5 facts about Mexico and immigration to the U.S. St. Mary`s High
5 facts about Mexico and immigration to the U.S. St. Mary`s High
March Vol. 152016 Num. 3 SERVING YOU FOR 16 YEARS Latino Times FREE | GRATIS - March 20161 www.latinotimes.org Happy St. Patrick’s Day St. Mary’s High Celebrates Legacy While Embracing Future By Mark Apostolon This year, Stockton’s iconic St. Mary’s High School is celebrating a milestone of 140 years with continued school spirit, reinvigorated commitment from alumni, and a recent exhibition at the Haggin Museum, entitled “Saint Mary’s: 140 Years of Milestones & Memories,” which featured memorabilia from school and athletic uniforms, to photos and trophies from the school’s archives. Those milestones are significant because on its 140th anniversary, St. Mary’s is still making memories for its alumni, and student body while continuing its legacy as an important pillar of the Stockton community, It is not merely enough to talk about St. Mary’s significance to the community, the rate at which its graduates go on to college (which averages 99%, and was 100% for 2014’s graduating class), a student body that far exceeds the national average, or the accomplishments of its alumni who include Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court Carol Ann Corrigan, Stockton D.A. Covey Berger, two former Stockton mayors Gary Allen Podesto and Ed Chavez, attorneys, lawmakers, business leaders, NFL players and film actors. You have to understand and appreciate what it means that such a revered institution as St. Mary’s is not only has survived 140 years, but has thrived. At a time when significant numbers of Catholic schools around the country are either struggling, having to close their doors, or merging with other parochial schools due to dwindling enrollments, St. See ST MARY’S Page 3 5 facts about Mexico and immigration to the U.S. By Jens Manuel Krogstad U.S. immigration from Latin America has shifted over the past two decades. From 1965 to 2015, more than 16 million Mexicans migrated to the U.S. in one of the largest mass migrations in modern history. But over the past decade, Mexican migration to the U.S. has slowed dramatically. Today, Mexico increasingly serves as a land bridge for Central American immigrants traveling to the U.S. Here are five facts about Mexico and trends in immigration to the U.S. 1. Mexico increases deportations of Central AmericansMexico is stopping more unauthorized Central American immigrants at its southern border. The Mexican government said in 2014 that it would increase enforcement at its southern border in response to an increased flow of Central Americans traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S. In 2015, the government there carried out about 150,000 deportations of unauthorized immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, a 44% jump over the previous year. These three Central American countries alone accounted for nearly all (97%) of Mexico’s deportations in 2015. 2. Despite increased enforcement by Mexico, many unauthorized Central Americans are still reaching the U.S. via Mexico. At the U.S.-Mexico border, the See MEXICO Page 4 St. Mary’s celebrates 140 years. Escuela Secundaria de St. Mary’s celebra el legado mientras abarca el futuro Por Mark Apostolon Este año, la icónica escuela secundaria de St. Mary’s de Stockton está celebrando su aniversario de 140 años con un continuo espíritu escolar, un compromiso revitalizado de ex alumnos, y una reciente exposición en el Museo Haggin, titulada “Saint Mary’s: 140 años de hitos y recuerdos,” que incluyó objetos de interés, acontecimientos notables de la escuela y uniformes deportivos, a fotos y trofeos de los archivos de la escuela. Esos hitos son significativos porque en su 140 aniversario, St. Mary’s sigue haciendo recuerdos para sus alumnos y el alumnado mientras continúa su legado como un importante pilar de la comunidad de Stockton. No simplemente basta con hablar de lo que significa St. Mary’s para la comunidad, la velocidad a la que sus graduados van a la universidad (con un promedio de 99%, y fue del 100% para la clase que se graduó en 2014), un alumnado que supera con creces el promedio nacional, o los logros de sus ex alumnos que incluyen un Juez Asociado del Tribunal Supremo de California, Carol Ann Corrigan, Stockton DA Covey Berger, dos ex alcaldes de Stockton Gary Allen Podesto y Ed Chavez, abogados, legisladores, líderes empresariales, jugadores de la NFL y actores de cine. Usted tiene que entender y apreciar lo que significa que una institución tan venerada como St. Mary’s no sólo ha sobrevivido 140 años, pero ha prosperado. En un momento en que un número significativo de escuelas católicas de todo el país están ya sea luchando, enfrentando el hecho de cerrar sus puertas, o fusionarse con otras escuelas parroquiales debido a la matrícula cada vez más escasos, St. Mary’s High School, con un alumnado a punto de