In Loving Memory of


In Loving Memory of
Memorial Book
In Loving Memory of
khia grant jones
(October 4, 2006 - January 16, 2009)
Laid there in that hospital bed, You tried so
hard to hold on. God was calling you home.
He needed Another Angel to help poor out the
rain. Tears have fallen, hearts where
shattered, But it was time for you to fly home.
Your loved ones came to say their goodbyes,
To tell you they loved you, and that you Will
be forever be missed As your heart beat
stopped, and your eyes Slowly closed, GOD
took another Angel Home. He received his
Angel Wings on January 16, 2009. We only
had him here with us for 2 years, 2 months 16
Khia was sent from Heaven on October 4, 2006. He was a Borrowed Angel until January 16, 2009. He left behind a
big brother Travis, big sister Savannah, little sister Aniyah, and so many more that loved him so much and helped take care of
him. No one ever really understands why someone so young was taken back to the most beautiful, safe, loving place, God knows
the answer he just needed another Angel to help bring out the beautiful sunshine in the morning, bring out the beautiful stars at
night, make it rain so the beautiful flowers will grow, & make it snow so that when it does Khia's brother & sisters knows he is
thinking about them and love & miss them so much. We all were left here to greive for the most beuatiful baby that was taken
from all of us, but we all need to celebrate his life and the time that God had given to us before giving Khia-Khia his beautiful
Angel Wings and not feel like anyone is to blame. Just think one day we all will see him again then we won't ever have to let him
go again. Khia may not of known this from me but I loved him more than anyone can ever imagine. My heart breaks more
everyday knowing that he is not here with his family. Knowing that he is with our other Angels that we lost along the way is a
little comfort. Everyone says it gets easier as time goes by it only gets harder. Our Borrowed Angel is now in the arms of God
and in the most beautiful place so we need to know that he is our Guardian Angel and is watching over all of us. KHIA GRANT JONES
A Thousand Times We Needed You
A Thousand Times We Cried
If Love Alone Could Of Saved You
You Never Would Of Died
A Heart Of Gold Stopped Beating
Two Tinkle Eyes Closed To Rest
God Broke Our Hearts To Prove He Only Takes The BEST
Never A Day Goes Bye That You're Not In My Heart & Soul
Do Not Stand By My Grave
Do Not Stand By My Grave & Weep
I Am Not There, I Do Not Sleep
I Am The Thousands Winds That Blow
I Am The Diamond Glints Upon The Snow
I Am The Sunlight On Repened Grain &
I Am The Gentle Autumn Rain
When You Awaken In The Morning's Hush
I Am That Swift Uplifting Rush
Of Quiet Birds In Circled Flight
I Am The Soft Star That Shines At Night
Do Not Stand By Grave & Cry
I Am Not There, I Did Not Die
Welcome To Heaven
On January 16, 2009
A Beautiful Angel Welcome In Heaven
A Child So Special That God Called Him Home
To Sit At His Side On His Almighty Throne
We Don't Understand It & Ask Dear Lord Why
Such A Beautiful Baby Boy So Young Had To Die
Two Years Old & Just Starting To Live
Taken To Early With So Much Love To Give
Sweet Little Angel, We Will Never Forget You
When We Kiss Your Brother And Sisters, It's A Kiss For You Too
With Heaven As Your Playground Again, I See Your Smile Play Hard Beautiful Khia-Khia You Are A Very Loved Child
Til The Day We Meet In Heaven
Taken On Angels Wings
You Were Taken On Angels Wings
As You Sweetly & Quietly Slept
And Returned to Heaven Before We Knew
That You Have Even Left
Our Hearts Are Heavliy & Sorrowed
That Our Time With You Was So Brief
For You Were Our Gift
Of Heavens Light
That Is Now Replaced With Grief
But Not So Much That We Can Be Grateful
For Every Second You Were Here
You Filled Our Hearts With So Much Joy
Treasures Memories We'll Hold Forever Dear &
Though We Weren't Blessed To See You Grow Up
We Were Blessed To See You Smile For 2 Yrs &
Hold You Lovely In Our Arms
Gone Away
An Angel Whispered, Take My Hand &
Come With Me, You're Work Here Is Done
I Went Away To A Place, Where's There's No Tears
Nor Sorrow, Only Laughter & Smiles
There Will Always Be A Tomorrow
As I Move Amongst The CLouds
I'll Look Down & Smile Upon You
While The Angles, Sing A Heavenly Song
I am Not Alone All Who Went Before Me
Are Here, They Waited My Return
I'll Know You'll Grieve & Wished I Was Still There
I Am Here In The Memories, You Hold Dear
Remember How Much I Love You & Know
I Took Your Love With Me, I Did Not Wish For You To Cry
Nor Feel Sad, My Pain Is Gone & I Am Free
Soon You'll Come To See Me, Until Then
God Will Be With You, Just As He's With Me
Death Of A Brother
You're Still Here In My Heart & Mind
Still Making Me Laugh, Cause Your Story Lives On
I Hold You In A Thought, & I Can Feel You
I Feel You & That Gives Me The Strenght And Courage
The Tears I Have Cried For You Could Flood The Earth
And I Know You Have Wiped Each One Away
For You Brother, I Promise This
I Will Go On With My Life, & Make You Proud I wILL Always Hold You In My Heart
I Promise I Will Be Missing You Everyday
Until The End Of Time
But This Is Not My End, & I can't Hold My
Head Underwater, I Need To Miss You
But Also Need To Live, Because Through Me
You Will Live, You Will Still Laugh & Love
You Will Still Sing & Dance, You Will Still Kiss & Hug
You Will Be Forever In Our Lives, You Forever Be A Brother
A Son, Uncle, Cousin, Nephew, Grandson & A Friend
I Am Going To Miss Your Shining Face
I Think Of You & Wonder Why?
I Might Cry Or Smile, But At The End Of The Day
I Am One More Day Closer To You
Love, Travis & Savannah
The Myth of Closure
"When will I begin to feel better? When will I return to normal? When will I achieve some closure?” grievers often ask. Closure,
our culture tells us, will bring about a tidy ending, a sense of completion. Some grievers hope that the desired magical closure will
occur after the funeral or memorial service. Others are confident it will come once they have cleared out their loved one’s room.
Or maybe after a special personal ritual.
Or perhaps after the first anniversary comes and goes—“surely then, we will have closure,” we think. We pray…
The reason we long for closure, of course, is because we would like to neatly seal away all of this pain. We would like to close all
of the sad, confused, desperate, angry feelings out of our life. We would like to put all of this behind us. Closure. What an odd
concept really, as if we could truly close the door on pain—turn the lock and throw away the key. The truth is far more complex,
of course. Closure is for business deals. Closure is for real estate transactions. Closure is not for feelings or for people we love.
