+,. a--rI - Mystaplers
+,. a--rI - Mystaplers
,,, +,. a--rI OFFICE-TYPE STAPTIN BOSTTTCH B8R "Every.doy" Stopler One of ihe most popular of all desk type slarlers. Cohpact ald a$active, wirh power to staple 30 shee6 of I 6lb. bo!d. A stapler, stapling plier, tacker and staple remove. . . . four ues for the pri.e oI one. Availsble i, polulat chrome and-black and in ne*, strikiqs thlle-tore eEy. Fot Renindet Advertisins . . . BOSTITCH "Billboords" !a BGtirch B8R staplen Eate .n ideal dedi@ for €fiective reminder adlertiling. An att aclive cbbmium ..billbodd', on abe rop, printed ir two colors, puls your messase i. fronl of yorr prospecb, all .la! lone, @ery dar. Cnstorers atrd Fospecls appr@iate this w€lI-made, hiehly uelul gift. Available in two lopular finishes, chromeaid-bl.ck aDd [email protected] sray. BOSTITCH G2 Stople Relhover A quick aclion little tool for reaoviag steplas whm a B8R $a!,ler with stt.ched stall€ remover is not at hed. A g€n e push *ith the *edee shaled tlete dd slapls slid€ ort without terirg or frsyins papeB or other materiat, G28B Stople Remover Anor hai " Aillboatd" I ot Ramindet Adve.tising Low.ost, efiEtire advenisins which is qsy to mail ed keeDs your m€sase in fro.t of your customen fo. yes. Much appreiat.d by prosp@ts and customers, most of whoE r€ed a aood slaple remover and will many tim€s evcry day. f[is broodside slrows only leptesentotive models in the Bostit.h line u* it I MACHINES BOST|rCH 85, "The Mostorpie.e of Stoplers" 6 the fnesa of desk-style widery ekoowledsed staple6, this attracliv€ machine has many mechanical advintags thai gile you ubeatable perfomance atrd toutle Ir@ *nice. Two attra.tive io_ isb6, cbrome ad Uack ed two-tone Cny. . SGpl. ..nnd tuirt o. roll, h6 ar.r e.n.k.ti.a. . Ori.k,..iy ledirs rhrolth Jar in Lcnr. . Ru$.dly 6uib, ... l. p.unJ.d virh t..J w.rl. vnh g.nrl. pr..ur, r.o. . Alh.n inpGribl. io i.m- E !il, .l&-d. . A.!. rvinr. b..t io onv.d f.r re.li!!. BOSTITCH B5T Tqcker Similar 10 Bostitch B5 desk-tyDe stapler but dsisD.d exclusiyely for tacking. tdeal for tackine paper io draving boards and for other light tacking work. Itas atiached staple BOSTITCH BOSTOMAIIC Stopler A new el.ctro-masnetic slaple. which operate automa- tically when papers arc iBert€d agaiGt fealhed€ieht louch swirch. 4y." throat. Will staple ui, to thirty-lwo sh€els of 16 lb. troad. Sitrst€ rip, currcnt .eleas aulomatically when staple is driven. May be mechanically hipped, BOSTITCH B8S Soddle Stqpler A lop cost dachine for sad<tl. stapling foiders, rcsten, pro, sr"c. byJas. and bookleN: making up dummi6i rclarnnC *ork nnse, from 8-paee bookiet to 128- mag@ines. Wide lage maeaine. PaCe width u! 10 12 inches. Deep Throot Stoplers For l@ating staple 6 ouch s edse smafl baSs ald of work, mourting 18 inch6 from othe. vide' jots. B5-r2 h6 lz-inch rhroat; B5-1E hs swatchB on display cards and Over 800 models ossu.e you ol exo.tly the rishr nochiae tor your work STAPLING PtIERS Porrobiliry i. important on mony iobs wherc rhe mo.hine must betoken to the work. Bo5rirch sroptins pliers ar€ lishr, Powetfql o.d eosy ro opersre. BOSTITCH P4 Slopling Pliel Thin blade and deep thr@t combined wilh easy one-hand operation make thi! ao cxcelleEt machine for seati.s nexible @rruealed wrappitrgs and ofner jobs *here blade m6t bc inserted between layeB of malerial or where m&hine must be olera.ed fron above the *ork. 4r4" $roar, thre