
Pride of North Jersey!
The Monthly Newsletter
Father Joseph A. Cassidy
Council No. 6100
Budd Lake, NJ
The Best Council Newsletter in Paterson
Federation in (1998-99), (2000-01),
(2006-07), (2009-2010), (2010-2011)
and in State of New Jersey (2006-2007)
June 2012
Attention Brothers – Council Going “Green”
The Council would like all brothers who have a computer and internet
access to get their newsletters electronically. Brothers who do not have a
computer will still be able to get a hard copy of the newsletter mailed to
The Council’s website (www.kofc6100.org) has a link that contains the
monthly newsletter from July 2009 to the latest newsletter in pdf format.
The newest newsletter will be posted on the website by the first weekend of
the month. Last month 206 newsletters were mailed, 6 above the minimum
needed for bulk mailing rates. Thus far one hundred three brothers have
informed me that they will get their newsletter from our website or by mail.
That leaves approximately two hundred members who haven't informed me
how they want to receive the newsletter. Please send your preference to:
Gregg Buckalew, P.O. Box 157, Tranquility, NJ 07879; e-mail address:
[email protected]; or telephone (908-852-9184).
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Officers’ Meeting
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
Business Meeting - Election
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Flag Day
St. Jude Parish Center
7:30 pm
Father’s Day
4th Degree Meeting - Election
St. Michael’s, Netcong
8:00 pm
3rd Degree Exemplification
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
7:30 pm
4:00 pm
7:30 pm
St. Jude Parish Center
7:30 pm
Officers Meeting
Business Meeting
Blood Drive
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
St. Jude Parish Center
Happy Birthday America
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00am 2:30pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Future Events and Contacts:
June 24 – 3 Degree Exemplification, DD John Walsh, home phone
July 15 - Blood Drive,Tim Goodhue, home phone (973-252-4663)
Please Note: Business Meetings are now on the second Monday night of
the month and will start at 8:00 PM. Arrive thirty minutes early and pray the
rosary with us in the Reconciliation Area of the Church.
Upcoming Council Election
The Nominating Committee has diligently worked to
complete the slate of officers for the upcoming Columbian
Year (2011-2012). The slate of officers shown below was
presented at the May Business Meeting, Wednesday,
May 14 . The slate of officers will be voted on at the June
Business Meeting, Monday, June 11 . Nominations from
the floor for all elected positions may be made at the June Business Meeting.
Nominations remain open until the elections are conducted. Ten percent of the
membership has to be in attendance that night to be able to conduct the
vote (approx. 25 members). So please attend and show your support for them.
Grand Knight – John Mania
Deputy Grand Knight – Joe Hruby
Chancellor – Gerald Kaufhold
Recorder – Jim Rennals
Treasurer – no candidate
Advocate – Phil Graziano, PGK
Warden – Michael Mallon
Inside Guard – Peter Longo
Outside Guards – Wally Krake
Trustee (3 Year) – David Teller
Trustee (2 Year) – Thomas DeLalla
Trustee (1 Year) – Joseph Mitru
Note the Chaplain, Spiritual Advisor and Lecturer are Council
appointed positions and Financial Secretary is a Supreme
Appointment – Not voted upon.
Grand Knight’s Report
Saturday Evening Mass
In today’s society, a new day begins at midnight. But this was not the custom in ages
past, nor is it the custom in all cultures today.
In earlier times, people depended on daylight. Without daylight, they had to use their
lamps, and most people had a limited supply of fuel. So, when daylight was over, the day
was over. Darkness brought the “night” of the new day. That is why the Sabbath began
on Friday evening (and ended on Saturday evening).
Christianity, with its Jewish roots, followed that custom. The new day began at sunset.
Thus on major feasts, when the new day began at sunset, Christians celebrated prayers of
the feast. Note that the Mass, however, wasn’t celebrated until the morning.
After Vatican II, priests were allowed to celebrate the Mass of the Sunday on Saturday
evening, as well as the Mass of the feast on the preceeding evening.
P.S. – We could always use a few more brothers at bingo.
Vivat Jesus,
John Mania, Grand Knight
Phone (973-691-8242)
e-mail ([email protected])
Chaplain’s Corner
My Dear Brother Knights,
Recharge This Summer
For the first time in many years of ministry, I feel out of energy. The varied nature of
my work demands that I keep several ministerial balls in the air simultaneously. Some
days that makes life very interesting. However, at the moment it feels my life is a bit out
of control. So many parishioners are currently diagnosed with cancer that it seems as if
I’m in the midst of an epidemic. I’m thinking about faith formation for the coming year,
and I wonder what in the world we can read together to inspire our yearly planning
process. It occurs to me that I might have to recruit more school of religion teachers
come fall. The very thought fills me with dread, and I wonder: Can I do this another
year? I feel spiritually empty and wonder what kind of a spiritual director that makes me.
