1 - SWZ Maritime
1 - SWZ Maritime
scnip en werf T l" T IJD S C H R IFT VOOR M A R IT IE M E T E C H N IE K 16™ CIMAC Oslo 3-7 June 1985 \ .WWW ' ...YWVftWVW NIEUW VAN GEVEKE: DE CATERPILLAR 3500 SERIE. GROOT VERMOGEN MET ZUINIG KARAKTER DE VISSERIJ OP ’T LIJP GESCHREVEN. lp-*- 'S. CATERPILLAR Geveke Motoren en (jrondverzet B.V., Sector Motoren. AfH S p rv 'ii1#* p n Vprk^win __ —_ . ^ 1 « ^ t'apenctrecnt, Telefoon: «78- 150555. m O lO rG M X i W IJ . geveke i Long-term service experience confirms that Wartsila Diesel engines are capable of burning the low fuel qualities of the future. For example, the recommended time between overhauls for the Vasa 32 engine on heavy fuel is today 12 000 hours. PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE WITH WARTSILA DIESEL. Which fuel quality will your ship be running on in the future? Whatever the answer, the Real Heavy Fuel Engines from Wartsila Diesel offer you a way to be prepared. A way already in service worldwide. A way already proven in the toughest operating conditions. And what’s more, a way that will start paying for itself immediately. Safety, Reliability and Total Economy — for whichever fuel quality your ship is going to run THE REAL HEAVY FUEL ENGINES VASA22HF AND VASA32. FROM 530T0 6750kW. THE ENTIRE RANGE FOR 700 (St. WÀRTSILÂ OY WARTSILA AB, VASA FACTORY NOHAB DIESEL AB WARTSILA POWER SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. P 0. Box 244, SF-65101 Vaasa. Finland P.O. Box 920. S-461 29 Trollhattan. Sweden P.O Box 619, Teban Garden, Singapore 9160 Tel. +358-61-111 433, Telex 74250 wva si Tel. +46-520-38200, Telex 42141 diesel s Tel. +65-2659122, Telex 36636 wartfe rs Wartsila Diesel B.V. P.O. Box 19066, 3501 DB Utrecht, Tel. +31-30332 144, Telex 47577 wart d, Telecopier +31-30340 870 52ste jaargang, 31 mei 1985, no. 11 Schip en W erf - Officieel orgaan van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Technici op Scheepvaartgebied de Centrale Bond van Scheepsbouwmeesters in Nederland CEBOSINE het Maritiem MARIN. TIJD SC HR IFT VOOR M A R IT IE M E T E C H N IE K Diesel engine developments in the Netherlands Research Instituut Nederland by Ir. J. H. W esselo* Verschijnt vrijdags om de 14 dagen Redactie Ir. J. N, Joustra, P. A. Luikenaar en Dr. ir. K. J. Saurwalt Redactie-adres Heemraadssingel 193, 3023 CB Rotterdam telefoon 010-762333 Voor advertenties, abonnem enten en losse num m ers Uitgevers Wyt & Zonen b.v. Pieter de Hoochweg 111 3024 BG Rotterdam Postbus 268 3000 AG Rotterdam tel. 010-762566', aangesloten op telecopier telex 21403 postgiro 58458 Abonnementen Jaarabonnement 1985 buiten Nederland losse nummers (alle prijzen incl. BTW) ƒ 73,55 ƒ 118,70 ƒ 5,25 Bij correspondentie inzake abonnementen s.v.p. het 8-cijferige abonnementsnummer ver melden. (Zie adreswikkel.) Vorm geving en druk Drukkerij Wyt & Zonen b.v. R eprorecht Overnam e van artikelen is toegestaan met bronvermelding en na overleg met de uitgever. Voor het kopiëren van artikelen uit dit blad is reprorecht verschuldigd aan de uitgever. Voor nadere inlichtingen wende men zich tot de Stichting Reprorecht. Joop Eijlstraat 11, 1063 E M Amsterdam. ISSN 0036 - 6099 The Netherlands National Cimac Commit tee is composed of manufacturers of diesel engines and gasturbines and related equipment, civil and m ilitary users of both types of machinery, technical Universities and oil companies with research activities in the Netherlands. The com m ittee meets twice a year and supports the CIMAC work in an active way. From all possible subjects the diesel engine developm ent work of the three Dutch manifacturers of larger diesel engines has been chosen for this article. Several companies developed the original idea of the late professor Kroon in the years around 1950, viz. a longitudinal scavenged two stroke engine with inlet ports and ex haust valves. Brons, building a trunk piston version, recently dropped this engine type and so only Bolnes, building a crosshead type are maintaining the original thought. Due to the fact that the crosshead of the Bolnes engine takes the shape of a piston to be used as a scavenging pump, the engine was ideally suited fo rth e application of constant pressure turbocharging. Also since the early days there is one single exhaust valve. Consequently the design principles are very sim ilar to those now adapted for all large slow speed engines. Due to its sm aller dim ensions (bore and stroke are 190 and 350 mm) however, it is really a medium speed diesel engine de livering up to 140 kW (190 bhp) per cylinder at 600 r.p.m. The type com prises inline and Vee-form engines from 3 to 20 cylinders and thus offers a very long range. Of course the engine has been developed for heavy fuel already a long time ago. Present developm ent is m ainly directed to further reduction of the fuel consumption. Introduction of the test generation of tur boblowers made it possible not only to raise the power up to the present 140kW/cyl but also resulted in a 6% lower specific fuel consumption. * Chairman of the Netherlands National Cimac Committee (NCC) S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 The scavenging pump effect is using some mechanical power at low loads but it im proves the air-fuel ratio to such an extent that nevertheless a lower specific fuel con sumption occurs than without this effect. The turbocharging principle as a whole makes the engine well suited for applica tions like sand pump drive in dredgers. As an example, the pum p driving engines of the suction-hopper dredger Apollo' of dredging com pany Broekhoven have achieved 28,600 running hours at 100% torque, and speeds between 70 and 100% to full satisfaction. Brons-lndustrie, am algam ated from the original com panies ’Brons and 'Industrie' today concentrates on two activities. In the first place they undertook the production of a newly developed non-m agnetic version of the earlier W erkspoor RUB 215 to supply all 'tripartite' m inehunters built by France, Belgium and the Netherlands. The RUB 215, which may be the highest rated Ricar do w hirl-cham ber engine (bmep about 14 bar) is supplied for that purpose as a 12 cylinder Vee-form engine of 1900 bhp at 1200 r.p.m. Besides this engine, with the designation A-RUB (antimagnetic), an ORUB 'O nderzeeboot'-version has been Inhoud van dit nummer: Diesel engine developm ents in the N e th e rla n d s ..................... 175 Computer controlled crosshead engine s ta n d .......... 177 Marine lubricant d e ve lop m ent.. 183 The Bolnes M o to re n fa b rie k .... 188 Test facilities for marine diesel e n g in e fu e ls a n d lu b ric a n ts...... 191 N ieuw sberichten....................... 193 175 supplied for submarines which are built for Taiwan. The earlier W erkspoor submarine engine had some adaptions, like a reduced valve-overlap, to be able to blow the water out of the exhaust gas system for snorkel' operation, and an adapted turbocharger matching for the extra flow resistance in inand exhaust system so that the engine, contrary to the prevailing opinion, did not need a mechanical com pressor for this type of operation. Brons brought the engine to an up to date technical level with a m od ern turbocharger. In the second place, they took a licence from MAN for the 20/27 and the 25/30 engines. For the 20/27 engine they under took, under a special contract with MAN the development of a spark-ignited gas engine. Based on the diesel version a naturally aspirated gas engine was created, the adaption to different kinds of gas was de veloped and a longer stroke (310 mm) intro duced. This work has been very successful and the gas engine has a rating of 62 kW/cyl on natural gas, a low specific fuel consumption and favourable NO* emission values. As a result, engines of 300-1100 kW can be delivered, and already more than 200 cylin ders are in service on natural gas (total energy installations), associated gas, sewage-gas etc. Stork-W erkspoor Diesel are building in Amsterdam the well known TM 410 and TM 620 engines. The developm ent work has been directed for a great deal towards low er specific fuel consumptions. At the m o ment spec, fuel consum ptions of about 180 gr/kWh for the TM 410 and 172 gr/kW h for the TM 620 are offered, but developm ent is continuously going on, gradually leading to about 150°C. New developed fuel injec tion pumps, no longer applying rubber seals and avoiding mixing of lub-oil and fuel at a high tem perature, should cope with this new challenge. quite different engines. Also the maximum available power of the TM 410 is now 850 bhp/cyl (625 kW/cyl). One effect of this developm ent is a larger degree of differentiation, the optimum performance is only obtained by applying different builds (particularly regarding the turbocharging system) for different applications, as there are: electricity generating: constant revolutions; ships propulsion: controllable pitch propeller and fixed blade propeller; sand-pump opera tion in dredgers. Also a flexible design, allowing the engine to be delivered with or without built-on lubricating oil pump, with the turbocharger and cooler on either end of the engine, with or without power take off, marks the present way of designing engines. Another effect is the increasing peak pres sure, for which the TM 620 still has some room, but which will lead to changes in the mechanical design, changing the face of the known TM 410 even more. Since their Introduction the TM engines have been extraordinarily good digestors of heavy fuel. They remained rem arkably clean and produced a very small number of burned exhaust valves. A good example are the earlier Seatrain container ships, operated on the Pacific by C. Y. Tung. They have two 9 cyl. TM 620 engines each, use the 380 cSt (50°C) heavy fuel they can get, and deliver extremely reliable service now since 5 years. Further developm ents in the fuel scene like higher density fuels and instable fuels lead in the first place to higher demands for the fuel treatm ent installation. One aspect in fluencing the engine is the increase of fuel viscosity up to 700cSt (50°C), leading to a fuel preheat tem perature before injection of Stork-W erkspoor Diesel in Zwolle are con centrating on the SW 280, introduced three years ago and the SW 240, grown during many years developm ent from the original Kromhout F240. They deliver about 400 and about 225 bhp/cyl respectively at 1000 r.p.m. Both engines confirm the general experience that up to 1000 r.p. m. com pletely acceptable combustion can be obtained with practically every grade of heavy fuel, the main condition being a suffi ciently high injection pressure. Of course they have cooled exhaust valve sets and several other features to cope with all heavy fuel aspects. For sm aller power the R 210 type is available, delivering 115 bhp/cyl at 900 r.p.m. With the fuels presently on the market a situation has been achieved where the SW 280 and 240 types as auxilliary engines make the one fuel ship a realistic proposi tion. Of course there is a lively interest to run also earlier delivered auxiliary engines on heavy fuels and for that purpose often older engines are modified. A number of F 240 engines are running now since a few years with fuels of step by step increasing viscos ity with good results, hardly any wear and perfect exhaust valves. Under the other applications, that in fishing vessels is considered to entail arduous ser vice conditions. Also here heavy fuel is used now and the first SW 280 engine has achieved 12,500 running hours to full satisfaction. and production companies at 284 loca tions; 14000 named executives from 3140 manufacturing/supplying, constructors, designers and service contracting com panies at 5500 locations; a products and services guide with 254 headings; and 240 addresses, contact names and descrip tions of official bodies at 286 locations in 8 countries - plus mem bership and com m it tee lists for UKOOA, and NIFO and membership lists for BRINDEX, IADC, NR/ASO as well as details of principal cen tres of offshore education. The North Sea Oil & Gas Directory is avail able from Spearhead Publications Ltd, Rowe House, 55/59 Fife Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1TA England, Price £ 32.95. Nieuwe Uitgave North Sea Oil & Gas Directory 15700 named individuals from 3584 offshore oil and gas involved organisations at 6070 locations make the 13th edition of The North Sea Oil & Gas Directory - recent ly published - the largest edition of the annual directory ever. Covering North Sea and N.W. Continental Shelf activity the directory includes 1460 names of key personnel in 204 exploration 176 AGAM ® Mercedes-Benz M A N Maybach Agam Motoren Rotterdam B.V. M e rce d e s-B e n z Service en onderdelen: Ketelweg 26 3356 LE Papendrecht Tel 078 - 15 11 22 Telex: 22647 Verkoop: Goudsesingel 214 3011 KD Rotterdam Tel. 010 - 13 71 25 Telex: 22647 Scheepsvoortstuwingsmotoren voor bedrijfsvaart, visserij en pleziervaart op basis Mercedes-Benz dieselmotoren serie OM 420. van 105 kW (143 pk) tot 411 kW (559 pk) Motortypen: OM 421 OM 422 OM 422A OM 423 OM 424 OM 424A OM 424LA OM 407 AGAM Motoren voor Motortype OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM de scheepvaart continuvermogens; in kW (pk) bij genoemd toerental vlgs. DIN 6270 