St. Edward the Confessor - St Edward Confessor Church
St. Edward the Confessor 205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, New York 11791 Pastoral Team Rev. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor Rev. Hyacinth Jemigbola, Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Fitzgerald (in residence) Deacon Raymond D’Alessio Deacon James F. Murphy Rectory Office Hours Phone: 921-8030 ext. 110 Fax: 921-4549 Monday - Thursday: 9am - 8pm Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 1pm Pastoral Associate Office Deacon Raymond D’Alessio ext. 134 Clare Crossley ext. 139 St. Edward the Confessor School 2 Teibrook Ave. 921-7767 Mr. Vincent Albrecht, Principal Religious Education Grades 1-6 ext. 124 Grades 7-8 ext. 126 Mrs. Rosemary Pettei, ext. 125, Director Grades 1-8 Parish Social Ministry Mrs. Susan Lawlor, Director 921-8030 ext. 137 Eucharist Saturdays Sundays Weekdays We Celebrate the Sacraments 9:00am & 5:00pm 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am & 7:00pm 9:00am Baptism Celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month at 1:00pm. Please call the rectory to arrange. Confessions Saturdays 12:30 - 1:30pm and upon request Marriage Please contact the rectory upon engagement. Anointing of the Sick Available upon request Devotions • The Miraculous Medal Novena and the Rosary are prayed each Friday at 8:30am, and the Rosary is prayed after the 5pm Mass on the First Saturday of the month. • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held each Friday beginning at 9:30am and concludes with Benediction at 12 noon. • Each Friday a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration begins at 7:00pm and concludes with Benediction at 8:00pm. Music Ministry Jeff & Marilyn Fox, Directors 921-8030 ext. 110 Youth Ministry Carolyn Pugliesi, Director 921-8030 ext. 127 Saint Edward the Confessor Mission Statement The people of Saint Edward the Confessor Parish live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ! + by praying and celebrating the Sacraments + by fostering a community of love among all people + by serving all, especially the poor, the vulnerable and the alienated + by teaching from generation to generation We always WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS. Please register at the rectory office. February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time LENT 2015 Ash Wednesday February 18, 2015 Liturgy of the Word Services: 7:00am & 4:30pm Ashes are distributed during Prayer Services. Masses: 9:00am, 12:10pm & 7:00pm Ashes are distributed during Mass. Ashes are available throughout the day from 7:00am – 9:00pm From the Pastor’s Desk In Exodus Chapter 20 we read the account of God giving the Israelites the Ten Commandments, and we are told that while God was giving them to Moses there was thunder and lighting, the sound of trumpets, and the entire mountain was surrounded by smoke. At this sight, the people trembled and kept their distance from the mountain. They begged God and Moses to have only Moses speak to God, and subsequently Moses could share God’s message with them. They cried out, “‘But, do not have God speak to us or we will die.’” Today’s reading from Deuteronomy continues the story from Exodus. Again, Moses was the Lord’s spokesman along the journey, but now the journey was coming to an end, and so was Moses. So in today’s reading, Moses tells the people, “‘A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen. This is exactly what you requested of the Lord, your God, at Horeb.’” And as God continues, “‘I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kin, and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it.’” This promised prophet is understood in later times to be none other than the Messiah; the one who will come and speak in God’s name. The prophet then is Our Lord Jesus Christ, and this is what Mark is getting at in today’s Gospel Reading, when he notes that Jesus speaks as one having his own authority, and not like the scribes. What does this mean? Jesus speaks like Moses in the sense that what He says comes directly from God. The scribes, Pharisees, and Rabbis of old and of great fame (even to this very day) spoke about the things that they studied from the Torah and what was spoken by the great prophets. They taught what was passed down to them, and there was nothing wrong with this because they were passing on good, holy teachings that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus, like Moses, is speaking directly what was being said by God, but unlike Moses, Jesus is much more than a prophet, for Jesus is God. Therefore what Jesus spoke is not like Moses repeating what he heard from God, when Jesus spoke it was (and is) God directly speaking to humanity. As it is pointed out by Scripture Scholars and by Mark, it seems the one who knows Jesus best at His first preaching in the synagogue is the demon who is driven out of the man. It is the demon who says, “‘I know who you are –the Holy One of God!’” In fact, at every occurrence where Jesus drives out an unclean spirit, the demon or