I am, quite simply, overwhelmed.
So thank God for summer. I know I need it, especially this year. I need the slower
pace and the time it allows me to recharge. I wonder if any of you feel the same. What
do we do when we recognize the need to stand back, to gain perspective, and to be fed
ourselves? Here are a few suggestions. Please feel free to e-mail me with your own. Be
intentional about seeking mental diversion. Read novels “The Good Dog” is a recent
favorite, see movies “The Descendants” and “The Way” are two on my list, visit an art
museum, go to a concert, head for the baseball park, play cards or work puzzles.
Embrace activity of some kind. The activity can involve fine motor skills or free
motion, but in some way allow the body to take the lead. Draw, embroider, go dancing,
visit a local nature preserve or park, fly a kite, refinish furniture, garden, do yoga, walk
more, build something or clean out closets.
Get out of town. Ministry is a way of life, and as such, it often involves a 24/7
commitment. I have heard more than one among us say that the best, and sometimes
only, way to recharge is to leave town. That can mean a day trip to a neighboring county,
a day or two away or longer time for a real vacation. However we do it, it is important to
get away… really get away.
Pay attention to some spiritual practice that has lost its place of honor. Whatever it is
that has fallen in favor from the daily calendar — be it silent prayer, journaling,
participating in adoration, attending daily Mass, praying while walking, spending time in
scripture meditation — think about why that practice has diminished and if it might be
possible to reclaim it or try something new.
If attending a continuing education conference or retreat is out of the question, then
choose one book in the field to read. As summer unfolds, consider the pile of books in
the office or by the bed that we intend to read someday. Or read the book reviews in
Catholic periodicals to find a new source. Sometimes one good read is enough to renew
the mind and just think differently about things. Ask other folks in ministry what they
are reading. James Martin’s “Lives of the Saints” and Richard McBrien’s “The Church”
have been recommended recently. Thelma Hall’s “Too Deep for Words” and Elizabeth
Johnson’s “Quest for the Living God” are two on my list. Perhaps most of all, it is
important to open the heart to the surprise of God’s unpredictable grace in the people and
events of summer’s days. For when the pace slows, we are more apt to find that the
promised Spirit is indeed ever near, and to trust that it is God’s work, not our own, that
will be done.
As June begins, I am still on empty. But I look forward to summer’s gift of time and
change of pace. In God’s time, restoration and renewal will come. And so will fall. In
the days to come, I pray for energy and desire to walk by faith when the end is not clear,
and to believe that the Spirit will once more find a way to use the tiny mustard seed of
my faith to do its part in building the kingdom.
Yours in Christ, your chaplain
Father Joe
Rev. Joseph Orlandi
Camp Merry Heart 2012
On Saturday April 28, 2012 we had our third annual work party day at Camp Merry
Heart. We had 11 Knights, and 10 Squires participate. We were able to complete 8
Installed a washer and dryer.
Raked several acres of leaves.
Installed a 220 volt outlet for maintenance equipment.
Demolished an old unsafe pavilion and outhouse.
Painted the new boat storage building.
Installed trim moldings on the new boat house.
Removed, reframed and reinstalled 3 windows on dining hall.
Installed trim moldings on a deck.
Large thanks to: Brother Rob Wasik, who was able to arraign a donation from the PBA to
pay for many of the materials that were needed, and to Brother Phil Graziano, for
cooking trays of meatballs and sausage and peppers, which guaranteed no one was
Thanks to the Squires who were there:
Jyrelle Garcia
Geno Go
PJ Farruggia
MJ Merkl
William Papa Jon Rohe
Justin Savastano Timmy Watral
Thanks to the Knights who were there:
Rich DiCicco
Paul Farruggia
Wally Krake
Pete Longo
Steve Sanmarco
John Watral
Neil Merkl
Isaac Santiago
Al Go*
Doug Horn*
Andrew Miller Tom Rohe
*Soon to be Knights
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Rohe
3rd Degree Exemplification
On Sunday June 24 Father Joseph Cassidy Council 6100 will host a 3
Degree Exemplification. Sign-in will be in the Parish Center at 3:30pm. The
Degree start time will be 4:00 pm.
Note: All candidates and Sponsors must wear jacket and tie. There will be no
exceptions. Candidates must have current 2 Degree membership card.
Contact: John Walsh, District Deputy, home phone (862-250-0712)
Blood Drives
Council 6100 will sponsor Blood Drives
on Sunday, July 15 and Sunday,
October 21 . They will be held in the
Parish Center from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
Call Tim Goodhue, chairman for this
event if you would like to donate either
whole blood or platelets. He can be
reached at (973) 252-4663. The Blood Drive in January resulted in 35 pints
collected and in March 50 pints were collected.
