Marshall EarlyChildhood_Mathematics
Marshall EarlyChildhood_Mathematics
Early Childhood Mathematics Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Math in Focus: Singapore Math by Marshall Cavendish Ready for Maths All kids R Intelligent! Child’s Play Mathematics Earlybird Pre-School Mathematics (Revised Edition) Kinder Thinkers Mathematics My Pals are Here! Get Set for Primary 1 Maths EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS Aligned with the standards adopted by the California Department of Education, Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) forms the foundation level for Primary Mathematics (Standards Edition), and follows the same pedagogical approach based on the research-based and results-proven Singapore model method. Available in SPANISH Core Curriculum Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Textbook This is a visual curriculum well suited for English language learners. The mathematical concepts are developed in a systematic, engaging and fun way based on the Concrete Pictorial Abstract and spiral approaches of Singapore Maths. This programme aims to prepare pupils for subsequent stages of mathematical thinking. It includes: • Attractive illustrations rich in mathematical content to capture children’s attention and promote the learning of Mathematics in a fun and lively manner. • Meaningful tasks that allow children to understand concepts in the context of real-life applications. • Several lessons for every unit, each with a focused learnin g outcome. Detailed teaching notes help teachers develop the lesson systematically. • Activities and practice exercises that are carefully introduced to build understanding and consolidate mathematical concepts and skills. Textbook A 9780761470151 Textbook B 9780761470168 Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Activity Book Activity Book A 9780761470175 14 Activity Book B 9780761470182 These can be used to complement the Earlybird Kindergarten Textbooks or used separately. The Activity Books provide a fun activity-based programme for consolidation and enrichment in preparation for Primary Mathematics (Standards Edition). EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS Teacher’s Resources Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide A 9780761427308 Step-by-step lesson plans, based on the approach and methodology of the series, help make teaching simple and effective. Answers and photocopiable pages for additional activities are also provided. Teacher’s Guide B 9780761427315 Supporting Materials Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Posters Each colourful poster has a focused teaching point. Teachers can use the ten different posters to facilitate class discussion, review topics learnt and engage children in independent learning. Posters 9780761427322 15 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS Supporting Materials Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Big Book 16 Big Books integrate basic Mathematics concepts with well-loved children’s rhymes and stories. Attractive illustrations and storylines rich in mathematical content create a fun, engaging and effective learning environment for children. This approach provides an enjoyable introduction to mathematical ideas and cultivates young learners’ interest in the subject. The Boy Who Cried Wolf 9780761470199 Goldilocks 9780761470205 The Tortoise and the Hare 9780761470212 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 9780761470229 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 9780761470243 Hickory Dickory Dock 9780761470250 Jack and the Beanstalk 9780761470267 Humpty Dumpty 9780761470274 Two Little Dicky Birds 9780761470281 Jack and Jill 9780761470298 Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics (Standards Edition) Readers These engaging books combine basic mathematical concepts with well-loved children’s stories and rhymes to create an effective learning process for children. They are ideal supporting resources for teachers to use to introduce and consolidate mathematical structures while teaching in a context that is familiar and enjoyable to young learners. Extracted from The Boy Who Cried Wolf Extracted from The Tortoise and the Hare The Boy Who Cried Wolf 9780761470304 Goldilocks 9780761470328 The Tortoise and the Hare 9780761470342 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 9780761470359 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 9780761470366 Hickory Dickory Dock 9780761470380 Jack and the Beanstalk 9780761470397 Humpty Dumpty 9780761470410 Two Little Dicky Birds 9780761470366 Jack and Jill 9780761470434 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS This is an elementary Mathematics programme for Kindergarten through Grade 5. Based on Singapore’s top-ranking, research based teaching methodology, this highly effective programme is closely aligned with the Common Core State Standards (USA). Math in Focus helps children build a solid