llegar a 900 estudiantes, está creciendo activamente, expandiendo de su programa de estudios, y el re-entrenamiento de sus maestros en las nuevas tecnologías, todo para preparar a los estudiantes actuales y futuros para nuestro nuevo mundo basado internacionalmente - un mundo muy alejado de los tiempos con que fue recibida la escuela en su primer día en 1876. Como presidente y ex alumno de St. Mary’s, Peter Morelli, observó, “lo que me hace más orgulloso es que somos una familia. Proporcionamos una gran educación y un ambiente seguro. La escuela ha sido un signo visible de la enseñanza católica sobre la base de los principios cristianos - lo cual significa tratar a todos con dignidad y respeto. Nuestros estudiantes son atentos; nuestra facultad es compasivo; nuestro campus está dando la bienvenida a todos. Una de las mejores cosas de St. Mary’s es que tenemos la libertad de orar.” Una gran parte de la reputación de la escuela proviene de su programa deportivo indomable que se basa en una creencia unificadora, que en la participación del deporte se desarrolla mucho más que aprender a ganar, que desarrolla el carácter. Es debido a esa creencia que la See FUTURO Page 4 2 www.latinotimes.org March 2016 NEW LOCATION GRAND OPENING! April 13th • 12pm to 1pm 209-932-9504 Angie Garibay, Broker 1222 Monaco Ct Suite 22 Stockton, CA 95207 209-932-9504 Office 209-808-2936 Cell 1-888-441-2936 Fax BRE: 01864504 NMLS:339186 www.valleycapitalrealty.com ¿Está buscando un préstamo, pero no tiene un número de seguro social? Tenemos ITIN Préstamos. ¿Está pensando en vender su casa? ¡Nuestro grupo de agentes de bienes raíces le puede ayudar con una consulta sin compromiso y evaluación de su casa! ATTENTION: Agents we are hiring bilingual agents we offer 100% Commission and marketing incentives (small broker fee)! Call us today! www.latinotimes.org March 2016 Latino Times Publisher & Founder Andrew Ysiano [email protected] Vice President Judy Quintana [email protected] Contributing Writers Mark Apostolon Jens Manuel Krogstad Earl Ofari Hutchinson New America Media Pew Research Design & Layout www.JimOliverDesigner.com Andrew Ysiano Publisher/Founder Photography Monica Andeola Marketing/Advertising Andrew Ysiano Judy Quintana Betty Ramirez Andrew C. Ysiano (209) 469-2407 [email protected] Translator Lorena Becerra Distribution Bill Repinski Richard Ysiano www.latinotimes.org Judy Quintana Vice President Editor AURORA 3 St. Mary’s continued from Front Page Mary’s High School, with a student body nearing 900, is actively growing, expanding its curriculum, and re-training teachers in new technologies all to prepare current and future students for our new internationally-based world – a world far removed from the times that greeted the school on its opening day in 1876. As St. Mary’s current President and alumni, Peter Morelli, observed, “what makes me proudest is that we are a family. We provide a great education and a safe environment. The school has been a visible sign of Catholic education based on Christian principles – which means treating everyone with dignity and respect. Our students are caring; our faculty is compassionate; our campus is welcoming to all. One of the best things about St. Mary’s is that we have the freedom to pray.” A big part of the school’s reputation comes from their indomitable sports program which is grounded in one unifying belief, that participation in sports develops so much more than learning how to win, it develops character. It is because of that belief that the school encourages students not to focus on just one sport, but to be a part of multiple sports as part of a balanced-life approach. “It’s all in our Mission Statement to which we remain true,” Principal Kathy Smith says smiling, “St. Mary’s High School is dedicated to the academic excellence and value-based instruction that prepare each of our students for college and for a life that reflects Christian principles. We believe that human beings are the pinnacle of God’s creation on earth. We develop the total person - spiritually, intellectually, creatively, socially and physically.” Developing kids of integrity and character in conjunction with parents is one of St. Mary’s hallmarks, and the faculty lead by example. “Be who you are, and be that well – I’ve counselled my students on that many times and if they can do that, they’re going to make,” Smith adds with pride. That pride is exemplified by the alumni who are not only a connection to the past, but also a great networking resource for the school and the students. They also trust St. Mary’s where it counts most – their children “We’re seeing families who’ve been enrolling their sons and daughters for three, four, even five generations.” That deeply rooted trust families have in St. Mary’s is not only because the strong moral compass that’s offered or the shaping of human values in young minds – although that is certainly a factor. It is also