Urland Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America CannonDFalls, Minnesota 507-263 -5544 February, 2011 Parish Mission Seeds THE SEED that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest. Lk 8:8 Sunday, February 6th Church Directories Are Here The Urland Church Directory is finished and here. The directory looks great, thanks to the hard work of Ann Romo and Millie Ohnstad. Anyone that had his or her picture taken is entitled to a directory. They may be picked up in the Upper Room at church. The youth will be collecting money for hunger related causes. Super Bowl Sunday is the second biggest ‘eating’ day of the year. Let us share a little of our abundance with those who are not so fortunate. With the earthquake in Haiti, the need is greater than ever. Youth Of Urland Present Sweethearts Dinner ‘A Celebration of Marriage’ Sunday, February 20 5:00 p.m. Pur chase your ti cke ts follo wing wor ship, star ting Feb. 6 th or co ntact Pastor Dean (263-2779, or ccyguy @yahoo.co m) $25 per couple Sweetheart Dinner It will be a romantic lasagna dinner (with the extras). Nothing says romance like Italian food! The air will be filled with romantic music. Punch and hors d'oeuvres will be served. We will have a Renewal of Marriage Vows. Pastor Dean will again host the game show: The Not-So-Newlywed Game! Parish Mission Seeds page 2 age 2 Anyone Interested We will eventually be having a training session after worship for anyone interested in learning to help run the sound board, etc. We are looking for some interested youth, as well as adults. If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Sharot or Chris Swenson. The Snow was about this deep some weeks! Thanks to those who helped with snow shoveling. We have had a snow filled winter and without the help of several volunteers it would have been impossible to keep up. Thank you to those that have helped us. We continue to ask people to sign up and volunteer to keep shoveling. It is GREATLY appreciated. Delegates have Annual Meetings Coming Up The Cannon River Conference Assembly will be Sunday, February 13th, 2 pm at United Redeemer, Zumbrota. Our delegates are Avis & Gary Esterby and the alternates are Chuck & Mary Blastervold. The Kenyon Sunset Home Corporation Annual Meeting is February 28th at 7:00 pm. Delegates are: Jim & Barb Berquam and Lester & Doris Flom. The Good Earth Village will have their Annual Meeting on Sunday, Feb. 27th, 2 pm. in the Log Lodge Retreat Center at Good Earth Village. Our delegates are: BettyAnn & Al Hernke and Dawn Berquam. Cannon Valley Mom’s Group Meeting at Urland The Cannon Valley Mom’s Group is a group of mom’s with preschoolers who meet twice a month at Urland. They bring the children giving them an opportunity to play together and mom’s an opportunity to discuss topics from parenting, to being frugal, we share recipes, and pray for each other... New members are welcome –the next meeting is Friday, Feb. 11th 9:30 – Noon. CORN(y) ALERT! What do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day? A hog and kisses! Why did the pig give his girlfriend a box of candy? It was Valenswine's Day! What did the Valentines card say to the stamp? Stick with me and we'll go places! Do skunks celebrate Valentine's Day? Sure, they're very scent-imental! What did the chocolate syrup say to the ice cream? "I'm sweet on you!" What did the paper clip say to the magnet? "I find you very attractive." What did the French chef give his wife for Valentine's Day? A hug and a quiche! What did one pickle say to the other? "You mean a great dill to me." What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? "I love you a ton!" What did the bat say to his girlfriend? "You're fun to hang around with." www.mikeysFunnies.com Parish Mission Seeds page 3 age 3 Pastor’s Page Meet You At Church Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. He bre w s 10.23-2 5 n r s v Our attendance went down from 127 per Sunday in 2009 to 109 in 2010. I am sure that the weather contributed to a lower attendance but probably the controversy we struggled with had the greatest effect. Most people don't like controversy, so I imagine some just stayed away. Thankfully we still had our best year financially, which is amazing if you think about it. Let us put the past behind us, the controversy that is, not the good giving. We need to remember our past of course and learn from it. However, let us look to the future Christ has called us to. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in God's kingdom. Urland needs to be a part of it. It all starts with regular worship attendance. When we put Sunday worship as a priority in our schedule it helps everything else fall into place. We need to keep God and our neighbor in the front of our minds. God wants our thanks and praise. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ and they need us. Let's start the week by coming to worship. Let us confess our shortcomings, receive forgiveness and let God equip us for the week. Our brothers and sisters in Christ look forward to seeing us at Urland. They need our voices to sing praises and raise up prayers, the give and take of Christian friendship and our time, talents and treasures to lend a hand. Not to mention that we also need to receive Christ's Word and sacraments. We need each and every one of us, that's why the Spirit brought us to Urland. We especially need people who haven't been with us for a while. The best thing to do when you haven't been to church in a while is to just come. Get that first Sunday out of the way. We really miss you and want you back. No questions asked. See you on Sunday. Pastor Sharot Meet You At Church Parish Mission Seeds Parish Mission Seed page 4 Page 4 Page 6 WELCA & Circle Schedules: THE CIRCLE will PEACE meet Monday, Feb. 7th, @ 7:00 @ Urland to start working on the quillo's for our seniors. Mary B. will be the hostess. ††† THE DAY CIRCLE will meet on Wed. Feb. 9th at 1:00 p.m. at Twin Rivers for Bible study and meeting. ††† SEWING CIRCLE The Sewing Circle will meet Tues. Feb. 1st and Wed. Feb. 2nd at 12:30 each day. ††† THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY The Thursday Morning Bible Study will continue to meet at 9:30 each Thursday at Wangen Prairie. All are welcome. ††† ADULT FORUM 9:15 a.m. Each Sunday morning. We meet in the lower level. Everyone welcome. ††† CROSSWAYS BIBLE STUDY 6:15 p.m. each Sunday evening for snacks and conversation. 6:30 p.m. Bible Study starts. All Welcome! FE BR UAR Y S P E CIAL O FFE R IN G IS HAVE N O F HO PE Haven of Hope was formerly known as The Red Wing Women’s Center. Haven of Hope (a domestic violence shelter) provides safety, confidentiality, short-term housing, and advocacy for women and children fleeing domestic violence. The shelter’s purpose is to assist Goodhue County residents, although they do accept families from outside the county if beds are available. The shelter can accommodate 24 people in up to eight efficiency-style apartments. Advocates are on staff 24 hours a day to provide support and assistance to the women and children staying at the center. CR O S SW AY S B IB LE S T UDY – We have started the Crossways Bible Study. Every Sunday evening we meet at 6:15 for shared snacks and conversation and our study starts at 6:30 p.m. This is a serious Bible study but you don't have to be a serious bible scholar to attend. We will all learn together. Crossways serves as the ultimate travel-guide for an unforgettable, indepth journey through the Bible. You don't have to purchase anything ahead of time. Come and check it out first. If you would like, you can check this study out on the internet at: http://www.crossways.org Some of the services Haven of Hope provides to the community include a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, advocacy (legal and personal), children’s services, outreach services, community education, referral services, and local support groups. The shelter serves an average of 75 families in-house and assists more than 1,000 individuals in the community through its outreach services each year. Haven of Hope does not receive any city or county funding, and relies heavily on the generous donation of time from its volunteers, as well as financial contributions from individuals in the community. Budget Report 2010 1-1-10 Balance 2010 Deposits 2010 Checks 12-31-10 Balance 233.70 179.400.00 (179.549.69) 84.01 4 Parish Mission Seed Thank You We would like to say a big thank you to those who remembered Mom on her 90th birthday. Whether you came in person or mailed her a card, it was all appreciated. We remember all those acts of kindness that people have shown, so again Thank You. Frances and family ††† "Thank you for the gift of the beautiful flowers sent for my brother Grant's funeral service. I sincerely appreciate your prayers, support and love that were extended to my family and me during this time. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and compassion. My best regards and prayers for you. Blessings, Pastor Scott McLaughlin ††† Urland Lutheran Church Dear Friends, Thank you very much for your donation of $335.00. It will be used to help the families in the Hammond Area. Through this fund, we were able to provide Food Baskets and Gift Cards to a local grocery store for 24 families in time for Christmas. We also purchased 40 BP Gas cards, which will be given to families who are in need of them to provide transportation for their families. We have also used some for funds to purchase additional sheet rock needed for residents to repair their houses. Please continue to keep the residents of the Hammond Area in your prayers. In Service to our Lord, The Hammond Flood Relief Fund Committee Page 5 Urland Luth. Church members, Thank you so much for donating to our Christmas program. With your help we were able to serve over 40 families this holiday season. Sincerely, Staci, Hope Coalition ††† Dear Urland Lutheran Church, Thank you for your financial donation to the Cannon Valley churches Mobile Pack Event with Feed My Starving Children. Your contribution will go a long way in the fight against world hunger..... Onward in God’s Service, Mark Crea, Exec. Director ††† Urland Lutheran Church, Good bless you for standing with us in our 70th year of ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ. We look forward to an exciting new year and all that the Lord has for us to do. Thank you for your continued support! Kristen Hink, director, Marie Sandvik Center CHE CK O