PDF - St. Matthew Catholic Church


PDF - St. Matthew Catholic Church
August 7th, 2016
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Matthew’s
Annual Picnic
Sunday, August 14, 2016
At Marathon Park
Right after the 10a.m. Mass
at St. Matthew
Bring Your Lawn Chair
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs,
Sweet Corn & Beverages provided
Please bring a dish to pass according to your last
A-G Dessert H-M Main Dish/Casserole N-Z Salad
Join us for a great day of fun, friends, and
Join in on the games:
Bingo, Yard Yahtzee, Sack Races,
Ladder Toss, Corn Hole,
Young Kids Games
Daily before Mass & Wed. 4:30 PM
Prayer for Priests
included with rosary Mon., Wed. & Fri.
Wednesday 5:00 PM
Wednesday 4:50 PM and after Mass on
1st Friday of the month
Every Wed. after 8 AM Mass until 5 PM.
Pax Christi Adoration Chapel-Marathon
Tues. 9 AM-11 PM; Wed. 9 AM-Thurs. 10
PM; Fri 9 AM-6 PM; Sun. noon-10 PM.
St. Therese-Rothschild
Tues. after 8 AM Mass to Fri. 8:00 AM.
Entrance available after 6 PM by ringing
main entrance doorbell.
Call 715-359-8352 to volunteer.
Confessions :
Saturday 11:00am-12:00 noon or by
Arrangements must be made at the rectory
office. The next class is scheduled for
September 12, 2016 at 6:30 PM in the
Parish Center. Preparation classes are
required of parents and recommended for
godparents. Contact Nancy 715-675-6796,
to register for classes. Registration is
accepted up to one week prior to the class
Arrangements for marriage must be made
with the Pastor at least six (6) months in
advance. Call Fr. Bob to arrange your
Anointing of the Sick:
The benefits are out of this world!
“Come work for the Lord! The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay
is low. But the retirement benefits are out of this world.”
We are preparing for the 2016 - 2017 school year and we are in need
of catechists for the religious education program. This program provides
catechesis for 1st through 10th grade children of St. Matthew’s
parishioners. The 25 classes are held on Wednesday evenings from
6:15 pm to 7:30 pm from the middle of September through April. There
are no classes during school breaks. Each grade has a textbook and a
user-friendly teacher’s guide. The classroom size varies – usually
around 12 students.
Joy Orozco, our new Director of Religious Education, has many years of
experience as a teacher and catechist and has a great training program
in store for you. So don’t say, “I’m not smart enough.” Or, “I have trouble
understanding the Catholic faith as it is.” Joy will help you to be the best
you can be.
Think of an adult who made an impression on you when you were young.
Now, write down or think of some words that describe that person. When
this task was done with a group of people they came up with words like
“cared about me, knew my name, liked me, spent time with me, etc...”
No one said “good looking, really cool, was like another kid, could quote
bible passages, knew the answer to every question”.
It really makes the point that the things we all worry about that may keep
us from working with kids are not the important things in the eyes of
young people.
Any teacher will tell you that you learn more and get more out of it than
you put into it. What a great way to get a better grasp on your faith and
feel confident talking about Catholic beliefs and tradition. I want to have
a teacher and a teacher’s aide in each classroom. So, if you’re a little
reluctant and want someone to be there with you, consider volunteering
as a catechist or a teacher’s aide with a friend or a spouse.
If you are entering the hospital for a
scheduled surgery and wish to celebrate this
sacrament prior to your hospitalization,
please contact Norma. If you would like
Fr. Bob to visit you during your hospital stay,
leave word upon entry as a patient.
I remember a sign on one of the billboards outside of a church, it read:
“This is a ch_ _ ch. What is missing?” We all know the answer to that one.
BULLETIN DEADLINE—Friday by 4:00pm
Right now we are in need of an 8th grade catechist and a fourth grade
catechist. Plus we need several teacher aides.