due to their comprehensive and expansive academic program – that includes 22 Advanced Placement College Preparatory classes – and that, unlike public schools, can be adapted and modified to meet the needs of our ever changing world, giving graduates a head start in college. That means every student now have an iPad. Teachers are now going through a two-year training program on learning and understanding the various ways to use the iPad as a teaching tool. And where students once turned to the Guide to Periodical Literature to research topics for term papers, they are now learning how to use the internet and recognize reliable sources. “It’s a challenge today for teachers and parents. Today so many people have instant access to kids today through the internet, and it’s up to us to guide them so they know the difference, even just on an academic level, the difference between fact, deception and opinion. It’s about guidance.” Guidance, above all else, may very well be the key to St. Mary’s success. Guidance not only of its students through the Catholic doctrine of service – making them aware of the “greater” in their lives and the community around them, which instills a sense of selflessness that harkens back to JFK’s “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” – but guidance of the school and faculty itself, consistent throughout the years in how it embraces our changing world to remain true to its mission, to its families, to its students, and to its community. 4 www.latinotimes.org Futuro continúa en pág. 1 escuela anima a los estudiantes a no centrarse en un solo deporte, sino de ser una parte de múltiples deportes como parte de un enfoque en una vida equilibrada. “Todo está en nuestra declaración de la misión de la escuela a la que nos mantenemos fieles,” Directora Kathy Smith dice sonriendo, “La Escuela Secundaria St. Mary’s se dedica a la excelencia académica y la instrucción basada en el valor que preparar cada uno de nuestros estudiantes para la universidad y para una vida que refleje los principios cristianos. Creemos que los seres humanos son el pináculo de la creación de Dios en la tierra. Desarrollamos la persona entera - espiritual, intelectual, creativa, social y físicamente.” El desarrollo de los niños de su integridad y su carácter en conjunto con los padres es uno de los sellos distintivos de Mary’s y la facultad es el ejemplo a seguir. “Sé quien eres, y hazlo bien - he aconsejado a mis estudiantes sobre eso muchas veces y si pueden hacer eso, ellos van a lograrlo,” Smith añade con orgullo. Ese orgullo es ejemplificado por los ex alumnos que son no sólo una conexión con el pasado, sino también un gran recurso de red para la escuela y los estudiantes. También confían a St. Mary’s lo que más cuenta - sus hijos “Estamos viendo las familias que han inscrito a sus hijos e hijas por tres, cuatro y hasta cinco generaciones.” Esa confianza profundamente arraigada que las familias tienen en St. Mary’s no es sólo por la fuerte brújula moral que se ofrece o la formación de los valores humanos en las mentes de los jóvenes - a pesar de que es Mexico continued from Front Page number of families and unaccompanied children apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials is again rising, though it’s too early to tell how 2016 will compare with prior years. From Oct. 1, 2015, to Jan. 31, 2016, 24,616 families and 20,455 unaccompanied children – the vast majority of them from Central America – were apprehended at the southwestern U.S. border, double the total from the same time period the year before. Apprehensions of unaccompanied children rose to record levels in fiscal 2014, then decreased by 42% in fiscal 2015. 3. More Cubans are also traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S. The number of Cubans migrating through Mexico to reach the U.S. spiked dramatically last year after President Barack Obama said the U.S. would renew ties with the island nation. In fiscal 2015, 43,159 Cubans entered the U.S. via ports of entry, a 78% increase over the previous year. Two-thirds of these Cubans arrived through the U.S. Border Patrol’s Laredo sin duda un factor. También es debido a su amplio y expansivo programa académico que incluye 22 clases de Colocación Avanzada de Preparación Universitaria (cursos AP) - y que, a diferencia de las escuelas públicas, puede ser adaptado y modificado para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestro mundo siempre cambiante, dando a los graduados una ventaja inicial en la universidad. Eso significa que todos los estudiantes tienen ahora un iPAD. Los maestros están tomando un entrenamiento en forma de un programa de formación de dos años en el aprendizaje y la comprensión de las diferentes formas de utilizar el iPad como herramienta de enseñanza. Y donde los estudiantes una vez usaban la Guía de la Literatura Periódica para los temas de investigación para sus investigaciones y composiciones, ahora