models u\ing niDe BOSTITCH P5 Sropling Plier A lowerful hdd siapler with 6y, pGitivc actioo. Cam oleration providA tucre*d lcaeBge and great driviDg power wi.h liule effort. Olerats a edily on thick eork 6 Est staplea do on thid vork. 2/a" thrcat. t/4" 6d /s' staple legs. Three models to take .019 ro'rnd, .026 x .019 aDd .050 x .019 wne stapls. .taa r2aial kclion lot air-dneen nod.ls. BOSTIICH P4-8P Stopling Plier Poi.ted blade penetrates edse of @ruga.ed co.tai4er to place staple as much as 4 inches i.. Especially vaieble wherc volum. does not warmnt purchase of mre c6rly equipment. BOSTITCH P5-8P i BOSTITCH BsP slopling Plier co aileF, suit boxq, launitry boxos, etc. Sharp poi ed blade lemit6 cli.cher to e!te. at ede6 ot carton so a to clinch staptq tidtly iDsid. canon. Iraaes oDry a s6ail slit when btade is *ithdmE- S€als ud streDgthens the For sealing all kinG of liCht shilpins @niainer at the same time. Sropling Plier For lisht-weishr hand slaplins- Similar ro Modei 85. but with bse replace<t with russ.d clincher hlade, rapere.d 10 slide easily into wo.k. -,1/r" thrcar. Btade swines back fo. tacking. BOSTITCH P7 € Stopling Plier, 6 Hog Ring Type <' For f4tenine co.ds, pires, ropes, l,,, or le$ ove.alt: fasiening sisal, burla! o! other fabrics ro wirc frames; seating twisred necks of cloth or fabric bags: insralling aulomobile seat €ovem. Aulomulic feed.lnsidc diameter of complerely closed staple ,/a ". Asr( ro se€ des.riptive BOSTIICH P5.8F Stopling Plier For sealing plastic f@d bass. Twisted nek of bag is hooked .h.ough fo.ked hlade and sraple is driven aroud maErial ro mke tight closure. fiers on specifc mocfiiaes SELF-FEEDING HAMMERS ond TACKERS 1 1\ BOSTITCH H4 Heovy Duty Slopling Hommer One blov drivq 7a" staple mad. vanired .070" x .050" wiE- Staple of gal_ le$ di- verse i6ide work, incredEe holdins Power. Efiects sreat time md @st savincs in applv- ilg composirion shineles, m€tal lath, freight ca. linincs, and many oder t4king and light naili4 iot6. BOSTITCH H2 Stopling Hommers One hand, one blow, !l@s aad d.ives a slaple all th€ vay hooe as fast d operator ce swing his acwrist. Compound accelerat€d tio! deliv€N lowertul driving for@ qist motionThre mdel6. io dnve staples o( with only a sho.t .050" x.019'' or ,t" wir qirb va".'h", BOSTITCH x.020'wne less and.l03" H5 Stopllig Hommer For iicht tekine jobs. Drives staples ot .025" rcutrd wi.e with {s", 1/a', ann X." le€s. QuicE e.sy loadia8. E&h one-hand blow drives a staplo- F*t, s@ue. Speeds HT5 Spring Driven Tq.ker One'hand opeiation. Pressing lever shoots stapl€ ioio work. Ten slaple sizes, includins thre sizes of wi.e. Speisl nodels for shade roll teking. spe.ial aliachoeDt for tackine wiodow *reens. J.. rp&ial BOSTITCH EHTT Toble Tocker sarion Jot air-dnven nodels. Where hiah D.oducrion is dsired and the brought =^- sled is attainable, with Outword clinch bett car be fooa becaue oper- ator has both handr fr€e to @nrrol the work. This spe.d car b€ maintained on long runs, b@6e of low operator faiiaue. Aulomtically driv6 shl,l6 ud turs iess ouleud to clitrch under or iside the vork. No Uade to be dd be lacked io the lrrhire' this or motor oPe.ated r&ker Provids er@t eificiency at low @st. Hish BOSTITCH T5 Srqpler itrs.rted. New obj6L to r t6teniog Available fo. a large variety oi srapl€ sizer. Ideal for use with ji8r, for jobs 1t6t t6ve been "hard to srircfie. se.tio n, can olso be used