Closure simply does not exist emotionally, not in a pure sense. We cannot close the door on the past as if it didn’t exist because,
after losing someone dear to us, we never forget that person or the love we shared. And in some ways, we never entirely get
over the loss. We learn to live with the loss, to integrate it into our new identity.
Imagine if we really could end this chapter in our life, completely. It would mean losing our memories, our connections to those we
love. If we really found closure, it would ironically hurt even more because the attachment would be severed. And this attachment
is vital to us—the memories are treasures to be held close, not closed out.
Perhaps it is better to think in terms of healing. Yes, we can process our pain and move to deeper and deeper levels of
healing. Yes, we can find ways to move on and channel our pain into productive activities. Yes, we can even
learn to smile again and laugh again and love again.
But let’s not ever think that we’ll close the door completely on what this loss means, for if we did that, we
would unwittingly close the door on all the love that we shared. And that would truly be a loss too terrible
to bear.
Empty Spaces
I Sit Alone Here Every Day
Thinking Of The Child You Took Away
He Was My Heart, He Was My Soul
He Is The Thing That Made Me Whole
I Have No Hope, I Have No Faith, I Have No Energy
He Was The Only Pride & Joy That Rose Inside Of Me &
Now There's Just An Empty Space Where Laughter Used
To Dwell, My Heart Has Got No Purpose Now, It's Just
An Empty Shell
As I Look At The Children Play, In The Parks & On The Beach
I Think About My Biggest Loss, The Child I Can Not Reach
Sometimes I Wonder What He Thinks When He Mind
Remembers Me, Does He Think About The Mom He Lost
The Family He Never Sees
My Days Are Filled With Anger, My Nights With Painful Grief
How I Face Each Day Without Him Is Way Beyond Belief
His Toys Are Strewn Bout The Floor, His Bed Is Empty Now
Abondoned Like The Autumm Leaves Shaken From The Bough
There's Nothing Left For Me To Have But Distant Memories
Of The Times We Had When He Was Young & Full Of Energy
I Hear His Voice Inside My Head Calling Out To Me &
When I Close My Eyes To Sleep, His Face Is All I See,
But Deep Within The Darkness That Lives Inside Of Me
There Is A Tiny Glimmer, A Spark That's Hard To See
That Spark Is Just A Remnant Of The Love That Is Inside
The Love Which Cannot Disappear, The Love I Cannot Hide
If Tears Could Build A Stairway
Tears Could Build A Stairway
And Memories A Lane
I Would Walk Right Up To Heaven
And Bring You Back Again
No Farewell Words, Were Spoken
No Time To Say "Goodbye"
You Were Gone Before I Knew It
And Only GOD Knows Why
My Heart Still Aches With Sadness
And Secret Tears Still Flow
What It Meant To Love You
No One Will Ever Know
But Now I Know You Want Me
To Morn For You No More
To Remember All The Happy Times
Life Still Has Much More In Store
Since You Will Never Be Forgotten
I Pledge To You Today
A Hollowed Place In Our Hearts
Is Where You Will Always Stay.
To The Living..I Am Gone
To The Sorrowful..I Will Never Return
To The Angry..I Was Cheated
But To The Happy.. I Am At Peace
And To The Faithful..I Have Never Left
I Cannot Speak..But I Can Listen
I Can Not Be Seen..But I Can Be Heard
So As You Stand Upon The SHore
Gazing At A Beautiful Sea..Remember Me
As You Look Upon The Flower, And Admire It's Simplicity..
Remember Me.. Remember Me In Your Heart, Your Thoughts..
And Your Memories, Of The Times We Loved, The Times We Cried
The Times We Fought, & The TImes We Laughed
For If You Will Always Think Of Me
I Will Never Be Gone
My Dad Is A Survivor My Dad Is A Survivor Too
Which Is No Surprise To Me
He's Always Been Like A Lighthouse
That Helps You Cross A Stormy Sea But, I Walk With My Dad Each Day
To Lift Him When He's Down
I Wipe The Tears He Hides From Others
He cries when no one's around I Watch Him Sit Up Late At Night
With My Picture In His Hand
He Cries As He Tries To Grieve Alone
And Wishes He Could Understand My Dad Is Like A Tower Of Strength.
He's The Greatest Of Them All!
But, There Are Times When He Needs To Cry...
Please Be There When He Falls Hold His Hand Or Pat His Shoulder...
And Tell Him It's Okay
Be His Strength When He's Sad
Help Him Mourn In His Own Way
Now, As I Watch Over My Precious Dad
From The Heavens Up Above...
I'm So Proud That He's A Survivor...
And, I Can Still Feel His Love
A child that loses a parent is an orphan, A man who loses his wife is a widower,
A woman who loses her husband is a widow, There is no name for a parent that loses a child,
For there is no word to describe the PAIN!!!!!!!
I've Earned My Wings
I'm Sorry Mommy I Left You So Soon
I Was There When The Angels Woke You Up That Day
I Know I Was Gone From The Flash From The Start
Mommy Remember, I'll Always Be In Your Heart
I Listen To You Dearly, When You Visit My Grave
Please Don't Cry, Be Sad, Continue To Be Brave
I Didn't Mean To Leave You All So Soon
I Was Looking From Heaven When Everyone Released Thier
Take Care Of My Big Brother, Big Sister, & Baby SisterToo
There Will Always & Forever Be A Part Of Me Living In You
I'll Be Waiting For You Here, At The Golden Gate
Time Is Ticking Mommy, Please Don't Be Late
I Long To Embrace You In My Arms, Don't Worry Mommy!
I'm At A Place Where There Is No Harm
I've Earned My Wings, I Live In The Sky
I'm Waiting Everyday Mommy So Please Don't Cry!
Love Your Son Khia-Khia
God Looked Around God Looked Around The Garden
Found An Empty Space
He Looked Down Upon The Earth
Saw Your Tired Face
He Put His Arms Around You
Lifted You To Rest
God's Garden Must Be Beautiful
For He Only Takes The Best
He Knew That You Were Weary
He Knew You Were In Pain
He Knew That You Would Never
Be Wel On Earth Again
He Saw The Roads Getting Rough
The Hills Were Hard To Climb
So He Closed Your Weary Eyelids And Whispered Peace Be Thine If Love Could Undo A Wrong
If Love Could Undo A Wrong
You'd be Home Where You Belong
The Choices That Were Made
Caused You To Rest Where You Were Laid
You Were Young & Didn't Know
We Lose You & Miss You So
Too Young To Really Understand
So GOD Reached Out His Mighty Hand
Now You Hear The Angel's Sing
And You Don't Want For Anything
You're Finally Safe From Earthly Harms
Wrapped Up In God's Loving Arms
Although I Miss You Everyday
Know Heavens Where You'll Stay
But Someday Khia, We'll Meet Again
When I Walk Through The Gate To Heaven! Our Hearts Will Always Touch
When I Laid There Beside You
Could You Feel Me There?
