THV Rousselot.18.09.2014
THV Rousselot.18.09.2014
Welkom 18 september 2014 Emilie Dequeker +32 479 66 04 66 [email protected] Guy Verbrugghe +32 477 79 50 43 [email protected] Frederik Librecht +32 479 90 32 91 [email protected] LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT: EEN WETENSCHAPPELIJKE INVALSHOEK Bernd Carette [email protected] Op welke manier leerde je de fundamentele vaardigheden die je nodig hebt in je job? A: Voornamelijk door het volgen van formele, off-the-job training programma’s B: Voornamelijk door het verwerven van dagdagelijkse ervaring on the job Ebbinghaus (1885) Is het aantal jaren werkervaring doorslaggevend bij aanwerving/promotie? • Studie Unizo (2013) bij 577 ondernemers: 70% • Relatie tussen aantal jaren ervaring en prestatie? ‒ 9,000 – 35,000 werknemers ‒ Correlatie De rol van ervaring in het domein van T&D • 70/20/10 Hoe ziet die 70% ervaring eruit? • Uitdaging • Wat maakt een job uitdagend? 65 Job Performance 63 61 59 57 55 53 Low Career Challenge Securex 18.09.2014 High Career Challenge Hoe meer uitdaging, hoe meer men leert? • Verschillen tussen mensen Career Timing of Challenging Job Assignments 65 Job Performance 63 61 Low Job Mobility 59 High Job Mobility 57 55 53 Low Career Challenge High Career Challenge Hoe meer uitdaging, hoe meer men leert? • Verschillen tussen mensen ‒ Carrièrefase ‒ Job hopping • De rol van reflectie ‒ “Without reflection experience may be of little use” ‒ “For most individuals reflection is probably the least favorite activity” Systematic Reflection Interventions Where do we go from here? 1. Ervaring is gerelateerd aan ontwikkeling 2. Staar je niet blind op jaren werkervaring 3. Belang van uitdaging op het werk o Verschillen tussen mensen o Potentieel negatieve effecten van jobhopping 4. Belang van reflectie Van de theorie naar de praktijk … en in de praktijk ? •Eerste reacties / reflecties • Wat viel op ? • Wat blijft hangen ? •Ervaringsleren binnen onze organisaties • Rol en opdracht van HR ? • Zorgen/uitdagingen hieromtrent? •Weg met de formele opleidingen ? … de praktijk Een ervaring in het “hier en nu” … onze praktijk •Van inzicht naar aanpak en aanbod? • Door de ervaring gaan • AC • DC • L&DC • Zeer veel aandacht voor de reflectie (impactmodel) • Direct na de ervaring • Bewust van de dimensie waarop • Uitdagend versus “op maat doseren” • Complexiteit van context aangepast • Rol “gestandaardiseerd op maat” • ‘Nudging’ impactmodel Ten huize van … ?? Version 0.2_TD Creating sustainable food, feed and fuel ingredients for a growing population May 16, 2014 Roots • Founded by the Darling Family in 1882 in Chicago, IL (USA) • Practicing sustainability and offering “green” solutions to the meat processing industry for over 140 years 1882 1962 Darling & Company Darling Delaware Inc. Darling International Inc. Darling Ingredients Inc. Soap + Fertilizer +Feed Food 1993 2014 + Fuel + A history of growth Pre 2004 Commodity business 2006 2010 Product diversification Value add Reduction commodity exposure DGD Expansion of raw material sourcing TRS Geographic expansion into Canada Expansion of: • Geographic presence • Raw material sourcing • Product lines 2013 2013 NBP Griffin Rothsay VION Ingredients From… January 2013 The oldest, largest and most innovative recycling solutions company serving the nation’s food industry... • 120 operating facilities across U.S. • Approx. 4,000 employees • Over $1.7 billion in revenues To… A global growth platform for the development and production of sustainable natural ingredients from edible and inedible bio-nutrients, creating a wide range of products and customized specialty solutions January 2014 • Over 200 operation facilities on 5 continents • Approx. 10,000 employees • Over $4 billion in revenues Food Feed Fuel 37 Global presence • Growth over the years USA, Canada, South America • Acquisition • Current organisation and locations Europe China A World Leader in Bio-Nutrient Transformation Improvement by Nature Global footprint: 5 continents Production facilities: Over 200 Founded: 1882 Listed: 1994 Publicly traded: NYSE: DAR Principal segments: Three Products: 400+ Industries served: Food, pet food, restaurant, feed, pharmaceutical, fuel, fertilizer LTM Sept.’13 proforma revenue: Over $4.0 billion Employees: Approx. 10,000 Headquarters: Irving, Texas, USA Food Feed Fuel • Gelatin • Casings • Food Grade Fats • Heparin • Proteins • Functional Proteins • Bone China Bodies • Bakery Feeds • Organic Fertilizers • Plasmas • Biofuels • Green Gas • Green Electricity • Fats • • Glue Hides The origin of animal-by-products Fallen Stock Meat processing industry Farmers Fallen Stock Our main activities Brand portfolio Production of sustainable energy and biofuels from organic byproducts Hygienic processing and repurposing of animal-by-products for a safer world Supplier of reliable and high-quality animal-based protein, fat and mineral ingredients Leading manufacturer of gelatin and collagen peptides Brand portfolio Turnkey supplier of natural casings and meat-by-products Supplier of bovine hides for the production of the world’s finest leather Transforming animaL by-products into sustainable solutions for feed and fuel High energy feed ingredient, Cookie Meal®, produced from recycled commercial bakery residuals Brand portfolio Repurposing nutrient-rich industrial residuals into eco-friendly fertilizer North America’s largest mass-scale renewable diesel production facility Canada’s leading biodiesel producer from animal fats and restaurant grease Industry-first, premium biodiesel for commercial use, made from animal fats and recycled greases Brand portfolio Natural and organic fertilizers made from premium animal proteins Used cooking oil recovery and grease trap services, top-quality animal feed ingredients and rendering services Processed fats as smart alternative fuel for industrial boilers and driers High performance complex methyl esters for tomorrow’s formulary demands Scope of product portfolio Feed Food Pharma Food Specialty products FuelGenerated thru DGD production General products Natural Casings Bone China Proteins Leather Renewable diesel Butane Gelatin (Pharma) Gelatin (Food) Plasma Fats Organic fertilizer Green Electricity and gas Propane Heparin Edible Fats MucoPro® Pet food Biodiesel Naphtha Peptan® Cookie Meal® Uitdagingen 2014 • Verkoop Vion Ingredients aan Darling Inc : “change” • Rousselot, Sonac en Rendac : mix van verschillende activiteiten, sectoren, geschiedenis, … • Staffing HR teams / decentralisatie HR • Shift van personeelsadministratie naar een HR-beleid • “Back to basics”-HR: transparantie, duidelijkheid, communicatie, … • Omgekeerde leeftijdspiramides vs. CAO104 => job engineering • R&S: war on talent / technische profielen / geen “sexy” business / employer branding • Development: organisatie-ontwikkeling en persoonlijke ontwikkeling • Nood aan versterken van “leiderschap” • Het “nieuwe” werken: mobiliteit, flexibiliteit en levenskwaliteit Ten Huize van La Lorraine Ninove 4 december 2014