t.b.v. bedrljfsvaart en visserij t.b.v. pleziervaart DIN 6270 A DIN 6270 B* 421 422 422A 423 424 424A 424LA 407 134 177 217 220 260 350 404 147 (182) (241) (295) (299) (354) (476) (549) (200) 145 187 221 237 281 367 411 161 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2000 (197) (254) (300) (322) (382) (499) (559) (219) 2230 2230 2230 2230 2230 2230 2230 2130 Referentie/Meerwaarden: Luchtdruk: 981 m bar Temperatuur: 20°C. Rel. luchtvochtigheid: 60% voor planerende schepen is een hoger vermogen toegestaan Algemeen technische gegevens Mercedes-Benz OM 421 Type Bouwvorm en werking Niel opgeladen N, opgeladen A. opgeladen en nakoeling (LA) Aantal cylinders Boring x slag (in mm) Totale cylinderinhoud (I) Compressie-verhouding Continuvermogen in kW N 128 X 142 10.96 16.9 105 bij n = 1500 122 bij n - 1800 N 8 128 X 142 14,62 16,9 138 161 bijn > 1500 204/25,2 I 1800 212/30,4 I bij n 1500 7,1 m/s bij n 1800 8.5 m/s bij n 840 kg SAE 1 204/33,1 I 212/40,1 I 7,1 m/s 8,5 m/s 1015 kg SAE 1 6 Brandstofverbruik: g/kWh / l/h idem Gem zuigersnelheid idem Gewicht standaardmotor kielkoeling Standaard vliegwielhuisaansl OM 422 OM 422A OM 423 OM 424 OM 424A V-vorm 90° viertact met directe inspuiting-walergekoeld A N 8 10 128 x 142 14,62 16,25 187 207 128 x 142 18,27 16,9 175 201 203/44,7 I 210/51,1 I 7,1 m/s 8,5 m/s 1075 kg SAE 1 204/42,0 I 212/50,1 I 7,1 m/s 8.5 m/s 1190 kg SAE 1 OM 424LA OM 407 Lijn N 234 128 X 142 21,93 16,25 287 327 LA 12 128 x 142 21,93 16,25 332 378 125 x 155 11,41 16,50 114 135 205/48,2 I 212/58,3 I 7,1 m/s 8,5 m/s 1300 kg SAE 1 203/68,5 I 210/80,8 I 7,1 m/s 8,5 m/s 1475 kg SAE 1 207/80,3 I 216/96,0 I 7.1 m/s 8,5 m/s 1550 kg SAE 1 210/28,2 I 217/34,5 I 7,75 m/s 9.3 m/s 900 kg SAE 1 N 12 128 x 142 21,93 16,9 200 A 12 6 Agam Motoren Rotterdam B.V. H o o fd v e rte g e n w o o rd ig in g van D aim ler Benz A ktieng esellscha ft vo o r N e d e rla n d van M e rce d e s-B e n z die se lm o to re n ( X ) M e rcede s-B enz G e re g is tre e rd H a n d e ls m e rk v a n D aim le r Benz A ktie n g e se llsch a ft. S tuttg art, B o n d s re p u b lie k D uitslan d A 1 Specifieke bewerkingen zoals schroefas-montage, is specialistenwerk: Wolfard & Wessels b.v. te Groningen heeft een jarenlange ervaring in het monteren van assen, motoren, turbines e.d. De juiste vakmensen, voorzien van eigen apparatuur en gereedschap, zijn overal inzetbaar en brengen hun kennis en vakm anschap in praktijk. W olfard & W essels Sterk in gespecialiseerd werk HOLLAND R0ERPR0PELLER wr\n wr\n VNJ VIVI W o lfa r d & W e s s e ls b v duinkerkenstraat 40, 9723 bt groningen tel. 050-184420, telex 53650 We d o n 't pretend to k n o w everything voor optimale manoeuvreerbaarheid MEMARCO Wordt succesvol toegepast voor o.a. v e e rp o n te n p a s s a g ie rs c h e p e n b in n e n s c h e p e n k ra a n s c h e p e n d rijv e n d e b o k k e n s le e p - en d u w b o te n re in ig in g s v a a rtu ig e n p a tro u ille v a a rtu ig e n MECHANICAL AND MARINE CONSULTANTS B.V. W e p r o v id e : D r a ft in g D e s ig n E n g in e e r in g S u p e r v is io n P r o je c tm a n a g e m e n t S u rv e y F o r: m n Standaard leverbaar tot 1600 pk. Speciale uitvoeringen en grotere vermogens, aangepast aan uw wensen en bedrijfsomstandigheden, kunnen geleverd worden. Vraag prijs en uitvoerige dokumentatie bij S h ip b u ild e r s C o n s tr u c tio n c o m p a n ie s O il & G a s I n d u s t r ie Johan Dane bv machinefabriek en handelsondememing Postbus 3044, 2935 ZG Ouderkerk a/d IJssel tel. 01808 - 2889/3008, telex 24157 JDANE JAN VERHAAR Fabrikant van OMEGA boegschroeven leverbaar in diverse typen, met diverse dieselmotoren (ook gereviseerde motoren) Inl. tel. 071 - 15 37 00, b.g.g. 17 26 31 Rhijnhofweg 12 - 2342 BB Oegstgeest A 2 o n s ite o r in o u r o ffic e : VAN MALSENSTRAAT 66, 3074 PX ROTTERDAM. TELEPHONE: 010-326789. TELEX 20010 PMS NL. COMPUTER CONTROLLED CROSSHEAD ENGINE STAND At Chevron Central laboratories by D. P. van Vliet. General More than 25 years ago, in 1958, Chevron Central Laboratories installed the first two cylinder naturally aspirated Bolnes engine to be used as a tool for developm ent of cylinder lubricating oils. Since then many oil companies have followed our lead. Over the years we upgraded our first engine various times and installed a three cylinder engine in 1969. We upgraded again. The original output of the first engine of 55 kW /cylinder has been doubled now to 110 kW/cyl. for our new engine. Simultaneously with increasing the engine capacity we improved our test stand design, culminating in the stand we are now introducing. The test stand was designed by CCL and constructed by a number of contractors. Fig. 1. Cross section test cell. The test cell (Fig. 1) The test bed consists of a steel structure, filled with concrete on which engine and generator are mounted. The engine structure rests on 8 rubber ’cushy foot’ vibration dampers and has no further connection to the floor. Total mass of the test bed including engine and generator is approxim ately 30 metric tons. The allowable floor load is 5 tons per square meter. In principle this set up is similar to our two former installations. The engine stand itself is different from our earlier stands and is schematically shown in Figure 2. We have designed a number of separate system s which are built in modules by outside contrac tors and which we will discuss briefly. Cooling system Starting with the cooling system : system oil, jacket cooling water and combustion air are all cooled by a constant circulating flow of clean and chem ically treated cooling water, which in turn is cooled by a central coolerfed by brackish river w ater (Fig. 3). This cooler is located adjacent to the test cell to facilitate easy cleaning. The flow of river water is controlled in such a way that the tem perature rise is below 7°C. Jacket water is circulated and tem perature controlled by a threeway valve bypassing the cooler (Fig. 4). Since we dismantle the engine every week, treated cooling water is drained into a special tank and pumped back into the system as soon as the engine is re mounted for the next test. System oil circuit System oil is circulated and tem perature controlled in the same way as the jacket water. The pressure is maintained by a control valve which returns the excess oil not required for lubrication of the engine and cooling of the piston back into the crankcase without further filtering (Fig. 5). In o rd e rto facilitate system oil developm ent work we measure the flow of oil going into the engine, the tem pera ture of the oil flowing back after cooling of the pistons and the temperature of the main bearings in addition to the usual measure ments. Combustion air circuit (Fig. 6) In contrast to our other Bolnes stand we do not control intake air humidity. We m ight install this feature at a later date if necessary. We installed a rig saver valve in the ducting from com pressor to engine to close off combustion air supply in the event of an engine overspeed due to a generator failure. The pressure in the receiver S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 * Superintendent. Operations engine laboratory, Chevron Central Labo ratories Rotterdam. 177 Fig. Fig. 4. Jacket water system diagram. 5. System oil circuit diagram. TMtfUnAC CONTROL VALVE Fig. 6. Combustion a ir circuit diagram. room is controlled by a valve in a bypass around the scavenging pump. The most interesting part of this system is the special intake manifold which is unique for this type of engine and proprietary in design (Fig. 7). We installed this manifold in order to make the separation between the cylinders more complete, permitting tes ting of three different oils in one run. Also the size of the exhaust silencer is considerably increased relative to our earlier engine stand. The three mentioned system s are mounted in one module located against the wall of the test cell and connected to the test bed by Fig. 7. Intake m anifold Fig. 8. Cooling system s m odule Fig. 9. C ylinder lube oil module Fig. 10. Fuel supply module means of flexible joints (Fig. 8). These connections are covered by platforms. The cylinder lubrication in our engine takes place via 4 holes in the cylinder wall grooves which are equally spaced around the circumference of the cylinder. The lube oil supply system is based on the following requirements: a. Each of the holes should get exactly the same quantity of oil throughout the test. b. The quantity per hole should be adjustable over a relatively wide test range. c. It should be possible to lubricate each cylinder with a different oil. d. It should be possible to change oils during a test. Cylinder lube oil module Figure 9 shows how these requirements are achieved. Each cylinder is supplied by 4 linear pumps. Three sets of 4 pumps are grouped and driven by one common positioner. As soon as this group of pumps is at the end of its stroke, oil supply is taken over by a second group of 3 times 4 pumps which were waiting in filled position. During this operation the first pump group is re-filled with fresh oil and waits for a command from the computer to start delivery again. Each sub-group of four pumps may be connected to one of the five storage tanks by opening specially designed air operated valves. Flushing of one group of pumps is possible during the run when the other group is supplying oil to the cylinders. Fuel supply m odule Figure 10 shows the fuel supply module. The engine may be supplied with distillate or centrifuged residual fuel from outside storage tanks. The selection is made in the test cell by the computer program. Fig. 11. Fuel rack control system diagram. Thereafter the supply line is split into 4 lines, 3 of which feed the separate injection pumps for each cylinder. The fourth branch goes to the fuel consumption measuring apparatus. Fuel is passed through the injection pump and circulated by a pump through a controlled heater to ensure that the fuel tem perature at each injector is defined. When changing from distillate fuel to residual fuel at the start of the test, and the reverse at the end of the test, the system is flushed by opening the flush valve, allowing the fuel to flow into the flush tank. Fuel consumption is determined by measuring the tim e in seconds to consum e 500 gram s of fuel. The consumption measurement cycle starts by filling the measuring apparatus, followed by closing the fill valve and opening of the measure select valve in the supply line to cylinder 1, Sim ultaneous ly the normal fuel supply to cylinder 1 is closed and air pressure on the fuel consumption meter restores the normal feed pressure to the circulation pump. After having consumed 500 grams the normal fuel supply to cylinder 1 is restored and the consumption meter is filled again. After filling, the cycle is repeated for cylinder 2, follwed by cylinder 3. This operation is continuously repeated during the entire test. S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 179 Fuel rack control system (Fig. 11) To ensure that each cylinder gets the same quantity of fuel the three fuel pumps racks are adjusted to a position equalizing the measured time to consume 500 grams of fuel. After every full measuring cycle over 3 cylinders the average fuel consumption is calculated by the computer. The difference in time for each cylinder from the average determines the correcting signal to the rack positioners. All three positioners will be moved equally if the power output of the engine is different from the procedure requirement. The positioners located on a module (Fig. 12) against the wall are connected to the racks by means of a closed hydraulic circuit pushed forward by the positioner (Fig. 13) and pushed back by a pneumatic cylinder which is firmly connected to the fuel pump rack. In case of an emergency the pneumatic cylinder will pull the rack back to its stop position. COMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEM Fig. 12. Fuel rack control module Fig. 13. Fuel rack positioner Engine and com puter systems diagram Figure 14 shows the engine and computer systems diagram. The entire test stand installation is fully controlled by a MacSym 350 computer with a mem ory of 512K supplied by Analog Devices. The connection is made via an interface located together with the computer in a remote control room. The cylinder oil lubrication system, fuel oil supply system and fuel rack servo systems may be operated manually or by computer. This is done to permit initial filling and flushing of the systems or checking after repairs. In the corridor adjacent to the test cell a small main switch and annun ciator panel is located. Figure 15 shows the main switch and annunciator panel. After the appropriate program disk and clean formatted data disk are in- B e f o r e * t o r t - u p t h e c o m p u te r I s 1 c o d e d w i t h t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p ro g ra m d i s k e n d e c l e a n f o r m e t t e d d o t e d i s k . S w itc h e d o n # t h e c o m p u te r off t e r l e a d i n g t h e p ro g ra m # b e g i n s e x e c u t i o n a n d e n s v e r s t h r o u g h t h e " m e sso g e " le a p # t h u s I n d i c a t i n g t h a t I t v o l t s f o r c o n s o l e I n p u t. Fig. 14. Engine and com puter system s diagram. 