The Versa-Tell


The Versa-Tell
La t e S u m m e r E d i t i o n 2 0 11
“The Versa-Tell”
A Newsletter of the Vereinigter CANAM Deutsch Kurzhaar Klub
Photo Contest Winner
Executive Board and
Directors’ Reports
P. 1
P. 2-6
Annual Meeting
Weekend Report
P. 715
Breeder’s Corner
P. 16
Training for the
Concept of the Far
P. 17
VCDKK Contacts
P. 18
VCDKK Positions
P. 19
VCDKK Merchandise
P. 19
VCDKK 2011 Roster
Our Superstars
P. 2021
P. 2224
This is Caydee vom Speidel at 14 weeks of age entering the water to make a retrieve. Caydee
is the daughter of Belle vom Speidel and Vito vom Osterberg; she is a wonderful blend of
mom and dad. To date, I am seeing a young dog with excellent hunting skills and a fantastic
disposition. She is an ideal home/hunting companion dog. Her testing information is as
follows: Derby Prize 1 with 4h in search, youth female Zuchtschau SG 3 and SG 1.
Submitted by Caydee’s breeder and owner Steve Waters……………………Kurzhaar Voran!
Look for my training tips inside.
Congrats, Steve! Please select an item of your choice from the VCDKK merchandise.
“ The Ve r sa -Te l l”
P age 2
It is an honor and a privilege to have been elected President of CanAm DK. For those that do not know me I
would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My wife Roxanne and I live in Owatonna, Minnesota which is located in the southern part of the State. I am a Conservationist and work for the County Soil and Water Conservation District. We have two wonderful grown daughters and we are expecting our first grandchild this fall. I have
been a fancier of the German Shorthaired Pointer for over forty years owning my first shorthair at fourteen years
old. I acquired my first DK and became familiar with the German testing a breeding system in 1996. My first DK
made me a believer that the German testing and breeding system is the very best system available. I am looking
forward to working with all of you to accomplish my vision for the club which is “To Foster the breeding and testing of the Deutsch Kurzhaar for the versatile hunter”. I would like to extend my appreciation to Ken Elliot our
past President for his years of service to the club.
In March, the Deutsch Kurzhaar Verband (DKV) and the Jadgebrauchshund Verband (JGHV) conducted their
Annual Meetings in Fulda, Germany. Since I was unable to attend these meetings, CanAm DK was represented at
the JGHV meeting by Margitta Albertsen and at the DKV meeting by Gerd Schaffer (DKV Klub Westfalen). I
would like to express a special thanks to Margitta and Gerd for graciously representing our club at these meetings.
Margitta has reported to me that the meeting resulted in an effort to implement the new JGHV Regulations on
Association Judgeship for Judges in the North American clubs. Gerd reported DKV business was conducted and
that Professor Lemmer was re-elected as DKV President. I hope to attend these meetings in 2012
On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to extend a special thanks to (little) Gabe LaSala for coordinating
the 2011 Annual Meeting. The meeting was held on the week-end of April 30 –May 1 at the Perch Point Conservation Club near Detroit, Michigan. In addition to the Annual Membership Meeting the week-end included a
Board Meeting, Derby Test, Banquet and a Zuchtschau. The Banquet included acknowledgment of those members
who have made significant contributions and or accomplishments to the CanAm DK Klub, they include:
Ken Elliot, Past CanAm Klub Ptesident
Kevin MacWilliams, Passed VGP & BTR
Gabe LaSala, Passed VGP
Mario Polsinelli, Passed VGP
Thomas Busch, Translation Assistance
Election Committee: Steve Waters, Chris Fritz and Jack Hague.
Breeders: Mario Polsinelli– Kennel von Solilo; Gary Fleming-Kennel vom Sturmland; Steve Waters-Kennel
vom Speidel; Michael Pauly-Kennel von der Raucherei, and
Gabriel LaSala-Kennel von Springborn. The activities and
Never call a dog to
come in for punishment
camaraderie of the Annual Meeting weekend were very positive and enjoyable.
The club is in the process of compiling an new “DKV/CanAm DK Testing and
Breeding Regulations Booklet (The Green Book). The “Green Book” will be available
as soon as we complete the translation from German to English.
P age 3
“ The Ve r sa -Te l l”
The club hosted one Derby test this spring with a Solms/AZP, and VGP test scheduled for this fall. For test results and the test schedule go the club website in the members section. The 2011 International Kurzhaar Prufung
is being hosted by the Weser-Ems DK Klub in Surwald, Germany on October 13-15. The deadline for entries is
July 15th. If anyone is interested in traveling to Germany and testing in the IKP, I would be glad to help facilitate
your entry. I wish all the best in your training and testing this fall.
Best Wishes and Kurzhaar Voraan
Dan Arndt
Vice President/Canadian Director Report
The 2011 season in Canada has been a busy one. We attended the Derby
in MI and annual meeting. I am sure I echo everyone thoughts that attended our annual meeting “it was a huge success”!
