Untitled - Schulthess Klinik
Untitled - Schulthess Klinik
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Fekete T, Lattig F, Kleinstück FS, Eggspühler A, Sutter M and Jeszenszky D. Spinal opening-wedge osteotomy: A novel technique for correction of complex congenital scoliosis. 2nd International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine (ICEOS), Montréal, Canada, 7-8.11.2008. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Frey P, Flury M, Drerup S, Goldhahn J, Schwyzer HK and Simmen BR. Mittelfristige Resultate nach Schulterprothesenwechsel auf ein inverses System. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, Schweiz Med Forum 8 (Suppl 44): 15 S. Glanzmann M, Flury M, Goldhahn J and Simmen BR. Do Deltoid Flaps offer longterm advantages for the reconstruction of massive rotator cuff tears ? Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, Schweiz Med Forum 8 (Suppl 44): 15 S. Glatthorn JF, Berendts A, Widler KS, Bizzini M and Maffiuletti NA. Neurale Beeinträchtigung 6 Monate nach arthroskopischer Teilmeniskektomie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S8. Glatthorn JF, Berendts A, Widler KS, Bizzini M and Maffiuletti NA. Neuromuscular function 6 months after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. 4th Basel International Knee Congress and Instructional Course, Basel, Switzerland, 29.6-2.7.2008. Goldhahn J, Bachmann LM, Drerup S and Simmen BR. Prognostische Faktoren für die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Behandlungserfolgs ein Jahr nach Schulterarthroplastik. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (DGU) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie (DGOOC), Berlin, Deutschland, 22-25.10.2008. Grob D, Kleinstück Fr, Bartanusz V, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Dvorak J, Porchet F and Mannion AF. The patient’s perspective on complications after spine surgery. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S22. Grob D, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F, Paus C, Dvorak J and Mannion AF. Does the fairer sex fare worse after spinal surgery? Scweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 2426.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S22. Grob D, Lattig F, Kleinstück F, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F, Dvorak J and Mannion AF. Does the fairer sex fare worse after spinal surgery? Spine Society of Europe (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.0831.5.08. Grob D, Lattig F, Kleinstueck FS, Jeszenszky D, Bartanusz V, Porchet F and Mannion AF. Outcome after cervical spine surgery: do the patient and surgeon see eye-to-eye? Cervical Spine Reearch Society, Austin, Texas, 4.12.08-6.12.08. Grob D, Mannion AF, Lattig F, Kleinstück FS, Bartanusz V and Jeszenszky D. A prospective, cohort study of two lumbar fusion techniques. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. Grob D, Mannion AF, Lattig F, Kleinstueck F, Bartanusz V and Jeszenszky D. Might less be more in lumbar fusion surgery? A prospective, cohort study of two fusion techniques. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S25. Grob D, Porchet F, Dvorak J, Lattig F, Kleinstück FS, Jeszenszky D and Mannion AF. Influence of gender on baseline symptoms and outcome after cervical spinal surgery. European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. Hemelaers L, Angst F, Drerup S, Simmen BR and Wood-Dauphinee S. Reliability and validity of the German version of "The Patient-rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) " as an outcome measure of wrist pain and disability in patients with acute distal radius fractures. Eurohand 2008 - IXth Congress of the EFSHT (European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy), Lausanne, Schweiz, 19-21.6.2008. Herren D. Outcome measurement in elbow arthroplasty. 7th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Hong Kong, China, 14-17.2.2008. Herren D. Rheumatoid Arthritis surgery-what changed? 7th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Hong Kong, China, 14-17.2.2008. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Impellizzeri FM, Maffiuletti NA, Bizzini M, Wisloff U, Carlomagno D, Dellal A and Castagna C. Cardiovascular risk factors in recreational footballers: a matched case-control study. 13th ECSS annual congress, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12.7.2008. Impellizzeri FM, Widler KS, Bizzini M, Leunig M, Munzinger U and Maffiuletti MA. Relations between hip muscle strength and gait asymmetry in total hip arthroplasty patients. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S4. Impellizzeri FM, Widler KS, Bizzini M, Leunig M, Munzinger U and Maffiuletti NA. Relations between muscle function and gait parameter asymmetry in total hip arthroplasty patients. 13th ECSS annual congress, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12.7.2008. Jakubietz M, Jakubietz R, Schindele S and Grünert J. Ergebnisse einer prospektiven, randomisierten Studie zum Vergleich der palmaren, winkelstabilen Plattenosteosynthese und der dorsalen Pi-Plattenosteosynthese zur Behandlung hochgradiger AO C1-3 Frakturen des distalen Radius. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, 24-26.9.2008. Schweiz Med Forum 8 (Suppl 44): 13 S. Jörn Good U, Brands M, Stacoff A and Goldhahn J. A new outrigger system with constant force application and force application angle for the treatment of contractures of the Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint. Eurohand 2008 - IXth Congress of the EFSHT (European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy), Lausanne, Schweiz, 19-21.6.2008. Jüngel A, Ospelt C, Thiel M, Lesch M, Schorr O, Michel B, Gay R, Kolling C, Flory C, Gay S and Neidhart M. Oral application of a highly specific MMP-13 inhibitor reduces cartilage invasion in three different animal models of rheumatoid arthritis. The annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology and the annual meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP), San Francisco, USA, 24-29.9.2008. Karouzakis E, Gay R, Kolling C, Gay S and Neidhart M. Epigenetic Profile of Gene Expression in Normal and Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts. The annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology and the annual meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP), San Francisco, USA, 24-29.9.2008. Kleinstück F, Mannion AF, Bartanusz V, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Dvorak J, Porchet F and Grob D. A comparison of outcomes in primary and repeat decompression surgery: a prospective study within the framework of the SSE Spine Tango registry. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie. 3rd place, Marathon Award, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S69. Kleinstück F, Mannion AF, Lattig F, Bartanusz V, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F and Grob D. The influence of preoperative back pain on the outcome of lumbar decompression surgery. A prospective study. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.0831.5.08. Kleinstück F, Mannion AF, Lattig F, Paus C, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F and Grob D. A prospective study of the influence of preoperative back pain on the outcome of lumbar decompression surgery. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S24. Kleinstück FS, Fekete T, Lattig F and Jeszenszky D. Management and surgical planning of severe infantile cervical kyphosis. 2nd International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine (ICEOS), Montreal, Canada, 7-8.11.2008. Kolling C, Herren D, Simmen BR and Goldhahn J. Has the rate of joint surgeries of rheumatoid arthritis patients decreased over the last decade? 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. Kolling C, Herren D, Simmen BR and Goldhahn J. Ist die Operationsrate bei Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis im letzten Jahrzehnt gesunken? Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, 24-26.9.2008. Schweiz Med Forum 8 (Suppl 44): 44 S. 41. Kolling C, Müller TL, Müller R and Goldhahn J. Development of pQCT in-vivo measurements in wrist and finger joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. 42. Kuhn F, von Rechenberg B, Mannion AF and Grob D. Histological assessment of the lumbar facet joints of patients with chronic low back pain. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 2426.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S21. 43. Maciejewska H, Karouzakis E, Gay R, Michel B, Neidhart M, Kolling C, Gay S, Pap T and Jüngel A. Down Regulation of MMP1 by Desumoylation Occurs via HDAC4 Driven Deacetylation of Histones in MMP1 Promoter. The annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology and the annual meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP), San Francisco, USA, 2429.9.2008. 44. Maffiuletti NA, Morelli A, Sartorio A, Duclay J, Billot M and Martin A. Electrical stimulation sensory threshold is related to subcutaneous fat thickness. 13th ECSS annual congress, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12.7.2008. 45. Mannion AF, Gorelick M, Pulkovski N, Hodges PW, Gerber C and Sprott H. 'Direction-dependent' feedforward activation of transversus abdominis during rapid arm movements challenges its unique role in spine stabilisation. 7th Day of Clinical Research, University Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland, 26-27.3.2008. 46. Mannion AF, Porchet F, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Kleinstück F, Bartanusz V, Dvorak J and Grob D. The Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI): how much change reflects ‘improvement’ and ‘deterioration’ after surgery? Spine Society of Europe (Spine Week) (Awarded Best Podium Presentation), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. 47. Mannion AF, Porchet F, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Kleinstueck F, Bartanusz V, Dvorak J and Grob D. Quantification of clinically relevant improvement and worsening after spinal surgery using the The Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI). Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 2426.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S22. 48. Mannion AF, Pulkovski N, Helbling D and Sprott H. The influence of adherence with therapy on clinical outcome after a spine stabilisation exercise program in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.0831.5.08. 49. Mannion AF, Pulkovski N, Helbling D and Sprott H. The influence of adherence with therapy on clinical outcome after a spine stabilisation exercise program in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. 7th Day of Clinical Research, University Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland, 26-27.3.2008. 50. Mannion AF, Pulkovski N, Schenk P, Hodges PW, Gerber H, Gorelick M and Sprott H. “Directiondependent” feed-forward activation of transversus abdominIs during rapid arm movements challenges its unique role in spine stabilisation. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. 51. Meyer K, Sprott H and Mannion AF. Transkulturelle Übersetzung, Reliabilität und Validität der deutschen Version eines Fragebogens über Schmerz- Katastrophisieren. Physiotherapiekongress, St. Gallen, Schweiz, 13.06.2008. 52. Meyer K, Sprott H, Tschopp A and Mannion AF. Die Beziehungen zwischen Schmerz-Katastrophisieren, weiteren psychologischen Variablen und subjektiver Einschätzung von Schmerz und Behinderung. Physiotherapiekongress, St. Gallen, Schweiz, 13.06.2008. 53. Munzinger U, Guggi T, Drobny T and Preiss S. Einfluss einer Hydroxylapatitbeschichtung auf die postoperative Stabilität einer Pressfitpfanne. Eine prospektive randomisierte RSA Studie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S31. Publikationsverzeichnis 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. Naal FD and Bircher HP. Modifizierter Processus Coracoideus Transfer nach Gazielly als Auswegverfahren bei nicht rekonstruierbarer ossärer BankartLäsion nach vorderer Schulterluxation: ein Fallbeispiel. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S53. Naal FD, Huber M and Rippstein P. Sportaktivität von Patienten nach Sprunggelenksarthroplastik. GOTS Jahreskongress, Munich, Deutschland, 2022.6.2008. Naal FD, Impellizzeri FM, Huber M and Rippstein P. Habitual physical activity and sports participation after total ankle arthroplasty. SFAS-AUFAS Foot & Ankle Meeting 2008 "Foot & Ankle and Soccer", Basel, Switzerland, 2-3.5.2008. Naal FD, Impellizzeri FM, Huber M and Rippstein P. Sports participation and habitual physical activity after total ankle arthroplasty. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 2426.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S20. Naal FD, Impellizzeri FM and Leunig M. Evaluation of three activity rating scales for the assessment of activity levels in patients undergoing total hip or knee arthroplasty. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S3. Naal FD, Impellizzeri FM, Munzinger U and Leunig M. Evaluation of three activity rating scales for the assessment of activity levels in patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty. GOTS Jahreskongress, Munich, Germany, 20-22.6.2008. Naal FD, Impellizzeri FM, von Knoch F, Mannion AF, Munzinger U and Leunig M. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Oxford Hip and Knee Scores for use in German-speaking patients. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S3. Naal FD, Kampmann E, Impellizzeri FM and Munzinger U. Sports recommendations for patients after total hip and knee arthroplasty: Differences between orthopaedic surgeons and general practitioners. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S35. Naal FD, Neuerburg C, Munzinger U, von Knoch M and von Knoch F. Effects of the body mass index and the patellar height on the clinical outcome of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. 9th EFORT Congress, Nice, France, 29.5-1.6.2008. Naal FD, Neuerburg C, von Knoch M, von Knoch F and Munzinger U. Effect of body mass index and patellar height on the early clinical outcome of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 2426.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S35. Naal FD, Schauwecker J, Steinhauser E, Milz S and Diehl P. Biomechanical and Immunohistochemical properties of meniscal cartilage after high hydrostatic pressure treatment. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S43. Naal FD, Schauwecker J, Steinhauser E, Milz S, von Knoch F and Diehl P. High hydrostatic pressure treatment as an alternative sterilization technique for meniscal allografts? 9th EFORT Congress, Nice, France, 29.5-1.6.2008. Naal FD, Schmied M, Maffiuletti NA, Leunig M and Hersche O. Clinical Outcome of Resurfacing Arthroplasty in Patients with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. 9th EFORT Congress, Nice, France, Naal FD, von Knoch F, Munzinger U and Drobny T. Sportaktivität und allgemeine Lebensqualität von Patienten nach unikompartimenteller Kniearthroplastik. GOTS Jahreskongress, Munich, Deutschland, 20-22.6.2008. Porchet F, Mannion AF, Bartanusz V, Kleinstück F, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D and Grob D. Microdiscectomy compared with standard discectomy: an old problem revisited using multidimensional patient-rated outcome measures in connection with a spine surgical register. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Orlando, Florida, USA, 20-25.9.2008. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Porchet F, Paus C, Eggspuehler A and Sutter M. Multimodal intraoperative monitoring as a surgical aid during the removal of tumors of the spine and spinal cord: experience with 41 cases. Spine Society of Europe (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. Porchet F, Paus C, Eggspühler A, Mannion AF and Sutter M. Advantanges of multimodal intraoperative monitoring during the removal of tumors of the spine and spinal cord: experience with 41 cases. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, 20-25.9.2008. Porchet F, Sutter M, Eggspuehler A and Paus C. Experience with multimodal intraoperative monitoring as a surgical aid in spinal cord tumours. 100 Jahre Schweizerische Neurologische Gesellschaft, Montreux, Schweiz, 23-25.4.08. Remschmidt C, Achermann Y, Grob D, Wüest J and Vogt M. Surgical-Site Infection After Spinal Fusion Surgery. First Report of an Ongoing Prospective Outcome Study. Spine Society of Europe (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. Rengel YY, Gay R, Kolling C, Michel B, Gay S, Ospelt C and Toma V. The interaction between CXCL12/ CXCR7 and angiogenic factors in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts. EULAR Congress, Paris, France, 11-14.6.2008. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67(Suppl II):293: Rienmüller A, von Knoch F, Guggi T, von Knoch M, Drobny T, Munzinger U and Preiss S. Femoral component rotation in well-functioning primary total knee arthroplasty. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S7. Schindele S. Palmar approach for implant-arthroplasty of the PIP-joint. Video-demonstration and technical way. Lecture at the Princess Alexandria Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, 30.7.2008. Schindele S, Herren D, Kolling C and Simmen BR. Mid-term results of a pyrocarbon implant in PIParthroplasty. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. Schindele S, Wiegand M and Simmen BR. Palmar approach for implant-arthroplasty of the PIP-joint. Video-demonstration and technical way. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. Schwyzer HK, Flury M, Goldhahn J, Drerup S and Simmen BR. Restoration of complex shoulder joint anatomy - which outcome can be expected with a new, modular prosthesis? 15. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter-und Ellbogenchirurgie e.V. (DVSE), Hannover, Deutschland, 3031.5.2008. Schwyzer HK, Simmen BR, Bachmann LM, Drerup S and Goldhahn J. Prognostische Faktoren für die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Behandlungserfolgs ein Jahr nach Schulterarthroplastik. 15. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter-und Ellbogenchirurgie e.V. (DVSE), Hannover, Deutschland, 30-31.5.2008. Schwyzer HK, Simmen BR, Drerup S, Flury MP and Goldhahn J. Welche Patienten profitieren am meisten von einer primären Schultertotalprothese? 15. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter-und Ellbogenchirurgie e.V. (DVSE), Hannover, Deutschland, 30-31.5.2008. Seynnes OR, Maffiuletti NA, Horstman A and Narici MV. Increased soleus H-reflex excitability following 24 days of unilateral lower limb suspension is not accompanied by changes in descending neural drive. 13th ECSS annual congress, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12.7.2008. Simmen BR, Bachmann L, Drerup S and Goldhahn J. Influence of the concomitant biceps tenodesis at total shoulder arthroplasty on the short-term results. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. Simmen BR, Bachmann L, Drerup S and Goldhahn J. Prognostic factors for the probability of treatment success 1-year after total shoulder arthroplasty. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. Simmen BR, Bachmann LM, Drerup S and Goldhahn J. Einfluss der begleitenden Bizepstenodese bei Schultertotalarthroplastik auf das kurzfristige Behandlungsergebnis. 15. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter-und Ellbogenchirurgie e.V. (DVSE), Hannover, Deutschland, 3031.5.2008. Soligard T, Myklebust G, Steffen K, Holme I, Silvers H, Bizzini M, Junge A, Dvorak J, Bahr R and Andersen TE. F-MARC 11+: A complete warm-up program to prevent injuries in youth female football. World Congress on Sports Injruy Prevention, Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. Spormann C, Goldhahn J, Kolling C and Simmen BR. Infections after elbow arthroplasty - treatment options. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. Spormann C, Goldhahn J, Kolling C and Simmen BR. Infections after elbow arthroplasty – treatment options. 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Nice, France, 29.5.-1.6.2008. Spormann C, Simmen BR, Goldhahn J, Schwyzer HK, Flury MP and Angst F. Long term experience with linked (semiconstrained) elbow prostheses (with special reference to the GSB III prosthesis). 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Nice, France, 29.5.-1.6.2008. Sprott H, Pulkovski N, Toma V and Mannion AF. Abdominal muscle size and symmetry at rest and during abdominal hollowing exercises in healthy control subjects. International Association for the Study of Pain, 12th World Congress on Pain, Glasgow, UK, 17-22.8.2008. Straume-Naesheim TM, Andersen TE, Dvorak J and Bahr R. Do football(soccer) players have a higher prevalence of cognitive deficits compared to athletes in non-contact sports? World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention., Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. Sussmann PS, Barbetta R, Berchtold C, Drobny T and Munzinger U. Polyethylene Wear Characteristics in 42 Retrieved Single-Design Unicompartmental Tibial Inserts. EFORT congress, Nice, France, Sussmann PS, Barbetta R, Berchtold C, Drobny T and Munzinger U. Polyethylene Wear Characteristics in 42 Retrieved Single-Design Unicompartmental Tibial Inserts. ESSKA congress, Porto (Portugal), 2124.5.2008. Sutter M, Eggspuehler A, Müeller A, Dvorak J, Grob D, Jeszenszky D, Kleinstück FS, Lattig F, Paus C and Porchet F. How helpful is electrophysiological pedicle screw monitoring? Spine Society of Europe (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08-31.5.08. Sutter M, Eggspühler A, Müller A, Dvorak J, Grob D, Jeszenszky D, Kleinstueck F, Lattig F, Paus C and Porchet F. The utility of electrophysiological monitoring during pedicle screw fixation surgery. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Switzerland, 24-26.9.2008. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (Suppl 44): S23. Tamcan O, Mannion AF and Muller U. Do we really need a pain diary for the reliable assessment of pain and related limitation? Results from a longitudinal prospective cohort study. Society for Back Pain Research (UK), Keele University, UK, 6-7.11.2008. Toma V, Engler A, Simmen BR, Gay R, Michel B, Gay S and Sprott H. Gene modulations exerted by ATP in cultured synovial fibroblasts from patients with osteoarthritis: results of a study with gene arrays. EULAR Congress, Paris, France, 11-14.6.2008. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67(Suppl II):445: Toma V, Simmen BR, Gay R, Michel B, Gay S and Sprott H. Differential gene expression in synovial fibroblasts from patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. EULAR Congress, Paris, France, 11-14.6.2008. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67(Suppl II):444: Toma V, Zeilhofer HU, Simmen BR, Gay R, Michel B, Gay S and Sprott H. Differential gene expression of prostaglandin E2 receptors (EP1-4) in synovial fibroblasts from patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. EULAR Congress, Paris, France, 11-14.6.2008. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67(Suppl II):590: 99. Trenkmann M, Brock M, Gay R, Kolling C, Speich R, Michel B, Gay S and Huber LC. The polycomb group protein EZH2 is up regulated in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts and induced by TNF-á. The annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology and the annual meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP), San Francisco, USA, 24-29.09.2008. 100. von Campe A, Schindele S, Strub B, Sonderegger J, Sproedt J and Grünert J. Intramedullary stabilization versus conservative treatment for subcapital fractures of the fifth metacarpale bone with palmar angulation: a prospective randomised study. Eurohand 2008 - FESSH XIIIth Congress (Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand), Lausanne, Schweiz, 19-21.6.2008. 101. Werle S, Goldhahn J, Drerup S, Simmen BR, Sprott H and Herren D. Age and gender specific normative data of grip and pinch strength in a healthy adult Swiss population. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, 24-26.9.2008. Schweiz Med Forum 8 (Suppl 44): 45 S. 102. Widler KS, Glatthorn JF, Bizzini M, Impellizzeri FM, Leunig M, Munzinger U and Maffiuletti NA. Validity and reliability of hip abductor muscle strength assessment in three different body positions. 13th ECSS annual congress, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12.7.2008. Vorträge und Fortbildungen (Auszug) 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Die komplette Liste ist als PDF zum Download unter www.schulthess-klinik.ch/publikationen zu finden. 26. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Albrecht C. Golf und Medizin. Golf Medical Center der Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 20.10.2008. Albrecht C. Prävention und Therapie von Schulterverletzungen – ein Fallbeispiel. Publikumskongress «Rheuma-Rücken-Schmerz» (Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum), Nottwil, Schweiz, 4.10.2008. Albrecht C. Rehabilitation der Sportlerschulter. Sportfisiokongress, Bern, Schweiz, 21.11.2008. Albrecht C. Sports Physiotherapy and Golf-The Schulthess Clinic experience. Sports Physiotherapy and Golf, Zürich, Schweiz, 30.5.2008. Albrecht C. Weichteilverletzung an der Schulter. Fortbildungszentrum Bad Zurzach, Bad Zurzach, Schweiz, 3-4.2.2008. Albrecht C, Schmid K and Croci-Maspoli I. Golf Pilates. Ausbildung für Physiotherapeuten, Zürich, Schweiz, 20-21.9.2008. Bizzini M. The football referee. Medical care. Member Associations Instructor Course, FIFA, 9.4.2008. Bizzini M. The football referee. Why injury prevention is important and how to implement it. Member Associations Instructor Course, FIFA Zürich, 8.4.2008. Bizzini M. Injury prevention programs in Football. Tokyo Sports Physiotherapy Conference, Tokyo College of Medical Sports, Tokyo, Japan, 19.12.2008. Bizzini M. Injury prevention programs in Football. An evidence-based update. Internationales Sportphysiotherapie Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 25.10.2008. Bizzini M. Injury prevention programs. The F-MARC Experience. Journée d'automne RRMS 2008, Locarno, TI, 13.9.2008. Bizzini M. Medical issues for the referees at the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. Introductory Meeting for the FIFA Football Tournaments 2008, Regent Hotel Beijing, 1.8.2008. Bizzini M. Training and Injury Prevention. The FMARC Experience. Verona-Ghirada Team Sports Conference, Treviso, Italy, 8.6.2008. Born R. Rehabilitationsrichtlinien nach Intervall-Repair. Physiotherapie Symposium, Zürich, Schweiz, 8.11.2008. Campbell DA, Nagy L and Herren D. Panel: pins vs. plates (Instructional course part II). Eurohand 2008 - FESSH XIIIth Congress (Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand), Lausanne, Schweiz, 19-21.6.2008. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. Croci-Maspoli I. Eine Herausforderung für den menschlichen Körper - Physiotherapie in der Sportler-Rehabilitation. Ortho-Symposium - Aktuelle Standards in der Arthrosetherapie, Mallorca, Spain, 27.6./5.9./3.10.2008. Croci-Maspoli I. Innovative Methoden für die Knorpelregeneration. Physiotherapeutische Nachbetreuung nach Knorpelbehandlungen, Zürich, Schweiz, 27.2.2008. Croci-Maspoli I. Konservative Rehabilitation nach Partial-, Totalruptur des vorderen Kreuzbandes. Fortbildung für Ärzte der unteren Extremität der Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 13.11.2008. Croci-Maspoli I. Physiotherapeutische Rehabilitation nach Distorionstrauma / Implantation einer OSGProthese. Schule für Physiotherapie, Schinznach, Schweiz, 27.5.2008. Croci-Maspoli I. Physiotherapeutisches Behandlungskonzept nach hüftarthroskopischen Eingriffen. 2. Interdisziplinäres Gelenkssymposium Schulter und Hüfte-ATHLETIKUM GROUP UPDATE, Freiburg, Deutschland, 28.11.2008. Croci-Maspoli I. Pilates in der Rehabilitation. Schule für Physiotherapie, Schinznach, Schweiz, 13.11.2008. Croci-Maspoli I. Rehabilitation des KniegelenkesWorkshop. REHA-Study, Winterthur, Schweiz, 29.11.2008. Denzler F. Ellbogengelenk extra-articulär. Hausarztfortbildung: Infiltrationen an Schulter und Ellbogen, Zürich, Schweiz, 3.4.2008. Denzler R. Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz. Firma Kessler AG, Lausanne/Genf, Schweiz, 15-16.6.2008. Denzler R. Therapie bei Osteoporose. Publikumsveranstaltung Osteoporose, Zürich, Schweiz, 2.4.2008. Dvorak J. Back on Stage: What has Football to do with Spine? International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Geneva, Switzerland, 29.5.2008. Dvorak J. Background of Age Determination - Standard Radiographs. AFC Elite Education Seminar: Sports Radiology (MRI) Course, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.1.2008. Dvorak J. Fight Against Doping in Football. AFC Elite Education Seminar: Doping Control Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25.1.2008. Dvorak J. Fussball und Herztod - Was macht die FIFA? Akutes Koronarsyndrom, UniversitätsSpital Zurich, Switzerland, 8.5.2008. Dvorak J. Give Hippocrates a jersey - promoting health through sports. World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. Dvorak J. Injury Prevention: Experiences during the Olympic Games in Athens. IOC Medical Commission Meeting, Olympic Village, Beijing, China, 7.8.2008. Dvorak J. This is how we have built our team and how we work - The FIFA experience. Advanced Team Physician Course, Svolvaer, Norway, 22.6.2008. Dvorak J. Vision and Objectives of F-MARC and FIFA Sports Medical Committee and FIFA Medical Centres. Inauguration of Witwatersrand University for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine as a FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, Witwatersrand University for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 31.3.2008. Dvorak J. What has worked to prevent concussion in sport? 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport, Home of FIFA, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.10.2008.35. Dvorak J, Sutter M, Eggspuehler A, Grob D, Jeszenszky D, Keller C and Schwab M. History of intraoperative monitoring and Implementation of multimodal intraoperative monitoring at the Schulthess Clinic. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring (MIOM) in Spine Surgery, Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, Switzerland, 16.5.2008. Eggspühler A and Sutter M. MIOM in corrective spine surgery and decompression of thoracic stenosis. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring, Zürich, Switzerland, 16-17.5.2008. Eggspühler A, Sutter M, Dvorak J, Grob D, Jeszenszky D, Keller C, Porchet F and Schwab M. «Free running and triggered» electromyography. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring, Zürich, Switzerland, 16-17.5.2008. 38. Eggspühler A, Sutter M, Dvorak J, Grob D, Keller C, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F and Schwab M. Cortical and spinal sensory evoked potentials. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring, Zürich, Switzerland, 16-17.5.2008. 39. Flury M. Orthopaedic decision making. Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Zürich, Switzerland, 5.11.2008. 40. Flury M, Spormann C, Moro F and Buess E. Instruktionskurs Schulterarthroskopie: Stabilisierung und Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion. 2. Schulterarthroskopie-Instruktionskurs, Zürich, Schweiz, 13.6.2008. 41. Flury MP. First results with the reversed shoulder design. Concepts in shoulder arthroplasty, Salzburg, Austria, 6.6.2008. 42. Flury MP. Glenoidersatz-Contra. AE-Kurs für Schulterchirurgie, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 11-12.7.2008. 43. Flury MP. Implantation of the Promos reversed shoulder arthroplasty: Live surgery. Instructional Course Promos® Shoulder Prosthesis, Zürich, Switzerland, 7.11.2008. 44. Flury MP. Outcome measurement in shoulder arthroplasty: Parameters and tools. ASES closed meeting, Santa Barbara CA, USA, 4-6.9.2008. 45. Flury MP. Promos® - Relevant Anatomy and Biomechanics. Instructional Course Promos® Shoulder Prosthesis, Zürich, Switzerland, 7.11.2008. 46. Flury MP. Relevant anatomy and biomechanics for shoulder arthroplasty. Concepts in shoulder arthroplasty, Salzburg, Austria, 6.6.2008. 47. Flury MP. Schultergelenk intra-articulär. Hausarztfortbildung: Infiltrationen an Schulter und Ellbogen, Zürich, Schweiz, 3.4.2008. 48. Gasser A. Fallbeispiel - im Zusammenhang mit unterdiagnostizierten Syndromen der Wirbelsäule. Physiotherapie Symposium, Zürich, Schweiz, 8.11.2008. 49. Glatthorn JF and Maffiuletti NA. Quantitative Ganganalyse bei Patienten mit totaler Knie- (TKA) und totaler Hüftarthroplastik (THA). GAITRite Symposium, Hamburg, Deutschland, 12-13.9.2008. 50. Goldhahn J. Applied biomechanics and consequences for individual function and quality of life. Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Zürich, Switzerland, 5.11.2008. 51. Goldhahn J. Clinical Research of New Technologies to Enhance Bone Repair. 5th European Clinical Symposium on Bone and Tissue Regeneration, Berlin, Germany, 4-6.9.2008. 52. Goldhahn J. Guidelines on the evaluation of medical products aiming at improving bone fracture healing in osteoporotic patients: Clinical studies- Design and outcomes. 8. European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-12.4.2008. 53. Goldhahn J. Iatrogenic complications. 11th biennal conference of the International Society of Fracture Repair, Lake Tahoe, USA, 13-16.7.2008. 