M a r o n i t e M aga z i n e Maronite Catholic Chur ch Our LMaronite ady of the Cedars, Catholic Chur ch Woodmead Tel: 011 805 1305 Our 011 Lady the Cedars, Fax: 805of1306 W oodmead Email: Tel: 011 804 1305 [email protected] Fax: 011 804 1306 Our Lady of Lebanon, Email: Mulbarton [email protected] Tel: 011 432 5331 Our011 Lady Lebanon, Fax: 432 of 5312 Email: Mulbarton Tel: 011 432 5331 [email protected] Fax: 011 432 5312 Email: [email protected] Lebanese Family Club Lebanese heritage through L ebanese Family • family days Club dedicated to preserving our • family trees dedicated to preserving our heritage •Lebanese family booksthrough • family days websites • family trees health • family books Tel: 011 804 7566 • Fax: family 086 666 websites 5412 • family health Email: [email protected] Tel: 011 804 1305 [email protected] Fax: 08 66 66 5412 Email: Website: [email protected] Website: Postal Address: PO Box 76043, Wendywood, 2144 Postal Address: PO Box 76043, Office Hours: Wendywood, 2144 8:30-4:30, Mon - Fri. EdiOffice tor: Hours: Jeraldene 8:30-4:30,Coleman Mon - Fri. Fr. Nadim Abou Zeid M.L.M Family Club: Family Club Editor: Lauren Dos Santos Superior: Fr. Badaoui Habib M.L.M. May 2011 Ascension Thursday - Divine Separation Why is it that Ascension is a joyous occasion? After all Jesus is gone - yet again! When we lose our loved ones, the most devastating part of our loss is the fact that we can no longer see our loved ones. As Catholics, we believe that the dead rest with God and are embraced by His love, but this comfort only goes so far. Even Jesus wept for His friend Lazarus - even though He knew Lazarus was not lost forever. It is the separation that is most devastating. Can you imagine how hard it was for Jesus’ disciples and family? They had to say goodbye not once, but twice. First there was the gruesome, horrific death on a dark Friday and then Jesus is taken away from the people who love and need Him. It sounds quite cruel - I mean what kind of God would do this to someone twice and why would Luke record that the disciples were joyous? Since God became one of us in Jesus and embraced us with His love and promise of Eternal Life we know that Heaven is our reality. So why on earth were the disciples so happy? T h a t ’ s i t . . . W H AT O N E A R T H . . . Leaving this earth to follow Jesus is reason for joy. Jesus did not abandon His disciples - Not only did Jesus enter Heaven, but Heaven entered the disciples - Jesus remained with them in spirit His presence entered their hearts and souls. Ascension challenges us to journey not only towards the Heaven that will finally allow us to meet God, but Ascension is about celebrating Heaven that awaits us and Heaven that already lives in us. The revelation of God’s will for all creation is not just about a reconciled relationship with the Holy Trinity, it is also and equally about community with one another and the beauty within us. If we miss or neglect to do the Will of God, we miss or neglect the fullness of our faith and we miss and neglect the message revealed on the Feast of the Ascension. May this feast enable us to embrace Heaven in its fullness with all that we are and all that we have. Fr Maurice Chidiac Vice Superior of the Maronite Catholic Mission Divine Mercy Apostolate South Africa Apostle +27(0)76 891 6354 Joe Nassif +27(0)82 411 9352 Jesus I trust in you Our association in Johannesburg is involved with this great apostolic movement of the Divine Mercy Apostolate of Our Lord Jesus, which undertakes the spiritual heritage and the Mission of St Faustina. It is conducted namely by the Congregation of the Sisters of T Ohuery Lpalda yc eod f t M n di s, bwahcikc h S a i n t h ee rccr oy s isn uPp o nl a H F a u s t i n a w a s f o r m e d a s t h e A p o s t l e f o r t h e D i v i n e M e r c y o f O u r L Ye o r dt , Jneos ou ns e asnede mr ee dc et iov ec d a r eh e r m i s s i o n . The weight across His shoulders T h e c o n g r e g a t i o n i n J o h a n n e s b u r g w h i c h i s l e d b y J o e N a s s i f aSnede maesds im s toer de tbhya nt hH e eDciovui nl de bMe ea r. rcy Apostles, d e s i r e t o s h a r e i t s s p i r i t u a l i t y a n d a p o s t o l i c m i s s i o n w i t h t h o sTeh ew shpoi kweiss hw et roe f dorl il o v ewn hi e n r Ht irsa ch ea ns disn b e c o m i n g a Divine Mercy Apostle. And pounded through His feet The ones who had convicted Him To learn more about this mission you are cordially invited to atten d :r e c h e e r i n g i n t h e s t r e e t . We The Divine Mercy Seminar which is being held: E v e r y T h u r s d a y f r o m t h e 1 9 t h M a y t o t h e 9 t h J u n e 2 0 1 1 a t 7T: h0 e0 pc m r o.w n o f t h o r n s p l a c e d o n H i s h e a d Brought blood upon His brow T h e r e a f t e r y o u c a n j o i n J o