I would like to thank all the members for putting on such a first class
Life in the MacWilliams family has been extremely busy of late. We received four new pups from Dr. Albert Lemmer (Osterberg Kennel) and
from all reports they seem to be doing just fine. Albert had a very serious operation this winter and is still recovering. He has promised a visit
to Canada and the USA as soon as he is able to walk/run a bit better.
Kevin MacWilliams with Vito
Our club continues to grow in the right direction. I would like to challenge all members to contact a board member and ask the question, “What can I do for my club”? We are a small club and that is just the way we should
keep it. Contrary to popular believe “bigger is not always better”. Consider yourself a select member of a very select club with the finest DK’s in North America. When you show up at your next test/Zuchtschau, take notice of
the most excellent judging cadre that is available in North America. These folks have volunteered to examine your
DK to help promote our very select club. This judging staff will help us grow with the best breeding stock available. As a member it is your job to be very conscious of all breeding choices and ask for advice from the breed
warden. Our goal is to breed the best DK’s available in the world. This can only be accomplished as a TEAM. To
those members that have produced litters, my hat is off to you for doing such a fine job.
Prost…………..Kevin MacWilliams
Never train in a bad
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 4
For those who do not
know me, I believe a short
introduction is in order. I
live in SE Iowa and have
worked with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Fisheries Bureau)
for 38 years. I have been
involved with hunting
dogs and the outdoor
world much of my life
thanks to my grandfather.
My grandfather Waters
was an avid quail hunter
and outdoors person and
he had hunting dogs; he
enjoyed English Pointers
and English Setters. I
quickly changed my allegiance to the German
Shorthair after seeing what
my major professor trotted into his office one day.
I will never forget what he
and his wife told me about
Steve and his girls; Hella, Caydee, Anni and Belle.
breeding. They told me to get
as much German blood into your breeding program as possible. So, down the line, I decided a Deutsch Kurzhaar might
best fit my hunting interests. I was 100% correct. I imported my foundation bitch, Hella vom Salzberg, from Ferdie
Schlattmann 14 years ago and have completely enjoyed what this breed has given me. I am devoted to their proper breeding and training and to the German system that has provided us with these magnificent dogs. We have produced three
litters of DKs and have kept an outstanding female from each litter. My family and I have thoroughly enjoyed the home/
hunting companionship attributes these dogs have given us and we have enjoyed the successes of others that have these
wonderful dogs.
My job as Director at Large is to assist the VCDKK, the DKs, and DK owners move forward. My interest is to help the
Club and DK owners move forward in a positive way so all of us can enjoy the successes of these wonderfully bred versatile dogs. To reach our goals it will take many of our DK enthusiasts working together to get the job done. I would like to
challenge all of the VCDKK members to pitch in and help move our breed and club forward. There are a number of vacant positions currently needing your expertise and assistance. I encourage you to step up and be a part of something
special. As with life, keep your training positive and always put your best foot forward.
Elsewhere in this newsletter you will see a photo of my grandson, Sef, and his DK. One of my goals last year was to introduce this 14-year old boy to the world of hunting, just as my grandfather did for me. I had a ball mentoring my young
friend about hunting, the outdoor world, and dogs; he has been bitten by the bug. I would encourage all of us to take
some time and get our young people properly introduced to outdoor sports. This time spent will reap exceptional dividends for you, the young person, the dogs, and for our outdoor traditions. See you in the great outdoors!
Waidmannsheil……..Steve Waters
“The Versa-Tell”
P age 5
Merchandise Coordinator Report
My father taught me how to hunt; he had learned to hunt as
a child in West Virginia. Hunting for him was not a game. He
once told me that if I didn’t bring game home, we didn’t eat
meat. My friends and I were like most kids who grew up in
the country. When we were not playing sports, we were out
hunting. Back then we mostly hunted rabbits with beagles or
sat in a stand waiting for deer. I would visit my grandmother
in southern Illinois during the holidays where my uncle lived.
He had a German Shorthaired Pointer that he used to hunt
birds. When I graduated college I bought my first shorthair.
Maggie was from an imported German bitch and an AmeriMike and Holly.
can stud. We spent most every minute of the day together.
When she passed it was very hard. I owned three American
Shorthairs after her and used them to hunt birds. I always wanted to be a breeder but never felt they were breedable animals. When my last GSP came of an age where it was difficult for her to hunt, I started to look for a new
hunting dog. I had seen a German hunting magazine with a summary of hunting test in Germany which had a picture of shorthair named Wega von der Zista. I thought she was the best looking dog I had ever seen. I started a
search of a dog like her and found a breeding in Europe which combined her through her son Basko and a female
out of a vom Osterberg stud. I liked both dogs so I imported a puppy. Holly was a wonderful puppy. She was full
of hunting ability, calm in the house, and beautiful to look at. I wanted to use her like they did in Europe so I
joined the German DKV club here in America. That is where I learned of the advantages of the German breeding
system. Their dogs must pass performance hunting tests that include searching.
