St. Paul`s Lutheran Church Jonesburg, MO Newsletter July 2014
St. Paul`s Lutheran Church Jonesburg, MO Newsletter July 2014
---~ St. Paul's Lutheran Church PO Box 328 Jonesburg, MO 63351 Jonesburg. Missouri St. Paul's Lutheran Church Jonesburg, MO Newsletter July 2014 Jonesburg. Missouri From the Pastor. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, A term that I have heard used recently, and one that I am guilty of using myself is "part-time Pastor". There is no such thing as a "part-time Pastor" and if my usage of the term has offended anybody I do apologize for that. One of our members stated at our last voter's Meeting that "the job of the Pastor is unique and can't really be compared to a normal occupation" (this may not be an exact quote, but its close). Being a Pastor is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week Call from God to do His work and serve His Church where He places His under-shepherds to be. The difference in being a Pastor does not come from God's Call but in congregational budget restrictions and time allocation. It is from these latter factors that there are fully-funded Pastors and bi-vocational Pastors. A fully-funded Pastor can serve in either sole, dual or tri-parish role. A Bi-vocational Pastor serves a parish while doing some other type of work also, this may be substitute teaching, a laborer, a student, or a number of other types of jobs or positions. A bi-vocational Pastor is not a "part-time Pastor". Rather, he is a Called servant of God who balances the job of supporting his family while caring for the congregation he serves. The truly wonderful result of a bi-vocational Pastor is the leadership growth that springs from within the congregation while we continue our walk together. Our congregation is moving from a fully-funded Pastor to a bi-vocational Pastor. This move can be looked at from the point of Law or through the eyes of the Gospel. If we view this change from the Law, we can point fingers at one another and tell each other how terrible things are, and how they will never change. If we choose to see this transition through the eyes of the Gospel, we can view the errors of our past, repent of our mistakes, receive the forgiveness of our Lord, and move forward as Christ's Church together to share the love of our Lord here in our community. The Elders and I have put together a working schedule that is adjusted to move us from a Fully-funded Pastor to a Bi-vocational Pastor. This schedule was developed to fulfill the tenets of the Call that was issued to me, and fits into our current budget obligations. We cannot view this as a step backward, nor only as a realistic move forward based on the realities of what our congregation has to work with. This is God's plan for us. Just as Lot's wife in the book of Genesis we as Christ's Church must not look back but focus forward. Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins. This is a new day, a new month, a new season for us all to begin anew, walking together in brotherhood, toward fulfilling our Lord's Great Commission. To this [God] called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us etemal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:14-17 rve the Lord together, 15~ Pastor 2 Lutheranism 101 Chapter 8 (Pg. 78) Where Is the Church? Where Is the Church? We cannot see it, but we believe the Church exists because God has promised His Word will not return to Him empty (Isaiah 55:11). The holiness of the Church does not come from the holy things we have done-all our works are tainted by sin-but the Church is made holy each and every day by the cleansing blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19) in the forgiveness of sins. At the end of time, Christ will raise to life all who believe in Him so that His Church will live with Him forever. Those who do not believe will be raised to eternal destruction (See the parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25:31-46.) The fact that Christ establishes His Church is actually a very comforting teaching from Scripture. Even if your pastor, for instance, were to be exposed as a hypocrite, the Word he proclaims and the Sacraments he administers still do what God intends. Our Confessions explain, "Both the Sacraments and Word are effective because of Christ's institution and command, even if they are administered by evil men" (AC VIII 2). That is because the power is not in the pastor by in the Word of God and the promise of Christ. Pastors are called to