ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. on 17 November 2014, after she had been granted a Bank of Slovenia licence to hold the office of member of the Management Board on 11 November 2014. Pursuant to the applicable legislation and the Bank´s Articles of Association, the Management Board runs the Bank autonomously and on its own responsibility. The Management Board administers the day-to-day operations of the Bank independently of instructions of other stakeholders, and exclusively to the benefit of the Bank. At least two members of the Management Board jointly present and represent the Bank in accordance with provisions of the Banking Act. All Management Board members comply with legal requirements for performing their duties on the Management Board. Duties of the Management Board The Management Board must ensure that the Bank operates in compliance with the Banking Act and the regulations issued on its basis, in compliance with the laws governing the provision of financial services carried out by the Bank and the regulations issued on their basis, in accordance with other regulations that apply to the financial and banking profession and in accordance with the highest ethical standards of governance, taking into consideration the prevention of conflicts of interest. The Management Board must also ensure that the Bank operates in compliance with the rules of risk management. The Management Board must set up and implement adequate administrative and accounting procedures and a system of internal controls. The Management Board regularly, at least once every quarter, reports to the Supervisory Board of any issues important for the Bank´s and the Group´s operations. Decision-making by the Management Board Decisions that fall within the competence of the Management Board are, as a rule, adopted unanimously by the President and members of the Management Board. In case of disaccord, a decision is adopted with a majority of votes cast by all members of the Management Board. In making the decisions or voting, the President and each member of the Management Board have one vote. In case of an equal number of votes, the President of the Management Board has the casting vote. D AY 1 0 0 Contents of the Business Report The Management Board may, by a special resolution adopted unanimously, authorise each individual member of the Management Board to make autonomous decisions in respect of individual matters and transactions that relate to the current operations of the Bank. Representation of the Bank In all legal transactions, the Bank is represented jointly by at least two members of the Management Board. All members of the Management Board or, alternatively, two members of the Management Board may, in writing, authorise one individual member of the Management Board to represent the Bank autonomously in entering into certain transactions or certain types of transactions. Further details with respect to the composition and competences of the Management Board are set out in Nova KBM´s Annual Report for 2014, in the section headed 'Governing bodies of Nova KBM'. Supervisory Board The managing of operations of Nova KBM is overseen by the Supervisory Board that, in accordance with the Bank´s Articles of Association, consists of six members. Two-thirds of the Supervisory Board members must be independent experts. Persons are considered independent if they are not or were not employed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in the last 24 months since their appointment to the Bank Supervisory Board, or have not held a leading or other high-level position in any political party in the Republic of Slovenia in the last 24 months. In accordance with the Bank´s Articles of Association, Supervisory Board members are appointed by the Shareholders´ Meeting for a period of four years. The function of a Supervisory Board member may terminate before expiry of his/her term of office in the following cases: • if he/she gives a written notice, or • if he/she is recalled by the Shareholders´ Meeting. From 1 January to 5 February 2014, when Karmen Dvorjak resigned from her position as a Supervisory Board member, the composition of the Nova KBM Supervisory Board was as follows: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Andrej Fatur, Miha ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Glavič, Peter Kavčič, Karmen Dvorjak, Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles. Egon Žižmond and Keith Charles Miles resigned as members of the Supervisory Board on 19 March 2014 and 23 September 2014, respectively. As of 31 December 2014, the Nova KBM Supervisory Board comprised the following members: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Andrej Fatur, Miha Glavič and Peter Kavčič. Conditions for the Supervisory Board membership Only a person who meets the criteria stipulated by the law can be appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board carries out its work in accordance with competences set out in the applicable legislation, the Bank´s Articles of Association, and the Regulations on the Activities of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board conducts activities for which it is competent at regular meetings and meetings by correspondence. As a rule, the Supervisory Board convenes at least once per quarter, depending on the importance of the issue to be discussed, or at the request of the Chair of the Supervisory Board. Competences and duties of the Supervisory Board In addition to the powers vested in the Supervisory Board under the Companies Act and the Banking Act, the Supervisory Board also gives consent to the Management Board with respect to: • Bank´s business policy • Bank´s financial plan • organisation of the system of internal controls • draft annual plan of work of the Internal Audit Centre • new issues of own securities exceeding €30 million • all transactions regarding the acquisition and disposal of equity holdings in companies and other legal entities whose book value exceeds €550,000 • acquisition and disposal of investments in equity instruments with the purpose of portfolio investments, if such investment in any one issuer exceeds 5% of the Bank´s equity • any decisions in respect of actions resulting in status changes in companies and other legal entities in which the Bank holds a controlling stake • formation of a banking and/or financial group or groups • writing off claims over €1 million D AY 1 0 1 Contents of the Business Report • raising funds and contracting other liabilities for the Bank which in one financial year, individually or in total, exceed 25% of the Bank´s equity • concluding legal deals which, considering the Bank´s total exposure, would result in the Bank´s large exposure to a customer or a group of related persons, and concluding legal deals as a result of which the Bank´s large exposure to a customer or a group of related persons would be increased by so much as to reach or exceed 15% of the Bank´s equity, and each subsequent 5% of its equity • concluding a transaction that results in the Bank becoming exposed to a person having a special relationship with the Bank within the meaning of provisions of Article 167 of the Banking Act • other matters in accordance with the regulations. Members of the Supervisory Board are required to: • supervise the adequacy of procedures and the efficiency of the work of the internal audit • discuss the findings of the Bank of Slovenia, the tax inspection and other supervisory bodies during the process of supervision of the Bank • check annual and other financial reports of the Bank and draw up a written opinion on their conclusions for the Shareholders´ Meeting • explain to the Shareholders´ Meeting their opinion about the annual report of the Internal Audit Centre and their opinion about the annual report of the Management Board • act in line with the highest ethical standards of governance by taking prevention of conflicts of interest into consideration. A member of the Bank Supervisory Board must immediately inform the Bank of Slovenia of the following: • his/her appointment and termination of his/her function in management and supervisory bodies of other legal entities • legal transactions on the basis of which a member of the Supervisory Board himself/herself or a member of his/her immediate family has, directly or indirectly, acquired shares or participating interests in a legal entity, as a result of which the member of the Supervisory Board together with a member of his/her immediate family have reached or exceeded a qualified share in that legal entity, or their share has fallen below the qualified share. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. The Supervisory Board is required to: • check the annual report together with the auditor´s report and the proposal of the Management Board for the appropriation of profit available for distribution • draw up a written report for the Shareholders´ Meeting in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 282 of the Companies Act. The Supervisory Board adopts the annual report. Decision-making by the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board constitutes a quorum if more than one half of its members are present. The Supervisory Board adopts its decisions with a simple majority of votes cast by the members present at the vote. In case of an equal number of votes, the Chair of the Supervisory Board has the casting vote. Remuneration of, and reimbursement of costs incurred by, members of the Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board committees Total remuneration of members of the Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board committees is made up of: • remuneration for holding the office • attendance fees • reimbursement of costs in respect of holding the office. For holding their office and taking over the responsibility, Supervisory Board members shall receive a basic remuneration to be determined by a Shareholders´ Meeting resolution. Supervisory Board members who are members of standing committees and working bodies shall receive an extra payment for holding their office to be determined by a Shareholders´ Meeting resolution. External members of committees and working bodies shall receive remuneration to be determined by the Supervisory Board. In addition to reimbursement of costs for holding the office, each Supervisory Board member shall also receive an attendance fee for the attendance and time spent at the meeting, the amount of which shall be determined by a Shareholders´ Meeting resolution. D AY 1 0 2 Contents of the Business Report External members of committees and working bodies shall receive, in addition to reimbursement of costs for performing the office, an attendance fee for the attendance and time spent at the meeting, the amount of which shall be determined by the Supervisory Board. Further information about the activities of the Bank Supervisory Board is set out in Nova KBM´s Annual Report for 2014, in the section headed 'Report of the Supervisory Board'. Supervisory Board committees The following committees carried out their work during 2014 in accordance with the Companies Act and the Banking Act: the Audit Committee, and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Audit Committee The composition of the Audit Committee at the beginning of 2014 was as follows: Keith Charles Miles (Chair), Andrej Fatur (Deputy Chair), Peter Kavčič (member) and Aleksander Igličar (external member). This composition changed on 14 February 2014, when the Supervisory Board appointed Gojko Koprivec as a new external member of the Audit Committee. On 23 September 2014, Keith Charles Miles stepped down as a member of the Supervisory Board, with the result that his position on the Audit Committee also ended. On 27 August 2014, the Supervisory Board appointed Jernej Pirc as a new external member of the Audit Committee. On 1 October 2014, the Supervisory Board dismissed Aleksander Igličar and Gojko Koprivec as external members of the Audit Committee, and appointed Keith Charles Miles as a new external member. Peter Kavčič became the Chair of the Audit Committee, while Andrej Fatur was appointed his deputy. As of 31 December 2014, the Audit Committee consisted of the following four members: Peter Kavčič (Chair), Andrej Fatur (Deputy Chair), Keith Charles Miles (external member) and Jernej Pirc (external member). The Audit Committee supports the Supervisory Board in overseeing the management of the Bank ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. and the Group companies, in particular with regard to legitimacy of operations, compliance with ethical standards, the risk management system, financial reporting procedures, internal audit and the internal control system, and undertakes duties laid down in the Bank´s Articles of Association, documents of the Audit Committee and Supervisory Board resolutions. In addition, the Audit Committee provides technical assistance to the Supervisory Board in collaborating with, and monitoring the work of, external auditors, chiefly with the aim of ensuring that the principles of independence and impartiality are adhered to and that the audit is carried out in the most efficient and effective manner. The Audit Committee carries out its activities in accordance with the law, the Bank´s Articles of Association, and the Charter which regulates the purpose and the composition of the Audit Committee, methods and conditions of its work as well as competences and responsibilities of its members. The area and the method of work of the Audit Committee, its decisionmaking process and all other issues deemed important for its work are regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee. As a rule, the Audit Committee members adopt decisions at meetings. A quorum is constituted if at least one half of the Audit Committee members are present at the meeting, one of whom must be the Chair or Deputy Chair of the Audit Committee and at the same time a member of the Supervisory Board. The Audit Committee adopts its decisions with a simple majority of votes cast by the members present at the vote. Each member has one vote. In case of an equal number of votes, the Chair of the Audit Committee has the casting vote. In accordance with the decisions adopted by the Bank Shareholders´ Meeting on 22 July 2011 and 27 June 2014, in 2014 members of the Supervisory Board were, apart from an attendance fee for their attendance and time spent at the meeting, entitled to receive basic remuneration for holding their office. External members of the Audit Committee were entitled to an attendance fee, the amount of which was determined by the Shareholders´ Meeting. They were also entitled to the reimbursement of costs for holding the office, the D AY 1 0 3 Contents of the Business Report amount of which was determined by the Shareholders´ Meeting as well. External members were entitled to the reimbursement of costs in the same amount as Supervisory Board members. The Audit Committee regularly reports to the Supervisory Board about its work at the meetings of the Supervisory Board. Further information about the activities of the Audit Committee is set out in Nova KBM´s Annual Report for 2014, in the section headed 'Report of the Supervisory Board'. Remuneration and Nomination Committee From 1 January to 1 October 2014, when the Supervisory Board dismissed Adriana Rejc Buhovac from her position, the composition of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee was as follows: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Peter Kavčič (member), Adriana Rejc Buhovac (external member) and Romana Košorok (external member). As of the 31 December 2014, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee consisted of the following four members: Peter Kukovica (Chair), Niko Samec (Deputy Chair), Peter Kavčič (member) and Romana Košorok (external member). The Remuneration and Nomination Committee is primarily responsible for providing support to the Supervisory Board in selecting candidates for the Supervisory and Management Boards of the Bank, in helping the Supervisory Board controlling and assessing the work of members of the Supervisory and Management Boards, and for providing support in formulating proposals in respect of the remuneration policy, reimbursement of costs and other benefits of Management Board members. Further, it helps the Supervisory Board prepare the Bank´s bonus policy and proposals with respect to the improvement of the Bank´s governance policy. Support and help to the Supervisory Board is provided by the Remuneration and Nomination Committee also in all other issues and tasks laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board Remuneration and Nomination Committee. The area and the method of work of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, its decision-making process and all other issues important for its work are regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Provisions with respect to remuneration of, and reimbursement of costs incurred by, members of the Audit Committee shall be, mutatis mutandis, applied also to the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. This Corporate Governance Statement is an integral part of Nova KBM´s 2014 Annual Report and will be available in the Ljubljana Stock Exchange electronic information dissemination system, SEOnet, and published on the Bank website. Maribor, 28 January 2015 Management Board of Nova KBM d.d. Sabina Župec Kranjc Member ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Robert Senica Member | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Supervisory Board of Nova KBM d.d. Aleš Hauc President Peter Kukovica Chair D AY 1 0 4 Contents of the Business Report 14/STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT´S RESPONSIBILITIES (pursuant to Article 110 of the Financial Instruments Market Act) By signing this statement, the members of the Nova KBM Management Board, i.e. Robert Senica, President, and Sabina Župec Kranjc, Member, confirm to the best of their knowledge that: • the financial statements have been drawn up in accordance with the appropriate accounting framework of reporting and that they provide a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, the financial position and the profit and loss of the Bank and other companies included in the consolidation as a whole, and • the business report gives a fair view of the development and results of the Bank´s operations and its financial position, including the description of principal risks the Bank and other companies included in the consolidation are exposed to. Maribor, 2 March 2015 Management Board of Nova KBM d.d. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Sabina Župec Kranjc Member | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Robert Senica President D AY 1 0 5 Contents of the Business Report 15 /T YPE OF SERVICES FOR WHICH NOVA KBM HAS THE AUTHORISATION OF THE BANK OF SLOVENIA Nova KBM has the authorisation to perform banking services pursuant to Article 7 of the Banking Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 99/10 – official consolidated text (No. 52/11 – amendment), No. 9/11 – Act Amending Payment Services and Systems Act, Nos. 35/11, 59/11, 85/11, 48/12, 105/12, 56/13, 63/13 (ZS-K) and 96/13); hereafter: the ZBan-1. Banking services are the acceptance of deposits from the public and the granting of loans for its own account. The Bank also has the authorisation to perform mutually recognised and additional financial services. Pursuant to Article 10 of the ZBan-1, the Bank may perform the following mutually recognised financial services: 1. Acceptance of deposits. 2. Granting of loans, including: • consumer loans • mortgage loans • factoring (with our without recourse) • financing of commercial transactions, including forfeiting. 3. Financial leasing: financial leasing of assets of which the duration approximately equals the expected useful life of the asset which is the object of the lease and for which the lessee acquires most of the benefit from the use of the asset and accepts the full risk of the transaction. 4. Payment services. 5. Issuance and management of other payment instruments (i.e. travellers´ cheques and bankers´ drafts) in the part in which this service is not included in service of Point 4 above. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 6. Issuance of guarantees and other commitments. 7. Trading for its own account and for account of customers in: • money market instruments • foreign exchange, including currency exchange transactions • financial futures and options • foreign exchange and interest-rate instruments • transferable securities. 8. Participation in the issuance of securities and services related to such issues. 9. Advice and services related to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. 10. Portfolio management and advice. 11. Safekeeping of securities and other services related to safekeeping of securities. 12. Renting of safe deposit boxes. 13. Investment services and operations and ancillary investment services from the first paragraph of Article 10 of the ZTFI. The Bank may perform the following additional financial services in accordance with Article 11 of the ZBan-1: • insurance brokerage in accordance with the law governing the insurance business • administration of payment systems • marketing of investment funds and the sale of investment coupons or shares in investment funds. Furthermore, within additional financial services provided in accordance with Point 6 of the first paragraph of Article 11 of the ZBan-1, the Bank may be engaged in the brokerage of voluntary supplementary pension insurance. D AY 1 0 6 Contents of the Business Report 16 /NOVA KBM BRANCH OFFICE NETWORK Branch Office Network Department Razlagova ulica 4 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 28 39 Koroška vrata Branch Office Turnerjeva ulica 17a 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 16 60 Novi trg Branch Office Novi trg 1 2250 Ptuj Telephone: +386 2 229 19 24 Slovenia-East Branch Razlagova ulica 4 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 28 39 Pobrežje Branch Office Cesta XIV. divizije 34 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 15 30 Breg Branch Office Zagrebška cesta 4a 2250 Ptuj Telephone: +386 2 229 18 90 Centrala Branch Office Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 20 60 Tezno Branch Office Ptujska cesta 105 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 16 90 Kidričevo Branch Office Mladinska ulica 10 2325 Kidričevo Telephone: +386 2 229 18 65 Tyrševa Branch Office Tyrševa ulica 2 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 20 73 Šentilj Branch Office Maistrova ulica 2 2212 Šentilj v Slovenskih goricah Telephone: +386 2 229 15 50 Videm Branch Office Videm pri Ptuju 43 2284 Videm pri Ptuju Telephone: +386 2 229 19 75 Melje Branch Office Partizanska cesta 42 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 15 70 Ruše Branch Office Jamnikova ulica 2 2342 Ruše Telephone: +386 2 229 17 50 Gorišnica Branch Office Gorišnica 61 2272 Gorišnica Telephone: +386 2 229 17 85 Ljubljanska Branch Office Ljubljanska ulica 1–3 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 15 20 Hoče Branch Office Miklavška cesta 63 2311 Hoče Telephone: +386 2 229 17 40 Rogoznica Branch Office Špindlerjeva ulica 3 2250 Ptuj Telephone: +386 2 229 17 35 Europark Branch Office Pobreška cesta 18 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 15 10 Lovrenc na Pohorju Branch Office Gornji trg 20 2344 Lovrenc na Pohorju Telephone: +386 2 229 18 40 Rabelčja vas Branch Office Ulica 25. maja 13 2250 Ptuj Telephone: +386 2 229 17 10 Cesta zmage Branch Office Cesta zmage 98 2505 Maribor Telephone: +386 2 229 17 20 Lenart Branch Office Partizanska cesta 1 2230 Lenart v Slovenskih goricah Telephone: +386 2 229 15 80 Ormož Branch Office Ptujska cesta 2 2270 Ormož Telephone: +386 2 229 18 70 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 1 0 7 Contents of the Business Report Titova Branch Office Ljubljanska cesta 11 2310 Slovenska Bistrica Telephone: +386 2 229 18 15 Lendava Branch Office Trg ljudske pravice 11 9220 Lendava Telephone: +386 2 229 16 30 Slovenia-West Branch Kidričeva ulica 11 5000 Nova Gorica Telephone: +386 5 331 70 00 Zgornja Bistrica Branch Office Partizanska ulica 61 2310 Slovenska Bistrica Telephone: +386 2 229 17 90 Celje Branch Office Cankarjeva ulica 1 3000 Celje Telephone: +386 3 620 30 75 Centrala Branch Office Kidričeva ulica 11 5000 Nova Gorica Telephone: +386 5 331 70 00 Poljčane Branch Office Bistriška cesta 60 2319 Poljčane Telephone: +386 2 229 18 30 Slovenia-Centre Branch Tivolska cesta 48 1000 Ljubljana Telephone: +386 1 620 30 00 Mestna hranilnica Branch Office Tumova ulica 1 5000 Nova Gorica Telephone: +386 5 331 74 60 Pragersko Branch Office Kolodvorska ulica 7 2331 Pragersko Telephone: +386 2 229 18 50 Ljubljana Branch Office Tivolska cesta 48 1000 Ljubljana Telephone: +386 1 620 30 09 Šempeter Branch Office Cesta Prekomorskih brigad 9 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici Telephone: +386 5 331 70 60 Oplotnica Branch Office Ulica Pohorskega bataljona 7 2317 Oplotnica Telephone: +386 2 229 18 60 Ljubljana Center Branch Office Stritarjeva ulica 2 1000 Ljubljana Telephone: +386 1 620 30 30 Solkan Branch Office Trg J. Srebrniča 2 5250 Solkan Telephone: +386 5 331 74 80 Dravograd Branch Office Meža 10 2370 Dravograd Telephone: +386 2 229 17 65 Kranj Branch Office Koroška cesta 2 4000 Kranj Telephone: +386 4 620 31 04 Rožna Dolina Branch Office Vipavska cesta 2 5000 Nova Gorica Telephone: +386 5 331 70 75 Ravne Branch Office Prežihova ulica 5 2390 Ravne na Koroškem Telephone: +386 2 229 16 40 Žiri Branch Office Loška cesta 15 4226 Žiri Telephone: +386 4 620 31 30 Brda Branch Office Trg 25. maja 5 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih Telephone: +386 5 331 74 85 Murska Sobota Branch Office Kocljeva ulica 11 9000 Murska Sobota Telephone: +386 2 229 17 78 Novo mesto Branch Office Rozmanova ulica 24 8000 Novo mesto Telephone: +386 7 620 31 60 Kanal Branch Office Trg svobode 23 5213 Kanal Telephone: +386 5 331 74 70 Ljutomer Branch Office Glavni trg 4 9240 Ljutomer Telephone: +386 2 229 15 60 Brežice Branch Office Cesta prvih borcev 6 8250 Brežice Telephone: +386 7 620 31 47 Branik Branch Office Branik 75 5295 Branik Telephone: +386 5 331 70 86 Gornja Radgona Branch Office Partizanska cesta 26 9250 Gornja Radgona Telephone: +386 2 229 19 70 Krško Branch Office Cesta krških žrtev 137 8270 Krško Telephone: +386 7 620 31 70 Miren Branch Office Miren 125a 5291 Miren Telephone: +386 5 331 70 80 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 1 0 8 Contents of the Business Report Deskle Branch Office Srebrničeva ulica 20 5210 Deskle Telephone: +386 5 331 74 75 Idrija Branch Office Lapajnetova ulica 41 5280 Idrija Telephone: +386 5 331 70 91 Most na Soči Branch Office Most na Soči 60a 5216 Most na Soči Telephone: +386 5 331 71 75 Dornberk Branch Office Gregorčičeva ulica 11 5294 Dornberk Telephone: +386 5 331 70 85 Cerkno Branch Office Glavni trg 5 5282 Cerkno Telephone: +386 5 331 71 30 Podbrdo Branch Office Podbrdo 33d 5243 Podbrdo Telephone: +386 5 331 71 80 Renče Branch Office Trg 40 5292 Renče Telephone: +386 5 331 70 56 Tolmin Branch Office Trg maršala Tita 14 5220 Tolmin Telephone: +386 5 331 71 47 Koper Branch Office Ferrarska ulica 12 6000 Koper Telephone: +386 5 331 71 96 Ajdovščina Branch Office Goriška cesta 25 5270 Ajdovščina Telephone: +386 5 331 70 14 Bovec Branch Office Trg golobarskih žrtev 47 5230 Bovec Telephone: +386 5 331 71 65 Lucija Branch Office Obala 114b 6320 Lucija Telephone: +386 5 331 74 20 Vipava Branch Office Cesta 18. aprila 4 5271 Vipava Telephone: +386 5 331 70 50 Kobarid Branch Office Trg svobode 2 5222 Kobarid Telephone: +386 5 331 71 70 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. D AY 1 0 9 FINANCIAL REPORT Contents of the Financial Report 1/AUDITOR´S REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM d.d. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 111 Contents of the Financial Report ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 112 Contents of the Financial Report ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 113 Contents of the Financial Report ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 114 Contents of the Financial Report 2/FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM d.d. 1 / Income Statement €000 Nova KBM Group ITEM DESCRIPTION Notes Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Interest income 8 161,255 172,641 136,738 145,907 Interest expenses 8 (50,529) (98,038) (43,147) (85,279) Net interest income 8 110,726 74,603 93,591 60,628 Dividend income 9 1,046 1,387 1,415 1,811 Fee and commission income 10 85,443 89,104 46,163 46,179 Fee and commission expenses 10 (29,484) (32,551) (4,041) (4,424) Net fee and commission income Realised gains on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss Net gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Net gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Net exchange rate differences Net gains on derecognition of assets other than non-current assets held for sale Other net operating (loss) 10 55,959 56,553 42,122 41,755 11 15,100 63,457 10,203 64,033 12 (896) 2,163 (1,618) 1,062 13 5,718 (1,229) 5,718 (1,229) 14 1,212 (1,668) 1,238 (1,343) 15 161 537 3,697 85 16 (3,009) (13,397) (5,083) (14,676) Administration costs 17 (89,146) (97,883) (63,179) (71,242) Depreciation and amortisation 18 (14,462) (15,628) (10,866) (11,788) Provisions 19 15,497 (54,687) 8,460 (43,298) Impairment losses Share of profits/(losses) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method Total profit/(loss) from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale 20 (60,011) (666,048) (51,539) (642,460) 21 154 (174) 0 0 - (85) (902) 23 367 PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Tax expense/(income) related to profit or loss from continuing operations NET PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Total (loss) after tax from discontinued operations - 37,964 (652,916) 34,182 (616,295) 22 4,424 (26,911) 5,085 (23,006) - 42,388 (679,827) 39,267 (639,301) 55 (19,107) (5,081) (3,351) (17,199) NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR - 23,281 (684,908) 35,916 (656,500) a) Attributable to owners of the parent - 21,898 (630,456) 35,916 (656,500) – continuing operations - 39,458 (625,935) 39,267 (639,301) – discontinued operations - (17,560) (4,521) (3,351) (17,199) b) Attributable to non-controlling interests - 1,383 (54,452) 0 0 – continuing operations - 2,930 (53,892) 0 0 - (1,547) (560) 0 0 Basic earnings/(loss) per share (€) – discontinued operations 23 2.19 (63.05) 3.59 (65.65) Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (€) 23 2.19 (63.05) 3.59 (65.65) The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 115 Contents of the Financial Report 2 / Statement of Other Comprehensive Income €000 Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR AFTER TAX 23,281 (684,908) 35,916 (656,500) OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME AFTER TAX 33,208 10,885 26,719 9,232 ITEMS THAT WILL NOT BE RECLASSIFIED TO PROFIT OR LOSS (819) 274 (700) 268 Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit pension plans (858) 300 (725) 293 (Loss) related to non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale (6) 0 0 0 Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 45 (26) 25 (25) ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEMS THAT MAY BE RECLASSIFIED TO PROFIT OR LOSS 34,027 10,611 27,419 8,964 Foreign currency translation (48) 52 0 0 – translation gains/(losses) taken to equity (48) 52 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 41,812 12,844 33,036 10,740 – valuation gains taken to equity 41,807 6,994 33,036 4,895 5 5,850 0 5,845 52 41 0 0 – losses transferred to profit or loss Share of other recognised comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method Net (losses) related to discontinued operations (697) (146) 0 0 Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified to profit or loss (7,092) (2,180) (5,617) (1,776) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR AFTER TAX 56,489 (674,023) 62,635 (647,268) a) Attributable to owners of the parent 55,036 (620,447) 62,635 (647,268) – continuing operations 73,225 (615,792) 65,986 (630,069) (18,189) (4,655) (3,351) (17,199) 1,453 (53,576) 0 0 3,074 (53,004) 0 0 (1,621) (572) 0 0 – discontinued operations (Note 55) b) Attributable to non-controlling interests – continuing operations – discontinued operations (Note 55) The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 116 Contents of the Financial Report 3 / Statement of Financial Position €000 Nova KBM Group ITEM DESCRIPTION Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Nova KBM d.d. Notes 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 24 422,264 460,924 335,417 352,176 25 1,841 1,786 187 612 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 26 17,857 24,586 17,857 24,586 Available-for-sale financial assets 27 1,482,120 1,466,864 1,275,213 1,210,799 - 1,991,342 2,353,876 1,664,347 1,971,478 Loans and advances – loans and advances to banks 28 50,124 104,228 59,299 133,948 – loans and advances to customers 29 1,920,875 2,231,765 1,593,294 1,826,371 – other financial assets 30 20,343 17,883 11,754 11,159 Held-to-maturity financial assets 31 206,540 280,153 89,950 192,437 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations 38 61,273 7,868 865 780 Property, plant and equipment 32 61,431 73,677 52,570 58,010 Investment property 33 36,759 38,426 29,188 2,339 Intangible assets Investments in the equity of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method Tax assets 34 25,483 32,863 14,335 18,329 35 3,164 2,957 96,764 54,139 36 12,984 11,699 12,291 10,290 – current tax assets 36 258 960 2 2 – deferred tax assets 36 12,726 10,739 12,289 10,288 Other assets 37 45,952 55,114 19,231 14,008 - 4,369,010 4,810,793 3,608,215 3,909,983 Financial liabilities held for trading 39 1,229 1,422 1,170 976 Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 40 3,585,893 4,133,833 2,935,277 3,295,465 – deposits from banks and central banks 40 20,875 60,271 11,780 51,982 – deposits from customers 40 3,074,146 3,074,748 2,463,368 2,359,553 – loans from banks and central banks 40 394,213 897,774 363,552 783,912 – loans from customers 40 2,729 4,551 2,729 4,549 – debt securities issued 40 59,129 60,973 67,452 69,284 – subordinated liabilities 40 1,250 1,250 0 0 – other financial liabilities Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations Provisions 40 33,551 34,266 26,396 26,185 55 59,823 0 0 0 TOTAL ASSETS 41 83,011 100,163 74,605 83,851 Tax liabilities - 4,557 96 2,494 0 – current tax liabilities - 3,021 88 2,494 0 – deferred tax liabilities - 1,536 8 0 0 Other liabilities 42 18,140 15,251 14,322 11,979 - 3,752,653 4,250,765 3,027,868 3,392,271 Share capital 43 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Share premium 44 360,572 360,572 360,572 360,572 Accumulated other comprehensive income 45 42,841 8,981 33,859 7,140 Translation reserves - (3,208) (2,486) 0 0 Reserves from profit 46 27,895 663 27,389 0 Retained earnings (including net profit for the financial year) 47 35,338 48,937 8,527 0 EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO OWNERS OF THE PARENT - 613,438 566,667 580,347 517,712 Equity attributable to non-controlling interests - 2,919 (6,639) 0 0 TOTAL EQUITY - 616,357 560,028 580,347 517,712 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY - 4,369,010 4,810,793 3,608,215 3,909,983 TOTAL LIABILITIES The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 117 Contents of the Financial Report 4 / Statement of Cash Flows €000 Nova KBM Group Designation ITEM DESCRIPTION Nova KBM d.d. Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 (658,580) 34,182 (616,295) A. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES a) Total profit/(loss) before tax from continuing operations 18,599 Depreciation and amortisation 15,253 16,454 10,866 11,788 3,500 41,152 3,472 41,158 55,083 561,987 36,053 478,718 171 708 0 1,657 4,603 66,785 974 18,643 Impairment of investments in the equity of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 0 0 11,040 102,284 Share of (profits)/losses of associates and joint ventures accounting for using the equity method (154) 174 0 0 (1,256) 1,674 (1,238) 1,343 0 3,392 0 3,392 (217) (367) (415) (85) Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets Impairment of loans and advances Impairment of held-to-maturity financial assets Impairment of tangible assets, investment property, intangible assets and other assets Net (gains)/losses from exchange rate differences Net losses from held-to-maturity financial assets Net (gains) from the sale of tangible assets and investment properties Net losses from the sale of tangible assets 22 0 0 0 (6,843) (14,005) (7,326) (10,381) 0 (89,209) 0 (89,540) 16,520 902 (23) (367) (19,050) 54,652 (11,742) 43,298 86,231 (14,281) 75,843 (14,387) (Increase)/decrease in operating assets (excluding cash equivalents) 235,275 16,249 123,894 (2,636) Net (increase)/decrease in financial assets held for trading (1,234) (216) 435 566 6,729 9,795 6,729 9,275 13,686 (285,056) (34,850) (225,827) Other (gains) from investing activities Other (gains) from financing activities Net unrealised (gains)/losses from non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations and liabilities associated therewith Other adjustments to total profit or loss before tax Cash flow from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities b) Net decrease in financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Net (increase)/decrease in available-for-sale financial assets Net decrease in loans and advances c) 206,857 281,546 157,563 213,024 Net (increase)/decrease in non-current assets held for sale (477) (436) (85) 169 Net (increase)/decrease in other assets 9,714 10,616 (5,898) 157 (484,902) (762,207) (358,339) (699,272) Net increase/(decrease) in financial liabilities held for trading (Decrease) in operating liabilities (193) 194 194 515 Net (decrease) in deposits, loans and advances measured at amortised cost (484,379) (742,354) (357,534) (688,431) (1,844) (27,619) (1,832) (19,307) Net (decrease) in debt securities in issue measured at amortised cost Net increase in other liabilities d) Cash flow from operating activities (a + b + c) e) Income taxes refunded f) Net cash flow from operating activities (d + e) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 1,514 7,572 833 7,951 (163,396) (760,239) (158,602) (716,295) 417 1,558 0 0 (162,979) (758,681) (158,602) (716,295) DAY 118 Contents of the Financial Report €000 Nova KBM Group Designation ITEM DESCRIPTION B. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES a) Receipts from investing activities Receipts from the sale of tangible assets and investment properties Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 170,645 324,451 109,746 292,638 5,908 2,888 2,218 312 24 0 0 0 0 50,034 0 50,034 Receipts from the sale of intangible assets Receipts from the disposal of associates – discontinued operations Receipts from non-current assets or liabilities held for sale 0 639 0 639 Receipts from the sale of held-to-maturity financial assets 164,713 270,890 106,040 239,127 Other receipts from investing activities b) Nova KBM d.d. 0 0 1,488 2,526 (89,620) (57,642) (42,223) (61,437) (Cash payments to acquire tangible assets and investment properties) (2,012) (6,817) (20,224) (3,395) (Cash payments to acquire intangible assets) (3,081) (3,699) (2,314) (1,417) 0 (5,641) (19,685) (26,997) Cash payments on investing activities (Cash payments for the investments in the equity of subsidiaries) (Cash payments to acquire held-to-maturity financial assets) (84,527) (41,485) 0 (29,628) c) Net cash flow from investing activities (a + b) 81,025 266,809 67,523 231,201 C. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES a) Cash proceeds from financing activities 0 720,001 0 720,001 Cash proceeds from the issuance of subordinated liabilities 0 100,000 0 100,000 Cash proceeds from the issuance of shares and other equity instruments 0 620,001 0 620,001 Cash payments on financing activities (96) (509) (1) 0 (Dividends and shares in profits paid) (96) (95) (1) 0 0 (414) 0 0 b) (Repayment of subordinated liabilities) c) Net cash flow from financing activities (a + b) (96) 719,492 (1) 720,001 D. Effects of change in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents 2,635 (2,896) 3,555 (2,313) E. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (Af + Bc + Cc) (82,050) 227,620 (91,080) 234,907 F. Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 557,246 332,522 453,124 220,530 G. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents (D + E + F) 477,831 557,246 365,599 453,124 The statement of cash flows for the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013 includes cash flows, cash and cash equivalents in respect of discontinued operations, the details of which are presented in Note 55. Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents with the statement of financial position items is presented in Note 24.1. Cash Flows from Interest, Dividends and Participation in Profits €000 Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 Interest paid (67,499) (121,349) (57,465) (101,424) Interest received 163,782 240,882 131,792 203,107 Dividends and participation in profits paid (96) (95) (1) 0 Dividends and participation in profits received 944 1,312 1,415 1,812 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 119 Contents of the Financial Report 5 / Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of changes in equity of the Nova KBM Group for the year ended 31 December 2014 Share capital ITEM DESCRIPTION OPENING BALANCE FOR 150,000 THE FINANCIAL YEAR Total comprehensive income for the financial year 0 after tax Recapitalisation of 0 subsidiaries €000 Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests Share premium Accumulated other comprehensive income Translation reserves Reserves from profit Retained earnings (including net profit for the financial year) Equity attributable to owners of the parent 360,572 8,981 (2,486) 663 48,937 566,667 0 33,860 (722) 0 21,898 55,036 1,453 56,489 0 0 0 0 (8,264) (8,264) 8,264 0 Total equity (6,639) 560,028 Appropriation of (accounting for) dividends 0 0 0 0 0 0 (95) (95) Transfer of net profit to reserves from profit 0 0 0 27,232 (27,232) 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 0 (1) (1) (64) (65) 150,000 360,572 42,841 (3,208) 27,895 35,338 613,438 CLOSING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2,919 616,357 Statement of changes in equity of the Nova KBM Group for the year ended 31 December 2013 ITEM DESCRIPTION OPENING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR Total comprehensive (loss) for the financial year after tax New share capital subscribed (paid) Recapitalisation of subsidiaries Derecognition of treasury shares Appropriation of (accounting for) dividends Transfer of net profit to reserves from profit Covering of the loss brought forward Other CLOSING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR Accumulated loss (including net loss for the financial year) Treasury shares (capital deduction item) Equity attributable to owners of the parent €000 Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests Share capital Share premium Accumulated other comprehensive income 40,814 165,775 (1,149) (2,365) 289,741 (281,237) (1,412) 210,167 43,037 0 0 10,130 (121) 0 (630,456) 0 (620,447) (53,576) (674,023) 252,411 720,000 0 0 0 0 0 972,411 0 972,411 0 0 0 0 0 4,538 0 4,538 4,070 8,608 0 0 0 0 0 (1,412) 1,412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (95) (95) 0 0 0 0 91 (91) 0 0 0 0 0 (668,428) 0 0 (289,169) 957,598 0 1 0 1 (143,225) 143,225 0 0 0 (3) 0 (3) (75) (78) 150,000 360,572 8,981 (2,486) 663 48,937 0 566,667 (6,639) 560,028 Translation reserves Reserves from profit Total equity 253,204 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 120 Contents of the Financial Report Statement of changes in equity of Nova KBM for the year ended 31 December 2014 €000 Share capital Share premium Accumulated other comprehensive income Reserves from profit Retained earnings (including net profit for the financial year) Total equity 150,000 360,572 7,140 0 0 517,712 Total comprehensive income for the financial year after tax 0 0 26,719 0 35,916 62,635 Transfer of net profit to reserves from profit 0 0 0 27,389 (27,389) 0 150,000 360,572 33,859 27,389 8,527 580,347 ITEM DESCRIPTION OPENING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR CLOSING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR Statement of changes in equity of Nova KBM for the year ended 31 December 2013 €000 Share capital Share premium Accumulated other comprehensive income Reserves from profit Accumulated loss (including net loss for the financial year) Total equity 40,814 165,775 (2,092) 275,044 (286,972) 192,569 Total comprehensive (loss) for the financial year after tax 0 0 9,232 0 (656,500) (647,268) New share capital subscribed (paid) 252,411 720,000 0 0 0 972,411 0 (668,428) 0 (275,044) 943,472 0 Other (143,225) 143,225 0 0 0 0 CLOSING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 150,000 360,572 7,140 0 0 517,712 ITEM DESCRIPTION OPENING BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR Covering of the loss brought forward The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 121 Contents of the Financial Report 3/NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM d.d. 1 / General information Nova KBM d.d. (hereafter also referred to as 'Nova KBM' or the 'Bank') is the parent company of the Nova KBM Group (hereafter also referred to as the 'Group') which, as of 31 December 2014, comprised the parent company and 10 subsidiary companies. Nova KBM is a commercial bank with a tradition of understanding and supporting its retail and corporate customers to whom it provides standard banking products. Its registered office is at Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4, 2505 Maribor, Republic of Slovenia. As of 31 December 2014, the share capital of Nova KBM totalled €150,000,000 and was split into 10,000,000 ordinary no-par-value shares, all of which were held by the Republic of Slovenia. Nova KBM is obliged to prepare consolidated financial statements. 1.1 Definition of the Group The Group comprises the parent bank and its subsidiary companies. Company Position in the Group Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d.d. Group´s voting rights in the company (%) parent bank Registered office (country of incorporation) Maribor, Slovenia Poštna banka Slovenije d.d. subsidiary bank 99.12 Maribor, Slovenia Adria Bank AG subsidiary bank 100.00 Vienna, Austria KBM Banka a.d. subsidiary bank 89.53 Kragujevac, Serbia KBM Infond d.o.o. subsidiary company 72.731 Maribor, Slovenia KBM Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation) subsidiary company 100.00 Maribor, Slovenia KBM Invest d.o.o. subsidiary company 100.00 Maribor, Slovenia Gorica Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation) subsidiary company 100.00 Maribor, Slovenia M-PAY d.o.o. subsidiary company 50.00 Maribor, Slovenia KBM Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o. subsidiary company 100.00 Zagreb, Croatia MB Finance B.V. subsidiary company 00.002 The Netherlands 1 The Group´s stake in the share capital of KBM Infond accounts for 72.00%. Due to KBM Infond holding a certain amount of its own shares, the Group´s stake in the capital of and voting rights in KBM Infond equals 72.73%. 2 In accordance with IFRS 10, MB Finance is regarded as a special purpose vehicle controlled by Nova KBM. Nova KBM has neither voting rights nor an equity stake in this entity, and the operations of this entity are considered to be immaterial to the Group. Nova KBM holds a 45% equity stake in the associated company Moja naložba. In May 2014, Nova KBM recapitalised Adria Bank with €12,200,000, thereby increasing its shareholding to 100%. On 29 August 2014, the Adria Bank Supervisory Board reached a decision to start the procedures to terminate the operations of Adria Bank. By 31 March 2015, Adria Bank plans to return to the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) its licence for providing banking services, after which it expects to change its legal form from a joint stock ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 122 Contents of the Financial Report company to a limited liability company. The financial statements of Adria Bank have been prepared on a non-going concern basis. A non-going concern assumption has been taken into consideration in the valuation of the investment in the equity of a subsidiary bank and the credit exposure to Adria Bank. Nova KBM recapitalised KBM Leasing Hrvatska in both 2014 and 2013. The 2014 recapitalisation, which took place in July, was worth €7,485,000, while the recapitalisation in 2013 totalled €5,477,000, with the proceeds of this recapitalisation being used by KBM Leasing Hrvatska to repay a loan to Nova KBM. Liquidation proceedings against KBM Fineko were completed on 30 September 2014. Being the single shareholder of KBM Fineko (in liquidation), on 1 October 2014 Nova KBM took over its assets worth €4,139,000, at which time it recognised a gain of €3,285,000 resulting from the difference between the assets received and the value of the equity investment. KBM Fineko (in liquidation) was deleted from the court register in December. In accordance with the Restructuring Programme and commitments given to the European Commission by the Republic of Slovenia and Nova KBM regarding the restructuring of the Nova KBM Group, the controlled liquidation of KBM Leasing and Gorica Leasing started on 31 December 2014, based on a ruling made by the relevant court. The Restructuring Programme envisaged that both of these companies would be recapitalised by Nova KBM through debt-to-equity conversions. The companies were recapitalised as follows: • KBM Leasing (in liquidation), in the amount of €56,699,000 (2013: €25,000,000) • Gorica Leasing (in liquidation), in the amount of €46,894,000 (2013: €22,000,000). These two companies are still controlled by Nova KBM and are therefore fully consolidated in the Group´s accounts. However, based on the management´s assumption, the companies are regarded as non-going concerns, given that their liquidation is under way and is expected to be completed by 31 July 2015. Following the completion of liquidation proceedings, the remaining assets of the two companies will be transferred to Nova KBM. In addition to the two leasing companies referred to above, in December 2014 Nova KBM recapitalised KBM Invest with €19,000,000 (2013: €21,000,000) through debt-to-equity conversion. As of 31 March 2014, KBM Banka did not meet the capital requirements prescribed by the local regulator. The European Commission took a negative position on the proposal of Nova KBM to recapitalise KBM Banka with €10 million and to write off its subordinated debt worth €5 million. Therefore, as a result of unsuccessful attempts to ensure the capital adequacy of KBM Banka, in December 2014 Nova KBM initiated the process of directly selling its equity investment in KBM Banka. Based on a valuation of KBM Banka´s assets, in the separate financial statements of Nova KBM, the investment in the equity of KBM Banka was impaired to zero (€0) and reclassified into 'Noncurrent assets held for sale and discontinued operations'. In accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards, KBM Banka is still fully consolidated in the Group´s accounts. In the Group´s consolidated statement of financial position, the assets and liabilities of KBM Banka are presented separately in the items 'Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations' and 'Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations', respectively, while in the consolidated income statement the effects of this transaction are included in the item 'Total loss after tax from discontinued operations' (Note 55). The sale of KBM Banka is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2015. Information about the operations of subsidiary companies is provided in the business part of the Annual Report (Section 10.3). Istra Plan, a company 100% owned by KBM Fineko (in liquidation), is not regarded as a business entity, as a result of which only assets of this company, totalling €711,000, have been included in the consolidated financial statements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 123 Contents of the Financial Report 2 / Basis for the presentation of consolidated financial statements The financial statements of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM and for the year ended 31 December 2014 were authorised for issue on 18 February 2015 by the Nova KBM Management Board. The financial statements have been prepared assuming that both Nova KBM and the Nova KBM Group will continue as going concerns in the foreseeable future and that they will be able to meet their liabilities when due. 2.1 Statement of compliance and purpose of financial statements The separate and consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (hereafter 'IFRSs') as endorsed by the European Union. These statutory financial statements are prepared for the purpose of compliance with legal requirements. The Group is legally required to obtain an independent audit of these financial statements. The scope of that audit is limited to an audit of general purpose statutory financial statements to fulfil the legal requirement for audit of statutory financial statements. The audit scope comprehends the statutory financial statements taken as a whole and does not provide assurance on any individual line item, account or transaction. The audited financial statements are not intended for use by any party for purposes of decision making concerning any ownership, financing or any other specific transactions relating to the Group. Accordingly, users of the audited statutory financial statements should not rely exclusively on the financial statements and should undertake other procedures before making decisions. 2.2 Basis of valuation The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for the following items for which the fair value has been elected: • financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss • available-for-sale financial assets • derivatives • investment property. The fair value assessment methods are set out below. 2.3 Use of estimates and judgements The preparation of financial statements in accordance with the IFRSs requires the use of certain accounting estimates and judgements, which may affect the value of reported assets and liabilities and of potential assets and liabilities as of the reporting date, and income and expenses for the period then ended. The most important judgements relate to the classification of financial instruments, in particular to the distribution between the held-to-maturity portfolio and the portfolio held for trading. The classification of financial instruments is carried out in line with the Group´s policy prior to the initial recognition of a financial instrument. Estimates are used for: impairment of loans to customers; impairment of available-for-sale financial assets; fair value of financial assets and liabilities; provisions for off-balance sheet items; depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortisation of intangible assets; potential tax items; provisions for liabilities to employees; and provisions for pending legal issues. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 124 Contents of the Financial Report Changes in estimates for impairment losses have an especially important impact on the financial position and results of operations. These estimates are subject to adjustment in the future as a result of changes in economic conditions, customers´ repayment capabilities, and realisation of collateral values for defaulted loans. 2.4 Presentation and functional currency Items included in the financial statements are presented in euro, which is the functional and presentation currency of both the Bank and the Group. All amounts in the financial statements and in the notes to the financial statements are expressed in thousands of euros, except where stated otherwise. Slight discrepancies in totals may occur due to rounding adjustments. 2.5 Changes in financial statements The Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and the European Council on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms, and amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 (hereafter: the CRR), adopted on 26 June 2013, became effective from 1 January 2014. Apart from requirements with respect to capital, large exposure, securitisation, liquidity and leverage, the CRR has introduced several requirements regarding disclosures (FINREP-ITS). As a result of the introduction of the implementing technical standard on supervisory reporting – FINREP (ITS), it was necessary to adjust the financial statement layouts for the purpose of their publication and inclusion in the annual report, with both separate and consolidated financial statements being affected by this standard. The Group used these amended financial statement layouts for the first time for the purpose of publishing its financial statements as of 31 December 2014. The comparability of data for 31 December 2014 with those for 31 December 2013 has been ensured. Changes in the statement of financial position are set out below: • The item 'Cash and balances with the central bank' was changed to 'Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks'. According to the new layout, this item includes demand deposits placed with banks. • The items 'Financial liabilities to the central bank' and 'Financial liabilities associated with transferred assets' were cancelled, with all of the financial instruments measured at amortised cost that had been previously included in these items now being included in the item 'Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost'. The names of the sub-items of this item, 'Deposits from banks' and 'Loans from banks', were appropriately amended to include the words 'and central banks' in order to reflect the changes made to this item. • The item 'Revaluation reserves' was changed to 'Accumulated other comprehensive income'. The effects of changes referred to above on the statement of financial position as of 31 December 2013 are presented in the following table: Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 25,446 17,346 Loans and advances (25,446) (17,346) – loans and advances to banks (25,446) (17,346) (482,891) (426,002) Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Financial liabilities to the central bank 482,891 426,002 – loans from banks and central banks 482,891 426,002 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 125 Contents of the Financial Report The income statement, the statement of comprehensive income and the statement of changes in equity were not affected by the changes in the layouts of financial statements, while the changes to the statement of cash flows were made in order to ensure consistency with the amended layout of the statement of financial position. The assets and liabilities of KBM Banka were reclassified into discontinued operations in the Group´s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014, while in the financial statements of the Bank for the year ended 31 December 2014, the investment in the equity of KBM Banka was reclassified as discontinued operations. The financial statements of the Group and the Bank for the year ended 31 December 2013 (with the exception of the statement of financial position) and the related notes were restated accordingly, in accordance with IFRS 5. Further details regarding the discontinued operations are presented in Note 55. 3 / Significant accounting policies The adopted accounting policies have been consistently applied in both reporting periods presented in these financial statements. 3.1 Consolidation Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of Nova KBM and its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Group obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases. The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. All intragroup balances, transactions, unrealised gains and losses resulting from intra-group transactions and dividends are eliminated in full. Losses within a subsidiary are attributed to non-controlling interests even if that results in a deficit balance. A change in the ownership interest of a subsidiary, without a loss of control, is accounted for as an equity transaction. If the Group loses control over a subsidiary, it: • derecognises the assets (including goodwill) and liabilities of the subsidiary • derecognises the book value of any non-controlling interest • derecognises the cumulative translation differences, recorded in equity • recognises the fair value of the consideration received • recognises the fair value of any investment retained • recognises any surplus or deficit in profit or loss • reclassifies the parent´s share of components previously recognised in other comprehensive income to profit or loss or retained earnings, as appropriate. Business combinations and goodwill/negative goodwill Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the consideration transferred, measured at acquisition date fair value and the amount of any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree. For each business combination, the acquirer measures non-controlling interests in the acquiree either at fair value or at the proportionate share of the acquiree´s identifiable net assets. Acquisition costs incurred are expensed and included in administrative expenses. When the Group acquires a business, it assesses the financial assets and liabilities assumed for appropriate ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 126 Contents of the Financial Report classification and designation in accordance with the contractual terms, economic circumstances and pertinent conditions as at the acquisition date. This includes the separation of embedded derivatives in host contracts by the acquire. If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date fair value of the acquirer´s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date through profit or loss. Any contingent consideration to be transferred by the acquirer will be recognised at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes to the fair value of the contingent consideration, which is deemed to be an asset or liability, will be recognised in accordance with IAS 39 either in profit or loss or as a change to other comprehensive income. If the contingent consideration is classified as equity, it should not be remeasured until it is finally settled within equity. Goodwill is initially measured at cost being the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred and the amount recognised for non-controlling interests over the net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. If this consideration is lower than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised in profit or loss (negative goodwill). After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated to each of the Group´s cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from the combination, irrespective of whether other assets or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those units. Where goodwill forms part of a cash-generating unit and part of the operation within that unit is disposed of, the goodwill associated with the operation disposed of is included in the book value of the operation when determining the gain or loss on disposal of the operation. Goodwill disposed of in this circumstance is measured based on the relative values of the operation disposed of and the portion of the cash-generating unit retained. Subsidiaries Subsidiary entities are entities controlled by the Group. Control exists when the Group is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with an entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. Financial statements of subsidiary entities are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which effective control is transferred to the Group and are no longer consolidated from the date of disposal. Business combinations achieved in stages are accounted for as separate steps. Any additional acquired share of interest does not affect previously recognised goodwill. When necessary, accounting policies for subsidiary entities have been changed to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group. The reporting dates are unified across the whole Group. All subsidiary entities are fully consolidated. In the statement of financial position, non-controlling interests are reported as a separate item within equity. Shares of non-controlling interests are eliminated from all equity items in proportion to the share of non-controlling interests in the share capital. Associated entities Associated entities are those entities in which the Group has significant influence, but not control, over the financial and operating policies. Significant influence exists when the Group has the power to participate in, but not control or jointly control, the financial and operating decisions of the investee. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 127 Contents of the Financial Report Associated entities are accounted for using the equity method and are initially recognised at cost. The Group´s investment includes goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment losses. The consolidated financial statements include the Group´s share of the income and expenses and equity movements of equity accounted investees, after adjustments to align the accounting policies with those of the Group, from the date the significant influence or joint control commences until the date that significant influence or joint control ceases. When the Group´s share of losses exceeds its interest in an equity accounted investee, the book value of that interest (including any long-term investments) is reduced to nil and the recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that the Group has an obligation or has made payments on behalf of the investee. Transactions eliminated on consolidation Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised income and expenses and dividends arising from intragroup transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealised gains and losses arising from intra-group transactions and recognised in assets are eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment. Investments in the equity of subsidiaries and associated entities presented in the separate financial statements of Nova KBM In making decisions on whether it has control over, or significant influence in, an entity, the Management Board takes into consideration the pre-determined criteria regarding the definition of subsidiary and associated entities. In the separate financial statements of Nova KBM, the investments in the equity of subsidiaries and associated entities are presented at cost less any impairment losses. 3.2 Foreign currency translation Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates. Exchange rate differences are recognised in profit or loss. Assets and liabilities items denominated in foreign currency are translated and disclosed in the consolidated financial statements by applying the European Central Bank´s reference exchange rates in effect on the reporting date. The effects of translating foreign currency into the euro are recognised in profit or loss as net translation gains or losses. Translation differences on non-monetary items, such as equity instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss, are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. Translation differences on equity instruments designated as available for sale are included in other comprehensive income, together with the fair value measurement effect. Financial statements of the Group companies that have functional currency different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows: • assets and liabilities are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing at the reporting date • profit or loss is translated at the average exchange rate for the period. While translation differences are presented as a separate equity category, they are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which the asset is disposed of. 3.3 Cash equivalents Cash equivalents are current, highly liquid investments that can be quickly converted into a known amount of cash and for which the risk of changes in value is negligible. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 128 Contents of the Financial Report The Group regards the following items as cash equivalents: • cash and balances in settlement and current accounts • loans to banks with an original maturity of up to three months • investments in available-for-sale debt securities with an original maturity of up to three months. Obligatory deposit funds are available to finance day-to-day operations and are therefore considered as cash equivalent. 3.4 Financial assets 3.4.1 Classification of financial assets Upon initial recognition, the Group classifies financial assets with regard to the purpose of the acquisition, the period held, and the type of the financial asset into one of the following categories: • Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss are classified into financial instruments held for trading and other financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets held for trading are those instruments in which the Group intends to actively trade and earn profit from short-term price differences. Equity instruments, debt securities and derivatives, except those held for hedging purposes, are classified into this category. Financial assets are upon initial recognition designated at fair value through profit or loss when doing so provides more relevant information of measurement or recognition. • Held-to-maturity financial assets are assets with fixed or determinable payments and a fixed maturity, for which the Group attests the purpose and capacity to hold them until maturity. • Available-for-sale financial assets are assets which the Group did not acquire for the purpose of trading but intends to hold them for an undetermined period of time, and which can be sold for the reason of liquidity requirements, changes in interest rates, exchange rates or the prices of financial instruments. • Loans and advances are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments which are not traded on an active market. The Group uses financial instruments to economically hedge against risks arising from other financial instruments. In its accounting, the Group does not apply the rules of hedge accounting because gains and losses resulting from the hedged item and the hedging instrument are recognised simultaneously in profit or loss. The Group does not hold instruments for which hedge accounting would be required. 3.4.2 Recognition and derecognition of financial assets Purchases and sales of financial assets other than loans and advances are recognised on the trading date (the day when the contract is made). Loans and advances are recognised when funds are advanced to borrowers. A financial asset is derecognised when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire or the financial asset is transferred and the transfer qualifies for derecognition (the Group transferred all rights and risks under the financial asset). Should the Group transfer the financial asset, but retain practically all risks and rights, derecognition of the asset is not carried out. If a financial asset is derecognised in full, the difference between the book value of the asset and the sum of any consideration received (including any new assets obtained less any new liabilities assumed), together with any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised directly in other comprehensive income, is recognised in profit or loss. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 129 Contents of the Financial Report 3.4.3 Measurement of financial assets Financial assets, other than those carried at fair value through profit or loss, are initially measured at fair value plus any transaction costs. Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction costs are expensed in profit or loss on the purchase date. After they are initially recognised, financial assets held for trading and available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value. Fair value of financial assets is based on current bid prices as valid on the reporting date or, if such are not available, closing prices. If a quoted market price is not available, the fair value of the financial instrument is estimated using comparative pricing models or discounted cash flow techniques. Derivatives, including foreign currency forward transactions, interest rate swaps, currency options and forward transactions in securities, are used by the Group for trading and hedging purposes, and are measured at their fair value. The fair value of derivatives equals unrealised gains or losses on the valuation of derivatives at market prices or at contractual forward prices. Available-for-sale equity instruments for which the fair value cannot be reliably estimated are measured at cost (acquisition cost plus transaction costs and reduced by appropriate impairment losses). Loans and advances are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Loans and advances are reported at their outstanding principal balances plus any accrued interest and fees and reduced by appropriate impairment losses. Held-to-maturity financial assets are measured at amortised cost. Amortised cost is calculated as the amount at which the financial asset is measured at initial recognition less principal repayments and any reduction for impairment, and adjusted for any cumulative amortisation of the difference between that initial amount and the maturity amount. 3.4.4 Gains and losses Gains and losses arising from the change in fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Gains and losses arising from the change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognised directly in other comprehensive income, except for losses due to impairment and foreign exchange gains and losses, until the financial asset is derecognised at which time the effect previously included in other comprehensive income is recognised in profit or loss. Interest on available-for-sale debt securities, calculated by applying the effective interest rate method, is recognised directly in profit or loss. 'Day one profit' Where the transaction price of an instrument in a non-active market is different to the fair value from other observable market transactions in the same instrument or is based on a valuation technique whose variables include only data from observable markets, the Group immediately recognises the difference between the transaction price and fair value in profit or loss as the 'day one profit or loss'. In cases where the data used for valuations are not 'fully marketable', the difference between the transaction price and the price based on the valuation technique is recognised in profit or loss only after the market becomes relevant, or if the instrument is disposed of. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 130 Contents of the Financial Report 3.4.5 Reclassification of financial assets During the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013, the Group did not reclassify any of its financial assets into another category. 3.4.6 Impairment of financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets At each reporting period the Group assesses whether there is objective evidence that available-for-sale financial assets are impaired. A significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of a financial asset below its acquisition cost is taken into consideration when determining whether the asset is impaired. The decision regarding what is to be considered as a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value is based on estimates. In making such estimates, the Group, in addition to other variables, takes into account the price volatility of securities. If an available-for-sale debt instrument is impaired, the cumulative loss recognised within other comprehensive income is transferred to profit or loss. The loss so recognised may be reversed. If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurred after the impairment loss had been recognised, the impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss. In case of impairment of available-for-sale equity instruments, the loss due to impairment is recognised in profit or loss. Reversal of impairment of equity instruments is not made through profit or loss, and any subsequent increase in fair value is directly recognised in other comprehensive income. Held-to-maturity financial assets At each reporting period the Group assesses whether there is objective evidence that held-to-maturity financial assets are impaired. The amount of impairment loss is measured as the difference between the instrument´s book value and the present value of future cash flows discounted by the original effective interest rate. The amount of loss is recognised in profit or loss. Loans and receivables The Group classifies each customer into the adequate credit rating category using an internal methodology. The classification of customers depends on their financial standing and performance, their ability to provide cash flow needed for the repayment of debts, the regularity of their debt service payments, the industry sector risk, and on subjective criteria. The Group continuously, or at least quarterly, assesses whether impartial evidence exists, or events have occurred since recognition of an asset, and whether these events have an impact on the future cash flows of a financial asset or a group of financial assets which can be reliably assessed. Taking into consideration the risks associated with a customer and the transaction entered into, an appropriate impairment of a financial asset is made in accordance with the IFRSs and an internal methodology. Significant financial assets are assessed individually for impairment. If impairment is established in an individual assessment of an asset, such asset shall be impaired individually, otherwise it shall be classified into the appropriate customer or financial asset risk category and impaired collectively. Individually insignificant financial assets are also assessed collectively for impairment. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 131 Contents of the Financial Report For individually assessed financial assets, the amount of loss due to impairment is calculated as the difference between the asset´s book value and the present value of future cash flows discounted at the contractual interest rate. If the Group possesses prime or adequate collateral, it also takes into account the expected cash flows generated from the realisation of any such collateral. For collective assessment of financial assets, the Group uses a model that is based on the probability of a customer becoming a defaulting customer, taking into account the amount of loss incurred by each category of defaulting customers. The probability of default and the amount of loss are calculated for each individual category of loans on the basis of information about previous defaults and losses. The adequacy of collective impairment rates is verified on an annual basis. Collective impairment rates are calculated separately for the portfolio of loans given to retail customers and the portfolio of loans given to corporate customers. The book value of an impaired asset is reduced directly, or through the allowance account. Impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss. If the level of impairment decreases in a subsequent period, the previously recognised impairment loss shall be reversed. The amount of reversed loss is recognised in profit or loss. If a customer is located in a higher-risk country, the sovereign risk also has to be taken into consideration when assessing losses due to impairment. Whenever possible, the Group strives to restructure loans rather than liquidate collateral. The restructuring of a loan can be made by extending the term of the loan or negotiating new terms and conditions for the loan. Once new terms and conditions are agreed, the loan is no longer classified as being due; however, a customer´s credit rating cannot be upgraded only on the basis of a loan being restructured. If a loan is restructured, the Group constantly checks the customer´s compliance with the terms of the restructured loan and monitors the probability of future repayments. Such loans remain subject to collective or individual impairment calculated using the original effective interest rate of the loan. As an alternative to loan restructuring, the Group may also consider converting into equity the loans outstanding to corporate customers. In such a case, the book value of the loan before its conversion (which has already been appropriately impaired, in accordance with valuation provided for in IAS 39) becomes the acquisition (fair) value of the long-term investment in equity, unless a lower value is determined by an appraisal. However, upon the initial recognition of investments acquired through the conversion of loans, the Group does not recognise any gain resulting from the reversal of impairment of converted loans. 3.5 Offsetting Financial assets and liabilities are offset in the statement of financial position when there is a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. 3.6 Sale and repurchase agreements Securities purchased under agreements to resell (repurchase agreements – repos) are recognised as loans to customers. Under such agreements, the Group does not assume risks and benefits arising from security ownership. The contractual relationship has the characteristics of loans collateralised with securities that are subject of the reverse repo agreements. The difference between the purchase and selling price is recognised as interest income and is accrued over the contract period using the effective interest method. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 132 Contents of the Financial Report 3.7 Leases Assets leased to customers under lease agreements, which transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of an item of property, plant and equipment, with or without ultimate legal title, are classified as finance leases. Depending on the lease agreement, the asset leased may be bought or returned to the lessor. As a rule, such a lease agreement cannot be unilaterally terminated. For depreciating leased assets, the same accounting policy is applied as for the Group´s own assets. A lease which is not a finance lease is an operating lease. The Group as a lessee Payments made under operating leases are included in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. An asset obtained on the basis of a finance lease is included within property, plant and equipment. Its acquisition cost equals the fair value of the leased asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments, whichever is lower. Lease payments are recognised as interest expense. Leased assets are depreciated over the useful life of the asset. However, if there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term, the asset is depreciated over the shorter of the estimated useful life of the asset and the lease term. The Group as a lessor Assets leased under operating lease agreements are included within investment property or property, plant and equipment. Lease income is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. When assets are held subject to a finance lease, the present value of future lease payments is recognised as a receivable under the finance lease. Income from the finance lease, which is disclosed as interest income, is recognised over the entire period of the lease and reflects a constant periodic rate of return of the lessor. 3.8 Property, plant and equipment Items of property, plant and equipment are assets which the Group uses for conducting its business. They are recorded at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment loss. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of an asset are included in the initial cost recognition. Subsequent costs are included in the asset´s book value only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to profit or loss in the financial period in which they are incurred. The Group starts to depreciate items of property, plant and equipment when these assets are available for use. Depreciation of assets is provided individually on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The following depreciation rates were applied by the Group in both 2014 and 2013: Nova KBM Group – buildings 1.1% to 5% – computer equipment 20% to 50% – motor vehicles 12.5% to 20% – other equipment 5% to 33.33% Land is recognised separately from buildings and, as it generally has an unlimited beneficial life, is not depreciated. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 133 Contents of the Financial Report For co-divided ownership of commercial space, the value of the associated land is included in the Group´s acquisition cost of the respective part of the building. Items of property, plant and equipment are assessed due to possible impairment each time when there are indicators that, due to events or changes in the circumstances, the book value of an asset may not be recovered. If the estimated recoverable value of an asset is lower than its book value, the latter should be written down to the recoverable amount, and the loss due to impairment has to be recognised in profit or loss. The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset´s fair value less costs to sell and the value in use. An asset is derecognised upon disposal or if the future economic benefits are no longer expected from its use. Gains and losses on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment are determined as the difference between proceeds from disposal and the book value of an item of property, plant and equipment, and are recognised net in profit or loss. Borrowing costs Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale are capitalised as part of the cost of the respective assets. All other borrowing costs are expensed in the period they occur. 3.9 Investment property Items of investment property are tangible assets that the Group does not use directly in its operations; they are held with the intention of renting them out commercially. Upon recognition, they are measured at acquisition cost, and later the Group measures items of investment property using the fair value model. A licensed real estate appraiser verifies the fair value of items of investment property at the end of each financial year. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value are included in profit or loss in the period to which they relate. 3.10 Intangible assets The Group possesses only intangible assets with a determinable period of useful life. Initial recognition of an acquisition cost includes costs which are directly linked to the acquisition of an asset and are necessary for the asset to be put into use. The Group depreciates intangible assets on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The following amortisation rates were applied by the Group in both 2014 and 2013: Nova KBM Group – licences 10% to 33.33% – other investments 5% to 33.33% The Group stops amortising intangible assets when they are defined as non-current assets held for sale, or when they are derecognised as the Group no longer expects any further economic benefits. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 134 Contents of the Financial Report Intangible assets are tested for impairment when there are indicators that the book value may not be recovered. If the assessed recoverable amount of an asset is lower than its book value, the book value should be reduced to the recoverable amount and the reduction recognised as an impairment loss in profit or loss. The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value less costs of sale and the value in use. 3.11 Inventory Items of inventory are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is the estimated sales price achieved in the ordinary course of business net of estimated costs of completion and costs of sale. Inventories are not revalued as a result of the increase in value. Finished goods and work-in-progress (real estate for sale) are initially measured at direct production costs plus indirect production costs. Upon initial recognition, the Group measures items of real estate received in settlement of receivables on the basis of an appraiser´s report. The Group holds the items of real estate so acquired with the intention of selling them. The acquisition cost of inventory items seized under lease agreements consists of the debt of the lessee (overdue and unpaid as well as outstanding principal, overdue and unpaid interest and other costs attributable to the lessee). 3.12 Non-current assets held for sale Non-current assets are classified as held for sale if their book value will be recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. This condition is regarded as met only when the sale is highly probable and the asset is available for immediate sale in its present condition. Management must be committed to the sale, which should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification. Non-current assets held for sale are measured at the lower of book and fair value, reduced by the costs of sale. These assets are not depreciated. 3.13 Financial liabilities Financial liabilities include liabilities to the central bank, financial liabilities held for trading and financial liabilities measured at amortised cost. Financial liabilities held for trading include liabilities arising from the valuation of forward sale of securities, and are measured at fair value. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost are deposits and loans from banks and customers, debt instruments issued, and other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost are recognised in the amount of proceeds received net of any direct transaction costs. After they are initially recognised, the liabilities are measured at amortised cost, and any difference between net proceeds and the redemption value is recognised in profit or loss using the effective interest rate method. A financial liability is derecognised only when it is extinguished – i.e. when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. The difference between the book value of a financial liability that is cancelled, or transferred to another party, and the compensation paid is recognised in profit or loss. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 135 Contents of the Financial Report 3.14 Provisions The Group recognises non-current provisions for liabilities and expenses due to present obligations (legal or constructive) arising from past events for which it is possible that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligations and a reasonable estimate of the obligation can be made. The Group creates provisions for pensions and similar liabilities, for off-balance sheet liabilities, for pending legal issues, for the restructuring, and other provisions. The Group recognises provisions for pensions and similar liabilities that reflect the present value of liabilities for severance benefits and loyalty bonuses. When calculating the present value, a discount interest rate is used that is equal to the market rate of return on 10-year Eurozone corporate bonds with a high credit rating; the discount rate used for 2014 was 1.9% (2013: 4.1%). The Group recognises provisions for each employee by taking into account severance benefits at retirement provided for by the employment contract, as well as the costs of expected loyalty bonuses for the total years of service at the company until retirement. In making the calculation, the Group takes into consideration, among other factors, the employee turnover in the range of 0.0% to 6.0% (2013: 0.4% to 1.7%) and the projected increase in salaries in the range of 0.6% to 1.2% (2013: 1.4% to 1.9%). The calculation of these liabilities is carried out by a certified actuary. Recognition and derecognition of provisions for employee benefits are recognised in profit or loss, except for actuarial gains or losses related to severance benefits that have been recognised in comprehensive income since 2013. The Group recognises provisions for off-balance sheet liabilities on the basis of risk classification of the customer and transaction concerned, taking into consideration similar criteria as for the impairment of loans. The level of provisions for pending legal issues has been determined on the basis of a reliable assessment of liabilities arising from these issues at the reporting date. These provisions are estimated based on known facts of the legal proceeding, previous experience with similar proceedings, and opinions provided by legal experts. Provisions for the restructuring of the Group have been recognised based on the adopted Restructuring Programme. These provisions cover only expenses that are directly attributable to the restructuring of the Group. 3.15 Equity Share capital of Nova KBM is split into ordinary no-par-value shares. Treasury shares are deducted from equity. The shares of the Bank are freely transferrable and have been issued in book-entry form. All shares issued by the Bank are of the same class. Holders of Bank shares have the following rights: participation in the voting at the Bank Shareholders´ Meetings in proportion to their share of the capital of the Bank; participation in profits of the Bank appropriated for dividends; and pro-rata distribution of residual assets in case of bankruptcy or liquidation of the Bank, as stipulated by the applicable legislation. All shares have been fully paid for. In accordance with Nova KBM´s Articles of Association, regulatory reserves are established until the aggregate amount of regulatory reserves and share premium equals four times the amount of the Bank´s share capital. Share premium cannot be paid out to shareholders, but can only be used for the purposes and under the conditions as laid down in the Companies Act. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 136 Contents of the Financial Report Reserves set aside under Nova KBM´s Articles of Association (statutory reserves) are established up to the amount which equals eight times the amount of the Bank´s share capital. Dividends on shares are recognised as a financial liability in the period in which the Shareholders´ Meeting approves the dividend payment. 3.16 Commitments and contingencies The Group undertakes transactions in financial instruments that carry off-balance sheet risk, such as financial and service guarantees, letters of credit and credit lines. Financial guarantees Off-balance sheet commitments under guarantees represent irrevocable obligations that the Group will make payments in the event a customer cannot fulfil its obligations vis-à-vis third parties. Fees received are amortised to profit or loss using the straight-line method. Risks associated with off-balance sheet financial commitments and contingent liabilities are assessed similarly as for loans. Any increase in liability as a result of estimated expenses required for the settlement of contractual obligations is included in provisions. 3.17 Interest income and interest expenses Income is recognised when a probability of future economic benefits exists, and such benefits can be reliably measured. Interest income and interest expenses are recognised in accrued amounts at a level, with maturities, and in the manner set out in the Group´s decision on interest rates, or as stipulated in the agreement between the Group and the customer. All interest income and expenses from operations in financial assets are recognised in profit or loss using the effective interest rate method. The following items are included in interest income: regular, default and accrued interest, as well as prepaid fees for costs of repaying non-current loans given to households. These fees are transferred to income in line with the loan repayment period. Income from finance lease is recognised over the entire period of the lease and reflects a constant periodic rate of return of the lessor; it is disclosed as interest income. All interest on deposits, securities issued, loans received and other expenses on financial liabilities are included in interest expenses. 3.18 Dividend income Dividend income comprises dividends and shares in profits received by the Group from its investments in the equity of companies. Dividend income is recognised in profit or loss when the right to receive payment is established. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 137 Contents of the Financial Report 3.19 Fee and commission income and fee and commission expenses Fee and commission income includes fees and commissions received for services rendered by the Group. Fee and commission expenses include amounts paid by the Group for services provided by others. Fee and commission income and expenses are recognised in profit or loss when the service is rendered. 3.20 Realised gains and losses on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss Realised gains and losses on available-for-sale financial assets, loans measured at amortised cost and held-tomaturity financial assets are recognised in profit or loss upon selling the asset, at maturity, or upon other derecognition of the financial asset. 3.21 Net gains and losses on financial assets held for trading Net gains and losses from trading include realised and unrealised gains and losses on financial assets held for trading, including derivatives, and net gains from buying and selling foreign currency. 3.22 Other net operating income or loss Other net operating income or loss includes realised gains and losses from non-banking activities (income from leases and from selling inventory, expenses for memberships and contributions, and other expenses). 3.23 Impairments Impairments comprise impairments of financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss; impairments of property, plant and equipment; impairments of intangible assets; and impairments of investment property. 3.24 Taxes Income tax is recognised at the amount as reported by the Group companies on the basis of the applicable local legislation. Deferred taxes are calculated for all temporary differences between the value of assets and liabilities for tax purposes and their book value. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. The most significant temporary differences arise from the valuation of financial instruments and provisions. Deferred taxes are recognised for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred taxes associated with measurement of available-for-sale financial assets at fair value are recognised directly in comprehensive income. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 138 Contents of the Financial Report 3.25 Segment reporting A segment is recognisable as an integral part of the Group engaged in marketing of products or services (operating segment) and is subject to risks and returns different from those in other segments. Reporting by segments for management purposes is the same as presented in the financial statements. With the aim of effectively managing its operations, the Group has divided its business into five operating segments based on products and services provided. These segments are presented in the table below. Banking Banking and financial services provided in accordance with the Banking Act: Acceptance of deposits, granting of loans, factoring and financing commercial transactions, payment transaction services, issuance and management of payment instruments, issuance of guarantees and other commitments. Fund management Management of financial funds. Leasing Finance and operating leasing of movable property, equipment and real estate. Real estate activity Real estate operations, investment engineering and project financing. Other services Coordination of the Moneta system development. The management monitors the results of operating segments to make proper investment decisions and to assess the performance of segments. Segment performance is assessed based on operating profit or loss which, in certain respects, is different to operating results disclosed in the consolidated financial statements. For the purpose of reporting, the operations of the Nova KBM Group are divided into the following three geographical segments: Slovenia, Western Europe and Eastern Europe. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 139 Contents of the Financial Report 3.26 Standards and interpretations The accounting policies used to prepare the financial statements are consistent with those of the previous financial year, except for new and amended standards and interpretations effective as of 1 January 2014, as presented below: • Disclosures required by IAS 8.28 – information regarding initial application of particular new regulations. In the current period, the following amendments to existing standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the EU apply: • IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements; adopted by the EU on 11 December 2012 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements; adopted by the EU on 11 December 2012 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities;adopted by the EU on 11 December 2012 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • IAS 27 (revised in 2011) – Separate Financial Statements; adopted by the EU on 11 December 2012 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • IAS 28 (revised in 2011) – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures;adopted by the EU on 11 December 2012 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • Amendments to IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements;IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements, and IFRS 12 – Disclosures of Interests in Other Entities – Transition Guidance; adopted by the EU on 4 April 2013 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • Amendments to IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements; IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, and IAS 27 (revised in 2011) – Separate Financial Statements – Investment Entities; adopted by the EU on 20 November 2013 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • Amendments to IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities; adopted by the EU on 13 December 2012 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • Amendments to IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets – Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets; adopted by the EU on 19 December 2013 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). • Amendments to IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement – Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting; adopted by the EU on 19 December 2013 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014). The amendments to the existing standards have not led to any material changes in the Group´s accounting policies. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 140 Contents of the Financial Report Standards and interpretations issued by the IASB and adopted by the EU but not yet effective At the date of authorisation of the financial statements included in this report the following standards, amendments to the existing standards and interpretations issued by the IASB and adopted by the EU were in issue but not yet effective: • Amendments to various standards – Improvements to IFRSs (cycle 2010 – 2012) resulting from the annual improvement project of IFRSs (IFRS 2, IFRS 3, IFRS 8, IFRS 13, IAS 16, IAS 24 and IAS 38) primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies and clarifying wording; adopted by the EU on 17 December 2014 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 February 2015). • Amendments to various standards – Improvements to IFRSs (cycle 2011 – 2013) resulting from the annual improvement project of IFRSs (IFRS 1, IFRS 3, IFRS 13 and IAS 40) primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies and clarifying wording; adopted by the EU on 18 December 2014 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015). • Amendments to IAS 19 – Employee Benefits – Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions; adopted by the EU on 17 December 2014 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 February 2015). • IFRIC 21 – Levies;adopted by the EU on 13 June 2014 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 17 June 2014). Standards and interpretations issued by the IASB but not yet adopted by the EU At present, IFRSs as adopted by the EU do not significantly differ from regulations adopted by the IASB, except for the following standards, amendments to the existing standards and interpretations, which were not endorsed for use in the EU as at 18 February 2015: • IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018). • IFRS 14 – Regulatory Deferral Accounts (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2017). • Amendments to IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements, and IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures – Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • Amendments to IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, and IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures – Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • Amendments to IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements – Accounting for Acquisition of Interests in Joint Operations (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • Amendments to IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements – Disclosure Initiative (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • Amendments to IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment, and IAS 38 – Intangible Assets – Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 141 Contents of the Financial Report • Amendments to IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment, and IAS 41 – Agriculture – Agriculture: Bearer Plants (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • Amendments to IAS 27 – Separate Financial Statements – Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). • Amendments to various standards – Improvements to IFRSs (cycle 2012 – 2014) resulting from the annual improvement project of IFRSs (IFRS 5, IFRS 7, IFRS 19 and IAS 34) primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies and clarifying wording (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016). Hedge accounting regarding the portfolio of financial assets and liabilities, whose principles have not been adopted by the EU, is still unregulated. According to the Group´s estimates, application of hedge accounting for the portfolio of financial assets or liabilities pursuant to IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, would not significantly impact the financial statements, if applied as at the balance sheet date. The Group has not early adopted any standard or interpretation issued but not yet effective. The Group anticipates that the adoption of these standards, revisions and interpretations will have no material impact on its financial statements in the period of initial application. 4 / Risk exposure The Group revises the document Strategy of the Nova KBM Group on an annual basis. The Strategy is the key document in the preparation of annual business plans. The Bank Management Board delegates risk oversight and management to the senior management (policy holders). The policy holders, together with officers responsible for particular policies, determine the method of measuring individual risks. The responsible officers are specialised in defining, measuring and controlling individual risks. The organisational unit responsible for defining the acceptable level of a specific type of risk and the method of measuring and monitoring the risk is organisationally separate from the unit it monitors. In accordance with the rules of procedure, each risk management policy has to be approved by the Policy Approval Committee and, in addition, agreed by the President of the Management Board or his deputy. The Group companies may use their own approach in managing individual risks, taking into consideration the importance of risk and the regulatory framework. 4.1 Credit risk Credit risk is the risk of loss resulting from the failure of a Group´s debtor to discharge its liabilities. The Group is exposed to credit risk through its loan portfolio. The management of credit risk is carried out at the customer level, by individual Group companies, as well as at the Group level. The Bank controls credit risk to which the Group companies are exposed through its representatives on supervisory boards and credit committees of subsidiary companies. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 142 Contents of the Financial Report The Group manages credit risk in several ways, such as by: • identifying the risk related to customers and recognising impairment of financial assets and provisions for offbalance sheet liabilities in accordance with the IFRSs • providing capital to ensure sufficient capital coverage of credit risks • setting exposure limits for customers, groups of related customers, industry sectors and market segments • properly securing financial assets. The Group´s exposure to credit risk arising from loans and advances given to banks and customers is described below. 4.1.1 Non-performing exposures The Group defines as non-performing exposures (NPEs) such exposures for which it reasonably believes that the debtor will not discharge all of its liabilities within the contractual period. Non-performing exposures are classified into the credit rating category D or E. In accordance with the Nova KBM Group Methodology for Classifying Legal Entities into Credit Rating Categories, and the Nova KBM Methodology and Procedures for Classifying Retail Customers, the following customers are classified into the D or E credit rating category: • customers that have been over 90 days late in paying their liabilities • customers that have filed for compulsory composition or bankruptcy • customers whose debts have been written off in full or in part • customers whose current accounts have been blocked for more than 60 days • customers whose debts have been restructured by the Bank, but which are still very unlikely to repay their debts • customers for whom the Bank has reliable information which indicates that they will not be able to repay their debts, or customers that have been classified into the category of defaulting customers. The portfolio of customers classified into the credit rating categories D and E is managed by the Loan Workout Department, the Legal Office, and the Corporate Customer Monitoring Department. 4.1.2 Interest rates and loan approval fees Interest rates are determined in accordance with the adopted credit policies of Group companies. Interest rates depend on the basic interest rate, the purpose of a loan, the customer´s track record of cooperation with the Group companies, the customer´s credit rating, the maturity of a loan, and the type of collateral provided for a loan. Loan approval fees are determined in accordance with the applicable decisions adopted by the management board of individual Group companies, and in accordance with their respective lending policies. 4.1.3 Exposure limits With respect to limiting its exposure, the Group takes into account all applicable regulatory limitations. In compliance with Slovene banking laws and other regulations governing the banking business, exposure to a single customer or to a group of related customers shall not exceed 25% of the Group´s equity. For the purpose of mitigating credit risk, the Group has adopted rules that apply to the setting of maximum allowable exposures to customers and groups of related customers. These rules are set out in detail in the Nova KBM Group Methodology for Determining Upper Lending Limits for Customers. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 143 Contents of the Financial Report 4.1.4 Loan collateral policy As a rule, loans are not granted without the customer providing at least one type of collateral. Unsecured loans are exception and are approved only to risk-free customers. Loans granted to all other customers are secured by at least one type of collateral. The type of collateral required depends on: • type of a customer (including its legal status) • customer´s credit rating • type and maturity of a loan • customer´s repayment capabilities • customer´s relationship with the Group and with other customers • customer´s track record of cooperation with the Group. Banks in the Group determine eligibility criteria for collateral to be provided in their loan collateral policies. With respect to the adequacy of collateral provided to mitigate credit risk, the following classification has been adopted: • prime collateral • adequate collateral • pledge of movable or immovable property • other types of collateral. Leasing companies in the Group are legal owners of assets leased under lease agreements. Non-banking Group companies define the type of collateral to be provided in their risk management policies. 4.1.5 Analysis of exposure to credit risk by taking account of collateral As of 31 December 2014, the proportion of A- and B-rated loans accounted for 52.65% of the total loan portfolio, compared to 56.12% at the end of 2013. The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the structure of the loan portfolio by credit rating categories: Loans by credit rating categories as a % of the total loan portfolio Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 A 42.42 42.47 46.15 42.91 B 10.23 13.65 9.51 11.44 C 7.07 13.29 7.47 14.60 D 16.23 16.40 19.12 22.11 E 24.05 14.19 17.75 8.94 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 144 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to credit risk Loans to customers Nova KBM Group Net outstanding loans Individual impairment Loans to banks 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 1,920,875 2,231,765 50,124 104,228 Gross amount 966,592 1,057,140 730 6,031 Impairment (531,869) (509,385) (3) (2,546) Net amount 434,723 547,755 727 3,485 Collective impairment Credit rating A 941,848 1,026,876 0 0 Credit rating B 298,683 409,305 0 0 Credit rating C 174,665 207,286 0 0 Credit rating D 29,477 16,146 0 0 Credit rating E 71,194 59,831 0 0 Gross amount 1,515,867 1,719,444 0 0 Impairment (86,958) (80,572) 0 0 Net amount 1,428,909 1,638,872 0 0 Net non-impaired loans Total net loans 57,243 45,138 49,397 100,743 1,920,875 2,231,765 50,124 104,228 Loans to customers Nova KBM d.d. Loans to banks 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Net outstanding loans 1,593,294 1,826,371 59,299 133,948 Individual impairment Gross amount 672,926 788,637 5,015 56,694 Impairment (344,441) (389,705) (5,013) (20,396) Net amount 328,485 398,932 2 36,298 Collective impairment Credit rating A 804,293 859,638 0 0 Credit rating B 232,345 312,845 0 0 Credit rating C 154,612 202,157 0 0 Credit rating D 26,815 26,140 0 0 Credit rating E 58,294 40,603 0 0 Gross amount 1,276,359 1,441,383 0 0 Impairment (67,558) (57,166) 0 0 Net amount 1,208,801 1,384,217 0 0 56,008 43,222 59,297 97,650 1,593,294 1,826,371 59,299 133,948 Net non-impaired loans Total net loans The Group´s total net loans outstanding at the end of 2014 amounted to €1,970,999,000, down 15.62% on the 2013 year-end figure. Loans of €967,322,000 were individually impaired, with loan impairment losses of €531,872,000 being set aside for these loans. Loans totalling €1,515,867,000 were collectively impaired, and the loan impairment losses of €86,958,000 were recognised by the Group for these loans. The following table shows net loans by credit rating category and impairment method, without taking account of the value of collateral provided: ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 145 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of net loans without taking account of collateral Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Individual impairment 484,847 651,983 387,784 532,880 Collective impairment 1,486,152 1,684,010 1,264,809 1,427,439 Credit rating A 993,487 1,062,317 856,161 895,814 Credit rating B 293,628 401,659 228,654 308,896 Credit rating C 156,799 194,787 138,610 190,016 Credit rating D 19,503 9,659 18,166 16,852 Credit rating E Total net loans 22,735 15,588 23,218 15,861 1,970,999 2,335,993 1,652,593 1,960,319 Analysis of exposure to credit risk by market segments The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the volume of loans and loan impairment losses by market segments: Analysis of gross loans and loan impairment losses by market segments Gross loans Nova KBM Group Loan impairment losses Gross loans 31.12.2014 Loan impairment losses 31.12.2013 State 38,218 1,050 20,839 495 Credit institutions (banks) 50,127 3 106,774 2,546 Other financial intermediaries Large non-financial companies Non-financial SMEs SMEs (sole proprietors and non-profit societies) Individuals Total Nova KBM d.d. 56,067 19,945 55,656 16,399 1,183,472 451,690 1,345,652 425,163 272,722 85,653 320,380 88,563 92,725 21,674 112,124 22,209 896,498 38,815 967,071 37,128 2,589,829 618,830 2,928,496 592,503 Gross loans Loan impairment losses Gross loans Loan impairment losses 31.12.2014 State 28,271 138 31.12.2013 15,330 446 Credit institutions (banks) 64,312 5,013 154,344 20,396 Other financial intermediaries 71,601 24,109 161,513 76,036 Large non-financial companies 891,142 306,272 1,005,116 293,613 Non-financial SMEs 155,682 38,599 164,519 37,155 SMEs (sole proprietors and non-profit societies) Individuals Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 65,326 12,299 77,244 12,933 793,271 30,582 849,520 26,688 2,069,605 417,012 2,427,586 467,267 DAY 146 Contents of the Financial Report Past-due and unpaid claims 31.12.2014 Nova KBM Group Up to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days Over 90 days Total 13 0 0 2 15 Banks State Legal entities Households Total 112 5 5 3 125 44,698 34,190 24,941 486,058 589,887 1,985 525 3,044 60,256 65,810 46,808 34,720 27,990 546,319 655,837 Up to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days Over 90 days Total 0 0 0 2,523 2,523 124 5 0 3 132 72,377 29,476 8,403 445,765 556,021 4,658 1,227 1,090 51,635 58,610 77,159 30,708 9,493 499,926 617,286 Up to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days Over 90 days Total 14 0 0 2 16 31.12.2013 Nova KBM Group Banks State Legal entities Households Total 31.12.2014 Nova KBM d.d. Banks State Legal entities Households Total 107 0 1 0 108 28,321 32,892 19,981 271,318 352,512 1,465 339 2,930 38,068 42,802 29,907 33,231 22,912 309,388 395,438 Up to 30 days 0 31 to 60 days 0 61 to 90 days 0 Over 90 days 2 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. Banks State Legal entities Households Total Total 2 119 0 0 0 119 47,986 23,346 3,264 233,257 307,853 3,161 960 599 32,464 37,184 51,266 24,306 3,863 265,723 345,158 Past-due but not impaired claims Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 Up to 30 days 211 79 211 79 31 to 90 days 1 495 1 495 Over 90 days 0 3 0 3 212 577 212 577 Total 31.12.2013 Outstanding loan recovery Banks in the Group have special departments in charge of bad and doubtful loan recovery. These departments are responsible for monitoring and resolving outstanding and bad loans in accordance with regulatory requirements as well as internal instructions and documents. The Loan Workout Department is responsible for monitoring and resolving outstanding and bad loans in accordance with regulatory requirements and internal documents. The latter determine the method of transferring bad loans to the Loan Workout Department for recovery. If a debtor is in default on a materially significant amount for more than 90 days, the Bank declares such customer as a defaulting customer and undertakes all the necessary steps to collect the debt, or restructures the debt if this might mitigate the loss incurred by the Bank. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 147 Contents of the Financial Report Where an obligation is past-due for more than 90 days, or if the debtor declares the implementation of an insolvency procedure, the collection of the debt is transferred to the Loan Workout Department or Legal Office. As long as the overdue period does not exceed 90 days, the collection of debts is managed within the commercial departments, with the professional support provided by the Corporate Customer Monitoring Department. In cooperation with other specialised departments, the Loan Workout Department prepares internal regulations (policy, rules of procedure and instructions) that govern the recovery of loans by the Loan Workout Department. When outstanding loans are transferred to the Loan Workout Department, the department evaluates all available information, particularly collateral coverage of outstanding loans, on the basis of which it assesses the expected loss. The Loan Workout Department also evaluates the underlying reasons for default to prevent other loans from becoming bad loans. Together with the debtor, the Loan Workout Department tries to find out the options for restructuring the loan in order to restore the debtor´s ability to resume repayments of liabilities to the Bank (extension of maturity date, possible grace period on the principal, change of interest rate). In such cases, the Loan Workout Department also tries to obtain additional collateral. If the loan is restructured, the Loan Workout Department monitors the debtor´s compliance with the terms of the restructured loan. Internal regulations governing the management of bad loans include provisions regarding the preventive restructuring proceedings and other novelties related to the debt collection, as stipulated in the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (ZFPPIPP – F). If a loan cannot be restructured, or if another solution acceptable to the Bank cannot be agreed upon, the Loan Workout Department lodges a request for carrying out appropriate court procedures under which the Bank and the debtor try to reach an in-court or out-of-court settlement (e.g. through mediation). The Loan Workout Department might try to reach an agreement with a debtor together with other companies in the Nova KBM Group, or through bank syndicates. Sometimes additional measures can be taken to recover some or all of the given funds, such as selling the Bank´s claims to third parties. In carrying out its work, the Loan Workout Department complies with internal rules and applicable legislation and, as needed, collaborates with legal and other experts, both in-house and outside the Bank. Bad loans are written off after the Loan Workout Department has taken all the necessary and sufficient measures provided by law and internal regulations to recover the loan. NPLs in the total loan portfolio Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Total gross loan portfolio 2,589,829 2,928,496 2,069,605 2,427,586 Total net loan portfolio 1,970,999 2,335,993 1,652,593 1,960,319 462,519 424,407 370,457 379,405 23.47 18.17 22.42 19.35 Net NPLs (past-due over 90 days; ratings D and E) Net NPLs/total net loan portfolio (%) The increase in the proportion of NPLs in the total loan portfolio was partially the result of the introduction of more stringent criteria applicable to the classification of exposures into defaulting credit rating categories, as introduced by the implementing technical standard of the European Banking Authority, and partially due to a reduction in lending volumes of both the Bank and the Group. In 2014, the Group continued to collect the unpaid obligations of customers by liquidating instruments of collateral through regular court proceedings and in out-of-court settlements. The Group has set aside adequate impairment losses for NPLs on the basis of anticipated cash flows generated from the liquidation of collateral. The parameters used to calculate individual impairments are verified at least once a year. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 148 Contents of the Financial Report If the out-of-court settlement is not successful, the Loan Workout Department assesses the expected cash flow generated from the liquidation of pledged property by generally taking into account 50% of the appraised value of pledged property and the liquidation period of five years. In cases where the property cannot be sold at auctions, it is purchased by KBM Invest, a subsidiary company engaged in the sale and brokerage of real estate. Other types of collateral can be taken into account in the calculation of individual impairments only if the expected cash flow generated from the liquidation of collateral and the repayment period can be realistically assessed. Analysis of restructured loans Gross restructured loans Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 23,142 100,225 17,837 78,959 373,360 310,740 321,430 306,771 396,502 410,965 339,267 385,730 Restructured loans with uncertain repayment prospects Loans restructured at a material economic loss and with a low probability of being repaid Total As of 31 December 2014, the volume of restructured loans in the portfolio of the Nova KBM Group totalled €396,502,000, of which €34,470,000 was in retail loans and €362,032,000 was in corporate loans (loans outstanding to companies and sole proprietors). Analysis of performing loans and NPLs by industry sectors The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the total net loans and net NPLs outstanding to individual industry sectors, and the proportion of net NPLs in net loans: Nova KBM Group Total net loans Net NPLs 857,683 33,849 23,240 2,786 Share of NPLs (%) Total net loans Net NPLs 3.95 929,943 26,030 2.80 8,532 36.71 31,667 5,602 17.69 676 24.26 1,307 252 19.28 31.12.2014 Households Agriculture and hunting, forestry, fishing Mining Manufacturing industry Share of NPLs (%) 31.12.2013 342,155 142,670 41.70 436,937 121,969 27.91 Electricity, gas and steam supply 46,771 3,946 8.44 64,646 10,808 16.72 Water supply, waste and sewage management, rehabilitation of the environment 24,052 979 4.07 16,701 808 4.84 Construction 71,471 31,088 43.50 87,809 31,042 35.35 188,896 76,590 40.55 236,731 78,014 32.95 Transportation and storage 52,511 6,025 11.47 58,917 1,266 2.15 Accommodation and food service activities 39,621 19,292 48.69 45,143 17,447 38.65 Information and communication activities 22,526 13,507 59.96 30,520 7,946 26.04 Financial intermediation 92,590 20,442 22.08 178,205 23,296 13.07 Real estate activities 39,025 29,712 76.14 48,323 32,454 67.16 Professional, scientific and technical activities 47,680 25,601 53.69 69,533 22,427 32.25 Other various business activities 15,764 2,758 17.50 10,818 2,768 25.59 Public administration and defence services, compulsory social security activities 32,415 185 0.57 14,643 189 1.29 Trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles Education 3,181 392 12.32 3,628 329 9.07 Health and welfare security 23,128 8,704 37.63 24,423 9,150 37.46 Arts, entertainment and recreation 38,824 35,957 92.62 35,802 31,064 86.77 Other activities 6,680 1,614 24.16 10,297 1,546 15.01 Total net loans 1,970,999 462,519 23.47 2,335,993 424,407 18.17 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 149 Contents of the Financial Report Nova KBM d.d. Total net loans Net NPLs 762,689 31,509 17,216 1,989 Share of NPLs (%) Total net loans Net NPLs 4.13 822,832 21,415 2.60 4,626 26.87 20,210 2,199 10.88 229 11.51 394 215 54.57 31.12.2014 Households Agriculture and hunting, forestry, fishing Mining Manufacturing industry Share of NPLs (%) 31.12.2013 272,295 111,133 40.81 332,199 87,478 26.33 Electricity, gas and steam supply 43,954 3,838 8.73 56,701 9,779 17.25 Water supply, waste and sewage management, rehabilitation of the environment 14,602 241 1.65 4,185 458 10.94 42,208 14,273 33.82 45,730 10,339 22.61 130,157 57,208 43.95 147,284 52,595 35.71 Construction Trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles Transportation and storage 48,826 5,151 10.55 53,520 500 0.93 Accommodation and food service activities 29,728 13,940 46.89 32,233 11,024 34.20 Information and communication activities 14,362 8,022 55.86 13,783 7,680 55.72 111,939 32,035 28.62 248,730 71,979 28.94 Real estate activities 32,292 23,907 74.03 44,847 34,592 77.13 Professional, scientific and technical activities 31,597 18,478 58.48 64,035 31,530 49.24 8,021 1,196 14.91 6,854 1,036 15.12 26,229 0 0.00 8,479 0 0.00 Financial intermediation Other various business activities Public administration and defence services, compulsory social security activities Education 3,020 369 12.22 3,391 297 8.76 Health and welfare security 20,497 8,673 42.31 21,030 9,150 43.51 Arts, entertainment and recreation 37,555 35,184 93.69 30,157 26,643 88.35 Other activities 3,417 445 13.02 3,725 496 13.32 Total net loans 1,652,593 370,457 22.42 1,960,319 379,405 19.35 Valuation of real estate For the purpose of secured lending, financial reporting, purchase or sale of real estate, and renting out of real estate, valuation of real estate is regulated by the Nova KBM Group Methodology for Real Estate Valuation. The Group must obtain the value and assess the quality of real estate collateral to be provided prior to reaching any decision regarding the acceptance of the respective real estate as security for its exposure to credit risk, and must monitor the movements in the value and quality of real estate collateral during the entire period of its exposure to credit risk. The assessment of the value of real estate that must comply with the International Valuation Standards (IVSs) must be conducted by an independent real estate appraiser appointed by the Slovene Auditing Institute or the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia. For the valuation of residential real estate with a value of up to €500,000, the Group may use the generalised market value as determined in the process of the mass real estate valuation, and published by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. The market value of real estate as set out in the applicable sales agreement may also be used for the needs of establishing collateral. Because of the complexity of real estate valuations, the following two valuation methods are used: • Simple valuation method: this method is used for the valuation of real estate whose value does not exceed €1,000,000, in particular for family houses, apartments, building plots, individual agricultural land parcels, individual business premises, and smaller industrial buildings. • Complex valuation method: this method is used for the valuation of real estate of high value, specialised real estate, investment property under construction, and trade-related property as defined under IVS 310. This method is also used for the valuation of real estate for the purpose of financial reporting. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 150 Contents of the Financial Report In the case of complex valuations, the Group selects appraisers to carry out the value assessment. Selection is through a tender process. Valuation reports requested by the Group are checked by the Credit Analysis Department, which confirms whether the valuation carried out is appropriate for the Group´s needs. Statistical revaluation is used by the Group as the method to assess changes in the value of real estate over time. Analysis of collateral – value of collateral for given loans 1. Collateral for individually impaired loans – movable and immovable property – debt securities – equity instruments – other Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 677,162 1,225,731 336,255 772,825 536,445 856,213 294,621 549,708 1,940 1,935 1,912 1,935 18,923 82,336 17,831 59,551 119,854 285,247 21,891 161,631 2,072,967 2,712,587 1,815,446 2,371,299 1,839,763 2,273,070 1,645,377 2,044,114 0 157 0 129 6,406 43,073 5,254 35,493 – other 226,798 396,287 164,815 291,563 3. Collateral for non-impaired loans 76,143 53,315 71,349 49,019 3,800 2,923 349 596 72,343 50,392 71,000 48,423 2,826,272 3,991,633 2,223,050 3,193,143 2. Collateral for collectively impaired loans – movable and immovable property – debt securities – equity instruments – movable and immovable property – other 4. Total As of 31 December 2014, the total value of collateral provided for loans in the form of movable and immovable property was €2,380,008,000, of which 77.30% related to collectively impaired loans, 22.54% related to individually impaired loans, and 0.16% related to non-impaired loans. Collateral of €1,940,000 was in the form of debt securities, all of which related to individually impaired loans. Collateral of €25,329,000 was in the form of equity instruments, of which 25.29% related to collectively impaired loans, and 74.71% related to individually impaired loans. A significant proportion of the Group´s loan portfolio is secured by real estate. The estimated value of this collateral, which may have a material effect on the financial statements owing to inactivity of the Slovene real estate market, is based on market data. In addition, a number of equity instruments pledged as security for loans are not quoted on a stock exchange and are not traded in markets. There is uncertainty as to the future economic situation, which may have an impact on the value of collateral and the time needed for its realisation. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 151 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of net loans by market segments and regions Loans to customers Nova KBM Group Loans to banks 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 NET BOOK VALUE 1,920,875 2,231,765 50,124 104,228 By market segment 1,920,875 2,231,765 50,124 104,228 860,765 1,032,247 0 0 0 0 19,222 27,008 13.086 23.885 0 0 483 3,912 0 0 12,572 588 0 0 – non-financial companies – deposit-taking companies, except the central bank – other financial intermediaries, except insurance companies and pension funds – auxiliary financial service providers – captive financial institutions and money lenders – insurance companies – pension funds – central government – local government – social security funds – households – non-profit institutions serving households 31.12.2013 13 6 0 0 2 1 0 0 26,921 8,824 0 0 7,882 6,874 0 0 0 1 0 0 925,491 1,014,535 0 0 2,460 3,015 0 0 71,200 137,877 30,902 77,220 By region 1,920,875 2,231,765 50,124 104,228 – Slovenia 1,849,675 2,093,888 19,222 27,008 1,311 4,989 28,384 73,890 – rest of the world – European Monetary Union (EMU) – non-EMU EU countries 54,041 71,971 2,506 1,590 – republics of the former Yugoslavia 12,802 55,948 12 24 3,046 4,969 0 1,716 – other Loans to customers Nova KBM d.d. Loans to banks 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 NET BOOK VALUE 1,593,294 1,826,371 59,299 133,948 By market segment 1,593,294 1,826,371 59,299 133,948 – non-financial companies 31.12.2013 664,305 795,363 0 0 – deposit-taking companies, except the central bank 0 0 29,123 24,029 – investment funds, except money market funds 0 522 0 0 11,846 52,237 0 0 – other financial intermediaries, except insurance companies and pension funds – auxiliary financial service providers – captive financial institutions and money lenders – insurance companies – pension funds – central government – local government – households – non-profit institutions serving households 333 3,573 0 0 12,572 588 0 0 13 6 0 0 2 1 0 0 22,924 6,657 0 0 2,844 3,587 0 0 813,586 884,629 0 0 2,131 2,516 0 0 62,738 76,692 30,176 109,919 By region 1,593,294 1,826,371 59,299 133,948 – Slovenia 1,530,556 1,749,679 29,123 24,029 – rest of the world 1,311 1,260 28,384 104,988 – non-EMU EU countries – European Monetary Union (EMU) 45,579 51,050 1,792 30 – republics of the former Yugoslavia 12,802 23,904 0 4,901 3,046 478 0 0 – other ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 152 Contents of the Financial Report As of 31 December 2014, net loans given to banks and to customers totalled €50,124,000 and €1,920,875,000, respectively. Of the latter figure, the largest proportion related to households (48.18%), followed by non-financial companies (44.82%). Loans given to customers headquartered in the Republic of Slovenia accounted for 96.29% of the total loans to customers. Of the loans given to foreign non-bank customers, the largest proportion, i.e. 2.81% of the total loans to customers, related to customers residing in the EU countries. Loans given to local banks accounted for 38.35% of the total loans to banks. At 56.63%, loans given to banks residing in the EMU accounted for the largest proportion of the total loans to foreign banks. 4.2 Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk of loss resulting from a Group company´s inability to meet all of its payment obligations, or the risk that it has to provide necessary funding at significantly higher than usual costs. It arises from maturity mismatches between assets and liabilities. The Group companies monitor daily liquidity in accordance with regulatory requirements and methodologies, taking into account their activities and the volume of operations. In its liquidity projections, the Bank takes into account liquidity needs of the Group companies. The Group uses a harmonised method for monitoring structural liquidity. During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Group managed liquidity risk in accordance with the Nova KBM Group Policy of Managing Liquidity Risk which sets out the methods and responsibilities for managing assets and liabilities to provide for sufficient cash inflows within a certain period of time. The Policy sets out the measures for assessing, measuring, managing and monitoring liquidity risk. The Policy includes liquidity planning for the timely repayment of obligations, measures to be adopted under adverse liquidity conditions, and procedures for checking variables on the basis of which the policy for managing liquidity risk has been formulated. The Group companies have prepared business continuity plans for managing liquidity risk that set out appropriate measures for early detection of crisis situations as well as adequate steps for restoring a normal liquidity position. The Group carries out, on a monthly basis, liquidity stress tests in compliance with the Nova KBM Group Methodology for Implementing Stress Scenarios of Liquidity Risk. The results of stress tests are used for the purpose of assessing negative effects of potentially critical events on the Group´s liquidity position, and for preparing measures for dealing with any liquidity crisis. The document Business Continuity Plan for Managing Liquidity Risk in Nova KBM sets out appropriate measures for early detection of crisis situations as well as adequate steps for restoring a normal liquidity position of the Bank. The Bank carries out, on a monthly basis, liquidity stress tests in compliance with the Nova KBM Group Methodology for Implementing Stress Scenarios of Liquidity Risk. The results of stress tests are used for the purpose of assessing negative effects of potentially critical events on the Bank´s liquidity position, and for preparing measures for dealing with any liquidity crisis. Net liquid assets The Group uses an internal methodology for determining net liquid assets, which represent the difference between the portion of assets that can be converted into liquid funds within a short period of time, and the unstable portion of liabilities. The unstable portion of liabilities is the portion of the Group´s liabilities that may become due in the same short period of time. According to an internal regulation, the level of net liquid assets must be at least positive to ensure the Group´s operational and regulatory liquidity. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 153 Contents of the Financial Report Liquidity gap The liquidity gap, which is regularly monitored and thoroughly analysed by individual time buckets, is a measure of the level of maturity matching of assets and liabilities. The Group cannot avoid the liquidity gap, but can manage it effectively. A positive gap represents a surplus of funds that can be invested profitably. On the other hand, a negative gap is a sign of a shortage of funds that needs to be provided for. Liquidity ratios and obligatory deposits During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Bank complied with the Bank of Slovenia regulations on minimum liquidity. As of 31 December 2014, the Bank´s Category One Liquidity Ratio was 1.980, compared to 1.872 a year earlier. The prescribed liquidity ratio is set at 1.0. The Bank also complied with the Bank of Slovenia regulations on obligatory deposits. Stability of deposits The Bank uses its own econometric model for calculating the proportion of stable demand deposits. This model is based on regression analysis which is used to examine the movements in demand deposits over time. For using the model, the dependent variable and independent variables must be determined. The results derived from the model provide a basis for analysing the predictive power, and for carrying out retroactive testing. For the period from 1 January to 31 December 2014, the results of this model gave a higher level of stable demand deposits than the one that was taken into account in the calculation of liquidity ratios according to the regulations. For the year ended 31 December 2014, the average stability of demand deposits was 83.79%, compared to 83.85% for the year ended 31 December 2013. The average stability of household deposits was as high as 93.03% in 2014, against 93.84% reported for 2013. The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the distribution of significant statement of financial position items with maturity of up to and over five years. Analysis of exposure to liquidity risk as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 422,264 422,264 0 0 0 0 1,841 1,841 0 0 0 0 17,857 17,857 0 0 0 0 Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets 1,482,120 33,017 44,670 327,017 890,448 186,968 Loans and advances 1,933,959 301,119 114,409 334,177 709,655 474,599 Held-to-maturity financial assets 206,540 607 37,319 75,662 65,543 27,409 Other assets 247,046 32,920 1,158 74,044 28,358 110,566 Total assets 4,311,627 809,625 197,556 810,900 1,694,004 799,542 1,229 1,229 0 0 0 0 3,548,874 420,718 349,149 651,385 1,427,941 699,681 781,888 31,679 64,149 65,379 39,316 581,365 4,331,991 453,626 413,298 716,764 1,467,257 1,281,046 (20,364) 355,999 (215,742) 94,136 226,747 (481,504) 44,935 4,707 4,736 20,007 10,827 4,658 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Guarantees ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 154 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to liquidity risk as of 31 December 2013 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 460,924 460,924 0 0 0 0 1,786 1,786 0 0 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,466,864 1,466,864 0 0 0 0 Loans and advances Nova KBM Group Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 2,353,876 585,481 122,391 365,563 768,224 512,217 Held-to-maturity financial assets 280,153 10,853 17,447 130,314 89,128 32,411 Other assets 222,604 65,239 1,238 9,697 31,716 114,714 Total assets 4,810,793 2,615,733 141,076 505,574 889,068 659,342 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Guarantees 1,422 1,422 0 0 0 0 4,133,833 1,742,045 483,014 949,547 849,120 110,107 675,538 18,278 5,922 40,536 47,021 563,781 4,810,793 1,761,745 488,936 990,083 896,141 673,888 0 853,988 (347,860) (484,509) (7,073) (14,546) 295,381 34,533 22,504 95,624 97,614 45,106 Analysis of exposure to liquidity risk as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 335,417 335,417 0 0 0 0 187 187 0 0 0 0 17,857 17,857 0 0 0 0 Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets 1,275,213 22,932 42,347 326,334 738,723 144,877 Loans and advances 1,522,471 158,190 101,132 270,266 596,659 396,224 Held-to-maturity financial assets 89,950 608 24,665 36,930 4,997 22,750 Other assets 225,244 7,429 6 0 22,701 195,108 Total assets 3,466,339 542,620 168,150 633,530 1,363,080 758,959 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities 1,170 1,170 0 0 0 0 2,898,016 308,491 269,182 525,571 1,253,721 541,051 671,768 22,972 2,771 64,369 38,345 543,311 Total liabilities and equity 3,570,954 332,633 271,953 589,940 1,292,066 1,084,362 Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch (104,615) 209,987 (103,803) 43,590 71,014 (325,403) 5,489 794 238 2,187 1,827 443 Guarantees ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 155 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to liquidity risk as of 31 December 2013 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 352,176 352,176 0 0 0 0 612 612 0 0 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,210,799 1,210,799 0 0 0 0 Loans and advances 1,971,478 480,284 85,997 338,783 653,898 412,516 Held-to-maturity financial assets 192,437 10,607 10,963 82,147 60,976 27,744 Other assets 157,895 11,514 0 0 14,031 132,350 Total assets 3,909,983 2,090,578 96,960 420,930 728,905 572,610 Nova KBM d.d. Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Guarantees 976 976 0 0 0 0 3,295,465 1,275,456 367,547 756,963 789,505 105,994 613,542 12,242 3,976 34,304 41,308 521,712 3,909,983 1,288,674 371,523 791,267 830,813 627,706 0 801,904 (274,563) (370,337) (101,908) (55,096) 250,991 32,613 17,509 79,077 80,840 40,952 The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated non-discounted contractual balance sheet liabilities. A significant proportion of the Group´s liabilities falls due within a one-month period, referring to demand deposits. The Group monitors the stability of demand deposits on a daily basis and has a secondary liquidity source available in case of an unexpected drop in these deposits. Non-derivative balance sheet liabilities as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 3,679,445 1,817,157 439,221 844,681 478,443 99,943 Liabilities Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities 781,888 31,923 64,149 65,379 39,316 581,121 Total liabilities 4,461,333 1,849,080 503,370 910,060 517,759 681,064 260,135 36,033 13,842 106,074 82,892 21,294 Guarantees Non-derivative balance sheet liabilities as of 31 December 2013 Nova KBM Group Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Liabilities Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 4,288,542 1,751,840 490,366 984,361 936,879 125,096 Other liabilities 675,538 18,278 5,922 40,536 47,021 563,781 Total liabilities 4,964,080 1,770,118 496,288 1,024,897 983,900 688,877 295,381 34,533 22,504 95,624 97,614 45,106 Guarantees ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 156 Contents of the Financial Report Non-derivative balance sheet liabilities as of 31 December 2014 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 2,977,808 1,390,521 369,472 722,065 396,578 99,172 Other liabilities 671,768 22,972 2,771 64,369 38,345 543,311 Total liabilities 3,649,576 1,413,493 372,243 786,434 434,923 642,483 222,438 32,179 9,632 88,633 74,038 17,956 Nova KBM d.d. Liabilities Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Guarantees Non-derivative balance sheet liabilities as of 31 December 2013 Nova KBM d.d. Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years 3,397,180 1,279,056 372,480 783,306 840,375 121,963 Liabilities Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities 613,542 12,242 3,976 34,304 41,308 521,712 Total liabilities 4,010,722 1,291,298 376,456 817,610 881,683 643,675 250,991 32,613 17,509 79,077 80,840 40,952 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years outflow 64,350 34,515 29,835 0 0 0 inflow 64,296 34,439 29,857 0 0 0 244 59 105 80 0 0 Guarantees Derivatives held as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group CURRENCY DERIVATIVES Forwards INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES Interest rate and currency swaps outflow inflow 193 0 107 86 0 0 TOTAL OUTFLOW 64,594 34,574 29,940 80 0 0 TOTAL INFLOW 64,489 34,439 29,964 86 0 0 The table above presents non-discounted cash flows on derivatives. Foreign currency amounts were translated into the euro using the ECB exchange rate effective on 31 December 2014. The presentation of figures takes into account the method of settlement. In most cases, the settlement of contracts is carried out on a gross amount basis.. Derivatives held as of 31 December 2013 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years outflow 85,242 36,802 48,440 0 0 0 inflow 84,933 36,681 48,252 0 0 0 outflow 998 446 399 153 0 0 inflow 566 0 405 161 0 0 TOTAL OUTFLOW 86,240 37,248 48,839 153 0 0 TOTAL INFLOW 85,499 36,681 48,657 161 0 0 Nova KBM Group CURRENCY DERIVATIVES Forwards INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES Interest rate and currency swaps The table above presents non-discounted cash flows on derivatives. Foreign currency amounts were translated into ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 157 Contents of the Financial Report the euro using the ECB exchange rate effective on 31 December 2013. The presentation of figures takes into account the method of settlement. In most cases, the settlement of contracts is carried out on a gross amount basis. Derivatives held as of 31 December 2014 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years outflow 64,350 34,515 29,835 0 0 0 inflow 64,296 34,439 29,857 0 0 0 Nova KBM d.d. CURRENCY DERIVATIVES Forwards INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES Interest rate and currency swaps outflow 185 0 105 80 0 0 inflow 193 0 107 86 0 0 TOTAL OUTFLOW 64,535 34,515 29,940 80 0 0 TOTAL INFLOW 64,489 34,439 29,964 86 0 0 The table above presents non-discounted cash flows on derivatives. Foreign currency amounts were translated into the euro using the ECB exchange rate effective on 31 December 2014. The presentation of figures takes into account the method of settlement. In most cases, the settlement of contracts is carried out on a gross amount basis. Derivatives held as of 31 December 2013 Total Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years outflow 85,242 36,802 48,440 0 0 0 inflow 84,933 36,681 48,252 0 0 0 Nova KBM d.d. CURRENCY DERIVATIVES Forwards INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES Interest rate and currency swaps outflow 552 0 399 153 0 0 inflow 566 0 405 161 0 0 TOTAL OUTFLOW 85,794 36,802 48,839 153 0 0 TOTAL INFLOW 85,499 36,681 48,657 161 0 0 The table above presents non-discounted cash flows on derivatives. Foreign currency amounts were translated into the euro using the ECB exchange rate effective on 31 December 2013. The presentation of figures takes into account the method of settlement. In most cases, the settlement of contracts is carried out on a gross amount basis. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 158 Contents of the Financial Report 4.3 Market risks The Group monitors market risks of trading book and markets risks of banking book separately. The method of monitoring and reporting as well as of limiting exposure to market risks is set out in the respective risk management policies. The Group companies monitor market risks in compliance with regulatory requirements and methodologies, taking into account their activities and the volume of operations. 4.3.1 Position risk Position risk is a risk of loss arising due to a change in the price of financial instrument that the Group holds in its portfolio for the purpose of trading on its proprietary account. The trading limit methodology is based on the value-at-risk (VaR) measure and is compliant with the Basel capital requirements: 99% one-sided confidence interval, a 10-day retention period and the calculation of volatility based on 250 days of data. The basis for determining trading limits is the capital requirement set out in the financial plan. The Group measures the market value of all trading items on a daily basis. The volume of transactions in each type of financial instruments is defined in detail by the methodology for setting limits. Nova KBM´s portfolio of equity instruments is limited by the highest market value, stop-loss limit, and the VaR measure. The portfolio of debt securities is limited by the highest market value and stop-loss limit. The limits determined for specific types of transactions may be changed by a decision of the ALCO. Changes to the structure of limits shall not affect the annual plan of capital adequacy. The Group monitors VaR of trading portfolios on a daily basis. The aggregate value-at-risk of the Group´s and the Bank´s trading portfolios in 2014 suggests with a 99% probability that, by holding an unchanged position in securities, the portfolio loss over the 10 consecutive working days would not exceed €95,000 and €63,000, respectively. 10-day VaR of the trading portfolios in 2014 Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum Average 95 46 57 63 0 14 10-day VaR of the trading portfolios in 2013 Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum Average 112 49 84 56 0 13 A more detailed breakdown of financial assets held for trading and their movements is presented in the table 'Financial assets held for trading' in the notes to the financial statements. Position risk in foreign exchange trading is controlled by the Bank by trading limits. Limits for foreign currency trading for the account of the Bank are defined as the maximum allowable open position for the Trading Department. The Trading Support Department monitors trading results on a daily basis and reports findings to the responsible authorities. The Bank offers its customers the service of buying and selling derivatives as a broker only and does not take its own positions. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 159 Contents of the Financial Report 4.3.2 Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk of loss arising due to changes in interest rates or the structure of interest rates for maturity mismatches of interest-bearing assets and liabilities with regard to interest rate repricing and the remuneration method. Rules applicable to the management of interest rate risk pertaining to the trading book items are included in the methodology for monitoring trading limits. Interest rate risk management of non-trading book items is carried out using an interest rate matching methodology. The Group monitors interest-bearing statement of financial position items and off-balance sheet items with regard to maturity of variable interest rate items, separated by the key currencies and reference interest rates in which it operates. The Bank monitors separately interest rate risk for EUR, USD and CHF, and the interest rate TOM (basic interest rate), which, as of 31 December 2014, together made up 99.37% of its entire exposure to interest rate changes. The results of the standardised stress test for interest rate risk as the impact of a parallel shift in the yield curve on equity and net interest income in a period of one year are calculated monthly for the Bank, and quarterly for the Group. The impact of the results of the standardised stress test on the Nova KBM Group´s equity, as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Total EUR (7) (257) (4,962) (44,137) (25,995) (75,358) Total (7) (257) (4,962) (44,137) (25,995) (75,358) The impact of the results of the standardised stress test on the Nova KBM Group´s equity, as of 31 December 2013 Nova KBM Group Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Total EUR (23) (319) (5,083) (40,596) (25,783) (71,804) RSD (15) 0 0 0 0 (15) Total (38) (319) (5,083) (40,596) (25,783) (71,819) The impact of the results of the standardised stress test on Nova KBM´s equity, as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Total EUR (5) (192) (4,559) (32,094) (20,344) (57,194) Total (5) (192) (4,559) (32,094) (20,344) (57,194) The impact of the results of the standardised stress test on Nova KBM´s equity, as of 31 December 2013 Nova KBM d.d. Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Total EUR (10) (217) (4,083) (33,512) (19,940) (57,762) Total (10) (217) (4,083) (33,512) (19,940) (57,762) The tables above show the decline in the fair value of the debt securities portfolio in the case of a parallel rise in the yield curve by 200 basis points. A change in fair value is reflected in equity. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 160 Contents of the Financial Report The impact of the results of the standardised stress test on the Nova KBM Group´s net interest income Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 + 200 basis points - 200 basis points + 200 basis points - 200 basis points EUR 3,508 (56) (457) (62) CHF 558 17 715 (6) USD 281 (16) 238 (13) HRK 11 (4) 21 (4) RSD Other currencies Total 0 0 402 (403) 41 0 61 (36) 4,399 (59) 980 (524) The impact of the results of the standardised stress test on Nova KBM´s net interest income Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 + 200 basis points - 200 basis points + 200 basis points - 200 basis points EUR 8,635 (154) 5,064 (877) CHF 1,131 21 736 (6) USD 309 (19) 242 (15) 42 0 63 (63) 10,117 (152) 6,105 (961) Other currencies Total The tables above show the impact of a shift in the yield curve on the net interest income in a period of one year. In addition to the standardised stress test analysis, the Group calculates its exposure to interest rate changes as the change of the net current value of the difference between assets and liabilities subject to variable interest rate in a given period and the expected interest rate changes in the next three months. The expected interest rate changes are calculated as the difference between current and term interest rates, separated for each currency and maturity handled. An analysis of interest rate risk for the Bank is included in a monthly risk management report and is subject to a monthly review by the ALCO. An analysis of interest rate risk at the Group level is made on a quarterly basis. The Group companies monitor interest rate risk in compliance with regulatory requirements and methodologies, taking into account their activities and the volume of operations. The interest rate risk analysis treats net positions in individual interest rate repricing periods as fixed-coupon debt securities. A longer interest rate repricing period has a larger impact on net present value of assets and liabilities. The results of the interest rate risk analysis made for the Group for the 2014 and 2013 year-end suggested that the aggregate net present value of all interest-sensitive items would most likely decline by €1,160,000 and 2,981,000, respectively. As for the Bank, the results suggested that the aggregate net present value of all of its interest-sensitive items would most likely decline by €856,000 and €2,311,000, respectively. The main advantage of this analysis when compared to the standardised interest rate stress test lies in anticipation of probable interest rate changes in the observed period. The Group is exposed mainly to interest rates for EUR, USD, CHF and HRK. The impact of interest rate changes on profit or loss is measured for a one-year period. To calculate the change in interest income, the current interest rate is used for the period until the change of interest rate, after which date and until the end of a one-year period the changed interest rate is taken into consideration. The average interest rate repricing period by individual time buckets is used to calculate interest. Taking into consideration the financial data for the 2014 year-end, the anticipated interest rate change in a three-month period would result in an annual decline of €287,000 in the net interest income earned by the Group, while the annual net interest income earned by the Bank would increase by €517,000. According to the financial data for the end of 2013, the anticipated interest rate change in a three-month period would cause the annual net interest income of the Group and the Bank to fall by €136,000 and 118,000, respectively. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 161 Contents of the Financial Report According to the financial data as of 31 December 2014, the results of a stress test of a parallel shift of the yield curve by 200 basis points suggested that such a shift would cause the aggregate net present value of all interest-sensitive items of the Bank to decline by an amount equal to 9.6% of the Bank´s regulatory capital. As for the Group, the decline in the aggregate net present value of all of its interest-sensitive items would equal 6.2% of the Bank´s regulatory capital. The stable portion of demand deposits was taken into consideration in the stress test. In compliance with the applicable legislation, the regulator may impose certain measures for reducing the risk if the result of the standardised stress test exceeds 20% of the Bank´s equity. A more detailed breakdown of the Group´s statement of financial position by maturity of items as of 31 December 2014 and 2013 is presented in the table Analysis of Exposure to Interest Rate Risk, which shows the distribution of items with regard to the interest rate repricing periods. Exposure to changes in interest rates is managed using an interest rate matching methodology, taking into account the characteristics of individual items. Analysis of exposure to interest rate risk as of 31 December 2014 Total Non-interestbearing Interestbearing Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading 422,264 77,106 345,158 345,158 0 0 0 0 1,841 1,841 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 17,857 17,857 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nova KBM Group Available-for-sale financial assets 1,482,120 19,013 1,463,107 7,005 49,876 326,138 888,013 192,075 Loans and advances 1,991,342 131,384 1,859,958 961,333 435,935 349,945 91,213 21,532 206,540 0 206,540 0 35,755 75,329 62,150 33,306 Other assets Held-to-maturity financial assets 45,952 45,952 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total assets 4,167,916 293,153 3,874,763 1,313,496 521,566 751,412 1,041,376 246,913 1,229 1,170 59 59 0 0 0 0 3,585,893 7,064 3,578,829 1,864,215 442,476 988,942 281,274 1,922 Other liabilities 18,140 18,075 65 65 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3,605,262 26,309 3,578,953 1,864,339 442,476 988,942 281,274 1,922 562,654 266,844 295,810 (550,843) 79,090 (237,530) 760,102 244,991 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Assets-liabilities mismatch ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 162 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to interest rate risk as of 31 December 2013 Total Non-interestbearing Interestbearing Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading 460,924 80,880 380,044 380,044 0 0 0 0 1,786 1,779 7 7 0 0 0 0 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 24,586 24,586 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nova KBM Group Available-for-sale financial assets 1,466,864 40,107 1,426,757 27,390 82,491 299,451 819,499 197,926 Loans and advances 2,353,876 127,765 2,226,111 1,092,306 540,747 480,408 98,908 13,742 280,153 1,697 278,456 10,247 16,248 128,522 90,212 33,227 Other assets Held-to-maturity financial assets 55,114 55,114 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total assets 4,643,303 331,928 4,311,375 1,509,994 639,486 908,381 1,008,619 244,895 1,422 976 446 446 0 0 0 0 4,133,833 13,334 4,120,499 1,809,071 569,899 1,130,347 608,872 2,310 Other liabilities 15,251 15,251 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 4,150,506 29,561 4,120,945 1,809,517 569,899 1,130,347 608,872 2,310 492,797 302,367 190,430 (299,523) 69,587 (221,966) 399,747 242,585 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Assets-liabilities mismatch Analysis of exposure to interest rate risk as of 31 December 2014 Total Non-interestbearing Interestbearing Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading 335,417 40,847 294,570 294,570 0 0 0 0 187 187 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 17,857 17,857 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nova KBM d.d. Available-for-sale financial assets 1,275,213 13,779 1,261,434 5,000 41,039 324,051 742,256 149,088 Loans and advances 1,664,347 62,488 1,601,859 812,894 379,461 328,322 59,115 22,067 89,950 0 89,950 0 24,665 36,721 0 28,564 Held-to-maturity financial assets Other assets 19,231 19,231 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total assets 3,402,202 154,389 3,247,813 1,112,464 445,165 689,094 801,371 199,719 1,170 1,170 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,935,277 78 2,935,199 1,444,492 361,978 872,805 255,008 916 Other liabilities 14,322 14,322 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 2,950,769 15,570 2,935,199 1,444,492 361,978 872,805 255,008 916 451,433 138,819 312,614 (332,028) 83,187 (183,711) 546,363 198,803 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Assets-liabilities mismatch ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 163 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to interest rate risk as of 31 December 2013 Total Non-interestbearing Interestbearing Up to 1 month 1 month to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading 352,176 41,113 311,063 311,063 0 0 0 0 612 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 24,586 24,586 0 0 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,210,799 29,820 1,180,979 0 56,798 258,050 716,583 149,548 Loans and advances 1,971,478 39,351 1,932,127 885,080 440,697 517,075 72,487 16,788 Nova KBM d.d. Held-to-maturity financial assets 192,437 0 192,437 9,999 10,368 81,449 62,060 28,561 Other assets 14,008 14,008 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total assets 3,766,096 149,490 3,616,606 1,206,142 507,863 856,574 851,130 194,897 976 976 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,295,465 297 3,295,168 1,322,221 449,454 931,384 591,127 982 Other liabilities 11,979 11,979 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3,308,420 13,252 3,295,168 1,322,221 449,454 931,384 591,127 982 457,676 136,238 321,438 (116,079) 58,409 (74,810) 260,003 193,915 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Assets-liabilities mismatch The tables above show the distribution of interest-sensitive items by individual time buckets with regard to the interest rate repricing period. Average interest rates (%) Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Average interest rate on assets 3.56 4.04 3.44 3.84 Average interest rate on liabilities 0.96 1.50 1.08 1.68 4.3.3 Foreign exchange risk Foreign exchange risk represents a potential loss arising from an open foreign exchange position and the volatility of foreign exchange rates. The Bank controls exposure to foreign exchange risk by maintaining neutral position in individual foreign currencies. In accordance with the resolution adopted by the ALCO, the Bank maintains a daily aggregate closed foreign exchange position. The aggregate open position for all currencies is limited by its impact on the Bank´s capital adequacy. The methodology for monitoring and maintaining a balanced foreign exchange position is based on the VaR method in compliance with the Basel capital requirements. The maximum allowable VaR is established at the individual currency level just as for the entire foreign exchange portfolio. VaR depends on the exposure amount and the volatility of individual pair of currencies. The open position for each foreign currency is monitored daily, and the Bank calculates the daily result due to discrepancies in the foreign exchange position. In case of an increase in volatility, the Bank reduces the allowable open position in individual currencies, in accordance with the adopted methodology. Any changes in volatility are reviewed on a monthly basis. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 164 Contents of the Financial Report The Group controls its exposure to foreign exchange risk by maintaining target positions in individual currencies. The Group companies monitor currency risk in compliance with regulatory requirements and methodologies, taking into account their activities and the volume of operations. The Group regularly monitors the exposure of the statement of financial position and off-balance sheet items to foreign exchange risk. The Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk against USD, CHF and HRK. A more detailed breakdown of the open foreign exchange position as of 31 December 2014 and 2013 is presented in the tables Analysis of Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risk. A 10-day value-at-risk of the open foreign exchange position is calculated by the Bank on the basis of one-year data and a 99% confidence interval. The results of the calculation made for the Bank suggest with a 99% probability that, by holding an unchanged currency positions, the loss over the 10 consecutive working days would not exceed €56,000, taking into account the highest level of exposure to foreign exchange risk during 2014. The VaR of the Bank´s foreign exchange position is presented in the tables below. 10-day VaR of Nova KBM´s foreign exchange position in 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Maximum 56 Minimum Average 8 20 Minimum Average 11 25 10-day VaR of Nova KBM´s foreign exchange position in 2013 Nova KBM d.d. Maximum 97 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 165 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to foreign exchange risk as of 31 December 2014 EUR USD CHF HRK Other currencies Total 408,799 3,372 6,026 1,096 2,971 422,264 1,841 0 0 0 0 1,841 17,857 0 0 0 0 17,857 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,482,120 0 0 0 0 1,482,120 Loans and advances Nova KBM Group Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 1,898,339 24,839 67,197 539 428 1,991,342 Held-to-maturity financial assets 206,540 0 0 0 0 206,540 Other assets 184,267 0 0 2,955 59,824 247,046 Total assets 4,199,763 28,211 73,223 4,590 63,223 4,369,010 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Derivatives Assets-liabilities (including equity and derivatives) mismatch 1,229 0 0 0 0 1,229 3,533,917 28,234 16,173 296 7,273 3,585,893 753,573 7 0 (16,838) 45,146 781,888 4,288,719 28,241 16,173 (16,542) 52,419 4,369,010 (88,956) (30) 57,050 21,132 10,804 0 54,544 0 (54,456) 0 (141) (53) (34,412) (30) 2,594 21,132 10,663 (53) Analysis of exposure to foreign exchange risk as of 31 December 2013 EUR USD CHF HRK Other currencies Total 427,925 8,536 7,932 1,016 15,515 460,924 1,672 0 0 0 114 1,786 24,586 0 0 0 0 24,586 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,451,678 0 0 0 15,186 1,466,864 Loans and advances 2,200,668 19,969 83,697 24,894 24,648 2,353,876 279,906 0 0 0 247 280,153 Nova KBM Group Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets Other assets 206,191 0 0 1,711 14,702 222,604 Total assets 4,592,626 28,505 91,629 27,621 70,412 4,810,793 1,422 0 0 0 0 1,422 4,034,953 28,379 19,578 192 50,731 4,133,833 701,403 3 0 (14,540) (11,328) 675,538 Total liabilities and equity 4,737,778 28,382 19,578 (14,348) 39,403 4,810,793 Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch (145,152) 123 72,051 41,969 31,009 0 73,515 0 (73,823) 0 0 (308) (71,637) 123 (1,772) 41,969 31,009 (308) Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Derivatives Assets-liabilities (including equity and derivatives) mismatch ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 166 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis of exposure to foreign exchange risk as of 31 December 2014 EUR USD CHF HRK Other currencies Total 323,440 3,228 5,407 747 2,595 335,417 187 0 0 0 0 187 17,857 0 0 0 0 17,857 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,275,213 0 0 0 0 1,275,213 Loans and advances 1,566,903 24,819 67,197 0 5,428 1,664,347 89,950 0 0 0 0 89,950 Other assets 225,244 0 0 0 0 225,244 Total assets 3,498,794 28,047 72,604 747 8,023 3,608,215 Nova KBM d.d. Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Derivatives Assets-liabilities (including equity and derivatives) mismatch 1,170 0 0 0 0 1,170 2,883,581 27,978 15,790 272 7,656 2,935,277 671,768 0 0 0 0 671,768 3,556,519 27,978 15,790 272 7,656 3,608,215 (57,725) 69 56,814 475 367 0 54,544 0 (54,456) 0 (141) (53) (3,181) 69 2,358 475 226 (53) Analysis of exposure to foreign exchange risk as of 31 December 2013 EUR USD CHF HRK Other currencies Total 336,355 7,901 5,105 834 1,981 352,176 612 0 0 0 0 612 24,586 0 0 0 0 24,586 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,210,799 0 0 0 0 1,210,799 Loans and advances 1,864,793 18,299 82,887 0 5,499 1,971,478 192,437 0 0 0 0 192,437 Nova KBM d.d. Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets Other assets 157,895 0 0 0 0 157,895 Total assets 3,787,477 26,200 87,992 834 7,480 3,909,983 976 0 0 0 0 976 3,246,217 26,221 15,853 159 7,015 3,295,465 613,542 0 0 0 0 613,542 3,860,735 26,221 15,853 159 7,015 3,909,983 (73,258) (21) 72,139 675 465 0 73,515 0 (73,823) 0 0 (308) 257 (21) (1,684) 675 465 (308) Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Derivatives Assets-liabilities (including equity and derivatives) mismatch The tables above present the distribution of the statement of financial position items by currency. The tables only include items in which the Group has significant positions in currencies other than the euro. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 167 Contents of the Financial Report Foreign exchange sensitivity analysis Nova KBM Group Exchange rate change against EUR (%) Impact on profit or loss Exchange rate change against EUR (%) 31.12.2014 USD +7 Nova KBM d.d. Exchange rate change against EUR (%) Impact on profit or loss 31.12.2013 Impact on profit or loss Exchange rate change against EUR (%) 31.12.2014 Impact on profit or loss 31.12.2013 (2) +9 11 +7 5 +9 (2) CHF +16 415 +11 (195) +16 377 +11 (185) HRK +2 423 +2 839 +2 10 +2 14 Other currencies +9 960 +9 2,791 +9 20 +9 42 The impact of exchange rate changes on equity is negligible and is therefore not presented in the table. 4.4 Geographical analysis of assets and liabilities Geographical analysis of assets and liabilities as of 31 December 2014 Total Slovenia Total foreign countries European Union Republics of the former Yugoslavia Other 422,264 409,513 12,751 12,751 0 0 1,841 1,799 42 42 0 0 17,857 17,857 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,482,120 1,180,148 301,972 301,972 0 0 Loans and advances 1,991,342 1,899,676 91,666 80,611 7,803 3,252 206,540 143,095 63,445 63,445 0 0 Nova KBM Group Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets Other assets 247,046 202,732 44,314 (15,509) 59,823 0 Total assets 4,369,010 3,854,820 514,190 443,312 67,626 3,252 1,229 951 278 278 0 0 3,585,893 3,478,352 107,541 79,499 23,350 4,692 781,888 766,608 15,280 (29,892) 45,146 26 4,369,010 4,245,911 123,099 49,885 68,496 4,718 0 (391,091) 391,091 393,427 (870) (1,466) Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 168 Contents of the Financial Report Geographical analysis of assets and liabilities as of 31 December 2013 Total Slovenia Total foreign countries European Union Republics of the former Yugoslavia Other 460,924 387,160 73,764 25,108 24,276 24,380 1,786 1,643 143 21 122 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,466,864 1,286,824 180,040 157,638 22,402 0 Loans and advances 2,353,876 2,149,860 204,016 131,295 64,895 7,826 280,153 212,480 67,673 67,426 247 0 Nova KBM Group Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets Other assets 222,604 204,167 18,437 3,666 14,771 0 Total assets 4,810,793 4,266,720 544,073 385,154 126,713 32,206 1,422 428 994 994 0 0 4,133,833 3,913,444 220,389 97,999 118,040 4,350 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch 675,538 714,575 (39,037) (28,689) (10,461) 113 4,810,793 4,628,447 182,346 70,304 107,579 4,463 0 (361,727) 361,727 314,850 19,134 27,743 Geographical analysis of assets and liabilities as of 31 December 2014 Total Slovenia Total foreign countries European Union Republics of the former Yugoslavia Other 335,417 335,417 0 0 0 0 187 145 42 42 0 0 17,857 17,857 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,275,213 1,039,500 235,713 235,713 0 0 Loans and advances 1,664,347 1,569,849 94,498 78,452 12,804 3,242 Nova KBM d.d. Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets 89,950 43,895 46,055 46,055 0 0 Other assets 225,244 216,536 8,708 8,708 0 0 Total assets 3,608,215 3,223,199 385,016 368,970 12,804 3,242 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 1,170 951 219 219 0 0 2,935,277 2,841,616 93,661 85,848 3,187 4,626 671,768 671,537 231 222 0 9 3,608,215 3,514,104 94,111 86,289 3,187 4,635 0 (290,905) 290,905 282,681 9,617 (1,393) DAY 169 Contents of the Financial Report Geographical analysis of assets and liabilities as of 31 December 2013 Total Slovenia Total foreign countries European Union Republics of the former Yugoslavia Other 352,176 335,484 16,692 5,253 8 11,431 612 591 21 21 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,210,799 1,109,572 101,227 101,227 0 0 Loans and advances 1,971,478 1,782,889 188,589 159,061 28,817 711 192,437 125,011 67,426 67,426 0 0 Nova KBM d.d. Assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity financial assets Other assets 157,895 154,474 3,421 2 3,419 0 Total assets 3,909,983 3,532,607 377,376 332,990 32,244 12,142 976 428 548 548 0 0 3,295,465 3,208,197 87,268 79,610 3,328 4,330 613,542 613,085 457 308 55 94 3,909,983 3,821,710 88,273 80,466 3,383 4,424 0 (289,103) 289,103 252,524 28,861 7,718 Liabilities Financial liabilities held for trading Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other liabilities Total liabilities and equity Assets-liabilities (including equity) mismatch Available-for-sale financial assets of foreign issuers Nova KBM Group Country of issuer Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 Austria 49,817 28,325 20,221 0 Belgium 44,633 14,568 29,187 5,339 France 75,114 32,001 63,288 24,796 0 7,990 0 7,990 Italy 31.12.2013 Luxembourg 21,455 5,377 19,454 873 Germany 51,178 31,118 51,178 31,118 The Netherlands 48,171 18,781 42,868 15,777 Portugal 0 9,897 0 9,897 Slovakia 11,604 9,581 9,517 5,437 Serbia Total 0 22,402 0 0 301,972 180,040 235,713 101,227 4.5 Operational risk During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Group monitored operational risk and calculated capital requirements for operational risk in accordance with the Basic Indicator Approach. The Group has adopted the Operational Risk Management Policy based on recommendations of the Basel capital standards and the local regulator. The Group companies report on the operational risk loss events on a monthly basis (through the APIS application). All organisational units of the Bank and all Group companies are responsible for identifying, assessing and managing operational risk – each unit for the cost centres that are headed by the manager of the respective unit. The main aim of this is to ensure the functioning of the system of internal controls. In assessing the risk profile of the Group as a whole, each Group company has to give its subjective assessment of operational risk on an annual basis. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 170 Contents of the Financial Report Operational risk is managed on a decentralised basis by each organisational unit of the Bank and each Group company, with the following Bank officers being responsible for all the procedures in this regard: • The operational risk analyst working in the Risk Management Department (i) is the administrator of the operational risk loss events data base; (ii) prepares monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual reports for the Bank Management Board; (iii) guides the self-assessment of operational risk by individual organisational units, products and business processes; (iv) calculates the capital requirement for operational risk on an annual basis; and (v) conducts interim assessments of operational risk (simulations). In addition, the analyst must once a year produce the document Risk Profile of Nova KBM, taking account of all twelve types of risk according to the regulation of the Bank of Slovenia, including operational risk. • The head of the Bank´s information system security, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for all the activities set out in the Information Protection Policy of Nova KBM (e.g. prevention of information security-related incidents and attacks, prevention of data misuse and viruses, etc). • The business continuity administrator, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for coordinating activities related to business continuity, as well as for analysing reasons for operational disruptions and drawing up contingency and/or recovery plans. • The adviser on the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for assuring operational compliance with regulations governing this issue and for reporting to the Office for Money Laundering Prevention and the Bank Management Board on any suspicious transactions. • The compliance officer, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for ensuring the Bank adheres to applicable regulations, for conducting investigations of reports regarding suspicion of prohibited practices taking place in the Bank, and for reporting to the Bank Management and Supervisory Boards on compliance activities. • The adviser on security, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for physical and technical protection of the Bank´s facilities, for filing damage claims with insurance companies, and for reporting to the relevant authorities. • The officer authorised for the implementation of the FATCA, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for the maintenance and administration of the FATCA system, which includes the preparation of guidelines, methodologies and regulations with respect to the implementation of the FATCA, as well as control of risks and the implementation of the internal system of controls. • The adviser on internal controls, whose position falls under the Corporate Security, Compliance and Control Department, is responsible for assessing the performance of the system of internal controls at the governance and management level, and for monitoring the efficiency of the established internal controls. In terms of type, the majority of loss events recorded in 2014 related to (according to the Basel capital standards) 'Execution, Delivery and Process Management' (53%), followed by 'Damages to Physical Assets' (19%) and 'External Fraud' (13%). In 2013, the majority of loss events related to 'Execution, Delivery and Process Management' (48%), followed by 'External Fraud' (29%) and 'Damages to Physical Assets' (10%). ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 171 Contents of the Financial Report Most loss events recorded in 2014 by the Group were attributable to PBS (65%), followed by Nova KBM (15%) and KBM Banka (12%). In 2013, the majority of loss events occurred in PBS (46%), followed by Nova KBM (34%) and KBM Banka (15%). By ensuring systematic reporting on operational risk loss events through the APIS application, the Group successfully accomplished its short-term objective in respect of operational risk management. The mid-term objective remains the development of software to produce all the data needed to assess operational risk and prepare the document Risk Profile of the Group. The Group´s long-term objective in respect of operational risk remains unchanged: to build up a risk management culture and to limit the scope and the amount of losses to an acceptable level. 4.6 Capital risk Capital risk arises from inadequate size of capital, inadequate structure of capital with regard to the volume and diversity of business conducted by the Group, or from difficulties in acquiring new capital. The Group has set up appropriate procedures and mechanisms to ensure adequate structure and size of its capital. The Group manages its capital by: • monitoring current and anticipated capital requirements for credit, market and operational risks • monitoring available capital and examining options to increase its additional capital by raising subordinated debt, taking into account regulatory restrictions • monitoring movements in its capital adequacy. For the purpose of capital risk management, the Group monitors current and anticipated capital needs and capital requirements, as well as the movements in the capital adequacy ratios, in accordance with the applicable legislation and internal methodology. The Group calculates capital requirements for credit risk using the standardised approach. As a reference Export Credit Agency (ECA) for the category 'Exposure to Central Governments or Central Banks', the Group nominated SID Banka. As a reference External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI) for the classification of assets into the category 'Exposure to Institutions', the Group nominated the rating agency Moody´s. The Group calculates capital requirements for market risks in accordance with the applicable regulations and does not use internal models for the time being. The capital requirement for operational risk is calculated according to the basic indicator approach. To determine the level of adequate internal capital of the Group in accordance with the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), the same methodology is used as for the Bank. The Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR) of the European Parliament and the European Council on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms, adopted on 26 June 2013, became effective from 1 January 2014. Among other changes, the CRR introduced several alterations to the calculation of capital and capital requirements, all of which have been successfully implemented by the Bank. The implementation of these changes resulted in an elevation of the capital adequacy ratios calculated by the Bank and the Group. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 172 Contents of the Financial Report Composition of regulatory capital and capital requirements Tier 1 capital Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 549,824 519,631 521,962 491,103 Paid-in capital instruments 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Share premium 360,572 360,572 360,572 360,572 Retained earnings and value adjustments of investment property from previous years 50,122 68,381 1,030 702 (-) Loss for the current financial year (5,743) 0 0 0 Accumulated other comprehensive income (5,187) (18,319) (343) (702) Other reserves (-) Intangible assets (-) Deferred tax assets Additional Tier 1 capital Tier 2 capital Total capital Risk weighted exposure amounts for credit risk Central governments or central banks 27,895 (8,140) 27,389 (1,140) (25,483) (32,863) (14,335) (18,329) (2,352) 0 (2,351) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,086 0 998 549,824 521,717 521,962 492,101 2,029,975 2,456,378 1,773,173 2,088,715 11,822 0 10,736 0 Regional governments or local authorities 1,497 3,138 561 1,775 Public sector entities 1,305 5,563 147 575 0 0 0 0 Multilateral development banks International organisations Institutions 0 0 0 0 101,892 134,100 82,173 119,313 Corporates 424,425 695,088 336,354 481,588 Retail 676,203 848,950 559,299 704,513 Exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property Exposures in default Items associated with particular high risk Collective investment undertakings Equity 54,636 39,000 54,636 39,000 532,059 91,750 397,374 30,813 59,067 411,763 207,044 433,600 6,155 10,288 2,814 6,550 16,854 0 14,538 0 Other items 144,060 216,738 107,497 270,988 Risk weighted exposure amounts for market risks 40,719 73,176 37,332 51,488 1,542 2,413 1,476 2,413 39,034 51,413 35,713 49,075 0 19,350 0 0 143 0 143 0 Traded debt instruments Equity instruments Foreign exchange Credit value adjustment risk Risk weighted exposure amounts for operational risk Total risk weighted exposure amount 289,222 347,388 216,403 261,213 2,359,916 2,876,942 2,026,908 2,401,416 Total capital adequacy ratio 23.30% 18.13% 25.75% 20.49% Tier 1 capital ratio 23.30% 18.06% 25.75% 20.45% Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio 23.30% 18.06% 25.75% 20.45% 5 / Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities Where possible, the Group determines the fair value of financial instruments on the basis of their market prices. The Group starts to measure the value of financial assets according to the valuation model once it establishes that the market is not active. In accordance with the IFRSs, the Group divides fair values of financial instruments into three levels. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 173 Contents of the Financial Report Classified into Level 1 are financial assets whose fair value is determined entirely on the basis of prices quoted on active markets. Included in Level 1 are also investments in bonds that are valued based on the Bloomberg Generic Price (BGN), given that this price is regarded as a market-consensus price by the interbank market and the OTC market. The BGN price is not a price at which the Group can actually sell securities. However, its use ensures impartiality in the valuation of bonds, and the BGN price is the reflection of prices of actual transactions in the market, as well as a reliable indicator of the price that the Group would achieve upon the sale of a bond in the market. The prices quoted by bidders do not deviate significantly from the BGN price used for valuation purposes, and Nova KBM undertakes regular market analysis to ensure that the BGN price used for valuation reflects the market price. Classified into Level 2 are financial assets whose fair value is estimated on the basis of valuation models which take into account variables derived from public market data, such as yield curves, market interest rates, and the volatility of currency exchange rates and interest rates. In most cases, the Group uses the Bloomberg information system as its source of information about market parameters. Classified into Level 3 are financial assets whose fair value is estimated on the basis of valuation models which take into account subjective variables that are not publicly available. Analysis of fair value hierarchy 31.12.2014 Nova KBM Group Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 187 0 187 0 1,654 1,654 0 0 31.12.2013 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 612 0 612 0 1,174 1,174 0 0 Financial assets Derivatives Financial assets held for trading – debt securities – equity instruments 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 1,654 1,654 0 0 1,167 1,167 0 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1,482,120 1,038,084 440,932 3,104 1,466,864 1,434,154 29,543 3,167 – debt securities 1,463,106 1,022,174 440,932 0 1,432,102 1,402,559 29,543 0 – equity instruments 19,014 15,910 0 3,104 34,762 31,595 0 3,167 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 17,857 17,857 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 – equity instruments 17,857 17,857 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 1,229 0 1,229 0 1,422 0 1,422 0 Financial liabilities Derivatives 31.12.2014 Nova KBM d.d. Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 31.12.2013 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Financial assets 187 0 187 0 612 0 612 0 Available-for-sale financial assets Derivatives 1,275,213 844,020 428,304 2,889 1,210,799 1,178,297 29,475 3,027 – debt securities 1,261,435 833,131 428,304 0 1,180,979 1,151,504 29,475 0 – equity instruments 13,778 10,889 0 2,889 29,820 26,793 0 3,027 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 17,857 17,857 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 – equity instruments 17,857 17,857 0 0 24,586 24,586 0 0 1,170 0 1,170 0 976 0 976 0 Financial liabilities Derivatives ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 174 Contents of the Financial Report The following table presents for each type of financial instrument the triggers that lead to the transfer of a financial instrument between the fair value hierarchy levels: Transfer Financial instruments Reason for transfer between levels Re-availability of the market price of the financial instrument. The price of a bond is considered to be available if the published market price is the result of the actual turnover in the period of less than one month. Re-availability of the market price of the financial instrument. The price of a share or an investment fund is considered to be available if the published market price is the result of the actual turnover in the period of less than one month. Valuation of bonds that have been previously valued according to the market price. The reason for the valuation of a bond and for changing its level is either the withdrawal of a bond from the regulated market or its illiquidity (no transaction has been concluded in a one-month period). Valuation of shares and investment funds that have been previously valued according to the market price. The reason for the valuation of a share or an investment fund and for changing its level is the withdrawal of a share or an investment fund from the regulated market. From Level 2 to Level 1 bonds From Level 3 to Level 1 shares and funds From Level 1 to Level 2 bonds From Level 1 to Level 3 shares and funds From Level 2 to Level 3 derivatives The underlying instrument to which the derivative refers has been reclassified from Level 1 to either Level 2 or Level 3. The market price of the underlying instrument is no longer available. From Level 3 to Level 2 derivatives The underlying instrument to which the derivative refers has been reclassified to Level 1. The market price of the underlying instrument is no longer available. Analysis of transfers between fair value hierarchy levels 31.12.2014 Nova KBM Group Available-for-sale financial assets – debt securities 31.12.2013 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 2 404,152 Transfer from Level 2 to Level 1 0 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 3 0 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 2 2,000 Transfer from Level 2 to Level 1 28,757 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 3 1,527 404,152 0 0 2,000 25,209 0 0 0 0 0 3,548 1,527 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 2 391,927 Transfer from Level 2 to Level 1 0 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 3 0 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 2 2,000 Transfer from Level 2 to Level 1 27,807 Transfer from Level 1 to Level 3 1,527 391,927 0 0 2,000 24,259 0 0 0 0 0 3,548 1,527 – equity instruments 31.12.2014 Nova KBM d.d. Available-for-sale financial assets – debt securities – equity instruments 31.12.2013 Determining the fair value of financial assets classified into Level 2 The Group classifies into Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy those debt financial instruments and derivatives that are valued on the basis of models that use data derived from the market. The Group starts to measure the value of debt financial instruments according to the valuation model once it establishes that the market is not active. Debt securities with determinable cash flows and without an available market price are valued at the end of each month using the discounted cash flow method. The interest rate applicable to the discounting is the sum of the interest rate on a risk-free instrument of comparable maturity, plus a margin for credit risk. For valuing interest rate derivatives, the Group uses models that take into consideration the market interest rate curve and the forward interest rate curve. The models used to value currency derivatives are based on market exchange rates for individual pairs of currencies. Derivatives on securities are valued using models that take into account market prices of underlying securities. If the market price is not available, the valuation of a derivative is based on the price of the underlying security determined using a fair value model. Whichever model is used to determine the value of derivatives, the future cash flows are discounted to the present value on the basis of risk-free yield curves. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 175 Contents of the Financial Report If the fair value of stocks and shares of companies cannot be determined on the basis of current prices on an active market, the Group recognises and discloses the fair value of an asset within Level 2 – fair value determined on the basis of valuation models that take into consideration variables derived from publicly available market data (e.g. market or quoted prices of comparable companies). Stocks and shares of such companies are valued by the Group using a value assessment methodology that is based on three hierarchical levels – approaches, methods and procedures used for value assessment. For the purpose of assessing values, the Group uses the market comparison approach, and within this approach it uses the comparable listed companies method. The comparable listed companies method is the most appropriate method used to assess the value of assets classified into Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. The market comparison approach is designed on the assumption that the quoted (market) prices of assets similar to those being valued provide satisfactory information and empirical proof regarding the value of the asset that is subject to the value assessment. This concept is based on the use of market value, meaning that a market category (quoted or market price) is used as the numerator, while as the denominator, various categories from financial statements are used. When using the comparable listed companies method, the basic financial categories of the assessed company are multiplied by market multiples derived from listed comparable companies. Determining the fair value of financial assets classified into Level 3 If the fair value of stocks and shares of companies cannot be determined either on the basis of current prices on an active market, or on the basis of valuation models that take into consideration variables derived from publicly available market data, the Group recognises and discloses the fair value of an asset within Level 3 – fair value determined on the basis of valuation models that take into consideration subjective variables that are not publicly available on markets. Stocks and shares of such companies are valued by the Group using a value assessment methodology that is based on three hierarchical levels – approaches, methods and procedures used for value assessment. For the purpose of assessing values, the Group uses the following three value assessment approaches: the return-based valuation approach, and within this approach the discounted cash flow model; the market comparison approach, and within this approach the comparable transactions method; and the asset-based valuation approach. The return-based valuation approach is the most commonly used approach to value assessment, and within this the discounted cash flow model is used. According to definition, the value of an asset is the sum of all future returns to the owner of that asset, whereby each return is discounted to the present value using the discount rate that reflects the time value of money and the level of risk associated with the realisation of return. Thus, it takes into consideration the inflow of expected future returns, the distribution of these returns over time, and the risks borne by the asset owner. The bases for the prediction of expected future returns are performance projections (income statement and statement of financial position) for at least the next five years. Using these projections, the net cash flows are calculated for the discrete projection period. The net cash flows for the discrete projection period are then discounted at a discount rate to arrive at the present value of net cash flows generated in the discrete projection period. The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is taken as the discount rate. The present value of expected cash flows generated after the discrete projection period (i.e. when the company enters the mature stage of operations) is determined by calculating the remaining value, usually by applying the Gordon growth model. When calculating the remaining value, the normalised net cash flow is taken into consideration (calculated on the basis of individual assumptions – profitability of operations, depreciation and amortisation, gross investments, tax rate, and changes in the operating working capital), as is the expected constant long-term rate of growth of net cash flows (between 2% and 2.5%). ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 176 Contents of the Financial Report Use of unobservable inputs The assessment of the fair value of stocks and shares classified into Level 3 is made on the basis of inputs for which market information and data are not available and which are developed using the best available information and assumptions that the market participants would use in determining the price of an asset. When assessing the fair value of stocks and shares classified into Level 3, the Group uses, as the values of unobservable inputs, the projections of performance (income statement, net cash flows) made on the basis of a reasonable and potential volume of operations, but selects those inputs that are in line with the expectations of other market participants. Sensitivity analysis Using a sensitivity analysis, a simulation is made of the impact of changes in key parameters (market input data), such as a change in the discount rate (WACC) and a change in the expected constant long-term rate of growth of normalised net cash flows (g), on the estimated value or fair value. The sensitivity analysis aims to present changes in fair values of stocks and shares (classified into Level 3) deriving from the range increase or decrease in the value of key parameters. Movements in financial assets classified into Level 3 Available-for-sale financial assets 1 January 2014 Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Total Shares Stocks Total Shares Stocks 3,167 2,553 614 3,026 2,540 486 Change due to sale (972) (972) 0 (972) (972) 0 Change due to debt-to-equity conversions 2,036 2,036 0 2,036 2,036 0 834 834 0 834 834 0 (1,961) (1,961) 0 (2,035) (2,036) 1 3,104 2,490 614 2,889 2,402 487 11,608 11,002 606 11,460 10,987 473 Shares returned from BAMC Change due to revaluation 31 December 2014 1 January 2013 Acquisition Transfer of shares to BAMC Revaluation of shares 13 0 13 13 0 13 (9,238) (9,238) 0 (9,238) (9,238) 0 (743) (738) (5) (736) (736) 0 Transfer to Level 3 due to valuation of shares 1,527 1,527 0 1,527 1,527 0 31 December 2013 3,167 2,553 614 3,026 2,540 486 The increase in the balance of available-for-sale financial assets deriving from debt-to-equity conversions and from the BAMC returning some shares to Nova KBM was more than offset by the sale and revaluation of shares, causing the balance of financial assets included in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy to see a marginal decline in 2014. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 177 Contents of the Financial Report Fair value of financial instruments measured at amortised cost 31.12.2014 Nova KBM Group Book value Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 422,264 422,264 422,264 0 0 Financial assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Other financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets 50,124 56,173 0 56,173 0 1,920,875 1,928,869 0 0 1,928,869 20,343 20,343 0 0 20,343 206,540 213,247 208,635 4,612 0 20,875 20,768 0 20,768 0 3,074,146 3,080,697 0 3,080,697 0 394,213 395,259 0 395,259 0 Financial liabilities Deposits from banks and central banks Deposits from customers Loans from banks and central banks Loans from customers 2,729 2,732 0 2,732 0 59,129 63,012 0 63,012 0 Subordinated liabilities 1,250 1,250 0 1,250 0 Other financial liabilities 33,551 33,551 0 0 33,551 Debt securities 31.12.2013 Nova KBM Group Book value Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks 460,924 460,924 460,924 0 0 Loans and advances to banks 104,228 109,219 0 109,219 0 2,231,765 2,239,964 0 0 2,239,964 17,883 17,883 0 0 17,883 280,153 280,605 280,605 0 0 60,271 60,354 0 60,354 0 3,074,748 3,084,106 0 3,084,106 0 897,774 898,312 0 898,312 0 Financial assets Loans and advances to customers Other financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets Financial liabilities Deposits from banks and central banks Deposits from customers Loans from banks and central banks Loans from customers Debt securities 4,551 4,555 0 4,555 0 60,973 66,132 0 66,132 0 Subordinated liabilities 1,250 1,250 0 1,250 0 Other financial liabilities 34,266 34,266 0 0 34,266 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 178 Contents of the Financial Report 31.12.2014 Nova KBM d.d. Book value Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 335,417 335,417 335,417 0 0 59,299 65,348 0 65,348 0 Financial assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Loans and advances to banks 1,593,294 1,601,398 0 0 1,601,398 Other financial assets Loans and advances to customers 11,754 11,754 0 0 11,754 Held-to-maturity financial assets 89,950 95,101 90,489 4,612 0 11,780 11,673 0 11,673 0 2,463,368 2,469,612 0 2,469,612 0 363,552 364,598 0 364,598 0 Financial liabilities Deposits from banks and central banks Deposits from customers Loans from banks and central banks 2,729 2,732 0 2,732 0 Debt securities Loans from customers 67,452 71,335 0 71,335 0 Other financial liabilities 26,396 26,396 0 0 26,396 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. Book value Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 352,176 352,176 352,176 0 0 Financial assets Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Other financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets 133,948 138,939 0 138,939 0 1,826,371 1,835,125 0 0 1,835,125 11,159 11,159 0 0 11,159 192,437 193,305 193,305 0 0 51,982 52,065 0 52,065 0 2,359,553 2,368,603 0 2,368,603 0 783,912 784,450 0 784,450 0 4,549 4,553 0 4,553 0 Financial liabilities Deposits from banks and central banks Deposits from customers Loans from banks and central banks Loans from customers Debt securities 69,284 74,443 0 74,443 0 Other financial liabilities 26,185 26,185 0 0 26,185 The Group determines fair values according to the following hierarchy: market value; valuation made using a market interest rate model; acquisition cost. The table above presents fair values of individual balance sheet items. The fair value of held-to-maturity financial assets has been, where possible, determined on the basis of market prices of financial instruments. The fair value of items measured at amortised or acquisition cost is determined on the basis of a model that takes into account market interest rates. The fair value is calculated for items with a fixed interest rate and residual maturity of over one year. The fair value of each item is established on the basis of discounted cash flows, taking into consideration the market interest rates prevailing at the reporting date. As for other items, the Bank considers there is no material difference between the book and fair values. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 179 Contents of the Financial Report 6 / Reporting by operating segments 6.1 Analysis by operating segments as of 31 December 2014 Banking Leasing A. Net income/expense 184,886 (55) Fund management Real estate activity Other 4,751 317 23 Inter- Relationships segment with third relationships parties 189,922 3,905 186,017 Total Interest income 167,531 4,180 3 406 3 172,123 10,868 161,255 Interest expenses (52,146) (7,225) (5) (1,281) 0 (60,657) (10,128) (50,529) Net interest income 115,385 (3,045) (2) (875) 3 111,466 740 110,726 1,470 0 0 0 0 1,470 424 1,046 80,583 68 5,622 0 0 86,273 830 85,443 Dividend income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expenses (28,724) (268) (1,087) (24) 0 (30,103) (619) (29,484) Net fee and commission income 51,859 (200) 4,535 (24) 0 56,170 211 55,959 Realised gains on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss 14,163 0 110 873 0 15,146 46 15,100 Net gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading (1,013) 2 114 0 0 (897) (1) (896) Net gains on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 5,718 0 0 0 0 5,718 0 5,718 Net exchange rate differences 1,279 (66) (1) 0 0 1,212 0 1,212 Net gains/(losses) on derecognition of assets other than non-current assets held for sale 3,660 (227) 0 14 0 3,447 3,286 161 (7,635) 3,481 (5) 329 20 (3,810) (801) (3,009) (154,000) (11,262) (3,185) (903) (4) (169,354) (21,301) (148,053) Other net operating income/(loss) B. Other items by segments Administration costs (83,907) (2,613) (2,132) (893) (4) (89,549) (403) (89,146) Depreciation and amortisation (13,029) (397) (1,040) (7) 0 (14,473) (11) (14,462) 8,838 (1,526) (13) (4) 0 7,295 (8,202) 15,497 (65,925) (6,618) 0 1 0 (72,542) (12,531) (60,011) Share of profits of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 0 0 0 0 0 0 (154) 154 Total profit/(loss) from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale 23 (108) 0 0 0 (85) 0 (85) PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Tax expense/(income) related to profit or loss from continuing operations NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 30,886 (11,317) 1,566 (586) 19 20,568 (17,396) 37,964 5,057 (275) (257) (98) (4) 4,423 (1) 4,424 35,943 (11,592) 1,309 (684) 15 24,991 (17,397) 42,388 Total (loss) after tax from discontinued operations (19,107) 0 0 0 0 (19,107) 0 (19,107) 16,836 (11,592) 1,309 (684) 15 5,884 (17,397) 23,281 Total assets – non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations – investments in the equity of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 4,428,561 64,012 13,563 13,492 225 4,519,853 150,843 4,369,010 60,687 586 0 0 0 61,273 0 61,273 96,764 0 0 0 0 96,764 93,600 3,164 Liabilities (excluding equity) by segments 3,787,901 27,134 973 9,160 1 3,825,169 72,516 3,752,653 640,660 36,878 12,590 4,332 224 694,684 78,327 616,357 4,646 16 237 (37) 0 4,862 0 4,862 Provisions Impairment losses C. Profit or loss NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR D. Segment assets and liabilities Total equity Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets The column 'Inter-segment relationships' includes the following items: intra-Group income and expenses; income from dividends from subsidiaries; additional impairments/reversal of impairments as a result of changing over to a harmonised customer classification methodology across the Group; impairment of investments in the equity of subsidiaries and of loans given to subsidiaries; the effects of valuation of the associated company using the equity method; claims and liabilities between Group companies; investments in subsidiaries and the proportional share of equity of subsidiaries; and other consolidation entries. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 180 Contents of the Financial Report Analysis by operating segments as of 31 December 2013 Banking Leasing A. Net income/expense Interest income Interest expenses Fund management Real estate activity Other 180,946 (1,653) 4,865 (707) 18 181,450 5,882 3 547 6 187,888 15,247 172,641 0 (112,312) (14,274) (98,038) 973 74,603 (100,268) (9,753) (55) (2,236) 81,182 (3,871) (52) (1,689) 6 Net interest income Inter- Relationships segment with third relationships parties 183,469 1,063 182,406 Total 75,576 1,835 0 1 2 0 1,838 451 1,387 84,457 91 5,760 6 0 90,314 1,210 89,104 Fee and commission expenses (32,509) (212) (796) (50) 0 (33,567) (1,016) (32,551) Net fee and commission income Realised gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss Net gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading Net (losses) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Net exchange rate differences Net gains/(losses) on derecognition of assets other than non-current assets held for sale Other net operating income/(loss) 51,948 (121) 4,964 (44) 0 56,747 194 56,553 62,903 (444) 42 1,055 0 63,556 99 63,457 1,565 0 (109) 0 0 1,456 (707) 2,163 (1,229) 0 0 0 0 (1,229) 0 (1,229) (1,432) (235) (1) 0 0 (1,668) 0 (1,668) 322 220 0 (4) 0 538 1 537 (16,148) 2,798 20 (27) 12 (906,975) (65,962) (3,401) (14,190) (2,783) (2,159) (1,242) Dividend income Fee and commission income B. Other items by segments (13,345) 52 (13,397) (4) (990,532) (155,210) (835,322) (4) (98,231) (348) (97,883) Administration costs (92,043) Depreciation and amortisation (13,724) (827) (1,050) (38) 0 (15,639) (11) (15,628) Provisions (44,929) (1,323) (16) 58 0 (46,210) 8,477 (54,687) Impairment losses Share of profits of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method Total profit/(loss) from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale C. Profit or loss (756,646) (59,760) (176) (12,968) 0 (829,550) (163,502) (666,048) 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 (174) 367 (1,269) 0 0 0 (902) 0 (902) PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Tax expense/(income) related to profit or loss from continuing operations NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Total (loss) after tax from discontinued operations (726,029) (67,615) 1,464 (14,897) 14 (807,063) (154,147) (652,916) (22,002) (3,819) (6) (1,056) (26,885) 26 (26,911) (748,031) (71,434) 1,458 (15,953) 12 (833,948) (154,121) (679,827) (5,081) 0 0 0 (5,081) 0 (5,081) NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (753,112) (71,434) 1,458 (15,953) 12 (839,029) (154,121) (684,908) Total assets – non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations – investments in the equity of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 4,918,528 128,445 13,776 48,653 209 5,109,611 298,818 4,810,793 6,560 1,309 0 0 0 7,869 1 7,868 54,139 0 0 0 0 54,139 51,182 2,957 Liabilities (excluding equity) by segments 4,340,311 191,005 1,105 58,213 0 4,590,634 339,869 4,250,765 578,217 (62,560) 12,671 (9,560) 209 518,977 (41,051) 560,028 8,047 116 32 20 0 8,215 0 8,215 (2) 0 D. Segment assets and liabilities Total equity Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets The column 'Inter-segment relationships' includes the following items: intra-Group income and expenses; income from dividends from subsidiaries; additional impairments/reversal of impairments as a result of changing over to a harmonised customer classification methodology across the Group; impairment of investments in the equity of subsidiaries and of loans given to subsidiaries; the effects of valuation of the associated company using the equity method; claims and liabilities between Group companies; investments in subsidiaries and the proportional share of equity of subsidiaries; and other consolidation entries. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 181 Contents of the Financial Report 6.2 Analysis by geographical segments Activity/Name of the company Slovenia – total 2014 2013 Net income Non-current assets Number of employees (full-time equivalent) Net income Non-current assets Number of employees (full-time equivalent) 181,916 126,434 1,427 174,045 140,757 1,518 Banking activity – total 170,734 110,142 1,364 161,516 93,651 1,446 – Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d.d. 137,676 98,822 1,133 138,640 81,187 1,211 33,058 11,320 231 22,876 12,464 235 – Poštna banka Slovenije d.d. Leasing activity – total 4,681 7,327 20 5,913 37,064 20 – KBM Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation) – Gorica Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation) Fund management activity 3,904 138 9 3,895 27,492 8 777 7,189 11 2,018 9,572 12 4,890 7,725 33 5,030 8,528 34 – KBM Infond d.o.o. 4,890 7,725 33 5,030 8,528 34 Real estate activity – total 1,601 1,240 10 1,580 1,514 18 426 1,240 7 88 1,205 9 9 – KBM Invest d.o.o. – KBM Fineko d.o.o. (in liquidation) 1,175 0 3 1,492 309 Other activities 10 0 0 6 0 0 – M-PAY d.o.o. 10 0 0 6 0 0 Western Europe – total 2,383 108 30 6,512 310 34 Banking activity – total 2,383 108 30 6,512 310 34 – Adria Bank AG 2,383 108 30 6,512 310 34 Eastern Europe – total 1,718 297 267 1,850 6,856 348 Banking activity – total 0 0 259 0 6,030 340 – KBM Banka a.d. 0 0 259 0 6,030 340 1,718 297 8 1,850 826 8 Leasing activity – total – KBM Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o. Total 1,718 297 8 1,850 826 8 186,017 126,839 1,724 182,406 147,923 1,900 6.3 Reconciliation of operating segment results, assets and liabilities Income Segment income Elimination of intra-segment items Consolidation adjustments 2014 2013 189,922 183,469 (401) (349) (3,504) (714) 186,017 182,406 2014 2013 Profit from continuing operations 20,568 (807,063) Consolidation adjustments 17,396 154,147 Consolidated profit from continuing operations 37,964 (652,916) 2014 2013 4,519,853 5,109,611 Consolidated segment income Profit from continuing operations Assets Segment assets Consolidation adjustments (81,078) 46,765 Elimination of intra-segment items (69,765) (345,583) 4,369,010 4,810,793 2014 2013 3,825,169 4,590,634 Consolidated segment assets Liabilities Segment liabilities Consolidation adjustments Elimination of intra-segment items Consolidated segment liabilities ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. (2,751) 5,714 (69,765) (345,583) 3,752,653 4,250,765 DAY 182 Contents of the Financial Report 7 / Transfer of assets to the BAMC On 11 July 2013, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia made a ruling that Nova KBM had met the conditions to be entitled to benefit from measures aimed at stabilising its financial position, in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Decree on the Implementation of Measures to Strengthen Bank Stability (hereafter: the 'Decree'). According to the measures adopted for Nova KBM, it was agreed that the bad assets on the books of the Group were to be transferred to the BAMC. On 18 December 2013, the European Commission consented to this transfer of assets. For the purpose of transferring assets to the BAMC, assets at risk held on the books of the Group were valued on the basis of their long-term realistic economic value calculated according to the methodology described in the Decree. The legal and book transfer of assets was carried out on 20 December 2013. In exchange for transferring the assets, the Group received from the BAMC state-guaranteed bonds. From the day of transferring the assets until the end of 2013, the outstanding amounts under some claims were subject to changes. Taking into consideration these changes, the Group sets out below the effect of transferring the assets to the BAMC on the statement of financial position items as of 31 December 2013. Item Nova KBM Group Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Loans and advances to customers and other financial assets – gross value – impairment Total net transfer value of assets Nova KBM d.d. 182 182 13,305 13,305 374,849 362,542 1,015,556 971,809 640,707 609,267 388,336 376,029 NOTES TO THE INCOME STATEMENT ITEMS 8 / Interest income and interest expenses 8.1 Analysis of interest by type Nova KBM Group Regular interest Default interest Total Net interest income ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Income 2014 Expenses 147,576 50,529 Income 2013 Expenses 153,911 98,038 Nova KBM d.d. Income 2014 Expenses Income 2013 Expenses 126,418 43,147 131,271 85,279 13,679 0 18,730 0 10,320 0 14,636 0 161,255 50,529 172,641 98,038 136,738 43,147 145,907 85,279 110,726 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 74,603 93,591 60,628 DAY 183 Contents of the Financial Report 8.2 Analysis of interest by market segments Nova KBM Group Income 2014 Expenses Income Non-financial companies 55,035 3,618 State 49,893 1,559 Banks 2,849 Other financial organisations 2,094 Households Foreign persons Non-profit institutions serving households Total Net interest income Nova KBM d.d. 2013 Expenses Income 2014 Expenses Income 81,625 5,723 40,762 3,182 65,605 4,620 32,290 18,642 41,150 965 23,350 17,650 10,807 4,273 18,769 4,719 9,500 5,281 16,473 3,814 2,970 6,834 6,213 3,579 8,507 6,048 45,139 29,932 49,393 46,732 38,364 25,173 41,985 39,240 6,112 618 1,886 986 5,422 618 1,019 985 133 181 204 352 108 130 160 263 161,255 50,529 172,641 98,038 136,738 43,147 145,907 85,279 110,726 74,603 93,591 2013 Expenses 60,628 8.3 Analysis of interest by type of assets and liabilities Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 Current Non-current Current Non-current Current Non-current Current Non-current Interest income Balances with the central bank (measured at amortised cost) 31 0 184 0 3 0 146 0 Financial assets held for trading 173 0 175 0 173 0 175 0 Available-for-sale financial assets 33,514 12,378 12,035 11,649 33,246 6,007 11,020 5,506 Loans and deposits (including finance leases) 31,333 76,926 35,339 99,478 25,313 68,418 24,230 94,940 Held-to-maturity financial assets 412 6,367 450 13,138 264 3,289 254 9,601 Other financial assets 121 0 193 0 25 0 35 0 95,671 48,376 124,265 59,024 77,714 35,860 Total by maturity 65,584 Total 161,255 172,641 136,738 110,047 145,907 Interest expenses Financial liabilities to the central bank (measured at amortised cost) 0 525 0 2,610 0 498 0 2,357 Financial liabilities held for trading 0 165 0 169 0 165 0 169 10,163 39,676 19,553 75,351 7,667 34,817 14,644 68,109 0 0 355 0 0 0 0 0 10,163 40,366 19,908 78,130 7,667 35,480 14,644 70,635 Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Other financial liabilities (including finance leases) Total by maturity Total 50,529 98,038 43,147 85,279 Net interest income 110,726 74,603 93,591 60,628 8.4 Average interest rates Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 Average interest rate on assets (%) 3.56 4.04 3.44 3.84 Average interest rate on liabilities (%) 0.96 1.50 1.08 1.68 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 2014 2013 DAY 184 Contents of the Financial Report 9 / Dividend income Nova KBM Group Financial assets held for trading – stocks and shares of other issuers Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss – stocks and shares of other issuers Available-for-sale financial assets – stocks and shares of other issuers Investments in the equity of Group companies accounted for using the cost method – investments in the equity of subsidiaries Total Nova KBM d.d. 2014 21 21 2013 23 23 2014 1 1 2013 0 0 785 1,077 785 1,077 785 240 240 1,077 287 287 785 141 141 1,077 208 208 0 0 488 526 0 1,046 0 1,387 488 1,415 526 1,811 10 / Fee and commission income and fee and commission expenses 10.1 Analysis of fees and commissions by type Nova KBM Group Fee and commission income Guarantees Services provided to banks in the Group Services provided to other Group companies Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 85,443 89,104 46,163 46,179 3,676 3,581 3,133 3,071 0 0 483 905 0 0 371 243 Domestic payment transactions 45,034 48,661 18,520 18,848 Transactions under current accounts 13,556 12,893 9,960 9,359 Payment card operations 8,170 8,256 6,433 6,500 International payment transactions 1,476 1,704 1,354 1,521 Brokerage and agency services 1,378 575 1,338 528 Currency exchange transactions 0 0 0 0 Transactions in securities for customers Lending operations Safekeeping of objects and valuables Other services Fee and commission expenses Domestic banking services 559 323 559 323 5,649 7,059 3,826 4,728 92 66 92 66 5,853 5,986 94 87 29,484 32,551 4,041 4,424 6,758 6,668 2,849 2,709 Banking services abroad 451 859 432 833 Brokerage and agency services 807 616 46 51 Stock exchange transactions and other transactions in securities 407 642 385 442 19,534 22,771 300 356 0 0 25 29 Payment transactions Services provided by banks in the Group Other services Net fee and commission income ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 1,527 995 4 4 55,959 56,553 42,122 41,755 DAY 185 Contents of the Financial Report 10.2 Analysis of fees and commissions by market segments Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 Fee and commission income 85,443 89,104 46,163 46,179 Non-financial companies 15,611 41,473 42,083 15,564 State 1,827 1,222 1,225 566 Banks 5,772 5,458 5,490 5,659 Other financial organisations 6,707 7,266 1,058 1,298 28,346 29,856 21,757 21,847 1,139 3,047 1,055 1,180 179 172 14 18 Fee and commission expenses 29,484 32,551 4,041 4,424 Net fee and commission income 55,959 56,553 42,122 41,755 Households Foreign persons Non-profit institutions serving households 10.3 Fee and commission income and fee and commission expenses relating to fiduciary activities Nova KBM Group Income from fees and commissions in connection with investment services and activities and ancillary investment services and activities for customers Receipt, transmission and execution of orders Management of financial instruments Administration of book-entry securities accounts of customers Expenses for fees and commissions in connection with investment services and activities and ancillary investment services and activities for customers Fees and commissions in connection with the Central Securities Clearing Corporation and similar organisations Fees and commissions in connection with the stock exchange and similar organisations Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 6,321 6,125 740 411 859 731 667 369 5,427 5,356 38 4 35 38 35 38 325 375 314 343 276 313 265 283 49 62 49 60 11 / Realised gains on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss 2014 Nova KBM Group Available-for-sale financial assets Loans and advances (including finance leases and other financial assets) Held-to-maturity financial assets (Note 31.1) Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Total Realised gains Realised losses Net realised gains Realised gains Realised losses 13,260 4 13,256 1,473 25,703 2013 Net realised gains/ (losses) (24,230) 2,606 764 1,842 2,349 713 1,636 0 0 0 903 4,295 (3,392) 2 0 2 89,443 0 89,443 15,868 768 15,100 94,168 30,711 63,457 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Available-for-sale financial assets (Note 27.3) Loans and advances (including finance leases and other financial assets) Held-to-maturity financial assets (Note 31.1) Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Total Realised gains Realised losses Net realised gains Realised gains Realised losses 8,668 4 8,664 1,429 24,702 2013 Net realised gains/ (losses) (23,273) 1,668 129 1,539 1,290 132 1,158 0 0 0 903 4,295 (3,392) 0 0 0 89,540 0 89,540 10,336 133 10,203 93,162 29,129 64,033 In accordance with a decision of the Bank of Slovenia, liabilities arising from subordinated notes issued by Nova KBM, including accrued interest, were written off, as a result of which Nova KBM recognised gains of €89,540,000. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 186 Contents of the Financial Report 12 / Net gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading 2014 Nova KBM Group Trading in equity instruments Trading in debt securities 2013 Gains Losses Net gains/ (losses) Gains Losses Net gains/ (losses) 675 460 215 418 411 7 1 0 1 0 0 0 Trading in foreign exchange (purchase/sale) 1,289 541 748 1,251 534 717 Trading in derivatives 1,303 3,141 (1,838) 3,806 2,409 1,397 – futures/forwards 625 1,846 (1,221) 2,843 1,518 1,325 – swaps 406 145 261 528 212 316 – other derivatives 272 1,150 (878) 435 679 (244) 0 22 (22) 47 5 42 3,268 4,164 (896) 5,522 3,359 2,163 Trading in financial liabilities Total 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Trading in equity instruments Trading in debt securities Trading in foreign exchange (purchase/sale) Trading in derivatives – futures/forwards – options 2013 Gains Losses Net gains/ (losses) Gains Losses Net gains/ (losses) 133 78 55 36 70 (34) 1 0 1 0 0 0 955 499 456 901 492 409 1,033 3,141 (2,108) 3,484 2,839 645 625 1,846 (1,221) 2,843 1,518 1,325 0 0 0 0 430 (430) – swaps 136 145 (9) 206 212 (6) – other derivatives 272 1,150 (878) 435 679 (244) Trading in financial liabilities Total 0 22 (22) 47 5 42 2,122 3,740 (1,618) 4,468 3,406 1,062 The Group uses derivatives (futures/forwards) to economically hedge its exposure to foreign exchange risk. The effects of derivatives are linked to the effects arising from exchange rate differences (Note 14). 13 / Net gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 Gains Losses Net gains Gains Losses Net (losses) Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 7,277 1,559 5,718 9,134 10,363 (1,229) Total 7,277 1,559 5,718 9,134 10,363 (1,229) Gains and losses on financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss are attributable to the valuation and disposal of shares and bonds for which a joint-selling agreement has been made by the Group. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 187 Contents of the Financial Report 14 / Net exchange rate differences Nova KBM Group Foreign exchange gains Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 8,242 15,264 8,105 14,865 Foreign exchange losses 7,030 16,932 6,867 16,208 Net foreign exchange gains/(losses) 1,212 (1,668) 1,238 (1,343) 15 / Net gains on derecognition of assets other than non-current assets held for sale 2014 Nova KBM Group Derecognition of items of property, plant and equipment Derecognition of intangible assets Derecognition of investment property Gains Losses Net gains/ (losses) 457 266 191 2013 Gains Losses Net gains 205 137 68 0 22 (22) 0 0 0 90 115 (25) 361 69 292 Derecognition of other assets other than those held for sale 1,075 1,058 17 179 2 177 Total 1,622 1,461 161 745 208 537 Gains Losses Net gains/ (losses) Gains Losses Net gains 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Derecognition of items of property, plant and equipment Derecognition of investments in subsidiaries Derecognition of other assets other than those held for sale Total 2013 426 11 415 171 86 85 3,285 0 3,285 0 0 0 0 3 (3) 0 0 0 3,711 14 3,697 171 86 85 The liquidation proceedings against KBM Fineko were completed on 30 September 2014. The remaining assets of the company were transferred to Nova KBM, at which time Nova KBM, as the only shareholder of the company, recognised gains of €3,285,000 arising from the difference between the value of the assets received (€4,139,000), and the value of the equity investment (€854,000). The liquidation of KBM Fineko had no impact on the profit or loss of the Group. 16 / Other net operating loss Nova KBM Group Income Income from non-banking services Income from investment property given under operating lease Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 15,433 14,133 1,866 1,060 233 511 0 0 3,755 3,953 91 134 Other operating income 11,445 9,669 1,775 926 Expenses 18,442 27,530 6,949 15,736 7,222 6,351 5,637 4,808 537 602 474 494 Taxes Contributions Other charges Membership fees and similar fees Expenses for investment property given under operating lease 3 16 0 0 232 260 134 154 102 52 21 0 Other operating expenses 10,346 20,249 683 10,280 Other net operating (loss) (3,009) (13,397) (5,083) (14,676) The largest proportion of other operating income and loss generated by the Group in 2014 related to the income from the sale of real estate, totalling €8,697,000, and the associated expenses of €8,942,000. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 188 Contents of the Financial Report Other operating expenses incurred by the Group in 2013 include €10,061,000 of deferred loan origination costs relating to loans approved in previous years. In 2014, these costs were deferred as part of interest income. 17 / Administration costs Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 Staff costs 49,779 55,156 34,515 38,809 Gross salaries 38,203 41,473 26,710 28,950 Social security contribution 3,209 3,533 1,948 2,130 Pension insurance contribution 3,104 3,431 2,342 2,584 Other contributions from gross salaries 45 48 0 0 Transportation allowance 1,086 1,125 716 749 Meal allowance 1,383 1,469 1,002 1,073 10 11 0 0 Severance benefits and early retirement payments 439 1,152 156 1,137 Supplementary pension insurance premiums 501 680 400 450 1,184 1,312 939 1,005 24 26 21 23 591 896 281 708 Employee bonuses Pay for annual leave Solidarity aid and jubilee benefits Other staff costs under employment contracts General and administrative costs 39,367 42,727 28,664 32,433 Costs of materials 1,843 1,449 1,328 791 Costs of energy 1,127 1,504 961 1,287 92 106 12 15 Costs of specialised text books Other costs of materials Costs of renting business premises 219 329 149 187 3,190 2,674 2,047 1,613 Postal costs 2,269 2,302 1,627 1,617 Transport costs 1,730 1,897 1,729 1,895 Information system costs 5,691 5,482 5,161 4,958 Costs of other services 5,082 5,373 2,740 3,257 240 345 101 133 Maintenance costs of fixed assets Business travel expenses 6,077 6,342 3,872 4,373 Advertising costs 3,177 3,291 2,691 2,618 Entertainment costs Consulting, auditing, accounting and other services 129 171 88 92 6,091 9,223 5,078 8,162 School fees, scholarships and other training costs 299 308 227 199 Cost of insurance 870 980 699 779 Other administrative costs Total administration costs 1,241 951 154 457 89,146 97,883 63,179 71,242 Remuneration of auditors Nova KBM Group Audit of the annual report Other audit services Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 381 357 198 163 30 23 29 23 411 380 227 186 DAY 189 Contents of the Financial Report 18 / Depreciation and amortisation Nova KBM Group Depreciation of items of property, plant and equipment Amortisation of intangible assets Total Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 6,389 7,597 4,620 5,323 8,073 8,031 6,246 6,465 14,462 15,628 10,866 11,788 19 / Provisions Nova KBM Group 2014 2013 Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 Provisions for pensions and similar benefits 648 (108) 91 87 Provisions for restructuring costs (Note 41) (8,151) 11,280 1,449 1,680 (11,511) 30,021 (11,718) 28,945 1,140 13,512 1,721 12,593 Provisions for off-balance sheet liabilities Provisions for tax claims and other pending legal issues Other provisions Total 2,377 (18) (3) (7) (15,497) 54,687 (8,460) 43,298 In 2014, the Group set aside provisions of €2,394,000 for potential claims for interest on lease transactions. These provisions are included in the item 'Other provisions'. 20 / Impairment losses Nova KBM Group Financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss Other assets Total impairment losses Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 55,493 599,278 39,525 521,533 4,518 66,770 12,014 120,927 60,011 666,048 51,539 642,460 20.1 Impairment of financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss Nova KBM Group Available-for-sale financial assets Financial assets measured at amortised cost – demand deposits at banks – loans and advances to banks – loans and advances to customers – other financial assets (Note 30.1) Held-to-maturity financial assets measured at amortised cost Total impairment of financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 3,486 41,170 3,472 41,158 52,007 558,108 36,053 478,718 0 0 42 0 (34) (871) (14,741) 19,454 51,823 563,680 50,530 464,800 218 (4,701) 222 (5,536) 0 0 0 1,657 55,493 599,278 39,525 521,533 DAY 190 Contents of the Financial Report 20.2 Impairment of other assets Nova KBM Group 2014 2013 Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 Property, plant and equipment 135 873 0 0 Investment property (Note 33) 1,161 17,071 299 702 Intangible assets 0 31 0 0 – other intangible assets 0 31 0 0 Investments in the equity of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 0 0 11,040 102,284 Other assets 3,222 48,795 675 17,941 Total impairment of other assets 4,518 66,770 12,014 120,927 21 / Share of profits or losses of associates accounted for using the equity method Nova KBM Group 2014 2013 Moja naložba d.d. 154 (174) Total 154 (174) 22 / Tax expense or income related to profit or loss from continuing operations Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 (3,146) (374) (2,508) 0 Deferred tax from continuing operations (Note 36.3) 7,570 (26,537) 7,593 (23,006) Total 4,424 (26,911) 5,085 (23,006) Income tax expense related to profit or loss from continuing operations 22.1 Reconciliation of effective tax rate Nova KBM Group Profit/(loss) before tax according to IFRSs Income tax calculated using the official tax rate (17% in both 2014 and 2013) Increased tax base: 5% of the dividend income, income similar to dividends and gains made on disposal of equity holdings Tax relief in the current year Non-allowable tax expenses Income that reduces the tax base Adjustment of expenses to the level of allowable tax expenses (increase) Adjustment of income to the level of taxable income (increase) Adjustments due to changes in the tax legislation (increase/decrease of tax rate) Unrecognised tax losses and other adjustments Effect of reduced tax rate Total income tax Effective tax rate (%) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 37,964 (658,580) 30,835 (633,494) 6,454 (111,959) 5,242 (107,694) 125 56 125 55 (4,049) (260) (3,637) 0 8,168 27,023 5,844 22,025 (1,917) (1,246) (1,427) (1,109) (136) (3,558) (94) (3,431) 54 0 54 0 0 (1,376) 0 (1,376) (12,908) 120,660 (11,192) 114,536 (215) (3,012) 0 0 (4,424) 26,328 (5,085) 23,006 / / / / DAY 191 Contents of the Financial Report The Group and the Bank did not calculate the effective tax rate for 2014 because their income in respect of deferred taxes exceeded their income tax expenses relating to continuing operations. The figure under the item 'Tax relief in the current year' refers to an investment tax relief from previous years, which some of the Group companies took into consideration in the accounting for the income tax. The figure under the item 'Unrecognised tax losses and other adjustments' is attributable mainly to the recognition of deferred tax assets and income of €11,757,000 in respect of the uncovered tax loss of the Bank (Note 36.3). 23 / Basic earnings or loss per share Nova KBM Group Net profit/(loss) for the financial year (€000) Weighted average number of ordinary no-par-value shares Basic earnings/(loss) per share (€) Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 21,898 (630,456) 35,916 (656,500) 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 2.19 (63.05) 3.59 (65.65) Following the December 2013 state-sponsored recapitalisation of Nova KBM, the Republic of Slovenia became the sole owner of all of Nova KBM´s 10,000,000 ordinary no-par-value shares with the ticker symbol KBMS. Basic earnings or loss per share is calculated as the ratio between the net profit or loss reported for the year and the weighted average number of ordinary no-par-value shares outstanding in the year. Notes to the statement of financial position items 24 / Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 Cash in hand Obligatory deposits at central banks 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 64,359 68,994 40,847 41,113 269,221 357,130 221,167 289,938 Other deposits at central banks 14,771 9,354 11,177 3,779 Demand deposits at banks 73,913 25,446 62,226 17,346 422,264 460,924 335,417 352,176 Total 24.1 Cash and cash equivalents Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 422,264 460,924 335,417 352,176 Loans and advances to banks 32,923 96,322 30,182 100,948 Cash and cash equivalents of discontinued operations (Note 55) 22,644 0 0 0 477,831 557,246 365,599 453,124 Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 192 Contents of the Financial Report 25 / Financial assets held for trading Nova KBM Group Derivatives Equity instruments – issued by banks – issued by other issuers Debt securities – bonds issued by other issuers Total Quoted Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 187 612 187 612 1,654 1,167 0 0 0 51 0 0 1,654 1,116 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 1,841 1,786 187 612 281 364 0 0 Unquoted 1,560 1,422 187 612 Total 1,841 1,786 187 612 No assets held in the Group´s portfolio of financial assets held for trading have been pledged as collateral. None of the instruments included in the portfolio of financial assets held for trading have the characteristics to qualify as subordinated debt. 25.1 Movements in financial assets held for trading Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 1 January 1,786 1,572 612 1,178 Increase during the year 6,385 4,828 4,670 3,867 – acquisition 6,031 4,136 4,526 3,831 – exchange rate differences 11 0 11 0 – change in fair value (recovery and reversal of impairment) 210 136 0 0 – other (deferred interest, realised gains) 133 556 133 36 Decrease during the year 6,330 4,614 5,095 4,433 – disposal (sale and redemption) 4,600 3,879 4,591 3,797 463 663 426 566 6 2 0 0 – change in fair value (impairment and reversal of recovery) – exchange rate differences – other (deferred interest, realised losses) 1,261 70 78 70 31 December 1,841 1,786 187 612 26 / Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Equity instruments 17,857 24,586 Total 17,857 24,586 Quoted 17,857 24,586 Total 17,857 24,586 As of 31 December 2014, the Group had no assets of this portfolio pledged as collateral, and during the year ended 31 December 2014, it did not receive any financial assets of this portfolio from the realisation of collateral provided as security for loans. Included in the portfolio of financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss are equity instruments for which a joint-selling agreement has been entered into by the Group. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 193 Contents of the Financial Report None of the instruments included in the portfolio of financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss have the characteristics to qualify as subordinated debt. 26.1 Movements in financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Nova KBM Group 1 January Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 24,586 34,563 24,586 34,043 Increase during the year 7,277 9,134 7,277 9,134 – change in fair value (recovery and reversal of impairment) 5,614 9,134 5,614 9,134 – other 1,663 0 1,663 0 Decrease during the year 14,006 19,111 14,006 18,591 – disposal (sale and redemption) 12,447 8,046 12,447 8,046 1,552 2,252 1,552 2,252 – transfer to BAMC – change in fair value (impairment and reversal of recovery) 0 182 0 182 – other 7 8,631 7 8,111 17,857 24,586 17,857 24,586 31 December 27 / Available-for-sale financial assets 27.1 Analysis by type and quotation Nova KBM Group Equity instruments Debt securities – issued by the state and the central bank – issued by banks – issued by other issuers Total Quoted Unquoted Total Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 19,014 34,761 13,778 29,820 1,463,106 1,432,103 1,261,435 1,180,979 1,377,062 1,294,634 1,185,493 1,099,301 47,692 105,402 44,598 60,962 38,352 32,067 31,344 20,716 1,482,120 1,466,864 1,275,213 1,210,799 1,472,541 1,451,551 1,269,513 1,199,406 9,579 15,313 5,700 11,393 1,482,120 1,466,864 1,275,213 1,210,799 As of 31 December 2014, the Group had assets of this portfolio worth €612,060,000 pledged with the Bank of Slovenia for the pool of collateral, the guarantee scheme and the guaranteed claims of depositors. During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Group did not receive any financial assets of this portfolio from the realisation of collateral provided as security for loans. None of the instruments included in the portfolio of available-for-sale financial assets have the characteristics to qualify as subordinated debt. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 194 Contents of the Financial Report 27.2 Analysis by type and market segments Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 19,014 34,761 13,778 29,820 0 20 0 0 – equity investments in other financial organisations 14,202 14,810 9,177 10,102 – equity investments in non-financial organisations 4,804 19,918 4,593 19,170 Equity instruments – equity investments in banks – equity investments in other foreign entities 8 13 8 8 1,463,106 1,432,103 1,261,435 1,180,979 1,377,062 1,294,634 1,185,493 1,099,301 – issued by banks 47,692 105,402 44,598 60,962 – issued by other issuers 38,352 32,067 31,344 20,716 1,482,120 1,466,864 1,275,213 1,210,799 1,472,541 1,451,551 1,269,513 1,199,406 Debt securities – issued by the state and the central bank Total Quoted Unquoted Total 9,579 15,313 5,700 11,393 1,482,120 1,466,864 1,275,213 1,210,799 27.3 Movements in available-for-sale financial assets Nova KBM Group 1 January 2014 Recognition of additional financial assets Interest Net exchange rate differences Net revaluation through equity Net impairment through profit or loss Equity instruments Debt securities Total 34,761 1,432,103 1,466,864 2,949 514,209 517,158 0 934 934 (3) (1,167) (1,170) 4,049 37,818 41,867 (3,050) (450) (3,500) Derecognition of financial assets upon disposal (24,804) (106,901) (131,705) Derecognition of financial assets upon maturity 0 (412,894) (412,894) Net gains on sale Other 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group 5,156 8,180 13,336 (44) (8,726) (8,770) 19,014 1,463,106 1,482,120 Equity instruments Debt securities Total 1 January 2013 74,035 515,378 589,413 Recognition of additional financial assets 19,106 1,162,938 1,182,044 0 9,741 9,741 11 (136) (125) Interest Net exchange rate differences Net revaluation through equity 161 12,728 12,889 Net impairment through profit or loss (32,922) (8,230) (41,152) Derecognition of financial assets upon disposal (11,359) (30,200) (41,559) 0 (206,852) (206,852) (13,305) 0 (13,305) Derecognition of financial assets upon maturity Transfer to BAMC Net (losses) on sale (966) (23,264) (24,230) 31 December 2013 34,761 1,432,103 1,466,864 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 195 Contents of the Financial Report Nova KBM d.d. Equity instruments Debt securities Total 1 January 2014 29,820 1,180,979 1,210,799 2,869 445,606 448,475 0 2,029 2,029 2,987 30,049 33,036 Recognition of additional financial assets Interest Net revaluation through equity (Note 45.1) Net impairment through profit or loss (Note 20.1) Derecognition of financial assets upon disposal (3,022) (450) (3,472) (23,908) (38,479) (62,387) (361,931) Derecognition of financial assets upon maturity 0 (361,931) 5,032 3,632 8,664 13,778 1,261,435 1,275,213 Nova KBM d.d. Equity instruments Debt securities Total 1 January 2013 68,506 348,596 417,102 Recognition of additional financial assets 19,106 1,073,958 1,093,064 Net gains on sale (Note 11) 31 December 2014 Interest 0 6,472 6,472 588 10,152 10,740 Net impairment through profit or loss (Note 20.1) (32,910) (8,248) (41,158) Derecognition of financial assets upon disposal (11,156) (29,200) (40,356) Derecognition of financial assets upon maturity 0 (198,487) (198,487) (13,305) Net revaluation through equity (Note 45.1) (13,305) 0 Net (losses) on sale (Note 11) Transfer to BAMC (1,009) (22,264) (23,273) 31 December 2013 29,820 1,180,979 1,210,799 28 / Loans and advances to banks Nova KBM Group Current loans Impairment of current loans Non-current loans Impairment of non-current loans Total – net amount Impairment Total – gross amount 31.12.2014 47,915 (3) 2,212 0 50,124 3 50,127 31.12.2013 106,709 (2,501) 65 (45) 104,228 2,546 106,774 Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 47,199 0 17,113 (5,013) 59,299 5,013 64,312 31.12.2013 108,903 (7,955) 45,441 (12,441) 133,948 20,396 154,344 28.1 Movements in impairment of loans and advances to banks Nova KBM Group 1 January Net impairment of principal Additional impairment/reversal of impairment of interest Exchange rate differences Other 31 December 2014 2,546 (34) (1) 8 (2,516) 3 2013 2,878 (908) 653 (77) 0 2,546 Nova KBM d.d. 2014 20,396 (14,741) (642) 0 0 5,013 2013 289 19,454 653 0 0 20,396 In 2014, the largest proportion of the amount of reversed impairment on loans and advances to banks recorded by the Bank related to the reversal of impairments of loans to Adria Bank. These impairments were subject to elimination in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. The figure under the item 'Other' relates to the transfer to discontinued operations of impairments of loans given to KBM Banka. Recognition of additional impairment/reversal of impairment of interest on loans given to banks is reflected in Note 8 (Interest income and interest expenses) to the income statement. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 196 Contents of the Financial Report 29 / Loans and advances to customers Nova KBM Group Current loans Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 500,375 623,657 333,318 420,225 Impairment of current loans (139,005) (183,970) (61,026) (118,665) Non-current loans 2,024,575 2,187,224 1,662,227 1,846,670 Impairment of non-current loans (471,195) (398,338) (344,483) (323,725) 14,752 10,841 9,747 6,347 Claims under guarantees Impairment of claims under guarantees Total – net amount Impairment Total – gross amount (8,627) (7,649) (6,490) (4,481) 1,920,875 2,231,765 1,593,294 1,826,371 618,827 589,957 411,999 446,871 2,539,702 2,821,722 2,005,293 2,273,242 29.1 Movements in impairment of loans and advances to customers Nova KBM Group 1 January Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 589,957 641,358 446,871 573,234 Net impairment of principal 51,823 567,596 50,530 464,800 Additional impairment of interest 16,931 30,794 12,275 24,747 (592) 4 179 4 (52,533) (19,967) (48,297) (7,308) (375) (98) 0 0 0 (640,039) 0 (608,606) Additional impairment/reversal of impairment of fees Write-off of loans and advances to customers Exchange rate differences Transfer to BAMC Assets received from subsidiaries 0 0 33,849 0 Conversion of loans into equity of subsidiaries 0 0 (83,408) 0 Other 31 December 13,616 10,309 0 0 618,827 589,957 411,999 446,871 In 2014, the Bank converted loans given to its subsidiaries KBM Leasing (in liquidation), Gorica Leasing (in liquidation) and KBM Invest into investments in the equity of subsidiaries. Impairment losses set aside for loans that were subject to the conversion, totalling €76,773,000, were transferred to investments in the equity of subsidiaries. In accordance with the rules set out in IAS 39 that govern the transfer of assets, it was necessary to set aside additional impairment losses of €6,635,000 prior to converting loans into equity. These additional impairment losses were also transferred to investments in the equity of subsidiaries. Thus, the total impairment losses in respect of the converted loans amounted to €83,408,000. Other impairments of €13,616,000 recorded by the Group in 2014 were attributable mainly to the transfer from 'Other assets' to 'Loans and advances to customers' of value adjustments of items seized by the Group leasing companies. This reclassification was partially the result of the transfer of real estate items to the BAMC (€17,425,000), and partially due to the sale of items that had been seized by the Group leasing companies (€10,920,000). The increase in other impairments resulting from this reclassification was partially offset by a decrease of €12,625,000 arising from the reclassification into discontinued operations of loans given to KBM Banka. Recognition of additional impairment/reversal of impairment of interest and fees on loans given to customers is reflected in Note 8 (Interest income and interest expenses) and Note 10 (Fee and commission income and fee and commission expenses) to the income statement. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 197 Contents of the Financial Report 30 / Other financial assets Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 46 31.12.2013 278 31.12.2014 39 31.12.2013 80 Claims for fees and commissions 1,909 1,890 1,396 1,403 Accounts receivables 2,324 1,014 38 38 0 16 0 0 Other 16,064 14,685 10,281 9,638 Total – net amount 20,343 17,883 11,754 11,159 4,552 4,853 1,537 1,667 24,895 22,736 13,291 12,826 Cheques Surplus arising from authorised transactions for customers Impairment Total – gross amount The claims accounted for in respect of transactions with households (daily turnover on cards with deferred payment option) made up the largest proportion of the figure under the item 'Other' in 2014. 30.1 Movements in impairment of other financial assets Nova KBM Group 1 January Assets acquired through business combinations Net impairment of principal (Note 20.1) Additional impairment of interest Additional impairment of fees Write-off of other financial assets Exchange rate differences Transfer to BAMC Other 31 December Nova KBM d.d. 2014 4,853 2013 10,053 2014 1,667 2013 7,721 8 0 8 0 218 (4,701) 222 (5,536) 30 29 29 28 390 498 240 498 (759) (384) (628) (383) (2) 22 (1) 0 (661) 0 (668) 0 (186) 4 0 0 4,552 4,853 1,537 1,667 Recognition of additional impairment/reversal of impairment of interest and fees on other financial assets is reflected in Note 8 (Interest income and interest expenses) and Note 10 (Fee and commission income and fee and commission expenses) to the income statement. 31 / Held-to-maturity financial assets Nova KBM Group Debt securities – current securities issued by the state and the central bank – non-current securities issued by the state and the central bank – non-current securities issued by banks and savings banks – current securities issued by other issuers – non-current securities issued by other issuers Total Quoted Unquoted Total Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 206,540 31.12.2013 280,153 31.12.2014 89,950 31.12.2013 192,437 30,930 35,722 0 29,736 142,078 210,770 79,943 152,739 24.920 24.791 6.136 6.088 0 248 0 0 8,612 8,622 3,871 3,874 206,540 280,153 89,950 192,437 206,540 279,906 89,949 192,437 0 247 1 0 206,540 280,153 89,950 192,437 As of 31 December 2014, the Group had assets of this portfolio worth €128,172,000 pledged with the Bank of Slovenia for the pool of collateral and the guarantee scheme. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 198 Contents of the Financial Report 31.1 Movements in held-to-maturity financial assets Nova KBM Group 1 January Increase during the year – acquisition – gains (Note 11) – reversal of impairment – other (deferred interest) Decrease during the year – disposal (sale and redemption) – losses (Note 11) – impairment – exchange rate differences – other (interest received) 31 December 2014 280,153 91,313 84,527 0 7 6,779 164,926 154,865 0 178 8 9,875 206,540 Nova KBM d.d. 2013 500,108 56,128 41,485 903 108 13,632 276,083 259,511 4,295 816 39 11,422 280,153 2014 192,437 3,553 0 0 0 3,553 106,040 100,000 0 0 6,040 89,950 2013 397,130 40,386 29,628 903 0 9,855 245,079 232,162 4,295 1,657 0 6,965 192,437 32 / Property, plant and equipment Nova KBM Group Cost 1 January 2014 Transfer between types of assets Additions Disposals Exchange rate differences 31 December 2014 Accumulated depreciation 1 January 2014 Assets acquired through business combinations Transfer between types of assets Depreciation Disposals Revaluation Exchange rate differences 31 December 2014 Book value as of 1 January 2014 Book value as of 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group Cost 1 January 2013 Transfer between types of assets Additions Disposals Exchange rate differences 31 December 2013 Accumulated depreciation 1 January 2013 Transfer between types of assets Additions Depreciation Disposals Revaluation Exchange rate differences 31 December 2013 Book value as of 1 January 2013 Book value as of 31 December 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Land and buildings Computer equipment Other equipment PPE in progress Total 104,104 (8,211) 0 (4,317) (547) 91,029 35,240 (590) 508 (12,492) (74) 22,592 36,846 (707) 56 (3,466) (61) 32,668 2,040 (1,628) 1,269 (1,032) (22) 627 178,230 (11,136) 1,833 (21,307) (704) 146,916 46,001 (351) (7,188) 2,333 (2,023) 212 (431) 38,553 58,103 52,476 28,995 0 (783) 2,746 (11,642) 0 (46) 19,270 6,245 3,322 28,576 0 (632) 1,725 (2,406) 10 (40) 27,233 8,270 5,435 981 0 0 0 (576) 24 0 429 1,059 198 104,553 (351) (8,603) 6,804 (16,647) 246 (517) 85,485 73,677 61,431 Land and buildings Computer equipment Other equipment PPE in progress Total 113,019 (8,416) 0 (319) (180) 104,104 33,183 2,423 888 (1,237) (17) 35,240 38,631 417 377 (2,533) (46) 36,846 3,606 (3,407) 2,505 (663) (1) 2,040 188,439 (8,983) 3,770 (4,752) (244) 178,230 46,384 (2,550) 0 2,508 (250) 0 (91) 46,001 66,635 27,047 1 27 3,161 (1,230) 1 (12) 28,995 6,136 27,947 (1) 0 2,465 (2,043) 236 (28) 28,576 10,684 296 49 0 0 0 636 0 981 3,310 101,674 (2,501) 27 8,134 (3,523) 873 (131) 104,553 86,765 58,103 6,245 8,270 1,059 73,677 DAY 199 Contents of the Financial Report Land and buildings Computer equipment Other equipment PPE in progress Total 1 January 2014 81,784 26,218 26,536 332 134,870 Transfer between types of assets (1,243) 627 286 (1,224) (1,554) 0 22 17 1,261 1,300 Nova KBM d.d. Cost Additions Disposals 31 December 2014 (728) (11,788) (433) (176) (13,125) 79,813 15,079 26,406 193 121,491 33,087 21,895 21,878 0 76,860 (886) 0 10 0 (876) Accumulated depreciation 1 January 2014 Transfer between types of assets Additions Depreciation (Note 18) Disposals 0 18 8 0 26 1,824 1,679 1,117 0 4,620 (367) (10,943) (399) 0 (11,709) 31 December 2014 33,658 12,649 22,614 0 68,921 Book value as of 1 January 2014 48,697 4,323 4,658 332 58,010 Book value as of 31 December 2014 46,155 2,430 3,792 193 52,570 Land and buildings Computer equipment Other equipment PPE in progress Total 1 January 2013 84,882 24,628 27,078 1,548 138,136 Transfer between types of assets (2,809) 2,401 535 (3,330) (3,203) Nova KBM d.d. Cost Additions 0 0 0 2,129 2,129 Disposals (289) (811) (1,077) (15) (2,192) 81,784 26,218 26,536 332 134,870 31 December 2013 Accumulated depreciation 0 1 January 2013 34,056 20,662 21,414 0 76,132 Transfer between types of assets (2,594) 0 0 0 (2,594) Depreciation (Note 18) 1,875 2,041 1,407 0 5,323 Disposals (250) (808) (943) 0 (2,001) 31 December 2013 33,087 21,895 21,878 0 76,860 Book value as of 1 January 2013 50,826 3,966 5,664 1,548 62,004 Book value as of 31 December 2013 48,697 4,323 4,658 332 58,010 Most of the 2014 transfers between types of assets were related to the transfer of KBM Banka´s assets to noncurrent assets held for sale and discontinued operations. The net transfer value of this transaction was €2,624,000. The transfer value of real estate units to non-current assets held for sale totalled €6,389,000 in 2013. As of 31 December 2014, the acquisition cost of completely depreciated items of property plant and equipment that are still used by the Group totalled €36,442,000 (2013: €44,026,000). The Group´s liabilities to suppliers of items of property plant and equipment equalled €100,000 at the end of 2014 (2013: €265,000). The value of the Group´s items of property, plant and equipment pledged as collateral totalled €313,000 at the end of 2014. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 200 Contents of the Financial Report 33 / Investment property Nova KBM Group 1 January Transfer between types of assets Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 38,426 53,317 2,339 1,660 114 266 0 0 Additions 27,163 3,168 27,148 1,381 Disposals (27,783) (1,254) 0 0 Change in fair value (Note 20.2) (1,161) (17,071) (299) (702) 31 December 36,759 38,426 29,188 2,339 As of 31 December 2014, the Group had in place 113 agreements for renting out investment properties. The aggregate annual rent amounted last year to €4,358,000, inclusive of VAT (2013: €4,491,000). The year-on-year increase in the balance of investment property registered by the Bank pertained to the purchase of three real estate units worth €27,144,000 in total (the Mercator Shopping Centre, a commercial building at Cesta Krških žrtev 135, and the Kungota Primary School). The purchase of these real estate units had no impact on the balance of the Group´s investment property because the units were purchased from the Group companies. Direct operating expenses incurred by the Group in respect of investment property amounted to €102,000 in 2014, compared to €71,000 in 2013. Items of investment property are not subject to any sale restrictions. 34 / INTANGIBLE assets Nova KBM Group Computer software Intangible assets in preparation Other intangible assets Total 79,251 552 9,663 89,466 Cost 1 January 2014 Transfer between types of assets (655) (2,563) (8) (3,226) Additions 596 2,419 14 3,029 Disposals (2,430) (20) (33) (2,483) (170) 0 0 (170) 76,592 388 9,636 86,616 1 January 2014 54,664 0 1,939 56,603 Transfer between types of assets (1,187) 0 (229) (1,416) 7,247 0 1,203 8,450 (2,427) 0 (11) (2,438) (59) 0 (7) (66) Exchange rate differences 31 December 2014 Accumulated amortisation Amortisation Disposals Exchange rate differences 31 December 2014 58,238 0 2,895 61,133 Book value as of 1 January 2014 24,587 552 7,724 32,863 Book value as of 31 December 2014 18,354 388 6,741 25,483 The Group may freely dispose of its intangible assets and none of these assets are pledged as collateral. The acquisition cost of completely amortised intangible assets that are still used by the Group totalled €25,480,000 at the end of 2014 (2013: €21,129,000). ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 201 Contents of the Financial Report The Group´s liabilities to suppliers of intangible assets totalled €545,000 at the end of 2014 (2013: €716,000). The Group did not capitalise development costs in 2014 or 2013. Nova KBM Group Computer software Intangible assets in preparation Other intangible assets Total 86,755 Cost 1 January 2013 74,694 2,400 9,661 Transfer between types of assets 3,260 (3,260) 0 0 Additions 2,441 2,002 2 4,445 Disposals (1,121) (590) 0 (1,711) (23) 0 0 (23) 79,251 552 9,663 89,466 48,296 0 974 49,270 Exchange rate differences 31 December 2013 Accumulated amortisation 1 January 2013 Additions 31 0 0 31 7,355 0 965 8,320 (1,005) 0 0 (1,005) (13) 0 0 (13) 31 December 2013 54,664 0 1,939 56,603 Book value as of 1 January 2013 26,398 2,400 8,687 37,485 Book value as of 31 December 2013 24,587 552 7,724 32,863 Amortisation Disposals Exchange rate differences Nova KBM d.d. Intangible assets in preparation Total 64,729 514 65,243 2,563 (2,563) 0 0 2,252 2,252 67,292 203 67,495 46,914 0 46,914 6,246 0 6,246 Computer equipment Cost 1 January 2014 Transfer between types of assets Additions 31 December 2014 Accumulated amortisation 1 January 2014 Amortisation (Note 18) 31 December 2014 53,160 0 53,160 Book value as of 1 January 2014 17,815 514 18,329 Book value as of 31 December 2014 14,132 203 14,335 Computer equipment Intangible assets in preparation Total 63,887 909 64,796 1,807 (1,807) 0 Additions 0 2,002 2,002 Disposals (965) (590) (1,555) 64,729 514 65,243 41,415 0 41,415 6,465 Nova KBM d.d. Cost 1 January 2013 Transfer between types of assets 31 December 2013 Accumulated amortisation 1 January 2013 Amortisation (Note 18) 6,465 0 Disposals (966) 0 (966) 46,914 0 46,914 31 December 2013 Book value as of 1 January 2013 22,472 909 23,381 Book value as of 31 December 2013 17,815 514 18,329 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 202 Contents of the Financial Report 35 / Investments in the equity of subsidiaries and associates Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 0 31.12.2013 0 31.12.2014 49,509 31.12.2013 44,329 0 0 49,509 44,329 Investments in the equity of other Group companies 3,164 2,957 47,255 9,810 – equity investments in associated financial organisations 3,164 2,957 2,352 2,237 – equity investments in other subsidiary financial organisations 0 0 40,613 6,719 – equity investments in non-financial subsidiary companies 0 0 4,290 854 3,164 2,957 96,764 54,139 Investments in the equity of banks in the Group – equity investments in banks in the Group Total 35.1 Movements in investments in the equity of subsidiaries and associates Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2,957 2013 3,090 2014 54,139 2013 55,980 207 0 58,870 121,593 0 0 58,870 121,593 207 0 0 0 Decrease during the year 0 133 16,245 123,434 – derecognition due to the liquidation of KBM Fineko 0 0 854 0 – impairment 0 0 14,391 119,483 – other 0 133 1,000 3,951 3,164 2,957 96,764 54,139 1 January Increase during the year – debt-to-equity conversions and capital injections – other 31 December In May 2014, Nova KBM infused fresh capital of €12,200,000 into Adria Bank, while in July 2014 it infused fresh capital of €7,485,000 into KBM Leasing Hrvatska. In December 2014, Nova KBM recapitalised several of its subsidiaries through debt-to-equity conversions. The book value of loans (including the impairment losses already set aside) outstanding to each subsidiary became the acquisition value of investment in its equity, except in the cases where, in accordance with the methodology for valuing equity investments, it was necessary, prior to conversion, to further impair loans that were subject to conversion. Subsidiaries were recapitalised as follows: • KBM Leasing (in liquidation): €14,551,000 (gross loans of €56,699,000 less the amount of impairment losses that had already been set aside, totalling €39,890,000, and the amount of additionally required impairment losses, totalling €2,258,000). • Gorica Leasing (in liquidation): €20,344,000 (gross loans of €46,894,000 less the amount of impairment losses that had already been set aside, totalling €23,775,000, and the amount of additionally required impairment losses, totalling €2,775,000). • KBM Invest: €4,290,000 (gross loans of €19,000,000 less the amount of impairment losses that had already been set aside, totalling €13,108,000, and the amount of additionally required impairment losses, totalling €1,602,000). In 2014, the Bank set aside additional impairment losses of €14,391,000 (2013: €119,483,000) for its investments in the equity of subsidiaries. Impairments made in respect of KBM Leasing Hrvatska, Adria Bank and KBM Banka totalled €7,371,000, €3,669,000 and €3,351,000, respectively. In December 2014, the equity investment in KBM Banka was reclassified into assets of discontinued operations when the process of selling KBM Banka began (Notes 38 and 55). Any other increase in investments in the equity of the Group´s associated companies registered in 2014 is attributable to the shares in profits and the revaluation surplus in respect of the associated company accounted for using the equity method. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 203 Contents of the Financial Report 35.2 Information about companies in which the Nova KBM Group holds at least a 20% equity stake 31.12.2014 2014 31.12.2014 Name of the company Total assets Total liabilities Total equity Equity attributable to the Nova KBM Group Technical and investment income Net profit Acquisition cost Nova KBM Group´s equity stake (%) Nova KBM Group´s voting rights (%) Investment value Moja naložba, pokojninska družba, d.d. 115,242 108,212 7,030 3,164 2,099 343 2,237 45.00 45.00 3,164 35.3 Information about companies in which Nova KBM holds at least a 20% equity stake Name and registered office of the company 31.12.2014 Total equity 2014 31.12.2014 Equity attributable to Nova KBM Net profit/ (loss) Investments in the equity of banks Acquisition cost Nova KBM´s equity stake (%) Nova KBM´s voting rights (%) 81,984 Investment value 49,508 Adria Bank AG, Vienna 12,171 (219) 12,171 28,349 100.00 100.00 8,530 Poštna banka Slovenije d.d., Maribor 50,303 246 50,303 53,635 99.12 99.12 40,978 Investments in the equity of other companies 149,279 47,256 Gorica Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation), Nova Gorica 21,672 (5,100) 21,672 45,954 100.00 100.00 20,344 KBM Infond d.o.o., Maribor 12,590 1,309 12,590 5,660 72.73 72.73 5,660 KBM Invest d.o.o., Maribor 4,332 (1,345) 4,332 29,433 100.00 100.00 4,290 14,654 (4,421) 14,654 48,613 100.00 100.00 14,551 KBM Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb 552 (2,071) 552 17,323 98.54 98.54 115 M-PAY d.o.o., Maribor 224 15 224 59 50.00 50.00 59 7,031 326 3,164 2,237 45.00 45.00 2,237 KBM Leasing d.o.o. (in liquidation), Maribor Moja naložba, pokojninska družba d.d., Maribor Total 231,263 96,764 Assets of discontinued operations KBM Banka a.d., Kragujevac 14,246 (2,120) 14,246 30,057 89.53 89.53 0 36 / Tax assets and liabilities 36.1 Tax assets Nova KBM Group Current income tax assets Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 258 960 2 2 Deferred tax assets (Note 36.3) 12,726 10,739 12,289 10,288 Total 12,984 11,699 12,291 10,290 Of the amount of deferred tax assets reported by the Bank, €11,757,000 relates to tax assets established by the Bank in respect of a portion of the uncovered tax loss (Note 36.3). The amount of €2,000 represents a claim against a foreign tax administration for the tax on dividends paid abroad. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 204 Contents of the Financial Report 36.2 Tax liabilities Nova KBM Group Current income tax liabilities Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 3,021 88 2,494 0 Deferred tax liabilities (Note 36.3) 1,536 8 0 0 Total 4,557 96 2,494 0 Last year, the Group companies accounted for an income tax expense of €3,146,000 (of which €25,000 related to the settlement of income tax from previous years). According to their income tax returns, the Group companies must pay an additional tax liability of €3,021,000 in total. For 2014, Nova KBM accounted for an income tax expense of €2,508,000. During the year, Nova KBM paid to foreign tax authorities a withholding tax on interest of €14,000, but it did not make any income tax prepayments due to reporting a tax loss for 2013. As a result, Nova KBM reports a current income tax liability of €2,494,000. The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia requested the Bank to examine and assess, by taking into account Article 29 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, the loan impairment losses and the provisions it had set aside for off-balance sheet liabilities. Due to different interpretations between banks and the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia about tax legislation, there is uncertainty as to whether the Bank will be subject to a tax inspection. 36.3 Net deferred taxes Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Deferred tax assets (Note 36.1) 12,726 10,739 12,289 10,288 – relating to tax loss 11,757 0 11,757 0 – relating to investments in fixed assets – relating to available-for-sale financial assets – relating to other provisions for pending legal issues 0 352 0 352 (74) 9,275 (73) 9,330 70 70 70 70 968 899 535 536 – relating to temporary differences in respect of impairments 5 144 0 0 – relating to other items 0 (1) 0 0 – relating to other provisions for employees Deferred tax liabilities (Note 36.2) 1,536 8 0 0 – relating to available-for-sale financial assets 1,807 280 0 0 – relating to other provisions for pending legal issues (113) (75) 0 0 – relating to other provisions for employees (150) (121) 0 0 (8) (76) 0 0 Included in profit or loss (Note 22) 7,570 (26,537) 7,593 (23,006) – relating to tax loss 11,757 (26,661) 11,757 (25,767) – relating to other items – relating to investments in fixed assets – relating to available-for-sale financial assets (352) 42 (352) 42 (3,783) 2,595 (3,786) 2,675 – relating to provisions for pending legal issues 38 (69) 0 8 – relating to other provisions for employees 52 (38) (26) 36 (139) (2,146) 0 0 (3) (260) 0 0 – relating to temporary differences in respect of impairments – relating to other items Included in equity (Note 45) (8,832) (1,820) (7,023) (1,432) – relating to available-for-sale financial assets (8,849) (1,794) (7,023) (1,407) – relating to provisions for retirement benefits 17 (26) 0 (25) For the year ended 31 December 2014, the Group reported the uncovered tax loss of €979,527,000, of which €757,051,000 was attributable to the Bank. For a portion of this figure, totalling €69,157,000, the Bank has set up deferred tax assets in the amount of €11,757,000. The remaining tax loss, in respect of which the Group had not established any deferred ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 205 Contents of the Financial Report tax assets, amounted to €910,369,000 (of which €687,894,000 was attributable to the Bank), while the unrecognised deferred tax assets totalled €157,113,000 (of which €116,942,000 was attributable to the Bank). The total level of deferred tax assets was determined on the basis of the projections of future taxable income in the next five years. As of 31 December 2014, the Bank had no deferred tax assets recognised in respect of the impairment of equity investments in its subsidiaries. The total amount of impairment recognised from 2011 to 2014 amounted to €178,798,000, while the unrecognised deferred tax assets in respect of this impairment totalled €30,396,000. The negative amount of €73,000, included in the item 'Deferred tax assets relating to available-for-sale financial assets', is the result of Nova KBM disclosing deferred taxes by individual types. The difference arises from the increase in the price of several available-for-sale securities, as a consequence of which the Bank reversed impairment losses previously set aside for these instruments. At the end of 2014, the total deferred tax assets and liabilities in respect of available-for-sale financial assets amounted to €7,006,000 and €7,079,000, respectively. In accounting for the 2014 income tax expense, Nova KBM reduced its tax base by the amount of an investment tax relief from previous years, as a result of which it cancelled in full the deferred tax assets that it had previously recognised for this purpose. 37 / Other assets Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 37,587 53,050 13,061 13,453 8,136 4,644 12,766 13,440 29,451 48,406 295 13 254 332 36 29 Prepayments and accrued income 1,320 1,182 320 490 Other claims 6,791 550 5,814 36 Inventory – assets received in settlement of claims – other inventory Claims for advance payments Total – net amount 45,952 55,114 19,231 14,008 Impairment 48,579 106,825 32,333 30,221 Total – gross amount 94,531 161,939 51,564 44,229 Real estate units held for sale, totalling €25,000,000, and movable and immovable items seized under lease agreements and held for the purpose of sale or lease, totalling €4,100,000, accounted for the largest proportion of the Group´s inventory at the end of 2014. At the end of 2014, the Group´s claims for the refund of deductible VAT in respect of the purchase of goods and services for the fixed assets made up the largest proportion of the amount under the item 'Other claims'. 37.1 Movements in impairment of other assets Nova KBM Group 1 January Net impairment of principal Additional impairment of fees Write-off of other assets Exchange rate differences Transfer to BAMC Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 106,825 58,310 30,221 12,281 3,222 48,810 675 17,941 41 56 0 0 (11,844) (326) 0 0 (18) (24) 0 (1) (40,522) (1) 0 0 Other (9,125) 0 1,437 0 31 December 48,579 106,825 32,333 30,221 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 206 Contents of the Financial Report The 2014 reduction of €40,522,000 in value adjustments and the reduction of €11,844,000 in write-offs of other assets recorded by the Group were attributable to the transfer of real estate units to the BAMC. The largest proportion of the amount under the item 'Other' (€9,125,000) relates to the reclassification into 'Loans and advances to customers' of value adjustments of items that had been seized by the Group leasing companies and later sold. 38 / Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations Nova KBM Group Items of property, plant and equipment held for sale Items of investment property held for sale Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 1,439 7,397 865 780 11 471 0 0 Assets of discontinued operations 59,823 0 0 0 Total 61,273 7,868 865 780 In December 2014, Nova KBM made a decision to sell its investment in the equity of KBM Banka, based on which it reclassified this investment into non-current assets held for sale, in accordance with IFRS 5. Prior to making this transfer, the equity investment in KBM Banka was impaired in full. The assets of KBM Banka, totalling €59,823,000, are reported as assets of discontinued operations (Note 55). 39 / Financial liabilities held for trading Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Derivatives 1,229 1,422 1,170 976 – forwards 107 362 107 362 – swaps 197 641 138 195 – other derivatives 925 419 925 419 1,229 1,422 1,170 976 Total 40 / Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Nova KBM Group Deposits (Note 40.1) Loans (Note 40.2) Debt securities (Note 40.4) Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 3,095,021 3,135,019 2,475,148 2,411,535 396,942 902,325 366,281 788,461 59,129 60,973 67,452 69,284 Subordinated liabilities (Note 40.5) 1,250 1,250 0 0 Other financial liabilities (Note 40.6) 33,551 34,266 26,396 26,185 3,585,893 4,133,833 2,935,277 3,295,465 Total The year-on-year decline in the balance of loans taken by the Bank was attributable to the early repayment of funds borrowed through the longer-term refinancing operations from the Bank of Slovenia. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 207 Contents of the Financial Report 40.1 Deposits by type of customers and maturity Nova KBM Group Deposits from banks Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 20,875 60,271 11,780 51,982 – demand deposits 1,793 1,520 10,718 2,657 – current deposits 18,570 57,924 550 2,298 – non-current deposits Deposits from customers – demand deposits – current deposits – non-current deposits Total 512 827 512 47,027 3,074,146 3,074,748 2,463,368 2,359,553 1,469,985 1,349,936 1,116,225 979,958 585,405 742,991 458,957 545,819 1,018,756 981,821 888,186 833,776 3,095,021 3,135,019 2,475,148 2,411,535 40.2 Loans by type of customers and maturity Nova KBM Group Loans from banks – current loans – non-current loans Loans from customers – current loans – non-current loans Total Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 394,213 897,774 363,552 783,912 0 10,711 0 0 394,213 887,063 363,552 783,912 2,729 4,551 2,729 4,549 0 1 0 0 2,729 4,550 2,729 4,549 396,942 902,325 366,281 788,461 40.3 Deposits and loans by market segments Nova KBM Group Deposits – from banks – from non-financial companies Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 3,095,021 3,135,019 2,475,148 2,411,535 20,875 60,271 11,780 51,982 341,088 372,680 316,823 333,798 – from the state 91,076 81,117 72,375 56,696 – from other financial organisations 81,889 55,098 83,757 45,733 – from foreign persons 41,432 109,247 40,496 37,734 – from non-profit institutions serving households – from households Loans – from banks – from the state – from foreign persons Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 38,118 35,045 30,800 23,837 2,480,543 2,421,561 1,919,117 1,861,755 396,942 902,325 366,281 788,461 394,213 897,774 363,552 783,912 2,729 4,549 2,729 4,549 0 2 0 0 3,491,963 4,037,344 2,841,429 3,199,996 DAY 208 Contents of the Financial Report 40.4 Debt securities by type and maturity Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Non-current securities issued 45,412 45,412 45,412 45,412 – bonds 45,412 45,412 45,412 45,412 Certificates of deposit issued 13,717 15,561 22,040 23,872 7,646 9,255 7,646 9,255 – current – non-current Total 6,071 6,306 14,394 14,617 59,129 60,973 67,452 69,284 40.5 Subordinated liabilities Nova KBM Group Issuer Nova KBM d.d. Currency Date of maturity Interest rate 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 EUR perpetual; call option on each 28.12. variable 1,250 1,250 0 0 1,250 1,250 0 0 Subordinated debt Adria Bank AG Total Subordinated liabilities are included in the calculation of capital adequacy. Capital risk is presented in Note 4.6. 40.6 Other financial liabilities Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 Liabilities for fees and commissions Liabilities for gross salaries of employees 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 71 73 35 25 3,141 3,367 2,305 2,445 Liabilities to suppliers 4,446 5,097 3,528 3,965 Liabilities related to payment card transactions 7,965 7,629 7,939 7,599 Liabilities related to ATM transactions 1,747 1,785 1,614 1,640 659 595 647 594 2,596 2,524 1,279 1,240 22 75 22 75 5,797 6,999 2,596 3,472 Liabilities related to funds provided by customers for making payments abroad Liabilities related to cash transactions Liabilities arising from participation in profits – dividends Accruals and deferred income Surplus arising from authorised transactions for customers Other financial liabilities Total 179 139 179 135 6,928 5,983 6,252 4,995 33,551 34,266 26,396 26,185 The largest proportion of the amount shown under the item 'Other financial liabilities' arises from the balances held in transitional accounts. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 209 Contents of the Financial Report 41 / Provisions Provisions for restructuring Provisions for pending legal issues Provisions for pensions and similar benefits Provisions for off-balance sheet liabilities Other provisions Total 1 January 2014 Net creation of provisions through profit or loss – provisions made during the year 11,280 17,785 6,549 64,060 489 100,163 (8,151) 1,151 490 (11,622) 2,377 (15,755) 1,449 4,418 1,343 31,261 2,394 40,865 – provisions reversed during the year Net creation/reversal of provisions through equity Provisions used during the year (9,600) (3,267) (853) (42,883) (17) (56,620) 0 0 864 0 0 864 (1,934) Nova KBM Group (1,101) (167) (428) 0 (238) Exchange rate differences 0 (5) (10) (78) (1) (94) Other 0 (11) (131) (88) (3) (233) 2,028 18,753 7,334 52,272 2,624 83,011 Provisions for restructuring Provisions for pending legal issues Provisions for pensions and similar benefits Provisions for off-balance sheet liabilities Other provisions Total 0 4,400 7,598 34,143 489 46,630 11,280 13,554 (116) 29,919 0 54,637 31 December 2014 Nova KBM Group 1 January 2013 Net creation of provisions through profit or loss – provisions made during the year 11,280 15,998 538 54,882 22 82,720 – provisions reversed during the year 0 (2,444) (654) (24,963) (22) (28,083) Net reversal of provisions through equity 0 0 (300) 0 0 (300) Provisions used during the year 0 (166) (629) 0 0 (795) Exchange rate differences 0 (3) (4) (2) 0 (9) 11,280 17,785 6,549 64,060 489 100,163 Nova KBM d.d. Provisions for restructuring Provisions for pending legal issues Provisions for pensions and similar benefits Provisions for off-balance sheet liabilities Other provisions Total 1 January 2014 1,680 15,867 3,940 61,943 421 83,851 Net creation of provisions through profit or loss (Note 19) 1,449 1,721 91 (11,718) (3) (8,460) – provisions made during the year 1,449 3,872 442 27,689 0 33,452 – provisions reversed during the year 0 (2,151) (351) (39,407) (3) (41,912) Net reversal of provisions through equity 0 0 725 0 0 725 31 December 2013 Provisions used during the year (1,101) (80) (105) 0 (225) (1,511) 2,028 17,508 4,651 50,225 193 74,605 Nova KBM d.d. Provisions for restructuring Provisions for pending legal issues Provisions for pensions and similar benefits Provisions for off-balance sheet liabilities Other provisions Total 1 January 2013 0 3,274 4,333 32,998 428 41,033 Net creation of provisions through profit or loss (Note 19) 1,680 12,593 87 28,945 (7) 43,298 – provisions made during the year 1,680 14,580 372 52,388 0 69,020 – provisions reversed during the year 0 (1,987) (285) (23,443) (7) (25,722) Net reversal of provisions through equity 0 0 (293) 0 0 (293) Provisions used during the year 0 0 (187) 0 0 (187) 1,680 15,867 3,940 61,943 421 83,851 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 In 2014, the Group set aside provisions of €2,394,000 for potential claims for interest on lease transactions. These provisions are included in the item 'Other provisions'. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 210 Contents of the Financial Report Provisions for Adria Bank´s restructuring of €9,600,000 were reversed by the Group in 2014 because, in accordance with the Restructuring Programme, the appropriate amount of provisions for restructuring was set aside by Adria Bank itself. Claims brought against the Group totalled €40,139,000 at the end of 2014 (2013: €34,419,000). Considering legal opinions obtained, the Group had €18,753,000 of provisions set aside for these claims as of 31 December 2014 (2013: €17,785,000). 42 / Other liabilities Nova KBM Group Liabilities for prepayments received Liabilities related to taxes and contributions Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 509 599 0 0 7,502 2,243 7,063 1,612 Accruals and deferred income 10,129 12,409 7,259 10,367 Total 18,140 15,251 14,322 11,979 Most of the liabilities of the Group in respect of taxes and contributions relate to the liabilities for VAT arising from the purchase of investment property, as well as to liabilities for the payment of contributions on wages, the financial services tax and the balance sheet tax. Accruals and deferred income of the Group relate mainly to deferred income arising from loan origination fees, and to accrued expenses incurred by the Group. 43 / Share capital Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. Ordinary shares – subscribed by the state 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 As of 31 December 2014, the share capital of Nova KBM totalled €150,000,000 and was split into 10,000,000 ordinary no-par-value shares, all of which were held by the Republic of Slovenia. The accounting value of each ordinary nopar-value share, calculated as the ratio between the share capital and the total number of outstanding shares, was €15 at the end of 2014. No changes took place in Nova KBM´s share capital in 2014. In 2013, based on a decision made by the Bank of Slovenia, all qualified liabilities of Nova KBM were written off, with the result that the share capital of Nova KBM was reduced to zero (€0). On 18 December 2013, the Republic of Slovenia subscribed for and paid for all of the 10,000,000 newly issued shares of Nova KBM, the total issue value of which was €870,000,000. The share capital of Nova KBM was increased by €150,000,000, while the difference totalling €720,000,000 was credited to share premium as paid-in capital surplus. In 2014 and 2013, Nova KBM did not purchase or sell treasury shares, and no treasury shares were held by Nova KBM at the end of 2014, nor were shares of Nova KBM held by any of the Group companies. 44 / Share premium Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. Paid-in capital surplus Total 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 360,572 360,572 360,572 360,572 Paid-in capital surplus is recorded as share premium. Share premium was partially used to cover the loss incurred by the Group in 2013. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 211 Contents of the Financial Report 45 / Accumulated other comprehensive income Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 43,375 8,708 34,292 6,872 Other accumulated comprehensive income in respect of available-for-sale financial assets – revaluation 52,224 10,502 41,315 8,279 – deferred taxes (Note 36.3) (8,849) (1,794) (7,023) (1,407) Other accumulated comprehensive income (534) 273 (433) 268 – revaluation (551) 299 (433) 293 – deferred taxes (Note 36.3) Total 17 (26) 0 (25) 42,841 8,981 33,859 7,140 45.1 Movements in accumulated other comprehensive income Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 8,981 31.12.2013 (1,149) 31.12.2014 7,140 31.12.2013 (2,092) Net change arising from the valuation of available-for-sale financial assets 41,722 11,824 33,036 10,740 – gains recognised in revaluation surplus 41,718 5,976 33,036 4,895 4 5.848 0 5.845 (850) 299 (725) 293 0 1 0 0 (7,012) (1,993) (5,592) (1,801) 0 (1) 0 0 42,841 8,981 33,859 7,140 1 January – transfer of losses from revaluation surplus to profit or loss Net change in other revaluation surplus Exchange rate differences Net change in deferred taxes Other 31 December 46 / Reserves from profit Nova KBM Group Regulatory reserves Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 2,302 31.12.2013 663 31.12.2014 1,796 31.12.2013 0 17,062 0 17,062 0 Statutory reserves Other reserves from profit Total 8,531 0 8,531 0 27,895 663 27,389 0 46.1 Movements in reserves from profit Nova KBM Group 2014 663 1 January 2013 289,741 Nova KBM d.d. 2014 0 2013 275,044 Increase/(decrease) in regulatory reserves 1,639 (12,953) 1,796 (12,145) Increase/(decrease) in statutory reserves 17,062 (174,184) 17,062 (172,158) 0 (1,412) 0 0 8,531 (100,529) 8,531 (90,741) 27,895 663 27,389 0 (Decrease) in reserves for treasury shares Increase/(decrease) in other reserves 31 December In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, the Nova KBM Management Board has, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, appropriated the 2014 net profit for reserves as follows: • for regulatory reserves: €1,796,000 • for statutory reserves: €17,062,000 • for other reserves from profit: €8,531,000. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 212 Contents of the Financial Report 47 / Retained earnings or losses (including net profit or loss for the financial year) Nova KBM Group Retained earnings from previous years Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 41,081 8,767 0 0 Net profit/(loss) for the financial year (5,743) 40,170 8,527 0 Total 35,338 48,937 8,527 0 48 / Profit available for appropriation Nova KBM d.d. Net profit/(loss) for the financial year – accumulated losses from previous years – retained earnings from previous years 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 35,916 (656,500) 0 (287,234) 0 262 (27,389) 943,472 – regulatory reserves (1,796) 12,145 – statutory reserves (17,062) 172,158 (8,531) 90,741 0 668,428 8,527 0 – creation/release of reserves from profit and share premium – other reserves from profit – share premium Profit available for appropriation For 2014, Nova KBM reported a net profit of €35,916,000. After transferring €27,389,000 to reserves, a total of €8,527,000 of the 2014 net profit remains undistributed and constitutes the profit available for appropriation. The decision regarding the use of the profit available for appropriation is to be made by the Nova KBM Shareholders´ Meeting. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 213 Contents of the Financial Report Other notes 49 / Commitments and contingent liabilities by type Nova KBM Group Financial guarantees Service guarantees Total guarantees Unsecured letters of credit Current 48,703 31.12.2014 Total 79,082 Non-current 30,379 Nova KBM d.d. Current 42,934 Non-current 26,854 31.12.2014 Total 69,788 107,269 73,784 181,053 87,509 65,142 152,651 155,972 104,163 260,135 130,443 91,996 222,439 58 0 58 172 0 172 Approved and undrawn loans 138,665 4,290 142,955 135,475 4,034 139,509 Approved and undrawn overdrafts 180,752 1,232 181,984 155,570 0 155,570 8,078 0 8,078 0 0 0 Total commitments and contingent liabilities 327,495 5,522 333,017 291,045 4,034 295,079 Derivatives 124,910 0 124,910 122,910 0 122,910 Total 608,435 109,685 718,120 544,570 96,030 640,600 Approved credit lines Nova KBM Group Financial guarantees Service guarantees Total guarantees Unsecured letters of credit Approved and undrawn loans Approved and undrawn overdrafts Approved credit lines Current 46,797 31.12.2013 Total 92,431 Non-current 45,634 Nova KBM d.d. Current 39,391 Non-current 36,888 31.12.2013 Total 76,279 106,145 96,806 202,951 89,808 84,904 174,712 152,942 142,440 295,382 129,199 121,792 250,991 128 0 128 293 0 293 69,714 1,039 70,753 68,093 870 68,963 184,838 1,196 186,034 157,640 0 157,640 9,696 0 9,696 0 0 0 Total commitments and contingent liabilities 264,248 2,235 266,483 225,733 870 226,603 Derivatives 123,713 40,000 163,713 112,213 40,000 152,213 Total 541,031 184,675 725,706 467,438 162,662 630,100 Liabilities under rental agreements Nova KBM Group Business premises, parking spaces and ATMs Computer software Information channels Annual amount in 2015 1,091 155 Nova KBM d.d. 4,303 5,939 Annual amount in 2015 863 620 1,508 86 2 to 5 years 2016 – 2019 Over 5 years 2 to 5 years 2016 – 2019 Over 5 years 3,390 3,743 344 859 591 2,366 5,914 327 1,310 3,274 Other equipment 1,702 6,511 2,012 1,700 6,511 2,012 Total 3,539 13,800 15,373 2,976 11,555 9,888 Nova KBM Group Annual amount in 2014 1,490 Nova KBM d.d. 5,454 6,983 Annual amount in 2014 891 3,534 4,308 Computer software 142 567 1,418 89 357 893 Information channels 731 2,925 7,312 453 1,812 4,530 82 229 351 23 9 2 2,445 9,175 16,064 1,456 5,712 9,733 Business premises, parking spaces and ATMs Other equipment Total 2 to 5 years 2015 – 2018 Over 5 years 2 to 5 years 2015 – 2018 Over 5 years Agreements for renting business premises, ATMs and information channels under operating lease agreements account for the largest proportion of the Group´s liabilities under rental agreements. The Group has not entered into any irrevocable rental agreements. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 214 Contents of the Financial Report Receivables under rental agreements Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Annual amount in 2015 2 to 5 years 2016 – 2019 Over 5 years Annual amount in 2015 2 to 5 years 2016 – 2019 Over 5 years 4,598 17,419 42,192 4,222 16,808 41,324 20 79 197 20 79 197 4,618 17,498 42,389 4,242 16,887 41,521 Business premises, parking spaces and apartments Other equipment Total Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. Annual amount in 2014 2 to 5 years 2015 – 2018 Over 5 years Annual amount in 2014 2 to 5 years 2015 – 2018 Over 5 years 4,836 18,323 35,267 365 1,400 2,835 22 79 197 20 79 197 4,858 18,402 35,464 385 1,479 3,032 Business premises, parking spaces and apartments Other equipment Total The most significant rental agreements have been made for renting out business premises and apartments under operating leases. 50 / Derivatives 50.1 Derivatives by type Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2014 Current Non-current Total Current Non-current Total Forwards 64,349 0 64,349 64,349 0 64,349 – trading 64,349 0 64,349 64,349 0 64,349 Other derivatives 16,254 0 16,254 16,254 0 16,254 – trading 16,254 0 16,254 16,254 0 16,254 Swaps 44,307 0 44,307 42,307 0 42,307 – trading 44,307 0 44,307 42,307 0 42,307 124,910 0 124,910 122,910 0 122,910 Total Forwards Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2013 31.12.2013 Current Non-current Total Current Non-current Total 85,241 0 85,241 85,241 0 85,241 – trading 85,241 0 85,241 85,241 0 85,241 Other derivatives 24,353 0 24,353 24,353 0 24,353 – trading 24,353 0 24,353 24,353 0 24,353 Swaps 14,119 40,000 54,119 2,619 40,000 42,619 – trading Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 14,119 40,000 54,119 2,619 40,000 42,619 123,713 40,000 163,713 112,213 40,000 152,213 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 215 Contents of the Financial Report 50.2 Derivatives held for trading 31.12.2014 Nova KBM Group Type of risk Type of derivative Book value taken to the statement of financial position Off-balance sheet amount Type of derivative Assets Liabilities 144 197 44,307 0 Interest rate Interest rate risk swaps Equity instrument Other derivatives price risk Currency Foreign exchange risk forwards Total Nova KBM d.d. Book value taken to the statement of financial position Off-balance sheet amount Assets Liabilities Interest rate swaps 144 138 42,307 925 16,254 Other derivatives 0 925 16,254 43 107 64,349 Currency forwards 43 107 64,349 187 1,229 124,910 187 1,170 122,910 31.12.2013 Nova KBM Group Type of risk Type of derivative Book value taken to the statement of financial position Off-balance sheet amount Type of derivative Assets Liabilities 210 641 54,119 372 419 30 612 Interest rate Interest rate risk swaps Equity instrument Other derivatives price risk Currency Foreign exchange risk forwards Total Nova KBM d.d. Book value taken to the statement of financial position Off-balance sheet amount Assets Liabilities Interest rate swaps 210 195 42,619 24,353 Other derivatives 372 419 24,353 362 85,241 Currency forwards 30 362 85,241 1,422 163,713 612 976 152,213 51 / Authorised transactions Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 Non-financial companies 31.12.2013 Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 0 3 0 3 State 5,277 7,268 5,277 7,268 Banks and other financial organisations 4,143 10,675 9,272 22,745 7 11 7 11 1,273 1,253 1,273 1,253 0 78 0 0 Households Non-profit institutions serving households Foreign persons Liabilities related to transactions in securities Total fiduciary activities Other activities Total fiduciary and other activities ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. 2,580 615 2,580 615 13,280 19,903 18,409 31,895 555,882 363,511 555,882 363,511 569,162 383,414 574,291 395,406 DAY 216 Contents of the Financial Report 52 / Fiduciary activities Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 2,336 614 Claims of settlement and transactions accounts for customer assets ASSETS 821 117 – from financial instruments 135 75 – against the Central Securities Clearing Corporation or the Bank´s clearing account for sold financial instruments 243 42 – against other settlement systems and institutions for sold financial instruments (buyers) 443 0 1,515 497 – in the settlement account for customer assets 811 363 – in banks´ transaction accounts 704 134 Customers´ cash LIABILITIES 2,336 614 Liabilities of settlement and transactions accounts for customer assets 2,336 614 – to customers from cash and financial instruments 2,201 539 – to the Central Securities Clearing Corporation or the Bank´s clearing account for purchased financial instruments 18 0 – to other settlement systems and institutions for purchased financial instruments (suppliers) 19 0 – to the Bank or the Bank´s settlement account for commissions, fees, etc. 98 75 OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 37 0 Customers´ financial instruments, itemised by service 37 0 – receipt, transmission and execution of orders 37 0 53 / Related party transactions 53.1 Statement of financial position and off-balance sheet items Associates Associates Nova KBM Group Subsidiaries Nova KBM d.d. Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Deposits and loans given (gross amount) 2 1 2 1 48,732 323,994 – deposits and loans to banks 0 0 0 0 14,901 76,283 – deposits and loans to customers 2 1 2 1 33,512 247,661 – other financial assets 0 0 0 0 319 50 Investments in securities 2,237 2,237 2,237 2,237 177,935 56,752 – equity instruments 2,237 2,237 2,237 2,237 177,935 55,064 – debt securities 0 0 0 0 0 1,688 Other claims 0 0 0 0 0 165 1,755 1,759 1,755 1,748 15,914 53,924 0 0 0 0 10,080 48,208 1,755 1,749 1,755 1,748 5,675 4,616 0 10 0 0 159 1,100 Assets Liabilities Deposits and loans received – deposits and loans from banks and central banks – deposits and loans from customers – other financial liabilities Securities issued 0 0 0 0 8,323 8,279 – debt securities 0 0 0 0 8,323 8,279 Subordinated liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 100 Other liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 1 Off-balance sheet items 3 4 4 4 1,983 4,063 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 217 Contents of the Financial Report Key management personnel Nova KBM Group Other related persons Nova KBM d.d. Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Deposits and loans given (gross amount) 332 297 332 297 44,406 5,166 306 4,621 – loans to customers Assets 332 297 332 297 44,406 5,166 306 4,621 Investments in securities 0 0 0 0 417 382 383 348 – equity instruments 0 0 0 0 417 382 383 348 Liabilities Deposits and loans received 495 574 495 474 1,678 1,560 654 164 – deposits and loans from customers 495 574 495 474 1,479 1,442 535 46 – other financial liabilities 0 0 0 0 199 118 119 118 Off-balance sheet items 44 69 44 69 3,487 371 122 132 Key management personnel of the Group include members of the Management Board, executive directors and members of the Supervisory Board of Nova KBM. Other related persons of the Group include: • immediate families of the key management personnel • entities, the owners or key management personnel of which are members of key management personnel of the Group or of their immediate families • key management personnel of subsidiaries (management board and executive directors) • immediate families of the key management personnel of subsidiaries • entities, the owners or key management personnel of which are members of key management personnel of subsidiaries or of their immediate families. Transactions with related persons are conducted on an arm´s length basis. 53.2 Income statement Associates Associates Nova KBM Group Subsidiaries Nova KBM d.d. Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 (67) (89) (90) (89) 9,085 12,567 0 0 0 0 583 526 Net interest income Dividend income Net fee and commission income 18 (3) 7 7 679 997 0 (24) 0 0 (66) (101) Costs of services Impairment of loans 0 0 0 0 16,074 (52,025) Provisions 0 0 0 0 1,412 (1,056) Impairment of investments 0 0 0 0 (14,391) (119,482) (49) (116) (83) (82) 13,376 (158,574) Total Key management personnel Nova KBM Group Net interest income Net fee and commission income Costs of services Impairments Provisions Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Nova KBM d.d. Other related persons Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 (2) (17) (1) (13) 1,478 1,419 285 233 0 0 0 0 (328) (430) 3 7 (258) (421) (179) (233) (2,364) (1,598) (2,248) (1,520) 0 0 0 0 7,462 (2,167) (1,139) (2,167) 0 0 0 0 (435) 0 0 0 (260) (438) (180) (246) 5,813 (2,776) (3,099) (3,447) | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 218 Contents of the Financial Report 53.3 Loans and guarantees given Management Board members Nova KBM Group 31.12.2014 Loans Average interest rate on loans (%) Repayments 31.12.2013 Loans Repayments 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 92 6 29 47 2,111 2,539 8.48 3.61 3.66 3.36 3.48 7 0 7 12 496 490 31.12.2014 Average interest rate on loans (%) 31.12.2014 Other Group employees on individual contracts 4.14 Management Board members Nova KBM d.d. Supervisory Board members 31.12.2013 Supervisory Board members 31.12.2014 Other Bank employees on individual contracts 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 92 6 29 47 1,336 1,422 4.14 8.48 3.61 3.66 3.22 3.43 7 0 7 12 262 267 54 / Subsidiary and associated companies 54.1 Disclosures on subsidiaries with significant non-controlling interests KBM Infond d.o.o. 2014 2013 Share of non-controlling interests in voting rights (%) 27.27 27.27 Share of non-controlling interests in equity (%) 27.27 27.27 Financial assets held for trading 1,373 816 Available-for-sale financial assets 3,545 3,770 618 580 77 70 Loans and advances Other assets Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Net worth (equity) Equity attributable to non-controlling interests Net income Operating costs Provisions and impairment losses Profit from continuing operations Tax (expense) related to profit or loss from continuing operations Net profit for the financial year 428 919 12,590 12,671 2,383 2,133 4,751 4,865 (3,172) (3,209) (13) (192) 1,566 1,464 (257) (6) 1,309 1,458 Net profit for the financial year attributable to non-controlling interests 357 398 Other comprehensive income 191 (436) Total comprehensive income 1,501 1,022 409 279 Cash flows from operating activities 1,001 1,368 Cash flows from financing activities (237) (25) Cash flows from investing activities (583) (2,621) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period 181 (1,278) Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 159 169 Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 219 Contents of the Financial Report 54.2 Disclosures on significant associates The associated company Moja naložba is an independent commercial company headquartered in the Republic of Slovenia and engaged in the provision of supplementary pension insurance. The services provided by Moja naložba are regarded as auxiliary services offered by the Nova KBM Group and constitute an alternative to investments in mutual funds or bank deposits. Moja naložba is a non-listed company. In the consolidated financial statements, it is accounted for using the equity method, as set out in IAS 28. Moja naložba d.d. 2014 2013 Share of the reporting entity in voting rights (%) 45 45 Share of the reporting entity in equity (%) 45 45 Financial assets Assets from financial contracts Insurance technical provisions Liabilities for financial contracts 6,835 5,994 105,105 100,784 3,066 2,309 104,849 100,956 Net worth (equity) 7,030 6,572 Equity attributable to the reporting entity 3,164 2,957 Net earned premiums 815 1,065 Income from investments 494 363 1,284 1,500 Other insurance income Change in insurance technical provisions Operating costs Expenses for investments Profit/(loss) before tax Income tax expense Net profit/(loss) for the financial year (756) (1,014) (1,238) (1,437) (261) (649) 343 (387) 0 0 343 (387) Net profit/(loss) attributable to the reporting entity 147 (174) Other comprehensive income 115 92 Total comprehensive income 457 (295) Cash flows from operating activities 723 177 Cash flows from financing activities (739) (142) Cash flows from investing activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash equivalents during the period Dividends paid to the reporting entity 0 0 (16) 35 0 0 55 / Total loss after tax from discontinued operations KBM Banka was founded in 1955 and has focused on the provision of corporate and retail banking services. It became a member of the Nova KBM Group in 2010. In December 2014, the Nova KBM Management Board passed a decision to sell KBM Banka to a strategic investor, and the investment in KBM Banka was book-transferred to 'Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations'. Components of profit and loss and assets and liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale are presented in the tables below. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 220 Contents of the Financial Report Income statement of discontinued operations ITEM DESCRIPTION Income of discontinued operations Expenses of discontinued operations Profit/(loss) of discontinued operations before tax Income tax relating to discontinued operations Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 9,406 12,010 (12,363) (17,674) (2,957) (5,664) 257 583 Fair value measurement loss, reduced by costs to sell (16,407) 0 Total (loss) after tax from discontinued operations (19,107) (5,081) (17,560) (4,521) (1,547) (560) a) Attributable to owners of the parent b) Attributable to non-controlling interests The Group recognised a loss of €16,407,000 arising from the impairment as a result of the initial write-down of the disposal group to fair value less cost to sell. The effect on Nova KBM´s profit or loss of the reclassification into discontinued operations of the investment in the equity of a subsidiary bank is reported in the item 'Net loss from discontinued operations' and totalled €3,351,000 in 2014 (2013: €17,199,000). Statement of comprehensive income of discontinued operations ITEM DESCRIPTION NET (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR AFTER TAX OTHER COMPREHENSIVE (LOSS) AFTER TAX ITEMS THAT WILL NOT BE RECLASSIFIED TO PROFIT OR LOSS Actuarial (losses) on defined benefit pension plans Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 (19,107) (5,081) (703) (146) (6) 0 (6) 0 ITEMS THAT MAY BE RECLASSIFIED TO PROFIT OR LOSS (697) (146) Foreign currency translation differences arising from consolidation (753) (191) – translation (losses) taken to equity (753) (191) Available-for-sale financial assets 56 45 – valuation gains taken to equity 56 45 (19,810) (5,227) (18,189) (4,655) (1,621) (572) Year ended 31.12.2014 Year ended 31.12.2013 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR AFTER TAX a) Attributable to owners of the parent b) Attributable to non-controlling interests Statement of cash flows of discontinued operations ITEM DESCRIPTION CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (8,261) (14,911) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 1,960 1,006 Receipts from investing activities 2,030 2,636 (70) (1,630) Cash payments on investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 0 0 (997) (423) Net (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (6,301) (13,905) Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 29,942 44,270 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 22,644 29,942 Effects of change in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 221 Contents of the Financial Report Assets and liabilities of discontinued operations ITEM DESCRIPTION 31.12.2014 Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits at banks Financial assets held for trading Available-for-sale financial assets Loans and advances – loans and advances to banks – loans and advances to customers – other financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Tax assets – deferred tax assets Other assets TOTAL ASSETS Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost – deposits from banks and central banks – deposits from customers – loans from banks and central banks – loans from customers – other financial liabilities Provisions Tax liabilities – deferred tax liabilities Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 22,613 1,183 8,770 20,711 27 20,461 223 26 604 4,534 1,138 44 44 200 59,823 59,212 3,232 55,648 45 2 285 321 (267) (267) 557 59,823 In the note on operating segments, KBM Banka is presented in a separate item called 'Total loss after tax from discontinued operations'. Financials included in the analysis for the comparable period have been restated to reflect the effects of discontinued operations up to the date of the preparation of financial statements and the related notes for the last reported period. 56 / Exposure to the Bank of Slovenia, Republic of Slovenia and stateowned institutions Nova KBM Group Exposure to: Bank of Slovenia – settlement account – other Republic of Slovenia – bonds – other securities – loans – loans guaranteed by the Republic of Slovenia, by type – other State-owned institutions – loans – securities – commitments and contingent liabilities – other Total exposure to the Bank of Slovenia, Republic of Slovenia and state-owned institutions Share in total assets (%) Off-balance sheet items covered by collateral provided by the Bank of Slovenia or the Republic of Slovenia Total assets ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Nova KBM d.d. 31.12.2014 281,328 266,557 14,771 1,260,066 548,532 276,093 22,099 405,400 7,041 452,348 186,426 97,913 101,867 66,142 31.12.2013 329,921 323,191 6,730 1,396,878 705,739 276,472 1,765 411,335 666 440,272 212,252 88,632 83,504 55,884 31.12.2014 232,344 221,167 11,177 1,039,086 416,031 213,222 20,909 379,574 8,449 480,439 190,177 148,025 100,270 41,967 31.12.2013 293,717 289,938 3,779 1,155,415 504,918 263,594 0 385,587 415 543,943 346,021 101,117 83,302 13,503 1,993,742 2,167,071 1,751,869 1,993,075 45.63 45.05 48.55 50.97 901 901 901 901 4,369,010 4,810,793 3,608,215 3,909,983 DAY 222 Contents of the Financial Report 57 / Movements in past-due and unpaid claims Nova KBM Group 2,523 1.91 (2,376) 0 Exchange rate differences (132) 614,763 21.79 95,234 (53,084) (1,091) 4,613 20.29 01.01.2014 Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Other financial assets Total (%) Net increase 621,899 Nova KBM Group (%) 15 0.03 655,822 25.82 19.94 1,311 (961) 0 4,963 94,169 (54,045) (1,223) 660,800 Transfer to BAMC 31.12.2013 82 0.01 0 (82) 0 0 0.00 2,586 1.56 (35) 0 (28) 0 2,523 1.91 934,175 23.13 414,880 (20,193) (17) (714,082) 614,763 21.79 5,028 6.06 20.29 Available-for-sale financial assets Loans and advances to banks Other financial assets Total 31.12.2014 Exchange rate differences 0 01.01.2013 Loans and advances to customers Write-offs (%) Net increase/ (decrease) Write-offs 941,871 Nova KBM d.d. 801 (462) 0 (754) 4,613 415,646 (20,737) (45) (714,836) 621,899 Net increase Write-offs 31.12.2014 01.01.2014 Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers 2 0.00 14 0 16 0.02 15.18 98,618 (48,352) 395,422 19.72 1,781 13.89 12.39 346,939 Nova KBM d.d. 01.01.2013 Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers Other financial assets Total (%) 345,156 Other financial assets Total (%) (%) (%) Net increase/ (decrease) 567 (701) 1,647 99,199 (49,053) 397,085 Write-offs Transfer to BAMC 31.12.2013 (%) 29 0.02 (27) 0 0 2 0.00 701,372 20.25 326,384 (7,382) (675,218) 345,156 15.18 2,171 2.91 797 (441) (746) 1,781 13.89 327,154 (7,823) (675,964) 346,939 703,572 58 / Remuneration Nova KBM Group Nova KBM d.d. 2014 2013 2014 2013 Management Board 374 275 314 275 Aleš Hauc 135 138 135 138 Igor Žibrik 172 137 112 137 Robert Senica 52 0 52 0 Sabina Župec Kranjc 15 0 15 0 130 186 130 186 70 88 70 88 Other Group employees on individual contracts 6,745 8,196 2,902 3,675 Total 7,319 8,745 3,416 4,224 Supervisory Board members Members of Supervisory Board committees Remuneration paid to Management Board members comprises: salary, pay for annual leave, bonuses, the payment of supplementary pension insurance premiums, and other remuneration under employment contracts. Igor Žibrik ended his term of office as a member of the Management Board on 31 October 2014. Robert Senica and Sabina Župec Kranjc were appointed as new members of the Management Board on 1 August 2014 and 17 November 2014, respectively. Remuneration paid to members of the Supervisory Board, the Audit Committee, and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee comprises: a payment for holding the office, and to cover attendance fees, reimbursement of costs, seminar participation fees, and the payment of liability insurance premiums. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 223 Contents of the Financial Report Remuneration paid to other Group employees working on individual contracts comprises: salary, pay for annual leave, bonuses, the payment of supplementary pension insurance premiums, and other remuneration under employment contracts (severance benefits paid to employees who are made redundant for business reasons, retirement benefits, compensation for a non-competition clause, and some other remuneration under employment contracts). The total amounts paid in 2014 to Aleš Hauc, President of the Management Board, and Igor Žibrik, Management Board Member, for meeting attendances, reimbursement of costs, and bonuses in respect of their work on supervisory boards of subsidiaries and the associated company of the Group were €36,000 and €41,000, respectively. 58.1 Analysis of remuneration paid to Management Board members, Executive Directors, Supervisory Board members and members of Supervisory Board committees Remuneration of the Management Board € 2014 Salary Nova KBM d.d. Aleš Hauc Gross Supplementary pension Awards Bonuses insurance premiums Pay for annual leave Other emolument Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Gross Gross 0.00 Net Total Gross Net 126,346.57 59,663.83 789.15 474.25 0.00 0.00 4,662.79 2,819.04 0.00 134,617.55 60,138.08 Igor Žibrik 100,647.49 46,321.93 (up to 31.10.2014) 789.15 476.59 0.00 0.00 8,328.40 2,349.20 60,388.38 23,521.28 172,502.62 70,319.80 Robert Senica 48,154.21 23,140.90 (from 01.08.2014) 328.81 200.87 0.00 0.00 2,666.23 1,174.60 0.00 0.00 52,323.85 23,341.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 318.82 234.92 0.00 0.00 14,856.23 7,183.22 289,450.76 136,309.88 1,907.11 1,151.71 0.00 0.00 15,976.24 6,577.76 60,388.38 23,521.28 374,300.25 160,982.87 Sabina Župec Kranjc (from 17.11.2014) Total 14,302.49 7,183.22 € 2013 Salary Nova KBM d.d. Supplementary pension Awards Bonuses insurance premiums Pay for annual leave Other emolument Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Gross Gross Aleš Hauc 129,049.76 59,796.91 783.66 470.15 0.00 0.00 5,333.65 2,819.04 Igor Žibrik 122,597.22 55,517.15 783.66 472.63 0.00 0.00 10,396.94 2,819.04 Total 251,646.98 115,314.06 1,567.32 942.78 0.00 0.00 15,730.59 5,638.08 Net Total Gross Net 0.00 0.00 137,986.11 60,267.06 0.00 0.00 136,596.86 55,989.78 0.00 0.00 274,582.97 116,256.84 Remuneration of Executive Directors € 2014 Salary Nova KBM d.d. Total Gross Net Pay for annual leave Gross Awards Bonuses Net Gross 483,013.23 241,918.07 4,077.28 2,608.82 0.00 Net Supplementary pension insurance premiums Other emolument Gross Gross Gross 0.00 21,324.08 3,050.00 0.00 Net Total Gross Net 0.00 511,464.59 244,526.89 € 2013 Salary Nova KBM d.d. Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Gross Net Supplementary pension Awards Bonuses insurance premiums Pay for annual leave Gross Net 641,004.33 294,294.06 6,957.04 4,417.54 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. Gross 0.00 Net Gross 0.00 37,712.29 Gross Other emolument Gross Net Total Gross Net 4,350.00 77,934.84 48,781.62 767,958.50 347,493.22 DAY 224 Contents of the Financial Report Remuneration of the Supervisory Board € Nova KBM d.d. 2014 Attendance fees Reimbursement of costs Seminar participation fees and liability insurance Total Peter Kukovica 24,945.00 2,391.35 113.33 27,449.68 Niko Samec 19,470.04 452.77 113.33 20,036.14 1,810.47 67.32 0.00 1,877.79 Andrej Fatur 17,739.96 1,205.29 113.32 19,058.57 Miha Glavič 18,664.96 0.00 113.32 18,778.28 Peter Kavčič 17,299.96 534.21 367.52 18,201.69 4,040.64 0.00 0.00 4,040.64 13,237.19 7,541.46 113.32 20,891.97 117,208.22 12,192.40 934.14 130,334.76 Name and surname Karmen Dvorjak Egon Žižmond Keith Charles Miles Total € Nova KBM d.d. 2013 Attendance fees Reimbursement of costs Seminar participation fees and liability insurance Peter Kukovica 26,305.00 2,570.13 414.00 29,289.13 Niko Samec 20,451.71 353.29 413.98 21,218.98 Karmen Dvorjak 18,318.29 654.31 414.00 19,386.60 Andrej Fatur 18,251.29 3,066.08 676.73 21,994.10 Miha Glavič 19,088.29 0.00 414.00 19,502.29 Peter Kavčič 18,603.29 770.18 1,210.87 20,584.34 Keith Charles Miles 19,884.62 10,628.65 414.00 30,927.27 Egon Žižmond 18,813.29 0.00 413.97 19,227.26 Aljoša Tomaž 3,817.21 262.64 0.00 4,079.85 163,532.99 18,305.28 4,371.55 186,209.82 Name and surname Total Total Remuneration of the Audit Committee € Nova KBM d.d. 2014 Name and surname Aleksander Igličar Attendance fees 6,950.00 Reimbursement of costs 786.78 Seminar participation fees 0.00 Total 7,736.78 Keith Charles Miles 7,426.12 1,782.79 0.00 9,208.91 Andrej Fatur 5,009.96 1,625.76 0.00 6,635.72 Peter Kavčič 4,840.81 105.89 0.00 4,946.70 Gojko Koprivec 5,998.21 654.12 0.00 6,652.33 Jernej Pirc 3,364.84 331.18 0.00 3,696.02 33,589.94 5,286.52 0.00 38,876.46 Total € Nova KBM d.d. 2013 Name and surname Andrej Svetina Attendance fees 220.00 Reimbursement of costs 0.00 Seminar participation fees 0.00 Total 220.00 Kosta Bizjak 220.00 0.00 0.00 220.00 Franc Koletnik 220.00 0.00 0.00 220.00 Aleksander Igličar 10,782.00 946.60 0.00 11,728.60 Keith Charles Miles 8,154.93 4,263.45 0.00 12,418.38 Andrej Fatur 5,852.79 1,947.08 0.00 7,799.87 John Harris 11,002.00 5,978.87 0.00 16,980.87 Peter Kavčič 2,348.17 54.05 0.00 2,402.22 38,799.89 13,190.05 0.00 51,989.94 Total ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 225 Contents of the Financial Report Remuneration of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee € Nova KBM d.d. 2014 Name and surname Attendance fees Reimbursement of costs Seminar participation fees Total Peter Kukovica 6,567.52 552.46 0.00 7,119.98 Niko Samec 4,129.96 0.00 0.00 4,129.96 Peter Kavčič 3,859.13 30.28 0.00 3,889.41 Romana Košorok 8,460.00 427.54 0.00 8,887.54 Adriana Rejc Buhovac 6,510.00 209.64 0.00 6,719.64 29,526.61 1,219.92 0.00 30,746.53 Total € Nova KBM d.d. 2013 Name and surname Attendance fees Reimbursement of costs Seminar participation fees Total Peter Kukovica 7,142.93 1,073.67 0.00 8,216.60 Niko Samec 5,500.79 0.00 0.00 5,500.79 Peter Kavčič 4,840.79 33.39 0.00 4,874.18 10,210.00 1,109.93 0.00 11,319.93 125.81 0.00 0.00 125.81 Romana Košorok Jure Srhoij Adriana Rejc Buhovac Total 5,550.00 61.59 0.00 5,611.59 33,370.32 2,278.58 0.00 35,648.90 59 / Events after the statement of financial position date In February 2015, the Supervisory Board recalled Aleš Hauc from the position of the President of the Management Board, and appointed Robert Senica, who was then a member of the Management Board, as the new President. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | NOVA KBM GROUP AND NOVA KBM D.D. DAY 226