—Fr. Bob
Bulletin Editor: [email protected]
Visit us online www.stmatthewwausau.org
Intercessory Prayer:
If you are in need of prayer, please
call Peggy B. at 715-845-3321 or the
Parish Center at 715-842-3148. Our
prayer group is always ready to be of
help when prayer is needed.
Come work for the Lord. It will be one of the best things you have ever
done for yourself ... and the benefits are out of this world!
Please check out the wish list for the Angelorum in the back of church.
—Fr. Bob
Year of Mercy
Protecting Our Children
A mother just shared a situation with me that recently took
place involving her daughter. At a birthday that included a
sleepover, one of the gifts received at the party was a Ouija
Board. Later in the evening those gathered decided to play the
Ouija board for fun. My friend’s daughter got so scared in
watching what was happening from the doorway that she
texted her mother to come and get her right away. Was this
girl just being hypersensitive, or are Ouija boards something to
be avoided at all costs? Every adult needs to know the answer
to this question.
Unless we give our children background on this unmarked
danger, they will not know, at least initially, of the horrible
effects that people often experience even by dabbling in
divination, of which the Ouija board is one of the most
dangerous forms. It opens a door through which evil spirits
and their oppressions and temptations can readily come, as
many people can sadly testify. God, who is completely good,
loves us and wants to protect us from harm. Let us trust our
Heavenly Father and listen to His warnings against such evil
things for our safety and the safety of our children.
The situation that the mother related struck a deep chord with
me as I had realized, many years ago, that my life took a turn
for the worse in middle school after playing with a Ouija board,
not realizing the possible consequences. At that time, I also
was at a birthday party and when the “game” was brought out,
I agreed to play, mainly out of curiosity because I really knew
nothing about it. After only a few minutes, the events became
downright freaky. I am sure that the faithful prayers of my
parents probably helped to prevent me from playing with the
Ouija Board more than twice, but the gateway to the dark side
of the spiritual world had already been opened.
Ann Lankford
Director for Catechesis and Evangelization
The Diocese of LaCrosse
FORMED—-Weekly Announcement
This past week on the 4th the Church
celebrated the Feast of St. John Vianney,
patron saint of priests.
We also celebrated the Feast of the
Transfiguration on August 6th. In the Feast of
the Transfiguration, Peter, James and John
witnessed the Lord transfigured before their
A Ouija board is a flat board marked with letters, numbers, and
pagan-like symbols used to communicate with spirits. It uses a
small triangular piece of wood called a planchette to spell out
a message communicated by the “spirit.” The premise is that
those seated around the board will receive messages that will
connect them to people who have died and enlighten them as
to hidden knowledge like future events and the afterlife.
The beauty of the Gospel is that with God's grace we are all
called to be transfigured into an image of Christ shining out to
the world.
For more on how we can be transformed, or on discerning your
vocation check out the following resources at Formed.org.
We need to be clear. The Ouija board is a form of “divination,”
meaning it seeks to obtain unknown or hidden information
from the spirit world. However, the only “spirits” that will be
contacted through it are evil ones.
Go to Programs - Click on Catholicism - Click on Session 9: The
Fire of His Love: Prayer and the Life of the Spirit
Divination differs from prayer in that it goes outside the ways
God uses to reveal His will to us. It seeks to take shortcuts
around God’s plan and obtain answers to our questions
without going to God.
Go to Programs - Scroll down to For Youth, then click the arrow
to the left to scroll to Study 16: Called: Discover Your Vocation
Login to Formed using our parish's code:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the matter
succinctly. “All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse
to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices
falsely supposed to ‘unveil’ the future. Consulting horoscopes,
astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the
phenomenon of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums
all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and in the last
analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate
hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving
fear that we owe to God alone.” (paragraph 2116)
formed.org/register - Parish Code: R2QYZG
Ouija boards are on the shelf at book stores and convenient
marts between a deck of cards, Monopoly and Twister as an
innocent “game” that sells for less than $20. To entice young
girls even more, it can be purchased in pink for $89.50.