e N a s s i f a n d t h e D i v i n e M e r c y A p o s t l eTsh ee vdea ryy oTf hpur rospdhae yc ya ht a7d: 0c0opmme , w h e r e t h e p r a y e r g r o u p g e t s t o g e t h e r i n p r a i s e a n d w o r s h i p , t h e s h a r i n g o f t h eHDe i vh iandet oM fearccey iat nndo w. Mass which is celebrated by Fr Fadi. The sins of man were laid to rest The Venue is: He bore a heavy loss Our Lady of Lebanon, Mulbarton The agony He must have felt As He hung there on the cross. All are welcome The innocent blood of Jesus Christ Wa s s h e d f o r a l l t o s e e For more information kindly contact one of the above numbers. The Son of God was crucified And died for you and me. May God be glorified in His mercy Divine Mercy Jesus I Trust In You The Mamluks or the Slaves in Power From the book “History of Lebanon” by Fr Charbel Habchi The Muqaddamin and their problems During the period in which there was relative autonomy the Muqaddamin represented the Patriarch more in civil matters than in religious. They rendered accounts to the N a i b o r t h e g o v e r n o r o f Tr i p o l i i n r e g a r d t o t h e taxes demanded by the c e n t r a l p o w e r. But at times the Muqaddamin were used by the Mamluks to limit the temporal power of the Patriarchs. The Mamlukes encouraged and strengthened the authority of the M u q a d d a m i n o f t h e d i s t r i c t s w i t h a v i e w t o g e t t h e t a x e s g a t h e r e d a n d d e l i v e r e d m o r e q u i c k l y. T h i s a n n o y e d t h e P a t r i a r c h s . The most famous of the Muqaddamin w a s J a c o u b I b n Ay o u b . He was nominated the Muqaddam of Becharra in the year 1382 until his death in 1444. He reached the highest position ever for a Muqaddamin; his authority extended to the whole of the North of Lebanon. Rarely there was a serious difference between the Muqaddamin and the religious authorities. Only once it did assume grave proportions. That was the case i n v o l v i n g t h e M u q a d d a m i n A b d e l M o n h e m Ay u b . H e w a s t h e g r a n d s o n o f t h e f a m o u s J a c o u b I b n Ay o u b m e n t i o n e d above. H e w a s t h e c a u s e o f s o m e d i s t u r b a n c e s i n t h e M a r o n i t e C h u r c h d u r i n g t h e s e c o n d h a l f o f t h e 1 5 t h c e n t u r y. Ehden in the old days E n c o u r a g e d b y t h e r u l e r s i n Tr i p o l i h e d e c l a r e d himself in support of the MonophysiteJacobites (a heretical group for they only believed in the divine nature of Jesus) and he built a church for them near his own home. These Monophysites used this opportunity to engage in proselytism. They recruited members from among the Maronites and used every chance they got to extend their sphere of influence.The Patriarch Boutros Joseph Ibn Hassan of Haddeth (1468-1492) did not take this lying down and move swiftly to remove the danger and bring back those who had strayed out of the true fold. But his attempts met with obstacles initiated by Abdel M o n h e m Ay u b a n d h i s f o l l o w i n g . I n 1 4 8 8 l o s i n g p a t i e n c e the Maronites of Ehden, in then north, wellknown for their courage and bravery had recourse to a “belt of the crosier”, that is to force. They simply expelled the Monophysitesfrom the whole region. In the words of Pierre Dib, ‘they cleansed the area of these troublemakers’. Abdel Monem Ay u b died in 1495 and the country settled downagain under the authority of his son who remained faithful to the faithof his forefathers. Among those who played a d e c i s i v e r o l e i n t h e r e t u r n t o n o r m a l i t y d u r i n g t h i s a f f a i r , i t i s w o r t h m e n t i o n i n g G a b r i e l I b n A l Q e l a h y. Gabriel Ibn Al Qelahy G a b r i e l I b n A l Q e l a h y l i v e d a t t h e s a m e t i m e a s A b d e l M o n h e m Ay u b a n d h e w a s t h e t o t a l l y o p p o s e d t o h i m . A s a t o w e r i n g f i g u r e h e d o m i n a t e d t h e h i s t o r y o f t h e M a r o n i t e s i n t h e 1 5 t h c e n t u r y. H e w a s b o r n i n t h e v i l l a g e o f Lehfed in the region of Jbeil around the year 1450 Father Gryphon during the time of his mission in L e b a n o n i n v i t e d t h e y o u n g G a b r i e l a l o n g w i t h t w o o t h e r y o u n g M a r o n i t e s t o j o i n t h e F r a n c i s c a n o r d e r. A f t e r t h e i r religious profession in Jerusalem the three young men went to Rome to prepare themselves for their religious life. Once their studies were completed they were ordained. Father Gabriel returned to Lebanon in 1493 and began his missionary and pastoral work. He fought forcefully against the Monophysites in his sermons and written works. He wrote some 500 letters to expose their e r r o r s . H e h a d t h e c o u r a g e t o p e