conceptual understanding through the use of manipulative materials and visual models. Computational skills develop from this conceptual understanding and are reinforced through practice. As fluency in skills increases, understanding is reinforced in turn. Available in SPANISH Core Curriculum Math in Focus Kindergarten Big Book Big Book A 9780547684581 Artfully illustrated songs, rhyme and situations spark children’s imagination and elicit active engagement in lessons. Mathematical discussions and activities based on these pictorial representations in the Big Books and Student Books provide the framework for instruction. Big Book B 9780547684512 Math in Focus Kindergarten Student Book The direct correlation of the Big Books and the Student Books allows for age appropriate and mathematically sound practice, assessment, and development of problem-solving and thinking skills. Additional learning activities found only in the Teacher’s Edition complete the instructional sequence for each lesson. Refer to Marshall Cavendish Primary Catalogue for Math in Focus Grades 1 to 5. Student Book A Part 1 9780547625263 Student Book A Part 2 9780547625287 Student Book B Part 1 9780547625249 Student Book B Part 2 9780547625355 17 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS Teacher’s Resources Math in Focus Kindergarten Teacher’s Edition Teacher’s Edition A 9780547625270 The Teacher’s Edition is an essential toolkit for teachers that integrates the Big Book, Student Book and proposed classroom activities, and gives guidance on how each falls within the IDEA (Investigate, Discover, Explore and Apply) methodology of teaching. • Mathematical background of the concept is introduced. • Skills trace shows the concepts and skills that the chapter prepares pupils for. • Cross-curricular connections provide suggestions for tying concepts learnt to other areas of the school day. • Vocabulary lists allow teachers to review language targets for each lesson. • Pacing suggestion simplifies lesson planning. Teacher’s Edition B 9780547625201 Supporting Materials Math in Focus Kindergarten Assessments This book allows the teacher to gauge the varying capabilities of his or her class in a fun, qualitative, and interactive manner. Age-appropriate assessments provide a clear picture of each pupil’s progress and corresponding interview-style assessments allow pupils to interact with the teacher to actively demonstrate learning. Assessments 9780547625454 Math in Focus Kindergarten School-to-Home Connections The creators of Math in Focus: Singapore Math by Marshall Cavendish understand that family involvement contributes significantly to children’s success in school. This School-toHome Connections book is created to facilitate the communication between teachers and parents and help adults at home support their child’s experience in Math at school. There are 20 newsletters, each corresponding to a chapter. These newsletters encourage family involvement, and include chapter vocabulary, a brief summary of the concepts and suggested activities. School-to-Home Connections 9780547647005 18 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS Supporting Materials Math in Focus Kindergarten Extra Practice Extra Practice A 9780547679020 Extra Practice B 9780547679051 Math in Focus Kindergarten Enrichment Enrichment A 9780547666709 The Extra Practice books provide additional problems and activities for struggling and on-level pupils. The Enrichment books provide advanced pupils with opportunities to extend the concepts, skills and strategies they have learnt in the Student Book. Enrichment B 9780547666716 Math in Focus Kindergarten Activity Card Pack Student Activity Cards, which include domino cards, numeral cards and more, allow students to easily manipulate pictorial and symbolic representations of quantity, shape and other attributes. Teacher Activity Cards, which come in demonstration size, facilitate group instruction involving both pictorial and symbolic representations. Activity Card Pack 9780669016567 19 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS This is a series of 8 books for children aged 4 – 6 years which provides a stimulating and interactive introduction that helps build a strong foundation in Mathematics. Ready For Maths Each book provides focused practice for a topic in three systematic steps. Specific learning objectives for each topic are stated to help teachers and parents ensure that the child has mastered the skill. Focused practice for a topic in 3 systematic steps STEP 1 Let’s begin! A simple introduction to the concept before moving on to the teaching of the main skill. In Counting Small Numbers, Children learn to recite the numbers 1 to 10 in sequence and to recognise their corresponding numerals. STEP 2 Let’s begin! Using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach, children have various opportunities to practise their skills in a progressive manner. STEP Next, children learn to count up to 5. 