21 August 2016
Holy Rosary Cathedral RICHARDS & DUNSMUIR STREET, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Twenty - first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 21, 2016 ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB RECTOR: Very Rev. Stanley Galvon ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Dennis Flores • Rev. Pablo Santa Maria • DEACON: Mr. Alvin Rint IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin • Rev. Jude Iloghalu (VGH Chaplain) 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: [email protected] / Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG C ONTACT INFORMATION Cathedral Parish Office Office Email [email protected] Office Address 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 M ASS S CHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday 5:10pm anticipated Mass Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm, 6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm, 5:10pm Saturday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm C ONFES SIONS Monday to Friday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:45pm Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:00 to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS & ADORATION Sunday Vespers Morning Prayer 4:00pm Mon to Sat 8:30am Rosary Monday to Saturday 11:40am, 4:40pm Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Fridays 3:00pm Prayers to God the Father Tuesdays at 4:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday 12:45pm to 5:00pm Rector Fr. Stanley Galvon [email protected] Parish Secretary Email Phone Fax Angela Burghard [email protected] 604-682-6774, ext. 5 604-331-8406 Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe Email [email protected] Phone 604-682-6774, ext. 6 READINGS - 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -First Reading - Isaiah 66.18-21 They shall bring all your kindred from all the nations. -Responsorial Psalm 117 R. Go into all the world and proclaim the good news. -Second Reading - Hebrews 12.5-7, 11-13 The Lord disciplines those whom he loves. -Luke 13.22-30 People will com e from east and west and will eat in the kingdom of God. WEEKDAY READINGS - ORDINARY TIME M onday August 22 # The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Thess 1.1-5, 11b-12 / Mt 23.13-22 Tuesday August 23 # W eekday 2 Thess / Mt 23.23-26 W ednesday August 24 # St. Bartholom ew Rev 21.9b-14 / Jn 1.45-51 Thursday August 25 # W eekday 1 Cor 1.1-9 / Mt 24.42-51 Friday August 26 # 1 Cor 1.17-25 / Mt 25.1-13 Saturday August 27 # St. Monica 1 Cor 1.26-31 / Mt 25.14-30 Sunday August 28 # Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Tim e Sir 3.17-20, 28-29 / Heb 12.18-19, 22-24a / Lk 14.1, 7-14 -2- TWENTY- FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Au g u s t 21, 2016 Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer to St. Monica God treats you as sons. (Hebrews 12:7) “Relationship.” The dictionary defines this word as “the way in which two or m ore people talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other.” Relationships can be form al, as in a business relationship, or they can be personal and intim ate, as in a father’s relationship with his children. W hile we often think of our relationship with God in the first way, he wants it to be m ore like the second. Do you know that you are cherished by God? Do you know that he enjoys spending tim e with you, showing you his love, and providing for you? This is who God is; he loves treating you as his child— so m uch so that he m akes it a point to try to teach you and form you so that you can “grow up” to be just like him . As with any other parent, part of God’s parenting involves discipline. It only m akes sense that he would want to correct us when we stray— he loves us too m uch to ignore us. So often, when we think of discipline, we think of punishm ent and pain. But God’s discipline is life-giving. It doesn’t cause sham e, it brings hope. It brings the prom ise of greater peace and contentm ent because it helps us becom e m ore of the person God has created us to be. How does our Father discipline us? He m ay prom pt us to ask a friend for forgiveness. He m ay give us a conscience twinge when we consider watching an inappropriate m ovie or wasting tim e surfing the Internet. He m ay allow difficult circum stances that cause us to look to him for grace instead of relying on our own strength. He m ay also allow us to suffer the consequences of our sin as a way of teaching us and form ing us. In all these ways, our heavenly Father seeks to love us and teach us. “Father, thank you for calling me your child. I don’t want anything to come between us. Help me to accept your loving discipline.” W or d Among Us PARISH NEWS & EVENTS SUNDAY SOCIAL: Come and take time to meet visitors and fellow parishioners. Coffee, tea and light refreshments are served after the 9:30am & 11:00am Masses at Holy Rosary Hall. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA begins Tuesday, September 6, and w e are w elcoming a new RCIA group. If you or som eone you know are interested in these RCIA form ation sessions please contact the parish office. Classes are held Tuesday evenings, 7 - 9 pm at Holy Rosary Hall. Registration form s availabe at the parish office. Prayers for the Sick: Please rem em ber in your prayers: John Hung, Carolyn Clark, Roslo Tinoco Perez, Victoria Catalina Villeda, Loreta Sedwig, Paul, Miguel Castillo Meneses, W endy Henson, Phil Folkard, Fr. Peter Chiang, Joan Pan, Diana Marcela Ulloa Ramirez, Antonie Gabriel, Donna Hossack, Emilsen Calderon, W endy Vasquez, Ruth Leon Solana, Maria Rosa Lopez, Julio Esponda Solana, Yvette Simon, Melvyn Thomas Lee, Julie Sanderson, Vittorio Temporale, and all who are in need of our prayers -3- Feast day, August 27 Exemplary Mother of the great Augustine, you perseveringly pursued your wayward son not with wild threats but with prayerful cries to heaven. Intercede for all mothers in our day so that they may learn to draw their children to God. Teach them how to remain close to their children, even the prodigal sons and daughters who have sadly gone astray. St. Monica, pray for us. Christian Life Program at Holy Rosary Hall Music Room , from 2-5 pm . Discover GOD’s love deeply thru a series of talks and witness by wom en whom He has called to His vineyard. RSVP Grace 778-836-2510. Hispanic Community - The weekly Spanish Mass now caters to the Spanish-speaking com m unity in our parish. The Genesis Group reaches out to young adults within this com m unity. If you would like to serve as an usher, lector or in any other way please let us know. com unidadhispanahrc@ gm ail.com www.facebook.com /com unidadhispanahrc HRC Young Adults is the Cathedral’s young adult group. W e provide an open and welcom ing com m unity for Catholics in their 20s-30s to join us as we cultivate our faith and create friendships through fellowships through fellowship as well as educational and service opportunities. Join us for our m onthly Sunday dinner every 4 th Sunday after the 5pm m ass. Please visit us at www.facebook.com /hrcyoungadults or e-m ail hrc.youngadults@ gm ail.com to subscribe to our m onthly e-m ail newsletter. BAPTISM PREPARATION: The next session for parents and godparents who have a child to present for Baptism , or who are expecting a child in the next several m onths will be on Saturday, September 17 from 10:00 - 11:00 am at Holy Rosary Hall. Please contact the office to register. Baptism Prep sessions are held once a m onth. HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | W eekly Programs for Adults 50+ at Rosary Hall: *No Bible Sharing & Yoga classes during July and August. W e w ill resume in September. For m ore inform ation, please call Shirley 604-879-8295. WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG What's wrong with Assisted Suicide Many citizens legitimately ask, “What’s wrong with assisted suicide?” If this is purely a private matter, then the only people who can be harmed are those who request it. Assisted suicide is not purely a private matter. It affects huge vulnerable populations who will experience new pressures and financial incentives to die. Fr. Spitzer will discuss why assisted-suicide is a fundamental justice issue – giving freedoms to one group that impose onerous burdens to die on other groups – the vulnerable, disabled, and the economically and socially marginalized. Friday, Sept. 2, from 7-9 pm at the John Paul II Pastoral Centre. To register, visit www.rcav.org/assisted-suicide AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE PERM ANENT DIACONATE ACCEPTING NEW APPLICATIONS Archbishop Miller has announced that a third group of m en will begin form ation for the Perm anent Diaconate this com ing Septem ber. Classes will run from Septem ber to June on one Friday evening and one Saturday each m onth. Efforts will be m ade to accom m odate the needs of m en with younger fam ilies. Men aged 31-60 are eligible to apply, with the firm support of their wives. For m ore inform ation or application form s, contact Msgr. Gregory Sm ith at gsm ith@ rcav.org Mark your Calendar now for the 5th Annual Archbishop’s Dinner October 27, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in theme with the Year of Mercy, expanding our support to the poor and marginalized in our community. $150 per person, reserve your seat the the table now. W orldw ide M arriage Encounter W eekend - Make your good m arriage better by attending an intim ate weekend with your spouse. Hear testim onies from three couples and a priest in a series of talks that will get you com m unicating in a new way! There is no group sharing. O ctober 21-23 Location TBA. Call Steve and Mary B o h n e n to re g is te r 6 0 4 - 8 7 6 - 7 2 9 8 o r e - m a il wwwm evancouverbc@ gm ail.com or visit www.wwm e.org Next Sunday, August 28, following the 11am Mass, everyone is warmly invited and welcome in joining us to celebrate and give Farewell wishes to Fr. John Eason and Angela Burghard. We