180 Fig. 15. Main switch and annunciator panel. serted in the computer, the operator has to push only the line power and computer control buttons. The computer then loads the pro gram and requests further input by lighting the message lamp on the annunciator panel. The operator provides that input by typing in date, run no., and test conditions if necessary as requested on the monitor screen. During the following start-up phase the pertinent lamp on the panel is lighted, and technicians in the cell are warned by means of an audible signal that the engine will start shortly. The alarm lights indicate if running conditions are detected which deviate from the test conditions, and indicate the level of severity. If the com puter requires input during the run, the message lamp will light and can only be switched off by providing the requested input. Table 1. Com puter control functions • Checks utility supply systems • Starts and checks auxiliary systems • Starts motor-generator • Allows fuel supply to start engine • Carries out warming up procedure • Carries out test procedure • Searches for alarming conditions • Performs trend search program • Stores data • Stops engine according to fixed program Com puter control functions Table I shows a listing of the com puter control functions. Before starting the engine the com puter program checks if all utilities such as cooling water, air and steam are available. Then it starts up the engine’s auxiliary system s such as the jacket water cooling circuit, the system oil circuit, cylinder oil lubricators. If everything is in order, the m otor generator starts to drive the engine. The fuel pump racks are slowly opened until the engine fires and generates some power at a speed slightly higher than the synchronous motoring speed. The motor generator will then run in the generating mode and engine power can be gradually increased by further opening of the fuel racks. Because of the rapidly changing fuel consumption during this warm -up phase the fuel pump racks are not positioned to obtain equal fuel consumption as is done during the actual test run, but rather to obtain equal exhaust gas tem peratures at each cylinder. After the warm -up phase the engine is regulated to the desired test conditions. Fifteen param eters are controlled in closed loops and as many as 85 parameters are measured. During the duration of the test procedure the program searches for alarm conditions and classifies these in three levels: warning, stepwise engine stop and immediate engine stop. These conditions are indicated on the annunciator panel and printed on the test log when they occur. Furthermore a trend search program on 18 parameters is performed. This program prints the average values of these parameters on the test log after the first six hours of running on test conditions. Every six hours it reports significant changes of these values. During the run, 46 param eters are stored on disk every 12 seconds, covering the most recent 96 minutes of test. These data are available for analysis if a non-programmed engine stop occurs. In addition three minute averages of these 46 parameters are permanently stored over the entire test period. These data are available for making plots and statistical analyses after the test. During the test the actual values of all 85 parameters may be presented on a screen divided in 5 logical blocks. These values are updated every 12 seconds. Moreover they can be shown in graphical form over the last 16 minutes of the test in blocks ot 4 param eter plots. In order to check the control loops the controlling components P, I. D and S, the latter being the control output to the correcting device, may be plotted on screen over a period of 16 minutes to come or as historical data. If one of these components must be changed for better control' the operator may initiate a factor change. Such changes will always be printed on the test log. Finally, at the end of the test the program wifi stop the engine gradually and flush the fuel system with distillate fuel. Stopping the engine may also be initiated by the operator or the alarm program as a programmed stop or an immediate stop. In case of a computer failure the engine will be stopped by a program stored in a separate logic controller which then takes over the function of the computer, Figure 16 shows the control room. Fig. 16. Engine laboratoy control room rna nmr SELECTION V A LV E S VAMAILE SPEED TRANSFER PUTPS TO TESTCELLS Fig. 17. Residual fuel storage and preparation facilities. S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 181 Fuel Storage and Preparation Facilities Figure 17 shows a diagram of the fuel storage and preparation facilities. In order to obtain reliable test results' it is essential that the fuel quality throughout a test program is constant. We divide our overall test programs into statistically designed matrices which coincide with the life of the cylinder liners. For a 10 run matrix approximately 60 000 litres of fuel is needed. We installed three 60 000 liter tanks. This gives us the flexibility to do some fuel quality studies, and also assures fuel availability. After delivery of fuel by tank truck into the receiving tank, the fuel is centrifuged by an autom atically cleaning Alfa Laval centrifuge of the latest design. This so-called ’Alcap’ centrifuge is able to handle fuels with gravi ties higher than 1, making engine testing of these 'future fuels’ possible. The fuel is pumped to the test ceil from the clean fuel tanks, The pumps are started by the computer, which also controls the fuel supply pressure by varying the pump speed (Fig. 18). Auxiliary Test Equipment The sole purpose of testing lubricating oils and fuels in engine stands as we described is the determ ination of differences in quality between these oils. The more reproducible the stand operation is, the better the lubricant performance can be quanti fied. These performance evaluations are made at the end of each test, and include inspection and rating of deposit formation on engine parts, measuring and weighing of used engine parts to determine wear, and used oil inspections. One of the most impor tant items is cylinder liner wear. This w ear is usually measured by means of hand operated cylinder bore gauges and level strips. We found these measurements were not very repeatable because slight deviations from the earlier measurement location can cause rather large differences. Another method is the use of bore profile gauges determ ining the profile of the bore over a certain distance. This is a very tim e consuming method and total wear cannot be determined readily by a com puter program. Therefore we de veloped our own cylinder liner measuring apparatus which is able to measure liner diam eters in any direction at any level, and is fully automatic in operation, controlled by means of the computer. Figure 19 shows the cylinder liner measuring instrument. After the engine is dismantled and cooled down the instrument is put on top of the liner to be measured and connected to the computer. The program now m easures 16 diameters at 10 levels each and stores the data on disk. A fter these measurements the instrument is relocated to the second cylinder, and the measurement cycle is re initiated. After m easuring of all three cylinders the data are com pared with the m easurem ent of the preceding run and the wear is calculated. We actually m easure the difference between the dia meter of a caliper, which is part of the instrument, and the cylinder diameter in microns. Finally, we would like to mention the combustion analyzer pur chased from AVL, This instrum ent permits research on the com bustion characteristics of today's and tom orrow's fuels. A special feature of our instrum ent is the capability to measure cylinder wall temperatures during the com bustion cycle. To measure these temperatures we are preparing three liners with very fast respon ding thermocouples. 182 Fig. 19. C ylinder lin e r measuring apparatus MARINE LUBRICANT DEVELOPMENT by Ir. G. W , van der Horst* Three main types of lubricants are used in marine diesel main and auxiliary engines. These are shown in Table 1. This review will focus on the developm ent of these lubricants, from initial bench evaluation to final field qualifications. In contrast to autom otive lubricants that are generally developed to meet standardized specifications, marine lubricants are formulated using numerous specialized bench and engine tests aimed at guaranteeing good field performance. The final stage in a marine lubricant develop ment program involves dem onstration of such performance in a vessel, and satisfactory completion of the field test leads to manu facturers’ approval for commercial use. Except for the system oil, these marine lubricants have a high to very high additive treatm ent level, and often contain complex combinations of additives to achieve the required performance. A typical formulation may contain dispersants, detergents, and a variety of wear, corrosion and oxidation inhibitors, Work at C hev ron Central Laboratories is focussed at developing marine lubri cants for Chevron International Oil Company and marine lubricant additive packages for Chevron Chemical Company. Development of new marine lubricants is dictated and controlled by a number of factors as shown in Figure 1. Changes in engine design and fuel quality, operating economy of the vessels (cheap er, poorer quality fuel; longer maintenance intervals; etc.) may require new lubricants. Competitive pressure, and new additive technology also stimulate developm ent of new lubricants. Base oil properties and logistics in addition impact on the develop ment of new lubricants. Marine lubricants must be supplied in ternationally and consequently are formulated to provide equiva lent performance world-wide. In a world-wide system a variety of base oils must be used. Since crude source and processing are not the same, the additive systems have to be developed to provide satisfactory performance with all the base oils involved. Marine lubricants can be blended by using all the individual additive components as such, but this requires substantial tankage to store these materials separately and substantial efforts in blending. Significant savings can be obtained by combining additives in packages. The m ulti-application system (MAS), developed by Chevron Chemical, permits the blending of a complete line of marine lubricants with only 2 or 3 packages: a single base source package and one or two supplem entary packages. The developm ent of marine lubricants is in 3 phases: - Phase I bench tests - Phase II engine tests - Phase III field test In the bench test phase single com ponents and component com binations are evaluated prior to engine testing. W hen satisfactory performance is obtained in the laboratory engine tests, m anu facturer agreem ent to field test is sought. After successful com ple tion of the field test (s) and after obtaining manufacturers' product approval, the new lubricant can be commercialized. In particular the second phase, the engine testing, will be emphasized below. Marine cylinder lubricant (MCL) development The requirements for an MCL are shown in Table II. To meet these requirements marine cylinder lubricants have a relatively high additive treatm ent level; 25 percent or more of the lubricant may be additives. The major additive component is usually an overbased detergent, which neutralizes the acids generated by combustion of fuel sulfur. Sometimes a single, multi-functional component is used, but mixtures can also be used to optimize performance. Extra components may be added to enhance certain properties S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 Table 1 Marine Lubricants Marine Cylinder Oil (MCL) Marine System Oil (MSO) 50-100 Total Base Number (TBN) SAE 50 Rust and Oxidation Inhibited (R&O) Type Alkaline Type 5-8 TBN Multipurpose Type 8-9 TBN SAE 30 10-40 TBN SAE 30, 44 Trunk Piston Engine Oils (TPEO) Co m p e t i t i v e Pi ? h i p Op e r a t i o n e c o n o m ic s F u e l Du a l i t y Chang e \ i e l d P e rfo rm a n ce EE F IC IE N C IC S — E / Fig. 1. Marine lubricant product developm ent Table II Perform ance requirem ents of a marine cylinder oil • Lubricate pistons and liners • Provide adequate alkalinity and alkalinity retention to control corrosive wear • Control mechanical wear • Control piston deposits • Control port blocking • Provide adequate spreadability to distribute oil in cylinder Table III Laboratory crosshead engine procedure J Procedure Rotation Frequency, min. "1 Power, kw (BHP) BMEP, bar Coolant Temperature, °C Lubricant feed rate, g/kWh (g/BHP, h) Fuel sulfur, mass% Duration, h Test evaluates K Procedure 518 286 (389) 11.2 50 80 0,69 (0,54) 3.0 72 ring wear liner wear piston deposits intake port deposits drain oil condition and all materials can be combined in a package. This package can be used as a base source for both MCL's and TPEO 's in an MAS system approach. Our major developm ent tool is a laboratory crosshead engine produced by Bolnes to our specification. Careful proprietary developm ent of the engine and procedure has made this engine very useful. ■ Superintendent Marine Development