Bulletin - Church of the Incarnation
Bulletin - Church of the Incarnation
“The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION August 23, 2015 2309 Monterrey Rd. NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 Mass Schedule: Weekdays Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30 p.m. Tuesday & Friday 8:00 a.m. Weekends Saturday 4:00 p.m. (Fulfills Sunday Obligation) Sunday 8:00 a.m, & 10:30 a.m. Confession Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:30-5:15 p.m. Tuesday & Friday 7:15-7:45 a.m. Saturday 2:30-3:45 p.m. Sunday 9:30-10:15 a.m. Adoration Times: Monday & Wednesday 6:00-7:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Clergy & Staff Rev. John Carney, Pastor Rev, Dcn George Meryerson, Pastoral Associate Rev. Dcn Norbert Archibeque Rev. Dcn Jerome Paskiewicz Rev. Dcn Louis Bernal Rev. Dcn Mark Buie Business Assistant: Gloria Ashley [email protected] Director of Music & Liturgy Lawrence Goddard [email protected] Director of Religious Ed. Josemaría Balderas [email protected] Assistant DRE Rita Montaño [email protected] Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Abram Muenzberg [email protected] Receptionist Claire Meyerson [email protected] Bulletin Editor Chanelle Leonhardt [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Phone: 771-8331 Fax: 867-6971 Website: ccincarnation.org Sunday August 23, 2015 A.D. Tabernacle Lamp Mass Schedule & Intentions Saturday, August 22 4:00 p.m. Linda Hawrey by Sister +Jessie and Alfred Martinez by Tom and Barb Madrid +Rosemary De la Cerna by Prayer Shawl Ministry The Sanctuary Lamp is the candle next to the tabernacle. Sunday, August 23 Mary Margaret Baca by the Johnsen Family You can purchase a candle in 8:00 a.m. +Maria Elena Cruz-Schaffer by Greg and Elizabeth Cruz memory or in honor of a +Tom McCarthy by Pat Kershow loved one for $10. 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish Altar Flowers You can purchase two weeks of Altar Flowers for $75 at the parish office. Events for August 22 Denim and Diamonds 23 Lifeteen 5pm 27 SVDP Meeting 6:15pm 29 & 30 K of C Open House Treasure for August 16 Regular Collection: 12,109 Building Fund: 5,414 Assumption: 2,671 Thank you for your generosity! Interested in receiving the weekly E-bulletin? For more info, email [email protected] Monday, August 24 5:30 p.m. In thanksgiving to the Holy Family by AJR Holy Souls in Purgatory by the Johnsen Family +Mary Carney Lee by Dr. and Mrs. Richard Honsinger Tuesday, August 25 8:00 a.m. Living Members of the Alfred Martinez Family by Tom and Barb Madrid In thanksgiving to Pope. St. John Paull II by AJR +Louisa Rael by Ruben and Bernadette Mares Wednesday, August 26 5:30 p.m. Living and Deceased Members of the Johnsen Family by the Johnsen Family In thanksgiving to the Holy Family by AJR +Michael Martinez by Family Thursday, August 27 5:30 p.m. In thanksgiving to Pope St. John XXIII by AJR +JC Cantu by Daughter +Michael Martinez by Family Friday, August 28 8:00 a.m. Carlos and Christine Sena by Tom and Barb Madrid +Aurora Sandoval by Bernardo Sandoval +Keith Sweeney by Walt and Sue Skinner Saturday, August 29 4:00 p.m. People of the Parish Sunday, August 30 8:00 a.m. +Maria Elena Cruz-Shaffer by Greg and Elizabeth Cruz +Rich Kershaw by Wife +Tom Kaminski by Mom 10:30 a.m Saint of the Week:. “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him, the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.” St. Augustine, pray for us Mike Johnsen by the Johnsen Family Maureen Healy by Incarnation Parish +Mary Sotomayor by Frances Jaramillo A Note of Thanks We would like to thank everyone in the Bereavement Ministry and our Parish for the wonderful food and services given to us during our son Michael Martinez's funeral. Thank you all for the prayers and support. We are forever grateful. We are blessed to have such a wonderful, giving Parish- especially all the clergy and staff. God bless you all. ~Robert and Marie Martinez and Family Pray for the Sick Parish Ministries Eva Bongiorno Clay Buie Frank DiLuzio Ronald Dominguez Jessica Duncan Frank Enriquez Richard Garrity Ed Hartman Charlotte Hester Marjie Johnson Kathleen Kadas Joe & Emma Katcher Melinda Leonhardt Carole Margolias Sophia Martinez Jason McGrew Dave Miller Robert Parkinson Vanny Quichocho