demons always know who He is and always reacts with fear, because He has power over them. Also notice, that Jesus will; not allow them to speak or testify to who he truly is. This is because it is not their testimony He wants. Jesus wants the testimony of those who have been saved. Mark wants us to know that Jesus’ fame spread all over Galilee not only because He drove out demons, but because He teaches with divine authority. Mark wants us to know that His message is just as important as His deeds. For the past 2015 years, the Church, has been spreading the Good News about Jesus and He has given her the ability to speak in His name, and to invoke His authority in spreading the Gospel. At times the Church has done this very well, and at times she has not. When she has not, it seems that the Church was listening to itself, and not her founder or she was more concerned with how she looked than what Jesus wants her to do. But keep in mind, that we are the Church, and in order for the Church to stay on the right path, all of us must listen to the voice of the Messiah, and yield to his wonderful, loving, and merciful authority. All of us must carry out His work and do what Jesus would do. The saying What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) is more than just something found on a bracelet, it should be our motto and how we live our lives everyday. God bless you always. Fr. Mike Mass Intentions February 2 Antonio DelVecchio Tuesday 9:00 a.m. February 3 Kristin & Maureen Matricardi Wednesday 9:00 a.m. February 4 Joseph Popik, Sr. Thursday 9:00 a.m. February 5 Agatha Tsunis Friday 9:00 am February 6 Jaen-Pierre Serena Saturday 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. February 7 John Quinn & Julia Collins Katherine Barley Joan Bertelli Maria Martino Genevieve Porro Donald Sittig Olympia Fasano Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. February 8 For Our Parishioners Theresa Branagan Patrick J. Farrell Bill Stouges Alice Halligan Vincent Zorbo Theresa Clarke Albert G. Nelson Daniel Pellegrino Jesus taught with authority Whom we remember with love and gratitude. The Altar Bread & Wine For the week of February 1 – February 7, 2015 is Given in Loving Memory of: Catherine & Joachim Borowik By Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh The Sanctuary Candle For the week of February 1 – February 7, 2015 Is Lit in Loving Memory of: Sister Patrice Ward, RSM By Her Friends Presider Schedule Sat., February 7, 2015 5:00 p.m. Sun., February 8, 2015 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Mark:1: 21-28 February 1, 2015 Monday 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Gospel Glimpses Fr. Mike Fr. Joe Fr. Mike Fr. Hyacinth & Fr. Joe Fr. Mike Do you believe that God’s word has power to set you free and to transform your life? When Jesus taught he spoke with authority. He spoke the word of God as no one had spoken it before. When the Rabbis taught they supported their statements with quotes from other authorities. The prophets spoke with delegated authority - "Thus says the Lord." When Jesus spoke he needed no authorities to back his statements. He was authority incarnate - the Word of God made flesh. When he spoke, God spoke. When he commanded even the demons obeyed. Augustine of Hippo remarked that "faith is mighty, but without love it profits nothing. The devils confessed Christ, but lacking charity it availed nothing. They said, 'What have we to do with you' (Mark 1:24)? They confessed a sort of faith, but without love. Hence they were devils." Faith is powerful, but without love it profits nothing (1 Corinthians 13). Scripture tells us that true faith works through love (Galatians 5:6) and abounds in hope (Romans 15:13). Our faith is made perfect in love because love orients us to the supreme good which is God himself as well as the good of our neighbor who is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26,27). Hope anchors our faith in the promises of God and purifies our desires for the things which will last for eternity. That is why the word of Christ has power to set us free from all that would keep us bound in sin, deception, and despair. Bede the venerable abbot of an English monastery (672-735) contrasted the power and authority of Jesus' word with the word of the devil: "The devil, because he had deceived Eve with his tongue, is punished by the tongue, that he might not speak" [Homilies on the Gospels 1.8]. If we approach God’s word submissively, with an eagerness to do everything the Lord desires, we are in a much better position to learn what God wants to teach us through his word "Lord Jesus, your word is power and life. May I never doubt your saving love and mercy, and the power of your word to bring healing and deliverance to those in need." From Death to New Life Gladys McCarthy Pray For The Sick All names on the sick list will remain for six weeks, if you would like a name to remain longer, please call the Rectory Office. Andrew Grasso Michael Cintorino Ruth Odwazny Kathy Rooney Helen Ziegler Julianna Key William Benjamin Joseph Phalen Giliceria