2012 Dues
Save the Council the postage to bill you. Send your 2012 dues in now and
get your travel card by return mail. Just cut out and use this form.
Also, please help us confirm your personal data by supplying the
Name: ____________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________
Wife’s Name: ______________________________________________
2012 Dues
Send to:
Gerard Petrocelli (FS)
Knights of Columbus
Council 6100
PO Box 204
Budd Lake, NJ 07828
Council 6100 Goods & Services Marketplace Concept
 An idea has been presented to establish a Goods & Service marketplace within
Council 6100.
 All Brothers are invited to participate. Here is how it will work:
 Gather the key minimum information about your business or
services that you may have to offer. This includes your name, phone
number, email, brief description of services able to provide, the
name of your business or if you are a sole proprietor, your license
number (if applicable), your company website (if applicable), and a
brief biography no more than 1 paragraph that is relevant to the
services that you are offering.
 Send this information to Andrew Miller by: e-mail to
[email protected], snail mail to 16 Wildwood Avenue,
Budd Lake, NJ 07828 or call at 917-327-7681.
 This information will be entered into a database and will generate a
list that will be shared with all Brothers at the next General Meeting
and will be included on the Council’s website and newsletter. In the
future, we may consider publishing a directory. Note that the
Council, St. Jude’s and Andrew Miller will have no liability as to the
quality of services provided.
 Buyers should contact sellers directly. Please perform whatever due
diligence you think is appropriate.
 If you have a good or bad experience with a seller, please feel free to
email or mail Andrew Miller with your input.
 Currently, there will be no cost for this service.
 Let’s work together and make this a success!
Name: _____________________________________________
Contact # ______________
E-mail _____________________________________________
License# (if applicable) _______________________________
Description of Services _______________________________
Invitation to Pray With Fellow Brothers and Their Families
Brothers - All are invited to pray Evening Prayer in the Daily Chapel at 7:00
p.m. each Sunday. This time of prayer and meditation is only for a halfhour. Evening Prayer is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the
Divine Office. In the Liturgy of the Hours, The Church fulfills Jesus’
command to “pray always” (Luke 18:1; see also 1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Through this prayer, the people of God sanctify the day by continual praise
of God and prayers of intercession for the needs of the world.
Insurance Message
Insurance Check-up for 2012
An insurance check-up can be as important as an annual physical. Unlike many other
products, you don’t just need money to obtain life insurance, long-term care or disability
income insurance. You also need good health, and no one knows when your health could
Did you take time out of your schedule last year to meet with us? If you did, thank
you for seeing us and helping secure your financial future. I will be in touch with you to
schedule your annual review to verify that everything is heading in the right direction.
We’ll make sure that if your goals and budget have changed, your plan still works for
If you didn’t have a meeting with us last year, I hope you will answer my invitation
this year. It’s a wise idea to have an expert look at your finances. Schedule some time to
visit with me, your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, and I’ll provide an
insurance check-up that will quickly identify any gaps in your family’s life insurance
Did I mention my check-up is free of charge? When was the last time you received
something for free that could be providing value to you and your family for generations?
And I’ll come to your house when it fits your schedule. Call me today at (973-551-0763)
or e-mail: [email protected] for an appointment. Call me – let’s talk. I want to
hear from you.
Joseph B. Barrett, Jr. PGK, Field Agent
Council Magazine Fundraiser
By now most of you have heard about the new Magazine Fundraiser that Council 6100 is
running in conjunction with St. Jude Parish. In these difficult economic times we have looked
at many ways to minimize the impact on our community as we seek ways to raise funds. We
think the Magazine Fundraiser is a very positive way to move forward quickly without asking
anyone to spend one additional penny over what you may be currently spending.
The plan makes it is easy to participate. If you, your family or friends are already buying
any magazines, by just renewing them through our program, 40% of the total cost will be
returned to the Council.
All of this can be done on the internet without any paperwork. Just
www.qsp.com/store/index.aspx and you will enter the QSP Magazine Store that contains
over 700 of today’s most popular magazines at prices that are most often lower than the
publishers’ offers. You can also enter through our website: www.kofc6100.org and clicking
on the Magazine Program listed on our Home Page.
Also, you do not have to wait for your current subscriptions to expire. Just simply mark
the order as a renewal and copy your name exactly as it appears on your current issues and
your subscriptions will be automatically extended. Of course, you can purchase new
subscriptions too!
Remember 40% of your total cost will be returned to the Council.
The success of this program relies on offering this opportunity to as many
people as possible. Why not ask your family and friends to help, or consider asking
your doctor or dentist who normally have tons of magazines. Tell them it will not
cost them any additional money to be part of this worthy effort. Brother who do not
have the opportunity to help with other fundraisers can easily help by simply
forwarding this email to their friends.