están aprendiendo a usar el Internet y reconocer las fuentes fiables de información. “Es un reto hoy para maestros y padres. Hoy en día muchas personas tienen acceso instantáneo a los niños de hoy a través del Internet, y nos toca a nosotros guiarlos para que sepan la diferencia, incluso sólo a nivel académico, la diferencia entre los hechos, el engaño y la opinión. Se trata de guiar.” La orientación, por encima de todo, puede muy bien ser la clave del éxito de St. Mary’s. Guiar no sólo a sus estudiantes a través de la doctrina católica de servicio - haciéndolos conscientes de lo “mayor” en sus vidas y la comunidad que les rodea, que infunde un sentido de desprendimiento que se remonta a las palabras de JFK, “No preguntes lo que tu país puede hacer por usted, pero lo que puedes hacer por tu país”-- pero la orientación de la escuela y la facultad en sí, consistente a lo largo de los años, en la forma en que abarca nuestro mundo cambiante de permanecer fiel a su misión, a sus familias, a sus estudiantes y a su comunidad. Sector in Texas. (Cubans who pass an inspection can enter the U.S. legally under the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966.) 4. Fewer Mexicans are migrating to the U.S. today than in the past. In fact, more Mexicans left than came to the U.S since the end of the Great Recession. Between 2009 and 2014, 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., down from the 2.9 million who left Mexico for the U.S. between 1995 and 2000. Of those moving back to Mexico, many cite family as the reason for their return. About 1 million Mexican immigrants and their U.S.born children moved from the U.S. to Mexico between 2009 and 2014, and 61% said they had done so to reunite with family or to start a family, according to the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics. 5. More Mexicans now say life is about the same in the U.S. and Mexico. In 2015, 33% of Mexican adults said life in the U.S. is neither better nor worse than life in Mexico, up from 23% who said this in 2007. Still, about half of Mexican adults believe life is better in the U.S. and 35% of Mexicans said they would move to the U.S. if they had the opportunity and means to do so, similar shares as in 2009. ¡Estamos aquí para las familias nuevas! El Hospital General de San Joaquín y las Clínicas del Condado les gustaría presentarle nuestros servicios médicos. Nuestro personal está aquí para ayudarle a usted y a su familia con todas sus necesidades de atención médica. N UESTROS S ERVICIOS I NCLUYEN : ■ ■ ■ ■ Atención primaria de salud, pediatría y atención especializada Los servicios y la maternidad de las mujeres Cuidados de emergencia Hospitalización Nuestra línea de citas: (209) 468-6820 500 W. Hospital Rd., French Camp ■ March 2016 1414 N. California St., Stockton ■ www.sjgeneral.org 5 www.latinotimes.org March 2016 TAKE A POWER TRIP... TO FCCU FOR A TRUCK LOAN! REAL MEMBERS. REAL CARS. REAL MONEY. REALLY EASY @ WWW.FCCUBURT.ORG MIEMBROS REALES. AUTOS REALES. DINERO REAL. FÁCIL EN REALIDAD @ WWW.FCCUBURT.ORG NOW OPEN: Airport Way and 10th Street in Stockton 18 S. Center • Stockton CA. 95202 • 209-948-6024 435 W. Benjamin Holt Dr. • Stockton Ca. 95207 • 209-951-6025 ¡Mejor que un banco! Federally insured by the NCUA. Finish Your College Degree! Apply Now to Start on April 4, 2016 • Accepting New and Transfer Students • Legal Court Reporting - Criminal Justice - Legal Studies - Paralegal • Business Accounting - Business Administration • Education Liberal Studies - Early Childhood Education – Community Studies Multiple Subject Teaching Credential - Master of Arts in Teaching Educational Administration Apply for Cal Grants – free money for College – Call for more details (209) 478-0800 6650 Inglewood Avenue Stockton CA 95207 • Associates • Bachelors • Masters • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential • Financial Aid • Private Non-Profit College • Day, Evening & Online Classes • WASC ACCREDITED • Military Friendly (209) 543-9411 3600 Sisk Road, Suite 5-A Modesto CA 95356 Campuses in Stockton and Modesto www.humphreys.edu 6 www.latinotimes.org See near, far, and everything in between after cataract surgery with replacement lenses that correct more than just cataracts. March 2016 ROUTE 23 v LODI DiD you Know? RTD bus route 23 takes you from Lodi to Delta College, Kaiser Permanente, and more! ¡La ruta 23 de RTD te lleva desde Lodi a Delta College, Kaiser Permanente y más! The places you can go on RTD! Your Vision is Our Passion Celebrating over 50 Years of Vision Care Latino Times • Watts Winery Cinco de Mayo WINE FESTIVAL SAVE THE DATE: April 30th noon to 5pm Wine & Barrel Tasting • Food • Music • Fiesta No Charge Event Watts Winery 17036 N. Locust Tree Road Lodi, CA 95240 wattswine.com MORE INFO: Latino Times 209-469-2407 Watts Winery 209-368-2974 sanjoaquinRTD.com/places (209) 943-1111 March 2016 7 www.latinotimes.org Go Further BE UNSTOPPABLE Sales • Service • Parts • Collision Center 3282 Auto Center Circle • Stockton, CA 95212 • 209-870-4400 Se habla español 8 www.latinotimes.org March 2016 ¡BOTAS QUE TRABAJAN TODO EL AÑO! ™ Se habla español CUPÓN $20 DE DESCUENTO Quality. Service. Value.