3 Let’s begin! Children are given opportunities to transfer the skills learned in Steps 1 and 2 to more challenging situations. Finally, children learn not only to count to 10, but to do so in multiples of 2. This prepares them for counting bigger numbers more efficiently at a later stage. 20 Counting Small Numbers 9789810167806 Counting Big Numbers 9789810167813 Adding 9789810167820 Subtracting 9789810167837 Shapes 9789810167868 Patterning 9789810167875 Graphing 9789810167851 Measuring 9789810167844 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS This dynamic and interactive series of multi-disciplinary readers brings out a child’s multiple intelligences and thinking skills in the areas of Maths through beautifully illustrated stories and rhymes. Parent’s Notes guide the caregiver through the learning and provide suggestions for followup activities. These readers will appeal to all children and make learning interactive, fun and memorable. All Kids R Intelligent! Maths Readers This set of 10 readers focuses on the development and consolidation of basic mathematical concepts such as counting, volume, sequencing and time. In addition, the activities are accompanied by cut-out activity cards, which enhance the child’s learning experience. Each book focuses on one mathematical concept and develops this concept in conjunction with other skills by engaging the child’s multiple intelligences. Extracted from Maths with… Jack and the Beanstalk Maths with… The Thirsty Crow 9789810174941 Maths with… Goldilocks 9789810174958 Maths with… Baa Baa Black Sheep 9789810159719 Maths with… One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 9789810159726 Maths with… Jack and the Beanstalk 9789810174972 Maths with… Hickory Dickory Dock 9789810159733 Maths with… The Tortoise and the Hare 9789810174989 Maths with… Humpty Dumpty 9789810159740 Maths with… Two Little Dicky Birds 9789810159757 Maths with… The Boy Who Cried Wolf 9789810174965 21 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS The Child’s Play series of activity books plays on child’s natural curiousity and instill in them a love for learning. Child’s Play Mathematics Children will be intrigued by the activities that introduce the basic concepts of Mathematics, including numbers, sizes and patterns. This book builds a firm foundation and positive attitude towards Mathematics that a child needs for their primary education. Child’s Play Mathematics 9789810107512 Earlybird Pre-School Mathematics (Revised Edition) Book 1A 9789810107659 22 Book 1B 9789810107796 This series of four books gives children a fun-filled introduction to basic mathematical concepts of numbers, length, shapes, weight, capacity, time and money. With this firm foundation and a positive attitude to Mathematics, pre-schoolers will be fully prepared for primary school. Book 2A 9789810107802 Book 2B 9789810107819 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS Kinder Thinkers Kindergarten 1 and 2 Mathematics Coursebook A great headstart to learning Mathematics, this comprehensive series aims to build a firm foundation in these core subjects to prepare pre-schoolers for primary school. It includes activity books that provide lively, fun-filled exercises and additional practice in the topics covered in the course books. It is also: • • • • Pegged to pupils’ ability levels. Progressive in approach, featuring motor, visual discrimination and oral skills. Full of attractive illustrations to interest young learners. A complete package with Activity Books that complement the Coursebooks to mutually reinforce key concepts, stretch creativity and enhance learning. Kindergarten 1 Term 1 Course Book 9780195886658 Kindergarten 1 Term 2 Coursebook 9780195887051 Kindergarten 1 Term 3 Coursebook 9780195887242 Kindergarten 1 Term 4 Coursebook 9780195887297 Kindergarten 2 Term 1 Coursebook 9780195886665 Kindergarten 2 Term 2 Coursebook 9780195887068 Kindergarten 2 Term 3 Coursebook 9780195887259 Kindergarten 2 Term 4 Coursebook 9780195887303 Kinder Thinkers Kindergarten 1 and 2 Mathematics Activity Book Kindergarten 1 Term 1 Activity Book 9780195886702 Kindergarten 1 Term 2 Activity Book 9780195887075 Kindergarten 1 Term 3 Activity Book 9780195887341 Kindergarten 1 Term 4 Activity Book 9780195887396 Kindergarten 2 Term 1 Activity Book 9780195886719 Kindergarten 2 Term 2 Activity Book 9780195887082 Kindergarten 2 Term 3 Activity Book 9780195887358 Kindergarten 2 Term 4 Activity Book 9780195887402 23 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS My Pals are Here! Get Set for Primary 1 Maths Get Set for Primary 1 Maths 9789810159870 24 A great way to give children a heads-up as they enter Primary 1, this colourfully illustrated book provides a gentle introduction to the formal Mathematics lessons children will soon encounter. Get Set for Primary 1 features fun-filled and challenging activities that revise the knowledge gained in the pre-school years and prepare confident learners for primary school.