live exemplary lives, but the Word of God is effective because it is the Word of God, not because of the one who speaks it. That way, everything depends on Christ and His Word. He is Lord. We are His Church, His Body. Give Him thanks and praise-He has called you to be a true member of His Church. How Will We Find the Church? God's Spirit uses the Word of God and the Sacraments to bring us to faith and to keep us in faith. Lutherans confess that we are justified, declared righteous before God, solely by God's grace for the sake of Christ alone, received through faith alone. Wherever this Gospel of Jesus is purely preached and the Sacraments are given in accordance with the Gospel, there you will find believers. There God will gather people around the preaching of His Word and the working of His Sacraments. There you will find holy believers who hear the voice of their shepherd. 3 ----------------------------------- Vacation Bible School "Gone Fishing" Come join St. Paul's Lutheran Church for Vacation Bible School July 7th - July 11th 6:00 - 8:00p.m. This year's theme is Gone Fishing. We will learn to fish for love (Moses), fish for help (Jonah), fish for God's word (Samuel), fish for forgiveness (Jesus), and fish for people (Jesus) through our Bible stories. We will have snacks, music, playtime, and crafts. "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19 .. .. . 4 -J Elder's Meeting - July 16, 6:00pm VBS Sunday The children of St. Paul's Vacation Bible School will present their program on Sunday, July 13th in the morning worship hour. They are excited to present their program to their parents and to the congregation of St. Paul's. Bible Challenge Questions 1. What ill woman did Jesus recommend and rewar d f or her grea t f alith?. M a rk 5 :22 - 34 2. What distinguished the cross of Jesus from the two others on Calvary? Luke 23:38 3. For whose sake had God permitted Moses to perform great miracles in Egypt? Exodus 18:8 4. For money Roman soldiers promised to keep what secret? Matthew 28:11-15 5 . Wh a t prop he t ha d some thiIng t 0 say a b ou t a man using his neighbor's help without wages? Jeremiah 22:13 6. Whose hand did the king of Egypt bedeck with a precious ring? Genesis 41:42 Operation Shoebox The youth will be working on a new mission goal this year and would like your help! We will be assembling shoeboxes to be distributed to children all over the world. Rather than rushing at the last minute, we are going to try monthly collections. We will provide a schedule of what items we are collecting that month and provide a tub in the back of the church for collection of these items. We will accept any items anytime of year, the schedule is just a suggestion. tJUhl~rtCblothlles(all SiZeS ),SOCkS ~arrl~ttest' , I h c IpS, oy -s I s, a caps, sung asses, air . & . watches, hats, scarves, mittens & g All items should be new condition. Please don't include anything damaged or breakable, glass or aerosol cans. . Thank you all for your support, all d.onatlons are welcome and accepted at any time. J~~:~; If you have any questions about Operation Shoebox or the Youth involvement with the project, please contact Sherri or Hannah Siovensky. rnible Word~e~rch~ Wordaearc:h 226 Rev.21:1-10 E D I R B P L D EAT H S C R M U A SET REA L P A I R I R I HAT T WLRONNARIEAIOI OIMI I K I RRENWG B M N E N R LAS G EAR I I E H G G U C T D M I H N F GEM G F Y N P E E V I A A R N P L SUP A 0 L S G N I H V I F I E R Y T Eel TeA R P N E H EAR CUM ODRESSEDWELL GOD E S SAP •About my lom>£Sand fishes ... could I get a receipt for tax purposes?" WD S E A S Y H C T I T D R H N E 0 A G L B N T U L 0 Y S 0 U A S R M U L G E ALP H A A K I N G T DAN I N G GEL S All•• yau ftnd .utile 111 __ eIIlhe let COlerItt\ers spell aut • lib/none IUdng Inn III. lop left lolhe bctlono riglt (---------- -----, MoftE:. '" 5 PUZZL.I!S A New Heaven and Earth "" ALPHA BURNING ANGB..S CARRIED BOWLS CRYING BRIDE DRESSED DEATH DWElliNG DRINK HEAVEN HUSBAND FIERY HOLY IMMORAL LAMB INHERIT lIARS LONGER UFE MAKING MAGIC MOUNTAIN OMEGA PASSED PLAGUES PAIN SAYING PRACTICE SPIRIT SEATED SPRING SHOWED SULFUR THIRSTY VOICE THINGS WATER -- - ) A.T http-./ COPYRIGHT 2014 AU.. RIGHTS RESERVED ~ St. Paul's Weblog $ St. Paul's Weblog has been up and running for several months. I have tried to post a question that would spark some good Christian conversation. With the topic of conversation I also post a link to an article written on the subject at hand. This is a closed discussion site so to post comments you