at Chevron Central Laboratories, Rotterdam 183 TOP RING WEAR,VARIABILITY J -T E S T PISTON DEPOSITS,VARIABILITY J -T E S T uTH/roroix i t c u i m u ie n u n a/ro o m equal m nur» TOP RING WEAR,VARIABILITY K -T E S T PISTO N DEPOSITS .VARIABILITY K -T E S T U.TIH, TO UD I* I S D U I lU T I I C ia L u n u io o m « n a in m n w Fig. 2 Basically, two procedures are used to evaluate the ability of an oil to minimize wear and deposit formation. The J procedure stresses corrosive wear and is representative of the older engine types, the K procedure sim ulates the more modern engines. Both proce dures are shown in Table III. Repeat bench and engine tests often give different results caused by the test variability, it is therefore important to know whether the difference in results obtained with two different oils is caused by this variability or w hether the difference is a real performance difference. The use of statistical methods permits the determ ina tion of the probability that a perceived performance difference is real (% confidence level), despite test variability. It is important to study the test variability, since the lower the test variability, the easier it is to signify differences. Figure 2 shows the variation in test variability for top ring w ear with J and K procedure. In general the test variability with the K procedure is lower than for the J proce dure. Test variability is in part due to variations in engine operating conditions, which are partly manually controlled in our original crosshead engine. To enhance the constancy of run conditions, the new crosshead engine stand is com pletely computer control led. Figure 3 shows the test variability for the piston glands. We expect im provement in both deposit and w ear test repeatability and associated reduction in test variability with the new stand. Fuel quality impacts significantly on w ear and deposit formation. In a program with widely different fuels it was established in the laboratory engine that the only significant fuel factor related to liner wear, in an exponentional function, is fuel sulfur. Sim ultaneously, a sim ilar program was carried out by Sulzer in a 7 RND90 engine. In this engine also, sulfur is the only significant fuel factor impacting on liner w ear with the same type of exponentional function as in the 184 Fig 3 Sulfur, m ass % X Bolnes R elative Liner Wear • Full Scale E ngine R elative Liner Wear Fig. 4. Bolnes versus full scale engine relative liner wear Goed bekeken verdient uw G.M. Detroit Diesel Motor ... de zorg van het Detroit Diesel Allison service team... • Door de fabriek getrainde monteurs. • Gespecialiseerde apparatuur en gereedschappe. • De modernste test en beproevingsfaciliteiten. • Uitgebreide voorraad van originele onderdelen. • En natuurlijk ook ruildelen. • Steeds nieuwe zowel als gebruikte motoren op voorraad (501800 PK.). • Het adres voor service, reparatie en revisie. DISTRIBUTOR baan hofman diesels bv A velingen West 15 4202 MS Postbus 655 4200 AR Gorinchem. Tel: 01830-34400. Telex: 24598 bhd. laboratory engine. Figure 4 compares, on a relative basis, the laboratory engine and Sulzer results, indicating an excellent correlation between laboratory crosshead engine and full scale engine. Correlation between laboratory test and actual field performance is crucial. Significant effort is put into procedure development and correlation studies to ensure that the laboratory test predicts field performance correctly. In Figures 5 and 6 the performance of two oils is compared on a relative basis. Total ring wear and average liner wear are shown for the laboratory engine and four field test vessels (Sulzer, B&W engines). Both laboratory engine and full scale engines show similar comparisons. Another correlation, also on a relative basis, is shown in Figure 7. With respect to wear the test oil is poorer than the reference (100% ). With respect to piston deposits, however, it is better. Again both laboratory engine and full scale engine rank the performance of the two oils similarly, demonstrating excellent correlation. Figure 8 shows results obtained on two oils using the high tem pera ture K procedure, and companion data from a modern, more severe vessel, Good correlation was obtained for w ear and deposit formation indicating that this procedure is representative of more modern engines. It should be emphasized that the above excellent correlations were obtained as a result of careful developm ent of the engine and procedures. This developm ent continues to keep our test engines representative of the most modern full-scale engines. To obtain the necessary field data, we maintain a large field test fleet. The tests completed in the last 10 years are summarized in Table IV, the current test fleet is shown In Table V. Table IV Marine cylinder lubricant field tests. Tests over last 10 years • Test cylinder hours • Cylinders Inspected • Number of Tests 935 226 89 25 Table V Marine cylinder lubricant test vessels Engine Types: B&W 6L90GB 7L50MC 7 RND 90 6 RLA 66 6 RLB 66 7 RTA 68 Sulzer Test Vessels: • 8 2 Sipwa* Equipped Sulzer Integrated Piston Ring Wear Arrangement continuously mea sures top ring wear. Trunk piston engine oil (TPEO) developm ent The requirements for a TPEO are shown in Table VI. Major development tools are an AVL Caterpillar, a Caterpillar and a MWM engine. All engines, properly modified, are operated with residual fuel. The MWM engine is mainly used as a screening tool. The procedures used with the Caterpilar/AVL Caterpillar engine are shown in Table VII. The AVL Caterpilar engine has the same top as the Caterpillar engine, but installed on a special very strong TOTAL BING WEAR s \ 200 1B0 ISO 140 120 v s V” •- 100 80 V 80 40 20 0 -------- r V s V S \ \ v": ■\ V ' ..............n ZZ1 V s s \ OIL 1 VERSUS 01 j - PROCBDUR w .. s \ 1 i r ( o i l I =100% ) f \ s j r a LD TEST Fig. 5. Lab test versus field test 1771 OIL I V ER SU S OIL l U O IL 1=100% ) FIELD T EST J-P R O C B D U R E Fig. 6. Lab test versus field test WEAR AND D EPO SIT FORMATION WEAR AND DEPOSIT FORMATION V s 887 Ccnf VS ‘ \ \ 80 sv 00 s\ 40 30 20 , ( 1 1 1 \\ ■ - - ' Fig. 7. Lab test versus field test 185 \S vs 1 \ . :> s> ■ \ Vs 1 TOP RING WEAR (OIL 111=100%) SULZER 7RND00 N sss '. \ OIL P I VERSUS O il J -P R O C E D U R E F V \s - 10 - 1SS \ \ IV s] \ \ 1 M AI LINER WEAR ; É É PISTOR DEMERIT OIL V VERSUS 01 VI (OIL V=10O%) S 3 SULZER 8RLA88 K -PR O C ED U R E Fig. 8. Lab test versus field test S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 COST/PERFORMANCE Table VI Perform ance requirem ents of a trunk piston engine oil • Lubricate bearings, pistons and liners and all associated m ov ing parts • Cool bearings and pistons • Control corrosive and mechanical ring and liner wear • Control bearing corrosion • Prevent rust formation • Control piston deposits and prevent ring sticking • Control sludge and varnish throughout engine • Provide good w ater shedding and water tolerance • Provide sufficient alkalinity and alkalinity retention in relation to fuel sulfur • Provide good contam inants release (liquid and solid) • Resist oxidation Table VII Special residual-fueled caterpillar test procedures RF-4A RF-2 Procedure 130 Bore, mm 165 Stroke, mm 1400 Speed, rpm 33 45 Power, kW 13 18 BMEP, bar 70 Coolant tem perature, °C Oil Temperature, °C 55 70 65 Air inlet temperature, °C 1.45 1.7 Air inlet pressure, bar 6.5 7.0 Oil charge, kg 72 Test duration, h Fuel used in RF-2 and RF-4A procedures: Viscosity, mm2/S At 50°C 200 Sulfur, mass% 2.5-2.7 COST/PERFORMANCE 300 3.0-3.3 Fig. 9 Fuel used in MD-1 procedure: Viscosity at 50°C, mm2/S Sulfur, mass% 3.85 1.4 and rigid crankcase with complete balancing by special shafts. Trunk piston engine oils often have a complex additive treatment. Various com ponents may impact on a performance parameter like piston deposit control. It is of interest to relate the benefit of a com ponent to its cost and consider cost/performance. Com po nents may enhance the effect of other components or reduce it, consequently these interactions are very important since they affect cost/performance. Figure 9 shows the results of a cost/perform ance study, relating overall piston deposit merit rating to the formulation cost when varying certain components between two levels. Components A and D have a negative effect: with increasing concentration the merit is degraded, consequently they have a negative cost/performance. Components B and C have a positive effect and in particular com ponent C has a good cost/performance. Minor formulation changes can significantly change these results be cause of the effect of the component itself and/or its interaction with other components. When using component E instead of D the effect of component A turns positive and the effect of component C is increased (positive interactions of component E with com po nents A and C) and also com ponent E itself has a positive effect and associated positive cost/performance. For the Caterpillar, laboratory engine test correlations with full scale engines in service have been established. Correlating a TPEO test engine with a full scale engine is difficult. Unlike the crosshead engine, which can use two or more different cylinder lubricants at the sam e time, a medium speed diesel engine cannot be lubricated with two different lubricants. Vessels with two or more engines and a suitable sen/ice are relatively rare, and to compli- P l e l d test hours __________ i__________ 24 48 72 L a b o r a t o r y e n g i n e test hours Fig. 10. Correlation betw een laboratory engine test and field test cate matters the two engines sometim es have different severity levels. Comparing oils sequentially in the same engine adds changes in service over time (speed, route, etc.) and changing fuel quality as variables to the lube oil performance comparison. 186 KEMA: ook voor gespecialiseerde werktuigbouwkundige berekeningen. hoofdstraat 190 hoogezand tel. 05980-94899 telex 53732 m m m il! M m IM H Ä te c h n is c h b u re a u b .v. 3008 AR R otterdam • P.O. Box 5693 41, S lu isje sd ijk • Telephone 010 - 290.666* Telex 28547 hateb nl • Telegraphie address HAMTEB v.v.v After office hours: 010 - 816527101807 -19171 01858-5995/8095/2220 w v.v.y AGENT FOR: il ‘.W .V .V . ly.vlv.v HYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD CO., LTD. ULSAN • KOREA. Â g ELIJKE N.V.KEMA U il" ' Afdeling Werktuigbouwkundige Berekeningen en Metaalonderzoek Utrechtse weg 310, Postbus 9035, 6800 ET ARNHEM, Telefoon (085) 562789 A4 With the SEVEN graving docks, total capacity 2,150,000 dwt, H.M.D. emerge as the largest ship repair yard in the world. And as one of the most competitive repair yards in terms of costs, deliverytime and workmanship. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Nevertheless, correlations between Caterpillar engines and full scale engines have been established. Figure 10 shows a correla tion between engine test and full scale engine in terms of alkalinity (TBN) depletion. The 72-hour test is representative of 3000 hours full scale engine operation. In Figure 11 tw o pistons are shown run with different oils in two full scale engines at the same time. The difference in deposit formation on these pistons compares well with the difference in merit rating of the piston deposits obtained with the laboratory engine test. These results demonstrate good correlation between bench engine test and full scale engine with respect to piston deposits. In Figure 12 wear rates are shown for the Caterpillar engine and a Pielstick PC-3 engine. The results were obtained with two levels of lubricant alkalinity, two fuel sulfur levels and two engine load levels. Again a good correlation between the laboratory engine and the full scale engine was obtained. Also for TPEO field evaluation an extensive field test fleet is maintained. In Table VIII the field tests of the last 10 years are summarized, the current test fleet is shown in Table IX. Table VIII Trunk piston engine oil field tests Tests over last 10 years • Test cylinder hours • Cylinders inspected • Number of tests oil J oil K Fig. 11. Direct com parison oil J and oil K in field test 2 140 695 83 18 COMPARISON or WEAR RATS8 Table IX Trunk piston engine oil test vessels Engine types: MaK 6M 453AK Pielstick 18 PC 2-5 16 PC 2-6 SWD 6TM 620 W artsila V8 R32 Test Vessels: 6 Table X Perform ance requirements of a marine system oil • Lubricate bearings and crossheads • Cool bearings and pistons • Control bearing corrosion • Prevent rust formation • Control piston underhead deposits, sludge and varnish throughout engine • Provide good water shedding and water tolerance • Neutralize acidic contaminants • Provide good contam inants release (liquid and solid) • Resist oxidation Marine system oil (MSO) development The requirements for a marine system oil are shown in Table X. Important for the developm ent of a MSO, and also of a TPEO, are the centrifuge tests. Both the system oil and the trunk piston engine oil are cleaned in the centrifuge by removal of liquid and solid contaminants. In crosshead and medium speed diesel engines condensation of water occurs and also w ater leakage can occur. In the centrifuge water shedding test, the ability of the oil to separate water effective