June 26, 2016 - St Edward Confessor Church
Quick Guide to St. Edward’s Not registered? Please stop by our rectory during office hours to be included in our parish family! Rectory Office Hours Monday - Thursday………………………..9 AM - 8 PM Friday………………………………………9 AM - 5 PM Saturday & Sunday………………………...9 AM - 1 PM Telephone Numbers Rectory………………………………..921-8030 ext. 150 Rectory Fax…………………………………….921-4549 St. Edward Confessor School………….……….921-7767 Religious Education Office…………………….921-8543 RCIA……………………………… 921-8030 ext. 135 St. Vincent De Paul Society....………..921-8030 ext.137 PSM/Pantry…………..……………….921-8030 ext. 140 Music Ministry………………………..921-8030 ext. 150 Youth Ministry………………………..921-8030 ext. 127 Pastoral Center Offices………………. 921-8030 ext.132 Devotions The Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary each Friday at 8:30 AM Our Lady of Fatima Devotional Rosary after the 5:00 PM Mass, First Saturday of the Month Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday at 9:30 AM concluding with Benediction at 12:00 PM Parish Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 7:30 PM each Friday evening Benediction at 8:00 PM followed immediately by night prayer and blessing Eucharist Saturdays at 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM Sundays at 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM & 7:00 PM Weekdays 9:00 AM Baptism Celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 1:00 PM. Please call the rectory to arrange. Confessions Saturdays from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM and upon request Marriage Please contact the rectory upon engagement. Anointing of the Sick Available upon request Holy Communion Contact through the Rectory to arrange for Communion to be brought to anyone in need at home, in the hospital or nursing home. St. Edward’s Bulletin Submissions : Submit 2 weeks prior to event in PDF or Word File to, [email protected] This Week: 6/28th-7/4th Monday: Vacation Bible School Tuesday: Vacation Bible School Knights of Columbus Mtg: HFR Wednesday: Vacation Bible School Thursday: Vacation Bible School Exercise Class: HFR Pre-Cana : HFR Friday: No Events Saturday: No Events Sunday: No Events For information on times of events or any SEC organization please call the Rectory. Thank you. Happy Summer! Pastoral Council Fr. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor Deacon James Murphy Gregg Bonomi Fiona Castro Francine Cosenza Kathy DeNatale Kevin Frain Sr. Monica, RSM Gio Gliner Claire Kapey David Krieg Donna Zaino Please feel free to contact any council member at any time regarding your “needs, feelings, hopes, and reactions.” All members can be reached through the Rectory. St. Edward’s Website : WWW.ST-EDWARDS.ORG From Fr. Mike’s Desk Many times during the months of May or June we are invited to many functions like First Communions, Confirmations, Graduations, Weddings, Bar-B-Qs (like the parish Bar-B-Q that is happening right after the 11:30 Mass this weekend), or whatever. I am sure that at times you have been invited to two or three events which were happening on the same day and they were in different directions from each other. When this happens we are forced to choose which event we are going to attend. And there are times when we are invited to an event that we really want to go to, but we cannot because of work or some other pressing matter. Every so often we know of a great event that will be coming and we just cannot wait for the invitation to come, and when it does, we respond right away and we will make sure that nothing stands in our way from going. Today’s readings tell us about invitations given; one by Elijah the Prophet to his successor the Prophet Elisha and the other in the Gospel when Jesus tells someone to “Follow me.” Notice how these invitations were answered. Elisha who wanted to accept the invitation, first wants to say goodbye to his family, and this meant more than just a walk home, coming into the house and saying goodbye. Immediately Elijah criticized the younger man, who reacts by dropping everything and follows the great Prophet until Elijah is taken from him in the Firey Chariot. Jesus told those who wished to follow Him that they likewise must give an immediate answer to God’s invitation. To follow Christ means we have to accept a radical change in our lives, to embrace the Cross, and we must be willing to do