r s o n a l l y c o n f r o n t A b d e l M o n h e m Ay u b and reprehended him for being a traitor to the faith of his forefathers. Patriarch Stephen El Douaihy (1670-1704) wearing the Pallium H e w r o t e w o r k s o f t h e o l o g y a n d h i s t o r y, l e t t e r s a n d p o e t r y. H i s poems were written in the common language of the people and he used this medium to great effect as they were readily understood by the masses. The Patriarch Stephen El Douaihy of Ehden (1670-1704) says: “ I t i s i m p o s s i b l e t o d e s c r i b e t h e s a n c t i t y o f I b n A l Q e l a h y, h i s d e e p and extensive knowledge, and the zeal with which he lifted the heart of the nation, not only during his life but after his death by means of his writings and books”. Many of his works and manuscripts are p r e s e r v e d i n t h e g r e a t L i b r a r i e s , s u c h a s t h a t o f t h e Va t i c a n , t h a t o f D e i r El-Kreim at Ghosta and that of Deir el-Banat at Jbeil. Boutros Daou in his work “The History of the Maronites” cites 49 books by Gabriel as well as 500 poems. His most famous works are “the Blessed Maronite” and the “Nomo-canons”. In addition he translated into Arabic eight pontifical letters sent to the Maronites. The translation is found i n t h e Va t i c a n L i b r a r y a n d t h e r e f e r e n c e i s c o d . Va t . A r a b . 6 4 0 , f o l . 26-37. In 1507 he was consecrated bishop of the Maronite Diocese of Cyprus, with his See in Nicosia. There he stayed until he died in 1516. He was the first historian of the Maronite Church and the first Maronite to have a profound knowledge of literature and acquaintance with European cultures. He was the first Maronite who was conversant with the Latin works which dealt with the origins of his Church. In this way he was well able to defend the ancient orthodoxy of the Maronite Church. Another great h i s t o r i a n , t h e P a t r i a r c h S t e p h e n E l D o u a i h y o w e d a g r e a t d e a l t o I b n A l Q e l a h y. H o w e v e r , i n s p i t e o f t h a t h e a c c o m p l i s h e d and was considered as one of the main forerunners in the question of the latinization of the liturgy and discipline of the M a r o n i t e C h u r c h . S p e a k i n g o f h i m , M i c h e l H a y e k s a y s : “ h e i s a p r o l i f i c a u t h o r, a n u n t i r i n g p r o t a g o n i s t , a p o p u l a r p o e t . H e made available to the ordinary people the dogmatic, moral and ascetical theology which he learned in the European schools”. Ibn Al Qelahy wrote in Arabic, but his choice of words clearly reveals the strong influence of the Syriac language (new Aramaic), which the Maronite people continued to speak, mixing it with vernacular Arabic. In fact the period in which the Mamluks were in power was a time of decline in all branches of science and knowledge. What is most important in the works of this historian and poet Bishop is his history of Lebanon, his history of the Maronite Church and the record of the relations of the Maronites with France and with the Holy See in Rome. Maronite Relations with Rome Relations between Rome and the Maronite Church were greatly weakened by the departure of the Crusaders from the east. Due to the difficulties of communication and the hardships caused by the Mamluks it was impossible for the Patriarchs to obtain the Pallium when the need arose. Rome did what it could and understood the difficulties involved. It therefore charged the Franciscans of the Holy Land to keep a watching brief on the c u l t u r a l a n d r e l i g i o u s n e e d s o f t h e M a r o n i t e C h u r c h . T h i s t h e y d i d t o t h e b e s t o f t h e i r a b i l i t y. Peshitta is the standard Syriac Bible, used by the Maronite Church in the old days It is neither possible nor necessary to go into details of the history of these relations which occurred during this rather dismal and decadent period of the Mamluk regime. It is sufficient to say that because of these already mentioned difficulties, the relations with Rome were reduced to intermittent exchanges of letters carried to and fro by trusted e m i s s a r i e s , u s u a l l y w i t h i n t h e F r a n c i s c a n o r d e r. T h e i r a p o s t o l i c c o m m i s s a r i a t g u a r a n t e e d the continuity of this line of communication after it was established in Beirut in 1444. The Franciscans “became the consolation of the Maronites until the end of the 15th century”. One of the best known Franciscans was the Belgian Brother Gryphon. The account of his deeds will live long in the memory of the Lebanese Christians. He was extremely intelligent and highly cultured. He was sent to work in the Holy Land in 1442. Eight years later he was transferred to the Franciscan mission in Beirut