St. Anthony Parish


St. Anthony Parish
St. Anthony Parish
10 Summer St.
Cohasset, MA 02025
Rev. John R. Mulvehill, S.T.D.
Deacon Paul S. Rooney
Permanent Deacon
Parish Mission Statement
We, the parish family of St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church welcome all, young and old, active or inactive, committed
or alienated, to enrich their lives by joining and participating in our faith community. We seek to reflect the light of Jesus
Christ by reaching out to serve all, and by sharing our joy and hope, as we continue our faith journey. May our lives,
inspired by the Holy Spirit, and nourished by the Eucharist, bear witness to our love for neighbors near and far.
If you are new to our Parish, we welcome you to worship with
us and to become involved in our Parish activities.
Parish Phone:
Religious Ed.:
Office Fax:
Rectory Fax
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday—Thursday 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Friday — 9:00 AM —3:00 PM
Barbara Dalrymple
Rosemary Sullivan
Kathleen Keyes
Adrienne MacCarthy
Jane Reardon
Bill Mezzetti
Office Administrator
Office Administrator
Music Director/Organist
Religious Education
Religious Education
Youth Minister
Parish Pastoral Council Chris Kierce, Vice Chairman
Parish Finance Council Elaine Coyne, Chairman
Bereavement Hospitality Anna Abbruzzese
Phone: 781-383-0630
All children not attending parochial school are expected to be
enrolled in our Religious Education program for grades 1-8.
Enrollment in the 9th & 10th grade Rel. Ed. program is
required of all students seeking the
Sacrament of
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M., 5:00 P.M.
7:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
Public Holidays:
8:00 A.M.
Holy Days: As announced
First Fridays:
Morning Mass: 7:00 A.M.
7:30 A.M. - 11:45 A.M.
11:45 A.M.
12:00 Noon
Saturday: 4:15 - 4:45 P.M. and by request
Contact the Pastor during office hours Mon. - Fri.
Please contact the Parish Office if you have a family member,
friend or neighbor who is unable to attend Church due to age or
infirmity. We will provide pastoral visits, with administration
of the Sacraments.
Dear Parishioners,
A young child wrote a letter to God offering Him some
advice with regard to Cain and Abel, children of Adam and Eve.
The child wrote: "Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other
if they had their own rooms. It works for my brother." And it
would be wonderful if all our problems could be so easily
resolved, but we know that it takes more than separate rooms to
heal the divisiveness of sin in the world.
All three of the scripture readings for the First Sunday of
Lent, Cycles A,B and C. speak of the temptations which Christ
endured as he began the Lenten period of his life, the forty days
leading up to his passion and death.
The story of the human race is followed quickly by the
first couple turning away from God, committing sin for the first
time. So, almost from the beginning of creation evil has been
present in the world. To this day it takes on many forms. It is our
unwelcome neighbors around the world as wars are fought and
injustice is the rule of life. It is found on the streets and in our
neighborhoods where crime has become the password and all too
often violence prevails. It has shown its ugly face in the
unprovoked bombings with subsequent loss of life of young and
old alike, and even takes up residence in our homes where so
many forms of abuse, sometimes shrouded in silence, and the
current epidemic of opioid use shatter families in what Vatican II
called the "domestic church".
And from the beginning of time and down through each
succeeding generation people have asked: "Why evil?" If evil
were not around we would have nothing else to choose but to be
God's slaves of the good. In fact there would be little freedom, if
any, because there would be nothing else to choose but the good
and thus there would be no options and consequently no freedom.
And knowing our human condition we would no doubt complain
that life would be rather restricted because we can never
appreciate the face of God properly We would never be able to
appreciate the amazing riches of God's love until we had
wandered into the wilderness of alienation. What joy and
gratitude there is within us when, having been lost, we return
home again to the waiting Father. Just ask someone who has just
received the Sacrament of Reconciliation after long years away
from the healing grace of confession. Without evil and temptation
the glory of homecoming could never prevail.
Christ withstood the entire range of temptations. This
range involved human and physical needs. It involved the ego
and will. The first temptation Christ responds "not on bread alone
is man to live." And the third temptation to the strong allegiance
is the most devastating of the three -Christ realized the complete
disaster if he threw himself at the feet of Satan giving in to evil,
to power and to fame. Following the example of Jesus, the
Church has never failed to call men and women from sin to
conversion and by the celebration of penance to show the victory
of Christ over sin. Pope Francis, in declaring a jubilee Year of
Mercy says "mercy is the divine attitude that embraces, it is God's
self-giving that welcomes, that leans down to forgive". May we
lean down these forty days to receive Christ's mercy and fortify
ourselves against evil in any shape or form.