Geno Rendon Richard Ridley Ben Rispoli Jesse Rodriquez Lois Snyder Nick Vuillemot Bill Warshauer Mary Willet Altar Servers American Heritage Girls Blue Knights Bereavement Boy Scouts Church Cleaning Ministry Coffee Klatch Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Facility Committee Greeters Hospitality Incarnation Home Schoolers Incarnation Mom’s Group Knights of Columbus Lectors Little Flowers Martha’s & Mary’s Men’s group Music Ministry Prayer Chain Prayer Shawl Ministry Respect Life Rosary Guild Women’s Group Middle School: Edge (Sat. @ 5-7p.m.) Pray for the Deceased High School: Life Teen (Sun. @ 5-7p.m.) +Marion Quinn +James Cairo +Raymond Druilhet +Richard Romero Young Adult: Dead Theologians Society (age:18-24—Tues. @ 7:30p.m.) In Need of a Prayer? Call Barbara Natalia with the Prayer Chain at 379-9448 to make your request known. Readings for the Week of August 23 Sun Josh 24:1-18/ Eph 5:21-32/ John 6:60-69 Mon Rev 21:9-14/ John 1:45-51 Tue Thes 2:1-8/ Matt 23:23-26 Wed Thes 2:9-13/ Matt 23:27-32 Thu Thes 3:7-13/ Matt 24:42-51 Fri Thes 4:1-8/ Matt 25:1-13 Sat Jer 1:17-19 OR Thes 4:9-11/ Mark 6:17-29 Parish Support Groups: Ala-Teen or Al-Anon, St. Felix Pantry St. Vincent De Paul, 388-2479 Special Concerns Baptism: Contact the Parish office to schedule classes and a date for Baptism. Planning a Wedding: Contact the parish office at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Hospital Visits and Homebound: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are available to bring Communion to you. Contact the parish office to learn more. Funeral Arrangements: Please contact the parish office as soon as possible to coordinate liturgical services. Making a Bequest to CotI Please include the following statement in your will: “I bequeath to Church of the Incarnation the sum of $___ (or ____% of the residue of my estate) for its religious, educational and charitable works.” If you would like to discuss a bequest to CotI, call the Parish Office at 771-8331. A Word From Our Pastor As you know, our parish offers opportunities for Confession seven days a week. As a result, there are about 60 confessions a week during Ordinary Time; many more during Lent and Advent when we offer additional confession times. Perhaps you have noticed that there are times, especially before the 10:30 Mass on Sundays, when we have to cease hearing confessions so that the priest can prepare for Mass. Sometimes there are a number of penitents that are turned away at this time. Many of our people are fond of having what some might call "devotional confessions," that is, although they have no serious sins to confess, it is good to seek absolution for minor offenses of God's ways. This in itself is very good; however, perhaps there is someone in that confession line that has a more serious need for the sacrament. So, I am asking a favor. If the confession line is significant and the time before Mass growing closer, please avoid offering a "devotional confession." Give another person a chance to receive the sacrament. It may be a very important moment for him or her. The Lord will be pleased at your sacrifice. Thanks, Fr. John The Mom’s Group We are starting a new study, The Domestic Church: Room by Room: a Study Guide for Catholic Mothers. We meet on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. in the parish hall. All Mothers and their children are welcome. Please contact Emily Casillas at 250-6353 for more information. Ladies of the Parish A new ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) Study is beginning on Tuesday, September 15th at 9:15-11:45 a.m. This will be a very exciting and informative study entitled, “Edith Stein: Seeker of Truth.” To register please call Marcella Johnson: 903-0402 or Suzanne Bodin at 867-7958 The catholic communicator AN OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE* Sunday • August 23, 2015 Mariposa Retreat • Retreat for individuals who have a loved one who is suffering from an addiction • September 18-20 • Retreat will be offered at the Father Fitzgerald Retreat and Renewal Center in Jemez Springs. Call the office of Family Life, 831-8117. Join us at Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta (Albuquerque) • August 29-30. Food, fun, and entertainment for the entire family! On Saturday we will begin with Mass at 10am and on Sunday at 1:30pm. We are located at 1860 Griegos Rd NW. Call the Parish office at 345-4596. 