UT T HE URL AN D W E B S IT E www.urland.org. is the Urland web site and is a place to go for some of our resources that are available. It is updated each month with items from the Mission Seeds, including the YOU (Youth of Urland) activities. Less Is More This is a weight loss program that was started last year by Pastor Dean and a few jumped on the bandwagon with him. This is for those interested in loosing a few pounds and raising money for a good cause while doing it. The Mission Seeds is your church newsletter. We are always looking for members to contribute an article or something of interest. Members may make suggestions to us to help us make this newsletter better and more interesting for everyone. Just contact Kathy or Pastor Sharot if you have any suggestions. Get people to sponsor you for each pound lost. The money that is pledged will go ! to the Youth and ! to ELCA World Hunger. ‘Weigh-ins’ will be the first Sunday of each month following worship. Sign up information on the Youth Board. Parish Mission Seed Page 6 S N OW T UB IN G: We don’t know the date yet, as we are still in the planning stage. This has been a very popular event and we always have an incredible time. We will get information to you as soon as it is finalized. But know this: It will be a blast! $5 gets you the tube, the warming house, hot dogs, chips, and hot chocolate. What a deal! Watch for a date. B ASE M E N T P R OJ E CT T AK E S A J UM P FO RW AR D… Some History: The old basement has been waiting for renovation after the beaver system was put in. The beaver system took care of our water problems, but also made a mess of the old basement making it necessary to redo walls, carpet, etc. The old kitchen will be gutted and will become the Youth Room once remodeling is completed. The rest will be our dining area as before. The basement remodeling committee is back in action! We've taken our measurements and are working to put a floor plan together for everyone to review. We're also looking to start getting some prices for materials so we have an idea of how much the materials will cost. There is a significant amount of demolition that needs to occur before we can begin reconstruction so watch for more details in the coming months on workdays to "LET THE RENOVATION BEGIN"! At the Does GodSunset Home Kenyon even Urlandtake was responsible to serve cookies the first couple text of Sundays in January and to provide lunch and a messages? program at the Sunset Home January Auxiliary meeting. Thanks to Betty Ohmann and her friends who shared their musical talents for the program at the Kenyon Sunset Home Auxiliary Meeting. They were a big hit! Thanks to Barb and Jim Berquam for taking care of the two Sundays we served cookies for their coffee hour. Fe b ru ary Pr aye r Cale n dar 1. Those w/chronic illnesses 2. Confirmands & Mentors 3. Bible Study @ W.P. 4. Pastors Sharot & Dean & families 5. Men & Women in the Service 6. Our Worship Service 7. Trustees 8. Deacons 9. Men's Bible Study 10. Those in Assisted Living & Nursing Homes 11. Linda Flom - Spiritual Director @ ACC 12. Shut-ins 13. Praise & Worship Service 14. VALENTINE'S DAY share your love w/those around you 15. Our Council 16. Our Youth 17. Stewardship Committee 18. Those working the "Sound Board" 19. Pastors Sharot & Dean & families 20. Sunday School Children & teachers 21. President Obama 22. Those in leadership positions 23. Those who have recently lost loved ones 24. Those w/depression 25. Those w/drug addictions 26. The unemployed 27. Our Worship Service 28. College Students February Gladys Hernke Jean Hernke Wally Jacobson Raymond Ohnstad 2-8 2-6 2-22 2-10 URLAND LUTHERAN CHURCH NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID Cannon Falls, MN 55009 Permit #80 7 9 Blvd 6940 Cty Parish Mission See Cannon Falls, MN 55009 Parish Miss Page 7 Page 7 Address Service Requested Pastors: Arthur Sharot 507-263-5544 office [email protected] Dean Lundgren 507-263-2779 hm [email protected] E-mail announcements to Kathy Jacobson at: [email protected] Council Chrmn: Linda Flom [email protected] Urland Lutheran Church www.urland.org. Check out our web page! DO W E HAVE Y O UR E- M AIL ADDR E S S? Winter Worship Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Youth Forum 9:15 a.m. Adult Forum 10:30 a.m. Worship Pastor Sharot’s Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday 9 – noon at the church office www.frontiernet.net/~PastorSharot or through the link on the Urland webpage www.urland.org. E- M AIL ADDR E S S ES We, at times, like to send out information or updates via e-mail from the church office. This is one way we can reach many people (Mon.usTues. Thurs. 9 – noon) at one time. We would appreciate you sending your&e-mail address to [email protected]. Feel free to just stop by or call first if you wish. You can also visit me on the web at Should you have a family member that might also be interested in www.frontiernet.net/~PastorSharot receiving information, please provide their e-mail address as well. or through the link on the Urland webpage www.urland.org under “Contacts”. I post my sermons, articles as well as interesting links. My phone numbers and email address are also listed if you need to get in touch. I always check me email.