December 20, 2015 - St Edward Confessor Church
St. Edward the Confessor 205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, New York 11791 ! You’re Invited... The Parish of Saint Edward Confessor Welcomes You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ing a friend! Please join us and br Fr. Mike "#$%&!'()#*(!+,%-.//,*!+01*20!!3!!456!7#28/,%!9:.%1.;!"<,//.&;!=>!!3!!?6@AB!C4@DE5F5!!3!!)))G/&D.()#*(/G,*H! !! !! ! ! ! !! !! ! !! ! ! I$8.!1/!,%!J9+'KLLM!N!)))G-#2.O,,8G2,PQ/&.()#*(/<,//.&! ! ! ! ! ! ! Join Us! Building Community and Helping Others From Syosset to the Mountains of the Dominican Republic Serving All, Especially the Poor, the Vulnerable, and the Alienated Food Pantry at St. Edward’s Community Coat Drive Parishioners donated $25,000 to build a chapel in Navaja, Dominican Republic. Fostering A Community of Love Among All People 43 large duffel bags of supplies were brought by Missioners to the DR recently. Teaching From Generation to Generation Festival 5K in remembrance of Sr. Jackie Walsh, RSM Parish School Parish Picnic Youth Car Wash Communion Breakfast Sports Programs Religious Ed Sandwich Service Project Field of Honor Remembering Our Veterans Praying & Celebrating the Sacraments Join U s! Become involved at St. Edward’s, or let us serve you. Contact us at (516) 921-‐8030; visit our w ebsite at‐; or look for us on Facebook. Weekend M ass Schedule: Saturdays 5:00PM Sundays: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 7:00 PM From Fr. Mike’s Desk “You, Bethlehem-Ephrathah too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times…” This quote from the Prophet Micah is probably best known as it is quoted in Mathew’s Gospel, when King Herod asks the scribes and scholars as to where the Messiah was to be born. Herod of course asks this question when the Magi come to visit him, and inquire as to where will the newborn King of the Jews be born. This is usually all we hear from Micah, but as we see in today’s reading there is so much more to the prophecy than just providing people with the location of the Messiah’s birthplace. Micah tells us that for a time it will appear that the Lord has given up on His people and abandon them. But this will come to an end when she who is to give birth has borne Him. With this great event we are told that Israel and the rest of the kindred (all of God’s children) will have a firm shepherd and His greatness shall reach to the ends of the earth. All of the promises from of old and ancient times will be fulfilled; God will redeem His people, not just Israel but people from all places and every generation. Today’s Letter to the Hebrews tells us the same thing, as we are told that the Messiah has come to do the will of the Father, which was to take away the Old Law to establish the New Law which is consecrated in the offering of His body. This could mean the Church which is the Mystical Body of Christ, or it could also mean the Eucharist which is the Body and Blood of Christ. The bright promise of rejoicing which we were called to last week is now closer as we prepare to enter into this last week of Advent. The period of waiting has been reduced to 4 1/2 days, and today’s Gospel tells us we are almost there as the Blessed Mother makes her way to Zechariah’s house to see if what the Angel told her about her cousin Elizabeth was true, not that Mary had any doubts! But the focus is not just on Elizabeth, but on both women and on both children that they are carrying. For while the message Zechariah received about his and Elizabeth‘s child was great, the message given to Mary about her child was greater. The two unborn children knew this as John the Baptist lept for joy in his mother’s womb. And while this is indeed great, we must also concentrate on the words Elizabeth spoke to Mary. As she says, “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” The Blessed Mother be- lieved as Micah believed, and as the author of Hebrews believed that God would and is fulfilling all of His promises and that we have been and will continue to be redeemed by the Messiah. The human race has been changed and