Ramirez Patricia Froehlich Douglas Gerbosi Alberta Zero Molly Symington Richard Strype Mary Vogt Lisa Klingenberg Katy Monte Gerard Roman KristenWadsworth Christina Fisher Terry Ullrich Carolyn Miller Louise Gerosa Armand Sposato James Giambalvo Elizabeth EnglishLong Last Week’s Collection Parish Social Ministry News Pantry Hours: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Office Hours: Our Weekly Offering 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM SEC MISSIONER’S MONTHLY FOOD COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND FEB.7TH & 8TH Sunday, Jan 25, 2015 Envelopes $15,929.00 437 PANTRY NEEDS; Weekly Budget Weekly Difference +/- $18,000.00 $ -2071.00 Coffee, Tea, Snacks, Mayo, Mustard, Salad Dressing, Snow Removal Collection $ 4042.00 Peanut Butter, Jelly, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Non-perishable microwave meals, Paper towels, Tissues, Toilet Tissue, Shampoo, Dish & Laundry Detergent, Cleaning Supplies, Baby Wipes Week #21 *YTD Actual *YTD Budget *YTD Difference+/- $359,576,.10 $378,000.00 $-18,423.90 We thank all who contributed to the support of our Parish! Blessing of Throats Tuesday February 3rd is the Memorial of St. Blaise. The Blessing of Throats will take place immediately after the 9:00AM Daily Mass on Tuesday. Welcome the Newly Baptized Just a friendly reminder to please check expiration dates. Thank you for your generosity & support of the monthly food collection! CHRISTMAS BASKET OF GIVING ADOPT-A-FAMILY PROGRAM 2014 UPDATE Thank you for your very generous donations to our 2014 program. Because of your generosity, we were able to assist our families and individuals and provide them with a joyous holiday. They are most grateful for your kindness and generosity. Many thanks to our program coordinators, Allison & Don MacAvoy, for their continued dedication and support. Thank you to Mrs. Francine Cosenza, Mr. Vincent Albrecht, Faculty, Students & Parents of St. Edward’s School for your generosity & support. Thank you to our Pantry Office volunteers, Lorraine Donlon, Rosemarie Gallego, Joanne Gulotta, & Priscilla Abigail G. Teixeira Ryan James Moore Michael John Oberg Jr. Poole for all your help during a very busy holiday season and for your steadfast dedication each week helping to assist our neighbors in need. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY & HEALTHY 2015! Today’s Readings February 1, 2015 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm: 95 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Gospel: Mark: 1:21-28 Next Week’s Readings February 8, 2015 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Psalm: 147 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark: 1:29-39 Parish News From the Pastoral Associate’s Office St. Edward the Confessor Parish congratulates the following students for their academic achievement for the First Trimester Honor Roll at Steubenville Conference 2015...Carolyn Pugliesi is our contact person for the Youth Conference scheduled for August of this year, please contact Carolyn for additional information at 516.921.8030x127. Parents and teens are encouraged to visit the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion...are asked to sign up for Ash Wednesday Prayer Services, Masses and hourly Distribution of Ashes for this year’s Ash Wednesday on February 18th. Hearing Impaired System...a system that will allow those with difficulty hearing has been installed in our Church. Receivers are now available by asking one of the Ushers or Greeters at Mass. A further upgrade for those with hearing aides is being installed as well. Fr. Jim Shelton...was with us last week to celebrate the 11:30am Mass. It was great to have someone whose vocation was fostered at St. Edward’s preside at the Liturgy. Fr. Joe Fitzgerald is the Diocesan Director of Vocations. Please feel free to contact Fr. Joe, Fr. Mike, Deacon Jim, Deacon Ray or Sister Sheila if you believe God is calling you to serve the Church in a special way. The Year of Consecrated Life...Pope Francis has declared this a year to remember, honor and pray for those men and women who have dedicated their lives to God ...“Our brothers and sisters in Christ living consecrated lives make great contributions to our society through a vast number of ministries,” said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of USCCB. “They teach in our schools, take care of the poor and the sick and bring compassion and the love of Christ to those shunned by society; others lead lives of prayer in contemplation for the world.” At St. Edward’s, let us especially remember, honor and pray for the Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of St. Dominic who live, work, teach and worship within our Community. They are a blessing and a gift to us. Chaminade High School Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Patrick J. Conklin Shawn M. Connell Stephen V. Conte Jason M. Tsarouhis Michael A. Tsui James J. Orioli William J. Sanchez Dennis J. Valent Nicholas J. Campanella Gregory M. Bertrand Kevin M. Cooney Frank A. DeCapite Christopher B. Doss Riley