Current Bulletin


Current Bulletin
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 14, 2016
ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB
RECTOR: Very Rev. Stanley Galvon
ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Dennis Flores •
Rev. Pablo Santa Maria • DEACON: Mr. Alvin Rint
IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin • Rev. Jude Iloghalu (VGH Chaplain)
646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: [email protected] / Web:
Cathedral Parish Office
Office Email
[email protected]
Office Address
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Sunday Masses
5:10pm anticipated Mass
8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am,
12:30pm, 5:00pm,
6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm
Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am,
12:10pm, 5:10pm
7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm
Monday to Friday
7:45am, 11:45am,
Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:00 to 5:00pm
Fr. Stanley Galvon
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Angela Burghard
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 5
Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 6
-First Reading - Jeremiah 38.4-6, 8-10
You bore m e, a m an of strife and contention, for the whole land!
-Responsorial Psalm 40:
R. Lord, m ake haste to help m e!
-Second Reading - Hebrews 12.1-4
W ith perseverance, let us run the race that is before us.
Sunday Vespers
Morning Prayer
Mon to Sat 8:30am
-Gospel - Luke 12.49-53
Monday to Saturday
11:40am, 4:40pm
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Fridays 3:00pm
Prayers to
God the Father
Tuesdays at 4:00pm
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
First Friday 12:45pm to 5:00pm
I did not com e to bring peace, but rather division.
M onday August 15 #
The Assumption fo the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rev. 11.9a; 12.1-6a, 10ab /1 Cor 15.20-26
Lk 1.39-56
Tuesday August 16 # W eekday
Ezek. 28.1-10 / Mt. 19.23-30
W ednesday August 17 # W eekday
Ezek. 34.1-11 / Mt 20.1-16a
Thursday August 18 # W eekday
Ezek. 36.23 - 28 / Mt 22.1-14
Friday August 19 # W eekday
Ezek. 37.1 -14 / Mt 22.34-40
Saturday August 20 #
St. Bernard, Abbot, Doctor
Ezek. 43.1-7a / Mt 23.1-12
Sunday August 21 #
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Tim e
Isa 66.18-21/ Heb. 12.5-7, 11.-13 / Lk. 13.22-30
Au g u s t 14, 2016
Prayer to Maximilian Kolbe
Feast day, August 14
Dear Visitors & Parishioners,
On Monday August 15 the Church celebrates the Solemnity
of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin M ary. Since the fifth
century the Church has held im plicitly the belief in the Assum ption
of the Blessed Mother, body and soul, into heaven. It can be
deduced from the liturgy, from devotional docum ents and the
writings of the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church. The
dogm a of the Assum ption of Mary was proclaim ed by Pope Pius
XII on Novem ber 1, 1950.
Monsignor Ronald Knox, renowned English writer, wrote this
very interesting analogy in his hom ily about the Assum ption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary: “just as a traveler, gazing out to contemplate
a vast panorama, seeks some human figure in his surroundings
to bring the distant objects into perspective, so do we look
towards God with amazement, but can identify and welcome a
purely human figure at the side of God’s throne. A ship has
finished its passage, a destiny has been fulfilled, a human
perfection has existed. Through Mary, His masterpiece, we see
God’s relations with humanity more clearly and with greater insight.”
The Assum ption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul
into heaven, teaches us about the dignity of the hum an body and
God’s plan for our destiny. W hat a wonderful day to thank God
for His goodness and to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray with
us and for us on our journey to eternal life.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Greater love than this
no m an has than that he lay down his life for his
friends.” Through your intercession,
Saint Maxim ilian, whose life illustrated such love,
we ask for a deep and sincere love
for all our fellow hum ans.
Through your Knights of the Im m aculate,
you spread a fervent devotion to our lady.
You gave up your life for a total stranger and loved
your persecutors, giving us an exam ple of unselfish
love of all - a love which was inspired
by true devotion to Mary.