lot nony td.king operctions wftere produdion demonds dte lnusoolly high BOSTTTCH SfTrCHEXS, s5 shown i, HAND OPERATED HEAVY DUTY STAPLERS The loc6rion BOSTIICH %C FBRT Thh tase, slid clincher, reveNe lder. For work wh* clincher is itueaed t'etwd laye6 of matdial, d in seding tops of shipping cases dd oflhe wo.k i5 unimP.noniwhen rhese poddble heovy dury $oplers cre us.d. All tyPe. excepr rhs ben.h hodel .on be .o.ried trom Ploce to Ploe to do o strong, qui.k sroplins iob wherever rhe York m.y be. Rugged ond powerful, ,hey .Fer rho be.r 5olurion for mony foslening requiremenls, wirh q wide ronge of ,oPle lenglh!, Gtown widths, ond wire 5ize5. BOSTITCH CRL Fo. rhick piles of papeB atd he.vy shipping ,4CFBRL h6 5%" throat. FUI lmcth model CFBRL hd baCs. other mterials *hcre ciinched staple less mu6t lie iat araiNt the vork. Movable clincher mkes tidt, flat clinch. FUI lengrh trbdet, picturcd below, hd 10" tnroal. % CRL hd 5% " BOSTITCH CCB Hond Operoted Bench Stopler For hox Nehbty ud o&er jobs Equiring thaa th. stalle be placed !p to 9%" from edge oi work. Usu.lly mounted horizontally o, beNh. Ce b. mo@t€d vertically oD post for bae sealing and other venical jobs, BOSTTTCH %C57C \tc67c with "C" Stopler Blode Curved "C" btade 1ca16 clinching anvil md€r oyerlappins fllls of coF ro8.ted coataines aDd clincha s.aples tightly. Can also he iaerted in @nt.r of r€Euld slotled @ntainer nals ad manipulated to pioper staplirg !ositions uder ime. and outer flaps. Availabl€ wiih lear hudle, a pict6e4 for eay pGitioning- StEpl€s: BGtitch SCCR103020 with ya', th" BOSTITCH D9 Autoclen.h Stopler S.ab flaps ol comgated .onlaircs en tircly frod outside. Utiliz* . uique prieirle fol closing the staple lees in the tuierial vithout iserring d dm or blade trnder the vork. A fast, sccw nethod. See 'E M@hine sectioa lot mobn.ed mo.tel, ;en pose lor ait h's olmosl d .erlcinty ,hol Boslit.fi $d yo" BOSTITCH Dl4 Top Slqpler of corueated @!iai!eF S€als tops acr6s ahe sam, entirely flm the our- side. Portable, manudly olE.aled. Sitr3le adjBtmenr ser6 clinches for thickass : .dr of board ed tightne$ of clinch. Cm clilch @opletely throug\ d "blind" in imer sheet on B flute. Drivs wid. crom staples (1,/4") of .090" x ,040" wire ed ciiaches thm cut your ,osteDtng costs AIR DRIVEN STAPLERS ond More loverful staplitrg than has .ver been available *ith a po.table machin€. Thre tyles of clincheE: ''c" TACKERS Plonrs equipped wirh oir l:n6 cdn slep uP rheir foiiening egicien.y considerqbly by the use ofrhe5e oir driven stoPlins tools. More power, nore speed, ond le55 oPeroror forisue will .ur <osr. cnd speed up produ go to work. blade and "olenhead" blade for *aling overlapped fiaps of coF rusated containers and slraishl biade for ordinary slapliig jobs. Staple leng$s: Ya", 1/8". th" . Wie siTer: 050"x O25" or 103"{ O20/'. Airpressure: 80lbs. to BOSTITCH D9AD Autoclench Stopler Air Driven Ttis machhe, like the BOSTITCH c(*)AD hand{peiated Dodel D9, staples tle flals oI corru- Air Driven sared conrairers entirely rr6m the oulside. No seal- Heqvy Duty insblade !o jnsen under tbe flaps. With air opera_ rion the speed is inGeased and the olerator's Stopler €fficiency i3 ihDroved with the reduction ot farigue BOSTITCH T2O Air Driven locker Driver stalles as fdl as ope.alor can press triSger. Fast loading; powe.ful penetrllion. Twelve sulerior features furrish all rhe advantagq the perfect tacker I T BOSTITCH T3 Air Driven Tqcker Dr,ves staples wth YerY a.d can narrow c.o*ns counlerink them ior purry ing and painting. A tlisht pressure on the machine l drives the slaple. Can be ar high sp.eds with very little effort. Sinsle nodel u*s sraples l- operaied BOSTITCH Porloble T ond Bollom Air Driven Slopler, DI3AD Drives a Ride<rown s1alle ac.oss adioinins flaps ot arueared cotrtainers and clinclers. Als staples overlapoins flaps. Fast, portable and easy 10 use. wirh les len$hs from ?