whatever we are asked to do to spread the Gospel. As Jesus tells us, it requires that we do not look back, and that we, like Jesus serve the Father with our whole heart, mind and soul. It means that we should not allow creature comforts, wealth or anything or anyone to stand in our way of accepting the Good News and putting it into action. If we say yes, I want to follow you Jesus, but not right now, we are being told we are not fit for the Kingdom of God. So we are required to come back with an immediate yes! You and I have said yes, to Jesus or we would not be here in the first place, and yet we know that there are times and places in our lives where we have said no! There have been times when we have allowed people, things, or both to get in the way of our truly saying yes to God and truly stopped us from embracing the Cross. Does this mean we are unfit for the Kingdom of God? Well the answer is yes and no! Yes, because these things or people are standing in our way of fully accepting the Gospel; and no, because we are struggling not to let this happen. We should realize that this is a part of embracing our cross, for when we struggle, we are saying that we want to truly be like Jesus and love God above all things. Also no, because we are acknowledging what stands in our way (not denying it or running away from it or making excuses) and we are asking Jesus to help us get beyond any obstacles. In a sense, we are just like Elisha who at first hesitated and then decided that he would answer the call and follow the Prophet. We have been called to follow and imitate one who is far greater than any prophet; we have been called to follow and be like the Son of God. So try everything to not let anything stand in your way or keep you from saying YES! Again do not forget the Parish Family Bar-B-Q today and the Summer Parish Festival coming in August, how can you say NO! Let us pray, Lord Jesus, you break the chains of sin and death and invite us to the freedom of God’s Children. Help us to turn to you now and not to turn back to the ways of the passing world. Amen God bless you always Fr. Mike “The greatest and best talent that God gives to anyone in this world is the talent of prayer.” Mass Intentions Monday 9:00 a.m. June 27 Paul Nikifor Tuesday 9:00 a.m. June 28 James Camposa Wednesday June 29 9:00 a.m. Anita Quinn Thursday 9:00 a.m. June 30 John Thomas Friday 9:00 a.m. July 1 Marie Sweeney Saturday 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. July 2 Margaret Howes Theodore Meehan Matthew Harford Annaliese Barto Catherine Russo Dennis Kelley Susan Lewis Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. July 3 For Our Parishioners Roberta “Bobbie” Baker Iolenda Cervini Ed Farrell Susan Sheehy Angela Santiago Maria Migiore & Francesco Abbatiello Michael Anthony LoRusso 7:00 p.m. Thomas Valentino Whom we remember with love and gratitude The Altar Bread & Wine Military List “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hand. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” Lt. Jameson Adler, Navy SEAL Lt. Kathryn Adler, U.S. Navy Cpl. Matthew V. Balestrieri, U.S.M.C Maj. Joel Bernazzani U.S.A.F Capt. Oliver Ennis, U.S. Army Pvt. Joseph Evola, Jr., U.S. Army Lt. John Hagerman, U.S. Navy Lt. JG Amanda Hine, U.S. Navy A1C. Christopher Hofer U.S.A.F. Capt. Christian Kapey, U.S.M.C. Capt. Karen Kobus, U.S.M.C. Lance Corporal, James A. Krupa U.S.M.C. Sr. Amn. Michael LiBretto, U.S.A.F. Pvt. Erik Liebergall, U.S.M.C. SSgt. Ryan Lutz, Air Force Nat. Guard Pvt. Jonathan Maldonado U.S. Army Lt. JG Brian Shields, U.S.C.G. Ssgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army Lieut. Comdr. Todd Stevens, U.S. Navy Maj. James Tom, U.S. Army Maj. Michael F. Wendelken, U.S. A.F. Pray For The Sick All names on the sick list will remain for six weeks. If you would like a name to remain longer, please call the Rectory Marge Driscoll Helen Ziegler Michael Citorino Christina Fischer Susan Giambalvo Andrew Grasso Julianna Key Baby Tanner Jadezuk Rocco Labozetta Katy Monte Joseph Phelan Gerard Roman Kathy Rooney Mario Suriano Margaret Thomas Angelo Tiso Alberta Zero From Death To New Life For the week of June 26, 2016 – July 2, 2016 is Given in Loving Memory of James Tinnelly By Steven & Lucia Fangmann & Family The Sanctuary Candle For the week of June 26, 2016 – July 2, 2016 Is Lit in Loving Memory of Ernie Cosantino