® California continues its historic water conservation efforts. Sólo en Compra de Calzado No se permite combinar con otras ofertas, descuentos o programas de seguridad de compañías. No es válido en compras anteriores. Un cupón por compra. EXPIRA: 03/31/2016 AHORRA EN LOS ACCESORIOS CUPÓN Just like everyone else living in the Golden State, California Water Service (Cal Water) is thankful for the rain we’ve seen this year. But since drought conditions are still a fact of life in California, Cal Water reminds customers to continue conserving water at home and at work. In January 2016, our Stockton District reduced water usage by 8.5% compared with January of 2013. While it’s more challenging to reduce water usage in the winter months when less non-essential use occurs, Cal Water offers a range of conservation programs to help our customers save more water. Thank you for your efforts thus far. Since June 2015, we have reduced use by 22.6%. Together, we can continue to meet the State’s water-use reduction requirement of 20% for our community. ¡En cualquier compra de botas de trabajo de $150 o más! COMPRA 2 Y LLÉVATE OTRO GRATIS Elije calcetines, guantes, cinturones y otros productos de cuidado. ¡Plantillas y productos de seguridad de valor igual o menos! No es válido con otras ofertas, descuentos o programas de seguridad de compañías. Un cupón por compra. EXPIRA: 03/31/2016 Red Wing Shoe Store 6032 Pacific Ave • Stockton calwater.com 209-957-1378 January 2016 Update_Stockton_4.75 X 7.75.indd 1 2221 McHenry Ave, Ste 1 • Modesto 209-529-0447 3/7/2016 2:00:33 PM Wednesday March 16, 2016 Hilton Stockton 2323 Grand Canal Blvd Stockton, CA 95207 “Latinas Making an Impact: Celebrating Women in Business” KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Margita Thompson: Vice President, Communications at California Resources Corporation PREVIOUS: • • • • Vice President, Disney Consumer Products Vice President, Corporate Communications and Latino Program Officer for Health Net Press Secretary for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger AGENDA 8:30 am Registration Opens 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Business to Business Expo 10:00 am - 10:45 am 11:00 am - 11:45 am Break-out Sessions VIP Meet and Greet with Speaker “Is Your Business Favored?: Tax Favored Investing” Lunch with Speaker Sponsored by JP Morgan Chase Bank “Healthcare Options: Choosing a Plan for You and Your Employees” 12:00 pm “Celebrating Women in Business” www.latinotimes.org March 2016 San Joaquin General Hospital And Clinics Reach Out To Local Latinas Regarding Breastfeeding January 25, 2016 – French Camp, CA- San Joaquin General Hospital is on a campaign to help local Spanish speaking mothers, and mothers-to-be, learn the importance of breastfeeding. Simmons Research shows that only 33% of San Joaquin Valley mothers choose to breastfeed their infants while 67% choose to formula feed infants. Since 71% of all new or expecting mothers in the San Joaquin Valley are Hispanic, the Hospital has developed a series of community posters to help educated Spanish language mothers on the distinct benefits of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is proven medically to benefit both mother and infant. For mothers: Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. It prevents postpartum depression and Type 2 diabetes. It also reduces bleeding afterbirth. For Infants: Breastfeeding prevents diarrhea and has been proven to lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Breastfeeding has also been proven to lower the child’s risk of obesity and developing allergies. Spanish language communication with expecting mothers and new mothers is under the direction Special Meeting and Study Session of Stockton City Council Proposed Water Rates and Water Treatment (Stockton, CA) - The Stockton City Council will hold a Special Meeting to conduct an in-depth discussion of City of Stockton Municipal Utilities Department proposed rate structure for City water utility customers and chloramine use for water treatment. The meeting will take place Saturday, March 26, 2016, beginning at 2:00p, at the Bob Hope Theatre, 242 E. Main Street, Stockton. This meeting is open to the public. All members of the community are encouraged to participate. In addition to presentations and City Council discussion, the meeting will include opportunity for public questions and comments. This Special Meeting is being held to focus specifically on water rates, as the Council will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed rate changes at the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 29, 2016. Free parking will be available