and he left Jerusalem and came to Beirut accompanied by Brother Francisco from Barcelona. They took up residence in the mountains of Lebanon. He built many churches in that region and was deeply loved by all the people. He quickly adapted to the life style of the mountain people because of his easy personality and because while in Jerusalem he had learned to speak both Arabic and Syriac. On two occasions he left Lebanon and journeyed to Rome to deal with affairs involving the eastern Churches. His first trip was during the papacy of Pope Callixtus III, between 1455 and 1458. The second trip was in 1469. On this occasion one of his aims was to request the Pallium for the new Patriarch Boutros Ibn Hassan. This time the Pope was Pope Paul II (1464-1471) and he sent a letter dated August 5th 1469 to the Patriarch along with the Pallium. In 1494 Ibn Al Qelahy wrote to Patriarch Simeon of Hadeth (1492-1524) and the letter shows that by the end of the 15th century relations with France and Rome were fully restored for all practical purposes. In the letter he encouraged the Patriarch to request the Pallium, a sacerdotal vestment decorated with white wool band and black crosses, according to the ancient Maronite tradition. Franciscan Brother Gryphon Church of the Holy Sepulchre (also of Resurrection) & Chapel of the Agony of the Virgin in Jerusalem “In the time of Queen Constance, The Maronites began to ring bronze bells just like in the western Latin Church. Up to that time they had simply used wood bells like the Greeks t o c a l l t h e p e o p l e t o p r a y e r. A n d w h e n the same Queen bought the churches of Jerusalem namely the Church of the R e s u r r e c t i o n , t h e c h u r c h o f t h e To m b o f M a r y, the church on the Mount of Olives and in Bethlehem for 80.000 dinars, she donated to the Maronites the cave of the Cross and reserved altars for them in the other churches of Jerusalem. She allowed them to celebrate Mass on the altars of the French with their vestments. As well as that, she succeeded in arranging for them the confirmation of these gifts from the Holy See. In Jerusalem, the Maronites swore and affirmed in writing their submission and allegiance to the faith of Rome”. The Decline of the Mamluks and the Arab language A t i m e o f g e n e r a l d e c l i n e i n t h e N e a r E a s t b e g a n w i t h t h e p e r i o d i n w h i c h t h e M a m l u k s w e r e i n p o w e r. T h i s p e r i o d o f d e c l i n e l a s t e d u n t i l t h e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y. Wa r , a n a r c h y, d i s e a s e , f a m i n e a n d l o s s o f f r e e d o m a r e t h e o p posite of the conditions which are necessary for development and progress at all levels. Added to that was the isolation in which the Mamluks and later the Ottomans and the Arabs found themselves, which prevented any real exchange of scientific or spiritual culture. The Mamluks Sultans, apart from being tyrants and simply criminals, were in general an uneducated people. Among them there were some who were actually illiterate. For example, Al-Ashraf Sayf ad-Din Enal (1453) was completely illiterate and Az-Zahir Sayf ad-Din Belbay (1467) was illiterate and half mad. Wi t h r e g a r d t o t h e A r a b i c l a n g u a g e , e v e n t h o u g h t h e r e i g n o f t h e M a m l u k s w a s a t i m e o f c u l t u r a l d e c l i n e , A r a b i c l a n g u a g e dominated in the Middle East, except for some isolated pockets where they were clusters of Christians, Monophysites, Nestorians or Maronites. During the whole of the millennium starting with the fall of Antioch in 638 until the coming of the Ottomans in 1516, the Maronites never looked on the Arabs or Mamluks as Arabs or Mamluks. For the Maronites they were simply all Muslims. They learned little of their language and only the Bishops and Patriarchs knew how to write it. During the total period of the Mamluk reign no written work of any real worth was produced. This added to the l a c k o f i n t e r e s t i n t h e A r a b i c l a n g u a g e o n t h e p a r t o f t h e M a r o n i t e s . A c c o r d i n g t o t h e t e s t i m o n y o f D i Vi t r y, t h e Maronites made use of the Chaldean alphabet (Syriac) for writing while at the same time speaking the Arab language. In 1356 when the Crusaders attacked Alexandria with the help of the Maronites of Cyprus, the Mamluk Sultan in an act of revenge put a number of Maronite bishops in jail. The Bishop of Ehden in the north of Lebanon managed to flee in time and while in hiding he copied the Gospels into Syriac and into Arabic using Syriac or Chaldean letters. In addition there are documents extant of the Maronite Synods of the 16th and 17th centuries. They show a poor level of Arabic mixed with many Syriac