are thankful for their presence and service at the Cathedral parish over many years and wish them well in the next chapter of their lives. M ass of Remembrance Join us on Sunday, Aug. 28 for a Mass of Rem em brance for fam ily m em bers who have passed away during the m onth and are buried at Gardens of Gethsem ani. Mass is at 2:30pm in the Evangelist Chapel at Gardens of Gethsem ani, Surrey. www.rccav.org/events Episcopal Ordination & Installation of Bishop-Elect Joseph Nguyen - All are welcom e to the celebration of the episcopal ordination and installation of our current Vicar General and form er Director of Vocations, Bishop-Elect Joseph Nguyen, as the sixth bishop of Kam loops. The ordination and installation will take place at the Sandm an Centre in Kam loops on Thursday, August 25 at 1pm There will be a bus going to Kamloops on Thursday, Aug. 25 for the Episcopal Ordination of Fr. Joseph Nguyen as Bishop of Kam loops. $80/person for return trip sam e day. For m ore info, please call Teresita (604) 868-2354 or (604) 940-7006 or em ail info@ aquinasinstitute.ca -4- TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Au g u s t 21, 2016 ¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santos Rosario! Servicios _ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico Buttner. Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él! _ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm _ EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada mes, 6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera! _ Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos religiosos de la Catedral. _Escríbenos a nuestro email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/comunidadhispanahrc Directorio de Coordinatores: # Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner # Coro: Adrian Calabuche # Lectores: Alex Frias # Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCormick # Eventos: Vanessa Tapia # Ministros Ext. de Comunión: Julio Longoria # Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna Gpe. Diaz +++++ Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen el Evangelio Aún se sigue atestiguando con el martirio, como lo hizo recientemente el Padre Jacques Hamel. En el boletín del 7 de Agosto se nos comenta sobre otros casos de testimonio extremo; Arzobispo Oscar Romero S. J., en 1980 en el Salvador y San Thomas Becket en Inglaterra en 1170. Se pone en nuestro conocimiento que ellos vivieron en carne propia las palabras proclamadas en la Consagración e instituidas por Cristo; `` éste es mi cuerpo ´´ y `` ésta es mi sangre ´´. El martirio es parte de la Sagrada Misión del Sacerdote. Vale la pena considerar nuestro sacerdocio ordinario otorgado en nuestro bautismo. Viene a mi memoria los 21 hombres que fueron decapitados en la playa de Libia a las orillas del mar mediterráneo el 16 de Febrero del 2015, y, posterior a ellos, otros 28 hombres también fueron decapitados el 20 de Agosto del 2015 todos ellos por proclamar su fe en Cristo. El evangelio de hoy nos pide proclamar el Evangelio con nuestra vida, pero . . . ¿ Estaríamos dispuestos a atestiguarlo con nuestro martirio ? La Palabra en tu vida Afirmar que la puerta del Reino es estrecha no es un signo de pesimismo. Es solamente la prueba de que la vocación del hombre es tomada en serio. Dios no es una mercancía que se adquiere de una vez para siempre. Señor Jesús, ayúdanos a tomar en serio nuestra vida, tal como lo hiciste Tú. ¿ Conoces Deep Cove ? Sea sí o no tu respuesta la invitación de parte de Génesis es la misma. Queremos aprovechar el buen clima por lo tanto, primero Dios, nos reuniremos en dicho lugar el 17 de Septiembre para pasar un día de campo platicando con quienes ya conocemos y presentándonos con quienes no estamos familiarizados. Será un paseo de ``traje´´ lo que en inglés se le llama Pot-Luck. ¡ Asegúrate de marcarlo en tu calendario ! Más información la próxima semana. MUSIC NOTES Cathedral Organist & Music Director Denis Bedard 604-322-5995 Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator Catherine W alsh 604-222-8072 M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass Sunday, August 21, 2016 Organist: Catherine W alsh Organ Prelude: Fond d’orgue and Grand Plein Jeu -G. CORRETTE Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Mass of Saint Teresa -H. W ILLAN Offertory: Laudate Dom inum (Quartet) - G.O.PITONI Communion: 1.Dessus de Tierce par accords (Organ) -G.CORRETTE 2. Sicut Cervus (Quartet) -G.P. PALESTRINA Organ Postlude: Grand Jeu in C m ajor -L.MARCHAND †††††††††††† M usic Preview for Sunday, August 28, 2016 Missa Brevis II - D. BEDARD O Lux Beatissim a - H. HELVEY O Sacrum Convivium - O. MESSIAEN Organ m usic by M. DUPRE Special Parking for Holy Rosary Cathedral at 2 locations - Weekdays only: $6.00/3 hrs @ METRO PARKING located at Richards & Pender Streets with a special pass. Pick one up at the Cathedral gift shop or parish office & show to parking attendant when paying. - Saturdays & Sundays: $3.00/2 hrs. $4.00/3 hrs @ ADVANCE