35th Annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference Spon- sored by the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,host. October 23-24 • Friday is 7-9:30pm • Saturday is 9am -8:30pm • $40 for both days • Registration deadline is Tuesday October 13 • Our Keynote Presenter for Saturday is Fr. Eric Ramirez SJ. We will also be honored by the presence of our newly appointed Archbishop John Wester for Mass and he will also be joining our youth for dinner. This is an excellent kick off for Confirmation. Contact Della at (505) 831-8142. Sowing Seeds of Love In Action: Parish Social Ministry Conference • September 19 • Albuquerque • Featuring national speakers from Catholic Relief Services and St. Vincent de Paul, along with local speakers for a day of prayer, learning and action. Workshops include global solidarity, the new Encyclical, Laudato Si, keeping your spiritual center, consistent ethic of life, using media and technology for social mission, engaging youth and young adults solidarity, exploring Communities of Salt and Light, how to be a voice of the poor, immigration and migration, Catholic social teaching, how to form a social concerns committee, and more! Workshops offered in Spanish and simultaneous translation offered. All interested in the social mission of the church including parish social ministers, youth ministers, young adults, catechists, St. Vincent de Paul volunteers, outreach volunteers, Deacons, JustFaith grads are welcome to attend! Register by September 14. Call 505-831-8205 or email [email protected]. Attention Spanish speaking • The Tuesday Hispanic Prayer group of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Albuquerque) would like to invite you to a charismatic concert and a testimony of Ge’La on Tuesday, September 15 at *A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe 6-9pm (see Ge’La Cantante Catolica on YouTube). We are located at 1860 Griegos Rd. NW. Call Mirta at 417-1465 or Jose at 975-6898. Book of Revelation Bible Study starts September 17 at Shrine of St. Bernadette, Albuquerque. This 11-week class meets 6:15-8:15pm, in room C5. Learn the meaning of the mysterious figures and events of Revelation, discover what will happen at the end of time and see how the Mass is really heaven on earth. This program was created by Jeff Cavins. Purchase the $24 workbook before September 3 at the church office to insure receipt by class time. Call Genny at 294-5839. The ASF African American Catholic Community invites all to join us for Mass on August 30 • 12-noon St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church • 5901 St. Joseph’s Dr. NW, Albuquerque. Call 505-836-3627. Retrouvaille, a lifeline for troubled marriages • September 11-13 • Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday • A weekend experience for healing and seven follow-up sessions over a three-month period, led by former Retrouvaille participants. Madonna Retreat and Conference Center in Albuquerque • For more information,call 1-800-470-2230. Please join St. Anthony’s Catholic Church at the Pecos High School Gym from 11am5pm • Enjoy live music, food booths, games, face painting, car show, cake walk, bingo, silent auction & more. Call 505-757-6345. Serra Club is hosting the well-attended semi-annual “Golfing With a Padre” on September 14, at Tanoan Country Club, Albuq. Who’s got the best parish team? Put your best group together or let us take care of it for you, but make sure your parish is represented. To insure you play with a Padre, sign up early at www.serraclubalbuquerque.org or contact Tom McCollum at 505-298-6343/ [email protected]. Classes • For the following classes, register online at: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505-831-8179, or [email protected]. $10 course fee. August 24 • 6-8pm • Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord. Monday, August 24, 6-8pm. Shrine of St. Bernadette Parish, ABQ. 2 credit hours (Ecclesiology). September 1-29, Tuesdays • 6:30-8:30pm • Introduction to Jesus • Lourdes Hall, Albuquerque • Tom Skorupa, Instructor. Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333