This program is ongoing all year and you can renew your subscriptions at any time. Also,
we will be sending email reminders periodically, so be on the lookout for them!
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, you can contact the
program chairman, Ernie DiCicco, or myself at [email protected] or [email protected]
Vivat Jesus
Dave Teller, Past Grand Knight
Editor’s Corner
June Birthdays – Happy Birthday to the following
Andrew Baik (24 )
Salvatore Bellacomo (27 )
Andrej Bijowski (12 )
Richard J. Bonannella (29 )
James P. Byrne (18 )
John F. Cole (11 )
Frank L. Commesso (4 )
Glenn Conte (21 )
Nicholas V. DiRienzo (17 )
Lindbergh H. Ehrhardt (2 )
Robert T. Gall (26 )
Felix J. Graziano (29 )
Joseph Hruby (31 )
Jeffrey R. Johnson (27 )
John P. Licitra (31 )
Dennis K. Mok (7 )
John E. Nevola (27 )
Michael P. Otto (22 )
Joseph R. Perosa (14 )
Gary Proto (24 )
Paul J. Przyblyinski (31 )
Tony Quinones (9 )
Robert Sacco (8 )
Vincent J. Scibetta (14 )
Robert A. Scirocco (16 )
Gregory J. Strzepek (15 )
Christopher S. Sumski (16 )
Joseph A. Tarallo (19 )
Hope I have not missed recognizing anyone’s birthday.
Please take a moment to pray to our Lord and Savior for our sick and
departed Brothers and Sisters.
Your thoughts and prayers are
powerful gifts to God that can help those in need.
Pray for the Departed – Please remember in your prayers:
For all the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon, including Mark Petrocelli (nephew of brother Gerard
Petrocelli), the passengers and crews aboard AA Flights 11 and 77 and UA Flights 93
and 175 and all the gallant rescue workers of the NYFD, NYPD and PA personnel who
gave their lives trying to save others.
For the valiant members of our military and our coalition military who have lost their
lives fighting against the Iraqi Regime and terrorism throughout the world. And for
all the innocent lives lost due to war, terror, natural disasters and famine around the
Council 6100 Grand Knights
George Byron
Mitsie Kruzel (Charter Member)
James Lewis
Roger McGuire (Charter Member)
Joseph F. O’Connor, FDD, PFN Richard Phillips (Charter Member)
Francis P. Ruggiero, FDD (Charter Member)
Council 6100 Charter Members
Norman Gerard Donoghue
Nicholas Esposito
John Grimes
George S. Gutleber Sr.
Patrick Murray Sr.
John F. O’Malley
Stefan Poplawski, Jr.
Council 6100 Members
Gregory Alli
Joe Bellacomo
Rev. Joseph A. Cassidy
Ernest A. DiCicco Sr.
Joseph J. Gurrera
Robert King Sr.
Peter Volpe
Moises Asaf
Angelo Baranello
Harvey Boyce
William P. Calvani
Charles F. Clines
Thomas C. DeLalla
Joseph Ferrucci Jr.
Robert T. Gilmartin
Bill Herles
James F. Kearney
Joseph M. Peters
Richard F. Spitzer Sr.
Stanley Zagorski
Pope John Paul II
Mother Teresa
Franciscan Sister Dolores Alfone, taught in Paterson Diocesan schools
Sister Mary Dorothy Binder, Sister of the Sorrowful Mother, administration nurse in
several Diocesan hospitals
Franciscan Sister Cosimina Capasso, Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth
Salesian Father Clement Cardillo, former pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Paterson
Filippini Sister Ann Marie Cervasio, taught in Paterson Diocesan schools
Deacon Robert Cote, of Blessed Kateri Parish in Sparta
Filippini Sister Ester Del Duca, first native-born American to lead order
Filippini Sister Theresa DiNicola, taught at Paterson Diocese elementary schools
Franciscan Sister Rene Donohue, principal of St. Philip School in Clifton
Sister Mary Francis Eiden, Sister of Christian Charity, taught in Denville
Sister Helen Jean Everett, Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth, taught at Academy of St.
