October 2015 - St. Paul`s United Methodist Church of Oxnard
October 2015 - St. Paul`s United Methodist Church of Oxnard
VOLUME 38 ISSUE 10 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pg. 1 October 2015 Fromthe thePastor Pastor From From the Pastor Dear friends of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Pg. 2 UMW Circle News Mason Jar Senior Fellowship Pg. 3 Sunday School Teachers needed 2016 UMC General Conference Diversity Sunday Organ Fund Charge Conference Pg. 4 Birthdays & Anniversaries Please Pray for… Pg. 5 Worship Assistants Treasurer’s Report Automated Banking From the Pastor (Continued) Recycle Pg. 6 Calendar Pg. 7 Advertisers Sunday, Oct 4 Worship Service w/Holy Communion FOOD Share Collection of canned/non-perishable food Emergency Fund offering “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Do we worship idols? The answer may surprise you. During the month of November, our church will hear about God’s generosity and our response as we experience our stewardship program, first: putting GOD first in living and giving, developed by author and pastor, the Rev. Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church. We are made in God’s image and are meant to be creators of life and hope, not the consumers of our culture’s shiny gods. We have the ability to change the world and create a legacy that will live forever in the lives of generations to follow. That legacy starts when each of us takes the hard steps of financial discipline and fulfilling the call to generosity that God has placed in all of us. The goal of this stewardship program is to explore and learn how the different gods interfere with the call to put God first in our lives. This honest and deep exploration of our faith will open to the possibility that God will lead us in new directions in our lives. During the four-week program, we’ll be challenged in a number of different ways. We’ll be asked to look for the idols in our own lives (Hint: Most of them aren’t animals made of gold) and name the ways these idols enslave us, holding us back from living in the true freedom that God desires for us. We’ll be challenged to consider the place that money, work, and debt have in our own lives. What are our common understandings of these, and might the witness of Scripture lead us to some different understandings? We’ll be challenged to ask ourselves what it means for us to be faithful, to save, and to give. How do we balance all the competing —See PASTOR on Page 5 Vol. 38 Issue 10 October 2015 is a monthly free publication of ST. PAUL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of Oxnard. Organized 1891 Editor: LoWaine Robison For Subscription concerns: Call (805) 487-2711 For editorial matters: Submissions are due on the 15th Send information via fax, 487-6201 or e-mail [email protected] Web page: http://stpauls-oxnard.org 1800 South C Street Oxnard, CA 93033 Phone (805) 487-2711 Fax (805) 487-6201 Rev. Anna Lee Mulford, Pastor Rev. Al Gorsline, Pastor Emeritus LoWaine Robison, Administrative Assistant Michael Doty, Choir Director Stella Dumlao-Idea, Organist Bridget Sims, Nursery Attendant Marco Esquivel, Custodian MISSION STATEMENT “We are a multicultural community where faith grows by loving God and others, following the example of Jesus Christ to serve those near and far.” The United Methodist Women will meet October 10th in the Turning Point Café at 10:00 a.m. The program will be a book review of the book, “Created for Happiness, Understanding Your Life in God”. The book is available at www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ happiness-study or as a kindle book on Amazon. Lunch will be served by the Sunshine Circle. Come join us for good food and fellowship. Several of the UMW ladies attended the Santa Barbara District UMW meeting on September 26th. —Mary Johnson n St. Paul’s Newsletter Ma so MASON JAR OFFERING October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. The National Breast Cancer Foundation's mission is to provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education, and support services. Descriptions of two of their programs follow: Beyond The Shock Beyond The Shock is the educational resource for those affected by breast cancer so that they can gain a better understanding of the disease. Learn through educational videos, hear survivor stories, ask questions and get answers Patient Navigator Program Patient navigation is a proactive approach to helping patients overcome the barriers of cost, fear, and misinformation surrounding a disease and its prevention. REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE Childcare is available in our Nursery for infants and children up to age 4. Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated every first Sunday of each month. Sunday School classes are held for preschoolers through 6th grade following the children’s moment in the worship service, except on Communion Sundays so the children may participate in Holy Communion. Hearing Aids Available Sign out for portable hearing aids with our sound technicians. 