By Gen Ferro Please pray for the soul of Erik Del Rosario May he rest in peace. Presider’s Schedule Sat., July 2, 2016 Sun., July 3, 2016 5:00PM 7:30AM 9:30AM 11:30AM 7:00PM Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Mike Raju Mike Mike Hyacinth “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Our Weekly Offering This Week’s Readings June 19, 2016: Envelopes: Automatic Transactions Transactions: $ Total $ 15,711.00 Weekly Budget Weekly Difference +/- $ $ 16,000.00 - 289.00 $ June 26, 2016 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: 1 Kings 19:16B, 19-21 Psalm: 16 Second Reading: Galatians 5:1, 13-18 Gospel: Luke 9:51-62 15,154.00 384 557.00 9 Next Week’s Readings July 3, 2016 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14C Psalm: 66 Second Reading: Galatians 6:14-18 Gospel: Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 We thank all who contributed to the support of our Parish! God Bless You Always. Fr. Mike Parish Social Ministry 516-921-8030 Ext. 140 Pantry Hours: 9:30-12:00 noon \ Pantry: Next SEC Missionary Collection will be the SECOND weekend in July. During the months of July and August the pantry will be closed on Fridays. Pantry items needed: Jar Tomato Sauce, Coffee, Paper Towel & Toilet Paper Thank you for helping us to help others! Parish Purl Ministry: Pr ayer shawls are available by request at both the Rectory office and the Parish Social Ministry office. Yarn donations always welcome! “More and more, make your homes places of love and peace.” Mother Teresa SEC Alumni Honor Roll Pilgrimage Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine Saturday, September 24, 2016 Allie Bartone Fiona Castro Joseph Castro Andrew Cizmarik Colin Moran William Stouges, Jr. Principals List Principals List First Honors First Honors First Honors First Honors Join the faithful from all across the Diocese of Rockville Centre for a day-long experience filled with opportunities for prayer, reflection, reconciliation and fellowship. Cost: $25 Reserve a Spot Blood Drive/Pancake Breakfast Sunday, July 10, 2016 In Gymnasium from 8 AM – 2 PM Leave your name and contact information, along with a $25 check written to “St. Edward’s” in an envelope at the rectory to guarantee your spot. For additional information, contact John Rooney at 496-2131. SEC Men’s Club 2016 Picnic Enjoy pancakes, sausage, orange juice, apple juice, fruit, and donuts. All proceeds go to Support Our Seminarians! Suggested Donation: $5.00 per person No charge if you donate blood during Blood Drive Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus St. Edward’s Men’s Club Annual Picnic Tuesday July 13th at 12 Noon - 4PM A warm invitation is extended to ALL PARISHIONERS who may wish to join us in this afternoon of fun, games, and good fellowship. Picnic tables and benches are available for our use but along with bringing your own lunch, you may wish to bring your favorite folding chair for added comfort. In the event of rain the picnic will be held in St. Edward’s Holy Family Room. For information or questions regarding the event please contact Ed Keenan at 516.921.3491 Donations Help Wanted! St. Edward the Confessor Parish and St. Vincent De Paul volunteers would like to thank you for your constant generosity with donations through the year. Part Time Clerical Assistant needed to help Rectory Staff, computer skills needed. It would be greatly appreciated if you would put your donations into the bin and not leave them outside. The bags are often ripped open and the clothing scattered around. Thank you once again for your constant generosity and support. Receptionist needed to answer phones and help out in the Rectory on Sunday mornings. For more information on either job please contact, Deacon Tom Connolly ext. 136 Thank you & God Bless! God Bless and Happy Summer! Altar Servers Reminder to All Altar Severs! Come join us at the Long Island Ducks Game on Tuesday August 9th, 2016 for the Annual Altar Server Trip! To Reserve your seat please contact, John Rooney [email protected] $9.00 per person Transportation not included Religious Education 2016/2017 Religious Education Registration Info Attn: All parents of public school children entering the 1st Grade Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion is a two year formation process beginning in the first grade. Students receive their First Holy Communion in May