at the Hunter Street parking garage, which is located behind the Theatre at the corner of Hunter and Market Streets. The garage will be open one hour prior to the start of the meeting and will closed one hour after the meeting concludes. The Special Meeting will be held at the Bob Hope Theatre to comfortably accommodate public attendance and participation. The meeting will be taped and replayed on the City’s website, and replayed on Comcast Channel 97, beginning Monday, March 28, at 11:30a and again at 7:00p. For additional information about the meeting, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (209) 937-8827 or e-mail [email protected]. To determine if the City of Stockton is your water service provider, please visit the City’s website at www. stocktonca.gov/watermap or view information about providers for your address at www.stocktonca.gov/aya. L Lower your Energy Bill for... Repair or replacement of refrigerator, microwave, & stoves Heating/Air Conditioning repair or replacement Insulation Shower heads Digital Thermostats Weather-stripping LED Bulbs Window (glass only) repair or replacement Shade screens Water Heater repair or Smoke & Carbon replacement Monoxide Detectors Ceiling fan installation Door repair or For more replacement information, call 209-468-0439. ¡MIRA! Reduzca su Factura de Energia por... TIS! ¡GRA Reparacion o reemplazo de refrigerador, microondas, estufas Reparacion o reemplazo del Calefaccion/Aire acondicionado Aislamento termico Reparacion o reemplazo del calentador de agua Instalacion ventilador de techo Reparacion o reemplazo de puerta a leading General Acute Care facility providing a full range of inpatient services including General Medical/ Surgical Care, High-Risk Obstetrics and Neonatal Intensive Care, and Pediatrics. In addition to the 196 bed Hospital, the medical campus includes multiple facilities dedicated to comprehensive outpatient services operated through San Joaquin County Clinics. San Joaquin County Clinics support the Hospital’s Ambulatory Care Network, including 11 provider sites throughout San Joaquin County, providing over 200,000 outpatient clinic visits a year. of Guillermina (Gina) Pantoja, RN, IBCLC. Nurse Pantoja is board certified in lactation and speaks fluent Spanish. She also leads the Hospital’s weekly support group at the Family Maternity Center. To learn more about the importance of infant breastfeeding contact the Hospital’s Breastfeeding Support Group. It’s open to all mothers and babies. Find out more on the Hospital’s website specifically for breastfeeding support: http://www. sjgeneral.org/serviceslaboranddeliverybreastfeeding.html San Joaquin General Hospital is K Cabezales de ducha Termostato digital Burletes Bombillas LED Reparacion o reemplazo de ventana (solo cristal) Detectores de monoxide de carbon y humo Pantallas de sombra Para mas informacion, llame 209-468-0439. 9 San Joaquin County’s Weatherization Program provides these services at no cost to renters or homeowners who qualify. EVEN IF YOUR HOME HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY WEATHERIZED, YOU MAY STILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR SERVICES! Check the chart below to see if you qualify for this free service: 2016 Income Guidelines # People in Home* Annual Income Monthly Income 1 $24,057.24 $2,004.77 2 $31,459.56 $2,621.63 3 $38,861.76 $3,238.48 4 $46,263.96 $3,855.33 *For households with more than 4 people, please call. Programa de Climatizacion del Condado de San Joaquin Proporciona estos Servicios sin costo para inquilinos o duenos de viviendas que califican. Incluso si su casa se ha alclimatado previamente, usted todavia puede ser elegible para los servicios! Consulte la tabla de abajo pare ver si usted califica para este servicio gratuito. 2016 Requisitos de Ingresos # Personas en el hogar* Ingreso Anuale Ingreso Mensuale 1 $24,057.24 $2,004.77 2 $31,459.56 $2,621.63 3 $38,861.76 $3,238.48 4 $46,263.96 $3,855.33 *Para hogares con mas de 4 personals, llame. 10 www.latinotimes.org March 2016 Obama Should Battle Harder than Ever for Scalia Successor Earl Ofari Hutchinson - NAM GOP leaders led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell predictably wasted no time in swearing that anyone who President Obama named to replace the late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia had zero chance of being confirmed. McConnell saw no contradiction in the fact that he had no trouble voting to confirm Supreme Court Anthony Kennedy to the high court in 1988, Reagan’s final year in office. This points up the glaring truth about a Supreme Court pick. It’s not the choice of the president that’s the issue but the president that makes the choice. Obama’s two picks, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, have been justices are moderates that are fully protective of civil rights, civil liberties, and economic fairness. It’s a matter of politics, ideology, race