GOOD SHEPHERD CHILTON, WISCONSIN June 12, 2016 MISSION STATEMENT Good Shepherd Parish fosters a Catholic community dedicated to worship, education, moral values and social justice by prayer, service and sharing through the grace of God, for the salvation of all. Good Shepherd Parish - 2 Parish Office 62 E. Main Street Chilton, WI 53014 Office Hours Mon. thru Thur. 8 am - 4:30 pm Fri. 8 am - noon Ministry Office (920) 849-9363 Catholic School (920) 849-4141 Religious Ed. (117) (920) 849-9363 Pastoral Team & Staff Fr. Ryan Krueger Pastor Dennis Bennin Deacon Sandy Winkel Business Manager Angeline Heiberger RE Coordinator Michelle Blatz Music/Liturgy Coord. Diane Schneider Admin. Assistant Liz Rollmann Principal Chilton Area Catholic School Phone 849-4141 Cafeteria ext. 301 849-4141 or 849-9363 Convent 849-4377 Liz Rollmann Principal Board of Education LouAnn Buhl Dale Gebhart Kari Kahlow Ralph Prescott Connie Schaefer Karen Schuette Melissa Sosa Pat Winkler Religious Education Angeline Heiberger Jubilee Year of Mercy – Plenary Indulgence An interesting and pertinent subject in this “Year of Mercy”, but what exactly is a Plenary Indulgence, and what is the Year of Mercy? I found the following definition which comes from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops website. beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/new-evangelization/jubilee-of-mercy/frequently-asked -questions-about-the-jubilee-of-mercy.cfm What is a jubilee year? The practice of a jubilee year has ancient roots in the Jewish tradition and evidence for it can be found in the Old Testament. The jubilee year was called every fifty years and was a time for forgiveness. It stood as a reminder of God's providence and mercy. The dedication of a year for this emphasis provided the community with a time to come back into right relationship with one another and with God. As the practice of the jubilee year was adopted into the Catholic Church, these themes of mercy, forgiveness, and solidarity continued. How is this Jubilee different from other Jubilee years? The Jubilee of Mercy that Pope Francis has called, from December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016, is an Extraordinary Jubilee. This designation as an "Extraordinary Jubilee" sets it apart from the ordinary cycle of jubilees, or holy years, which are called every 25 years in the Catholic Church. By calling for a holy year outside of the normal cycle, a particular event or theme is emphasized. For example, Pope Francis called this particular Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy to direct our attention and actions "on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father's actions in our lives . . . a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective". After reading the above perhaps you have a better understanding of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, but what is a Plenary Indulgence? This may be a little more complicated, so carefully read the following which came from the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. What is a Plenary Indulgence? An indulgence is the remission in the eyes of God of the temporal punishment due to sins, the guilt of which has been absolved through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Christian faithful who are rightly disposed and observe the definite, prescribed conditions gain this remission through the effective assistance of the Church. A plenary indulgence frees a person from all of the temporal punishment due to sins and may be gained only once on any one day. Indulgences are only applicable to oneself and to the dead. 849-2717 849-2149 920-979-1844 849-2589 920-418-1943 920-418-0293 920-464-0211 920-418-3111 849-9363 Ext. 117 Good Shepherd Council Members Gertie Bonlander 849-2169 Thomas Heiberger 418-4005 Joseph Kasper 849-2873 Lori Krause 849-3531 Debra Murphy 775-4057 Jeff Olson 849-7085 Bev Wittmus 849-2490 Stephen Woelfel 849-9482 Parish Trustees Glen Calnin, Trustee-Treasurer Debra Murphy, Trustee-Secretary Parish Email: [email protected] View bulletin online: Now that we have a better understanding of how to gain an indulgence, how do we go about obtaining an indulgence? Here are some suggestions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. By having the intention of acquiring the indulgence, going to confession (before or after the visit), receiving Holy Communion (before or after the visit), making a profession of faith, praying for the Holy Father and for the intentions that he bears in his heart for the good of the Church and of the entire world, be truly free form all attachments to sin, while doing any of the following: a. By visiting one of the following Diocesan Doors of Mercy; - St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Green Bay, WI - Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, Champion, WI - National Shrine of St. Joseph, Old St Joseph’s Church, De Pere, WI b. By personally performing one or more of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. I pray each of us consider this opportunity given to us by Pope Francis, and as he clearly stated: "Here, then, is the reason for the Jubilee: because this is the time for mercy. It is the favorable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary of meeting all those who are waiting to see and to touch with their hands the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer everyone, everyone, the way of forgiveness and reconciliation”. Good Shepherd Parish - 3 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS AND SERVICES Saturday, June 11 - Saint Barnabas, Apostle 3:00 pm Confessions 4:00 pm +Kenneth Kuhn 60th Wedding Anniversary Don & Lila Kampfer Sunday, June 12 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am Confessions 8:00 am +Walter, Monica Dougoveto & Zygmunt, Angeline Gross Families 9:00 am Confessions 10:00 am +Ken Bastian and John & Verna Daul Parish Fiscal Year 7/1/2015-6/30/2016 Stewardship Review as of 6/5/2016 (week 49 of 52) Last Week Actual Budgeted Gain (Short) Envelopes $ 19,630.75 $ 9,905.77 $ 9,724.98 Loose Offering $ $ May Direct Deposit $ Stewardship 577.88 $ 3,213.00 682.69 --- (104.81) $ 3,213.00 $ 23,421.63 $10,588.46 $12,833.17 YTD Actual Gain (Short) YTD Budgeted Monday, June 13 - Saint Anthony of Padua Thru week 49 of 52 $503,949.82 $518,834.54 Tuesday, June 14 - Weekday 4:30 pm No Mass 3 weeks remaining $ 31,765.46 Fiscal Year Budget $550,600.00 ($14,884.72) Wednesday, June 15 - Weekday 8:30 am No Mass Thursday, June 16 - Weekday 9:00 am No Mass Century Ridge Friday, June 17 - Weekday 8:30 am No Mass Saturday, June 18 - Weekday 3:00 pm Confessions 4:00 pm +Harold, Agnes and Leroy Schmitz Sunday, June 19 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am Confessions 8:00 am +Ron Meyers 9:00 am Confessions 10:00 am +Bruce Miller Guidelines for Mass Intentions: Per Person 1 Weekend Mass & 1 Daily Mass per year. I will be taking Mass Intentions for the year 2017 starting July 1, 2016. Thank you for your understanding. Welcome to Good Shepherd Parish We are happy that you decided to worship with us. If you are visiting just for today, we pray that God will be with you on your journey. If you are seeking a church home, we would be honored to welcome you into our parish community. If you are interested in joining our parish family, please call the Parish Office at 920-8499363. Church Fiscal Year Ends on June 30, 2016. The church fiscal year ends on June 30, 2016. Recently a stewardship statement was mailed to all parishioners showing your stewardship contribution for the period of 7/1/20155/8/2016. If you did not receive your statement or have questions please feel free to call the office at 849-9363. Thank you to all of you who generously support Good Shepherd Parish throughout the year. We are hoping with everyone’s help, we can make our budget for the third year in a row. Trustee Election This Weekend – Wisconsin State Law requires a parish lay trustee to be elected every two years by members of the parish and approved by the Bishop. This weekend at all of the masses we will hold the election for the position of Secretary Lay Trustee. Debra Murphy is running unopposed. Green Thumb Society In Need of Your Help – Do you love the outdoors? Do you love beautiful flowers and plants? Do you love to garden? Do you have an hour or two each week? Do you like to volunteer? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then we need you! We are looking for people to help with the upkeep of our beautiful flower pots and flower beds around the campus. Watering, weeding and some planting are the main duties. If you are interested in keeping our grounds looking lovely throughout the year, please give us a call to help out (849-9363). Good Shepherd Parish - 4 RELIGIOUS ED NEWS HEADS UP FOR THE WEEK Look into the Summer Retreats! RETREAT OPTIONS See the June Family Email for more information about retreat options for all ages! Between Camp Tekakwitha ( or CYE (, there is a spiritual retreat for your child to attend this summer! Many invest in their children's’ sport activities, so please, invest in their spiritual growth as well! FIRST COMMUNION PICTURES Please come by the Rectory and pick up your first communion pictures. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, please contact Guellers directly. TEACHERS NEEDED We desperately need Catholics who love their faith and want to share their love of Jesus with the youth. CALL ME if you are thinking of giving of your talents in this area of the church!!!! I have lots of openings, especially with middle school and high school classes. Please pray about it, and call me. If you are apprehensive, we can always partner you up with someone to help get you started in the teaching world. CLASS TIME CHANGE Starting this Fall (RE Year 2016-2017), ALL 1st-5th grade classes will be held at the early time slot: 3:304:45pm. The 6:00-7:15 session will ONLY be for our older students in 6th-10th Grade. Confirmation students (Junior Class) will, more or less, follow the same schedule as far as having class on Wednesday nights, but Confirmation class time will be from 6:45 - 8:00pm MISSION STATEMENT As always, we entrust our program to Our Lady of Good Help, who asked Sister Adele, “teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, and how to approach the sacraments; this is what I wish you to do.” Let us ask her to help our parish RE program flourish in its’ mission which is: To provide an adequate spiritual and catechetical formation for our youth, so