Cover design by Fourth-Grader, Jill Cantlay THE FEDERATED CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST THE FEDERATED CHURCH A United Church of Christ Congregation Gathered at 76 Bell Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio Ministers to the World: All the Congregation Ministers to the Congregation: All the Church Staff May 4, 2008 Seventh Sunday of Easter 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prelude The King of Love My Shepherd Is Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness P. Stearns J. Brahms Welcome and Concerns of the Church Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton As we gather for worship this morning, please pray for those seated around you and those far away. Then take a few minutes after the service to introduce yourself to someone you don’t yet know — take special note of those with the red visitor’s nametags — with an invitation to join you for coffee after the service. Thank you for helping to personalize our Church Family by wearing a nametag. Introit Olson Bell Choir My Lord, What a Morning setting by H. Morris **** * Call to Worship (responsive) Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: * (9:00) Connor Johnson, Milly Mason (11:00) Alexis Biggin, Catherine Dolohanty God did not call us to succeed, God called us to serve. God did not call us to win, God called us to work. God did not call us to live long, God called us to live for God. God did not call us to fame, God called us to faith. God did not call us to seek power, God called us to seek peace. God did not call us to loot the earth and each other, God called us to love our earth and each other. Opening Hymn Jesus Loves Me Opening Prayer (unison) No. 113 (9:00) Grace Hass-Hill (11:00) Caroline Turner O God, help me to feel your presence everywhere I go today. To see you in everyone I meet today, To sense you in all I hear today. -1- To reflect you in all I do today. To pray to and trust you in all I experience today. To struggle to be like you in all I am today. To speak of and for you in all I say today. To thank you for everything every day. Amen. Scripture I Peter 5:6-11 (9:00) Daniel Brown (11:00) Lily Manchester Prayers of the People Rev. Dan DeWeese Offering our Lives and Resources Please sign the Hospitality Booklet at the end of each row and return it again, noticing names and faces of those with whom you are worshiping. After the service be sure to take a moment to greet those worshiping with you, especially those who may be new among us. Offertory Anthem The Ensemble (9:00) Rejoice and Sing Out His Praises M. Hayes Chancel Choir (11:00) Now Arise and Come to Jesus Robert Faroo, violin * Hymn of Dedication * Prayer of Dedication Halle-Halle-Halleluja Halle-Halle-Halleluja. Halle-Halle-Halleluja. Halle-Halle-Halleluja. Halleluja. Halleluja. Sewell No. 41 Scripture John 14:15-21 Sermon * Hymn Hamilton Throckmorton Eat This Bread (Sing 3 times) The Lord’s Supper by Intinction No. 414 Revs. Throckmorton, Bagley-Bonner, DeWeese Worshipers will come to the front of the Sanctuary, using the side aisles, to receive the Sacrament. You may dip the Bread into the Cup upon receiving it, partake immediately and return to your seat by the center aisle. Ushers will serve those who wish to remain in their pews. If you would like your child to receive a blessing rather than the communion elements, please tell the server, or the child may approach the server with arms folded in front of them. Please pray for other worshipers as they come to commune. Please note that the wrapped bread on each communion plate is gluten-free for those who need it or would prefer it. (continued) -2- Communion in our Church is open to all who seek to walk the Way of our Savior, Jesus Christ. You need not be a member to share. Freely receive at this Table the mercy you can never achieve. Invitation to Communion (responsive) Leader: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we invite you now to come to the table of transformation. God accepts us as we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way. And so God works inside of us, using the circumstances of our daily lives to bring forth a