and gender that have long trumped qualifications. The first two names out the box that have been near universally mentioned to replace Scalia are textbook examples of that. Sri Srinivasan, an Indian American, and Paul J. Watford, an AfricanAmerican, have legal qualifications that are beyond impeccable. Both have been confirmed for federal judgeships with almost no dissent from the GOP senators. But it’s one thing confirming them for a judgeship among legions of appellate judges and quite another nominating one of them for one of only nine spots on the Supreme Court. Obama’s two prior picks caused no ideological titanic shift on the court. This one will. It has less to do with the hard line conservatism of Scalia than the nearly encased ideological decision making that has roiled the court the last three decades. It has gotten even worse during the Obama years. In the first five years under the chief justice watch of conservative John Roberts the court issued conservative decisions in nearly 60 percent of the cases. In the term that ended the year after Obama took office in 2009, the percentage of conservative decisions shot up to 65 percent. This was the largest number of overt conservative political decisions in over a half century. When Roberts had the temerity to cast the swing vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act conservatives read him the riot act. This was a stern warning that justices are expected to tow a rigid, conservative line on the court. And any deviation from that would not be tolerated. This was just a warm up drill in the court’s war on Obama. The heavy duty stuff is already on the docket this term the court majority’s rulings in the big ticket issues of voting rights, affirmative action, corporate and property rights, and union and environmental protections, and abortion. The court has ruled against him in more than 60 percent of similar cases. In more than a dozen cases in the last two years the vote against him was 5 to 4. It’s much more, though, than a case of the justices voting their party labels. In decades past, many Democratic and Republican appointed justices have scrapped party loyalties and based their legal decisions solely on the merit of the law, constitutional principles and the public good. Thomas and the other four are judicial horses of a different color. The tip-off that they’d likely vote their ideology rather than the law came from George W. Bush. On the presidential campaign trail in 2000, Bush was asked if elected what kind of judge he’d look for and nominate. He didn’t hesitate. He pledged to appoint “strict constructionists” to the court and specifically named Thomas, Scalia and William Rehnquist as the judges that perfectly fit that description. By then the three had already carved out a hard line niche as three of the most reflexive, knee jerk, reactionary jurists to grace the court in decades. Their votes to torpedo, water down, eviscerate or erode rights on all issues from abortion to civil rights were so predictable they could have been mailed in. This go round GOP senators could play for time and try to wait Obama out by stalling confirmation of his nominee in the year left he has in his term. The hope is that a Republican will bag the White House in 2016 and pick one of their own ideologically suited justices. Cruz was the first in the door to vow to do just that. It would be a naked hard edged play of political football with a Supreme Court justice nominee. That’s the way it’s been for the past three decades, so it would be in keeping with what politics and ideology has turned the court into. This is all the more reason for Obama to fight harder than ever for his nominee. The two men of color that he’s tapped once for judgeships are certainly picks that are more than worth waging that battle for the biggest legal prize of all. Visionary Home Builders offering Homebuyer Education Class (Stockton, CA) Visionary Home Builders is offering a Homebuyer Education Class at their Homeownership Center on Saturday, March 12th. This one-day class reviews all aspects of home purchase, including understanding credit scores and good faith estimates, budget analysis, housing payment affordability, and how to develop your home buying team. The Homebuyer Education Class satisfies the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirement for those interested in considering a home through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Visionary Home Builders is a HUD Approved “Housing Counseling Agency”. A Class Registration Form is available at Visionary Home Builders’ Homeownership Center located in downtown Stockton at 315 N. San Joaquin Street, or can be downloaded - www.visionaryhomebuilders.org. Pre-registration is mandatory. Classes are held from 8:30am to 4:30pm each Saturday. For further information about classes, please contact Carlos Almanza at 209-466-6811 or visit the website at