8:27 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 30 minute Worship Chancel Choir rehearsal Bible Study Worship Celebration Japanese Service (3rd Sunday) Sunday School Coffee Fellowship CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 9 AM–12 Noon; 1-4 PM For information on the circle meetings /activities: Deborah Circle—3rd Monday of the month at 5:30 PM for “Ladies Nite Out”. Contact Mary Mangham (805) 485-6202 for restaurant information. Sunshiners Circle— 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am in members’ homes. Contact Nelle Hicks (805) 486-6720 for place. Women of Faith Hope Action 2 Octobber 2015 St. Paul’s Newsletter Tuesday October 27, 2015 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hall Bring a friend, a dish to share & your own table service. Coffee, tea & dessert will be provided. From the most recent Coptic discoveries made, what is the impact on the Christian Faith? Find out through this day’s program. Do you love children? Do you love working with children? Would you like to share the love of God and Jesus with children? Then you are needed to assist in teaching the wonderful children of St. Paul’s UMC! We need assis- DIVERSITY SUNDAY in World conjunctio nw Comm union ith Sunda y October 4, 2015 Start pulling out your recipes tants for the Pre-K/Kindergarten to share your cultural dishes class, the 1 , 2 , 3 grade class and for the potluck the 6 , 7 , 8 grade class. It is our on this special Sunday! st th th nd rd th hope to have two adults per class. Teaching experience isn’t required as the current teachers will guide you. You only need to bring your desire to give your time and talents to the children ORGAN FUND of St. Paul’s. Please see Rev. Anna or Cindy Meschke if this opportunity is an answer to one of your prayers! 2016 UMC General Conference The 2016 General Conference will be in Portland, OR at the Oregon Convention Center May 10-20, 2016. Besides acting as the top policy making body for the United Methodist Church, General Conference is the largest gathering of the diverse spectrum of United Methodist people and cultures spanning the globe. Consider volunteering? Go to http:// westernjurisdictionumc.org/gc2016/ and check it out. Currently, we have just a shade under $28,000 in actual cash in hand. Thanks to those who have given toward this campaign. We are about halfway to our goal. We are hoping to have a new instrument in place by Easter 2016 or sooner. Soon, we are going to start the process of looking at and identifying possible models to replace our 40-year-old organ. If anyone would like to start donating, or increase what they have given so far, now is the time to do it. Once church council approves a specific purchase, it takes about two to three months for the organ to be manufactured, shipped, and set up. CHARGE CONFERENCE Our North District Superintendent, Rev. Jim Powell will preside over this year’s Charge Conference. St. Paul’s will be held Sunday, November 8th at 3:00 p.m., along with 3 other churches at Camarillo United Methodist Church. From Pastor Jim, “We are meeting in groups this year so I can experience your church leaders and meet with all 84 congregations before the end of the year.” St. Paul’s Newsletter October 2015 3 BIRTHDAYS 4 5 6 9 10 11 13 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 4 John Santiago Atasha Capati Donnie Rutledge Larry Antonio Abigail Navarro Ted Waddell Isabella Idea Edwin Gaviola Ahren Nunag Christian Aragones Evie Sancineto Leah Canty Michelle Duran-Aganon Aidan Sims Juarez Connie Sugino Edward Gaviola Sofia Mendigorin Arvin Aganon Maya Fontanilla Nolito Ortiz Rose Tamase Gerald Fontanilla Noelyn Ortiz Sugako Warren Fiona Altobano Kristine San Jose Myrna Santiago Roger Tamase Crisanto Agustin Arnel Quiambao Ferdinand Palazo Ted Wakai Mia Amado Eangelica Mendoza St. Paul’s Newsletter October 2015 For health & healing— Christine Africa (Marissa Valdez’ co-worker), Giletta Allen, Shardae Anthony (Ramona Thomas’ friend), Doris Barrett, Rosario (Carmelita Capati’s sister), Gina Cavins (Dorothy Cavins’ daughter), Joyce Clark, Edward Clarkson (Weiche family), Marilyn Dancel (M. Valdez sister-n-law), Armando David, Grace Eastham, Grace Eastham’s son, Debbie Estrada (Jen Mayer), Clyn Kyer (Lee Mabee’s sister-in-law), Lynn Gaskill (Lee Mabee’s nephew), Ben Garcia (Rodolfo Mendoza’s cousin), Pastor Al Gorsline, Dorothy Groves, Emily Huerr (Isabella Idea’s friend), Lee Mabee, Barbara McKelvey (Mary Reagan’s sister), Pastor Roel Mendoza (Delia Lejarde’s brother), Wayne Odgers, Tome Otani, Evangeline Raguini (Nate & Eppie Nunag’s friend), Marie Rutledge (Donnie’s mom), Mercedes San Jose, Romeo Santiago Sr., Tess & Boni Sicat (Myrna Capati’s cousins), The Simpson Family (Riggs’ friends), Marchie Takesuye, Tess & Marrietta (twin friends of Rodolfo Mendoza), Monet Tuazon Miren Tuazon, Jonathan (Weiche’s friend), Ted Waddell, Ted Wakai, Rick Weiche. For comfort & strength— Dorothy Groves and family for comfort upon the death her husband, Meredith. For our members unable to attend— Grace Eastham Marge Simpson Al Thiele Betty Rose Bette Sugino Joyce Clark Please let Rev. Anna or the church office know of updates to the prayer concerns. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS Please notify the coordinator concerned if you are unable to fulfill your task on your assigned date: Sue Odgers (acolytes), 983-2378 Mary Reagan (greeters), 486-8580 Donnie Rutledge (ushers), 323-5831 Sue Odgers (liturgists), 983-2378 AudioTech: Greeters: Oct 4 Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 Acolytes: Oct 4 Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 - Ushers: Liturgists: Oct 4 Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 - Gerald Fontanilla Val Aragones Christian Shepard Ferdinand Palazo Grace and Allan Kurihara Victoria Barretto Eugene Cooper Edwin Gaviola TREASURER’S REPORT By Delia Lejarde For the period ending August, 2015 TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSES <deficit>/surplus TOTAL ASSETS Total Liabilities Total Capital Year to Date Year to Date Actual Budgeted $ 197,548.64 $176.737.12 $ 197,269.15 $211,887.20 $ 279.49 <$35,150.08> Balance Sheet $ 124,472.55 $ 76,298.72 $ 48,114.83 TOTAL LIABILITIES/CAPITAL $ 124,472.55 AUTOMATED BANKING Interested in setting up Automated Banking for your tithing. But not sure what automated banking is…. Got questions? Contact Barbara Thomas from the Finance Committee to learn more. From the Pastor (page 1) Julia Hormigas Mathew Riggs Eangelica Mendoza Gelov Mendoza Benjamin Riggs Jonah Tuazon Mikaela Duran Trever Duran Ben Aragones Tony Duran Donnie Rutledge Wayne Odgers Detrice Bankhead Martha Romero Trever Duran Bella Idea interests in our lives? What priorities does God want us to have? Finally, we’ll be challenged to give with our hearts, not out of obligation or a sense of duty and not just when we think the recipient deserves our gift. Instead, we’ll be challenged to give the way God gives—freely, fully, with no favorites or expectations of repayment. It is our prayer that, at the end of these four weeks, we will have begun to grow into the individuals and the church that God knows we can be. Please join us in first: putting GOD first in living and giving. Rev. Anna Lee Mulford RECYCLE YOUR GREETING CARD FRONTS and support the children of St. Jude’s Ranch who use them to create and sell new greeting cards. St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, in Boulder, NV, is a residential program serving abused and neglected children. Deposit your card fronts (no writing on back) in the designated box in the Turning Point Café. Missions and Outreach will mail them. St. Paul’s Newsletter October 2015 5 6 St. Paul’s Newsletter October 2015 S T. PA U L ' S U M C W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R N E W S L E T T E R P O S S I B L E BG's CAFE 40 Years as your favorite downtown hangout. Open 7 days a week for breakfast & lunch (805) 487-0700 428 S. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 A & S Auto Repair Venta de motores y transmisiones usadas garantizadas Antonio 805.701.4895 921 Mountain View [email protected] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Si esta interesado en crear mas ingresos Llame al: 805-512-6051 805-754-7943 Estamos buscando personas que desean aumentar sus ingresos Lister's AutoCare Tune-u p • A lignmenT • B rAkes • D iAgnosTics COMPLETE ONE STOP AUTOMOBILE SERVICE - SMOG 429 N. OxNard Blvd. • OxNard, Ca 93030 Lowell Lister (805) 483-2176 Shirley Lister MOLDEA TU FIGURA TOYOTA TOWNE CON LAS FAMOSAS IN OXNARD VENDAS DE YESO (805) 988-7900 1631 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 10% off maintenance with this ad. (Toyota's Only) Estas cansada de dietas, pastillas, ejercicio y tu cadera y llantitas siguen igual? Quieres reducir 3 a 6 tallas en solo 5 dias y quitar la flacides? las famosas vendas de yeso Ponte Llama a Katy 805.248.3210 Mexican Food 1450 S. Oxnard Blvd. 805-832-4196 20% Off for Church Members Express Shoe Repair of Port Hueneme Instant Shoe Repair Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm Closed Sunday 285 E. Channel Islands Blvd. Port Hueneme (805) 815-4161 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ST. PAUL'S UMC / 074 www.cmpublications.com For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601 1800 South ‘C’ Street, Oxnard, California 93033-3504 (805) 487-2711 Fax (805) 487-6201 http://stpauls-oxnard.org CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Oxnard, CA 93033 PERMIT No. 48 Is published monthly by St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of Oxnard
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