must attain a username and a password, which you simply do by sending me an e-mail and requesting one. The reason for a closed discussion is to prevent any inappropriate or indecent posting that do occur on open discussion blog sites. Over the past months the discussions have been about euthanasia, the connection between abortion and breast cancer, and First Amendment rights. If you would like to join the discussions please contact Pastor and he will get you set up with your username and password. Budget Please, remember our church's financial budget in your weekly offering. We are still running shorter than our budgeted offerings. If you could give a little more, it would help a lot. Items Requested St. Paul's Web Site - Check it Out! At the January Voter's Meeting, it was voted on to request for the following items be donated to st. Paul to help with the budget. 1) Donations for anniversary, birthday cards, etc. 2) Volunteers for lawn mowing/landscaping, cleaning, and snow removal 3) Light bulbs when needed '' New information, scheduling changes, etc. is posted there on a regular basis, and provides one more way to keep members updated about church activities. A New Addition to the Web Site is the volunteer worship schedule for anyone who may prefer to keep track on-line. We will still mail copies. Large Print Bulletins: For quite some time we have provided several full-size (Large print) bulletins for the Sunday services. If you would like to use one, help yourself-they are in the clear plastic stand on the table where the other bulletins are placed. 6 Adult Bible studies: • In our Thursday morning Bible study we are continuing the study in the book of Hebrews. We are using "God's Word for Today" series as our guide through this ongoing Bible study. Please join us on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00am. • And as always join us for Adult Bible study after church in the large fellowship hall. In the Adult Bible study we discuss the readings for that particular Sunday most notably the sermon text of the day to get a more fuller context of what is being taught by our Lord through His word given to us. • Information Board Notices Please check the bulletin board in the Narthex by the elevator door for notices of other churches' and community events. There are quite a few interesting events posted. Flowers The flower chart is posted on the bulletin board by the elevator. We have openings available for you to share flowers. Please remember to note where the flowers will come from next to your name on the flower chart. The Sunday School is continuing to grow! We meet every Sunday at 10:30-11 :30am. Though we are growing there's always room for more in our classrooms and we Look forward to seeing you all here every Sunday. Member Statistics Sat/Sun May 25 June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 30 9/37 46 41 3/43 14/43 46 57 Total Worship: 220 Average Worship: 44 Membership: 254 (ANGELS) Wordsearch 226 Ph rase = Create in me a pure heart. 0 God Psm.S1:10 niv 7 SHUT-INS Please remember our Shut ins July • • • • • • Mary Jane Chambers 636.488.5562 134 East Highway E Jonesburg, MO 63351 BD January 20 06 13 20 27 William Fischer 636.597.3342 30 Old Fischer Road Truxton, MO 63381 BD September 3 August 03 10 17 24 31 Marie Hill Lincoln County Nursing & Rehab 1145 East Cherry Street Troy, MO 63379 BD August 28 Ryan, Vonnie, Raylene Poston & Taylor Lauer Denise, Craig, Ethan, Griffen, & Ava Rakers Stan, Kaley, Keaton, & Karter Reagan Laverna Riddle Tammy, Tim, Avery & Blake Ridgley Sally Rieger Donna & Dennis Rogers Daryl & Lynda Sanker Don & Sharon Sanker Contacting Pastor Pastor's Address: 21 Craven Avenue Montgomery City, MO 63361 Harriet Oth 636.456.7504 21190 Oth's Lane Warrenton, MO 63383 BD March 11 Phone: Church - 636-488-5235 Cell - 636-359-5782 Email: [email protected] Sally Rieger Jonesburg Care Center 308 Cedar Avenue Jonesburg, MO 63351 BD - December 31 Contacting Secretary Email: [email protected] Rosemary Taylor 636.488.5848 PO Box 29 Jonesburg, MO 63351 BD September 3 Deaths Please continue to pray for the Fleahman family on the loss of Clara. Clara went home to the Lord on Saturday, June 21, 2014. Braydon Charles Pottebaum Bible Challenge Answers Congratulations to Ashley Saali & Chaz Pottebaum on the arrival of Braydon Charles Pottebaum. Braydon arrived June 6 and was 7lbs. 10z. and was 20 3/4". Proud grandma is Sue Hellebusch and great grandpa Jim Bendickson. 1. The woman who touched the hem of His garment. 