March 13, 2008 New York Post column by Frederic Dicker
March 13, 2008 New York Post column by Frederic Dicker
Page1 of3 I KNEW HE WAS A FRAUD & A HYPOCRITE FROM THE DAY HE SWAGGEREDINTO CAPITOL By FREDRIC U. DICKER March 13, 2008 -- ALBANY - | saw many signs early on that Eliot Spitzerwas to politicswhat SinclairLewis'ElmerGantrywas to religion- a consummate hypocrite- but few, if any, of his governmentalcolleagues(and even fewer membersof the largelyfawningpresscorps)appearedable to see it as well. To manyof them,Spitzercoulddo no wrong. MORE COVERAGE NEW PHOTOS:Ashley and her Family * Spitzer's Disgrqce Unmatched in NY's History * Gov-to-Be: New York Will Be Fine * Hear the Audio of Paterson's Interviewwith The Post's Fredric Dicker * Shameful End as Spitz Quits . PHOTOSof The Gov's Gal They thoughthe was "right"on the issuesthat supposedlycountedgovernmentinvolvementin the privateeconomy,hostilityto Wall Street,gay marriage,even morecampaign-finance restrictions(thatfavorthe wealthylike Spitzer)and tightergun laws. So what did it matterif he turnedintoa boorishRichardNixonwhen he unleashedthe State Policeon his leadingRepublicannemesis,Senate MajorityLeaderJosephBruno,or repeatedlyviolatedhis self-proclaimed principlesof governmentopenness,publicaccountability and an end to influenceof special interests? Well, it matteredto me, and I didn'tcare if he was "right"or "wrong"on any oarticularissue. I wrote Spi2er off as an agent of reform in the wake of the Dirty Tricks ScandallastJuly,when he repeatedlyliedto the publicand soughtto smear me The Post brokethe storyJuly 5 and two weeks later,our findingswere confirmedin a bombshellreportby AttorneyGeneralAndrewCuomo. 3/14/2008 Page2 of3 Duringthe two weeks leadingup to Cuomo'sreport,Spitzerand his aidesdid their best to spreadrumors - in the politicalcommunityand amongthe press- that I was merelycarryingwaterfor Bruno,lyingabout the facts,engagingin a crusadeagainsta "progressive" Democrat,and supposedlycompromisedby some unspecifiedrelationship. When Cuomo'sreportcame out, Spitzerclaimedhis officehad cooperatedfullywith the attorneygeneral. But the next day, we learnedhis chief-of-staffand his communicationsdirectorhadn'tcooperatedat all. One may, in fact, have lied underoath. In the weeks that followed,Spitzerrepeatedlyclaimedto have answeredeveryquestionaboutthe scandal,and law-enforcement sourcessaid he then pressuredAlbanyDA DavidSoaresto issuea report absolvinghim of responsibility. Now there'sconsiderableevidencethat - surprise- Spitzerwas in on the plotfrom the start. His penchantfor hypocrisyfirst startedto became clear to me during his second term as attorneygeneral. As he declaredwar on Wall Street and other corporateabusers,Spitzeralso declaredwar in effect on his own oath of office:a commitmentto the state and federalconstitutionalguaranteesof the presumptionof innocence. Time aftertime with high-profilecorporateofficials- mostconspicuously, formerAmericanInternational GroupCEO Maurice"Hank"Greenberg- Spi2er railedon nationaltelevision that his targetshad broken the law. But in most cases - after the damage to reputationswas alreadydone - no chargeswere brought. From the start of his term, I spotted signs of trouble: * Spitzertold me that - in a gestureof openness- he would lift some of the harsh"Fort Pataki"security that had been imposedon the Capitol- well beforethe 9/11 attacks- to help then-Gov.GeorgePataki avoid contactswith the public. Spitzerneverdid that,either. " Another tip-offcame when Spitzer"reformed"the state'sold Ethicsand Lobbyingcommissions.But Spitzer'ssupposedreform put the formerlysemi-independentagenciesdirectlyunder the governor's control. Askedwhy he had done that, Spi2er bluntlyresponded,"BecauseI wantedit" that way. The EthicsCommission'sfailureto thoroughlyinvestigatethe DirtyTricksScandalmightexplainthe "wisdom"of his actions. * Shortly before he took office, I heard Spitzerand his aides speak contemptuouslyof AssemblySpeaker Sheldon Silver,the governor'smost importantlegislativeally, as the battleover a new state comptroller emerged. I thoughtat the time,"lf he's goingto war with Silverbeforehe even takesoffice,how can he hope to win legislativesupportfor his programs?" Got that one right! * | saw and heardSpitzer'snastinesson lnaugurationDay, Jan. 1, 2007,when he gratuitouslyinsulted 3l14/2008 Page3 of3 Patakito his face by comparinghis 12 years in officeto the 2O-yearslumberof Rip Van Winkle. Laterthat month,I spoketo a stunnedAssemblyMinorityLeader,JamesTedisco,who was still "f- - -ing steamroller." recoveringfrom the verbaltonguelashingby the newlyself-declared I thoughtagain,"How can a governorwho is battlingSilverand declaringhimselfa steamrollerever hope a co-equalbranchof government?" to get alongwith what is, underour stateConstitution, * ln February2007 I followedBruno on his Valentine'sDay "peace mission"as a 77-year-oldBruno , marcheddown to the ExecutiveChamberwith a bouquetof eight red roses meant as a friendshipoffering to the still-brand-newgovernor. Spitzer greeted him with a gratuitouslyinsultingcrack that put the future target of the Dirty Tricks Scandal on noticethat the governorwas out to kill him politically."Whatare these,one for each of your to whittledown Bruno'seven-thentenuous members?"askedthe governor,referringto his determination Senate majority. * | certainlyrememberthe repeatedclaimsby Spitzerand his aidesthat the new governorwould rein in influenceof special-interest lobbyiststhat turnedAlbanyunderPatakiinto a throwback the out-of-control to the days of Boss Tweed. "He's not goingto allowthem. He's goingto changeallthat,"Spitzer'sthen-spokesman, DarrenDopp, told me on severaloccasions. Now Dopp, after losing his job in the wake of the Dirty Tricks Scandal,works for megalobbyistPatricia Lynch,who just last Friday threw a $1,0OO-a-ticket breakfastin Manhattanfor Spitzer. To me. that said it all. fredric.dicker@nyp MORE: Shameful End As pitz Quits PHOTOGALLERY: Spitz-ersRisq And Eall MORE: The GalWho Laid Gov Low Home NYPOSTONLINE.COM, NEW YORK POST is a registered trademarkof NYP Holdings,Inc.NYPOST.COM, and NEWYORKPOST.COM are trademarksof NYP Holdings,Inc. Copyright2008 NYP Holdings,lnc. All rightsreserved. 311412008