P. Gunther Catholic Daughters Cake Sale CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA COURT # 2348 SUPER BOWL CAKE SALE The Catholic Daughters are holding their Super Bowl Cake Sale Today, Sunday, Feb. 1 after The 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 masses. Please remember to purchase your cakes or cookies after Mass, to enjoy at Super Bowl Parties Thank you for your generosity. God Bless our Parishioners. For information call Estelle Carnesi @ 921-0822 Your Help Is Requested Safety Notice Update It is important that we be aware of the dangers created for us and for others when parking in unauthorized areas and fire zones at all times; daily and weekends. It has now become especially hazardous with the ice and snow. -Please DO NOT park on the walkways leading to and surrounding the Church or the Rectory. -Please DO NOT park along the driveways entering and exiting the Parking Lot. -Please DO NOT park in the striped Fire Zones or outside the white lined parking spaces. -Please utilize the overflow parking lot by the ball field and the school side of Teibrook Avenue for additional parking on weekends. THANK YOU! Knights of Columbus Senior Trips SENSATIONAL TRIPS PLANNED FOR 2015 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joseph G. Gorman Council 5091 Syosset, NY Congratulations to Billy Pick on making his Third Degree! Business Meeting – Tuesday, February 10, 2015 8 PM - Holy Family Room *NOTE LATE START TIME* Social Meeting – Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Second Degree Ceremony 7:30 PM – Holy Family Room CHARITY IS THE ROLE OF ALL CATHOLICS May 20 or 21 Freedom Cruise when fleet is in. Lunch on trip. $89 to reserve, send check to: Denise Wetter, 102 Clover Rd, Woodbury NY 11797. Phone 921-0924 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ June 3 History Remembered, new 911 memorial. Lunch included. $99 to reserve, send check to: Barbara Conboy, 152 Meyers Ave., Hicksville, NY 11801. Phone 433-7649 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ July 14 Lauren Kristy River Boat on Great South Bay Lunch included. $99 to reserve, send check to: Pat Ennis 51 Willets Drive, Syosset NY 11791. Phone 921-8183 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ August 11 Grand Central Station N.Y.C. Lunch included. $105 to reserve, send check to: Peggy Dunleavy 204 Colonial Circle, Woodbury, NY 11797 Phone 364-0049 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ September 8 Culinary Institute & Hudson River Cruise. $113 to reserve, send check to: Eileen Paterson 17 Fieldstone Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 Phone 921-7673 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ October 4 Beautiful (a Broadway play). Information to follow. Sensational Trips for 2015 The next trip will be in May, a cruise in New York Harbor on The Spirit of New Y ork and should be especially exciting because it will be during Fleet Week—it’s called the Freedom Cruise. All of the trips scheduled for 2015 are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway off the Church vestibule. If room permits all of the trips will be listed in the church bulletin. If you are interested in a certain trip, call the person listed on the bulletin board, or for general questions call Dolores at 921-0484. If we get 40 or more persons for a trip we will be picked up at St. Edwards. Remember all checks are to be made out to: Rendezvous Travel KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS-Columbiettes Attention: All Catholic Ladies…ages 17-up Are you willing to help those less fortunate by meeting the needs of the people in our Community? If you said “YES!”, then please consider joining the Columbiettes! The Columbiettes are formed with the Knights of Columbus Council. We are a growing and vibrant service organization of Catholic ladies who are willing to make a difference in today’s society. All we ask is that you allocate only as much time as your schedule permits. You participate at whatever level of commitment that makes you comfortable. We take strong stands against Abortion Child Abuse Substance Abuse just to name a few… And a Strong Commitment to Family Values and helping the Sisters in our Religious Community. The benefits from membership are many: Spiritual, Moral, Educational and Social. DATE: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 TIME: 7:30 PM PLACE: Holy Family Room Please join us to see what we are all about. For further information ,please call or e-mail Sharon Pugliesi 516-724-0329 [email protected] CHARITY IS THE ROLE OF ALL CATHOLICS RCIA The preparation for baptism and Christian instruction are both of vital concern to God’s people, the Church, which hands on and nourishes the faith received from the apostles.” (RCIA 7) When catechumens and candidates gather with their sponsor, or with the parish team, so much is happening all at once. Friendships are made, and words of encouragement are shared, and the faith is passed on. RCIA sessions focus on Jesus in the Scriptures, his care and concern for all, and what his words and actions