words. This points to the fact that even the Bishops themselves, s u p p o s e d l y t h e e l i t e a n d w e l l e d u c a t e d o f t h e c o m m u n i t y, d i d n o t k n o w h o w t o w r i t e c o r r e c t , e l e g a n t a n d l i t e r a r y A r a b i c . It was only with the coming of Jacob Dibsy (+1695) and his disciple Bishop Germanus Farhat (+1732) that a writer of correct and elegant Arabic appeared among the Maronites. In the 19th century the decline in the Arabic language came to a halt and the Maronites became the best and most fervent craftsmen of the Arabic Revival. F i n a l l y, t o s u m u p , o n e c a n s a y t h a t t h e t i m e o f t h e M a m l u k s g o t t h e r e p u t a t i o n i t d e s e r v e d ; a t i m e o f d e c l i n e i n a l l s e n s e s o f t h e w o r d , o f a n a r c h y a n d c o r r u p t i o n i n t h e r a c e f o r p o w e r. I n e v e r y c o u n t r y w h e r e t h e M a m l u k s r u l e d , w h o e v e r p a i d t h e m o s t c a m e t o p o s i t i o n s o f p o w e r. T h e i r s u c c e s s o r s , t h e O t t o m a n s w e r e t o f o l l o w, w i t h l i t t l e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e m , t h e s a m e p a r t o f d e c a d e n c e , a n a r c h y a n d c o r r u p t i o n . Archangel, Gabriel Mamluk Gold dinar of the Sultan Baybars (1260 – 1277) Gabriel Rei Dos Santos Son of Andre and Lauren (Bakos) Dos Santos Born - 06 May 2011 Prayer To Saint Gabriel Glorious Prince of the Court of Heaven and most excellent Saint Gabriel, first minister of God, friend of Jesus Christ, and favored by the Holy Mother, Defender of the church and lawyer of man. You favor our devotions and help me to love and serve you. Grant me what I desire and ask for with this prayer, for the honor, glory and fulfillment of my soul. A Mamluk cavalryman, drawn in 1810 Amen. O u r L a d y o f L e b a n o n M a r o n i t e C a t h ol i c S c h ool Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Lebanon Mothers Day Why do you love your mom? ... because she is very, very special! Jada Gr R ... because she loves me, baths me and smacks me alot. She thinks im cute! Paloma Gr R ... because she gives me chocolate & I love her! Paulo Gr R ... because she kisses me! Kristen Gr 00 ... because she does nice things for me and makes me food. I like her breakfasts! Ricardo Gr R Why did God make moms? ... to have babies & little brother and sisters! Rorisang Gr R ... because He has a mother and wanted to give us all one! Charell Gr R ... because God also wanted a mother! Edward Gr 00 ... to help kids sleep! Giancarlo Gr 00 ... to give us the things we need! Te b o g o G r R ... to love us Ts h e g o G r 1 Term 2 - Extra Murals Dancing Girls Soccer Active Kids Speech & Drama Boys Soccer Choir Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic School Church Activity - 22 May 2011 CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE Whitney Houston’s remarkable song “The Greatest Love Of All”, epitomizes the belief that ‘children are the future, teach them well and lead them lead the way. Show them all the beauty that exists in inside...” On Sunday, 22 May 2011, the congregation at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church, in Mulbarton was, privileged to have shared a special moment, after Father Maurice Chidiac’s incredible homily concerning ‘Love’, especially taking cognizance that, “the true nature of God... Is Love”. The children from Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic School, attired in beautiful tracksuits (navy with red, green and white, symbolising the colours of Lebanon), shared some harmonious songs with the congregation. The innocence expressed in their lovely characters and the sweet sound of their angelic voices, brought tears to my eyes. I would just like to express my personal appreciation and praise for our principal, the teacher body and the administration staff, at our new school, whom had prepared these children to give us an unforgettable, performance of what they had learned, thus far. The quality of obedience in their faith, discipline and expression of passionate love, left me in awe. Thank you so much for sharing this unique moment with us. I am most positive that many, who were present, will share in such, sentiment. I hope that we will have the opportunity in the future, to experience other, such awesome moments. In closing, “children learn what they live and then go on through life to live what they have learned.” God Bless Anthony S Farah - Author of ‘Crack in the Cedar’ Entertaining our Senior Citizens Our trip to TLC home By Bronwen Azar On the 16th April 2011, The Maronite Youth Committee went on a missionary excursion to TLC. It was our first missionary excursion together and it was a great success. Two weeks before