ly from the oil is evaluated. While removing the water from the oil, additives can be removed at the same time, causing centrifuge deposits and possibly reduced efficiency. This additive removal is undesirable as it reduces the effective compounding of the oil. This phenomenon is studied in the water tolerance test, with the objec tive of minimizing additive loss and centrifuge deposit formation. Both the water shedding test and the water tolerance test are carried out with fresh and used oil. The used TPEO is obtained from the engine tests. Used system oil is obtained by the addition of cylinder drip oil. The stand used for the centrifuge tests is shown in Figure 13. Test fuel storage and treatment For the various tests different fuels are used and for certain S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 WEAK HATE P C -3 ENGINE, m ( P « / h r Fig. 12. Caterpillar versus lull scale engine programs special fuels may be required. Therefore, adequate tankage is required to store enough fuel for the individual pro grams. By obtaining fuel in large batches, and by minimizing supply sources, fluctuations in fuel quality during a matrix or program are minimized. Clean test fuels are required for the engine tests and therefore test fuels are carefully centrifuged and subsequently extensively fil tered at the engine. An Alfa Laval 'ALCAP' centrifuge is used for the initial fuel treatment. This centrifuge has been in operation for approximately one year and has given excellent service, even with fuels with a density over 1. Fig. 13. Centrifuge stands 187 THE BOLNES MOTORENFABRIEK HUNDRED YEARS OF POWER IN STEEL 1885-1985 BOLNES by C. B. den Hartog* and G. de Bie** Introduction Bolnes Motorenfabriek B. V. have a long and wide experience in designing, developing and building o f ship diesel engines. A century ago, to be exact on M ay 13th, 1885 the C om pany started with the m anufacturing o f parts for the shipbuilding industry. The absolutely independent C om pany with a total labour strength o f 220 is established at Krimpen aan de Lek. Bolnes Motorenfabriek B. V. is the only C om pany in the world that are m anufacturing the so-called 2-stroke crosshead diesel engines in a pow er output range from 500 to 3800 hp at a speed o f 600 rpm. Engines, having worldwide found their way to custom ers in the field of fishing, offshore, coastal shipping and dredging industry. Here the engines are being applicated for driving o f pumps, generators and propulsion. In shore installations the engine finds its application in a. o. draining machines, electricity works, laboratories and educational institutions. History Te Company was founded in 1885 by Mr, J, H. van Cappellen, owner of a timber-yard at Vlaardingen. In the village of Bolnes (m unicipality Ridderkerk) he set up a foundry, where bollards, mooring bits and other castings were manufactured for the shipbuilding yards in the Rotterdam area. Before long there followed the developm ent into an engineering works with own articles such as guillotine shears, bending ben ches, punching machines etc. also destined for the shipbuilding industry. At the turn of the century the then called 'Fabriek voor Stoom- en andere W erktuigen' at Bolnes already m anufactured propulsion installations for tugboats and ferry-boats. The limited extension possibilities at Bolnes and the ever increasing demand for steam installations resulted in 1908 into the present establishm ent at Krimpen aan de Lek as the N.V. M achinefabriek Bolnes'. The Bolnes name continued to live in the product. At Krimpen aan de Lek a steam engine was developed. It was followed by a diesel engine provided with a so-called crosshead. Owing to this the reliability and the working life of the product were considerably improved. This crosshead is still applied in the present Bolnes12stroke diesel engine. Since 1950 a series of completely welded engines is being built 188 with a standard bore of 190 mm and a stroke of 350 mm, which are being built up of cylinder units. Because of this, the engine with its standard cylinder diam eter of 190 mm, is the smallest 2-stroke crosshead diesel engine in the world. Design philosphy The starting-point of Bolnes is the building of an engine with the following properties: - a simple robust e ngine, the relatively low toad of which ensures a high reliability, w hereas the engine is suited for qualitatively bad fuel oils. - a great part of the maintenance of the engines can be carried out by own engine room personnel, owing to which loss of time and costs remain at their lowest. - most of the parts of the various types of engines are mutually interchangeable and are series-manufactured. - a low fuel oil and lubrication oil consumption, resulting into low working costs. * Marketing manager. ** Head development department. Bolnes Motorenfabriek, Krimpen aan de Lek, The Netherlands. Development With a power output range of 100 unto 1500 hp, Bolnes, during the years of 1 9 5 0 -1 9 6 0 , could cover an interesting part of the market for tugboats, fishing cutters, dredging vessels a.s. But the developm ent of the Bolnes engine did not stop. By the application of new techniques and materials excellent results were obtained in the field of the saving of fuel oil, power output increase and the application of bad fuel oil qualities. With the arrival on the market of superchargers giving approx. 6% higher efficiency, scope was created for reducing fuel consum pti on substantially. As soon as this was possible, Bolnes began to use the so-called HR (high-efficiency) superchargers which resulted in 5% lower consumption compared with the 170/600 type. Con sumption is even 10 - 11% lower compared with the 150/600 engine. The first engines fitted with HR superchargers were delivered and commissioned early in 1984. Various existing installations were also converted with the aim of reducing consumption and in a number of cases increasing engine power as well. The reasons behind the reduced consumption are explained underneath. The gas exchange or scavenging of the cylinder, the process of replacing spent gas by fresh air, is only possible in a two-stroke engine if there is a pressure difference in the cylinder i.e. the pressure upstream of the inlet port must be greater than that downstream of the exhaust valve. As a result of this pressure difference, scavenging air will enter the cylinder at the end of the power stroke, as soon as the exhaust valve and the scavenging ports are opened, and clean the cylinder by driving out the spent gas. At the end of the scavenging process, the cylinder is again filled with fresh air in which the injected fuel can be burned. In Bolnes engines the cross-head takes the form of a scavenging pump. In engines w ithout superchargers the required scavenging pressure is obtained by means of this scavenging pump. In engi nes with superchargers the com pressor of the supercharger ope rates in series with the scavenging pump. This is shown diagramatically in Fig. 1. First diesei engine 1928. The welded unit ’B olnes' diesel engine 1949. com pressor wheel Fig. 1. Diagram a ir distribution S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 The operation is as follows: The scavenging pump (3) determines the volume of air drawn in with each piston stroke. This volume, of course, also passes through the com pressor (1) of the supercharger. The contribution from the latter is that it compresses the air and then delivers it to the scavenging pump. During the com pression stroke the scavenging pump causes the pressure to increase still further to bring it up to the desired scavenging pressure. The supercharger and the sca venging pumps therefore both provide part of the scavenging pressure, but the pumps determine the total volume of air made available to the cylinders. There is a major difference between the scavenging pump and the supercharger as regards the source from which the drive energy is obtained. With the supercharger the energy is obtained from the spent exhaust gases and in the scavenging pump from the crank shaft. The power used for the scavenging pump therefore reduces the engine power. As a result, the specific fuel consumption - the consumption per effective kilowatt or HP available to the drive flange of the crankshaft - rises by the same percentage as that taken from the crankshaft by the scavenging pump. It therefore makes sense to keep the power absorbed by the scavenging pump to a minimum, in other words to ensure that this plays a minimal part in increasing the pressure of the scavenging air. As, however, the scavenging pressure is fixed, since it must comply with the cylinder capacity, the supercharger will have to play a major role in increasing this pressure. This shows the importance of a high supercharger efficiency; the energy available for driving (such as is present in the exhaust gases) is constant at 189 Table I Technical data Type Cylinder bore Piston stroke Stroke volume Speed Average piston speed Mean effective pressure Power output Max. continuous power output according to ISO 3046/1 Overload Energy consumption Fuel consumption at ISO standard power output. Tolerance 5% Lowest heat content 42.7 MJ/kg W ithout built-on pumps Lubricating oil consumption DNL 190/600 (in-line type) V-DNL 190/600 (V-type) 190 mm 350 mm 9.92 dm3 600 rpm 7.00 m/s 14.1 bar Miscellaneous Scavenging-air pressure Air consumption Compression ratio Maximum combustion pressure Crankcase oil change averages 2.1 bar 9.2 kg/kW .h (6.8 kg/hp.h) 14.0 130 bar 16,000 h Lubricating oil centrifuge not required 140 kW /cylinder (190 hp/cylinder) ISO conditions Barom eter position 1000 mbar Air tem perature 27°C Relative humidity 60% Cooling-water tem perature 27°C Recommended fuel quality A1, A2, B1 and B2 distillate Heavy fuel oil meeting CIMAC specifications 1 , 3 , 4 and 6 (consult the factory for definitive specification). 10% during testing on the test bench 199 g/kW.h. (146.5 g/hp.h) 195 g/kW.h. (143.5 g/hp.h) 0.7 g/kW.h. (0,5 g/hp.h) constant engine power, and only a higher conversion yield of exhaust gas energy Into mechanical energy enables the super charger to play a greater part by increasing the pressure of the scavenging air. As a result of the fact that when a HR supercharger is used the scavenging pumps play only a very small part in the increase in pressure, there is a substantial increase in the volume processed at each stroke. But as the total volume of air supplied to the engine does not need to increase - for the engine swept volume does not change - a smaller number of scavenging pumps will suffice. There are therefore two reasons for the reduction in scavenging pump capacity: a sm aller pressure difference across each scaven ging pump individually and a smaller number of pumps per engine that effectively contribute to the air supply. A 5% lower consum p tion is a result of this lower scavenging pump capacity. With a fuel oil consum ption of 146.5 g/hp.h the engine is among the most economical of its kind. The present engine includes the power output range up to 3800 hp. The main data of the current engine designated type 190/600’ are summarised in Table I. Exploded view engine type 16 V-DNL 190/600. Diesel engine type 14 V-DNL 190/600. Service W ithin the Bolnes organization much attention is paid to the Service Department. if a diesel engine faels, the production of the vessel or the installati on is halting and this has to be quickly mended. As a matter o f fact service is available 24-hours per day. Of the service facilities are mentioned: - a product information system by which the client or Bolnes user is regularly informed about important modifications which can be applied on the engine installations. - the Bolnes diagnosis system, by which, without high costs or drastic engine disassembling, the actual state of the engine can be defined. - service training courses, specifically based on Bolnes engines, in order to fam iliarize the operating personnel with the product. By means of these facilities the operating costs are being lowered and the reliability of the installation will increase. Section diesel engine type V-DNL 190/600. TEST FACILITIES FOR MARINE DIESEL ENGINE FUELS AND LUBRICANTS. Research & development at Koninklijke/Shell-laboratorium, Amsterdam (Shell Research B.V.) by J. Hengeveld and W. de Bruijn Shell have long been in the forefront of research on marine diesel engine fuels and lubricants. By means of exceptional experimental facilities they have been able to keep in step with the changes in engine design and mode of operation. Shell may well consider themselves pioneers in the developm ent of fuels and lubricants for marine diesel engines. As early as 1928 Shell started, at the 'Proefstation Delft' in the Netherlands, the investigation of lubrica tion and fuel combustion phenomena in diesel engines for ship propulsion and inland diesel power stations. A number of test engines have been employed in this: a W erkspoor320m m bore 4stroke trunk piston engine, a Bolnes 1L190 and a Bolnes super charged 2 DKL engine. Also, a Stork 540 mm bore 2-stroke trunk piston, a Bolnes HS 170 and a MAN 4-stroke engine once featured on the test beds at Delft, Thornton (Shell Research, Ltd.) or Amsterdam (Shell Research