My Arms Were Wrapped Around You &
I Was Stroking Your Hair
I Was Talking About All The Good
For Me They Were Every Single Day
I Wanted You To Feel Love And Comfort &
Happy In Some Way
I Watched Your Every Breath & PrayedTimes
That Each One Wasn't Your Last
The TIme We Got To Share Together
Went By Too Quick..Too Fast
I Wanted You To Wake Up
Please Khia... Open Your Eyes
Tell Me This Is A Nightmare &
Not Our "Goodbyes"
As Your Last Breath Grew Closer
We Laid There Peacfully Together
My Heart Continually Breaking
Because I Wanted You Forever
Then There It Was
Your Final Breath Of Air
I Didn't Want To Believe It
This Is So Cruel And Not Fair
I Held Your Beautiful Face
And Prayed You'd Breath Again
I Wasn't Ready For You To Go
I Couldn't Admit That This Was The End
But Then I Realized That You Were Now In Peace
Not Suffering Anymore
You Were Beginning The Life Of An ANGEL
Your Body Would No Longer Be Sore
I held You Close & Squezzed You Tight &
Tried To Say "Goodbye"
I've Lost My Baby Khia-Khia & My Friend
All My Heart Could Do Is Cry
I Slowly Got Up, I Wanted So Much To Stay
I Leaned Over & Gave You One More Kiss "Goodbye"
It Was So Hard To Walk Away & Leave You Behind
Khia-Khia You Are My Entire World, & I Miss You So Very Much
I Wish I Could Feel Your Loveable Cuddle, & Your Soft &
Gentle Touch, But For Now I have To Wait Until We Meet Again
You Will Always Be In My Heart & Thoughts My Dear Khia-Khia
My Best Friend, You Were So Important To Me & I Loved You
More Than Anything & Wished I Could Of Stayed Their In The
Hospital Bed & Gone To Heaven For You, Cause You Were
Much Too Young To Die You Had So Much To Live For Baby
Always & Forever
Our Hearts Will Always Touch
Love Your Mom-Mom
It's The Saddest Day
January 16, 2009
It Was The Saddest Day That I Would Of Know
Today On This Date, One Year Ago
All Together In The Hospital, Praying For You
And Wishing There Was Something We Could Do
Then The Doctors & Nurses Came In With The Devastating News
That You Were The One GOD Would Chose
Just A Few Short Years, After Your Birth
The ANGELS Swift Down & Took You From Earth
Oh Why! Oh Why, Did GOD Take You So Soon
Up ThroughThe Clouds & Over The Moon
To A Beautiful Place, We Know As Heaven
Why Couldn't You Stay, Til You Were 97
But It Just Wasn;t Meant To Be
It Seems That GOD Needed You More Then Us
And Now We're Left With The Memories &
A Day to Look Forward To
When GOD Calls Our Names & We Finally Get To Join You
We'll Hug & Kiss You & Never Let You Go
Because We Missed You & Love You So
You Left Your Footprints All Over Our Hearts &
To Be With You Again Will Be When The Joy Starts
We Will Finally All Be Together Again
Just "One Big Happy Family, Amen"
To Be Free....
Each day I wake to silence
Broken by my tears
With memories of your laughter
So afraid will disappear
Visions of your smile
Such sparkle in your eyes
I never had my moment
To hug, or say goodbye
I seem lost as if I wander
On from day to day
While others all around me
Believe that I'm okay
That is their illusion
What they wish to see
For I have changed forever
I am new to even me
Wishing for a miracle
Asking why each day
Living on my memories
When life was not this way
Years move on around me
Time does not stand still
But deep within my heart
For me it always will
That day my world exploded
My heart and soul died too
Words just can't explain this
I'm so lost here without you
I try so hard to handle
What life has dealt to me
But deep inside my body
I am longing to be free
Liittle Angel Missed
We Miss Our Little Angel, So Indefinitely Dear
We Shared A Whole Lifetime Of Love
In Your Short Lifetime Here
If It Had Been Within Our Power
We'd Nor Have Let You Go &
Yet, We Trust The One Who Said
He Loved The Children So &
Though The Years Will Pass &
Time Heal All Wounds They Say
We'll Always Miss Out Little Angel Sweet
The One Who Went Away
But We Can Smile, For Up In Heaven
Where Little Ones Are Kissed
We Know You're In Jesus Arms &
Never, Forever Missed
Life As l Live It
Sleep does not come easily
With thoughts of missing you
My days are spent denying
What it is I've lived on through
Grief continues on each day
Within my broken heart
Questions race within my mind
of why we are apart
There is no getting over it
No magic pill to take
Living with this nightmare
I so wish were a mistake
I won't be getting better
as so many have proclaimed
I pretend my life is different...
as if I'm playing some strange game
I want to scream from rooftops
That I hurt within my soul
Losing my sweet child
left me playing some new role
I can't pretend forever
hide these tears that wish to flow
This deep internal sadness
Has continued to just grow
I've begged I've prayed, I've pleaded
That this pain would somehow cease
That I could find some hope in life
A little bit of peace
But since the day I lost you
I just drift through all my days
With deep sorrow,...deep emotion
That will greet my everyday
What My Child Has Taught Me
I`ve learned that you can keep going long after you think you can`t
I`ve learned that learning to forgive takes a lot of practice
I`ve learned that friends may become strangers
And strangers become friends
I`ve learned that ignorance isn`t an excuse for lack of compassion
I`ve learned that some people will never,ever-"get it"
I`ve learned that the community of sorrow is the strongest of all
I`ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken
the world doesn`t stop for your grief
I`ve learned that your life can be changed in a matter of minutes
I`ve learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words
It may be the last time you ever see them
I`ve learned that love isn`t measured by the amount of time
you have with someone
Called You Home
We little knew that morning, God was going to call your name
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same
your home
You left us beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide
And though we cannot see you, You are always at our side
Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one, our Family chain will link again
Forever in our hearts, we love and miss you... If I Had Of Known
If I Had Of Known It Would Be The Last Time
That I'd See You Fall Asleep, I Would Of Tucked You In More Tightly & Prayed To The Lord, That You I
Could Keep
If I Had Of Known It Would Be The Last Time I See You Walk Out The Door, I Would Of Given You An
Extra Hug & Kiss & Then Called You Back For One More
If I Had Of Known It Would Be The Last Time I Would See You Smile & Hear What You Have to Say, I
Would Of Recorded Each
Action & Word, So I Could Play Them Back Day After Day
If I Had Of Known It Would Be Your Last Time, I Could Spare An
Extra Minute Or Two, I Would Of Stopped What I Was Doing &
Spent Every Single Minute With You
If I Had Of Known It Would Be The Last Time I Would Have To
Share Your Day Well I Just Knew We'd Have So Many More,
I Would Not Of Let That Day One Slip Away
If I Had Only Known What Was In Store For Us That Day
I Would Not Of Let You Out Of My Sight Instead I Would
Have Stood By Your Side To Protect You & Held Back The Hands
Of Time With All My Might
If I Had Of Known What I Know Now I Would Of Prayed To God
Begged Him To Change Our Fate Somehow It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone
For part of us went with you... the day God called
I Thought of You Today
I thought of you with love today
But that is nothing new
I throught about you yesterday
and the days before that too..