Sacred Heart Church Picnic, Polonia (8 miles east of Stevens Point)
Sunday, August 21, 2016. 10:00am Mass with music
Chicken & Roast Beef Dinner 11:00am-2:00pm Bingo at
1:00pm. Music Noon-7pm. Rummage/Furniture Sale.
Auction and Games.
Area Events
St Therese August Fest, Schofield
Saturday, August 13th 6:00pm-11:30pm & Sunday, August
14th, 11:00am-8:00pm
St. Bartholomew’s of Mill Creek Church Picnic,
Sunday, August 14, 2016. Mass with Polka music 9:00am
Chicken Dinner 11:00am Bingo at Noon. Music 10am-8pm
Our annual bilingual Mass followed by a picnic at Marathon
Park is just around the corner, Sunday August 14 th!!
Due to popular demand We WILL play BINGO at our annual
picnic on Sunday, August 14th!!
This will be a day full of good food and fun!!
We are in need of donated prizes for children, ages 4- 12.
There will be a bin located in the transition space of the
church for your donations.
There will be games for adults, families and children. We are
looking for people who love to have fun to help with the
Volunteers are needed for the following games:
Corn Hole for all – 2 volunteers
Yard Yahtzee for adults/families – 1 volunteer
Bucket toss for children – 1 volunteer
Sack races for children/families – 1 volunteer
Target golf for children – 1 volunteer
To volunteer for this opportunity to have fun and play while
volunteering or for more information, call Norma at the Parish
Center, 715-842-3148.
As John Muir, American naturalist, said, “Surely all God’s
people…like to play.”
The Family Life Committee
III Brad Koffernaus & Amber Huss
Welcome to Our Faith Community
Julia Ann Portilla Andreas, Daughter of Narcizo
and Mickayla, who was baptized on Saturday,
July 30th.
May her love for Jesus grow with each passing day
Newman Catholic School News
2016-2017 NCS Back to School Dates
August 23 – Back Pack Drop-off/Orientation
Please refer to your school’s calendar at
August 25 – First Day of School K-12
August 30 – First Day of School preschool
September 1— First Day 4K
Treasure Sale Drop-Off Date
The next Treasure Sale drop-off is scheduled for
Saturday, August 13th.
NEW drop-off site St. Matthew/
FCA School Gym
(Location 28th Avenue)
OPEN 9:00am until 11:00am
Please call 715-842-3148, for any questions or to volunteer
your time for this important fundraiser. THANK YOU !
Deliver LARGER items to the North end of the gym
Call Larry at 715-842-5319 for more information or to arrange
pick-up of larger items that you are unable to drop-off.
We thank you in advance for your donations, the children love
to win!!!
Prayers and Condolences
Our prayers and sympathy go to the family and
friends of:
Bob Salzman, Husband of Paulette, who died
Thursday, July 25th.
Rest in Peace
Where did summer go!
It doesn't seem possible that we should be
thinking about going back to school, but the
school ads are telling us it is so.
Helping Hands is requesting school supplies which will be sent
to schools in Jamaica and Kenya. YOU can make these
students very HAPPY.
If you can help by purchasing any of the supplies below:
Pencils, pens, crayons, markers, wide lined spiral
notebooks, loose leaf paper, composition books, folders,
erasers, glue, scissors, backpacks. Your donations can be left
at the Parish Office. Thank you for your support!
Next weekend, August 13th & 14th, will be
Share Sunday at all Masses
A large basket will be placed in the sanctuary, following the
petitions, Father will invite you to come forward and place your
donations in the basket.
If you are not comfortable coming forward, there
will also be a basket in the transition space, by
the ushers, that you may place your donations in
before Mass. This basket will be carried forward
in the Offertory procession.