B.V.). For present-day’s R & D these engines are obsolete, and they have been removed to serve as demonstration model elsewhere or have been scrapped, in their place a unique set of test engines is available today, at the Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam (KSLA), where all S. en W. - 52sle jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 R&D on marine diesel fuels and lubricants has been consolidated since 1983. A short description is presented of these test facilities and their purpose. The table summ arises the main characteristics of the engines. They are used both for research on combustion and ignition properties of residual fuel, and for research and developm ent of marine lubricants. For lubricant research, the Sulzer IT48 and the large Sulzer 2 RNF 68M engine from the last phase in the labora tory developm ent of a cylinder lubricant or a system oil for lowspeed crosshead diesels. The MaK 1M 282 AK and the directinjection, residual-fuelled Caterpillar engine play a similar role for the medium-speed diesel crankcase oil. Research to investigate basic properties and requirem ents of lubricants (1) for future engines (increase in cylinder press ure/temperature, changing fuel quality and m ode of operation) is done in engine tests using special operating conditions. The MaK engine has been adapted to perform such tests for medium-speed engine oils (particularly wear studies), and for cylinder oils (studies 191 on both w ear and fouling) the Bolnes en gine will be used. An investigation of residual fuel has em ployed the MaK engine for ignition quality studies, which resulted in the well known CCAI concept (2). The direct-injection Ca terpillar and the Bolnes engine, too, can be used for studies on small quantities of spe cial (future) fuels. This type of work can be characterized as fundam ental research. As outlined above, the greater part of the work on lubricants has a developm ent character, in which the engine plays a role as the vital link between the numerous laboratory rig tests and the final proof in the field. In this respect, the Am sterdam test facilities are unique, in that on the one hand ful-scale engines are operated under well controlled and monitored conditions, yiel ding very reproducible results that predict field performance (3), whilst the daily operation of 4 or 5 engines producing some 3000 kW and consuming yearly roughly 1400 tonnes of the heaviest residual fuel (currently 700 cSt at 50 CC, 1,010 kg/m3, 380 ppm V, 3.6 % S and 22 % CCR) faces R&D with the real shipboard operation and associated problems. Summarizing, we conclude that this set of engines creates the possibility to investiFig. 1. The M aK engine gate and solve a wide variety of fuel- and lubricant-related engine problems. The hard life experienced by a References cylinder lubricant in a loop-scavenged crosshead engine, although 1) R. E. Williams, P. J. Newbery, P. R. Belcher and J. Hengeveld, its uniflows-cavenged counterpart is rapidly gaining more import- ’Future Marine Fuels - Prediction of Alleviation of Potential Comance, will continue to be a major subject for the next decade at bustion and Lubrication Problems', Paper presented at 7th Energy least. The typical uniflow-scavenge system problems deserve Sources Technology Conference, February 1984, New Orleans, careful study in the Bolnes engine. The versatile MaK engine (fig. Louisiana. 1) has built up a good record in producing extremely useful basic 2) A. P .Zeelenberg etal., T h e ignition Performance of Fuel Oils in data and will continue to do so for som e tim e to come. Finally, the Marine Diesel Engines’, CIMAC 1983. direct-injection C aterpillar engine operated under sooty conditions 3) W. de Bruijn et a l., T h e Establishment of the W ear and Fouling wilt support the search for crankcase lubricants that com ply best Characteristics of a Modified Large Bore Laboratory Crosshead with the requirements of the medium-speed engine running on Engine for Lubricant and Fuel Testing’, CIMAC 1983. heavy residual fuel. LABOARATORY ENGINES INSTALLED AT KSLA Sulzer 1T48 Sulzer 2RNF 68M MaK 1M 282 AK Caterpillar 1G (direct fuel injection) Bolnes 1 DNL 170/600 mm mm rpm bar 1938 T.2 1 Cross 480 700 250 4.9 1968 C.2 2 Loop 680 1250 135 12.4 1979 T.4 1 240 280 1000 15.3 1967 T.4 1 130 165 1800 17.2 1985 C.2 1 Uniflow 190 350 600 12.6 Power (max), kW (bhp) 261 (350) 2500 (3400) 162 (220) 38 (51) 125 (170) Test power, kW (bhp) 194/261 (260/350) 2350 (3190) 147 (200) 30 (40.5) 2) - - 0.5 First installed Type1' No. of cylinders Scavenge system Bore, Stroke, Speed (max), B.m.e.p. (max), Oil feed, g .b h p 'T h '1 1.6 1) T = trunk; C = crosshead: 2 = 2-stroke; 4 = 4-stroke 2) Variable, dependent on investigation concerned. 192 0.9 N 1 NEDERLANDSE VERENIGING VAN TECHNICI OP SCHEEPVAARTGEBIED (Netherlands Society of Marine Technologists) Verenigingsnieuws Clubnieuws Na het Captain's Dinner en de eveneens geslaagde Mosselavond, willen wij het sei zoen afsluiten met een koude maaltijd en wel op dinsdag 11 juni a.s. Ook nu weer de borrel vooraf om streeks 17.30 uur en dan om 19.00 uur aan tafel. Op deze avond zal ook de prijsuitreiking van het deze winter gehouden Biljart-Tournooi worden afgesloten. Liefhebbers kunnen zich melden tot vrijdag 7 juni bij de clubcommissie of het algemeen secretariaat tel. 010-76 23 33. Voor de goede orde delen wij u mede, dat Groot-W eena gesloten is in de periode van 20 juli tot 3 augustus. De Clubcommissie. In memoriam J. A. de Boer Op 1 mei jl. overleed onverwacht te Singa pore tijdens de uitoefening van zijn beroep als Scheepswerktuigkundige de heer J. A. de Boer. Hij woonde in De Rijp, werd 47 jaar oud en was 51/2 jaar lid van onze vereni ging. Personalia Ir. J. G. E. de Haas Ons juniorlid J. G. E. de Haas behaalde onlangs het diploma voor scheepsbouw kundig ingenieur bij de afdeling der Maritie me Techniek aan de T H. Delft. Hij is thans werkzaam als 'Trainee' bij de Kon. Nedlloyd Groep. Naast onze gelukwensen bij het bereiken van deze mijlpaal heten wij hem van harte welkom als gewoon lid van onze vereniging. 100 jaar BOLNES’ Op 14 mei 1985 werd onder grote belang stelling uit kringen van overheid, zakenre laties en vrienden het feit herdacht, dat 100 jaar geleden door J. H. van Cappellen de basis werd gelegd voor een machinefa briek waaruit de thans wijd en zijd bekend staande Bolnes Motorenfabriek BV is voortgekomen. In de feestelijk aangeklede montagehal werd door de Commissaris der Koningin in Zuid-Holland, mr. S. Patijn, aan het slot van zijn feestrede op afstand een 10-cilinder motor op de proefstand gestart, waarmede symbolisch de tweede eeuw in het bestaan van het bedrijf werd ingeluid. S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 Ook de Burgemeester van de onlangs ge vormde gemeente Nederlek, mr. A. van 't Laar, bood zijn gelukwensen aan en speld de de beide Bolnes-directeuren J. Bode en A. C. M. van Putte de eretekenen op van de koninklijke onderscheiding, behorende bijde Orde van Oranje Nassau in goud. Beide heren gaven uitdrukking aan hun bewondering, dat Bolnes Motorenfabriek BV er ondanks de moeilijke situatie in de algemene economie en in het bijzonderde scheepvaart, scheepsbouw en natte aannemerij nog steeds in geslaagd was zonder overheidssteun de felle concurrentie het hoofd te bieden en zelfs winst te maken. Ir. T. P.de Jooden bood zijn gelukwensen aan namens de bevriende industrieën uit de regio en als President-directeur van de grootste Bolnes-afnemer: IHC. Hij kon to e v a llig ? - mededeling doen van een nieu we opdracht voor 3 stuks 6-cilinder moto ren t.b.v. een sleepzuiger voor China. Ook de heer Bode voerde uiteraard als gastheer het woord, waarbij hij zijn grote onvrede uitte over regelmatig geconsta teerde achterstelling bij de verkrijging van overheidsopdrachten ten opzichte van de 2 overgebleven Nederlandse motorenfabrieken SWD en Brons-MAN, die beide met overheidssteun op de been worden gehou den en voor een belangrijk deel in over heidshanden zijn. Dat 'Bolnes' vennoot schapsbelasting betaalt i.p.v. subsidie ont vangt zou een andere houding bij W ater staat, Marine of O ntwikkelingshulp recht vaardigen! Desondanks gaat Bolnes Moto renfabriek er in het begin van de nieuwe eeuw fris en eendrachtig tegenaan, g e sterkt door '100 jaar zelfstandigheid en sterk in stuwkracht' en voortbouwend op 100 jaar innovatie en ervaring. Ter gelegenheid van het jubileum is er een speciale editie van het huisorgaan Stand by’ verschenen, waarin de geschiedenis in het kort en met vele foto’s geïllustreerd is opgenomen. Het jubileum num m er geeft een goed beeld van het bedrijf, dat steeds getoond heeft met zijn tijd mee te gaan en voor zijn bestaan te vechten door het leve ren van een betrouwbaar produkt en een goede service. Aan de vele gelukwensen voegt de Redac tie van Schip en W erf gaarne de hare toe, vergezeld van die voor de verleende K o ninklijke onderscheidingen, waarin wij de verdiende waardering achten te zijn uitge drukt voor het gehele personeel! J. N. J. Voorzitter Nederlandse Vereniging van Kapiteins ter Koopvaardij Onder grote belangstelling nam Kapitein C. Bruin op 10 mei jl. afscheid als voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Kapi teins ter Koopvaardij. Hij werd voor zijn 12-jarig voorzitterschap benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau. Zijn opvolger is Kapitein J. de Jager. Tewaterlatingen Pionier Op 23 april 1985 is met goed gevolg te water gelaten het motorschip 'PIONIER, bouwnummer 240 van Scheepswerf Ferus Smit B V. te Foxhol, bestemd voor Rederij Waker te Delfzijl. Hoofdafmetingen zijn: lengte 74,85 m; breedte 11,00 m en holte 5,20 m. In dit schip worden geïnstalleerd een Deutz hoofdmotor, type SBV 6 M 628 met een vermogen van 1285 pk bij 900 omw/m in en twee Deutz hulpmotoren type F 5 L 413 FR en een Deutz hulpm otortype F 4 L 812 FR met een vermogen van 2 x 90 pk en 1 x 43 pk bij 1500 omw/min. Het schip wordt gebouwd onder toezicht van Bureau Veritas vo o rd e klasse: 13/3 E + Cargoship Deep sea Heavy cargo Ice III Zuiderzee Bij Barkmeijer Stroobos B.V., scheepswerf en machinefabriek, is op 27 april met goed gevolg te water gelaten het droge-ladingschip 'ZUIDERZEE'. Het schip wordt ge bouwd voor rederij J. Sieberg te Maarssen. De doopplechtigheid van het m.s. ’Z U I DERZEE’ is verricht door Mevrouw H, W erkhoven-Schouten. De hoofdafmetingen van deze coaster zijn als volgt: lengte o.a. 63,30 meter lengte l.l. 59,15 meter breedte 9,80 meter holte 3,80 meter diepgang 3,16 meter deadweight ca. 1000 ton De graaninhoud van het ruim is ca. 55.000 c ft, de baalinhoud ca. 51.000 cft. Ten behoeve van de voortstuwing is het schip voorzien van een Bolnes hoofdm o tor, type DNL 160/600, met een vermogen van 551 kW bij 600 omw./min., een tand wielkast van het merk Lohman & Stolterfoht, met een reductie van 2,03:1 en een vaste schroef. Voor de navigatie is het schip voorzien van een magnetisch peilkompas, een stuurkompas, een gyrokom pas, een autom ati sche piloot, een radar, een echolood, een VHF, een navigator, een zend- en ontvanginstallatie, een rivierradar, een bochtaanwijzer en een rivierpiloot. Het schip is gebouwd onder klasse Bureau Veritas I 3/3 + E Cargoship Deep Sea, alsmede onder de Nederlandse Scheep vaartinspectie voor onbeperkte vaart met een 0-mans wachtbezetting. Het schip zal eind mei 1985 aan de reder overgedragen worden. DB 193 Proeftochten C onstance Op 10 mei jl. werd na een geslaagde proef tocht het gladdek vrachtschip Constance' door E. J. Smit & Zoon s Scheepswerven B.V. overgedragen aan Wijnne en Barends Cargadoors- & Agentuurkantoren B.V. te Delfzijl. Het schip is de laatste van een serie van 3 gladdek coasters. De voornaamste gegevens zijn: Lente o.a. 81,88 mtr. Lengte N.S.I. 74,99 mtr. Breedte op spant 15,00 mtr. Holte 8,10 mtr. Diepgang 6,68 mtr. D.W. ca. 4.450 ton. Graaninhoud ca. 218.000 cbft. Bale inhoud ca. 210.000 cbft. Hoofdmotor: W ërtsilë 6R32. 1849 kW. bij 750 omw/min. Brandstof HFO 180 centistokes. 