I think of you in silence
I often speak you name
All I have are memories
And your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake
With which I'll never part
God has you in His Keeping
I have you in my Heart
Best Angel Friends
A beautiful little angel showed up to Heaven’s gates,
Confused and unknowing the plan that for him awaits.
Then another little angel walked up and took his hand,
And said, “Please don’t be sad you left, you’re in the Promised Land.”
“I’m glad to be here but I do not think I was to go.
Perhaps there was a mistake, for my mommy wanted me so. “
The little greeting angel gave a sweet smile and said,
“My mommy wanted me too, but to Heaven I was led.
You see, we do not get to choose when on Earth it’s time to go.
He gave us life, love and joy and a mother’s womb to grow.
The Lord still needs new angels to guide them down on earth.
To watch over, comfort them, and help them see their worth. “
“Is there still a way that I can sleep in my mommy’s bed?”
The greeting angel grinned and said, “that luxury you’ll keep.
I visit my mommy nightly and softly sing her to sleep.”
The little angel replied, “then I think I’ll like it here.
I’ll visit my mommy nightly and weaken her pain and fears.
I love her and will keep her safe at night and in between.
And let her know with a sweet memory that she is still with me. “
The greeting angel gave her new friend a big hug and said,
“Until our mommy’s meet us here, let’s be best angel friends.”
“Okay, “ said the new angel, “that sounds good to me.”
Then the angels sat and played keeping their mommy’s in sight,
Humming the tunes to the song they would sing to their mommy’s tonight
Baby Boy
Baby Boy Come To Me
Come To Me Upon The Wind
Baby Boy Touch My Heart
Touch My Heart & Soul Again
Fly From Where The Angels Dwell
And Fly Into My Dreams
Take Me Back To Yesterday
Before The Morning Gleams
Let Me Rock You In My Arms
And Sing You A Lullably
Let Me Hold You Baby boy
Before You Say Goodbye
Baby Boy Come To Me
Come To Me Upon The Wind
Baby Boy Touch My Heart
Touch My Heart & Soul Again
Waiting For Yesterday
I'm Waiting In The Shadows Of The Time Slipped Away
Not Watting For Tomorrow
Only Waiting On Yesterday
Today I Have My Memories
But Tomorrow I May Forget
I Yearn To Live In Yesterday Where Time Will Never Quit
Tomorow Holds No Promise
Yesterday Holds Everything
I Never Cease To Long For
What Tomorrow Can Not Bring
Someday I'll Be In Yesterday
In The Place Where Time Stands Still
Reliving All My Memories
Once Again I'll Be Fulfilled
In Yesterday We'll Be Together
Where You Can't Be Taken Away
Until Then There's No Tomorrow
Only Waiting For Yesterday Do You....
Do you hear me when I speak to you?
Can you feel my love so deep?
Have you transcended to another world...
Where once again we'll meet?
Do you see my tears continue
As I live on without you here?
Is it you that comes to visit...
When I feel you are near?
Do you see I'm lost without you?
Can you tell how much I've changed?
I live my life as if I'm lying
Was this all just prearranged?
Do you know how much I need you?
Can you come take me away?
For living on without you
Is so very difficult each day.
Have others just forgotten?
Or do they just ignore...
That grief lives on forever
Deep down within my core
When my time on Earth is over
And I have worked my whole life through
Will I travel up to heaven...
To finally be with you?
My Brother And I
I remember the days at the park
when we use to play from daylight to dark,
when I made mommy laugh for a while
and that made you smile.
I remember I wanted to grow up and be just like you,
I wanted to be loved the way they loved you.
when mommy told me you died
I fell on the ground and started to cry,
I couldn't believe it cuz I felt you near by,
how I got up I don’t know
cuz it was so hard to just let you go.
before I cried for a muffin
but now its the thought of you in a coffin.
Whispers From Heaven To My Family Who Has My Whole Heart
I had to leave so quickly
No time to say 'GOODBYE"
I know your heart is breaking
And you just wondering why
You couldn't be there to help me
But please don't be sad
It's not your fault
And I really love you all
Besides, an Angel came in your place that day
And gently took my hand
Then with a smile she said
"Come with me Little Man"
She led me up to HEAVEN
Where the lights were shining bright
Where there are no tears, pain, or suffering
And there's no fear of the night
I really didn't die, you know
So stay close to GOD and PRAY
I went to Live with JESUS
And will be together again one day
My Mom Is A Survivor
My mom is a survivor
or so I've heard it said
But I can hear her crying at night
when all others are in bed
I watch her lay awake at night
and go to hold her hand
She doesn't know I'm with her
to help her understand
But like the sands on the beach
that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving Mom
who thinks of me each day
She wears a smile for others
a smile of disguise!
But through Heavens door
I see tears flowing from her eyes
My mom trys to cope with death
To keep my memory alive
But anyone who know her
it is her way to survive
As I watch over my surviving Mom
through Heaven's door...
I tryed to tell her that angels
protect me forevermore!
I know it doesn't help her
or ease the burden she bears
So, if you get a chance, go visit her
Show her that you care
For no matter whats she says....
no matter what she feels
My surviving MOM has a broken heart
that won't ever heal
Hello, Oh friend
Oh, yes, you know
I lost my grandson awhile ago
No, no please
Don't look away
And change the subject
It's ok
You see, at first I couldn't feel
It took so long, but now it's real
I hurt so much inside you see
I need to talk
Come sit with me?
You see, I was numb for so very long
And people said, "My she is so strong"
They did not know I couldn't feel
My broken heart made all unreal
But then one day, as I woke
I clutched my chest, began to choke
Such a scream, such a wail
Broke from me
My grandson! My grandson!