54. Goldhahn J. Lack of reporting complications in orthopaedic trials. 11th biennal conference of the International Society of Fracture Repair, Lake Tahoe, USA, 13-16.7.2008. 55. Goldhahn J. Need for local bone diagnostics: Results from the literature review. 3rd General Meeting of the AO Clinical priority program «Fracture fixation in Osteoporotic Bone», Zürich, Switzerland, 2627.3.2008. 56. Goldhahn J. Outcome after osteoporotic fractures. 9th EFORT Congress, Nice, France, 29.5-1.6.2008. 57. Goldhahn J. Outcome measurement after osteosynthesis (Instructional course part III). Eurohand 2008 - FESSH XIIIth Congress (Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand), Lausanne, Switzerland, 19-21.6.2008. 58. Goldhahn J. Vorlesungsreihe Aktuelle Trends in der Orthopädie/Unfallchirurgie. ETH Zürich, Schweiz, Frühjahrssemester 2008. 59. Goldhahn J and Schmitt K-U. Vorlesungsreihe Biomechanik von Sportverletzungen und Rehabilitation. ETH Zürich, Schweiz, Herbstsemester 2008. 60. Grob D. Dynesys. Non rigid stabilization of the spine. XVth Brussels International Spine Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 21-22.11.2008. Publikationsverzeichnis 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Grob D. Il ruolo delle articolazioni zigoapofisarie posteriori ed una nuova soluzione protesica. The „back side“ of the cervical spine. Patologie della cerniiera cranio-cervicale e del rachide cervicale. Esperienze neurochirurgiche ed ortopediche. Meeting Facolta Medicina e Chirurgia Universita Cattolica., Rome, Italy, 20.6.2008. Grob D. Klinik und Differenzialdiagnosen der Orthopädie: Degenerative und entzündliche Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen. Vorlesung, Universität Zürich, 19.11.2008. Grob D. Landfall in surgery for low back pain. Guest lecture. Annual Meeting, Spine Society of Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 19.4.2008. Grob D. Nervensystem und Halswirbelsäule – operative Behandlung. „Rheuma-Orthopädie“ bei rheumatoider Arthritis. Publikumsveranstaltung: Schweizer Polyarthritiker Vereinigung SPV und Schulthess Klinik, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 6.11.2008. Grob D. The rheumatoid cervical spine. European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society (Spine Week), Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.08. Grob D. Scientific Keynote: Spine Surgery and Bone Welding. WoodWelding Day, Schlieren, Switzerland, 30.10.2008. Grob D, Mannion AF, Bartanusz V, Jeszenszky D, Kleinstück FS and Lattig F. A comparison of two surgical fusion techniques. A prospective cohort study. Annual Meeting, Spine Society of Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 19.4.2008. Grob D, Mannion AF, Bartanusz V, Kleinstück FS, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Dvorak J and Porchet F. Complications after spinal surgery: the patient’s perspective. Annual Meeting, Spine Society of Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 20.4.2008. Grob D, Mannion AF, Bartanusz V, Kleinstück FS, Lattig F, Jeszenszky D, Dvorak J and Porchet F. Von der Entwicklung bis zur vollständigen Implementation – Ein Rückblick. EuroSpine - SPINE TANGO Infotreffen Internationales Wirbelsäulenregister. Berlin, Deutschland, 23.10.2008. Hagen K and Herren D. Treatment concepts for macrodactyly. Symposium on Pediatric Hand Surgery, Zürich, Switzerland, 28.3.2008. Hämmerle G. Behandlungen und Abklärungen im Überblick. 125 Jahre KWS, Schulthess Klinik Zürich, Schweiz, 3.5.2008. Hämmerle G. Cervical and lumbar spine injuries und disorders. FIFA FUTURO III Football Medicine Course, Dakar, Senegal, 20-23.10.2008. Hämmerle G. Handgriffs-Repetisionskurse. Manuelle Medizin für SAMM-Mitglieder, Schulthess Klinik Zürich, Schweiz, 7.5.2008 und 20.8.2008. Hämmerle G. Konservative Therapiemöglichkeiten an der Wirbelsäule bei Polyarthritis. Publikumsveranstaltung Polyarthritis-Tag, Schulthess Klinik Zürich, Schweiz, 6.11.2008. Hämmerle G. SAMM Modul 5. Murten, Schweiz, 9-12.3.2008. Hämmerle G. SAMM Modul 6. Murten, Schweiz, 13-16.3.2008. Hämmerle G. SAMM Modul 6. Murten, Schweiz, 31.5-3.6.2008. Hämmerle G. Unterdiagnostizierte WirbelsäulenSyndrome. Physio-Symposium, Schulthess Klinik Zürich, Schweiz, 8.11.2008. Hämmerle G. Workshop Interventionelle Rheumatologie. Berner Fortbildungstag, Rheumatologie Inselspital, Schweiz, 24-25.4.2008. Herren D. Complications after volar plating of distal radius fractures. Chilenisch/Argentinisches Handchirurgie Meeting, Vina del Mar, Chile, 20.11.2008. Herren D. Flexible silicone vs. rigid two component arthroplasties in the fingers - Round tables. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. Herren D. Outcome measurement in hand surgery. Chilenisch/Argentinisches Handchirurgie Meeting, Vina del Mar, Chile, 20.11.2008. Herren D. Rheumatoid Arthritis surgery-what changed? Lecture at Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, 12.2.2008. Herren D. Tendon transfer in the posttraumatic hand. Instructional course lecture. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Chicago, USA, 18-20.9.2008. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Herren D. Total prosthesis of the carpus. Eurohand 2008 - FESSH XIIIth Congress (Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand), Lausanne, Switzerland, 19-21.6.2008. Herren D. Ulnar-sided wrist pain. Chilenisch/Argentinisches Handchirurgie Meeting, Vina del Mar, Chile, 20.11.2008. Herren D. Wandel in der Rheumachirurgie? Eine Betrachtung der letzten 15 Jahre. 49. Symposium der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgen (DAH), Baden-Baden, Deutschland, 11-13.9.2008. Herren D. Wrist arthroplasty. Chilenisch/Argentinisches Handchirurgie Meeting, Vina del Mar, Chile, 20.11.2008. Herren D. Wrist fusion. Chilenisch/Argentinisches Handchirurgie Meeting, Vina del Mar, Chile, 20.11.2008. Hersche O. Complications of resurfacing - personal experience. Bernese Hip Symposium, Berne, Switzerland, 5.4.2008. Hersche O. Die Hüftkappenprothese. Hausarztfortbildung Schulthess Klinik - Welche Hüfte für welchen Patienten, Zurich, Schweiz, 27.3.2008. Hersche O. Femoro-acetabuläres Impingement, offene Therapie. ARCUS Meeting "Die Hüfte 2008", Pforzheim, Deutschland, 6.9.2008. Hersche O. Häufige Probleme in der primären Hüftarthroplastik. Hausarztfortbildung Schulthess Klinik - Welche Hüfte für welchen Patienten, Zurich, Schweiz, 27.3.2008. Hersche O. Impingement und Prothesenluxation. AE Kongress Mainz Hüftgelenkersatz-State of the art, Mainz, Deutschland, 6.12.2008. Hersche O. Primäre Hüftendoprothetik-Revision des Femurs. Kongress Endoprothetik 2008 Charité Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland, 1.2.2008. Hersche O. Therapiekonzepte bei rezidivierender Luxation- Das multipel frakturierte Femur. Kongress Endoprothetik 2008 Charité Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland, 2.2.2008. Huber M. Korrekturen Mittel- und Rückfuss bei OSG-TEP. AE-Kurs Kleine Gelenke, Magdeburg, Deutschland, 8-10.10.08. Huber M. Lapidus: The Surgical Technique. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Schweiz, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Mobility Workshop and Case Discussion. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Postoperative Complications with the Mobility Ankle Prostesis (Analysis, Treatment, Prevention). International Mobility User Group Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, 12-13.11.2008. Huber M. Scarf: Lateral Release: How I do it. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Total Ankle Arthroplasty - inside view of Mobility ankle. 24th Annual Summer Meeting. Stateof-the-Art Management of Ankle Arthritis, Denver, Colorado, USA, 25.6.2008. Huber M. Total Ankle Replacement (TAR): Mobility Surgical Technique. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Worauf wir gehen uns stehen. Treffpunkt Radio DRS, Zürich, Schweiz, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Workshop Lapidus. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M and Rippstein P. Clinical Results of Mobility Ankle Prosthesis - Designers and Non-Designers Experience Zürich. Total Ankle Arthroplasty, Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 12-13.11.2008. Huber M. Mobility Live Surgery: Presentation of the Live Surgery Case. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Presentation of the Live Surgery Case: Scarf. Foot and Ankle Instructional Course, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6.6.2008. Huber M. Sitzungsvorsitz: Korrekturen Mittel- und Rückfuss bei OSG-TEP. AE-Kurs Kleine Gelenke, Magdeburg, Deutschland, 8-10.10.08. Huber M. Presentation of a Live Surgery Case Mobility Ankle Prosthesis. International Mobility User Group Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, 12-13.11.2008. 111. Huber M. and Rippstein P. Results of Mobility Ankle Prosthesis: The Zürich Swiss Experience. International Mobility User Group Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, 12-13.11.2008. 112. Impellizzeri FM. Altitude training methodology: from theory to practice. Course - Italian cycling federation, Salsomaggiore, Italy, 28-29.11.2008. 113. Impellizzeri FM. Effects of high-intensity training on physical and technical performance in soccer. 2nd International congress on advances in physical activities and sport science, Seville, Spain, 23-24.5.2008. 114. Impellizzeri FM. Untersuchung uber den Einfluß der Trainingsoberfläche (Gras - Sand) auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und mögliche Muskelverletzungen. Internationales Sportphysiotherapie Symposium, Salzburg, Österreich, 25.10.2008. 115. Impellizzeri FM. Which is better: specific or generic training? Verona-Ghirada team sport conference, Treviso, Italy, 7-8.6.2008. 116. Jeszenszky D. Chirurgische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei EOD (Early Onset Deformity). 2. Passionate about Spine. The Growing Spine, Mainz, Deutschland, 14-15.3.2008. 117. Jeszenszky D. Different surgical techniques of treatments of kyphotic deformity. Hands-on Live Surgery: Kyphotic Deformity, Vienna, Austria, 1921.5.2008. 118. Jeszenszky D. Gerincsebészet a Schulthess Klinikàn. Magyar Ortopéd Tàrsasàg. 51. Kongresszusaés Fiatalok Foruma, Székesfehérvàr, Ungarn, 1921.6.2008. 119. Jeszenszky D. Komplikationen nach dorsaler HWSVerschraubung. 8. Münsteraner Operationskurs Wirbelsäule, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster, Deutschland, 12-13.12.2008. 120. Jeszenszky D. Revision surgery in severe AIS. 4th Advanced Deformity Meeting. Challenges in the Management of Severe and Unusual/Complex Idiopathic Scoliosis, Zurich, Switzerland, 17-18.4.2008. 121. Jeszenszky D. Spektrum der zervikalen Instabilität, chirurgische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. 45. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Radiologie, Basel, Schweiz, 18-20.9.2008. 122. Jeszenszky D. Spine deformity surgery with MIOM from the point of view of the surgeon. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring (MIOM) in Spine Surgery, «Hands-on» Teaching Course, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Switzerland, 1617.5.2008. 123. Jeszenszky D. Spondylolisthesis: how to stabilize. Lumbar Degenerative Spine Instructional Course, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 4-5.4.2008. 124. Jeszenszky D. Vertebral Column Resection. 2nd International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine (ICEOS), Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 7-8.11.2008. 125. Junge A. Country-wide implementation of a prevention program: The Swiss experience. 2nd World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. 126. Junge A. Epidemiologie und Prävention. Zurich Football Forum, Zurich, Schweiz, 5-6.6.2008. 127. Junge A. F-MARC, Vision and Aims. Meeting about Sports Medicine and Female Players, Tunis, Tunisia, 17-19.4.2008. 128. Junge A. Football injury epidemiology: what are we trying to prevent? 2nd World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. 129. Junge A. Frauensport - Fussball. Crossklinik-Symposium der Sportsmedizin, Basel, Schweiz, 12.6.2008. 130. Junge A. Injury Prevention. FIFA Trainers Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 8-9.9.2008. 131. Junge A. Prevention of Injuries in Female Players. Meeting about Sports Medicine in Female Players, Tunis, Tunisia, 17-19.4.2008. 132. Junge A. Sports injury surveillance during the 2008 Olympic Games. IOC Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-9.11.2008. 133. Junge A, Bizzini M and Myklebust G. «The 11» – Basic and advanced version of an injury prevention program for amateur football players. 2nd World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. 134. Keller C, Sutter M, Eggspuehler A, Dvorak J, Grob D, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F and Schwab M. Anaesthesia and MIOM. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring, Zürich, Switzerland, 16-17.5.2008. 135. Kleinstück FS. Can We Avoid Severe Curves? The Role of School Screening and GP Education. Advanced Deformity Meeting, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Switzerland, 17-18.4.2008. 136. Kleinstück FS. OP Techniken bei schwierigen osteoporotischen Fällen. Workshop Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Ulm, Deutschland, 28.11.2008. 137. Kleinstück FS. Operative Behandlung häufiger Wirbelsäulenleiden. Spital Zimmerberg, Horgen, Schweiz, 18.11.2008. 138. Kleinstück FS. Osteoporose und Zement in der Wirbelsäulenchirugie Chirurgie. Villingen-Schwenningen, Schweiz, 2.10.2008. 139. Kleinstück FS. Osteoporotische Wirbelfrakturen, chirurgische Behandlung. Vortrag im Rahmen der Rheumaklinik Osteoporose Fortbildung, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 2.4.2008. 140. Kleinstück FS. Rheumathoid arthritis in the upper cervical spine. The Schulthess experience. Neurochirurgisches Symposium, Clinica Igea, Milan, Italy, 21.11.2008. 141. Kleinstück FS. Schulthess Maverick Experience. 1 CH. User Meeting Dynamic Fixation, Payerne, Switzerland, 6.3.2008. 142. Kleinstück FS. Session Moderator, Advanced Deformity. Advanced Deformity Meeting, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Switzerland, 17-18.4.2008. 143. Kleinstück FS. Spondylolisthesis: how to stabilize. TLIF technique. Lumbar Degenerative Spine Instructional Course, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 4-5.9.2008. 144. Kleinstück FS. Wann ist Wirbelsäulenchirurgie erfolgreich? Schmerzkongress, Paraplegiker Zentrum, Nottwil, Schweiz, 2.10.2008. 145. Kleinstück FS. Wirbelsäulenchirurgie an der Schulthess Klinik. Gesundheitsschiff Zürichsee, Zürich, Schweiz, 29.5.2008. 146. Kleinstück FS. Konzept der Bandscheibenprothese. Fortbildung für Wirbelsäulen Physiotherapie Gruppe, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 31.10.2008. 147. Kleinstück FS. Lumbar Disc Arthroplasty, Schulthess Maverick Experience. Klinikinterne Aerzte Fortbildung, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 5.11.2008. 148. Kolling C. Messung von Funktion und Lebensqualität von Patienten. Lab Meeting of the Center for Experimental Rheumatology, Zürich, Schweiz, 16.9.2008. 149. Kolling C. "Rheuma lebenslänglich?"- Vorlesung im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe Aktuelle Trends in der Orthopädie/Unfallchirurgie. ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 16.5.2008. 150. Kramers-de Quervain IA. Biomechanik und Bewegungsanalyse. Zentralisierte Weiterbildung Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, Zurich, Schweiz, 28.8.2008. 151. Kramers-de Quervain IA. Fallbeispiele Biomechanik. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin, Zurich, Schweiz, 26.8.2008. 152. Kramers-de Quervain IA. Ganganalyse in der Klinik, Interpretation der Messdaten, Beispiele. Vorlesung Biomechanik ETH, Zurich, Schweiz, 8.4.2008. 153. Kramers-de Quervain IA. Osteoporose. Publikumsveranstaltung Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Schweiz, 3.4.2008. 154. Lattig F. Fascination about Spine Surgery. Invited lecture, Hospital of Al Ain, Abu Dabi, 17.12.2008. 155. Lattig F. Wachstumslenkende Stabsysteme bei EOS. 2. Passionate about Spine, Mainz, Deutschland, 14-15.3.2008. 156. Leunig M. AAOS Instructional Course Lectures (ICL-167) "Pathophysiology of impingement in SCFE". 75th Annual Meeting AAOS, San Francisco, USA, 5-9.3.2008. 157. Leunig M. AAOS Instructional Course Lectures (ICL-241) "Hip impingement: Surgical dislocation to less invasive techniques". 75th Annual Meeting AAOS, San Francisco, USA, 5-9.3.2008. 158. Leunig M. Blood supply to the femoral head: implications for resurfacing arthroplasty. Closed Meeting of the International Hip Society, Hong Kong, China, 26.8.2008. 159. Leunig M. Correction open joint: Lateral approach. 