Suggested Items to Donate:
Of Priority: Canned fruit (all kinds), Cereal (all
kinds), Soups (especially tomato, chicken soup
and cream soups), Macaroni &
Cheese, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Pancake mix,
Pancake Syrup, Cleaning Supplies, Personal
Hygiene supplies, Laundry Soap. Grocery store
gift cards that will be used to purchase meat.
Other Needs: Baked beans, Spaghetti Sauce,
Pasta, Tomato Sauce, Spaghetti–Os, Catsup, Mustard, Stove
Top stuffing, Canned vegetables, Cake mixes, Brownie Mix and
Muffin Mix.
Monetary gifts are also welcome, they are used to purchase
items that are needed and not in the pantry.
—The Family Life Committee
Catechists, Aides and Hallway
Monitors Needed!
Register for 2016-2017 Religious Education
PLEASE do not wait until the last minute to register
What a terrific way to live this
Year of Mercy!
your child(ren) for this year’s
Religious Education Program.
We need to plan for teachers
and materials. You can
Are you looking for a way to BE the hands and feet of Christ?
download the registration
A way to learn more about your faith?
form from our website, find forms on the ta-
Opportunities to grow in your friendship with Jesus and His
ble outside the church, or call Joy at the
Then consider giving a couple hours of your week to help the
Religious Department.
Call Joy at (715) 842-3148 for more information or to sign up.
Have you, or someone you know,
been wondering about the Catholic
Religious Education Wish List
If you have at home and no longer need.
If you are out shopping or hunting through
neighborhood garage sales, the Religious
Department has created this WISH LIST:
Reach out to that someone and invite them to become part of
the RCIA process.
This Rite is a process that allows those who wish to join our
Catholic family to become fully initiated members of the
Catholic Church.
 6-qt and 20-qt clear plastic containers with lids
(Sterilite or Rubbermaid)
 Colored pencils, crayons, markers
 Small treats/trinkets/stickers for prize box
 Paper and construction paper: white and color
 Zip lock bags in any size
 Light blue felt for Communion Banners
 Glitter glue
For more information contact Janet at the Parish Center
Adult Confirmation: Are you an adult who has not
celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation?
If you are interested in doing so, contact Janet at
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
St. Matthew, Eastside Parishes, and Holy Name would like to thank all the volunteers, parents, grandparents, host families, and
meal providers for the Totus Tuus Team. The week was a huge success. Over fifty youth participated in the Totus Tuus summer
program. We are blessed to have a supportive community helping the youth in a dynamic catholic youth program. Thank you!
The Week Ahead at the Parish
Sat-Sun. 8/13-7/14:
Share Sunday Weekend
AUGUST 8TH 2016-AUGUST 14TH, 2016
Sun. 8/14:
8:00 AM †Rita Menzner
Tue 12:05 PM †Ed & †Mary Parey
8:00 AM †Jim Vilendrer
Thur 8:00 AM †Mary Hornick (Ladies Council)
8:00 AM †Dorothy Schmitz
8:00 AM †Therese “Tess” Keagan
4:30 PM †Joy Kachel
8:00 AM Special Intention of Allan & Sharon Seubert
Parish Picnic at Marathon Park, Big Kitchen following the
10:00am bilingual Mass in Church. No 12:00 Noon Mass.
We are in need of Leaders for
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Let the children come to me and do not hinder them."
Mark 10:14
Children Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) will resume September
11, 2016 at the 10:00am Mass. Children's Liturgy of the Word
is offered during the school year. It is geared towards children
ages 5 through 8 (Kindergarten through 3rd grade). The
children of the parish are invited by Father after the Opening
Prayer to follow the Prayer Leader (Catechist) to our Angelorum
where they hear the Sunday readings in words they can
understand. They return to the congregation after the Creed.
(Wedding Anniversary)
10:00 AM Living & †Deceased
St. Matthew Parishioners
(Bilingual Mass)
12:00 Noon NO Spanish Mass today
Liturgical Ministers
August 13th & August 14th
We need your help as Leaders! A pairing of
an adult and teen leader is needed for
Children’s Liturgy of the Word for the
2013-2014 school year. Won’t you please
consider joining the team?