mean for us, today. In reflecting each week on the Sunday readings, Jesus gradually becomes a friend who walks with us. And over time, each realizes that it really is we who are coming to walk with Jesus! Someone who became Catholic here at St. Edwards a few years ago shares this: The RCIA experience for me was one that I will always remember. For me it came at about the same time that I was contemplating how someone "became Catholic". You see I was married to a Catholic since 1989 and we were both parishioners for some time at St Edwards and our children went through the religious education program there. Although I was baptized Presbyterian I never really "grew up" with the church. Coming to Mass regularly was probably the motivating factor for me in joining the RCIA--it made GOD real and I felt something being in his presence and in being present with so many others who believed. I wanted to learn more and I wanted to participate in the Eucharist. The RCIA time I spent with fellow parishioners was very enlightening. It was part instructional but it was also just friends talking about their relationship with God. I am very glad I participated. We thank God for the goodness of all the parishioners of our parish who helped lead this person to the Church! For information, please contact: Sr. Sheila Browne [email protected] 516.921.8030 x135 Year of Consecrated Life Pope Francis has designated 2015 as the Year of Consecrated Life. This is a time to remember and recount the glorious history of religious life, of the many men and women religious of the past, and the great things they accomplished. We must also recall and rejoice in the men and women religious of today who continue the traditions of their founders right here on Long Island and throughout the world. The Holy Father tells us to look at the past with gratitude, to tell our stories to all, and to thank God for so many gifts. Pope Francis calls us to live the present with passion. Lastly he asks us to embrace the future with hope. Acknowledging the difficulties of our day: decreasing vocations and aging members, economic problems, threats posed by relativism and a sense of social irrelevance, we are called to practice the virtue of hope, the fruit of our faith in the Lord of history, who continues to tell us: “Be not afraid…for I am with you” (Jer 1:8) Ultimately, Pope Francis is calling all religious “to wake up the world,” since the distinctive sign of consecrated life is prophecy, to be prophets who witness to how Jesus lived on this earth.” Two religious communities live and minister in St. Edward’s Parish, the Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of St. Dominic. During this Year of Consecrated Life, there will be occasional columns written by Sisters in each of these communities, recounting a bit of their history, telling their stories and the ministries they do in our midst. Watch for them! Summer 2015-Teens Encountering Jesus at St. John’s University Diocesan News St. Joseph’s Seminary 440 west Neck Road Huntington, NY 11743 “Dancing on the Head of a Pin: The Angelic Doctor on Angelic Natures.” A Workshop on Angels. What are angels? What do they do? How are they different from us, and why do we sometimes confuse them with God? Why are angels good and demons bad, and why can’t demons be forgiven? How do angels see? Are we simply angels covered in skin? What can angels make me think, and what can’t they make me do? What is it like to stand in a crowd of angels, and why doesn’t that make a lot of sense? These are just some of the questions that can be legitimately posed about those interesting creatures called angels. Please join us for a five-week workshop in which we will consider what one of the greatest minds in human history said about the issue, Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas. Where: The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 440 West Neck Road, Huntington When: Wednesdays: Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 6:30pm-9:00pm Instructor: Ryan Williams, Associate Dean for St. Joseph’s Seminary. Cost: $150.00(audit fee), $467.00 (for (1) cr edit) To register or for more information please call Terry Villella at 631-423-0483, ext. 147. Diocesan News St. Joseph’s Seminary College Three campuses Three degrees, Three scheduling options. Open to qualified lay Men & Women, Religious & Clergy St. Joseph’s offers A Master of Arts in Theology A Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies A Master of Arts in Catholic Philosophical Studies AND Two Post-Masters certificates: Sacred Scripture & Dogmatic Theology Classes are offered during the day, in the evenings, and on Saturdays. All three campuses have video-Teleconferencing for Distance Learning Visit our website for more Or call Yonkers: (914) 367-8280 Huntington & Douglaston: (631) 423-0482 ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE Shrines of Italy—May 12-21, 2015 Travel with St. Joseph’s College faculty members; Sister Grace Rowland, CSJ and Fr. Francis Pizzarelli, SMM For detailed brochure call Sister Grace at 631-654-0199 or e-mail [email protected] Knights of Columbus Council Wanted: Catholic men to become a member of “The sign of the Cross” Knights of Columbus Council. We are the “ONLY” Deaf/Hearing impaired K of C Council in the World. Hearing men are welcome also. We meet the first and third Monday of every month in Hicksville. For more information contact: John Passarella, Grand Knight at [email protected] or call 516-997-8347. Dominican Village, a not-for-profit retirement community in Amityville, NY, provides both independent living and assisted living apartments for senior citizens. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Dominic, our beautiful 13 acr e campus pr ovides modern apartments, restaurant style dining, many services and amenities, as well as activities. Residents live in a supportive environment in which the sacredness of life and the dignity of each person are held in the highest regard. For more information and/or to arrange for a visit and tour, please call (631) 842-6091. Dominican Village: “When you’re here, you’re home.” 2015 SAT EXAM PREP COURSE For May 2nd SAT Exam Course will be held on the following Saturdays: February 28 March 7, 21, & 28 And April 18 & 25 9:00—11:30 a.m. in Marian Hall Course Fee: $250.00 (includes textbook) CONTACT: Mrs. Stutzmann 516-922-4888 x 5241 ST. DOMINIC HIGH SCHOOL Catholic Cruise to New England and Canada Come and sail away on a 7 night Catholic New England and Canada Cruise with Father Prakash Joseph May 16th—May 23rd, 2015 on Holland America Maasdam out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada— Ports of Call: St. Lawrence River, Canada; Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; gulf of St. Lawrence; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; Sydney, Nova Scotia; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Bar Harbor, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts. Prides begin at $1988 for two passengers this includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further info or to register, contact: Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 [email protected] Military List “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hand. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” Lt. Jameson Adler, Navy SEAL Lt. Kathryn Adler, U.S. Navy S.R. Ryan Bell, USN Maj. Joel Bernazzani U.S.A.F 1st Lt. Oliver Ennis, U.S. Army Lt. John Hagerman, U.S. Navy Lt. JG Amanda Hine, U.S. Navy A1C. Christopher Hofer U.S.A.F. Capt. Christian Kapey, U.S.M.C. Capt. Karen Kobus, U.S.M.C. Lance Corporal, James A. Krupa U.S.M.C. Sr. Amn. Michael LiBretto, U.S.A.F. Pvt. Erik Liebergall, U.S.M.C. SSgt. Ryan Lutz, Air Force Nat. Guard Pvt. Jonathan Maldonado U.S. Army 1st Lt. Christopher McCole U.S.Army Lt. JG Brian Shields, U.S.C.G. Ssgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army Capt. Carl Tiska, Navy SEAL Maj. Michael F. Wendelken, U.S. A.F. If you would like to inform us of any family member or friend who has been called to active service, please call our Rectory 516-921-8030 x 110 with information. We will list their names so the entire parish can include them in their prayers. Please call the Rectory when your loved one has returned from military duty. Parish Devotions Please join us for the following Parish Devotions Pastoral Council Fr. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor Deacon James Murphy Gregg Bonomi Sr. Monica, RSM Fiona Castro Gio Gliner Francine Cosenza Claire Kapey Kathy DeNatale David Krieg Kevin Frain Donna Zaino “The Council serves as a forum of consultation for the pastor and members, primarily by engaging them in ongoing dialogue about the needs, feelings, hopes and reactions of parishioners.” Guidelines for Pastoral Councils #B-2). Please feel free to contact any council member at any time regarding your “needs, feelings, hopes and reactions.” All council members can be reached through the Rectory Office. Telephone Directory ST. EDWARD’S—TELEPHONE 516-921-8030 Rectory Office Maryann Waite Ann Fisher (evenings) Karen Morrone School Florence Cassidy, Secretary Religious Education Office Rosanne Alexander, Grades 1-6 Roberta Zero, Grades 7-8 Pastoral Center Offices Jack Malone, Parish Manager Miguel DeLeon, Finance Director Parish Social Ministry Susan Lawlor RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Sister Sheila Browne, RSM ext. 110 110 112 121 124 126 136 132 137 135 Holy Communion The Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary prayed each Friday at 8:30AM. Please contact the Rectory to arrange for Communion to be brought to anyone in need at home, in the hospital or nursing home. The Parish Rosary prayed after the 5:00PM Saturday evening Mass, on the First Saturday of the Month. Community Hotline Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday beginning at 9:30AM and concluding with Benediction at Noon. The Safe Center of Long Island is a new non-profit that offers 24-hour, 7 day a week crisis counseling, advocacy and assistance for women, men and children who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or child abuse. Services are free and confidential. Parish Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 7:00PM each Friday evening with Benediction at 8:00PM followed immediately by Night Prayer and Blessing. 