Obtain for us from the Lord Jesus Christ that we
m ay give ourselves entirely without reserve to the
love and service of our heavenly Queen
in order to better love and serve our fellows.
Fr. Galvon
CHURCH CLEANING at the Cathedral
this com ing Saturday, August 20.
Com e and help if you can spare a
couple of hours. The Cathedral w ill be
closed to the public after the 8am
Mass, and will re-open at 11:30am .
SUNDAY SOCIAL: Come and take time to meet visitors and
fellow parishioners. Coffee, tea and light refreshments are served
after the 9:30am & 11:00am Masses at Holy Rosary Hall.
Rite of Christian Initiation - W e are w elcoming a new RCIA
group in the fall, and if you or som eone you know are interested
in these RCIA form ation sessions please contact the parish
office. Classes are held every Tuesday evening, beginning in
Septem ber.
Prayers for the Sick: Please rem em ber in
your prayers: Carolyn Clark, Roslo Tinoco
Perez, Victoria Catalina Villeda, Loreta Sedwig,
Miguel Castillo Meneses, W endy
Henson, Phil Folkard, Fr. Peter Chiang, Joan
Pan, Diana Marcela Ulloa Ramirez, Antonie
Gabriel, Donna Hossack, Emilsen Calderon,
W endy Vasquez, Ruth Leon Solana, Maria
Rosa Lopez, Julio Esponda Solana, Yvette
Simon, Melvyn Thomas Lee, Julie Sanderson,
Vittorio Temporale, and all who are in need of
our prayers
Pray for us, O Im m aculate Mother.
Pray for us, Saint Maxim ilian Kolbe
The Knights of Columbus will be serving a
delicious pancake breakfast today from 9:00am to
12:30pm at Rosary Hall. Com e and visit with fellow
parishioner and visitors to the Cathedral as you
support the work of the Knights!
HRC Young Adults is the Cathedral’s young adult
group. W e provide an open and welcom ing
com m unity for Catholics in their 20s-30s to join us as
we cultivate our faith and create friendships through
fellowships through fellowship as well as educational
and service opportunities. Join us for our m onthly
Sunday dinner every 4 th Sunday after the 5pm m ass.
Please visit us at /hrcyoungadults
or e-m ail hrc.youngadults@ gm to subscribe to
our m onthly e-m ail newsletter.
The next session for parents and godparents who
have a child to present for Baptism , or who are
expecting a child in the next several m onths will be on
Saturday, September 17 from 10:00 - 11:00 am at
Holy Rosary Hall. Please contact the office to register.
Baptism Prep sessions are held once a m onth.
G arden Committee: Please help m aintain the cathedral
garden and grounds, working on special projects one at a
tim e. Drop in when you can. All are welcom e! (Bring your
own gloves) Saturday Afternoon W eedouts: 1-5 p.m .
Our Lady of Lourdes Pilgrimage to M ission
Saturday, August 20, 2016, 9:30am to 4pm at Mission
Heritage Park. Confessions begin at 10am , Mass at 1pm .
Followed by procession to the Grotto where the Rosary is
prayed, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacram ent.
Please bring table and chairs. Hot lunches can be
purchased on site or you can bring your own food. As in
past years, the Cathedral has once again arranged for a
bus to take pilgrim s to the Mission site. More info to follow.
W eekly Programs for Adults 50+ at Rosary Hall:
*No Bible Sharing & Yoga classes during July and
August. W e w ill resume in September. For m ore
inform ation, please call Shirley 604-879-8295.
Aquinas Institute has also made arrangements for a bus
service to Mission on Sat., Aug. 20, for the Annual Pilgrimage
to Our Lady of Lourdes. Free to seniors on a first-come firstserved basis. $15/person for school bus; $25/person for tourist
bus. For information, call Teresita (604) 868-2354 or (604) 9407006 or email [email protected]
Archbishop Miller has announced that a third group of m en
will begin form ation for the Perm anent Diaconate this
com ing Septem ber. Classes will run from Septem ber to
June on one Friday evening and one Saturday each
m onth. Efforts will be m ade to accom m odate the needs of
m en with younger fam ilies.