Rev. John R. Mulvehill
Last Week Calendar Year to Date
Offertory Collection
Automatic Bank Offering
$ 12,256.00
Budgeted Offertory
Excess (Shortfall)
Thank you for your continued generosity
2nd collection this weekend—Church in Africa, Central &
Eastern Europe
Saturday, Saturday, February 13
8:00 AM Helen Gustofson—Memorial
Sunday, February 14
9:30 AM James J Fitzpatrick—1st Anniversary
11:30 AM Michael F. Travi—7th Anniversary
5:00 PM Ruth Devine—4th Anniversary
Tuesday, February 16
7:00 AM Marie Maulucci—Memorial
Saturday, February 20
8:00 AM Mary McGurrin—6th Anniversary
5:00 PM Rosemary Laugelle—15th Anniversary
Sunday, February 21
9:30 AM James Russell Lennon—Memorial
5:00 PM Dr. Robert DiTullio—3rd Anniversary
President’s Day – Monday, February 15
Daily Mass will be held at 8:00 AM
Parish Offices will be closed.
Rest in Peace May God bring into His Divine
Presence the souls of all who have died, especially
Joseph Dockray whose funeral was held this past
In loving memory Roberta Grassie, Nicole Grassie and Victoria
Living our Faith Together
If you have not seen the inspiring, brief video about the 2016
Catholic Appeal, a link is available at
Thank you in advance for your support of this year’s Catholic
We rejoice with the families of our new
brothers and sisters who recently
received the Sacrament of Baptism
Colin James Bissanti
Quinn Ava Luvisi
Cora Anne Offen
Oliver Matthew O’Hearn
Please contact us to volunteer @ 781-383-0630
Jane Reardon for Gr. 1-6 or
Adrienne MacCarthy for Gr. 7-10 ~ Ext. 019
NO CLASSES Sunday, February, 14th and February
21st due to February School vacation.
Grade 10 Next class Sunday February 28th @
Grades 7 and 8 resume Sunday, February 28th
Super Bowl weekend was a weekend of service for Grades 7, 8
Grade 7 students spent class time the weekend before the Super
Bowl preparing for their visit to the Harborview Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center. They caringly made good old fashion
paper flower bouquets to deliver on their visit Sunday February
7th. In lieu of class on Super Bowl Sunday, they visited with the
residents at Harborview. They treated the Residents to several
rounds of Valentine Bingo and handed out their flower Bouquets!
Special Thanks to Mrs. Kim Donohue and Mrs. Kathy Sebestyen
For orchestrating this simple act of caring.
Grade 8 Our grade 8 team of students supported the 10th grade
Souper Bowl of Caring service project. The students came in
early to sort, count and box up the collection for both the Scituate
and Cohasset Food Pantrys. They also watched a YouTube
presentation about the National organization Souper Bowl of
Caring to get a broader sense of the vision and mission. Before
we know it they will be candidates for Confirmation and more
ready than ever to undertake this service project.
Grade 10:Our grade 10 students THANK YOU for your
undeniable generosity of donations to the Souper Bowl of Caring!
Over 300 pieces of non-perishable food items were collected and
just over $1,200 in cash donations we received! Just in time to
replenish perishable meats and other items of need. All donations
were split between the Cohasset and Scituate Food Pantrys.
All counts will be reported to the national effort to bring
awareness to the problem of hunger. Again, THANK YOU!
Grades 1-6: NO CLASSES
Sunday, February 14th thru February 21st due to February School
Lenten Regulations
Abstinence – Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the
obligation of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on all
Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at
Fast – Catholics from 18 and up to the beginning of their 60 th
year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday &
Good Friday March 25, 2016 are the days of fasting. On these
days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals,
sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each
one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal.
Eating between meals is not permitted but liquids, including milk
and fruit juices are allowed.
Regarding other weekdays of Lent, participation in daily Mass
and the voluntary observance of fasting is recommended.
From the Deacon’s Bench
Charity gives us patience in the face of a word or deed that injures, and gentle strength to know how to endure and bear with
our neighbor’s shortcomings.