all things in the world can be new, as this should be true for all who believe and see things through the eyes of faith. During these last 4 1/2 days, allow the Holy Spirit to come into you so that your eyes may see as God sees, so that your faith will grow like a little child who gets so excited about Christmas, all of us can be that child! As we get closer and closer to Christmas let us do our part to help people to come home to the Church and belong more deeply to Christ and His Living Body the Church. Invite someone you know who has been away to come to Mass with you on Christmas Eve or Day, next Sunday and the Sunday after Christmas. The schedule of Masses for Christmas Eve and Day is: Christmas Eve 4PM in the Church and 4PM in the Gym. 6PM and 8PM in the Church and 12 Midnight in the Church. Christmas Day all in the Church 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM. Note there is no 7 PM Mass. On behalf of Fathers Hyacinth and Joe, Deacons Jim and Ray, Deacon Tom Connolly our Director Ministries and Administration, Miguel deLeon, our Director of Religious Education Rosemary Pettei, our School Principal Vincent Albrecht, Sr. Sheila Browne our RCIA Director, Carolyn Pugliesi our Youth Minister, our Music Directors Jeff and Marilyn Fox, Cecilia Hayden our Children’s Choir and the entire Staff of Saint Edward’s we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Fr. Mike Mass Intentions Monday 9:00 a.m. December 21 Fred Varacchi Tuesday 9:00 a.m. December 22 William Peter Fleig Partrick Driscoll Wednesday December 23 9:00 a.m. Helen & Donald Kane Thursday 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00p.m. 12:00 a.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. December 24 John Quinn & Julia Collins Thomas & Elizabeth Mulligan John & Helen Carbone Johana Baresic Paul Petrini Patrick Driscoll Don, Lydell & Catherine Mulvaney (Auditorium) Robert, Anne, & Edward Geber Noreen Salvatore, Bonnie & Heidi Cinquegrana (Living Intention) For Our Parishioners December 25 For Our Parishioners Kenneth, Grace & Eugene Kempton & Grace Baruccheri Christina Angelo Kiernan Family June Celestino Giuseppe Commisso Susan Sheehy Pegge Crowe Patricia Harrison & Martin McMorrow December 26 Charles Ehrhard Ethel & Paul Walker Cacciabue & Pepe Family Anthony P. Raia Ronald Witkowski Coleman Keady Susan Herlihy December 27 Daniel J. Piliero For Our Parishioners Beatrice Panetti Martin Cunningham Isabella Frando Louise Reiszel Antonia Bartolotta Frederick Prosko 7:00 p.m. Savino Bruno Whom we remember with love and gratitude The Altar Bread & Wine For the week of December 20, 2015 – December 26, 2015 is Given in Loving Memory of Sabby Crecco By Your Loving Family The Sanctuary Candle For the week of December 20, 2015 – December 26, 2015 is Lit in Loving Memory of Sabby Crecco By Your Loving Family From Death To New Life Please pray for the souls of Karen Mesiha Ann M. Wittenberg May they rest in peace. Pray For The Sick All names on the sick list will remain for six weeks. If you would like a name to remain longer, please call the Rectory Michael Citorino Karen DeGray Lisette Doria Christina Fisher Susan Giambalvo Andrew Grasso Julianna Key Lisa Klingenberg Leora Manzella Joseph Phelan Sabino Riccio Gerard Roman Kathy Rooney Alyssa Segretto Mario Suriano Alberta Zero Helen Ziegler Katy Monte Holy Communion Please contact the Rectory to arrange for Communion to be brought to anyone in need at home, in the hospital or nursing home. Presider’s Schedule Sat., Dec. 26, 2015 Sun., Dec. 27, 2015 5:00PM 7:30AM 9:30AM 11:30AM 7:00PM Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Mike Mike Hyacinth Hyacinth Mike Last Week’s Collection Be Our Guest! Our Weekly Offering Rabbi Neil A. Tow Invites Members of the St. Edward’s Community! Friday, January 15th at 6:30pm December 13, 2015: Envelopes: Automatic Transactions Transactions: $ 17,382.00 456 $ 377.00 5 Total $ 17,756.00 Weekly Budget Weekly Difference +/- $ 16,000.00 $ +1,759.00 Christmas Flowers Immaculate Conception Envelopes: $ 2,298.00 $ 4,975.00 214 The Woodbury Jewish Center has their regular