4:30 pm Jeanne Alexejun, Mary Holm
8:00 am Patty Thomson, Henry Wanserski
10:00 am Sp. Lector, Lee Peek
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion
The leader guides are user friendly and
make for very little preparation. This is a
great way for father & son/daughter, mother and son/
daughter to share our faith with the young people of
St. Matthew. You decide what Sundays you are available to
lead the Children’s Liturgy (usually it’s once a month for every
6 weeks). Training is provided. For more information please
contact Joy at the Parish Center 715-842-3148. Thank You.
4:30 pm
8:00 am
J. Alexejun, M. Holm, G. Piaszak,
C. Vircks*, J. Pederson*
D. Janssen, C. Janssen, G. Dederich
G. Koy*, J. Koy*
10:00 am 2 EM’s, V. Tierney, M. Nichols*, MA Neuens (P)*
Ushers & Greeter
4:30 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
Financial Stewardship
K. Chapman, N. Chapman, Don Hanson
D. Lannigan, Susan Lannigan, Tom Fischer
Tom Lloyd, Mary Lloyd, Chuck Miller
Minimum budgeted amount needed weekly…..$9,612.00
Stewardship last weekend.…….………..….…..…...$6,620.61
Amount under budget…..………..…......................$2,991.39
Thank you for generously supporting St. Matthew Parish
4:30 pm Jarod Maxson, Colten Huft,
8:00 am Joey Huebsch, Kelly Huebsch
10:00 am Abigail Peek, Sidney Poole
4:30 pm Rob Perkins, Lynn Meyer
8:00 am Annette Southworth, Keith Graveen
10:00 am Youth Choir
Weekly Scripture
Readings for the Week of August 7, 2016
Sunday: Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22/Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/
Lk 12:32-48
Monday/St. Dominic: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c/Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/
Mt 17:22-27
Tuesday/St. Teresa : Ez 2:8--3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103,
111, 131/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday/St. Lawrence: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-9/
Jn 12:24-26
Thursday/St. Clare: Ez 12:1-12/Ps 78:56-59, 61-62/
Mt 18:21--19:1
Friday/St. Frances de Chantal : Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63/
Is 12:2-6/Mt 19:3-12
Saturday/St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus:
Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 19:13-15
Sunday 8/14: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/
Lk 12:49-53
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am &
12:00pm Español (Spanish)
Weekdays: 8:00am Mon, Wed — Sat
12:05pm on Tues
Holy Days/Días Santas
8:00am, 12:05pm, & 6:30pm
Office Hours/Horas
Mon - Thur: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Phone/Teléfono: 715-842-3148
Our Website: stmatthewwausau.org
Pastor Rev. Robert Thorn Associate Pastors Rev. Dan Thelen
Ministro Hispano: P. Roberto Thorn
Dirección: 229 South 28th Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401
Teléfono: 715-842-3148
19º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Directora de Educación Religiosa: Joy Orozco
Teléfono: 715-842-3148
¿Dónde tenemos nuestro tesoro? El texto del Evangelio
de hoy nos muestra diversos centros de atención.
Veremos en lo que Jesús enfatiza en diferentes
ocasiones y es la imagen del tesoro para hablar del
Reino. El tesoro es deseado, es algo así como sacarnos
la lotería cada semana que la rifan, o que nos llegue
una herencia no esperada. En la vida nos encontramos
rodeados de tesoros que nos quieren vender muchas
cosas con la promesa de ser felices. Sin embargo,
Jesús nos dice que poseer el Reino de Dios implica
otra cosa a la que debemos poner atención. Esta va en
la medida de donde ponemos los bienes que tenemos,
del cómo compartimos nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro
con los demás. Se trata de no acumular, sino de
buscar y dar, dar siempre, para obtener el tesoro que
no se acaba.