www.visionaryhomebuilders.org. Job Openings Maintenance Worker El Concilio has an opening for a Maintenance Worker with basic knowledge and methods, practices, tools and materials used in the building and maintenance trades. Must have graduated from an accredited vocational training course or six months experience on a semi-skilled level in at least one of the building trades. Maintenance worker will perform a variety of semi-skilled tasks related to building construction, installation, alteration, maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment and may assist other workers in performing more skilled work. $16.50 per hour For consideration, please submit your cover letter, resume, application, and supporting credentials/certifications via email: [email protected] or fax: (209) 888-8320 or mail: 445 N. San Joaquin Street, Stockton, CA 11 www.latinotimes.org March 2016 0.60% APY 1 12-month CD Must be New Funds to F&M Bank LOOK HOW WE COMPARE* 12-month Certificate of Deposit * APY F&M Bank 0.60%1 Citibank BBVA Compass Wells Fargo Bank of America Chase 0.15% 0.10% 0.10% 0.07% 0.05% Based on rates posted on 2/1/16 from the above listed financial institutions. Open online at fmbonline.com/apply or Call Today! MERCEDES RAMIREZ • AVP, Branch Manager 209-476-7306 • Se Habla Español 1 To receive the advertised 0.60% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) open a Certificate of Deposit (CD) with New Funds (funds not currently on deposit with F&M Bank or funds that have been on deposit for less than 30 days). Requires a minimum opening deposit and balance of $5,000 and a maximum of $250,000. APY assumes interest does not remain on deposit. Interest to be paid either monthly, quarterly, or annually and at maturity (in branch) or annually at maturity (online). Early CD withdrawal penalties may apply and reduce earnings. Upon maturing, the 12-month CD will automatically renew for another 12-month term at the then current non promotional 12-month rate. For terms and conditions, account information, and a list of fees and charges that may apply, please refer to our CD Opening Disclosure and our Customer Agreement & Schedule of Charges, Books I & II. This APY is accurate as of 2/1/16 and is subject to change at any time without notice. ©2016 Farmers & Merchants Bank of Central California. All rights reserved. MSR 3724 2/16. fmbonline.com MSR 3724_LatinoTimes_CD_Ad_02.10.16_ER5.indd 1 Member 2/10/2016 2:58:58 PM I’M A PART OF THE PORT The Port of Stockton imports more than 90% of the fertilizer used in the Central Valley. From supplying our farmers’ green thumbs to our environmental efforts to keep Stockton green, we’re always thinking of the city we love. So even though Eileen may never handle a crane or steer a ship, she’ll always be a big part of the port. Eileen Nichols, Partner, Victoria Island Farms For more information call 888.548.2287 or visit portofstockton.com/part2 Chair Gary Christopherson, Vice Chair R. Jay Allen. Commissioners Sylvester Aguilar, Elizabeth Blanchard, Michael Patrick Duffy, Stephen Griffen, Victor Mow and Port Director Richard Aschieris. 12 www.latinotimes.org March 2016 Save Big with Amtrak ® SAVER FARES. BOOK NOW AND RECEIVE 20% OFF. Make your reservation by April 30, 2016 for travel through June 17, 2016. Saver Fares are valid on select routes, must be purchased a minimum of 14 days in advance, and are non-refundable. Other restrictions apply. Amtrak.com/SaverFares This offer is valid for sale between 23Feb15-30Apr16 and valid for travel between 09Mar15-17Jun16. This offer is valid for travel on the following trains only: Southwest Chief, Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Crescent, Cardinal, California Zephyr, City of New Orleans, Silver Star, Silver Meteor, Lake Shore Limited, Sunset Limited, Capitol Limited, and Texas Eagle. This offer features our best Saver Fares. Advance purchase is required a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to travel. Once purchased, tickets are non-refundable. Seating is limited; seats may not be available on all days. Fares are subject to availability. Up to 2 children ages 2-12 may accompany each adult at half fare. This offer is valid for coach seats only; no upgrades permitted. This offer is not combinable with any other discount offer. In addition to the discount restrictions this offer is also subject to any restrictions, blackouts and refund rules that apply to the type of fare purchased. Fares, routes and schedules are subject to change without notice. Once travel has begun; no changes to the itinerary are permitted. Other restrictions may apply. Amtrak, Southwest Chief, Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Crescent, Cardinal, California Zephyr, City of New Orleans, Silver Star, Silver Meteor, Lake Shore Limited, Sunset Limited, Capitol Limited, and Texas Eagle are registered service marks of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.