gradually dawning new creation in each one of us. This Bread and Cup represent for us God’s presence in Christ, which we willingly take in, so that Christ might work in us this great work of transformation. People: We come willingly and joyfully, leaving behind our lifeless props and stays, and seeking instead the quickening, empowering Spirit of Christ. May that Spirit take hold in us anew this day, that we might be Christ’s Body on earth. Sharing the Bread and Cup * * The Lord’s Prayer (sins) Closing Hymn Benediction Postlude They’ll Know We Are Christians Lasst Uns Erfreuen No. 494 P. Manz * Those who are able, standing. ****Latecomers seated. Call to Worship and Opening Prayer are reprinted with permission from Guide My Feet, © 1995 by Beacon Press. Gold is the liturgical color for the Easter Season in the Church. The paraments and dossal curtain will change to red next week to celebrate Pentecost. TODAY! Don’t miss it! Mid-Hour ~ 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary The Ensemble, under the direction of Jodie Ricci, will present its Choral Challenge 30-minute concert. This challenge concert, under the auspices of WCLV radio, 104.9 FM, will be broadcast on Saturday, May 10 at 10:00 a.m. from Pilgrim Church in Tremont. Welcome Visitors! Federated strives to be a warm and welcoming place but as an active, growing Church with multiple worship services we would request your help identifying the new folks among us. We invite visitors and newcomers to use one of the special red visitor nametags that can be found in the Ministry of Hospitality booklet at the end of each pew. Let us know who you are so we can help you learn who we are, and join us downstairs in Fellowship Hall after the service for some more leisurely conversation. We really do look forward to meeting you! -3- The Federated Church Welcomes You! If you have no church home, we open our hands and hearts to you. “God accepts me just as I am and loves me too much to leave me that way. Federated accepts all people as they are and supports them in the spiritual journey. With Christ, we offer hope and healing to change our world.” —Federated’s Mission Statement Please stay for a cup of coffee, tea or a cold drink and good conversation following worship this morning. Audio tapes & CDs of this morning’s service will be available for $4.00. Ushers & Greeters Considering Membership at Federated Church? Inquirers Classes are held three For the 9:00 a.m. service — Bruce & Becky Bartter, Judy Benner, Becky Carter, Anne Griffiths, Dennis & Kathy Kieta, Kathy Marous, Hal Maskiell and Gary & Jenny Vidmer. times each year, and the dates for the next class are: Three Thursday evenings: June 5, 12 and 19. Time: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Plan to attend all three evenings. Sign up at the Reception Desk or by calling Melinda Smith at 440-247-6490 or e-mailing [email protected]. Childcare will be available if needs are noted at sign up. A light dinner will be served on June 12. This Inquirers’ Class will join the Church on Sunday, June 22. For the 11:00 a.m. service — Peggy Blakeslee, Carl & Cheryl Cameron, Rob Goble, Mark & Elizabeth Goodin, Paul Libby and Linnea Rostek. The altar flowers this morning are given by the Davidian Family, in loving memory of Anahis, wife, mother and grandmother, on the 12th anniversary of her death. The rose on the altar this morning The Parish Nurses are doing bloodpressure screening next Sunday, celebrates the birth of Henry Alexander Bartter on April 30 in London, England. Proud grandfather is Bruce Bartter. from 10:10-10:50 a.m. in the Church Office. For more information, call Jeri Shaffer at 330-562-8992, or you can e-mail her at [email protected]. Confirmation Class meets this morning at 9:00 a.m. to leave for breakfast together at the Fogartys’ home. Today’s Church School Large-print bulletins & hearing-aid devices are available in the Narthex, or ask an Preschool ..........................................Room 30 Pre-Kindergarten ............................Room 40 Kindergarten ...............................Room 240 usher for help should you need it. Today we welcome our Junior Ushers & ~No Church School for Grades 1-8 today because of Family Worship.