Horario de Misas en español: Cada domingo a las 12 PM
Catequesis para niños de Jardín Infantil (Kinder) hasta
el 9° grado: En inglés cada miércoles de septiembre a
mayo de 6:15-7:30pm en la escuela.
Catequesis en español: Favor de hablar con el párroco.
Bautismo: Favor de informarnos 6 semanas antes de
celebrar el bautismo. Es necesario para los padres y padrinos
asistir una clase de preparación bautismal. Las siguientes
clases se ofrecen: La próxima clase de Bautismo:
El 13 de agosto del 2016 a las 10:00AM
Uno de los padrinos tiene que ser católico confirmado en la fé
Católica y practicándola- es decir, que no vive en unión libre,
Que asiste la misa los domingos, y que recibe los
Matrimonio: En la mayoría de los casos es necesario
informarnos seis meses en adelante.
La seguridad de pertenecer al grupo de Jesús no está
en querer todo, sino en confiar en Dios. Eso es lo difícil
porque se tiene la tendencia de aferrarse a las cosas
materiales, el dinero, la ropa, el carro, la casa y tantas
otras cosas que se podrían mencionar. ¿Cómo hacer
para que a partir de hoy aumente la confianza en
Dios? ¿Dónde está a lo que me aferro? ¿Qué me aleja
de Dios? Para responder a estas preguntas Jesús nos
explica tres parábolas: el patrón que regresa de su
boda y encuentra a los siervos atentos y vigilantes, y
prepara la mesa para ellos; el ladrón que entra a la
casa, roba y se lleva todo; y la del administrado fiel que
cuando llega el patrón lo encuentra trabajando.
Cumplir, confiar, comprometerse y trabajar.
¡Ahí está el tesoro!
FORMED para nuestros feligreses.
Me da mucho gusto poderles ofrecer
FORMED a ustedes y a sus familiares
este año.
FORMED es algo así como Netflix pero
mucho mejor. Una vez que configure su
cuenta usted podrá descargar libros
electrónicos, audiovisuales, documentales,
películas, videos, escuchar música y
presentaciones de los autores más prestigiosos de la Iglesia.
Ofertorio de 31 de julio 2016: $138.04
Lecturas de la semana del 7 de agosto de 2016
Pueden configurar su cuenta en cualquier aparato como
iPhone, tableta, computadora o cualquier otro dispositivo
como teléfono inteligente. FORMED es una manera fantástica de enriquecer su conocimiento de nuestra Fe.
Domingo: Sab 18, 6-9/Sal 33, 1. 12. 18-22/
Heb 11, 1-2. 8-19/Lc 12, 32-48
Lunes: Ez 1, 2-5. 24-28/Sal 148, 1-2. 11-14/Mt 17, 22-27
Martes: Ez 2, 8--3, 4/Sal 119, 14. 24. 72. 103. 111. 131/
Mt 18, 1-5. 10. 12-14
Miércoles: 2 Cor 9, 6-10/Sal 112, 1-2. 5-9/Jn 12, 24-26
Jueves: Ez 12, 1-12/Sal 78, 56-59. 61-62/Mt 18, 21--19, 1
Viernes: Ez 16, 1-15. 60. 63/Is 12, 2-6/Mt 19, 3-12
Sábado: Ez 18, 1-10. 13. 30-32/Sal 51, 12-15. 18-19/
Mt 19, 13-15
Domingo siguiente: Jr 38, 4-6. 8-10/Sal 40, 2-4. 18/
Heb 12, 1-4/Lc 12, 49-53
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Las instrucciones sobre cómo configurar su cuenta y el código, que es solo para ustedes los feligreses de San Mateo, se
pueden encontrar en el boletín de esta semana. O sea que
no se vayan sin el boletín.
Vaya a www.Formed.org use el código R2QYZG y
listo. Con esto usted y su familia podrán empezar a
hacer uso de este extraordinario recurso.