Friday evening service. At the mid-point of the service, our own Fr. Mike will speak and teach for the evening. We thank all who contributed to the support of our Parish! God Bless You Always. - Fr. Mike Parish Social Ministry Pantry Hours: 9:30 - 12:00 noon Thank you to all our Giving A ngels for helping us to help others in need have a bright and wonderful Christmas this year! We couldn’t have done it without your generosity! May the miracle of Christmas fill your homes and hearts with joy this season. Merry Christmas from the Parish Social Ministry Volunteers! Parish Purl Ministry Prayer shawls are available upon request on Mondays from 9:30 am-12 noon in the Parish Social Ministry Office. For further information contact: Donna Zaino at 496-8296 or [email protected] Ministry of Prayer Do you need someone to pray for you or a family member?Please email your request to [email protected] This Week’s Readings December 20, 2015 – 4th Sunday of Advent First Reading: Micah 5:1-4A Psalm: 80 Second Reading: Hebrews 10:5-10 Gospel: Luke 1:39-45 Next Week’s Readings December 27, 2015 - The Holy Family of Jesus First Reading: Sirach 3:2-6,12-14 Psalm: 128 Second Reading: Colossians 3:12-21 Gospel: Luke 2:41-52 A Letter From Bishop Murphy Christmas 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, Christ is born: sing glory! Christ has descended from heaven: go out to meet Him! Christ is on earth: lift yourselves up! Sing to the Lord, all the earth; for He who belongs to heaven is now on earth! With these words, the fourth century theologian, St Gregory Nazianzen (+389) proclaimed the Christmas message that is as true today as it was from that first moment in Bethlehem when the Blessed Mother Mary brought her son Jesus into the world. Since that night we, like Gregory and all others who know Jesus, have exulted in the gift of the Son of God made man. His birth heralds the defeat of sin and death. His presence among us, like us in all things but sin, shines the bright promise of God’s merciful love on our faces and into our hearts. Who does not rejoice to know that God so loved the world that He sent His Son? Which one of us would turn away from this blessed scene of the Virgin with Joseph in the Bethlehem stable offering the Child to us so that all humankind can be saved? How can we do anything but sing Glory to God with the angels and bend low in adoration with the shepherds. This night we all become free! This night we all are one. This night we see the salvation of our God. My dear friends, this has not been an easy year for any of us, for our families, for our parishes, for our nation, for the world. The forces of darkness are strong and determined. Terrorism seems to be widening its sweep and too many of our leaders seem unsure of what must be done to protect society and care for the suffering. Too many families are struggling to make ends meet. Too many youth in our midst are led astray by the false gods of drugs, alcohol and momentary pleasures. Freedom is under attack at home and abroad. Many look in all the wrong places for answers that hurt rather than help. We have the right answer. We all need Christmas. We all need Jesus. We all need Mary. God has given HIS answer to the world, an answer that overcomes all its tragedies and all its temptations. God’s response to our cries is clear and unequivocal: His Son! Yes: Jesus Christ, His Son! He is God’s answer to our cries. He is God’s gift for our lives. He breaks down the barriers, for the name of peace is Jesus Christ. He is Our Peace! And He and He alone can calm our fears, renew our strength, lift up our hearts and give joy to our lives! Yes, my friends, this Christmas go out to meet Him; lift up your hearts; Sing for joy. For all humankind has seen the salvation of our God! A blessed and Joyous Christmas to you all! Bishop of Rockville Centre PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • Parish Christmas Schedule CHRISTMAS EVE Thursday Morning, December 24th 9:00AM Mass Thursday Evening, December 24th 3:00 PM Carol Signing - Children’s Choir 3:30 PM Children’s Christmas Pageant 4:00 PM