~ Bearers of Light to Family Worship & Communion Sunday! 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Jr. Ushers Jr. Ushers Mitchell Emmerich Cate Cantlay Lily Manchester Bearers of Light Bearers of Light Spencer Sukel Paige Lewis Caroline Doll “Borrow Bags” are available for children every Sunday as we welcome new and visiting children to our worship. The bags are available at the entrance to the Sanctuary, both upstairs and downstairs. -4- The Ensemble, live on WCLV radio, on May 10 Federated’s choir, The Ensemble, Mary Poppins - Please Apply! Do you adore children and want to find a professional position that will bring you not only extra income but also the satisfaction of knowing you are needed and dearly loved? Being a Nursery Caregiver is a fabulous position and is extremely rewarding in so many ways. Full position details available on our website at Apply in writing to Bev Mills, C M Director (Nursery-Kindergarten), PO Box 60, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. has been selected out of 26 choirs to compete, along with five other choirs, in a concert beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 10, and broadcast live on WCLV, 104.9 FM. Each choir will perform for half an hour, with repertoire they choose from specified genres. The six chorus finalists chosen in the WCLV/UCC Jubilation Choral Challenge will participate in the two-part live broadcast over WCLV, at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 9, and at 10:00 a.m. on May 10 (which is when The Ensemble can be heard). They’d love any Federated members to join them that morning at Pilgrim Church, UCC, 2592 W. 14th St. in Tremont. Our congratulations to Director Jodie Ricci and The Ensemble for their wonderful work! Help fill the WREN bus! Because the need is so great – running as an ongoing project of the WREN (Women’s Re-Entry Network) Committee is an RTA Bus Ticket campaign. Transportation can be a major problem for the majority of WREN participants. These women have to rely totally on public transportation. Your donation can buy either a oneway or an all-day fare. These are small amounts and will help a lot! Please look for our WREN bus in the Lobby. There you can “buy a bus ticket” to help these women in need. Let’s fill the bus! Help Sponsor the work of the Cleveland BoyChoir: An annual event known as Crescendo 2008 will take place on Thursday, May 8, from 6:00-10:00 p.m., at the North Club in Cleveland Browns Stadium. All proceeds will benefit the Cleveland BoyChoir, whose goal it is to “challenge inner-city boys to reach their full potential by providing life-changing opportunities through music.” If you would like to help sponsor or would like ticket information, please call Ken Horner at 216-401-0872 or the CBC directly at 440-356-3936. We hope you'll consider being a sponsor of this compelling organization with such a rich history at Federated Church. Thank you! If you have any further questions, please call Sue Giles at 440-543-6552, Randi Zubin at 440-543-7954 or Judy Batdorff at 440-247-2169. Woven Talents Mission Market coming soon! After the huge success of the Parable of the Talents experience last fall, we have created a year-round interfaith opportunity for anyone to use his/her gifts in service to God and the world. Woven Talents will sell goods and services, with profits going to charitable causes. Participants have the option to get back their invested cost after the sale of the goods or service. We are currently collecting items and if you wish to participate at this time, please call Kate Schlagbaum at 440-223-2013 or you can e-mail her at [email protected]. Mark your calendars! Save the date! We’re planning a Men’s Breakfast for Saturday, June 14, from 8:00-10:00 a.m., and we encourage all Federated men to join us. Place and cost are still unknown but will be finalized shortly. For more information please contact Hal Maskiell at 440-829-0482 or [email protected]; Barry Biggin at 440-543-9817 or [email protected]; or Gerry Powers at 440-2476505 or [email protected]. Watch for more details soon. Are you looking for a job? Come to “Employment Connections” any