{." to %".ldeal for sdh, door, DiU and furniture tork. A BOSTITCH BOXI.OK Top snd Botlom Stqpler, DI2BT for fasrening both the to! and hottom iaps ol new air-olerated srapler corruSated shiplins containers in oDe operatior, wilh wide{.ovn daples, aulomatically d.iven from the outside. Other Air-Driven Mochines Being Developed. Boslitch rcsearch e.girers are comtantly dereloping other ai..lriren slaplin8 machines to mee! industry s needs, Thqe vill be anrounced irom time to 1ime, when lerfected a ln lroduction. Bosrir.h reseorcfi is con st.,ntly developins new sroprir|g nrocrt;"es o'ld inproving previous nodels FOOT ond MOTOR OPERATED BOSTITCH EHA High Arm Stopler a wid. lin€ of st.ndard models for aU kitrd! of stapling jobs where the wo.k can bi brcught to the dachine. Staple can be form€d into a number of shapes to m@t the rquireoents of ihe job. Made dso in the low model, ELt RepBenlative of BOSTITCH EHT High Toble Stopler For attachins small anicles to ca.ds and for mady othe. jobs where a flal work lable is desirable. Gauges and jies may be emlloyed for accuracy and sped. Motor'operaled model is pjcru.edi foor olerated model also availabl€. Made aho in a low model, ELT, for *ated oleralor. BOSTITCH EHGN "Gooseneck" Stopler EOSTITCH EHV Stoplers "V'rty!e arms on thes models put the clincher "in Arm suppoding the clinche. talle or an arm would inte.ferc. Five eateB from righl or left side, p€.miuiry slaple ao !e ap- for a wide variety of jobs. lhe clear", with srace all around it, for work where a slandard types plied at right ansl6 io customary position. Id€al for srEols, reels and other spe- BOSTITCH Heqvy Duty Slople lemovers) G7 ond GTBB For lemoving staple quickly and leatly flom Bhippins @ntaine6 aad oahe. placq wherc teavy staple are used, Far better than $rew driv€r or othe. makeshift device. G7BE, with ad' veni6ing "Biltboard', is d- ellent for Minder adv€rlisin8 in @eivins ed ship- Ask lor spaciol lolder on rsll lino ot loor cnd notor opGrotsd rtopler. IAPLING MACHINES Foot o' moto' operated, rhese mdchines leove borh honds rree to hcndle lhe work. This insures occurocy ond speed. Length of ttroke Gon be .ortrolled. so thol sidples ore dlwcys driven io ths some depih or tightness. Fooi power models .on be -motorized oi any time. BOSTITCH F Box BotlomeB For stapling botroms of orDgated @ntaine6. Pemit containeN to be set trp instattlv and as neded, without taking up valuable space and time whiie adhqivcs drv s.cure staptins is not l@ered by ddpn6s and reduces pilferage, since it is almost impcsible io rchove and rcpla.e staples witholt detedion. Arailatle for fool or molor olehlion. Provides fast contairer t'oltom sealif,E at Iow equipment coslMode\ F6i, F65, F67, F69r for stap!