Men aged 31-60 are eligible to apply, with the firm support
of their wives. For m ore inform ation or application form s,
contact Msgr. Gregory Sm ith at gsm ith@
Episcopal Ordination & Installation of Bishop-Elect Joseph
Nguyen - All are welcome to the
celebration of the episcopal ordination
and installation of our current Vicar
General and former Director of
Vocations, Bishop-Elect Joseph
Nguyen, as the sixth bishop of
Kamloops. The ordination and
installation will take place at the
Sandman Centre in Kamloops on
Thursday, August 25 at 1pm
W orldw ide M arriage Encounter W eekend - Make your
good m arriage better by attending an intim ate weekend
with your spouse. Hear testim onies from three couples
and a priest in a series of talks that will get you
com m unicating in a new way! There is no group sharing.
October 21-23 Location TBA. Call Steve and Mary
B o h n e n to r e g is te r 6 0 4 - 8 7 6 - 7 2 9 8 o r e -m a il
wwwm evancouverbc@ gm or visit www.wwm
There will be a bus going to Kamloops on Thursday, Aug.
25 for the Episcopal Ordination of Fr. Joseph Nguyen as Bishop
of Kamloops. $80/person for return trip same day. For more info,
please call Teresita (604) 868-2354 or (604) 940-7006 or email
[email protected]
Stewardship Profile of the Week
M ass of Remembrance
Join us on Sunday, Aug. 28 for a Mass of Rem em brance
for fam ily m em bers who have passed away during the
m onth and are buried at Gardens of Gethsem ani. Mass is
at 2:30pm in the Evangelist Chapel at Gardens of
Gethsem ani, Surrey.
Linda - Has been com ing to the
cathedral for 6 years.
Serves as a lector.
M otto: “Omnia in bonum! (All to the
W hat's w rong w ith Assisted Suicide
Many citizens legitim ately ask, “W hat’s wrong with assisted
suicide?” If this is purely a private m atter, then the only
people who can be harm ed are those who request it.
Assisted suicide is not purely a private m atter. It affects
huge vulnerable populations who will experience new
pressures and financial incentives to die. Fr. Spitzer will
discuss why assisted-suicide is a fundam ental justice issue
– giving freedom s to one group that im pose onerous
burdens to die on other groups – the vulnerable, disabled,
and the econom ically and socially m arginalized. Friday,
Sept. 2, from 7-9 pm at the John Paul II Pastoral Centre.
To register, visit
Thanks, Linda, for proclaim ing
scripture with steadfast dedication
and abiding peace
Year of M ercy Reflection
“Even if the grave sins of m en provoke God’s justice and
m erit his just punishm ents, we m ust not forget that he is
‘the Father of m ercies and God of all com fort,’ that he has
appointed Mary m ost holy as the generous steward of his
m erciful gifts.” - Blessed Paul VI
Au g u s t 14, 2016
¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santos Rosario!
_ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico
Buttner. Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él!
_ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm
_ EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada
mes, 6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera!
_ Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos
religiosos de la Catedral.
_Escríbenos a nuestro email:
[email protected]
Directorio de Coordinatores:
# Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner
# Coro: Adrian Calabuche
# Lectores: Alex Frias
# Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCormick
# Eventos: Vanessa Tapia
# Ministros Ext. de Comunión: Julio Longoria
# Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna Gpe. Diaz
Vine a traer fuego
Todo lo que Dios creo es bueno, así lo confirma y repite el
libro de Génesis después de cada creación. Si reconocemos
las propiedades del fuego nos daremos cuenta de su
maravillosa utilidad. El fuego purifica, da calor y fomenta la
vida. El fuego también es destructor de todo aquello que no
se puede someter a su acción reformadora. En la fragua los
metales se extraen de la roca y se refinan por medio de altas
temperaturas, propiedad del fuego. Así, nuestros actos, por
medio del sacrificio se purifican para ser gratos a los ojos de
Cuando leemos unos versículos más sobre la aclamación
del Evangelio, la Palabra de Dios nos dice ``Lo que el Padre
me ha dado es más fuerte que todo, y nadie puede sacarlo
de la mano de mi Padre ´´. ¡ Que esperanzador ! Es bueno
repetir con gran convicción y con frecuencia en este Año de
la Misericordia; ¡ Jesús yo confío en Tí !