Sunday at 10:10 a.m. in the Conference Room next to the Sanctuary for support and advice. -5- Women at the Well — May 21 In Lent, we studied some of the church’s traditional Spiritual Disciplines. At Women at the Well in May, we will look at some “Non-traditional Spiritual Practices” as taught by the early transcendentalists of Concord, Mass. in the 1800’s. Tired of their church’s “overly intellectual approach,” these poets and ministers sought to rediscover joy and vitality in their everyday spirituality. Their “spiritual disciplines” included such practices as walking, travel, meaningful conversation, journaling and wide ranging reading. Come and hear some of their vibrant quotes, and talk with others about what daily practices enliven your Spirit. Spiritual Life O ff e r i n g s . . . Coordinated by Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner, Spiritual Life Associate Centering Prayer meets every WEDNESDAY morning at 7:30 a.m. This group meets at the Family Life Center, on the Outdoor Labyrinth in good weather and otherwise in the Hearth Room. There is a twenty-minute time of silent prayer and a fifteen-minute “lectio divina” (prayerful reading of scripture). A Second Prayer Group meets every MONDAY evening from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Bell Street Chapel. This group is led by Mike Bellah and Barbara Marshall. Summer Book Study May 27-July 30 A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle You may have read Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now, or heard about his recent worldwide web class with Oprah Winfrey, which linked 750,000 people from over 150 countries. In A New Earth, Tolle looks at how transcending our egobased state of consciousness is the key to both personal peace and any hope for peace in the world. For more information or to sign up for the group in advance, call 440-247-6490 and indicate which session you’d prefer: Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 or Tuesday evenings from 7:008:30. (Note change of day for evening group.) Both groups will be held at the Family Life Center. Saturday Morning Gathering of Men offers a free and open discussion group available to all men — supportive, spiritual, casual. Meet at 8:00 a.m. (7:45 for coffee and donuts) in the Lounge. Come and join us; we’ll save you a place. Midweek Centering Service — Wednesday, May 7, 7:30 p.m.— in our beautiful, candlelit Chapel Music by Circle of Hope Laying on of hands offered for those who desire it. Visit the Outdoor Labyrinth on the grounds at the Family Life Center. Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. Walk in prayerful surrender. -6- The Interfaith Hospitality Network We open the doors to our Family Life Center at 5:00 p.m. today to welcome our IHN guests. Our mission is to provide a temporary, safe, loving, supportive place for homeless families and single women during their time of crisis. We are able to do this because of the generosity of our Federated Church Family. You continually open your hearts, hands and minds to these families and single women that God places in our care every host week, and they feel God’s love through each of you. Please continue to pray for our guests and volunteers throughout the week. If you have not signed up to help but would still like to contribute in some way, please contact one of the IHN coordinators. We will be hosting for two consecutive weeks, July 27 through August 10; please mark your calendars! Thank you for giving, volunteering and praying. — Becky Scott (216-789-4023), Sally & Phil Fogarty (440-488-1079), Sarah Sommers (216-213-9837), Lisa Vitantonio (440-247-6490x218), and Jannine Mason (440-247-6490x212) AT THE FED Sunday, May 11 — 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. —PENTECOST/MOTHERS DAY— • Worship & Church School • Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton • FORTE sings at both services • Children’s Choir sings at both services • 2nd Graders lead The Lord’s Prayer • Adult Baptism at 11:00 Sunday, May 18 — 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. —CONFIRMATION SUNDAY— • Worship & Church School • Sermon by Rev. Mark Simone • Ensemble