they may enter the world equipped with grace, knowledge, and a relationship with our heavenly Father.” Our Lady of Good Help ~ Pray for the RE Families God Bless You & Your Family Angeline Heiberger 920-418-5077 [email protected] JESUS & COMPANY IT WAS really great to watch all you Seniors live out your graduation day last Sunday (June 5). It all started when you began the day with the Mass at 10 am as all your smiling faces showed up to share this God-time with each other for the last time as a group. Then your families got you posed on the church steps for pictures. It was a beautiful site...even without a camera. Then we took a short break before we were able to see you parade into the gym at 1:00 pm to really make this YOUR day! So now you will move on with your lives (with diplomas in hand) and search out new challenges in which-ever direction you choose to go. Yes, your faces are now on the Memories Wall in the Upper Room taking their place alongside the memory–makers that have gone on ahead of you. We just hope you will give us the joy and pleasure to move away slowly by still spending some Wednesday nights with us before you pack your bags to move out into your new worlds that will excite you. So to each of you….have a great life and come to see us when you can. Just because you are “old” doesn’t mean you aren’t welcome….the door is always open and we don’t check for proof of age! THOSE BLANK sign-on sheets on the table are starting to scare us a bit. We are still planning on our trip to Champion and the Shrine (Our Lady of Good Help). That’s on July 13 and it will be a Wednesday-all-day. This is special because we want to do another prayer session for 3 of our own. If for some reason we can’t get this to happen we will set a prayer session for them in church after our July Youth Mass. But the power of prayer is really powerful at the let’s make it happen, OK? LET’S NOT forget our Youth Mass on June 18th! Maybe this will give us a chance to get our new 7th graders involved, too. We saw quite a few of them involved in the Children’s Masses last year so let’s hope they still want to be involved. And do you remember….we just lost some very good Seniors last week….maybe we can ask them to stay on to help and be a part of us through the summer. But the important thing right now is….we need names-we need names! OUR SECRET angel is starting to brighten up our Mary Garden. Actually, there were 2 or 3 other angels that swooped down with financial gifts in their hands for us to buy lots of flowers. Well, it’s happening. By the time you read this Mary will have hopefully returned to her Garden to enjoy the view. That’s if we can find some big/strong guy to carry her to her place of honor in her Garden. CONSIDER THIS as an invitation. If your Wednesday nights in your busy summer find an open spot one day how about stopping in at the Room….the door is always open! JESUS - you certainly know how to get our attention! Good Shepherd Parish - 5 Events/Meetings Jesus & Company Youth meets every Wednesday in the Upper Room (convent) from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Due to painting, the school office will be open MondayFriday for the next week. Starting June 20th it will be open Tuesday-Thursday from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. In July the office hours are Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PAINTING: We are getting a fresh coat of paint and a new look at CACS. If any adult loves to paint and wants to help out, we are painting from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and again from 5:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. this week! We welcome all the help we can get! 3K ENROLLMENT: We have started a wait list for the 3K class. Currently our 3K class is full for the 2016-2017 school year. If we get enough additional registrations we will create another section. Don’t miss this opportunity for children that will be 3 years old by September 1st. It’s a great educational experience for your kids and when you break down the tuition cost it is only $1.72/hour! What a bargain! A faith filled educational environment for $1.72/hour! Wow! Contact the school office now to get your child on the list! 2016-2017 REGISTRATION: CACS offers classes for students in 3K through 8 th grades. If you have a child that will be 3 years old by September 1 st, please consider enrolling them in our 3K program. You have a three or five day option. We also offer a five day 4K program and a full day for students in 5K through Eighth grades. There is enrollment information at the entrances of church or you may contact the school office at 849-4141. BEFORE, EXTENDED AND AFTER CARE AVAILABLE: CACS has Before Care starting at 6:30 am, Extended Care from 11:00-3:00 p.m. and After Care from 3:005:00 p.m. This is a great benefit to help with your childcare needs. Please call the school office if you would like more information. TEACHERS NEEDED: CACS is looking for a part time middle school Math teacher and a part time PreK-8 Art teacher. Please contact Liz Rollmann at the school office for more information. LITTLE SHEPHERD PLAY GROUP: A play group for moms with children from birth to three has started at our school! It is held the 2nd and 4th Thursday’s of the