Respectfully submitted…………Mike Pauley
(Editor’s note: Mike is a many-time competitor in the World Duck Calling Championship in Stuttgart, Arkansas which includes
being a past Tennessee aned Kentucky State Champion.
Past President’s Report
I attended the AGM first time as a member only. Principal reason for my trip was to run Derby and to obtain youth class
confirmation for Graf.
This was well organized and run the best I have seen yet. The new officers and directors are doing a superb job.
It was for me a chance to renew old acquaintances and meet new ones. It was great to sit down and discuss issues with Dave
Peasley. I do not in any way disagree with Dave’s position on the breed issues; in fact, all of us are adamant about practicing
the rules as they are. All one has to observe was the puppy parade the last day and if that didn’t send a message, I don’t
know what will. Meeting Steve Waters was also a highlight for me. While I had heard of him, it was a pleasure to speak with
him. The experience and good will he brings to our club is invaluable.
Finally, I wish to thank the directors and all concerned for the Life Membership. It is quite an honor.
P age 6
“ T h e V e r s a -T e ll ”
Michigan, like southern Ontario suffered through the wettest spring in living memory. The result was a thoroughly sodden country side. Dry ground was hard to find. That meant real challenges. It is a tribute to the judging team who worked their way through this to see to it that the entries would have every opportunity to show
what they could do. The result, all dogs prize one; the prizing was earned! The breeding behind these young
D.K.’s showed and that is what matters most. Most of the entries were from our own fully qualified bitches and
that highlights the difference from where we started to where we are today. Well done everybody!
All one has to do is watch Dave Peasley work one of these to appreciate what he brings back to our club. Dan
Arndt worked with Dave as apprentice judge. It was a thorough and professional show. I opted out. Linda
McWilliams took over and handled “Graf” wonderfully. It was terrific watching a pro like Linda work. My most
sincere thanks Linda. It is good to know “Graf’s” head is not too big (editor’s note: this is an inside joke in which many
of us enjoyed poking fun toward good-natured Ken).
We still have a long way to go, but we have also come a long way! Under the new leadership and existing enthusiasm, we have a future.
In closing, on a personal note it is with great sadness that I learned that my great friend Gerd Schaefer passed away
June 17th, 2011. My family has had and will continue to have a close personal relationship with the Schaefer family. I first met Gerd and his wife Ila at the Calgary airport in September 1994. Jackie and I made a reciprocal visit
to Haltern at the invitation of Gerd and Ila November 1994. The rest is history. What Gerd contributed to assist
us is also known to us all. I know we will remember that and remember him for who he was. A true gentleman.
Ken Elliott
Past President
Treat me with respect
and compassion, but be
my leader.
Be a patient trainer.
P age 7
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
2011 VCDKK Annual Weekend Report:
Greetings VCDKK members!! Finally the cool, wet spring is behind us and summer is here. The 2011 VCDKK
Annual Meeting weekend, held April 29- May 1, in the Detroit, MI area went extremely well. Below is a general
report to help the membership review what took place at our Annual Meeting/Derby/Banquet/Zuchtschau/.
Dan Arndt (President/Director of Testing), Mario Polsinelli (Secretary), Little
Gabe LaSala (Breed Warden/Midwest Region Director), Kevin MacWilliams
(Vice President/Canadian Director), Gary Flemming (SE Regional Director),
Mike Pauley (Merchandise Coordinator), Steve Waters (Director), and Big Gabe
LaSala (Treasurer).
Meet and Greet; Friday
The Weekend started Friday
evening with a meet and
greet at Dave and Buster’s.
All attending had a great
time, especially the kids.
D&B is a wonderful establishment for the children to
have a great time and spend
some of their parent’s
money! The Board had a
very successful meeting Friday night which lapsed into
the wee hours. We debated
and openly communicated
about many facets of the
club’s needs. Our primary
focus was on the DOGS!
The open forum and ease of
communication was a great
environment for growth.
This year the VCDKK had ALL Board members attend the meeting. Great job team!!!
Thank you attending Board members for adding to a
solid meeting.
Train with lots of praise.
Ken Spencer enjoyed selling raffle tickets and serving as photographer during the Annual Meeting Weekend.
“The Versa-Tell”
P age 8
DERBY: Held Saturday Morning:
At this year’s Annual Meeting Derby we had 5 dogs run. All dogs running received a First Prize. Thank you handlers for getting your special pups ready for this important evaluation of your dog; well done and congratulations
handlers Thanks go out to Andy Galante at Pheasant Ridge for the use of great grounds and wonderful birds and
to the judges (Dan Arndt, Wayne Pitock, Dave Peasley, and Big Gabe LaSala-apprentice) who donated their time
for the evaluations. A big thanks also goes out to Big Gabe LaSala for coordinating the Derby. The Derby event
progressed flawlessly!
