July 22-26, 2013
July 22-26, 2013
Parish Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. (M-F) Phone: 314-962-5955 Fax: 314-961-0643 Website: www.goannunciation.com Pastor Fr. Bob Evans 12 W. Glendale Road, Webster Groves, MO 63119 314-962-5955, Ext. 128 [email protected] In Residence Fr. Jack Ghio 314-962-5955, Ext. 124 Coordinator of Religious Education Mr. John Bonsanti 314-961-7712, Ext. 439 [email protected] Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Mrs. Barb Koch 314-962-5955, Ext. 121 [email protected] Bulletin: Deadline: 8:00 p.m. Mondays Send articles to [email protected] Holy Cross Academy Dr. Amie Koenen, President 314-842-2073 Website: www.hca-stl.org Holy Cross Academy Middle School —Annunciation Campus Mr. Michael Biggs, Principal 314-961-7712, Ext. 437 Mrs. Theresa Berra, Secretary 314-961-7712, Ext. 441 16 W. Glendale Road Fax 314-961-2157 Parish Council Chairperson: Pat Hillmeyer 314-968-0653 [email protected] Parish Finance Chairperson: Steve LaBarge 314-968-0757 th [email protected] Mass Schedule Liturgical Music Mrs. Carolyn Vokoun Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. & 314-606-4295 Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. [email protected] Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Baptisms Contact the rectory, 962-5955, to & Friday at 6:30 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. schedule baptisms and to sign up for Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 p.m. or by appointment baptism preparation class (for first family member being baptized) Annunciation Pentecost Sunday May 19 , 2013 Annunciation Catholic Church 2 Webster Groves, MO 63119 ANNUNCIATION VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 22-26, 2013 This summer, connect your kids to God and watch them grow stronger in their faith as they stand strong for God! It's gonna be one awesome week! Music, crafts, Scripture, prayer, and play are all important components of Annunciation’s Vacation Bible School. Children ages 4 years to grade 4 are invited to join in the fun! Teens are encouraged to assist as Teacher's Aides. Opportunities to help out are available for students in grades 58. This is a great Confirmation Service Project too! Vacation Bible School for 2013 is scheduled for July 22-26, 2013. The theme is "KINGDOM ROCK - Where Kids Stand Strong for God." For this one special week, the kids will be embarking on an epic adventure filled with excitement. The camp runs Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon; on Friday, July 26 it runs from 9:00 am until 12:15 pm. The registration fee is $40.00 for one child; $30.00 for each additional child. With your registration fee, your child will receive a t-shirt, music CD, 5 bible buddies with a downloadable app, 5 Saint cards, a daily snack, daily crafts, a whole lot of spiritual guidance & FUN! Any adult who volunteers for four or more days will receive a FREE volunteer t-shirt. All Volunteers must have successfully completed the Protecting God’s Children Workshop!! MEDIA WAIVER: A signed media waiver is required for all campers and adult/student volunteers. For more information contact John Bonsanti at [email protected] Pentecost Sunday 3 May 19, 2013 A Note from Father Bob Dear Friends, Grace and peace to you all! Holy Cross Academy Graduation.. Congratulations to the Inaugural Graduation Class of Holy Cross Academy! This coming Tuesday we will honor our eighth grade students and families and celebrate their achievements as they conclude this chapter of their lives and move forward to high school. This first year of Holy Cross Academy has been a great year for not only the children of our parish who attend Holy Cross Academy but also for the children our collaborating partner parishes of St. Michael the Archangel, Our Lady of Providence, and Seven Holy Founders parishes. Congratulations also to all of you for supporting the founding of HCA. We truly could not have established this school without your support. May God bless our graduates! As we celebrate our graduates we also bid farewell to our beloved Mr. Biggs. We are sad to see him retire but we also want to wish him the very best as he enters this new and well-deserved stage of his life. While I have only known Mr. Biggs for 3 and a half years I have come to know him as one who is totally dedicated to the education of our children. For this I am truly grateful. We will offer a Mass of Thanksgiving and reception for Mr. Biggs this Thursday beginning at 6:30 pm. This Friday, May 24th, is the last day of school for Holy Cross Academy. What a year it had