Cardinal John Foley, Catholic communicator
Dominican Sister Catherine James Hanley, taught at several Diocesan schools
Sister Julitta Heinen, Sister of Christian Charity, former Assumption College president
Sister Jean Hekker, taught in Diocesan schools for 47 years
Father Joseph Kiernan, served at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in West Milford
Deacon Albert Klose, served at St. Mary’s Parish in Boonton and a 4th Degree Knight
Sister Jean Marie Krueger, taught at several Diocesan Parishes & health care facilities
Sister Mary Loretta, of the Hermits of Bethlehem in the Heart of Jesus
Sister Irene Neely, Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth, taught at Catholic Schools in Diocese
Father Jeremiah O’Riordan, Paterson Diocesan priest and former U.S. Air Force chaplain
Filippini Sister Antoinette Pagano, former teacher at Villa Walsh Academy
Deacon Frank Para, of St. Virgil Parish in Morris Plains and a 4th Degree Knight
Bishop Emeritus Andrew Pataki, of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic
Filippini Sister Antoinette Petrizzo, taught at former Sacred Heart School in Clifton
Sister Ann Reyes, Dominican Sisters of Hope, taught at St. Mary High School in Paterson
Sister Josephine Mary Ricciuti, Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth, music teacher
Sister Mary David Role, Sister of the Sorrowful Mother, teacher and pastoral care
Benedictine Sister Giles Sharkey, taught at former Paterson Catholic High School and
at Pope John XIII High School in Sparta
Benedictine Brother Brendan Alfred Tumulty, of St. Mary’s Abbey
Jesuit Father Thomas Walsh, served at Loyola House of Retreats in Morristown
Sister Cecelia Whitleigh, Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Conception, served in
Paterson Diocese
Salesian Father Frank Wolfram, taught at Don Bosco Technical High
Salesian Father Vincent Zuliani, taught at Don Bosco Academy in Newton
Dominick A. Calabrese, PSD, KSG
Joseph M. Cummings, Jr., PSD
Hugh DeFazio, PSD
Paul R. Heitman, Sr., PSD
William J. Kennedy, PSD
Jim Lowe, PSD
Ray O’Brien, PSD
Dr. Arthur J. Bracuti, retired coworker of Brother Gregg Buckalew
James W. Evers, friend of Brother Gerard Petrocelli’s family
Andrew Frey, friend of Council member
Philip J. Ganguzza Sr., St. Jude parishioner
Loretta Gordon, friend of Council member
Cecelia A. Kurkewicz, aunt of Brother Gregg Buckalew
Michael A. Legora, husband of Margaret, a St. Jude Rosarian
Joseph Moccio, father-in-law of Brother Dennis Mok
Lawrence “Larry” McEntee, father of Brother Lawrence McEntee Jr.
Michael Pracell, friend of Council member
Robert Sabella, Brother Jeffrey Sabella’s brother
Frank Siino, Brother Tony Siino’s father
Joann A. Sullivan, Brother Gerald Sullivan’s mother
John Sweltz, Brother Kevin Cunnion’s father-in-law
John Ward, friend of Gerard Petrocelli
Please Note: Deceased Brothers of Council 6100 and past State Officer’s will remain
on the above list. All others will be removed after six months but they will always be
remembered in our prayers.
Pray for the Recently Sick and Infirmed – Please remember in your prayers:
Council 6100 Members
John Abbott
Sal Bellacomo
Reinaldo Colon
Anthony Fernandez
Felix (Phil) Graziano
Charlie Lipscomb
Joseph Perosa
Steve Ruffini
Gerry Sullivan
Charles Andershonis
Rich Biunno
Lenny Ehrhardt
E. Carroll Gagnon
Robert LaLonde
Joe Mitru
Ray Perkins
Frank Ruggiero
Steve Sammarco
Bob Wasik
Ray Vonderheide Sr.
Andrew Augustine
Jim Byrne
Joseph Faraci
Joe Giannone
Dominick Legora
Bill Nolan
George Petino
Bob Sacco
Joe Terrezza
Julie Allbritton
Ann Marie Andershonis
Charlie Andershonis, Brother Charles Andershonis’ grandson
Ralph Apicella
John Arsi
Gus Bakogiannis
Anthony Balalament
Emily Banchansky
Father Stan Baron
Joan Barrett
Joseph Barrett Sr.
Michael Basciano
Arnold Berghorn
Anton Bernhard
Rose Bernard
John Biondi Sr.
Alyssa Bray
Dave Brown
Homer Buckalew
Irene Buckalew
Rosie Burrafato
Noreen Butler
Ginnie Cagioumi
Sue Carlson
Kent Carson
Kim Cassula
Ed Chewey
John Ciborski
Virginia Clark
Kevin Cleary
Lee Clowers
Meghan Collins
Katrina Alessia Colon
Joe Collucci
Billie Crino
Katlyn Cross
Michael Crush
Jean Daoust
Jerry Darly
Agnes DeLalla
Grace DeLalla
Tom DeLalla Sr., Brother Tom DeLalla’s father
Tricia DeLalla
Dolores Delaroski
Tony Demaio
Betty Ann Devlin
Kim Dillard
Lynn Dowling
Joan Doyle
Byron Dutko
Collette Eden
Janet Ehrhardt
Terry Farina
Florence Ferris
Ed Flizack
Michael Fontneau
John Fortunato
Deacon Tom Friel
Brandon Glyn-Young Chris Graziano
Denise Greiner
Jude Guarnieri
Mildred Guider
Jane Hack
George Hansen
Bobby Hatz
Donald Hayes
Ann Hiler
Kathleen Hogan
Mary Hrudy
Lily Hung
Colin Hyland
Rose Jennings
Diane Johnson
Luther Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Kurt Kaltwasser
Gerard Kaufhold, Jr.