Mass in the Church 4:00 PM Mass in the Auditorium 6:00 PM Mass 8:00 PM mass - Vision Music Group 11:30 PM - The Zandieh Piano Trio 12 Midnight Mass - St. Edward’s Choir CHRISTMAS DAY Friday, December 25th 7:30 AM Mass 9:30 AM Mass 11:30 AM Mass 1:00 PM Mass Our Lady of Mercy Academy Honor Students The Administration and Faculty of OLMA are indeed very proud of these students from our parish who have exhibited academic excellence for the First Quarter marking period. Principal’s List Daniella Cucci Allegra Larrea Carolyn Marino Mikaela Ruvolo Elizabeth Stiles Gina Wilson First Honors 10 11 12 10 12 12 Alexandra Cucci Alexandra Ivanov Brielle Napoli Cub Scout Fun and Faith Day 12 9 9 Gabriella Fosso Sophia Koehler Amanda Mongelli New Broadway Musical An important show with a phenomenal cast! Rejoice in one family’s triumphant story of hope, love and forgiveness. Saturday, January 16, 2016 Saint Paul the Apostle Church Brookville, New York 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Win two tickets to see ‘Allegiance’ on Broadway, January 28, 2016 at 7:00p.m. A special day pf prayer, handicrafts, games, a craft and a patch! For information, contact the Catholic Scouting Office 516.678.5800, ext 245 Second Honors [email protected] Sisters of St. Dominic will be selling chances after all Masses on January 2/3 and 9/10 Winner will be announced on Sunday, January 10 at 1:00 p.m. Last Chance To Get Your Tree! CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE! Fresh, beautiful, straight from Vermont trees! All proceeds benefit the education of our students! This Saturday and Sunday: 9AM to 9PM 5-6ft/$50 6-7ft/$60 7-8ft/$65 Tree bags and fresh wreaths available as well! 9 9 12 Military List “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hand. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” Lt. Jameson Adler, Navy SEAL Lt. Kathryn Adler, U.S. Navy S.R. Ryan Bell, USN Maj. Joel Bernazzani U.S.A.F Capt. Oliver Ennis, U.S. Army Lt. John Hagerman, U.S. Navy Lt. JG Amanda Hine, U.S. Navy A1C. Christopher Hofer U.S.A.F. Capt. Christian Kapey, U.S.M.C. Capt. Karen Kobus, U.S.M.C. Lance Corporal, James A. Krupa U.S.M.C. Sr. Amn. Michael LiBretto, U.S.A.F. Pvt. Erik Liebergall, U.S.M.C. SSgt. Ryan Lutz, Air Force Nat. Guard Pvt. Jonathan Maldonado U.S. Army Lt. JG Brian Shields, U.S.C.G. Ssgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army Lieut. Comdr. Todd Stevens, U.S. Navy Capt. Carl Tiska, Navy SEAL Maj. James Tom, U.S. Army Maj. Michael F. Wendelken, U.S. A.F. If you would like to inform us of any family member or friend who has been called to active service, please call our Rectory 516-921-8030 x 110 with information. We will list their names so the entire parish can include them in their prayers. Please call the Rectory when your loved one has returned from military duty. Parish Devotions Please join us for the following Parish Devotions The Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary prayed each Friday at 8:30AM. Our Lady of Fatima Devotional Rosary prayed after the 5:00PM Saturday evening Mass, on the First Saturday of the Month. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday beginning at 9:30AM and concluding with Benediction at Noon. Parish Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 7:00PM each Friday evening with Benediction at 8:00PM followed immediately by Night Prayer and Blessing. Pastoral Council Fr. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor Deacon James Murphy Gregg Bonomi Sr. Monica, RSM Fiona Castro Gio Gliner Francine Cosenza Claire Kapey Kathy DeNatale David Krieg Kevin Frain Donna Zaino “The Council serves as a forum of consultation for the pastor and members, primarily by engaging them in ongoing dialogue about the needs, feelings, hopes and reactions of parishioners.” Guidelines for Pastoral Councils #B-2). Please feel free to contact any council member at any time regarding your “needs, feelings, hopes and reactions.” All council members can be reached through the Rectory Office. Telephone Directory ST. EDWARD’S—TELEPHONE 516-921-8030 Rectory Office ext. Maryann Waite 