€s made of .050" x 019", .050" x .025", and .103" x.o2o" *irc\]lnva',1h", %", and y16" lees and 1*r'crown. Model F94: fo\ wide sow (1va") stalles made of .090" x .040" wire with %.". %" and t4" legs. Permits stapling ados the seam. Fewer staples, fasier wo.k- IOSIIICH EHVBS t.s S&l.r BO'TITCH atlas PonPhin li.d.t Ar exelldr bdLld .nd FDP d {!bkr tor s-!n io m.dim iobs Do.s iai and.ddr. lbDl]nr. P.oqd.s re t#ffi$#flss M.r.. Div.n Aur.d.n.i tt.Fl.r BOSTITCH EOt .odiM.rs drndv hrids ar fi.. ro hindl. ryk. adiuf- t I Ftts * t, t @ &#t##filtn BOSTITCH Pe'fecr \raDlitre i> lhe Fsulr of Derfe.l equipocnl and perfer {aDles. Bo;tnc-h naDle\ are made uirh the urmor engineennc "til! anri manufacrurinq iare. rverv srrip i( ,D\pecred and hand Packed. kgs muir be rn peded alisnmetrl. crown" du(t be .l rish adcl.q t$i SIAPTES Bo{nch cu{omPn r.rh. rin rverr,lhinE oo$ihle i\don. roa\'ur 100 randard rrpe' over sa',qracrion ii "",ti"ii.,r *t j".i lbe nshr slapre tor the srearar varierv oI ;;i-.i;;;'ida -niu. Ba.ouse of rheir hiEh out-put a GoiloI wire, o wire srit herI volume is lcrge. Bostild nor some rePresenhrive models. glodly furnished on tequeir. WIRE STITCHERS No. 7 BOSTITCH BosroN Book Slitcher The mosr popular stitcber for biqde.y wort, tecase of its ranee Ircm 2 sheets o{ paper ro % itrch. Unusual simplicrty of adjB.ment adapts it to shon runs of varying thicknss. Russed con_ struclion makes it depe.dable on very lory Irft, as wel1. ?.u tuodets ol book sritche6 for all snphic ars leeits, from thin ,mphle6 to thick sal6 b@ts. No.23 I 1r BOSTITCH BosToN I Bench stircher An excellent stitcher for lisht wo,t. catr Be easity ooved frcE !1ace to place. Solenoid fooa {i.- switch makes oDe.ation e6y. CaD connect wilh dy el@trical outlet of proper voltase. No.I7 No. lO BOSTITCH Wire Stil(her A BosToN fast, light stitcher for nany kinds of production vork such as muuJaciurirg gaskets, ladi6'b@dbaes, light box€s, att&hing sampies dd {veloles to cards, aod lieht sp@ialty work. BOSTITCH BoSTON Muhiple Slit(her One ot four stardard Bostitch stitcle$ vhich drive frcm one to len srftcbs itr a sin8le operarion. The Bosloq tyle narow head is the only stilcher had rhat can be oounted itr mullip1es to ltace stitches as ctose as IrX6", ceDter to center. Heads are *ily adjulable 1o chege location of slitches- Ihs combieriotr flat .nd saddle iab]e. Bo.lil.ft nof,es orl lypes o, rlcplel! cnd rrirclers and will rc.o.nmend the best fot yov rcquhemenlt t 'a:::',:::. ..4- Er:!ir z9 ;:iE:5I \ faiaiif :e a;; 6Pe"*i 9a=?p: e i 4 -€ !. tq-.;x E l iir: 9; X +$ii Y ' 113 o 7 m o i(' = t, ?6 r :i9la v i -g aqg; o ?€ + s,iE;i1 [iE3? =e = 9 a) E;€"5; *i*i.* e Im F vt a;aqii *s.3 6 ad i6B s 3 ;sl+x E; iCE EI ii{ o a r3s! o ao!.7 i;ii ';9;g * 5*;eE FE -: t?a i :!:i Eq d 3+ oI9 o o= - LrSg Fi=-: iii iiE8lA? E=1[ii* 7 a!-a E; i:: HF d -= . t @ a'; a s ::Faai3 "* I EAiisBi F:q.-ix ; B a di i iE E r t;ia ar4: : iEF .'e ii .put ond ihe foct that lhey moke ihei. own sroples from rer be.omes or e.onomi.ol investment when Produ.tion monufcdures over 80 siondo.d ryPes. Shown here or€ lels. Mo.e complere ond deroiled inlormorion will be .i./.F\ -t'q 1< sr3E 5I3E BOSTITCH Metol Stilcher Stitches ihrouab meral *itholt !repunchins or atry olher special pre!