Author—St. Catherine of Siena
Altar Servers—This Weekend, February 13/14
5:00 PM Anne Griffin, Mary Claire Griffin
8:00 AM Peter Crumley, Mary Catherine Crumley
9:30 AM Joe Donoghue, Caroline Donohue
11:30 AM Allie Olson, Tommy Olson
5:00 PM Michael Hill, Blake Martini
Altar Servers—Next Weekend, February 20/21
5:00 PM Thomas Marsden, Sarah Cuddahy
8:00 AM Maddie Grudinskas, William Grudinskas
9:30 AM Ella Dunkelberger, Ian Dunkelberger
11:30 AM Jillian Perrone, Kevin Perrone
5:00 PM Annie Toomey, Erin Toomey
Ministers of the Word—This Weekend, February 13/14
5:00 PM Janice Todd
8:00 AM Betsy Crumley
9:30 AM Ed Graham
11:30 AM David Drinan
Ministers of the Word—Next Weekend, February 20/21
5:00 PM Paul Cotter
8:00 AM Wendy Lanoue
9:30 AM William Hurley
11:30 AM Chris Kierce
Eucharistic Ministers—This Weekend, February 13/14
5:00 PM William Flaherty, Joan Graham, Ann Helbock
8:00 AM Margy Charles, Lynn Ferrara, Jean Hajjar
9:30 AM Barbara Donahue, Charles Flint, Adrienne McCarthy
11:30 AM Mary Ernst, Lanier Grassie, Sandra Murray
Eucharistic Ministers—Next Weekend, February 20/21
5:00 PM Margaret Cotter, William Marsden, Ann McSweeney
8:00 AM George Kelly, D. Lagrotteria, Patricia Laugelle
9:30 AM Jane Reardon, Dolores Roy, Jacqui Vitello
11:30 AM Donal Cahill, Rose Kierce, Donna O’Donnell
The Light Is On For You
The sacrament of Reconciliation will be
available on the Wednesdays of Lent: February 17, and 24,
March 2, 9 and 16 from 7:00—8:00 PM in every Church and
Chapel in the Archdiocese, including St. Anthony Church. This
program entitled The Light Is On For You gives Catholics in the
Archdiocese of Boston an opportunity to receive the Lord’s grace
and forgiveness through the sacrament of Reconciliation.
2015 Tax Statements St. Anthony Parish can provide upon
request, a letter confirming your contributions to the parish for the
year. Please call the Parish Office at 781-383-0219. Cash
contributions that are not in a parish envelope cannot be tracked by
the parish and will not be included in the year-end contribution
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
Prayer for Our Troops
Almighty God and Father, hold our servicemen and
women in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior Amen
Saturday, March 19th
Beef & Blarney
More information to follow
The Little Black Book
The Little Black Book is a Lenten Book written and prepared by
the “Little Books” committee of the Diocese of Saginaw, MI. This
year’s book of six minute meditations walks through the Passion
according to Luke The book is small and travels well and can be
used anywhere. That is why there is no title on the cover. We
invite adult parishioners to take one of these books and reflect for
six minutes a day on a few verses from the Passion. The books
may be found in the benches and on the tables at the exits of the
Lenten Stations of the Cross
Followed by Soup
We will be offering a traditional “Reflective Way of the
Cross” on all of the Friday evenings of Lent at 6:15
P.M. On the Friday evenings of Lent, Stations of the Cross will be
celebrated in the Church at 6:15 PM followed by a “Lenten Meal”
in the Parish Center of soup, bread, cookies and beverage. “Soup
and Stations” will be offered on the following Friday evenings:
February 12, 19, 26, March 4, 11, 18, and 25.
February13, 2016 Mass at 5:00 PM
We would like to recognize the following couples
who will be celebrating special anniversaries this
Mr & Mrs John Pyne
50 years
Mr & Mrs Richard O’Brien
56 years
Mr & Mrs Patrick Plante
56 years
Mr & Mrs Robert Morgan, Jr
40 years
Mrs Trudy Salerno (widowed) 60 years
St. Anthony Parish Registration
Are you new to St. Anthony Parish? If so, we hope that you find
us a welcoming and inviting family of faith. If you wish to
register with us, please fill out this form and return to the Parish
Office, 10 Summer St., Cohasset MA 02025. We will be happy to
send you a registration form.
Name: __________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
We wish to receive envelopes Yes______