VCDKK Derby (April 30, 2011). Back row L-R Judges: Dan Arndt, Wayne Pitock, Dave Peasley and Apprentice Big Gabe LaSala. Front
row L-R Ken Elliott (Guy Osterberg), Gary Gunterman (Aero Solilo), Mario Polsinelli (Adi Solilo), Michael Pittiglio Jr. and Sr., (Anni vom
Solilo) and Rick Davis (Ammo vom Solilo).
Always end a training
session on a positive
Develop a simple language/communication
with your dog.
P age 9
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
The Annual Meeting Banquet; Saturday Evening:
The Annual Banquet was held at Perch Pointe
Conservation Club on Saturday evening. The
event went very well with over 30 people in
attendance. After a meet and greet period, which
allowed members and their families ample time to
reconnect, develop new friendships, and share
great stories, attendees were treated to a wonderful
banquet meal.
Antonino LaSala, Teresa LaSala, Danica MacWilliams,
Linda MacWilliams and Michael Pauley at the VCDKK Annual Meeting Awards Banquet.
After the meal, the club recognized Ken Elliott and
awarded him a VCDKK Honorary Lifetime membership.
Congratulations, Ken!
Ken’s buddies, Penny vom Niemen and Graf vom
The VCDKK also recognized our VGP Handlers from 2010,
and awarded these individuals with a traditional pewter cup. The recipients of a 2010 VGP Award are: Kevin MacWilliams, Mario Polsinelli and Big Gabe LaSala. Congratulations guys for all the hard work and the wonderful results you and
your dogs accomplished!! Hunting behind a utility trained dog will reap many special days of hunting for you and shows
the unique versatility of the Deutsch Kurzhaar.
Kevin MacWilliams, Big Gabe LaSala, Mario Polsinelli
receive the traditional pewter cup for passing the
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 1 0
Name of Dog:
Aero vom Solilo
Zunder vom Wittekind
Cathy vom Holtvogt
Mario Polsinelli
Gary Gunterman
Guy vom Osterberg
Ungaro vom Hege Haus
Nanni vom Osterberg
Dr. Albert Lemmer
Ken Elliot
Chukar Partridge
Name of Dog:
Gabriel LaSala
Emergency Judge
Game Type:
Imlay City, MI
Gabriel LaSala
Dan Arndt
Dan Arndt, David Peasley, Wayne Pitock
Dates of Test:
Wesen 4/4
Comments: Missing P4
Name of Dog:
Ammo vom Solilo
Zunder vom Wittekind
Cathy vom Holtvogt
Mario Polsinelli
Rick Davis
Name of Dog:
Adi von Solilo
Zunder vom Wittekind
Cathy vom Holtvogt
Mario Polsinelli
Mario Polsinelli
Wesen 4/4
5 Name of Dog
Zb. Nr.
Anni von Solilo
Zunder vom Wittekind
Cathy vom Holtvogt
Mario Polsinelli
Micheal Pittiglio, Fred Saber
Wesen 4/4
Wesen 4/4
“ The Ve r sa -Te l l”
P age 1 1
Kevin MacWilliams gave an entertaining and educational talk, along with a personal account, of the 2010 Kleeman
from he and his family’s travels abroad. Kevin gave us a detailed breakdown of the events and their day-to-day
happenings while in Germany. Kevin added his great humor and a touch of class. After hearing him describing
the weekend extravaganza, we all were ready to head for Germany for the next Kleeman!! Thanks, Kevin!
Linda Cooney-MacWilliams gave a very informative talk on puppies, breeding and ethics. Linda stressed the ideals
of maintaining a level of excellence which keep our dogs and system one of the best. Linda is extremely knowledgeable and was a great addition to the Annual weekend. Anyone getting serious about DK’s would be wise to
spend solme time sharing with Linda. Thank You, Linda; you are a great asset to the club’s membership!!!
I would like to thank the staff at Perch Pointe for helping make the Annual weekend a success. They made every
attempt to allow us access to their entire grounds. That was instrumental in a GREAT weekend!! From everyone
in he VCDKK, Thank You!
A list of donated items at the Annual Banquet, and the individual responsible for the donation are listed below:
4 Wooden Plates with Sperling DK’s (Dan Arndt)
Keep toys and training
Damascus Steel Knife (Kevin MacWilliams)
objects separate.
Maple Syrup (Dan Arndt)
Bass Pro Gift Certificate (Gary Fleming)
Print, Fox and Pheasant (Dan Arndt)
Dog Food, 2 bags (Dan Arndt)
Pheasants Forever Collectible Belt Buckle (Steve Waters)
Two 50/50 raffles took place at this year’s Annual Banquet. The first 50/50 raffle grossed $250, with half going to
winner Kevin MacWilliams, and half being donated to the club. The second 50/50 raffle grossed $130, which was
donated to the club by winner Little Gabe LaSala.
The club would like to thank those who participated in the bidding and raffles. The end results helps the club
function and to move our special breed forward.