110 MaryGrace MacAvoy (evenings) 110 School Florence Cassidy, Secretary 121 Pastoral Center Offices Miguel DeLeon, Finance Director 132 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Sister Sheila Browne, RSM 135 Religious Education Ann Braun 516-921-8543 Bulletin Submissions Please send two weeks prior to event In a pdf file or word document to: [email protected] Community Hotline The Safe Center of Long Island is a new non-profit that offers 24-hour, 7 day a week crisis counseling, advocacy and assistance for women, men and children who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or child abuse. Services are free and confidential. 516-542-0404 St. Edward’s Website WWW.ST-EDWARDS.ORG El Parral Restaurant Specialties From Spain & Italy Printing and Marketing Services 8 Berry Hill Road, Syosset 516 - 921 - 2844 KENS FAUCET Jennifer Lembo T. Zamow, Edward Jones Daniel Financial Advisor [email protected] Certified Wilson Level 1 Elementary/Special Ed. Certified 631-261-2602 Syosset, NY 11791 Bus. 631-261-2602 Cell 631-848-3857 [email protected] Reading Specialist 516-426-2110 343 Jackson Avenue Family Dentistry Syosset Cosmetics • Implants 516-496-3453 MARK A. DeNIGRIS, D.D.S. PIPSYOSSET.COM 34 South Oyster Bay Rd. & TOILET REPAIRS INC. Licensed Master Plumber Chris & Tony’s All Plumbing Repairs All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair 516-488-2480 serving the Community Since 1990 Syosset 352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 516-496-1011 Open 7 Days JERICHO PHARMACY Compounds • Fast Service Great Customer Service Organic Cosmetics • Beauty Aids Most Insurance Accepted 10% Off Party Room w/ad Some Exclusions may apply 340 Jericho Tpke., Syosset (located next to Mario’s Pizza and Cactus Salon 516.864.0020 921-3290 MAIDENBAUM PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION GROUP, LLC [email protected] Restaurant & Catering Your Health Is Our Passion Making Sense of Investing Office: (516) 336-8622 Over 25 Years of Experience G in a m a r ie M. P al m ie r i Attor ne y At Law Tel (347) 561 4492 • [email protected] 55 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 304 20% OFF Jericho, NY 11753 your front store or non-prescription BUSINESS D a n i e l F . A . P a l m i e r i PERSONAL purchase w/ad In s ur a n c e & T a x S e r v ic es FREE DELIVERY Mathnasium of Syosset-Jericho 110 Jackson Ave., Syosset (516) 944-MATH (6284) S y os s e t Li mo us i ne S e r v i ce I nc. Since 1986 Executive Service - All Occasions Danny & Tom Carbone, Proprietors J Ekstrom & Son Plumbing and Heating Tel (718) 835 8330 • Tel (516) 941-0921 • Fax (718) 835-3908 • [email protected] Credit Cards Accepted A Business Built On its Reputation Complete Plumbing & Heating Service 516-692-3142 or 631-385-1964 10% Senior Citizen Discount Licensed & Insured Luxury Buses / SUVʼs /Vans / Limos and Sedans 364-9681 Please Patronize Our Advertisers “Cleaning Angels” Fine Residential & Office Cleaning Susan Perelli 516-287-4432 Insured • Bonded • Excellent References Over 20 Years Experience Custom Exteriors Home Improvements [email protected] SIDING • WINDOWS • ROOFING Call for FREE estimate 797-9610 Lic/Ins #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • “THE BEST WAY TO SPREAD CHRISTMAS CHEER IS SINGING LOUD FOR ALL TO HEAR” St. Edward the Confessor Choir And Trinity Lutheran Church, Islip join together for a beautiful evening of music and readings for the advent season! Special thanks to Marilyn and Jeff Fox for a wonderful evening and all that they do throughout the year! 516 - 921 - 2888 Beney Funeral Home Chris J. Coschignano, Esq. 79 Berry Hill Road, Syosset 516 921-1000 GEORGE HAAS 516 228-1300 The Omni Building, Uniondale 681-2442 380 Woodbury Rd. Hicksville, NY 516 - 448 - 2357 Debra McSheffrey-Kiehn 516-647-6749 [email protected] Syosset Mother Doris Duvernoy Daughter Team 516-697-0899 Lic. RE Salespersons [email protected] Luce Ristorante Family Style Italian Restaurant Lunch • Dinner Open 7 Days Catering Available SERVICING SYOSSET WITH QUALITY SINCE 1964 Randy Williams Michael Dolinsky J & M AUTO REPAIR 