2. The superscription. 3. Israel's. 4. Christ's resurrection 5. Jeremiah 6. Joseph's 8 • emorlCV St. Paul's Lutheran Church ongoing Memorial Funds: These are funds that can be given at any time throughout the year or for special occasions and as memorials. • St. Paul's Wedding Garden/Memorial Garden upkeep fund. • Cemetery Maintenance & upkeep fund. • Church Bell repair & refurbish fund. • New Piano purchase fund. • St. Paul's Scholarship fund. Our weekly tithe is what we return to God for the maintenance and upkeep of our Lord's house from the abundance of gifts our Lord has given to us. We don't give to the Church, we return to God in thanksgiving a portion of all His many gifts that He has already given to us first. Acolyte July August Schedule: 06 Dalten Harlan 13 Faith Van Horn 20 Michael Ludy 27 Hannah Siovensky 03 10 17 24 31 Kyle Meier Jacob Francois Dalton Van Doren Rylee Ludy Dalten Harlan K.I.D.S. Stamps If you are interested in purchasing K.I.D.S. Stamps, please complete your order request and include it with payment in the K.I.D.S. zip folder outside Pastor's office. Your stamps will be in the folder by the following Sunday. If you would like to receive them before one week, please email to [email protected] to make other arrangements. Thank you, Shirley Ellul. Cards and Napkins The Ladies Aid has boxes of greeting cards and napkins on sale on the shelf in the Narthex. Prices should be marked on the boxes and packages. Check it out, it's a very nice selection. July Volunteer Schedule 1st Sunday - July 6 Organist: Toni Schwartz Communion Assistant: Rodney Curry Acolyte: Dalten Harlan Greeters: Ryan, Vonnie & Raylene Poston & Taylor Lauer Prayer Family: Ryan, Vonnie & Raylene Poston & Taylor Lauer Counters: Fred & Bernice Lang & Janet Elms 2nd Sunday - July 13 Organist: John Siovensky Communion Assistant: N/A Acolyte: Faith Van Horn Greeters: Denise, Craig, Ethan & Ava Rakers Prayer Family: Denise, Craig, Ethan & Ava Rakers Counters: Vonnie Poston & Kevin Knipfel 3rd Sunday - July 20 Organist: Toni Schwartz Communion Assistant: John Siovensky Acolyte: Michael Ludy Greeters: Stan, Kaley, Keaton & Karter Reagan Prayer Family: Stan, Kaley, Keaton & Karter Reagan Counters: Fred & Bernice Lang & Janet Elms 4th Sunday - July 27 Organist: John Siovensky Communion Assistant: N/A Acolyte: Hannah Siovensky Greeter: Laverna Riddle Prayer Family: Laverna Riddle Counters: Vonnie Poston & Kevin Knipfel 9 July Birthdays Betty Joe Hemp Griffen Rakers Brent Fineran Diane Hearst Dalten Harlan Richard Jaspering Makayla Witthaus Tom Chambers Hannah Siovensky Raylene Poston Riamanda Branson 7/1 7/1 7/4 7/6 7/12 7/15 7/15 7/17 7/21 7/22 7/12 Tom Ludy Michael Ludy Merle Stoecklin Stephanie Walton Jessica Fischer Robert Hemp Kaley Reagan Ben Gregory Brad Gregory John Siovensky Amanda Harlan 7/23 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/30 July Baptisms Danny Angel Anita Branson Gary Ellul Melanie Meier Janice Nowell Kevin Meyer Rodney Curry Chris Van Horn Harvey Niemeyer Bernice Lang Stanley Reagan 7/1 7/1 7/5 7/8 7/8 7/11 7/14 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/18 Daniel Angel Mark Ludy Jaden Dove Michael Ludy Kayla Knipfel Susan Stotler Pam Van Horn Darryl Sanker Cole Curry Doris Pietzschke 7/21 7/21 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/30 July Anniversaries Gregory & Lisa Brooks John & Sherri Siovensky Jack & Lou Chartrand 7/2 717 7/12 20 Years 25 Years 59 Years Jerry & Toni Schwartz Tom & Linda Chambers 10 7/14 7/31 41 Years 48 Years 6/25/2014 St. Paul's Lutheran Church 09:33 AM Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 9:00a-Hebrews Bible Study 1:OOp-Ladies Aid Independence 8:30a-Quilting I 6 7 9:00a-Worship Service 6:00p-Vacation 1O:30a-Adult & Children's Sunday School School 13 14 7:00a-4-H Bible 9:00a-Worship 8 9 8:30a-Quilting 6:00p-Vacation School 6:00p-Vacation School Meeting 15 16 6:00p-Elder's Service 22 9:00a-Hebrews Study 6:00p-Vacation School Service 12 Bible 5:00p-Worship Service Bible 18 19 Bible 5:00p-Worship 25 24 9:00a-Hebrews Study I Bible I I 29 8:30a-Quilting 10:30a-Adult & Children's Sunday School 23 8:30a-Quilting 28 Service 11 Bible 17 Meeting 5:00p-Worship Service I 1O:30a-Adult & Children's Sunday School 27 9:00a-Hebrews Study 6:00p-Vacation School 5 Day I Service Parents' Day 10 Bible Saturday I 21 20 9:00a-Worship Bible 8:30a-Quilting 1O:OOa-Children's Sunday School 11:OOa-Voters Meeting 9:00a-Worship July 2014 30 31 9:00a-Hebrews Study Bible 26 5:00p-Worship Service