General Membership Meeting; Sunday Morning:
Prior to the Zuchtschau, a meeting of the clubs issues, discussions and activities were presented to the club’s attending members. This is one of the ways the Board has to communicate and invite discussion among its membership.
“ The Ve r sa -Te l l”
P age 1 2
2011 Annual Zuchtschau; Late Sunday Morning:
Nine dogs were entered in this year’s Annual Zuchtschau. Senior Judge, Dave Peasley, and Apprentice Judge, Dan
Arndt, provided their expertise for these evaluations. Thank
you, Dave and Dan!!!
Jugend (Youth), Male (1 Dog):
Guy vom Osterbergt (SG 1)
08990/10, 30.04.10
Vater: Ungaro KS vom Hege-Haus
Mutter: Nanni vom Osterberg
Zucther: Dr. Albert Lemmer
Owner: Ken Elliot
Rude, Schwschl.m.Pln.,
Alterklasse (Adult) Male (2 Dogs):
Argus vom Sturmland (SG 1) Rude,
Brschl.m.Pln., 0074/10, 09.10.09
Vater: Zunder vom Wittekind
Mutter: Minka vom Schnepfenstrich
Zuchter: Gary Fleming
Ammo von Solilo (SG 2) Rude, Schwschl., 0193/10, 22.12.09
Vater: Zunder vom Wittekind
Mutter: Cathy vom Holtvogt
Zuchter: Mario Polsinelli
Owner: Rick Davis
Alterklasse (Adult) Female (4 Dogs):
Anu vom Sturmland (V1) Hundin, Dbrschl.m.Pln., 0075/10, 09.10.09
Vater: Zunder vom Wittekind
Mutter: Minka vom Schnefenstrich 1136/06
Zuchter: Gary Fleming
Owner: Gary Fleming
Anni von Solilo (SG 1) Hundin, Schwschl.,
0197/10, 22/12/09
Vater: Zunder vom Wittekind
Mutter: Cathy vom Holtvogt
Zuchter: Mario Polsinelli
Owner: Michael Pittiglio
P age 1 3
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
Anna vom Blauen Gras (SG 2) Hundin, Schw.m.Brfl.,
0255/09, 03.01/09
Vater: Harley vom Beaver-Creeks
1031/0 57908/1
Mutter: Asia von Kings Crossing
Zuchter: Travis Burgett
Owner: Ken Spencer
Adi von Solilo (SG 3) Hundin, Schwschl, 0195/10, 22.12.09
Vater: Zunder vom Wittekind
Mutter: Cathy vom Holtvogt
Zuchter: Mario Polsinelli
Owner: Mario Polsinelli
Keep training sessions
short, especially for
young dogs.
The Adult Female Class:
Gary Fleming (Ann vom Sturmland V1), Michael Pittiglio (Anni von Solilo SG2), Ken Spenser (Anna von Blauen Gras
SG2), and Mario Polsinelli (Adi vom Solilo SG3).
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 1 4
Jugend Klasse (Youth) Female (2 Dogs):
Caydee vom Speidel (SG 1), Hundin, Brschl.m.Pln.,
0811/10, 09.05.10
Vater: Vito vom Osterberg 1221/05
Mutter: Belle vom Speidel
Zuchter: Steve Waters
Owner: Steve Waters
Aika von der Raucherei (SG 2) Hundin, Brschl.m.Pln.,
0101/11, 05,11.10
Vater: Vito vom Osterberg
Mutter: Holly Moon Eyes
Zuchter: Michael Pauley
Owner: Michael Pauley
Know your dog.
Michael Pauley with Aika Raucherei and Steve Waters with Caydee vom Speidel,
both judged in the young female class at Annual Meeting Zuchtschau.
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 1 5
Following the Zuchtschau, we had a puppy round-up. All attending VCDKK members with a young dog or
puppy handy were placed in the confirmation ring and a brief description on breeding and background was given.
It was great to see all the future young prospects and the new beginnings for the VCDKK and the DK world. To
all breeders and puppy owners, WOW, they all looked great! All in attendance were impressed. We are looking
forward to seeing these great looking pups at next year’s Derby.
Puppies on Parade: Mario Polsinelli, Dan Arndt, Kevin MacWilliams, Jeff Hustler, Big Gabe LaSala, Dave Peasley ,and Mike Pauley
The Annual Meeting event was excellent. I believe all who attended enjoyed the three days of dogs and camaraderie. And, there is more than meets the eye with an event of this type. Intermixed with the Derby, banquet,
and Zuchtschau are many valuable training and breeding discussions being communicated. This is a good opportunity to pick up tips on how to get the most out of your dog while training, hunting and living with our 4leggers. We hope to see you at the Annual in 2012.
To anyone I missed, thank you for any help and support!! The weekend went great and the dogs did super. The
first priority is always the dogs, as this provides us with the successful results we all strive for.
Note from the VCDDK: Many thanks are extended to Little Gabe LaSala for his labors that resulted in
a great Annual Meeting event.