La Asunción de la Santísima Virgen
``Glorifica mi alma al Señor ´´. Estas palabras de María son
un canto de alabanza, compuesto con frases del Antiguo
Testamento, pero que en boca de María adquieren un nuevo
sentido. Es la primitiva comunidad que, a la Luz de la
Pascua, se expresa a travez de María, poniendo en sus
labios un canto de liberación mesiánica que invierte el viejo
orden social y religioso.
Quién es San John Vianney ?
Es un sacerdote francés quien, humanamente hablando, no
contaba con los atributos necesarios para ser ordenado
sacerdote. Sin embargo su corazón estaba bien puesto en el
Señor, y, quienes ponen su confianza en Él no quedarán
defraudados. La Providencia fue poniendo en su camino a
quienes le ayudarían a llegar a su vocación suprema. Una
vez ordenado fue relegado a un pueblo llamado Ars, lugar
pequeño y desconocido que se transformaría gracias a la
humildad, sabiduría y sacrificio del santo Cura de Ars. Hoy en
día San John Vianney es Patrón Universal de los Sacerdotes.
Su cuerpo se conserva incorrupto, su memorial se celebra el
4 de Agosto. Pidamos de su intercesión ante el Señor por las
necesidades espirituales de quienes sirven al rebaño de
Jesús; Los Sacerdotes.
Cathedral Organist & Music Director
Denis Bedard 604-322-5995
Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator
Catherine W alsh 604-222-8072
M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Organist: Catherine W alsh
Offertory: Ave Maria (Quartet)
1. Panis Angelicus (Quartet)
2. O Sacrum Convivium (Quartet)
Organ Postlude: Prelude in G m ajor
- J. S. BACH
M usic Preview for Sunday, August 21, 2016
Mass of Saint Teresa - H. W ILLAN
Laudate Dom inum (Quartet) - G.O. PITONI
Sicut Cervus - G.P. PALESTRINA
Organ m usic by G. CORRETTE & L.MARCHAND
Special Parking for Holy Rosary Cathedral at 2 locations
- W eekdays only: $6.00/3 hrs @ M ETRO PARKING located
at Richards & Pender Streets with a special pass. Pick one
up at the Cathedral gift shop or parish office & show to
parking attendant when paying.
- Saturdays & Sundays: $3.00/2 hrs. $4.00/3 hrs @
ADVANCE PARKING located at Hom er & Dunsm uir Sts.
Select the Holy Rosary Option at paym ent kiosks and use
Code “1983" to access. Credit cards only.
If you or your company would like to advertise on
the back of the Holy Rosary Cathedral Bulletin,
please contact Max Madrussan for more
i n f o r m a t i o n a t 7 7 8 - 8 9 9 - 6388 e m a i l :
[email protected]
Sunday Aug 28 Potluck Gathering
following the 11am Mass at Rosary Hall.
Join us as we bid farewell to two long-serving clergy/staff of Holy Rosary
Cathedral. Fr. John Eason who has been the Seaport Chaplain for 18 years will
be retiring and moving to the JPII Centre. He will continue to visit the
seafarers as a volunteer. Angela Burghard who has been Secretary for the last
10 years is also retiring. She hopes to spend more time on travel, music and
language-learning pursuits. Join us in wishing them well!
Cake and refreshments will be served.
Holy Rosary Cathedral—BC 1101
Cancom Media Inc

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