516-542-0404 St. Edward’s Website WWW.ST-EDWARDS.ORG Please check our website for recent news, schedules, updates and directions. El Parral Restaurant T. Zamow, Edward Jones Daniel Financial Advisor Making Sense of Investing Specialties From Spain & Italy 8 Berry Hill Road, Syosset 516 - 921 - 2844 KENS FAUCET 343 Jackson Avenue Family Dentistry Syosset Cosmetics • Implants FULL SERVICE SALON 516-496-3453 MARK A. DeNIGRIS, D.D.S. Open Tuesday - Saturday 34 South Oyster Bay Rd. PIPSYOSSET.COM 20 Cold Spring Rd., Syosset & TOILET REPAIRS INC. Licensed Master Plumber Chris & Tony’s All Plumbing Repairs All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair 516-488-2480 serving the Community Since 1990 Restaurant & Catering 352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 516-496-1011 JERICHO PHARMACY Compounds • Fast Service Great Customer Service Organic Cosmetics • Beauty Aids Most Insurance Accepted 10% Off Party Room w/ad Some Exclusions may apply Your Health Is Our Passion 340 Jericho Tpke., Syosset (located next to Mario’s Pizza and Cactus Salon 516.864.0020 M. Taheri, D.D.S. General & Orthodontic Dentistry 575 Underhill Blvd., Ste. 105 (516) 496-3880 After Hours Emergency: (516) 660-1076 Syosset Dental Work P.C. 516-864-2738 / 2730 Open 7 Days Free Delivery FREE DELIVERY Mathnasium of Syosset-Jericho 110 Jackson Ave., Syosset (516) 944-MATH (6284) Executive Service - All Occasions Danny & Tom Carbone, Proprietors Luxury Buses / SUVʼs /Vans / Limos and Sedans 364-9681 516-496-8333 Licensed Associate Broker Sales Manager Syosset / Muttontown Office 516.677.0030 ext.203, c.516.359.9499 [email protected] Your Satisfaction is my Success G in a m a r ie M. P al m ie r i Attor ne y At Law Each office is independently owned and operated Tel (347) 561 4492 • [email protected] 55 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 304 20% OFF Jericho, NY 11753 your front store or non-prescription BUSINESS D a n i e l F . A . P a l m i e r i PERSONAL purchase w/ad In s ur a n c e & T a x S e r v ic es ousine Service Inc. _ â ÇGarden t S y os s e t L i mSince 1986 170 Jericho Tpke Syosset 921-3290 Kathleen Pisani Syosset Open 7 Days Fine Asian Cuisine 631-261-2602 Syosset, NY 11791 Bus. 631-261-2602 Cell 631-848-3857 [email protected] Printing and Marketing Services J Ekstrom & Son Plumbing and Heating Tel (718) 835 8330 • Tel (516) 941-0921 • Fax (718) 835-3908 • [email protected] Credit Cards Accepted A Business Built On its Reputation Complete Plumbing & Heating Service 516-692-3142 or 631-385-1964 10% Senior Citizen Discount 99 Main St Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 CELL: OFFICE: 917.854.0347 631-692-4800 Licensed & Insured Mary O’Rourke Cashin Licensed Salesperson James Mayer, LCSW [email protected] Dedicated to achieving your goals. Substance Abuse • Intervention • Psychotherapy 333 Glen Head Rd., Suite 155, Glen Head, NY 11545 516-521-1254 [email protected] DESIGN • BUILD • INSTALL • MAINTAIN Tel 516.799.3567 Licensed & Insured • Member BBB, NSLGA, PLCAA, IPCI “Cleaning Angels” [email protected] Fine Residential & Office Cleaning Susan Perelli 516-287-4432 Insured • Bonded • Excellent References Over 20 Years Experience Custom Exteriors Home Improvements [email protected] SIDING • WINDOWS • ROOFING Call for FREE estimate 797-9610 Lic/Ins #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • TRIPLE CENTURY 2015 Win Your Own Pot o’ Gold! St. Edward the Confessor Parents Association’s Annual Triple Century Raffle March 14 2015 6:00 PM in the Gymnasium. Raffle tickets are $100.00 per ticket with only 300 tickets being sold. Triple Century is a reverse raffle...our winner will be the last ticket pulled. FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE FOURTH PRIZE FIFTH PRIZE $6,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 Make sure you are “Wearin’ o’ the Green” and come join us for a fun night out! Ticket forms are available through the rectory office. If you would like to purchase your ticket(s) via mail, please fill out the form below and mail it along with your check payable to PASE to: St. Edward Church Rectory, 205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, NY 11791 Attn: Triple Century Upon receipt, your ticket(s) will be mailed to you. You may also contact Alicia Vasile at 516-721-4180 or [email protected] if you have a “lucky number” request or to make arrangements to get the ticket(s) to you. **************************************************************************************** All ticket holders are invited to join us for cocktails and a light dinner at our Lucky Leprechaun Sweepstakes as we pull each and ever y last ticket! Tickets may be pur chased individually or shared with others. So get a group together, buy a ticket or two. _____________________________ _____________________________ 516 - 921 - 2888 79 Berry Hill Road, Syosset Beney Funeral Home CHRIS