our excursion we were given a list of 43 children whom we were going to spend the day with, feelings of excitement and worry had crossed our minds - excited, as we were going to make these children happy and give them a day that they will remember, and worried, as there were so many children of different ages and so little of us. We put our thinking caps on and started brain storming ideas on how to make this fun filled day for the kids, by the end of the meeting, we were confident that this day was going to be a day that will touch our hearts and fill us with warmth. During those 2 weeks everything fell into place and a very big thank you goes out to our Parishioners and other people in the community who donated hot dogs, juice, purity, cerelac, chips and milo this was a huge help as all the food costs were covered and we were able to give the children a delicious lunch and there was still food left over for them to keep at the home. So, Saturday morning arrived and it was freezing, but this did not dampen our spirits. We all got to the Church early and Fr Fadi, the MYC and some of the youth started making the food that we were going to give the children at lunch time. When that was done we packed the car and we were ready to have good old fun. We arrived at TLC at approximately 10:30 and as soon as we stepped foot into the house we saw beaming smiles and recieved the warmest welcome we could have ever imagined. It was not time to let the games begin, first Talar read the kids a story from the Bible, then after the story we asked them questions about what happened in the story, and if they answered right they got a little prize - bangles! After the story we played limbo, the room was filled with laughter, it was so much fun and the top 3 children won teddy bears. Then we played musical chairs.. not nice though, but twice! As a child went out so they got a prize Jude and Jarod were wonderful with the babies, and lets not forget Mbali, the little girl who had a crush on Jarod’s brother, it was too adorable! The children did not know there were little surprises for them hidden all around the house, we had hidden all the Easter eggs we brought with us, so as the day unfolded the kids were trying to find all the eggs that they could. So you can just imagine how hyperactive they all became, all but worth it to see the smiles on their faces. What surprised us the most is how these children look out for each other and how incredibly smart they are. The one little boy was deaf, but he was able to play musical chairs because the others were helping him. Spending the day with the children has made us realise how lucky we are to have the family we have, to have been brought up in an environment where we have been loved and are still loved unconditionally. It has also made us realise how special these children are - to have been through so much in their young lives and to still have a heart of gold that is not afraid to show endless love, kindness and affection. This day could not have been possible without the strong bond that is forming between the MYC members and Fr Fadi and most importantly it could not have been possible without God’s hand over us, protecting and guiding us to do His work. The MYC is happening and at a rapid pace - watch this space, because there is more to come. Our Easter Pilgrimage to Lebanon By William Karam On 20th April 2011 our small but vibrant group (organised by Maureen Karam and Natalie Collins) eager to experience the “high Holy Days” of Easter in our beloved motherland, departed on Etihad Airlines for the Lebanon. Initially we stayed at Hotel Bethania, next to the Shrine of our Lady of Lebanon. We were fortunate to have a chapel in our hotel for personal reflection and prayer. We attended the Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter midnight masses at the Basilica - these were awesome experiences! Some 8000 people attended each televised service which concluded with processions through the town! Theses services were concelebrated by many priests, the main celebrant being Fr Elie Madi - a little older but still the great orator. A highlight was our gruelling descent on foot into the Quadisha Valley on Easter Sunday - and meeting the Hermit, Padre Dario Escabar, a Colombian Maronite Priest who only accepts pilgrims three days a year. What a privilege to spend time with this remarkable man of God. Equally unforgettable experiences were our visits to the various Shrines of Our Lady, including Our Lady of Mantara, and the various Maronite Saints. This served to increase, strengthen and enrich our Maronite faith and spirituality. Significantly, we are aware that various of the petitions prayed for on our pilgrimage, have already been granted. Our subsequent stay was at the Coral Beach Hotel in