Train in a consistent
P age 1 6
Page 16
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
Breeder’s Corner
Quell Pottmes—Quell is a notable stud dog and is in the background of many present day DKs. Taken from the 1969 Zuchtbuch.
P age 1 7
“ T h e V e r s a -T e ll ”
Training for the Concept of the Far Shore: Blind Retrieve and Duck Searches; the Bridge Method
One of the issues with water work is for the dog to understand that
he needs to get to the far shore in order to find game he is sent for.
This training method should reduce, and hopefully eliminate, a dog’s
interest to run the bank from which he is sent from. We want the
dog to enter the water quickly and move out to find game he has
been ordered to get. This method reduces the visuals of thrown
dummies or a person working on the far bank.
Requirements; the dog must be force broke to retrieve, a long rope,
a bridge, a dummy, and treats. It is good if you have been doing line
retrieving drills prior to this method as you have already trained the
dog to move forward on command.
Step 1. The handler will be positioned at the bank and place the
dog in a position for a retrieve. The rope is attached to the dog’s
collar and a helper is stationed on the bridge and will pull the dog to
the far bank when the command (back, fetch, etc.) is given to the
dog to move forward. With the given command, the helper immediately pulls the dog forward and into the water (the dog will fight this
at first). The helper walks forward pulling the dog; the handler will give the “go” command several times as the dog is being pulled forward.
As the dog approaches the far shore, a white dummy will be dropped into the water a couple of feet ahead of the dog. The handler will give
the fetch command and the helper will help turn the dog for the swim back to the handler. Give lots of praise and encouragement as the dog
is coming back; treats at the end is never a bad thing.
Step 2. Repeat Step 1, but drop the dummy at the water-shore interface and a few feet from the dog. The handler will give the fetch command and all is repeated on the return as mentioned in Step 1.
Step 3. This time, place the white dummy on the far bank so the dog can easily see it; I would not go great distances from the bank. Also,
add a couple of treats that the dog will like. Send the dog as you have done before and as the dog approaches the dummy give the fetch
command after the dog has eaten the treats. I like pieces of hot dog or some treat they don’t often get.
Step 4. After a few sessions through Step 3, you will be able to remove the rope and let the dog go on his own; hopefully. Every dog is different and they are not all on the same time table so it is difficult to say how many sessions it will take for your dog to progress, but they seem
to stop fighting the rope and move forward pretty quick.
Step 5. Now, it is time to hide the dummy and send the dog. If the dog is confused, go back to the rope and force him across as you have
done before. They should get the message that the handler is
sending me to get something I cannot see. And, I like the treats;
there is something in this for me!
Step 6. Eliminate the bank treats as the dog is going on command
and coming back on command. Give treats for the retrieve; however, add different things for the dog to fetch and certainly add a
dead duck or a bagged duck. You have 4 different training stations at each bridge. You should send them from either side of
the bridge and trade off which bank you use as they understand
what to do.
Step 7. Now it is time to move the dog away from the bridge and
have the dog make retrieves on short bank- to- bank locations.
Change sites and increase distances as the dog grows with this
concept. At any time of training a white guide object on the far
bank will give the dog a mark, but you will have to eliminate this
at a time or they will think they must see this in order to move
I use this method to teach blind retrieves and build on this for duck searches (different command). As the dog begins a duck search, he will
understand that he will have success by going to the far shore. Along the way, he may run across the track from the duck and use that track
to help him find the duck. It is certain; your dog will have no success working the shoreline in front of you, but will most likely have success
as he moves to the far shore. And, success leads to additional success. Good luck and Kurzhaar Voran! ………….submitted by Steve Waters
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 1 8
Vereinigter CanAm DK Klub Contacts
Dan Arndt
765 Cardinal Dr.
Owatonna, MN 55060 USA
(507) 451-4382
[email protected]
Vice President
Kevin MacWilliams
637 Airport Rd.
RR#6, Pembroke, ON, Canada K8A 6W7
(877) 869-5255 Work
(613) 887-2011 Home
[email protected]
Director of Testing
Dan Arndt
765 Cardinal Dr.
Owatonna, MN 55060 USA
(507) 451-4382
[email protected]
Merchandise Coordinator
Mike Pauley
1176 Phillips Lane
Franklin Lane 42134 USA
Cell: (615) 706-0138
[email protected]
Kevin MacWilliams
637 Airport Rd.
RR #6, Pembroke, ON, Canada K8A 6W7
[email protected]
Gabriel LaSala (Little)
22038 Harper Lake Ave.
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 USA
(586) 707-6705
[email protected]
Breed Warden
Gabriel LaSala (Little)
22038 Harper Lake Ave.
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 USA
(586) 707-6705
[email protected]
Gabriel LaSala (Big)
10245 Springborn Rd.
Casco, MI 48064 USA
(810) 499-0743
[email protected]
Director of Judge Development
Stacy Dimou
P.O. Box 566
Bangor, ME 04402
(207) 454-0866
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Steve Waters
32625 220th Ave.