been! Thanks again to all who have been involved in the formation our school, Holy Cross Academy. It has been a remarkable year. We wish all our children a safe and happy summer vacation. Capital Campaign Update. This week we signed the contracts to install the new windows in our original school building. This is the third of four projects to be addressed through our capital campaign. The work on the windows will commence on June 3rd and take approximately 3 weeks. Since there is asbestos in the glazing compound of the windows we have also contracted with an environmental remediation company that be responsible for the removal of the old windows. The two contractors will be working together so that as one set of windows is removed the new set will be installed. The total cost of this project will be approximately $150,000.00. We currently have pledges totaling $328,562.04. We have received $270,051.50 in pledges/gifts and have paid out $114,964.50 for the church air conditioning and sound system so that we have $155,087.00 on hand at this time. Thank you for your support of our campaign and parish. We expect the window installation to be completed by the end of June. If there are restrictions to access the school building during the demolition and installation we will post it on our website and in our bulletin. Let’s pray for each other this week. Peace, Fr. Bob CHURCH SUPPORT OUR GIFTS TO GOD AND PARISH LAST WEEK AMOUNTED TO $13,063.00 Thank you! Special Collections: (Includes Electronic Giving, & Shortfall) St. Vincent dePaul It takes a weekly contribution of $11,811.32 Catholic Communications to meet our Parish Budget TOTAL OFFERTORY YEAR TO DATE July 1st , 2012– May 12th, 2013 Offertory Budget $543,320.72 Actual Offertory $530,614.99 Offertory Budget Variance $(12,705.73) Average Weekly Contribution $ 11,535.11 Online (Electronic Giving): $92.00 $20.00 $1,575.00 Annunciation Catholic Church 4 Webster Groves, MO 63119 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK STEWARDSHIP Monday, May 20 6:30 am William Nast, Sr. 8:00 am Tamra Helvenston Tuesday, May 21 6:30 am Jim Macke 8:00 am Rita Vondera Wednesday, May 22 6:30 am Jerry McLaughlin 8:00 am Purgatorial Society Thursday, May 23 6:30 am Jerry Dwyer 8:00 am Alice Jackson Friday, May 24 6:30 am Henry Gerhardt 8:00 am Guenther Kern Saturday, May 25 5:00 pm Violet Koch Sunday, May 26 8:00 am The People of the Parish 10:00 am William Nast, Sr. 11:30 am Mary Ann Hefti MASS SERVERS Monday, May 20 8:00 am Elias Z., Eric K. Tuesday, May 21 8:00 am Sam M., Sam W. Wednesday, May 22 8:00 am Jake S., Renny M. Thursday, May 23 8:00 am Zoe Z., Kathleen M. Friday, May 24 8:00 am Sam M., Paul W., Kailey E. Saturday, May 25 5:00 pm Austin B., Justin H., Carly H. Sunday, May 26 8:00 am Leah K., Cole E., Maddie H. 10:00 am Alex F., Mollie F., Emilee L. 11:30 am Elias Z., John V., Alex V. LECTORS CANTORS Saturday, May 25 5:00 pm J. Schertzer Sunday, May 26 8:00 am M. Riganti 10:00 am E. Southall 11:30 am T. Sepe S. Williams J. Place J. Southall J. Jurotich EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday, May 25 5:00 pm D. Verhoff, R. Stolz, K.C. Schute, T. & M. Schneider Sunday, May 26 8:00 am S. Crosier, R. Cunningham, H. Place, M. Lucchesi, R. Quackenbush 10:00 am C. LaBarge, J. & J. Moore, J. Leech, P. Teak 11:30 am M. Dana, S. Madden “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” (John 14:26) The materialism of our society lures us to concentrate more on what we want than on what God wants for us and from us. It is good to know that when we are confused by our stewardship responsibilities, we can call on the Holy Spirit to show us the way. HOSPITALITY MINISTERS—MAY Saturday 5:00 pm V. Kujawa, M. Weaver, J. Rudolph Sunday 8:00 am R. Wedel, S. Crosier 10:00 am S. LaBarge, M. Madden 11:30 am C. Weis ANNUNCIATION PARTNERS PROGRAM (Certificates) May 25 & 26 5 pm S. Stock 8 am D. & T. Paloucek 10 am P. Hillmeyer June 1 & 2 P. Gaines A. Kwentus J. & J. Moore MONEY COUNTERS Mon., May 20 P. McArthur B. Haddad M. Disbennett Tues., May 28 T. Sepe P. McArthur J. Wallace PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Ruth Henry Bernice Houlihan Robert Janecek Georgia Scheppner Richard Timmerman Toni Brockgreitens Helene Becker Patty Cabot Marie Quirk Gloria Smith Patrick McLear Jim Cooper Mike Vonderharr Margit Vincenz Tom Smith Joann Wills Theresa Mix + + + PRAYER CHAIN: If you have any requests for the Prayer Chain, call Sue Williams, 961-7209, or [email protected] SCHEDULES For Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers & Hospitality Ministers have been emailed. They are also are available in the church vestibule and on our parish website goannunciation.com Contact Person: Jill Lauman, 961-6616 or [email protected] Pentecost Sunday 5 May 19, 2013 ANNUNCIATION PARISH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Monday, May 20 Tuesday, May 21 Rosary Graduation Set up Gym ACTS Mission Board 7:30 a.m. ChurchMay 7:00 p.m. Klocker House Rosary 7:30 a.m. Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions 8:30 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration Ends at 3pm Today Quilters 9:00 a.m. Rosary Annunciation Children’s Choir 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. HCA K-5 Dance Recital p.m. HCA 8th Grade Graduation Wednesday May 22 Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Church MAY GIVE-A-MEAL-A-MONTH MENU: Spam or Treet, canned potato salad, baked beans, Jello & pears. Some optional items: dry milk, dried beans, crackers (any kind), instant cereal, peanut butter & jelly, cocoa/drink mixes, laundry detergent. Nonfood optional items cannot be bought with food stamps. We specify Martha White mixes because they do not need milk. Please, no glass containers HOSPITAL VISIT INFORMATION: If you or a some- one you know would like a visit or a phone call from Fr. Bob during their hospital stay, please call the rectory office, 962-5955, x128. Due to privacy regulations, GlenElm Rm hospitals no longer contact the rectory when people are Church & Gym admitted to the hospital. HELP HOLY CROSS win a $45,000 health and medical hands on activity grant from Monsanto with just a few clicks of your mouse! The nominees are posted on Facebook at www.facebook.com/growstlouis today -May Church 19th. The entry with the most votes will win the grant Church funding. Since voting takes place on Facebook, you will Gym be able to easily “Share” your entry and direct people to Klocker House vote via your personal & your organization’s social media. Thanks for your continued support of Holy Cross Academy! Church Adoration Ends at 3pm this Tuesday, May 21st, (due to the HCA 8th Gr. Graduation) Thursday May 23 Friday May 24 Saturday May 25 Sunday May 26 SUMMER GIVING: We sincerely thank our Rosary 7:30 a.m. Church parishioners who mail or deliver your weekly Mr. Biggs Retirement Celebration begins with 6:30 pm Mass envelopes to the parish office when they are Men Pray the Rosary 9:00 p.m. Outside Church going to be out-of-town on vacations this summer. As many of you understand, our parish expenses and obligations do not take a vacation when you do, so it is very helpful to be able to rely on your continued support Rosary 7:30 a.m. Church even when you cannot personally attend HCA Middle School at 8 a.m. Mass; Early Dismissal Mass here. And remember you can always 5pm Mass Music Ensemble Practice 5:15 p.m. Church go to our website, www.goannunciation.com and donate online. On the homepage, click on ‘Giving’, then ‘Donate Online’ and follow Private Event Café/MPH/ANN the instructions. The donation can be a one-time, weekly, monthly, or yearly donation. Remember when we give to God first, we are making a gift of faith, trusting that God Rosary 7:30 a.m. Church will provide for our needs. We are truly givJonah Teams after 10:00 a.m. Mass Back of Church ing Him the “first fruits” just as God asked us to do in the Bible. PSR IS STARTING REGISTRATION FOR THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR Registration packets are available on the PSR webpage: http://www.goannunciation.com/annunciationpsr.html. Registration and payment in full must be submitted by May 31st to receive the $25 family discount. We look forward to seeing you in PSR in the Fall. WELCOME TO ANNUNCIATION PARISH Please complete this form if you are not currently registered and wish to join the Parish. You can place it in the collec on basket or send it to the Parish Office, 12 W. Glendale Rd., Webster Groves, MO 63119. A registra on form will be mailed or emailed (if you provide your email address) to you. Parish Registra on Forms are also available on our parish website www.goannuncia on.com On the homepage, click on ‘Church’ then ‘Join Our Parish’ NAME______________________________ PHONE __________________ EMAIL______________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________CITY / ZIP CODE__________________________________ Annunciation Catholic Church 6 RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process which interested adults and older teen-agers are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. If you are interested in learning more about RCIA contact Fr. Bob at 