Mary Kaufhold
Gloria Kelchner
Reagan Kieny
Catherine King
Marge Kiselyk
Martin Kiulehan
Maria Kovach
Joan Kowalski
Marie Kreseski
Amelia Krush
Michael Krush
Helen Kurkewicz
Debbie Kuzma
Charlie Lane
Rose LaRosa
Sal LaRosa
Deidre LaValle
Joanne Lawler
Lou Legora
Mike Legora
Antoinette Leland
Helen Leval
Giovanna Loiacono
Micky LoPresti
Howard Lucas
Chris Macklaughlin
Marion Maher
Linda Mallon
Bill Manville
Herb Marcelino
Chris Martin
Joseph Martin
Jessica Martinez
Gina Maselli
Mike McCann
Richard McColligan
Robert McGomery
Joe Miller
Joseph Mitru Sr.
Nicolas A. Mitru
Ginny Moller
John Monisteros
Jayson Morris
Kevin Moss
Sharon Moyer
Father Pat Mullen
Jan Musgrave
Lisa Naomi
Gerard Navarro
Maureen Negri
Mary Neirlich
Thomas Neirlich
Katerie Nolan
Patricia Nolan
Rudy Nordman
Marie O’Connor
Charley O’Neal
Teresa Orlandi
Jay Painter
Dorothy Parente
Fierello Parente
Steve Pellito
Will Penniston
Marion Peterson
Chris Phaneuf
Thailer Powell
Joanne Przybylinski
Theresa Puca
Dan Quigley
Eileen Quigley
John Raab
Joan Reid
Rev. James Reilly
Donna Rennals
Tish Rohe
Robert Rose
Lt. Colonel Jim Rudolf
Anthony Ruggiero
Ellen Rutherford
Don Ryan
Sue Ryan
Bob Sarlett
Nancy Sasso
Anne Marie Schlinck
Mary Schluensen
Michael Schulman
Joe Seali
Sussie Seims
Gaurang Shah
Fran Shandick
Colin Singer
Steven Starri
Amy Storebeck
Eileen Stout
Christopher Sullivan
Tim Swaszek
Judy Teller
Melissa Teller
Mary Tessier
Maria Tetto
Jackie Thowe
Maryjean Tonkavich
Silvia Torres
Father Tom Trapasso
Frank Trotta
Joseph Truppo
Mickie Truppo
Eric Wood Uhrman
Scott Uhrman
Grace Ulianiello
Zig Ulinsky
Marge Vonderheide
Kathy Walters
Robert Wasik Sr.
Tom Weiss
Msgr. Jack Wherlan Al Whetmore
George Young
Henry Zwick
Also pray for the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces and our Allies fighting
terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and other terrorism throughout the world. Pray for
their success and speedy return,
For all the survivors of natural disasters in the United States, and natural disasters
throughout the world.
For the special intentions of Brother Rob Wasik, state corrections officer @ Northern
State Prison in Newark, wants us to keep his brother officers in your prayers, despite
the uprising in assaults & hazards they face, some suffer from tragedy. Please keep
these Officers in your prayers, they all just suffered life changing losses. Mike
Cintron (3 month old daughter killed in car accident, wife & mother in -law in
hospital), Angel Arroyo (father shot & killed walking his dog in newark Easter
Sunday), Terance Hooker (wife died suddenly 26 years old leaving him w/ 3 year old
girl), Moises Vasquez (mother passed) and Frank Melendez (diagnosed w/ cancer)
For the Penn State and University of Syracuse sexual abuse victims,
For the 22 Catholic churchmen, including New York Archbishop Timothy Michael
Dolan and Edwin Frederick O’Brien who Pope Benedict XVI brought into the elite
club of cardinals,
For State Chaplain Most Rev. Charles J. McDonnell, D.D. Aux. Bishop of Newark
(Retired) and State Secretary Wayne J. McCormack,
For the 45 seminarian candidates in the Paterson Diocese,
For the special intentions of Father Joseph Orlandi,
And lastly pray to the Blessed Mother for World peace.
A.S.A.P. - Always Say a Prayer
Editor’s Notes:
Get More Involved – As we enter June 2012 the calendar shows that we are a
Council with a hearty appetite for charitable and fraternal work. We have a wide
range of activities, either in progress, or planned for the near future. Every
activity needs chairmen and committee members. If you are not already as active
as you should be, you can see where the opportunities are. Attend the next
Business Meeting on Monday, June 11 at 8:00 pm to become more involved in
the Council’s good works.