- No. l48 aration. Stiiches steel, aluminud or other melals, metal-to-detal or BOSTITCH 10 other materials, S.veral dodcls 10 meet spccific requiremenls- Ask BosroN Bottom Slil.her Ore of three models of bottod slitchers. For slircbing borlod 6aps of containers aDd other jobs that catr besr be hardled ov€. a post type clilcher rather tha! over an a.B. Tiking posl md slitching trip E:: are operaled by a siDsle t.eadle, No.3l lnverted Heod Stilcher to cards ad tuany other ues BOSTTTCH Fo. stilchins butlons whcre a very narrow sliich is desired. Slilchins mechanbm i' benrar\ so,k kble. allo$ir8 m"rimuo v'.ibility and acc.ss to worl lo. .arid opeiation. H-I5 BOSTITCH BLIss Wire Slilcher A lowe ul fat heavy duty stilcher, for fibie and co..ucated boards. lishi metals, wood, plasdcs, texliles ins speeds dd leather, S1ilch- from 240 ro 400 per mitute. Wide variely of crown widlhs, leg lenetis Specict srir.her broodside sives more inlormdtio, dbour rhe extensive Bo!,ir.h slirchet Des<riprive /lie6 or spe<ifi. rns.hines ore olso avoilablo lin. USERS TELL YOU "our greates! ue for the hammer is in applying felt and wat€r_ pr@f !!per to ove. homes befo.e the application of new sidine. conservatively speakins, by usias the stapler, we are saving at leasr 50% of the .6t of labor oyer roonm Eils." "we now ue your stapler to clos€ pliofilm bass containins Pork butts. We find it at le6t 50% fasler tha! hdd tvirg aud Pe thitrk that the packaee is sore salable. Our workers lrefer Meat BliLlitE Contactot "The larges! sedlly that we are stitchim at piesent is lhe tandem wheet housing. We a.e savitre E0% of lahor !ioe, by lrLrchids, over pr€rio6 metbods. ce your P7 hog ring stapler to f4letr material to coil springs in the manufacturo oi studio couchs. We have found it t 1,e 40% fr,ster lhd the trBcbi{e we v€re usmg tafo!e." "We Trailct Mondlacluret F urnitut. M znul actur.. "We use stalles to atrach a layer of sisai to ime.spring 6a!tre$. 'lhi, method i5 eishl rims fa\rer lban bed \ehirc.' Be.Lline Md utacturct "Csrome6 tell us that stapling is 5ota fNter the hamer dd lacks for ilsrallins ceiiins tile. No danger of oading the edSes Lunbet Yar.l ". . . Complete sausf&tion with the model 148 bottom stitcher which ve puch&d some seren mottlE aco. sin@ uiog this mrchire ee hsve realized a s.vins of $12.99 per 1,000 cartons. To dale we have not had . siDgl€ breakdown of tbis equipoenl." Zippet Manuleturet "Wiih our Boslitch Bas S.aler we seal an averdge masler baSs per day, alProaimately twice as much 6 "Bosritch Aut@lench solved oui lroblem, We have eliminated lreakage entirely md our cartoos ale mw securely closed. our whole operation h6 been speded up about 40%," Suqar I{4 hammer speeds u! lining freight care by more lhan 35%. Ou. worles liefe. it to ordinary hamer dd ''Boslitch 2,000 were RefiMd or temperatu.e. Tbree men d€ Do* able to do th€ work th4t Arca3. and Oil ConPont "We've oade "Your air tacker f6t.ns grill clolb on T\/ .abinec more than as w. Contain r Mantlacturct "We do* faste! ,l(} dozen spdls ler hour wirh B6titch E mehift. Previo6 method produ@d only l0doa! ler hour," Ma&lacttrer oJ lishiq eq ipnent teice of "Otre of the important advantaCEs to B of Bostitch is that we are able to seal our crrtoG in the boi car and itr any tiod of @ther Steel Conpan! lacks." PLket fast as hud tackin8," B(lSIITGH Cooperatire Poultry "We weE med As . at the goodwill tbat resulted (from B8BB 'billboard.'). It's the best id€a for reminder adveltisiDS Ty MunLlacturcr we Autonobile Deale/ IHE WORI''S LARGIST AI{UIA(TURER OT l,foin Oft<es and Foctoty: grqt savi4s by repairirg dmged corugated c Bostircb s1apler." coltaine6 wirh rhe Model STAPTING I{A(HINES ANO EAST GREENWICH, RHODE ISLAND WIRI 5III(HERS