PARKING located at Homer & Dunsmuir Sts. Select the Holy Rosary Option at payment kiosks and use Code “1983" to access. Credit cards only. ADVERTISE!! ADVERTISE!! If you or your company w ould like to advertise on the back of the Holy Rosary Cathedral Bulletin, please contact M ax M adrussan for more information at 778-8996388 email: m m adrussan@ cancom m edia.com -5- PARISH LIFE Baptisms - Sundays at 2:00pm. Preparation classes are held on the second Saturday of each month. Pls call the parish office to find out more. M arriages - Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Couples please contact the Parish Office for information. Altar Servers - The Cathedral has a team of dedicated servers who are scheduled to help at specific Masses. Help is needed at weekday Masses too. Contact: Bertilla W atanabe 604-682-6774 ext. 6 Cathedral Bell Ringers - A skilled and dedicated team of bell ringers rings our eight bells by hand. New ringers, experienced or not, are welcome always. Practices are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Visit www.vscr.ca Email: hrc@ shaw.ca Handmaids of the Lord - This is an all-women ministry of the Couples for Christ. It aims to provide Christian pastoral support for personal renewal. By sharing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the members grow as witnesses to the faith through continuing conversion, service and evangelization work. Contact: Grace Inonog, Email: graceaka44@ yahoo.com. Knights of Columbus - The K of C a fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. Fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational and charitable and social welfare works. Contact: Grand Knight James Faulkner, 778-881-1937 Email: baldeagle88@ hotmail.com . STEW ARDSHIP IN OUR PARISH Stewardship Profile of the Week Cathedral Gift Shop - The Gift Shop aims to be open before & after the noon & evening weekday Masses, Sunday morning & evening Masses, & is staffed by a crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support. Alex - Has been com ing to the cathedral for 16 years. Catholic W om en’s League - The Catholic W omen's League of Canada is a national organization, rooted in Gospel values, which calls its members to holiness through service to the people of God. W e organize a wide variety of spiritual and social events and good works. Email: sarahisobelparry@ gmail.com M otto: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and serve God with all your heart and m ind.” Serves as an usher. Thanks, Alex, for serving at Holy Mass with peace and fidelity, in com m union with others. Church Care & Cleaning - The sanctuary is given a thorough cleaning every Tuesday morning, 9-11am, and on the last Sat of each month. More hands are needed. Contact the parish office at hrc@ shaw.ca Choirs - Three choirs offer a variety of music repertoires to enrich our prayer & worship experience. Find out which of our choirs is right for you. Contact: Catherine W alsh 604222-8072 Development & Peace - D & P is the official international development organization of Catholic Church in Canada. It helps the world's poor and disadvantaged by advocating policy change in government and corporations and by donating time and money to support development efforts. Contact Bertilla W atanabe: Email: bertilla_hrc@ shaw.ca Extraordinary M inisters of Holy Communion - If you are a regular at the parish and live by the principles of a faithfilled Catholic, this m inistry m ay be your calling. Lay m em bers help with the distribution of the Eucharist when additional help is required. Shirley W ang, 604-879-8295. Gardening Committee - needs volunteers to help m aintain the cathedral gardens and grounds. Drop-in Saturdays 1-5 p.m . Sign up for weeding, watering or other tasks or join the crew working on particular tasks together on Saturdays. Contact: Sarah Parry. Em ail: sarahisobelparry@ gm ail.com Year of M ercy Reflection “M ary is… the one w ho obtained mercy in a particular and exceptional w ay, as no other person has. At the same time, still in an exceptional w ay, she made possible w ith the sacrifice of her ow n heart her ow n sharing in the revealing of God’s mercy.” St. John Paul the Great *Practicing Mercy: Kissed By Mercy, Em braced By Love Parish Retreat Pope Francis announced an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. It started on the feast of the Im m aculate Conception, Dec. 8, 2015 and ends on the feast of Christ the King, Nov. 20, 2016. Mercy will be the focus of this parish retreat led by Fr. Philip Chircop, SJ. Join us on Monday, Sept. 19 to W ednesday, Sept. 21, from 7-9pm at St. Joseph the W orker Parish, Richm ond. Topics include: Tending to the Broken and W ounded (Mon.); Acknowledging Our Lostness In Order To Be Found (Tues.); and Returning To The Source of Our Healing (W ed.). Cost: FREE. For m ore info, please contact St. Joseph the W orker Parish at 604-448-4525. -6- Holy Rosary Cathedral—BC 1101 Cancom Media Inc
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