2 stuks 15 tons 18 mtr. elektrisch hydrauli sche dekkranen, opgesteld in SB gang boord. Class: Lloyd's 100 A1, Ice class 1C. Hr. Ms. Makkum Na een geslaagde proefvaartperiode werd het m ijnenbestrijdingsvaartuig ’Makkum' op 13 mei jl. in Makkum door de scheeps werf Van der Giessen-de Noord aan de Koninklijke Marine overgedragen en in dienst gesteld. De Makkum ' is het achtste schip uit een serie van vijftien die door de scheepswerf Van der Giessen-de Noord M arinebouw in Albiasserdam wordt g e bouwd. De kiel van dit met glasvezel versterkte polyester gebouwde schip werd in februari 1983 gelegd. Op 23 februari 1985 werd het schip gedoopt. Sier Op 11 mei 1985 heeft met goed gevolg proefgevaren het motorschip 'SIER', bouwnum mer 227 van Scheepswerf Hoogezand B.V. te Hoogezand, bestemd voor Wagenborg Passagiersdiensten B.V. te Delfzijl, voor de veerdienst naar Ameland, Hoofdafmetingen zijn: lengte 52,46 m; breedte 13,00 m en holte 5,40 m. In dit schip zijn geïnstalleerd twee MAK hoofdmoteren, type 6 M 281 met een ver mogen van elk 816 pk bij 750 omw/m in en twee Scania hulpmotoren, type 2-DS-11 met een vermogen van elk 190 pk en een Valmet hulpmoter, type 1-311 CG met een vermogen van 40 pk, alle bij 1500 omw/min. Het schip werd gebouwd onder toezicht van Bureau Veritas vo o rd e klasse: 13/3 E 4Roll on-roll off vessel, Sheltererd waters. Overdrachten Samsun Glory Op 26 april 1985 heeft, in de haven van Harlingen, de officiële overdracht plaats 194 gevonden van het containerschip SAMSUN GLORY'. Dit schip is gebouwd door scheepswerf Barkm eijer Stroobos B.V, te Stroobos in samenwerking met scheeps werf Amels te Makkum. Het m anagement van het schip zal ge schieden door Holtrade Shipping B.V. te Heerenveen, een onderdeel van Holwerda scheepvaart B.V. Het financieringsarragement voor dit project is verzorgd door N.M.B. Lease te Amsterdam. Voorafgaande aan deze overdracht vond de naamgevingsceremonie plaats, welke plechtigheid werd verricht door Mevrouw E. Holwerda-Veenstra. De hoofdafmetingen van m.s. Samsun Glory zijn de volgende: lengte o.a., 106,60 m, breedte op spant 17,90 m, holte 8,50 m, diepgang 6,50 m, deadweight 6025 ton, gross tonnage (conv. 1969) 4000 GT, graan capaciteit 288000 cft. Het schip is gebouwd volgens de voor schriften van Lloyd's Register of Shipping met de notatie + 100A1 - I C E IC -U M S e n volgens de regels van de Nederlandse Scheepvaartinspectie voor onbemande vaart met 0-m answachtbezetting. De maximum container capaciteit be draagt 420TEU , 142 in het ruim en 278 aan dek. Voor 30 koelcontainers zijn aansluitin gen voorzien. Voor laden en lossen zijn 2 elektrisch hy draulische kranen geïnstalleerd met een hijscapaciteit van 63 ton elk. Zware stukken tot 120 ton kunnen worden behandeld. Het schip wordt voortgestuwd door een Lips verstelbare schroef. Deze schroef wordt via een verlragingskast aangedre ven door een Stork-W erkspoor-Diesel van 4000 pk. De dienstsnelheid bedraagt 14,5 knoop. Voor de elektriciteitsvoorziening zijn aan boord 3 Caterpillar hulpmotoren, welke ge neratoren van 290 kVA aandrijven. Voorts is er een asdynamo geïnstalleerd van 600 kVA. V oorde navigatie kan het schip beschikken over een magnetisch kompas, een gyrokompas, een autom atische piloot, twee ra dars, een radiorichtingzoeker, twee VHF installaties, een satelliet navigator, een echolood, een snelheidslog, een weerkaartschrijver, een brandstofcom puter en een radio zend- en ontvanginstallatie. DB. Offshore Statoil gets first operator assignm ent abroad The Norwegian state oil com pany Statoil has been awarded operator responsibility and an ownership share of 60% in a block allocated in the fifth concession round on the Netherlands continental shelf. This will be Statoil's first operator assignment out side Norway. Statoil has a small ownership share in two Dutch oil fields, Kotter and Logger and runs its own office in the Netherlands with a staff of 10. Statoil gives high priority to the block in question which it considers to be prom is ing. It will carry out seismic investigations on the block this year. These will form the basis for the first exploratory drilling in 1986. On account of the shallow water depths and the m ilder clim atic conditions the find need to be so large in order to be declared commercial, as it would need to be on Norway’s continental shelf, (norinform) Possible drilling starts on Svalbard next year Norway's national oil com pany Statoil is negotiating with the Store Norske Spits bergen concern on Svalbard on an ex tended cooperation agreement. This deal will give Statoil the right to prospect for oil and gas on Store Norske’s claim on Sval bard. Statoil is planning seism ic investiga tions in May this year, with a view to a possible drilling start in 1986. Statoil has previously dispatched a number of geological expeditions to Svalbard, but the area now selected is said to be one of the most interesting. The claims in question border on the areas where the Soviet Union already is working on an exploratory well, though the actual distance away is con siderable. Two other companies, British Petroleum and Norsk Polarnavigasjon have concen trated on oil and gas prospecting in other areas on Svalbard, (norinform) Britain becomes fifth largest oil producer Britain has moved into fifth place in the league table of the world's largest oil pro ducers. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, Brit ain's output is now greater than that of any single mem ber of the organisation of Pe troleum exporting countries. The monthly indices published by the Bank of Scotland show that UK production in 1984 totalled some 127,000,000 to n n e s more than 10 per cent on 1983 and nearly 60 per cent higher than in 1980. The leading oil producers are currently the Soviet Union, the United States, Saudi Ara bia and Mexico - the latter being only slight ly ahead of the UK. UK output is approaching one-sixth of that of all the OPEC countries combined - in 1980 the comparable figure was one-six teenth. (LPS) Troll gas negotiations The Norwegian state oil companiy, Statoil, expects to start the first round of negotia tions with potential purchasers of gas from the huge Troll field in the North Sea which will be delivered to the Continent. The aim is to negotiate to realise Norway's largest export contract to date. The sum involved for the Troll west gas, which is now on offer, ASUG-onlrieb/technik for the shipbuilding industry with optimum power capacities and reliability We deliver ASUG VEB Kombinat Getriebe und Kupplungen 3060 Magdeburg Democratic Republic Germany Phone: 33815 Telex: 08421 Exporter-. lech noCommerz Volkseigener Außenhandelsbetrieb 1086 Berlin Democratic Republic Germany Phone: 2240 Telex-114977-8 ONTDEK DE KWALITEIT EN DE VERRASSENDE VEELZIJDIGHEID... • Double action reduction gearings • Planetary gearings • Spur gearings in horizontal and vertical arrangement • Reversing gears • Gearings tor deck machinery for cargo ships, trawlers, ferry boats, tugs. fishing and factory vessels, icebreakers, fishing cutters, and river boats. Make use of our tradition and experience in the gearing construction lasting tor more than 100 years. e a r o -b la s i bw * AKOESTISCHE ISOLATIE ' THERMISCHE ISOLATIE * IN D U S T R IIE L P L A A T W E R K * VENTILATIESYSTEMEN * AFZUIGSYSTEMEN ' A.C. INSTALLATIES * C.V. INSTALLATIES * SANITAIRE INSTALLATIES SPECIALISTEN . . . JUIST BIJ TOEPASSINGEN A A N BOORD VAN DER HEIDE DRO NRIJP BV einstelnweg 19 8912 ap leeuwarden 058 -150776 filiaal: gotenburgweg 18 9723 tl groningen 050 -140368 A 5 Ballastmateriaal en contragewichten voor: BRUGGEN - MOBIELE KRANEN - OFFSHORE OBJEKTEN - ENZ NIMETA B.V. - 3350 AB PAPENDRECHT POSTBUS 86 (RIETGORSWEG 5) - TEL. (078) 157 222 (8 lijnen) - TELEX 20513 gassen lastechniek designers of patrol boats NIJVERHEIDSWEG 11 9601 LX HOOGEZAND POSTBUS 153 9600 AD HOOGEZAND TELEFOON (05980) 9 88 44 TELEX 53782 N aval a r c h ile c ls . m a rin e e n g in e e rs , c o n s u lta n ts , s u rv e y o rs baan □ hofman Kdiesels GM Steeds voorradig: Goede gebruikte en/of gerevideerde motoren. distributor detroit diesel alüson Ave|jngen West 15 - 4202 MS GORINCHEM HOLLAND - Telefoon 01830-34400* is estimated to 55.5 million USD while the reserves of the entire field are estimated to be worth an aggregate 133.3 million USD. The negotiations are important for other reasons, i.e. the price of gas, the tem po of deliveries and the quantities that the many interested gas purchasers desire, all of which can have a decisive influence on the choice of developm ent method for this field which is sited 100 kilometres northwest of Bergen. In a report prepared by the international energy bureau (IEA) regarding the Norwe gian oil and energy situation, it is stated that the developm ent of the Troll field as sup plier of gas to west Europe should be put in hand as soon as possible. If not, west Euro pean energy purchasers can be obliged to increase oil imports or against their will buy large amounts of gas from other suppliers, which in practice means the Soviet Union. Without saying so directly, the IEA plainly desires that European governm ents be come involved in some way with the de velopment of the Troll field, although the Norwegian governm ent believes that the licence-holders on the continental shelf should themselves negotiate on gas sales. Here, the IEA points out it has already advised that the governm ents in question should encourage oil companies to start negotiations on Troll gas as soon as possi ble with a view to obtaining supplies at competitive prices in the m id-1990's (norinform). Fresh perspectives analysis for oil activities If Norway bases its continued oil activity mainly on the developm ent of oil fields it will have more and more difficulty in maintain ing its level of activities, the Petroleum Di rectorate warns in a recently submitted perspectives analysis. The warning stems from the fear that the oil resources will be exhausted in a period when it will be im possible to sell so much gas that the aggre gate Norwegian petroleum earnings can be kept at a desirable level. The following figures provide an illustra tion: While oil accounts for 62.1% of re sources in the fields that are either in pro duction or under development, gas accounts for 80.5% of the remaining re sources. Only 20% of the total proven re coverable reserves of gas (2 800 billion m3) have been sold. The unsold gas represents about 32 year's production at a production rate of about 70 billion m3 of gas per year, or 85 years' production at present levels. Future activity will therefore be dependent on being able to sell the gas from the Norwegian shelf. After the year 2 000 it will be very difficult to uphold an investment level of 2.2 billion USD per year without signing contracts for major sales of gas. Norway will thus be facing a long-term chal lenge to sell its gas on a market where it will meet competition from other gas exporting S. en W. - 52ste jaargang - nr. 11 - 1985 countries. The Petroleum Directorate still counts on the Continent and the UK as its primary potential markets, where a need for fresh agreements on gas import will arise around the mid 1990s. The export of LNG gas to the USA is also a possibility, but not until about the turn of the century. If the market conditions for Norwegian gas continue to be difficult, competition be tween the various gas projects on the Norwegian continental shelf can easily arise. Therefore the Directorate has stress ed the necessity of coordinating interests on the selling side for the purpose of achiev ing necessary flexibility with regard to volume, reliability of supply etc. At the moment it is the Troll field, the biggest offshore gas field in the world, that will give Norway this flexibility. Also, much will de pend on the outcom e of the sales negotia tions that started this month. Their results will be important not only for the develop ment of the Troll field itself, but also for the national petroleum interests for many years to come. In its analysis the Directorate also states that gas prospecting has to a noticeable degree moved north on the Norwegian shelf. 31 % of the area accessible for ex ploratory drilling (i.e. areas where this kind of drilling is permitted) lies north of the 62nd parallel, and 25% of the total drilling of exploratory and step-out wells in 1984 was carried out in this area. On the shelf as a whole 25 exploratory wells were commenced last year, as well as 12 step-out wells, all in all 47 wells. In 1983 the figure was 40. At the same time as the Petroleum Directo rate has presented its perspectives analy sis, the governm ent proposes in a white paper that seven new areas gradually be opened for exploratory activity. All these areas lie north of the 62nd parallel. Further, the governm ent proposes that the 11th round of concessions be opened early in 1986. This too will mostly cover areas north of the 62nd parallel. The governm ent stresses that exploration in the next few years must be concentrated on areas and blocks where the potential for commercial finds is greatest, (norinform) New platform concept Norwegian oil com pany Saga Petroleum has developed a new steel platform type for use in especially deep waters, which can be built at half the price of conventional steel platforms. Saga considers it imperative to cut the costs of developm ent on the Norwe gian continental shelf. It asserts that untraditional methods must be used if fields in deep water, with difficult seabed conditions and large am ounts of gas/condensate in relation to oil are to be profitably developed. The com pany has therefore launched the idea of forging the nodal points for the steel pipes from the platform leg itself. This does away with the need for seams which must be constantly exam ined for fatigue frac tures. The platform's lifetime will thus be considerably increased. The strengthen ing of the nodal points between the steel pipes will also m ake it possible to cut down on the amount of steel needed to make the platform sufficiently solid. The platform weight can be halved and the price prob ably reduced to 50% of that of a conventio nal steel platform. The savings would amount to around 200 million USD per platform. The actual design of the platform will be such that strain on the construction is slight, even at water depths of more than 200 m. The platform has seven legs positioned on a solid concrete base. The production wells can be drilled in advance, before the steel jacket is lowered onto the base. Saga believe that the platform can be built in Norway. Construction time will be a good year less than for traditional steel plat forms. Initially it could be located on the Troll or Snorre fields of the North Sea. (norinform) New Guide to North Sea platfoms Oilfield Publications Ltd of Ledbury, Here fordshire have published a new reference book, the North Sea Platform Guide which, it is claimed, provides the first complete reference to all 370 fixed installations on 83 producing fields throughout the North Sea area. The new 1000 page book, costing E 140 Is comprehensively illustrated with over 450 photographs and some 800 line drawings and schematic diagrams. Further inform ation is available from Oil field Publications Ltd, Homend House, 15 The Homend, Ledbury, Herefordshire. HR8 1BN. Engeland. Tel: 0531 4563. 