J. COSCHIGNANO, ESQ. SAHN WARD COSCHIGNANO & BAKER, PLLC Attorneys at Law 921-1000 228-1300 116 Jackson Ave., Syosset The Omni Building, Uniondale GEORGE HAAS 516 - 448 - 2357 Real Estate 681-2442 380 Woodbury Rd. Hicksville, NY Amalia (Molly) Symington Realty Connect USA 680-8123 cell Someone U Can Trust 24 HR TOWING & ROAD SERVICE 90 Underhill Blvd., Syosset, NY 11791 Luce Ristorante Pre-Need Counseling Available Steve’s Piccola Bussola Family Style Italian Restaurant Lunch • Dinner Open 7 Days Catering Available SERVICING SYOSSET WITH QUALITY SINCE 1964 Randy Williams Michael Dolinsky J & M AUTO REPAIR 516-364-9230 Fax: 364-6265 Debra McSheffrey Kiehn 516-647-6749 LUNCH•DINNER•CATERING•PRIVATE PARTY ROOM Doris Duvernoy OUTDOOR DINING • LUCE FOOD TRUCK 516-697-0899 1053 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich Signature Mother & Daughter 516-624-8330 Licensed RE Salesperson Premier Properties Income Tax Preparation “Physical Therapy...The Way It Should Be.” Specializing in Rehabilitation For: ORTHOPEDICS • TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENTS • SPORT SPECIFIC INJURIES OSTEOARTHRITIS • PRE/POST OPERATIVE CARE • PEDIATRICS BACK & NECK PAIN • GERIATRICS • HEADACHES 170 Crossways Park Dr. • Woodbury, NY 11797 • 516-921-2900 921-5400 Fax 921-5420 Village Pharmacy of Syosset (516) 496-4622 ACADEMY OF GYMNASTICS 165 Eileen Way 2nd Fl., Syosset 516-584-5157 • Classes • Competitive Teams • Camps • Birthday Parties Friendly Personalized Service 7929 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury Village Ctr Prescriptions Filled While You Wait DUMPSTERS CRYSTAL CHEM-DRY Gift Dept • House Accounts Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ALL SIZES AVAILABLE “ If Stains Reappear, So Do We!” 921-0880 Fax 921-7975 CLEANOUT & DEMOLITION Free Delivery 433-4701 Tile and Grout Cleaning PROMPT & EFFICIENT SERVICE 38 Cold Spring Road (631) 242-1828 Pick Up & Delivery 516 - 364 - 0004 15 Railroad Ave., Syosset No Appointment Necessary (516) 921-5051 owe ille Fl Where Excellence Prevails v s k c i H Phil’s Pizzeria & Restaurant 265 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 364-6900 (King Kullen Shopping Center) 18 Newbridge Rd J.J. Gorman Council #5091 John G. Rooney, GK 516-496-2131 Ralph Catapano, Fin. Sec. 921-6281 516-681-5010 Fresh & Frozen Seafood Retail Division Wholesale Division 516.496.2416 Ph: 516.932-FISH Open Mon-Sat 8am-6pm Same Day Service! S & S REPAIR CENTER INC. EXPERT AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ASE CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS All Work Guaranteed 30 Underhill Blvd., Syosset (516) 921-1300 C o t t a ge Ph a r ma c y & S ur g ic a l Your Family Health Department Store • Pharmacy Services • Home Medical Equipment • Surgical & diabetic Supplies •Nursing & Companion Svces 8285 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury (516) 367-9030 FREE $10 Gift Card with new Rx (Not for copays or prescriptions) EYE and VISION CARE Assoc. 140 Jackson Ave., Syosset 516-921-3580 Fax: 921-3551 Dr. Sebastian Polizzi, Dr. Elena Rosen, Dr. Davin Dong EYE EXAMS ~ CONTACT LENSES ~ GLASSES ~ SUNGLASSES Participating in Most Insurances- Davis Vision•VSP•HIP BC/BS•Aetna•United Health Care•Eye Med•Most Unions Jerome Bogin, D.D.S. 99 Cold Spring Road Syosset, NY 11791 N.Y.S. Inspections • Gasoline • 24 Hr. Towing 921-8020 Jackson Avenue, Syosset Vehicle Service Advisors Complete Foreign & Domestic Repairs Performance & Aftermarket Modifications Fuel Economy Specialist [email protected] ABALENE Inc Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning - Fuel Oil Complete Automotive Repair Weddings, Funerals, Arrangements, Banquets Plants For All Occasions, Fruit Baskets We Deliver Anywhere rs Cell: (516) 808-2432 “3rd Generation” Family Owned & Operated FERRARIʼS AUTO REPAIR 2 Split Rock Rd., Syosset Lic RE Sales Ready to Serve 364-8383 * (One Hour Free Consultation) SAGAMORE Jascintha Vaz Lobo 41 Jackson Ave., Syosset J a m e s T i n n e l l y C F P NYS Inspection COLLEGE & RETIREMENT PLANNING* Credit Cards Accepted 516-921-7444 Daily Specials • Catering & Take Out Available 30+ Flavors That Will Blow You Away Visit us: King Kullen Shopping Center 275 Jericho Tpke., Syosset Call us: 516.921.WING Track us: Facebook us: 516.921.3586 8049 Jericho Tpke / Woodbury ($2off on $20 purchase w/ad) Syosset Auto Body, Inc. 35 Underhill Blvd., Syosset 516-921-0174 Fax: 496-8819 INTERNAL MEDICINE DR. DANIEL J. CYRAN 921-2817 921-0711 99 & 85 COLD SPRING ROAD DR. JOHN MCGALEY 921-1240 85 COLD SPRING RD., SYOSSET Phone Systems • Full House Wiring • Key Pad System • Lighting Controls Premium Lines & Ultimate Service ISLAND TOPSOIL “We Specialize in Topsoil” S AN D • GR A VE L • FI L L • T O PS OI L TRUCK FOR HIRE 85 Oak Drive WE DELIVER 364-2972/4 142 Underhill Blvd., Syosset P. 516.364.5599 Plasma’s • LCD’s • LED’s • Custom Home Theatre • 3D TV’s 516-938-1555 516-938-1660 440 South Oyster Bay Rd. Hicksville, NY LUNCH ● DINNER ● CATERING #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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