The horror of reality
But everyone has moved on, you see
everyone except for me
Now, when I need a friend most of all
Between us there now stands a wall
My pain is more than they can bear
When I mention my grandson
I see their blank stare
"But I thought you were over it"
Their eyes seems to say
No, No I can't listen to this, not today
So I smile and pretend, and say, "Oh I'm ok"
But inside I am crying, as I turn away
And so my old friend, I shall paint on a smile
As I have from the start
The Busiest Day In Heaven
It's The Busiest Day In Heaven, I'm Planning A Big Surprise
To Let You Know I Love You & That No One Ever Dies
Even Though Your Down Below, & I'Am Up Above
I'm Sending You These Wishes & All My Angel Love
It's Really Quite Exciting To Plan This Event
For Lots Of Gifts Will Come Your Way & All Are Heaven Sent
First I'll Take A Bubble Bath-My Splashes Might Cause Some Rain
But Knowing All The Fun I'm Having Fun, Will Help Ease Your Pain
Next I'll Get Some Pictures In My Halo Gown
So When You Get To Heaven, You Can Show Them All Around
I Have Color Crayons In Heaven, & I Will Draw Some Stars So Bright
And Place Them In The Sky Today For You To SeeTonight
Then, Jesus Will Have Story Time, & I Will Sit On His Lap
He'll Tell Me All About You Before I Nap, I'll Wake Up Full Of
Energy & Play A Game Or Two, Before I Finish Sending You All My Love To You, After Snack, I'll Write A
Song For All The Birds To Sing
And Know I Made You Happy With All The Joy It Brings
At Night Time I'll Be Tired , But I Still Hold You Tight
My Arms Will Wrap Around You & Keep You Through The Night
And When You Finally Slumber, I'll Kneel To Pray
Asking God To Bless You On This Special Mother's Day
Dear Mr. Hallmark,
I am witting to you from heaven, and though it might appear.
A rather strange idea, I see everything from here.
I just popped in to visit, your stores to find a card.
A card of love for my mother, as this day for her is hard.
There must be some mistake I thought,
Every card you could imagine.
Except I could not fine a card,
From a child who lives in heaven.
She is still a mother too, no matter were I reside.
I had to leave, she understands, but oh the tears she's cried.
I thought that if I wrote you, that you would come to know,
That though I live in heaven now, I still love my mother so.
She talks with me, she dreams with me, we still share laughter too.
Memories are our way of speaking now, could you see what you could do.
My mother she carries me in her heart, her tears she hides from sight.
She writes poems to honor me, sometimes far into the night.
She plants flowers in my garden, there my living memory dwells.
She writes to other grieving parents, trying to ease their pain as well.
So you see Mr. Hallmark, though I no longer live on earth.
I must find a way to remind her of her wondrous worth.
She needs to be honored, and remembered too.
Just as the children, on earth will do.
Thank you Mr. Hallmark, I know you'll do your best.
I have done all I can do, to you I'll leave the rest.
Find a way to tell her, how much she means to me.
Until I can do it for myself, when she joins me in eternity.
The Silence Of Christmas Morning
The silence of Christmas morning
Echoes through my lonely soul
No laughter or excitement
Just the sound of growing old
Growing old without my son
No more light upon my face
Oh how I miss Christmas morning
In this abondoned..silent place
I have memories of the laughter
and the whispering joy within
From noisy Christmas mornings
But the memories have an end
His sweet life was quietly hushed
When he left us without warning
This one memory will always bring
The silence of Christmas morning.
Grief - Holiday season and “special” days throughout the year
It is my First Christmas without my Grandson Khia and I have all I can do coping with the "spirit of the
holiday" on radio, TV, in the newspapers and stores. I do not feel joyous and trying to pretend that this
Christmas is going to be like the last Christmas with Khia, it will be impossible because we are missing
Our family traditions will be too painful for me to continue this year, like it was last year. Please
understand this and maybe some Christmas in the future we will have these traditions again.
Please allow me to talk about my child, if I feel a need. Do not be uncomfortable with my tears. My heart is
breaking and the tears are a way of letting out my sadness.
I plan to do something special in memory of my child. Please recognize my need to do this in order to keep
our memories alive. My fear is not that I will forget, but that you will.
Please do not criticize me if I do something that you do not think is normal. I am a different person now
and it may take a long time before this different person reaches an acceptance of my child’s death.
As I survive the stages of grief, I will need your patience and support, especially during these holiday
times and the "special" days throughout the year.
Thank you for not expecting too much from me this holiday season.
New Years resolutions
In a life with no solutions
Those resolutions from before
Do not mean much anymore.....
I don't need to lose some weight
For I can't eat what's on my plate
Work harder in the year...
Make something out of my career?
Eat healthy, exercise
Don't eat those extra fries
What I really wish to do
Will not happen without you
I lost the drive to get ahead
It's hard to just get out of bed
Sometimes I think I'll start to smoke
There are times I cry so hard I choke
Let the sorrow finally end
Maybe then, my heart might mend
Lose the grief, find happiness
Oh my god my life's a mess
Resolutions can't be made
I've tried so hard, I've truly prayed
That I would somehow find a way
Just to make it day to day
I could have another drink
Go to visit one more shrink
They will tell me I'll be fine
That I will heal with some time
I guess for me it is quite clear
It will be just another year....
New Years resolutions
In a life with no solutions
One by one the tears fall
Like little drops of rain
Silently I wonder
How long will this remain
I find it hard to live on
With grief right by my side
But see no way around it
For years I've truly tried
Sometines I want to scream out
Tell the world about this pain
But I hold it all inside me
No earthly words could I explain
Others thinl I'm better
Moved right through this grief
I wish just once they'd realize
Tat there is no relief
These tears forever falling
Days then months then years
A different life I'm living
As if a new frontier
Lost most of my past freindships
They don't wish to see me grieve
And others that just see me
I have learned I can deceive
I weat this mask so tightly
It has become a part of me
This grief just holds me captive
I will never be set free
I look at your sweet picture
Reminisce back to the years
Only memories to cherish
Now I'm left with only tears
Life Has No Answers..So I Cry
I ask the questions simply why?
Life has no answer, so I cry
A loss so deep can't be explained
This broken heart is what remains
Tears that fall upon my face
Love for you won't be erased
Time moves on without you now
I ask the questions simply how?
Day in day out I wear this mask
Life has changed into a task
I aks the question simply Why?
Life has no answer so I cry
Some have said I need to pray
That I will be just fine one day
This was waht was meant to be
You're now at are set free
Within my heart it hurts so deep
The days are long, I cannot sleep
Time moves on without you now
I ask the questions simply how?
Someday I hope that I will find..
Some happiness, some peace of mind
For Losing you, I still ask why?
Life has no answer.. so I cry
Please Light A Candle...
Please light a candle in their honor
For the children we have lost
Tears that have been shed each day
Sleepless nights that we have tossed
Our lives that have forever changed
Out of our control
We will never understand this fate
We can never be consoled
Each day we wake again to pain
That comes from deep within
Unless you've lived this awful fate
You can not know where we've been
We will never be over losing them
Tried so hard to let you know
That this love will last forever
Till the day on Earth we go
Our memories are bittersweet
Some smiles and some tears
Longing for this all to end
Then days turn into years
We somehow move along in life
This pain right by our sides
Grief is now a part of us
Our heart, it does reside
Please light a candle in their honor
As we picture them set free
To lose a child is so tragic
This is not how life should be
I Wish I Wish Upon A Star
That I could see just where you are
To watch you smile, and laugh again
For that might help to ease this pain
I wish I wish that this would end
Somehow my broken heart would mend
Each day and night continues on
This game of life I'm but a pawn
I wish I wish this were untrue
That I would wake and be with you
To hug you close to me once more
To have you race right through the door
I wish I wish for no more tears
For I have cried for all these years
I'm tired and so full of grief
I just would like a bit of peace
I wish I wish and wonder why
Life took a turn and went awry
You still live on within my heart
Although we now must live apart
I wish I wish upon a star
To travel up to where you are
To never have to say goodbye...