Ollie, IA 52576 USA
(641) 661-4204
[email protected]
Mano Poisinelli
100 Creek Drive
LaKE Orio, MI 49362 USA
(248) 693-5273
[email protected]
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 1 9
The VCDKK has several vacant positions which need to be filled. The VCDKK is a family oriented klub.
Members, aided by family members, are encouraged to apply for these vacant positions that are important to the klub and its membership. Please contact President, Dan Arndt, for additional information.
Thanks and Kurzhaar Voran!
The Board of Directors is seeking a club member that would be interested in serving as the Klub Test Secretary. The TEST SECRETARY will assist the Director of Testing with computerizing the klub’s testing documents and records. They will keep current and post the test results on the website. We encourage you to
become involved and take advantage of the great opportunity to contribute to the klub. Please contact
Dan Arndt, Director of Testing, for more details.
The REGIONAL DIRECTORS serve as Board members and represent their region and the VCDKK at Board
meetings/conference calls. This position attends klub meetings and participates in conference calls, prepares reports/articles for the newsletter, assists membership, and participate in miscellaneous klub activities.
VCDKK Merchandise
VCDKK Merchandise Costs:
Hats; Green, Tan, Orange………………………………………………………………….. $15.00 plus $5.00 shipping= $20.00
Short Sleeve (green and white)……………………………………………… $15.00 plus $5.00 shipping= $20.00
Long Sleeve (green and white)………………………………………………. $17.00 plus $ 5.00shipping = $22.00
Zuchtbuchs (several years available)…………………………………………………. $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping = $30.00
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
James L. Adkins
2760 N. 24th Rd.
Warden, MT 59088
Ph: (406) 534-6536
Cell: (406) 633-0825
[email protected]
Margitta Albertsen
24983 Handewitt, Germany
[email protected]
Dan Arndt
765 Cardinal Drive
Owatonna, MN 55060
Ph: (507) 451-4382
Cell: (507) 338-4841
[email protected]
Ed Benson
14645 Kangas Road
Kaleva, MI 49645
Ph: (231) 362-3644
Cell: (231) 690-7462
[email protected]
Glen Bridges
P.O. Box 1135, 125 Church
Jackson, AL 36545
Ph: (251) 246-9301
Cell: (251) 769-8291
[email protected]
Scott Burns
27054 Calle Juanita
Capistrano Beach, CA 92624
Ph: (949) 248-9348
Cell: 350-4819
[email protected]
Thomas Busch
66590 Campground Road
Washington Township, MI 48095
Cell: (586) 337-3816
[email protected]
Frank Copogna
19 High Street
East Williston, NY 11596
Ph: (516) 322-0750
[email protected]
Richard Davis
1304 Cottonwood Lane
Whenton, MN 56296
Ph: (320) 422-4085
[email protected]
George Desharnais
32815 Highway 84
Evergreen, AL 36401
Ph: (251) 578-1715
Cell: (850) 291-5848
[email protected]
P age 2 0
VCDKK 2011 Roster
Stacy Dimou
P.O. Box 566
Bangor, ME 04402
Ph: (207) 669-2116
[email protected]
Ken Elliott
155 Nichol Road, RR2
Baltimore, ONT KOK1CO, Canada
Ph: (905) 349-3229
[email protected]
William English
8831 Skuse Road
Pittsford, MI 49271
Ph: (517) 523-2042
[email protected]
Gary Fleming
1406 Avondale Way
Tallahassee, FL 32317
Ph: (850) 591-8726
[email protected]
Brian Frazer
8052 Woodglen Circle
La Palma, CA 90623
Ph: (714) 952-4722
Cell: (714) 488-2245
[email protected]
Chris Fritz
2126 Gernentz Fork
Red Wing, MN 55066
Ph: (651) 385-0412
Cell: (651) 380-2854
[email protected]
Heath Grewell
267 Heritage Drive
Milford, MI 48381
Ph: (248) 685-7083
Cell: (248) 345-9217
[email protected]
Jack Hague
112 Royal Oak Drive
Welland, ONT, L3C5V9, Canada
Ph: (905) 737-3386
[email protected]
Hans Henoch
P.O. Box 209
Lambertville, MI 48144
Ph: (419) 262-5022
[email protected]
James L. Howell
1749 Blackman Court
Longwood, FL 32779
Ph: (407) 865-9132
Cell: (407) 496-4888
[email protected]
Paul Hoyt
Oakland, ONT NOEHLO, Canada
Ph: (519) 446-3338
Cell: (519) 770-2607
[email protected]
Jeff Huster
7121 Jasper Drive
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Ph: (616) 913-7439