Beirut, where we enjoyed 5 star luxury. Having nourished our souls, we took full advantage of nourishing our minds by visiting every major tourist attraction that Lebanon is famous for - and our testators, by wickedly indulging in the finest foods and sweets that Lebanon has to offer. Our evenings were at leisure and those who could still muster the energy after a full day touring enjoyed the bustling nightlife of Beirut, whilst others preferred to dine at various restaurants. We enjoyed our farewell dinner and celebration of Aunt Theresa’s 82nd birthday at the famed Manuella’s restaurant in Jounieh. Prior to our departure, a farewell mass concelebrated by Fathers Charbel and Ehab, was held in a specially provided reception area at the hotel. Our Pilgrimage had now come to an end and it was with some reluctance that we proceeded to Rafic Hariri International Airport for our flight home. This was truly a wonderful and enriching trip, never to be forgotten. CEDAR LEAF by Ken Hanna Eid Chedrawi wins Lebanese hearts and minds in South Africa T h e P r e s i d e n t o f t h e Wo r l d L e b a n e s e C u l t u r a l U n i o n , M r E i d C h e d r a w i c o n t i n u e s t o g a i n s u p p o r t i n S o u t h A f r i c a . He was on a ten day visit to the heartland of the Lebanese on the African Continent. Accompanied by his wife, Haifa and a delegation of 6 members from Brazil, representing over 8 million persons of Lebanese descent. E i d ’s t o u r o f S o u t h A f r i c a s t a r t e d i n t h e s m a l l t o w n o f K l e r k s d o r p s o m e 2 h o u r s d r i v e f r o m J o h a n n e s b u r g . T h i s i s E i d ’s p o w e r b a s e i n S o u t h A f r i c a . I t i s t h e h o m e t o w n o f m a n y f r o m H a d d i t E l J o u b e , h i s a n c e s t r a l v i l l a g e i n t h e north of Lebanon. A convoy of several dozen accompanied Mr Chedrawi. A Gala Banquet in his honour drew Lebanese from all parts of that area, including Lebanese from Bloemfontein who travelled hundreds of miles to be with Eid. Eid stressed the importance of Lebanese Citizenship when members wanted to know how they can legitimately obtain their Lebanese passport. This is very important to the Lebanese in the diaspora, including, Africa and particularly South African. CEDAR LEAF F r i d a y, 6 t h M a y w a s a b u s y d a y f o r t h e Wo r l d P r e s i d e n t . A G a l a l u n c h e o n i n h i s h o n o u r a t t e n d e d b y m e m b e r s o f J o h a n n e s b u r g ’s n o r t h e r n s u b u r b s a n d t h e h e a d o f t h e M a r o n i t e L e b a n e s e M i s s i o n a r i e s i n S o u t h A f r i c a , F r B a d a o u i Habib and his team, a visit to a hospital to visit a sick member of the community and a private banquet at the prestigious Michelangelo Hotel. S a t u r d a y, 7 t h M a y w a s a n e v e n t f u l d a y a s h e t o u r e d t h e L e b a n e s e C h u r c h i n t h e S o u t h e r n s e c t i o n o f J o h a n n e s b u r g which has the highest concentration of Lebanese. He visited school which teaches English, Lebanese and Portuguese. It is potentially the finest institution of learning in the area. The Brazilian delegation was particularly impressed. They loved the Church and mountain in the background, reminding them of Lebanon. The evening was graced by a cocktail party at the Liban Convention Centre. The entertainment was supplied by renowned Lebanese concert pianist, Mr Anis Kairouz. The Lebanese in South Africa want to tell Lebanon that they support the President of Lebanon, Michel Sleiman fully and remain faithful in his service. CEDAR LEAF by Ken Hanna E i d C h e d r a w i a n d h i s s u p p o r t e r s e n d e d t h e i r t o u r w i t h a G a l a B a n q u e t o n 1 1 M a y a t t h e S h e i k h ’s P a l a c e i n J o h a n n e s b u r g . Te n a w a r d s w e r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h e Wo r l d P r e s i d e n t t o L e b a n e s e a s a t o k e n o f a p p r e c i a t i o n . These people have displayed leadership, dedication and commitment to the Lebanese community in South Africa. N a m e s t o b e m e n t i o n e d w e r e B a d w e A b r o s i e , D e b b i e A u b y, Vi n c e n t L e i c h e r , J o e Ta r r y, R a y m o n d L e i c h e r , J a s o n M a z a h a m , A n i s K a i r o u z , M i c h a e l S a d i e , N e r o K a l i l a n d C a r o l e F a h r y. Lebanese have been urged to prepare themselves for the 2013 elections and South Africa accepts the challenge. M r E i d C h i d r a w i , P R E S I D E N T O F W L C U v i s i t s O u r L a d y o f L e b a n o n ’s C h u r c h O u r L a d y o f L e b a n o n H O S T E D T H E M E E T I N G O F T H E L I T U R G Y D E PA RT M E N T O F J H B D I O C E S E 1 4 M AY 2 0 1 1 T h e P re s i d e n t ’s C h a m p i o