sings at 9:00; Chancel Choir sings at 11:00 Sunday, May 25 — 10:00 a.m. at the Family Life Center —MEMORIAL WEEKEND SUNDAY— • Worship & Church School • Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton • Ensemble sings • Loaves & Fishes at St. Paul’s May is Teacher Recruitment Month “And He said to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.’” -Matthew 4:19 Come, follow Jesus, be a “Fisher of People” in our Church School Ministry 2008–2009: ~ Sign up during May in Fellowship Hall ~ (Alternatively, fill out this form and place it in the collection plate or hand it into a team member in the Children’s Ministries Office.) Teacher (Nursery to Kindergarten) ____ Adult Shepherd (grades 1—6) ____ Workshop Leader (5 weeks only) ____ High School Youth Shepherd ____ Substitute Teacher ____ Cut/paste/workshop set-up ____ Name & Phone Grade/Time Preference: _____________________ -7- Sunday, June 1 — 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. • Family Worship & Communion • Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton • Men of Chagrin sing at 9:00; Chancel Choir sings at 11:00 Sunday, June 8— 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. —MUSIC APPRECIATION SUNDAY— • Worship & Church School • Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton • Ensemble sings at 9:00; Chancel Choir sings at 11:00 • Olson Bell Choir rings at both services • Children’s Choir sings at both services Lectionary Readings for May 11 Acts 2:1-21 or Numbers 11:24-30 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b I Corinthians 12:3b-13 John 20:19-23 or John 7:37-39 J.O.Y ~ (Jesus Oriented Youth) for all kids in 7th and 8th grades; generally meets on Sundays at 4:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Contact J.O.Y. leader Marty Culbertson at [email protected]. • TODAY — Special time of 4:00 p.m. Meet in the Family Life Center parking lot for our trip to WhirlyBall. Forgot to RSVP? That’s OK — join us, bringing $20 for great food and good eats. Don’t forget your permission slip! (Find it at • Next Sunday — Join GROUP for Jump Jam from 5:00-7:30 p.m. (note the extended time) — good food, music and Capture the Flag! A SPIRITUAL GROWTH ACADEMY FOR THE COMMUNITY THROUGH THE FEDERATED CHURCH 2008 Summer Offerings Gentle Outdoor Yoga on the Labyrinth with Polly Manke at the Family Life Center (Youth Room for rainy days) Tuesdays July 1—July 29 9:30-9:45 a.m. $10.00 drop-in fee GROUP ~ for all kids in the 9th through 12th grades; generally meets on Sundays at 6:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Contact GROUP leader Rev. Mark Simone at [email protected]. • TODAY— Regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. Bring $3 for food. Bring a friend. Volleyball! • Tuesday, May 6—Guitar Choir~ 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. • Next Sunday — Jump Jam from 5:00-7:30 p.m. (note the extended time) — good food, music and Capture the Flag! Mat Pilates—Make the Connection with Roseann Fracci (602-717-4771 ~ [email protected]) Tuesdays: June 3, 10, 17, 24; July 1, 8, 15 & 22 in the Family Life Center Youth Room 5:30-6:30 p.m. $12.00 drop-in fee or $80.00/8 weeks Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 28 Become fully present in your body through breath and precision movement. Tap into your inner strengths to achieve more fluidity and joint mobility. Leave each session feeling centered and aligned...connected from the outside to within. Bring a Pilates or yoga mat. Colorado Kids ~ Looking ahead: • June 7—Car Wash • June 8—Golf Outing • June 15—Car Wash • June 21—Car Wash • June 28—Car Wash Strong, Stretched & Centered—Session 1 with Roseann Fracci Thursdays: June 5, 12, 26; July 3, 10, 17 & 24 in the Family Life Center Youth Room 8:00-9:00 a.m. p.m. $12.00 drop-in fee or $70.00/7 weeks Registration deadline is Friday, May 30 Stretch your stress away, center your spirit, feel stronger and longer from head to toe! Learn a regime that will improve circulation, increase elasticity of muscle joints, help the body repair itself and prepare you for optimal movement in daily living. Bring a Pilates or yoga mat. Vacation Bible School needs YOU! VBS is “going