[email protected]
Kirk Jones
156 Sufian Street
Pembroke, ONT, K8A6W6, Canada
Ph: (613) 735-9676
[email protected]
Eric Labarr
11313 Turnpike Road
Clyde, NY 14433
Ph: (315) 923-3542
Cell: (315) 577-2060
[email protected]
Gabe LaSala (Little Gabe)
22038 Harper Lake Avenue
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
Cell: (586) 707-6705
[email protected]
Gabriel LaSala (Big Gabe)
10245 Springborn
Casco, MI 48064
Ph: (586) 716-0295
Cell: (810) 499-0733
[email protected]
Jeff Leonard
P.O. Box 61351
Jacksonville, FL 32236
Cell: (904) 994-6464
[email protected]
Maria Lemmermohle
Nadorster Weg 15 49632
Essen/Oldenburg, Germany
[email protected]
Kevin Macwilliams
637 Airport Road
RR6, Pembroke, ONT, K8A6W7,
Ph: (613) 687-2011
Cell: (613) 639-7050
[email protected]
Daniel Myshin
4800 Linglestown Rd., #305
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Ph: (717) 541-5451
[email protected]
Joey M. Nichols
17760 33 Mile Road
Ph: (586) 360-4994
Cell: (248) 396-1559
[email protected]
Terry Page
126 Laurenburg Drive
Richmond Hill, GA 31324
Ph: (912) 727-4919
Cell: (912) 656-9523
[email protected]
Michael Pauley
1176 Phillips Lane
Franklin, KY 42134
Cell: (615) 708-0138
[email protected]
David Peasley
36423 Greenspring Street
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Ph: (248) 661-3144
Cell: (248) 705-2549
[email protected]
Mike A. Pittiglio
61522 Wagon Wheel Court
Washington Township, MI 48094
Ph: (586) 781-8691
Cell: (810) 560-4141
[email protected]
Michael V. Pittiglio
61522 Wagon Wheel
Washington Township, MI 48094
Ph: (596) 557-5183
[email protected]
Mario Polsinelli
100 Creek Drive
Chesterfield, MI 48077
Ph: (586) 598-8683
Cell: (586) 295-5658
[email protected]
Patrick Riley
31574 River Bend
Chesterfield, MI 48077
Ph: (586) 598-8683
Cell: (586) 598-5658
[email protected]
Marty Ryan
4320 East Reading Road
Osseo, MI 49266
Ph (517) 523-2103
[email protected]
Kenneth Spencer
119 Maryland
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Ph: (248) 563-4722
[email protected]
Stephen Waters
32625 – 230th Avenue
Ollie, IA 52576
Ph: (641) 661-4204
[email protected]
“ T he V e r s a -T e ll ”
P age 1
Bsdhs vom dolilo (OL: Jory snf zhrifi
Nichols, B: Mrio Polsinelli, Eiko KS von
der Zista x Cathy vom Holtvagt)
Bliss von Solilo (O: Eric Labarr con der,
b: Mario Polsinelli, Eiko KS vonder
Zista ((Cathy von Holtvogt)
Bia vom Solilo (O/B: Mario Polsinelli, Eiko KS von Der Zista x
Cathy vom Holtvogt)
B: Mario
olilo (O
von der S
Cathy vom
nelli, EIko
n: Ma vom
Pea Desire
O: D
rst ( om Nie
Eich to ks
vom nd, Pla
Pan Wittla
fred bach.
Issy vom Osterberg (O: Kevin & Linda MacWilliams; B: Dr. Albert
Lemmer, Tasco vom Osterberg x Fraya vom Osterberg.
Sef Waters and Bess vom Speidel; first pheasant (O:
Sef Waters, B: Steve Waters, Greif vom Malittenburg x
Anni vom Speidel
Owner Brian Fraser and Chase vom Speidel after the huint (B: Steve
water4s, Vito vom Osterberg x Belle vom Speidel).
Ilo vom Os
terberg (O
: Kirk Jone
mer, Tasco
s, B: Dr. Alb
x Osterberg
ert Lemx Freya vo
m Osterbe
Scott Burns looks after his Carson vom Speidel (Left) and brother Chase
vom Speidel (O: Brian Fraser) (B: Steve Waters, Vito vom Osterberg x
Bella vom Speidel).
Mike Pauley’s dogs: Holly vom Mooneyes (Basko ks von der zista
x Czaga z Czarego, B: Urszula Lichniak Mooneyes); Aldo, Aika vom
raucherei (Vito vom Osterberg x Holly vom Mooneyes (O/B: Mike
Julie vom Osterberg (O: Dan Arndt, B: Dr. Albert Lemmer, taswco vom Osterberg x Anne vom Osterberg)
Guy vom Osterberg (O: Ken Elliot, B: Dr. Albert Lemmer,
Ungaro KS vom Hege-Jais x Nanni vom Osterberg).
Ammo vom Solilo (O: Rick Davis, B: Mario Polsinelli, Zunder vom Wittekind x Cathy vom Holtvogt).
Caydee vom Speidel (O/B: Steve Waters, Vito vom Osterberg x Belle vom
Danica von der Adlerberg (O- little Gabe LaSala, B- Scott and Lisa Sorenson, Nik von
der Jydebeck x Fila vom Thuringer Zipfel).
Please practice Excellent Hunting Safety this season!