6th Marcel Kerboul Institute Forum, Paris, France, 1.2.2008. 160. Leunig M. EHS Symposium, "Open and arthroscopic treatment of FAI: keys for success". 8th Domestic Meeting of the European Hip Society, Madrid, Spain, 11-13.6.2008. 161. Leunig M. Hip impingement: Indications for open surgery. 15th Congress of the European Rheumatism and Arthritis Surgical Society, Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. 162. Leunig M. Langzeitresultate nach "konservativer" Hüftchirurgie. 68. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie, Basel, Schweiz, 24-26.9.2008. 163. Leunig M. Modified Dunn procedure for treatment of SCFE. 6th Marcel Kerboul Institute Forum, Paris, France, 01.02.2008. 164. Leunig M. Sindrome del choque femoroacetabular. 45 Congreso Nacional SECOT, Valencia, Spain, 1-3.10.2008. 165. Leunig M. Techniken und Indikationen der chirurgischen Hüftluxation. 57. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Orthopäden, Hamburg, Deutschland, 12-14.6.2008. 166. Maffiuletti NA. Electrical stimulation in sport. Effective or not? Master profesional en alto rendimento en deportes de equipo, Barcelona, Spain, 29.3.2008. 167. Maffiuletti NA. Electromyostimulation in elite sports: effective method or techological gadget? 2nd Aspire sport science conference, Doha, Qatar, 12-13.1.2008. 168. Maffiuletti NA. Electrostimulation neuromusculaire: principes et applications. XXXVI Entretiens de médecine physique et de réhabilitation, Montpellier (France), 5.3.2008. 169. Maffiuletti NA. Elettrostimolazione neuromuscolare. Master in rieducazione funzionale, Università Carlo Bo', Urbino, Italy, 13.12.2008. 170. Maffiuletti NA. Neuromuscular adaptations to strength training. 2nd International congress on advances in physical activities and sport science, Sevilla, Spain, 23-24.5.2008. 171. Maffiuletti NA. Neuromuscular aspects of rehabilitation. ETH Master course, Zurich, Switzerland, 24.11.2008. 172. Maffiuletti NA. Strengthening by electrostimulation. ECSS satellite symposium: Strength training and rehabilitation for athletes, Estoril, Portugal, 8.7.2008. 173. Maffiuletti NA. The use of electrical stimulation in team sports. Verona-Ghirada team sport conference, Treviso, Italy, 7-8.6.2008. 174. Maffiuletti NA, Amiridis IG and Martin A. Electrostimulation neuromusculaire: principes, effets et applications. 1ère journée Gilles Cometti, Dijon, France, 15.11.2008. 175. Manner HM. Correction of foot deformity with the Taylor Spatial Frame. 2nd Zurich International Clubfoot Symposium, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, 27.9.2008. 176. Manner HM. Komplexe Deformitätenkorrektur mit dem Taylor Spatial Frame. 2. ASAMI Symposium, Oberdorf, Schweiz, 7.11.2008. 177. Manner HM. Rekonstruktive Fusschirurgie bei Kindern und Erwachsenen mit Ilizarov / Taylor Spatial Frame. Morgenfortbildung, Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg, Deutschland, 7.1.2008. 178. Manner HM. Talus verticalis. 11. Basler Symposium für Kinderorthopädie, Basel, Schweiz, 5.9.2008. 179. Mannion AF. Abdominal muscle size and symmetry at rest and during abdominal hollowing exercises in healthy control subjects. NRP53 Programme Meeting, Nottwil, Switzerland, 17.4.2008. 180. Mannion AF. The association between catastrophising and self-rated pain and disability in patients with chronic low back pain. NRP53 Programme Meeting, Nottwil, Switzerland, 17.4.2008. 181. Mannion AF. Chair: Special poster session - Basic Science, Registry. Eurospine - Spine Society of Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, 26.5.2008. 182. Mannion AF. Low back pain in the general population: prevalence, risk factors and prognosis. Seminar Programme 2008, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, 21.02.2008. 183. Mannion AF. Ultrasound assessment of deep trunk muscle function in low back pain. NRP53 Programme Meeting, Nottwil, Switzerland, 17.4.2008. 184. Mariacher S and Piderman M. Diagnostic Sonography and the Shoulder after Surgery. 3. Schinznacher Ultraschall-Kurs aar-Reha, Schinznach, Schweiz, 20.9.2008. 185. Moro F. AC-Gelenk. Hausarztfortbildung: Infiltrationen an Schulter und Ellbogen, Zürich, Schweiz, 3.4.2008. 186. Moro F. Indikationen zu Ellenbogen-Endoprothesen. AE-Kurs Kleine Gelenke, Magdeburg, Deutschland, 8-10.10.2008. 187. Moro F. Periprothetische Frakturen nach Ellenbogen-Endoprothesen. AE-Kurs Kleine Gelenke, Magdeburg, Deutschland, 8-10.10.2008. 188. Moro F, Flury M and Buess E. Theorie Schulterarthroskopie allgemein und Stabilisierung. 2. Schulterarthroskopie-Instruktionskurs, Zürich, Schweiz, 13.6.2008. 189. Moro F, Spormann C and Buess E. Theorie Rotatorenmanschetten-Rekonstruktion. 2. Schulterarthroskopie-Instruktionskurs, Zürich, Schweiz, 13.6.2008. 190. Müller A. Arthritis und das Nervensystem. Rheuma- und Orthopädie bei rheumatoider Arthritis, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 6.11.2008. 191. Müller A. Kopfverletzung im Fussballsport. 4. Crossklinik-Symposium der Sportmedizin, Basel, Schweiz, 12.6.2008. 192. Müller A. Praktische Neurologie für Masseure. Tages-Forum für Masseure, Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Schweiz, 24.5.2008. 193. Müller A. Praktische Neurologie mit Handout. Dozententagung SAMM, Schaffhausen, Schweiz, 1819.4.2008. 194. Müller R. Fallbeispiel - nach gelenkserhaltender Hüftchirurgie. Physiotherapie Symposium, Zürich, Schweiz, 8.11.2008. 195. Munzinger U. Crossfire high flex knee - contra? Kongress Kitzbühel, Kitzbühe, Austria, 5-6.9.2008. 196. Munzinger U. Early stability of a cementless acetabular cup with a flattened pole: a randomized RSA study. 83ème réunion anuelle société orthopédique, Paris, France, 10-13.11.2008. 197. Munzinger U. How much constraint is needed? Endoprothetik-Kongress Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 31.1-2.2.2008. 198. Munzinger U. MIS am Knie. Welcher Zugang und welches Implantat sind minimal? Rummelberger Orthopädie Tag, Rummelsberg, Deutschland, 12.1.2008. 199. Munzinger U. Mobile Bearings are more useful. Center of Excellence knee, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-15.3.2008. 200. Munzinger U. Mobile or fixed? Kongress Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel, Austria, 5-6.9.2008. 201. Munzinger U. Revision total hip arthroplasty: loosening of cemented stems replaced by non-cemented, non-modular titanium stems (700 cases 1995 2005). Domestic meeting hip society, Madrid, Spain, 11-14.6.2008. 202. Munzinger U. The role & cost of ceramics in orthopedic surgery. ISOC-meeting, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Switzerland, 16-19.10.2008. 203. Munzinger U. Sphärische Pfannen - Pressfit Pfannen - die optimale Technik. AE-Kongress, Mainz, Deutschland, 5-6.12.2008. 204. Munzinger U. TKR Complications and Revision. 9th Efort Congress, Nice, France, 29.5-1.6.2008. 205. Mutter U. Specify 5-6-5 – Elektrode: Erste Erfahrungen. Medtronic User-Meeting, Saalfelden, Österreich, 3-5.10.2008. 206. Naal FD, Huber M and Rippstein P. Sportaktivität von Patienten nach Sprunggelenksarthroplastik. 23. Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft für OrthopädischTraumatologische Sportmedizin, München, Deutschland, 20-22.6.2008. 207. Nagy L, Herren D and Campbell DA. Bone healing in the future: panel discussion (Instructional course part I). Eurohand 2008 - FESSH XIIIth Congress (Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand), Lausanne, Schweiz, 19-21.6.2008. Publikationsverzeichnis 208. Nilstad A, Soligard T, Junge A, Bahr R and Andersen TE. Compliance with the F-MARC 11+: a complete warm-up program to prevent injuries in youth female football. 2nd World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Tromso, Norway, 26-28.6.2008. 209. Oswald J. Medikamente bei intraartikulären Infiltrationen der Hände. Hausarztfortbildung, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Schweiz, 27.11.2008. 210. Oswald J. Steroide und Viskosupplementation bei intraartikulären Infiltrationen der Schulter. Hausarztfortbildung, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Schweiz, 3.4.2008. 211. Piderman M. Sonographie des Bewegungsapparates. Grund-, Aufbau- und Schlusskurs der Schweiz. Ges. für Ultraschall in Medizin (SGUM), Inselspital Bern, Schweiz, 17-19.1.2008. 212. Piderman M. Sonographie des M. transversus abdominis und der Mm. multifidi. Fortbildung Physiotherapie, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 9.5.2008. 