green” again this year, and we need volunteers. If you are interested in helping make this year a success, please call Bev Mills at 440-247-6490 x216. Vacation Bible School will take place June 16-20 at the Family Life Center, and we need both youth (entering 7th grade and above) and adult shepherds, leaders for science, service, music, snacks and more! Please note this date — some registration forms were sent out with an incorrect date. -8- Financial Update—First Quarter Results 03/31/08 Total Donations Other Income Expenses Cash In Bank $ 542,980 33,882 463,263 --------$ 113,599 03/31/07 03/31/06 $ 470,321 27,356 434,935 ------$ 62,742 $ 548,231 34,723 421,201 -------$ 161,753 As you can see from the First Quarter results above, our cash flow is better than 2007 but not quite as good as 2006. Our expenses to date are 1% under budget, as we continue to closely monitor our finances. We would like to take this opportunity to say “THANK YOU” for your faithfulness, and to remind you that paying your pledge ahead of schedule or paying it regularly throughout the year helps our cash flow. We have not used our credit line to borrow temporary funds for the past two years; your timely donations will help us continue this positive trend and save interest costs. ~The Board of Finance and Stewardship Men’s Cookout on May 27 All men who attended the last Men’s Retreat and regular attendees of Men’s Fourth Tuesday are invited to a cookout at Phil Fogarty’s home on Tuesday evening, May 27, at 6:00 p.m. Burgers, brats, pop, beer and all the fixin’s will be provided. Good food, relaxation, and friendly conversation are on the agenda. Games and singing “Kumbaya” are optional! No cost to attend, but we do ask that you RSVP if you plan on attending, so that we know how much food to prepare. There will be a sign-up sheet at the reception desk in the Lobby. For more information or with questions, contact Gerry Powers 440-247-6505, e-mail [email protected]; or Barry Biggin 440-543-9817, e-mail: [email protected]. On display in our halls during the month of May are the large acrylic floral paintings by Vernon Kaufman, retired architect and long-time resident of Chagrin Falls. Mr. Kaufman has exhibited his paintings in the Gates Mills Show, Fairmount Show, Chagrin Falls Library, and at the Rehobeth Art League in Delaware and has won several awards. His more recent paintings are primarily large floral works, but his subject matter has also included seascapes, cityscapes, landscapes and an occasional portrait. You may contact the artist for questions about his work at 440-247-4094. Federated Church asks you to THINK GREEN: -9- Our Weekly Calendar Activities in bold italics take place at the Family Life Center, on Rt. 306 between E. Washington St. & Bell St. Due to space limitations, rentals, Scout activities and non-Church related community events are not listed below. Today, May 4: —IHN WEEK AT THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER— 8:45 a.m. 9 & 11 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m. Men of Chagrin Rehearsal Family Worship & Communion Confirmation Class Breakfast (at Fogartys’) Mid-Hour Concert from The Ensemble Employment Connections Prayer Connections J.O.Y. (away) GROUP Sunday Open Hearth AA 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 8: 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Monday, May 5: 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Spirit Walk and Roll TOTs Elderlife Exercise Children’s Choir Rehearsal Centering Prayer ~ Evening Meeting SingleLife Potluck Social Justice Committee Meeting FORTE Rehearsal Augustine Fellowship SingleLife Program Tuesday, May 6: 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Spirit Walk and Roll Book Study Tributaries ~ Gentle Yoga with Polly Pastoral Care TOTs Bethel Bible Study Elderlife Bridge Guitar Choir Central Council Meeting Fireside Big Book AA Ensemble Rehearsal Spirit Walk and Roll Tributaries ~ Gentle Yoga with Polly Sit and Stitch Community Board of Youth Nurture & Fellowship Meeting C. S. Lewis Book Study Olson Bell Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chagrin Falls Women 12x12 AA Friday, May 9: 8:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Spirit Walk and Roll Friday A.M. Bible Study Elderlife Exercise Friday Noon Big Book AA (closed) Chagrin Falls Friday AA (open) Saturday, May 10: 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Gathering of Men Tributaries ~ Healing Heart Yoga in the Village 10:00 a.m. Ensemble Competes in WCLV/UCC Choral Challenge (away at Pilgrim UCC) 3:00 p.m. Memorial Service for Bo Burr Sunday, May 11: —PENTECOST SUNDAY/MOTHERS’ DAY— 8:45 a.m. 9 & 11 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Men of Chagrin Rehearsal Worship & Church School Confirmation Class at CFIS Blood-Pressure Screening Employment Connections Prayer Connections Federated Legacy Bylaw Committee Meeting 5:00 p.m. J.O.Y./GROUP Jump Jam/Cookout 8:15 p.m. Sunday Open Hearth AA Wednesday, May 7: 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Women’s Basketball (open) Augustine Fellowship Mid-Week Centering Service Alanon Centering Prayer ~Morning Meeting Spirit Walk and Roll Prayer Group Prayer & Study Time Federated Staff Prayer & Meeting Time Elderlife Brown Bag Lunch & Trip (away) Elderlife Exercise Twelve to One ~ Women’s AA Circle of Hope Rehearsal CoDa Meeting -10- Pastoral Care Team for the week of Fellowship of Prayer Art Anderson, c/o Kansas University Hospital, 39th & Rainbow, Kansas City KS 66106, who was hospitalized for tests in Kansas City while traveling. Anne, Scott and Corinne Burr, 1589 Bell Rd., Chagrin Falls 44022, on the death of husband and father, Bo. The memorial service will take place on Saturday, May 10, at 3:00 p.m. Wayne Erdelack, 4200 Giles Rd., Moreland Hills 44022, who has had a setback in his recovery from spinal meningitis. May 4 May 10 Marilee Rickert 440-543-9551 Bob Abley Paul Neidhardt Carol Poe Coline Kiehne, 4986 Lander Rd., Chagrin Falls 44022, who was diagnosed with a second bout of mouth cancer. Vern & Jeanne Mottinger, 200 Hamlet Hills Dr., Apt. 208, Chagrin Falls 44022, who were both recently hospitalized and are now recovering, Vern at home and Jeanne in Hamlet Manor. Jon Slaybaugh, 15715 Gamekeepers Trl, Novelty 44072, who had surgery to repair his Achilles tendon on Friday, May 2. Kay Sloan, 6000 Nob Hill Dr., Apt. 202, Chagrin Falls 44022, who is hospitalized at Hillcrest with pneumonia. Each week, we ask your prayers for two of our staff members. This week please pray for Marty Culbertson and Bill Foley. Remember to make use of the Prayer Box on the altar in the Chapel. The Staff regularly reads and prays for all those mentioned in the prayer requests submitted. Our Staff is Here to Help You as Partners in Ministry … 440-247-6490 Hamilton Coe Throckmorton, Senior Minister Mark Simone, Associate Minister & Sr. High Youth Director Dan DeWeese, Associate Minister & Elderlife/SingleLife Director Judy Bagley-Bonner, Spiritual Life Associate Toni Cirino, Director of Operations & Finance Peg Weissbrod, Director of Lay Ministries Wendy Pierce, Director of the Family Life Center Bev Mills, Director of Children’s Ministries, Infant-K Jannine Mason, Dir. Children’s Ministries, Gr. 1-6 Lisa Vitantonio, Admin. Ass’t., Children’s Ministries Thea Mozingo, Admin. Ass’t, Children’s Ministries Marty Culbertson, Junior High Youth Program Director William Foley, Director of Chancel Choir and Men of Chagrin Jodie Ricci, Director of The Ensemble and FORTE Marcia Snavely, Organist Pat Haynish, Children’s Music Ministry Coordinator Lois Annich, Pastoral Counselor Patti Consolo, Financial Assistant Pat Nichols, Pastoral Care Coordinator & SPIRE Editor Kate Young, Bulletin & SingleLife Newsletter Editor Melinda Smith, Membership & Web Administrator Larry Trace, Properties Manager Jamie Carlton, Larry McGurer, T.J. Moyer, Don Newrones, Mike Swigonski, Gordon Vojtech, Bill Walker, Curt Wells, Custodians Tosh Whaley, “God’s House” Keeper 76 BELL STREET ◊ P.O. BOX 60 ◊ CHAGRIN FALLS, OHIO ◊ 44022-0060 PHONE 440-247-6490 ◊ FAX 440-247-2516 ◊
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THE FEDERATED CHURCH A United Church of Christ
all people as they are and supports them in the
spiritual journey. With Christ, we offer hope
and healing to change our world.”
—Federated’s Mission Statement