1985 ABS MODU Rules The 1985 ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units’ are now available from American Bureau of Shipping, Book Order Department, 65 Broadway, New York, N Y. 10006. The new Rules will go into effect on 6 May 1985, and will apply to all MODU new building con tracts signed on or after that date. Cost of the Rules is U.S.S 30.00 in the United Slates, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, and Venezuela, and US$ 35.00 elsewhere. The new Rules require ballast system s on column-stabilized drilling units to operate under normal or damage conditions by adding sufficient redundancy and power sources to insure that the system will func tion after the loss of a pump or the main power. Special requirem ents for a central ballast control station have been added. Also, the requirements for jacking systems on self-elevating drilling units have been revised to better define ABS practices for the approval of such systems. Appendix B, which was the Guide for Mate 195 rial Selection’, in the 1980 Rules, has been incorporated into the body of the 1985 Rules. It covers the selection of material for a unit expected to operate in temperatures to minus 30C. Guidelines have been in cluded for the selection of material for units operating at minus 50C. Requirements for reinforcing the hulls of mobile offshore drilling units for transitting in first-year broken ice are covered in Appendix D in the new Rules. The hull area required to be reinforced is given in the guide defined as the ice belt. Four different ice classes are given; Class 1AA, 1A, 1B, and 1C. A general relationship is given in the Guide between the ice class, the thick ness of the first-year broken ice, and the concentration of the broken ice in terms of sea surface area. The owner selects the ice class for the broken ice thickness and ice concentration likely to be encountered by the MODU in transit. This Guide will appear as an Appendix in the new MODU Rules. Agenda Oceanology and dredging The Oceanology International 86 Exhibi tion and Conference and the Xlth World Dredging C ongress are to be held concur rently in Brighton from 4 tot 7 March 1986. As in the past, Oceanology International will be held at the Hotel Métropole while the World Dredging Congress will, for the first time, take place at the adjacent Brighton Centre. The events are expected to bring to Brighton decision makers from the ocean science and applied technology industries and the dredging, port developm ent and coastal engineering industries. The Society for Underwater Technology sponsors of O ceanology International 86 will be responsible for planning that event's conference program m e and, as one of the co-sponsors of the World Dredging Con gress, will be involved in the co-ordination of the programmes to ensure that the two self-contained program m es are com plementary and compatible. Oceanology International attracted more than 250 com panies to its 1984 exhibition encompassing oceanography, hydro graphy, geology, geophysics and man underwater. A call for papers will be issued early in 1985 for the 1986 event and ses sions will include navigation and position fixing, environmental data, hydrography and seabed surveys, geophysics, geology and geotechnics. The World Dredging Congress is held every three years and organized in rotation by the Western, Central and Eastern Dred ging Associations. The 1986 exhibition will include examples of the technology of the industry - dredging, earthmoving, sur veying, foundation engineering, marine works construction and port equipment. The conference will include papers on all aspects of dredging, both theoretical and 196 practical. More information from: Spear head Exhibitions Ltd, 55 Fife Road, Kings ton upon Thames, Surrey. LPS M a riC h e m 85 The 6th international conference on the transportation, handling and storage of bulk chemical MariChem 85 will be held in the Kensington exhibition centre in London from 25 - 27 June 1985. With MARPOL Annex II due to come into force on October 2, 1986 the Legislation and Regulation session at the forthcoming MariChem 85 Conference will provide a vital forum for discussion of the many prob lems facing the industry. Robert E. Claypoole, Chairman of the Inde pendent Liquid Term inals Association and President of GATX Term inals Corporation, Chicago, will address the meeting on the response of U.S. terminals to MARPOL Annex II proposals while from Japan, Hisayasu Jin of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai will present the views of the Shipbuilding Re search Association of Japan on the Japanese reaction to Annex II. Operations and Safety, Session 2 at Mari Chem 85 will be an all-day session with presentations aimed at those responsible for operating chemical carriers and term i nals. European Community environmental legislation and the impact of IMO require ments on terminal facilities will be discus sed by Peter Cooke, Managing Director of Powell Duffryn Term inals Ltd., Captain Alberto Allievi will give the International Chamber of Shipping's view on the role which industry should play in developing operational and safety guidelines, and a thought-provoking paper authored by Ro bert J. Lakey, the internationally respected consultant of Houston, Texas, and co-au thor, K. J. Szallai, President of Troll Tank ers Inc., asks 'Are the next generation of chemical tankers becoming too sophisti cated?’ The Operations and Safety session will conclude with a presentation many will want to hear on the determ ination of chem i cal/parcel tanker supply and demand, to be given by R. L. T o lle n a a ro f the Netherlands Maritime Research Institute, Rotterdam. More than 90 international companies will be displaying their technical expertise, products and services at the MariChem 85 Exhibition which will be open from 09.00 hrs on Tuesday, June 25 until 17.00 hrs on Thursday June 27. The Exhibition will occupy the entire display areas of the Ken sington Exhibition Centre adjacent to the Conference room, and it will be by far the largest Exhibition of its kind in the world with much to interest all Conference delegates and all bulk chemical specialists. Fuller details on the C onference and Ex hibition are available from: MariChem Secretariat, 2 Station Road, Rickmansworth, Herts, WD3 1QP England Offshore Com puters Conference Following the success of the exhibition which accompanied the 1984 Offshore Computers Conference (OCC) in Aber deen, a second exhibition - on a wider scale - will be part of OCC 85 from 8 to 10 October. OCC 85 will be held in the new Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Cen tre which has an exhibition arena of 8000 m2 and a second hall of 1600 mz. There are two conference halls, both equipped with a full range of audio visual equipment and catering facilities. The organiser expects the exhibition to include computer hard ware, software and services relating to de sign and weight control systems, process and production control systems, flow measurement, telemetry, drilling systems, CAD/CAM applications, com puter m odel ling, simulation systems, inspection and maintenance systems, database m anage ment, data analysis systems, navigation and positioning systems, drafting and m ap ping movement systems, economic m od elling and all other com puter related technology required by the offshore oil and gas industry. Those areas where there have been significant technological ad vances will be highlighted at the confer ence. More information from: Offshore Conferences and Exhibitions Ltd, Rowe House, 55-59 Fife Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, Enqland KT1 1TA (LPS) Offshore Europe 85 Offshore Europe 85 - the biennial high technology offshore oil/gas industry exhibi tion and conference will be held from 10-13 September 1985 in the Aberdeen Exhibi tion and Conference Centre, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. Patrons and sponsors are the UK Offshore Operators Association and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. The Offshore Europe 85 exhibition occu pies 19,000 square metres net and has attracted approximately 1000 exhibitors from 15 countries. The organizers help to retain the high technology image of the event by enforcing regulations concerning the suitability of exhibitors/exhibits. The Society of Petroleum Engineers is re sponsible for developing the technical con ference programme highlighting significant areas of current technology that will prove of major interest to the technical com m unity involved in European offshore operations. The provisional conference programme will be available late-Spring 1985. Some 60 papers will be presented in sessions on drilling, inspection and maintenance, re servoir management, production opera tions, fracturing, subsea systems, innova tive field developm ent and safety and en vironment. For information: Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd., Rowe House, 55/59 Fife Road, Kings ton upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1TA, Eng land. Tel: 01-549 5831. O nze aktiviteite n bestaan o.a. uit de voorbew erking van diverse m aterialen, als staal, roestvaststaal en no n-ferro 's, t.b.v. d e sche ep sbo uw en vele m dustriebranches. Naast autogeen- en plasm asnijden, vervorm en w i j m iddels persen, buigen enz. D oor toenam e van ons produktiepakket. exportvolum e en invoering van geavanceerde produktietechnieken, hebben wij een interessante funktie vakant voor een BEDRIJFSLEIDER Wij z ijn een jong , m odern b e d rijf m et een ruim e kring van afnemers d o o r geheel Nederland en in toe nemende mate daarbuiten. Centraalstaal maakt deet uit van de H oldin g Cono Industrie Groep N.V., die uit zes vrijw el autonom e w erkm aatschappijen bestaat. Het totale personeelsbestand bedraagt circa 450 te rw ijl de om zet op m eer dan 100 m iljoen gulden ligt. Zijn taak zal .vanuit een bedrijfskundige bena de ring. voor het m erendeel gericht zijn op de organisatie van de pro du ktie in sam enhang m et W erkvoorbereiding en Bedrijfsbureau. Om aan deze nieuwe funktie inhoud te kunnen geven, denken wij aan een energieke manager op niveau H.T.S. W.B./SCH.B. Kandidaten kunnen bogen op leidinggevende kapaciteiten en ervaring bij voorkeur in genoem de aktiviteiten. Een aanvullende bedrijfskundige en m anagem en t-sch oling is van belang. Belangstellenden (m/v) w o rd t verzocht hun sollicitatie te richten aan de afdeling Personeelszaken. Inform atie w o rd t gaarne verstrekt door de heer B. J. van der M eulen, direkteur, 050-183210, privé 05940-5764. CENTRAALSTAAL B.V. Postbus 204, 9700 AE Groningen, >rÏ ' rM TANKNIVEAU METING • pneumatisch • electrisch • hydraustatisch / W fl\ OBSERVATO instrum ent engineers P o stb u s 7 1 5 5 ,3 0 0 0 HD R o tte rd a m , te l, 010-382122 NORWINCH HYDRAULISCHE LIEREN LUCHTKOMPRESSOREN K A P A C IT E IT : V AN TENFJORD 10 -150 m3/h 30 bar. HYDRAULISCHE STUURMACHINES AFA • FUNKTIONEEL • BETROUW BAAR PNEUMATISCHE EN MECHANISCHE AFSTANDBEDIENINGEN • EENVOUDIG ONDERHOUD SERVICE EN REPARATIE AAN HYDRAULISCHE SYSTEMEN L ata • ELKE KLASSE W IJ B O U W E N C O M P R E S S O R E N D IE ONDER M O E IL IJ K E O M S T A N D IG H E D E N H E T H O O F D K O E L W E T E N T E H O U D E N .______________________ • • • _ Overschiesestraat 28 fSCHiEDAMjLV^ 3112 HG Schiedam telex 24186 telefax 010 - 26 42 98 I A L T IJ D ELK O N D E R D E E L IN V O O R R A A D L U C H T E N W ATERG EKO ELD W E R E L D W IJ D E S E R V IC E VAN DUkJVENDUK ROTTERDAM b.v. waalhaven pier 8, ophemertstraat 98, 3089 JE R O TTER DA M Tel.: 010 29 39 55 Telex: 28260 deno nl „Ik ken een bevoorradingsschip waarvan de kapitein wel 5 handles moet bedienen om op positie te blijven” „De man houdt zeker van ambachtelijkheid, of hij heeft nog nooit gehoord van het ’Thrust Remote Control System’ van AEGTELEFUNKEN Marine Service” Het loon t du s altijd de m oeite ko n ta kt o p te nem en m et AEG-TELEFUNKEN. De A fdeling S ch e e p sb o u w is w ereld w ijd to o n aange ven d o p het gebied van: . S ysteem engineering • E nergie . Autom atisering • C o m m unicatie • D a ta -p ro cessin g • M eettechnieken . K a b e ld o o rvo e rin g e n m et A 60 - eert. . T e ch n isch e se rvices • T u rn -k e y -p ro je c te n . D iversen AEG-TELEFUNKEN Nederland N.V. Marine Service. Rijnhaven N.Z. 45. Postbus 5115. 3008 AC ROTTERDAM. Tel 010-855644 / 206611 (buiten kantoortijd) - Telex 28822
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