Forever to be by your side
Don't Tell Me
Don't tell me that you understand,
Don't tell me that you know.
Don't tell me that I will survive,
How I will surely grow.
Don't tell me this is just a test,
That I am truly blessed.
That I am chosen for the task,
Apart from all the rest.
Don't come at me with answers
That can only come from me,
Don't tell me how my grief will pass,
That I will soon be free.
Don't stand in pious judgment
Of the bonds I must untie,
Don't tell me how to grieve,
Don't tell me when to cry.
My life is filled with selfishness,
My pain is all I see,
But I need you and your love...
Accept me in my ups and downs,
I need someone to share,
Just hold my hand and let me cry,
And say, "My friend, I care."
A Bereaved Parent's Wish List
1. I wish my child had not died. I wish I had him back.
2. I wish you would not be afraid to speak my child's name. My child lived and was very important to me. I need to hear that he
was important to you also.
3. If I cry and get emotional when you talk about my child, I wish you knew that it is not because you have hurt me. My child's
death is the cause of my tears. You have talked about my child, and you have allowed me to share my grief. I thank you for
4. I wish you would not "kill" my child again by removing his pictures, artwork, or other remembrances
from your home.
5. Being a bereaved parent is not contagious, so I wish you would not shy away from me. I need you now
more than ever.
6. I need diversions, so I do want to hear about you; but I also want you to hear about me. I might be sad
and I might cry, but I wish you would let me talk about my child, my favorite topic of the day.
7. I know that you think of and pray for me often. I also know that my child's death pains you, too. I wish
you would let me know those things through a phone call, a card or note, or a real big hug.
8. I wish you would not expect my grief to be over in six months. These first months are traumatic for me,
but I wish you could understand that my grief will never be over. I will suffer the death of my child until
the day I die.
9. I am working very hard in my recovery, but I wish you could understand that I will never fully recover. I
will always miss my child, and I will always grieve that he/she is dead.
10. I wish you would not expect me "not to think about it" or to "be happy." Neither will happen for a very
long time, so do not frustrate yourself.
11. I do not want to have a "pity party," but I do wish you would let me grieve. The pain is overwhelming;
it will take time to learn how to survive with this nightmare.
12. I wish you understood how my life has shattered. I know it is miserable for you to be around me when
I am feeling miserable. Please be as patient with me as I am with you.
13. When I say, "I'm doing okay," I wish you could understand that I do not "feel" okay and that I struggle
14. I wish you knew that all of the grief reactions I am having are very normal. Depression, anger,
hopelessness and overwhelming sadness are all to be expected. So, please excuse me when I'm quiet and
withdrawn or irritable and cranky.
15. Your advice to "take one day at a time" is excellent advice. However, a day is too much and too fast for
me right now. I wish you could understand that I am doing good to handle an hour at a time.
16. Please excuse me if I seem rude, certainly not my intent. Sometimes the world around me goes too
fast and I need to get off. When I walk away, I wish you would let me find a quiet place to spend time
17. I wish you understood that grief changes people. When my child died, a big part of me died with
him/her. I am not the same person I was before my child died, and I will never be that person again.
18. I wish very much that you could understand; understand my loss and my grief, my silence and my
tears, my void and my pain. BUT I pray daily that you will never understand.
My Little Boy
Your Little Boy Cries To Much
My Little Boy Makes No Sound
Your Little Boy Is Warm To Touch
Mine Lies Cold In The Ground
Your Little Boy Woke Up Today
My ANGEL Never Will
Your Little Boy Can Laugh & Play
My Little Boy Lies Still
Your Little Boy Makes You So Proud
But Just As Proud As I
Caused Though Your Boy Will Learn To Walk
My Little Boy Can Fly!
My Inside Would Shake
My insides would shake,
With each breath I took;
I can't concentrate,
I can't find my nook.
I have no concept,
Or caring of time;
You live in your world,
I survive mine.
There are silent screams,
That roar in my head;
And I still have days,
That I wish I was dead.
This huge mass of pain,
That is inside of me;
Only I can feel it,
This you can't see.
The harsh isolation,
In the midst of a crowd;
That innocent fun,
That I'm not allowed.
The anger inside me,
The feeling so blue;
That I can't escape,
Since my life started new.
What Makes a Mother
I thought of you all, I closed my eyes
and prayed to God today. I asked what makes a Mother
and I know I heard Him say,
A Mother has a baby.
This we know is true. But God can you be a Mother
when your baby's not with you? Yes you can! He replied
with confidence in His voice,
"I give many women babies,
when they leave is not their choice."Some I send for a lifetime
and other's for a day.
And some I send to feel your womb
but there's no need to stay. I just don't understand this God,
I want my baby here. He took a breath and cleared His throat
and then I saw a tear.
I wish I could show you
what your child is doing today. If you could see your child smile
with other children and say, We go to earth to learn our lessons
of love and life and fear.
My Mommy loved me oh so much
I got to come straight here.
I feel so lucky to have a Mom
who had so much love for me
I learned my lesson very quick
My Mommy set me free.
I miss my Mommy oh so much
but I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep
on her pillows where I lay.
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
and whisper in her ear,
Mommy don't be sad today
I'm your baby and I'm here."So you see
my dear sweet one,
your children are OK. Your babies are here in my home
and this is where they'll stay. They'll wait for you with me
until your lesson is through.
And on that day that you come home
they'll be at the gates for you. So now you see what makes a Mother.
It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love you had so much of
right from the very start. Though some on earth may not realize
that you are a Mother until their time is done.
They'll be up here with me one day
and know you're the best one.
Wings of An Angel
From our hearts to your filled with pain
The unimaginable anger, in life it may linger, but never
Let it hinder the time you had together
The binds and ties that will never be broken as GOD held him tight
and told the Angels to take flight to Prepare the night for a Glorious site
On the wings of an ANGEL and under the bosom of GOD Khia flies to
Heavenly skies laughing, smiling and enjoying the ride with no remebrancehis
if how he died, safely in heaven is where he abides, with wings & a halo
waiting his arrival. His first task is to let you know he will always be with you.