Moving, Have a New E-Mail Address or Phone Number – If you are moving or
have moved, changed your e-mail address or phone number, please notify me.
It is important that we keep our records up to date.
A Very Happy Father’s Day from the Buckalew family to
all the Knights’ and other male relatives who are fathers.
Gregg Buckalew – editor
Telephone (908-852-9184)
e-mail address: [email protected]
Knights of Columbus on the Internet
For those Knights who like to visit cyberspace here are the following web
sites on the Internet to get information about the Knights of Columbus.
They are:
Supreme Council Website - (http://www.kofc-supreme-council.org) Site
consists of various webpages telling about who we are, how to join, up-todate news of the Order, information, history, photographs and more.
Knightsite - (http://www.knightsite.com/kofc.htm) Site consists of a
directory of over 120 individual web pages: a web page for each U.S. State
and Canadian Province, The Vatican website and the Supreme Council
Website; how to pray the rosary and various other pages of interest to
Brother Knights.
New Jersey State Council – (http://www.njkofc.org)
Council 6100 - has it’s own web site. Among the things on the web page
are the latest Council Newsletter, the Business Meeting highlights and the
Council Calendar for the next two months. It can be found at kofc6100.org
or as a link under the St. Jude Parish website: www.stjudeparish.org.
Other Interesting Websites:
The Paterson Diocese – http://www.patersondiocese.org
The Vatican – http://vatican.va
Eternal World Television Network – http://www.ewtn.com
NOTICE – As another means of relaying news about the Knights of
Columbus, Council 6100, etc., it is requested that all knights having e-mail
addresses provide them to me at my e-mail address listed here:
([email protected]). Sometimes the telephone tree does not always work
because members are not at home and do not have an answering machine.
This way if any news has to get out fast, an urgent e-mail message can be
sent to all those who have provided us with their e-mail addresses.
Business Meeting Highlights
The highlights of the Business Meeting of May 14 were as follows: (29
members present & DD John Walsh)
The following motions were presented to and voted upon by the Council
during this Business Meeting:
A motion was made by Rich DiCicco to pay the vouchers waiting to be
paid by the Council. Mike Mallon seconded the motion and it passed by
a unanimous voice vote.
1. Phil Graziano made the second reading of the motion for the Council
to donate $1,000.00 to the Selah Senior Care Center in Hackettstown to
help offset the cost of a surveillance system and other needs. The
motion was seconded by Joe Barrett and pased by a unanimous voice
2. A motion for the Council to donate $100.00 to Mt. Olive resident and
Stanhope Police Officer Joe Johnson, whose 2-year-old son is fighting a
rare form of brain cancer was made by Pete Longo. Gerald Kaufhold
seconded the motion and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
3. Phil Graziano made a motion for the Council to reimburse Tom Rohe
for the $157.00 he spent for the May Coffee’N. The motion was
seconded by Pete Longo and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
4. A motion for the Council to run a Giant Ticket Raffle (2 week vs
Tampa Bay) was made by Dave Teller. Wally Krake seconded the
motion and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
5. Joe Rhuby made a motion for the Council to donate $500.00 towards
a wheelchair purchase for Arthur Palmer’s handicapped child (the total
cost of the wheelchair will be shared among a group of local charities in
equal donations of $500.00). The motion was seconded by Dave Teller
and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
6. A motion for the Council to spend up to $500.00 for the 3 Degree to
be held by Council #6100 was made by Tom Rohe. Joe Devlin
seconded the motion and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
7. Rich DiCicco made a motion for the Council to spend up to $100.00
for refreshments to be served at the upcoming Squire Rose Circle
formation meeting and leader training kickoff (date to be determined).
The motion was seconded by Gerard Petrocelli and after a lengthly
discussion was tabled.
8. A motion for the Council to donate $350.00 towards Father Dan’s
East Meets West Festival was made by Tom Rohe. Joe Devlin
seconded the motion and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
Tom DeLalla presented the slate of officers for the upcoming Columbian
year (2012-21013) to be voted on at the next business meeting (June
11 ).
Grand Knight – John Mania
Deputy Grand Knight – Joe Hruby
Chancellor – Gerald Kaufhold
Recorder – Jim Rennals
Treasurer – no candidate
Advocate – Phil Graziano, PGK
Warden – Michael Mallon
Inside Guard – Peter Longo
Outside Guards – Wally Krake
Trustee (3 Year) – David Teller
Trustee (2 Year) – Thomas DeLalla
Trustee (1 Year) – Joseph Mitru
Tom Rohe placed his name in nomination for the Treasurer’s post.
Report by
– Tom Rohe Council Recorder
On The Lighter Side
Find a passion and pursue it. Dream big. Laugh everyday. Believe in
magic. Tell stories.
Reminisce about the good old days but look with optimism to the future.