213. Porchet F. Die Bandscheibenerkrankung und ihre Folgen. Tag der offenen Tür, Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Schweiz, 3.5.2008. 214. Porchet F. Pitfalls in cervical arthroplasty: how to avoid them. Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando USA, 20-25.9.2008. 215. Porchet F. Progrediente Myelopathie: was soll man tun? Hausarztfortbildung Schulthess, Schulthess Klinik Zürich, 19.6.2008. 216. Porchet F. Updates of the Prestige cervical disc. Dynamic Stabilisation Solutions Meeting, Payerne, Switzerland, 6.3.08. 217. Porchet F. Verengung des Spinalkanals. Schweizerischer Podologie Jahresversammlung, Zürich, Schweiz, 8.11.2008. 218. Porchet F. Vertebroplastie bei Osteoporose-Frakturen. Schweizerische Podologie Jahresversammlung, Zürich-Altstetten, Schweiz, 8.11.08. 219. Porchet F. What kind of information surgeons need in spine surgery. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring, Zürich, Switzerland, 16-17.5.08. 220. Porchet F, Sutter M, Eggspuehler A, Dvorak J, Grob D, Jeszenszky D, Keller C and Schwab M. Tumor surgery of the spinal cord with MIOM from the point of view of the surgeon. International Workshop on Multimodal Intraoperative Monitoring, Zürich, Switzerland, 16-17.5.08. 221. Porchet F, Sutter M, Eggspuehler A and Paus C. Pitfalls of Prestige arthroplasty. Dynamic Stabilisation Solutions Meeting, Payerne, Switzerland, 6.3.08. 222. Preiss S. Die mediale Schlittenprothese. Hausarztfortbildung untere Extremität, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Schweiz, 17.1.2008. 223. Preiss S. Leistenschmerzen beim Sportler. Interne Fortbildung der Physiotherapeuten, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich, Schweiz, 21.4.2008. 224. Rippstein P. Behandlungsoptionen bei Achillodynie. 5. Internationales Hannoveraner Videosymposium 2008, Hannover, Deutschland, 14.3.2008. 225. Rippstein P. Correction of severe Hallux valgus Deformities: Base Osteotomy or Lapidus Procedure? AO Trauma Course-Foot and Ankle Injuries, Davos, Switzerland, 8-12.12.2008. 226. Rippstein P. Inferior heel pain: surgical treatment. 9th EFORT Congress, Nice, France, 29.5-1.6.2008. 227. Rippstein P. The Long Road to the Mobility: Our Experience with Ankle Prosthesis. Yonsei Foot and Ankle Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 29.3.2008. 228. Rippstein P. Metatarsal osteotomy according to Barouk-Rippstein-Toulek. 11th Surgical Skill Course Forefoot, Oberdorf, Switzerland, 26-29.1.2008. 229. Rippstein P. Reasons why we should prefer TAA for our rheumatoid patients. 15th Congress of the European Rheumatism and Arthritis Surgical Society (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. 230. Rippstein P. The role of ankle replacement in management of end-stage ankle arthritis. 8th biennial Canadian Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 12-13.4.2008. 231. Rippstein P. Shaft and basal osteotomies. Forefoot Reconstruction Instructional Course, Bordeaux, France, 17-18.4.2008. 232. Rippstein P. Tratamiento de inestabilidades crónicas Plastias. IV Curso de Actualización en Cirugía de Pie y Tobillo, Barcelona, Spain, 27-28.11.2008. 233. Rippstein P. Zadek (Kelly-Keck) Osteotomy for Haglund and Insertional Achilles. Australian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Conference, Noosa, Australia, 14-16.8.2008. 234. Rutishauser T. Osteoarthritis of the MTP-I-Joint. Our Experience - A Brief Overview. 12. Kongress der Tschechischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17.5.2008. 235. Rutishauser T. Total Ankle Arthroplasty - our experience with the Mobility prothesis. 12. Kongress der Tschechischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17.5.2008. 236. Schindele S. Arthrose der Grund-und Mittelgelenke. Informationsabend Handchirurgie, Zürich, Schweiz, 6.3.2008. 237. Schindele S. Deformitäten der Fingergelenke und des Daumen bei rheumatoider Arthritis. Fortbildungs-Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (DGH), Berlin, Deutschland, 24.5.2008. 238. Schindele S. Fingergelenke/Ringband. Fortbildungsveranstaltung "Infiltrationen an der Hand und am Handgelenk", Zürich, Schweiz, 27.11.2008. 239. Schindele S. Intramedullary splinting or conservative treatment for fractures of the fifth metacarpal neck.A prospective, randomized study. Annual Conference of the Nepal Orthopaedic Association - Orthocon, Kathmandu, Nepal, 21.11.2008. 240. Schindele S. Palmar approach for implant-arthroplasty of the PIP-joint. Video-demonstration and technical way. Annual Conference of the Nepal Orthopaedic Association - Orthocon, Kathmandu, Nepal, 21.11.2008. 241. Schindele S. Therapiekonzepte für das rheumatische Handgelenk. 49. Symposium der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgen (DAH), Baden-Baden, Deutschland, 11-13.9.2008. 242. Schindele S. Versorgung der distalen Radiusfraktur: konservative Behandlung. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, 24-26.9.2008. 243. Schindele S and Herren D. Resultate des arthroplastischen Ersatzes der Grundgelenke mit der Neuflex Prothese. 49. Symposium der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgen (DAH), Baden-Baden, Deutschalnd, 11-13.9.2008. 244. Schindele S, Herren DB and Wiegand M. Praktischer Workshop am Phantom. 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KLEOS-Meeting, Queensland, Australia, 20.4.2008. 252. Schwyzer HK. Revision strategies in shoulder prosthesis. REFIXation update - 8. Schulteroperationskurs, Münster, Deutschland, 3-5.7.2008. 253. Schwyzer HK. Shoulder arthroplasty: Basic science and current thoughts. REFIXation update - 8. Schulteroperationskurs, Münster, Deutschland, 3-5.7.2008. 254. Schwyzer HK. Treatment concepts of the management of shoulder osteoarthritis. KLEOS-Meeting, Queensland, Australia, 20.4.2008. 255. Schwyzer HK. Wann soll was an der Schulter operiert werden? Jahresversammlung der Zürcher Fachärztegesellschaft für Rheumatologie, Zürich, Schweiz, 27.3.2008. 256. Schwyzer HK. Workshop Promos prosthesis. KLEOS-Meeting, Queensland, Australia, 20.4.2008. 257. Simmen BR. Anatomy, Biomechanics and Surgical Technique of the Promos-Standart and the PromosReverse Arthroplasty. Internal Launch Meeting PROMOS Reverse, Zürich, Switzerland, 5.9.2008. 258. Simmen BR. Arthroplasties in the rheumatoid elbow - Round tables. 15th European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society Meeting (ERASS), Barcelona, Spain, 6-7.6.2008. 259. Simmen BR. Clinical Results with the Promos Modular System. Satellite Meeting SECEC (European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow), Brugge, Belgium, 18.9.2008. 260. Simmen BR. Patient Outcome Measurement in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Annual meeting Dutch Orthopaedic Society (NOV Jaarcongres), Maastricht, The Netherlands, 10-11.1.2008. 261. Simmen BR. PROMOS - Modular Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Smith & Nephew Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 1.2.2008. 262. Simmen BR. Thumb anomalies: Having a thumb, making a thumb. Symposium on Pediatric Hand Surgery, Zürich, Switzerland, 28.3. 2008. 263. Spormann C. Die Schultergelenksinstabilität - Aktuelle Aspekte von Diagnose und Therapie. 9. Leipziger Knorpel- und Knochensymposium, Leipzig, Deutschland, 13.9.2008. 264. Spormann C. Ellbogengelenk intra-articulär. Hausarztfortbildung: Infiltrationen an Schulter und Ellbogen, Zürich, Schweiz, 3.4.2008. 265. Spormann C. Posttraumatische Arthrose des Ellbogens. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO), Basel, Schweiz, 24-26.9.2008. 266. Spormann C. Relevant anatomy and biomechanics for shoulder arthroplasty. Concepts in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty, Salzburg, Austria, 3.10.2008. 267. Spormann C. Results and complications with the Standart system/ First experience and results with the Reverse system. Concepts in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty, Salzburg, Austria, 3.10.2008. 268. Spormann C. Revision nach fehlgeschlagenen endoprothetischen Versorgungen an der Schulter. 9. Leipziger Knorpel- und Knochensymposium, Leipzig, Deutschland, 13.9.2008. 269. Spormann C. Rheuma-Orthopädie an der oberen Extremität - Ellbogen. Rheuma-Orthopädie bei Rheumatoider Arthritis, Zürich, Schweiz, 6.11.2008. 270. Spormann C. 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