A star in the skies to always remind you he will be there when it is time for your arrival
My brother is an ANGEL now...& all of heaven is his playground
The Sadness
The sadness is overwhelming
since you left us that day
even though you are not beside me
Your memory will never pass away
I need you here to hold my hand
To share our thought throughout the days
To see that beautiful smile again
This to the Lord I pray
You are my baby brother
And YOu could never be replaced
I am tired of relying on pictures
To remember your loving face
We never did get justice
We fight for it every day
We all miss you so much
Not to mention Travis
Khia we need you here with us
To ease some of the pain
I need my bestfriend back
Before I go insane
You have no idea how hard it has been
To lose my true best friend
It angers me more & more each day
How quickly it all came to an end
I never really said goodbye
I thought you'd be here for many years
Now every day I sit and cry
These endless bitter tears
Please give me some answer
Some kind of a sign
So I'll know you are happy where you are
the sadness is all mine
You're an angel now with wings of gold
I feel you watching over us every day
Even though you were only 2 years old
You were the best brother
Even though you were younger than I
I looked up to you with pride
I never thought there would come a day
You wouldn't be our side
So tell me KHIA how do we go on
"Wings & Halos”
I was so excited when I woke up today
I heard my Mommy was coming to play
I washed my wings and my halo too
because that's what Mommy likes me to do
I went to the place where I knew she'd be
It's where she comes to visit me
She comes for comfort in her despair
Oh Mommy, can't you feel me touching your hair?
I'm by your side all through the night
I never let you out of my sight
I was your baby for only a day
But soon we can be together and play
You know we'll never be apart
You'll never let me leave your heart
Mommy I'm not really in the ground,
lift your head and look around
The clouds, the birds, the raindrops too
these gifts of life were given to you
Don't cry for me Mommy, I know you're here
Please let me wipe away your tears.
I was sent to you from up above
And you showed me the ultimate love
Instead of giving me all of your years
You freely gave me all of your tears
Remember your relatives, the ones who have died?
They brought me here, I'm by their side
They watch over me and help me to see
Just how much you really love me
So don't be unhappy when you come visit me
I'm the angel above you, up in the tree
And when you leave,
leave, you'll never be through
You'll always be my Mommy
And I'll always love you.
so sweet, so unforgettable..
khia X20X
khia X10X
khia X23X
khia X16X
savannah-khia X3X
khia X17X
khia X27X
kaih 009
kaih 010
kaih 004
khia 001
khia 141
khia 031
khia 004
Memorial Candles
our words, your light..
Aunt charde
Well baby it's been 1yr as of
2day, i love you so much i
sent your balloons a little
early tonite hope u got
them,love you
I love you khia=)
Mama od Anđela
Mom to Angel Justin
Lijepi Anđele počivaj u miru
Božjem. Neka te grije sjaj
ove svijeće.
Gd morn angel i lv u so
much dnt 4get watch for
your balloons at 4:30 am
thats when you came an
angel I'll be up 2nite to send
Aunt charde
Aunt Jenn
I love you khia=)
Hey sunshine I miss you
Keep watch over mommy
shes very sad she loves and
misses you very much
You are one of GOD ,s most
handsome angel
aunt renie
Aunt charde
Tell uncle jesse i said happy
b day give him a hug for me
love u baby
Hi sweetie your mom mom
is sooo sad please tell her
you are ok ,,,you gg ,uncle
dane and pop po p are all
together now having fun
Gd morn angel, watch on
saturday we are going to
send you some balloons,
cause it would be 1yr
already, we miss,love u
I love you khia. Your
birthday is almost here=)
A candle of loving
remembrance For you on
your angel anniversary.
Aunt Jo to Angel Leah
jenn nickey
You are missed and u will
always be loved
Over again, it's like losing
you all over again, I wish
you were here with
sorry i wasnt there for u but
i did luve u so
Gd morn angel, 3 days it will
be 1yr that u lf us, my heart
is breaking as if it was yest
that we lost you, the pain
just started
Aunt charde
Hey khia, i love you=)
I love you baby i am almost
done with thewebsite hope
ou like it
Hey baby just wanted to say
i love you and miss you so
I love you khia(=
Aunt charde
Hi angel i love you and miss
you have a good day
Hey khia. . . i love you=)
Hey angel i love you so much
miss you sweety
Uncle wayne is making your
cross just like uncle dane's &
it's going 2 but with your
tree at aunt renee's
Please accept my deepest
sympathy on the passing of
your Angel Baby, Khia. How
precious!♫rock- a-byebaby♫in Jesus
arms♫keeping U ♥♥
Felicia Hinton
Granma Felicia
Aunt charde
Hey baby i've been working
on your site all day & night i
promise it will be done by
1/16 love you
Pop-pop said to tell you hi
Hi Khai just learning how to
light a candle I love you and
miss just lighting this candle
brings tears to my eyes but I
know that
Hey khia, it snowed last
night just a little bit it was
enough for me to not go
though...i love you=)
Aunt charde
Aunt charde
Hey khia, just saying i love
Hi baby i'm still work on
website should be done by
next week i hope you like you miss you...
Hey baby, its so cold outside.
Im going to the mall with
your grandmothers in a little
while. We love you. Watch
over the family=)
Hi angel wanted to sa i love
& miss u so much. talk 2 u
Aunt charde
Hey baby, happy new
year=)i love you and miss
Gd morn angel i love you
and miss you so much. you
are a beautiful angel say hi 2
everyone for me. love u
Gd morn angel, can you give
travis & savannah a little
hug today cause mommom
really miss them 2 watch
over them lv u miss u 2
Hey baby it's 3.30 in the
morn still woking on the
website just want to finish
for you.i love u so much
Nancy Fuller
I miss you khia and wish i
could play with you
I miss you khia and love
Little angel you will be an
angel in our hearts, Love u
Gd morn angel just wanted
to say hi and i love u so
much. talk to u later
Aunt Jenn
aniyah (baby sister)
savannah ( big sister)
Miss You Angel and Love
Happy new year sweet little
angel i hear you making all
that noise r u all up partying
bringing the new yr with all
the angelslove
Hey big brother even though
we never met i still love you
and wish you were here with
Hey baby brother i miss you
so much and love you so
much and stop making gg
run after you
travis (big brother)
Hey baby brother i love and
miss you very much.i wish
you were here so i could play
with you
Happy new year buddy i
love you and miss you more
Hey little angel i love u the
snow is beautiful r u playing
in the snow making a
snowman see u soon. miss u
so much
Good morn angel i love u
hope u r having a good day.
miss u so much.
Good morn angel i love u so
much miss u have a good
day talk to u later baby
Good morn angel just
wanted to say i love u so
much and have a good to u later
Hi angel i love u and miss u
hope u got alot trucks for
from santa i know u r
watching over travis & sissy
they miss u so much
Daddy travis Jones
Grandma june
Good morn angel i love u
miss u so much
It just does not seem like
xmas without you,travis &
savannah, love u so much
merry xmas baby
I love you baby boy merry
I love you khia merry
christmas from the family
Uncle andrew
mom mom
I love you baby merry
christmas i wish you were
here just watch over
everyone love you
Merry Christmas Little
Angel hope Santa brought
you some trucks,look over
Travis & Savannah make
sure they have a good
Hey baby santa will be
coming in afew hrs i sent
you balloons 2day hope u u miss u
Hey baby just wanted to say
i love u and miss u alot..