of their second grade studies. If you have a child entering the First Grade in the public schools this coming September, you may please call the Religious Education Office at 921-8543 to receive child’s registration packet and set up an appointment to meet with the Director. Attn: All parents of public school children entering Grades 2-8 We are currently accepting registration forms for our Religious Education Classes for the 2016/2017 school year. Re-registration forms for students already attending St. Edward’s Religious Education Classes were emailed on May 9th. If you did not receive or cannot find this email, please call Mrs. Braun at the Religious Education Office at 921-8543 or email [email protected] to acquire your child’s re-registration forms. Classes for the fall semester are currently being set up. We ask that you kindly return your completed forms along with your tuition payment to either the Rectory or the Religious Education Office. %ORRG GULYH El Parral Restaurant T. Zamow, Edward Jones Daniel Financial Advisor Making Sense of Investing Specialties From Spain & Italy 8 Berry Hill Road, Syosset 516 - 921 - 2844 Printing and Marketing Services 343 Jackson Avenue Family Dentistry Syosset Cosmetics • Implants 516-496-3453 MARK A. DeNIGRIS, D.D.S. PIPSYOSSET.COM 34 South Oyster Bay Rd. Chris & Tony’s Syosset Restaurant & Catering 352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 516-496-1011 Open 7 Days JERICHO PHARMACY Compounds • Fast Service Great Customer Service Organic Cosmetics • Beauty Aids Most Insurance Accepted 10% Off Party Room w/ad Some Exclusions may apply Your Health Is Our Passion 340 Jericho Tpke., Syosset (located next to Mario’s Pizza and Cactus Salon 516.864.0020 631-261-2602 Syosset, NY 11791 Bus. 631-261-2602 Cell 631-848-3857 [email protected] www.edwardjones.com 921-3290 G in a m a r ie M. P al m ie r i Attor ne y At Law Tel (347) 561 4492 • [email protected] 55 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 304 20% OFF Jericho, NY 11753 your front store or non-prescription BUSINESS D a n i e l F . A . P a l m i e r i PERSONAL purchase w/ad In s ur a n c e & T a x S e r v ic es FREE DELIVERY Mathnasium of Syosset-Jericho 110 Jackson Ave., Syosset (516) 944-MATH (6284) S y os s e t Li mo us i ne S e r v i ce I nc. Since 1986 Executive Service - All Occasions Danny & Tom Carbone, Proprietors J Ekstrom & Son Plumbing and Heating Tel (718) 835 8330 • Tel (516) 941-0921 • Fax (718) 835-3908 • [email protected] Credit Cards Accepted A Business Built On its Reputation Complete Plumbing & Heating Service 516-692-3142 or 631-385-1964 10% Senior Citizen Discount Licensed & Insured Luxury Buses / SUVʼs /Vans / Limos and Sedans 364-9681 www.syossetlimo.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers “Cleaning Angels” Fine Residential & Office Cleaning Susan Perelli 516-287-4432 Insured • Bonded • Excellent References Over 20 Years Experience Custom Exteriors Home Improvements susanscleaningangels.com [email protected] SIDING • WINDOWS • ROOFING Call for FREE estimate 797-9610 #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com Lic/Ins 516 - 921 - 2888 79 Berry Hill Road, Syosset Beney Funeral Home Pre-Need Counseling Available Chris J. Coschignano, Esq. Sahn Ward Coschignano, PLLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law 516 921-1000 GEORGE HAAS 116 Jackson Ave., Syosset 516 228-1300 The Omni Building, Uniondale 516 - 448 - 2357 Real Estate 681-2442 380 Woodbury Rd. Hicksville, NY Debra McSheffrey-Kiehn 516-647-6749 [email protected] Syosset Mother Doris Duvernoy Daughter Team 516-697-0899 Lic. 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McLean Agcy Inc Richard McLean, Agent 261 South Street Oyster Bay, N.Y. 11771 Golden Triangle 53 Berry Hill Rd Syosset Bus 516 921 8288 Fax 516 921 1425 www.richmclean.com For Emergency Road Service, call 877-627-5757. Oyster Bay Funeral Home LOUIS G. PILLARI Owner/Funeral Director (516) 922-7442 “Family Owned & Operated” DR. DANIEL J. CYRAN DR. RANDOLPH DILORENZO SYOSSET PROHEALTH 575 UNDERHILL BLVD., SUITE 177 921-2817 DR. JOHN MCGALEY 921-1240 516-938-1555 516-938-1660 440 South Oyster Bay Rd. Hicksville, NY Newly Expanded & LUNCH ● DINNER ● CATERING Appointed Facilities www.oysterbayfuneralhome.com #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com
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