314-962-5955 or Patrick Stack at 314-966-1022 ANNUNCIATION PARTNERS GIFT CARD and CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (APP) Graduation and Summer are almost here Gear up with gift cards for all your needs from our gift certificates. Remember restaurants, bookstores, clothing stores, department stores, music stores, WalMart, and gas cards. Shop after all Masses or at the rectory office, 8-4, MondayFriday, or contact Katie Krobath, 962-9283, Martha Disbennett, 941-0073, Mariann Wedel, 961-3086. Thank you for your support. Order forms are available in the church vestibule or online at www.goanunciation.com And don’t forget to have Schnucks swipe your Schnucks eScrip Card whenever you shop at Schnucks. Don’t have one! You can pick one up in the church vestibule. Just following the directions to register the card. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: May 20, 3-7pm, 7300 Lansdowne, sponsored by American Legion Post 111 & Knights of Columbus Council 2119. Bring photo ID. For appointment: call Russel Smith, 314-832-4603 or redcrossblood.org and enter code AmericanLegionPost111. Meteorologist Matt Chambers, KMOV Channel 4 will be there 3-5pm. RESIDENT OPENINGS AT LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POORST. LOUIS RESIDENCE: The Little Sisters of the Poor have openings in their Independent Living Area. This offers a large single room, fully furnished, with a private bathroom and shower. Meals, laundry and housekeeping are included in the rent. The rent is subsidized, based on income, assets and medical expenses. The mission of the Little Sisters of the Poor is to welcome the needy elderly into their home as they would Jesus Christ himself, and serve them with love and respect until death. A resident must be at least 65 years of age and have limited financial resources to be considered. If interested, please call 314-4216022 and ask to speak to Ron Kostedt in Social Services. Webster Groves, MO 63119 SPIN MARRIED COUPLES RETREAT: The next planned SPIN (SPiritual INtimacy) retreats are scheduled for June 21 & 22, or August 9 & 10, 2013. SPIN Marriage Retreat, presented by Genesis Ministry, teaches various prayer methods and the joy of sharing God moments in our day. This 25 hour retreat is designed to help couples build their relationship with God at the center of all that marrieds couples say and do. Life is so full and busy, so you may want to talk with your spouse, mark your calendar & send in a registration now. Call Deacon Dennis, 314-246-9282, or visit www.genesis-ministry.org 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE APOSTLES OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS to be celebrated on June 30th with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 2:30 pm at St. Francis Xavier Church (at SLU) celebrated by Archbishop Robert J. Carlson. An open reception follows in the ballroom below the church. All are invited. The reception is complimentary, but reservations are requested. To RSVP or for more information contact Caroline Ernst, 314-606-1872 or [email protected] YOUNG CATHOLIC MUSICIANS (YCM) SPRING CONCERT SUNDAY, MAY 26: at Epiphany of Our Lord begins with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 2:30 followed by the concert in the gym. The Mass will fulfill your Sunday obligation. For raffle tickets/info: Mary Smith, 9629260. The money raised from the raffle ticket sales helps pay the insurance and maintenance of the YCM bus. FAMILY LIFE PICNIC: ALL are invited to a celebration of family life and the gift of life as well as a commemoration of the Year of Faith and the marking of 40 years since Roe v Wade. Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate at Queeny Park, Sunday, June 2, noon - 4 pm. A barbecue lunch will be served and many activities games, crafts, FOR THOSE IN ACTIVE DUTY IN THE MILITARY Please pray for the safety and well being of the following parishioners who are in active military service for our country: Anthony Bergheger, Matt Euler, James, Luke, & Joseph & Maria Jurotich, Michael Rybak, & Josip Tomas If you know of anyone from the Parish who is serving their country in the Military, please call the Parish Office and give us their names. ALIVE IN CHRIST: Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with Family and Friends on Saturday, June 15, 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Cardinal Rigali Center. Register online at www.archstl.org/laityandfamilylife (Click on Evangelization in menu on left) or call 792.7178. A basket will be the door for a suggested goodwill donation of $5 to offset costs.