What a beautiful little man
you are. May this candle
forever burn bright in
memory of you sweet angel.
Hugs to you and your
mom mom
mom mom
Hi angel love u, miss ycou so
Hi angel just wanted 2 say
love & miss u. having fun in
the snow...
Hi khia i know you send all
this snow from above with
love we love you too.
Hi Angel snows beautiful
travis & savannah will be so
happy & know u made it
snow for them & thinking of
them love u
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
Gm angel lv u santa be here
sn,make sure gg& u bake
him cookies dnt 4get make it
snow xmas,my heart aches
evday 4u love u,
Good morn angel i love &
miss u talk to u later little
angel have a good day
Hi angel i miss & love u so
much it's been 11months
2day that u left us still feels
lke yesterday.miss u
Ur beautiful angel so can
you make it snow 4 xmas 4
travis& savannah i will
make sure we never 4get our
last xmas 2gether loya
Uncle Andrew N
Grandma June
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
Hi angel just wanted to say i
love and miss you so
much..i'll u soon
Good morning angel just
wanted to say i love u and
miss u. have a good day.
Hi angel jsut wanted to say i
love you and miss you so
much have a good day wish
u were here
We love u N Miss U Watch
Over Ya Big Head Father C
U Lata
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
Hi, baby i love you and miss
you i tried to see Travis &
Savannah 2day but couldnt
so just watch over them love
Hey baby just wanted to say
hi and i love you so much
and miss you alot
Good morning angel i love,
& miss you so much. make
sure you watch over your
sisters and brother.....later
little angel
Sorry it took so long to light
you a candle but just know
that i love you still miss you
so much little angel love you
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
Good morning angel i love
you so much
Hey little angel i love you
I miss and love you little
I love you sweet little angel
miss you so much
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
God bless your family.
I love you angel
I miss you little angel. see
you soon i love you
Hey baby it looks like their's
another angel coming home
today. so just make sure you
show her the ropes up in
heaven love you
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
Good morning little angel
hope you have a good day
and i love you more everday.
I love you sweet little angel
Good afternoon angel i love
you more and more
everyday. see you soon keep
watch over travis and
savannah for you
Mom to Angel Justin
Those whom we have
cherished live on forever for
love wraps itself around the
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
mom mom
Good morning angel i love
I miss you little angel
Good morning my little
angel i love and miss you
very much
Good morning little angel. i
love you more then words
can ever say
khia khia
mom mom
Hope you keep gg busy sure
her and pop pop are giving
you lots of love uncle dane
This candle is sent to u with
a lot of hugs and kisses. your
family loves and misses you
very much.
Happy birthday and i love
and miss you very much
from the deepest of our hearts..
mom 2 Waylon
thinkin of you
The sky is filled with Angels
With puffy lacy wings
The remnants of God's beauty
With treasures they now bring
January 5, 2010
Each one of them a Guardian
That travels in the sky
To watch throughout eternity
Their parents from on high
Smiles that come from Angels
They fall like crystal rain
Eases earthly burdens
Lifting all life's pain
Halos so astounding
That glitter gold each day
Following their loved ones
In such a perfect way
Wings in gentle breezes
That fall from up above
Kissing every parent
With everlasting love
Angels soar through heaven
With everlasting light
Looking down from heaven
Saying their "goodnights"
Kissing all who loved them
So gently on the face
This life's tender mercy
Each parent can embrace
Wings and shiny halos
Travel from on high
Surrounding all their loved ones
They never say good-bye.
December 29, 2009
Hendrick Polanco
My deepest condolences
October 9, 2009
My deepest condolences. May these few words from the Holy Scriptures bring you comfort in your time
of grief...
John 11:32-45
32 And so Mary, when she arrived where Jesus was and caught sight of him, fell at his feet, saying to him: “Lord, if
you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping and the Jews that
came with her weeping, groaned in the spirit and became troubled; 34 and he said: “Where have YOU laid him?”
They said to him: “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus gave way to tears. 36 Therefore the Jews began to say: “See, what
affection he used to have for him!” 37 But some of them said: “Was not this [man] that opened the eyes of the blind
man able to prevent this one from dying?”
38 Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone
was lying against it. 39 Jesus said: “TAKE the stone away.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: “Lord, by
now he must smell, for it is four days.” 40 Jesus said to her: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would
see the glory of God?” 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said:
“Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd
standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” 43 And when he had said these
things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz´a·rus, come on out!” 44 The [man] that had been dead came out with his
feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose
him and let him go.”
45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him;
Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage
all the gray you turned into colors..
I remember the day your crazy sister Savannah covered you in makeup we thought she picked you up and
maybe dropped you but she just decorated your beautiful face, GG always was letting you sleep on her bed,
take care of you, she must of knew you both were going to heaven and be together forever i guess she just
wanted you with her. Make sure that you keep uncle Dane on his toes maybe he can take you for a ride on
his motorcycle, It's only afew days from one year and this time has gone
way to fast. Your brother and sister really miss you so much. We love you
felicia hinton
I remember how you use to always sit around and bounce and thats when i decided to call you bouncy
Love Grandma Felicia
mom mom
i remember the day i walked in the house with Savanah and you pushed her out of the way just to run to
hug me, on christmas day you had Savannah's Hanna Montanna wig on your head and she said that you
look like ET, and when you were playing with the little motorcycle that i got for uncle dane and then you
took it home with you that day, i really wanted you to have it. You also use to climb over my couch on my
bed everytime i wasn't looking. no matter how many times i yelled at you to stop you would wait until i
wasn't looking to do it again and again. i am so glad that we had a chance to go to the beach last year cause
that was the first and only time we ever had a vaaction, you stayed in my arms the whole time on the beach
you were so scared of the water and so was Travis but your crazy sister wasn't afraid of getting in the
Life Story
every hour, every thought, every smile..
December 31, 2009
It will be the little things that you will remember,
the quiet moments, the smiles, the laughter
and although it may seem hard right now,
it will be the memories of these little things
that help to push away the pain,
and bring the smiles back, again
December 31, 2009
A Mother's Daily Nightmare
I woke up this morning,
And you where not there. I can't kiss your cheek,
Or brush back your hair. The day's of joy are over,
The pain and sorrow start. Because when you went to heaven,
You also took my heart. I have to live my nightmare,
Each morning when I wake. I have to feel this pain,
With every breath I take. With gut wrenching sorrow,
And mind numbing pain. I daily live this nightmare,
Over and Over again.
~Author Unknown
Our Deepest Sympathy