Travel often. Learn more. Be creative. Spend time with people you
Seize opportunities when they reveal themelves. Love with all you heart.
Never give up. Do what you love. Be true to who you are. Make time to
enjoy the simple things in life.
Spend time with family. Forgive even when it’s hard. Smile often.
Be grateful. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Follow your
Try new things. Work hard. Don’t count the minutes, count the laughs.
Embrace change. Trust yourself. Be thankful.
Be nice to everyone. Be happy.
Live for today. And above all make every moment count!!!
(submitted by Lisa Brett Pignataro, Special Projects Coordinator, Mt. Olive
Other Council Activities
Bingo – Phil Graziano is the head of the Bingo Committee. The Council is still in
dire need of a few ‘Good Knights’ to adequately staff our bingo teams. I hope the
Council will help fill the voids now present on all bingo teams. If a few ‘Good
Knights’ with nothing to do one Friday evening per month would volunteer their
time between 6:30 PM and 11:30 PM (only five+ hours per month), we would be
able to fully staff our four bingo teams. If you can not volunteer five hours per
month, perhaps you could volunteer a few hours of your time per month. If you
can volunteer in any way please call Phil at (908)979-3375 or e-mail:
[email protected].
Coffee N’ – Is held on the first Sunday of every month after the 8:00, 9:30 and
11:00 Mass. Council 6100 will host the Coffee N’, in the months of February,
May, and November. Brother Tom Rohe has agreed to run the next few Coffee
N’s but we will need to have a few brothers to step up and help Tom to run these
Coffee N’s. The job entails shopping for the needs of the day, organizing the
work schedule for the day and just getting the job done. If you can help in any
way please let Tom know, (973-426-9394).
Campbell Soup Label Collection – Brother Victor Farina is collecting Campbell
Soup labels as a donation to acquire books from the Library of Congress for the
Blind and Disabled. Bring your labels to the next Business Meeting for Victor.
Father Dan’s Musical Concert Website – BIG NEWS – WE HAVE A WEBSITE
CONCERTS – www.splatterconcerts.com. We're also on Facebook and My
Space under Splatter Concerts – our new name! It's been a VERY rough year
for us financially, and we don't know how much longer we can continue without
getting more people through the doors for the shows. It's been a GREAT year
musically, with Ian McLagan, Donna Jean Godchaux, Ana Popovic, Smokin' Joe,
Bill Kirchen, and The New Riders of the Purple Sage, but all of the above shows
except Smokin' Joe have run in the red, so please come out if you want the
music to continue! Shows at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center, 60 North
Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ 07981. Food Available – Have dinner with us!
Reverend Daniel D. Staniskis, phone (973-585-7175).
Squires – The Thomas Christopher DeLalla Columbian Squires Circle 2192
now consists of approximately 18 active members. Recent elections for new
officer’s resulted in The Chief Squire is Chris Watral, the Deputy Chief Squire is
Kevin Scimecca, Bursar is Thomas Petrocelli and the Notary is Jon Rohe...
Brothers John Watral, Joe D’Anna, Tom Rohe, and Gerard Petrocelli are the
acting Councilors. The Circle meets on the second Thursday of the month at
8:30pm. Any boy between the ages of 10-17 is eligible to join. Anyone
interested please call John Watral (973)691-9189, email to [email protected]
or Tom Rohe (973) 479-5067.
Classified Ads
For $25.00 your ¼ page ad can appear here for one year (12 issues)
For Rent
3 bedroom Condo in Wildwood
1-1/2 blocks from boardwalk and
convention center
Weekly rentals or minimum 2 night
Available April through November
Contact PGK Felix (Phil) Graziano
Computer Repairs / Upgrades, etc.
Richard DiCicco, PGK – Council 6100
Phone Number: (908) 813-9605
Email: [email protected]
Service call fee $25.00
CALL ROB WASIK 201-317-9535
(Newsletters are printed by LPI)
Next Business Meeting
Monday, June 11
8:00 PM – Parish Center
Be there 30 minutes early; pray the Rosary with us in
reconciliation area of the church
is a monthly publication of
Knights of Columbus
Father Joseph A. Cassidy
Council 6100
Budd Lake, New Jersey
John Mania
Grand Knight
Call: Field Agent
Joseph B. Barrett Jr.PGK
Gregg Buckalew
Deadline for columns, articles, event
notices and letters is the last Sunday of
the month. Materials for publication
should be sent or given to the Editor on
or before that day.
Mail to:
Gregg Buckalew,
Editor 61-HUNDRED,
P. O. Box 157
Tranquility, NJ 07879
e-mail –
[email protected]
Don’t wait for someone
else to do it
Join a committee,
be active, make a
Immediate openings,
No offer of help refused.
Grand Knight
John Mania
Telephone (908-852-9184)
e-mail address:
[email protected]