month from 9:00-11:00a.m. All are welcome! SCRIP NEWS Remember, Scrip gift cards make the perfect graduation gifts! There are 100s of restaurants and retail stores to choose from. Don't forget about weddings (Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Target, Kohl's) and summer home improvement projects. We stock many of the big box stores along with local favorites like Farm & Home. Thanks for supporting CACS and getting your gift cards through our scrip program! ALUMNI NEWS: Congratulations to Michael East, Caleb Kopecky, and Hannah Reilly for their participation on the First Place 2016 Wisconsin Mathematics Council State Math Contest! Awesome job! UNITED COMMUNITY: Help raise money for CACS just by using your credit card! It is free to register: Visit and click “Join Now” CACS ADORATION HOUR: On June 14th the CACS adorers are Dan and Tracy Thielman. GOOD SEARCH: Please help us raise money for our school by using The Chilton Area Catholic School Mission is to educate the whole person, mind, body and soul following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Reconciliation/Confession are held on Saturday afternoons at 3:00 pm and Sunday mornings at 7:00 am and 9:00 am. Knights of Columbus Meetings - 3rd Monday of the month at Chilton Eagles, 6:30 lunch and meeting at 7 pm. The Good Shepherd Legion of Mary meets Tuesday at 2:15 pm. in the convent; come pray and share with us. St. Vincent DePaul Society, Local Assistance Line 920-809-5029. Food Collections-1st weekend of the month-baskets are at church entrances. Meeting 1st,& 3rd Tues. at 7 pm. In the convent-all are welcome and needed. Please consider attending! SVDP visits the home bound, helps with simple food and living needs of people in our local community. Life News - Right to Life meetings will be held at the Chilton Public Library, the second Monday of each month, 6:30 pm. Ultreya Meetings - are held the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the former Holy Rosary School, New Holstein. Prayer Shawl Ministry is held on the 4th Thursday of every month at the Public Library from 6 to 8 p.m. If you are in need of yarn we have some at the rectory that was donated. RE Committee Meetings are held the last Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Angeline’s Parents’ Home, 230 Spring St. All are welcome! Chilton Community Blood Drive - Eagles Club Chilton Hall 1041 Chestnut, Chilton. Monday, June 13, 11:30 - 5:30 p.m. Finance meets on June 29 at 5:30 p.m. & Capital Campaign at 6:30 p.m. Fortnight for Freedom is June 29 at 6:30 p.m., rosary and benediction. Good Shepherd Parish - 6 Liturgical Ministers June 18 & 19 Ext. Ministers of the Eucharist 4:00 p.m. Jeanette/Jerry Koenig, Beth Kopecky, Mary Pagel, Rosie Propson, Arlene Arenz 8:00 a.m. Karen Schuette, Chuck Schuknecht, Al Steiner, Pat Stenz, Ruth Thede, Mary Weber 10:00 a.m. Matt Lavey, Jerry Mallmann, Sandy Meyer, Sheila Oakley, Liz Rollmann, Connie Schaefer Lectors 4:00 p.m. Jesus & Company 8:00 a.m. Charles Schuknecht 10:00 a.m. Jerry Mallmann Servers 4:00 p.m. Amy and Nathan Schmitz 8:00 a.m. Grace and Frances Wenzel 10:00 a.m. Damian and Dakota Byng Ushers 4:00 p.m. Bev Wittmus and Paul Woelfel 8:00 a.m. Frank Schneider and Jim Sell 10:00 a.m. Tom Steiner, and Gene Jacobs Rosary Leaders 4:00 p.m. Rosemary Propson 8:00 a.m. Dave Bennin 10:00 a.m. Jerry Mallmann Check us out on the web: Prayer to the Sacred Heart: To you, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I devout my life. To you I consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings. You were pierced for my sake, I trust entirely in your mercy. I place all my confidence in you. Destroy in me all that is displeasing to you. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like yours. Seal yourself upon my heart. May I be a victim forever consecrated to your glory. May I live and die as your devoted servant. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I implore that I may love you more and more. Amen. ---------------------------------------Prayer to the Immaculate Heart: O Virgin Mary, Most Powerful Mother of Mercy, Queen of heaven and earth, in accordance with your wish made known at Fatima, I consecrate myself today to your Immaculate Heart. To you I entrust all that I have, all that I am. Reign over me, dearest Mother, that I may be yours in prosperity, in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, in life and in death. Most compassionate Heart of Mary, watch over me. Amen ST. MARY’S CEMETERY Burial Coordinator Needed Duties: Mark location of burials Schedule digger Close and finish site after burial is completed This is a paid position Call rectory for more info Maggie Mae The Calumet Medical Center Hospital Volunteers/Chilton are sponsoring a fundraiser featuring the talented Maggie Mae and her heartland Country Band. She will be performing at the Chilton Engler Center on Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $22 and reserved seats went on sale as of June 1 and may be purchased online at or by calling (866)967-8167. Tickets also are available and can be picked up at Great Midwest Bank. Please help support our local CMC Hospital by attending this event. Prayer Network—Please call Jackie 378-2754 or Ginny 849-4016 to be put on our prayer list.