516-364-9230 Fax: 364-6265 24 HR TOWING & ROAD SERVICE 90 Underhill Blvd., Syosset, NY 11791 Real Estate Steve’s Piccola Bussola Pre-Need Counseling Available Sahn Ward Coschignano, PLLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law 116 Jackson Ave., Syosset 364-8383 41 Jackson Ave., Syosset 1053 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich 516-624-8330 NYS Inspection “ If Stains Reappear, So Do We!” 7929 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury Village Ctr (516) 282-9611 [email protected] 516 - 364 - 0004 15 Railroad Ave., Syosset No Appointment Necessary Fax 921-5420 •Retirement Income •Life & Health Insurance •401(k), Pension Plans ABALENE Inc Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning - Fuel Oil CRYSTAL CHEM-DRY Pick Up & Delivery Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 433-4701 Tile and Grout Cleaning Todd A. Hynes, CFP® “3rd Generation” Family Owned & Operated LUNCH•DINNER•CATERING•PRIVATE PARTY ROOM OUTDOOR DINING • LUCE FOOD TRUCK 921-5400 Credit Cards Accepted Open Mon-Sat 8am-6pm Same Day Service! S & S REPAIR CENTER INC. EXPERT AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ASE CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS All Work Guaranteed Village Pharmacy 30 Underhill Blvd., Syosset (516) 921-1300 C o t t a ge Ph a r ma c y & S ur g ic a l of Syosset Friendly Personalized Service Prescriptions Filled While You Wait DUMPSTERS Gift Dept • House Accounts ALL SIZES AVAILABLE 921-0880 Fax 921-7975 CLEANOUT & DEMOLITION Free Delivery PROMPT & EFFICIENT SERVICE 38 Cold Spring Road (631) 242-1828 Your Family Health Department Store • Pharmacy Services • Home Medical Equipment • Surgical & diabetic Supplies •Nursing & Companion Svces 8285 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury (516) 367-9030 FREE $10 Gift Card with new Rx (Not for copays or prescriptions) EYE and VISION CARE Assoc. 140 Jackson Ave., Syosset 516-921-3580 Fax: 921-3551 Dr. Sebastian Polizzi, Dr. Elena Rosen, Dr. Davin Dong, Dr. Cristiana Polizzi FERRARIʼS AUTO REPAIR Participating in Most Insurances- Davis Vision•VSP•HIP BC/BS•Aetna•United Health Care•Eye Med•Most Unions EYE EXAMS ~ CONTACT LENSES ~ GLASSES ~ SUNGLASSES Jerome Bogin, D.D.S. 99 Cold Spring Road Syosset, NY 11791 N.Y.S. Inspections • Gasoline • 24 Hr. Towing 921-8020 Jackson Avenue, Syosset Complete Automotive Repair 516-921-7444 ISLAND TOPSOIL “We Specialize in Topsoil” S AN D • GR A VE L • FI L L • T O PS OI L TRUCK FOR HIRE 85 Oak Drive 2 Split Rock Rd., Syosset (516) 921-5051 WE DELIVER 364-2972/4 Vehicle Service Advisors Complete Foreign & Domestic Repairs Performance & Aftermarket Modifications Fuel Economy Specialist Daily Specials • Catering & Take Out Available 30+ Flavors That Will Blow You Away Visit us: King Kullen Shopping Center 275 Jericho Tpke., Syosset Call us: 516.921.WING Track us: Facebook us: J.J. Gorman Council #5091 John G. Rooney, GK 516-496-2131 Ralph Catapano, Fin. Sec. 921-6281 Fresh & Frozen Seafood Retail Division Wholesale Division 516.496.2416 Ph: 516.932-FISH 516.921.3586 8049 Jericho Tpke / Woodbury ($2off on $20 purchase w/ad) Syosset Auto Body, Inc. 35 Underhill Blvd., Syosset 516-921-0174 Fax: 496-8819 Richard A. McLean Agcy Inc Richard McLean, Agent 261 South Street Oyster Bay, N.Y. 11771 Golden Triangle 53 Berry Hill Rd Syosset Bus 516 921 8288 Fax 516 921 1425 For Emergency Road Service, call 877-627-5757. Oyster Bay Funeral Home (516) 922-7442 “Family Owned & Operated” INTERNAL MEDICINE DR. DANIEL J. CYRAN 921-2817 921-0711 99 & 85 COLD SPRING ROAD DR. JOHN MCGALEY 921-1240 85 COLD SPRING RD., SYOSSET Phone Systems • Full House Wiring • Key Pad System • Lighting Controls Premium Lines & Ultimate Service 142 Underhill Blvd., Syosset P. 516.364.5599 516-938-1555 516-938-1660 440 South Oyster Bay Rd. Hicksville, NY Newly Expanded & Appointed Facilities Plasma’s • LCD’s • LED’s • Custom Home Theatre • 3D TV’s LUNCH ● DINNER ● CATERING #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • LOUIS G. PILLARI Owner/Funeral Director
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