Being Reminded of Redemption
Being Reminded of Redemption
June 2016 Volume 14 Issue 6 The Newsletter of Northside Community Church Being Reminded of Redemption... Adrian Dixon, Lead Pastor There’s many blessings to being a community pastor in a relatively small town. There’s some challenges as well, but in the 15+ years that I’ve been in Knightdale, I’ve had the chance to meet and get to know some wonderful people. Whether it’s inside the church or out in the community, I feel very humbled to live and serve where I do. To be honest, I know I take it for granted many times. One of the blessings is having the opportunity to interact with people outside of the church. Whether through my work at the hospital, on community boards or at my kid’s daycare, inevitably church life comes up (just fyi, I do enjoy talking about more things than just church ). Over the last three years, a common thread in these conversations is our current building on First Avenue. People in our community continually say such positive, encouraging things about the changes taking place in and around the building. Just last week, I received an email from a community member saying how good our new paved parking lot looks. If you take a moment to think about all the physical changes that have occurred at the church over the last three years, it really is quite amazing. When I have these conversations with people in our community, I always try to point out two things: 1) Our building is preaching a message and 2) Our people are trying to live it. When we acquired the First Avenue property in late 2011, much of the building was in disrepair. In all honesty, there is not a single room, space or area inside or on the grounds that we have not touched or beautified in some way. Whether it was renovating spaces to provide a more warm, modern look or upgrading the facility itself (bathrooms, HVAC, code requirements), the building received a complete makeover. Couple those changes with the outside improvements and the building looks quite different than it did just a few years ago. On the first Sunday in 2013 in our new space, I made the statement that this building will always preach “redemption” to our community. I still believe that today. The idea of redemption is purely biblical when we consider what God has done for us. If you study church buildings long enough, each one will communicate a message. I hope our space communicates that God will never leave you behind and that no matter how ugly or discarded you feel, God can and will make something beautiful out of it. As much as the building preaches, our lives speak even more. I don’t tell you enough just how thankful I am to serve the community that is Northside. As a people, I’ve been able to witness firsthand the love and compassion you have for one another and the community in which we live. You and I have never met a single individual whose life wasn't in need of being redeemed. As wonderful a place as Knightdale and Eastern Wake County is, not our town nor our world can bring the redemption each of us need. Thank you for believing that and living out a hope that points to the One whose business is redemption. Buildings come and go. So do pastors. But the message of redemption… it will always have a place as long as we recognize our need for a Redeemer. New Teaching Series Begins June 12th Like the ancient Israelites, God's people today often receive the gift of salvation but remain enslaved to sin. The truth is, our behavior is merely a result of whom or what we worship. Our gods influence our priorities, values, morality, choices, and ultimately our eternity. Join us beginning June 12th as Pastor Adrian unpacks a list of commandments that were intended to give freedom. Compassion Project Ribbon Cutting On Thursday, May 26th, over fifty people gathered for the Knightdale Chamber of Commerce’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Northside Compassion Project. Bill Scorso and Jonathan May cut the ribbon to officially welcome NCP into the Knightdale community. The Northside Compassion Project was launched in 2013 as a 501c3 non-profit organization with a mission to provide transitional housing to single parents in the Eastern Wake community. Currently, NCP owns a two unit duplex in downtown Knightdale. One unit has been completely renovated with plans to start the renovation on the second unit later this year. While started by Northside Community Church, NCP is governed by a board consisting of church partners and community members. Happening in June Facility Safety/Security Meeting For anyone interested, we will be meeting with Chief Lawrence Capps with the Knightdale Police at 7:00 pm to begin discussions on developing a safety/ security plan for Northside. Raleigh Rescue Mission We’ll be serving meals and leading a chapel service at the Mission. The commitment time is 4:30-7:30. Please sign up in the lobby if you would like to volunteer. Father’s Day Come celebrate the dads and dad-like figures in your life! Discover Northside Have questions about Northside’s mission and values? Curious to know where we’re headed? Ready to take the plunge and join Northside as a partner? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, Discover Northside is for you! Our next Discover Northside ses- Take the journey into an exciting VBS summer Prepare for an adventure as we search for discoveries in our submarine. We are finding God's truth below the surface as we dig deep into God's Word. We know things in the sea and things in life look different when you look at them closely. We will be submerged in God's Word this week to see how Jesus saw people differently. Jesus sees what is on the inside of people, and He wants a relationship with each one of us. We will dive in together to explore all God has for us through Bible study, crafts, missions, music, and recreation! VBS will be held June 20th-24th from 6:00-8:30 pm for ages 3 through 5th grade. There is a maximum of 80 spots. Registration is required. RSVP by visting: June 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Effective Parenting Small Group 7:00 pm 5 6 7 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts 6:30-8:00 pm Girl Scouts 6:00—8:30 pm Camp Dixie Weekend Retreat Facility Safety/ Security Meeting 7:00 pm 12 13 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts 6:30-8:00 pm 14 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am 20 VBS 6:00—8:30 pm Effective Parenting Small Group 7:00 pm 15 Effective Parenting Small Group 7:00 pm Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm 19 8 21 VBS 6:00—8:30 pm 22 VBS 6:00—8:30 pm Thu 2 3 NAMI Group 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP Worship Team Practice 7:00 pm 10 NAMI Group 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP Worship Team Practice 7:00 pm 17 NAMI Group 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP 23 24 VBS 6:00—8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP VBS 6:00—8:30 pm 26 27 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Discover Northside 7:00 pm Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm 28 29 Effective Parenting Small Group 7:00 pm 30 4 Camp Dixie Weekend Retreat 11 Raleigh Rescue Mission 4:30-7:30 pm 16 Worship Team Practice 7:00 pm Sat Camp Dixie Weekend Retreat 9 Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm *Holy Communion Fri 18 25 A Few Notes Congregational Support Our Elders are available for any spiritual needs you have. Dear Northside, Our Deacons are available to assist you with your physical needs. These individuals are able to assist you this month. We would like to thank you for allowing our club to use your parking lot for our annual yard/plant sale on April 30th. We had a very successful sale. Funds raised help support our eight town beds that we maintain and other projects within Knightdale. June Elder Two Green Thumbs Garden Club Russell Killen | [email protected] 919.270.3571 June Deacons Dear Church Family, Tom Bodette | [email protected] 919.217.5662 Tara Johnson | [email protected] 919.649.9073 Need Prayer? Thank you for the gorgeous bouquet of flowers that were sent during my hospital stay. The arrangement was a lovely surprise and really brightened up my room. I am so grateful for the prayers, love and support shown by all. God bless. Carole Carrothers Email requests to: [email protected] June Birthdays Northside Receives First Gift of Stock Northside recently received our first gift of stock! Gifts of stock can be an easy way to give that would contribute to the ongoing ministry of Northside. If you own stock and would like to consider giving a gift of stock, please connect with Pastor Adrian Dixon at [email protected]. May Stewardship May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 Attendance 201 (106/95) 195 (105/90) 212 (105/107) 226 (88/138) 171 (86/85) Offering $7,043.04 $3,878.00 $4,787.49 $4,636.40 $5,760.11 Average Weekly Attendance: 201 Total Amount of Tithes $26,105.04 Amount Needed Per Week $4,101.35 Average Weekly Tithes $5,221.01 YTD Budget Overage $8,503.45 “The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to fear the Lord your God.” (NLT) Deuteronomy 14:23c Phillip Bukowski Doug Francis Mattie Jones Kirby Canada Jaime Davis Bill Powell Paula Knapp Delani Bodette Norm Fournier Aydrian Hartsfield Courtney Penny Denise Davis Cameron Ray Grayson Taylor Tom Bodette Kevin Daughtry Reece Montgomery Elaine Adams Caleb Fournier George Watson Lila Thorpe Elle Sawyer Patti Pritchett Ronnie Earp Samantha Hartsfield Lucas Reynolds Russell Killen June 1st June 1st June 1st June 5th June 7th June 7th June 8th June 10th June 10th June 10th June 10th June 11th June 12th June 12th June 13th June 16th June 18th June 19th June 20th June 21st June 24th June 25th June 26th June 28th June 28th June 29th June 30th Did we miss yours? Please let us know. [email protected] Northside Community Church Mission | Values Mission: Our mission is to meet our community’s changing needs by living the unchanging Gospel of Christ. Values: Fidelity | We are committed to Biblical truth and prayer Authenticity | We are committed to creating an environment where people can come as they are Compassion | We are committed to heartfelt concern for the needs of others Engagement | We are committed to intentionally pursuing involvement in our community Staff: Adrian Dixon, Lead Pastor | [email protected] Eric Dixon, Pastor of Worship | [email protected] Dee Belvin, Pastor of Children’s Ministries | [email protected] Dan Thorpe, Pastor of Student Ministries | [email protected] PO Box 1139 Knightdale, NC 27545
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