n s ’ C h a l l e n g e d a y a t T u r f f o n t e i n R a c e C o u r s e S a t u r d a y, 3 0 t h A p r i l 2 0 1 1 A Charity race took place on the day and St Charbel Helping Hand was a benefactor of this Charity race day! Yo u t h S o c c e r D a y 25th June 2011 North Vs South Ve n u e : O u r L a d y o f L e b a n o n Mulbarton Time: 10:00 - 15:00 Cost: R200 per team (7 a side) A ge G ro u p s : U14 U16 U19 Opens Fo o d a n d d r i n ks will be on sale Fo r m o re i n fo c o n t a c t Jonathon - 0795668814 Baklava Roll-Ups Ingredients Butter-flavored cooking spray 1/4 cup raw almonds 1/2 cup pistachios 1 tablespoon butter, room temperature 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon sugar 1/4 cup honey, divided 12 sheets phyllo dough Senior Citizen Masses 10:00 am Our Lady of the Cedars Woodmead 08th June 2011 Our Lady of Lebanon Mulbarton 30th June 2011 Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a cookie sheet with butter flavored spray. 2. In a food processor, combine almonds and pistachios. Pulse to coarsely chop. Add butter, cinnamon, and sugar and pulse to combine. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. 3. Place 1 sheet of phyllo on a flat work surface, short side facing you. Spray with butter flavored spray. Repeat with second layer. Spread 1/3 of nut mixture over the dough, leaving a 1-inch margin at the top and bottom. 4. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons honey. 5. Cover with a layer of phyllo, spray with butter-flavored spray. Repeat with second layer of phyllo. Spray with butter-flavored spray. 6. Starting from the bottom, roll up into a thin cylinder (like a cigar) to the top. 7. Seam-side down, cut crossways into 5 sections. Transfer to baking sheet, seam side down. Spray with butterflavored spray. 8. Repeat with second and third batch. 9. Bake until crust is evenly golden, 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven, drizzle with 2 tablespoons honey and serve. The Wedding of Lawrence & Jessamy Rahme (Bechus) The Wedding of Tony & Nicole Da Costa (Rocha) The Wedding of Chad & Monique Sam (Leisher) The Wedding of Robert & Jackie Toweel (Karam) The Wedding of Mitchell and Sam Arntzen (Simaan) The Wedding of Matthew & Jenny Sanan (Anderson) Baptisms & Weddings Congratulations and blessings to the following members who were baptised or married: Our Lady of Lebanon - Mulbar ton Baptised Parents Our Lady of Lebanon - Mulbarton Alexander Fernandes Mikayla Moss Liam Fagan Michaela Conlin Connor Lantz Kayla Nassif Dakota-Lee Layloo Maddox Marques John Ifeanyi Germano & Sharon Fernandes Kegan & Angelique Moss John Fagan & Jaki Sabistan Peter & Janine Conlin Richard Lantz & Geryle Robertson George & Cindi Nassif Nazeen Layloo & Annalicia Singh Rui Marques & Bernadette Ferreira Cornelius & Chinyeaka Obituaries † Our Lady of The Cedars † Lenora Barthelle Mottram 19 September 1946 – 9 M ay 2011 † Jimmy Zackey 17 M arch 1927 – 22 M ay 2011 Weddings Our Lady of Lebanon - Mulbarton M atthew Sanan & Jenny A nderson - 1 M ay 2011 Tony Da C osta & Nicole Rocha - 07 M ay 2011 L awrence R ahme & Jessamy B echus - 14 M ay 2011 Tony A ruajo & Vanessa Da S ilva - 15 M ay 2011 The Baptism of Alexander Gabriel Fernandes Baptisms & Weddings Congratulations and blessings to the following members who were baptised or married: O u r L a d y o f T h e C e d a r s - Wo o d m e a d Baptisms Our Lady of the Cedars - Woodmead Lesandro Fernandes Thoya Ndwalane Mateo Antonio Els Gabriella Prasti Vuyo Mtembu Amadeu & Suzanne Fernandes Thabo Ndwalane & Melody Mathe Shaun & Nicola Els Michael & Angela Prasti Windy & Galaletsang Mtembu Obituaries † Our Lady of The Cedars † R ichard Thomas 09 O ctober 1924 - 03 M ay 2011 † Sylvia H addad 27 November 1933 - 07 M ay 2011 † Emily R isk 26 January 1928 - 23 M ay 2011 Share our Maronite Magazine print it, forward it, talk about it... We encourage you to print this magazine and share it with a family member or friend who does not have access to Email/Internet. Help us grow our database, send your friends and families the Magazine and CC us in ([email protected]) Our Lady of Medugorje Message 2 5 M ay 2 011 “ D e a r c h i l d r e n ! M y p r ay e r t o d ay i s f o r a l l o f y o u w h o s e e k t h e g r a c e o f c o n v e r s i o n . Yo u knock on the door of m y heart, but w i t h o u t h o p e a n d p r ay e r , i n s i n , a n d w i t h o u t the Sacrament of Reconciliation with God. L e av e s i n a n d d e c i d e , l i t t l e c h i l d r e n , f o r h o l i n e s s . O n ly i n t h i s w ay c a n I h e l p y o u , h e a r y o u r p r ay e r s a n d s e e k i n t e r c e s s i o n b e f o r e the Most High. T h a n k y o u f o r h av i n g r e s p o n d e d t o m y c a l l . ”
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